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How to Make $10,000/Month Writing Online
如何在线写作赚取每月 10,000 美元

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954K views 954K 次观看|8 months ago
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Nicholas Cole discusses the accessibility and earnings potential of online writing, challenging traditional publishing norms. Building a personal brand and audience through social platforms allows for quick feedback loops and audience growth over time.

Successful writers like Mark Manson and Ryan Holiday leveraged online platforms to transition from writers to authors. Monetization options include the advertising, paywall, and services models, with ghostwriting and copywriting offering high earning potential.
成功的作家如马克·曼森和瑞安·霍利迪利用在线平台从作家转型为作者。盈利方式包括广告、付费墙和服务模式,而 ghostwriting 和 copywriting 提供了高收入的潜力。

Shopify provides tools for online businesses, emphasizing the opportunities for income generation through online writing.
Shopify 为在线企业提供工具,着重于通过在线写作创造收入的机会。

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Nicholas Cole shares insights on online writing and making money as a writer.
Cole explains the differences between Legacy writing and online writing, focusing on the accessibility and earnings potential in online writing. 科尔解释了传统写作和在线写作之间的区别,重点关注在线写作的可访问性和收入潜力。
He discusses the tools and skills required for effective online writing. 他讨论了进行有效在线写作所需的工具和技巧。
Cole highlights the opportunities for anyone to become a writer through online platforms. 科尔强调了任何人都可以通过在线平台成为作家的机会。
He challenges the traditional idea of needing approval from publishers to be a professional writer and promotes using the internet to earn income through online writing. 他挑战了传统的观念,即需要得到出版商的认可才能成为专业作家,并提倡利用互联网通过在线写作赚取收入。
Building a personal brand and audience through online writing.
Writers can monetize by sharing work on social platforms, receiving quick feedback, and iterating. 作者可以通过在社交媒体平台上分享作品,获得快速反馈,并进行迭代来实现盈利。
Contrasts with traditional publishing by allowing unknown authors to reach a wider audience. 与传统出版相比,它允许未知作者触及更广泛的读者群体。
Success involves generating ideas, publishing consistently, and adapting based on feedback. 成功包括产生想法、持续发布并根据反馈进行调整。
Leads to a loyal audience ready to support and consume future work. 吸引到一群忠实的观众,他们愿意支持和消费未来的作品。
Importance of starting writing journey on social platforms with existing viewership for building personal brand.
Feedback from audience is crucial for improvement, despite facing potential criticism. 观众的反馈对于改进至关重要,尽管可能会面临潜在的批评。
Online writing provides immediate feedback, enhancing effectiveness compared to legacy methods. 在线写作提供了即时反馈,与传统方法相比,提高了效率。
Analyzing data and spotting patterns from audience feedback helps in refining writing content. 分析观众反馈的数据并发现模式有助于改进写作内容。
Bestselling author Mark Manson utilized audience feedback from his blog to write successful book. 畅销书作家马克·曼森利用其博客上的读者反馈来撰写成功的书籍。
Ryan Holiday's success story from marketing writer to author was fueled by a focus on Stoicism after a viral blog post.
Ryan Holiday 从营销写手到作家的成功故事,是由于一篇病毒式博客文章后对斯多葛哲学的专注。
Shopify sponsors the video, offering tools for businesses to sell online or in person without coding. Shopify 赞助了这个视频,提供无需编码就能在线或实体销售的商业工具。
Shopify aims to reduce barriers to business ownership with tools like a business name generator and online learning platform. Shopify 致力于通过提供商业名称生成器和在线学习平台等工具,降低拥有企业的门槛。
Ways to monetize online writing include the advertising model, generating revenue through clicks, ad space, affiliate commissions, and brand sponsorships. 在线写作的盈利方式包括广告模式,通过点击产生收入,广告位,联盟佣金和品牌赞助。
Monetizing writing can be done through the advertising model, paywall model, and services model.
The paywall model involves charging for access to content, like newspapers or newsletters, with successful creators earning significant revenue. 付费墙模式指的是对报纸或通讯等内容收取访问费用,成功的创作者能获得可观的收入。
Writers can also create courses or products for sale, with examples of making substantial income in a short period. 作家还可以创建可出售的课程或产品,有实例证明在短时间内可以获得可观的收入。
The services model offers writing as a service to businesses or individuals for payment, providing an alternative income stream from writing. 服务模式向企业或个人提供写作服务以获取报酬,为写作提供了另一种收入来源。
High Earning Potential in Ghostwriting and Copywriting.
Ghostwriting for celebrities, CEOs, and businesses can result in significant fees. 为名人、CEO 和企业代笔写作可以获得可观的费用。
Copywriting, focused on selling products, offers even greater earning potential. 专注于销售产品的文案写作提供了更大的赚钱潜力。
Some copywriters have made millions from single pieces of work. 一些文案写手仅凭单一作品就赚得数百万。
Success in copywriting often involves structuring deals based on revenue outcomes, making it a rewarding field for skilled writers. 成功的文案写作往往涉及根据收入结果来构建推销方案,因此对于有技能的作家来说,这是一个有回报的领域。