Money, which represents the prose of life, and which is hardly spoken of in parlors without an apology, is, in its effects and laws, as beautiful as roses. 金钱代表着生活的散文,在客厅里说起它,几乎没有不带歉意的,但就其效果和规律而言,它却像玫瑰花一样美丽。
RALPH WALDO EMERSON, 1844 拉尔夫-沃尔多-埃默森,1844 年
Would you know what money is, go borrow some. 你知道钱是什么吗?
Preface to the U.S. Edition xi 美国版序言 xi
Introduction 1 导言 1
One Power 29 一个电源 29
Two The End of Modernity 43 二 现代性的终结 43
Three Ecology of Money 73 货币的三种生态 73
Four Politics of Money 123 四种金钱政治 123
Five Theology of Money 165 五种货币神学 165
Six Metaphysics and Credit 201 六种形而上学和学分 201
Seven The Price of Credit 225 七 信贷的代价 225
Eight A Modest Proposal: Evaluative Credit 241 8 最低限度的建议:评价性学分 241
Conclusion Of Redemption 257 救赎的结论 257
If one were only rich, in a luxury mansion, surrounded by gardens and servants, enjoying the finest of foods, the most subtle of wines, the warmest of friends, the most generous of lovers, freed from care over maintenance of property, for all could be instantly replaced, freed from work, there being no need to work, freed from obligations, there being no need to seek favor, until one dismissed the servants, for there needed no servants, sold the mansion, for there needed no mansion, abandoned friends and lovers, for there needed no friends and lovers, and renounced even the knowledge that one was a homeless wanderer before one’s last penny had already gone. 如果一个人只是有钱,住在豪宅里,周围有花园和仆人,享受着最美味的食物、最精致的美酒、最热情的朋友、最慷慨的情人,不用关心财产的维护,因为所有的东西都可以立即更换,不用工作,因为不需要工作,不用承担义务,直到辞退仆人,因为不需要仆人,卖掉豪宅,因为不需要豪宅,抛弃朋友和情人,因为不需要朋友和情人,甚至放弃、直到辞退仆人(因为根本不需要仆人),卖掉豪宅(因为根本不需要豪宅),抛弃朋友和爱人(因为根本不需要朋友和爱人),甚至在最后一分钱花光之前,也不再知道自己是个无家可归的流浪者。
ALL HUMAN LIFE and endeavor aims at some form of human flourishing, welfare, or wealth. A distinctive feature of religious life is that flourishing is normally attained by means of a renunciation: time spent on productive activity or enjoyment is interrupted by ritual or sacred activity. Spiritual bonds and goals take precedence over worldly bonds and goals. Duty takes precedence over desire, or love of God takes precedence over love of self and others. Indeed, in religious life it is believed that flourishing does not lie within human power alone. It is achieved through the aid of some special divine grace, ancestral blessing, or sacred power. This detour in the path toward wealth opens up a realm for the transcendent, conceived perhaps in terms of grace, mystery, the sacred, special insight, authority, spiritual presence, or another world. Flourishing has a transcendent source that is activated only through a prior renunciation. 人类的一切生活和努力都旨在实现某种形式的繁荣、福利或财富。宗教生活的一个显著特点是,繁荣通常是通过放弃来实现的:用于生产活动或享受的时间被仪式或神圣活动所打断。精神纽带和目标优先于世俗纽带和目标。责任高于欲望,爱神高于爱自己和他人。事实上,在宗教生活中,人们相信繁荣并不单单依靠人的力量。它需要借助某种特殊的神恩、祖先的祝福或神圣的力量才能实现。在通往富裕的道路上,这种迂回为超验者开辟了一个领域,或许可以从恩典、神秘、神圣、特殊洞察力、权威、精神存在或另一个世界的角度来理解。富裕有一个超然的源泉,只有通过事先的放弃才能激活。
The distinctive feature of a secular age, as Charles Taylor has recently pointed out (in A Secular Age), would appear to be the removal of any collectively agreed on goals beyond human flourishing. Enlightenment would appear to be the liberation of human activity from superstitious observances and regulations. There is only work, enjoyment, and recuperation, all in the service of flourishing. What most concerns humanity are the conditions under which flourishing may take place, and if there is any postponement of pleasure, this is merely to ensure that these conditions can be preserved and enhanced. The religious detour is replaced by an economic detour. Attention is turned from the divine to the mundane. Human fulfillment, moral practice, and social cohesion are no longer founded on 正如查尔斯-泰勒(Charles Taylor)最近在《世俗时代》(A Secular Age)一书中指出的那样,世俗时代的显著特征似乎是除了人类繁荣之外,不再有任何集体商定的目标。启蒙似乎是将人类活动从迷信戒律和规章制度中解放出来。只有工作、享乐和休养生息,这一切都是为了人类的繁荣。人类最关心的是繁衍生息的条件,如果要推迟享乐,那也只是为了确保这些条件能够得到维护和改善。宗教迂回被经济迂回所取代。注意力从神圣转向世俗。人的成就感、道德实践和社会凝聚力不再建立在以下基础之上
divine authority and grace. They are founded on human endeavor and agreement. 神的权威和恩典。它们建立在人类的努力和协议之上。
This is a familiar story. Whether religious or not, we now all live in a secular age insofar as the practical conditions for our wealth are purely mundane. This story can be explained in terms of a series of contrasts: between spiritual authority and natural law, between transcendent order and immanent system, between duty and freedom, between hierarchy and democracy, between faith and science, between spiritual and material progress. Historical progress from the first term of the contrast to the second may be narrated in two ways: either as the removal of old illusions or as the construction of new knowledge and institutions. In either case, it is a story of the self-liberation of humanity. 这是一个耳熟能详的故事。无论是否信仰宗教,我们现在都生活在一个世俗的时代,因为我们财富的实际条件纯粹是世俗的。这个故事可以用一系列对比来解释:精神权威与自然法则之间的对比,超越秩序与内在制度之间的对比,责任与自由之间的对比,等级制度与民主之间的对比,信仰与科学之间的对比,精神进步与物质进步之间的对比。从第一种对比到第二种对比的历史进程可以用两种方式来叙述:要么是旧幻想的破除,要么是新知识和新制度的构建。无论哪种方式,都是人类自我解放的故事。
There is something unconvincing about these narratives of emancipation. Most lives remain preoccupied with material needs and social obligations. Perhaps these are obligations to clients, employers, landlords, or creditors. Emancipation is not yet complete in practice, and it never will be in a society of mutual dependence. Moreover, emancipation itself requires faith. The self-liberation of humanity presupposes that the natural order behaves in a stable way, that human decision has the power to manipulate this order to its will, and that the authority ensuring social cohesion and cooperation can be decided by human contract. In premodern society, there was insufficient evidence for such faith: the stability of nature, the power to shape the world, and confidence in human cooperation were all too fragile, subject to the dangers of accident, disease, aggression, or curse. Only religious faith provided the hope of security. Whence, then, came the confidence for humanity to venture out of the protective order of religious faith that was the only source of stability and authority? Was it merely a matter of sifting, through experience, the true conditions of stability and prosperity from the false? Was it purely a matter of turning attention from ideas to real interactions within the world? Or was the rise of modernity a transformation rather than a rejection of faith? If there is no purely immanent system, then are the dichotomies that structure narratives of progress and emancipation anything more than illusory? 这些关于解放的叙述有些难以令人信服。大多数人的生活仍然被物质需求和社会义务所困扰。这些义务可能是对客户、雇主、房东或债权人的义务。解放在实践中尚未完成,在一个相互依存的社会中也永远不会完成。此外,解放本身需要信仰。人类自我解放的前提是,自然秩序的行为方式是稳定的,人类的决定有能力按照自己的意愿操纵这种秩序,确保社会团结与合作的权威可以通过人类契约来决定。在前现代社会,这种信仰没有足够的证据:自然的稳定性、塑造世界的力量以及对人类合作的信心都太脆弱了,会受到意外、疾病、侵略或诅咒等危险的影响。只有宗教信仰才能带来安全的希望。宗教信仰是稳定和权威的唯一源泉,那么,人类从何而来的信心敢于走出宗教信仰的保护秩序呢?难道仅仅是通过经验从虚假中筛选出稳定和繁荣的真实条件吗?这是否纯粹是将注意力从思想转向世界内部的真实互动?或者说,现代性的崛起是对信仰的转变而非否定?如果不存在纯粹的内在体系,那么构建进步与解放叙事的二分法是否只是虚幻的?
One may question the dichotomy between the religious and the economic. Of course, the great preoccupation of human life and endeavor has been with procuring its own survival and flourishing, and the basic cate- 人们可能会质疑宗教与经济之间的对立。当然,人类生活和事业的主要关注点一直是确保自身的生存和繁荣,而基本的 "经济 "和 "宗教 "则是人类生活和事业的基础。
gories through which the world is experienced are furnished daily by these habits and practices. Yet this preoccupation cannot simply be contrasted with religious preoccupations. When the greatest contributor as well as the greatest threat to human welfare is humanity itself, then the conditions that enable collective welfare must include those observances which regulate human conduct. An economy that ensures effective distribution is the source of human flourishing, and a religious life that authorizes the obligations and regulations through which this distribution occurs is the guarantor of economic life. Religious preoccupations have been, in past societies, a major part of the conservation of economic life and practice, for human flourishing is not obtained simply by material means. Human welfare is dependent on cooperation and material distribution, and in most societies the authority that lends credit to such practices has ultimately been religious. Those who renounce the world in favor of the transcendent are in practice just as concerned with the source of material welfare as those who labor in the fields, for they are concerned with the conditions of trust and authority. A religious age is no less concerned with the conditions of its existence than a secular age. 这些习惯和做法每天都在为人们提供体验世界的理论。然而,这种关注不能简单地与宗教关注相提并论。当人类福祉的最大贡献者和最大威胁都是人类自身时,那么促成集体福祉的条件就必须包括那些规范人类行为的准则。确保有效分配的经济是人类繁荣的源泉,而授权义务和规定进行分配的宗教生活则是经济生活的保障。在过去的社会中,宗教关怀一直是经济生活和实践的重要组成部分,因为人类的繁荣并不只是通过物质手段获得的。人类的福祉取决于合作和物质分配,而在大多数社会中,为这种做法提供信用的权威最终是宗教。那些放弃世俗而追求超然的人,实际上与那些在田间劳作的人一样关心物质福利的来源,因为他们关心的是信任和权威的条件。一个宗教时代对其生存条件的关注并不亚于一个世俗时代。
The great transformation of modernity, then, involves a change that is at once both religious and economic and should be conceived under both registers simultaneously. The effective basis for trust and authority that daily ensures material and economic cooperation is no longer local custom or authoritative religious prescription. Distribution has to be effected by its own immanent, independent, or self-regulating order-the market. The story of modernity has been narrated by the economic historian Karl Polanyi (in The Great Transformation) as the reorganization of society according to the ideal of the self-regulating market. Indeed, the separation of the economic sphere of life from the political and religious spheres is what the notion of a self-regulating market means. Just as the independent order of nature is the basis for science separate from faith, and so the theoretical condition for atheism, the independent sphere of the market is the practical condition for atheism. While it is possible to imagine a godless universe in theory, it is impossible to live without effective distribution. Therefore, it is only when a self-ordering system of distribution is achieved that atheism becomes a live option. Only under these conditions are religious observances made redundant in economic life. 因此,现代性的伟大变革涉及宗教和经济的双重变革,应同时在这两个方面加以考虑。日常确保物质和经济合作的信任和权威的有效基础不再是地方习俗或权威性的宗教规定。分配必须由其自身内在的、独立的或自我调节的秩序--市场--来实现。经济史学家卡尔-波兰尼(Karl Polanyi)在《大变革》一书中将现代性的故事描述为按照自我调节市场的理想重组社会。事实上,经济生活领域与政治和宗教领域的分离正是自我调节市场概念的含义所在。正如独立的自然秩序是科学与信仰分离的基础,也是无神论的理论条件一样,独立的市场领域是无神论的实践条件。虽然在理论上可以想象一个无神的宇宙,但没有有效的分配是不可能生活下去的。因此,只有实现了自我排序的分配制度,无神论才成为一种可行的选择。只有在这些条件下,宗教仪式在经济生活中才显得多余。
Several historical impulses came together to create the conditions for a secular age. One impulse was the industrial development of mechanical inventions and the use of fossil fuels. This increased the productive power of humanity so that it could make the natural order stable and manipulable. Yet the motive for increasing production was not for the individual producer’s use but, rather, for exchange: industrialization could not have occurred without a commercial society organized for trade. A second impulse, then, was the promotion of market relations, developed primarily for long-distance trade, as the principal means of distribution within a society. This was achieved by deregulation - the active intervention of sovereign authority against prior customs and observances. Yet the question remains as to whether a market, once liberated and promoted by state power, will itself grow to infiltrate and regulate the other spheres of social interaction. While there may be no limits to the desire for gain and pleasure that drives growth, production and consumption remain restricted by effective demand. Desire has no economic power in a market without money or credit. Indeed, a market that regulates production and distribution through prices exists only on the basis of money as the common commodity against which values are compared and through which exchanges are enacted. 若干历史推动力共同为世俗时代创造了条件。推动力之一是机械发明和化石燃料的使用带来的工业发展。这提高了人类的生产力,从而使自然秩序变得稳定和可操控。然而,增加生产的动机并不是为了供生产者个人使用,而是为了交换:如果没有一个为贸易而组织的商业社会,工业化就不可能发生。因此,第二个推动力是促进市场关系,这种关系主要是为远距离贸易而发展的,是社会内部的主要分配手段。这是通过放松管制来实现的,即主权当局对先前的习俗和惯例进行积极干预。然而,市场一旦被国家权力解放和推动,其本身是否会发展到渗透和调节社会互动的其他领域,这个问题依然存在。虽然推动经济增长的利益和快乐的欲望可能是无止境的,但生产和消费仍然受到有效需求的限制。在一个没有货币或信贷的市场中,欲望没有经济力量。事实上,一个通过价格来调节生产和分配的市场,其存在的唯一基础就是货币,它是用来比较价值和进行交换的共同商品。
There is, therefore, a third impulse alongside production and consumption that drives the transformation of economic life: the authority of money. Nevertheless, a market is not simply grown by more money, since demand becomes less effective resulting in inflation. Similarly, a society as a whole cannot increase in wealth through increased production if there is insufficient demand, expressed in the form of money, for additional products. The third impulse is the invention of a new kind of money, one that is created as a debt. A debt is an obligation, a commitment to economic activity, and a commitment to repay in money. It is a promise, and money holds its value as long as this promise is trusted. Once debt becomes a medium of exchange, a widely circulating form of money, then the entire nature of the market changes with it. A market based on debt money is an immanent system of credits and liabilities, of debts and obligations, and it is capable of unlimited growth. It ensures participation and cohesion, with promises of wealth and threats of exclusion, through a system of social obligations. Debt takes over the role of religion in economic life. 因此,除了生产和消费之外,还有第三个推动经济生活变革的动力:货币的权威。然而,市场并不是靠增加货币就能增长的,因为需求的有效性会降低,从而导致通货膨胀。同样,如果以货币形式表现的对额外产品的需求不足,整个社会就无法通过增加生产来增加财富。第三种冲动是发明一种新的货币,一种以债务形式产生的货币。债务是一种义务,是对经济活动的承诺,也是以货币偿还的承诺。它是一种承诺,只要这种承诺被信任,货币就会保持其价值。一旦债务成为一种交换媒介,一种广泛流通的货币形式,那么整个市场的性质也会随之改变。以债务货币为基础的市场是一个信用与负债、债务与义务的内在系统,它能够无限增长。它通过社会义务体系,以财富承诺和排斥威胁来确保参与和凝聚力。债务取代了宗教在经济生活中的作用。
Money is the condition for liberty and prosperity. Without money, one 金钱是自由和繁荣的条件。没有钱,人
is dependent on others; with money, one can demand their service. Money calls forth increased production by opening the possibility of unlimited accumulation, by enabling investment in the means of production, and by giving an effective authority to demand. Yet money does not provide a source for social cohesion until it brings with it an obligation: the obligation of debt. If in religious life people renounce enjoyment to achieve spiritual goals, then in modern economic life people renounce their property, labor, and time in the pursuit of money. Modern secular life is ascetic like religious life, even if it has its moments of hedonism. Human flourishing is still ensured by a detour. A preoccupation with the conditions of one’s life is now a preoccupation with money. Through its use in structuring everyday life and practice, money lends its shape to the categories of modern life and thought. 有了货币,人们就可以要求他人提供服务。货币提供了无限积累的可能性,使人们能够投资于生产资料,并赋予需求有效的权力,从而促进了生产。然而,只有当金钱带来义务:债务义务时,它才是社会凝聚力的源泉。如果说在宗教生活中,人们为了实现精神目标而放弃享受,那么在现代经济生活中,人们为了追求金钱而放弃财产、劳动和时间。现代世俗生活与宗教生活一样是禁欲主义的,即使它也有享乐主义的时候。人类的繁衍生息仍然需要绕道而行。现在,对生活条件的关注就是对金钱的关注。通过对日常生活和实践的结构化使用,金钱为现代生活和思想的范畴提供了形状。
Local cult, transcendent God, or mobile debt: each may function as the basis of authority and the source of sustenance in daily life. There is, however, a decisive difference between traditional religions and the use of money. While the transcendent remains shrouded in mystery, a source of power and authority that is not subject to human manipulation, money remains rather mundane. If one thinks of money at all, it is as an object of human control, a tool expressing human will. One does not consider the nature of its power. While the goal of spiritual life is to attain consciousness of the divine order and meaning of things, the goal of economic life is merely wealth and enjoyment. Money is regarded as the means, human flourishing as the end. It is in modern life that alienation is complete and the consciousness of humanity departs entirely from the conditions of its existence. It is in modern life, rather than religious life, where ideology is most fully instantiated. If modern economic life differs essentially from religious life, it does so not because it possesses a truer understanding of its conditions of existence or of practical efficacy. The essential difference lies in its lack of consciousness. There is no need to venerate or even consider money, the source of the modern age. There is merely a practical need to make money. The economic detour is seen as purely a detour. At the same time, the quest for profit and the growth of debt are unlimited. The only end for human life, which in practice is the making of money, is misperceived as human flourishing. 地方崇拜、超验的神或流动的债务:每一种都可以作为权威的基础和日常生活的寄托。然而,传统宗教与金钱的使用之间存在着决定性的区别。超验的东西仍然笼罩在神秘之中,是不受人类操纵的力量和权威的源泉,而金钱则仍然相当世俗。如果说人们对金钱有什么想法的话,那也只是把它当作人类控制的对象、表达人类意志的工具。人们不会考虑其力量的本质。精神生活的目标是意识到事物的神圣秩序和意义,而经济生活的目标仅仅是财富和享受。金钱被视为手段,人类的繁荣才是目的。在现代生活中,异化是完全的,人类的意识完全脱离了其生存的条件。正是在现代生活中,而不是在宗教生活中,意识形态得到了最充分的体现。如果说现代经济生活在本质上有别于宗教生活,那并不是因为它对自身的存在条件或实际功效有更真切的理解。本质区别在于它缺乏意识。我们没有必要崇敬甚至考虑现代社会的源泉--金钱。只有赚钱的实际需要。经济上的弯路纯粹被视为弯路。同时,对利润的追求和债务的增长是无限的。人类生活的唯一目的实际上就是赚钱,这被误认为是人类的繁荣。
This book, on the theology of money, is therefore an anachronism: it 因此,这本关于货币神学的书是不合时宜的:它
is written to bring our collective faith back to consciousness. This is not a task for economists, for there is no practical economic need for it. Such an understanding is itself an interruption of practical life, for it is not the case that by raising our consciousness we can simply choose to be different. We are dependent on a complex web of needs and obligations, mediated by money, over which no one is master-evident from the numerous financial crises that afflict us all. Instead, the quest to understand the power of the beliefs enshrined in money is an attempt to pursue a traditional theological quest, to understand the conditions of existence within our contemporary age. In so doing, the aim is to show how human life and endeavor are shaped by practices of contracting, accounting, and evaluating. The purpose is to expose such practices in all their contingency, irrationality, arbitrariness, and violence; to enable us to ridicule their pretensions, marvel over their powers, and weep over their ultimate consequences. For the dangers of chaos, instability, and possessive spectral forces have not departed from the modern world. The aim is to show what devotions, sacrifices, and convictions lie at the basis of contemporary existence, and to call for a new effort of devotion, sacrifice, and conviction that may evoke another social order. 写这本书的目的是为了让我们的集体信仰重获觉醒。这不是经济学家的任务,因为没有实际的经济需要。这种理解本身就是对实际生活的干扰,因为我们并不能通过提高我们的意识来简单地选择与众不同。我们依赖于以金钱为媒介的复杂的需求和义务网络,没有人能够主宰它--这一点从困扰我们所有人的无数金融危机中可见一斑。相反,对金钱所蕴含的信仰力量的探索,是对传统神学的追求,是对当代生存条件的理解。这样做的目的是为了说明人类的生活和努力是如何被契约、会计和评估的实践所塑造的。目的是揭露这些做法的偶然性、不合理性、任意性和暴力性;使我们能够嘲笑它们的自命不凡,惊叹它们的力量,并为它们的最终后果而哭泣。因为混乱、不稳定和占有性幽灵力量的危险并没有离开现代世界。本书的目的在于说明当代人的生存基础是什么,并呼吁人们在奉献、牺牲和信念方面做出新的努力,从而唤起另一种社会秩序。
The global order of credit capitalism found its birthplace in England and this book has been written within the economic context of a contemporary English university. Among other things this has necessitated an early publication in England to meet the requirements of the national Research Assessment Exercise, and so to contribute to the economic viability of my institution, department, and position. In the contemporary English university, thought is regulated by its price in the form of the funding it can attract. Yet the global order of credit capitalism has been propagated most forthrightly by the United States, and I am therefore delighted to commend the book’s publication and distribution to a global audience through Duke University Press. My thanks are due to the conscientious readers for the Press, to Reynolds Smith and his editorial team, and to all who have shown and will show patience with this book and with the future of its ideas. 全球信贷资本主义秩序的发源地在英国,本书就是在当代英国大学的经济背景下撰写的。为了满足国家研究评估工作的要求,这本书必须尽早在英国出版,从而为我所在的机构、院系和职位的经济可行性做出贡献。在当代英国大学中,思想的价格是由其所能吸引的资金来决定的。然而,信贷资本主义的全球秩序是由美国最直截了当地传播的,因此,我很高兴通过杜克大学出版社向全球读者推荐本书的出版和发行。我感谢出版社认真负责的读者,感谢雷诺兹-史密斯和他的编辑团队,感谢所有已经和将要对本书及其思想的未来表现出耐心的人。
Introduction 导言
And the Spirit immediately drove Jesus out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, and he was with the wild beasts, and the angels waited on him. He fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. Money came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become bread. For I would do as much for the least of masters whom I serve.” But he answered, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” 圣灵立刻把耶稣赶到旷野。他在旷野四十天,与野兽同在,天使伺候他。他禁食四十个昼夜,后来饥肠辘辘。钱来对他说:"你若是神的儿子,求你吩咐这些石头变成饼。因为我愿意为我所侍奉的最小的主人做同样的事。"但他回答说:"经上记着:'人活着,不是单靠食物,乃是靠神口里所出的一切话'"。
Then Money took him to the holy city and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for you can command your angels to bear you up, so that you do not dash your foot against a stone. For I would do this much for the greatest of masters whom I serve.” Jesus said to him, “Again it is written, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” 钱把他带到圣城,把他放在殿顶上,对他说:"你若是神的儿子,就俯伏在地,因为你可以吩咐你的天使把你托起来,免得你的脚撞在石头上。因为我愿意为我所事奉的最伟大的主人做这样的事。"耶稣对他说:"经上又记着:'不可试探主你的神'"。
Again, Money took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, and said to him, “To you I will give their glory and all this authority, for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. If you, then, choose to master me, it will all be yours.” Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Money! For it is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.’ One cannot serve God and Mammon.” 钱又把他带到一座很高的山上,向他展示了世界上所有的王国和它们的辉煌,并对他说:"我要把它们的荣耀和这一切权力都交给你,因为它已经交给了我,我想交给谁就交给谁。如果你选择做我的主人,这一切就都是你的了"。耶稣对他说:"钱啊,你走吧!因为经上记着:'你们要敬拜耶和华你们的神,只事奉他。人不能侍奉上帝和玛门"
As Money departed, he replied, “If the owner is unwilling to sell, one may always pay someone to remove him. I will go seek out Judas Iscariot. For though some seek bread, some seek power, some seek the world, and some seek to leave it, most will accept money instead.” 钱离开时,他回答说:"如果主人不愿意卖,可以花钱雇人把他带走。我要去找加略人犹大。"虽然有人追求面包,有人追求权力,有人追求世界,有人追求离开世界,但大多数人都会接受金钱"。
And suddenly the earth was opened, and the fire of the infernal mint was seen rising up to touch Money so that his face shone like the sun, and the voice of Mammon came from the depths, saying, “This is my son, my beloved, upon whom my fire rests. Whosoever eats of his flesh and blood will have life in all its fullness.” 突然,大地被打开了,人们看到无间地狱的火苗升起,触到了钱,使他的脸像太阳一样闪亮,玛门的声音从深处传来,说:"这是我的儿子,我的爱子,我的火在他身上。"吃他血肉的人都将获得丰盛的生命"
the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth on wealth stand out as distinct within the history of religions. Many others have taught and practiced asceticism, the renunciation of worldly ways and pleasures. Jesus, by contrast, warned against wealth while feasting and drinking himself. The kingdom of God was a feast promised for those without wealth. Such teachings on wealth make sense within the tradition of Hebrew prophets who protested against theft, exploitation, and the appropriation of property. The warnings against riches are economic: the true meaning of corruption of the soul through avarice is the debasement of the lives of others. This economic meaning of Jesus’s sayings may be evaded if they are interpreted individually; when surveyed together, however, the meaning is both radical and transparent. 拿撒勒人耶稣关于财富的教诲在宗教史上独树一帜。许多其他宗教都教导并实践禁欲主义,即放弃世俗的生活方式和享乐。与此形成鲜明对比的是,耶稣在大吃大喝的同时却警告人们不要为富不仁。上帝的国度是应许给那些没有财富的人的盛宴。在希伯来先知抗议偷窃、剥削和侵占财产的传统中,这些关于财富的教诲是有意义的。对财富的警告是经济性的:贪婪使灵魂堕落的真正含义是贬低他人的生命。如果单独解读耶稣箴言中的经济学含义,可能会被回避;但如果将它们放在一起看,其含义则既激进又透明。
Jesus announced a gospel of good news to the poor (Luke 4.18). ^(1){ }^{1} Woes were proclaimed to the rich and blessings to the poor (Luke 6.20-26). Jesus’s followers were enjoined to sell their possessions and give to the poor (Luke 12.33). Keeping the Ten Commandments was insufficient for a landowner; selling possessions and giving to the poor were also required (Mark 10.21). It was impossible for the rich to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10.25). Jesus sent out his followers to travel without money (Mark 6.8). He did not habitually carry spare money (Matt. 17.27, 22.19), and his disciples had a common purse carried by the traitor Judas Iscariot, who was accused of stealing from it (John 12.6). Wealth was described as “un- 耶稣向穷人宣布了福音的好消息(路加福音 4.18)。 ^(1){ }^{1} 耶稣向富人宣告了祸,向穷人宣告了福(《路加福音》6.20-26)。耶稣的追随者被要求变卖家产分给穷人(路加福音 12.33)。对于地主来说,遵守十诫是不够的,还必须变卖家产并施舍穷人(马可福音 10.21)。富人不可能进神的国(马可福音 10.25)。耶稣差遣他的跟随者旅行时不带钱(马可福音 6.8)。他没有携带备用钱的习惯(《马太福音》17.27,22.19),他的门徒有一个共同的钱包,由叛徒加略人犹大携带,他被指控从钱包里偷钱(《约翰福音》12.6)。财富被描述为 "不
righteous” (Luke 16.9). Prudent economic behavior such as planning and accumulation were rejected (Luke 12.13-21, 13.22-31). The use of wealth was regarded as minor in contrast to the ways of God (Luke 16.11). The extraction of taxes, the fundamental activity that maintained the political power of the Roman Empire and the Herodians, belonged to a different sphere from the service of God (Mark 12.17). Similarly, the children of God were regarded as free from paying the temple tax (Matt. 17.26). When Jesus attacked the center of religious power in his society, it was the tables of the moneychangers that he overthrew (Mark 11.15). All debts were to be forgiven (Matt. 6.12); hence, even the principle of contract, the fundamental political power of civil society, was to be laid aside. In declaring that one cannot serve God and wealth (Matt. 6.24), Jesus set the divine power of the Kingdom of God in the starkest opposition to one of the most fundamental principles of both worldly and religious power - the power of money. Such is the radical significance of his teaching. Jesus’s betrayal by Judas for the sake of money (Matt. 26.15) was a poignant rejection of the heart of his teaching. 义人"(路加福音 16.9)。谨慎的经济行为,如计划和积累,遭到拒绝(《路加福音》12.13-21,13.22-31)。与神的道路相比,财富的使用被视为次要的(《路加福音》16.11)。征税是维持罗马帝国和希律王政治权力的基本活动,与侍奉上帝属于不同的领域(马可福音 12.17)。同样,神的儿女也被视为无需缴纳圣殿税(《马太福音》17.26)。当耶稣攻击社会中的宗教权力中心时,他推翻的是钱庄的桌子(马可福音 11.15)。所有的债务都应被免除(《马太福音》6.12);因此,甚至契约原则--公民社会的基本政治权力--也应被搁置一旁。耶稣宣称,人不能侍奉上帝,也不能侍奉财富(《马太福音》6.24),他将天国的神圣力量与世俗和宗教权力的最基本原则之一--金钱的力量--截然对立起来。这就是耶稣教导的根本意义。犹大为了金钱出卖了耶稣(《马太福音》26.15),这是对耶稣教诲核心的强烈否定。
Jesus may therefore be regarded as among the most radical of religious political thinkers. The fifth-century British heretic Pelagius explained such teaching with the observation that the chief sources of wealth in the ancient world were extortion, robbery, and the inheritance of the benefits of extortion and robbery. ^(2){ }^{2} Jesus’s protest was at once political, moral, and religious. In a precapitalist economy, it was evident to all that inequalities in wealth largely arose from the accumulation of the products of others’ labor, whether through theft, slavery, tribute, patronage, taxation, or debt. Accumulated wealth was stored and exchanged in the form of money; without money, there is less scope for such unequal accumulation. Christian theology has attempted to evade the uncomfortable legacy of the social significance of money by internalizing Jesus’s message: it is love of money, not money itself, that has been regarded as the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6.10). Christian theology has preferred to concentrate on the opposition of the world to Jesus, expressed in his execution as a criminal or in the scandal of proclaiming a crucified itinerant preacher as the son of God. In doing so, it has tended to overlook the radical opposition of God to the world, or divine judgment, proclaimed by Jesus himself: “Woe to you who are rich” (Luke 6.24). The proclamation of a new savior belonged well within the 因此,耶稣可被视为最激进的宗教政治思想家之一。五世纪英国异端学家佩拉吉乌斯(Pelagius)解释这种教义时指出,古代世界财富的主要来源是勒索、抢劫以及勒索和抢劫所得利益的继承。 ^(2){ }^{2} 耶稣的抗议同时具有政治、道德和宗教意义。在前资本主义经济时代,所有人都清楚,财富的不平等主要源于他人劳动产品的积累,无论是通过盗窃、奴役、进贡、赞助、税收还是债务。积累的财富以货币的形式储存和交换;没有货币,这种不平等积累的空间就更小了。基督教神学试图通过内化耶稣的信息来回避金钱的社会意义这一令人不安的遗产:被视为万恶之源的是对金钱的爱,而不是金钱本身(提摩太前书 6.10)。基督教神学更倾向于将注意力集中在世人对耶稣的反对上,这种反对表现在将耶稣作为罪犯处死,或将一个被钉在十字架上的巡回传教士宣扬为上帝之子的丑闻上。在这样做的过程中,人们往往忽略了耶稣本人所宣称的上帝对这个世界的彻底反对,或者说是神圣的审判:"你们这富足的人有祸了"(路加福音 6.24)。对新救世主的宣告完全属于《圣经》的范畴。
hopes, desires, and political norms of the ancient world, even if the specific choice of a humble and crucified savior gave offence. By contrast, a proclamation against the most fundamental and pervasive ways of the world was nothing less than a claim to reveal a different underlying principle or power: the rule or kingdom of God. Jesus opposed the power of God to the power of money. Every time Christianity has worshiped Christ enthroned as a heavenly Caesar, it has repeated Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus. 即使选择一位谦卑的、被钉在十字架上的救世主会冒犯古代世界的希望、欲望和政治准则。相比之下,宣称反对世界最根本、最普遍的方式,无异于宣称揭示一种不同的基本原则或力量:上帝的统治或王国。耶稣将上帝的权力与金钱的权力对立起来。每当基督教把基督当作天上的凯撒来崇拜时,它就重复了加略人对耶稣的背叛。
Theology cannot be neutral here. As Saint Paul well understood, the central question of theology is that of the essence of the power to be used in final judgment (e.g., 1 Cor. 15.24). If theology is to judge the ways of the world by the power of truth and goodness, then it must explain truth and goodness in accordance with their own specific power. Theology, concerned with the ultimate criteria of life, is the most fundamental and radical inquiry. It attempts to discern how truth, goodness, and life come to be constituted. It offers to the world a vision of life interpreted according to the richest categories of meaning. It has the duty to invest life with the deepest layers of spiritual wealth-that is, it has to determine what is the nature of true wealth. This is the vocation for theology, whether Christian or not, and it is the most fundamental inquiry, whether pursued by believers, nonbelievers, or no one at all. Worldly wealth, which can only measure exchange value in terms of money, is to be judged against a new revelation of divine power. 神学在这里不可能是中立的。正如圣保罗所理解的,神学的核心问题是在最终审判中使用的力量的本质(如林前 15.24)。如果神学要以真理和良善的力量来评判世道,那么它就必须根据真理和良善的具体力量来解释它们。神学关注生命的终极标准,是最根本、最激进的探索。它试图揭示真、善和生命是如何构成的。它根据最丰富的意义范畴,为世界提供了一种诠释生命的愿景。它有责任为生命注入最深层次的精神财富,也就是说,它必须确定真正财富的本质是什么。这是神学的天职,无论它是否是基督教的,它都是最根本的探索,无论它是由信徒、非信徒或任何人来追求。世俗的财富只能用金钱来衡量交换价值,而神圣力量的新启示则是对世俗财富的评判标准。
Such a judgment is inevitably surprising: divine power is an eschatological replacement of all fundamental principles. In this life, material wealth is the source of all benefits, all delights, all investments, all sustenance, all welfare, and all charity. Few ascetics have questioned its necessity for those who remain in the world. To question its benefits risks charges of insanity. The quest for wealth is the one practical activity that unites the diverse people of the contemporary world. It is the means or precondition for undertaking all subsequent worthy ventures or enjoying all pleasures. As George Bernard Shaw put it, "Money is indeed the most important thing in the world; and all sound and successful personal and national morality should have this fact for its basis. Every teacher or twaddler who denies it or suppresses it, is an enemy of life. Money controls morality."3 In a capitalist economy, where accumulation occurs through the use of money, the moral and political relations from which wealth derives are no longer di- 这样的判断难免令人惊讶:神力是所有基本原则的末世替代品。在今生,物质财富是一切利益、一切乐趣、一切投资、一切生计、一切福利和一切慈善的源泉。很少有苦行僧会质疑物质财富对那些留在世上的人的必要性。质疑它的益处有可能被指控为精神错乱。追求财富是将当代世界不同的人们团结在一起的一项实践活动。它是从事一切有价值的事业或享受一切快乐的手段或前提。正如萧伯纳所说:"金钱确实是世界上最重要的东西;所有健全和成功的个人和国家道德都应以这一事实为基础。每一个否认或压制这一事实的教师或迂腐者都是生活的敌人。金钱控制着道德。"3 在资本主义经济中,财富的积累是通过使用金钱来实现的,因此,作为财富来源的道德和政治关系不再是二元对立的。
rectly evident. The equitable relation of voluntary trade appears to embody justice. To oppose money as the fundamental principle of the social order is therefore deeply immoral and unjust from the perspective of that order. This opposition is hostile to just standards of measure and hinders opportunities for accumulation. To question the pursuit of wealth is to set oneself against all common sense, all agreement, all political power, and all practicality. Moreover, since wealth gives access to power, to question the pursuit of wealth is to abandon all power, dooming oneself to a futile quest. It is little wonder that Christian theologians have sought to accommodate themselves to the world rather than risk their entire heritage by abandoning all power. 这是显而易见的。自愿交易的公平关系似乎体现了正义。因此,从社会秩序的角度来看,反对货币作为社会秩序的基本原则是极不道德和不公正的。这种反对敌视公正的衡量标准,阻碍了积累的机会。质疑对财富的追求,就是违背所有常识、所有约定、所有政治权力和所有实用性。此外,由于财富带来权力,质疑对财富的追求就等于放弃一切权力,使自己的追求徒劳无益。这就难怪基督教神学家们要努力使自己适应这个世界,而不是冒着放弃所有权力的风险来继承他们的全部遗产。
Nevertheless, the strategy of internalization to accommodate oneself to wealth betrays an infidelity. Jesus appears to have been quite content to enjoy the hospitality of the wealthy, to allow others to provide for him out of their wealth, and to consume to the extent that he and his followers were accused of gluttony (Matt. 9.10-11; Luke 8.3; Matt. 11.19). Feasting provides the paradigmatic symbol for the arrival of the Kingdom of God. It was not, however, the subjective enjoyment of wealth that was his target; it was wealth as a principle of power or judgment. Jesus’s opposition to the service of wealth marked the greatest differentiation from the ways of the world. In this difference lies an opportunity to explore how the value of values may be determined. Jesus’s announcements raise the most fundamental of theological problems: what is the value of values? Do our scales of evaluation express true values? The true nature of theological inquiry perhaps only became clear after Friedrich Nietzsche, the self-proclaimed Antichrist, raised the problem of the revaluation of all values. 然而,内化的策略是为了适应财富,这暴露了一种不忠。耶稣似乎很满足于享受富人的款待,允许别人用财富来供养他,他和他的追随者被指责为贪吃(《马太福音》9.10-11;《路加福音》8.3;《马太福音》11.19)。宴饮是天国到来的典型象征。然而,他所针对的并不是主观上对财富的享受,而是作为权力或审判原则的财富。耶稣反对为财富服务,这是他与世人最大的不同之处。在这种差异中,我们有机会探索如何确定价值观的价值。耶稣的宣告提出了最根本的神学问题:什么是价值观的价值?我们的评价尺度是否表达了真正的价值?神学探究的真正本质也许只有在自称为反基督者的弗里德里希-尼采提出重估所有价值的问题之后才会变得清晰。
It is nothing less than a revaluation of all values that Jesus himself proclaimed. Money, as the measure against which all things are priced, is the contemporary principle of the value of values. A revaluation of all values may start by exploring money. It need be a question not of deciding in advance for or against money, or for or against Jesus, but of noting the significance of money in the determination of the value of values and inquiring into its true nature. Money, above all else, has seemed to be indispensable: while Jesus’s following was initially formed as a community of shared possessions, voluntary poverty, and gift exchange, it has repeatedly abandoned this central practical ideal. Perhaps his followers were right to do so. A the- 这不亚于耶稣本人所宣称的对所有价值的重新估价。金钱作为衡量万物价值的尺度,是当代价值观的价值原则。对所有价值的重新评估可以从探索金钱开始。这不是一个事先决定支持或反对金钱、支持或反对耶稣的问题,而是一个注意到金钱在决定价值观价值中的意义并探究其真正本质的问题。金钱,最重要的似乎是不可或缺的:虽然耶稣的追随者最初是作为一个分享财产、自愿贫穷和交换礼物的群体而形成的,但他们却一再放弃了这一核心的实际理想。也许他的追随者们这样做是对的。一个
ology of money must determine the principles, the value of values, through which judgments of economic behavior can be formulated. For this, Jesus did more than proclaim an opposition; he also illuminated some of its principles: 货币学必须确定原则,即价值中的价值,通过这些原则才能对经济行为做出判断。为此,耶稣所做的不仅仅是宣布一种对立,他还阐明了其中的一些原则:
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 你们不要积攒财宝在地上,地上有虫子咬,锈蚀了,也有贼撬开偷盗;只要积攒财宝在天上,天上没有虫子咬,锈蚀了,也没有贼撬开偷盗。因为你们的财宝在哪里,你们的心也在哪里。
The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! 眼睛是人体的明灯。因此,如果你的眼睛是健康的,你的整个身体就会充满光明;但如果你的眼睛是不健康的,你的整个身体就会充满黑暗。如果你身上的光是黑暗的,那么黑暗有多大!
No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. (Matt. 6.19-24) 没有人可以侍奉两个主人;因为奴隶要么憎恨一个主人而喜爱另一个主人,要么忠于一个主人而轻视另一个主人。你不能侍奉上帝,也不能侍奉财富。(马太福音 6.19-24)
God and wealth are set in competition; for time, in terms of “storing up treasure”; for attention, in terms of the health of the eye; and for devotion, in terms of service. Our evaluations are primarily expressed not by what we say or simply by what we do, but by how we pray - the determination of our time, attention, and devotion. ^(4){ }^{4} This is where the power of money is to be sought: not simply in the worship or accumulation of wealth for its own sake, but in the way time, attention, and devotion are shaped by the demands of the social institution of money. 上帝和财富被设定为竞争关系;对时间的竞争,表现为 "储存财宝";对注意力的竞争,表现为眼睛的健康;对奉献的竞争,表现为服务。我们的评价主要不是通过我们说了什么或简单地通过我们做了什么来表达,而是通过我们如何祈祷来表达--决定我们的时间、注意力和奉献。 ^(4){ }^{4} 这就是金钱的力量所在:不是简单地为了财富而崇拜或积累财富,而是时间、注意力和奉献精神被金钱社会制度的要求所左右。
All religions, in essence, direct and distribute time, attention, and devotion. Religions enrich life by establishing patterns for living. If there is an opposition between God and money, then fundamentally it comes down to this: wealth contains its own principles according to which time, attention, and devotion are allocated. In a society organized primarily for the pursuit of wealth, nothing could seem more evident and unquestionable than that time, attention, and devotion should be allocated to the pursuit of wealth. It is the very obligation to do so that constitutes the spiritual power of money. It is the very obligation to do so that is the object of a theology of money. 从本质上讲,所有宗教都在引导和分配时间、注意力和奉献精神。宗教通过建立生活模式来丰富生活。如果说上帝与金钱是对立的,那么从根本上说,这可以归结为:财富包含其自身的原则,根据这些原则来分配时间、注意力和奉献精神。在一个主要为追求财富而组织的社会中,没有什么比把时间、注意力和奉献精神分配给追求财富更明显、更不容置疑的了。正是这种义务构成了金钱的精神力量。正是这样做的义务才是金钱神学的目标。
The human sciences of wealth do not study how time is spent; they merely observe the effects of allocations of time, attention, and devotion. While they study the outcome of economic activity, the investigation of the powers and principles by which time, attention, and devotion are distrib- 关于财富的人文科学并不研究时间是如何度过的;它们只是观察时间、注意力和奉献的分配效果。虽然它们研究的是经济活动的结果,但对分配时间、注意力和奉献精神的力量和原则的研究,则是对时间、注意力和奉献精神的研究。
uted should belong, by contrast, to the discipline of theology. A theology of money is an exploration of the nature and effects of money’s mysterious power. 相比之下,货币神学应属于神学学科。金钱神学是对金钱神秘力量的性质和影响的探索。
The problem that lies before us is whether there is something intrinsic to the nature of money that directly opposes God, justice, or nature. “God” may be invoked here as a symbol for the order of nature - the ultimate criteria of power, truth, and goodness; the source of the value of values. Theists and atheists may disagree over the unity, logic, and metaphysics of such a symbol, and over the value of values itself. However, they rarely disagree that something plays the role of the source of the value of values, whether or not the symbol “God” is used. Once it is discovered that money does indeed veil the source of the value of values, a second problem results: how may the value of values become manifest in human life? These two problems form the agenda for this study. 摆在我们面前的问题是,金钱的本质中是否存在着某种直接与上帝、正义或自然对立的东西。在这里,"上帝 "可以作为自然秩序的象征--权力、真理和善的终极标准;价值的源泉。有神论者和无神论者可能会对这种象征的统一性、逻辑性和形而上学以及价值本身存在分歧。但是,无论是否使用了 "上帝 "这个符号,他们很少会不同意某种东西扮演着价值之源的角色。一旦发现金钱确实掩盖了价值的源泉,就会产生第二个问题:价值如何在人类生活中体现出来?这两个问题构成了本研究的议程。
In 1694, when printed tracts declaring the content of true belief were circulating throughout England, a new gospel was announced. It was a gospel of such significance that its tracts are even now carried on a daily basis by most English (and Welsh) subjects: “I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of twenty pounds.” The Bank of England, formed by an act of Parliament at the instigation of William Paterson, provided a permanent loan of 1.2 million pounds at 8 percent interest to King William III for his religious wars. At the same time, the Bank also provided a note issue, in units of 20 pounds, of the same amount, guaranteed by the security of the government’s promise to pay through taxation. Such notes were issued as loans to worthy private borrowers. The original subscribers to the Bank would receive interest on these loans, as well as on the loan to the king. Money was effectively created in excess of the original deposit. 1694 年,当宣称真正信仰内容的印刷小册子在全英格兰流传时,一个新的福音宣告诞生。这是一个意义非凡的福音,甚至现在大多数英国(和威尔士)人每天都会随身携带它的小册子:"我承诺在持票人提出要求时支付20英镑"在威廉-帕特森(William Paterson)的推动下,英格兰银行根据议会法案成立,以 8% 的利息向威廉三世国王提供了 120 万英镑的永久贷款,用于他的宗教战争。与此同时,英格兰银行还以 20 英镑为单位发行了相同金额的票据,并以政府承诺通过税收支付为担保。这些票据作为贷款发放给有价值的私人借款人。银行的原始认购人将从这些贷款以及向国王的贷款中获得利息。货币实际上是在原始存款之外创造出来的。
The establishment of the Bank of England inaugurated the period when credit effectively functioned as money. Since metal coins had always been tokens of value, the creation of money as credit does not so much change as reveal the essence of money. The credit theory of money, propounded by Mitchell Innes at the beginning of the twentieth century, states that “a sale and purchase is the exchange of a commodity for a credit. From this 英格兰银行的成立开启了信用作为货币有效发挥作用的时期。由于金属硬币一直是价值的象征,货币作为信用的产生与其说是改变了货币,不如说是揭示了货币的本质。米切尔-英尼斯在 20 世纪初提出的货币信用理论指出:"买卖是商品与信用的交换。由此
main theory springs the sub-theory that the value of credit or money does not depend on the value of any metal or metals, but on the right which the creditor acquires to ‘payment,’ that is to say, to the satisfaction of credit, and on the obligation of the debtor to ‘pay’ his debt, and conversely on the right of the debtor to release himself from his debt by the tender of an equivalent debt owed by the creditor, and the obligation of the creditor to accept this tender in satisfaction of credit.” ^(5){ }^{5} 主要理论的分支理论认为,信用或货币的价值并不取决于任何一种或几种金属的价值,而是取决于债权人获得'支付'的权利,也就是说,取决于债务人'偿还'其债务的义务,反过来说,也取决于债务人通过提供债权人所欠的等价债务而解除其债务的权利,以及债权人接受这种提供以清偿债务的义务"。 ^(5){ }^{5}
The creation of money has been notably explained, in the context of Holland rather than England, by the economist John Kenneth Galbraith: 经济学家约翰-肯尼斯-加尔布雷思(John Kenneth Galbraith)在荷兰而非英国的背景下对货币的创造进行了著名的解释:
The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled. Where something so important is involved, a deeper mystery seems only decent. The deposits of the Bank of Amsterdam . . . were, according to the instruction of the owner, subject to transfer to others in settlement of accounts. (This had long been a convenience provided by the Bank’s private precursors.) The coin on deposit served no less as money by being in a bank and being subject to transfer by the stroke of a pen. 银行创造货币的过程是如此简单,以至于人们对其产生了排斥心理。在涉及如此重要的事情时,更深层次的神秘似乎才是正经事。阿姆斯特丹银行的存款......根据所有者的指示,可以在结算时转移给其他人。(这早已成为阿姆斯特丹银行的私人前身提供的一种便利。)存入银行的钱币也同样可以作为货币使用,只需动笔即可转让。
Inevitably it was discovered - as it was by the conservative burghers of Amsterdam as they reflected incestuously on their own needs as directors of the Dutch East India Company - that another stroke of the pen would give a borrower from the bank, as distinct from a creditor of the original depositor, a loan from the original and idle deposit. It was not a detail that the bank would have the interest on the loan so made. The original depositor could be told that his deposit was subject to such use - and perhaps be paid for it. The original deposit still stood to the credit of the original depositor. But there was now also a new deposit from the proceeds of the loan. Both deposits could be used to make payments, be used as money. Money had thus been created. The discovery that the banks could so create money came very early in the development of banking. There was that interest to be earned. Where such reward is waiting, men have a natural instinct for innovation. 阿姆斯特丹保守的布尔乔亚人在反思自己作为荷兰东印度公司董事的需要时,不可避免地发现,银行的借款人(有别于原始存款人的债权人)可以从原始的闲置存款中获得贷款。银行将获得贷款利息并不是一个细节。原存款人可以被告知他的存款可以这样使用--也许还可以因此得到报酬。原来的存款仍然归原来的存款人所有。但现在还有一笔来自贷款收益的新存款。这两笔存款都可以用来支付款项,作为货币使用。货币就这样被创造出来了。在银行业发展的早期,人们就发现银行可以这样创造货币。有利息可赚。只要有这样的回报,人们就会有创新的本能。
There was an alternative opportunity involving bank notes, one that was to be wonderfully exploited in the eventual American Republic. That was to give the borrower not a deposit but a note redeemable in the hard currency that had been placed in the bank as capital or as a sedentary deposit. With this note the borrower could make his payment: the recipient of such payment might, instead of redeeming the note for cash, use it for his payments, and so on ad infinitum. Meanwhile 还有一个涉及银行票据的机会,这个机会在最终的美利坚共和国得到了很好的利用。那就是给借款人的不是存款,而是一张可兑换硬通货的票据,硬通货作为资本或定期存款存入银行。借款人可以用这张票据付款:收款人可以用这张票据付款,而不是兑换成现金,以此类推,无穷无尽。同时
back at the bank interest was being received on the original loan. One day, perhaps, the note would be returned and redeemed for the hard cash of the original deposit. But by then the borrower would have repaid his loan, also in hard money. All would be well, and interest would have been earned. There was a chance also that the note would continue its passage from hand to hand and never be returned for collection. The loan which led to its emission would earn interest and in due course be repaid. The note meanwhile would continue its rounds. Against the original coin that allowed of the original loan, no claim would ever be entered. ^(6){ }^{6} 在银行,原始贷款的利息正在被收取。也许有一天,借条会被归还,并以原始存款的硬通货赎回。但到那时,借款人已经偿还了他的贷款,也是硬通货。一切都会好起来,利息也会赚到。此外,票据还有可能继续在手中流转,永远不会被归还收回。导致其发放的贷款会产生利息,并在适当的时候得到偿还。与此同时,纸币将继续流通。对于允许原始贷款的原始硬币,永远不会有任何索偿要求。 ^(6){ }^{6}
Such banking practices emerged in Florence, Genoa, Venice, and Amsterdam. They were inevitably the cause of cycles of euphoria and panic, dependent on the fluctuations of confidence in the bank. The Bank of England was exceptional in providing monetary stability. ^(7){ }^{7} The value of money was underwritten by the power of the state to raise taxes, and since the Bank’s notes were readily and promptly redeemed in hard coin, they were not presented for redemption. Credit came to occupy the secure monetary space formerly occupied by coinage alone. ^(8){ }^{8} The Bank gradually took over the money supply and the responsibility to stabilize the value of money. In the words of Galbraith, the Bank of England is, “in all respects, to money as St. Peter’s is to the Faith.” ^(9){ }^{9} It became the model on which all other central banks were based and was pivotal in Great Britain’s rise to global dominance during the eighteenth century and nineteenth century, just as the U.S. Federal Reserve became pivotal in the twentieth century. 佛罗伦萨、热那亚、威尼斯和阿姆斯特丹都出现过此类银行业务。这种做法不可避免地导致了兴奋和恐慌的循环,这取决于人们对银行的信心波动。英格兰银行在提供货币稳定性方面是个例外。 ^(7){ }^{7} 货币的价值由国家增税的权力来保证,由于英格兰银行的纸币可以随时、迅速地用硬通货赎回,因此不需要提出赎回。信贷占据了以前仅由硬币占据的安全货币空间。 ^(8){ }^{8} 银行逐渐接管了货币供应和稳定币值的责任。用加尔布雷思的话来说,英格兰银行 "在所有方面对于货币来说,就像圣彼得教堂对于信仰一样"。 ^(9){ }^{9} 英格兰银行成为所有其他中央银行效仿的榜样,在18世纪和19世纪英国崛起为全球霸主的过程中发挥了关键作用,正如美国联邦储备局在20世纪发挥的关键作用一样。
Note the confluence of counterbalancing and cooperating forces in such a system. First, there is the demand for unproductive government expenditure in forms such as warfare, which open up new regions for profit and exploitation. Destruction and excessive consumption become preconditions for the creation of wealth by contributing to demand. Second, in warfare there is the comparative strategic advantage of having a secure source of funding to pay for soldiers, equipment, and invention. Transportable and convertible wealth, in the form of a currency whose value extends beyond the political territory of issue, is the “sinews of war.” Government expenditure, then, may be balanced by the greater profits enabled by strategic advantage recovered through taxation. Such growth in the public-sector economy may also be balanced by growth in the private sector. Third, there is the ongoing demand for capital to engage in productive investment. Such 请注意,在这样一个体系中,各种力量既相互制衡,又相互合作。首先是对战争等形式的非生产性政府支出的需求,这为牟利和剥削开辟了新的领域。破坏和过度消费成为创造财富的先决条件,促进了需求。其次,在战争中,有一个可靠的资金来源来支付士兵、装备和发明,这是相对的战略优势。以货币形式存在的可运输和可兑换的财富,其价值超越了发行的政治领土,是 "战争的筋骨"。因此,通过税收收回的战略优势所带来的更大利润可以平衡政府支出。公共部门经济的这种增长也可能被私营部门的增长所平衡。第三,参与生产性投资对资本的持续需求。这种
demand is present wherever opportunities for profit emerge. Fourth, there is the payment of interest on capital as a result of increased profitability due to new opportunities created. While assets and liabilities cancel themselves out in such a system, the absolute size of the economy grows. In short, both supply and demand increase in the public and private sectors in such a system. The original investors in the Bank of England lent the same money to the state and to civil society. The security of the loan to civil society was guaranteed by the state in the form of future taxation; the security of the loan to the state was guaranteed by economic growth in civil society. It was a brilliant, self-confirming system of mutual dependence and benefit. 只要出现盈利机会,需求就会出现。第四,由于创造了新的机会,利润率提高,因此需要支付资本利息。在这种体系中,资产和负债相互抵消,经济的绝对规模却在增长。简而言之,在这种体系中,公共和私营部门的供求都会增加。英格兰银行的原始投资者将同样的钱借给了国家和民间社会。借给民间社会的资金由国家以未来税收的形式提供担保;借给国家的资金由民间社会的经济增长提供担保。这是一个出色的、自我确认的相互依存和互惠互利的体系。
The public creation of money is the source of prosperity, stimulating growth. Indeed, the creation of new money is regarded by some commentators as one of the principal causes of the industrial revolution and the emergence of modernity. ^(10){ }^{10} Joseph Schumpeter has explained what is essential here: the entrepreneur is not necessarily a possessor of wealth. Indeed, the entrepreneur is the typical debtor in capitalist society. ^(11){ }^{11} Schumpeter goes so far as to say that credit is such a central part of the capitalist engine that the rest of the system cannot be understood without it. ^(12){ }^{12} Moreover: 公开创造货币是繁荣的源泉,可以刺激经济增长。事实上,一些评论家认为,创造新货币是工业革命和现代性出现的主要原因之一。 ^(10){ }^{10} 约瑟夫-熊彼特(Joseph Schumpeter)解释了其中的要义:企业家并不一定是财富的拥有者。事实上,企业家是资本主义社会中典型的债务人。 ^(11){ }^{11} 熊彼特甚至说,信贷是资本主义引擎的核心部分,没有信贷,就无法理解资本主义体系的其他部分。 ^(12){ }^{12} 此外:
The practically unlimited demand for credit is matched by a practically unlimited supply of credit. . . . The banks can always grant further loans, since the larger amounts going out are then matched by larger amounts coming in. The demand for credit makes possible not only itself, but also a corresponding supply; and every supply makes possible a corresponding demand, so that supply and demand in this case do not confront each other as independent forces. . . . The productive demand for any commodity, e.g. wool, is limited, at constant quantity of money, by the falling probability of processing continually increasing quantities; by contrast, demand for credit is self-propagating, in that the consequences of its expansion and increasing satisfaction go on creating the economic conditions for even more credit demand. ^(13){ }^{13} 信贷需求实际上是无限的,而信贷供应实际上也是无限的。. . .银行总是可以发放更多的贷款,因为有更多的贷款出去,就会有更多的贷款进来。信贷需求不仅使信贷本身成为可能,而且使相应的供应成为可能;而每一种供应都使相应的需求成为可能,因此,在这种情况下,供应和需求并不作为独立的力量而相互对抗。. . .对任何商品(如羊毛)的生产性需求,在货币数量不变的情况下,都会受到加工数量不断增加的概率下降的限制;与此相反,对信贷的需求则是自我膨胀的,因为其膨胀和满足程度不断提高的后果,会不断为更多的信贷需求创造经济条件。 ^(13){ }^{13}
Capital growth begins with borrowing for investment, for all economic activity is limited by the supply of money. There is always so much more that could be done if only more money were available. As Samuel Butler put it, “It has been said that the love of money is the root of all evil. The want of money is so quite as truly.” 14 If money can be created in the form of loans for the purpose of profitable activity, then effective limits to economic 资本增长始于借贷投资,因为所有经济活动都受到货币供应量的限制。只要有更多的钱,就有更多的事情可以做。正如塞缪尔-巴特勒所说:"有人说,爱财是万恶之源。缺钱也是如此。14 如果可以以贷款的形式创造金钱来从事营利活动,那么对经济的有效限制就是
growth are removed. There is no shortage of money when it can be replaced by credit and repaid at a profit. The consequence was nothing less than Karl Polanyi’s “great transformation.” ^(15){ }^{15} Production for the sake of profit rather than use became the dominant motivation for social activity and interaction. Capitalism - its growth and its globalization-is explained by banking. Economic activity, formerly a limited segment of social life, came to predominate over all other aspects of social life, including religion. The preachers’ declamations against the evils of usury and the love of money were unheeded by those who saw the evidence of prosperity brought about through profit. ^(16){ }^{16} As William Cobbett was to observe in 1829: 增长的因素被消除。当货币可以被信贷取代并以利润偿还时,货币就不会短缺。其结果不亚于卡尔-波兰尼的 "伟大变革"。 ^(15){ }^{15} 为利润而不是为使用而生产成为社会活动和互动的主要动机。资本主义--其增长和全球化--是由银行业解释的。经济活动原本只是社会生活中有限的一部分,但后来却超越了社会生活的所有其他方面,包括宗教。传教士们对高利贷和爱财之恶的宣扬,对于那些看到了利润带来的繁荣证据的人来说,根本无动于衷。 ^(16){ }^{16} 正如威廉-科贝特(William Cobbett)在 1829 年观察到的那样:
Time has taught me that public credit means the contracting of debts which a nation never can pay; and I have lived to see this goddess produce effects, in my country, which Satan himself never could have produced. It is a very bewitching goddess; and not less fatal for her influence in private than in public affairs. It has been carried in this latter respect to such a pitch, that scarcely any transaction, however low and inconsiderable, takes place in any other way. ^(17){ }^{17} 时间告诉我,公共信贷意味着签订一个国家永远无法偿还的债务;我亲眼看到这个女神在我的国家产生了撒旦自己都无法产生的效果。这是一个非常迷人的女神;她在私人事务中的影响比在公共事务中的影响同样致命。在公共事务中,她的影响力已经达到了如此程度,以至于几乎没有任何交易,无论多么微不足道,都会以其他方式进行。 ^(17){ }^{17}
Prior to the modern world, the economic sphere was bounded by the limits of the production of value by human labor, on the one hand, and the finite amount of money in circulation, on the other. In the modern world, however, the limits of production have been partially overcome by harnessing the energy stored in fossil fuels and the elements. At the same time, the finitude of currency has been overcome by treating signs of monetary value as themselves valuable, ensuring the value of newly created money by issuing it in the form of loans, attached to debts. Rates of production and rates of interest escape finitude by compound growth. Production for the sake of profit replaces production for the sake of use. 在现代世界之前,经济领域一方面受到人类劳动生产价值的限制,另一方面受到流通中货币数量有限的限制。然而,在现代社会,通过利用化石燃料和各种元素中储存的能量,生产的局限性已被部分克服。与此同时,货币的有限性也被克服了,方法是将货币价值符号本身视为有价值的,通过以贷款形式发行货币,确保新创造货币的价值,并将其与债务挂钩。生产率和利率通过复合增长摆脱了有限性。为利润而生产取代了为使用而生产。
It is easy to observe how this shift naturally leads to secularization and a direct opposition between God and money. Where God promises eternity, money promises the world. Where God offers a delayed reward, money offers a reward in advance. Where God offers himself as grace, money offers itself as a loan. Where God offers spiritual benefits, money offers tangible benefits. Where God accepts all repentant sinners who truly believe, money may be accepted by all who are willing to trust in its value. Where God requires conversion of the soul, money empowers the existing desires and plans of the soul. Money has the advantages of immediacy, universality, 我们不难发现,这种转变自然而然地导致了世俗化以及上帝与金钱的直接对立。上帝承诺的是永恒,而金钱承诺的是世界。上帝提供的是延迟的奖赏,而金钱提供的是提前的奖赏。上帝提供的是恩典,而金钱提供的是贷款。上帝提供的是精神上的利益,而金钱提供的是物质上的利益。上帝接纳所有真心悔改的罪人,而金钱则可以被所有愿意相信其价值的人接受。在上帝要求灵魂皈依的地方,金钱可以增强灵魂现有的欲望和计划。金钱具有直接性和普遍性的优势、
tangibility, and utility. Money promises freedom and gives a down payment on the promise of prosperity. 有形性和实用性。货币承诺自由,并为繁荣的承诺支付首付款。
Money exercises a spectral power that exceeds all merely human powers. Adapting itself to any desire, it also shapes desire. First, the value of money is transcendent. It is a promise, taken on faith, and only realized to the extent that this faith is acted out in exchange. One cannot hold the value of money in one’s hand, even if one can use that value to pay for things. “The eye has never seen, nor the hand touched a dollar. All that we can touch or see is a promise to pay or satisfy a debt due for an amount called a dollar.” ^(18){ }^{18} 金钱具有一种幽灵般的力量,它超越了人类的一切力量。它适应任何欲望,也塑造欲望。首先,金钱的价值是超越性的。它是一种承诺,是一种信仰,只有当这种信仰在交换中得以实现时,它才会实现。一个人无法将金钱的价值握在手中,即使他可以用这种价值来支付东西。"眼睛从未见过,手也从未摸过一块钱。我们所能触摸到或看到的,只是一个支付或清偿债务的承诺,这个承诺的金额叫做一美元"。 ^(18){ }^{18}
Second, money is both a means of payment and a measure of prices. As a measure of prices, money endows all things with a universal value: the price is the same, whoever is the buyer. Yet as a means of payment, money grants the power of effective demand only to those with money. To achieve what one values, one must value money first as the means of access to what one desires. Since it is the means by which all other social values may be realized, it posits itself as the supreme value. Nothing is more liquid, more exchangeable, or more valuable than money. Whatever one’s own values, one must value money first as the means of access to all other values. ^(19){ }^{19} 其次,货币既是支付手段,也是衡量价格的尺度。作为一种价格尺度,货币赋予所有物品以普遍价值:无论买方是谁,价格都是一样的。然而,作为一种支付手段,货币只赋予有钱人有效需求的权力。要实现自己的价值,首先必须重视金钱,因为它是获得自己想要的东西的手段。既然货币是实现所有其他社会价值的手段,那么它本身就是至高无上的价值。没有什么比金钱更具流动性、更易交换、更有价值。无论一个人的价值观如何,他都必须首先重视金钱,因为它是获得所有其他价值的手段。 ^(19){ }^{19}
Third, money is only “value in motion.” One cannot achieve profitability without investing one’s money. The value of assets is determined not by their intrinsic worth but by their expected yield, their anticipated rate of return. The value of assets is determined by speculative projections. Moreover, even if these anticipations prove misguided, at every stage the value of assets is determined by the next wave of anticipations about the future. Thus, the future never ultimately arrives: it is purely ideal. Financial value is essentially a degree of hope, expectation, trust, or credibility. Just as paper currency is never cashed in, so the value of assets is never realized. It is future or transcendent. Being transcendent to material and social reality, yet also being the pivot around which material and social reality is continually reconstructed, financial value is essentially religious. ^(20){ }^{20} 第三,金钱只是 "运动中的价值"。不投入资金,就无法实现盈利。资产的价值不是由其内在价值决定的,而是由其预期收益率、预期回报率决定的。资产的价值是由投机预测决定的。此外,即使这些预测被证明是错误的,在每个阶段,资产的价值都是由对未来的下一波预测决定的。因此,未来从未最终到来:它纯粹是一种理想。金融价值本质上是一种希望、预期、信任或可信度。正如纸币永远不会兑现一样,资产的价值也永远不会实现。它是未来的或超越的。金融价值既超越物质和社会现实,又是不断重构物质和社会现实的枢纽,因此金融价值本质上是宗教性的。 ^(20){ }^{20}
Fourth, wealth brings access to power: extrinsically through military superiority, access to information, sway over public consciousness, political influence, and selective funding; and intrinsically through investments, profits, growth, favorably negotiated contracts, and liberation from the constraints of the natural necessity and social responsibility that limit 第四,财富带来了权力:外在表现为军事优势、获取信息的机会、对公众意识的控制、政治影响力和有选择的资助;内在表现为投资、利润、增长、有利的合同谈判,以及摆脱自然需要和社会责任的限制。
the economic freedom of those without wealth. As a result, the power of wealth grows exponentially in a cycle of profitability. Yet since wealth can grow only if it devotes itself to making profits and paying back debts, it necessarily depletes the resources required to meet natural necessities and social responsibilities - in particular, the needs of subsistence and sustainability. As the condition for all social activity, the imperative of sustaining the money system and creating wealth take priority over the need for sustaining the environment, population, or religion. 的经济自由。因此,财富的力量在盈利的循环中呈指数增长。然而,由于财富只有在致力于盈利和偿还债务的情况下才能增长,它必然会耗尽满足自然需要和社会责任所需的资源,特别是生存和可持续发展的需要。作为所有社会活动的条件,维持货币体系和创造财富的必要性优先于维持环境、人口或宗教的必要性。
Fifth, speculative profits can be made only on the basis of profits extracted from production and consumption, and to achieve this, an increasing quantity of the world’s physical resources must be appropriated for production, exchange, and consumption through the colonization and commodification of the world. 第五,只有在从生产和消费中攫取利润的基础上才能获得投机利润,而要实现这一点,就必须通过对世界的殖民化和商品化,将越来越多的世界物质资源用于生产、交换和消费。
Sixth, increased production and profits require increased investment and debt. While production is of commodities, debts and interest are repaid in the form of money. Increased production can lead to the repayment of debts only if there is more money to pay for them; yet money can be created only in the form of further loans or else it is inflationary. As a result, the global economy, since the founding of the Bank of England, has been progressively enslaved to an increasing spiral of debt. The global economy is driven by a spiral of debt, constrained to seek further profits and always dependent on future expansion. The spectral power of money lies ultimately in its nature as debt. 第六,增加生产和利润需要增加投资和债务。生产的是商品,债务和利息则以货币的形式偿还。只有有更多的货币来偿还债务,生产的增加才能导致债务的偿还;然而,货币只能以进一步贷款的形式创造出来,否则就会造成通货膨胀。因此,自英格兰银行成立以来,全球经济就逐渐被日益螺旋式上升的债务所奴役。全球经济受债务螺旋式上升的驱动,受制于寻求更多利润,并始终依赖于未来的扩张。货币的幽灵力量归根结底在于其作为债务的本质。
An anthropologist’s judgment on the nature of modernity would identify the value of money as the modern religion, the transcendent principle of the social order. ^(21){ }^{21} As Mary Douglas explains, money is ritual activity: 人类学家对现代性本质的判断是,金钱的价值是现代宗教,是社会秩序的超越原则。 ^(21){ }^{21} 正如玛丽-道格拉斯(Mary Douglas)所解释的,金钱是一种仪式活动:
The metaphor of money admirably sums up what we want to assert of ritual. Money provides a fixed, external, recognisable sign for what would be confused, contradictable operations; ritual makes visible external signs of internal states. Money mediates transactions; ritual mediates experience, including social experience. Money provides a standard for measuring worth; ritual standardizes situations, and so helps to evaluate them. Money makes a link between the present and the future, so does ritual. The more we reflect on the richness of the metaphor, the more it becomes clear that this is no metaphor. Money is only an extreme and specialised type of ritual. ^(22){ }^{22} 金钱的隐喻很好地概括了我们对仪式的主张。金钱为原本混乱、矛盾的运作提供了一个固定的、外部的、可识别的标志;仪式则使内部状态的外部标志清晰可见。金钱是交易的中介;仪式则是经验(包括社会经验)的中介。金钱提供了衡量价值的标准;仪式则使情境标准化,从而有助于对情境进行评估。金钱连接现在与未来,仪式也是如此。我们越是思考这个隐喻的丰富内涵,就越会发现这不是一个隐喻。金钱只是仪式的一种极端和特殊类型。 ^(22){ }^{22}
Since the value of money is a purely ideal construct, the religion of money has its own theology. Its principles are fourfold: money is the promise of value on which actual value may be advanced; money is the supreme value against which all other values may be measured; money is a speculative value whose intrinsic worth waits to be demonstrated; and money is a debt or social obligation that requires that social activity be continually reordered around increasing profit and the repayment of debt, while also continually expanding the debt and the obligation. Economic globalization is the universalization of this religion through its drive for growth and power, its progressive colonization of all dimensions of life, and its commitment to growing debt. A theology of money is required to explain the distinctive nature of this spectral power in the modern world. 由于货币的价值纯粹是一种理想的构建,因此货币宗教也有自己的神学。它的原则有四个方面:货币是价值的承诺,在此基础上可以推进实际价值;货币是最高价值,在此基础上可以衡量所有其他价值;货币是一种投机价值,其内在价值有待证明;货币是一种债务或社会义务,要求社会活动不断围绕增加利润和偿还债务进行重新安排,同时不断扩大债务和义务。经济全球化是这种宗教的普遍化,它追求增长和权力,逐步殖民化生活的各个方面,并致力于不断增加债务。需要一种货币神学来解释这种幽灵般的力量在现代世界中的独特性质。
A true theology of money, a systematic inquiry into the force of money as a system for universal evaluation, has perhaps never before been undertaken. The history of Christian reflection on money is of limited service insofar as it concentrates on subjective attitudes toward wealth; ^(23){ }^{23} the history of economic science is of limited service insofar as it concentrates on an objective science of money as a functional instrument. Money as a source of evaluation transcends distinctions between subject and object, and problematizes what we have come to expect from science. Our method must be philosophical, and a philosophical digression on the nature of modern reason is required to orient our image of thought so that it may become capable of disclosing the theology of money. 真正的货币神学,即对货币作为一种普遍评价体系的力量进行系统的探究,也许从未有人进行过。基督教对金钱的反思史,如果集中于对财富的主观态度,那么它的作用是有限的; ^(23){ }^{23} 经济科学史,如果集中于把金钱作为一种功能工具的客观科学,那么它的作用也是有限的。作为评价来源的货币超越了主体与客体之间的区别,并使我们对科学的期望成为问题。我们的方法必须是哲学的,需要对现代理性的本质进行哲学上的深入探讨,以确定我们思想形象的方向,使其能够揭示货币神学。
Modern thought established a threefold division between objects, subjects, and knowledge. Material reality, including functional instruments, is considered to be independent of human agency, with its desires and projects. Object and subject, however, may be mediated by a third independent term, a science that guides human agents to a more effective realization of their projects through the use of functional instruments. Nothing reinforces this threefold division between instrument, agent, and science more than the everyday use of money. Money is a passive instrument, held in one’s hand, subject entirely to the use of the free human agent, yet money is easily lost unless it is used wisely, and the science of the use of money 现代思想在客体、主体和知识之间进行了三重划分。物质现实,包括功能性工具,被认为独立于人类机构及其欲望和计划。然而,客体和主体可以由第三个独立的术语来中介,即通过使用功能性工具来指导人类行为主体更有效地实现其计划的科学。没有什么比货币的日常使用更能强化工具、主体和科学之间的三重划分了。金钱是一种被动的工具,它握在人的手中,完全由自由的人类行为者使用,然而,如果不加以明智使用,金钱很容易流失,而使用金钱的科学就是
determines the most effective means to realize desires and projects. The person with money to spend enjoys a liberty and mastery over the material world. The separation of instrument, agent, and science depends on the experience of freedom of those with access to wealth and physical power. At the same time, nothing calls this threefold division into question more than the everyday struggle to acquire money, where choices are driven by material necessity and evaluations are formed on the basis of opinions about ways to acquire money. Material need and social dependence express themselves through human agency. The subject does not stand apart from matter and culture; the subject is formed and guided through matter and culture. 决定了实现愿望和计划的最有效手段。有钱花的人享受自由,掌握物质世界。工具、代理人和科学的分离取决于那些拥有财富和物质力量的人对自由的体验。与此同时,对这种三重划分提出质疑的莫过于每天为获取金钱而进行的斗争,在这种斗争中,选择是由物质需求驱动的,而评价则是根据对获取金钱的方式的看法形成的。物质需求和社会依赖通过人的能动性表现出来。主体并非独立于物质和文化之外;主体是通过物质和文化形成并引导的。
The mystery of how subject relates to object, how personal preference affects material reality, and how knowledge facilitates and mediates their interaction provides endless labor for philosophers. Beneath this modern division between instrument, agent, and science lie some ancient philosophical assumptions. The science of money does not claim to present money itself; it claims to present the truth about money. An Epicurean assumption is that truth consists of discrete atomic facts, rather like commodities available in a market. Truth is assumed to be individual, objective, egalitarian, passive, and relatively permanent. It is presented through independent units of evidence or data. Evidence is repeatable, public, and exchangeable; it remains the same, whoever considers it. There are, however, two striking paradoxes concerning such an assumption about truth. First, the objectivity of truth is not itself objective, for such truths are never exhibited in their individuality and permanence. No truth can be demonstrated independently of a system of thinking enacted at a particular time. The properties of individuality, objectivity, and permanence attributed to truths by induction can never be known, for truth cannot be known independently of thought. The objectivity of truth is thus a subjective presupposition. Second, the independence of truth and value imposes an evaluation. Truths based on evidence are potentially universal because they can be acknowledged at all times and in all places. Truths are for anyone or about anything. They are entirely neutral in relation to value - or, more precisely, they are independent of value or without value. Such truths, then, hold neither objectivity nor value in themselves but must be attributed objectivity and value by the thinking subject. While the objectivity, universality, and value of truth are never presented in themselves, they can be inferred 主体如何与客体发生关系,个人偏好如何影响物质现实,以及知识如何促进和调解它们之间的互动,这些谜团为哲学家提供了无尽的劳动。在工具、媒介和科学之间的现代划分之下,隐藏着一些古老的哲学假设。货币科学并不是要展示货币本身,而是要展示关于货币的真相。伊壁鸠鲁的一个假设是,真理由离散的原子事实组成,就像市场上的商品一样。真理被假定为个体的、客观的、平等的、被动的和相对永久的。真理是通过独立的证据或数据单元呈现出来的。证据是可重复的、公开的和可交换的;无论谁考虑它,它都是一样的。然而,这种关于真理的假设存在两个显著的悖论。首先,真理的客观性本身并不客观,因为这种真理从未展示过其个性和永恒性。任何真理都无法脱离特定时期的思维体系而得到证明。归纳法赋予真理的个别性、客观性和永恒性永远无法被认识,因为真理无法脱离思维而被认识。因此,真理的客观性是一种主观预设。其次,真理与价值的独立性意味着一种评价。基于证据的真理具有潜在的普遍性,因为它们可以在任何时间、任何地点得到承认。真理适用于任何人或任何事。与价值相比,真理是完全中立的,或者更确切地说,真理独立于价值或没有价值。 因此,这些真理本身既不具有客观性,也不具有价值,而必须由思维主体赋予其客观性和价值。虽然真理的客观性、普遍性和价值本身从未呈现,但它们可以被推论出来
by induction when evidence is repeatable, public, and exchangeable. Science, as a social practice, repeats and exchanges thought in order to lend such thoughts an exchange value. Potential truths that cannot be repeated or exchanged are devalued. Only public truths are valuable. 当证据具有可重复性、公开性和可交换性时,就可以通过归纳法得出结论。科学作为一种社会实践,重复和交换思想,以使这些思想具有交换价值。不能重复或交换的潜在真理是贬值的。只有公开的真理才是有价值的。
These paradoxes reach an acute form when one considers the science of wealth. The science of wealth concerns itself with the effects of money on value, and yet value itself is only measured in terms of money. Far from being objective, the science of wealth is constructed from the perspective of those who use money for the sake of making more money. While the science of wealth would appear to be a neutral discourse on value, it selects for an object of study only that which is exchangeable, imposing exchangeability as a value as well as a form of evaluation. Far from being neutral in relation to value, it imposes an evaluation of the benefits of exchangeability. 当我们考虑财富科学时,这些悖论就会变得尖锐起来。财富科学关注的是金钱对价值的影响,而价值本身却只能用金钱来衡量。财富科学远非客观,而是从那些为了赚更多钱而使用金钱的人的角度构建的。财富科学看似是对价值的中立论述,但它只选择可交换的价值作为研究对象,将可交换性作为一种价值和一种评价形式强加于人。在价值问题上,财富学远非中立,而是强加了对可交换性利益的评价。
A Cartesian assumption underlying modern thought is that thinking the truth is independent of being true. Immanuel Kant remarked, in regard to the ontological argument for the existence of God, that his financial position was affected very differently by a hundred real dollars than by the mere concept of them. ^(24){ }^{24} Truth is meant to be grounded in evidence, not speculation. The paradox here, however, is that money itself can be created through speculation, out of pure thought. A bank may create money as a loan to a speculative investor; speculation in general raises the prices of assets; the investor can then sell his assets, repay the loan, and keep the difference in money. Thinking is no longer independent from being when both take time. When it comes to money, then, the Cartesian assumption no longer holds true. Money seems to have a dual nature. On the one hand, at any particular time it holds a determinate value; on the other hand, when invested for a period of time it may gain or lose value. It is both fixed and in motion. Similarly, in practice the construction of knowledge takes place over time. Where thinking takes time, the truth of things is proposed by projecting a time when the work of thinking is complete and truth is known. The truth is represented as an atemporal symbol that substitutes for the temporal work of thought. In practice, this symbolization of the completed work of thinking is economic. It is formed in order to save time. The essence of modern reason is saving time. Yet since the work of thought is never completed, the future in which truth is given remains a speculative 现代思想所依据的一个笛卡尔假设是,思考真理与存在真理无关。康德(Immanuel Kant)在论证上帝存在的本体论时曾说过,一百美元对他的财务状况的影响,与仅仅受到一百美元概念的影响是截然不同的。 ^(24){ }^{24} 真理应该建立在证据之上,而不是臆测。然而,这里的悖论在于,货币本身也可以通过投机,通过纯粹的思维来创造。银行可以通过贷款给投机的投资者来创造货币;投机一般会抬高资产的价格;然后投资者可以出售资产,偿还贷款,并把差价换成货币。当两者都需要时间时,思维就不再独立于存在。因此,在货币问题上,笛卡尔假设不再成立。金钱似乎具有双重性质。一方面,在任何特定时间,它都具有确定的价值;另一方面,当投资一段时间后,它可能增值,也可能贬值。它既是固定的,又是运动的。同样,在实践中,知识的构建也需要时间。思考需要时间,而事物的真相则是通过预测思考工作完成和真相大白的时间来提出的。真理被表述为一种非时间性的符号,代替了时间性的思考工作。实际上,这种已完成的思维工作的符号化是经济的。它的形成是为了节省时间。现代理性的本质就是节约时间。然而,由于思维的工作永远不会完成,真理被赋予的未来仍然是一种推测。
projection. Where thinking takes time, this model of truth is timeless. Since such truth is independent of time and thought, it is thoughtless. It cannot express the movement of thought or the movement of money. 预测。思考需要时间,而这种模式的真理是永恒的。由于这种真理独立于时间和思维,因此它是无思维的。它无法表达思想的运动或金钱的运动。
A Parmenidean assumption concerning the truth of things is that the truth of things is true. This is a tautology, and like all tautologies it identifies a subject with a predicate. Nevertheless, subject and predicate differ precisely as subject and predicate; for them to be identical, there would have to be a third term to which they both refer. The same thing is then for thinking and for being. We return to the problem of the mediation between thought and reality. The truth of money is that which is the same in thought and in reality. If we locate this truth on the side of reality, then the truth of this truth can never be given within thought. If we locate this truth on the side of thought, then the truth of this truth can never be given within reality. In the case of money, if we understand it as essentially a commodity, then we cannot explain its appearance within thought, both as a measure of values and as an object of creation. If, by contrast, we take money to be essentially a standard of measure or comparison, then we cannot explain its real force and value. Money is a promise or sign of value, and as such the truth of money is not self-identically true. The value of a promise is not the same as the promised value. 帕门尼德关于事物真理的一个假设是:事物的真理是真实的。这是一个同义反复,与所有同义反复一样,它把主语与谓语相提并论。然而,主语和谓语作为主语和谓语恰恰是不同的;要使它们相同,就必须有一个它们都指向的第三个术语。那么,思维和存在也是一样的。我们回到思维与现实之间的中介问题。金钱的真理就是在思维和现实中相同的东西。如果我们将这一真理置于现实的一边,那么这一真理的真相就永远无法在思维中给出。如果我们将这一真理置于思想的一边,那么这一真理的真理就永远无法在现实中得到体现。就货币而言,如果我们把它理解为本质上的商品,那么我们就无法解释它作为价值尺度和创造对象在思想中的出现。相反,如果我们把货币本质上理解为衡量或比较的标准,那么我们就无法解释其真正的力量和价值。货币是价值的承诺或标志,因此,货币的真理并不自洽。承诺的价值与承诺的价值并不相同。
In the case of money, then, the neat division between instrument, agent, and science is disrupted. ^(25){ }^{25} Money circulates between and participates in all three dimensions. It is an instrument of exchange, a promise of value, and a measure of value. Moreover, while money is a symptom that exposes the artificiality of such a division, it is not the only one. Truth itself is a reality, a thought, and a promise of value. One could perhaps say the same of time, or even of God. The modern metaphysical division between material reality, subjective desire, and knowledge cannot be maintained on philosophical grounds without invoking a deus ex machina to coordinate the separate domains. Awaiting the appearance of such a deus ex machina-since in the meantime, reality, thought, and knowledge do indeed interact-one can rely on money to effect their interaction. 就货币而言,工具、代理人和科学之间的明确划分被打破了。 ^(25){ }^{25} 货币在所有三个维度之间流通并参与其中。它是交换工具、价值承诺和价值尺度。此外,尽管货币是揭示这种划分的人为性的表征,但它并不是唯一的表征。真理本身就是一种现实、一种思想和一种价值承诺。时间甚至上帝也是如此。现代形而上学对物质现实、主观欲望和知识的划分,如果不借助神的力量来协调这些独立的领域,就无法在哲学的基础上维持下去。在等待这种神灵出现的同时,现实、思想和知识确实是相互作用的,因此我们可以依靠金钱来实现它们之间的相互作用。
The purpose of this sketch of the problematics of modern notions of truth is to explain why the normal procedures for the scientific construction of knowledge do not form a part of the theology of money. ^(26){ }^{26} The Epicurean, Cartesian, and Parmenidean assumptions will not be adopted here, 这篇关于现代真理概念问题学的草图旨在解释为什么科学建构知识的正常程序并不构成金钱神学的一部分。 ^(26){ }^{26} 这里不采用伊壁鸠鲁、笛卡尔和巴门尼德的假设、
since they veil what is most interesting about money. Moreover, precisely the reverse assumptions will be explored. First, instead of assuming that the truth about money can be composed from a series of discrete, atomic facts - or that the truth about money is itself a fact-it will be assumed that what are of most interest about money are the concrete relations it forms and mediates within specific contexts. In particular, money takes on significance in relation to the accumulated means of production, or capital; the social institutions of market and contract in which it is used; and frameworks of credit out of which it is constructed. In relation to money, one must always ask about the concrete relations it participates in. It is necessary to construct an ecology of money. 因为它们掩盖了货币最有趣的地方。此外,我们还将探讨恰恰相反的假设。首先,我们不会假定关于货币的真相可以由一系列离散的、原子式的事实构成--或者说关于货币的真相本身就是一个事实--而是会假定,关于货币最令人感兴趣的是它在特定环境中形成和中介的具体关系。具体而言,货币的意义在于它与积累起来的生产资料(或资本)、使用货币的市场和契约社会机构以及构建货币的信用框架之间的关系。对于货币,我们必须始终追问它所参与的具体关系。有必要构建货币生态学。
Second, instead of assuming that the truth about money is independent of thought and time, it will be assumed that what is of most interest about money is interest and speculation itself: its temporal nature. In relation to money, one must always ask about the tendencies, processes, and orientations that are under way. Such tendencies are veritable social forces. It is necessary to construct a politics of money. 其次,我们不会假定关于货币的真相与思想和时间无关,而是会假定,人们对货币最感兴趣的是兴趣和投机本身:它的时间性。关于货币,我们必须始终追问正在发生的趋势、过程和方向。这些趋势是名副其实的社会力量。有必要构建货币政治。
Third, instead of assuming that the truth disclosed about money is already true, it will be assumed that what is of most interest about money is what is promised by the truth of money. The essence of money will be explored as credit or debt. It belongs within an objective social sphere of obligation and belief, the sphere of religion. It is necessary to construct a theology of money. 第三,我们不会假定所揭示的关于金钱的真相已经是真的,而是会假定,关于金钱最令人感兴趣的是金钱的真相所承诺的东西。货币的本质将作为信用或债务来探讨。它属于义务和信仰的客观社会范畴,即宗教范畴。有必要构建货币神学。
The truth of money to be disclosed will consist not in a linear chain of inferences on the basis of evidence, but in a resolution and condensation of a multiplicity of heterogeneous considerations into a point of view. The aim is to imagine the nature of money in such a way that what matters, the truth that drives thinking, becomes perceptible. The truth of money to be disclosed will not consist in a series of propositions so much as in a series of promises - promises that, like money itself, do not merely ask to be taken on faith but express their own active potency to reorient thinking. Instead of using reason to master reality, the aim is to allow truth to determine reason as a quality of vision or awareness that shapes time, attention, and devotion. Truth has a triple orientation in a theology of money: it is a relation with what is outside thought, or that which matters; it is an orientation toward the future, or what is potential; and it is an expression of a vision 所要揭示的金钱真相,不是基于证据的一连串线性推论,而是将多种不同的考虑因素化解和浓缩为一个观点。这样做的目的是对金钱的本质进行想象,使重要的东西、推动思考的真理变得可感知。所要揭示的货币真理,与其说是一系列命题,不如说是一系列承诺--就像货币本身一样,这些承诺不仅要求人们相信,而且还表达了其自身重新定向思维的积极力量。我们的目的不是用理性来驾驭现实,而是让真理来决定理性,使之成为一种塑造时间、注意力和奉献精神的视觉或意识品质。在金钱神学中,真理具有三重取向:它是与思想之外的事物或重要事物的关系;它是面向未来或潜在事物的取向;它是愿景的表达。
and awareness. ^(27){ }^{27} These are the methodological ambitions of this study. If this practice of thought seems unclear at this stage, it may become more concrete in the study that follows. Only at the end will the reader be able to assess whether such methodological ambitions have been achieved. 和认识。 ^(27){ }^{27} 这些就是本研究在方法论上的抱负。如果这种思想实践在现阶段似乎还不明确,那么在接下来的研究中可能会变得更加具体。只有到最后,读者才能评估这种方法论上的抱负是否已经实现。
The current global economic system did not derive from the founding of the Bank of England alone. The actual causes are so varied as to call into question notions of linear causality. However, the original invention of money itself was an indispensable condition. The Bank’s immediate political condition was the seizure of the state by a class of English agrarian capitalists in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The values of this class became enshrined in political concepts of the right to own property, the liberty to form contracts, and the separation of social and economic life from religious control. The work of the English philosopher John Locke was crucial in articulating and preserving these values in a number of respects. His work in epistemology established empiricism as the basis for the pursuit of a purely technical reason; his work on political philosophy provided the theory and theological legitimation for the modern capitalist state; and his work on toleration separated the commonwealth, and the sphere of political economy, from the residual theological influence of the church. ^(28){ }^{28} Locke also contributed significantly to the emergence of economics through the study of money. ^(29){ }^{29} Even though he opposed the establishment of the Bank of England on political grounds, he was one of the original subscribers, with an investment of 500 pounds. While much of Locke’s work has been criticized from a number of perspectives, the conceptual framework that he established for considering knowledge, right, liberty, and money has remained dominant precisely because it has successfully lent itself to the making of money. The value of a philosophy becomes reduced to its price. 当前的全球经济体系并非仅仅源于英格兰银行的成立。实际原因多种多样,令人对线性因果关系产生怀疑。然而,货币的最初发明本身就是一个不可或缺的条件。英格兰银行的直接政治条件是 1688 年光荣革命中英国农业资本家阶级夺取了国家政权。这个阶级的价值观被载入了拥有财产的权利、订立契约的自由以及社会和经济生活与宗教控制分离的政治概念中。英国哲学家约翰-洛克(John Locke)的著作在多个方面对阐明和维护这些价值观起到了至关重要的作用。他在认识论方面的工作确立了经验主义,将其作为追求纯技术理性的基础;他在政治哲学方面的工作为现代资本主义国家提供了理论和神学合法性;他在宽容方面的工作将联邦和政治经济领域从教会残余的神学影响中分离出来。 ^(28){ }^{28} 洛克还通过对货币的研究对经济学的出现做出了重大贡献。 ^(29){ }^{29} 尽管他出于政治原因反对英格兰银行的建立,但他是最初的认购者之一,投资了500英镑。虽然洛克的许多著作受到了多方面的批评,但他为思考知识、权利、自由和货币而建立的概念框架却一直占据主导地位,这正是因为它成功地借助于货币的制造。哲学的价值被简化为其价格。
Not only is this history written into the concepts of a philosopher such as John Locke; it is also written into money itself. Inscribed on each note issued by a central bank or deposit issued as a loan is a trace of the chaos of England in the fifteenth century, sixteenth century, and seventeenth century: of warfare between nobles within and beyond England’s borders; of enclosures, rack-renting, and “sheep devouring men”; ^(30){ }^{30} of peasant uprisings against taxation and enclosure; of religious dissent, conflict, and martyrdom; of dissolved monasteries and stripped altars; of seafaring, 这段历史不仅写进了约翰-洛克等哲学家的观念中,也写进了货币本身。中央银行发行的每张纸币或作为贷款发放的每笔存款上,都刻有15世纪、16世纪和17世纪英格兰混乱的痕迹:英格兰境内外贵族之间的战争;圈地、租借和 "羊吃人"; ^(30){ }^{30} 农民起义反对征税和圈地;宗教异见、冲突和殉教;修道院解散和祭坛被剥离;航海、
trade, piracy, and slavery; of renaissance learning and stinging social criticism; of the agrarian capitalist triangle of landowners, tenant farmers, and wage laborers; of the rising urban classes of merchants and craftspeople, with their mutual obligations; of the ferment of radical religious and political ideas. In the case of money, such a history is encoded not as information but as a set of spectral forces. Each time money is used, an epistemology, a metaphysics, a politics, an ethics, and even a theology is evoked. Money condenses the spirit of capitalism. Money did not create capitalism - the early factories and mills were rarely funded by bank loans - yet money transmits, propagates, and vivifies it. 这些历史包括:贸易、海盗和奴隶制;文艺复兴时期的学习和尖锐的社会批判;由地主、佃农和雇佣劳动者组成的农业资本主义三角关系;商人和手工业者等城市阶层的崛起及其相互义务;激进宗教和政治思想的发酵。就货币而言,这种历史不是以信息的形式,而是以一系列幽灵力量的形式编码的。每次使用货币,都会唤起一种认识论、形而上学、政治学、伦理学甚至神学。金钱浓缩了资本主义的精神。货币并没有创造资本主义--早期的工厂和磨坊很少通过银行贷款获得资金--但货币却传递、传播并激活了资本主义。
The present work bears the imprint of England at the opening of the twenty-first century. Regarding modernity with hindsight rather than anticipation, it endeavors to challenge the legacy of John Locke by means of a reintegration of epistemology, politics, religion, and economics, the very disciplines he succeeded in separating. While there is currently no political institution to embody and safeguard the concepts established here, the imminent collapse of the global economic order will create a demand for new concepts and evaluations. The only authority accompanying such concepts and evaluations will be the credit they attract by means of the potential they offer. The exploration of the nature of money that follows is purely philosophical: it endeavors to remove false problems by establishing concepts and differentiations. ^(31){ }^{31} Since the aim is to condense, crystallize, unfold, and perceive - rather than to argue on the basis of authority and evidence - the final result will not always indicate where influence and engagement with other writers have taken place. In particular, the intellectual giants on the subject of money who stand over this work are Adam Smith and Karl Marx. It is the philosophical nature of their work, their capacity to explore implications and unfold tendencies, that has set them apart from pure economists, as well as from more empiricist philosophers, such as John Maynard Keynes and Amartya Sen. ^(32){ }^{32} At appropriate points, I have sought to indicate my differences from Smith and Marx. I find neither the model of money as “the great wheel of circulation” nor the structural analysis of money as “the general equivalent” at all convincing. Since the aim of this inquiry is to construct a theological understanding of money, rather than to infer from or debate with authorities, I do not feel it appropriate to force the presentation of this work into the hegemonic modern model 本著作带有二十一世纪初英国的印记。该书以事后而非预见的眼光看待现代性,试图通过重新整合认识论、政治学、宗教学和经济学(约翰-洛克曾成功地将这些学科分离开来)来挑战洛克的遗产。虽然目前还没有政治体制来体现和维护这里所确立的概念,但全球经济秩序的即将崩溃将产生对新概念和新评价的需求。伴随着这些概念和评价的唯一权威将是它们通过提供潜力而吸引的信用。接下来对货币本质的探讨纯粹是哲学性的:它试图通过建立概念和区分来消除错误的问题。 ^(31){ }^{31} 由于目的在于凝练、结晶、展开和感知--而不是基于权威和证据进行论证--最终的结果并不总能表明在哪些方面受到了其他作家的影响和参与。尤其是,亚当-斯密和卡尔-马克思是站在这部著作之上的货币问题思想巨匠。正是由于他们的著作具有哲学性质,他们有能力探讨影响和展开趋势,这使他们有别于纯粹的经济学家,也有别于约翰-梅纳德-凯恩斯和阿马蒂亚-森等经验主义哲学家。 ^(32){ }^{32} 在适当的地方,我试图表明我与斯密和马克思的不同之处。我认为,无论是将货币视为 "流通的巨轮 "的模式,还是将货币视为 "一般等价物 "的结构分析,都完全没有说服力。 由于本次探究的目的是构建对金钱的神学理解,而不是从权威中推论或与权威辩论,因此我认为将这部作品的表述强行纳入霸权的现代模式并不合适
of reason. It is not a question of working dialectically toward a correct point of view by means of critical engagement with the works of others. This book is not written to advise political or economic subjects as to the opinions they should hold about money. It is written to criticize established opinions, to create new concepts and values, and to lend credit to future institutions that might embody these new concepts and values. 理性。这不是一个通过批判性地接触他人作品,辩证地朝着正确观点努力的问题。写这本书并不是为了向政治或经济界人士建议他们应该对货币持有何种观点。本书旨在批判既有观点,创造新的概念和价值观,并为未来可能体现这些新概念和价值观的机构提供借鉴。
The range of my reading while working on this project is indicated in the bibliography. Important influences that I feel should be mentioned include theoretical and sociological studies involving money, such as those of Michel Aglietta and André Orléan, Elmar Altvater, Geoffrey Ingham, Maria Mies, and Georg Simmel. ^(33){ }^{33} In addition, a variety of more radical and popular thinkers and writers on money and its contemporary implications have also stimulated my thought, including Peter Challen, Clifford Hugh Douglas, Richard Douthwaite, Silvio Gesell, Frances Hutchinson, John McMurtry, Kamran Mofid, and Michael Rowbotham. A more theological example of such radical work, focusing on property rather than money, is given by Ulrich Duchrow and Franz Hinkelammert. ^(34){ }^{34} In addition, I recall benefiting from conversations with Angus Cameron, Peter Challen, Frances Hutchinson, Lars Iyer, Karen Kilby, Will Large, David Loy, Lissa McCullough, John Milbank, Michael Northcott, Kathryn Tanner, Neil Turnbull, and Jessica Wiskus, among the many others who have responded to presentations of aspects of this argument on numerous occasions over the past ten years. None of these was presented with the full argument of the book, so none can be blamed for failing to counsel restraint. 参考书目中列出了我在本项目工作期间的阅读范围。我认为应该提及的重要影响包括涉及货币的理论和社会学研究,如米歇尔-阿格利埃塔和安德烈-奥尔良、埃尔马-阿尔特瓦特、杰弗里-英格汉、玛丽亚-密斯和格奥尔格-西美尔的研究。 ^(33){ }^{33} 此外,彼得-查伦(Peter Challen)、克利福德-休-道格拉斯(Clifford Hugh Douglas)、理查德-杜斯韦特(Richard Douthwaite)、西尔维奥-格塞尔(Silvio Gesell)、弗朗西丝-哈钦森(Frances Hutchinson)、约翰-麦克默特里(John McMurtry)、卡姆兰-莫菲德(Kamran Mofid)和迈克尔-罗伯瑟姆(Michael Rowbotham)等关于货币及其当代影响的各种更为激进和流行的思想家和作家也激发了我的思考。乌尔里希-杜克罗(Ulrich Duchrow)和弗朗茨-辛克拉默特(Franz Hinkelammert)在神学方面的研究更为激进,他们的研究重点是财产而非金钱。 ^(34){ }^{34} 此外,我还记得与安格斯-卡梅伦(Angus Cameron)、彼得-查伦(Peter Challen)、弗朗西斯-哈钦森(Frances Hutchinson)、拉尔斯-伊耶(Lars Iyer)、卡伦-基尔比(Karen Kilby)、威尔-拉奇(Will Large)、大卫-洛伊(David Loy)、莉萨-麦卡洛(Lissa McCullough)、约翰-米尔班克(John Milbank)、迈克尔-诺斯考特(Michael Northcott)、凯瑟琳-坦纳(Kathryn Tanner)、尼尔-特恩布尔(Neil Turnbull)和杰西卡-维斯库斯(Jessica Wiskus)等人的对话,他们在过去十年中多次对这一论点的各个方面做出回应。这些人都没有得到该书的全部论点,因此不能责怪他们未能保持克制。
The book is divided into three parts. Part I, “Of Politics,” is introductory. It explores the context for contemporary reflection to give the discussion concrete relevance; introduces the theory of money that follows by explaining its significance for political life; and argues that the modern conception of politics, concerned primarily with the power of agency - whether in the form of the state, the individual, or the corporation - has outlived its usefulness. Drawing on Carl Schmitt’s analysis of the political, it proposes that there is an overlooked element of “political energy,” supplementary to human decision and physical force, that determines any actual distribution of power. This element may be filled by religious or moral motivations, or by money. Material reality has brought modernity to a state of imminent collapse due to the ecological crisis in the form of abrupt climate change 本书分为三个部分。第一部分 "关于政治 "是导言。它探讨了当代反思的背景,使讨论具有具体的现实意义;通过解释金钱对政治生活的意义,介绍了接下来的金钱理论;并论证了现代政治概念主要关注的是代理权--无论是以国家、个人还是公司的形式--已经过时。该书借鉴卡尔-施米特(Carl Schmitt)对政治的分析,提出除了人的决定和物质力量之外,还有一个被忽视的 "政治能量 "要素,决定着任何实际的权力分配。这个因素可以由宗教或道德动机或金钱来填补。由于以气候骤变为表现形式的生态危机,物质现实已将现代性带入濒临崩溃的境地
and the exhaustion of supplies of fossil fuels. Part I also argues a strong form of the “end of politics” thesis - the supersession of the autonomy of the state by finance capital. This argument locates money, credit, and debt as the principal incarnations of power in the contemporary world. What is at stake here is the nature of political theory as such, which, when written to advise a democratic subject, implicitly appeals to the illusion of subjective sovereignty. Political theology, by contrast, aims to describe or modify the authority or political energy that makes decisions effective. Once political energy has been subsumed into the power of money, then an emancipatory politics can proceed only by modifying the institution of money. 以及化石燃料的枯竭。第一部分还论证了 "政治终结 "论的一种有力形式--金融资本取代国家自主权。这一论点将货币、信贷和债务定位为当代世界权力的主要化身。这里的关键在于政治理论本身的性质,当政治理论为民主主体提供建议时,就会暗中诉诸主观主权的幻想。相比之下,政治神学旨在描述或改变使决策有效的权威或政治能量。一旦政治能量被归结为金钱的力量,那么解放政治就只能通过修改金钱制度来实现。
Part II, “A Treatise on Money,” forms the body of the book and is a philosophical investigation into the nature, function, and promise of money in relation to the means of production or capital, the social institutions of market and contract, and the formation of knowledge through accounting. It proceeds systematically by the elucidation of concepts, explicating the reasoning that underlies the theory of money presented here. Its purpose is twofold: to diagnose the errors and illusions that are the source of the most significant threats humanity faces and to illuminate the principles necessary for reforming money as a social institution. 第二部分 "货币论 "是全书的主体,从哲学角度探讨了货币的性质、职能和承诺与生产资料或资本、市场和契约等社会制度以及通过会计形成的知识之间的关系。它通过对概念的阐释,系统地阐述了本文提出的货币理论所依据的推理。其目的有二:一是诊断作为人类面临的最重大威胁根源的错误和幻觉,二是阐明改革货币这一社会制度的必要原则。
In Chapter 3, money is explored in relation to productive capital, which is the source of all wealth. Capital, defined as the means of production that has itself been produced, includes natural as well as human-produced capital. Since money measures value in exchange rather than productive capacity, and rates of profit may be enhanced in the short term by consumption of productive capacity as well as by its accumulation, and because economic growth, survival, and victory over competitors is achieved solely through rates of profit, then an economic system based on profit and debt will necessarily deplete its own conditions of survival. This is clear from the contrast between compound rates of growth, interest, and debt; the finitude of efficiency gains; and the finite possibilities of a single planet. Economy and ecology are mathematically incompatible. Moreover, money is a form of social or constructive capital that facilitates exchange and substitution. It therefore necessarily replaces preceding social orders that facilitated and stabilized production, thereby eroding society alongside ecology. Money flows in the opposite direction to produced value in mar- 第 3 章探讨了货币与生产资本的关系,生产资本是一切财富的源泉。资本被定义为生产出来的生产资料,包括自然资本和人力资本。由于货币衡量的是交换价值而非生产能力,利润率可以通过消耗生产能力和积累生产能力在短期内提高,而且经济增长、生存和战胜竞争者完全是通过利润率实现的,因此,以利润和债务为基础的经济体系必然会耗尽其自身的生存条件。这一点从复合增长率、利息和债务之间的对比、效率收益的有限性以及单个星球的有限可能性中可以清楚地看出。经济与生态在数学上是不相容的。此外,货币是一种促进交换和替代的社会资本或建设性资本。因此,它必然会取代之前促进和稳定生产的社会秩序,从而侵蚀社会和生态。货币在市场中的流动方向与生产价值相反。
ket exchange. Adam Smith’s metaphor of the “great wheel of circulation,” on which modern economics is largely based, is erroneous since prices have no absolute value. The conditions of the production and consumption of goods differ from the conditions of the creation and cancellation of money as debt. The money economy parasitically inhabits the “real” economy of produced goods, determining its growth and flow. The global economy is driven by the cooperation of differing drives: a drive for survival that demands the necessities of life; a drive for pleasure that seeks the benefits of produced wealth; a will to power that seeks profits alone; and the obligation of debt that enforces an increase in production and profits. Yet money, as the principle of mediation of all demands, ensures that priority is given to the creation, acquisition, maintenance, and investment of money. 价格交换。亚当-斯密关于 "流通巨轮 "的比喻是错误的,因为价格没有绝对价值。商品生产和消费的条件与作为债务的货币的创造和取消的条件不同。货币经济寄生在商品生产的 "实体 "经济中,决定着它的增长和流动。全球经济是由不同的驱动力共同推动的:生存驱动力要求提供生活必需品;享乐驱动力追求生产财富带来的利益;权力意志只追求利润;债务义务强制增加生产和利润。然而,货币作为调解所有需求的原则,确保优先考虑货币的创造、获取、维护和投资。
In Chapter 4, money is explored in relation to the institutions of the market, private property, and contract-from which it is inseparable and which it makes possible. The market is often regarded as a paradigmatic social scene of peace, equity, balance, justice, and freedom, and yet it is dependent on the sovereign threat of the use of force to ensure that contracts are honored. Since contracts represent only the demands of those with money, sovereign force is enacted via the market against all interests not explicitly represented within contracts. The market is therefore an agent of exclusion, exploitation, and destruction. All social formations that do not honor the rights of property and contract enshrined within the market are necessarily regarded as a threat to property, peace, and justice, and so the sovereign force associated with market society must necessarily be in a state of total war against all other social forces that resist its expansionary claims. The illusions of private property, right, and exchange value derive from treating exchange atemporally instead of in the social and temporal terms of contract. It produces the illusion that a market could operate in the absence of some state, religious, or other force that ensures the honoring of contracts. 在第四章中,我们将探讨货币与市场、私有财产和契约等制度的关系--货币与这些制度密不可分,也是这些制度使货币成为可能。市场通常被视为和平、公平、平衡、正义和自由的典型社会场景,然而它却依赖于使用武力的主权威胁来确保契约的履行。由于契约只代表有钱人的要求,因此主权力量通过市场来对抗契约中没有明确代表的所有利益。因此,市场是排斥、剥削和破坏的媒介。所有不尊重市场所体现的财产权和契约权的社会形态都必然被视为对财产、和平和正义的威胁,因此,与市场社会相关的主权力量必然处于对所有其他抵制其扩张性要求的社会力量的全面战争状态。私有财产、权利和交换价值的幻觉源于对交换的时间性而非契约的社会性和时间性的处理。它产生了一种错觉,即如果没有国家、宗教或其他力量来确保契约的履行,市场是可以运作的。
Money, regarded as an implicit contract rather than as an object of private property, is no longer analyzed purely in terms of exchange value. It is analyzed, instead, in terms of the demand for nutritional value as well as an objective social evaluation that inheres within each contract. The formal economy of exchange is understood more fully against the background of an informal economy of nutrition and time, provision and care. The result 货币被视为一种隐含的契约,而非私有财产的客体,不再单纯从交换价值的角度进行分析。取而代之的是,从对营养价值的需求以及每份契约中固有的客观社会评价的角度对其进行分析。正规的交换经济在非正规的营养和时间经济、供应和照料经济的背景下得到了更全面的理解。结果
is a reconsideration of economic class, no longer in terms of relations of production, but of diverse modes of appropriation of relations of provision and time. Householders, merchants, capitalists, bankers, and speculators emerge as fundamentally different economic classes. While all classes ultimately depend on bankers for the creation of credit, bankers themselves depend on speculators who take risks on the basis of non-measurable economic opportunities. In credit capitalism, therefore, the speculators are the only truly free class who are absolved from the demands of economic necessity. 是对经济阶级的重新思考,不再是生产关系,而是对供给和时间关系的不同占有方式的重新思考。家庭主妇、商人、资本家、银行家和投机者作为根本不同的经济阶级出现了。虽然所有阶级最终都依赖银行家创造信贷,但银行家本身也依赖投机者,他们根据不可计量的经济机会承担风险。因此,在信贷资本主义中,投机者是唯一真正自由的阶级,他们不受经济必然性的影响。
The distribution of credit and absolution from social obligation are religious matters. An economic system that only distributes credit to opportunities for profit is bound for destruction. The distribution of credit, however, is the one free activity through which the social order can be transformed. Political emancipation from the power of money can come only when institutions are created to distribute credit along lines of socially accepted evaluations rather than purely according to the demands of money. Liberation may occur through the subordination of money to credit - and credit to evaluation - through the emergence of a new kind of social institution that expresses effective evaluations. 分配信贷和免除社会义务是宗教问题。一个只为盈利机会分配信贷的经济体系必将走向毁灭。然而,信用的分配是可以改变社会秩序的一种自由活动。只有建立起制度,按照社会公认的评价标准分配信贷,而不是纯粹按照金钱的要求分配信贷,才能从金钱的权力中获得政治解放。通过建立一种能够表达有效评价的新型社会机构,使金钱从属于信用,使信用从属于评价,从而实现解放。
In Chapter 5, money is explored through the institution of accounting that gives it substance. It is demonstrated, through a version of transcendental argument, that exchange value does not pre-exist its recording by means of accounts but is itself a product of such accounting. Accounting, then, may best be regarded as a moral self-discipline that demonstrates that one is capable of paying debts and fulfilling obligations and so makes one worthy of the trust enshrined in contracts. It is the basis for credibility and credit. Accounting is essentially a system for saving time and directing attention. Nevertheless, economic opportunities and externalities have no agreed price. They cannot be properly counted. The paradox of accounting is that it directs attention to what is counted rather than to what matters. It propagates a morality of self-mastery and the pursuit of self-interest that is incompatible with the physical and spiritual realities of most people’s lives. 在第 5 章中,我们通过赋予货币实质的会计制度来探讨货币。通过一个超越论证的版本,我们证明了交换价值并不先于账目记录,其本身就是这种账目的产物。因此,最好将会计视为一种道德自律,它证明一个人有能力偿还债务和履行义务,从而使其值得契约所赋予的信任。它是信誉和信用的基础。会计本质上是一种节省时间和引导注意力的系统。然而,经济机会和外部因素没有商定的价格。它们无法被正确计算。会计的悖论在于,它将人们的注意力引向被计算的东西,而不是重要的东西。它宣扬的自我管理和追求自身利益的道德观与大多数人生活中的物质和精神现实格格不入。
Accounting produces a fundamental misrepresentation insofar as it counts only what can be exchanged instead of the conditions of exchange as such. In practice, it fails to effectively count land, labor, and capital be- 会计只计算可以交换的东西,而不计算交换的条件本身,因而产生了根本性的失实。实际上,它未能有效地计算土地、劳动力和资本的价值。
cause it only treats these as objects of exchange rather than as conditions of production. A revaluation of all values must begin with a reversal of the moral assumptions embodied in accounting. What is truly valuable always escapes representation and counting. It cannot be manipulated according to the sovereignty of human self-mastery but must be accorded a religious respect. The evaluation of values and the distribution of credit must come to take priority over accounting. 因为它只是将这些物品视为交换对象,而不是生产条件。重估所有价值必须从扭转会计所体现的道德假设开始。真正有价值的东西总是摆脱不了表象和计算。它不能按照人类自我主宰的主权来操纵,而必须得到宗教上的尊重。价值评估和信用分配必须优先于会计。
Part III, “Of Theology,” is a conclusion. It recapitulates the theory of money presented earlier to unfold the spectral force present in money. It explores the nature and significance of a political theology of money. The theological problem overlooked by much modern thought is that perspectives on true wealth and true power are formed by commitments enacted through practices of attention. Perspectives presuppose a metaphysics, and the currency of any given metaphysics depends on its acceptability in daily life. Far from being the abstract concern of philosophers alone, solutions to the metaphysical problem of the nature of being - whether in the form of God, truth, or money - have in practice functioned as supreme political forces in history as well as in the contemporary world. Conversely, money becomes the pivotal object for the consideration of both the philosopher and the theologian. ^(35){ }^{35} Credit is the indispensable source of the creation of wealth, and the source of all political authority. Emancipation from the power of money can be achieved only by inventing a new institution for the distribution of credit that evokes a different metaphysics, politics, ethics, and theology. Such an institution may be formed by subordinating credit to evaluation. The task is to develop an institution that enables credit to be given to what is worthy of credit. Yet true credit can arise only from the commitment of flesh and blood, from the gift of time, attention, and devotion. The divorce between the religious and the secular can be overcome by a consideration of how attention, credit, and evaluation are to be ordered. The book concludes with some tentative recommendations of how principles designed to emancipate evaluation from the power of debt could be embodied in concrete institutions. 第三部分 "神学 "是一个结论。它重述了前面提出的货币理论,展现了货币中存在的幽灵力量。它探讨了货币政治神学的性质和意义。许多现代思想所忽视的神学问题是,关于真正财富和真正权力的观点是通过关注实践中的承诺形成的。观点以形而上学为先决条件,而任何特定形而上学的货币取决于其在日常生活中的可接受性。对存在本质这一形而上学问题的解决--无论是以上帝、真理还是金钱的形式--绝不仅仅是哲学家们的抽象关注,在历史上以及在当代世界中,它们实际上都发挥着最高政治力量的作用。反之,金钱则成为哲学家和神学家思考的关键对象。 ^(35){ }^{35} 信用是创造财富不可或缺的源泉,也是一切政治权力的源泉。要想摆脱金钱的力量,只有发明一种新的信用分配制度,唤起不同的形而上学、政治学、伦理学和神学。这种制度可以通过使信用从属于评价来形成。我们的任务是建立一种制度,使值得信用的东西得到信用。然而,真正的信用只能产生于有血有肉的承诺,产生于时间、注意力和奉献精神的馈赠。宗教与世俗之间的分裂可以通过考虑如何安排注意力、信用和评价来克服。 本书最后就如何在具体机构中体现旨在将评价从债务权力中解放出来的原则提出了一些初步建议。
Imagine-if one were only out of debt, owing nothing to anyone, free to do as one pleased, wishing this blessing upon all others, so that one could cancel all debts owing to oneself, so that one’s debtors could in turn cancel all debts owing to themselves, until all debts were cleared, nothing more was owed, all people were free, with no employment, no money, no society, no religion, no life. Imagine. Just imagine. 想象一下--如果一个人只是没有了债务,不欠任何人任何东西,可以自由地做自己想做的事,希望所有其他人都能得到这种祝福,这样他就可以取消欠自己的所有债务,这样他的债务人也可以反过来取消欠自己的所有债务,直到所有债务都被清偿,再也没有任何欠款,所有的人都是自由的,没有工作,没有金钱,没有社会,没有宗教,没有生活。想象一下。想象一下。
MODERN THOUGHT, with its Cartesian heritage, has distinguished two kinds of power. There is the purely physical power deriving from gravity, solar radiation, and chemical and atomic bonds. It is released through combustion and muscular exertion and is found in power stations and military hardware. Then there is the purely human power of the will. It is expressed in speech and in action and is found in markets and in nation-states. Modern understandings of politics normally require both conceptions of power. Human will may act on human will through the image or threat of physical power. This is evident above all in Carl Schmitt’s definition of the political, which is concerned with the distinction between friend and enemy. For Schmitt, war is the most extreme political means, and as such, it discloses the conceptual distinction that underlies every political idea: the possibility of distinguishing between friend and enemy. ^(1){ }^{1} Political concepts have a polemical character because they ultimately refer to the real possibility of physical killing. ^(2){ }^{2} The decisive political power is the authority to make war and so to publicly dispose of the lives of people, whether of the lives of the enemy or of one’s own people, in sacrifice. ^(3){ }^{3} The authority of will over will here derives from no other foundation than the exercise of physical power. 具有笛卡尔传统的现代思想区分了两种力量。一种是来自重力、太阳辐射、化学键和原子键的纯物理动力。它通过燃烧和肌肉运动释放出来,存在于发电站和军事设备中。还有纯粹的人类意志力。它表现在言语和行动中,存在于市场和民族国家中。现代对政治的理解通常需要两种权力概念。人的意志可以通过物质力量的形象或威胁作用于人的意志。卡尔-施米特(Carl Schmitt)对政治的定义首先体现了这一点,他关注的是敌友之间的区别。在施米特看来,战争是最极端的政治手段,因此,它揭示了每一种政治理念背后的概念区别:区分敌友的可能性。 ^(1){ }^{1} 政治概念之所以具有论战性,是因为它们最终指向肉体杀戮的现实可能性。 ^(2){ }^{2} 决定性的政治权力是发动战争的权力,因此也是公开处置人民生命的权力,无论是敌人的生命还是自己人民的生命,都可以作为牺牲品。 ^(3){ }^{3} 在这里,意志凌驾于意志之上的权威,除了行使肉体的力量之外,别无其他基础。
It is necessary to complicate this duality with a third kind of power. War involves the concentrated disposal of physical power and its outcome is generally determined by an accurate distribution or restriction of such power. As General Erwin Rommel remarked in North Africa in 1942: "The first essential condition for an army to stand the strain of battle is an ade- 有必要用第三种力量来使这种二元性复杂化。战争涉及对有形力量的集中使用,其结果通常取决于对这种力量的准确分配或限制。正如埃尔温-隆美尔将军 1942 年在北非所言:"一支军队要想经受住战斗的考验,首要的基本条件就是要有一支强大的军队。
quate stock of weapons, petrol and ammunition. In fact, the battle is fought and decided by the quartermasters before the shooting begins. The bravest men can do nothing without guns, the guns nothing without plenty of ammunition; and neither guns nor ammunition are of much use in mobile warfare unless there are vehicles with sufficient petrol to haul them around. ^(4){ }^{4} War may be regarded as a particular case of the power to distribute and exercise physical force. Such a distribution is at once physical and ideal in that it concerns the location and orientation of force. The political, more broadly, may take as its foundation the determination of the use of resources. While war enables the possibility of an enemy, sharing resources enables the possibility of a friend. While economics concerns the most profitable distribution of scarce resources, political economy concerns just distribution. Politics, as the exercise of human will on human will, is grounded on political economy through which the other is determined as a member of a class or as a friend or enemy. Collective physical force depends on a prior appeal to “right” that unites friends against enemies. Prior to the distinction between friend and enemy, political economy must also appeal to principles through which distribution will be ordered and limited, perhaps principles of ownership, right, or justice. Beneath the strength of physical force lie customs, traditions, and markets that determine concentrations of resources. Privileged distributions may occur through kinship, regions, language groups, currency areas, or nation-states, for example. The political, as Schmitt concedes, can derive its energy from the most varied human endeavors, including religious, economic, and moral dimensions. ^(5){ }^{5} Here we have a third kind of power, the intangible “energy” of the political, irreducible to physical force. It is the authority that guides and authorizes the action of will on will. ^(6){ }^{6} It is this energy that is the subject matter of a political theology. 武器、汽油和弹药储备充足。事实上,在射击开始之前,战斗就已经打响并由军需官决定了。没有枪支,最勇敢的人也无能为力;没有充足的弹药,枪支也无能为力;在机动作战中,除非有足够汽油的车辆来运输枪支弹药,否则枪支弹药都没有什么用处。 ^(4){ }^{4} 战争可以被看作是分配和行使有形力量的一种特殊情况。这种分配既是有形的,也是理想的,因为它涉及到武力的位置和方向。更广义地说,政治可将决定资源的使用作为其基础。战争使我们有可能成为敌人,而资源共享则使我们有可能成为朋友。经济学关注稀缺资源最有利的分配,而政治经济学则关注公正的分配。政治,作为人类意志对人类意志的行使,是以政治经济学为基础的,通过政治经济学,他人被确定为一个阶级的成员或朋友或敌人。集体的身体力量取决于事先对 "权利 "的诉求,这种诉求将朋友与敌人团结在一起。在区分敌人和朋友之前,政治经济学还必须诉诸一些原则,通过这些原则,或许是所有权原则、权利原则或正义原则,对分配进行排序和限制。在物质力量的力量之下,是决定资源集中的习俗、传统和市场。例如,特权分配可以通过亲属关系、地区、语言群体、货币区域或民族国家等方式实现。正如施米特所承认的,政治可以从最多样的人类活动中获得能量,包括宗教、经济和道德层面。 ^(5){ }^{5} 在这里,我们有第三种权力,即政治的无形 "能量",它与物质力量不可分割。它是指导和授权意志对意志采取行动的权威。 ^(6){ }^{6} 政治神学的主题正是这种能量。
Such energy, as a supplement to the will, cannot be encompassed within modernity’s conception of humanity as universal political subjects. As soon as the will is given priority, any claims of the “authority” that energizes the will must be dismissed by the will. ^(7){ }^{7} Schmitt himself exposed the consequences of such universalism: in its effort to include all, it remains an exclusive category. He argued that the political entity cannot by its very nature be universal in the sense of embracing all of humanity and the entire world, for the political entity presupposes the real existence of an enemy 这种能量作为意志的补充,无法被现代性关于人类作为普遍政治主体的概念所涵盖。一旦意志被置于优先地位,任何赋予意志以活力的 "权威 "的主张都必须被意志所否定。 ^(7){ }^{7} 施米特自己也揭露了这种普遍主义的后果:在努力包容一切的同时,它仍然是一个排他性的范畴。他认为,政治实体就其本质而言,不可能在包容全人类和全世界的意义上具有普遍性,因为政治实体的前提是敌人的真实存在
and thus of another political entity. As a consequence, “To confiscate the word humanity, to invoke and monopolize such a term probably has certain incalculable effects, such as denying the enemy the quality of being human and declaring him to be an outlaw of humanity; and a war can therefore be driven to the most extreme inhumanity.” ^(8){ }^{8} In a similar way, modern political thought, when it makes the political subject the universal category, excludes consideration of the energy of the political. While appealing to such energy in the name of universality, peace, justice, progress, civilization, democracy, or humanity, it deploys such energy purely in the name of the will. It becomes both arbitrary and totalitarian. Excluding deference to the authority or energy that lends validity to the democratic subject, it becomes a totalitarian denunciation of all authoritarianisms, drawing on its own repressed reservoir of ideological energy. It neglects the bases of the political in the influence over the human will of both physical power and the energy of the political. Authority, far from being abolished by democracy, recurs in a disguised form where its power is unlimited. The nature of such power in the contemporary world remains a theological-political problem. 因此,"没收'人道'一词,援引并垄断这个词,可能会产生某些不可估量的影响,例如剥夺敌 人作为人的品质,并宣布他是另一个政治实体。因此,"没收人性一词,援引并垄断这样一个词,很可能会产生某些不可估量的影响,比如剥夺敌人作为人的品质,宣布他为人性的亡命之徒;战争也会因此被推向最极端的非人道"。 ^(8){ }^{8} 同样,现代政治思想在把政治主体作为普遍范畴时,也排除了对政治能量的考虑。在以普遍性、和平、正义、进步、文明、民主或人性的名义呼吁这种能量的同时,它却纯粹以意志的名义部署这种能量。它变得既专横又极权。它摒弃了对赋予民主主体有效性的权威或能量的尊重,成为对所有专制主义的极权斥责,汲取自身被压抑的意识形态能量。它忽视了政治的基础,即物质力量和政治能量对人类意志的影响。权威非但没有被民主所废除,反而以一种变相的形式重新出现,其权力是无限的。在当代世界,这种权力的性质仍然是一个神学政治问题。
Modern political thought has been humanistic in three related senses. First, the human is constituted as independent of the divine. True power is not to be absorbed from sacred places, persons, objects, or rituals. The claims of theocracies or mythical cosmologies to embody the good are rejected as superstition. Spectral and occult powers are regarded as illusion. The will must be liberated from beliefs concerning participation in the good in nature just as it is liberated from the need to ward off spectral powers. In a secular polity, the good is something that must be willed. Such an emancipation or enlightenment occurs through the second sense of humanism: the human subject is constituted as such through rational self-reflection as a self-determining agent. The human at once distinguishes itself from the animal and liberates itself from superstitious hopes and fears through its reason. By means of reason, it represents the order in nature and imposes order on nature. The power of the will is exercised through representation. Yet the power of the will may only be confirmed as a power through the third sense of humanism: the human subject demonstrates its mastery over 现代政治思想在三个相关的意义上是人文主义的。首先,人的构成独立于神。真正的权力不能从神圣的地方、人、物或仪式中吸收。神权或神话宇宙论所宣称的善被视为迷信而遭到反对。幽灵和神秘的力量被视为幻觉。意志必须从有关参与自然之善的信仰中解放出来,就像从抵御幽灵力量的需要中解放出来一样。在世俗政体中,善是一种必须以意志为转移的东西。这种解放或启蒙是通过人文主义的第二种意义实现的:人的主体是通过理性的自我反思构成的,是自我决定的主体。人通过理性将自己与动物区分开来,并从迷信的希望和恐惧中解放出来。通过理性,人代表了自然中的秩序,并将秩序强加于自然。意志的力量是通过表象来实现的。然而,只有通过人文主义的第三种意义,意志的力量才能被确认为一种力量:人类主体展示了其对自然的驾驭能力。
an external nature. The subject becomes a subject by exercising itself on an object, and the success of humanism depends on the continuation of this power of mastery. The fate of modern political thought rests on demonstrations of its effectiveness; it rests on a conception of power as mastery; it rests on the nonexistence of invisible powers beyond those of physics and the will. 外在本质。主体通过在客体上发挥自身的作用而成为主体,人文主义的成功取决于这种主宰力量的延续。现代政治思想的命运取决于对其有效性的证明;取决于将权力视为主宰的观念;取决于在物理和意志之外不存在无形的力量。
Three key elements have characterized the modern Western attempt to dominate the unruly forces of nature. The scientific revolution aimed at extracting the ideal form of physical law from the behavior of matter to subject matter to abstract prediction and control; the technological-industrial revolution aimed at subjecting production to the force of the combustion of preserved organic power, together with management by rational recording, calculation, and communication, to maximize efficiency and output; and the capitalist and free-market revolutions aimed at liberating human choice from subordination to traditional or natural ends. The natural world has been mastered by science, technology, and economics. Should this mastery come to an end, one would have to inquire whether modern man is truly reasonable or truly secular. 现代西方试图主宰不羁的自然力量有三个关键因素。科学革命的目的是从物质的行为中提取物理规律的理想形式,使物质服从于抽象的预测和控制;技术-工业革命的目的是使生产服从于保存有机力量的燃烧力,同时通过理性的记录、计算和通信进行管理,以实现效率和产出的最大化;资本主义革命和自由市场革命的目的是将人类的选择从传统或自然目的的从属地位中解放出来。自然世界已被科学、技术和经济学所掌控。如果这种掌控终结,人们就不得不探究现代人是否真正合理或真正世俗。
At the turn of the millennium, the progress of humanism has run up against insuperable limits in each of these domains. The new sciences of chaos and complexity demonstrate how the behavior of matter frequently exceeds all powers of prediction. Science no longer gives mastery. The ecological crisis demonstrates how economic production is dependent on a broader framework of ecological cycles to supply its resources and absorb its waste, cycles that can easily become unstable. Technology no longer gives mastery. The globalization of the capitalist free-market economy demonstrates how social and personal choices are governed by autonomous processes driven by debt, profit, and the control of consumer desire rather than ordered by humane values and a substantive rationality. Economics no longer gives mastery. 在千年之交,人文主义的进步在每一个领域都遇到了难以逾越的极限。新的混沌科学和复杂性科学表明,物质的行为经常超出所有的预测能力。科学不再是万能的。生态危机表明,经济生产是如何依赖于更广泛的生态循环框架来提供资源和吸收废物的,而这种循环很容易变得不稳定。技术不再是主宰。资本主义自由市场经济的全球化表明,社会和个人的选择是如何被债务、利润和消费欲望控制所驱动的自主过程所支配,而不是被人道价值观和实质理性所安排。经济学不再是主宰。
Such practical impotence exposes the limits of modern political theory. Committed to a notion of power as mastery - humanity exerting its own intrinsic force rather than appealing to authority-it confines its own operation to representation. As pure theory or reflective knowledge, it aims to represent faithfully the actual or desired political constitution of reality so that a sovereign will may exercise its judgments. Theory is written on be- 这种实际的无能暴露了现代政治理论的局限性。现代政治理论奉行权力即主宰的理念--人类发挥自身内在的力量,而不是诉诸权威--它将自身的运作局限于表象。作为纯粹的理论或反思性知识,它旨在忠实地再现现实的实际或理想的政治构成,以便主权意志可以行使其判断力。理论的写作基础是
half of a judging will, whether this is the governing agent of a nation-state, the private will of a democratic subject within civil society, or the collective force of a revolutionary organization. ^(9){ }^{9} Theory informs sovereign speech and action. But it is doubtful whether this notion of power should constitute the norm for politics. As Pierre Manent points out, the deliberate and rational constitution of the modern liberal state has been exceptional in the history of politics. ^(10){ }^{10} It is by no means clear that the primary vectors of power continue to pass through sovereign human agency. There are many other thoughtful modes of exercising power in human relations apart from the alliance between representation and sovereignty found in judgment to name just a few, provision, production, reproduction, possession, association, legislation, normalization, violence, promise, threat, selection, suggestion, persuasion, information, funding, moralizing, praying, or even simply giving attention. Yet power cannot be restricted to human relations. Beyond human agency, human life is also shaped by the agency of nonhuman powers, such as material flows of heat, clean air, fresh water, fertile soil, electricity, fossilized energy, pollution, genetic mutation, disease, and nutrition. Human populations are dependent on the powers of populations of domestic farm animals. The human will may only operate in alliance with these other human and nonhuman powers. It is doubtful whether this alliance between the will and the host of other powers can ever be reduced to representation and mastery. There is, however, a third domain of relative impotence of the will. The subject is afflicted from the inside by beliefs and desires. While the subject may flatter itself that it has selected its beliefs and desires through its own sovereign and rational choice, beliefs and desires exert their own specific power of attraction. Flowing through populations as cultures, political opinions, religions, fashions, ideals, goals, or anxieties, for example, these autonomous flows of beliefs and desires may speak through the political subject like a ventriloquist. Reason may insulate itself against some of these flows when it finds inconsistencies between the order that derives from them and the order of perception. It has little power against the rationalizations that emerge from beliefs and desires when they act as subjects themselves, ordering representation according to their aims. Then, as David Hume remarked, reason is only a slave of the passions. ^(11){ }^{11} It is necessary to explore this third, meta-human dimension of power, for authority and right belong within the realm of belief. 判断意志的一半,无论是民族国家的治理者、公民社会中民主主体的私人意志,还是革命组织的集体力量。 ^(9){ }^{9} 理论指导主权者的言论和行动。但这种权力概念是否应成为政治的准则,这一点值得怀疑。正如皮埃尔-马南特(Pierre Manent)所指出的,现代自由主义国家的深思熟虑和理性构成在政治史上是一个例外。 ^(10){ }^{10} 权力的主要载体仍然是人的主权机构,这一点绝不清楚。在人际关系中行使权力,除了代表权与主权之间的联盟之外,还有许多其他深思熟虑的方式,例如提供、生产、再生产、占有、联合、立法、正常化、暴力、承诺、威胁、选择、建议、说服、信息、资助、道德化、祈祷,甚至仅仅是给予关注。然而,权力不能仅限于人与人之间的关系。除了人的力量之外,人类生活还受到非人类力量的影响,如热量、洁净空气、淡水、肥沃土壤、电力、化石能源、污染、基因突变、疾病和营养等物质流。人类依赖于家畜的力量。人类的意志只能与这些其他人类和非人类的力量结成联盟。这种意志与其他力量之间的联盟能否简化为代表和主宰,令人怀疑。然而,还有第三个意志相对无能的领域。主体从内心深处受到信念和欲望的困扰。 虽然政治主体可能会自以为是地认为,它是通过自己的主权和理性选择来选择自己的信念和欲望的,但信念和欲望也有其特定的吸引力。例如,信仰和欲望以文化、政治观点、宗教、时尚、理想、目标或焦虑的形式在人群中流动,这些自主的信仰和欲望可能会像腹语表演者一样通过政治主体说话。当理性发现源自这些信仰和欲望的秩序与感知的秩序不一致时,它可能会使自己免受其中一些信仰和欲望的影响。当信仰和欲望本身作为主体,根据其目的对表象进行排序时,理性就很难抵御由信仰和欲望产生的合理化。那么,正如大卫-休谟所说,理性只是激情的奴隶。 ^(11){ }^{11} 我们有必要探讨权力的第三种超人类维度,因为权威和权利属于信仰的范畴。
An awakening to the active forces of these three broad ranges of power exposes the limits of subjective sovereignty. The mastery achieved through representation is an illusory mastery, for the quality - selectivity - through which representation achieves its power is also the cause of its impotence. In the presentation of the world to the mind, the mind is subjected to each perception, impulse, and orientation. It is helpless before the arising of each image, reaction, and desire. Yet in the representation of the world to the mind, the mind associates ideas, whether in accordance with their intrinsic nature or in accordance with its own understanding. In representation, ideas are liberated from the conditions of their arising in the course of time. They may be reproduced in the mind at will. In the act of selection, they are freed from external powers and subjected to the power of the mind alone. The mind imposes order on the represented world. Passing through an order of reasons, an association of representations, the mind may determine its own will. Reproducing objects in its own imagination, the mind invests and fixes its own desire. In short, through representation the mind becomes a subject to itself. In imagination it constructs its own sovereignty in reason, will, and desire. This selectivity is at once the construction of a limited domain of sovereignty and a broader domain of ignorance and impotence. The failure to represent and respond to every force in the order of the mind leads to its impotence before that which exceeds representation. There is always a remainder, epitomized by the force of the course of time itself, for if representation is a reproduction of images in the mind, it cannot include the contemporary presentation of perceptions, impulses, and orientations. Modern reason is a hesitation, a membrane, an interruption; it reproduces the world in the theater of the imagination, where the order of the sovereign subject is maintained. Yet the sovereignty of reason exists in the imagination alone. There is one thing that must be excluded a priori from the representation of the sovereign subject: its impotence. This is not to say that one cannot represent oneself as impotent, but this very representation of oneself as impotent is generated from within the mind. It is in practice an expression of the mind’s power. 对这三种广泛权力的积极力量的觉醒暴露了主观主权的局限性。通过表象实现的主宰是一种虚幻的主宰,因为表象实现其力量的质量--选择性--也是其无能的原因。在向心灵呈现世界的过程中,心灵受制于每一种感知、冲动和取向。在每一个形象、反应和欲望的产生面前,它都束手无策。然而,在向心灵呈现世界的过程中,心灵会联想到各种观念,无论是按照观念的内在本质,还是按照自己的理解。在表象中,观念从它们在时间中产生的条件中解放出来。它们可以在头脑中随意再现。在选择过程中,它们摆脱了外部力量的束缚,只服从于心灵的力量。心灵将秩序强加于表象世界。通过理性的秩序、表象的关联,心灵可以决定自己的意志。心灵在自己的想象中再现对象,投入并固定自己的欲望。简言之,通过表象,心灵成为自身的主体。在想象中,它在理性、意志和欲望中构建了自己的主权。这种选择性既是对有限主权领域的建构,也是对无知和无能的更广泛领域的建构。由于无法表征和回应心灵秩序中的每一种力量,导致它在超越表征的力量面前无能为力。 因为如果表象是头脑中图像的再现,它就不可能包括感知、冲动和方向的当代呈现。现代理性是一种犹豫、一层薄膜、一种中断;它在想象的剧场中再现世界,在那里主权主体的秩序得以维持。然而,理性的主权只存在于想象之中。有一种东西必须先验地排除在主权主体的表象之外:它的无能。这并不是说人不能把自己表述为无能,而是说这种把自己表述为无能的表象是由心灵内部产生的。它实际上是心灵力量的一种表达。
A belief in the sovereignty of the subject through its rational ordering of representation does not emerge without some external support or confirmation. Several social roles may serve as a model for imagining the mastery 如果没有某种外部支持或确认,就不会产生主体通过合理的表象排序而享有主权的信念。几种社会角色可以作为想象主宰的模式
of the sovereign subject: the patriarchal father, the absolute despot, the chief executive officer, the owner of property, the artist, the animal trainer, the craftsperson, or the wealthy consumer, for example. Each may form the basis for imagining an unfettered liberty and power over a specific domain. On closer inspection, however, each of these social roles exists in a complex web of mutual influence and interaction with its correlative field. To attain true mastery in each case, it is necessary to hold the capacity to break off the relation with the mastered object. Thus, the owner of property is absolved from the corresponding obligations for care and maintenance of property by disposing of it, selling it in exchange, or allowing it to decay. Ownership is the right to dispose of property. The consumer exercises sovereignty in the selection of products by refusing to purchase others on offer. Choice is rejection. The craftsperson rejects recalcitrant materials. The despot exercises sovereignty through power over life and death. Sovereignty is destruction. Sovereignty is a relation that exists only in its suspension. It is exercised primarily as a threat, but the execution of the threat consists in dissolving the relation. Such power may be exercised through violence, through severance, or through flight. Yet as the image of negation, sovereign power exists only in the imagination. In practice, the mind may be subjected to both physical force and the force of authority. 例如,宗法父亲、绝对专制者、首席执行官、财产所有者、艺术家、驯兽师、手工艺者或富有的消费者。每一种人都可能构成对特定领域不受约束的自由和权力的想象基础。然而,仔细观察,这些社会角色中的每一种都存在于与其相关领域相互影响和相互作用的复杂网络中。在每一种情况下,要达到真正的掌握,就必须有能力切断与被掌握对象的关系。因此,财产的所有者可以通过处置财产、出售交换或任由其腐烂而免除相应的照顾和维护财产的义务。所有权是处置财产的权利。消费者通过拒绝购买所提供的其他产品来行使选择产品的主权。选择就是拒绝。手工艺者拒绝顽固不化的材料。暴君通过生杀大权行使主权。主权就是毁灭。主权是一种关系,只存在于它的中止之中。它的行使主要是一种威胁,而威胁的实施则是要解除这种关系。这种权力可以通过暴力、切断或逃离来行使。然而,作为否定的形象,主权权力只存在于想象之中。在实践中,心灵既可能受到肉体力量的制约,也可能受到权威力量的制约。
As a result, a political theory that takes sovereign self-determination as the primary expression of power suffers from a bad conscience. If power is to be demonstrated beyond the confines of imagination, it must be demonstrated in practice. Acts of violence, severance, suspension, negation, or flight must continually be repeated to demonstrate the reality of power. If the sovereignty of reason exists in the imagination alone, it must be supplemented by an exercise of will. The will demonstrates sovereignty when it converts representation into reality. It is a question of moving from the theater of imagination to the theater of life. Yet the body through which the will is exercised is less supple than the mind and is determined by physical forces and other subjects. The sovereign will can only act on the narrow stage where it concurs with or overpowers other wills. The sovereign subject pays little heed to the vast sphere of its impotence or to the construction of the stage where its action is possible. The causality of the will is only 因此,将主权自决作为权力的主要表现形式的政治理论良心不安。如果要超越想象的局限来证明权力,就必须在实践中证明权力。暴力、割裂、中止、否定或逃离等行为必须不断重复,以证明权力的真实性。如果理性的主权只存在于想象之中,那么它必须辅之以意志的行使。当意志将表象转化为现实时,它就展示了主权。这是一个从想象剧场走向生活剧场的问题。然而,行使意志的躯体却没有心灵那么柔软,它是由身体力量和其他主体决定的。主权意志只能在与其他意志一致或压倒其他意志的狭窄舞台上行动。主宰主体很少关注它无能为力的广阔领域,也很少关注它有可能采取行动的舞台的构建。意志的因果性只是
possible on the basis of cooperation or even a consensus between other wills and forces. Selection and consensuality form the basis for the illusion of sovereignty. There is a physical, social, and ecological coordination that enables all acts of will. It appeals, beyond sovereign representation, to physical, human, and meta-human configurations of power. 在其他意志和力量合作甚至达成共识的基础上才有可能实现。选择和共识构成了主权幻觉的基础。有一种物理、社会和生态协调使所有意志行为成为可能。在主权代表之外,它呼吁物理、人类和元人类的权力配置。
This mediation calls into question established notions of subjectivity, causality, and power. The essence of the political is at stake here. If there is active mediation in all human relations, involving the activity of a multiplicity of nonhuman powers, of human reactions and reciprocities, and of currents of belief and desire, then mastery provides a very poor model, ideal, or goal for power. The relation between subject and object is mediated by a host of powers, both past and present; its underlying orientation may be determined by belief and desire. 这种中介作用对既定的主体性、因果性和权力概念提出了质疑。政治的本质在此岌岌可危。如果所有人类关系中都存在着积极的中介作用,涉及多种非人类力量的活动、人类的反应和互惠,以及信仰和欲望的潮流,那么主宰就为权力提供了一个非常糟糕的模式、理想或目标。主体与客体之间的关系是以过去和现在的一系列权力为中介的;其基本取向可能是由信念和欲望决定的。
In addition, the essence of reason is at stake here, because mediation brings into question the dichotomy between the discovery and representation of order, on the one hand, and the imposition of order, on the other. If action is mediated by a host of additional active forces, then there is a sense in which order is both disclosed and emergent. Reason, far from trying to represent or master reality, would then be an attempt to cooperate with, nourish, and reorient reality. Far from being invested in the abstract and universal, reason would be invested in the concrete and local. 此外,理性的本质在这里也岌岌可危,因为中介使秩序的发现和表述与秩序的强加之间的二分法受到质疑。如果说行动是以一系列额外的积极力量为中介的,那么在某种意义上,秩序既是显现的,也是产生的。这样,理性就不再是试图代表或主宰现实,而是试图与现实合作、滋养现实并重新定位现实。理性不再是抽象和普遍的,而是具体和地方的。
Finally, at stake here is the essence of theology, for absolute sovereign power is a theological notion. ^(12){ }^{12} Where even the tyrant depends on the credulity of his subjects, only the divine is supposed to possess absolute selfsufficiency. Short of true social models, the notion of unrestrained power is encountered, to varying degrees, in forms of monotheistic belief. The divine is the model for the essence of power and the essence of reason. Only the power of the creator can be unmediated. The sovereign subject of modern political thought - the basis for freedom and democracy - is not free from the constraints of belief and desire. Instead, it contains its own theological presuppositions deriving from the history of its emergence. Whether the subject is separated from divine power, as for the somewhat Arminian John Locke, or identified with divine power, as for the somewhat Calvinist Benedict de Spinoza, a theological model of power is the implicit heart of sovereignty and reason. The modern notion of the political remains contaminated by a theological problematic inherent in its very notion of power. Power rests on meta-human flows of beliefs and desires. 最后,这关系到神学的本质,因为绝对的主权权力是一个神学概念。 ^(12){ }^{12} 即使是暴君也要依靠臣民的信任,只有神灵才应该拥有绝对的自给自足。由于缺乏真正的社会模式,在不同程度上,一神论信仰中都会出现权力不受制约的概念。神灵是权力本质和理性本质的典范。只有造物主的权力才是无中介的。现代政治思想中的主权主体--自由与民主的基础--并没有摆脱信仰与欲望的束缚。相反,它包含了自己的神学预设,这些预设源自其产生的历史。无论是像有些阿民念主义色彩的约翰-洛克(John Locke)那样将主体与神权分离,还是像有些加尔文主义色彩的本尼迪克特-德-斯宾诺莎(Benedict de Spinoza)那样将主体与神权相提并论,权力的神学模式都是主权与理性的隐含核心。现代政治概念仍然受到其权力概念本身所固有的神学问题的污染。权力依赖于信仰和欲望的元人类流动。
This notion of power as mastery should therefore be subjected to ontological, political, and theological critique. In essence, one may ask whether such a notion of power is true, powerful, or divine. This is not a simple inquiry, for at stake is also the practice of critique. What ideal or criterion can be used to assess this notion of power? What principle can take precedence? And what is the nature of the precedence of such a principle if it is not to be conceived in terms of a theology of sovereignty (understood as originality, independence, or mastery)? Any attempt to retreat to first principles leads to a vicious circle of self-presupposition. The meaning of being, of power, and of divinity is presupposed in modern models of rational, critical inquiry. Indeed, a theology of sovereignty, expressed in the exaltation of originality, independence, and mastery, is implicit within the entire tradition of thought deriving from Greek reason, whether this thought is classical philosophy, medieval theology, or modern critical reason. 因此,权力作为主宰的概念应受到本体论、政治学和神学的批判。从本质上讲,我们可以问这样一种权力概念是否真实、强大或神圣。这不是一个简单的问题,因为这也关系到批判的实践。有什么理想或标准可以用来评估这种权力概念?什么原则可以优先?如果不从主权神学(被理解为独创性、独立性或主宰性)的角度来构想,那么这种原则的优先性又是什么性质呢?任何退回到第一原则的尝试都会导致自我预设的恶性循环。存在、权力和神性的意义在现代理性批判的探究模式中被预设了。事实上,在源于希腊理性的整个思想传统中,无论是古典哲学、中世纪神学还是现代批判理性,都隐含着一种主权神学,表现为对独创性、独立性和主宰性的推崇。
There is, however, an alternative direction of thought. It is possible to enter the mediation of the concrete. The move from representation to reality requires the mediation of the theater of life. One may escape the theology of sovereignty by engaging with immanent problems. ^(13){ }^{13} The selection and coordination of active processes of nonhuman powers, of human interactions, and of orientations of belief and desire occurs in reality as well as in the mind. There is a social body that corresponds directly to the power of the imagination in representation. It proceeds similarly through selection and mediation and is a catalyst enabling physical, human, and meta-human configurations of power to interact. We are concerned here with a different kind of causality, a power external to both physical process and human will. It is here that a truly incarnate political theology is to be sought. 然而,还有另一种思考方向。可以进入对具体事物的中介。从表象走向现实需要生活剧场的中介。我们可以通过处理内在问题来摆脱主权神学。 ^(13){ }^{13} 非人类力量、人与人之间的互动、信仰与欲望的取向等活动过程的选择与协调,既发生在现实中,也发生在头脑中。有一种社会主体直接对应于表象中的想象力。它同样通过选择和中介进行,是一种催化剂,使物质、人类和超人类的力量配置能够相互作用。在这里,我们关注的是一种不同的因果关系,一种外在于物理过程和人类意志的力量。在这里,我们要寻求的是一种真正意义上的政治神学。
A specifically social form of power is necessary to support the public representations on which the will acts. Such a political body could be the marked and appropriated body of property, or the body of the sovereign, or money itself. ^(14){ }^{14} It is a material instance invested with ontological, economic, and theological presuppositions. It forms a stage for the collective exercise of will in the public theater of representation. It mediates causality. It is the body of power. Without this political body, little public exercise of power is possible. One may try to dispose violently of as much property as one wishes, but if one has no title to such property, one risks meeting resistance from counter-violence. One may issue as many decrees as one chooses, yet if one has no authority, this exercise of will comes to nothing. 一种特殊的社会形式的权力是必要的,以支持意志赖以行动的公共表征。这种政治体可以是财产的标记和占有体,也可以是主权者的身体,还可以是货币本身。 ^(14){ }^{14} 它是一个被赋予了本体论、经济学和神学预设的物质实例。它构成了在公共表象剧场中集体行使意志的舞台。它是因果关系的中介。它是权力的主体。没有这个政治机构,几乎不可能公开行使权力。人们可以随心所欲地以暴力手段处置财产,但如果对这些财产没有所有权,就有可能遭到反暴力的抵抗。一个人可以随心所欲地发布命令,但如果他没有权力,这种意志的行使就会落空。
One may make as many demands as one pleases, but if one has no money, then one will be unable to purchase. Political power is thus unthinkable without a body that supports it, whether such a body is a weapon of violence, a sovereign authority, or money itself. As Edward Leigh remarked in 1715, “Money, or that which supplies it, is the Sinews of Government both in War and Peace: where that is wanting, nothing can move regularly, the want of Money being the Root of all Political Evil.” ^(15){ }^{15} 人们可以随心所欲地提出要求,但如果没有钱,就无法购买。因此,如果没有支持政治权力的机构,政治权力是不可想象的,无论这种机构是暴力武器、主权机构还是金钱本身。正如爱德华-利(Edward Leigh)在 1715 年所说的那样:"无论在战争还是和平时期,金钱或提供金钱的东西都是政府的筋骨:如果缺乏金钱,任何事情都无法正常运转,而缺乏金钱则是一切政治罪恶的根源"。 ^(15){ }^{15}
The conversion of thought toward concrete reason, by means of a consideration of these political bodies, has a dual effect: it changes the content of reason, turning away from laws and first principles toward concrete problems and mediations, and it changes the nature of reason, since reason no longer stands over and above the concrete but must itself pass through concrete mediation. Reason must go further than representation. The immediate relation of representation to consciousness is a product of the fantasy of omnipotence of an isolated subject, but power is always mediated by selection and by a body. Each political body may operate its own particular kind of causality. Then it is not only the case that a political body is invested with ontological, political, and theological presuppositions. Being itself, power itself, and the divine itself are not immediate representations. One cannot simply claim that being is, that power is powerful, or that God is divine. One cannot discover what such concepts might mean without the mediation of a concrete, political body. Ontological, political, and theological inquiries cannot proceed directly to impose their order, will, and desire on representation without being caught up in a narcissistic fantasy. Indeed, there is no reality or verification, no power or representation, no divinity or credibility without mediation. All ontological, political, and theological inquiries - concerning truth, power, and divinity - need to pass through the mediation of some kind of body that gives substance to their claims. As Jacques Lacan once said, “Man thinks with his object.” ^(16){ }^{16} Contemporary philosophy, political theory, and theology can make no further progress without a consideration of money. 通过对这些政治体的思考,思想向具体理性的转化具有双重效果:它改变了理性的内容,从规律和第一性原则转向具体问题和中介;它也改变了理性的性质,因为理性不再凌驾于具体之上,而是本身必须通过具体的中介。理性必须比表象更进一步。表象与意识的直接关系是孤立主体幻想全能的产物,但权力总是以选择和机构为中介。每个政治机构都可以运作自己特定的因果关系。那么,政治机构就不仅仅是被赋予了本体论、政治学和神学的预设。存在本身、权力本身和神性本身都不是直接的表征。我们不能简单地宣称存在是、权力是强大的或上帝是神圣的。如果没有一个具体的政治机构作为中介,人们就无法发现这些概念可能意味着什么。本体论、政治学和神学研究不能直接将自己的秩序、意志和愿望强加于表象,否则就会陷入自恋的幻想之中。事实上,没有中介,就没有现实或验证,没有权力或表征,没有神性或可信性。所有关于真理、权力和神性的本体论、政治学和神学探究,都需要通过某种主体的中介,使其主张具有实质内容。雅克-拉康曾经说过:"人与他的对象一起思考"。 ^(16){ }^{16} 如果不考虑金钱,当代哲学、政治理论和神学就无法取得更大的进步。
In modernity, money mediates property and sovereignty: one comes into sovereign possession through exchange. Money is itself property belonging to an individual account. Money is also dispersed sovereignty: the capacity 在现代性中,货币是财产和主权的中介:人们通过交换获得主权。货币本身就是属于个人账户的财产。货币也是分散的主权:有能力
of the sovereign to repay debts through future taxation underwrites the value of money. The sovereign body itself, now in the form of the symbols of sovereign power, has become multiplied and dispersed among individuals. Each time money is spent, whether inside or beyond the limits of the particular nation-state, it expresses the sovereign power of the nation whose symbols it bears. Property, sovereignty, and credit become united in the body of money. Money participates in and brings together the realms of the nonhuman, the human, and belief and desire. In modernity, money is the political body par excellence. 主权国家通过未来征税来偿还债务,这也是货币价值的基础。主权主体本身,现在以主权权力象征的形式,变得成倍增加并分散在个人之间。每次花钱,无论是在特定民族国家境内还是境外,都表达了其所象征的国家主权权力。财产、主权和信用在货币的躯体中融为一体。货币参与并汇集了非人、人、信仰和欲望的领域。在现代性中,货币是卓越的政治体。
Money acts as the living symbol of the sovereign individual. It expresses individual power as nothing else can. If the right to dispose of property is exercised to the full, and property is exchanged, then the value of that property is expressed in terms of money as its price. Money substitutes for property after severance of the bonds of ownership. Similarly, the liberty of the sovereign individual to enter into any obligation or contract at will is expressed in terms of money. It is only money that may trade for all other things. Money, in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s phrase, is “coined liberty.” ^(17){ }^{17} Furthermore, money is effective demand, or, in James Buchan’s phrase, “frozen desire.” ^(18){ }^{18} It commands order. Without money, there would be no production in a society based on the division of labor. Money gives the motive for production. Money effectively symbolizes the value of property, the sovereignty of freedom, and the power of desire. It is the political body that stands before and represents the individual. Money is the tool through which democracy is realized. Money is the supreme instrument of political expression. 货币是个人主权的活生生的象征。它所表达的个人权力是其他任何东西都无法比拟的。如果充分行使处置财产的权利,并进行财产交换,那么该财产的价值就以货币作为其价格。割断所有权的纽带后,货币取代了财产。同样,主权个人随意签订任何义务或契约的自由也是用货币来表示的。只有货币才能交换所有其他东西。用费奥多尔-陀思妥耶夫斯基的话来说,货币就是 "被创造出来的自由"。 ^(17){ }^{17} 此外,货币是有效需求,用詹姆斯-布坎的话说,就是 "冻结的欲望"。 ^(18){ }^{18} 它命令秩序。没有货币,以分工为基础的社会就不会有生产。货币提供了生产的动力。货币有效地象征着财产的价值、自由的主权和欲望的力量。它是站在个人面前并代表个人的政治机构。货币是实现民主的工具。货币是政治表达的最高工具。
According to the old saying by George Savile, “They who are of the opinion that Money will do every thing, may very well be suspected to do everything for Money.” ^(19){ }^{19} One must consider not only whether money effectively symbolizes the sovereign individual, but also whether the sovereign individual may not be the imaginary reflection of money. One must consider whether power in modernity operates primarily through the sovereignty of the will, or whether power in modernity operates primarily through the active force of money. One must consider whether the beliefs and desires that flow through individuals are not made possible by social institutions such as the market and the nation-state in which the individual’s sovereign will can be exercised. One must consider whether the market itself is not founded on money as the basis for exchange and whether the state itself is not founded on money as the basis for taxation. 乔治-萨维尔有句老话说得好:"认为金钱可以做任何事情的人,很可能会被怀疑为金钱做任何事情"。 ^(19){ }^{19} 我们不仅要考虑金钱是否有效地象征着主权个人,还要考虑主权个人是否可能是金钱的想象反映。我们必须考虑,现代性的权力是否主要通过意志的主权来运作,或者现代性的权力是否主要通过金钱的积极力量来运作。我们必须思考,流淌在个人身上的信念和欲望是否不是由市场和民族国家等社会机构促成的,在这些机构中,个人的主权意志得以行使。我们必须思考,市场本身是否不是建立在作为交换基础的货币之上,国家本身是否不是建立在作为征税基础的货币之上。
The turn of thought to the mediation of the concrete, therefore, has very little to do with the scientific study of empirical reality, which selects and analyzes reality on the basis of principles, concepts, and formulas embedded in the imagination. Life itself is deprived of its own embodiment, mediation, and fecundity. The consideration of money as a political body is a matter of theology rather than of economic science. This can be explained by means of a concrete example. In his introduction to Grundrisse, Karl Marx famously argued that “civil society,” the society of free individuals detached from natural bonds in free competition, is itself a historical product. The producing individual, using tools and language, is a product of the family and communal society. Only in the eighteenth century did social relations confront the individual as a mere means toward private purposes. ^(20){ }^{20} For Marx, if everything - including social forms such as individuals and money - is produced historically, then the social structure is entirely determined by the structure of production. ^(21){ }^{21} The individual is itself a representation, a product. Marx attributed primacy to production because everything is produced historically. This seems to be the primacy of temporal order: process comes before product just as subject comes before object. Where the other classical economists took the individual as a presupposition, Marx argued that the individual possessed of property and liberty is itself a historical product - a product of collective labor. 因此,思想转向对具体事物的中介,与对经验现实的科学研究关系不大,后者是根据蕴含在想象中的原则、概念和公式来选择和分析现实的。生活本身被剥夺了其自身的体现性、中介性和丰富性。将货币视为政治体是神学而非经济学的问题。这可以通过一个具体的例子来解释。卡尔-马克思在《基础原理》的导言中提出了一个著名的观点:"市民社会",即脱离自然束缚的自由个体在自由竞争中形成的社会,本身就是一种历史产物。使用工具和语言的生产个人是家庭和公社的产物。只有到了 18 世纪,社会关系才将个人视为实现私人目的的手段。 ^(20){ }^{20} 在马克思看来,如果一切--包括个人和货币等社会形式--都是历史地生产出来的,那么社会结构就完全是由生产结构决定的。 ^(21){ }^{21} 个人本身就是一种表象,一种产品。马克思把首要地位归于生产,因为一切都是历史地生产出来的。这似乎是时间顺序的优先性:过程先于产品,正如主体先于客体。其他古典经济学家以个人为前提,而马克思则认为,拥有财产和自由的个人本身就是历史的产物--集体劳动的产物。
It is not clear that “social production” or “historical production” are any less derivative than the individual will. Social production, of course, is dependent on tradition, command, or money. ^(22){ }^{22} We need to consider whether historical production is dependent on some mediating term that gives it orientation and direction. A few pages later, Marx answered the question differently: 不清楚 "社会生产 "或 "历史生产 "是否比个人意志更少衍生性。社会生产当然依赖于传统、命令或金钱。 ^(22){ }^{22} 我们需要考虑的是,历史生产是否依赖于某个中介词,而这个中介词赋予历史生产以方向和指引。几页之后,马克思以不同的方式回答了这个问题:
Nothing seems more natural than to begin with ground rent, with landed property, since this is bound up with the earth, the source of all production and all being, and with the first form of production of all more or less settled societies - agriculture. But nothing would be more erroneous. In all forms of society there is one specific kind of production which predominates over the rest, whose relations thus assign rank and influence to the others. . . . In bourgeois society . . . agriculture more and more becomes merely a branch of industry, and is entirely dominated by capital. Ground rent likewise. In all forms where landed property rules, the natural relation [is] still predominant. In those where capital rules, the social, historically created 没有什么比从地租和土地财产入手更自然的了,因为这与大地--一切生产和一切存在的源泉--以及与所有或多或少定居的社会的第一种生产形式--农业息息相关。但是,没有比这更错误的了。在所有的社会形式中,都有一种特殊的生产方式占主导地位,其关系决定了其他生产方式的地位和影响力。. . .在资产阶级社会中......农业越来越多地仅仅成为工业的一个分支,完全被资本所支配。地租也是如此。在土地财产占统治地位的所有形式中,自然关系仍然占主导地位。在资本统治的地方,社会的、历史创造的
element [is]. Ground rent cannot be understood without capital. But capital can certainly be understood without ground rent. ^(23){ }^{23} 要素[是]。没有资本就无法理解地租。但是,没有地租当然也可以理解资本。 ^(23){ }^{23} .
The primacy of a natural or temporal order, implicit in the notion of “historical production,” is undermined. ^(24){ }^{24} Three principles are enunciated here against what one might consider a “naturalistic fallacy.” First, capital predominates - it exercises a sovereign power. Second, it does so as the historically created element, since social production now organizes natural production. This is only because of the first principle: that capital rules. Third, capital can be understood without ground rent; it is thus based on independent principles of the understanding. Capital is supposed to be independent of agriculture. It is capable of ruling, therefore, because of its independence. Sovereignty derives from a severance of relation. 历史生产 "概念中隐含的自然或时间秩序的首要地位受到了削弱。 ^(24){ }^{24} 这里针对人们可能认为的 "自然主义谬论 "阐述了三条原则。第一,资本占主导地位--它行使主权。其次,它是历史上创造出来的要素,因为社会生产现在组织着自然生产。这只是因为第一条原则:资本统治。第三,对资本的理解离不开地租;因此,资本是建立在独立的理解原则之上的。资本应该独立于农业。因此,由于其独立性,它能够进行统治。主权源于关系的分离。
What is at stake here is the specific power of capital, its mode of ruling. This power has something to do with independence, although it is in reality inconceivable that there could be capital without agriculture, just as it is inconceivable that there could be city-states without agriculture. The power would therefore seem to be independence in an order of principles or reasons. Yet this power also has something to do with offering itself as a representative body, “a general illumination which bathes all the other colours . . . a particular ether which determines the specific gravity of every being.” ^(25){ }^{25} Indeed, the activity of historical production as well as the exercise of sovereign power may be impossible without such a representative body that mediates all causation. Marx himself broke with historical determinism: “It would therefore be unfeasible and wrong to let the economic categories follow one another in the same sequence as that in which they were historically decisive. Their sequence is determined, rather, by their relation to one another in modern bourgeois society, which is precisely the opposite of that which seems to be their natural order or which corresponds to historical development.” ^(26){ }^{26} In bourgeois society, private property as a social reality is a product of money, since landed property is enclosed for the purpose of obtaining money through trade rather than simply obtaining grain through agriculture. Property is only private property when it is capable of being exchanged. Similarly, the liberty of the individual is a product of money, since an individual may be freed from the demands of community, tradition, and authority only by finding other sources to provide for needs, through trading for money. Furthermore, the individual becomes a 这里的关键是资本的特殊权力,即资本的统治模式。这种权力与独立性有关,尽管实际上无法想象没有农业会有资本,正如无法想象没有农业会有城邦一样。因此,这种力量似乎是原则或理由秩序中的独立性。然而,这种力量也与将自身作为一个代表机构有关,它是 "一种普遍的光辉,沐浴着所有其他的色彩......一种特殊的乙醚,决定着一切"。......一种特殊的乙醚,它决定着每个生命的比重"。 ^(25){ }^{25} 事实上,如果没有这样一个中介一切因果关系的代表体,历史生产活动以及主权权力的行使可能都是不可能的。马克思本人也打破了历史决定论:"因此,让经济范畴按照它们在历史上起决定性作用的相同顺序相继出现是不可行的,也是错误的。相反,它们的先后顺序是由它们在现代资产阶级社会中的相互关系决定的,而这种关系恰恰与似乎是它们的自然顺序或符合历史发展的顺序相反"。 ^(26){ }^{26} 在资产阶级社会中,私有财产作为一种社会现实是货币的产物,因为土地财产被圈起来的目的是通过贸易获得货币,而不是简单地通过农业获得粮食。只有当财产能够进行交换时,它才是私有财产。同样,个人的自由也是货币的产物,因为个人只有通过交易换取货币,找到满足需求的其他来源,才能从社区、传统和权威的要求中解放出来。 此外,个人成为
subject of desire, capable of ordering production through demands, only when such demands are made effective through money. The abstract social relations of property, liberty, and desire, removed from their formation in a physical and social context, gain social consistency through money. 欲望的主体,能够通过需求来安排生产,但只有当这种需求通过货币变得有效时才会如此。财产、自由和欲望这些抽象的社会关系脱离了它们在物质和社会环境中的形成,通过货币获得了社会一致性。
One can no longer consider the vital political problem to be that of political subjectivity. It is no longer a question of conscious self-determination, whether as an individual or as a collective. The sovereignty required for such a subject is itself an illusion. Instead, the concrete manifestation of physical and meta-human powers at the end of modernity requires elucidation. Once the context for contemporary intervention is clarified, two subsequent problems become urgent. The first concerns the way in which capital or money predominates, or the mode of exercise of a power that does not appear to be constrained by competing powers. It concerns the essence and exercise of power itself. The second concerns the possibility of bodies of representation. What political bodies can still be created that will attribute a different hue or gravity to all particular things represented under their light? What further concretions can be enabled? How may the value of such values be assessed? 我们不能再把重要的政治问题视为政治主体性问题。无论是作为个人还是作为集体,这都不再是一个有意识的自决问题。这种主体所需的主权本身就是一种幻觉。相反,现代性终结时物质和超人类力量的具体表现需要加以阐明。一旦明确了当代干预的背景,随后的两个问题就变得迫在眉睫。第一个问题涉及资本或金钱占主导地位的方式,或似乎不受竞争权力制约的权力的行使方式。这涉及权力本身的本质和行使。其次是代表机构的可能性。我们还能创造出什么样的政治机构,使在其光照下被代表的所有特定事物具有不同的色调或严重程度?还有哪些具体化的东西可以实现?如何评估这些价值观的价值?
MODERNITY HAS ALWAYS been a utopian myth. The unique reordering of the surface of the planet over the past two hundred years, and especially over the past sixty years, has not occurred through acts of human will and knowledge alone. The contributions of physical processes and other life forms, of instinctive human care and provision, of captivating ideas, and even of money have been immense. One may even wonder whether the human will is a product of such a broader range of processes. Discussion of this point is somewhat academic, however. The end of modernity or the disclosure of modernity as an illusion, whichever is the case, does not arrive as a change in intellectual fashion. It is a brutal, physical, overwhelming reality. It is the breakdown of stable alliances between environmental, human, and meta-human processes. For those afflicted as a result of modernity - by war, contagious disease, loss of land and access to fresh water, loss of networks of social provision, and loss of employment and means of subsistence - modernity has always meant instability and impotence. Modernity has fed off and propagated geographical inequality. ^(1){ }^{1} And, as will be demonstrated in the chapters that follow, wealth is built on poverty, and knowledge is built on ignorance. 现代性始终是一个乌托邦式的神话。在过去的两百年里,特别是在过去的六十年里,地球表面独一无二的秩序重整,并不是仅仅依靠人类的意志和知识就能实现的。物理过程和其他生命形式、人类本能的照顾和供给、迷人的思想,甚至金钱,都做出了巨大的贡献。人们甚至会怀疑,人类的意志是否是这些更广泛过程的产物。不过,对这一点的讨论多少有些学术性。现代性的终结或现代性作为一种幻象的揭示,无论哪种情况,都不是作为一种思想时尚的变化而到来的。它是一种残酷的、有形的、压倒性的现实。它是环境、人类和超人类进程之间稳定联盟的瓦解。对于那些受现代性影响的人来说--战争、传染病、失去土地和淡水、失去社会供应网络、失去就业和生存手段--现代性总是意味着不稳定和无能。现代性助长了地域不平等。 ^(1){ }^{1} 而且,正如以下各章所表明的,财富建立在贫困之上,知识建立在无知之上。
The impotence of the modern, rational subject is exposed by instabilities in both physical and meta-human powers. Modernity comes to a final end in the collision between economy and ecology. At the time of first writing (in November 2005), the vast majority of informed opinion has little sense of the inevitability or impact of such a collision. By the time this book reaches many readers, the end of modernity may be so evident 现代理性主体的无能在物质和超人类力量的不稳定中暴露无遗。现代性在经济与生态的碰撞中走向终结。在本书写作之初(2005 年 11 月),绝大多数有识之士对这一碰撞的必然性和影响都知之甚少。当这本书到达许多读者手中时,现代性的终结可能已经非常明显了
that it is pointless to attempt to predict or explain it. For example, the end of modernity engulfed New Orleans in early September 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The environment ceased to behave in a stable way necessary for prediction and control; damage was inflicted on the primary source of power for modernity, oil production and refining; the human bonds of modern society evaporated with the flooding of the energy and transportation infrastructure; and, most significant, a climate of fear invaded the otherwise undamaged public institutions responding to the crisis - the media, military, and emergency-management authorities leaving many of them paralyzed and useless, at best, or positively harmful, at worst, for several days. Such is the end of modernity: a generalized state of emergency in which the stability of normal, modern life proves to be the exception rather than the rule. Indeed, the stability of modernity has always been exceptional. The emergency and chaos that are its inevitable by-product are the norm. 因此,试图预测或解释它是毫无意义的。例如,2005 年 9 月初,卡特里娜飓风过后,现代性的终结席卷了新奥尔良。环境不再以预测和控制所需的稳定方式运行;现代性的主要动力源--石油生产和提炼受到破坏;现代社会的人际纽带随着能源和交通基础设施的淹没而烟消云散;最重要的是,恐惧气氛侵袭了应对危机的公共机构--媒体、军队和应急管理机构,使其中许多机构瘫痪数日,轻则毫无用处,重则有害无益。这就是现代性的终结:一种普遍的紧急状态,在这种状态下,正常的现代生活的稳定被证明是例外而非规则。事实上,现代性的稳定一直都是例外。其必然的副产品--紧急和混乱才是常态。
Human agency can achieve mastery only if the physical world behaves predictably. Assumptions of continuity and gradual change have been axiomatic in the development of science from Newton up through the twentieth century, whether in physics, biology, or geology. At the limits, however, discontinuities arise. What is difficult to predict in a complex world, as opposed to an isolated laboratory, is where the thresholds of stable behavior might lie. 只有当物理世界的行为具有可预测性时,人类才能掌握主动。从牛顿到二十世纪的科学发展,无论是物理学、生物学还是地质学,连续性和渐变性的假设都是不言而喻的。然而,在极限处会出现不连续性。与孤立的实验室相比,复杂世界中难以预测的是稳定行为的临界点在哪里。
Dominant narratives of climate change designed to inform policy have until recently focused on the detection of trends rather than the prediction of possibilities. The narrative of abrupt climate change, by contrast, implies that surprises are inevitable. ^(2){ }^{2} The past ten thousand years (in geologic terms, the Holocene era) have shown a remarkable level of global climatic stability, but even during this period abrupt regional climate changes have been sufficient to wipe out civilizations. ^(3){ }^{3} Prior to the Holocene era, global average temperatures oscillated much more sharply, according to evidence from the Greenland ice core and from ocean sediments. Abrupt oscillations between colder and milder conditions lasting ten or twenty years were common; vast changes of temperature took place within five 直到最近,旨在为政策提供信息的关于气候变化的主流说法一直侧重于发现趋势,而不是预测可能性。与此相反,关于气候突变的叙述则暗示意外是不可避免的。 ^(2){ }^{2} 过去的一万年(从地质学的角度看,即全新世时期)显示了全球气候的显著稳定性,但即使在这一时期,地区性的气候突变也足以毁灭文明。 ^(3){ }^{3} 根据格陵兰冰芯和海洋沉积物的证据,在全新世时代之前,全球平均气温的振荡要剧烈得多。持续十年或二十年的较冷和较温和条件之间的突然振荡很常见;气温的巨大变化发生在五年之内
years. ^(4){ }^{4} The last warm age, the Eemian period of 135,000-110,000135,000-110,000 years ago, had sudden plunges toward ice-age temperatures; only its last two thousand years were stable. ^(5){ }^{5} In comparison, the past eight thousand years have been strangely stable. Human agricultural and industrial activities have not yet faced the large and rapid climate oscillations typical for most of the last 110,000 years. 年。 ^(4){ }^{4} 上一个温暖时期,即 135,000-110,000135,000-110,000 年前的埃米时期,气温突然骤降至冰河时期;只有最后两千年是稳定的。 ^(5){ }^{5} 相比之下,过去的八千年却异常稳定。在过去的 11 万年中,人类的农业和工业活动尚未面临典型的大规模快速气候振荡。
Projections of temperature rises over the coming century depend on the rate of anthropogenic forcing through the emission of greenhouse gases. The mechanisms that trigger abrupt change or establish global stability are as yet poorly understood and can easily escape detection. An abrupt climate change occurs when a threshold is crossed, triggering a transition to a new state at a rate determined by the climate system rather than by the initial cause. For example, the last ice age was followed by another cold spell that lasted for about thirteen centuries. The Younger Dryas period, as that cold spell is known, may have been caused by the melting of a glacier and the resultant change in the drainage pattern of a large freshwater lake in Canada from the Mississippi River basin to the St. Lawrence estuary. This change in route, in turn, redistributed salinity in the North Atlantic and disrupted the prevailing pattern of thermohaline circulation, changing the global climate. Such is the delicacy of the overall climate system. Anthropogenic triggers are potentially more significant. There are many potential candidates for positive feedback processes that trigger abrupt climate change. Greater evaporation from rising sea temperatures near the equator may disrupt the thermohaline circulation of ocean currents through increased precipitation and runoff, causing lower salinity in the Arctic. These changes have been postulated as a potential cause of past dramatic oscillations in the Earth’s climate. The melting of the Greenland and Arctic ice sheets may have a similar effect. Rising sea temperatures in the Arctic may reduce the coverage of the Arctic with ice and, consequently, reduce the albedo effect by which solar radiation is reflected, leading to a self-perpetuating process. Methane gas, released from soils and bogs in the Northern Hemisphere as the permafrost melts, would intensify the greenhouse effect. The drying out of rainforests such as the Amazon as the temperature rises may lead to increased forest fires and the release of carbon dioxide. It has been estimated that small temperature increases would turn forests, oceans, and soils into net sources rather than sinks of greenhouse gases. ^(6){ }^{6} Increasing 对未来一个世纪气温上升的预测取决于人为温室气体排放的速度。目前,人们对引发突变或建立全球稳定的机制还知之甚少,而且很容易逃避检测。气候骤变发生时,一个临界点被跨越,引发向一个新状态的过渡,过渡速度由气候系统决定,而不是由最初的原因决定。例如,在上一个冰河时期之后,又出现了持续约 13 个世纪的寒流。那次寒流可能是由于冰川融化以及由此导致的加拿大一个大型淡水湖从密西西比河流域到圣劳伦斯河口的排水模式改变而造成的。这种路线的改变反过来又重新分配了北大西洋的盐度,扰乱了当时的温盐环流模式,改变了全球气候。这就是整个气候系统的微妙之处。人为触发因素可能更为重要。引发气候突变的正反馈过程有许多潜在的候选者。赤道附近海温升高导致蒸发量增加,可能会通过增加降水和径流破坏洋流的温盐环流,导致北极地区盐度降低。这些变化被认为是过去地球气候剧烈波动的潜在原因。格陵兰和北极冰原的融化也可能产生类似的影响。北极海温上升可能会减少北极冰的覆盖范围,从而减少反射太阳辐射的反照率效应,导致一个自我循环的过程。 随着永久冻土融化,北半球土壤和沼泽释放的甲烷气体将加剧温室效应。随着气温升高,亚马逊河流域等地的雨林干枯,可能导致森林火灾和二氧化碳释放增加。据估计,气温的小幅上升将使森林、海洋和土壤成为温室气体的净来源而不是吸收汇。 ^(6){ }^{6} 增加
differences in temperature between ocean beds and surfaces could lead to greater stratification of temperature layers, reducing the flow to the surface of nutrients that feed the phytoplankton on which all sea life depends and that act as a major sink of carbon dioxide. News reports in 2005 and 2006 stated that most of these processes are already under way: Downward currents in the Arctic to drive the Gulf Stream have significantly decreased; levels of ice cover in the Arctic after the summer melt are significantly reduced; the defrosting of the western Siberian peat bog, the size of France and Germany combined, is releasing bubbles of methane; numerous forest fires have broken out; and the Amazon is suffering droughts. ^(7){ }^{7} In short, if the global climate is normally unstable, and anthropogenically induced climate change triggers a much larger release of carbon, methane, and nitrous oxides - whether from fossil fuels, industrial agriculture, forests, or degradation of the soil-then dramatic changes in temperature are inevitable. Less predictable are the extremes of regional temperature changes that will occur over a period of instability and whether a new stability will be achieved at a much hotter temperature or, as a result of processes yet unknown, a much colder one than the present. Climate models have not yet succeeded in simulating the abrupt climate changes of the past, and the summaries of scientific papers speak only in terms of uncertainties. The results of anthropogenically induced climate change may well include droughts, famines, floods, hurricanes, and forest fires. They may well include the permanent flooding of low-lying countries and coastal cities, which contain a significant proportion of the global population, as well as frequent flooding of a third of agricultural lands. They may result in dramatic and rapid oscillations in temperature or even another ice age. Prediction of the most basic conditions for continued human existence becomes impossible. ^(8){ }^{8} 海床和海面之间的温差可能导致温度层的分层,减少营养物质向海面的流动,而营养物质是所有海洋生物赖以生存的浮游植物的养料,也是二氧化碳的主要吸收汇。2005 年和 2006 年的新闻报道指出,这些过程大多已经开始:北极地区推动墨西哥湾流的下行气流明显减少;北极地区夏季融化后的冰覆盖水平显著降低;西伯利亚西部泥炭沼泽(面积相当于法国和德国的总和)的解冻正在释放出甲烷气泡;许多森林火灾已经爆发;亚马逊河流域正在遭受干旱。 ^(7){ }^{7} 简而言之,如果全球气候通常是不稳定的,而人为因素引起的气候变化会引发碳、甲烷和氧化亚氮的大量释放--无论是来自化石燃料、工业化农业、森林还是土壤退化--那么气温的剧烈变化将不可避免。较难预测的是,在一段不稳定时期内会出现哪些极端的区域温度变化,以及新的稳定是否会在一个更热的温度下实现,或者由于尚不清楚的过程,会在一个比现在更冷的温度下实现。气候模型尚未成功模拟过去的气候骤变,科学论文的摘要也只是谈论不确定性。人类引起的气候变化的结果很可能包括干旱、饥荒、洪水、飓风和森林火灾。 它们很可能包括长期淹没低洼国家和沿海城市,而这些地方的人口占全球人口的很大比例,以及经常淹没三分之一的农田。它们还可能导致气温急剧波动,甚至再次出现冰河时期。预测人类继续生存的最基本条件变得不可能。 ^(8){ }^{8}
At the end of modernity, a second, perhaps more imminent, catastrophe is also waiting to happen. The finitude of environmental resources such as fossil fuels, fresh water, fertile soil, forests, biodiversity, and pollution sinks threatens to destabilize the global economy. It is already possible to gain a sense of the scale of this collision course, if not its ultimate consequences. A paper presented in 2002 to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, “Tracking the Ecological Overshoot of the Human Economy,” aggregated the area needed for cropland, grazing, forestry, fishing, and human habitation, as 在现代性的尽头,第二场或许更加迫在眉睫的灾难也在等待着发生。化石燃料、淡水、肥沃土壤、森林、生物多样性和污染汇等环境资源的有限性威胁着全球经济的稳定。我们已经可以感受到这一碰撞的规模,甚至其最终后果。2002 年提交给美国国家科学院的一篇题为 "追踪人类经济的生态过剩 "的论文将耕地、放牧、林业、渔业和人类居住所需的面积合计为
well as for the absorption of carbon dioxide, and concluded that the human economy has exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet since 1980. In 2002, some 1.2 Planet Earths were needed to sustain levels of consumption. Moreover, if 12 percent of the planet were set aside for the preservation of biodiversity, which contributes to a wide variety of essential environmental services, then the figure would be closer to 1.4 Earths. ^(9){ }^{9} 该研究得出的结论是,自 1980 年以来,人类经济已经超过了地球的承载能力。2002 年,大约需要 1.2 个地球才能维持消费水平。此外,如果将地球上 12% 的面积用于保护生物多样性,那么这个数字将接近 1.4 个地球。 ^(9){ }^{9}
We are consuming our own collective body. Because wealth is inevitably perceived in terms of physical consumption by embodied human beings, economic growth necessitates an increase in consumption. A global growth in wealth and consumption of 2.8 percent per annum (the average in 2000-2004) would be sufficient to double this load within twenty-five years. For low-income countries, with a total population of 2.3 billion and a growth rate in the gross domestic product (GDP) of 5.1 percent over this period, consumption would double in merely fourteen years. ^(10){ }^{10} Clearly, vital instabilities will arise at a global level within twenty-five years. Most of the effects of overshoot will be regional, since fertile soil, fresh water, forests, and even natural gas have limited transportability. The effects have comparatively little impact on the lives of the wealthy. The global crisis emerging from the collision between economic growth and ecological finitude must therefore arise from a deficiency of oil supplies. While an intelligent layman could have predicted this some years ago (it was in early 2001 that this reasoning led me to check the data on the remaining years of oil reserves at the current rates of production) there is now a burgeoning literature on the fossil-fuel crisis as the end of modernity. ^(11){ }^{11} 我们正在消费自己的集体身体。由于财富不可避免地体现为人类的物质消费,因此经济增长必然导致消费增长。如果全球财富和消费每年增长 2.8%(2000-2004 年的平均水平),就足以在二十五年内将这一负担翻一番。低收入国家的总人口为 23 亿,这一时期的国内生产总值(GDP)增长率为 5.1%,仅需 14 年,消费就会翻一番。 ^(10){ }^{10} 显然,在二十五年内,全球范围内将出现重大的不稳定因素。由于肥沃的土壤、淡水、森林,甚至天然气的运输能力有限,因此过度膨胀的大部分影响将是区域性的。这些影响对富人的生活影响相对较小。因此,经济增长与生态有限性之间的碰撞所产生的全球危机一定是由石油供应不足引起的。尽管一个聪明的门外汉早在几年前就能预测到这一点(2001 年初,这一推理促使我查看了以目前的生产率计算的剩余石油储量年限的数据),但现在关于化石燃料危机是现代性终结的文献却在不断涌现。 ^(11){ }^{11} .
The carbon burned in fossil fuels amounts to the consumption of four centuries’ worth of total primary plant growth each year. Oil deposits derive from a few epochs of extreme global warming when the atmosphere was filled with carbon dioxide, which fostered prolific algal growth that effectively poisoned the seas and lakes. Deposits of algae were later converted into oil. The geology of oil is well understood, and there are few deposits left to find; extrapolation from the rate of past finds suggests that 90 percent of recoverable reserves have already been discovered. Indeed, more oil has been produced than discovered for each of the past thirty years. With the peak of discovery in the early 1960s, and cumulative production lagging discovery by thirty-eight years, the final peak of oil production is approaching very shortly. For example, rates of oil and natural-gas produc- 化石燃料中燃烧的碳相当于每年消耗四个世纪植物原始生长的总量。石油沉积源于全球极度变暖的几个时代,当时大气中充满了二氧化碳,促进了藻类的大量生长,这实际上毒害了海洋和湖泊。藻类沉积物后来转化成了石油。人们对石油的地质学已经有了很好的了解,现在已经没有什么矿藏可以找到了;根据过去的发现速度推断,90% 的可采储量已经被发现。事实上,在过去的三十年中,每年生产的石油都多于发现的石油。石油发现的高峰期在 20 世纪 60 年代初,累计产量比石油发现的高峰期晚了 38 年,因此石油产量的最终高峰期很快就会到来。例如,石油和天然气的生产率
tion in the United States and United Kingdom are set to fall sharply over the next ten years. While some estimates of the date of oil’s peak place it as far away as 2037, these are largely speculative. ^(12){ }^{12} Credible estimates place it in the current decade. Whatever the precise date, the peak of fossil-fuel production signals the end of modernity. During the twentieth century, the global population expanded sixfold, exactly in parallel with oil production. ^(13){ }^{13} Fossil fuels are an essential part of most aspects of food production, including transport, the construction and operation of farm machinery, the production and use of fertilizer and pesticides, the generation of electricity for refrigeration and storage, and cooking. Given the ease of storing and transporting fossil fuels, and the small amount of energy required to extract them from the ground, there are no effective alternatives for use on a similar scale. ^(14){ }^{14} At the same time, the world’s level of energy consumption will double in a mere twenty-eight years, driven by population growth, industrial development, and increasing per capita energy use. The collision between supply and demand will take place within a decade. ^(15){ }^{15} (Indeed, I now regard the credit crisis of 2008 as the first phase of the collision: the rise in oil prices and consequent inflation led to the rise of interest rates, triggering the failure of subprime loans.) Given the extent of the degradation of the soil by industrial agriculture over the past century, the global population looks set to plummet toward preindustrial levels over the next thirty years. ^(16){ }^{16} The consequences will be worst in countries with poor soils and dense populations, as well as in countries heavily affected by climate change. 未来十年,美国和英国的石油产量将急剧下降。虽然一些关于石油峰值日期的估计远至 2037 年,但这在很大程度上是推测。 ^(12){ }^{12} 可靠的估计是在本十年内。无论确切日期如何,化石燃料生产的峰值都预示着现代性的终结。在 20 世纪,全球人口增长了六倍,与石油生产正好同步。 ^(13){ }^{13} 化石燃料是粮食生产大部分环节的重要组成部分,包括运输、农业机械的制造和操作、化肥和杀虫剂的生产和使用、用于冷藏和储存的发电以及烹饪。鉴于化石燃料易于储存和运输,而且从地下开采化石燃料所需的能源很少,因此没有有效的替代品可用于类似的规模。 ^(14){ }^{14} 与此同时,在人口增长、工业发展和人均能源使用量增加的推动下,世界能源消耗水平将在短短二十八年内翻一番。供需之间的碰撞将在十年内发生。 ^(15){ }^{15} (事实上,我现在将 2008 年的信贷危机视为碰撞的第一阶段:石油价格上涨和随之而来的通货膨胀导致利率上升,引发了次级贷款的失败)。鉴于工业化农业在过去一个世纪中造成的土壤退化程度,全球人口在未来三十年中将急剧下降到工业化前的水平。 ^(16){ }^{16} 在土壤贫瘠、人口稠密的国家以及受气候变化影响严重的国家,后果将最为严重。
The end of modernity will be met by climatic instability, fuel poverty, food shortages, disease, social unrest, conflict, and war. In a time of shrinking rather than growing resources, few of the economic and political values of modernity can be preserved. A social order propagated through mass communications rather than personal relations will demonstrate very little resilience. Catastrophes and abominations of hitherto unimagined proportions are almost inevitable. 气候不稳定、燃料匮乏、粮食短缺、疾病、社会动荡、冲突和战争将是现代性的终结。在资源不断减少而不是增加的时代,现代性的经济和政治价值几乎无法保留。通过大众传播而非人际关系传播的社会秩序将表现出极小的适应力。前所未有的灾难和灾难几乎不可避免。
The aim of this summary is not to persuade people of the coming catastrophe of the end of modernity, as events themselves will do this more rapidly and effectively. The argument is, rather, that the modern age has been built on the power of fossil fuels rather than the human will alone. It is difficult to summon up political will when one is afflicted by physical in- 这篇摘要的目的不是要说服人们现代性终结的灾难即将来临,因为事件本身会更迅速、更有效地做到这一点。我们的论点是,现代性是建立在化石燃料的力量之上,而不仅仅是人类的意愿。当一个人的身体出现问题时,是很难唤起政治意愿的。
stabilities, whether in the environment, in access to essential resources, or in health. Any account of the political that begins with the will alone must be deficient. Any account of the economy that begins with human labor, as opposed to the labor of the soil, of domestic animals, and of fossil fuels, is deficient. Moreover, once the self-referential circle of the human will is breached, the way is opened for other interventions and forces. 无论是在环境、获得基本资源方面,还是在健康方面。任何仅从意志出发的政治论述都是有缺陷的。任何以人类劳动为出发点,而不是以土壤、家畜和化石燃料的劳动为出发点的经济学说都是有缺陷的。此外,一旦人类意志的自我反思圈子被打破,就会为其他干预和力量开辟道路。
In modern thought, concepts are formed by a process of abstraction and representation. Humanity can only achieve mastery if concepts retain their identities through this process. Should concepts dissimulate and nature prove to be unnatural, power prove to be subservience, wealth prove to be poverty, democracy prove to be tyranny, or freedom prove to be constraint, then concepts will be insufficiently stable to inform the will. 在现代思想中,概念是通过抽象和表象的过程形成的。只有当概念在这一过程中保持其特性时,人类才能成为主宰。如果概念发生异化,自然被证明是不自然的,权力被证明是顺从的,财富被证明是贫穷的,民主被证明是专制的,自由被证明是约束的,那么概念就会不够稳定,无法为意志提供依据。
The normal procedure is to attempt to stabilize concepts through the sovereign decree of definition. Definition may establish a network of conceptual relations, but it does little to guarantee the authenticity of representation, as the existence of relatively more and less useful definitions shows. Instead, it is essential that the process of abstraction and representation preserve the nature of the abstraction designated by the concept. Abstraction cannot be allowed to compromise fidelity. Herein lies a peculiar difficulty: abstraction is a selective procedure. In the representations of the sovereign subject, the selection cannot be performed by the nature that is to be selected; it must therefore be performed in representation itself, with the abstraction as its own criterion. Abstract concepts precede the sovereignty of the thinking subject as the conditions and criteria for representation. They are at once what is represented and what enables representation. They are like the courtiers who flatter their sovereign as to the wisdom and originality of his decisions while at the same time they serve as his sole sources of information, manipulating an inevitable outcome. They are like the bureaucrats who govern elected politicians without those politicians’ knowledge. This self-referentiality has the effect of self-confirmation, excluding all that is different from consideration. There is no longer a test of fidelity to the matter at hand. 通常的做法是试图通过定义的主权法令来稳定概念。定义可以建立一个概念关系网络,但却无法保证表征的真实性,正如存在着相对更有用和更没用的定义所表明的那样。相反,抽象和表征的过程必须保持概念所指定的抽象的性质。不能让抽象损害忠实性。这里存在着一个特殊的困难:抽象是一个选择性的过程。在主权主体的表象中,选择不能由要被选择的性质来完成;因此,它必须在表象本身中完成,以抽象作为自己的标准。抽象概念先于思维主体的主权,是表象的条件和标准。抽象概念既是被表象的东西,也是使表象成为可能的东西。它们就像谄媚君主的廷臣,一方面奉承君主的决策英明独到,另一方面又充当君主唯一的信息来源,操纵着不可避免的结果。他们就像官僚,在民选政治家不知情的情况下管理这些政治家。这种自我参照产生了自我确认的效果,将所有不同的东西都排除在考虑之外。不再有检验是否忠实于手头事务的标准。
The manipulation of concepts to appeal to immediate interests and pas- 操纵概念以迎合眼前利益和过往经验
sions is a perennial and widely acknowledged tool of propaganda. It is rarely acknowledged that reason will inevitably be supplanted in such a process. For if consciousness is informed by a process of representation, then one will only select for representation that which contributes to a judgment that will continue such representation. Imagination has its own process of natural selection, its own economy of survival. The vividness of concepts depends more on their conceptual coherence and self-referentiality in specific circumstances than it does on the nature of those circumstances. These paradoxes are well illustrated by the concept of democracy. Democracy consists in the identity of the governed and the governing. It is a reactive conceptual formulation, taking its notion of “governing” from the sovereign institutions, such as absolute monarchy, that it historically opposes. Carl Schmitt noted the paradox here: in a democracy, the sovereign, whether an assembly composed of or representing all citizens, can change laws and constitutions at will, without the limitations imposed on monarchy or aristocracy. ^(17){ }^{17} Indeed, in a democracy, where each consents to be governed by the collective will, there is a capacity for unrestricted domination. As Schmitt points out, it matters little whether the collective will is determined by the majority or whether it is determined only by a minority, perhaps even the executive, as in the case of war. The collective will must be obeyed without appeal. For Schmitt, the “people” - referring to those who govern and are governed - is a public category. Note the self-referentiality here. How can one have a public without a people or a people without a public? For Schmitt, then, ballots and opinion polls are insufficient to form the will of the people. The “unanimous opinion of one hundred million private persons is neither the will of the people nor public opinion.” ^(18){ }^{18} The key issue is neither the will of the people nor the will of the executive but the process by which the public will is formed, both as a general will through a constitutional process and as public opinion through information and discussion. Democracy is fated to destroy itself in the formation of the will. ^(19){ }^{19} In the last instance, it is neither the people nor the executive that govern but the processes of formation of a public will. The public will is compatible with dictatorship or almost any other kind of government. Every significant political power can hope to form the people’s will and so identify with the will of the people. ^(20){ }^{20} 在这个过程中,理性将不可避免地被取代。人们很少意识到,在这一过程中,理性将不可避免地被取代。因为,如果意识是通过表象过程获得的,那么人们只会选择那些有助于作出判断的表象,从而使这种表象得以延续。想象有其自身的自然选择过程,有其自身的生存经济。概念的生动性更多地取决于它们在特定环境中的概念一致性和自我参照性,而不是这些环境的性质。民主概念很好地说明了这些悖论。民主包括被统治者和统治者的同一性。它是一种被动的概念表述,其 "统治 "概念来自于它在历史上所反对的主权体制,如绝对君主制。卡尔-施米特(Carl Schmitt)指出了这里的悖论:在民主制度中,主权者,无论是由全体公民组成的议会,还是代表全体公民的议会,都可以随意修改法律和宪法,而不受君主制或贵族制的限制。 ^(17){ }^{17} 事实上,在民主制中,每个人都同意接受集体意志的支配,因此就有了不受限制的支配能力。正如施米特所指出的,集体意志是由多数人决定,还是只由少数人决定,甚至是由行政部门决定,这并不重要,就像在战争中一样。集体意志必须服从,不得上诉。在施米特看来,"人民"--指那些统治者和被统治者--是一个公共范畴。请注意这里的自我暗示。没有人民,何来公共;没有公共,何来人民? 因此,在施米特看来,选票和民意调查不足以形成人民的意志。一亿私人的一致意见既不是人民的意志,也不是民意。 ^(18){ }^{18} 问题的关键既不在于人民的意志,也不在于行政的意志,而在于公众意志的形成过程,既包括通过宪法程序形成的普遍意志,也包括通过信息和讨论形成的公众意见。民主注定要在意志的形成过程中自我毁灭。 ^(19){ }^{19} 最后,治理国家的既不是人民,也不是行政部门,而是公共意志的形成过程。公共意志与独裁或几乎任何其他类型的政府都是兼容的。每一个重要的政治力量都希望形成人民的意志,从而认同人民的意志。 ^(20){ }^{20}
Joseph Schumpeter has similarly pointed out that the will of the people 约瑟夫-熊彼特同样指出,人民的意愿
requires a conception of a common good around which the will of the people can be unified. ^(21){ }^{21} For the collective will to be public, it must be represented, and in that respect it requires a determinate object. The problem for democracy here is that such a conception of the common good appears to be lacking. The mechanisms of liberal democracy, including freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of discussion, produce an unrestrained clash of opinions. The role of mediation comes to the fore once more. It is one thing to have an abstract freedom of speech and another to be effectively heard. In the clash of opinion, opinions are not heard more vividly if they speak the truth, for the truth can be verified only by the confirmation of further vivid opinions. Instead, opinions must flatter the audience they attempt to attract; they must appeal to passions and immediate interests. The resolution of this competition - where liberal-democratic mechanisms give weight to the majority-must be a utilitarian conception of the common good, the greatest happiness of the greatest number. This is not the triumph of liberal ideology but the effect of mechanisms of conflict and competition. Moreover, this utilitarian conception can be little other than a materialistic conception of the common good as the creation of wealth, for no other conception can survive the test of liberal discussion. The creation of wealth alone has universal appeal to immediate interests. ^(21){ }^{21} 要使集体意志具有公共性,就必须代表集体意志,这就需要一个确定的对象。 ^(21){ }^{21} 要使集体意志具有公共性,它就必须被代表,在这方面,它需要一个确定的对象。民主在这方面的问题在于,似乎缺乏这样一种共同利益的概念。自由民主的机制,包括言论自由、新闻自由、集会自由和讨论自由,产生了无拘无束的意见冲突。调解的作用再次凸显。抽象的言论自由是一回事,有效地听取意见又是另一回事。在意见冲突中,如果意见说的是真话,就不会被更生动地听到,因为只有通过更生动的意见的证实才能验证真话。相反,观点必须奉承它们试图吸引的听众;它们必须迎合激情和切身利益。解决这种竞争的办法--在自由民主机制中,大多数人的权重--必须是共同利益的功利主义理念,即最大多数人的最大幸福。这不是自由主义意识形态的胜利,而是冲突和竞争机制的结果。此外,这种功利主义观念只能是一种将共同利益视为创造财富的唯物主义观念,因为任何其他观念都经不起自由主义讨论的考验。只有创造财富才对眼前利益具有普遍的吸引力。
The stability of liberal democracy depends on the stability of its concept of wealth. In a liberal democracy, the consumer appears to be sovereign. The people, governed by the vision of the common good of consumption, are fated to serve the creation of wealth. This vision might not, without considerable advertising propaganda and institutional conditioning, correspond to the private will. Yet no other outcome is possible. Capitalism is a process of continual restructuring for the sake of maximizing consumption. Consumption, of course, rests on production, and production rests on machines, resources, people, and organizations. The sovereignty of consumption results in the subservience of production; for each act of consumption there is an extended network of producers engaged in production, often beyond the confines of the democratic state. The inevitable outcome of a liberal democracy, lacking a collective determination of higher goods, is subjection to consumer desire. Production no longer has a universal representation like consumption; it cannot form the basis for agreement 自由民主的稳定性取决于其财富概念的稳定性。在自由民主制度中,消费者似乎是至高无上的。人民受消费的共同利益愿景支配,注定要为创造财富服务。如果没有大量的广告宣传和制度约束,这一愿景可能并不符合私人意愿。然而,不可能有其他结果。资本主义是一个为实现消费最大化而不断重组的过程。当然,消费依赖于生产,而生产依赖于机器、资源、人和组织。消费的主权导致生产的从属;每一个消费行为都有一个从事生产的生产者的扩展网络,往往超出了民主国家的范围。自由民主缺乏对高级商品的集体决定权,其必然结果就是屈从于消费欲望。生产不再像消费那样具有普遍的代表性,它无法成为达成协议的基础。
on the common good. Wealth is necessarily dualistic and unequal. It involves domination and poverty. The stability of democracy depends on keeping this poverty beyond the confines of expression in a political will. As Schmitt noted, if democracy requires the equality of the homogeneous on the basis of, for example, membership in a nation, it also necessarily requires the elimination of the heterogeneous from political representation. ^(22){ }^{22} The foreign and unequal, but also the animal and nonhuman, as well as higher values or spectral forces, are excluded from political representation. Democracy constructs the homogeneity of the collective will to which it appeals. In sum, the concept of democracy dissimulates. Beneath the ideals that it conjures up, it facilitates the domination of the people by consumer desire and money. 共同利益。财富必然是二元的、不平等的。它涉及统治和贫困。民主的稳定性取决于将这种贫困保持在政治意愿表达的范围之外。正如施米特所指出的,如果民主要求同质者在国家成员资格等基础上平等,那么它也必然要求异质者被排除在政治代表之外。 ^(22){ }^{22} 外来的、不平等的、动物的、非人类的,以及更高的价值或幽灵力量,都被排除在政治代表之外。民主建构了它所诉求的集体意志的同一性。总之,民主的概念是异化的。在它所唤起的理想之下,它助长了消费欲望和金钱对人民的支配。
Democracy is merely a polemical principle, an organizational form without political content. ^(23){ }^{23} Historically, it has often been supplemented by liberal norms of discussion and openness: persuading an opponent or allowing oneself to be persuaded of the truth or justice of something. The assumption is that truth or justice will predominate in free and open discussion. The problem of representation recurs here once again. Representation necessarily isolates an individual from its context. It separates the object from its environment. It imposes a hierarchical dualism between object and environment. The environment is treated as background, excluded from the value of the object, defined and explained in terms of the object, stereotyped, and homogenized. ^(24){ }^{24} All representation is partial, obscuring truth and propagating injustice. All representation is misrepresentation; all representation imposes its own values in advance. Representation has little facility for propagating truth and justice, because truth and justice are independent of opinion and representation. The paradox of representation is that, although matters that are true and right may be represented, the truth or justice of such matters cannot be represented in their independence from representation. Truth and justice exceed all representation. If one attempts to represent them, then they are produced by thought and are no longer independent of representation. If one merely appeals to their independence, then they are not represented at all. In short, democratic discussion is doomed to fail - not because people are insufficiently ascetic to pursue truth at the expense of their own interests, but because the interests of reason already exist that determine the conditions of representation. All of the common complaints about democracy in practice emerge from 民主只是一种论战原则,一种没有政治内容的组织形式。 ^(23){ }^{23} 从历史上看,民主常常辅之以自由主义的讨论和开放准则:说服对手或允许自己被说服,以证明某事的真理或正义。其假设是,在自由和公开的讨论中,真理或正义将占主导地位。这里再次出现了代表性问题。表象必然会将个体与其环境隔离开来。它将对象与其环境分离开来。它在对象与环境之间强加了一种等级森严的二元论。环境被视为背景,被排除在对象的价值之外,根据对象来定义和解释,被定型,被同质化。 ^(24){ }^{24} 所有的表象都是片面的,掩盖了真相,传播了不公正。所有的表象都是错误的表象;所有的表象都事先强加了自己的价值观。表象在传播真理和正义方面没有什么便利条件,因为真理和正义是独立于观点和表象的。表述的悖论在于,尽管真实和正确的事物可以被表述,但这些事物的真理或正义却无法脱离表述而独立存在。真理和正义超越一切表象。如果人们试图表征它们,那么它们就是由思想产生的,不再独立于表征。如果人们只是呼吁它们的独立性,那么它们就根本没有代表性。简而言之,民主讨论注定要失败--不是因为人们不够禁欲,不能以牺牲自身利益为代价来追求真理,而是因为理性的利益已经存在,决定了表征的条件。 对民主实践的所有常见抱怨都源于
this structural problem: the degeneration of democracy into a struggle of party interests, the banality of debate, the politics of personalities, the irrationality of human behavior, the manipulation of opinion by propaganda, the secrecy of real decision making outside public debate, and the determination of politics by economic realities. None of these failings are new. Democracy is corrupted at the origin because it subscribes to an impossible ideal. 这一结构性问题是:民主沦为党派利益之争、辩论的平庸化、个人政治、人类行为的非理性、宣传对舆论的操纵、公开辩论之外真正决策的秘密性以及经济现实对政治的决定。这些弊端都不是新出现的。民主之所以堕落,根源在于它信奉的是一种不可能实现的理想。
Similarly, the political ideal of freedom echoes modern humanism. It is freedom from public representations of divine command or the sacred common good; it is freedom to determine one’s will by entering into contracts in the marketplace; and it is freedom to master a portion of nature or dispose of one’s property as one pleases. Lacking public representations or manifestations of a common good, free and open debate must necessarily settle on such individual freedom as its lowest common denominator. Once guarding against threats to the individual or property becomes the essence of the common good, then manipulation of fear becomes the pre-eminent tool of governance, and absolute rule by the state may be sanctioned to defend against an emergency. Yet this very perception of the primacy of threat and consequent absolutism derives not from taking freedom and property as ontological points of departure. Instead, the positing of freedom and property as a basis derives from the mechanisms of representation and discussion themselves. For freedom and property alone have universal appeal to immediate interests. 同样,自由的政治理想与现代人文主义遥相呼应。它是不受神谕或神圣的共同利益的公开表述的自由;它是通过在市场上签订合同来决定自己意愿的自由;它是随心所欲地掌握自然的一部分或处置自己财产的自由。由于缺乏对共同利益的公开表述或体现,自由和公开的辩论必然以这种个人自由作为其最小公分母。一旦防范对个人或财产的威胁成为共同利益的本质,那么操纵恐惧就成了最重要的治理工具,国家的绝对统治就可能被认可来抵御紧急情况。然而,这种威胁至上的观念以及随之而来的专制主义,并非源于将自由和财产作为本体论的出发点。相反,以自由和财产为基础的假设源于表述和讨论机制本身。因为只有自由和财产才对切身利益具有普遍的吸引力。
Just as the collective will of democracy requires the creation of wealth as the object that makes it possible, it also requires an assumption of the free individual as subject of this will. Failing the public representation of truth and justice, however, there is no other form of persuasion than the manipulation of opinion. Just as in the sphere of economics, where freedom to consume is dependent on the constraint on others to produce, so also in politics, freedom of expression is dependent on the constraint on others to be persuaded. Universal freedom is only possible in an ideal world without context. The modern quest for wealth - the increasing domination of the natural world - and freedom - the separation from natural constraint and social obligation - are illusions, impossible ideals born of representation and abstraction, projections of an idealized condition in which humanity cannot survive or flourish. 正如民主的集体意志要求以创造财富为目标,它也要求假定自由的个人是这一意志的主体。然而,如果真理和正义不能被公众所代表,那么除了操纵舆论之外,就别无其他说服方式了。正如在经济领域,消费自由取决于对他人生产的约束一样,在政治领域,表达自由也取决于对他人被说服的约束。普遍自由只有在没有背景的理想世界中才有可能实现。现代人对财富的追求--对自然世界的日益支配--以及对自由的追求--摆脱自然约束和社会义务--都是幻想,是由表象和抽象产生的不可能的理想,是人类无法生存或繁荣的理想化状态的投射。
In the last instance, representation rests on a utopian faith. Modern 在最后一种情况下,代表性建立在乌托邦式的信仰之上。现代
values are supported not by nature or reason but by nothing less than a secular theology. Theological questions may be reintroduced as soon as one places representation - that which abstracts from time - back within time. Saving time forms the essence of the modern project of emancipation. Only when one is liberated from the constraints of natural necessity that may foreshorten our life spans, and one is liberated from the constraints of social obligation that occupy our time, does one have the freedom to become what one wishes to be. The aspiration is for a condition of atheism where one is finally unconditioned by God or nature. Economic rationality depends on a symbolization of time so that a calculation can be performed that minimizes relative expenditure while maximizing control over nature through technology and maximizing control over social obligation through money. The certainty that attaches to economic rationality derives from its proofs in practice: technological invention and acquisition of wealth. Yet the knowledge, power, and wealth acquired are always local and partial. Projecting a future when liberation will be complete, economic rationality is faith seeking understanding. In this total future, abstract symbols of time will effectively represent time as open, empty, and undetermined in a glorious, heavenly future where the passage of time is no longer constrained by natural necessity or social obligation. Trust in the transcendent will vanish only when one finally attains the complete repeatability and universality required for scientific certainty, and when all knowledge is grounded on evidence. Only as such will the secular sphere be constituted, the sphere of the present age untrammeled by obligation to repeat the past or anxious expectation of the judgments of the future, where all causes are mediated to their consequences by knowledge. 价值观的支撑不是自然或理性,而是世俗神学。只要我们将抽象出时间的表象重新置于时间之中,神学问题就会重新出现。节约时间构成了现代解放计划的精髓。只有当一个人从可能缩短我们寿命的自然需要的束缚中解放出来,从占据我们时间的社会义务的束缚中解放出来,他才有自由成为他希望成为的人。人们渴望的是一种无神论状态,即最终不受上帝或自然的制约。经济理性依赖于时间的符号化,这样就可以进行计算,使相对支出最小化,同时通过技术最大限度地控制自然,通过金钱最大限度地控制社会义务。经济理性的确定性来自于其在实践中的证明:技术发明和财富获取。然而,获得的知识、权力和财富总是局部的、片面的。经济理性是一种寻求理解的信仰,它预测的是一个完全解放的未来。在这个完全的未来,抽象的时间符号将有效地代表开放、空洞和不确定的时间,在这个光辉灿烂的天堂般的未来,时间的流逝不再受制于自然的必然性或社会的义务。只有当人们最终达到科学确定性所要求的完全可重复性和普遍性,当所有知识都建立在证据的基础上时,对超验者的信任才会消失。 只有这样,才能构成世俗的领域,才能构成不受重复过去的义务或对未来判断的焦虑期待所束缚的当代领域,在这个领域中,所有的原因都以知识为中介而产生结果。
To attain such a condition, however, it is necessary to short-circuit expectations and treat the secular age as though it were present, here and now. One projects hypotheses about the natural world before one can test and correct them. Similarly, in the sphere of value, one estimates the price of a commodity in relation to other commodities, needs, and interests. This very anticipation, this very faith, introduces a distortion into emancipatory practice, producing ignorance and slavery. For one has to project the secular utopia as already attained in order to construct the world of nature or the sphere of value. The result is a totalization that attempts to effect both a formal and a real subsumption of reality. Concepts of nature, value, so- 然而,要达到这样的境界,就必须缩短期望的时间,把世俗时代当作此时此地的现实来对待。人们在对自然世界做出假设之前,先要对其进行检验和修正。同样,在价值领域,人们根据其他商品、需求和利益来估算商品的价格。这种预测,这种信仰,给解放实践带来了扭曲,产生了无知和奴役。因为人们必须预测已经实现的世俗乌托邦,以构建自然世界或价值领域。其结果是一种总体化,试图对现实进行形式上和实际上的归纳。自然的概念、价值的概念、......
ciety, necessity, power, wealth, freedom, and even money are abstractions that depend on a prior totalization, as though the system of exchange and relation that constitutes the world were universal. In each case, a representation of material life, which functions as a medium of social interaction, assumes an autonomy from social interaction as soon as it is posited as existing in itself. It maintains such an autonomy only by attempting to realize itself, by effecting first a formal and then a real subsumption of material life under its organizing categories. In short, the material, secular, natural, and social worlds have no ontological purchase. They are representations that exist only insofar as they attempt to realize themselves. They possess an abstract unity that can never be realized in practice. 社会、必要性、权力、财富、自由甚至金钱都是抽象概念,它们依赖于先验的总体化,就好像构成世界的交换和关系体系是普遍的一样。在每一种情况下,作为社会互动媒介的物质生活表征,一旦被假定为存在于自身之中,就会从社会互动中获得自主性。它只有通过试图实现自身,通过首先在形式上、然后在实质上将物质生活归入其组织范畴,才能保持这种自主性。简而言之,物质世界、世俗世界、自然世界和社会世界都没有本体论上的购买力。它们是表象,只有在它们试图实现自身时才会存在。它们具有一种抽象的统一性,但在实践中却永远无法实现。
The mechanism for the constitution of the secular order of nature, or the “novo ordo seclorum” celebrated on the dollar bill, is explained by money. We return to the problem of the specific power of money to venture a preliminary exposition. This mechanism, the dominant political “energy” of modernity, can be summarized briefly here. It will be elaborated subsequently. Failing the arrival of the universal, secular utopia, one substitutes a particular for the universal in anticipation of the universal. In Grundrisse, Marx noticed the “contradiction” that occurs between money as the universal unit of account and money as a particular commodity that can be exchanged: “Money - the common form into which all commodities as exchange values are transformed, i.e. the universal commodity-must itself exist as a particular commodity alongside the others, since what is required is not only that they can be measured against it in the head, but that they can be changed and exchanged for it in the actual exchange process. The contradiction which thereby enters, to be developed elsewhere.” ^(25){ }^{25} The consequence of such a contradiction is that there is no longer such a thing as nature, society, or even history. No such universal terms are ever achieved or explained. One always substitutes a particular for the universal: a natural process for nature as a whole; a social institution for society; a historical event for history. Lacking access to knowledge of the full order of nature, one projects partial and particular images to substitute for the universal. Yet what are rendered invisible in a commodified, naturalistic, secular ontology based on evidence and information are not merely social forces, but temporal forces. In the very act of saving time, one loses time altogether. In the construction of secular knowledge, a knowledge of the 构成世俗自然秩序的机制,或者说一美元钞票上所颂扬的 "新秩序",是由货币来解释的。我们回到货币的特殊力量问题,大胆地进行初步阐述。这一机制是现代性的主导政治 "能量",在此可以简要概括。随后我们将对其进行详细阐述。如果普遍的、世俗的乌托邦没有到来,人们就会用特殊性来代替普遍性,以期待普遍性的到来。在《基础论》中,马克思注意到了作为普遍记账单位的货币与作为可以交换的特殊商品的货币之间的 "矛盾":"货币--作为交换价值的一切商品所转化成的共同形式,即普遍商品--本身必须作为特殊商品与其他商品并存,因为所需要的不仅是它们可以在头脑中用它来衡量,而且是它们可以在实际交换过程中被改变和交换。由此产生的矛盾,将在别处展开"。 ^(25){ }^{25} 这种矛盾的后果是,不再有自然、社会甚至历史这样的东西。这种普遍性的术语从来没有实现过,也没有解释过。人们总是用特殊性来代替普遍性:用自然过程来代替整个自然;用社会制度来代替社会;用历史事件来代替历史。由于缺乏对自然整体秩序的了解,人们只能用局部的、特殊的图像来替代普遍的图像。然而,在以证据和信息为基础的商品化、自然主义和世俗本体论中,看不见的不仅仅是社会力量,还有时间力量。在节约时间的行为中,人们完全失去了时间。 在世俗知识的建构中,关于
“present age,” one excludes the past and the future in favor of an imagined eschaton of perfect knowledge. This attempt to save time by attaining a partial vision of perfect knowledge in advance of the eschaton is the very move that at once eliminates all possibility of true knowledge of time and allows the entry of diabolical forces into human thought. 在 "现时代",人们排除了过去和未来,转而追求想象中的完美知识的末世。这种试图通过在末世到来之前获得部分完美知识来节省时间的做法,恰恰消除了真正了解时间的所有可能性,并使邪恶势力得以进入人类思想。
The consequences of the substitution of the particular for a projected universal have a significance that amounts to both the origin and the end of modernity. First, since there is no necessity that governs which particular should be substituted for the universal, this structure of thinking can capture all desires. All points of view can be represented here, for the substitution of the particular for the universal is a purely formal structure. It does not initially seem to matter which content will come to fill it. Progress toward the universal offers the promise of limitless possibility. In the secular eschaton, once progress has been achieved, people will have the freedom to do as they please with their time and money, since they will no longer be subjected to natural necessity or social obligation. As a commodity, then, money stands in for any specific will or desire; it is the material representation of a universal form. Second, however, those particulars that are best suited to occupying the place of the universal are those that are capable of universalizing themselves. A conception of the people as supreme power, for example, or a conception of human identity as self-consciousness, or a conception of truth as founded on empirical evidence, or a conception of money as supreme value - it is astonishing to consider the extent to which human activity has been regulated by such autopoietic ideas. The relevant characteristics of such ideas include both an openness to relation, so that the rest of the world is judged from their perspective, and a closed interior generated by self-reference, so that they become the sole measures of themselves. In the case of money, since it is both means of payment and unit of account, the best way to acquire what one wishes is to make money first. Thus, money posits itself as the universal, supreme value and the means of access to all other values. At the same time, money becomes a kind of encompassing membrane that determines what will count as valuable, just as empirical truth determines what counts as real, or self-consciousness determines what counts as experience, or the will of the people determines what happens in the course of history. Third, once significance has been delegated to the universalized particular, it then becomes the source of all 以特殊性取代普遍性的后果,其意义既是现代性的起源,也是现代性的终结。首先,由于没有任何必然性规定哪种特殊性应被普遍性所取代,这种思维结构可以捕捉到所有的欲望。所有观点都可以在这里得到体现,因为用特殊性代替普遍性是一种纯粹的形式结构。最初似乎并不重要,重要的是哪种内容会填充其中。向普遍性迈进提供了无限的可能性。在世俗的末世,一旦实现了进步,人们就可以自由支配自己的时间和金钱,因为他们不再受制于自然需要或社会义务。因此,作为一种商品,金钱代表了任何特定的意愿或欲望;它是一种普遍形式的物质代表。其次,最适合占据普遍性位置的特殊性是那些能够使自身普遍化的特殊性。例如,人民是最高权力的概念,人类身份是自我意识的概念,真理是建立在实证基础上的概念,金钱是最高价值的概念--想想人类活动在多大程度上受到这种自生自灭的观念的制约,就会令人吃惊。这些观念的相关特征既包括对关系的开放性,因此世界上的其他事物都是从它们的角度来判断的,也包括由自我参照产生的封闭的内部,因此它们成为衡量自身的唯一标准。 就货币而言,由于它既是支付手段,又是记账单位,要想获得想要的东西,最好的办法就是先赚钱。因此,货币将自己定位为普遍的、至高无上的价值以及获取所有其他价值的手段。与此同时,金钱成为了一种包罗万象的薄膜,它决定了什么才算有价值,就像经验真理决定了什么才算真实,自我意识决定了什么才算经验,人民的意志决定了历史进程中会发生什么一样。第三,一旦意义被赋予普遍化的特殊性,它就会成为一切的源泉。
benefits, wealth, and significance. By saving time and borrowing a particular postulate from a future secular utopia, one owes a debt of gratitude. One is under an obligation to demonstrate that one’s idol will indeed appear in the secular utopia. In this respect, the extreme vulnerability of the monetary system constitutes the very source of its power. Not only are economic agents committed to making future profits to pay off current debts, but governments are committed to preserving and restoring a fragile monetary system as the very condition of all social activity. The devastating effects of financial crises demonstrate how dependent the “real economy” is on monetary systems. ^(26){ }^{26} Moreover, such devastating effects tend to impoverish and disempower ordinary people, while international bodies ensure that reconstruction gives prime importance to the re-stabilization of the monetary system in the interests of international capital as the precondition for any political action. ^(27){ }^{27} Volatility and instability, the result of the “internal contradictions” of capital, only strengthen the system as a whole. The analogies hold with other universalized particulars. The absence of clarity concerning the will of the people makes the determination of public opinion all the more necessary. Failures of human self-consciousness make self-knowledge all the more important. Errors and prejudices make empirical verification of the truth more urgent. The freedom of modernity entails an unlimited debt to the future that it has created. Within the illusion of modernity, life is determined by eschatology. 利益、财富和意义。通过节省时间,从未来的世俗乌托邦中借用一个特定的假设,人们欠下了一笔感激债。人们有义务证明自己的偶像确实会出现在世俗乌托邦中。在这方面,货币体系的极端脆弱性正是其力量的源泉。不仅经济行为主体致力于赚取未来的利润来偿还当前的债务,而且政府也致力于维护和恢复脆弱的货币体系,将其作为所有社会活动的根本条件。金融危机的破坏性影响表明,"实体经济 "是多么依赖货币体系。 ^(26){ }^{26} 此外,这种破坏性影响往往会使普通人陷入贫困,丧失权力,而国际机构则会确保重建工作将重新稳定货币体系放在首位,以维护国际资本的利益,并将此作为任何政治行动的前提条件。 ^(27){ }^{27} 资本 "内部矛盾 "造成的波动和不稳定只会加强整个体系。其他普遍化的特殊情况也是如此。由于人民的意志不明确,因此更有必要确定公众舆论。人类自我意识的缺失使得自我认识变得更加重要。错误和偏见使得对真理的经验验证变得更加迫切。现代性的自由意味着对它所创造的未来的无限亏欠。在现代性的幻觉中,生活是由末世论决定的。
The end of modernity is a crisis of representation. Once nature is no longer stable, it cannot be effectively represented and mastered; once concepts are no longer stable, political decisions can no longer be taken according to principles or pragmatic considerations. The humanistic representation of two kinds of power - of the body and of the will - proves to be an illusion. Humanity has always been at the mercy of other principles and powers. 现代性的终结是一场表象危机。一旦自然不再稳定,它就无法被有效地表现和掌握;一旦概念不再稳定,政治决策就无法再根据原则或实用主义的考虑来做出。事实证明,人本主义关于身体和意志两种力量的表述是一种幻觉。人类始终受制于其他原则和力量。
The problem of the relation between the economic and the political should be considered in relation to the crisis of representation. Where political power relies on a qualitative representation of nature and society, economic power relies on a quantitative representation of exchange value. This difference in representation is decisive. Debates about whether eco- 经济与政治之间的关系问题应与表征危机联系起来考虑。政治权力依赖于自然和社会的定性表征,而经济权力则依赖于交换价值的定量表征。这种代表性的差异是决定性的。关于生态与政治关系的辩论
nomic globalization leads to the “end of politics” or the subjection of the nation-state to the power of finance capital may be resolved at an ontological level. If the principal power of the nation-state is sovereign legislation, or a restriction of liberty, then its power is limited. One may restrict the movement of bodies through force and shape the determination of the will through threats, but one can no longer legislate for rates of exchange value. Although the state may attempt to act in the economic field by controlling interest rates, the money supply, rates of taxation, borrowing, and spending, it remains one economic agent alongside others. The state merely has a power of economic intervention. Of course, the economy cannot operate very effectively without a set of market regulations enforced by the state and a currency supported by the state. Yet the state cannot operate very effectively without the economy as its source of wealth and power. There is a mutual dependence between economic and political power. This dependence is asymmetrical in one vital respect: where state power is localized in a people and territory, economic power is localized in money. One is static, the other is mobile. States may be heterogeneous, but capital is relatively homogeneous. Where capital can choose which states it does business with, a state cannot easily choose which capital will benefit its polity (leaving aside, for now, considerations of a hegemony of currencies). A state may regulate the movement of capital, in theory and in the past, subordinating economic power to political ends. Once the movement of capital is deregulated, however, it is like gas that has been let out of a bottle. ^(28){ }^{28} Capital cannot be restored without some stronger force of attraction drawing back inward investment. Once capital has been liberated, it will be reluctant to commit itself permanently to the economic fate of a particular nation and currency; exchange in search of better prices and profits is the essential power of money. In this respect, economic globalization is irreversible short of a breakdown in transport, communications, banking, or energy infrastructures. States that have released the movement of capital have little choice but to subordinate all other political aims to the attraction of investment or risk losing the source of their power. Money is the supreme political authority in modernity. It constitutes and expresses the will of the people. It forms the illusory autonomy of the political subject at the same time that such autonomy is undermined. 全球化导致 "政治的终结 "或民族国家屈从于金融资本的权力,这些问题都可以在本体论的层面上得到解决。如果民族国家的主要权力是主权立法或对自由的限制,那么它的权力就是有限的。人们可以通过武力来限制身体的移动,通过威胁来塑造意志的决定,但却不能再为汇率立法。尽管国家可以通过控制利率、货币供应量、税率、借贷和支出来试图在经济领域采取行动,但它仍然是与其他经济主体并列的一个经济主体。国家只是拥有经济干预的权力。当然,如果没有一套由国家强制执行的市场规则和一种由国家支持的货币,经济就不可能非常有效地运行。然而,如果没有经济作为其财富和权力的来源,国家也无法非常有效地运作。经济权力与政治权力之间存在着相互依存的关系。这种依赖在一个重要方面是不对称的:国家权力集中在一个民族和领土上,而经济权力则集中在货币上。一个是静态的,另一个是流动的。国家可能是异质的,但资本是相对同质的。资本可以选择与哪些国家做生意,而国家却不能轻易选择哪些资本有利于其政体(暂且不考虑货币霸权)。在理论上和过去,国家可以对资本的流动进行管制,使经济权力服从于政治目的。然而,一旦放松对资本流动的管制,它就会像从瓶子里放出的气体一样。 ^(28){ }^{28} 如果没有更强大的吸引力吸引外来投资,资本就不可能恢复。一旦资本获得解放,它就不愿意永远屈从于某个特定国家和货币的经济命运;为寻求更好的价格和利润而进行的交换是货币的基本力量。在这方面,经济全球化是不可逆转的,除非交通、通信、银行或能源基础设施发生故障。放开资本流动的国家别无选择,只能将所有其他政治目标置于吸引投资之下,否则就有可能失去权力的源泉。货币是现代性的最高政治权威。它构成并表达了人民的意志。它形成了政治主体虚幻的自主性,同时这种自主性也遭到了破坏。
Money, in its essence, responds to the crisis of representation. For where 从本质上讲,货币是对代表性危机的回应。因为
representation within a polity corresponds to perceptions of truth or right, to observation or to habits, customs, and laws, money provides a medium for the representation of exchange value. The value that money represents, then, is merely the value that could be exchanged for it-in other words, a value that is represented by others. This, in turn, represents the value of other exchanges and other representations. There is no grounding of exchange value outside the specular realm of representation, in which representations can only represent other representations. Whereas political representation is constructed internally in relation to a culture where everything has a determinate place and value, economic representation reflects the activity of a set of exterior evaluations. Exchange value is never the value of an object in itself or the use value of an object to a particular person or culture. It is the value that may be substituted for the object in exchange. It is the value that remains when the internal relations of a polity or culture are broken by the alienation of property. 在一个政体中,代表与真理或权利的认知、观察或习惯、风俗和法律相对应,而货币则为交换价值的代表提供了媒介。因此,货币所代表的价值仅仅是可以交换的价值,换句话说,是由他人所代表的价值。这反过来又代表了其他交换和其他表征的价值。在表征的镜像领域之外没有交换价值的基础,表征只能表征其他表征。政治表征是在内部建构的,与一切事物都有确定地位和价值的文化相关,而经济表征则反映了一系列外部评价的活动。交换价值从来都不是物品本身的价值,也不是物品对特定的人或文化的使用价值。它是可以替代交换物品的价值。它是当一个政体或文化的内部关系因财产的异化而被打破时仍然存在的价值。
If politics concerns the construction of a public space of representation, economics concerns the construction of a different kind of public space: the market. In the market, goods can be found that have traveled some considerable distance from their sites of production. Such markets operate inefficiently by means of barter exchange; they operate far more effectively with the use of money. In Aristotle’s account of the invention of money, metal was adopted because of its mobility and ease of transportation, and was stamped with a sign to save the trouble of weighing, for the purpose of long-distance trade. ^(29){ }^{29} In such trade, value is carried beyond the polis and its representation of values. In spite of the sovereign’s stamp on the coinage, the value of money is determined by possibilities of exchange in other markets, not simply those within the polis itself. Even when used within a political space, money represents value that belongs outside. It is a representation of value that continues to function when all internal representations break down. Indifferent to the particular goods and values with which it may be exchanged, money represents the abstract quantity of an exchange value. Money is apparently neutral in exchange, indifferent to buying or selling, production or consumption. It merely facilitates exchange by measuring and storing value, having no intrinsic interest on its own account. Money has political and ethical neutrality. It produces and destroys nothing; it is indifferent to any exploitation, violence, appropria- 如果说政治学关注的是代表公共空间的建设,那么经济学关注的则是另一种公共空间的建设:市场。在市场上,人们可以找到从生产地远道而来的商品。这种市场通过以物易物的方式进行交易,效率很低;而使用货币则会有效得多。在亚里士多德关于货币发明的论述中,金属因其流动性强、便于运输而被采用,并且为了长途贸易的目的,金属上还印有标志,以省去称重的麻烦。 ^(29){ }^{29} 在这种贸易中,价值超越了政体及其价值代表。尽管货币上有君主的印记,但货币的价值是由其他市场的交换可能性决定的,而不仅仅是由政体本身决定的。即使是在政治空间内使用,货币也代表着属于外部的价值。它是一种价值表征,在所有内部表征都瓦解的情况下仍能继续发挥作用。货币代表的是交换价值的抽象数量,它对与之交换的特定商品和价值无动于衷。在交换中,货币显然是中立的,对买卖、生产或消费都无动于衷。它只是通过衡量和储存价值来促进交换,本身并没有内在的利益。货币具有政治和道德中立性。它既不生产也不毁灭任何东西;它对任何剥削、暴力、侵占、掠夺、贿赂、贿赂和贿赂都漠不关心。
tion, or exclusion carried out in order to obtain its services. Money continues to bear value through political crises and through nihilism. 货币的价值在于它是一种 "服务",是为了获得其服务而进行的 "剥削 "或 "排斥"。在政治危机和虚无主义中,货币依然具有价值。
Aristotle was prescient here. The use of money to make money, money that bears interest, and the quest for profits for their own sake have no determinate value and so no place within the polis. The condemnation of usury derives from this principle. For money that makes money leads to the acquisition of a power that has no political essence or limits. The power of accumulated money threatens chaos and nihilism by overpowering all existing values. It threatens to dismantle the social order piece by piece through appropriation, substitution, and exchange. Economic globalization is the completion of this anti-political process throughout the world through millions of minor acts of alienation between people and people, people and land, and land and its products or resources. It fragments the world of public representation through substitution and exchange. 亚里士多德在这方面是有先见之明的。以钱生钱,以钱生息,为追求利润而追求利润,这些都没有确定的价值,因此在政体中也没有立足之地。对高利贷的谴责就源于这一原则。因为赚钱的钱会导致获得一种没有政治本质或限制的权力。积累起来的金钱的力量压倒了所有现存的价值观,从而威胁着混乱和虚无主义。它通过占有、替代和交换,威胁着社会秩序的逐一瓦解。经济全球化通过人与人之间、人与土地之间、土地与其产品或资源之间千百万次微小的异化行为,在全世界完成了这一反政治进程。它通过替代和交换,使公共表征的世界支离破碎。
Nevertheless, exchange value does not dissolve prior social relations without reconstituting its own public space of representation. As Adam Smith explained at the opening of The Wealth of Nations, trade is the condition of possibility of the division of labor and of economic interdependence. ^(30){ }^{30} Money facilitates the growth of a new social network of public representation. The market is the social form that replaces public representation. Values become local, variable, and purely quantitative in an extended system of markets. 尽管如此,交换价值并不会消解先前的社会关系,而不会重建其自身的公共表征空间。正如亚当-斯密在《国富论》开篇所解释的,贸易是劳动分工和经济相互依存的可能性条件。 ^(30){ }^{30} 货币促进了新的公共代表社会网络的发展。市场是取代公共代表的社会形式。在一个扩展的市场体系中,价值变得局部、可变和纯粹量化。
Money mediates between representation and reality. While exchange value is represented in terms of a quantity of money, a quantity of money also represents demand. The degree of one’s desire for any good or service is represented publicly in terms of the sum of money one is willing to pay for it. Of course, one’s desire may exceed the money one has available for payment, but such desire is not publicly represented. In a market society, political values are irrelevant. If public representation occurs only in the form of abstract quantities, then evaluation can be represented only in the quantitative form of a degree of desire. There is no effective public representation apart from as a degree of desire. In the market, then, all evaluations must be invested with a degree of desire to become public; they must further be backed by a sum of money. Money, which renders demands effective, is a reality principle that realizes desire. It makes exchange possible. It does so, however, by being desirable itself. Money is acceptable 货币是表象与现实之间的中介。虽然交换价值以货币数量来表示,但货币数量也代表需求。一个人对任何商品或服务的渴望程度,公开地表现为他愿意为之支付的金额。当然,一个人的欲望可能超过他所能支付的金钱,但这种欲望并不公开。在市场社会中,政治价值观是无关紧要的。如果公共代表只是以抽象数量的形式出现,那么评价就只能以欲望程度的数量形式体现。除了欲望程度之外,不存在有效的公共表征。因此,在市场中,所有的评价都必须投入一定程度的欲望才能成为公共评价;它们还必须得到一笔钱的支持。货币使需求有效,是实现欲望的现实原则。它使交换成为可能。然而,它是通过自身的欲望来实现这一点的。货币是可接受的
in exchange because it is the means of exchange itself. Since it may be exchanged for anything, money mediates between and coordinates desires. As the means of access to the realization of desire, money is supremely to be desired; as that which is supremely desired, money is acceptable in exchange and so becomes the means of access to the realization of desire. It is this vicious circle that underlies the trust in money. Money has a dual role in representation. On the one hand, it represents the objective social value that could be obtained in exchange for it; on the other hand, it represents a degree of subjective desire for that value. It joins desire to satisfaction in representation itself. As such, it constitutes the very texture of market society. Market society is constituted not simply by exchange, therefore, but by the representation of exchange as a satisfaction of desire. 因为它本身就是交换的手段。由于金钱可以交换任何东西,所以它是欲望之间的中介和协调者。作为实现欲望的手段,金钱是至高无上的欲望;作为至高无上的欲望,金钱在交换中是可接受的,因此成为实现欲望的手段。这种恶性循环正是金钱信任的基础。金钱在表象中具有双重作用。一方面,它代表着可以用来交换的客观社会价值;另一方面,它代表着对这种价值的某种程度的主观欲望。它在表象本身中将欲望与满足结合在一起。因此,它构成了市场社会的本质。因此,市场社会不仅是由交换构成的,而且是由作为欲望满足的交换的表征构成的。
Representation takes on a different form in the market from that found in politics. In politics, representation reproduces a form or concept. In economics, representation reproduces a value or quantity. Nevertheless, there is a sense in which representation in money is already fractured and not itself. For money is at once, according to the economists, a means of payment, a measure of value, and a store of value. ^(31){ }^{31} Exchange value is at once acquired through money, represented by money, and preserved in money. While other commodities may be taken as representing their exchange value, money remains distinct from other commodities in a number of respects. It has a socially validated monopoly of equivalence, expressed both in its status as legal tender and in its being uniquely required for the payment of wages, taxes, interest, and dividends, and for the repayment of loans. Moreover, where other commodities have to be sold to realize their exchange value, money represents its exchange value without needing to be exchanged. As such, money is the object of an unlimited desire for accumulation. Furthermore, money is the measure of profits, yet it can yield a profit only through investment, flowing out and back through exchange. 市场中的表征与政治中的表征形式不同。在政治领域,表征再现的是一种形式或概念。在经济学中,表征再现的是价值或数量。然而,在某种意义上,货币的表征已经支离破碎,其本身并不存在。因为根据经济学家的观点,货币既是支付手段,也是价值尺度和价值储藏。 ^(31){ }^{31} 交换价值既是通过货币获得的,又是由货币表现出来的,而且还保存在货币中。虽然其他商品可以代表其交换价值,但货币在许多方面仍有别于其他商品。它具有社会认可的等价垄断权,这表现在它是法定货币,也表现在它是支付工资、税收、利息和红利以及偿还贷款的唯一必需品。此外,在其他商品必须出售才能实现其交换价值的情况下,货币无需交换就能体现其交换价值。因此,货币是人们无限渴望积累的对象。此外,货币是衡量利润的尺度,但它只有通过投资才能产生利润,并通过交换流出和流回。
To represent exchange value as a price in terms of money, therefore, is to synthesize three different considerations into a single quantity. In the first place, a price represents a sum of money, which represents the value of all sorts of other goods that may be acquired through money. Value is formed through an imagination of exchange, generated by all kinds of desire. In the second place, a price represents a sum of money, which represents a specific degree of the demand for money. In the third place, a price rep- 因此,把交换价值用货币表示为价格,就是把三个不同的因素综合为一个单一的量。首先,价格代表的是一笔货币,它代表的是可以通过货币获得的其他各种商品的价值。价值是通过交换的想象形成的,由各种欲望产生。其次,价格代表着一笔货币,它代表着对货币需求的特定程度。第三,价格代表
resents a sum of money, which represents a certain degree of power for making profits through investment. All three of these desires find public expression in a price: a desire for goods, a desire for money, and a desire for profits. Money is a source of perpetual dissimulation and equivocation. At one and the same time, money is that which makes desires effective through exchange, that which makes desires achievable through accumulation, and that which makes desires more effective through profits. As a means of payment, money participates in the sphere of objective reality through circulation; as a measure of value, it participates in the sphere of subjective reality as a degree of desire; as a store of value, it participates in an impersonal sphere of credit or the possibility of expressing desire and realizing value. As the universal mediator, money substitutes its own desire as the secret essence of every heart’s desire. 对金钱的渴望代表着一定程度的通过投资获利的能力。所有这三种欲望都在价格中得到了公开表达:对商品的欲望、对金钱的欲望和对利润的欲望。金钱是永恒的伪装和模棱两可的来源。同时,货币通过交换使欲望生效,通过积累使欲望得以实现,通过利润使欲望更加有效。作为支付手段,货币通过流通参与客观现实领域;作为价值尺度,货币作为欲望的程度参与主观现实领域;作为价值储藏,货币参与信用或表达欲望和实现价值的可能性的非个人领域。作为普遍的中介,货币以其自身的欲望取代了每个人内心欲望的秘密本质。
Money therefore reconstitutes the social order as an order of interdependence, of desire, and of credit. As the means of realization of the social order, facilitating interdependence, desire, and credit, it is that which is the supreme principle of reality. In a market society, there is no higher aim than making money, for money is the reality principle. Within a market society, there is an unlimited demand for profits. This power of realization and this demand are purely social forces, subsisting outside the human will in society itself. It is an impersonal and abstract force, beyond the pleasure principle. Indeed, as the means of access to pleasure, the means of making desire effective, money must be acquired through profits or hoarding. One passes through that which has no intrinsic desirability-the acquisition of money - to gain access to pleasure. This is the profound link between capitalism and the structure of the Oedipus complex. More than this, it calls on desire as the only mode of evaluation capable of structuring market society. It constructs an abstract and impersonal politics in the interstices, faults, and ruins of existing political orders: a politics of desire. Economic flows destabilize politics by fracturing existing relationships by means of appropriation, substitution, and exchange. Modernity is always already anachronistic, constructing its ineffectual representations on a base that is economically destabilized. Economic flows, then, re-stabilize a market society, using representations that may be ineffective from a political point of view within an economy of desire. 因此,货币将社会秩序重建为相互依存、欲望和信用的秩序。货币作为社会秩序的实现手段,促进了相互依存、欲望和信用,是现实的最高原则。在市场社会中,没有比赚钱更高的目标了,因为金钱就是现实原则。在市场社会中,对利润的需求是无限的。这种实现的力量和需求纯粹是社会力量,存在于社会本身的人类意志之外。它是一种非个人的抽象力量,超越了快乐原则。事实上,作为获得快乐的手段,使欲望生效的手段,金钱必须通过利润或囤积才能获得。人们通过没有内在欲望的东西--获取金钱--来获得快乐。这就是资本主义与俄狄浦斯情结结构之间的深刻联系。不仅如此,资本主义还将欲望作为构建市场社会的唯一评价方式。它在现有政治秩序的夹缝、缺陷和废墟中构建了一种抽象和非个人化的政治:欲望政治。经济流动通过占有、替代和交换等手段破坏现有关系,从而破坏政治的稳定性。现代性总是已经不合时宜,在经济不稳定的基础上构建其无效的表征。因此,经济流动重新稳定了市场社会,在欲望经济中使用从政治角度来看可能无效的表征。
It is vital to differentiate, therefore, between the self-representation of 因此,区分以下两种情况至关重要
modern political society as deliberately ordered according to the rationality of the collective will and a market society shaped by irrational flows of desire and money. Of course, the two forms only exist together and in mutual presupposition. Yet modern political society is purely formal; economic society is real. If there are cases of successful subsuming of actual societies beneath rational political projects, they are exceptions rather than the rule. They are islands of stability in an ocean of instability. The extraordinary consequence is that political judgments - whether of the state, of the citizen, or of a revolutionary minority - remain largely impotent. An entire model of political thought and action remains anachronistic. In the face of money, even sovereignty lacks power. Modernity is at an end. 现代政治社会是按照集体意志的合理性刻意安排的,而市场社会则是由非理性的欲望和金钱流动所塑造的。当然,这两种形式只能同时存在,互为前提。然而,现代政治社会纯粹是形式上的,而经济社会才是真实的。如果说有成功地将现实社会置于理性政治项目之下的案例,那也只是例外而非普遍现象。它们是不稳定汪洋中的稳定之岛。非同寻常的后果是,政治判断--无论是国家的、公民的,还是革命少数派的--在很大程度上依然无能为力。整个政治思想和政治行动的模式仍然不合时宜。在金钱面前,即使是主权也缺乏力量。现代性走到了尽头。
Economic society does, of course, also have its own intrinsic instabilities. In a purely market society, a degree of wealth can be measured by one’s accumulated assets. Assets gain their value from exchange. When a market society is inhabited by a capitalist society, by contrast, assets may be regarded as capital stock and therefore as factors for the production of value. The value of an asset is no longer given by exchange alone. Rather, it is given by speculation on a rate of profit. Value no longer measures an accumulated stock in relation to desire. It measures a differential rate of profit. Fixed quantities are destabilized by underlying rates of return; asset values fluctuate wildly and become subject to speculation; speculation inflates values in a self-perpetuating cycle, guaranteeing the short-term success of speculation as a further form of destabilization and re-stabilization. On the one hand, money is a determinate quantity, entered on bank statements and balance sheets, circulating in finite units; on the other hand, capital is a rate of profit or credit, a differential rate, value in motion, independent of the material form that it assumes. Capital destabilizes the representation of value in terms of money from within. Under normal conditions of capitalist representation, all knowledge is quantifiable information. Science and management become purely matters of bookkeeping, as though the world were under the sovereign control of the rational subject. Yet all movement, creation, and selection happen elsewhere. Every step in the construction of knowledge may be rational, but the whole enterprise is entirely delirious, 当然,经济社会也有其内在的不稳定性。在一个纯粹的市场社会中,财富的程度可以用一个人积累的资产来衡量。资产的价值来自于交换。与此相反,当市场社会中存在资本主义社会时,资产可被视为资本存量,因此也是生产价值的要素。资产的价值不再仅仅由交换产生。相反,它是通过对利润率的投机而产生的。价值不再衡量与欲望相关的累积存量。它衡量的是不同的利润率。固定的数量因潜在的收益率而不稳定;资产价值剧烈波动,成为投机的对象;投机在自我循环中抬高价值,保证投机的短期成功,成为破坏稳定和重新稳定的另一种形式。一方面,货币是一个确定的数量,记入银行对账单和资产负债表,以有限单位流通;另一方面,资本是一种利润率或信贷率,是一种差额率,是运动中的价值,与它所采取的物质形式无关。资本从内部动摇了以货币为单位的价值表征。在资本主义表征的正常条件下,所有知识都是可量化的信息。科学和管理成为纯粹的记账事项,仿佛世界处于理性主体的主权控制之下。然而,所有的运动、创造和选择都发生在别处。知识建构的每一步都可能是理性的,但整个事业却完全是谵妄的、
shaped by interdependence and flows of desire, belief, speculation, and credit. In spite of popular assumptions, however, speculation effects a limited degree of destabilization because it tends to enclose unstable positive feedbacks within stabilizing negative feedbacks. If prices rise too high, it is time to sell; if prices fall too low, it is time to buy. The principal forms of economic instability lie elsewhere. 在欲望、信念、投机和信贷的相互依存和流动下形成的。然而,尽管人们普遍认为,投机所造成的不稳定程度是有限的,因为它往往将不稳定的正反馈封闭在稳定的负反馈之中。如果价格涨得太高,就该卖出;如果价格跌得太低,就该买进。经济不稳定的主要形式在于其他方面。
In the first place, there is the relative strength or weakness of currencies insofar as this exceeds political control. Instability may be expressed in comparisons with other currencies in the form of devaluation or in comparison with the same currency across time in the form of inflation or deflation. Such effects are central to economic analyses of the politics of money. Such crises are geographically determined; they may be the principal form of expression through which the absolute limits of capitalism are actualized. They may also be the principal forms through which contemporary warfare is threatened or enacted. The dangers of the use of force may be avoided by achieving economic domination of another nation-state. Even the U.S. military remains helpless before the buyers and sellers of U.S. Treasury bonds: devaluation of a currency is at once devaluation of that nation’s purchasing power and a partial enhancement of its productive power. It is also a devaluation of the entire nation’s assets, leading to an initial flight of foreign capital investment, followed by the purchase of a nation’s assets at bargain prices, eventually resulting in a continual economic drain in the repatriation of profits. Currency crises are good for speculative investors who may reap the benefits several times over. 首先,货币的相对强弱超出了政治控制范围。不稳定性可能表现为与其他货币的比较,即货币贬值;也可能表现为与同一货币在不同时期的比较,即通货膨胀或通货紧缩。这些影响是货币政治经济分析的核心。这种危机是由地域决定的;它们可能是资本主义绝对极限得以实现的主要表现形式。它们也可能是当代战争受到威胁或得以实施的主要形式。通过实现对另一个民族国家的经济统治,可以避免使用武力的危险。即使是美国军队,在美国国债的买卖双方面前也是束手无策:货币贬值既是该国购买力的贬值,也是其生产力的部分提升。它也是整个国家资产的贬值,导致最初的外国资本投资外逃,随后是以低廉的价格购买国家资产,最终在利润汇回本国的过程中造成持续的经济流失。货币危机对投机投资者有利,他们可能会获得数倍的收益。
More significant for our purposes, however, are the absolute economic crises. In the second place, there is the unlimited quest for profits characteristic of capitalist society, with its consequent requirement of increased consumption. As previously mentioned, the mechanism for the creation of wealth depends on a quest for monetary value driven by the threat of exclusion or poverty, by the self-positing of money as the supreme bearer of power, by the enhanced power of those institutions that habitually acquire money, and by the exploitation of those who are compelled to labor for subsistence. This process of continual growth or economic colonization drives the increase in both production and consumption. It produces instability when consumption uses up resources and reaches its physical limits. As previously discussed, economic crisis results from physical instability. 然而,对我们而言,更重要的是绝对的经济危机。其次是资本主义社会特有的对利润的无限追求,以及随之而来的对消费增长的要求。如前所述,创造财富的机制取决于对货币价值的追求,这种追求的动力来自于排斥或贫困的威胁,来自于货币作为最高权力承载者的自我定位,来自于那些惯于获取货币的机构权力的增强,以及来自于对那些被迫为生存而劳动的人的剥削。这种持续增长或经济殖民化的过程推动了生产和消费的增长。当消费耗尽资源并达到其物理极限时,就会产生不稳定因素。如前所述,经济危机源于物质的不稳定。
The physical limits to the growth in capital as the means of production are absolute, although capitalism itself may survive and prosper even within a context of rapidly shrinking GDP. Here, again, speculators may profit from the rise in commodity prices as well as from shorting the stock markets. 尽管资本主义本身即使在国内生产总值迅速萎缩的情况下也能生存和繁荣,但作为生产资料的资本的增长受到了绝对的物理限制。在这方面,投机者同样可以从商品价格上涨和做空股票市场中获利。
In the third place, money is gradually replaced by credit, or credit comes to take the form of money itself, for it is necessary to produce both goods and money. An unlimited quest for profits is made possible both by the production of value through industry and enterprise and by the production of money for circulation and reserves. For every quantity of exchange value produced, it is necessary that sufficient money be available that can be exchanged for it. In large part, this problem is solved by recirculation, since what is produced is later consumed, whereas money can continue to circulate. Economic growth, however, does result in an increased demand for money, since the timing of the production and distribution of goods and services may not match entirely with the timing of their consumption. In practice, such accumulated stocks may be immense but such inefficiencies are mitigated by all the varieties of financial intermediation. Financial intermediation places a value in purely nominal assets in order to facilitate the temporal process of market exchange. Credit here functions effectively as money, as a store of value that has perfect liquidity and can be exchanged at will. Growth in production is therefore matched or even exceeded by a growth in credit. A capitalist economy is supplemented by a credit economy. Money itself is largely displaced by credit; indeed, as a mere token of exchange value, money itself is revealed in its essence to derive from credit rather than from a hypothetical and unlimited process of exchange. ^(32){ }^{32} As Geoffrey Ingham concludes, “Capitalist credit-money is nothing more than a network of claims backed by banks’ and states’ promises to pay that are fabricated into a hierarchy of credibility by foreign exchange markets and global credit-rating agencies.” ^(33){ }^{33} 第三,货币逐渐被信用所取代,或者说,信用开始以货币的形式出现,因为既要生产商品,又要生产货币。通过工业和企业生产价值以及生产用于流通和储备的货币,可以无限地追求利润。每生产出一定量的交换价值,就必须有足够的货币来进行交换。这个问题在很大程度上可以通过再循环来解决,因为生产出来的东西随后会被消耗掉,而货币则可以继续流通。然而,经济增长确实会导致对货币的需求增加,因为商品和服务的生产和分配时间可能与消费时间不完全一致。在实践中,这种积累的存量可能是巨大的,但各种金融中介活动缓解了这种低效率。金融中介为纯粹的名义资产赋予价值,以促进市场交换的时间进程。信贷在这里有效地发挥了货币的作用,是一种具有完美流动性并可随意交换的价值储存。因此,生产的增长与信贷的增长相匹配,甚至超过信贷的增长。资本主义经济得到了信贷经济的补充。货币本身在很大程度上被信贷所取代;事实上,作为交换价值的一种象征,货币本身在本质上是源于信贷,而不是源于一种假设的、无限的交换过程。 ^(32){ }^{32} 正如杰弗里-英厄姆总结的那样,"资本主义信用货币只不过是一个由银行和国家的支付承诺所支持的债权网络,而这些承诺被外汇市场和全球信用评级机构捏造成一个信誉等级"。 ^(33){ }^{33}
The creation of credit has a curious effect on production, for it marks the emergence of a further layer of spectral financial power. Money as credit, whether in the form of paper money or an electronic record in a bank account, is created as a simultaneous asset and liability. Money is created in the form of loans as a claim against property. Such loans have limited inflationary effects that apply to speculative assets such as property; they are guaranteed by an undertaking to make sufficient money to pay back 信贷的产生对生产产生了奇特的影响,因为它标志着又一层幽灵金融力量的出现。作为信用的货币,无论是纸币还是银行账户中的电子记录,都是作为资产和负债同时产生的。货币以贷款的形式产生,作为对财产的债权。这种贷款的通货膨胀效应有限,只适用于投机性资产,如房地产;贷款有承诺保证赚取足够的钱来偿还债务。
the loan. The money added to the economy must be withdrawn; economic agents who have taken out loans must act as economic deflators, seeking to withdraw money from the economy, for loans are repaid in the currency of their issues, not in terms of pure exchange value. If they are repaid at interest, then more money eventually must be withdrawn from the economy than was originally added. Since the money was newly created, then it must be replaced by the creation of further money elsewhere in the form of a loan. The entire economic system functions as a spiral of increasing debt, with individuals, businesses, and governments committed to ever increasing levels of overall debt in the system as a whole. Such has been the case throughout the history of modernity, even if concentrations of debts have always been localized. The result is that the quest for profits is less an aspiration than an obligation. The global economy, within capitalism, has always already been destabilized by a credit economy that functions as its internal milieu and condition of possibility. The spiral of debt can increase indefinitely, progressively enslaving democratic citizens to contracted debts until the physical limits to economic growth are reached. Debt will then need to be redeemed by massive levels of inflation, devaluation, and impoverishment. The illusion of accumulated wealth is displaced by the reality of accumulated debt. Economic collapse, often regional in its most intense effects, is the outcome of the end of modernity. 贷款。增加到经济中的货币必须收回;贷款的经济行为主体必须充当经济紧缩者,设法从经济中收回货币,因为贷款是以其发行的货币偿还的,而不是以纯粹的交换价值偿还的。如果贷款是按利息偿还的,那么最终从经济中撤出的货币必须多于最初增加的货币。由于货币是新创造出来的,因此必须以贷款的形式在其他地方创造更多的货币来取代。整个经济体系的运作就像一个债务不断增加的螺旋,个人、企业和政府在整个体系中的总体债务水平不断增加。这种情况贯穿了整个现代史,尽管债务的集中总是局部的。其结果是,追求利润与其说是一种愿望,不如说是一种义务。在资本主义内部,全球经济一直受到信贷经济的影响而不稳定,信贷经济是其内部环境和可能性的条件。债务的螺旋式上升可以无限期,逐步使民主公民受契约债务的奴役,直至达到经济增长的物理极限。届时,需要通过大规模的通货膨胀、货币贬值和贫困化来赎回债务。累积财富的幻想被累积债务的现实所取代。经济崩溃是现代性终结的结果,其最强烈的影响往往是区域性的。
In the fourth place, there is also a more subtle form in which the economy is undermined from within. While a market society gives birth to capitalism, and this in turn is driven by a credit society, the credit society opens the possibility of a further economic form. This may be considered under the unprepossessing rubric of financial disintermediation: the separation of forms of credit and speculative value from their productive roles within capitalism and intermediary roles within a market. While the trade in derivatives may facilitate market activity by providing a means to hedge against risk, it may also become a means of profit seeking in its own right. While buying shares may contribute to investment, betting on the movement of share prices has a limited effect on production. Speculation on derivatives and currencies, despite the vast profits and sums involved, may be considered a specialist activity, the prerogative of expert investment funds. The common wisdom is that it is nearly impossible for amateur traders to beat the general rate of return in the market. About 90 percent of amateur 第四,还有一种更微妙的形式,即经济从内部受到破坏。虽然市场社会催生了资本主义,而资本主义又受到信用社会的推动,但信用社会为进一步的经济形式提供了可能性。这可以归结为金融脱媒(financial disintermediation):将信贷和投机价值的形式从其在资本主义中的生产作用和市场中的中介作用中分离出来。虽然衍生品交易可以通过提供对冲风险的手段来促进市场活动,但其本身也可能成为寻求利润的手段。虽然购买股票可能有助于投资,但对股价走势的押注对生产的影响有限。对金融衍生品和货币的投机,尽管涉及巨额利润和金额,却可能被视为专家活动,是专家投资基金的特权。人们普遍认为,业余交易者几乎不可能超越市场的一般回报率。大约 90% 的业余
traders fail to make profits. As such, derivatives trading has little impact on wider society, however lucrative it may be for the successful few. The advent of Internet communications and of speculative tools such as contracts for difference, options, and covered warrants, however, allow the opportunities provided by disintermediation to become available to the ordinary investor who is willing to take large risks. By means of charting, or the technical analysis of price movements; short-term trading; high rates of gearing; and compound interest, extraordinary rates of speculative profit may soon be available to the privileged common person. Even if considerable expertise is required to trade successfully, such expertise is already for sale at affordable prices. This process is significant for a number of reasons. By means of selling short - that is, agreeing to sell an asset one does not possess at the current price so that one can later buy it at a lower price before delivery - one can make large profits when the markets are falling. Profitmaking becomes detached from the productive economy. Once this means of making a living becomes available to a large class of people apart from the productive economy, it signifies the emergence of a new economic class beyond capitalist relations of production-a class of unlimited power that can thrive when all other classes do not. Capitalism therefore undermines itself from the inside with the growth of derivatives trading. Rates of profit from rapid price fluctuations, amplified by gearing and compound interest, far exceed the rates of profit achieved by production and investment. The productive, capitalist economy is becoming subservient to the speculative economy of casino capitalism. Capitalism is evolving once more. It is becoming a society of speculation and credit operating in the service of a parasitic class who control access to profits. The full implications of such an evolution are not yet clear. Such a class requires only a conventional economy of sufficient size to fulfill its demand for consumption and to provide a spectacle of predictable price movements from which it can reap a profit. Its continued existence is otherwise autonomous. ^(34){ }^{34} 交易者无法获利。因此,衍生品交易对更广泛的社会几乎没有影响,无论它对少数成功者来说是多么有利可图。然而,互联网通信的出现,以及差价合约、期权和备兑权证等投机工具的出现,使愿意承担巨大风险的普通投资者也能利用脱媒带来的机会。通过图表或价格走势技术分析、短期交易、高杠杆率和复利等手段,享有特权的普通人可能很快就能获得超高的投机利润率。即使成功地进行交易需要大量的专业知识,但这些专业知识已经可以以低廉的价格出售。这一过程意义重大,原因有很多。通过卖空--即同意以当前价格卖出自己并不拥有的资产,以便日后在交割前以较低价格买入--人们可以在市场下跌时赚取巨额利润。牟利脱离了生产性经济。这种谋生手段一旦脱离生产经济而为一大批人所掌握,就意味着在资本主义生产关系之外出现了一个新的经济阶级--一个拥有无限权力的阶级,当所有其他阶级都无法发展壮大时,这个阶级却可以发展壮大。因此,随着衍生品交易的发展,资本主义从内部削弱了自身。在资产负债率和复利的作用下,价格快速波动所带来的利润率远远超过了生产和投资所带来的利润率。生产性的资本主义经济正在成为赌场资本主义投机经济的附庸。资本主义正在再次演变。 它正在成为一个投机和信贷社会,为控制利润的寄生阶级服务。这种演变的全部影响尚不清楚。这样一个阶级只需要一个足够大的传统经济来满足其消费需求,并提供可预测的价格变动景象,从中获取利润。除此之外,它的继续存在是独立自主的。 ^(34){ }^{34}
Modernity has never achieved human mastery of nature or the liberation of the human will. Striving for wealth and freedom has had the effect of subordinating humanity to the impersonal and abstract force of money. Once 现代性从未实现人类对自然的驾驭或人类意志的解放。追求财富和自由的结果是,人类屈从于非个人的、抽象的金钱力量。曾经
money becomes the condition of possibility of society as such, whether in the form of market exchange, capital accumulation, credit intermediation, or speculative disintermediation, then the value of money, however fragile, must be maintained at all costs. Indeed, the very fragility of the financial system, its vulnerability to frequent regional crises, is the very source of its power. Traditional political means have no force against its spectral power. No institution, whether in the form of a state, a revolutionary vanguard, or a people, is able to control it. The power of money cannot be seized by physical force, even if a finite quantity of valuable assets can. The power of money cannot be restrained by legislation or an act of will, for the locus of its value is always reflected elsewhere in future exchange. Attempting to control money is like attempting to seize hold of an image in a mirror or a ghost. The spectral power of money, for all its ephemerality, is no less real. It is even invulnerable to enlightened critique, for there is no mode of social representation that escapes its power. The specter of money hangs over democracy as its inner principle or truth. Only money gives effective public representation to the expression of desire. 无论是以市场交换、资本积累、信贷中介还是投机性脱媒的形式,货币成为社会本身的可能性条件,那么货币的价值,无论多么脆弱,都必须不惜一切代价加以维护。事实上,金融体系的脆弱性,它在频繁的地区性危机面前的脆弱性,正是其力量的源泉。传统的政治手段根本无法对抗其幽灵般的力量。任何机构,无论是国家、革命先锋还是人民,都无法控制它。金钱的力量是无法用武力夺取的,即使有限数量的有价值的资产可以。货币的力量无法通过立法或意志行为来约束,因为其价值所在总是反映在未来交换的其他地方。试图控制货币就像试图控制镜子中的影像或幽灵。货币的幽灵力量虽然短暂,却同样真实。它甚至不受开明批判的影响,因为没有任何一种社会表征模式能逃脱它的力量。金钱的幽灵作为民主的内在原则或真理笼罩着民主。只有金钱才能有效地公开代表欲望的表达。
Money is not the sole principle of social reality. In contemporary society, however, it does have a peculiar dominance, a spectral power. It mediates between representation and reality. Attempts to counterpoise a different social order to the present are therefore caught in a dilemma. It is one thing to represent a different social order; it is another to make that order effective and real. It is one thing to will that an alternative be realized; it is another for that will to be effective. Politics cannot circumnavigate the problem of money without acquiring its own political “energy,” without acquiring the authority to make a political will effective. In the economic world of natural selection, capitalism expands because of its own internal dynamism, its own spectral power. Any challengers would have to demonstrate a greater capacity for survival, colonization, and appropriation than that present within capitalism. The unique advantage of a society mediated by money is that it represents value in an external milieu, in a form that may be reflected and appropriated by all others, independently of their own political preferences. Money succeeds in shaping society because it is the element of the exterior, beyond political representation. No genuine political alternatives are possible without a new mode of representation, a new political body - one capable of redemption from debt at the same time as 金钱不是社会现实的唯一原则。然而,在当代社会中,它确实具有一种特殊的支配力,一种幽灵般的力量。它介于表象与现实之间。因此,试图将不同的社会秩序与当下社会相抗衡的努力陷入了两难境地。表述不同的社会秩序是一回事,而让这种秩序生效并成为现实则是另一回事。实现另一种社会秩序的意愿是一回事,但这种意愿是否有效又是另一回事。政治如果没有自身的政治 "能量",没有使政治意愿生效的权威,就无法绕过金钱问题。在自然选择的经济世界中,资本主义的扩张是由于其自身的内在动力,自身的幽灵力量。任何挑战者都必须表现出比资本主义更强的生存、殖民和占有能力。以货币为媒介的社会的独特优势在于,它代表了外部环境中的价值,这种形式可以被所有其他人所反映和占有,而与他们自身的政治偏好无关。货币之所以能成功塑造社会,是因为它是政治代表之外的外部元素。如果没有一种新的代表模式,没有一个新的政治机构,就不可能有真正的政治替代方案。
that it constitutes the texture of an entirely different social order. Progress cannot be achieved by turning back to older, pre-market society models for these will remain forever vulnerable to the market’s corrosive power. Political progress can come only from passing through the internal logic of the political body of money, appropriating its soul and distinctive power while subordinating it to newly created ends. Such a political problem requires a careful analysis of the theology of money. 它构成了一种完全不同的社会秩序。回到旧有的、市场化之前的社会模式是无法实现进步的,因为这些模式在市场的腐蚀力量面前永远是脆弱的。政治的进步只能来自于通过货币政治体的内在逻辑,占有其灵魂和独特的力量,同时使其服从于新创造的目的。这样的政治问题需要对货币神学进行仔细的分析。
A first radical conclusion is ontological. It is no longer sufficient to oppose will and matter, representation and production, being and becoming, the one and the many, transcendence and immanence, for the relations between these dualisms are always mediated by a spectral power that authorizes their realization. It is a question of belief and desire. Belief and desire are everywhere. Even if no one really wants money-it is always a means, never an end-everyone believes in money, everyone desires money, or, rather, money is the reality, the interiority of belief and desire in which we dwell. It is not we who desire money; it is money that desires in us. For where thought as representation is an abstraction from time, an attempt to master a given space, money as credit is an abstraction from space, an appropriation of time. Credit offers value in advance; in doing so, it functions as the condition of the creation of that future value. Credit posits itself as a spectral, temporal force. In addition to the determination of bodies in space through physical power and the representation by means of concepts in imagination through the power of the will, there is also the power to determine time. It is the power to determine attention. Money produces nothing - not even desire. It gives credit. It appeals to the future. To put it another way, it prays. Ontology is determined by eschatology. Life is determined by a possible future that attempts to actualize itself in us, even if the outcome of this actualization bears little resemblance to the future as conceived. 第一个激进的结论是本体论的。将意志与物质、表象与生产、存在与成为、一与多、超越与内在对立起来已经不够了,因为这些二元对立之间的关系总是以一种授权实现它们的幽灵力量为中介。这是一个信仰与欲望的问题。信仰和欲望无处不在。即使没有人真正想要金钱--金钱永远是手段,而非目的--但每个人都相信金钱,每个人都渴望金钱,或者说,金钱是现实,是我们所处的信仰与欲望的内在性。不是我们渴望金钱,而是金钱渴望我们。作为表象的思想是对时间的抽象,是对特定空间的驾驭,而作为信用的金钱则是对空间的抽象,是对时间的占有。信用提前提供了价值;这样,它就成为创造未来价值的条件。信贷将自身定位为一种幽灵般的时间力量。除了通过身体的力量决定空间中的身体,以及通过意志的力量在想象中以概念的方式进行表述之外,还有一种决定时间的力量。这是决定注意力的力量。金钱不产生任何东西,甚至不产生欲望。它给予信用。它诉诸未来。换一种说法,它在祈祷。本体论由末世论决定。生活是由可能的未来决定的,它试图在我们身上实现自己,即使这种实现的结果与设想的未来几乎没有相似之处。
A second radical conclusion is political. It is no longer sufficient to oppose political forces of the state in the name of autonomy or self-determination. At present, the powers of inhuman ecological forces and meta-human forces of demand and debt are rapidly growing, leaving little scope for selfdetermination through political activity. The sphere of human freedom has narrowed. Even at this level, possibilities of resistance to a dominant credit capitalism are confronted by more formidable powers than ever be- 第二个激进的结论是政治性的。以自治或自决的名义反对国家的政治力量已不再足够。目前,非人类的生态力量以及元人类的需求和债务力量正在迅速增长,通过政治活动实现自决的空间已所剩无几。人类的自由空间已经缩小。即使在这个层面上,抵制占主导地位的信贷资本主义的可能性也面临着比以往任何时候都更为强大的力量--这就是:"人类的自由"。
fore in the alliance between the military, industry, finance capital, corporate media, informationalized knowledge, and consumerized subjectivity. Any successful resistance to the dominant power structure would have to face destabilization by external forces, economic sanctions, direct military opposition, or simple exclusion from the means of production. The global history of modernity, and especially the history of the twentieth century, has repeated the same drama throughout the world with almost a single outcome. When dealing with ecological and spectral powers, it is useless to aim at seizing or abolishing the power of the state. Powers have to be engaged at their own level: ecological adaptation to new environmental circumstances, for example, or the creation of new structures and practices of belief and desire. 在军事、工业、金融资本、企业媒体、信息化知识和消费主观性之间的联盟中,这一点尤为重要。任何对主导权力结构的成功反抗,都必须面对外部力量的颠覆、经济制裁、直接的军事对抗,或者干脆被排除在生产资料之外。现代性的全球历史,尤其是 20 世纪的历史,在世界各地重复上演着同样的戏剧,而结果却几乎千篇一律。面对生态权力和幽灵权力,以夺取或废除国家权力为目标是毫无用处的。权力必须在其自身的层面上发挥作用:例如,在生态上适应新的环境条件,或创造新的信仰和欲望结构与实践。
A third radical conclusion is that the “energy” of the political is inhuman. It is a spectral power that may insert itself into human life through belief and desire. Such may be the political significance of the world religions; such may be the political significance of money. The question is no longer one of a transcendent power of divinity intervening in nature; nor is it of immanent powers that are produced entirely within nature. For “nature” itself is indeterminate and incomplete, opening itself out onto temporal and spectral forces wherever the complexity of life opens itself onto multiple possible connections and determinations. Such virtual potencies, while absolutely prohibited in modern thought, may form the substance of a politics of the future. Such a politics must begin with an ontological, political, and theological inquiry into money. 第三个激进的结论是,政治的 "能量 "是非人的。它是一种幽灵般的力量,可以通过信仰和欲望介入人类生活。世界宗教的政治意义可能如此,金钱的政治意义也可能如此。问题不再是超越自然的神力干预自然,也不再是完全在自然中产生的内在力量。因为 "自然 "本身就是不确定的、不完整的,无论生命的复杂性在哪里,它都会向时间力量和幽灵力量敞开大门,从而产生多种可能的联系和决定。这种虚拟的力量虽然在现代思想中是绝对禁止的,但却可以构成未来政治的实质。这种政治必须从对金钱的本体论、政治学和神学探究开始。
The nature of money is not generally understood; it is accessible only to the exceptionally wealthy. We are convinced that economic governance is scrupulously determined in accordance with the nature of money; nevertheless, it is an extremely painful thing to build our cities upon a substance whose nature we do not understand. I am not thinking of the disadvantages involved when only a few and not the whole people understand the nature of money, and the opportunities this affords for deception. Such disadvantages are perhaps of no great importance. For the wealthy have obviously no cause to be influenced by personal interests inimical to us into deceiving us about money, for the nature of money was made to their advantage from the beginning, and they themselves stand above the need for money since they can rely on mutual credit. This seems to be why the understanding of the nature of money is entrusted exclusively into their hands. Of course, there is prudence in that, but also hardship for us. Such hardship is probably unavoidable. 一般人并不了解货币的本质,只有特别富有的人才能接触到它。我们深信,经济治理是严格按照货币的本质来决定的;然而,把我们的城市建立在我们不了解其本质的物质之上,是一件极其痛苦的事情。我并不是在考虑只有少数人而不是全体人民了解货币的本质所带来的弊端,以及由此带来的欺骗机会。这些弊端也许并不重要。因为富人显然没有理由受不利于我们的个人利益的影响,在金钱问题上欺骗我们,因为金钱的本质从一开始就对他们有利,而且他们本身也不需要金钱,因为他们可以依靠相互信任。这似乎就是为什么对货币本质的理解完全交托给了他们。当然,这样做是谨慎的,但也会给我们带来困难。这种困难也许是不可避免的。
The very existence of economic laws deriving from the nature of money, however, is at most a matter of presumption. Some of us have attentively scrutinized the behaviour of the wealthy, and claim to recognize among the countless number of transactions certain main tendencies which permit of formulation in terms of principles. Yet when in accordance with these scrupulously tested and logically ordered conclusions we seek to adjust ourselves somewhat for the present or the future, everything becomes uncertain, and our work seems only an intellectual game, for perhaps these laws that we are trying to unravel do not exist at all. There are actually some who are of the opinion that if there is any economic law, it is simply this: the laws of economics are what the wealthy do. The overwhelming majority of the people, however, account for discrepancies and failed forecasts by the fact that the science of economics is far from complete, and that the material available, prodigious as it looks, is still too meager. This view, so comfortless as far as the present is concerned, is lightened only by the belief that the time will eventually come when the science of economics is complete, and the nature of money is fully understood. Then wealth will belong to the people as a whole. It is not that the wealthy are despised; on the contrary, we are more inclined to despise ourselves for our failure to understand and acquire money. And this is the real reason why those who doubt the existence of economic laws remain so few-even though their doctrine is so attractive - since it unequivocally recognizes the right of the wealthy to do as they please. 然而,从货币的本质中衍生出的经济规律的存在,充其量只是一种推测。我们中的一些人仔细研究了富人的行为,并声称在无数的交易中发现了某些可以用原则来表述的主要趋势。然而,当我们根据这些经过严格检验、符合逻辑顺序的结论,试图对自己进行某种程度的调整,以适应现在或未来的需要时,一切都变得不确定了,我们的工作似乎只是一种智力游戏,因为也许我们试图揭示的这些规律根本就不存在。实际上,有些人认为,如果有什么经济规律的话,那就是:经济规律就是富人的行为。然而,绝大多数人都认为,经济学还远远不够完善,现有的材料虽然看起来很丰富,但仍然太少,因此才会出现偏差和预测失败。这种观点,就目前而言,是如此的令人不安,只是因为人们相信,当经济学科学完备、货币的本质被完全理解的时候终将到来。到那时,财富将属于全体人民。并不是富人被鄙视,相反,我们更倾向于鄙视我们自己,因为我们未能理解和获得金钱。这就是为什么怀疑经济规律存在的人仍然很少的真正原因--尽管他们的学说如此吸引人--因为它明确承认富人有权为所欲为。
The problem can be expressed in a sort of paradox: any party that would repudiate all belief not only in the laws of economics, but also in the necessity for money as such, would have the whole people behind it. Yet no such party can come into existence, for nobody would dare to repudiate money. The sole indubitable law that is imposed on us is the need for money, and must we deprive ourselves of that one law? 这个问题可以用一个悖论来表述:任何一个政党,如果不仅不相信经济规律,而且不相信货币本身的必要性,那么它就会得到全体人民的支持。然而,这样的政党不可能出现,因为没有人敢否定货币。强加给我们的唯一不可否认的法则就是对金钱的需求,难道我们一定要剥夺这唯一的法则吗?
Adapted from franz kafka, “The Problem of Our Laws,” in The Collected Short Stories of Franz Kafka, 437-38. 改编自弗朗茨-卡夫卡:《我们的法律问题》,载于《弗朗茨-卡夫卡短篇小说集》,437-38 页。
3.1.1 CAPITAL IS THE MEANS of production that has itself been produced. Since everything has been produced, all means of production are capital. 3.1.1 资本是生产出来的生产资料。既然一切都被生产出来了,那么所有生产资料都是资本。
Production is inherent in the natural order. Stars, planets, elements, compounds, cells, genetic codes and living bodies, for example, form the means of production for more complex forms. Natural capital is produced independently of human activity. Human activity modifies existing processes of production by selection and extraction, by juxtaposition and assembly, and by fueling and catalysis. All economic production involves the cooperation of natural and human-produced capital. 生产是自然界固有的秩序。例如,恒星、行星、元素、化合物、细胞、遗传密码和生命体构成了更复杂形式的生产资料。自然资本的生产与人类活动无关。人类活动通过选择和提取、并置和组装以及燃料和催化来改变现有的生产过程。所有经济生产都涉及自然资本和人类生产的资本之间的合作。
The production of capital involves accumulation, invention, and assembly. It is one thing to produce and accumulate; it is another to produce a means of production. An accumulated stock of product does not become a means of production until a productive machine is invented into which it may be assembled as a part. Stock is only potentially capital in reference to a determinate machine or productive process. Potential capital only becomes capital when it is actually assembled into a productive machine. 资本的生产涉及积累、发明和组装。生产和积累是一回事,生产生产资料又是另一回事。只有在发明了生产机器并将其组装成部件之后,积累起来的产品库存才会成为生产资料。存货只有在涉及到确定的机器或生产过程时才是潜在的资本。潜在资本只有在实际组装成生产机器时才成为资本。
Nevertheless, it is insufficient to simply accumulate stock, to invent form, and to assemble parts. The machine, to become productive, has to be switched on. It has to be powered, whether by electricity, combustion, human skill, animal strength, or solar power. Production consumes a flow of energy. If a common modern metaphysics represents the world in terms of matter, information, space-time, and energy, then these dimensions are represented in the production of capital as the accumulation of stock, the invention of form, the assembly of parts, and the supply of energy. 然而,仅仅积累库存、发明形式和组装部件是不够的。这台机器要想具有生产力,就必须启动。它必须由电力、燃烧、人类技能、动物力量或太阳能提供动力。生产需要消耗能量流。如果常用的现代形而上学用物质、信息、时空和能量来表示世界,那么这些维度在资本生产中就表现为存量的积累、形式的发明、部件的组装和能量的供应。
Money is a form of capital. An ecology of money explains the role of money as a means of production in terms of the relations it forms with other modes of capital. Yet a difficulty arises when one tries to represent money in relation to capital. Money is an accumulated stock. It is not, however, assembled as a material part of a productive machine. Instead, it is exchanged for an accumulated stock, for an invented form, for the labor involved in assembly, or for a supply of energy. Money is also an invented form. It does not, however, govern the arrangement of parts. Instead, it is a form that measures the value of the stock, form, labor, and energy used in production. Money also plays a decisive role in assembly. The availability of money determines whether investment in capital can take place. Money does not, of course, stand alongside the workers to assemble the parts. Instead, it promises value and so enables itself to be exchanged for stock, for plans, for labor, or for energy. Moreover, money is invested for the sake of a profit. The value promised by money may take the form of products that fulfill needs and desires or the form of profits in money. 货币是资本的一种形式。货币生态学从货币与其他资本形式的关系来解释货币作为生产资料的作用。然而,当我们试图将货币与资本联系起来时,就会遇到困难。货币是一种累积的存量。然而,它并不是作为生产机器的物质部分被组装起来的。相反,它被用来交换积累的存量、被用来交换发明的形式、被用来交换装配的劳动或能源供应。货币也是一种发明的形式。然而,它并不支配部件的排列。相反,它是一种衡量生产中所使用的存量、形式、劳动和能源价值的形式。货币在装配中也起着决定性作用。货币的可获得性决定了资本投资能否进行。当然,货币并不是与工人并肩组装零件。相反,它承诺价值,因此可以用来交换股票、计划、劳动力或能源。此外,货币是为了利润而投资的。货币承诺的价值可以是满足需求和欲望的产品,也可以是货币利润。
Money may therefore be differentiated from other forms of capital as a stock that is not assembled or consumed, as a form that does not order or arrange, and as an act that accomplishes nothing other than promising. As an object of pure exchange, it is not an object of use. As a pure quantity, it imposes no conditions on form. As a passive instrument, it takes no active role in directing assembly. Money is a condition of production that is not itself productive. It defies the metaphysical categories of representation by means of its anomalous participation in each category. The question of whether money participates in the category of energy is more perplexing. Money is inert; it contains no physical or potential energy. The role of money in capital production remains a philosophical conundrum. 因此,货币可以与其他形式的资本区分开来,它是一种不组装也不消费的存量,是一种不排序也不安排的形式,是一种除了许诺之外什么也不做的行为。作为纯粹的交换对象,它不是使用对象。作为一个纯粹的数量,它不对形式施加任何条件。作为一种被动的工具,它在指导集会方面不发挥任何积极作用。货币是一种生产条件,其本身并不具有生产性。它通过反常地参与到每一个范畴中来,从而藐视形而上学的表象范畴。货币是否参与能量范畴的问题更令人困惑。货币是惰性的,它不包含任何物理或潜在的能量。货币在资本生产中的作用仍然是一个哲学难题。
The common solution is to regard money as a symbol of human evaluation and desire. ^(1){ }^{1} Money is treated as an ambassador for the private human will in the public and material world. Money expresses the effective demands of the sovereign, rational subject. If money leads to accumulation, invention and assembly, this is because it expresses the agency of the human subject. Money is the instrument of desire; desire is required, alongside energy, to realize capital production. 常见的解决办法是将金钱视为人类评价和欲望的象征。 ^(1){ }^{1} 货币被视为人类私人意志在公共和物质世界中的使者。货币表达了主权、理性主体的有效需求。如果说货币导致了积累、发明和组装,那是因为它表达了人类主体的能动性。货币是欲望的工具;实现资本生产需要欲望和能量。
Such a solution leaves open the question of how human capital, itself a product of processes of reproduction, nutrition, and evolution, can become 这样的解决方案留下了这样一个问题:人力资本本身是繁衍、营养和进化过程的产物,如何才能成为
a human subject. Moreover, these subjects are inaccessible apart from their material and symbolic expressions and their representations in consciousness. There is a weight of philosophical argumentation that questions the existence and autonomy of such a subject. ^(2){ }^{2} Although one might observe agreement between private consciousness and material and symbolic expression, one cannot observe a strict order of causality between these in either direction. One cannot therefore be confident whether money expresses desire or desire expresses money. The common assumption that money expresses desire arises from the observation that one can desire without money, and money itself evidently lacks energy, qualitative form, or active will. The human subject is invoked to explain how money can accumulate value, measure value, and promise value. Money is treated as a substance, a standard, and an instrument. The problem that remains to be explained, however, is that of the objective nature of the value that the subject is supposed to act on through the symbol of money. ^(3){ }^{3} 人类主体。此外,除了物质和符号表现形式及其在意识中的表征之外,这些主体是不可触及的。哲学上有大量论证质疑这种主体的存在和自主性。 ^(2){ }^{2} 尽管我们可以观察到私人意识与物质和符号表达之间的一致性,但我们无法观察到它们之间在任一方向上的严格因果顺序。因此,我们无法确定到底是金钱表达了欲望,还是欲望表达了金钱。人们之所以普遍认为金钱表达了欲望,是因为人们发现没有金钱也能产生欲望,而金钱本身显然缺乏能量、质的形式或积极的意志。人类主体被用来解释货币如何积累价值、衡量价值和承诺价值。货币被视为一种物质、一种标准和一种工具。然而,有待解释的问题是,主体应该通过货币符号对价值的客观性质采取行动。 ^(3){ }^{3}
Nevertheless, we need to decide in advance whether such value is the precondition or the product of money. This problem can be easily resolved by a consideration of the difference between representation and production. ^(4){ }^{4} A productive machine can be represented in imagination in terms of its accumulated stock, invented form, and assembled parts. It may even, by extension, be represented in some malleable material or symbolic medium. A represented machine, however, will never function to produce because its new medium lacks its own source of energy. Indeed, media of representation are chosen precisely for their malleability, which involves inertness and a lack of energetic process. An imagined machine is reproduced under the force of the imagination alone: instead of bearing its own energy, it bears the energy lent to it by the vividness of the imagination; instead of bearing its own force of attraction and selection, it is subject to the force of attraction and selection by which the contents of the imagination are composed; instead of bearing its own power of evolution and invention, invention is regarded after the fact as a product of a fertile mind. Thus, when the world is reproduced in imagination, it is no longer reproduced as productive capital but as passive and inert. Such is the source of the theology of the human subject as creator. Since the world is only known as represented, it must be supplemented by the transcendent decrees of a human subject. 然而,我们需要事先确定这种价值是货币的前提还是货币的产物。只要考虑到表象与生产之间的区别,这个问题就能迎刃而解。 ^(4){ }^{4} 一台生产机器可以在想象中以其积累的存量、发明的形式和组装的部件来表现。推而广之,它甚至可以用某种可塑的物质或符号媒介来表现。然而,被表征的机器永远不会发挥生产功能,因为它的新媒介缺乏自身的能量来源。事实上,表象媒介正是因其可塑性而被选中的,这就意味着惰性和缺乏能量过程。一台想象中的机器仅在想象力的作用下再生产出来:它不具有自身的能量,而是具有想象力的生动性所赋予它的能量;它不具有自身的吸引和选择的力量,而是受制于想象内容所构成的吸引和选择的力量;它不具有自身的进化和发明的力量,而是在事后被视为富于创造力的头脑的产物。因此,当世界在想象中被再现时,它不再是作为生产资本被再现,而是作为被动和惰性的资本被再现。这就是人类主体作为创造者的神学来源。既然世界只是作为表象而被认识,那么它就必须得到人类主体的超越性法令的补充。
There is no reason to extend the power that a mind exercises over the imagination, or that a hand exercises over malleable materials and symbols, to the relation that humanity has with the world as a whole. The notion that the production of capital occurs outside the sphere of human activity is sufficient to dispel this modern myth. Energy, force, attraction, selection, and invention are not the sole preserve of human culture. Representation itself must be explained. Representation is a process of abstraction that reproduces forms without their material substance. It separates forms from the context in which they dwell and function; it separates forms from the passage of time and from their own productive processes; it separates forms from the forces that impinge on them to give them orientation and direction. 我们没有理由将头脑对想象力的支配力,或双手对可塑材料和符号的支配力,延伸到人类与整个世界的关系中。资本的生产发生在人类活动之外,这一概念足以打破这一现代神话。能量、力量、吸引力、选择和发明并非人类文化的专利。必须解释表象本身。表象是一个抽象的过程,它再现了形式,却没有物质内容。它将形式与它们所处的环境和功能分离开来;它将形式与时间的流逝和它们自身的生产过程分离开来;它将形式与影响它们的力量分离开来,这些力量赋予它们方位和方向。
When money is represented apart from its context, then the accumulation of relations that give it meaning is neglected in favor of its residue of a material or symbolic substance. When money is represented apart from time, then its role as an agent of investment is neglected in favor of its role as a store of value. When money is represented apart from credit, then its role as producer of value is neglected in favor of its role as a standard measure of value. In short, the entire nature of money as productive capital is occluded by representation. Since the mystery of capital production remains unexplained, the human imagination merely extends its own power, a free power of imagination, so that it appears as though the human subject exercises its power through the malleable instrument of money. Such a power is extended in imagination only. The one who believes that he can do anything through money ends up doing anything for money. 当货币的表述脱离其背景时,赋予其意义的关系的积累就会被忽视,而只剩下物质或符号的残余。当货币的表现形式脱离了时间,那么它作为投资媒介的作用就会被忽视,而它作为价值储藏的作用则会被忽视。当货币的表现形式脱离了信用,那么它作为价值生产者的作用就会被忽视,转而成为价值的标准尺度。简而言之,货币作为生产资本的整个本质被表象所掩盖。由于资本生产的奥秘仍未得到解释,人类的想象力只是扩展了自己的力量,一种自由的想象力,因此看起来好像人类主体通过货币这一可塑工具行使了自己的力量。这种力量只是在想象中延伸。相信自己可以通过金钱做任何事情的人,最终会为了金钱而做任何事情。
It is not necessary to assume the imposition of value as a transcendent form on nature. Value is an abstraction that derives from representing nature in terms of money - or at least, in terms of a form that is assumed to be composed of discreet, inert units, independent of the temporal work of thinking or representation and entirely passive, subject to the sovereign decisions of the will. Value is represented in a form that is taken to be independent of evaluation. If it emerges that such a form has an active role in evaluation, as is the case with money, then even the highest values are devalued. 我们没有必要把价值作为一种超越自然的形式强加给自然。价值是一种抽象概念,它源于用金钱来表现自然--或者至少是用一种形式来表现自然,而这种形式被假定为由谨慎的、惰性的单位组成,独立于思考或表现的时间性工作,完全被动,服从于意志的主权决定。价值是以一种独立于评价的形式表现出来的。如果这种形式在评价中发挥了积极作用,就像货币一样,那么即使是最高的价值也会贬值。
An alternative is to represent nature in terms of productive capital. This does not eliminate the dangers of illusion. It does, however, liberate thought 另一种方法是用生产资本来代表自然。这并不能消除幻想的危险。但它确实解放了思想
from subservience to the form of representation by enabling the direction of attention to relational context, to temporal process, and to orientation to the future. For, as we shall see, money contributes its own specific determination as a promise of value. The power of such a promise exists in addition to energy and desire. Consideration of money as productive capital enables the elaboration of an ontology, a politics, and a theology of money. 通过将注意力引向关系背景、时间进程和未来方向,使货币不再屈从于表征形式。因为,正如我们将要看到的,金钱作为一种价值承诺,有其自身的特殊决定性。除了能量和欲望之外,这种承诺的力量也是存在的。将货币视为生产性资本,可以使我们对货币的本体论、政治学和神学进行阐述。
3.1.2 Capital is the source of all wealth. Wealth derives from accumulation, invention and assembly. It also requires a supply of energy, instigation by desire, and facilitation by the promise of money. Wealth is poorly understood when it is considered in terms of products alone. An accumulation of stock or assets provides a very limited conception of wealth. Accumulated stock is subject to consumption and depletion. The process is entropic: it begins in wealth and ends in poverty. If, by contrast, accumulated stock is assembled into a productive machine, then the output may be consumed without harming the integrity of the machine. Machines may continue to produce so long as they draw their inputs from the outputs of other machines. While the entire system may be entropic, drawing energy from the sun, machines may continue to produce in a sustainable process for as long as the required inputs can be produced by other machines, and all products can be inputs for further machines. Sustainable economic production concentrates on the production of capital rather than the consumption of accumulated stock. Capital itself is negentropic: it is the production rather than the depletion of wealth. 3.1.2 资本是一切财富的源泉。财富源于积累、发明和组装。它还需要能量的供应、欲望的煽动和金钱承诺的推动。如果仅仅从产品的角度来考虑财富,那么人们对财富的理解就会大打折扣。库存或资产的积累提供了一个非常有限的财富概念。积累的存量会消耗和耗尽。这一过程是熵式的:始于富裕,终于贫穷。与此相反,如果将积累的存量组装成一台生产机器,那么产出可以在不损害机器完整性的情况下被消耗。机器只要从其他机器的产出中获取输入,就可以继续生产。虽然整个系统可能会熵化,从太阳中汲取能量,但只要其他机器能够生产出所需的输入,所有产品都可以成为其他机器的输入,机器就可以在可持续的过程中继续生产。可持续的经济生产集中于资本的生产,而不是累积存量的消耗。资本本身是负熵的:它是财富的生产,而不是财富的消耗。
Accumulated stock, therefore, cannot be considered capital until it has the potential to be incorporated into a productive machine. Nothing in itself may be considered a means of production; it becomes a means of production only in relation to the machine that may incorporate it. Capital is therefore a relative notion. The value of capital appreciates to the extent that capital becomes capable of entering into viable processes of production. The invention of new processes of production and the assembly of productive machines make vital contributions to the creation of wealth. An increase in wealth occurs through accumulation, invention, and assembly. Capital also involves energy, desire, and promise. It is a process of intermediation. Capital is the site and occasion where parts of a machine can interact productively. It cannot be reduced to a set of material parts, an 因此,积累的存货在有可能被纳入生产机器之前,不能被视为资本。任何事物本身都不能被视为生产资料;只有与可能将其纳入其中的机器相关联时,它才能成为生产资料。因此,资本是一个相对概念。资本增值的程度取决于资本是否能够进入可行的生产过程。新的生产工艺的发明和生产机器的组装为财富的创造做出了重要贡献。财富的增长是通过积累、发明和组装实现的。资本还涉及能量、欲望和承诺。这是一个中介过程。资本是一台机器的各个部分进行生产性互动的场所和场合。它不能简化为一套物质部件,也不能简化为一台机器。
ideal form, or spatial contiguity. Capital has the mysterious power to convert assembled parts into an active process. 理想形式或空间连续性。资本有一种神秘的力量,可以将组装好的部件转化为一个活跃的过程。
The creation of wealth, therefore, is poorly understood in terms of an accumulation of value. The creation of wealth is more properly considered the creation of capital. While the creation of wealth expends energy, it may be understood in terms of the accumulation of resources, the invention of forms, the assembly of machines, the intensification of desire, and the increase in the credit of promise. 因此,从价值积累的角度来理解财富的创造并不恰当。财富的创造更应该被视为资本的创造。虽然创造财富需要消耗能量,但可以从资源的积累、形式的发明、机器的组装、欲望的强化以及承诺信用的增加等方面来理解。
3.1.3 Capital can be exchanged for money, just as money can be exchanged for capital. This process of exchange facilitates the assembly of capital and so contributes to the process of production. Exchangeability itself is part of the means of production, even though the process of circulation involves products that are not in themselves part of a productive process while in circulation. Money may therefore be regarded as capital insofar as it stimulates production through facilitating exchange. 3.1.3 资本可以兑换货币,货币也可以兑换资本。这种交换过程促进了资本的组合,从而推动了生产过程。可交换性本身就是生产资料的一部分,尽管流通过程涉及的产品在流通过程中本身并不属于生产过程的一部分。因此,货币可以被视为资本,因为它通过促进交换来刺激生产。
The exchange of capital for money has another effect: capital may be represented as having a determinate value in terms of the quantity of money that is exchanged for it. Moreover, to be exchanged, capital, like anything else, must be represented in this way as having a determinate price. A price, like a hoard of money, produces nothing. Yet the act of pricing, through considerations of exchange, facilitates exchange and therefore production. Then as a represented quantity, money has no productive role. Yet as a quantitative representation, money facilitates production. In precisely the same role, money is both unproductive and productive. Money becomes active and productive through making itself into a passive body for representation. 资本与货币的交换还有另一个作用:资本可以被表述为具有确定的价值,即与之交换的货币数量。此外,资本要想被交换,就必须像其他任何东西一样,以这种方式表现为具有确定的价格。价格就像囤积的货币一样,不产生任何东西。然而,定价行为通过对交换的考虑,促进了交换,从而促进了生产。那么,作为一种表征的数量,货币并不具有生产作用。然而,作为一种数量表征,货币促进了生产。正是在同样的作用下,货币既是非生产性的,又是生产性的。货币通过使自己成为被动的表征体而变得积极和具有生产性。
This paradoxical nature of money is the source of some significant illusions. On the one hand, the representation of capital in terms of money as an exchange value obscures its specific nature as capital. When capital is represented in terms of money as an exchange value, it is represented as already sold. In other words, it has been disappropriated or alienated. It is no longer part of a productive machine. It is reduced to an accumulated stock. Capital is represented, then, in terms of the product of a process of production rather than in terms of the productive process itself. It is represented without energy, desire, or belief. The distinctive element that makes it capital has been removed; even the product or accumulated stock 货币的这种自相矛盾的性质是一些重大错觉的根源。一方面,以货币作为交换价值来表现资本,掩盖了资本作为资本的特殊性质。当资本以作为交换价值的货币来表示时,它就被表示为已经出售。换句话说,它已经被非占有化或异化了。它不再是生产机器的一部分。它已沦为累积的存货。因此,资本的表现形式是生产过程的产品,而不是生产过程本身。资本是没有能量、欲望或信念的。使其成为资本的独特要素已被去除;甚至连产品或积累的存量
has been removed. All that remains in representation is a sum of money. To measure capital in terms of an accumulation of exchange value is to miss the decisive ingredient of capital as capital. 已被删除。在表象上只剩下货币的总和。用交换价值的积累来衡量资本,就是忽略了资本作为资本的决定性要素。
On the other hand, the representation of capital in terms of money facilitates its nature as capital. For the purchaser of capital, such a representation holds out the promise that capital may be acquired and assembled and so become productive. The representation of capital in terms of money increases its promise, its capacity to be incorporated into new assemblages. Money promises production. It delivers this promise through the illusory representation of exchange value. Money effectively functions by concealing its nature as capital. It is therefore hardly surprising that it is normally treated as an accumulated stock. 另一方面,资本以货币的形式表现有利于其作为资本的性质。对于资本的购买者来说,这种表征提供了一种承诺,即资本可以被购买和组合,从而成为生产力。资本以货币的形式表现,增加了资本的承诺,增加了资本融入新组合的能力。货币承诺生产。它通过交换价值的虚幻表现来实现这一承诺。货币通过掩盖其作为资本的本质而有效地发挥作用。因此,货币通常被视为一种累积的存量,这一点不足为奇。
3.1.4 It is not essential to identify capital with money. Money may indicate the presence and operation of capital in terms of its effects. A rate of production indicates the activity of capital. A rate of profit, or the difference between the exchange value of outputs and the exchange value of inputs, measures the effects of capital. Instead of valuing capital assets according to their past accumulation of value, therefore, it may be preferable to value capital assets according to their rates of profit. Assets may be valued according to the time taken to earn their purchase price. If capital is regarded as a value that increases, or as money that makes money, then the value of capital may be regarded as a rate of profit. 3.1.4 并非必须将资本与货币相提并论。货币可以说明资本的存在和运作效果。生产率表明资本的活动。利润率或产出的交换价值与投入的交换价值之间的差额可以衡量资本的效果。因此,与其根据资本资产过去的价值积累对其进行估值,不如根据其利润率对其进行估值。可以根据赚取购买价所需的时间对资产进行估值。如果把资本看作是一种会增值的价值,或者说是一种会赚钱的货币,那么资本的价值就可以看作是一种利润率。
Such a move is not altogether sufficient to escape from illusion. Inputs and outputs are only priced according to their exchange values. Their value in the process of production is irrelevant except insofar as it contributes to the market price as a whole. What is measured by a rate of profit is not the value produced by capital production but the outcome of a particular trading strategy of buying one set of goods and selling another. Capital is valued, by this means, in terms of external measures of exchange rather than in terms of intrinsic productive power and significance. When rates of profit are taken as indicators of the operation of productive capacity, there is a danger of a fundamental dissimulation: income may derive from the consumption of capital as well as from new production. An enterprise may destroy the conditions that make it possible in the very process of production. For capital itself includes all the means of production, including the prevailing conditions that make production possible. If these conditions are provided 这样做并不能完全摆脱幻想。投入和产出只是根据其交换价值来定价的。它们在生产过程中的价值无关紧要,除非它对整个市场价格有贡献。用利润率衡量的不是资本生产所产生的价值,而是买一套商品卖另一套商品的特定交易策略的结果。通过这种方式,资本的价值是以外部交换衡量的,而不是以内在生产力和意义来衡量的。当利润率被视为生产能力运作的指标时,就有可能出现根本性的虚假:收入可能来自资本消费,也可能来自新的生产。企业在生产过程中可能会破坏使其成为可能的条件。因为资本本身包括所有生产资料,包括使生产成为可能的现有条件。如果提供了这些条件
by nature and society, then they may not need to be regularly purchased. If they are not represented as internal costs of production, capital may be consumed and depleted. Without an independent measure of capital, it is impossible to tell from the rate of profit whether wealth is being generated or depleted by any particular process. Indeed, all processes generate some forms of wealth while destroying others. When reduced to a single rate of profit, this ambivalence is no longer represented. All economic activity is accounted as positive if it yields a profit. An increase in stock of exchange value replaces all measures of the increase of capital. ^(5){ }^{5} 如果资本是由自然和社会赋予的,那么它们可能不需要定期购买。如果不把它们作为生产的内部成本,资本就可能被消耗和耗尽。如果没有独立的资本衡量标准,就不可能从利润率中看出任何特定过程是在创造财富还是在消耗财富。事实上,所有生产过程都会产生某些形式的财富,同时也会破坏其他形式的财富。当简化为单一的利润率时,这种矛盾性就不复存在了。所有的经济活动,只要产生利润,就都是积极的。交换价值存量的增加取代了资本增加的所有衡量标准。 ^(5){ }^{5}
This dissimulation is the crucial error of modern economic activity. Modern economic activity only measures rates of profit. Since it is more profitable, in the short term, to consume the means of production than to preserve them, then economic activities that do so will outstrip economic activities that aim for sustainability. Since they are more profitable, they will survive, grow, and prosper in the short term, forcing their sustainable competitors to adapt or be forced out of business. In such an environment, sustainable practices in ecological terms are not sustainable in economic terms; similarly, sustainable practices in economic terms are not sustainable in ecological terms. An economic system that is constructed around the maximization of short-term profits will necessarily consume its capital. For in such a system, consumption of inherited and accumulated assets is measured only as an increase in wealth. Such a system will necessarily destroy its long-term conditions for survival. It is inevitably bound for crisis. 这种假象是现代经济活动的关键错误。现代经济活动只衡量利润率。由于在短期内消费生产资料比保护生产资料更有利可图,因此,这样做的经济活动将超过以可持续发展为目标的经济活动。由于它们更有利可图,它们将在短期内生存、发展和繁荣,迫使其可持续发展的竞争对手进行调整,否则就会被淘汰出局。在这样的环境中,生态方面的可持续做法在经济方面是不可持续的;同样,经济方面的可持续做法在生态方面也是不可持续的。围绕短期利润最大化而构建的经济体系必然会消耗其资本。因为在这种体系中,对继承和积累的资产的消耗只能作为财富的增长来衡量。这样的体系必然会破坏其长期的生存条件。它必然会陷入危机。
All social systems involve the production of means of production. Capitalism may be regarded as the social system in which capital is measured as an accumulated quantity in terms of exchange value. It matters little whether the means of production are privately owned, or owned by the state, or owned by workers’ or buyers’ cooperatives. Each is a form of capitalism. Each measures the means of production in terms of its exchange value. Each will necessarily deplete its capital insofar as it seeks to maximize profits. In capitalism, investment itself, guided by the maximization of profits, is directed toward the maximization of rates of depletion. Such is the inevitable contradiction of capitalism: it is necessarily self-destructive. 所有社会制度都涉及生产资料的生产。资本主义可以被视为一种社会制度,在这种制度中,资本是以交换价值作为积累数量来衡量的。至于生产资料是私人所有、国家所有,还是工人合作社或买方合作社所有,这并不重要。每一种都是资本主义的一种形式。每一种资本主义都以其交换价值来衡量生产资料。只要追求利润最大化,每种资本主义都必然会耗尽其资本。在资本主义中,以利润最大化为导向的投资本身也是以损耗率最大化为导向的。这就是资本主义不可避免的矛盾:它必然是自我毁灭的。
3.1.5 The production of natural capital depends on the finite rate of flow of nuclear energy from solar radiation. This energy may be stored in highly 3.1.5 自然资本的生产取决于太阳辐射核能的有限流动率。这种能量可以储存在高度
fissible or fusible chemical elements; it may also be stored in fossil fuels. Such stores are finite. Once depleted, the overall rate of energy for production is that which can be captured from renewable sources. Natural capital imposes limits of past accumulation and present rate of flow on the energy use of any economy. 它可以储存在可裂变或可熔化的化学元素中,也可以储存在化石燃料中。这些储存是有限的。一旦耗尽,用于生产的总能源率就是可从可再生资源中获取的能源率。自然资本对任何经济体的能源使用都施加了过去积累和现在流量的限制。
Natural capital uses this energy for the circular flow of matter. The hydrological cycle, carbon cycle, and nitrogen cycle are the most basic and significant circular flows. The waste products of one part of each cycle are the nutrients of another. Similarly, metabolic oxidation in living creatures is balanced by photosynthesis. The rates of recirculation within such cycles also place limits on the rate at which any organic or economic system can function. If such cycles are not maintained, the result is the depletion of natural capital. Within such bounds, however, organic systems have evolved an unlimited proliferation of forms adapted to specific environmental niches. The limits on flows of energy and matter do not impose limits on the creation of forms. Such is the accumulation of natural capital. 自然资本将这种能量用于物质的循环流动。水文循环、碳循环和氮循环是最基本、最重要的循环流动。每个循环中一个环节的废物都是另一个环节的养分。同样,生物体内的新陈代谢氧化作用与光合作用相平衡。这种循环内的再循环速度也限制了任何有机或经济系统的运作速度。如果不能维持这种循环,自然资本就会枯竭。然而,在这种限制范围内,有机系统进化出了无限的适应特定环境的形式。能量和物质流动的限制并不限制形式的创造。这就是自然资本的积累。
Capitalist economic systems, by contrast, aim at a single primary product: exchange value. Exchange value, once reinvested, aims at the production of an unlimited quantity of exchange value. The motive power of capitalist reproduction is compound interest. A national economy that grows at a rate of 4 percent per annum over three centuries would increase in size more than one hundred thousand times. A capital sum invested at a 6 percent rate of interest per annum would increase in size nearly four million times. A successful day trader who earns an average daily profit of .6 percent from small variations in asset prices would, if starting with a sum of $1,000\$ 1,000, be capable of buying the entirety of global assets within twenty years. Material production cannot keep up with such rates of growth. 相比之下,资本主义经济体系的目标是单一的初级产品:交换价值。交换价值一旦再投资,就会生产出无限量的交换价值。资本主义再生产的动力是复利。一个国家的经济在三个世纪中以每年 4% 的速度增长,其规模将扩大十万倍以上。以年利率 6% 投资的资本总额将增长近 400 万倍。一个成功的日间交易者,如果能从资产价格的微小变化中平均每天赚取 0.6% 的利润,那么,如果他的起始资金是 $1,000\$ 1,000 ,他就有能力在二十年内买下全球的全部资产。物质生产跟不上这样的增长速度。
Economy and ecology are mathematically incompatible. ^(6){ }^{6} Economic growth is incompatible with ecological finitude. It must necessarily reach its limits and collapse before rising again to a lesser extent in an oscillating pattern of decay. Capitalism is unsustainable. Global capitalist development is impossible. Such a logical fact strikes at the heart of faith in capitalism. 经济与生态在数学上是不相容的。 ^(6){ }^{6} 经济增长与生态有限性不相容。它必然会达到极限并崩溃,然后在衰退的振荡模式中以较小的程度再次上升。资本主义是不可持续的。全球资本主义发展是不可能的。这一逻辑事实直击资本主义信仰的核心。
3.1.6 The incompatibility of economy and ecology meets with much resistance. One strategy of denial is to attempt to mitigate the depletion of energy and resources by means of efficiency gains through technological 3.1.6 经济与生态的不相容遭到了许多抵制。一种拒绝的策略是试图通过技术提高效率来缓解能源和资源的消耗。
improvements. Yet since large and unnecessary inefficiencies may be removed first, levels of efficiency gain tend to decrease with each successive stage. Compound interest, by contrast, increases exponentially. The collision cannot be postponed for long. Moreover, efficiency gains reduce overall costs and improve profits. The additional income will be used for consumption and investment. Both consumption and investment stimulate production, resulting in an overall utilization of energy and resources at a similar rate to the previous one. Efficiency gains, in themselves, contribute nothing toward ecological sustainability. ^(7){ }^{7} 效率的提高。然而,由于大量不必要的低效可能会首先被消除,效率提高的水平往往会随着每个阶段的连续进行而降低。相比之下,复利则以指数形式增长。碰撞不能被推迟太久。此外,效率的提高会降低总体成本,提高利润。额外的收入将用于消费和投资。消费和投资都会刺激生产,从而使能源和资源的总体利用率与之前相近。效率的提高本身对生态可持续性毫无助益。 ^(7){ }^{7}
In practice, efficiency gains have to be enforced by a rise in prices of the relevant energy and resources. The suppliers of energy and resources, especially the oil, gas, and mining sectors, gain a greater share of the relevant wealth. This wealth, again, will be used either for investment or for consumption. The same is true for government taxation, which supplies an additional source of revenue to increase government spending, leading to a multiplier effect throughout the economy. ^(8){ }^{8} In short, neither efficiency, prices, nor taxes can significantly reduce energy use. Energy consumption can only be reduced in the system as a whole by “demand destruction” through economic recession. 在实践中,必须通过提高相关能源和资源的价格来提高效率。能源和资源的供应方,尤其是石油、天然气和采矿部门,将从相关财富中获得更大份额。同样,这些财富将被用于投资或消费。政府税收也是如此,它为增加政府支出提供了额外的收入来源,从而在整个经济中产生乘数效应。 ^(8){ }^{8} 简而言之,无论是效率、价格还是税收,都无法大幅减少能源的使用。只有通过经济衰退的 "需求破坏",才能在整个系统中减少能源消耗。
A second strategy of denial is to attempt to separate non-material from material production. There is no absolute limit to the production of ideal forms. Economic growth can continue through the production of ideas, knowledge, and virtual or silicon-based entities, as well as through growth in the nominal value of speculative assets. Economic growth can and does continue on a shrinking ecological base. Nominal economic growth can and does continue on a shrinking base of material production and consumption. Non-material economic entities can continue to thrive under conditions of material scarcity. Nevertheless, this strategy does not reckon with the material reality of consumption: consumption remains an essential part of economic growth. A human consumer, possessing money, will possess a free choice as to what he or she consumes. Being material beings, people will wish to consume material goods, should they be at all available. Price signals derived from depletion rates may do something to restrict material consumption. Yet prices reflect costs of production, as well as overall demand. They do not directly signal absolute rates of depletion. Moreover, if compound rates of economic growth continue, they will be matched by 第二种否定策略是试图将非物质生产与物质生产分开。理想形式的生产并没有绝对的限制。经济增长可以通过思想、知识、虚拟实体或硅基实体的生产,以及投机资产名义价值的增长来继续。经济增长可以而且确实在不断缩小的生态基础上继续。在物质生产和消费不断萎缩的基础上,名义经济增长可以而且确实在继续。非物质经济实体可以在物质匮乏的条件下继续蓬勃发展。然而,这一战略并没有考虑到消费的物质现实:消费仍然是经济增长的重要组成部分。拥有金钱的人类消费者可以自由选择消费内容。作为物质存在的人,人们希望消费物质产品,如果有的话。从损耗率得出的价格信号可能会限制物质消费。然而,价格反映的是生产成本和总体需求。它们并不直接反映绝对损耗率。此外,如果复合经济增长率继续保持,那么与之相匹配的将是
compound rates of consumer-spending power. To reduce consumption, prices of material goods would have to rise sufficiently to destroy demand. In practice, this would mean that those with little spending power would be unable to afford the necessities of life, while those with plenty of spending power would be able to continue to consume at a similar rate. Demand destruction is also tantamount to reducing production and thus reducing economic growth as a whole. It means economic collapse. While some nonmaterial sectors of the economy may in theory continue to thrive, they will in practice be inhibited by a lack of wealth in the rest of the economy. In short, there are two fundamental restrictions on the dematerialization of the economy. Embodied human consumers will find that material consumption takes priority over other forms of consumption, leaving it as the last form to suffer from demand destruction. In addition, there are very few real forms of non-material production. Even the computing, entertainment, research, and education sectors require an ever increasing throughput of material resources to sustain their non-material production. Any continuation of nominal economic growth on a shrinking material base can only be accompanied by the material impoverishment of the majority. 消费者消费能力的复合增长率。为了减少消费,物质产品的价格必须上涨到足以破坏需求的程度。实际上,这意味着消费能力低的人将无力购买生活必需品,而消费能力强的人则可以继续以类似的速度消费。破坏需求也等于减少生产,从而降低整体经济增长。这意味着经济崩溃。虽然理论上经济中的某些非物质部门可以继续繁荣发展,但实际上它们会受到经济其他部门财富不足的抑制。简而言之,经济的非物质化有两个基本限制。有形的人类消费者会发现,物质消费优先于其他形式的消费,使其成为最后一种遭受需求破坏的消费形式。此外,真正的非物质生产形式很少。即使是计算机、娱乐、研究和教育部门,也需要不断增加的物质资源来维持其非物质生产。在物质基础不断萎缩的情况下,任何名义上的经济增长都只能伴随着大多数人的物质贫困。
A third strategy of denial is to argue that the market will take account of ecological limits through price signals. Yet prices respond to the scarcity of supply, not to absolute rates of depletion. Prices do not distinguish whether supply derives from sustainable production or a depletion of finite reserves. For example, natural gas remains cheap while it is forced out of the ground under pressure; when the pressure drops through depletion, the fall in production rates is rapid and terminal. Price signals only come into force at crisis levels of depletion, when demand exceeds supply. It is too late by then to conserve natural gas. Indeed, when production levels fall and prices rise due to continued demand, it becomes much more profitable to engage in further and more rapid depletion of the remaining stocks. The ultimate result is demand destruction, with a consequent shrinkage in the economy. 第三种否认策略是认为市场会通过价格信号来考虑生态限制。然而,价格反应的是供应的稀缺性,而不是消耗的绝对速度。价格不会区分供应是来自可持续生产还是有限储量的耗竭。例如,当天然气在压力下从地下开采出来时,价格仍然很低;而当压力因耗竭而下降时,生产率的下降是快速和终极的。价格信号只有在耗竭到危机程度、供不应求时才会生效。那时再想节约天然气就为时已晚了。事实上,当生产水平下降,价格因持续需求而上涨时,进一步、更快地消耗剩余库存就会变得更加有利可图。最终的结果是需求被破坏,经济随之萎缩。
A market economy necessarily leads to a deficit in capital growth. In a market economy, capital is measured by prices and therefore in relation to effective demand expressed in money. The only demands measured are from those who have money. Those who control the most money are those who invest money for the sake of a profit. Capital is therefore priced in 市场经济必然导致资本增长赤字。在市场经济中,资本是通过价格来衡量的,因此与以货币表示的有效需求相关。衡量的唯一需求来自那些有钱的人。那些控制着最多资金的人就是那些为了利润而投资的人。因此,资本的价格是
relation to its profitability. It is priced in relation to a set of competing investments in terms of the single quantity of a rate of return, measured against risk. Measurements of capital, then, do not take into account the distinctive varieties of capital and their need for maintenance. For example, the renewal of depleted resources and the recycling of waste may be restricted in important respects by physical limits. Without infinitely powerful technology, price signals will be insufficient to achieve substitution and recirculation. 与盈利能力有关。资本的定价是相对于一系列竞争性投资而言的,以收益率的单一数量来衡量风险。因此,对资本的衡量没有考虑到资本的不同种类及其维护需求。例如,枯竭资源的再生和废弃物的循环利用可能在某些重要方面受到物理限制。如果没有无限强大的技术,价格信号将不足以实现替代和再循环。
Moreover, positive feedback effects arising from the destabilization of capital may outpace the growth in the relevant forms of economic activity that respond to such change. Only in limited circumstances does supply rise to meet demand. For example, the high demand for good governance and social stability does not express itself, at times of extreme instability, in terms of available money for investment in governance. 此外,资本不稳定所产生的正反馈效应可能会超过对这种变化做出反应的相关经济活动形式的增长速度。只有在有限的情况下,供应才能满足需求。例如,在极端不稳定的情况下,对良好治理和社会稳定的高需求并不表现为用于治理投资的可用资金。
Furthermore, markets are unable to deal with the free-rider problem. ^(9){ }^{9} Waste is discharged; its toxic effects are not restricted to the economic entities that generate it. While the removal, recycling, and disinfecting of waste is a public good, the costs of waste are widely distributed across the public. For any economic entity that generates waste, then, the costs of toxicity may be relatively minor compared with the potential benefits of the toxic process of production. A cost-benefit analysis at a microeconomic level is incapable of accounting for the external costs of toxicity. ^(10){ }^{10} 此外,市场无法解决搭便车问题。 ^(9){ }^{9} 废物是排放出来的;其毒性影响并不局限于产生废物的经济实体。虽然废物的清除、回收和消毒是一种公共产品,但废物的成本在公众中广泛分布。因此,对于任何产生废物的经济实体来说,与有毒生产过程的潜在利益相比,毒性成本可能相对较小。微观经济层面的成本效益分析无法考虑毒性的外部成本。 ^(10){ }^{10} .
Finally, price signals only give value to activities of detoxification to the extent that toxicity reduces profits. The total amount available to be spent on detoxification, whether by the private sector or by governments, is limited to a perceived potential reduction in profits should toxicity be allowed to continue. It bears no relation to the costs of the actual work of detoxification needed to maintain capital. Indeed, as long as similar profits may be acquired through substituting new areas of capital for depletion, leaving behind exhausted capital and polluted ecosystems, a market economy will necessarily prefer such substitution over efforts toward detoxification. Exhaustion and substitution is more profitable than maintenance. In short, a market economy will necessarily produce successive and increasing toxic effects. 最后,价格信号只有在毒性降低利润的情况下才会赋予解毒活动价值。无论是私营部门还是政府,可用于解毒的总金额仅限于如果允许毒性继续存在而可能减少的利润。它与维持资本所需的实际解毒工作成本没有任何关系。事实上,只要可以通过用新的资本领域替代枯竭的资本领域来获得类似的利润,留下枯竭的资本和被污染的生态系统,市场经济就必然会倾向于这种替代,而不是努力解毒。耗竭和替代比维护更有利可图。简而言之,市场经济必然会产生连续和不断增加的毒性效应。
The problem of the clash between economic growth and ecological finitude derives from a capitalist system that is based on perpetual growth. 经济增长与生态有限性之间的冲突问题源于以永久增长为基础的资本主义制度。
All growth is represented positively as a profit. Little account can be taken of the need for conservation and recycling material. A market economy is a monoculture aimed at the growth of profits alone; it does not facilitate the development of reciprocal and complementary systems that recycle its products. A market economy is necessarily toxic. It matters little which political system is imposed to support such a market economy or the extent of its redistribution of wealth. Once capitalism reaches its limits, it will necessarily shrink as a sphere of circulation, leaving those who are now outside its parameters bereft of essential resources. 所有的增长都被正面表述为利润。几乎没有考虑到保护和回收材料的需要。市场经济是一种以利润增长为唯一目标的单一经济,它不利于发展互惠互补的系统,无法循环利用其产品。市场经济必然是有毒的。强加哪种政治制度来支持这种市场经济或其财富再分配的程度并不重要。一旦资本主义达到其极限,它作为一个流通领域必然会萎缩,使那些现在处于其参数之外的人失去必要的资源。
The error derives from a simple illusion: if capital is measured in terms of exchange value as an object of accumulation, then no account is taken of capital as a differentiated and interdependent means of production. An alternative economy will be required by those who live outside the margins of a rapidly shrinking capitalist mode of production. 这种错误源于一个简单的错觉:如果资本是以交换价值作为积累对象来衡量的,那么就没有考虑到资本是一种有区别的、相互依存的生产资料。那些生活在迅速萎缩的资本主义生产方式边缘之外的人们需要另一种经济。
3.1.7 Means of production can be divided into four approximate categories: those that contribute primarily to the accumulation of stock, or physical capital; those that contribute primarily to the invention of processes, or creative capital; those that contribute primarily to the assembly of processes, or constructive capital; and those that contribute primarily to the execution of processes, or dynamic capital. Physical capacities for production include natural resources, such as fresh water, sunlight, air, fertile soil, fossil fuels, minerals, seeds, and livestock, and artificial resources, such as roads, buildings, and machines. Creative capacities for production include human capital, which is itself dependent on health, knowledge, skills, adaptability, and motivation. Constructive capacities for production include human labor, institutions that facilitate cooperation, shared cultural practices, mutual obligations and interdependence. Dynamic capital includes physical energy, desire, and credit. In a complex, interdependent world, accumulation, invention, assembly, and execution are all necessary for economic production. Physical, creative, constructive, and dynamic capital must be combined. 3.1.7 生产资料大致可分为四类:主要促进存量积累的生产资料,即物质资本;主要促 进工艺发明的生产资料,即创造资本;主要促进工艺组装的生产资料,即建设性资本; 以及主要促进工艺执行的生产资料,即动态资本。物质生产能力包括自然资源,如淡水、阳光、空气、肥沃的土壤、化石燃料、矿物、种子和牲畜,以及人工资源,如道路、建筑物和机器。创造性生产能力包括人力资本,人力资本本身取决于健康、知识、技能、适应能力和动力。建设性生产能力包括人类劳动、促进合作的机构、共同的文化习俗、相互义务和相互依存。动态资本包括体力、欲望和信用。在一个复杂、相互依存的世界中,积累、发明、组装和执行都是经济生产所必需的。有形资本、创造性资本、建设性资本和动态资本必须结合起来。
Capital necessarily exceeds capitalist representation. Representation is the product of a process combining physical capital as the medium of representation, creative capital as the invention of forms of representation, constructive capital as the practice of representation, and dynamic 资本必然超越资本主义表象。表征是一个过程的产物,这个过程结合了作为表征媒介的物质资本、作为表征形式发明的创造性资本、作为表征实践的建设性资本,以及作为表征的动态资本。
capital as the power of representation. Representation is itself a form of produced wealth. It is not its own capital production. Representation is a simple product of a complex process of synthesis. It does not disclose its own substance, form, construction, or energy since it directs attention to the substance, form, construction, and energy of that which it represents. Moreover, even when the power of the object of representation is represented, the power of the representation is not identical to the represented power. As an active force of mediation, capital is inherently unrepresentable. Hence, the true nature of money exceeds all possible representation. It is a dynamic power, not an object of knowledge. 资本是代表的力量。代表权本身就是一种生产财富。它本身并不是资本生产。表象是复杂综合过程的简单产物。它并不揭示自身的实质、形式、构造或能量,因为它将人们的注意力引向了它所表征对象的实质、形式、构造和能量。此外,即使表征对象的力量被表征,表征的力量也不等同于被表征的力量。作为一种积极的中介力量,资本本质上是不可表征的。因此,货币的真正本质超越了一切可能的表征。它是一种动态的力量,而不是知识的对象。
Capital necessarily exceeds measurement. It is less significant that capital should be measured than that it should be sustained, enhanced, and developed. If wealth consists primarily in capital, in capacities for accumulation, invention, and assembly, then it does not consist in the speculative value of assets, in prices determined by demand, or in rates of income or profit. The speculative value of assets reflects the behavior of traders in the market more than it reflects the accumulation of capital. Prices reflect demands for consumption more than they reflect possibilities of invention. Rates of profit and income reflect the consumption of capital more than they reflect its construction. Money that is represented is not money in itself. In short, wealth cannot be properly assessed by an experience of available pleasures or by an evaluation of assets, income, or prices. Capital generates prices and pleasures. It cannot be assessed by them. 资本必然超越衡量。对资本进行计量的意义远小于维持、提高和发展资本的意义。如果财富主要是资本,是积累、发明和组装的能力,那么它就不包括资产的投机价值、由需求决定的价格或收入或利润率。资产的投机价值更多地反映了市场上交易者的行为,而不是资本的积累。价格反映消费需求多于反映发明的可能性。利润率和收入率反映的是资本的消费,而不是资本的建设。被代表的货币本身并不是货币。简而言之,财富不能通过对现有快乐的体验或对资产、收入或价格的评估来正确评价。资本产生价格和快乐。资本不能通过价格和快乐来评估。
A price is formed within a market by comparison with the prices of other commodities or assets that could be substituted for the one in question. Such representation depends on a dissimulation: it assumes that all capital can be appropriated, exchanged, and substituted. It assumes that the complex relations between physical capital, human capital, constructive capital, and dynamic capital can be reproduced by the logic of market relations. It assumes that there is always an alternative or a substitute. It assumes that value only appears insofar as it is replaceable. It assumes an infinitely disposable world. It assumes that everything that contributes to wealth can be given a price - that is, that it can be appropriated, exchanged, and substituted. 在市场中,价格是通过与可以替代相关商品或资产的其他商品或资产的价格进行比较而形成的。这种表述依赖于一种假象:它假定所有资本都可以被占有、交换和替代。它假定物质资本、人力资本、建设性资本和动态资本之间的复杂关系可以通过市场关系的逻辑再现。它假定总有替代品或替代物。它假定价值只有在可替代的范围内才会出现。它假定世界是无限可支配的。它假定,一切有助于财富的东西都可以被赋予价格,即可以被占有、交换和替代。
Nevertheless, appropriation, exchange, and substitution involve the removal of the thing from its networks of physical, personal, and social rela- 然而,挪用、交换和替代涉及到将事物从其物理、个人和社会关系网络中移除。
tions. They involve the disassembly of capital. Adaptation for the market by rendering all things in the form of exchangeable property is essentially antithetical to the production of capital. Market relations may be the condition for new forms of assembly and invention; they always come at the cost of existing relations of production. 它们涉及资本的拆解。它们涉及资本的分解。通过使万物成为可交换财产的形式来适应市场,本质上与资本生产是对立的。市场关系可能是新的组装和发明形式的条件,但它们总是以现有的生产关系为代价。
The generation of wealth cannot, therefore, be reduced to the generation of quantities and prices, for wealth is generated by the set of natural, personal, and social processes that compose the entirety of human experience. 因此,财富的产生不能归结为数量和价格的产生,因为财富是由构成人类全部经验的一系列自然、个人和社会过程产生的。
3.2.1 In economic representation, money is considered in terms of value. The subjective process of evaluation is accorded priority; money merely represents the values given by subjective choices. According to Georg Simmel, the subjective estimate of value becomes representable through exchange: “The value of an object acquires such visibility and tangibility as it possesses through the fact that one object is offered for another. This reciprocal balancing, through which each economic object expresses its value in another object, removes both objects from the sphere of merely subjective significance. The relativity of valuation signifies its objectification.” ^(11){ }^{11} Money expresses this value of exchangeability: “If the economic value of objects is constituted by their mutual relationship of exchangeability, then money is the autonomous expression of this relationship. Money is the representative of abstract value.” ^(12){ }^{12} One may observe that money represents such value in a triple sense. It represents or symbolizes actual value when it functions as a means of exchange; it represents or measures ideal value when it functions as a standard unit of account; and it represents or promises potential value when it functions as a store of value. 3.2.1 在经济表述中,货币是从价值的角度来考虑的。主观评价过程被置于优先地位;货币只是代表主观选择所赋予的价值。格奥尔格-西美尔(Georg Simmel)认为,对价值的主观评价通过交换变得可以表征:"一个物品的价值通过一个物品与另一个物品的交换而获得可见性和有形性。通过这种相互平衡,每个经济物品都能在另一个物品中体现其价值,从而使两个物品都脱离了主观意义的范畴。估价的相对性意味着它的客观化"。 ^(11){ }^{11} 货币表达了这种可交换的价值:"如果物体的经济价值是由它们之间的相互交换关系构成的,那么货币就是这种关系的自主表达。货币是抽象价值的代表"。 ^(12){ }^{12} 我们可以看到,货币在三重意义上代表了这种价值。当货币作为交换手段时,它代表或象征实际价值;当货币作为标准记账单位时,它代表或衡量理想价值;当货币作为价值储藏手段时,它代表或承诺潜在价值。
No market, or institution of exchange, can function without subjective choices being represented in some kind of object or symbolic medium. One cannot presuppose, however, that such subjective choices are independent of the operations of the market. Even if desires pre-exist their expression in a price or an exchange, it is doubtful whether subjective evaluations pre-exist their expression in a price. ^(13){ }^{13} For values cannot enter consciousness without some symbolic medium of representation through 任何市场或交换机构的运作都离不开主观选择在某种客体或符号媒介中的体现。然而,我们不能预先假定这种主观选择与市场运作无关。即使欲望先于价格或交换表现出来,主观评价是否先于价格表现出来也是值得怀疑的。 ^(13){ }^{13} 因为如果没有某种符号媒介的表征,价值就不可能进入意识。
which desires may be expressed. Such a scale of comparison is provided by money. The market effects its own disciplining and ordering of desire, just as language effects a disciplining and ordering of thought, providing the condition for what is thinkable. There are desires that are not represented in the market because the bearer has insufficient money to make demands effective. If the realization of desires is entirely unrealistic, then little attention will be paid to them, and they may hardly figure in consciousness at all. Someone who participates in a lottery can imagine how he or she would spend the winnings and so nourishes his or her desire for the benefits of wealth. Since the market offers the possibility of the realization of some desires, it has an effect on desire and subjective choices and so on represented value. The value represented by money is not independent of money itself. Money makes certain evaluations effective. This effective power of money demands a reconsideration of the role of money in representation. It will be necessary to critically examine the standard functions of money in exchange discussed in the textbooks of economics. 可以表达欲望。货币提供了这样一个比较的尺度。市场对欲望有自己的约束和安排,就像语言对思想有约束和安排一样,为可思考的事物提供条件。有些欲望无法在市场中得到体现,因为持有者没有足够的金钱来有效地提出要求。如果欲望的实现是完全不现实的,那么人们对它们的关注就会很少,它们可能根本不会出现在意识中。参加彩票的人可以想象自己将如何花掉彩票奖金,从而滋养自己对财富利益的渴望。由于市场提供了实现某些欲望的可能性,它对欲望和主观选择产生了影响,因此也对所代表的价值产生了影响。货币所代表的价值并非独立于货币本身。货币使某些评价变得有效。货币的这种有效力量要求我们重新考虑货币在表征中的作用。有必要对经济学教科书中讨论的货币在交换中的标准功能进行批判性研究。
3.2.2 As a means of payment or medium of exchange, money is believed to facilitate a process of exchange that already exists in the form of barter. ^(14){ }^{14} Money is able to mediate between differing demands that exist in different places. Money makes transactions between two parties possible that would not be otherwise because money is able to represent an unspecified demand. Money is acceptable because it can later be turned into a particular demand: it represents all available objects of desire. It may be exchanged for all things. There are, however, significant differences between purchase with money and barter exchange. ^(15)A{ }^{15} \mathrm{~A} barter exchange takes place between two parties. Barter is comparable to a reciprocal gift, where the obligation to return a gift is effected immediately. Each gift is of a dual nature: a present is given at the same time as an honor and an obligation. Giving has both a physical and a social significance. Depending on relative status, such an honor may be regarded as tribute, patronage, or a bond initiating an obligation to give back. Indeed, if the relative status is uncertain or flexible, the choice of returning a gift, including its nature and timing, may be elements of political strategy. ^(16){ }^{16} The exchange of gifts is inseparable from a relation of power. 3.2.2 作为一种支付手段或交换媒介,货币被认为能够促进以物易物形式存在的交换过程。 ^(14){ }^{14} 货币能够调和不同地方的不同需求。货币使双方之间的交易成为可能,而如果没有货币,这种交易是不可能进行的,因为货币能够代表一种不明确的需求。货币是可以接受的,因为它以后可以转化为特定的需求:它代表了所有可用的欲望对象。它可以交换所有东西。然而,用货币购买和以物易物之间有很大的不同。 ^(15)A{ }^{15} \mathrm{~A} 易货交换发生在双方之间。以物易物类似于互赠礼物,在这种情况下,回赠礼物的义务立即生效。每份礼物都具有双重性质:一份礼物既是荣誉,也是义务。馈赠既有物质意义,也有社会意义。根据相对地位的不同,这种荣誉可以被视为贡品、恩惠,也可以被视为一种纽带,从而产生回赠的义务。事实上,如果相对地位不确定或具有弹性,那么选择回赠礼物,包括其性质和时机,都可能是政治策略的要素。 ^(16){ }^{16} 礼物的交换与权力关系密不可分。
Here lies the significant difference between the social form of value and 价值的社会形式与价值的社会形式之间的重要区别就在于此。
the social form of honor. Values are estimates constructed by autonomous subjects. Even if a subject accepts or imitates received values, the work of evaluation is still an expression of the subject’s power. Honors and obligations, by contrast, must be given or acknowledged where they are due. ^(17){ }^{17} They express the incorporation of the subject into an existing social form of representation. They express a mode of piety. Power lies outside the subject in social customs, and although these may admit some flexibility, any transgression risks punitive measures, exclusion, or the wrath of the gods. 荣誉的社会形式。价值观是由自主的主体建构的。即使主体接受或模仿了接受的价值观,评价工作仍然是主体权力的体现。相比之下,荣誉和义务必须得到应有的给予或承认。 ^(17){ }^{17} 它们表达了主体对现有社会表征形式的融入。它们表达了一种虔诚的方式。在社会习俗中,权力处于主体之外,尽管这些习俗可以有一定的灵活性,但任何违反习俗的行为都有可能受到惩罚、排斥或神灵的愤怒。
In barter exchange, by contrast with gift, the obligation to return is effected immediately. Barter exchange may presuppose a relation of relative equality; alternatively, barter exchange may be conducted to construct relations of relative equality, averting potential hostilities. Yet if each gift is regarded as the equivalent of the other, such equivalence may not signal an absence of social difference so much as the limit of a process of negotiation through which differences of potential are enacted. The actual exchange may be the outcome of differences in relative power and status. Only after the event may the gifts be regarded as equivalent in value because they were indeed exchanged for each other. Prior to the agreement of exchange, however, the resolution of a bargain may be the expression of differing levels of power. Barter exchange is not neutral in relation to other systems of social power; it may be an expression of it when such power is enacted to the full in exchange. Although both parties may gain what they wish in barter exchange, the relative quantities of what they gain may be augmented or diminished by the exercise of social power. 在易货交换中,与赠与相比,归还的义务是立即生效的。易货交换可能以相对平等的关系为前提;或者,易货交换可能是为了构建相对平等的关系,避免潜在的敌对。然而,如果每份礼物都被视为等同于另一份礼物,那么这种等同性可能并不意味着社会差异的消失,而更多的是一种协商过程的限制,通过这种协商过程,潜在的差异得以体现。实际交换可能是相对权力和地位差异的结果。只有在事件发生后,礼物才可能被视为等价物,因为它们确实是相互交换的。然而,在达成交换协议之前,讨价还价的解决可能是不同权力水平的体现。易货交换相对于其他社会权力体系而言并不是中立的;当这种权力在交换中得到充分发挥时,易货交换可能就是这种权力的一种体现。尽管在易货贸易中双方都能如愿以偿,但他们所获得的相对数量可能会因社会权力的行使而增加或减少。
The social elements of power and status call on factors external to the simple relation between two parties. In the same way, monetary purchase is not simply a physical exchange of goods. It also has a social dimension that is compressed into the actual values agreed while obscured by the notion of value itself. For exchange never takes place between two parties alone. Barter exchange may only be possible in the rare coincidence of complementary demands. Monetary exchange changes this significantly. By vastly augmenting the occurrence of possible exchanges, it also enables each transaction to be compared with a set of alternative transactions that could be substituted for it. In addition to the two parties, there is a range of possible exchange relations with third parties that each of the two parties has preferred not to pursue. These have an impact on the actual 权力和地位的社会要素需要双方之间简单关系之外的因素。同样,货币购买也不仅仅是实物交换。它还有一个社会维度,这个维度被压缩在实际商定的价值中,而被价值概念本身所掩盖。因为交换从来都不只是发生在双方之间。易货交换只有在需求互补的罕见巧合下才有可能。货币交换则大大改变了这种情况。货币交换大大增加了交换的可能性,也使每笔交易都可以与一系列可以替代它的交易进行比较。除了双方之外,还有一系列可能与第三方发生的交换关系,而双方中的任何一方都不愿意追求这些关系。这些关系对实际的
exchange insofar as they determine the agreed price. The logic of exchange is not complete as a two-way transaction; it also includes comparison and substitution. In every monetary exchange there remains a third, inactive party whose presence determines the outcome. In this respect, monetary exchange remains a social relation. The possibility of transferring one’s business to a third party tends to neutralize effects of social power. Social power is not entirely removed, however, for it is now assumed by those who have the highest mobility or the option of transferring their business. Those who have access to the most markets, whose assets are most liquid or in demand, have the opportunity for a greater degree of comparison and substitution. They have the most social power. 交换的逻辑并不完全是双向交易,还包括比较和替代。作为一种双向交易,交换的逻辑并不完整;它还包括比较和替代。在每一次货币交换中,都有一个不活跃的第三方,它的存在决定了交换的结果。在这方面,货币交换仍然是一种社会关系。将自己的业务转让给第三方的可能性往往会抵消社会权力的影响。然而,社会权力并没有完全消失,因为现在社会权力是由那些拥有最高流动性或可以选择转让其业务的人承担的。那些能够进入最多市场、其资产流动性最强或需求量最大的人,有机会进行更大程度的比较和替代。他们拥有最大的社会权力。
The possibility of a transfer of business enables those who buy to choose a partner who has the weakest level of social power and will therefore be willing to offer the most advantageous terms of trade. As a result, all trading partners will be reduced in power to the weakest available on the market. Exchange effects a stripping away of invested social powers, dissolving prior inequalities. It leaves one principal inequality between those who have the power to transfer business and those who have the most urgent demands for the trade to take place. Power lies with money, in the hands of the buyer. Money dissolves other social powers, therefore, but it retains its own social power. The power to transfer business - whether this reflects the social properties of the commodity for sale or pertains to the reputation, mobility, or knowledge of the market actor - trumps all other social relations in exchange. It is the power of disassembly or flight, abandoning one set of mutual dependencies for the sake of establishing an equivalent elsewhere. 商业转让的可能性使购买者能够选择一个社会力量最弱的伙伴,从而愿意提供最有利的贸易条件。因此,所有贸易伙伴的实力都将下降到市场上最弱的一方。交换的效果是剥离投入的社会权力,消解先前的不平等。它在那些有权力进行商业转让的人和那些对贸易有最迫切需求的人之间留下了一个主要的不平等。权力掌握在金钱和买方手中。因此,货币消解了其他社会权力,但保留了自身的社会权力。商业转让的权力--无论它反映的是待售商品的社会属性,还是与市场行为者的声誉、流动性或知识有关--超越了交换中的所有其他社会关系。这是一种拆卸或逃离的力量,为了在其他地方建立同等的关系而放弃一套相互依存的关系。
The overall effect of exchange, then, is not merely to dissolve all previous social powers, leaving equality in exchange. It is to remove the reciprocal balances on social power so that one party who profits most from transactions because of his or her superior mobility can act with progressively less restraint. Market exchange creates the illusion of social equality at the same time that it brings about the reality of social inequality. Yet social power circulates through exchange. The seller acquires both the exchange value of money and its social value of liquidity. Patterns of circulation and recirculation, then, will be more significant in determining the overall balance of power expressed in money than will the accumulation of money at any one time. 因此,交换的总体效果并不仅仅是消解先前所有的社会权力,让交换中的平等成为现实。它消除了社会权力的相互制衡,使因其优越的流动性而从交易中获利最多的一方可以逐渐减少对自己行为的约束。市场交换在制造社会平等假象的同时,也带来了社会不平等的现实。然而,社会权力是通过交换流通的。卖方既获得了货币的交换价值,也获得了货币流动性的社会价值。因此,流通和再流通的模式在决定以货币表现的整体权力平衡方面,将比任何时候货币的积累更为重要。
Money does, however, have a considerable effect on the nature of ex- 然而,金钱对前者的性质有相当大的影响。
changes. What might be considered a delicate social negotiation within barter takes on the appearance of a simple exchange within the market. Yet money does not simply facilitate exchange. It also dissolves a prior social order, with its obligations, reciprocities, and interdependencies, and replaces it with the social order of the market. Money generates markets at the same time that it facilitates exchange. The function of money is not, therefore, reducible to a medium of exchange. Money is an active principle of social change. It has effects that are not reducible to its designed function. Money cannot be represented fully by the function of a medium of exchange or means of payment. It does more than merely symbolize value. It imposes its own scale of evaluation through which profitable activity, as the source of social power and means toward all other ends, is valued more highly than other activities. 变化。以物易物中可能被视为微妙的社会谈判,在市场中却呈现出简单交换的面貌。然而,货币并不只是促进交换。它还消解了先前的社会秩序,包括义务、互惠和相互依存关系,取而代之的是市场的社会秩序。货币在促进交换的同时也产生了市场。因此,货币的功能不能简化为交换媒介。货币是社会变革的积极原则。它所产生的影响并不能归结为它所设计的功能。货币不能完全由交换媒介或支付手段的功能来代表。它不仅仅是价值的象征。它强制推行自己的评价尺度,通过这种尺度,作为社会权力来源和实现所有其他目的的手段,盈利活动比其他活动更受重视。
3.2.3 Money may also be represented in terms of its function as a unit of account. Money facilitates the representation of exchange value. In relation to this function, money also acts as both condition of the market and product of the market. 3.2.3 货币还可以从其作为记账单位的职能来表示。货币有助于交换价值的体现。就这一职能而言,货币既是市场的条件,也是市场的产品。
Markets are not given in advance. Like all forms of constructive capital, they have to be invented, assembled, and accumulated. Markets may be accumulated when a particular location acquires a reputation for the buying and selling of certain assets, goods or resources. Such a market is open to those who have access to that location, as well as to the assets, goods, or resources that may be traded there. There is therefore no such thing as a single, global market. Markets are differentiated by location, reputation, and what is bought and sold. 市场不是预先给予的。与所有形式的建设性资本一样,它们必须被发明、组合和积累。当某一地点因买卖某些资产、商品或资源而声名鹊起时,市场就可能积累起来。这样的市场对那些可以进入该地点的人开放,也对可以在那里交易的资产、商品或资源开放。因此,不存在单一的全球市场。市场因地点、声誉和买卖内容的不同而有所区别。
Markets are also facilitated by the acceptability of a single commodity or asset in exchange for all other items traded there. Money enables goods within a market to be compared directly with each other in terms of a price. In addition, money mediates between markets, joining them together, crossing boundaries of location and types of items traded. Money facilitates exchange between markets that are differentiated in respect to distance, time, reputation, and category. As the single principle that enables markets to interact, money enables values within markets to be measured in relation to values in other markets. By enabling trade and comparison between markets, money effectively functions as the medium for the invention of markets. 单一商品或资产可用于交换市场上交易的所有其他物品,这也促进了市场的发展。货币使市场中的商品可以直接进行价格比较。此外,货币还在市场之间发挥中介作用,将它们连接在一起,跨越地点和交易物品类型的界限。货币促进了因距离、时间、声誉和类别而不同的市场之间的交换。作为市场互动的唯一原则,货币使市场内的价值能够与其他市场的价值进行衡量。通过促成市场之间的交易和比较,货币有效地发挥了市场发明媒介的作用。
Markets may be facilitated further when a dealer undertakes to buy and sell a particular asset or commodity to anyone who wishes to sell or buy it. While all traders may buy and sell money, some traders take it upon themselves to buy and sell another asset or commodity. Such dealers aim to balance quantities bought and sold by controlling the price. These dealers are market makers. To facilitate throughput in the market, and thus to increase the profits achieved through a small spread between bid and offer price, such dealers need to hold a certain reserve of the asset in question. The dealer makes the market by controlling a reserve, a spread, and a price. 当交易商承诺向任何希望出售或购买某一资产或商品的人买卖该资产或商品时,市场可能会得到进一步促进。虽然所有交易商都可以买卖货币,但有些交易商会自行买卖另一种资产或商品。这些交易商旨在通过控制价格来平衡买卖数量。这些交易商就是做市商。为了促进市场吞吐量,从而通过买卖价格之间的微小价差增加利润,这类交易商需要持有一定的相关资产储备。交易商通过控制储备、价差和价格来做市。
In practice, therefore, markets are not simply composed of a large number of two-way barter transactions. One cannot fully represent the form of the market by the exchanges that take place within it. Markets are made possible by their own distinctive infrastructure. Such an infrastructure is not itself an object of demand within the market. The location and reputation of the market differ from what is traded there; the money used within the market is acquired not for its own intrinsic use, but simply for the purpose of further exchanges; and the dealer’s reserve must be maintained overall, not accumulated or depleted. Reputation, money, and reserve are the factors that facilitate markets. 因此,在实践中,市场并不只是由大量的双向易货交易组成。在市场中进行的交换并不能完全代表市场的形式。市场因其自身独特的基础设施而成为可能。这种基础设施本身并不是市场的需求对象。市场的位置和声誉不同于市场中的交易内容;市场中使用的货币不是为了其本身的用途而获得,而只是为了进一步的交换;交易商的储备必须总体保持,而不是累积或耗尽。信誉、货币和储备是促进市场发展的因素。
Money, in its role of generating exchange between markets, acts as a vital component of constructive capital. Since money, unlike other products, is not consumed, it provides a sustainable vehicle of circulation. In this way it differs from reputation, which is not alienable but accumulates, and from reserves, which do not circulate as reserves. Exchange values are represented in terms of money rather than in terms of reputation or reserves of stock, since money may actually be exchanged for them. In this way, money becomes a unit of account. 货币在市场间进行交换,是建设性资本的重要组成部分。与其他产品不同,货币不会被消耗,因此它提供了一种可持续的流通工具。因此,它不同于名誉,名誉不可转让,但可以积累;也不同于储备,储备不能作为储备流通。交换价值是用货币而不是信誉或储备来表示的,因为货币实际上可以用来交换它们。这样,货币就成了记账单位。
Money does not merely circulate, however. While reputation and reserves are not money, money contains within itself the functions of reputation and reserves. It is portable reputation and portable reserves. Indeed, it has to retain these properties to function as a unit of account. Values have to be measured in terms of some reputable standard of measure. Values also have to be measured in relation to a value that is stored or reserved. Neither a two-way exchange nor circulation alone therefore explains the true nature of money. 然而,货币不仅仅是流通的。虽然信誉和储备金不是货币,但货币本身包含信誉和储备金的功能。它是可移动的信誉和可移动的储备。事实上,货币必须保留这些属性才能作为记账单位发挥作用。价值必须以某种有信誉的衡量标准来衡量。价值还必须与存储或储备的价值相关联。因此,无论是双向兑换还是流通都无法解释货币的真正本质。
Debates over the true nature of money derive from emphasizing only 关于货币真正性质的争论源于只强调
one of its characteristics. ^(18){ }^{18} If the value of money is taken as deriving from its intrinsic content, as in metalist theories of money, then its function as a reserve of value is exaggerated at the expense of other functions. If the value of money is taken as deriving from its reputation as a means of circulation, as for those who derive money from banking and credit, then its reputation is exaggerated at the expense of other functions. Yet money cannot be acceptable in exchange, possessing a real value, unless it is capable of reserving value. Money cannot reserve real value without being acceptable in exchange. Reputation and reserve are mutually dependent; neither explains how money acquires value and becomes capable of generating a market. 货币的特征之一。 ^(18){ }^{18} 如果像金属货币理论那样,认为货币的价值来自于其内在内容,那么它作为价值储备的功能就会被夸大,而牺牲其他功能。如果货币的价值来自于它作为流通手段的声誉,就像那些从银行和信贷中获得货币的人一样,那么它的声誉就会被夸大,而牺牲其他功能。然而,除非货币能够保留价值,否则它就不可能在交换中被接受,不可能拥有真正的价值。货币如果不能在交换中被接受,就不能储备实际价值。声誉和储备是相互依存的;二者都不能解释货币如何获得价值并能够产生市场。
There are two main approaches to explaining the value of money: money is regarded either as a commodity or as a unit of account. Commodity theories of money derive money as an emergent product of barter. In barter exchange, one seeks to acquire goods not only for immediate use but also for their liquidity or exchangeability. The commodity that is most widely accepted in exchange plays the role of money. Faith in its acceptability enables it to become an effective store of value. There is a logical circularity here: money is a means of payment because it is a store of value, yet money is a store of value because it is a means of payment. ^(19){ }^{19} The most exchanged commodity may still have multiple exchange ratios in different circumstances. It does not become a standard unit of account. 解释货币价值的方法主要有两种:货币被视为商品或记账单位。商品货币理论认为货币是易货贸易的产物。在易货贸易中,人们获取商品的目的不仅是为了立即使用,也是为了商品的流动性或可交换性。在交换中被最广泛接受的商品就扮演了货币的角色。对其可接受性的信任使其成为有效的价值储藏手段。这里有一个逻辑循环:货币是一种支付手段,因为它是一种价值储藏手段;而货币又是一种价值储藏手段,因为它是一种支付手段。 ^(19){ }^{19} 在不同的情况下,交换量最大的商品仍然可能有多种交换比率。它不会成为标准记账单位。
Unit of account theories of money explain money in terms of its extrinsic imposition on the market by a political agency such as a state. According to state theories of money, money is issued by the state in the form of payments and demanded by the state in the form of taxes. ^(20){ }^{20} The endless, circular flow of the market is replaced by a model of efflux and reflux. ^(21){ }^{21} Money maintains its reputation in line with the power, prestige, and prudence of the issuing state. It is acceptable in exchange as legal tender, supported by authority. The difficulty here lies in explaining how money tends to circulate freely beyond the territorial boundaries of the state. Beyond political boundaries, money embodies the economic prestige of the respective state. It has a market value only where it becomes a means of payment because its reputation stores value, and its reputation stores value because it is a means of payment. 货币单位理论从国家等政治机构对市场的外在强加来解释货币。根据国家货币理论,货币由国家以支付的形式发行,并由国家以税收的形式索取。 ^(20){ }^{20} 市场无休止的循环流动被流出和回流模式所取代。 ^(21){ }^{21} 货币根据发行国的权力、威望和谨慎程度来维持其声誉。货币作为法定货币,在权威的支持下,在交换中是可以接受的。这里的难点在于解释货币如何在国家领土边界之外自由流通。在政治疆界之外,货币体现了各自国家的经济声望。只有在货币成为支付手段的情况下,货币才具有市场价值,因为货币的声誉可以储存价值,而货币的声誉可以储存价值,因为货币是支付手段。
The commodity and unit of account theories of money are not mutually 货币的商品理论和记账单位理论并不是相互对立的。
incompatible. Indeed, they are complementary, each supplying the deficits in the other. ^(22){ }^{22} Money does not belong solely to the market or to the state, because each institution is incomplete without the other. The question is: to what extent do the two together explain the function of money as a unit of account? A third factor, in addition to market and state, will also need to be invoked. 不相容。事实上,它们是相辅相成的,各自弥补对方的不足。 ^(22){ }^{22} 货币既不只属于市场,也不只属于国家,因为每一种制度离开了另一种制度都是不完整的。问题是:二者在多大程度上共同解释了货币作为记账单位的功能?除了市场和国家之外,还需要引用第三个因素。
As a medium of exchange, the value of money is thought to derive from the quantity in circulation relative to size and speed of the market as a whole. ^(23){ }^{23} Yet since it possesses a reputation, money also accumulates or depreciates in value apart from changes in circulation. Indeed, the “market as a whole” is an abstract ideal. There is no possible way in practice for prices to be assessed in relation to the market as a whole. ^(24){ }^{24} The value of money does not depend on the quantity in circulation alone. It is not an absolute standard of measure or even a measure internal to a closed system. The value of money also derives from beyond its territory in associated markets. Moreover, money is a reserve of value that promises the delivery of a certain quantity of value at a future date. The value of money, as a reserve, depends on future expectations. It embodies a degree of credit. The nature and value of money therefore do not derive solely from factors within a market or from factors provided by a state. The value of money as a unit of account depends on its acceptability in external markets and in future markets. The use of money as a unit of account is not simply a means of valuing commodities against other commodities within the market as a universal equivalent. There is no universal market. The pure market is itself a utopian abstraction. Such a process of comparison is never completed; commodities are not compared in value directly with each other through the medium of money. Instead, commodities are valued in terms of moneythat is, in relation to expectations of evaluations in external and future markets. Money is not simply a unit of account because it also embodies reputation and credit. The nature of money is not properly explained as a unit of account within a closed market. While money may function as a unit of account, it also opens evaluation up to exterior and future factors. 作为一种交换媒介,货币的价值被认为来自于相对于整个市场的规模和速度的流通量。 ^(23){ }^{23} 然而,由于货币具有信誉,它的价值也会随着流通量的变化而积累或贬值。事实上,"市场整体 "只是一个抽象的理想。在实践中,价格不可能根据市场整体来评估。 ^(24){ }^{24} 货币的价值不仅仅取决于流通中的数量。它不是一个绝对的衡量标准,甚至不是一个封闭系统内部的衡量标准。货币的价值还来自于其领土之外的相关市场。此外,货币是一种价值储备,它承诺在未来某个日期交付一定数量的价值。作为一种储备,货币的价值取决于对未来的预期。它体现了一定程度的信用。因此,货币的性质和价值并不完全来自市场内的因素或国家提供的因素。货币作为记账单位的价值取决于其在外部市场和未来市场的可接受性。使用货币作为记账单位并不只是将市场中的商品与其他商品作为普遍等价物来估价。不存在普遍的市场。纯粹的市场本身就是乌托邦式的抽象概念。这种比较过程永远不会完成;商品之间的价值比较不是通过货币媒介直接进行的。相反,商品的价值是以货币的形式体现的,即与外部市场和未来市场的评价预期相关联。货币不仅仅是一种记账单位,因为它还体现了信誉和信用。 货币作为封闭市场中的记账单位,其本质并没有得到恰当的解释。货币在作为记账单位发挥作用的同时,也会受到外部和未来因素的影响。
3.2.4 Money also represents value through its function as a store of value. Money is regarded as storing or reserving the exchange value of goods, assets, and services. As a reserve of value, money is a passive object of human 3.2.4 货币还通过其价值储存功能代表价值。货币被视为储存或储备商品、资产和服务的交换价值。作为一种价值储备,货币是人类的被动客体。
control. Money is comprehended under the form of property. For the one who possesses money, money is a passive instrument of desire. Yet for one who seeks to acquire money, money has an active power of command. The value of money as a reserve of value lies in its capacity to express an active power. Once again, this active power is not comprehended when money is treated as a passive object of exchange. Money proves to be more than a machine designed for the preservation of value. 控制。金钱属于财产的范畴。对于拥有金钱的人来说,金钱是欲望的被动工具。然而,对于想要获得金钱的人来说,金钱却具有主动的支配力。货币作为价值储备的价值在于它能够表达一种主动的力量。同样,当货币被视为一种被动的交换对象时,这种主动的力量是无法被理解的。事实证明,货币不仅仅是为保值而设计的机器。
In reality, value is not reducible to the situation of exchange alone. In exchange, value circulates. In reality, the value of goods, assets, and services may undergo significant transformations outside exchange. It is important to distinguish between goods and services acquired for the sake of consumption and assets appropriated to be held. Reserved assets may be property or stock and therefore subject to subsequent exchanges; they may be capital that produces additional value; or they may be speculative assets whose value is expected to rise as demand outstrips supply. Whereas consumption cancels out the value of production, appropriation preserves or even increases value. Whereas in exchange, value is preserved by definition, since the market value is determined by the price paid for it, such exchanges take place for the sake of consumption, production, or speculation. Market value is subordinate to other processes that affect value. The value arrived at in exchange will depend on intentions and expectations regarding the future progress of value. Money enters into relation with the value of the goods, assets, or services for which it is exchanged. Money also enters into relation with activities of consumption, production, and speculation that it makes possible. In relation to exchange, money is a passive store of value. In relation to consumption, production, and speculation, money is constructive capital. 实际上,价值不能仅仅归结为交换。在交换的过程中,价值是流通的。在现实中,商品、资产和服务的价值可能会在交换之外发生重大变化。重要的是要区分为消费而获取的商品和服务与为持有而划拨的资产。储备资产可能是财产或股票,因此需要进行后续交换;也可能是产生额外价值的资本;还可能是投机资产,其价值预计会随着供不应求而上升。消费抵消了生产的价值,而占有则保留甚至增加了价值。而在交换中,价值顾名思义是保留的,因为市场价值是由支付的价格决定的,这种交换是为了消费、生产或投机而进行的。市场价值从属于影响价值的其他过程。交换得出的价值取决于对未来价值发展的意图和预期。货币与所交换的商品、资产或服务的价值发生关系。货币还与它所促成的消费、生产和投机活动发生关系。就交换而言,货币是一种被动的价值储藏。就消费、生产和投机而言,货币是建设性资本。
The true nature of money, as constructive capital, has to be uncovered from beneath the illusion that money functions purely for the preservation of value. Money as an active force exceeds its apparent functions. It makes a difference whether money is used to purchase goods and services or for production or investment. If money is used for purchase, it is simply a means of payment; if money is used to pay for production, whether in the form of rent for physical capital, wages for labor, or interest on financing, then it actively stimulates production. There is a significant difference between production and distribution: production adds an absolute value, 货币作为建设性资本的真正本质,必须从货币纯粹为保值而发挥作用的假象中揭示出来。货币作为一种积极的力量,它的作用超出了其表面功能。货币是用于购买商品和服务,还是用于生产或投资,这是有区别的。如果货币用于购买,那么它只是一种支付手段;如果货币用于支付生产,无论是以实物资本的租金、劳动力的工资还是融资利息的形式,那么它就会积极地刺激生产。生产和分配之间有一个显著的区别:生产增加了绝对价值、
a stock of product, whereas distribution adds a relative value, expressed as an increase in price. When all values are expressed as exchange values, this distinction is concealed. Moreover, distribution is itself part of the activity of constructive capital, since it facilitates the assembly of the means of production. Nevertheless, absolute values are heterogeneous, expressed in terms of various stocks of product, while relative values are homogeneous, expressed in terms of prices. When money is exchanged for existing goods and services, then it merely functions as a means of distribution. When money, by contrast, is used for rent, wages, or interest, then it stimulates the creation of value. Such value would not be created if money were not paid for it. Money, therefore, has an active role in the process of production. It is a mode of dynamic capital. 而分配则增加了相对价值,表现为价格的上涨。当所有价值都表现为交换价值时,这种区别就被掩盖了。此外,分配本身也是建设性资本活动的一部分,因为它促进了生产资料的组装。然而,绝对价值是异质的,用各种产品存量来表示,而相对价值是同质的,用价格来表示。当货币被用来交换现存的商品和服务时,它只是一种分配手段。相反,当货币被用于支付租金、工资或利息时,它就会刺激价值的创造。如果不支付货币,这些价值就不会被创造出来。因此,货币在生产过程中发挥着积极作用。它是一种动态资本模式。
It has been assumed that it is demand, rather than money, that stimulates production. The productive power of money would then be merely an instrument in the transmission of demand. One can distinguish between demand itself, which originates with people, and money, which is the signal of such demand. Nevertheless, however strong people’s demands may be, they remain ineffective until they are supported by money. Demands are only effective to the extent that they are expressed in money. Money has the distinctive power of making demand effective. The active power of money is a power of purchasing, of making demands effective. This active power has a different nature when it constitutes physical capital as capital by means of the payment of rent; when it commands human capital as labor in the form of wages; and when it enriches constructive capital in the form of interest. The metaphor of exchange for these forms of payment conceals the active power of money in making demands effective and stimulating production. For money facilitates the release of potential. There is always an excess of productive capacity that could be released if money became available. Rather than an exchange, the relation is more like a contract or mutual obligation. Rent is paid if capital is constituted for production. There is always an excess of potential demand over effective demand. Labor is contracted rather than purchased. Wages are paid if labor gives itself to be commanded. Similarly, money capital is borrowed rather than purchased. It is given to be invested and spent in return for an agreed payment of interest. Indeed, in this process capital does not strictly leave the original owner, even if money does, for capital is converted from 人们假定,刺激生产的是需求,而不是货币。因此,货币的生产力只是传递需求的工具。我们可以将需求本身与货币区分开来,前者源于人们的需求,而货币则是这种需求的信号。然而,无论人们的需求多么强烈,在得到货币的支持之前都是无效的。只有当需求以货币的形式表现出来时,它们才是有效的。货币具有使需求生效的独特力量。货币的积极力量是一种购买力,是使需求生效的力量。当货币通过支付地租将实物资本转化为资本时,当货币以工资的形式将人力资本转化为劳动力时,当货币以利息的形式充实构造资本时,这种主动权就具有了不同的性质。这些支付形式的交换隐喻掩盖了货币在使需求有效和刺激生产方面的积极力量。因为货币有利于释放潜能。如果有了钱,就可以释放过剩的生产能力。与其说这种关系是一种交换,不如说是一种契约或相互义务。如果资本用于生产,就需要支付租金。潜在需求总是大于有效需求。劳动力是承包的,而不是购买的。如果劳动本身是被命令的,则要支付工资。同样,货币资本是借来的,而不是买来的。它被用来投资和消费,以换取约定的利息支付。事实上,在这一过程中,资本并没有严格地离开原所有者,即使货币也是如此,因为资本是从
money into an asset such as a share, bond, or loan. Such assets are often highly liquid and can be exchanged as easily as money. Investment therefore should be regarded not in terms of an exchange but in terms of the contracting of assets and liabilities. 将货币转化为资产,如股票、债券或贷款。这类资产通常具有很强的流动性,可以像货币一样方便地进行交换。因此,不应将投资视为交换,而应视为资产与负债的契约。
An essential difference remains between exchange and contract. Exchange is an instantaneous swap of private property; contract is the agreement of mutual obligations that endure for a period of time. Property itself rests on permanent implicit or explicit contracts. A village market where products are exchanged as property provides a poor paradigm for the comprehension of economic behavior. ^(25){ }^{25} Most economic behavior endures over time rather than consisting of a series of instantaneous transactions. Most economic behavior involves the agreement of contracts. Where exchange retains the physical dimension of gift giving, contract belongs to the sphere of social power and obligations. Where exchange is subjected to the sovereign choice of the owner of property or the consumer, contract imposes obligations. Money, as dynamic capital, has to be understood in terms of the social sphere of contractual obligations rather than in terms of a village market where products are exchanged. 交换与契约之间仍存在本质区别。交换是私有财产的瞬时交换,而契约则是持续一段时间的相互义务协议。财产本身依赖于永久性的隐性或显性契约。将产品作为财产进行交换的乡村市场,为理解经济行为提供了一个糟糕的范例。 ^(25){ }^{25} 大多数经济行为都是长期存在的,而不是由一系列即时交易组成的。大多数经济行为涉及合同协议。交换保留了礼物赠送的物理维度,而契约则属于社会权力和义务的范畴。当交换受制于财产所有者或消费者的主权选择时,契约就意味着义务。货币作为动态资本,必须从契约义务的社会领域来理解,而不是从产品交换的乡村市场来理解。
3.2.5 In a productive economy, capital is heterogeneous yet interdependent. Land, labor, and finance are not constituted as capital until they are assembled for production by the intermediation of money for the payment of rent, wages, and interest. Capital is composed of absolute and heterogeneous values, yet it is paid in terms of a homogeneous value. There is no way to determine a just division of payments between rent, wages, and interest, since the contributions of land, labor, and capital are absolute rather than relative. Production would not take place without each of them. Instead, rates and proportions may be determined in practice through the market, in terms of exchange and substitution, according to supply and demand. In practice, then, the price paid for capital has little relation to its intrinsic capacity or productivity. It is determined in relation to exchange, in which the original capital is no longer constituted as capital, since an alternative is substituted for it. Capital as capital disappears from the measure of prices to the extent that it is treated as an object of comparison and substitution. Relative values take priority over absolute values. Relative values are formed by substituting anticipated profits from future constitutions of 3.2.5 在生产性经济中,资本是异质的,但又是相互依存的。土地、劳动力和资金只有在通过货币支付地租、工资和利息的中介组合起来用于生产时,才构成资本。资本是由绝对价值和异质价值构成的,但它是以同质价值来支付的。由于土地、劳动和资本的贡献是绝对的而非相对的,因此无法确定地租、工资和利息之间的合理分配。没有它们中的每一个,生产就不会进行。相反,在实践中,可以通过市场,从交换和替代的角度,根据供求关系来确定比率和比例。因此,在实践中,为资本支付的价格与其内在能力或生产率关系不大。它是根据交换来决定的,在交换过程中,原有的资本不再构成资本,因为有替代品取代了它。作为资本的资本从价格衡量中消失,因为它被当作比较和替代的对象。相对价值优先于绝对价值。相对价值的形成是将未来资本构成的预期利润替代为绝对价值。
capital for those modes of capital that are already actually constituted in a determinate location. Relative values are anticipated; they do not assess values that exist in reality except in relation to anticipation. 资本是指那些已经在确定地点实际构成的资本模式。相对价值是预期的;它们并不评估现实中存在的价值,除非与预期相关。
The power of money is effectively neutralized when money is regarded as a passive instrument of exchange. When an asset is exchanged for a quantity of money, the exchange values of the asset and the quantity of money are equated. An asset is worth a certain price because it may be exchanged for that particular quantity of money; the money is also worth that price because it may be exchanged for the same quantity of money. As pure liquidity, $1,000\$ 1,000 is tautologously worth $1,000\$ 1,000. The illusion here is to treat the unit of account as a commodity. As a commodity or object of exchange, money has no distinctive power in exchange. It appears to be neutral. Yet as a unit of account, money has an active power of pricing. Money is not neutral in exchange because it has an active power of intermediation. It makes exchanges possible. 当货币被视为一种被动的交换工具时,货币的力量就被有效地抵消了。当资产与一定数量的货币进行交换时,资产的交换价值与货币的交换价值是相等的。资产之所以值某个价格,是因为它可以换取特定数量的货币;货币之所以值这个价格,也是因为它可以换取相同数量的货币。作为纯粹的流动性, $1,000\$ 1,000 与 $1,000\$ 1,000 同义。这里的错觉是把记账单位当成了商品。作为一种商品或交换对象,货币在交换中没有独特的力量。它似乎是中性的。然而,作为记账单位,货币具有主动定价权。货币在交换中不是中立的,因为它具有积极的中介力量。它使交换成为可能。
The effect of reducing exchange value to prices is to reduce exchange to an equation between the value of a quantity of one commodity and the value of the quantity of another. The perspective that predominates here is that of the seller who judges all things in relation to the quantity of money desired. In selling, capital is liquidated as capital, even if it may be reconstituted as capital by the buyer. The seller’s perspective excludes the perspectives of other parties in an exchange. The buyer must compare the proposed purchase to a set of alternative purchases, weighing these against each other in an attempt to find an optimum rather than an equivalent. In addition, any exchange always involves a number of other participants, even if their positions remain unchanged by the exchange. Such participants may include alternative sellers, whose products are refused; alternative buyers, who offer too little or arrive too late; conveyancers, who may facilitate the transmission of property from one owner to another; and market makers, who make exchange possible. Even if intermediaries may not be required, money itself or banks facilitate and intermediate exchange. By facilitating exchange, intermediation makes exchange possible. It therefore has an impact on prices. 将交换价值还原为价格的结果,是将交换还原为一种商品数量的价值与另一种商品数量的价值之间的等式。这里占主导地位的是卖方的视角,他根据所需的货币数量来判断一切。在销售过程中,资本作为资本被清算,即使买方可以将其重新构成资本。卖方的视角排除了交换中其他各方的视角。买方必须将拟议的购买与一系列可供选择的购买进行比较,并对这些购买进行权衡,试图找到一个最佳而非等价物。此外,任何交换总是涉及其他一些参与者,即使他们的头寸在交换中保持不变。这些参与者可能包括替代卖方,他们的产品被拒绝;替代买方,他们出价太低或到货太晚;转让方,他们可能为财产从一个所有者转移到另一个所有者提供便利;以及做市商,他们使交换成为可能。即使不需要中介,货币本身或银行也会为交换提供便利和中介。通过促进交换,中介使交换成为可能。因此,它对价格有影响。
In the formation of exchange values, then, this complex social situation is eclipsed by the imposition of the hegemonic perspective of the seller. While the power of liquidity may remain in the hands of the buyer, having 因此,在交换价值的形成过程中,卖方霸权视角的强加使这种复杂的社会状况黯然失色。尽管流动性的权力仍掌握在买方手中,但买方拥有
a significant impact on prices, the dominant perspective in pricing belongs to the eyes of the seller. Exchange value is formed from imagining a condition in which capital is disassembled and sold. It is constituted entirely by anxiety or anticipation. Exchange value, rather than reflecting past accumulation or present productivity, embodies a future orientation. If prices are represented in terms of money, then money itself represents anticipations of the future. Money therefore stands in the place of and represents credit. As the advance that is offered on the basis of credit, money, as the measure of prices, is essentially credit. 在对价格产生重大影响的同时,定价的主导视角属于卖方的视角。交换价值的形成源于对资本被分解和出售的条件的想象。它完全由焦虑或预期构成。交换价值不是反映过去的积累或现在的生产力,而是体现了一种未来导向。如果价格用货币来表示,那么货币本身就代表着对未来的预期。因此,货币取代并代表了信贷。作为在信贷基础上提供的预付款,货币作为价格的衡量标准,本质上就是信贷。
3.3.1 The nature of money explains exchange; the nature of exchange does not explain money. How, then, are we to understand the function of money? Adam Smith famously described money as the “great wheel of circulation”: “The great wheel of circulation is altogether different from the goods which are circulated by means of it. The revenue of society consists altogether in those goods and not in the wheel which circulates them.” ^(26){ }^{26} As a mere vehicle or means of exchange, money contributes nothing to the overall output of a society. Money carries value, but the value that it carries is that of the goods, not its intrinsic value as money. The revolutionary insight here derives from Copernicus: money has become a mere token of value…^(27)^{27} The use of money, as a sign of value, carries more ontological and economic significance than its substance. Smith can therefore make a sharp distinction between money itself and the value of money. If money is merely a vehicle, then Smith could argue that the substitution of paper for gold and silver replaces a very expensive instrument with one that is much less costly. The value of money is its value as an instrument or vehicle. It is not the value of the substance of which it is composed but the value of the goods that can be had in exchange. 3.3.1 货币的本质解释了交换;交换的本质并没有解释货币。那么,我们该如何理解货币的职能呢?亚当-斯密曾把货币描述为 "流通的巨轮":"流通的巨轮与通过它流通的商品完全不同。社会的收入完全在于这些商品,而不在于流通这些商品的车轮"。 ^(26){ }^{26} 作为一种单纯的交换工具或手段,货币对社会的整体产出毫无贡献。货币具有价值,但它所具有的价值是商品的价值,而不是货币的内在价值。这里的革命性洞察力来自哥白尼:货币已成为单纯的价值符号...... ^(27)^{27} 作为价值符号的货币的使用,比它的实质更具有本体论和经济学的意义。因此,斯密可以把货币本身和货币的价值截然区分开来。如果货币仅仅是一种载体,那么斯密就可以说,用纸代替金银是用一种成本低得多的工具取代了一种非常昂贵的工具。货币的价值在于它作为工具或载体的价值。它的价值不在于其组成物质的价值,而在于可以交换的商品的价值。
Smith’s image of a wheel of circulation presupposes a closed economy. Money can recirculate only if it remains in the economy without being spent elsewhere. The distinction between goods and vehicle of circulation holds only to the extent that there is a circulation. In practice, however, goods do not circulate but are produced and consumed. Similarly, money does not continually recirculate if it is also produced and consumed. Yet 斯密的 "流通之轮 "形象是以封闭经济为前提的。只有当货币留在经济中而不被用于其他地方时,货币才能再循环。只有在存在流通的情况下,商品与流通工具之间的区别才是成立的。但实际上,商品并不流通,而是被生产和消费。同样,如果货币也被生产和消费,它也不会不断地再循环。然而
to the extent that money recirculates, it can be replaced by abstract value. Assuming that money is functioning effectively as a wheel of circulation, it can be displaced by a consideration of abstract value until the wheel breaks down. Money needs to be considered by economics only when it fails to function as an effective vehicle for circulation. There would appear to be an optimum quantity of money for an efficient wheel. If too little is present, exchange will not take place, because there is nothing with which to pay for it; if too much is present, prices will rise until the excess is absorbed. If there is too little or too much, exchange is restricted either through lack of means or through loss of confidence in the vehicle of circulation due to inflation. Monetary economics may concern itself with the optimum quantity of money. It does not concern itself with the accumulation of money as such. The object of economic activity, then, would be not to acquire money but to accumulate exchange value. 在货币流通的范围内,它可以被抽象价值所取代。假定货币作为流通的车轮在有效地运转,它就可以被抽象价值所取代,直到车轮坏掉为止。只有当货币不能作为有效的流通工具时,经济学才需要考虑货币。对于一个有效的车轮来说,似乎有一个最佳的货币数量。如果货币量太少,交换就不会发生,因为没有任何东西可以用来支付;如果货币量太多,价格就会上涨,直到多余的货币被吸收为止。如果过少或过多,交换就会受到限制,原因要么是缺乏手段,要么是通货膨胀导致人们对流通工具失去信心。货币经济学可能会关注货币的最佳数量。但它并不关心货币本身的积累。因此,经济活动的目的不是获取货币,而是积累交换价值。
The “great wheel of circulation” does, however, provide a poor image of economic activity. As has often been noted, Smith’s understanding of money as a wheel of circulation does not explain the quotidian facts of economic life: the striving after money, the desire to accumulate money. ^(28){ }^{28} Exchange value is accumulated, but for this to occur, exchange value must be converted back into money. Money is required for the payment of rent, wages, interest, and taxes. Capital investment takes place in the form of money, and profits are realized in the form of money. There is a cycle of production, then, but it begins in money and ends in money. While the cycle of exchange may begin with goods and end with goods, the cycle of production begins with money and ends with money. Each cycle operates in and through the other. Each operates according to independent principles. The demand for goods, expressed through exchange, drives production; the demand for profits, expressed through production, drives exchange. Each liberates the other to achieve a greater potential. Investment in production leads to the discovery and satisfaction of more wants; increases in consumption lead to greater profits. Economic activity originates in complementary drives: a pleasure principle and a will to power. There are different circuits of money and goods, even if they operate only through each other. Since prices are arbitrary, the circuits of goods and money merely provide the occasion and means for the flow of the other. They do not determine the rate of flow. 然而,"巨大的流通之轮 "为经济活动提供了一个糟糕的形象。正如人们经常指出的那样,斯密把货币理解为流通之轮,并不能解释经济生活中的日常事实:对货币的追求,对积累货币的渴望。 ^(28){ }^{28} 交换价值是积累起来的,但要实现这一点,就必须把交换价值再转化为货币。支付租金、工资、利息和税收都需要货币。资本投资以货币的形式进行,利润以货币的形式实现。这就是生产的循环,但它始于货币,终于货币。交换的循环可能以商品开始,以商品结束,而生产的循环则以货币开始,以货币结束。每一个循环都在另一个循环中运行,并通过另一个循环运行。每个循环都遵循独立的原则。通过交换表现出来的对商品的需求推动着生产;通过生产表现出来的对利润的需求推动着交换。每一个循环都能解放另一个循环,使其发挥更大的潜力。对生产的投资导致发现和满足更多的需求;消费的增加导致更大的利润。经济活动源于互补的驱动力:快乐原则和权力意志。货币和商品有不同的流通渠道,即使它们只是通过彼此流通。由于价格是任意的,商品和货币的流通只是为另一种流通提供了机会和手段。它们并不决定流动的速度。
Smith’s image of a circulating vehicle in a closed economy depends on the presumption of a finite amount of gold and silver in circulation-an amount that adjusts in relation to the size of the economy. Nevertheless, as soon as variability of the total quantity of money in circulation is admitted, such variation may be influenced by factors extrinsic to the endogenous requirements of exchange. In particular, if money is issued as paper or in the form of electronic bank records, then it can be created to stimulate production. Money, created in the form of loans, passes through its own life cycle before being canceled when the loans are repaid. Money here is an active stimulant of production. It is therefore insufficient to regard money as merely a technical instrument of exchange whose quantity can be adjusted to maximize the facilitation of exchange. It is insufficient to regard the economy as the sphere of circulation of exchange values, whether these are borne by goods or by money. Instead, the common-sense perspective holds more weight. On the one hand, goods are produced, distributed, and consumed, flowing in one direction; on the other, money is created, circulated, and canceled, flowing in the reverse direction. An economy requires a production of money commensurate with its productive output, even if money endures and recirculates for longer than do the goods for which it is exchanged. Both directions of circulation need to be considered. One concerns the circulation of goods; the other concerns the circulation of social power. 斯密所描绘的封闭经济中的流通工具的形象,取决于对流通中的金银数量有限的假定--这个数量会随着经济规模的变化而调整。然而,只要承认流通中的货币总量是可变的,这种变化就可能受到交换的内生要求之外的因素的影响。特别是,如果货币是以纸币或电子银行记录的形式发行,那么就可以通过创造货币来刺激生产。以贷款形式创造的货币,在偿还贷款后,会经过自身的生命周期,然后被取消。货币在这里是一种积极的生产刺激物。因此,仅仅将货币视为一种交换的技术工具是不够的,货币的数量可以通过调整来最大限度地促进交换。把经济视为交换价值的流通领域,无论这些价值是由商品还是货币承担,都是不够的。相反,常识性的观点更有分量。一方面,商品被生产、分配和消费,是单向流动的;另一方面,货币被创造、流通和取消,是反向流动的。一个经济体需要与其生产产出相匹配的货币生产,即使货币的存续和再循环时间比其所交换的商品的存续和再循环时间更长。流通的两个方向都需要考虑。一个是商品流通,另一个是社会权力流通。
A more subtle cycle, however, must be considered. As a means of payment, a sum of money has a particular purchasing power expressed in terms of the value of goods that may be obtained for it. Yet goods themselves are heterogeneous. Their relative values can be established only by comparing them with a sum of money that could be exchanged for them. The price of goods is expressed in terms of money, while the value of money is expressed in terms not of the goods themselves, but of their prices. There is a vicious circle of reciprocal presupposition here. Just as money physically circulates as a means of payment in acts of buying and selling, it also mentally circulates as a measure of value in terms of possible acts of exchange. 然而,我们必须考虑到一个更为微妙的循环。作为一种支付手段,一笔货币具有特定的购买力,这种购买力体现在可以用它换取的商品价值上。然而,商品本身是异质的。只有将它们与可以用来交换的货币进行比较,才能确定它们的相对价值。商品的价格用货币来表示,而货币的价值不是用商品本身,而是用商品的价格来表示。这里存在一个互为前提的恶性循环。正如货币作为支付手段在买卖行为中实际流通一样,它也作为价值尺度在可能的交换行为中精神流通。
The effect of this vicious circle is that prices are real and determinate yet arbitrary. Lacking any independent or absolute standard of value that would establish economics as a science, such as the one sought by David Ricardo, prices are open to arbitrary fluctuations. Then the purchasing 这种恶性循环的结果是,价格是真实的、确定的,但又是任意的。由于缺乏任何独立或绝对的价值标准,无法像大卫-李嘉图(David Ricardo)所追求的那样,将经济学确立为一门科学,因此价格可以任意波动。那么,购买力
power of money, the quantity of goods that may be exchanged for it, is entirely relative. Just as one may distinguish between money and the value of money, one may also distinguish between an absolute power to purchase, the power inherent in money itself, and a relative value that is purchased the exchange value of money. Money possesses both an absolute and a relative purchasing power. Relative purchasing power is a passive object of exchange. Moreover, whatever price is agreed in exchange, relative purchasing power remains unchanged in the act of exchange, since the value of the goods and that of the money exchanged are defined as equivalent to each other. Exchange value, whether expressed in goods or in money, remains constant by definition in exchange. Exchange value does nothing to measure increases or decreases in value that always occur outside the sphere of exchange, whether in the accumulation of goods or in the appreciation in prices. There is no need to consider money separately, according to such a perspective. 货币的购买力,即可以用它交换的商品数量,完全是相对的。正如我们可以区分货币和货币价值一样,我们也可以区分绝对购买力(即货币本身固有的力量)和相对价值(即购买货币的交换价值)。货币既具有绝对购买力,也具有相对购买力。相对购买力是一种被动的交换对象。此外,无论在交换中商定什么价格,相对购买力在交换行为中保持不变,因为所交换的商品价值和货币价值被定义为彼此等价。交换价值,无论是以商品还是以货币表示,在交换中都保持不变。交换价值无法衡量价值的增减,而价值的增减总是发生在交换范围之外,无论是商品的积累还是价格的升值。根据这种观点,没有必要单独考虑货币。
Money does have an absolute purchasing power, and it is this power that circulates in the reverse direction to goods. It is a question not of how much value is purchased - or relative purchasing power - but of the power to purchase that much value. It is the power, the potential to acquire value, that makes demands effective. Whereas relative purchasing power requires that one view the exchange with hindsight as though it had already taken place, establishing equivalence between a sum of money and a quantity of goods, absolute purchasing power requires viewing the exchange with foresight, as a power to acquire value. Whereas exchange value or relative purchasing power is instantaneous, absolute purchasing power endures until the exchange. Money, as constructive capital or an absolute power of purchasing, is essentially a promise of value. It is a power to enter into exchanges or contractual arrangements. It is an embodied social power. 货币确实具有绝对购买力,正是这种购买力与商品的流通方向相反。问题不在于购买了多少价值(或相对购买力),而在于购买这些价值的能力。正是这种力量,即获取价值的潜力,使需求变得有效。相对购买力要求人们事后看待交换,就像交换已经发生一样,在一笔钱和一个货物数量之间建立等价关系,而绝对购买力则要求人们前瞻性地看待交换,将其视为一种获取价值的能力。交换价值或相对购买力是瞬时的,而绝对购买力在交换之前是持久的。货币作为建设性资本或绝对购买力,本质上是一种价值承诺。它是一种进行交换或契约安排的权力。它是一种体现的社会权力。
The power of a promise is not represented in account books. It escapes accounting and the empirical investigation of economic science. As a promise, the power of money is subject to uncertainty, confidence, and even strategy. It may perhaps best be understood through theology rather than economics, for the absolute purchasing power of money consists in the power of a promise. It consists in credit. A promise involves the suspension, yet determination, of a value in time. It is therefore necessary to differentiate between what is promised, or the relative value of money, and the promise itself, or money’s absolute purchasing power. 承诺的力量并不体现在账簿中。它逃脱了会计和经济科学的实证调查。作为一种承诺,金钱的力量受制于不确定性、信心甚至策略。也许最好通过神学而不是经济学来理解它,因为货币的绝对购买力在于承诺的力量。它由信用构成。承诺涉及时间价值的中止和确定。因此,有必要区分承诺的内容或货币的相对价值与承诺本身或货币的绝对购买力。
3.3.2 Money promises value. It does not specify the form that such value will take. Used for consumption, money promises pleasure. Used for exchange, money promises property. Used for investment, money promises more money. The value of money, or the value that is promised, has no exact or fixed measure. It is an indefinite potential. 3.3.2 货币承诺价值。它并没有规定这种价值的形式。用于消费,货币承诺快乐。用于交换,货币承诺财产。用于投资,货币承诺更多的钱。货币的价值或承诺的价值没有精确或固定的衡量标准。它是一种不确定的潜力。
The promise provided by money, then, is more than simply the value of the goods and services that it can buy. Money promises access to other markets. Money promises future profits. Money extends purchasing power to distant places and future times. It is pure, unqualified potential. It has the capacity to generate markets. Money has the power to acquire pleasure, to appropriate property, to constitute capital, to command labor, and to repay interest and loans. 因此,货币提供的承诺不仅仅是它所能购买的商品和服务的价值。货币承诺可以进入其他市场。货币承诺未来的利润。货币将购买力延伸到遥远的地方和未来的时间。它是纯粹的、无条件的潜力。它有能力创造市场。货币有能力获取快乐、占有财产、构成资本、支配劳动力以及偿还利息和贷款。
The selling of goods and services is driven by the desirability of this purchasing power. Money gives the freedom to select and refuse within the marketplace. Money gives the freedom to disassemble current relations of mutual dependence to replace them with future, more desirable relations of mutual dependence. Money, as the promise of freedom, generates the demand for money. Freedom is a kind of social entropy. Once possessed of money and freedom, and thus financial independence, few would be willing to enter into onerous obligations, except to acquire more money. Money is therefore the great liberator. The promise of freedom and independence empowers money. It makes money acceptable in exchange. It gives money a relative purchasing power, since it is acceptable in exchange. Yet the absolute purchasing power of money that is embodied in its promise exceeds its relative purchasing power, which is expressed in terms of a determinate set of goods. Money opens value out onto an unlimited future. It is irreducible to finite spheres of exchange. 商品和服务的销售受这种购买力的驱动。货币赋予了人们在市场上选择和拒绝的自由。货币赋予了人们自由,可以拆解当前的相互依赖关系,取而代之的是未来更理想的相互依赖关系。金钱作为自由的承诺,产生了对金钱的需求。自由是一种社会熵。一旦拥有了金钱和自由,从而实现了经济独立,除了获得更多的金钱,很少有人愿意承担繁重的义务。因此,金钱是伟大的解放者。自由和独立的承诺赋予金钱力量。它使货币在交换中被接受。它赋予货币相对购买力,因为它在交换中是可接受的。然而,货币的绝对购买力体现在它的承诺上,超过了它的相对购买力,后者是以一组确定的商品来表示的。货币将价值扩展到无限的未来。它与有限的交换领域不可分割。
This is not to say that money is primarily an object of hoarding. It is not essential to possess money; it is merely essential to have access to money. This is consistent with money’s nature as promised. Exchange value can be hoarded in the form of profitable assets that are highly marketable. With a high degree of liquidity, profitable assets are one step removed from money. They bear the promise of money and so represent the promise that is available in money. Since exchange value is normally hoarded in the form of profitable assets, the will to power expressed in the desire for profits may be concealed beneath an apparent demand for the pleasure provided by assets and goods. Money itself is left out of account. Such an illusion can be 这并不是说金钱主要是囤积的对象。拥有金钱并不重要,重要的是能够获得金钱。这与货币的承诺性质是一致的。交换价值可以以盈利资产的形式囤积起来,这些资产具有很高的市场流通性。由于具有高度的流动性,盈利资产与货币只有一步之遥。它们带有货币的承诺,因此代表了货币的承诺。由于交换价值通常是以盈利资产的形式囤积起来的,因此,在对资产和商品所提供的快乐的表面需求之下,可能隐藏着对利润的渴望所表达的权力意志。货币本身被排除在外。这种幻觉可以
left to economists. In practice, it is all too obvious that assets are valued by the amount of money that they promise, by the amount of money that may be offered in exchange for them. For the consumer, driven by the pleasure principle, money is the promise of goods. For the speculator, driven by a will to power, assets are the promise of money. 这是由经济学家决定的。在实践中,显而易见的是,资产的价值取决于其所承诺的货币量,取决于可用于交换的货币量。对于消费者来说,在享乐原则的驱使下,金钱就是商品的承诺。而对于投机者来说,在权力意志的驱使下,资产就是金钱的承诺。
3.3.3 Distinct drives open up distinct perspectives of evaluation. In economic life, all things hold their value through something else. All things have value only insofar as they are capital, capable of being incorporated into some productive activity, even if it is only the production of pleasure. For example, living beings function effectively only in an environment that meets their needs; they have no value in isolation, for they cannot survive in isolation. Similarly, property, goods, and services hold value only as objects of desire and use. There is no value without the invention of form. Even in representation, use values are imagined in relation to some desired process. An imagined world of use values is substituted for prior values within an ecological context: use is value in relation to a human agent. Moreover, such an invention and imagination of form is the precondition of productive economic activity. Desire appears to constitute the very texture of society. 3.3.3 不同的驱动力开启了不同的评价视角。在经济生活中,所有事物的价值都是通过其他事物实现的。所有事物只有在作为资本,能够融入某种生产活动(哪怕只是生产快乐)时,才具有价值。例如,生物只有在满足其需求的环境中才能有效地发挥作用;它们在孤立的环境中没有价值,因为它们无法在孤立的环境中生存。同样,财产、商品和服务只有作为欲望和使用的对象才具有价值。没有形式的发明,就没有价值。即使在表象中,使用价值也是与某种期望的过程相关联的。一个想象中的使用价值世界取代了生态背景下的先前价值:使用是与人类行为主体相关的价值。此外,这种形式的发明和想象是生产性经济活动的先决条件。欲望似乎构成了社会的基本结构。
A different perspective is expressed in exchange. Considered in relation to exchange, a thing holds value only in relation to possible substitutions. The intrinsic properties of the thing, whether in relation to its ecological context or in relation to its human use, are put aside. One replaces a field of forms and uses with one of exchanges and prices. This is essentially a change in perspective: use and exchange are differing perspectives through which the world may be seen. They are not neutral but have determinate optical effects. If one examines the world from the perspective of use, then the entire world is colored and distorted by one’s own demands, needs, and desires. If one examines the world from the perspective of exchange, then instead of seeing things themselves, one sees that which can be exchanged for things. Moreover, these things in turn are not seen, but other exchanges are substituted for them. It is as if one looks only at the shadows. Only intensities of shade are expressed in terms of exchange value. Money, as the unit of account, is the screen on which all shadows are formed. All of one’s demands, needs, and desires that find confirmation in things are 交换则表达了不同的观点。从交换的角度来看,一件物品的价值只与可能的替代品有关。事物的内在属性,无论是与其生态环境的关系,还是与其人类使用的关系,都被搁置一旁。人们用交换和价格领域取代了形式和使用领域。这本质上是视角的改变:使用和交换是观察世界的不同视角。它们不是中性的,而是具有确定的光学效应。如果一个人从使用的角度审视世界,那么整个世界就会被自己的要求、需要和欲望所左右和扭曲。如果一个人从交换的角度来审视世界,那么他看到的就不是事物本身,而是可以用来交换的事物。而且,这些事物反过来也没有被看到,而是被其他的交换所替代。这就好比人们只看到阴影。只有阴影的强度才能用交换价值来表示。货币作为记账单位,是形成所有阴影的屏幕。一个人的所有要求、需要和欲望,只要在事物中得到确认,都是
temporarily suspended; no satisfaction is immediately visible. The world, as seen from the perspective of exchange, offers itself to a single desire: the desire for an increase in profit. No other desire or thought is represented in exchange value. 在这种情况下,人们的欲望被暂时搁置,无法立即得到满足。从交换的角度来看,世界只为一种欲望服务:增加利润的欲望。在交换价值中,没有其他欲望或想法。
The use of money as a screen against which the world is projected has a peculiar optical effect: all demands, needs, and desires are kept in suspense. They remain private and do not impinge directly on social relations. Social relations become constituted by a sole public demand: the demand for money. It is only by fulfilling the demand for money that other demands can come to fulfillment. The texture of society appears to be constituted by the promise of value expressed in money. Hence, money functions as more than just a screen or support for the projection of exchange value. The demand for money maintains the perspective through which exchange value may be seen. In a relative sense, the exchange value of commodities is measured in terms of money; in an absolute sense, exchange value is constituted by the perspective through which it is seen, the demand for money as such. The demand for money, in turn, is constituted by the promise that is offered by money. In exchange, the texture of society is constituted by credit. 用金钱作为投射世界的银幕有一种奇特的光学效果:所有的要求、需要和欲望都被搁置起来。它们仍然是私人的,不会直接影响社会关系。社会关系由唯一的公共需求构成:对货币的需求。只有满足了对金钱的需求,其他需求才能得到满足。社会的结构似乎是由货币所表达的价值承诺构成的。因此,货币的功能不仅仅是交换价值投射的屏幕或支撑。对货币的需求维持着人们看待交换价值的视角。从相对意义上说,商品的交换价值是以货币来衡量的;从绝对意义上说,交换价值是由人们看待交换价值的视角--对货币的需求--所构成的。而对货币的需求又是由货币提供的承诺构成的。作为交换,社会的结构由信用构成。
Such perspectives of use or exchange are only maintained if they answer to particular needs, desires, and demands. To answer here means to offer a promise. A perspective must produce images through which the demand finds satisfaction-imaginary satisfaction or satisfaction through images. The power of money, then, does not ultimately lie in its capacity to deliver promised value. Money gives trust that the image can be achieved. The power of money is its capacity to hold and maintain a perspective in the mind. As a promise, it focuses attention on the power it promises. As a screen, it veils and withdraws attention from all other modes of social interaction. None of the competing perspectives promise the liquidity, flexibility, and freedom available to the one who has money. The power of money is a power to control attention, to absorb mental energy, to shape the spending of time. The power of money as a promise consists in its ability to capture attention and desire. Money promises freedom and power. As a screen and a perspective, it does not draw attention to itself so much as to the freedom and power acquired by its means. Withdrawing itself from attention, its hold over attention is all the more secure. As the principle that makes 这种使用或交换的视角只有在满足特定需求、愿望和要求的情况下才能维持。在这里,"回应 "意味着 "承诺"。一种观点必须产生形象,通过形象满足需求--想象的满足或通过形象的满足。因此,金钱的力量最终并不在于其提供承诺价值的能力。金钱让人们相信形象可以实现。金钱的力量在于它能够在人们的头脑中保持和维持一种观点。作为一种承诺,它将人们的注意力集中在它所承诺的力量上。作为一道屏障,它将人们的注意力从所有其他的社会互动模式中屏蔽和收回。没有任何一种相互竞争的观点能为拥有金钱的人带来流动性、灵活性和自由。金钱的力量是一种控制注意力、吸收精神能量、支配时间的力量。作为一种承诺,金钱的力量在于它能够吸引注意力和欲望。金钱承诺自由和权力。作为一种屏障和视角,它吸引人们的注意力与其说是其本身,不如说是通过其手段获得的自由和权力。它从注意力中抽身而出,对注意力的控制就更加稳固。作为使
demands effective, the supreme means of freedom and power, money is a reality principle: it promises the power to realize all other desires and values. It offers itself as the universal social means. As the supreme means of access to value, money is that which is of most social value. It is the precondition for the realization of all other ends. All other ends must be suspended until sufficient money is obtained for their realization. Money thus posits itself as the supreme being, the focus of attention and desire, the principle for the realization of capital projects. Money posits itself as God, the principle of all creation. Its hold over attention is the worship it demands. As long as the world is regarded from the perspective of exchange, the power of money is absolute. 作为自由和权力的最高手段,金钱是一项现实原则:它承诺拥有实现所有其他欲望和价值的力量。它将自己作为普遍的社会手段。作为获取价值的最高手段,金钱具有最大的社会价值。它是实现所有其他目的的先决条件。所有其他目的都必须暂停,直到获得足够的货币来实现它们。因此,货币将自己定位为至高无上的存在,是注意力和欲望的焦点,是实现资本项目的原则。金钱将自己定位为上帝,是一切创造的原则。它对注意力的控制就是它所要求的崇拜。只要从交换的角度来看待世界,金钱的力量就是绝对的。
3.3.4 It is an apparent paradox that money, a mere sign or token, can become the supreme principle of power. It does so through the theological power of a promise. The power of money is expressed through exchange. In a market society, money makes markets possible. Money is the condition of possibility of society as such, of the division of labor and mutual interdependence, insofar as society is constituted by exchange. Moreover, since exchange involves the dissolution of prior social forms of power through disassembly and the constitution of new forms through reassembly, it replaces other social forms with exchange. Since exchange values are measured in relation to external or future values, they cannot be constrained by existing orders of power. Money possesses the power of flight. Any attempts to contain it will drive it out of the territory. 3.3.4 金钱只是一种符号或象征,却能成为权力的最高原则,这显然是一个悖论。它是通过承诺的神学力量实现这一点的。货币的力量是通过交换表现出来的。在市场社会中,货币使市场成为可能。只要社会是由交换构成的,货币就是社会本身、劳动分工和相互依存的可能性条件。此外,由于交换涉及通过分解解散先前的社会权力形式,并通过重新组合构成新的形式,因此它以交换取代了其他社会形式。由于交换价值是相对于外部价值或未来价值来衡量的,因此它们不会受到现有权力秩序的制约。货币拥有飞行的力量。任何遏制它的企图都会将它赶出这片土地。
Exchange values are derived from comparison. A price indicates the lack of availability of cheaper substitutes or alternatives. A price also indicates the lack of stronger effective demands. Under such conditions of comparison, then, one is always threatened by one’s competitors. For every exchange facilitated by money, there are a host of possible exchanges that do not occur. Competition requires winners and losers. There will always be some who cannot pay more or sell for less. While such competition has the relative effect of equilibrating prices, it also has the absolute effect of threatening lack. 交换价值是通过比较得出的。价格表明缺乏更便宜的替代品或替代物。价格也表明缺乏更强的有效需求。因此,在这种比较条件下,一个人总是受到竞争对手的威胁。在货币促成的每一次交换中,都有大量可能不会发生的交换。竞争需要有赢家和输家。总有一些人无法支付更高的价格或卖出更低的价格。虽然这种竞争具有平衡价格的相对效果,但也具有威胁缺乏的绝对效果。
Money, as an absolute sign of wealth, combines the promise of wealth with the threat of poverty, for the wealth promised by money is only temporary. Only capital promises enduring wealth. For one who holds money 货币作为财富的绝对标志,将财富的承诺与贫穷的威胁结合在一起,因为货币承诺的财富只是暂时的。只有资本才能承诺持久的财富。因为持有金钱的人
and buys, the freedom to satisfy demands is a promise of wealth; once the purchase has taken place, however, the condition is replaced by one of the absence of money. The threat of poverty follows the promise of wealth. For one who sells to acquire money, money holds out the promise of freedom to satisfy demands. Yet failure to sell holds out the threat of poverty. The threat of poverty precedes the promise of wealth. 一旦买下,满足需求的自由就是对财富的承诺;然而,一旦买下,条件就被没有钱所取代。贫穷的威胁紧随财富的承诺之后。对于为获得金钱而出售的人来说,金钱是满足需求的自由的承诺。然而,卖不出去就会面临贫穷的威胁。贫穷的威胁先于财富的承诺。
In a market society, therefore, relations of interdependence are opaque and unstable, threatened with termination at any moment. One can have security in such a society only if one has a dependable source of income. One can participate in such a society only to the extent that one has access to money or credit. While money promises the freedom of the market, it also threatens the constraint of exclusion. The power of money is not embodied in its promise alone; it is also embodied in the threats present within a market society. It would seem that no one could be more free than an economic agent in a marketplace with unlimited opportunities to exchange, make profits, and satisfy demands. In reality, such economic agents suffer from an immense discipline. For the freedom to exchange is a freedom to command labor; such freedom can be realized only if labor is available to be commanded. The freedom of the wealthy can be acquired only at the expense of the servitude of those who work. Market society, while appearing to promise liberty, imposes itself as a rigorous system of discipline. One is always under an obligation to acquire money. Such an obligation is independent of any drive for pleasure or will to power. One may be under an obligation to produce for sale to acquire money; one may be under an obligation to repay debts to remain creditworthy; one may be under an obligation to invest so that one generates an income. While appearing to offer the promise of the security of wealth earned through the division of labor, market society imposes a condition of general insecurity, facing each of its members with the threat of exclusion from relations of interdependence. 因此,在市场社会中,相互依存的关系是不透明和不稳定的,随时都有可能终止。只有拥有可靠的收入来源,人们才能在这样的社会中获得安全感。一个人只有在能够获得金钱或信贷的情况下才能参与这样的社会。金钱在承诺市场自由的同时,也威胁着排斥的约束。货币的力量不仅仅体现在它的承诺上,还体现在市场社会中存在的威胁上。在一个拥有无限交换、获利和满足需求机会的市场中,似乎没有人会比经济主体更自由。但实际上,这些经济主体受到了巨大的约束。因为交换的自由就是支配劳动力的自由;只有当劳动力可以被支配时,这种自由才能实现。富人的自由只有以牺牲劳动者的奴役为代价才能获得。市场社会看似承诺自由,实则是一种严格的纪律制度。人们总是有义务获得金钱。这种义务与任何享乐动机或权力意志无关。为了获得金钱,人们可能有义务进行生产销售;为了保持信用,人们可能有义务偿还债务;为了创造收入,人们可能有义务进行投资。市场社会看似提供了通过分工赚取财富的安全承诺,但却强加了一种普遍的不安全状况,使每个成员都面临着被排斥在相互依存关系之外的威胁。
Just as the fear of market failure as a whole generates a demand for money as liquidity at the onset of market panic, so the fear of failure within the market also generates a demand for money. Money, as the source of market society, announces a promise but delivers a threat. This threat, in turn, reinforces the demand for money. The more extensively society is constituted as a market, the stronger the demand for money and the further 正如对整个市场失败的恐惧会在市场恐慌开始时产生对作为流动性的货币的需求一样,对市场内部失败的恐惧也会产生对货币的需求。货币作为市场社会的源泉,宣布了一种承诺,但也带来了一种威胁。这种威胁反过来又加强了对货币的需求。社会越是广泛地构成为一个市场,对货币的需求就越强烈,也就越能进一步促进社会的发展。
the constitution of society as a market. Few political forces can resist such power; few political forces can mobilize the productive power of capital in the way that money can. 社会作为市场的构成。很少有政治力量能抵制这种力量;很少有政治力量能像货币那样调动资本的生产力。
The value of money derives from the demand for money. Money holds value because it is acceptable in exchange. According to the simple image of society as a closed market, abstract exchange value derives from substitution and comparison in terms of a universal equivalent. Society is constituted as the limit of a process of comparison of possible values. Things hold exchange value, and thus social significance, to the extent that they are compared with all other values. In practice, of course, such a process of universal comparison can never complete its large number of permutations. Relative prices are estimated in relation to their nearest alternatives. Such prices are also estimated. Instead of tending toward equilibrium under ideal market conditions, therefore, prices can only be compared to other estimates, leading to an unending process of fluctuation and oscillation, since each correction of an estimate leads to a correction of other relative prices. There is no absolute standard against which prices may be measured, and there is no universal market in which prices can be determined. The value of money can never be fixed in relation to the overall level of prices, therefore, because prices never achieve an overall level. The value of money is determined from without. It is, in part, an expression of the demand for money. The demand for money derives from its promises and threats. Money is acceptable in exchange because it is an object of demand; it is an object of demand because it is acceptable in exchange. Money gains value from the trust in money; it holds its value through imitation-that is, it is widely accepted in exchange. ^(29){ }^{29} Yet although such imitation can spread by contagion, it also needs explaining by means of an initial impetus. The initial impetus giving value to money is nothing less than its promise and threat. If, prior to the marketization of society, the promise carries more weight than the threat, then subsequent to the marketization of society both promise and threat are intensified: more relations can be reconstituted than ever before through the market; fewer relations can be reconstituted at all outside the market. Through the agency of money, the market effects a progressive colonization of society. Through the colonization of society, the market intensifies the demand for money. 货币的价值来源于对货币的需求。货币之所以有价值,是因为它在交换中可以被接受。根据社会作为一个封闭市场的简单形象,抽象的交换价值来自于普遍等价物的替代和比较。社会的构成是可能价值比较过程的极限。事物的交换价值,也就是社会意义,取决于它们与所有其他价值的比较程度。当然,在实践中,这种普遍的比较过程永远无法完成其大量的排列组合。相对价格是相对于最接近的替代品估算出来的。这种价格也是估算出来的。因此,在理想的市场条件下,价格不是趋于均衡,而是只能与其他估计价格进行比较,从而导致无休止的波动和振荡过程,因为每次对估计价格的修正都会导致对其他相对价格的修正。没有可以衡量价格的绝对标准,也没有可以确定价格的普遍市场。因此,货币的价值永远不可能与价格的总体水平相关联,因为价格永远不会达到一个总体水平。货币的价值是从外部决定的。在某种程度上,它是货币需求的体现。对货币的需求来自于货币的承诺和威胁。货币在交换中被接受,因为它是需求的对象;它是需求的对象,因为它在交换中被接受。货币的价值来自于人们对货币的信任;货币的价值来自于人们的模仿,也就是说,货币在交换中被广泛接受。 ^(29){ }^{29} 然而,尽管这种模仿可以通过传染来传播,但它也需要通过最初的推动力来解释。 赋予货币价值的最初动力无非是其承诺和威胁。如果说在社会市场化之前,承诺比威胁更有分量,那么在社会市场化之后,承诺和威胁都被强化了:通过市场可以重组的关系比以往任何时候都多;而在市场之外,可以重组的关系则更少。通过货币的作用,市场实现了社会的逐步殖民化。通过对社会的殖民化,市场加强了对货币的需求。
The social reality of money as constructive capital is that of a self- 货币作为建设性资本的社会现实是一种自我
fulfilling promise. Money has a relative purchasing power expressed in terms of the value of goods that could be exchanged for it. Money has an absolute purchasing power, which is the power of a promise. In addition, money has an absolute power to impose itself on society expressed in terms of its power to fulfill itself as a promise. Money gains power because it has power. It is a dynamic force, a pure promise, a spectral reality emergent from nothing, yet ordering everything. It offers no surface to resistance; it accepts no limits on exchange. It exceeds all other social forces. Such is the engine of modernity. ^(30){ }^{30} 履行承诺。货币具有相对购买力,表现为可用于交换的商品的价值。货币具有绝对购买力,也就是承诺的力量。此外,货币还具有将自身强加于社会的绝对力量,这种力量体现在它履行承诺的能力上。货币获得权力是因为它拥有权力。它是一种充满活力的力量,是一种纯粹的承诺,是一种无中生有却又命令一切的幽灵现实。它没有抵抗的表面;它不接受交换的限制。它超越了所有其他社会力量。这就是现代性的引擎。 ^(30){ }^{30}
3.4.1 Economic production is driven by energy, desire, and belief. The distinctive feature of the modern era is the liberation of copious quantities of energy, desire, and belief from natural, social, and religious sedimentation for the direct purpose of production. Only at the end of modernity are the limits to the accessibility of energy for economic production being explored. Given the possibilities for unlimited accumulation, invention, and assembly, the immediate limits to production are largely given by a shortage of available money for investment. Since in a market society materials, expertise, and constructive labor may be acquired through money, the primary shortage is always of money. The possibility always exists of an increase in the productive power of capital if there were more money. 3.4.1 经济生产由能量、欲望和信仰驱动。现代的显著特点是从自然、社会和宗教的沉积中解放出大量的能量、欲望和信仰,直接用于生产。只有到了现代性的末期,人们才开始探索经济生产中能源可获取性的极限。鉴于无限积累、发明和组装的可能性,生产的直接限制主要是用于投资的可用资金短缺。由于在市场社会中,材料、专业知识和建设性劳动都可以通过货币获得,因此主要的短缺始终是货币的短缺。如果有更多的货币,资本的生产力总是有可能提高的。
At the same time, each economy has unlimited potential demand. While demand for some particular goods may reach its limits, as in the theory of marginal utility, there are other demands that in principle are unlimited. While there may be limits to quantities of consumption and appropriation, there are no limits to improvements in the quality of goods and services that may be desired. Alternatively, if no other use for money is more urgent, it may be invested speculatively for further profits. There is always an unlimited demand for money. Therefore, there can be no general problem of over-accumulation. ^(31){ }^{31} If available money exceeds immediate opportunities for productive investment, that money can be spent on higherquality goods and services, driving up prices, or on speculative assets, also driving up prices and thus leading to speculative profits. There are merely dangers of over-production in specific sectors or dangers of lack of confi- 同时,每个经济体都有无限的潜在需求。虽然对某些特定商品的需求可能会达到极限,就像边际效用理论中所说的那样,但其他需求原则上是无限的。虽然消费和占有的数量可能是有限的,但人们所希望的商品和服务质量的提高却是无限的。另外,如果货币没有其他更迫切的用途,也可以进行投机性投资以获取更多利润。对货币的需求总是无限的。因此,不存在过度积累的普遍问题。 ^(31){ }^{31} 如果可用的货币超过了立即进行生产性投资的机会,那么这些货币就会被用在更高质量的商品和服务上,从而推高价格;或者被用在投机性资产上,同样会推高价格,从而导致投机利润。这仅仅是特定行业生产过剩的危险,或者是缺乏信心的危险。
dence in specific speculative markets. Practical limits to demand are set, once more, by the shortage of the availability of money. 在特定的投机市场上,需求的实际限制也是由资金短缺所决定的。对需求的实际限制再次由资金短缺决定。
Every economy, then, has unlimited capacity for production and unlimited capacity for demand. Even the clash between economic growth and ecological finitude leads to opportunities to profit from the extraction of scarce resources (especially in the mining, oil, and gas sectors) and from adaptive technologies. Even devaluation of a currency leads to opportunities to profit from reliable stores of value such as gold; even a fall in the stock market leads to opportunities to profit from selling short. Limits to economic growth are always experienced as limits to the availability of money. There is an unlimited quantity of socially useful work that could be done; there is usually a number of unemployed laborers who would be willing to do it. There is always a lack of money. Money is dynamic capital. Without it, productive possibilities are left unrealized. If there are limits to the capacity of the state to organize labor to meet demand, these limits are ones of credibility. Money offers in credibility what the state lacks. It offers the power of freedom; it offers itself for possession. In return for its commands, it gives its power of command. Nothing promised by the state can match that which is promised by money. 因此,每个经济体都有无限的生产能力和无限的需求能力。即使是经济增长与生态有限性之间的冲突,也会带来从稀缺资源开采(尤其是采矿、石油和天然气行业)和适应性技术中获利的机会。即使是货币贬值,也会带来从黄金等可靠的价值储藏中获利的机会;即使是股市下跌,也会带来从卖空中获利的机会。经济增长的局限性总是表现为货币供应的局限性。可以做的对社会有用的工作数量是无限的;通常有许多失业的劳动力愿意做这些工作。但货币总是缺乏的。货币是有活力的资本。没有它,生产的可能性就无法实现。如果说国家组织劳动力满足需求的能力有局限性,那么这种局限性就是信誉的局限性。货币提供了国家所缺乏的信誉。它提供自由的力量;它提供自己的占有。作为对其命令的回报,它提供了指挥的力量。国家所承诺的一切都无法与金钱所承诺的相提并论。
An increase in the supply of money can increase both production and demand. Moreover, the presence of additional money stimulates the economy by the multiplier effect. When an individual spends money, the money is lost unless it is traded or invested for a profit. In an economy as a whole, however, the same money can be spent again and again. If investment is balanced against consumption, then a supply of additional money can unlock a supply of potential production, as well as a supply of potential demand. For an economy to grow effectively, then, it requires the production of goods and services, as well as the creation of money, to express demand. In a closed market society, an increase in the supply of money merely increases inactive reserves. The excess money may fail to recirculate and be hoarded; it may be spent abroad and not return; or it may lead to a general increase in prices. In a capitalist society, by contrast, an increase in the supply of money can lead to investment in production and an increase in consumption. Money may stimulate economic growth. The investment of money in capital for the sake of profit is the essential strategy of capitalist society. It demands the accumulation and creation of money for invest- 增加货币供应量可以增加生产和需求。此外,额外货币的存在通过乘数效应刺激经济。个人花钱后,除非进行交易或投资获利,否则钱就会流失。但在整个经济中,同样的钱可以重复消费。如果投资与消费保持平衡,那么额外的货币供应就可以释放潜在的生产供应和潜在的需求供应。因此,经济要有效增长,就需要生产商品和服务,并创造货币来表达需求。在一个封闭的市场社会中,货币供应的增加只是增加了不活跃的储备。多余的货币可能无法再循环而被囤积起来;可能在国外消费而无法回流;也可能导致物价普遍上涨。相比之下,在资本主义社会中,货币供应量的增加会导致生产投资和消费增加。货币可以刺激经济增长。将货币投资于资本以获取利润是资本主义社会的基本战略。它要求积累和创造用于投资的货币。
ment via purchase, rent, wages, and interest; it produces the accumulation of money in the form of profit. There is no question of an optimum quantity of money; there is merely the question of an optimum use of money. Money used for investment may subsequently be used for consumption, leading to a rise in prices if production does not increase as quickly. If too much money is directed to consumption, then there is the danger of inflation; if too much money is directed to production, then there is the danger of over-supply. Irrespective of this balance, money remains a productive force. 通过购买、租金、工资和利息,货币产生利润形式的积累。不存在货币的最佳数量问题,而只是货币的最佳使用问题。用于投资的货币随后可能会被用于消费,如果生产增长不快,就会导致价格上涨。如果过多的货币用于消费,就会出现通货膨胀的危险;如果过多的货币用于生产,就会出现供过于求的危险。无论这种平衡如何,货币仍然是一种生产力。
3.4.2 The demand for money is unlimited. One can never have enough profit, enough economic security, enough investment, or enough consumption. In spite of the general scarcity of money, the supply of money is also unlimited. In response to such demand, money is created by banks in the form of loans to businesses, government, and individuals. While the demand for loans may be unlimited, there are always limits to the effective demand for loans, for loans - both the principal and the interest have to be repaid in money. Loans are effective, then, only if there is some guarantee that they can be repaid, either through the sale of assets, future earnings, or investment. The offer of a loan is quite simple: one can have the freedom of money in one’s pocket now if one shows the capacity and undertakes the obligation to engage in activity that will yield a profit. A loan is a contract, not an exchange. Where the money that is spent, and the power and freedom it embodies, passes on to others, the contractual obligation to repay the debt remains with the borrower. Where money seems to be a passive, neutral substance or sign in exchange, it is an obligation in contract. Money functions as a transferable debt, passing freely through any number of hands, yet the value that underwrites it is the contractual obligation to repay interest on the loan. It matters little whether such a debt is underwritten by governments, who guarantee the payment of interest by means of taxation; by businesses, who guarantee the payment of interest by means of profits; or by individuals, who guarantee the payment of interest by means of future income. In each case, money is created as a debt. 3.4.2 对货币的需求是无限的。利润、经济保障、投资或消费永远都不嫌多。尽管货币普遍稀缺,但货币供应也是无限的。为了满足这种需求,银行以向企业、政府和个人提供贷款的形式创造货币。尽管对贷款的需求可能是无限的,但对贷款的有效需求总是有限的,因为贷款的本金和利息都必须用货币来偿还。因此,只有通过出售资产、未来收益或投资等方式保证能够偿还贷款,贷款才是有效的。贷款的要约非常简单:如果一个人有能力并有义务从事能够产生利润的活动,那么他现在就可以自由地把钱装进自己的口袋。贷款是一种契约,而不是交换。如果花出去的钱及其所蕴含的权力和自由转给了他人,那么偿还债务的契约义务则仍由借款人承担。在交换中,金钱似乎是一种被动、中立的物质或符号,但它却是一种契约义务。货币作为一种可转让的债务,可以自由地在不同的人手中转移,但其价值是偿还贷款利息的契约义务。至于这种债务是由政府(政府通过税收来保证利息的支付)、企业(企业通过利润来保证利息的支付)还是个人(个人通过未来收入来保证利息的支付)来承担,这并不重要。在每一种情况下,货币都是作为一种债务被创造出来的。
It may seem important to distinguish between pocket money, whose value is reserved in its substance; paper money, whose value is reserved at a central location such as a bank; and debt money, whose value is a re- 区分袖珍货币和债务货币似乎很重要,袖珍货币的价值保留在其本质中,纸币的价值保留在银行等中心地点,而债务货币的价值则是对其本质的再认识。
serve advanced from future taxation, profits, or income. Marx, for example drew a sharp distinction between money and credit, since in a financial crisis credit is devalued, and there is a rush to hoard money or even gold. ^(32){ }^{32} Nevertheless, gold holds value only as an object of belief. All money is credit. In a financial crisis, there is merely a shift in credit from a centralized reserve maintained through the banking system to a reserve that can be held individually. A financial crisis means the disassembly of credit as constructive capital. It is more important to distinguish between money as a transferable asset - an embodiment of exchange value that can be freely used for purchases and investment-and money as a contractual debt. While money as an asset is transferred, that asset remains guaranteed by a debt that remains largely tied to the one who undertakes it. Money has two sides: a sovereign head that gives power and freedom, and a reverse side that speaks of social obligations. Assets embody social claims; they are always accompanied by liabilities. Any analysis of the operation of money that treats it as an asset alone, therefore, will remain deficient. One who accumulates money as an asset, who possesses power and freedom, enters a market that is already filled with liabilities and demands for money. More significant, since money is created as a debt, the one who enters the market with accumulated money encounters not merely a collection of sellers, but a collection of sellers who are already indebted to a sum in excess of that accumulated by the purchaser. The sellers, then, will be under an obligation to sell to such purchasers, to treat them as a source of sovereign commands. The indebted seller may have some choice between such purchasers but is under an obligation to provide some service to some masters. 从未来的税收、利润或收入中预支。例如,马克思对货币和信贷做了明确区分,因为在金融危机中,信贷贬值,人们急于囤积货币甚至黄金。 ^(32){ }^{32} 然而,黄金只是作为信仰的对象才具有价值。所有货币都是信用。在金融危机中,只是信贷从通过银行系统维持的中央储备转变为个人可以持有的储备。金融危机意味着作为建设性资本的信贷的解体。更重要的是,要区分作为可转移资产--可自由用于购买和投资的交换价值的体现--的货币和作为契约性债务的货币。虽然货币作为一种资产可以转让,但这种资产仍然受到债务的保证,而债务在很大程度上仍然与承担债务的人联系在一起。货币有两面:一面是赋予权力和自由的主权,另一面是社会义务。资产体现了社会要求;资产总是伴随着债务。因此,任何对货币运作的分析,如果仅仅将其视为资产,都是不充分的。作为资产积累货币的人拥有权力和自由,他所进入的市场已经充满了对货币的负债和需求。更重要的是,由于货币是作为债务而产生的,因此带着积累的货币进入市场的人遇到的不仅仅是卖方的集合,而是已经欠下比买方积累的货币更多债务的卖方的集合。那么,卖方就有义务卖给这些买方,把他们当作主权命令的来源。 负债卖方可以在这些买方之间做出某种选择,但有义务向某些主人提供某种服务。
The effect of the creation of money is not neutral on the economy as a whole. Since loans are spent before they are repaid in the form of money, they tighten the demand for money as such. While a loan adds to the total value in circulation, it also tightens the demand for money within the system as a whole by the rate of interest. For those who do not have easy access to credit, the tightness of the demand for money means that there is always a shortage of money available. For those who do have easy access to credit, the need to repay more money than one has borrowed means that there is always a shortage of available money. The creation of money through loans is the reason for the perpetual shortage of money. The more money that is created, the less money will be available. The greater the 创造货币对整个经济的影响并不是中性的。由于贷款在以货币形式偿还之前就已经花掉了,因此它们会紧缩对货币的需求。虽然贷款增加了流通中的总价值,但它也通过利率紧缩了整个系统对货币的需求。对于那些不容易获得信贷的人来说,货币需求的紧缩意味着可用货币总是短缺。对于那些容易获得信贷的人来说,由于需要偿还比借贷更多的钱,因此可用资金总是短缺。通过贷款创造货币是货币长期短缺的原因。创造的钱越多,可用的钱就越少。越多
shortage of money, the greater will be the obligation within the economic system as whole to prioritize activities geared primarily toward the making of money. The greater the degree of accumulated wealth, the greater will be the enslavement to debt. 越是缺钱,整个经济体系就越有义务优先考虑以赚钱为主要目的的活动。积累的财富越多,对债务的奴役就越大。
There is no more significant social force within the contemporary global economy than debt. Economic behavior is driven in part by the fulfillment of wants, or desire. It is also driven in part by the struggle for survival. It is driven in part by the speculative demand for profits, or a will to power. It is driven furthermore by the social obligation of debt. Such drives are not in competition with each other but come to fulfillment through each other. It is therefore impossible to divide them up into respective degrees of force. It is not easy to compare their respective degrees of impact on the economy, since each magnifies the effects of the others. Survival is obtained by fulfilling wants. Wants are obtained through market exchange. A market filled with products is available because of activity resulting from the quest for profits. The investment of profits in rent, wages, and interest makes money available for use in consumption, augmenting effective demand. Debt drives the quest for profits. It would seem that such drives have a relative order of independence. The struggle for survival can continue without the fulfillment of desires; the fulfillment of desires can continue without a quest for profits; a quest for profits can continue without the existence of loans and debts. It therefore seems natural to attribute priority to that which is historically and logically prior: debt is a means to the end of profits; profits are a means to the fulfillment of desire; desire is a means in the struggle for survival. Nevertheless, to treat these as “means” is to treat them as instruments entirely subordinated to the prior drive. In practice, the market enables a complex mutual dependence. The struggle for survival causes some to work for wages, serving another’s desire. The desire for pleasure causes some to buy, yielding profits for another. Profits are made for their own sake at the same time that a proportion is used to pay interest. 在当代全球经济中,最重要的社会力量莫过于债务。经济行为的部分驱动力来自于欲望的满足。经济行为的部分驱动力也来自于生存斗争。经济行为的部分驱动力来自对利润的投机性需求或权力意志。此外,它还受到债务的社会义务的驱动。这些驱动力并非相互竞争,而是通过彼此实现。因此,不可能将它们划分为各自的力量大小。要比较它们各自对经济的影响程度也不容易,因为每种驱动力都会放大其他驱动力的影响。生存是通过满足需求来实现的。需求是通过市场交换获得的。由于追求利润的活动,市场上充满了产品。将利润投资于租金、工资和利息,可将资金用于消费,从而增加有效需求。债务推动了对利润的追求。这些驱动力似乎具有相对的独立性。没有欲望的满足,生存斗争也可以继续;没有对利润的追求,欲望的满足也可以继续;没有贷款和债务的存在,对利润的追求也可以继续。因此,将优先权归于在历史和逻辑上处于优先地位的事物似乎是很自然的:债务是实现利润的手段;利润是实现欲望的手段;欲望是生存斗争中的手段。然而,将这些视为 "手段",就是将它们视为完全从属于先行驱动力的工具。实际上,市场促成了一种复杂的相互依存关系。生存斗争使一些人为了工资而工作,为另一些人的欲望服务。 享乐的欲望使一些人购买,为另一些人带来利润。利润是为了自己而赚取的,同时也有一部分用来支付利息。
Debt is a means that becomes an end, for to repay interest on a loan, it is necessary to produce exchange value for sale in order to acquire money. It is not sufficient for an economic system to produce wealth in the form of goods and services for it to pay back its loans, for loans are repaid in the form of money, not of goods and services. To repay interest on a loan, someone else must have created the money elsewhere as debt, so that 债务是成为目的的手段,因为要偿还贷款利息,就必须生产用于销售的交换价值,以获得货币。一个经济体系仅仅生产商品和服务形式的财富是不足以偿还贷款的,因为贷款是以货币的形式偿还的,而不是以商品和服务的形式偿还的。为了偿还贷款利息,必须有其他人在其他地方创造了货币作为债务,因此
the original loan is repaid and the debt is canceled. The amount of debt money in the economy spirals ever higher. The force of debt grows ever stronger. Instead of spending money on desirable public services, it becomes ever more necessary to spend money to make profits in order to repay loans. The availability of money for worthwhile activities becomes ever tighter while the availability of money for making profits becomes ever larger. With financial disintermediation, the circuits of profitmaking can take place through speculation alone, repaying debts acquired through high levels of leverage. Money can be gradually withdrawn from productive circulation to service the higher levels of profit available to speculation. In a world of increasing wealth, restrictions on the availability of money grow ever tighter. 原始贷款得到偿还,债务被取消。经济中的债务金额螺旋式上升。债务的力量越来越强大。与其把钱花在理想的公共服务上,不如把钱花在盈利上,以偿还贷款。用于有价值活动的资金越来越少,而用于盈利的资金却越来越多。在金融脱媒的情况下,仅靠投机就能实现盈利,偿还通过高杠杆率获得的债务。货币可以逐渐从生产性流通中撤出,为投机活动提供更高水平的利润。在财富不断增长的世界里,对货币供应的限制越来越严格。
3.4.3 It is important to clarify the difference between two kinds of debt. Private debts may be contracted between consenting parties by means of the temporary loan of existing assets. Such debts do not add to the money in circulation; they merely facilitate the efficient investment of reserves. The banking system functions as a market maker for such debts, facilitating the transfer of sums between borrowers and lenders. The system of credit changes essentially, however, when banks retain their reserves. In fractional reserve banking, a bank does not lend the money deposited with it; it retains such money in its reserves. Instead, it may issue a loan in the form of a check or a bank account. When the lent money is spent and deposited at another bank, a transfer may take place between the two banks’ reserves. Yet in a large economy with a few central banks, a large number of such transactions will take place each day. The vast majority of these will cancel out; if there are temporary inequalities, the reserves can be lent between banks at the inter-bank rate of interest for overnight loans. In short, each bank will need to retain only a small proportion of the loans it issues in the form of reserves. The majority of this money is newly created; it is temporary debt money that eventually will have to be repaid at interest and canceled out. Such credit facilitates productive activity that would not otherwise be possible. It also locks all new productive activity into a quest for profits. 3.4.3 有必要澄清两种债务之间的区别。私人债务可以通过临时借出现有资产的方式在双方同意的情况下签订。这类债务不会增加流通中的货币,而只是促进储备金的有效投资。银行系统充当着此类债务的做市商,为借贷双方之间的资金转移提供便利。然而,当银行保留储备金时,信贷体系就发生了本质的变化。在部分准备金银行业务中,银行并不借出存入银行的资金,而是将其保留在准备金中。相反,银行可以支票或银行账户的形式发放贷款。当借出的钱被花掉并存入另一家银行时,两家银行的准备金之间就会发生转移。然而,在一个拥有几家中央银行的大型经济体中,每天都会发生大量此类交易。其中绝大多数都会抵消;如果出现暂时的不平等,储备金可以按银行间隔夜贷款利率在银行间借出。简而言之,每家银行只需将其发放的贷款中的一小部分以准备金的形式保留下来。这些货币的大部分是新创造的,是临时性的债务货币,最终需要偿还利息并注销。这种信贷为生产性活动提供了便利,否则这些活动将无法进行。它也将所有新的生产活动锁定为追求利润。
Debt facilitates mutual dependence. Interdependence increases wealth at the same time that it increases vulnerability, for when the value reserved 债务促进了相互依赖。相互依赖在增加财富的同时,也增加了脆弱性,因为当价值保留在一定程度上时,债务就会增加。
in money can be carried in one’s pocket, it is safely dispersed throughout the economy. Yet when the value reserved in money is retained in a central bank, it is, as Adam Smith pointed out, vulnerable to hostilities: a key strategic objective in any invasion is the store of money and gold reserves. ^(33){ }^{33} When the value reserved in money is no longer reserved in a physical location but instead consists in the network of private credit between banks, it becomes as fragile as a reputation. Value is vulnerable to monetary crises. This very vulnerability of debt is the source of its power. For while debts may be reduced by devaluation and inflation, such a move undermines credit as constructive capital and reduces the production of wealth. In a complex economy, the stability of money, credit, and the banking system takes priority over all other concerns, for constructive capital is the source of cooperation and wealth. In a complex economy, interdependence replaces self-reliance. Any disruption of energy supply, transport, communications, or banking brings the entire system down. While less wealthy societies are more subject to currency crises, the wealthiest societies are those that are most vulnerable should such disruption occur. When the distribution of provision is mediated almost exclusively by markets, society lacks any other forms of constructive capital through which provision can take place if the market fails. It is this very vulnerability of the system of credit that gives financial interests the supreme political power. If credit fails, which it can so easily, then the entirety of society fails with it. 如果货币可以放在口袋里,它就可以安全地分散在整个经济中。然而,正如亚当-斯密所指出的那样,当货币的价值被保留在中央银行中时,它就很容易受到敌对行动的影响:任何入侵的关键战略目标都是储存货币和黄金储备。 ^(33){ }^{33} 当货币的价值不再保留在一个实体中,而是存在于银行之间的私人信贷网络中时,它就变得像名誉一样脆弱。价值很容易受到货币危机的影响。债务的这种脆弱性正是其力量的源泉。虽然债务可以通过货币贬值和通货膨胀来减少,但这种做法会破坏作为建设性资本的信贷,减少财富的生产。在复杂的经济中,货币、信贷和银行体系的稳定优先于其他所有问题,因为建设性资本是合作和财富的源泉。在复杂经济中,相互依存取代了自力更生。任何能源供应、交通、通信或银行业务的中断都会导致整个系统瘫痪。不太富裕的社会更容易受到货币危机的影响,而最富裕的社会则是最容易受到货币危机影响的社会。当供给的分配几乎完全以市场为媒介时,如果市场失灵,社会就缺乏任何其他形式的建设性资本来提供供给。正是信贷体系的这种脆弱性赋予了金融利益集团至高无上的政治权力。如果信贷失灵,那么整个社会也会随之失灵。
3.5.1 Money is a promise of value. The essential issue that needs to be determined is whether such a promise is dependent on value or whether such a value is dependent on a promise. The question to be determined is whether the value of such a promise is determined in exchange according to supply and demand or whether the value of such a promise is a transcendental category that is irreducible to exchange. The distinction between money and the value promised by money is well established; the relation between money and the value promised by money is not. 3.5.1 货币是一种价值承诺。需要确定的基本问题是,这种允诺是依赖于价值,还是这种价值依赖于允诺。需要确定的问题是,这种允诺的价值是在交换中根据供求关系决定的,还是这种允诺的价值是一个不可还原于交换的超验范畴。货币与货币允诺的价值之间的区别已经确立,但货币与货币允诺的价值之间的关系却没有确立。
As has been discussed, the value promised by money is not independent of money. The value promised by money is embodied in the goods, assets, and services that can be bought with it; the value of such goods, assets, 如前所述,货币所承诺的价值并不独立于货币。货币承诺的价值体现在可以用货币购买的商品、资产和服务中;这些商品、资产和服务的价值与货币无关、
and services is measured by prices, embodied in the amount of money that is paid for them. Prices are determined by comparing goods, assets, and services with each other within a market. A market is made possible by the existence of its reputation, money, and a dealer or reserve. Two kinds of comparison are possible within a market: a comparison of qualities of the items for sale where items significantly differ, the outcome of which is expressed in terms of a difference in price, and a comparison of prices of items deemed to be substitutable for each other, where differences in prices are compared. Use or exchange may be compared. The expression of qualitative comparisons in terms of price differences is significant here: a difference in quality is established not in relation to an absolute standard but in relation to the promise contained within money, for a price difference signifies all of the other possibilities available for that sum of money, whether in different or future markets. Far from being a universal equivalent through which all commodities are compared with one another, money represents the promise of value that can be obtained from other markets. ^(34){ }^{34} There is no universal equivalent or universal market. There is no valid macroeconomic perspective on the market as a whole. There are only perspectives of agents within the market, whether they are householders, merchants, landowners, workers, capitalists, bankers, speculators, or the excluded. All markets and comparisons are local and finite. Price is measured in relation to promise and opportunity, not in relation to an absolute standard. Prices are not fixed in relation to the world of commodities in general, because such a world exists only as a promise. Value depends on promise, not vice versa. 商品、资产和服务的价格是通过价格来衡量的,价格体现为购买商品、资产和服务所支付的金额。价格由市场中的商品、资产和服务相互比较决定。市场因其声誉、货币、交易商或储备金的存在而成为可能。在市场中可以进行两种比较:一种是对销售物品的质量进行比较,即物品之间存在显著差异,其结果用价格差异来表示;另一种是对被认为可以相互替代的物品的价格进行比较,即对价格差异进行比较。可以对使用或交换进行比较。在这里,用价格差异来表示质量比较具有重要意义:质量差异的确定不是与绝对标准相关,而是与货币所包含的承诺相关,因为价格差异意味着该笔货币在不同市场或未来市场上的所有其他可能性。货币远非所有商品相互比较的普遍等价物,而是代表着可以从其他市场获得的价值承诺。 ^(34){ }^{34} 不存在普遍等价物或普遍市场。从宏观经济的角度来看,市场并不是一个整体。市场中只有代理人的视角,无论他们是住户、商人、地主、工人、资本家、银行家、投机者,还是被排斥者。所有市场和比较都是局部和有限的。价格是根据承诺和机会来衡量的,而不是根据绝对标准。价格与一般商品世界的关系并不固定,因为这样的世界只是作为一种承诺而存在。价值取决于承诺,反之亦然。
Money is distinctive among commodities in that it is a promise. When the value of a commodity is compared with money, it is compared with a finite power to enter external markets. Decisions on pricing are always strategic, contrasting knowledge of and confidence in a local market relation with the uncertainty and opportunity of external markets. Since the work of comparison with all commodities in all external markets can never be completed, a particular price must be substituted in place of a universal price and in advance of a universal price - perhaps in the hope that, through fluctuations in supply and demand, a universal price resulting from such external comparisons may one day be achieved. Where supply and demand are relative to local and finite markets, money provides the means by which the limits of the local market may be transcended. Value, then, is an 货币在商品中的独特之处在于它是一种承诺。当商品的价值与货币相比较时,它与进入外部市场的有限权力相比较。定价决策总是战略性的,是对本地市场关系的了解和信心与外部市场的不确定性和机会的对比。由于与所有外部市场的所有商品进行比较的工作永远不可能完成,因此必须用一个特定的价格来代替一个普遍的价格,并在普遍价格之前先用一个特定的价格来代替--也许是希望通过供求关系的波动,有朝一日能通过这种外部比较得出一个普遍的价格。在供求关系相对于本地和有限市场的情况下,货币提供了超越本地市场限制的手段。因此,价值是一种
effect of comparison and exchange. It treats an exchange as if it has already taken place for a determinate sum of money. Prices may be variables that fluctuate in time, but they always appear with hindsight, after the event; they discount the temporal dimension of promise. During the process of evaluation in which prices are formed, prices hold all of the uncertainty of a comparison of competing promises. Value is not an object to be appropriated or possessed; value only becomes value in exchange. While objects can be possessed, their value cannot. Value always belongs elsewhere. It is offered or taken, not held. Value, then, is a relational and temporal entity. It cannot be comprehended on the basis of the quality of objects or an accumulation of units. 比较和交换的效果。它将交换视为已经发生过的确定金额的交换。价格可能是随时间波动的变量,但它们总是在事件发生后才出现;它们忽略了承诺的时间维度。在价格形成的评估过程中,价格包含了对相互竞争的承诺进行比较的所有不确定性。价值不是可以占有或占有的物品;价值只有在交换中才成为价值。物品可以被占有,价值却不能。价值总是属于别处。价值是提供或获取的,而不是持有的。因此,价值是一个关系性和时间性的实体。它不能根据物品的质量或单位的积累来理解。
3.5.2 Money created as debt can be analyzed into the following separable components: an asset, a liability, and a reserve. These components are separable to the extent that they can circulate between differing parties. An asset is a promise of value; a liability is an obligation to offer value; and a reserve is a security that guarantees value. Reserves are also usually assets, whether they take the form of money, property, or capital. In practice, then, money emerges from a contract that allows for a threefold division. Money is the promise of value. Yet such promises are worth nothing to those who make them. At best, the return of an rou note signals redemption from a liability. Money bears value as a promise, therefore, only if the promise is trusted by others and value is advanced on the basis of that promise. Money exists only in relation. It consists in a promise: a value that is promised, trust in the promise, and value advanced on the basis of trust. Furthermore, a promise by itself does not generate trust. Trust is not based on the promise itself but on the reserve as a guarantee of value. The asset, the liability, and the reserve each indicate value. The reserve is typically held by a bank; the liability is typically held by the person who takes out the loan; and the asset is typically held by the person who currently possesses the money. From another point of view, value is advanced in the form of goods by one who accepts money on the basis of trust; value is promised in the form of money to the person who accepts money in exchange; and value reserved, signifed by the form of money, is underwritten by both the existence of bank reserves and the specific security of the one who has undertaken the loan. ^(35){ }^{35} 3.5.2 作为债务产生的货币可分析为以下可分离的组成部分:资产、负债和储备金。这些组成部分的可分离性在于它们可以在不同的当事人之间流通。资产是对价值的承诺;负债是提供价值的义务;准备金是保证价值的证券。储备通常也是资产,无论其形式是货币、财产还是资本。因此,在实践中,货币产生于允许三重划分的契约。货币是价值的承诺。然而,对于许诺者来说,这种许诺一文不值。充其量,归还一张胭脂红纸币意味着债务的赎回。因此,只有当承诺得到他人的信任并在此基础上产生价值时,货币作为承诺才具有价值。货币只存在于关系中。它由承诺组成:承诺的价值、对承诺的信任以及在信任基础上预付的价值。此外,承诺本身并不能产生信任。信任不是基于承诺本身,而是基于作为价值保证的准备金。资产、负债和储备金各自都表明了价值。准备金通常由银行持有;负债通常由贷款人持有;资产通常由目前拥有这笔钱的人持有。从另一个角度看,价值是由基于信任而接受货币的人以货物的形式预付的;价值是以货币的形式承诺给接受货币作为交换的人的;而以货币的形式表示的保留价值,则由银行准备金的存在和承担贷款的人的特定担保来保证。 ^(35){ }^{35}
It is important to understand that this complex of money is an imper- 重要的是要明白,这种复杂的金钱关系是必须的。
sonal social structure. The value of money does not inhere in the objective value promised by money; nor does the value of money inhere in the subjective trust inspired by the promise. While the value of money may derive from exchange value and trust and be expressed in exchange value and trust, the value of money depends on the social power of money itself. The question of the origins of the value and trust in money are of less significance than its ultimate orientation and destination. It matters little how money first acquired value. It matters only how money maintains and intensifies its value. Questions of origins, of the universal, and of the necessary are subordinate here to the transcendental power of a promise. The distinctive spiritual power of a promise is the object of a theology of money. 货币的价值不在于货币所承诺的客观价值,也不在于承诺所激发的主观信任。金钱的价值并不在于金钱所承诺的客观价值;金钱的价值也不在于承诺所激发的主观信任。虽然货币的价值可能源于交换价值和信任,并表现为交换价值和信任,但货币的价值取决于货币本身的社会力量。货币价值和信任的起源问题不如其最终的取向和归宿重要。货币最初是如何获得价值的并不重要。重要的是货币如何保持和强化其价值。在这里,起源、普遍性和必然性的问题都从属于承诺的超越性力量。承诺的独特精神力量是货币神学的目标。
In practice, money gains its value not from the promise alone, or from the existence of trust in the promise, but from the fact that value is advanced on the basis of such a promise, whether it is in fact trusted or otherwise. One does not have to believe in the value of money in order to seek it out and spend it; one merely has to believe that money will be acceptable in exchange. There are several reasons for using money in exchange that constitute the source of its value. If money promises an ability to participate in market society, it also threatens exclusion from access to capital for those who are unable to participate through lack of money. Any decision taken regarding trust in money is not taken independently of the decisions of others. To decide for money is to decide for the market; it is also to accept the reality of the presence of the market and the dangers of trying to ignore the opportunities provided by the market should they be accepted by others. Once decisions are taken to extend markets to new regions and sectors of social life, few resources are left to reconstruct social life in those regions and sectors apart from the market. The advance of monetary mediation is an irreversible process proceeding by imitation and its threat of exclusion. The advance of money is an entropic process, dispensing with prior obligations. Since money disperses the freedom and power of effective demand, it cannot be renounced without such freedom and power proving to be illusory. It is one thing to decide in the abstract whether the market offers an effective institution for organizing social cooperation in any particular circumstance; it is another thing to accept money that is offered. Decisions are made in practice by the acceptance of money, whatever one thinks about market relations as a whole. 在实践中,货币的价值不是仅仅来自于承诺,也不是来自于对承诺的信任,而是来自于在这种承诺的基础上价值的提升,无论这种承诺事实上是否被信任。一个人不一定要相信金钱的价值才会去寻找和使用它;他只需要相信金钱可以用来交换。在交换中使用金钱有几个原因构成了其价值的来源。如果说金钱保证了人们参与市场社会的能力,那么对于那些因为没有钱而无法参与市场社会的人来说,金钱也有可能使他们无法获得资本。任何关于信任货币的决定都不是独立于其他人的决定之外做出的。为金钱做决定就是为市场做决定;这也是接受市场存在的现实,以及试图忽视市场提供的机会(如果这些机会被其他人接受的话)所带来的危险。一旦决定将市场扩展到新的地区和社会生活的新领域,那么在这些地区和领域重建市场之外的社会生活的资源就所剩无几了。货币中介的进步是一个不可逆转的过程,它是通过模仿和排斥的威胁进行的。货币的发展是一个熵的过程,免除了先前的义务。由于货币分散了有效需求的自由和权力,如果不证明这种自由和权力是虚幻的,就无法放弃货币。抽象地决定市场在任何特定情况下是否提供了一个组织社会合作的有效机构是一回事;接受所提供的货币则是另一回事。 无论人们如何看待整个市场关系,实际上都是通过接受金钱来做出决定的。
The existence of money as such therefore imposes a peculiar dynamic 因此,货币本身的存在带来了一种特殊的动力
on market relations. Prices may rise and fall within local and finite markets in relation to supply and demand. Yet prices are also determined in relation to anticipation of future or external markets. This relation with the outside is comparable to a slope on which price fluctuations take place, always tending in a certain direction; it is comparable to the tendency for an increase in entropy. While the slope may reflect anticipation of future markets, its gradient is driven by the actual power of money. Money draws its value from the will to survive that is threatened by a lack of money; money draws its value from a desire for pleasure that is threatened by a lack of money; money draws its value from the promise of advances that can be made on the speculative anticipation of profits; money draws its value from its creation as debt and from the obligations it imposes to convert value into money to repay loans and interest. Money, as the principle of mediation that makes demands effective, demands that the creation, acquisition, maintenance, and investment of money take priority over all other demands. By all of these means, money becomes the supreme social force. 市场关系。在本地和有限的市场内,价格可能因供求关系而涨跌。然而,价格也是由对未来或外部市场的预期决定的。这种与外部的关系就好比价格波动的斜坡,总是朝着某个方向倾斜;这就好比熵增加的趋势。虽然斜率可能反映了对未来市场的预期,但其坡度却是由货币的实际力量所驱动的。货币的价值来源于生存意志,而生存意志又受到缺钱的威胁;货币的价值来源于享乐欲望,而享乐欲望又受到缺钱的威胁;货币的价值来源于对利润的投机性预期所带来的预付款承诺;货币的价值来源于其作为债务的产生,以及将价值转化为货币以偿还贷款和利息的义务。货币作为使需求有效的中介原则,要求货币的创造、获取、维持和投资优先于所有其他需求。通过所有这些手段,货币成为了最高的社会力量。
3.5.3 Money has the power to make demands effective. Demands, like all economic forces, have a dual nature. On the one hand, a demand is a demand for the realization of an objective, such as possession or consumption of some good or service. On the other hand, a demand is an expression of an evaluation. It is a demand for attention; a demand that the provision of a good or service is worth some socially validated time, labor, and resources. Just as demands remain private impulses within individuals until they can be made effective through money, evaluations remain private thoughts within individuals until they can come to expression or social recognition. Lacking money therefore is like lacking the opportunity to vote, to speak in public, or to publish. It is to lack an opportunity to offer one’s evaluations for acceptance as socially validated evaluations. 3.5.3 金钱具有使需求生效的力量。需求与所有经济力量一样,具有双重性质。一方面,需求是对实现目标的要求,如拥有或消费某种商品或服务。另一方面,需求是一种评价的表达。它是对关注的需求;是对提供某种商品或服务值得付出某种社会验证的时间、劳动和资源的需求。正如需求在通过金钱生效之前,仍然是个人的私人冲动一样,评价在得到表达或社会认可之前,仍然是个人的私人想法。因此,缺乏金钱就如同缺乏投票、公开演讲或出版的机会。这就等于没有机会将自己的评价作为社会认可的评价提供给他人接受。
The economic effect of money, that it prioritizes the making of profits over all other economic activities, has a similar political effect: it prioritizes the making of profits over all other political values. It may take a long time before other political values are conceded to the market. Once conceded by the deregulation of markets, however, the advance of the political power of money is almost irreversible. 货币的经济效应,即它将获取利润置于所有其他经济活动之上,具有类似的政治效应:它将获取利润置于所有其他政治价值之上。其他政治价值可能需要很长时间才能让位于市场。然而,一旦放松对市场的管制,金钱政治力量的进步几乎是不可逆转的。
Money makes a dual promise of freedom. Money promises the power to 金钱对自由做出了双重承诺。金钱承诺有能力
make one’s demands effective, liberating one from the constraints of natural and social obligation. Money also gives freedom to express one’s own evaluations, offering them for adoption as socially validated evaluations. In both cases, such freedoms are bought at a price: one is only freed from natural and social obligations if the obligations are fulfilled by others. One can have political influence on a society only if that influence is accepted by others. The more that society is mediated by the market, the more extensively are the evaluations made by those with wealth imposed on society as a whole, for the mediation of influence occurs through money. Moreover, since those who have wealth are often constrained to make profits and repay debts, the existence of debt imposes its own political requirements. The curious effect is that even the wealthy classes have little control over the value of values in a society based on the market, capitalism, and credit, for once freedom to act positively, expressing one’s evaluations as social forces, becomes constrained to acts of buying and selling, then such freedom has limited effects. One may, through wealth, gain freedom over one’s time. However, one has little command over social time as such, except insofar as society spends time providing one’s goods and services. One’s evaluations, expressed through purchases, remain simply one’s own evaluations; there is no reason for them to be adopted by others. They may even hold little significance for the individual, since the value of values is not grounded or recognized beyond the individual. One’s evaluations could easily be substituted for other choices, with little overall economic impact. Since the evaluations have so little weight, they are easily subjected to social manipulation through fashion and advertising. Frequent or large expenditures can be made for the lightest of reasons, not because these are “what the consumer wants,” but merely because the consumer has no basis for giving value to value, apart from the value of money. 金钱可以让人有效地提出自己的要求,让人从自然和社会义务的束缚中解放出来。金钱还能让人自由表达自己的评价,将其作为社会认可的评价供人采纳。在这两种情况下,这种自由都是有代价的:只有他人履行了自然和社会义务,人们才能从这些义务中解放出来。一个人只有在他人接受其影响的情况下,才能对社会产生政治影响。社会越是以市场为中介,拥有财富的人对整个社会的评价就越广泛,因为影响力的中介是通过金钱实现的。此外,由于拥有财富的人往往受制于盈利和偿还债务,债务的存在也提出了自身的政治要求。奇怪的是,在一个以市场、资本主义和信贷为基础的社会中,即使是富裕阶层也几乎无法控制价值观的价值,因为一旦积极行动、表达自己作为社会力量的评价的自由被限制在买卖行为中,那么这种自由的效果就会受到限制。一个人可以通过财富获得支配自己时间的自由。然而,一个人对社会时间本身几乎没有控制权,除非社会花费时间为他提供商品和服务。一个人通过购买所表达的评价仅仅是他自己的评价,没有理由被其他人采纳。对个人而言,这些评价甚至可能没有什么意义,因为价值的基础或认可并不在个人之外。一个人的评价很容易被其他选择所替代,对整体经济影响不大。 由于评价的分量太轻,它们很容易受到时尚和广告的社会操纵。频繁或大量的消费可能是出于最轻微的原因,并不是因为这些是 "消费者想要的",而仅仅是因为除了金钱的价值之外,消费者没有赋予价值以价值的基础。
It is a paradox, then, that the utopia of freedom achieved in a wealthy capitalist society offers very little effective freedom. Everyone may wish to impose his or her evaluations on others, or prove how valuable his or her evaluations really are, but few can achieve this effect. Just as the one who is formally free but has no money has little effective power of action, the one who has money but no socially validated evaluations has little power of expression. Everyone may wish to be famous - to be an actor, a writer, an artist, or a musician - but few can find a sufficient audience. Even the 因此,富裕的资本主义社会所实现的自由乌托邦所提供的有效自由少之又少,这是一个悖论。每个人都可能希望把自己的评价强加于人,或者证明自己的评价到底有多大价值,但很少有人能达到这种效果。就像一个形式上自由但没有钱的人没有什么有效的行动力一样,一个有钱但没有社会认可的评价的人也没有什么表达力。每个人都可能希望成名,成为演员、作家、艺术家或音乐家,但很少有人能找到足够的听众。即使是
audiences that can be found may simply seek distraction rather than an engagement with the value of values. If money facilitates a social order composed of sovereign individuals, then there are no subjects. There can be little agreement on the value of values beyond the creation of wealth. Economic freedom excludes the possibility of constructing a shared ground for shared evaluations. It excludes the possibility of genuine social activity. While such social activity can continue through public discourse and inquiry, it is limited in power if it is not supported by money. Indeed, if such public evaluations are limited in power, they will command less acceptance, since it makes little difference whether they are accepted or not. 可以找到的受众可能只是寻求分散注意力,而不是参与到价值观的价值中来。如果金钱促进了由主权个体组成的社会秩序,那么就不存在主体。除了创造财富之外,人们几乎不可能就价值观的价值达成一致。经济自由排除了构建共同评价基础的可能性。它排除了真正社会活动的可能性。虽然这种社会活动可以通过公共讨论和调查继续进行,但如果没有金钱的支持,其力量是有限的。事实上,如果这种公共评价的力量有限,那么它们的接受程度就会降低,因为它们是否被接受并没有什么区别。
Economic freedom is deeply constraining. What is lost is a certain depth of human communication, a collective inquiry into the value of evaluations as such. For value is not an object to be appropriated or possessed; an evaluation is not simply held like an opinion. Value only becomes valued in relation. A matter must matter to someone. Money promises value and freedom, yet it delivers an absence of value and an absence of freedom. The promise offered by money is fundamentally false and deceptive. Yet the structure of money reveals the social structure of promise as such. It reveals a structure for collective evaluation. It reveals an ecology of credit. 经济自由具有深刻的制约性。失去的是人类交流的某种深度,是对评价本身价值的集体探究。因为价值并不是一个可以占有或拥有的物品;评价并不像意见那样被简单地持有。价值只有在关系中才变得有价值。一件事必须对某个人重要。金钱承诺价值和自由,但它带来的却是价值的缺失和自由的缺失。金钱的承诺从根本上说是虚假的、欺骗性的。然而,金钱的结构揭示了承诺的社会结构。它揭示了一种集体评价的结构。它揭示了一种信用生态。
Four 四个
4.1.1 MONEY, AN INSTRUMENT of exchange, is inseparable from the institution of the market, for money holds value only in markets where it may be exchanged. Conversely, markets enabling free exchange are only possible where money is present. Where the behavior of participants in a market who seek to accumulate wealth can be assessed by economics in the quantitative terms of exchange value, the relations of power that occur in the market have to be assessed in qualitative terms by political economy. For, as Adam Smith noted, “Wealth, as Mr. Hobbes says, is power.” Money gives “a certain command over all the labour, or over all the produce of labour, which is then in the market.” ^(1){ }^{1} It is a question of determining the relations of power that are expressed through the institution of the market, and so through money. 4.1.1 作为交换工具的货币与市场制度密不可分,因为货币只有在可以交换的市场中才具有价 值。反过来说,只有在货币存在的情况下,市场才能实现自由交换。经济学可以从交换价值的量的角度来评估市场参与者积累财富的行为,而政治经济学则必须从质的角度来评估市场中发生的权力关系。因为,正如亚当-斯密所指出的,"正如霍布斯先生所说,财富就是权力"。货币使 "市场上的所有劳动或所有劳动产品具有某种支配权"。 ^(1){ }^{1} 这是一个确定权力关系的问题,这种权力关系通过市场制度,因此也通过货币表现出来。
A person who trades in a market may be characterized by three essential features: a person is an owner of goods that may be exchanged; a person is an owner of labor that may be contracted; and a person is a free agent capable of entering into voluntary exchanges and contracts. Since all have the same freedom of voluntary contracting, and the same obligations to honor contracts and to respect property, all people may be regarded as equal in the marketplace. This egalitarian distribution of a purely formal power corresponds to the formal distribution of political power in a democracy, even if it is in practice compatible with dictatorship. For if all participants have an equal power in respect of form, then any differences between them in regard to property, networks, or ability to make profits appear to be purely economic. Such an economic perspective on the market 在市场上交易的人有三个基本特征:一个人是可以交换的商品的所有者;一个人是可以签约的劳动力的所有者;一个人是能够自愿进行交换和签约的自由人。由于所有人都有同样的自愿订立契约的自由,也有同样的履行契约和尊重财产的义务,因此可以认为所有人在市场上都是平等的。这种纯粹形式上的权力平等分配,与民主制度中政治权力的形式分配是一致的,即使它在实践中与独裁相容。因为,如果所有参与者在形式上拥有平等的权力,那么他们之间在财产、网络或获利能力方面的任何差异似乎都是纯粹的经济差异。这种市场经济观点
excludes considerations of power in advance because they are not represented in the market. ^(2){ }^{2} 事先排除了对权力的考虑,因为它们在市场中没有体现。 ^(2){ }^{2}
Nevertheless, the same person, before he or she arrives in the market and after he or she leaves it, may be characterized by three contrasting features: in contrast to nominal ownership of property, a person is dependent on relations with his or her material environment for location, shelter, sustenance, and enjoyment; in contrast to ownership of labor, a person is subject to birth, maturation, illness, and death, and so required to undergo physical processes over which he or she has no control; and in contrast to the freedom to enter into contracts, a person has a set of dependencies and mutual obligations to others, especially parents, children, relatives, companions, educators, and all others connected in a web of relations not mediated by exchange. 然而,同一个人在进入市场之前和离开市场之后,可能会有三个截然不同的特征:与名义上的财产所有权不同,一个人依赖于与物质环境的关系来获得位置、住所、食物和享受;与劳动力所有权不同,一个人受制于出生、成熟、疾病和死亡,因此需要经历他或她无法控制的生理过程;与签订合同的自由不同,一个人对他人,尤其是父母、子女、亲戚、同伴、教育者以及所有其他在非交换中介关系网中的人,具有一系列依赖关系和相互义务。
Yet it is not simply the case that the concept of the free agent in the market is an abstraction. Such freedom does indeed exist, at least temporarily or insofar as the market is able to provide sustenance, health, and companionship via the mediation of exchange. The person who can achieve this for a temporary period, who effectively dwells within the marketplace normally a wealthy adult male as the model for the person-is conceived within the social institution as a bearer of rights. This concept of the person as a bearer of rights is an abstraction that coexists with such people and takes their mode of existence as the norm, for it is by right that one claims the benefits accrued through exchange. In an act of exchange, property is alienated from one party and appropriated by another. One party renounces any ongoing rights of use over the property; the other makes a claim to use and dispose of property at will. Founded on private property, the market is an institution in which claims are made or transferred. The physical movement of resources does not compose a market. Instead, the market is purely ideal. It is an institution that records the claims that overlie the physical distribution of resources, including habitual practices of labor, usage, and consumption, as well as physical relations of theft, giving, violence, and exchange. The market is a social practice of representation. It represents not all physical processes, however, but merely the legitimate claims made by people who participate in the market that are expressed in explicit or implicit contracts. Such claims and property rights come after the fact. They do not determine the distribution of property but merely en- 然而,市场中自由主体的概念并非只是一个抽象概念。这种自由确实存在,至少是暂时存在,或者说,只要市场能够通过交换的中介提供食物、健康和陪伴。能够暂时做到这一点的人,通常以富有的成年男性作为人的典范,实际上就居住在市场中,在社会制度中被视为权利的享有者。这种作为权利享有者的人的概念是一种抽象概念,它与这些人共存,并以他们的生存方式为准则,因为一个人有权要求通过交换所获得的利益。在交换行为中,财产从一方转让出去,被另一方占有。一方放弃对财产的任何持续使用权;另一方则要求随意使用和处置财产。市场建立在私有财产的基础上,是一种提出或转让要求的机构。资源的实际流动并不构成市场。相反,市场是纯粹理想的。它是一种制度,记录了作为资源实际分配基础的权利要求,包括劳动、使用和消费的习惯做法,以及盗窃、给予、暴力和交换的实际关系。市场是一种表征的社会实践。然而,它所代表的并不是所有的物理过程,而仅仅是参与市场的人们通过明示或暗示的契约所提出的合法要求。这些要求和产权是事后产生的。它们并不决定财产的分配,而只是使
sure that the prevailing distribution, which has been achieved by whatever physical means, is granted the force of law. 确保通过任何物理手段实现的普遍分配具有法律效力。
In the market, then, all people are equal before the law. Their legitimate claims to property are granted an equal right. Yet if the market is purely an institution of representation, nothing actually happens in the market. All significant events, including political relations of force, happen elsewhere. This is not to say that the market has no effect on what happens. On the contrary, the presence of the market is determining in the last instance. This is because the market appeals to the threat of sovereign power to enforce contracts and to safeguard property. Private property has a purely social or public significance. Claims to property are valid only to the extent that they are generally recognized by others. Property requires the institution of sovereignty to sanction the right of possession. There can be no right to property without public sovereignty. ^(3){ }^{3} Similarly, there can be no right to dispose of property without the public institution of the market through which it is exchanged and claimed. Thus, there is no right to dispose of property (as distinct from usage of property) without money or some substitute for money in the form of credit or contract. 因此,在市场中,法律面前人人平等。他们对财产的合法要求被赋予了平等的权利。然而,如果市场纯粹是一种代表制度,那么在市场中实际上什么也不会发生。所有重大事件,包括政治力量关系,都发生在别处。这并不是说市场对所发生的事情没有影响。相反,市场的存在最终起着决定性作用。这是因为市场借助主权权力的威胁来执行契约和保护财产。私有财产具有纯粹的社会或公共意义。对财产的要求只有在得到他人普遍承认的情况下才是有效的。财产需要主权制度来认可占有权。没有公共主权,就不可能有财产权。 ^(3){ }^{3} 同样,没有交换和索取财产的市场这一公共制度,就不可能有处置财产的权利。因此,没有货币或以信用或契约形式存在的货币替代物,就没有处置财产(有别于财产的使用)的权利。
Sovereign force safeguards claims to property. If the market is the institution in which claims to property are respected as rights, then markets are inseparable from the sovereign threat of the use of force. The difference between interactions outside the market and those within the market is that within the market the person asserts a claim to safeguard property by appealing to the sovereign power. In other words, rights are claimed within a market by the threat of violence. A market is a social institution that constitutes itself by means of the threat of violence. One enters into the market by internalizing this threat of violence, accepting that any improper claim for the property of others may be met by force. ^(4){ }^{4} Once within the market, the community of those who respect private property, one is in a peaceable community where relations of trust are possible. Such trust, expressed in credit and in willingness to enter into contracts, is founded on the threat of violence. 主权武力保障对财产的要求。如果说市场是使财产权利要求作为权利得到尊重的机构,那么市场就与使用武力的主权威胁密不可分。市场外的互动与市场内的互动的区别在于,在市场内,人们通过诉诸主权权力来主张保护财产的权利。换句话说,在市场内,权利是通过暴力威胁来主张的。市场是一种以暴力威胁为手段的社会制度。一个人进入市场,就是将这种暴力威胁内化,接受任何对他人财产的不当要求都可能以武力来满足的事实。 ^(4){ }^{4} 一旦进入市场这个尊重私有财产的社会,人们就进入了一个和平的社会,在这里,信任关系成为可能。这种信任表现为信用和签订契约的意愿,它建立在暴力威胁的基础之上。
4.1.2 The market as an institution sustains a range of different relations with external and heterogeneous social formations. In the first place, people in the market - and thus markets as a whole - are sustained by material, 4.1.2 市场作为一种制度,与外部的各种社会形态之间存在着一系列不同的关系。首先,市场中的人,乃至整个市场,都是靠物质来维系的、
personal, and social dependencies. Because they are relations rather than properties, and because the person has no freedom to transfer or dispose of them (as opposed to abandoning them), such dependencies cannot be represented as rights within the market. Such dependencies, since they cannot be enforced as rights, are not represented at all. The market only represents the sphere of human agency and control; people exist in the market only to the extent that they have some mastery over their relations. A market society is composed of a set of sovereign individuals who are owners of property. It simply disavows or fails to nourish other relations and dependencies. ^(5){ }^{5} Such relations and dependencies, then, can be maintained only by the effective demands of those who trade within the market, should they happen to be conscious of them. 个人依赖和社会依赖。因为它们是关系而不是财产,因为个人没有转让或处置它们的自由(相对于放弃它们而言),所以这种依赖性在市场中不能表现为权利。这种依附关系既然不能作为权利来实施,就根本不存在。市场只代表人的能动性和控制范围;人们在市场中的存在,只是在一定程度上掌握了他们之间的关系。市场社会是由一系列主权个人组成的,他们是财产的所有者。它只是放弃或未能滋养其他关系和依赖关系。 ^(5){ }^{5} 那么,这些关系和依存关系就只能通过在市场中进行交易的人的有效要求来维持,如果他们恰好意识到了这些要求的话。
In the second place, there are social institutions beyond the market that limit the freedom of people to dispose of their property as they please, that make demands on a person’s time and labor, or that impose non-voluntary obligations and contracts. These may take forms as diverse as local indigenous communities, imperial formations, socialist dictatorships, or religious traditions. Historically, capitalist market society constructed itself in opposition to an increasingly powerful monarchy whose wealth rested on the capacity to restrict and charter trade. ^(6){ }^{6} As a consequence, any social claims that limit property rights are treated within the market as a tyrannical infringement on liberty. They directly conflict with the market and its conception of justice insofar as they challenge the absolute right of the individual (or corporation) as owner of property, labor, and freedom to make contracts. The market tends to be opposed to these in principle insofar as they restrict abstract freedom, and it consequently claims the right to call on its sovereign power to make war on such social institutions as enemies of freedom, democracy, right, peace, and justice, should it seem advantageous to do so. ^(7){ }^{7} By contrast, the market has no opposition to dictatorships that respects the rights of property and trade because it requires a strong state. 其次,在市场之外还有一些社会制度,它们限制人们随意处置财产的自由,对个人的时间和劳动提出要求,或强加非自愿的义务和契约。这些制度的形式可能多种多样,如当地土著社区、帝国体制、社会主义独裁政权或宗教传统。从历史上看,资本主义市场社会是与日益强大的君主政体相对立的,君主政体的财富依赖于限制和特许贸易的能力。 ^(6){ }^{6} 因此,在市场中,任何限制产权的社会主张都被视为对自由的专制侵犯。它们直接与市场及其正义观相冲突,因为它们挑战了个人(或公司)作为财产、劳动力和契约自由所有者的绝对权利。市场倾向于在原则上反对这些限制抽象自由的制度,因此,如果认为这样做有利,它有权动用自己的主权力量,向这些与自由、民主、权利、和平和正义为敌的社会制度开战。 ^(7){ }^{7} 相比之下,市场并不反对尊重财产权和贸易权的独裁政权,因为这需要一个强大的国家。
In the third place, the essence of market exchange involves the transfer of rights over property and labor. If each individual within the market is at once sovereign over his or her property and labor yet also capable of freely entering into contracts, then in contracting one transfers that sovereignty and right to another in a specified respect. Individual rights do not exist by themselves in isolation. They are only claimed insofar as they are capable of 第三,市场交换的本质是财产权和劳动权的转移。如果市场中的每个人既对自己的财产和劳动拥有主权,又能够自由地签订合同,那么在签订合同时,一个人就在特定方面将主权和权利转让给了另一个人。个人权利本身并不是孤立存在的。个人权利只有在他们能够
being transferred. The social institution of the market is inseparable from other social relations such as contract, employment, and debt in which freedom over property, products, and labor is suspended and sovereignty over the property, products, and labor of others is claimed. The social situation of free, sovereign individuals has to be supplemented in practice with social relations of command. Alongside the equality of the market there is necessarily the inequality of debt, contract, and employment. These may involve despotic relations of command that are indistinguishable from those regarded as the antithesis of freedom and democracy. The market does not make war on these commands because such rights are established through market exchange itself. The market is thus not opposed to despotism in principle and even depends on and sanctions despotism. Indeed, freedom does not exist without its suspension in the form of contract. All that is required is that rights should be publicly represented according to a due process. 被转让。市场的社会制度与其他社会关系密不可分,如合同、雇佣和债务,在这些关系中,财产、产品和劳动的自由被中止,而对他人的财产、产品和劳动的主权被要求。在实践中,自由、主权个人的社会状况必须辅之以命令式的社会关系。在市场平等的同时,必然存在债务、契约和雇佣的不平等。这些可能涉及专制的命令关系,与那些被视为自由和民主对立面的命令关系毫无区别。市场不会向这些命令宣战,因为这些权利是通过市场交换本身确立的。因此,市场原则上并不反对专制主义,甚至依赖于专制主义,并对专制主义进行制裁。事实上,没有契约形式的中止,自由就不存在。所需要的只是权利应按照正当程序公开体现。
In the fourth place, rights are claimed within the marketplace by acts of appropriation. One may attempt to appropriate the property of others by theft or fraud. In such cases, it is necessary for society to defend the prior right. Yet where no preceding claims exist - that is, where no preceding claims are lodged by recognized recording procedures within the market - then one may attempt to appropriate property by claiming a right through, for example, discovery, invention, or construction. If there are no prior claims or acknowledged rights, then there is no reason to reject claims to appropriate property. It is property rather than money that is created ex nihilo. ^(8){ }^{8} This has significant implications for relations with non-market societies. Since the social institution of the market recognizes only claims that are lodged within its procedures of recording, then it recognizes no right beyond its own. Moreover, any resistance to acknowledged rights has to be regarded as theft and opposed with violence. The social institution of the market, recognizing no rights but its own, is geared toward universal colonization in the name of property, freedom, and democracy. ^(9){ }^{9} By means of the appropriation of rights to the means of subsistence, those who are newly incorporated as people in the market have no choice but to reconstruct their lives around market exchange. To survive, they have to take the best opportunities available to them in the market. Such opportunities usually involve a transfer of rights to their property and labor to others. 第四,通过侵占行为在市场上主张权利。一个人可能试图通过盗窃或欺诈来侵占他人的财产。在这种情况下,社会有必要捍卫在先权利。然而,如果不存在在先权利要求,即市场上没有通过公认的记录程序提出在先权利要求,那么人们就可以通过发现、发明或建造等方式提出权利要求,试图侵占财产。如果没有先前的权利要求或公认的权利,那么就没有理由拒绝占有财产的要求。从无到有创造的是财产而不是金钱。 ^(8){ }^{8} 这对与非市场社会的关系有重大影响。既然市场的社会制度只承认在其记录程序中提出的要求,那么它就不承认任何超出其自身范围的权利。此外,任何对公认权利的抵制都会被视为盗窃,并遭到暴力对抗。市场的社会制度只承认自己的权利,不承认任何其他权利,它以财产、自由和民主为名,向着普遍殖民的方向发展。 ^(9){ }^{9} 通过对生存手段权利的侵占,那些新融入市场的人别无选择,只能围绕市场交换重建自己的生活。为了生存,他们必须抓住市场上最好的机会。这些机会通常涉及将自己的财产权和劳动权转让给他人。
Impelled by the need for survival, they are no longer able to negotiate terms and have to accept whatever is offered. The theft and exploitation of property and labor is rendered legitimate when it is voluntarily contracted. It is voluntarily contracted when accompanied by the threat of starvation. 在生存需要的驱使下,他们再也无法就条件进行谈判,只能接受任何提议。对财产和劳动力的盗窃和剥削,在自愿签约的情况下才是合法的。在饥饿的威胁下,盗窃和剥削才是自愿的。
The market appears to be a peaceable social institution founded on justice. It recognizes the right of all participants to freedom and property. It mediates potential conflicts between its members by law, contract, and exchange. ^(10){ }^{10} Yet people maintain their status as participants in the market only to the extent that they acknowledge the sovereignty of the market system. They become free in the market by renouncing the freedom to form any social institution that has a superior claim to that of the rights of property and submission to contracts. The market is a despotic social institution founded on violence. Since such violence is enacted in the name of peace and justice, its effects are unlimited, for the market recognizes no countervailing claims. The market proclaims a total and universal war. ^(11){ }^{11} Where other forms of conflict are often finite, acknowledging the right and power of the enemy, the market acknowledges no conflicting rights. The market can aim at total annihilation of conflicting social formations. The sovereign states that safeguard the market justify themselves in inflicting unlimited violence on their enemies in the name of the freedom, democracy, and progress that they may establish in place of existing social formations. 市场似乎是一种建立在正义基础上的和平的社会制度。它承认所有参与者的自由权和财产权。它通过法律、契约和交换来调解成员之间的潜在冲突。 ^(10){ }^{10} 然而,人们只有在承认市场体系主权的前提下,才能保持其市场参与者的地位。他们在市场中获得了自由,因为他们放弃了组建任何社会机构的自由,而这些机构的权利高于财产权和服从契约的权利。市场是建立在暴力基础上的专制社会制度。由于这种暴力是以和平与正义的名义实施的,它的影响是无限的,因为市场不承认任何对抗性要求。市场宣告了一场全面而普遍的战争。 ^(11){ }^{11} 其他形式的冲突往往是有限的,承认敌人的权利和力量,而市场不承认相互冲突的权利。市场的目标是彻底消灭相互冲突的社会形态。维护市场的主权国家可以以自由、民主和进步的名义,对敌人施以无限的暴力,以取代现有的社会形态。
The absolute claims of rights in the market transform a system of balance, measure, and justice - when considered purely in terms of the market’s internal relations - into its dialectical opposite: an absolute system of total war. Yet physical violence is not the sole strategy of negation pursued by the market. Disavowal of dependence, suspension of freedom when submitted to contract, and appropriation are the daily strategies of negation pursued in practice by the market system. The freedom of exchange and contracting forms a very limited segment of social life within the market system as a whole at the same time that it is the only segment that is represented positively. What is truly significant, however, is the extent to which the market monopolizes strategies of representation, for any representation of alternatives tends to be written to advise free, sovereign subjects on voluntary courses of action. The conception of the human person prevalent within the social institution of the market has already been conceded. Such a representation has to compete directly with the advantages promised to the individual by accumulation of wealth through the market. 纯粹从市场内部关系的角度来看,市场对权利的绝对诉求将一个平衡、度量和正义的体系转化为其辩证的对立面:一个全面战争的绝对体系。然而,肉体暴力并不是市场唯一的否定策略。不承认依赖性、在服从契约时中止自由以及占有,是市场体系在实践中追求的日常否定策略。在整个市场体系中,交换和契约自由是社会生活中非常有限的一部分,同时也是唯一被正面表述的部分。然而,真正重要的是,市场在多大程度上垄断了表征策略,因为任何替代方案的表征往往都是为了给自由、主权的主体提供自愿行动的建议。在市场社会制度中盛行的人的概念已经得到承认。这种表征必须与通过市场积累财富给个人带来的好处直接竞争。
It is easy to protest against the tyranny of the market, which at once safeguards the liberty of those with property while imposing extortion and violence on those without. For the market defends people insofar as they conform to the abstract conception of a person as an owner of goods, labor, and freedom while ignoring, destroying, or appropriating people insofar as they have physical and social dependencies. Protest alone, however, is insufficient, because insofar as the institution of the market exists, it holds out the promise of opportunities to acquire wealth. By means of exchange, it offers an unparalleled promise of freedom and prosperity to each individual. Money does not merely create markets. It calls individuals out of prior social institutions and dependencies by promising their hearts’ own desire. The power of money is spiritual, not purely social. It calls individuals into the state of subjectivity of the one who participates in the market; it calls them out to be individuals, characterized by violent claims to property, the self-discipline of labor, and enjoyment of freedom and prosperity. It is not sufficient, therefore, to point out the destructive effects of market society and to advise people to return to local or traditional economic activities, for the blessings of enhanced productivity and prosperity available to individuals through the market can always be contraposed to the curses and limitations of traditional life. The morality of the market will always prove more attractive to those who stand to benefit from it than other bases for morality. The theology of money, with its promises, its narcissistic selfpositing as the supreme standard and measure of value, its speculative detachment from current conditions, and its despotic power expressed in debt, can be transformed only by a stronger spiritual power. 对市场的暴政提出抗议是很容易的,因为它既维护有财产者的自由,又对无财产者实施勒索和暴力。因为只要人符合抽象概念,即人是商品、劳动和自由的所有者,市场就会保护人,而只要人有物质和社会依赖性,市场就会忽视、摧毁或侵占人。然而,仅有抗议是不够的,因为只要市场制度存在,它就承诺提供获取财富的机会。通过交换,它为每个人提供了无与伦比的自由和繁荣的承诺。货币不仅仅创造了市场。它通过承诺个人内心的愿望,将个人从先前的社会制度和依赖中召唤出来。金钱的力量是精神性的,而非纯粹的社会性。它召唤个人进入市场参与者的主体性状态;它召唤他们成为个人,以对财产的暴力要求、劳动的自律以及享受自由和繁荣为特征。因此,仅仅指出市场社会的破坏性影响和建议人们回归当地或传统的经济活动是不够的,因为个人通过市场获得的提高生产力和繁荣的好处总是可以与传统生活的诅咒和限制相对比的。对于那些从中获益的人来说,市场道德总是比其他道德基础更具吸引力。 只有更强大的精神力量才能改变金钱神学,它的承诺,它自恋地自我标榜为价值的最高标准和衡量标准,它的投机性脱离当前条件,它的专制力量表现为债务。
The strategies of negation pursued by anti-market or anti-globalization politics rarely take this course. The strategy of disavowal or forgetting, which recommends that we leave the market behind, merely reproduces the strategy of alienation by which people are abstracted to become agents in the market. For such a strategy is recommended as a voluntary and collective choice, as if we did not already live in relations of material and social dependence on the market and as if that dependence could simply be disavowed. It depends on the market conception of sovereign freedom, even if rendered in a collective form, that supposes we are free to choose how to determine our lives. 反市场或反全球化政治所奉行的否定策略很少采取这种方式。建议我们抛开市场的否定或遗忘战略,只是再现了将人抽象为市场中的代理人的异化战略。因为这种策略是作为一种自愿和集体的选择而被推荐的,就好像我们并没有生活在对市场的物质和社会依赖关系中,就好像这种依赖关系可以被简单地放弃。它依赖于主权自由的市场概念,即使是以集体的形式呈现,也假定我们可以自由选择如何决定自己的生活。
By contrast, the strategy of direct, violent confrontation in the name of an alternative social institution and practice appeals to imperial conquest, 相比之下,以另一种社会制度和实践的名义进行直接暴力对抗的策略则诉诸于帝国征服、
a strategy that has been subsumed into the sovereignty of the market institution. Success in such imperial adventures depends on military power, and military power itself depends on wealth, obtained through appropriation, accumulation, and exchange. It is difficult to conceive of amassing a superior power for military confrontation with the forces underlying globalization, even if one could gather a superior power in terms of numbers. 这一战略已被纳入市场体制的主权之中。这种帝国冒险的成功取决于军事实力,而军事实力本身取决于通过占有、积累和交换获得的财富。我们很难想象能够集结优势兵力与全球化的基础力量进行军事对抗,即使我们能够在数量上集结优势兵力。
The strategy of renewed legislation limiting the power of capital and ensuring human rights reproduces the claims to sovereignty made within market society. Such sovereign power gains its strength from the will of the people. Yet the question of how the will of the people is formed remains to be determined. It may not be sufficient to appeal to reason and call on truth and justice if other, more partial truths and other justices may easily be propagated and gain the upper hand. The option of sovereign legislation presupposes that sovereign action remains possible despite the threat of capital flight. It also assumes that the formation of public consciousness on the basis of truth and justice remains possible, given the capitalist domination of the media and educational institutions. 限制资本权力和确保人权的新立法战略再现了市场社会对主权的诉求。这种主权的力量来自人民的意志。然而,人民意志如何形成的问题仍有待确定。如果其他更片面的真理和其他正义很容易得到传播并占据上风,那么诉诸理性、呼唤真理和正义可能是不够的。选择主权立法的前提是,尽管面临资本外逃的威胁,主权行动仍然是可能的。它还假定,在媒体和教育机构受到资本主义统治的情况下,在真理和正义的基础上形成公众意识仍然是可能的。
4.1.3 If the market is a recording of the social order, it is a recording that is rather partial. The social order appears as a collection of sovereign individuals, each with a determinate set of property claims. A snapshot can be taken of society as a whole, where each is possessed of a determinate degree of wealth. Society appears to be an atomized collection of sovereign individuals. After exchanges have taken place, there is a different distribution of property, yet society remains represented as a set of property claims. 4.1.3 如果说市场是对社会秩序的记录,那么这种记录是片面的。社会秩序表现为主权个人的集合,每个人都有一套确定的财产要求。我们可以把社会作为一个整体来看待,每个人都拥有一定程度的财富。社会似乎是主权个体的原子化集合。在进行交换之后,财产的分配会有所不同,但社会仍然表现为一组财产要求权。
The absoluteness of such a conception, including its claims to property, results from its atemporality. At the same time that it is a set of property rights, the market enables a complex division of labor and a ramified network of interdependencies. Beneath the atemporal and synchronic recording of private property, the productive activity of land, labor, capital, and contract takes place. Such diachronic activity, the source of all wealth, cannot be recorded directly in the atemporal form of property and prices. Its value can merely be estimated and discounted, not recorded. Social relations that are eliminated by the atemporal form of private property based on the threat of violence reemerge into experience as soon as production is considered. 这种概念的绝对性,包括其对财产的要求,源于它的时空性。市场既是一组产权,同时也促成了复杂的劳动分工和相互依存的复杂网络。在私有财产的时空同步记录之下,土地、劳动、资本和契约的生产活动正在进行。这种非同步活动是所有财富的源泉,但却无法直接以财产和价格的时空形式记录下来。它的价值只能被估算和折现,而不能被记录。以暴力威胁为基础的私有财产的时空形式所消除的社会关系,只要考虑到生产,就会重新出现在经验中。
The notion of a market or a market society is therefore an atemporal 因此,市场或市场社会的概念是一个时空概念。
abstraction. It imagines society in abstraction from all social relations apart from respect for claims to property and threats to enforce such claims. In practice, economic society is never composed simply of a market. It cannot be reduced to exchange. ^(12){ }^{12} Alongside the exchange of property there is also the payment of rent for land, the payment of wages for labor, the payment of interest for money capital, and the payment of taxes. Such relations are not simple, instantaneous exchanges but contracts that have enduring force. Economic society is not simply a network of exchanges; it is not a market. Economic society is composed of a network of enduring contracts. The primary object of political economy, therefore, should not be the distribution of property and productive resources but the resolution of social forces in the form of contracts. Moreover, the temporal nature and function of money is obscured when it is analyzed in terms of exchange. The function of money as a medium of exchange derives from its function as a facilitator of contracts (a standard for deferred payments). Since the market is a form of recording, contract, not physical exchange, is the primary phenomenon. ^(13){ }^{13} The political economy of money must be deduced from its role in contracts rather than its role in exchange. 抽象。它所想象的社会是一个抽象的社会,除了对财产要求的尊重和对实施这些要求的威胁之外,没有任何社会关系。实际上,经济社会从来都不是由市场构成的。它不能简化为交换。 ^(12){ }^{12} 除了财产交换,还有土地租金的支付、劳动力工资的支付、货币资本利息的支付和税收的支付。这些关系不是简单的、瞬时的交换,而是具有持久效力的契约。经济社会不是一个简单的交换网络,也不是一个市场。经济社会是由持久契约网络组成的。因此,政治经济学的主要目标不应该是财产和生产资源的分配,而应该是以契约的形式解决社会力量的问题。此外,如果从交换的角度来分析,货币的时间性和功能就会被掩盖。货币作为交换媒介的功能源于其作为契约促进者的功能(延期付款的标准)。由于市场是一种记录形式,因此契约而非实物交换才是主要现象。 ^(13){ }^{13} 货币的政治经济学必须从它在契约中的作用而不是在交换中的作用中推导出来。
4.1.4 Property may be explained in terms of contract rather than contract in terms of property. Private property is an implicit contract for possession and exclusion agreed between consenting parties. Such contracts are highly selective in their form of representation. While they are usually agreed between two parties, the outcome of the contract may have significant implications for others, for the physical environment, and even for the social environment. Property is a contract for rights without obligations. The property is a passive, silent partner in the contract, unable to assert its rights, needs, or power. This is especially evident when the property in question is a slave, an animal, or the labor of a woman to be employed for domestic or sexual services or where the precise nature of the labor required is not fully specified by the contract. In practice, the contract is drawn up by consenting parties under the tacit agreement that force should be used to render the object of exchange passive. A contract is rarely simply between two parties. The remaining members of society remain silent witnesses to the contract, tacitly agreeing that the parties should be undisturbed in their right to dispose of their property. 4.1.4 财产可以用合同来解释,而不是用财产来解释合同。私有财产是双方同意的占有和排除契约。这种契约在表现形式上具有很强的选择性。虽然它们通常是在双方之间达成的,但契约的结果可能会对其他人、自然环境甚至社会环境产生重大影响。财产是一种没有义务的权利契约。财产在契约中是被动的、沉默的伙伴,无法主张自己的权利、需求或权力。当有关财产是奴隶、动物或妇女受雇从事家政或性服务的劳动时,或者当合同没有完全明确规定所需劳动的确切性质时,这一点尤为明显。在实践中,合同是在双方同意使用武力使交换对象处于被动地位的默契下订立的。契约很少只是双方之间的事。社会的其他成员仍然是契约的沉默见证人,默许双方处置其财产的权利不受干扰。
Market transactions form a public record of such exchanges. The prop- 市场交易构成了此类交换的公开记录。道具
erty is simply designated. Its wider significance, its conditions for production and subsistence, its power, and its will are not represented in the contract. In practice, should these conflict with the will of the owner, there is a tacit agreement that they may be suppressed by the owner or by society on behalf of the owner. Sovereignty over property amounts to this. Market transactions, far from determining a just distribution, are necessarily partial; they consider only the respective claims of the consenting parties. Moreover, society as a whole is complicit with such injustice. Dissenting voices are suppressed. Private property is a contract consisting of rights without obligations that is extorted by force or the threat of force. Similarly, exchanges of property are contractual agreements to deliver property at a specified time and place. All exchanges are forms of contract. Yet not all contracts are forms of reciprocal exchange. As the example of property makes clear, rights may exist without obligations. Numerous parties are affected by each exchange, yet not all of these parties are represented in the exchange. 财产只是被指定的。其更广泛的意义、其生产和生存条件、其权力和意愿在契约中都没有体现。在实践中,如果这些与所有者的意愿相冲突,则存在一种默契,即所有者或代表所有者的社会可以压制这些意愿。这就是财产主权。市场交易远不能决定公正的分配,它必然是片面的;它只考虑同意的各方各自的要求。此外,整个社会都与这种不公正同流合污。不同的声音受到压制。私有财产是由权利和义务组成的契约,是通过武力或武力威胁勒索来实现的。同样,财产交换也是在指定时间和地点交付财产的契约协议。所有交换都是契约的形式。然而,并非所有契约都是对等交换的形式。正如财产的例子所表明的那样,权利可以在没有义务的情况下存在。每次交换都会影响到许多方面,但并非所有方面都参与交换。
4.1.5 Money, likewise, is an implicit contract rather than a commodity. Like a title to property, money is a mere token of value. The social contract of market society involves a willingness to accept money in payment based on the confidence that others will also accept it in payment. Money is a form of transferable and implicit contract whose value rests on a determinate set of other contracts. Contracts have an effect on the distribution of physical capital, the activity of labor, and the availability and use of constructive capital. Contracts underwrite social cooperation. 4.1.5 同样,货币是一种隐性契约,而不是商品。与财产所有权一样,货币只是一种价值符号。市场社会的社会契约包含了一种接受货币支付的意愿,其基础是相信其他人也会接受货币支付。货币是一种可转让的隐性契约,其价值取决于一系列确定的其他契约。契约对物质资本的分配、劳动活动以及建设性资本的可用性和使用都有影响。契约是社会合作的基础。
Money, like other financial assets, is a contract that can easily be appropriated and exchanged. It is a form of public contract that has become private property. As property, it appears to have no substance, no force, no life of its own. It appears to demand no conditions for its maintenance. It appears to impose no temporal force directly on its owner. This is so because the implicit contract involved in money is not subject to individual renegotiation, even if it is continually subject to collective renegotiation according to its relative market value and rates of inflation. Yet to treat money purely as property and to determine exchange values in terms of money as prices is to construct an atemporal representation of value. It matters little that such prices may fluctuate in time; it matters little that expected varia- 货币与其他金融资产一样,是一种很容易被挪用和交换的契约。它是公共契约的一种形式,却变成了私人财产。作为财产,它似乎没有实质,没有力量,没有自己的生命。它似乎不需要任何条件来维持。它似乎没有直接对其所有者施加任何时间上的力量。之所以如此,是因为货币所涉及的隐含契约不受个人重新谈判的影响,即使它根据其相对市场价值和通货膨胀率不断受到集体重新谈判的影响。然而,将货币纯粹视为财产,并以货币作为价格来确定交换价值,是在构建价值的时空表征。这种价格在时间上的波动并不重要;预期的变化也不重要。
tions in value are discounted in the price. Exchange value represents social relations apart from temporal contracts in the form of private property. Exchange value is an abstraction that results from inverting the priority of contract and property, as though enduring contracts were an effect of atemporal property rather than the reverse. 价值的变化在价格中打了折扣。交换价值代表的是私有财产形式的时间契约之外的社会关系。交换价值是一种抽象概念,是颠倒了契约与财产的优先次序而产生的,就好像持久的契约是无时间性财产的结果,而不是相反。
The study of exchange values therefore gives a partial representation of economic society. Social bonds in the form of contracts and social powers exercised in the agreement of contracts are not directly represented. They must first be represented in an atemporal form by assessing their exchange value. Their effects may be inferred from movements of prices and modeled in the form of temporal functions. Time is first excluded from social representation before being added later on as a transcendent model in the form of an equation of motion. The political reality of economic relations is concealed and excluded, for social reality in practice is composed of a vast number of temporal contracts and habitual interdependencies that are qualitatively determined. They cannot be accurately compared on a single abstract scale of exchange value or on a single, abstract scale of uniform time. 因此,对交换价值的研究只能部分反映经济社会。契约形式的社会纽带和在契约协议中行使的社会权力无法直接体现。它们必须首先通过评估其交换价值,以时间形式表现出来。它们的影响可以从价格变动中推断出来,并以时间函数的形式建模。时间首先被排除在社会表征之外,之后才以运动方程的形式作为超越模型被添加进来。经济关系的政治现实被掩盖和排除在外,因为社会现实实际上是由大量的时间契约和习惯性的相互依存关系构成的,而这些契约和关系是由质量决定的。它们无法在单一抽象的交换价值尺度或单一抽象的统一时间尺度上进行准确比较。
While many claim the right to money as private property, such claims do not effectively reduce money to property in practice, for as a promise or debt, money remains a contract. The market no longer furnishes an adequate image of economic relations. Any economic theory constructed under the assumption that the economy behaves as a village market will be largely worthless. ^(14){ }^{14} If contracts are evaluated in terms of exchange value alone, then an attempt is made to evaluate them in terms of property. In other words, the contract is observed from the perspective of one who has rights without responsibilities - from the abstract perspective of the one who is capable of buying himself out of all preceding contracts or agreements. To interpret society in terms of exchange value alone is to assume that all dependencies may be substituted for by an alternative deal that will always be available on the market. It is to suppose that the market is capable, at will, of embracing and representing all dimensions of reality. Since physical capital, human capital, and social capital operate according to their own laws of dependence, rather than according to the freedom of the market, such a representation will be necessarily false. Instead, the temporal process of supply, labor, service, or contract is treated as if it were a 虽然许多人主张货币作为私有财产的权利,但这种主张实际上并没有有效地将货币还原为财产,因为作为一种承诺或债务,货币仍然是一种契约。市场不再是经济关系的适当形象。任何以经济行为是村落市场为假设而构建的经济理论,在很大程度上都是没有价值的。 ^(14){ }^{14} 如果仅仅从交换价值的角度来评价契约,那么就会试图从财产的角度来评价契约。换句话说,我们是从一个拥有权利而没有责任的人的角度来观察契约的,也就是从一个有能力把自己从之前的所有契约或协议中赎回来的人的抽象角度来观察契约的。仅仅从交换价值的角度来解释社会,就是假定所有的依赖关系都可以被市场上永远存在的替代交易所替代。这就是假设市场能够随心所欲地囊括和代表现实的所有层面。由于物质资本、人力资本和社会资本是按照其自身的依赖规律而不是按照市场的自由规律运作的,因此这种表述必然是错误的。相反,供应、劳动、服务或合同的时间过程被当作一个
commodity or a slave. For production, labor, contract, and money are never private property, even if they are treated as such. 商品或奴隶。因为生产、劳动、契约和货币从来都不是私有财产,即使它们被当作私有财产。
Where the abstract market seems purely economic, concerned with exchange values alone, a contract society is inseparable from the political form of the state. Such a state has three essential functions. First, it must safeguard property, or, more precisely, it must ensure that existing contracts are respected. Second, it must legitimate rights and claims to appropriation, making legislative or executive decisions on the propriety of such claims. And third, it must maintain confidence in the value of contracts by ensuring the value of a dominant currency. While it may not be essential that a state issue its own currency, it is vital that the state contribute to the stability of currency by pursuing appropriate monetary and fiscal policy. The three functions of the state concern right, liberty, and credit (or piety). Charged with maintaining a state of general social belief, the state remains a religious institution within secular modernity. 抽象的市场似乎纯粹是经济性的,只涉及交换价值,而契约社会则与国家的政治形式密不可分。这样的国家有三个基本职能。首先,它必须保护财产,或者更准确地说,它必须确保现有契约得到尊重。其次,它必须使权利和占有要求合法化,就这些要求的适当性做出立法或行政决定。第三,它必须通过确保主导货币的价值来维持人们对契约价值的信心。虽然一个国家发行自己的货币可能并不是必须的,但国家必须通过实施适当的货币和财政政策来促进货币的稳定。国家的三大职能涉及权利、自由和信用(或虔诚)。国家肩负着维护普遍社会信仰的重任,在世俗现代性中仍是一个宗教机构。
4.2.1 In terms of exchange, all things bear an exchange value. In terms of contract, there is no equivalent between what is offered and what is received. What is offered is always time, whether time is spent in a certain manner or is taken to deliver a product. One enters into an obligation to spend time in a determinate way. What is received is always nutrition for some desire or process. Things bear relative value if they provide for the “necessities, conveniences, and amusements” of life. Instead of considering buyers and sellers in exchange, therefore, it is necessary to consider nutrition and time. This transforms the entire perspective on the economy. While in principle an unlimited amount of exchange value and an unlimited amount of money may be available, a finite amount of nutrition and a finite amount of time will always remain. Political economy should therefore be concerned primarily with the distribution of nutrition and time, not with the distribution of exchange value. 4.2.1 在交换方面,所有事物都有交换价值。就合同而言,提供的东西和得到的东西之间没有等价物。提供的始终是时间,无论是以某种方式花费时间还是交付产品。一个人有义务以确定的方式花费时间。得到的总是某种欲望或过程的营养。如果物品能提供生活的 "必需品、便利和娱乐",它们就具有相对价值。因此,有必要考虑营养和时间,而不是考虑交换中的买卖双方。这就改变了整个经济的视角。虽然原则上可以有无限量的交换价值和无限量的货币,但营养和时间永远是有限的。因此,政治经济学应主要关注营养和时间的分配,而不是交换价值的分配。
Nutritional value is itself derived from underlying physical processes such as photosynthesis. Nature is an efficient gardener: its unlimited proliferation of forms leads to the existence of species to occupy each environmental niche. There is little scope for improving on the primary produc- 营养价值本身就来自光合作用等基本物理过程。大自然是一个高效率的园丁:它无限增殖的形式导致了各种物种的存在,以占据每个环境龛位。在初级生产方面,几乎没有改进的余地。
tion of nutritional value. Human labor does not create nutritional value; it merely redirects the production of nutritional value away from ecological circuits that do not include humans to circuits that do. On the whole, through deforestation, soil degradation, and desertification, human agricultural activity has a negative net effect on the primary production of nutritional value, even if it is capable of temporarily increasing the production of nutritional value for humans by the use of irrigation, farm machinery, and fertilizers and pesticides and by exhausting finite stocks of fresh water and fossil fuels. 人类劳动并不创造营养价值。人类劳动并不创造营养价值,它只是将营养价值的生产从不计人类的生态循环转向计人类的生态循环。总体而言,通过砍伐森林、土壤退化和荒漠化,人类的农业活动对营养价值的初级生产产生了负面的净影响,即使它能够通过使用灌溉、农业机械、化肥和杀虫剂以及耗尽有限的淡水储备和化石燃料,暂时增加人类的营养价值生产。
A theory of nutritional value may be derived from the work of Adam Smith. The supply of the means of subsistence remains scarce. Contractual offers of nutritional value command labor because labor requires nutritional value to survive. Labor theories of value consider acquisition in terms of weighing the benefits of satisfying desires against the toil and trouble of labor. Smith therefore proposed that labor is the only universal and accurate measure of value, equal quantities of labor being at all times and places of equal value to the laborer. ^(15){ }^{15} That which is dear costs much labor to acquire; that which is cheap costs little. In practice, of course, value is measured directly not in terms of labor time but in terms of money. It is important to understand the kind of labor Smith is discussing. He is concerned primarily with agricultural labor, paid at a subsistence rate, for the profit of tenants and landholders. For such labor, the only benefit of labor is the wage. ^(16){ }^{16} The rest is all toil and trouble. Such labor theories of value can maintain the illusion that all productive value is generated by human labor at rates that vary depending on efficiency gains introduced by machines. This is no longer credible when most energy for work is provided by fossil and nuclear fuels rather than by human labor. Moreover, it was not the actual view of Adam Smith: “No equal capital puts into motion a greater quantity of productive labor than that of the farmer. Not only his laboring servants, but his laboring cattle, are productive laborers. In agriculture, too, nature labors along with man; and though her labor costs no expense, its produce has its value, as well as that of the most expensive workmen. The most important operations of agriculture seem intended not so much to increase . . . as to direct the fertility of nature toward the production of plants most profitable to man.” ^(17){ }^{17} Nature here is the source of value, while labor is its measure. Labor becomes a universal standard only when wages 从亚当-斯密的著作中可以得出营养价值理论。生活资料的供应仍然稀缺。由于劳动力需要营养价值来维持生存,因此营养价值的契约要约可以支配劳动力。劳动价值理论认为,获取是在满足欲望的利益与劳动的辛劳和麻烦之间权衡的结果。因此,斯密提出,劳动是衡量价值的唯一普遍而准确的尺度,同等数量的劳动在任何时候、任何地方对劳动者都具有同等价值。 ^(15){ }^{15} 贵的东西需要花费很多劳动才能获得,便宜的东西则花费很少。当然,在实践中,价值不是直接用劳动时间而是用金钱来衡量的。了解斯密所讨论的劳动种类非常重要。他主要讨论的是农业劳动,这种劳动以维持生计为代价,为佃农和土地所有者谋取利润。对于这种劳动来说,劳动的唯一收益就是工资。 ^(16){ }^{16} 其余的都是辛苦和麻烦。这种劳动价值论可以维持一种假象,即所有生产价值都是由人类劳动创造的,其生产率随机器带来的效率提高而变化。当大部分工作能源由化石燃料和核燃料提供,而不是由人类劳动提供时,这种说法就不再可信了。此外,这也不是亚当-斯密的真实观点:"没有任何同等资本能比农民的生产劳动量更大。不仅他的劳动仆人,而且他的劳动牲畜,都是生产性劳动者。在农业生产中,大自然也与人类一起劳动;虽然大自然的劳动不需要花费任何代价,但其产品与最昂贵的工人的产品一样具有价值。 农业最重要的活动似乎不是为了增加......而是为了引导大自然的肥力生产出对人类最有利的植物"。 ^(17){ }^{17} 在这里,自然是价值的源泉,而劳动是价值的尺度。只有当工资
are maintained at a subsistence level. The source of wealth, including labor, is food: “As men, like all other animals, naturally multiply in proportion to the means of their subsistence, food is always, more or less, in demand. It can always purchase or command a greater or smaller quantity of labour, and somebody can always be found who is willing to do something in order to obtain it.” ^(18){ }^{18} While Smith notes that wages as well as levels of subsistence may vary in relation to the wealth of the country in question, he writes against a norm of high child mortality among the laboring classes, with the “scantiness of subsistence . . . destroying a great part of the children which their fruitful marriages produce.” ^(19){ }^{19} The consistent unit of value, then, is the subsistence level of nutrition. Smith explained how corn rent could maintain its value much more successfully than rent paid in money, even though the price of corn might vary significantly with seasons and harvests. ^(20){ }^{20} If the rent of land attracts a monopoly price so that workers will necessarily be paid at a subsistence level, and if the quantity of workers maintained is in proportion to the production of food, Smith sketched the outlines of a nutritional theory of value that grounds the labor theory of value: “Every other commodity, however, will at any particular time purchase a greater or smaller quantity of labour in proportion to the quantity of subsistence which it can purchase at that time.” ^(21){ }^{21} 维持生计。财富(包括劳动)的源泉是食物:"由于人和所有其他动物一样,自然会按其生存手段的比例繁殖,所以食物总是或多或少地有需求。它总是可以购买或要求或多或少的劳动量,而且总能找到愿意为获得食物而付出代价的人"。 ^(18){ }^{18} 虽然斯密注意到工资和生活水平可能因国家的富裕程度而异,但他在文章中针对的是劳动阶层儿童死亡率高的常态,"生活的匮乏......毁掉了他们多产的婚姻所生下的大部分孩子"。 ^(19){ }^{19} 因此,价值的一致单位是维持生计的营养水平。斯密解释了玉米地租如何能比用货币支付的地租更成功地保持其价值,即使玉米的价格会随着季节和收成的不同而有很大的变化。 ^(20){ }^{20} 如果地租吸引垄断价格,使工人的工资必然达到维持生存的水平,如果维持的工人数量与粮食产量成正比,斯密就勾勒出了以劳动价值论为基础的营养价值论的轮廓:"然而,每一种其他商品在任何特定时期购买的劳动量或大或小,都与它当时能够购买的维持生计的劳动量成比例"。 ^(21){ }^{21}
In this formulation, a standard unit of value is formed by measuring the natural relationship between a consistent quantity of nutritional value and the life of a worker. Value emerges from a conjunction between nutrition and time, not from simple exchange. When the benefits of nutrition are weighed against the spending of time, a different formulation of value emerges, for although time is limited, it cannot be hoarded. Time must be spent, and different modes of spending time nourish differing desires and differing aspects of a human being. For a person with time, energy, and desire to spend, work need not be regarded as toil and trouble. Work itself may have numerous nutritional qualities for the human being, just as leisure may have numerous debilitating qualities. If the art of living well involves constructing a balanced and varied diet of forms of nutrition, including more urgent physical desires and more subtle social desires, then the cost of labor is both the sacrifice of opportunities for other forms of nutrition and the danger of an excessive input of certain kinds of nutrition. 在这一表述中,价值的标准单位是通过衡量一定量的营养价值与工人生命之间的自然关系而形成的。价值产生于营养与时间的结合,而不是简单的交换。当营养的好处与时间的花费相权衡时,就会出现不同的价值表述,因为时间虽然有限,但不能囤积。时间必须花费,而不同的花费方式会滋养人的不同欲望和不同方面。对于一个有时间、精力和欲望的人来说,工作不必被视为劳累和麻烦。工作本身可以给人带来许多营养,就像休闲可以使人衰弱一样。如果说美好生活的艺术包括构建平衡而多样的营养饮食,包括更迫切的生理欲望和更微妙的社会欲望,那么劳动的代价既是牺牲获得其他形式营养的机会,也是过度摄入某种营养的危险。
An economy of nutritional value operates throughout nature, as well as throughout the human economy. In practice, the human economy of nutritional value operates mainly outside the formal sphere of contract in local and informal economies of provision and distribution. Provision, like all forms of economic behavior, has a dual nature: as food nourishes the body, care nourishes the soul. Yet where forms of physical nutrition are limited and exclusive, forms of social nutrition have no intrinsic limits. Caring for others nourishes the emotional health of all, building a culture of generosity, trust, and interdependence. There are no intrinsic limits on informal social capital; there are, however, limits to the extent to which such provision can be spread. 营养价值经济在整个自然界和整个人类经济中都在运作。在实践中,人类的营养价值经济主要是在正式的契约范围之外,在地方和非正式的供应和分配经济中运作。供给与所有形式的经济行为一样,具有双重性质:食物滋养身体,关爱滋养灵魂。然而,身体营养的形式是有限的、排他性的,而社会营养的形式则没有内在的限制。关爱他人可以滋养所有人的情感健康,建立一种慷慨、信任和相互依存的文化。非正式的社会资本没有内在的限制;但是,这种提供的范围是有限的。
The formal economy may be understood more fully against the background of the informal economy in terms of nutrition and time, provision, and care. ^(22){ }^{22} Where bonds of trust and interdependence do not yet exist, the formal economy can extend the benefits of social capital to strangers, for money represents a right to claim nutritional value. Although the use of money may substitute for bonds of social care and provision, it does not exclude the creation of such bonds. There is no need for loyalty and amicability between those who trade with each other in the formal economy, yet the formation of contracts for exchange enables such a possibility. To exchange or labor for money is to acquire a reified and de-personalized bond of provision, even if money does not bring emotional relations of interdependence with it. Yet a society based on commerce may construct a general culture of good faith and openness to interaction, building a veritable degree of social capital as collective goodwill. Given the scarcity of time, it is impossible that all relations will be personal and intimate. Money adds to overall efficiency by enabling relations of provision where none were formerly available and by enriching personal interdependencies with impersonal interdependencies. Money extends the effects of social relations of provision and care beyond their normal boundaries. 在非正规经济的背景下,可以从营养和时间、供应和照顾等方面更全面地理解正规经济。 ^(22){ }^{22} 在信任和相互依存的纽带尚不存在的情况下,正规经济可以把社会资本的好处扩大到陌生人身上,因为金钱代表着一种索取营养价值的权利。尽管金钱的使用可能会取代社会关怀和供应的纽带,但它并不排斥建立这种纽带。在正规经济中进行交易的人之间不需要忠诚和友好,但交换契约的形成却使这种可能性成为可能。用金钱来交换或劳动,就是获得了一种重新整合的、去个人化的供应纽带,即使金钱并没有带来相互依存的情感关系。然而,一个以商业为基础的社会可能会建立起一种普遍的诚信和开放的互动文化,从而建立起一种名副其实的社会资本,即集体商誉。由于时间的稀缺性,不可能所有的关系都是个人的和亲密的。货币可以在以前没有供应关系的地方建立供应关系,并以非个人的相互依存关系丰富个人的相互依存关系,从而提高整体效率。金钱使社会供应和关怀关系的效果超出了其正常范围。
4.2.2 Given the scarcity of nutritional value, ownership of the means of subsistence tends to attract monopoly rates of rent, rather than equilibrium rates of exchange. Appropriation of the means of subsistence leads to economic inequalities. As Locke has shown, where there are natural limits to individual usage, money enables the possibility of accumulation leading 4.2.2 鉴于营养价值的稀缺性,生活资料的所有权往往会吸引垄断租金,而不是均衡汇率。对生活资料的占有导致经济不平等。正如洛克所指出的,在个人使用受到自然限制的情况下,货币使积累成为可能,从而导致
to inequalities. ^(23){ }^{23} The appropriation of more land than one can use oneself is ineffective unless there are those who lack the means of subsistence and will therefore agree to work the land. Once the informal economy of care and provision is insufficient to meet subsistence needs, then those who lack nutrition under conditions of scarcity may be exploited through monopoly rent. The effect of accumulation is dual. On the one hand, the means of subsistence are appropriated, excluding access by others to the means of subsistence; on the other hand, the means of subsistence are made available once more but as private property. The distribution of nutrition can no longer be determined by traditional social structures of provision. Property overrides informal and traditional modes of social capital to make available those of the formal economy. Participation in the formal economy is driven by both promise of accumulation and threat of exclusion. Thus, monopoly is the norm and equilibrium is the exception within a market society. As Adam Smith was well aware, “In every different branch, the oppression of the poor must establish the monopoly of the rich, who, by engrossing the whole trade to themselves, will be able to make very large profits.” ^(24){ }^{24} The scarcity of nutritional value is expressed in the scarcity of land, leading to monopoly rates of rent for land: “Rent, considered as the price paid for the use of the land, is naturally the highest which the tenant can afford to pay in the actual circumstances of the land.” ^(25){ }^{25} 不平等。 ^(23){ }^{23} 除非有人缺乏谋生手段,因此同意在土地上耕作,否则占有超过自身使用能力的土地是无效的。一旦非正规的护理和供应经济不足以满足生存需要,那么那些在物资匮乏条件下缺乏营养的人就可能会通过垄断租金受到剥削。积累的影响是双重的。一方面,生活资料被侵占,其他人无法获得生活资料;另一方面,生活资料再次被提供,但成为私有财产。营养的分配不再由传统的社会供应结构决定。财产取代了非正规和传统的社会资本模式,使正规经济中的社会资本得以利用。参与正规经济的动力既来自积累的承诺,也来自排斥的威胁。因此,在市场社会中,垄断是常态,均衡是例外。亚当-斯密清楚地认识到:"在每一个不同的行业中,对穷人的压迫必然会建立起富人的垄断,而富人通过将整个行业据为己有,将能够获得非常丰厚的利润"。 ^(24){ }^{24} 营养价值的稀缺表现为土地的稀缺,导致土地租金的垄断:"地租,被视为使用土地所支付的价格,自然是承租人在土地的实际情况下所能支付的最高价格"。 ^(25){ }^{25}
Significant inequalities of wealth accumulate a surplus value in the form of monopoly rent. In the informal economy, wealth consists in social bonds of honor, trust, care, and mutual obligation. The accumulation of stock has little value in itself except as a means of provision, a reserve against misfortune, a means of patronage, or a means of building a network of obligations. Against this background, the extraction of surplus value substitutes the formal economy for the informal economy; it substitutes contractual relations of obligation for the reciprocal bonds of care or patronage. It substitutes impersonal for personal bonds. Where personal bonds involve a complex interweaving of care, obligation, and social power, impersonal bonds are secured by power alone. Contractual bonds are enforced by society as a whole, embodied in the form of the state; they replace on ongoing process of negotiation between differing powers with a fixed agreement enforced by a vastly superior power. The precise terms agreed in a contract will depend on the relative status of the contracting parties. Those who are 财富的严重不平等以垄断租金的形式积累了剩余价值。在非正规经济中,财富由荣誉、信任、关怀和相互义务等社会纽带构成。除了作为一种供应手段、一种防止不幸的储备、一种赞助手段或一种建立义务网络的手段之外,股票的积累本身没有什么价值。在这种背景下,剩余价值的榨取用正规经济取代了非正规经济;用契约式的义务关系取代了互惠的关爱或赞助关系。它以非个人的纽带取代了个人的纽带。个人纽带涉及关怀、义务和社会权力的复杂交织,而非个人纽带仅靠权力来保障。契约式纽带由整个社会执行,以国家的形式体现出来;它以一种由高高在上的权力执行的固定协议取代了不同权力之间持续的谈判过程。契约中商定的确切条款取决于缔约各方的相对地位。那些
confident of maintaining their means of provision, whether from property or from an existing network of mutual obligation or contracts and those who have access to alternative contracts on more favorable terms, will be in a position of relative strength in contrast to those who seek the means of subsistence. The term “usury” may be appropriate here. In the Middle Ages, “usury” was widely used for any economic relation that exploited another’s misfortune. ^(26){ }^{26} It makes a wealth of difference, however, whether debts are contracted voluntarily in pursuit of personal gain or they are contracted as the only remaining alternative under conditions of misfortune. It is the latter condition that is truly usurious. A contract agreed on the basis of a monopoly over means of subsistence may agree terms that extract unlimited quantities of time, claiming ownership over another’s life. This is the source of debt bondage that is effective slavery. Those who are evicted from their land and deprived of the means of subsistence are offered an ambivalent deal in a contract of employment: the opportunity to work for a living is charged at the monopoly rate of the market. Such “generous” terms signify the true meaning of usury: turning the necessity of another into one’s own opportunity. 那些有信心维持其供给手段的人,无论是来自财产还是来自现有的相互义务或契约网络,以及那些能够以更优惠条件获得替代性契约的人,与那些寻求生存手段的人相比,将处于相对强势的地位。在这里,"高利贷 "一词可能是恰当的。在中世纪,"高利贷 "被广泛用于任何利用他人不幸的经济关系。 ^(26){ }^{26} 然而,债务是为了追求个人利益而自愿签订的,还是在遭遇不幸的情况下作为唯一的选择而签订的,这两者之间有着很大的区别。后一种情况才是真正的高利贷。在垄断生存手段的基础上达成的合同,可能会约定无限量榨取时间的条款,声称对他人的生命拥有所有权。这就是债务奴役的根源,它实际上是一种奴役。那些被赶出自己的土地并被剥夺了生存手段的人,在雇佣合同中得到的是一种矛盾的交易:为谋生而工作的机会是按照市场的垄断价格收费的。这种 "慷慨 "的条件体现了高利贷的真正含义:把他人的需要变成自己的机会。
In the formal economy, property must be accumulated before it can be exchanged. Exchange value derives from desire expressed in demand and from the security that desire will continue to be available to find nutritional value in what is available to be exchanged. There is a certain security in nutritional value in that it is likely to continue to remain an object of desire. There is a certain security in contracts in that they can be enforced by society with the threat of violence and exclusion. The production and accumulation of value is secured, ultimately, on usury. It is guaranteed by the need of those without access to the means of provision to seek employment in labor. 在正规经济中,财产必须先积累才能交换。交换价值源于需求所表达的欲望,源于欲望将继续在可供交换的物品中寻找营养价值的安全感。营养价值具有一定的安全性,因为它有可能继续成为欲望的对象。契约具有一定的安全性,因为社会可以通过暴力和排斥的威胁来强制执行契约。价值的生产和积累最终要靠高利贷来保证。没有经济来源的人需要寻求劳动就业,这也是一种保障。
This is the political perspective from which globalization and the liberalization of trade may be judged. The liberalization of trade is a liberalization of opportunities for contract. It liberates opportunities for those with power in the market to make the most of their potential. Free trade facilitates an increase in production through the division of labor, for labor may be differentiated qualitatively according to available resources, skills, customs, and education. Nevertheless, the very principle through which free trade generates wealth - maximizing efficiency through the division of 这是判断全球化和贸易自由化的政治视角。贸易自由化是契约机会的自由化。它为那些在市场上有实力的人解放了机会,使他们能够最大限度地发挥自己的潜力。自由贸易通过分工促进了生产的增长,因为劳动力可以根据现有资源、技能、习俗和教育的不同而在质量上有所区别。然而,自由贸易创造财富的根本原则--通过分工实现效率最大化--并没有改变。
labor-is also the principle that prevents free trade in labor. Labor can find an equilibrium price in the market only if it can achieve the same degree of mobility between markets and flexibility over production as money itself. Since labor is often tied to a locality or a set of skills, it cannot move freely within the market to meet demand. There will always be an imbalance in labor, with certain forms of skilled labor always in demand and carrying a higher price, and other forms of labor commanding a lower price or none at all. In practice, then, free trade profits from a reserve army of the unemployed who drive wages down to subsistence levels in certain employment markets. Such free trade facilitates economic growth not for all but for the few based on growing inequality. It amounts to a liberalization of rent seeking, monopoly, exploitation, and usury. As a result, inequalities may lead to further appropriations of the means of subsistence in the name of increased productivity. The liberalization of trade leads to further appropriation, penury, exploitation, and inequality in a vicious spiral of inequality. In a free market, exchange value represents appropriated usury; it represents the force of necessity. The overall effect is deeply ambivalent. In the first place, the liberalization of trade removes the regulations that protect precapitalist forms of social capital from appropriation. In the second place, it facilitates their replacement with the growth of capitalist forms of human and social capital, increasing productivity. And in the third place, most of the benefits of such productivity gains are extracted once more, leaving residual benefits as a substitute for pre-capitalist forms of life. ^(27){ }^{27} 这也是阻碍劳动力自由贸易的原则。劳动力只有在市场之间实现与货币本身相同程度的流动性和生产灵活性,才能在市场上找到均衡价格。由于劳动力往往与一个地区或一套技能联系在一起,因此无法在市场上自由流动以满足需求。劳动力总是不平衡的,某些形式的熟练劳动力总是有需求,价格也较高,而其他形式的劳动力价格较低或根本没有需求。因此,在实践中,自由贸易从失业后备军中获利,这些失业后备军将某些就业市场中的工资压低到维持生计的水平。这种自由贸易促进的不是所有人的经济增长,而是少数人基于日益加剧的不平等的经济增长。它相当于寻租、垄断、剥削和高利贷的自由化。因此,不平等可能导致以提高生产力为名进一步侵占生存手段。贸易自由化导致进一步的侵占、贫困、剥削和不平等,形成不平等的恶性循环。在自由市场中,交换价值代表着被侵占的高利贷;它代表着必然的力量。总体效果是非常矛盾的。首先,贸易自由化取消了保护前资本主义形式的社会资本免遭侵占的规定。其次,贸易自由化促进了资本主义形式的人力资本和社会资本的增长,提高了生产率,从而取代了这些资本。第三,这种生产率的提高所带来的大部分好处会被再次榨取,留下剩余的好处作为前资本主义生活形式的替代品。 ^(27){ }^{27}
4.2.3 Nutritional value is relative. It holds value not in itself but only in relation to some specific desire. Moreover, while forms of desire and relative nutrition may be unlimited, the quantity of each form of nutritional value is not. In addition, nutritional value is largely used, even if it is used only by microorganisms in a process of decay. Nutritional value cannot, strictly speaking, be hoarded and accumulated. It can simply be appropriated by certain circuits of consumption at the expense of other circuits. Nutritional value, unlike property, is in continual flow. 4.2.3 营养价值是相对的。它的价值不在于其本身,而在于它与某种特定欲望的关系。此外,虽然欲望和相对营养的形式可能是无限的,但每种营养价值形式的数量却不是无限的。此外,营养价值在很大程度上是被利用的,即使它只是在腐烂过程中被微生物利用。严格来说,营养价值不能被囤积和积累。它只能被某些消费环节占有,而牺牲其他环节的利益。营养价值与财产不同,它是持续流动的。
Time is similar to nutritional value. It is relative, finite, and spent. Time cannot be owned or hoarded; it gives itself in attention to something. Strictly speaking, time is not given or lent. It remains with the giver. While time itself cannot be taken, attention can be attracted or absorbed. 时间与营养价值相似。它是相对的、有限的、消耗的。时间不能被拥有或囤积,它本身就是对某件事情的关注。严格来说,时间不是给予或借出的。它属于给予者。虽然时间本身不能被夺走,但注意力却可以被吸引或吸收。
It can flow through broader or narrower circuits. Such payment of attention shapes the life of the source as well as the object of attention. Time, like nutrition, cannot be wasted. Yet nutrition can feed desires that do little to feed the wider ecology, and time can pay attention to expressions of values that do little to value the wider social sphere. The expenditure of time and nutrition are forms of economic entropy. Yet these very processes of continual expenditure provide opportunities for negentropic forms of desire and value to emerge that reconstitute nutrition and attention. Such economies of nutrition and attention operate by efflux and reflux. In an ecosystem, there is continual expenditure without guarantee of a return flow. Return, if it occurs, results from the action of complementary life forms that make the ecosystem into a sustainable cycle. 它可以流经更宽或更窄的回路。这种注意力的付出不仅塑造了注意力的来源,也塑造了注意力的对象。时间和营养一样,不能浪费。然而,营养可以满足人们的欲望,却对更广阔的生态环境毫无助益;时间可以关注价值的表达,却对更广阔的社会领域毫无助益。时间和营养的消耗是经济熵的形式。然而,正是这些持续消耗的过程为欲望和价值的负熵形式提供了机会,使营养和注意力得以重组。这种营养和注意力经济是通过流出和回流来运作的。在生态系统中,持续的消耗并不能保证回流。如果有回流,那也是互补生命形式作用的结果,这些生命形式使生态系统成为一个可持续的循环。
One may conceive of the economic institutions that produce a reflux of nutrition and attention in terms of social capital. Just as there are selfsustaining, negentropic life forms, so also are there self-sustaining, negentropic social forms. Such forms facilitate the creation of wealth through the accumulation, invention, and construction of capital. The formal economy in a contract society may be assessed as a mode of social capital. 我们可以从社会资本的角度来设想产生营养和注意力回流的经济机构。正如存在着自我维持的负熵生命形式一样,也存在着自我维持的负熵社会形式。这种形式通过资本的积累、发明和建设促进财富的创造。契约社会中的正规经济可被视为一种社会资本模式。
Social capital directs the efflux and reflux of nutrition and attention. The formal economy does so through an entirely different representation: it aims to represent and capture the circular flow of value. Representing value on the basis of exchange, each economic agent functions as a center of accumulation that aims to order the circular flow of value through its possession toward an increase in rate and quantity. For exchange value, unlike the qualitatively differentiated nutritional value and time of attention, is a pure quantity without relation. It can only be accumulated and spent. Exchange value is appropriated by ensuring that it passes more rapidly through centers of accumulation. The measure of a rate of flow does not distinguish between a reduction in flow through other centers of accumulation and an enhanced flow through broader circuits. 社会资本引导着营养和注意力的流出和回流。正规经济则通过完全不同的表现形式来实现这一目标:它旨在表现和捕捉价值的循环流动。在交换的基础上表现价值,每个经济主体都是一个积累中心,其目的是通过对价值的占有,使价值的循环流动有序化,从而实现价值率和价值量的增长。因为交换价值不同于有质量差别的营养价值和注意力时间,它是一种没有关系的纯量。它只能被积累和消费。交换价值的占有方式是确保它更快地通过积累中心。流量的衡量标准并不区分通过其他积累中心的流量减少和通过更广泛的渠道的流量增加。
Where accumulation of value through exchange provides an orientation for economic activity, the agreement of contracts specify the means. Contracts determine the nature of the nutrition provided, as well as the conduct and distribution of time. Contracts represent limits or conditions that must be met, although they need not specify in detail how these targets should be met. To promise to deliver a sum of money at a specified time 通过交换积累价值为经济活动提供了方向,而契约协议则规定了手段。契约决定了所提供营养的性质,以及行为和时间的分配。契约代表着必须满足的限制或条件,尽管它们不需要详细说明应如何达到这些目标。承诺在指定时间交付一笔款项
is not to specify how time should be spent in acquiring such a sum. Contracts determine time but vary in the degree of freedom that they allow: to commit hours of labor to be commanded by another allows considerably less freedom than to promise the delivery of a sum of money. Freedom and power belong with the purchaser. 合同的目的不是规定如何花费时间来获得这笔钱。合同确定了时间,但其允许的自由程度却各不相同:承诺付出数小时的劳动以听命于他人,其允许的自由程度远远低于承诺交付一笔款项。自由和权力属于购买者。
The effect of the formal economy, then, is to concentrate the distribution of social capital into circuits of formal contract. Instead of being dispersed through society, freedom and social capital is highly concentrated. For many, the priority of seeking the means of subsistence prevents the building of social capital in the form of relations of provision and care. If social capital is accumulated by those with access to credit and money, then this may occur at the expense of the formation of social capital elsewhere. By reducing opportunities for the accumulation, invention, and construction of capital, centers of accumulation impoverish much of society. When social capital is concentrated in the form of money, centers of efflux and reflux must grow to survive. Insofar as finite stocks of nutritional value and time follow the flows of money, then the accumulation of centers of nutritional value results in the deprivation of a vast periphery. 因此,正规经济的效果就是将社会资本的分配集中到正规契约的轨道上。自由和社会资本没有在社会中分散,而是高度集中。对许多人来说,优先寻求生存手段阻碍了以供应和关爱关系为形式的社会资本的建立。如果社会资本是由那些能够获得信贷和资金的人积累的,那么这可能会以其他地方的社会资本的形成为代价。通过减少积累、发明和建设资本的机会,积累中心会使社会的大部分地区陷入贫困。当社会资本以货币的形式集中时,流出和回流中心必须发展才能生存。只要营养价值和时间的有限存量随着货币的流动而流动,那么营养价值中心的积累就会导致广大边缘地区的贫困。
4.2.4 Since nutritional value and time are scarce and limited resources, the health of society is advanced by their dispersal. The adage of Francis Bacon is apposite here: money is like muck - no good unless it is spread. ^(28){ }^{28} Provision and care should take priority over the reflux of nutrition and attention; expenditure is more useful than accumulation. Social capital, by contrast, is not a finite resource. Its accumulation in one place may advance accumulation elsewhere. Yet social capital is initially produced in dispersal by successful relations of interdependence. Social capital is produced by acts of provision. It is a culture of care, trust, collaboration, and generosity. Social capital gives the capacity to extend networks of nutrition and attention. 4.2.4 由于营养价值和时间都是稀缺有限的资源,因此,将其分散可以促进社会的健康发展。弗朗西斯-培根(Francis Bacon)的格言在这里很适用:金钱就像淤泥,不撒出去就没有用处。 ^(28){ }^{28} 提供和照顾应优先于营养和关注的回流;支出比积累更有用。相比之下,社会资本不是有限的资源。它在一个地方的积累可能会促进其他地方的积累。然而,社会资本最初是通过成功的相互依存关系在分散中产生的。社会资本是通过提供行为产生的。它是一种关爱、信任、协作和慷慨的文化。社会资本提供了扩展营养和关注网络的能力。
In political economy, therefore, one cannot simply privilege dispersal or accumulation when considering forms of distribution. Dispersal of finite goods such as nutritional value and time may enhance the accumulation of the unlimited good of social capital. The accumulation of social capital may, in turn, enhance the dispersal of finite goods. Subject to differing political requirements, then, nutrition, time, and social capital require differing modes of representation. Where nutrition may be given, time is 因此,在政治经济学中,在考虑分配形式时,不能简单地优先考虑分散或积累。营养价值和时间等有限物品的分散可能会促进社会资本这一无限物品的积累。反过来,社会资本的积累也会促进有限物品的分散。因此,根据不同的政治要求,营养、时间和社会资本需要不同的代表模式。营养可以给予,时间则
spent, and social capital accumulates. The equivocation arises when each is measured in terms of exchange, as though it could be represented as a commodity and subject to exchange. Such is the fundamental illusion engendered by the use of money. 花费和社会资本的积累。当每种资本都以交换来衡量时,就会出现矛盾,就好像它们可以被视为商品并进行交换。这就是货币的使用所造成的基本假象。
Money itself has a triple nature: it participates in the spheres of nutrition, time, and social capital as a specific form of representation. Money represents nutritional value when it acts as a commodity that can be appropriated, alienated, and exchanged. Because of its liquidity, it acts as transferable wealth. It forms the basis for atemporal exchange value. Money represents time as a promise to pay, for a promise, like time, is inalienable. Money, like time, may be given and spent, yet as a promise it returns to its originator. Whereas an asset may be transferred, a liability remains; whereas an asset may be owned, a liability is contracted; whereas an asset represents accumulated wealth, a liability represents an enduring obligation. While assets may appear to balance liabilities on a balance sheet, such equivalence rests on an equivocation, imagining the completion of the circular flow and the redemption of the liability by the asset. Economic reality takes place, however, between such resolutions of the circular flow within the intervening intervals of asymmetry. 货币本身具有三重性质:作为一种特殊的代表形式,它参与了营养、时间和社会资本领域。当货币作为一种可以被占有、转让和交换的商品时,它就代表了营养价值。由于其流动性,它是可转移的财富。它构成了时空交换价值的基础。货币代表时间,是一种支付承诺,因为承诺与时间一样,是不可剥夺的。货币与时间一样,可以被给予,也可以被花费,但作为一种承诺,它又会回到它的创造者手中。资产可以转让,负债却依然存在;资产可以拥有,负债却要签约;资产代表着积累的财富,负债则代表着持久的义务。在资产负债表上,资产看似与负债相平衡,但这种等同性是建立在一种等价交换的基础上,想象着循环流动的完成和资产对负债的赎回。然而,经济现实就发生在这种循环流动的解决之间的不对称间隔中。
It is for this reason that money may also represent social capital. It does so in the form of debt. Liabilities need not be redeemed. Governments, corporations, and individuals have learned that debt can become a normal state of affairs, never to be repaid, maintained by perpetual refinancing. It is precisely such a condition that enables the existence of modern money. The circular flow is never completed when an economy functions as a spiral of debt. Social capital is reserved in a network of trust and guarantees. Credit embodies the wealth of society as a whole. For in credit, as history has proved, there are somewhat strange imbalances of power. ^(29){ }^{29} The threat of default may be as dangerous to the creditor as to the debtor. Default may either crush or release the debtor, depending on the network of interdependencies and trust. By contrast, a society in which all debts have been repaid and all contracts fulfilled returns to the abstraction of atomic individuals in a market society. Under such conditions, social capital is obliterated. Indeed, the entropic tendency to return to equilibrium is a tendency to annihilate social capital. Such an abstract society must begin over again to re-create social capital. Yet a society based on debt, by contrast, is al- 正因如此,货币也可以代表社会资本。它以债务的形式存在。债务无需赎回。政府、公司和个人都知道,债务可以成为一种常态,永远不会偿还,通过不断再融资来维持。现代货币正是在这种情况下得以存在。当经济以债务螺旋的方式运行时,循环流动永远不会完成。社会资本保留在信任和担保网络中。信用体现了整个社会的财富。正如历史所证明的那样,在信用中存在着某种奇怪的权力失衡。 ^(29){ }^{29} 违约的威胁对债权人和债务人同样危险。违约既可能压垮债务人,也可能释放债务人,这取决于相互依存和信任的网络。相比之下,一个所有债务都已偿还、所有契约都已履行的社会,又回到了市场社会中原子个体的抽象状态。在这种情况下,社会资本就会消失。事实上,回归平衡的熵趋势就是消灭社会资本的趋势。这样一个抽象的社会必须重新开始,重新创造社会资本。然而,与此形成鲜明对比的是,一个以债务为基础的社会却--
ready driven by its mutual obligations. The presence of indebtedness may indicate a healthy economy. ^(30){ }^{30} 在相互债务的驱动下,经济发展势头良好。负债的存在可能预示着经济的健康发展。 ^(30){ }^{30}
The paradox of social capital is that accumulation enables accumulation. If interest is paid to banks that issue loans, then bank reserves become centers of accumulation. In one sense, they serve the common good insofar as these reserves function as the basis for fresh loans, enabling further mutual indebtedness. The presence of reserves makes the creation of money and the formation of social capital possible. Who owns the reserves or what form such reserves take may be less significant than that the reserves may be used for the creation of wealth. In another sense, the concentration of reserves in centers of accumulation directs time and nutrition toward the end of accumulating profits. It effectively results in the concentration of attention and nutrition. To serve society more effectively as a whole, it will be necessary to distinguish between the functions of nutrition, time, and capital as represented by money. 社会资本的悖论在于,积累促成积累。如果向发放贷款的银行支付利息,那么银行储备就会成为积累的中心。从某种意义上说,储备金是为公共利益服务的,因为这些储备金是新贷款的基础,使相互间的债务得以进一步增加。储备的存在使货币的创造和社会资本的形成成为可能。谁拥有储备金或储备金采取何种形式可能并不重要,重要的是储备金可用于创造财富。从另一个意义上说,储备向积累中心的集中将时间和营养导向积累利润的目的。它有效地实现了注意力和营养的集中。为了更有效地服务于整个社会,有必要区分营养、时间和以货币为代表的资本的功能。
4.3.1 Economic classes emerge from contractual appropriations of the underlying economic relations of nutrition, time, and social capital. The universal drive for nutritional value is the underlying motor of the entire economic process. A householder may be considered one who seeks nutritional value for himself or herself, for those in his or her care, and for the resources that provide diverse forms of nutritional value for the household. This relation of care and dependence is modified when it is represented under the form of private property, for once such relations of care and dependence are threatened, the drive for nutritional value may seek to preserve them. The represented claim to private property is such an expression of the will to survive. Such a conatus, a will to persevere in being, is a reactive formation. It responds to a potential threat. 4.3.1 经济阶级产生于对营养、时间和社会资本等基本经济关系的契约性占有。对营养价值的普遍追求是整个经济过程的根本动力。户主可被视为为自己、为受其照顾的人以及为家庭提供各种形式营养价值的资源寻求营养价值的人。当这种照顾和依赖关系以私有财产的形式表现出来时,这种关系就发生了变化,因为一旦这种照顾和依赖关系受到威胁,对营养价值的追求就会设法维护这种关系。对私有财产的代表要求就是这种生存意志的体现。这种 "生存意志"(conatus)是一种反应性的形成。它对潜在的威胁做出反应。
The threat of the suspension of nutritive relations of care and dependence is an inevitable condition of temporal life. Moreover, it is inevitably realized in death. There are two contrasting ways to face such a threat: care of nutritive capital, which enhances life rather than resists death, and defense against external dangers, which resists death rather than enhances life. These form the basis for two different political strategies: an active 中止关爱和依赖的营养关系的威胁是世俗生活不可避免的条件。此外,它也不可避免地在死亡中实现。面对这种威胁,有两种截然不同的方式:一种是关爱营养资本,它能增强生命而非抵御死亡;另一种是抵御外部危险,它能抵御死亡而非增强生命。这两种方式构成了两种不同政治策略的基础:积极的
politics that aims to create new bases for cooperation and production, so nourishing and enabling the emergence of forms of life, and a reactive politics that aims to defend what has been established against external threats. ^(31){ }^{31} Property, as opposed to nutrition, is reactive. Claims to appropriate private property appeal to the combined force of the social collective to resist external dangers. Threat is given a greater emphasis here than opportunity; it is also countered with threat. Yet it functions as a principle on which trust, credit, and social capital can emerge. This is an entirely different principle of the social order than trust in the opportunities afforded by nutritive capital as a basis for credit. 一种是旨在创造新的合作与生产基础,从而滋养和促成生命形式的出现的政治,另一种是旨在保护已经建立起来的东西免受外来威胁的被动政治。 ^(31){ }^{31} 相对于营养而言,财产是被动的。对私有财产的占有要求诉诸于社会集体的联合力量,以抵御外来的危险。与机会相比,威胁在这里得到了更多的强调;它也是以威胁来对抗的。然而,它是信任、信用和社会资本赖以产生的原则。这与信任营养资本提供的机会作为信用的基础是完全不同的社会秩序原则。
It is on the basis of this fundamental distinction between care and threat that class differences emerge. Where a householder may be primarily concerned with the care of nutritive capital, a proprietor is primarily concerned with the defense against threats. It matters little that the same individuals usually practice both strategies in differing respects; what matters is which strategy is dominant in their mutual relations. The householder expresses care for nutritive capital; the proprietor expresses a will to power. An inequality results from this contrast of strategy in their mutual relation. The proprietor aims to appropriate and so increase freedom of action; the householder aims to relate and nourish. Since progress in appropriation is protected at each stage by threats, the proprietor gains a greater access to the means of nutrition. While private property defends the opportunities provided by legitimate appropriation, it has the byproduct of maintaining its strategies of negation against external social formations and thus reducing significant amounts of nutritive and social capital. Eventually, the householder may have to become a proprietor to gain access to the means of nutrition and thus to continue to care for nutritive capital. Nevertheless, the relation between the householder and the proprietor is not one of strict mutual antagonism of interests. Conflict comes to define economic class only in the Hobbesian state of nature where private property is always acquired at the expense of another. Indeed, conflict signals the dissolution of differentiations of class, since all are now conceived as proprietors. 正是基于照料与威胁之间的这一根本区别,才出现了阶级差异。家庭主妇可能主要关注营养资本的照料,而业主则主要关注对威胁的防御。同一个人通常会在不同方面采取这两种策略,但这并不重要;重要的是,在他们的相互关系中,哪种策略占主导地位。家庭主妇表达的是对营养资本的关心,而业主表达的是权力意志。在他们的相互关系中,策略的对比导致了不平等。业主的目的是占有,从而增加行动自由;而户主的目的是联系和滋养。由于占有的进展在每个阶段都受到威胁的保护,业主获得了更多获取营养的手段。私有财产在捍卫合法占有所提供的机会的同时,其副产品是维持其对外部社会形态的否定策略,从而减少了大量的营养资本和社会资本。最终,户主可能不得不成为业主,以获得营养手段,从而继续照顾营养资本。尽管如此,户主和业主之间的关系并不是严格的利益对立关系。只有在霍布斯的自然状态下,冲突才会成为经济阶级的定义,在这种状态下,私有财产的获得总是以牺牲他人利益为代价。事实上,冲突预示着阶级差别的消解,因为现在所有人都被视为所有者。
Proprietary classes may still be distinguished, however, by diverse modes of appropriation. While all modes of appropriation depend on the same three forces of the productive power of nutritive capital, the drive for nutritional value, and forms of social capital that mediate the relations 然而,专有阶级仍然可以通过不同的占有方式加以区分。虽然所有的占有模式都依赖于同样的三种力量,即营养资本的生产力、营养价值的驱动力和社会资本的形式,而这三种力量又是营养资本与社会资本之间关系的中介。
between production and consumption, each has a particular relation to the productive process. A merchant appropriates nutritional value itself to provide social capital in the form of exchange. A capitalist appropriates labor time to provide social capital in the form of constructed and realized production. A banker appropriates social capital itself by recording and facilitating exchanges, assets, and debts. Nutrition, time, and social capital give way to differing means of appropriation. Each class appropriates from householders. Yet while the merchants, capitalists, and bankers compete within their own classes, each depends on the other classes. Class is defined by interdependence and complementarity rather than by competition. The threat of scarcity, or lack of nutrition, derives not from the other classes but, rather, from the prospect of either failure within the market or failure of economic society as a whole. All are united by resistance to the common threat of social and economic breakdown. Hence, as proprietors, each class has an interest in a strong state that protects private property, legitimizes appropriation, and guarantees the value of money. Indeed, to the extent that householders themselves become proprietors of property, labor, and money, they share an interest in a strong state. While, of course, state economic policy may be pursued in the primary interests of particular classes, and democratic opposition over policy choices might follow, there is no reason for such opposition to reach as far as violence and threaten the state itself. There are few circumstances in which economic classes may gain from seizing the monopoly of violence from the state. 在生产和消费之间,每种食品都与生产过程有着特殊的关系。商人占有营养价值本身,以交换的形式提供社会资本。资本家占用劳动时间,以构建和实现生产的形式提供社会资本。银行家通过记录和促进交换、资产和债务来占有社会资本本身。营养、时间和社会资本的占有方式各不相同。每个阶级都从家庭主妇那里占有资金。尽管商人、资本家和银行家在各自的阶级中竞争,但每个阶级都依赖于其他阶级。阶级的定义是相互依存和互补,而不是竞争。匮乏或缺乏营养的威胁不是来自其他阶级,而是来自市场失败或整个经济社会失败的前景。面对社会和经济崩溃的共同威胁,所有人都团结在一起,共同抵抗。因此,作为所有者,每个阶级都希望有一个强大的国家来保护私有财产,使占有合法化,并保证货币的价值。事实上,只要家庭主妇本身成为财产、劳动力和货币的所有者,他们就会在一个强大的国家中分享利益。当然,国家的经济政策可能会以特定阶级的主要利益为出发点,因此可能会出现对政策选择的民主反对,但这种反对没有理由达到暴力的程度,威胁到国家本身。经济阶级从国家手中夺取暴力垄断权而获益的情况少之又少。
4.3.2 The finitude of nutritional value and the finitude of time and labor prevent merchants and capitalists from escaping the reciprocal dependencies of the economic system. Only social capital, appropriated in the form of valuable assets or abstract wealth, is capable of unlimited increase. The principle that enables this is the creation of liabilities in excess of reserves. While the proprietors, merchants, capitalists, and governments who take out loans are now driven to increase their appropriations by the additional motive of debt, bankers who issue loans occupy the reciprocal position of this class relation. Bankers may be under an obligation to balance liabilities with assets, yet loans are neutral in this regard, since the liability (that the loan may now be spent) is perfectly balanced by the asset (that the loan must be repaid). On the one hand, bankers are placed in a position 4.3.2 营养价值的有限性以及时间和劳动的有限性使商人和资本家无法摆脱经济制度的相互依赖关系。只有以有价值的资产或抽象财富形式占有的社会资本才能无限增长。实现这一点的原则是创造超过储备的负债。现在,贷款的业主、商人、资本家和政府在债务的额外动力驱使下增加了他们的拨款,而发放贷款的银行家则处于这种阶级关系的对等地位。银行家可能有义务平衡负债与资产,但贷款在这方面是中性的,因为负债(贷款现在可以使用)与资产(贷款必须偿还)是完全平衡的。一方面,银行家处于以下地位
of power in relation to other classes, since they appropriate their property through interest. On the other hand, bankers remain susceptible to the fortunes of the other classes, since a default on a loan may lead to a loss of reserves and a contraction of credit. 相对于其他阶级而言,银行家的权力更大,因为他们通过利息来支配自己的财产。另一方面,银行家仍然容易受到其他阶层命运的影响,因为拖欠贷款可能导致储备金的损失和信贷的收缩。
A fundamental issue in the politics of money is the ability to issue liabilities in excess of reserves. It is the creation of credit as an active economic force. The monopoly of credit has largely been in the hands of the state or the clearing banks. While the state may hold the privilege of currency issue and taxation, banks hold the privilege of being financial intermediaries. The advantages of scale lead to most transactions between banks being canceled in the clearing house so that liabilities may far exceed reserves as long as the banks extend their positions cautiously and “in step.” ^(32){ }^{32} Commercial credit, privately agreed between companies, is qualitatively different from money. Records of such debts do not circulate freely. Commercial credit may enable some limited circulation insofar as it serves as security for the issuing of further credit. It can only circulate, however, within a network of companies based on mutual recognition and trust. It is in some respects a regression to pre-market modes of exchange. 货币政治的一个基本问题是发行超过储备金的负债的能力。这是创造作为一种积极经济力量的信贷。信贷的垄断权主要掌握在国家或清算银行手中。国家可能拥有货币发行和税收特权,而银行则拥有作为金融中介的特权。规模优势导致银行之间的大部分交易都在清算所取消,因此,只要银行谨慎地、"按部就班 "地扩大头寸,负债就可能远远超过储备。 ^(32){ }^{32} 公司之间私下达成的商业信贷与货币有本质区别。这种债务的记录不会自由流通。商业信贷可以作为发放更多信贷的担保,从而实现有限的流通。然而,它只能在基于相互承认和信任的公司网络内流通。在某些方面,它是对市场前交换模式的一种倒退。
Banks, like governments, have limited resources to create money for use by themselves. Credit is a relation, not a possession, and banks are dependent on those who take out loans. The centralization of wealth in bank reserves is not a simple centralization of power. In particular, insofar as financial speculation is the most profitable of activities, banks may be dependent on the successes of speculators for the creation and repayment of money. Whether one speculates on real estate as the owner of property or one speculates on financial markets through trading in currencies, equities, bonds, and derivatives, and whether money is created as mortgage or as leverage, the effects are largely the same. A speculator, like the bank, may hold liabilities far in excess of reserves, since such liabilities are guaranteed by the value of the assets they have been used to acquire. Yet these assets hold a significant value because they have been inflated by speculation. As with bank money created by banks, there is no limit to the amount of exchange value created by speculators, provided they move forward together and in step. Banks are dependent on investors and speculators for the creation of money and the opportunity to acquire interest. Speculators may acquire reserves at the expense of the banks if the profits of speculation 银行和政府一样,创造货币供自己使用的资源有限。信贷是一种关系,而不是一种财产,银行依赖于贷款者。银行储备财富的集中并不是简单的权力集中。特别是,只要金融投机是最有利可图的活动,银行就可能依赖投机者的成功来创造和偿还货币。不管是作为财产所有者投机房地产,还是通过货币、股票、债券和衍生品交易投机金融市场,也不管货币是作为抵押还是作为杠杆创造出来的,其效果大体相同。像银行一样,投机者持有的负债可能会远远超过储备金,因为这些负债是由他们用来购买的资产的价值所担保的。然而,这些资产由于被投机行为抬高了价值,因此具有很大的价值。与银行创造的银行货币一样,只要投机者齐头并进,他们创造的交换价值也是无限的。银行依赖投资者和投机者创造货币和获取利息的机会。如果投机获利,投机者可能会以银行为代价获取储备金。
exceed the costs of commission and interest by a significant margin. While speculators may continue to hold their reserves in banks, the place where reserves are held is ultimately determined by the speculators. Speculation, as the most profitable of financial activities, holds the highest degree of class power. While speculators may in practice depend on merchants for nutrition, on capitalists for variable rates of profit, and on bankers for financial intermediation and leverage, they may profit even when the other classes are in decline. Speculators may therefore be taken to represent a distinct class from merchants, capitalists, and bankers: their interests are not the same. Yet for the speculator, the market is a site of wins and losses, opportunities and threats, greed and fear no longer protected by insurance and provision. It is a highly artificial “state of nature.” Little creativity is possible, since all that can be made are profits. Otherwise, speculation is only a matter of information, strategy, discipline, and risk management. The speculator is more directly submitted to the authority of money and debt than anyone else. 投机者的储备金成本大大超过佣金和利息成本。虽然投机者可以继续在银行持有储备金,但储备金的存放地点最终由投机者决定。投机作为最有利可图的金融活动,拥有最高的阶级权力。虽然投机者在实践中可能依赖商人提供营养,依赖资本家获得可变利润率,依赖银行家提供金融中介和杠杆作用,但即使在其他阶级衰落时,他们也能获利。因此,投机者可以被视为与商人、资本家和银行家不同的阶层:他们的利益并不相同。然而,对于投机者来说,市场是一个充满赢家与输家、机遇与威胁、贪婪与恐惧的场所,不再有保险和准备金的保护。这是一种高度人为的 "自然状态"。不可能有什么创造性,因为能赚到的只有利润。否则,投机只是一个信息、策略、纪律和风险管理的问题。投机者比任何人都更直接地服从于货币和债务的权威。
A speculator, like a bank, may hold liabilities far in excess of reserves. A speculator is not simply in debt, however, for these liabilities are used to acquire assets. While the assets may vary in value according to market conditions, the liabilities do not. Hence, a speculator may make a significant profit from a highly leveraged investment in an asset that has a small increase in value. Misfortune can lead to significant losses. Yet such losses may be controlled and limited by an effective money-management strategy and automated stop orders. Since the risks can be limited in this way, it is possible to take out highly leveraged positions with limited risks. Speculators are subject to contracts and debts, yet they are liberated from debts by the correct predictions of prices. The dynamics of the market liberate speculators from debt by means of a new dependence-on the dynamics and predictability of the market. It is this new dependence and principle of dynamism that constitutes speculators as a separate economic class. 投机者与银行一样,可能持有远远超过储备金的负债。然而,投机者并不只是负债,因为这些负债是用来获取资产的。资产的价值可能会随着市场条件的变化而变化,而负债则不会。因此,投机者可以通过高杠杆投资于价值增长较小的资产,从而获得可观的利润。不幸则可能导致重大损失。然而,这种损失可以通过有效的资金管理策略和自动止损指令加以控制和限制。既然可以通过这种方式限制风险,那么就有可能在风险有限的情况下建立高杠杆头寸。投机者受制于合约和债务,但通过对价格的正确预测,他们可以摆脱债务。市场的动态性通过一种新的依赖性--市场的动态性和可预测性--将投机者从债务中解放出来。正是这种新的依赖性和动态性原则使投机者成为一个独立的经济阶层。
4.3.3 Speculators are intermediaries for flows of money rather than of goods. Their activities may superficially be taken to resemble those of merchants. From a synchronic perspective, a speculator makes profits from arbitrage: buying in one market to sell at a better price in another. The speculator would have to exploit advantages of information and mobility. 4.3.3 投机商是资金流动而非货物流动的中介。从表面上看,他们的活动与商人类似。从同步的角度看,投机者通过套利获利:在一个市场买入,然后在另一个市场以更好的价格卖出。投机者必须利用信息和流动性的优势。
In practice, however, there is a time delay between buying and selling. Whereas commerce profits from transactions in distanced markets, speculation profits from price differences in markets separated in time. The creation of money as credit and debt is an alternative source of wealth to the production of goods and services. 但实际上,买入和卖出之间存在时间差。商业从距离遥远的市场交易中获利,而投机则从时间上分离的市场价格差异中获利。作为信贷和债务的货币创造是商品和服务生产之外的另一种财富来源。
Speculation attains this power of detachment from other economic processes by taking itself as its own object. As future conditions are unknown, speculation may involve less of an element of privileged knowledge (as in traditional strategies of investment) and more of an element of uncertainty. The profitability of speculation results largely from its own impact on prices. Speculation operates by imitation and herd behavior: it is a matter of guessing the direction in which the herd will move and staying ahead of a significant proportion. In this respect, all speculators compete with each other and win or lose out to each other. Yet such competition is merely superficial. The change in prices resulting from the herd is the main source of profits in the form of asset inflation. The wealth of speculators is created as a claim against bank reserves. The result of imitation is a positive feedback effect on prices: rising prices lead to further buying and further rises; falling prices lead to selling. Such positive feedback effects generate instabilities in price levels, leading to the significant swings up and down from which speculators profit. Such positive feedback effects are usually limited by the negative feedback effects resulting from uncertainty. Since no one knows when the herd will turn, it is in the speculator’s interest to turn early. It is better to take a quick profit than risk a loss. This very uncertainty ensures that a turn will indeed take place. Such changes of direction spread by imitation. The oscillations generated by positive feedback are usually kept within bounds by a wider envelope of negative feedback. Overall, such wider envelopes may constitute self-confirming trend channels that speculators may use to predict probable outcomes. If probable predictions can be made, risks can be minimized through diversification, and small, quick profits can be amplified through leverage followed by reinvestment, leading to compound rates of growth. 投机以自身为对象,从而获得了脱离其他经济过程的力量。由于未来的情况是未知的,因此投机可能较少涉及特权知识因素(如传统的投资策略),而更多地涉及不确定性因素。投机的盈利性主要来自于其自身对价格的影响。投机是通过模仿和从众行为来运作的:投机者需要猜测从众的行动方向,并在相当大的比例上保持领先。在这方面,所有投机者都相互竞争,互有胜负。然而,这种竞争只是表面现象。羊群效应导致的价格变化才是以资产膨胀形式获得利润的主要来源。投机者的财富是作为银行储备的债权而产生的。模仿的结果是对价格产生正反馈效应:价格上涨导致进一步购买和进一步上涨;价格下跌导致抛售。这种正反馈效应会造成价格水平的不稳定,导致价格大幅上下波动,投机者从中获利。这种正反馈效应通常会受到不确定性带来的负反馈效应的限制。由于没有人知道牛群何时会转向,投机者的利益在于尽早转向。与其冒着亏损的风险,不如快速获利。正是这种不确定性确保了转向的发生。这种方向的改变会通过模仿传播开来。正反馈产生的振荡通常会被更大的负反馈包络所控制。总体而言,这种较宽的包络线可能构成投机者用来预测可能结果的自我确认趋势通道。 如果能够做出可能的预测,就可以通过分散投资最大限度地降低风险,并通过杠杆作用放大小而快的利润,然后进行再投资,从而实现复合增长率。
Speculators may rely on events in the productive economy to have an impact on prices, leading to perpetual disequilibrium and readjustment. Speculative markets are enriched by investors’ trading in the same markets. Yet whereas investors are concerned with the “fundamentals,” or events in 投机者可能依赖生产性经济中的事件对价格产生影响,从而导致长期的不平衡和再调整。投机市场因投资者在同一市场的交易而受益。然而,投资者关注的是 "基本面 "或生产性经济中的事件。
the productive economy and their impact on prices, speculators are concerned with markets. Where small, rapid variations settle into trends and overall patterns, then movements of price charts give a clearer indication of the mood in the market among traders and investors, and techniques of charting and technical analysis offer fair predictions of future behavior. 投机者关注的是生产性经济及其对价格的影响。当微小而快速的变化形成趋势和整体模式时,价格图表的走势就能更清晰地显示交易者和投资者的市场情绪,而图表和技术分析技术则能对未来行为做出合理预测。
The creation of money through speculation is inflationary. It leads to a general rise in prices of speculative assets. Such inflation is restricted to markets in speculative assets, however, for money created as a loan for investment in speculative assets will have to be repaid in the form of money. Thus, the inflation of speculative assets is the very reason for their profitability. Without contributing to production, speculative assets may inflate much faster than consumer goods, leading to a differential in the level of wealth. Inflation is always relative to particular markets. It is difficult to say when any particular market has become over-inflated-indeed, there is no reason in principle why any asset should not inflate indefinitely, acquiring greater value the more constantly and predictably it ascends. There is no reason why equities should be priced at a ratio to earnings of about 15:1 (fifteen years to recover the costs of investment) as a historical norm, rather than any other value, apart from the self-fulfilling expectations of fundamental investors. In practice, however, all price trends come to an end. The reason for this is simple: value acquired through speculative inflation is not secured until it is converted back into money. All speculators will eventually have to sell and will seek to sell ahead of the majority of others. Crashes are driven by attempts to realize profits or minimize losses. The preference for liquidity is a preference for the realization of nominal value. Where speculative inflation may be steady and continuous, speculative crashes are sharp and sudden. Yet crashes are not driven simply by speculative bubbles. Indeed, such “bubbles” may be stable for long periods. Instead, a crash is caused by a coincidence of the activities of “bear” speculators and investors causing a break in a trend channel. Once the trend channel is broken, traders diverge over the direction of the market, and the moments at which they trade tend to divide, leading to distinct price rises and falls. The resultant instability undermines the confidence of speculative investors, leading to some withdrawal from the market. The consequent selling generates the crash. 通过投机创造货币会导致通货膨胀。它会导致投机资产价格的普遍上涨。不过,这种通货膨胀仅限于投机资产市场,因为作为投资投机资产的贷款而创造的货币必须以货币的形式偿还。因此,投机性资产的通货膨胀正是其有利可图的原因。在不促进生产的情况下,投机资产的膨胀速度可能比消费品快得多,从而导致财富水平的差异。通货膨胀总是相对于特定市场而言的。很难说任何特定市场何时已经过度膨胀--事实上,原则上没有理由说任何资产不应该无限膨胀,它越是持续和可预测地上涨,就越能获得更大的价值。除了基本面投资者自我实现的预期之外,没有任何理由说明股票价格与收益的比率应为 15:1(十五年收回投资成本),而不是任何其他价值。然而,实际上,所有的价格趋势都会终结。原因很简单:通过投机性通胀获得的价值在转换回货币之前是没有保障的。所有投机者最终都必须卖出,而且会抢在大多数人之前卖出。崩盘的驱动力是试图实现利润或尽量减少损失。对流动性的偏好就是对实现名义价值的偏好。投机性通胀可能是稳定和持续的,而投机性崩盘则是急剧和突然的。然而,崩溃并不仅仅是由投机泡沫驱动的。事实上,这种 "泡沫 "可能长期稳定。 相反,暴跌是由于 "熊市 "投机者和投资者的活动共同导致趋势通道被打破。一旦趋势通道被打破,交易者对市场方向的看法就会出现分歧,他们交易的时机也会出现分化,导致价格出现明显的上涨和下跌。由此产生的不稳定性打击了投机投资者的信心,导致部分投资者撤出市场。随之而来的抛售导致崩盘。
Indeed, although the dominant trend of the market may be toward con- 事实上,尽管市场的主流趋势可能是向着 "共生 "的方向发展,但这并不意味着 "共生 "就是市场的主流趋势。
tinual inflation, speculating on price falls may be equally profitable. For “bear traders” are capable of reversing time. By selling short, or selling an asset one does not possess in the expectation of delivering it later and in the meantime buying it when one wishes at a better price, one can make significant profits when the market is falling. Just as banks create money in excess of reserves, speculators who sell short may create assets in excess of reserves. Although such profits are made at the expense of others, and inexperienced traders can take significant losses, there may be profits overall for most participants. For most given prices at a particular moment in time, it is probable that there will be a later time at which the price is higher as well as a time at which the price is lower. All can therefore make some degree of profit from price fluctuations, even in a limited market where nothing is produced. For value is created by both asset fluctuations and bank loans. Such centers of accumulation drive the creation of profits; they also drive the accumulation of social capital. The impact of speculation on production and distribution is a subject of some complexity. 如果说 "熊市交易者 "能够逆转时间,那么投机价格下跌可能同样有利可图。因为 "熊市交易者 "能够逆转时间。通过卖空,或者卖出自己并不拥有的资产,期望日后将其交付,同时在自己希望的时候以更好的价格买入,这样就可以在市场下跌时赚取可观的利润。正如银行创造出超过储备的货币一样,卖空的投机者也可能创造出超过储备的资产。虽然这种利润是以牺牲他人利益为代价的,而且缺乏经验的交易者可能会蒙受巨大损失,但对大多数参与者来说,总体上还是有利可图的。对于某一特定时刻的大多数给定价格而言,很可能会出现价格上涨或下跌的情况。因此,所有人都能从价格波动中获得一定程度的利润,即使是在什么都不生产的有限市场中也是如此。因为价值是由资产波动和银行贷款共同创造的。这种积累中心推动了利润的创造,也推动了社会资本的积累。投机对生产和分配的影响是一个相当复杂的问题。
4.3.4 The creation of wealth is driven by three independent sources. In the first place, production is determined by the accumulation, invention, and construction of capital. There is no guarantee that such productive capacity will be used. With insufficient demand, productive capacity either will be under-utilized or will contribute to oversupply. In the second place, then, the presence of demand is necessary to bring productive capacity to utilization. There is no guarantee that the capacity for demand will be used. With insufficient money, demand will fail to become effective. Just as a healthy economy will seek to maximize its productive potential, it will also seek to maximize its effective demand. Credit, the power underlying money, is the power to enter into contracts. It is credit that facilitates the binding of nutritional value to time. It is credit that is the third source of wealth. Since credit, the power expressed by speculators, is unlimited, the dynamics of its appropriation may differ significantly from the appropriation of nutrition and time. 4.3.4 创造财富有三个独立的来源。首先,生产由资本的积累、发明和建设决定。这种生产能力的使用没有保证。在需求不足的情况下,生产能力要么得不到充分利用,要么造成供过于求。其次,需求的存在是利用生产能力的必要条件。我们无法保证需求能力一定会被利用。如果货币不足,需求就无法发挥效用。正如一个健康的经济体会寻求最大化其生产潜力一样,它也会寻求最大化其有效需求。信用是货币的基础,是签订合同的能力。正是信用促进了营养价值与时间的结合。信用是财富的第三个来源。由于信用(投机者表现出来的力量)是无限的,其占有的动力可能与营养和时间的占有大不相同。
Capital, effective demand, and credit are subject to varying degrees of distribution. To be maximized, capital has to be assembled according to an invented form. In this respect, the concentration of capital may lead to an increase in wealth. The result of concentrating effective demand, by 资本、有效需求和信贷受到不同程度的分配。为了实现最大化,资本必须按照发明的形式进行组合。在这方面,资本的集中可能会导致财富的增加。集中有效需求的结果是
contrast, is to change its form from demand for common sources of nutrition to demand for luxury items and services, as well as for speculative or non-produced assets. The concentration of effective demand leads to an underutilization of capacity for demand in society as a whole, as well as oversupply and underutilization of productive capacity. Concentration of effective demand confines growth to narrower and narrower circuits, increasing inequality and turning the poor majority into servants of the wealthy minority. Concentration of effective demand restricts economic growth. It may have ambiguous effects on the environment: while it restricts overall levels of production and consumption, poverty may lead to practices with poor ecological sustainability through the necessity of immediate demands for subsistence. It may also contribute to population growth, which is closely correlated with poverty, leading to an increased burden on the environment. Overall, then, it is important that capital formation and effective demand be kept in balance to avoid the dangers of overproduction and inflation. It is also important that effective demand be widely distributed and not a mere function of ownership of the means of production, because the owners of the means of production are dependent on effective consumers. It is not production alone that is the creation of wealth. Effective demand is just as significant insofar as it determines what kind of wealth is needed and what is true wealth. The consumption of luxury goods by a minority, even if it is expressed as a large annual turnover, cannot be taken as a measure of wealth. Moreover, the condition for making demand effective is credit. Producers, consumers, bankers, and speculators all play a role in the creation of wealth. 相反,有效需求的形式则从对普通营养来源的需求转变为对奢侈品和服务以及投机性或非生产性资产的需求。有效需求的集中导致整个社会需求能力的利用不足,以及生产能力的供过于求和利用不足。有效需求的集中将增长限制在越来越狭窄的范围内,加剧了不平等,使大多数穷人成为少数富人的奴仆。有效需求的集中限制了经济增长。它可能对环境产生模棱两可的影响:虽然它限制了生产和消费的总体水平,但贫困可能会导致生态可持续性差的做法,因为必须立即满足生存需求。贫困还可能助长人口增长,而人口增长与贫困密切相关,导致环境负担加重。因此,总的来说,资本形成和有效需求必须保持平衡,以避免生产过剩和通货膨胀的危险。同样重要的是,有效需求应广泛分布,而不仅仅是生产资料所有权的函数,因为生产资料所有者依赖于有效消费者。创造财富的不仅仅是生产。有效需求同样重要,因为它决定了需要什么样的财富,什么才是真正的财富。少数人对奢侈品的消费,即使表现为巨大的年营业额,也不能作为财富的衡量标准。此外,使需求有效的条件是信贷。生产者、消费者、银行家和投机者都在创造财富的过程中发挥作用。
It is by no means clear that private ownership of the means of production makes a positive contribution to the creation of wealth, for where wealth derives from the accumulation, invention, and construction of capital, owners of the means of production aim primarily for profits. Although the private sector produces goods and services, the criterion of profitability provides no defense against the consumption and depletion of natural, human, and institutional capital. The public sector, by contrast, may be regarded as primarily investing in environmental, human, and social capital. It accumulates resources that are later used, largely without individual contracts of exchange, by the private sector in bringing goods and services to the market. John Maynard Keynes’s insight remains essential here: if a so- 生产资料的私有制是否对创造财富做出了积极贡献并不明确,因为财富来自资本的积累、发明和建设,而生产资料的所有者主要是为了利润。尽管私营部门生产商品和服务,但盈利标准并不能抵御自然、人力和制度资本的消耗和枯竭。相比之下,公共部门可被视为主要投资于环境、人力和社会资本。公共部门积累的资源后来被私营部门用于向市场提供商品和服务,但基本上没有个人交换合同。约翰-梅纳德-凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的洞察力在此仍然至关重要:如果一个如此
ciety wishes to avoid spending more than it earns, then it should prioritize public spending over private profits. Government spending, if funded from taxation, does not affect the quantity of money available in the economy. Government spending has a dual beneficial effect: it renews environmental, human, and social capital at the same time that it redistributes spending power to sectors beyond private circuits of investment, wages, interest, and profits. The private sector is only a partial contributor to wealth. It produces goods and services and performs some redistribution of money through wages and interest, but it contributes far less to the renewal of capital and the redistribution of wealth. Moreover, the money taken from the private sector in taxation is eventually returned to it through public spending and consumption. Since public spending does not aim directly at production, there is no danger or possibility of waste. Spending on welfare costs nothing to society as a whole when those who receive welfare spend their income on goods and services produced by the private sector. On the contrary, such spending may contribute to economic growth. 如果社会希望避免入不敷出,那么就应该优先考虑公共开支,而不是私人利润。如果政府支出的资金来自税收,则不会影响经济中可用的货币数量。政府支出具有双重效益:它在更新环境、人力和社会资本的同时,也将消费能力重新分配给投资、工资、利息和利润等私人领域以外的部门。私营部门只是财富的部分贡献者。它生产商品和服务,并通过工资和利息对货币进行再分配,但它对资本更新和财富再分配的贡献要小得多。此外,从私营部门征收的税款最终会通过公共开支和消费返还给私营部门。由于公共开支不直接用于生产,因此不存在浪费的危险和可能性。当领取福利的人将其收入用于购买私营部门生产的商品和服务时,福利支出不会给整个社会带来任何损失。相反,这种支出可能会促进经济增长。
The difference between private investment and public spending lies in capacity utilization. ^(33){ }^{33} The labor of the unemployed is undisciplined: it may produce goods and services in an informal economy of provision and care; it may waste time in idleness. Private investment, by contrast, may at least find advantages in maximizing capacity utilization. Yet the distinction is by no means simple. Those who are employed for the sake of maximizing profits may not be effectively employed in the accumulation, invention, construction, and operation of capital. While their labor is disciplined, it may not be disciplined toward socially useful goals. There may be as much wastage of capacity and time from spending in the private sector as results from spending in the public sector. For just as an economy is not a single sphere of circulation but a network of markets where goods, services, assets, and money may circulate according to differing densities of accumulation, so the time of work is not an undifferentiated, productive whole but varies in proportion to natural, human, and social capital and has differing outcomes in respect to capital, goods and services, and money. A healthy economy requires a critique of the conduct of work, just as it needs a critique of the accumulation of wealth in narrow, self-replicating circuits. 私人投资与公共开支的区别在于能力利用率。 ^(33){ }^{33} 失业者的劳动是没有规律的:他们可能在非正规经济中生产商品和提供服务,也可能在无所事事中浪费时间。相比之下,私人投资至少可以在最大限度地提高产能利用率方面找到优势。然而,这种区别并不简单。那些为追求利润最大化而就业的人可能无法有效地从事资本的积累、发明、建设和运营。虽然他们的劳动是有规律的,但可能并不是为了实现对社会有用的目标而有规律地劳动。私营部门的支出与公共部门的支出一样,都可能造成能力和时间的浪费。正如经济不是一个单一的流通领域,而是一个市场网络,在这个网络中,商品、服务、资产和货币可以根据不同的积累密度进行流通,工作时间也不是一个无差别的生产性整体,而是根据自然、人力和社会资本的比例而变化,并在资本、商品和服务以及货币方面产生不同的结果。健康的经济需要对工作行为进行批判,正如需要对狭隘的、自我复制的财富积累进行批判一样。
When it comes to the distribution of credit, one may at first wish to distinguish between productive and unproductive forms of profit seeking: 说到信贷的分配,人们可能首先会想把追求利润的生产性和非生产性形式区分开来:
between capital investment and financial speculation. The situation, in fact, is rather more complex. Money holds liquidity in virtue of its capacity to circulate through all markets. Where goods and services barely circulate at all, being rapidly produced and consumed, and assets recirculate within limited markets, money connects the network of markets. One cannot assume that its effects are geographically neutral, however. If investment is profitable, then the investment of money in a particular market or sphere of circulation may result in a greater quantity of value leaving that market through the repatriation of profits. As a result, it is likely that such a throughput will be increased so that greater profits may be realized. Regions of an economy may be either enriched or impoverished by investment. This is especially the case when poor regions are sold the necessities of life by multinational corporations at lower prices than they could produce locally. Their money leaves the local economy, resulting in the underutilization of their productive capacity. Given the concentration of money in tighter and tighter circuits of circulation, regions may be progressively impoverished through increased circulation when the overall effect is a depletion of wealth. Moreover, to the extent that money necessarily flows toward concentrations of wealth to realize profits and replenish reserves at interest, private profit operates as an effective drain on an economy. Capital investment and financial speculation can both reduce overall production. 资本投资与金融投机之间的关系。事实上,情况要复杂得多。货币因其在所有市场流通的能力而具有流动性。在商品和服务几乎不流通、生产和消费都很迅速、资产在有限的市场内循环的情况下,货币将市场网络连接起来。然而,我们不能假定货币的影响在地域上是中立的。如果投资有利可图,那么货币在特定市场或流通领域的投资可能会导致更多的价值通过利润回流而离开该市场。因此,这种吞吐量很可能会增加,从而实现更大的利润。一个经济体的某些地区可能因投资而富裕,也可能因投资而贫穷。当跨国公司以低于当地生产的价格向贫困地区出售生活必需品时,情况尤其如此。他们的钱离开了当地经济,导致生产能力利用不足。由于货币集中在越来越紧密的流通循环中,当整体效果是财富枯竭时,地区可能会通过增加流通而逐渐贫困化。此外,由于货币必然流向财富集中地,以实现利润和补充利息储备,因此私人利润会对经济造成有效的消耗。资本投资和金融投机都会减少总体生产。
Speculation has this economic effect of draining wealth. Asset-price inflation and increased profitability draw money away from the productive economy into ever tighter circuits of circulation. Yet the concentration of credit has somewhat more ambivalent effects, for credit may function as a reserve. The activity of speculation must be secured by underlying reserves, whether these are cash reserves held by speculators or bank reserves held against default on loans. Reserves to secure speculative assets are held in much less volatile forms of corporate and government bonds. Indeed, large concentrations of accumulated wealth are required to fund corporate investment and government borrowing. By means of accumulated reserves, speculators provide a service to both productive investment and public spending, even if they do not contribute directly to either. Unproductive profits, when held as reserves, may function effectively as the basis for credit and further production. Indeed, in the capitalist credit economy, production takes place only on the basis of non-productive reserves. Both 投机具有耗尽财富的经济效应。资产价格的膨胀和利润率的提高将资金从生产性经济中抽走,进入日益紧缩的流通环节。然而,信贷的集中会产生更矛盾的影响,因为信贷可以起到储备的作用。投机活动必须有基本储备作为保障,无论是投机者持有的现金储备,还是银行为防止贷款违约而持有的储备。为投机资产提供担保的储备金是以波动性小得多的公司债券和政府债券的形式持有的。事实上,企业投资和政府借贷需要大量集中的积累财富。通过积累储备,投机者为生产性投资和公共开支提供了服务,即使他们并不直接参与其中的任何一项。非生产性利润作为储备,可以有效地作为信贷和进一步生产的基础。事实上,在资本主义信贷经济中,只有在非生产性储备的基础上才能进行生产。两者都是
corporate investment and government spending increase the money supply through the multiplier effect. Private investment stimulates capital formation while public spending stimulates effective demand. The extraordinary nature of debt money is that, even when it is hoarded and reserved, it may be in more than one place at a time, circulating through very different markets. 企业投资和政府支出通过乘数效应增加货币供应量。私人投资刺激资本形成,而公共开支则刺激有效需求。债务货币的特殊性在于,即使它被囤积和保留,也可能同时存在于多个地方,在截然不同的市场中流通。
However, the concentration of credit in speculative assets may also have certain negative effects. Speculation leads to instability when it affects the price of a currency. Volatile price movements in speculative assets may affect the values of the currencies in which they are priced, since it is necessary to exchange currencies to buy or sell assets or bonds in differing currencies. Speculation applies its positive and negative feedback loops to intercurrency values, producing volatility. To counterbalance such volatility, it is necessary to hold reserves in a strong currency, and this in turn secures the value of strong currencies. Speculation, then, contributes to a hierarchy of currencies, with varying degrees of risk and volatility. Those who hold a weak currency are at the mercy of external economic forces. Similarly, speculation causes the risk of intermittent crashes. In a stock market or currency crash, banks become exposed to bad debts, negative reserve flows, liquidity problems, and instability. The dangers of such events can be mitigated by speculative instruments. If most major banks and investors have their positions effectively hedged, then a crash may harm small investors but may not be so severe for larger financial players. Indeed, the increased volatility of a crash is an ideal opportunity to generate more profits during periods of fall and recovery. In fact, the security provided by hedging may make a crash less likely in that there is less pressure to sell while confidence, risks taken, and speculative exposure are increased. 然而,信贷集中于投机性资产也可能产生某些负面影响。当投机影响到货币价格时,就会导致不稳定。投机性资产的价格波动可能会影响其定价货币的价值,因为需要兑换货币来购买或出售不同货币的资产或债券。投机对货币间的价值产生正反馈循环,从而产生波动。为了抵消这种波动,有必要持有强势货币储备,这反过来又确保了强势货币的价值。因此,投机活动造成了货币的等级制度,其风险和波动程度各不相同。持有弱势货币的人只能任由外部经济力量摆布。同样,投机也会导致间歇性崩盘的风险。在股市或货币暴跌时,银行会面临坏账、负储备流动、流动性问题和不稳定。投机工具可以减轻此类事件的危险。如果大多数主要银行和投资者都对其头寸进行了有效对冲,那么暴跌可能会对小投资者造成伤害,但对较大的金融参与者来说可能不会那么严重。事实上,暴跌造成的波动加剧正是在下跌和复苏期间获取更多利润的理想机会。事实上,套期保值提供的安全性可能会降低暴跌的可能性,因为在信心、风险和投机风险增加的同时,卖出的压力也会减少。
One cannot formulate simple rules regarding the effects of speculation and the concentration of credit, for concentration of credit is not opposed to its dispersal. Where wealth is driven by capital, demand, and credit, then it is increased by the distribution of all three. The wide distribution of capital and credit may be facilitated, however, by certain kinds of concentration of capital and credit. Equality, therefore, need not be the principal consideration for political economy. While the distribution of scarce resources of nutrition, time, and effective demand is beneficial, there are also other important concerns. The underlying tendencies orienting productive 我们无法就投机和信贷集中的影响制定简单的规则,因为信贷集中与信贷分散并不对立。如果财富是由资本、需求和信贷驱动的,那么这三者的分配都会增加财富。然而,某些资本和信贷的集中可能会促进资本和信贷的广泛分配。因此,平等不一定是政治经济学的主要考虑因素。虽然营养、时间和有效需求等稀缺资源的分配是有益的,但还有其他重要的问题。引导生产性
capacity and activity, orienting the flow of money between markets, and orienting credit and the availability of contracts are also highly significant. Such orientations are controlled in practice by the political economy of money. 此外,货币政治经济学还对能力和活动、货币在市场间的流动方向、信贷方向以及合同的可获得性具有重要意义。在实践中,这种导向受到货币政治经济学的控制。
4.4.1 All wealth derives from the accumulation, invention, and construction of capital: physical capital, both natural and artificial; human capital, in both health and education; and social capital, in both informal social bonds and formal institutional arrangements. A society will prosper to the extent that it directs nutrition and attention toward the maintenance and formation of such capital. It will also prosper to the extent that it develops a sustainable balance and relation between the various kinds of capital. 4.4.1 所有财富都来源于资本的积累、发明和建设:自然资本和人工资本;人力资本, 包括健康和教育;社会资本,包括非正式的社会纽带和正式的制度安排。一个社会的繁荣,取决于它是否将营养和注意力用于维护和形成这些资本。一个社会的繁荣也取决于它在各种资本之间建立了可持续的平衡和关系。
In this respect, just as it is traditional to distinguish between productive and unproductive labor, it is necessary to distinguish between degrees of prudence of investment of nutrition, attention, and credit in the formation of capital. Unproductive consumption of capital (in the form of war or enjoyment of luxury) is a greater threat to the wealth of a nation than unproductive labor. Unproductive investment of credit is more complex, since credit is not a finite resource, yet credit may be diverted from the formation of capital. Political economy should furnish a prudent and sustainable distribution of nutrition, attention, and credit. In practice, however, if an economy is disciplined by the need to repay debts, then an imprudent quest for profits may stimulate imprudent excess consumption from the class of skilled workers, without regard for prudent attention to capital. The illusion derives, as ever, from an inadequate representation of an economy in terms of market exchange. 在这方面,正如传统上区分生产性劳动和非生产性劳动一样,有必要区分在资本形成过程中投入营养、注意力和信贷的谨慎程度。与非生产性劳动相比,资本的非生产性消费(以战争或奢侈享受的形式)对国家财富的威胁更大。信贷的非生产性投资更为复杂,因为信贷不是有限的资源,但信贷可能会从资本形成中转移出来。政治经济应该对营养、注意力和信贷进行审慎和可持续的分配。然而,在实践中,如果一个经济体因需要偿还债务而受到约束,那么对利润的不谨慎追求可能会刺激技术工人阶级不谨慎地过度消费,而不考虑对资本的谨慎关注。这种错觉一如既往地源于市场交换对经济的不充分表述。
The principal obstacle to the prudent investment of nutrition is the state’s defense of the right to private property over and above demands for nutrition. The individual interests of those who have money and property are placed above all other interests. Similarly, the principal obstacle to the prudent distribution of attention is the moral legitimation of self-interest sustaining a wealth of cultural practices that reinforce the institution of the private individual. It is necessary to explore this moral basis for selfinterest. 对营养进行审慎投资的主要障碍是国家对私有财产权的维护,而不是对营养需求的维护。那些拥有金钱和财产的人的个人利益被置于所有其他利益之上。同样,谨慎分配注意力的主要障碍是自我利益在道德上的合法化,这种合法化支撑着大量强化个人私有制的文化习俗。我们有必要探讨利己主义的道德基础。
When society is regarded as the distribution and exchange of private property, all motivation for economic behavior is reduced to the alternative between self-interest and philanthropy, for property can only belong to self and other. It can only be acquired or given. Considered under the paradigm of property, relations with others are reduced to the dichotomy between self-interest and benevolence. Such is the origin of Adam Smith’s famous deceptive maxim: 当社会被视为私有财产的分配和交换时,所有经济行为的动机都被简化为自我利益和慈善之间的选择,因为财产只能属于自我和他人。它只能被获取或给予。在财产范式下,与他人的关系被简化为自利与仁慈的二分法。这就是亚当-斯密著名的欺骗性格言的由来:
But man has almost constant occasion for the help of his brethren, and it is in vain for him to expect it from their benevolence only. He will be more likely to prevail if he can interest their self-love in his favour, and show them that it is for their own advantage to do for him what he requires of them. Whoever offers to another a bargain of any kind, proposes to do this. Give me that which I want, and you shall have this which you want, is the meaning of every such offer; and it is in this manner that we obtain from one another the far greater part of those good offices which we stand in need of. It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages. ^(34){ }^{34} 但是,人几乎经常需要他的兄弟们的帮助,如果他只指望他们的仁慈,那是徒劳的。如果他能使他们的自爱对他有利,并向他们表明,为他做他要求他们做的事对他们自己有利,他就更有可能取得胜利。无论谁向他人提出任何形式的交易,他都是想这样做。把我想要的东西给我,你就会得到你想要的东西,这就是每一个这样的提议的含义;正是以这种方式,我们从彼此那里获得了我们所需要的大部分斡旋。我们并不是从屠夫、酿酒师或面包师的仁慈中得到晚餐,而是从他们对自身利益的考虑中得到晚餐。我们对他们说的,不是他们的人性,而是他们的自爱;我们对他们说的,从来不是自己的需要,而是他们的好处。 ^(34){ }^{34}
It would be an inefficient and unsuccessful butcher, brewer, or baker who needed constant persuasion to perform his or her good offices. Payment may be regarded as a condition for such performance, but it need not be regarded as continual persuasion. In practice, only a limited amount of economic activity consists in such exchanges. Most labor does not arise from a two-way exchange, but payment is made by a third party. Whether the third party is an employer seeking profits and hoping to pay interest and dividends, or whether the third party is the state seeking to serve the common good on the basis of taxation, the individual worker is free to pursue excellence in performance of his or her role. Self-interest is only one of a number of motivations for work. It is compatible with an ethic of public service in the public sector and compatible with an ethic of excellence in the private sector. One works to achieve a good. Contracts need not be concluded solely on the basis of self-interest. Indeed, in a complex and wealthy society there may be many alternative ways to fulfill such interests. The deciding factor for contracts, then, may in practice be the pursuit of excellence or the pursuit of the common good. Humans are social and so- 如果一个屠夫、酿酒师或面包师需要不断劝说才能履行其斡旋职责,那么他(她)就是一个低效和不成功的人。报酬可以被视为斡旋的条件,但不必被视为持续的劝说。实际上,只有有限的经济活动包含这种交换。大多数劳动并不是通过双向交流产生的,而是由第三方支付的。无论第三方是追求利润并希望支付利息和红利的雇主,还是以税收为基础为公共利益服务的国家,劳动者个人都可以自由地追求在履行其职责时的卓越表现。自身利益只是众多工作动机之一。它与公共部门的公共服务伦理相一致,也与私营部门的卓越伦理相一致。一个人的工作是为了实现某种利益。签订合同不必完全以自身利益为基础。事实上,在一个复杂而富裕的社会中,可能有许多其他方式来实现这些利益。因此,合同的决定因素实际上可能是追求卓越或追求共同利益。人类是社会性的,因此
cialized animals, perceiving their interests to lie with the health and wealth of portions of society as a whole. The alternative between self-love and benevolence is therefore a false one. 他们认为自己的利益与整个社会的健康和财富息息相关。因此,自爱与仁慈之间的选择是错误的。
When society is regarded in terms of contract rather than exchange, this false alternative evaporates. Once labor is regarded as an active pursuit of value rather than as a necessary sacrifice of ease, it becomes possible to conceive of the formation of contracts as a contribution to social capital. Contracts may enhance interdependence and cooperation; the fact that self-interest may be a necessary condition in the formation of contracts does not require that it be the overriding concern in the specific contracts chosen. Contracts always have dual dimensions: what is offered is time; what is received is nutrition. If contracts are regarded in terms of nutrition alone, then one may choose to enter those that maximize nutrition. If they are regarded in terms of time, then one may also choose to enter into contracts that improve time. Instead of being concerned with the output of work, one may be concerned with the experience of work. Whereas in terms of nutritional value the output of work is usually such that its benefiting of one excludes the benefiting of another, or such that it benefits some more than others, the experience of time is shared. It contributes to the formation of social capital. Contracts may be evaluated, then, on the basis of the nutritional value they produce, the quality of experience of time they require, and their contribution to the formation of enduring social bonds. 当我们从契约而非交换的角度来看待社会时,这种虚假的选择就会烟消云散。一旦劳动被视为对价值的积极追求,而不是对安逸的必要牺牲,就有可能将契约的形成视为对社会资本的贡献。契约可以加强相互依存与合作;自利可能是形成契约的必要条件,但这并不要求在选择具体契约时将自利放在首位。契约总是具有双重性:提供的是时间,得到的是营养。如果只从营养的角度来考虑合同,那么人们可以选择签订那些营养最大化的合同。如果从时间的角度来考虑,那么人们也可以选择签订能够改善时间的合同。与其说人们关心的是工作的产出,不如说人们关心的是工作的体验。从营养价值的角度来看,工作的产出通常是使一个人受益而排除另一个人受益,或使一些人比其他人受益更多,而时间的体验则是共享的。它有助于社会资本的形成。因此,可以根据合同产生的营养价值、所需时间体验的质量以及对形成持久社会纽带的贡献来评价合同。
The pursuit of self-interest may have limits. Demands for nutritional value, when expressed through the voluntary capacity to enter contracts, appear to be motivated by self-interest. Yet such demands can be satisfied, leaving leisure for more complex demands. “Self-interest” in general obscures significant class differences and relations. The householder’s struggle to survive, the capitalist’s unlimited desire for profit, the debtor’s obligation to repay, and the idealist’s pursuit of the common good constitute differing motivators for economic activity. The justifications given for the motivation of self-interest depend on the hypothesis that the pursuit of profit is the creation of wealth. This, as we have seen, is mere illusion. For Adam Smith, labor and investment, rather than profit in the form of rent, interest, and monopoly prices, were the true source of wealth. Moreover, contracts between householders and traders who seek nutritional value and gain a mutual advantage differ in nature from contracts between capitalists and householders that profit from extortion and from contracts between specu- 追求自身利益可能是有限度的。对营养价值的需求,如果通过签订合同的自愿能力来表达,似乎是出于自身利益的考虑。然而,这种需求可以得到满足,从而为更复杂的需求留下闲暇。一般而言,"自利 "掩盖了重大的阶级差异和关系。家庭主妇的生存斗争、资本家对利润的无限渴望、债务人的偿还义务以及理想主义者对共同利益的追求,构成了经济活动的不同动机。为自利动机提出的理由取决于这样一个假设,即追求利润就是创造财富。正如我们所看到的,这只是一种假象。在亚当-斯密看来,劳动和投资,而不是地租、利息和垄断价格等形式的利润,才是财富的真正来源。此外,寻求营养价值并获得共同利益的家庭主妇与商人之间的契约,在性质上不同于从敲诈勒索中获利的资本家与家庭主妇之间的契约,也不同于投机商之间的契约。
lators and debtors that profit from usury. That each involves some measure of self-interest is usually an effect of appropriation and lack of alternative access to nutrition, time, and credit. 从高利贷中获利的放贷人和债务人。两者都涉及一定程度的自身利益,这通常是侵占和缺乏获得营养、时间和信贷的其他途径的结果。
4.4.2 The ethic of self-interest derives from the logic of money. The owner of property, including productive capital, can be liberated from the duties of care for productive capital only by exchange, by transforming capital into money. Only on this condition can the relation of reciprocal dependence on productive capital be replaced by a relation of apparent mastery over money. Money is the precondition of liberty. For the householder, dependent on productive capital rather than the market, care for the sources of nutrition is primary, since the self cannot be individuated and separated from relations of dependence. The individuation of an economic agent occurs through exchange: market relations may be substituted for prior relations of dependence. Detachment and appropriation occur through the mediation of money, for without the possibility of exchange for money, the relation to private property collapses from mastery into use and dependence. 4.4.2 自私自利的伦理源于货币逻辑。只有通过交换,通过将资本转化为货币,财产(包括生产资本)的所有者才能从照顾生产资本的义务中解放出来。只有在这个条件下,对生产资本的相互依赖关系才能被对货币的明显支配关系所取代。货币是自由的前提。对于依赖于生产资本而非市场的家庭主妇来说,对营养来源的关心是首要的,因为自我不可能独立于依赖关系之外。经济主体的个体化是通过交换实现的:市场关系可以取代先前的依赖关系。脱离和占有是通过货币的中介发生的,因为如果没有货币交换的可能性,私有财产的关系就会从掌握崩溃为使用和依赖。
The significant feature of money here is its triple nature as a measure of value, an object of exchange, and a promise of value. The primordial form of private property is money, for money demands no individual care or maintenance - even if the social institution of money itself does require continual maintenance. One has true mastery, rather than obligations and dependencies, only over money possessed as an asset. The individual maintains money only by accepting it and spending it. Yet separation from dependencies can occur only through new dependencies: the one who trades for money comes to depend on money instead of products. The distinctive feature of money as at once a measure of value, an object of appropriation, and a promise of value is the way money takes itself for its own object: money measures money and promises money. The condition for money to be able to measure itself and promise itself is that, through the mediation of exchange, it may substitute for itself. In a similar way, the modern subject takes itself as an object of reflection and an object of desire. The condition for the subject to turn to itself and reflect on itself alone is detachment from cares and demands that arise in the web of life. Reflection is a temporal suspension of relation in which the importance of the self is substituted for the importance of relations. The condition for demands for nutrition 货币的重要特征在于它的三重性:价值尺度、交换对象和价值承诺。私有财产的原始形式是货币,因为货币不需要个人照料或维护--即使货币的社会制度本身确实需要持续维护。只有作为资产拥有的货币才是真正的主人,而不是义务和依赖。个人只有通过接受和使用金钱来维护金钱。然而,只有通过新的依赖才能摆脱依赖:用金钱交易的人开始依赖金钱,而不是产品。货币既是价值尺度,又是占有对象,还是价值承诺,其显著特点在于货币以自身为对象的方式:货币衡量货币,货币承诺货币。货币能够衡量自身和承诺自身的条件是,通过交换的中介,它可以替代自身。同样,现代主体将自身作为反思的对象和欲望的对象。主体转向自身并单独反思自身的条件是脱离生活之网中产生的烦恼和要求。反思是一种时间性的关系中止,在这种中止中,自我的重要性被关系的重要性所取代。营养需求的条件
being comprehended as self-interest is detachment from mutually nutritive relations. Such detachment and temporal suspension is facilitated by the possession of money. 被理解为自我利益的是脱离相互营养的关系。金钱的拥有为这种脱离和暂时中止提供了便利。
The absolute claim to private property, the absolute precedence of selfinterest, and the absolute claim of the state to the monopoly of violence all derive from the structure of absolution embodied in money. Absolution, detachment, and the suspension of cares, demands, obligations, and responsibilities are essentially religious matters. The daily practice of piety involved in exchange and accumulation expresses credit as a hope for absolution from ongoing cares and demands. Ascetic detachment from the world, the justification of sinners, and financial speculation may express very different forms of piety; each, however, involves absolution from obligations to care for the maintenance, accumulation, invention, and construction of capital. Each is involved in the formation of a subject. Of course, history has demonstrated that each of these pieties may have the paradoxical effect of enhancing the formation of capital in certain respects. Production occurs on the basis of the unproductive. Each does so, however, by functioning as a condition that makes credit possible. Each may constitute a properly spiritual form of capital. 私有财产的绝对所有权、自我利益的绝对优先权以及国家对暴力垄断的绝对所有权,都源于货币所体现的赦免结构。赦免、超脱,以及烦恼、要求、义务和责任的中止,本质上都是宗教问题。交换和积累所涉及的日常虔诚实践将信用表达为一种希望从持续的忧虑和要求中解脱出来的愿望。脱离世俗的苦行、为罪人辩护和金融投机所表达的虔诚形式可能截然不同,但每一种虔诚都涉及免除对资本的维护、积累、发明和建设的义务。每一种都涉及一个主体的形成。当然,历史已经证明,每一种虔诚都可能在某些方面产生促进资本形成的矛盾效果。生产是在非生产性的基础上进行的。然而,每一种宗教都是通过使信贷成为可能的条件而发挥作用的。每一种宗教都可能构成资本的一种适当的精神形式。
Just as economics is underpinned by political forces, so political forces themselves depend on credit, and credit is dependent on properly spiritual potencies. The institution of the market generates its own functions for the political in the form of the preservation of property and the enforcement of contract, the legitimation of claims to appropriate, and the maintenance of confidence in credit. Yet this very conception of the political expresses a very partial view of political economy. For the creation of wealth, property, and contract are of less significance than the formation of capital. The liberty to appropriate property is less significant than the distribution of nutrition and attention. The maintenance of confidence in money is less significant than the creative direction of credit. When the religious function of responsibility for the creation and direction of credit is delegated to institutions that manage money, an impoverished and unsustainable mode of political economy will result. 正如经济学的基础是政治力量一样,政治力量本身也依赖于信用,而信用又依赖于适当的精神力量。市场制度产生了自身的政治功能,其形式包括财产的保护和契约的执行、对适当权利要求的合法化以及对信用信心的维护。然而,这种政治概念本身表达了一种非常片面的政治经济学观点。因为财富的创造、财产和契约的重要性不如资本的形成。财产的自由占有不如营养和注意力的分配重要。维持人们对货币的信心不如信贷的创造性导向重要。当负责创造和引导信贷的宗教职能被委托给管理货币的机构时,就会产生一种贫乏和不可持续的政治经济模式。
4.4.3 In practice, much of ecological and social existence remains outside the formal sphere of representation expressed in contract. Even if the 4.4.3 在实践中,生态和社会存在的大部分内容仍在合同所表达的正式代表范围之外。即使
whole world were divided into private property, flows of chemicals, seeds, and animals would still pass borders and interact. Even if all physical processes were shaped by technology, the natural invention of further processes and interactions would continually occur. Even if the whole of time were allocated to determinate tasks of work, different experiences of time would still emerge. Of course, in wasteland and leisure time, nothing ensures that productive processes will indeed occur. Nevertheless, a significant form of productive activity is the provision of a fertile environment in which growth and emergence can occur. 即使整个世界被划分为私有财产,化学物质、种子和动物的流动仍然会通过边界并相互影响。即使所有的物理过程都由技术塑造,自然发明的更多过程和互动也会不断发生。即使所有的时间都被分配给确定的工作任务,不同的时间体验仍会出现。当然,在荒地和闲暇时间里,没有任何东西可以确保生产过程确实会发生。然而,生产性活动的一个重要形式就是提供一个肥沃的环境,让人们在其中成长和崛起。
The same may be true in the social order. Productive processes are not entirely represented in contract. The provision of nutritional value, beyond the formal constraints of contract, may be a manifestation of care. Care provides a context in which social bonds may emerge as a response. Such a response, however, is not necessitated; it is merely facilitated by care. Care operates through nutrition and time. The spiritual requires the physical in the way that meaning requires spoken words or written language. The question of the maximization of nutritional value, while important, is less significant than the conduct of care, for care is a source that motivates the provision of nutritional value. It is a spiritual capital, the source of social capital. 社会秩序可能也是如此。生产过程并不完全体现在契约中。在契约的正式约束之外,提供营养价值可能是关爱的一种体现。关爱提供了一种环境,在这种环境中,社会纽带可能会作为一种回应出现。然而,这种回应并不是必然的,它只是由关爱促成的。关爱通过营养和时间发挥作用。精神需要物质,就像意义需要口头语言或书面语言一样。营养价值最大化的问题固然重要,但其意义远不及关怀的实施,因为关怀是提供营养价值的源泉。这是一种精神资本,是社会资本的源泉。
The provision of a fertile environment is the provision of a kind of nutrition. Nutrition does not merely satiate desire. Nutrition feeds desires; it allows potential to grow. Forms of social capital, then, do not have a neutral effect on human desire. They call desire into being. Human nature has a variable range of potential that does not entirely pre-exist society. Instead, character is an evoked potential, called into being and nourished by particular social arrangements. In this respect, how a society represents itself to itself will have the utmost significance for its character. A society that imagines itself in the form of a market will have the effect of nourishing both self-love and philanthropy. It will evoke a quality of character concerned with the distribution of private property, leaving relatively undeveloped forms of social collaboration over the course of time. 提供肥沃的环境就是提供一种营养。营养不仅仅是满足欲望。营养滋养欲望;营养使潜能得以增长。因此,社会资本的形式对人类欲望的影响并不是中性的。它们召唤欲望的产生。人性的潜能是多变的,并不完全先于社会而存在。相反,性格是一种被唤起的潜能,它被特定的社会安排所激发和滋养。在这方面,一个社会如何自我表现对其性格具有极其重要的意义。一个以市场形式想象自己的社会,将产生滋养自爱和慈善的效果。它将唤起一种关注私有财产分配的品格,使社会协作的形式随着时间的推移相对不发达。
Similarly, when work is reduced to labor to produce a surplus for an employer, it can become a toil and a sacrifice of ease. The exploited worker, unable to distribute his or her time freely, loses both his or her own health as well as the opportunity to contribute to the formation of social capital. 同样,当工作沦为为雇主生产剩余产品的劳动时,就会变成一种劳累和牺牲轻松。被剥削的工人无法自由分配时间,既失去了自己的健康,也失去了为社会资本的形成做出贡献的机会。
The efficiency gains in the production of surplus nutritional value in such organized labor should be offset against the loss of human and social capital. Huge inefficiencies and wastages are involved in the elimination of free space, free time, and free association. 在这种有组织的劳动中,生产剩余营养价值的效率提高应与人力和社会资本的损失相抵消。消除自由空间、自由时间和自由结社会造成巨大的低效和浪费。
4.4.4 A society lacking spiritual capital, the capacity to form social capital, remains deeply impoverished, whatever level of consumption it achieves. In such a society, interdependence increases vulnerability at the same time that it increases consumption. A society where wealth is measured in terms of money is such an impoverished society. For money, as a price differential, measures a profit opportunity, an opportunity for appropriation. It does not measure a difference in nutritional value directly, for contracts involve both time and nutrition. A price differential may indicate an efficiency saving in time just as much as it may indicate a gain in nutrition. Indeed, since each form of nutritional value is finite, efficiency savings in terms of time tend to substitute for gains of nutrition since these are more available to technological variation. 4.4.4 一个缺乏精神资本、缺乏形成社会资本的能力的社会,无论其消费水平达到什么程 度,都会处于极度贫困之中。在这样的社会中,相互依存在增加消费的同时也增加了脆弱性。一个以金钱衡量财富的社会就是这样一个贫穷的社会。因为金钱作为一种价格差异,衡量的是一种获利的机会,一种占有的机会。它不能直接衡量营养价值的差异,因为合同涉及时间和营养。价差既可能表明在时间上节省了效率,也可能表明在营养上获得了收益。事实上,由于每种形式的营养价值都是有限的,时间方面的效率节省往往会取代营养方面的收益,因为营养方面的收益更容易受到技术变化的影响。
Efficiency in time may maintain the production of nutritional value. It does not measure such efficiency gains against the production of social capital, however, for each process is dual, involving both physical and social processes. Attending to efficiency of the production of nutrition alone leads to wastage of opportunities for the formation of social capital. Efficient labor is highly organized, with all moments that do not contribute directly to the production of nutritional value eliminated. It is time reduced to toil, where the experience and process of spending time is devalued in favor of the product. Excess consumption in leisure time, the complement of increasing production and profits, may be evoked to compensate for the lack of quality of experience in time at work. When work has no significant social meaning and workers are excluded from participation in the formation of social capital except via the medium of money, then society may need to be represented in the form of entertainment in leisure time. Such efficient use of work and leisure entails enormous amounts of wastage, both in terms of physical resources for the purpose of consumption and in terms of spiritual resources, which meet with minimal opportunities in commodified leisure time. 时间效率可以保持营养价值的生产。然而,这并不能用社会资本的生产来衡量这种效率的提高,因为每个过程都是双重的,既涉及物质过程,也涉及社会过程。如果只关注营养生产的效率,就会浪费形成社会资本的机会。高效率的劳动是高度组织化的,消除了所有对营养价值生产没有直接贡献的时间。这是将时间简化为劳作,在这种情况下,花费时间的经历和过程被贬低,而有利于产品。闲暇时间的过度消费,作为增加生产和利润的补充,可能会被唤起,以弥补工作时间体验质量的不足。如果工作没有重要的社会意义,工人除了以金钱为媒介外无法参与社会资本的形成,那么社会就可能需要在闲暇时间以娱乐的形式体现出来。这种对工作和闲暇的有效利用造成了巨大的浪费,既浪费了用于消费的物质资源,也浪费了精神资源,而这些资源在商品化的闲暇时间中得到的机会微乎其微。
Measures of productivity or prudence vary significantly with the image 生产率或谨慎性的衡量标准因形象而大不相同
of wealth conceived by society. If the wealth of a society is measured in terms of money, then the formation of social capital and the experience of time is devalued in favor of buying and investing power. Since money circulates and speculative values accumulate, it is difficult to measure the extent to which this enriches society as a whole. In such a society, the unequal distribution of wealth needs to be measured by the quantity and frequency of flows of money through particular nodes of ownership in excess of that required for the subsistence minimum for that society. The tendency of money is not to remain reserved or to distribute itself evenly, but to flow through a limited range of circuits in which it is strongly attracted to certain positions of wealth and power. Such a measure would need to be used in addition to the accumulated value of assets and a credit rating. If wealth, by contrast, is understood in terms of quality of time experienced by members of that society, then society will need to provide its own values in regard to the spending of time and meaningful social interaction. Alternatively, if wealth is regarded in terms of the accumulation, invention, and construction of physical, human, and social capital, then each of these will require its own measures. In short, the oversimplification of evaluation introduced by a monetary scale of evaluation reduces all values to a comparison with some imagined standard of external and future markets, evacuating significance from all existing forms of cultural self-representation and selfevaluation. What is required, above all else, is the liberation of other modes of representation and evaluation from their constraint under the forces of money in the forms of profit and debt. 社会财富的概念。如果一个社会的财富是用金钱来衡量的,那么社会资本的形成和时间的体验就会贬值,而购买力和投资力则会提高。由于货币的流通和投机价值的积累,很难衡量这在多大程度上丰富了整个社会。在这样的社会中,财富分配的不平等需要通过货币流过特定所有权节点的数量和频率来衡量,这些数量和频率超过了该社会最低生存所需的数量和频率。货币的趋势不是保持保留或平均分配,而是在有限的范围内流动,在这些流动中,它被某些财富和权力地位所强烈吸引。除了资产的累积价值和信用评级之外,还需要使用这种衡量标准。与此相反,如果财富是根据社会成员的时间质量来理解的,那么社会就需要在时间的花费和有意义的社会交往方面提供自己的价值观。或者,如果从物质资本、人力资本和社会资本的积累、发明和建设的角度来理解财富,那么每一种资本都需要有自己的衡量标准。总之,货币评价尺度所引入的评价过于简单化,将所有价值都简化为与某种想象中的外部和未来市场标准的比较,从所有现有的文化自我表述和自我评价形式中抽离了意义。我们首先需要的是,将其他表述和评价方式从利润和债务形式的货币力量的束缚中解放出来。
5.1.1 WE HAVE EXAMINED MONEY in relation to productive capital as well as in relation to social powers expressed through the institutions of markets and contracts. It is now time to examine money in relation to its mode of representation and the belief that this inspires. For money is in itself nothing but a representation. 5.1.1 我们已经研究了货币与生产资本的关系,以及与通过市场和契约制度表现出来的社会权力的关系。现在,我们要从货币的表征方式及其所激发的信仰来研究货币。因为货币本身只是一种表象。
Money is normally treated as a representation of value. If money is regarded as a sign of value, the material basis used to signify value should not matter. The nature of money as a sign should remain unchanged when coinage substitutes for bullion, paper money substitutes for coinage, bank records substitute for paper money, and electronic records substitute for books. In each case, the value that is signified is supposed to be the same. In economics, therefore, one can quickly pass over the nature of money to explore the science of value. Only when it comes to determining the quantity of money in circulation does one face all the difficulties of determining what is to count as money. The insoluble problem of what in practice is to be counted as money testifies to an underlying philosophical problem that emerges from the nature of representation as such. 货币通常被视为价值的代表。如果货币被视为价值符号,那么用来表示价值的物质基础就不重要了。当硬币取代金块、纸币取代硬币、银行记录取代纸币、电子记录取代账簿时,货币作为符号的性质应保持不变。在每种情况下,所象征的价值都应该是相同的。因此,在经济学中,我们可以很快越过货币的本质,去探索价值科学。只有在确定流通中的货币数量时,我们才会面临确定什么是货币的所有困难。在实践中,什么东西应该被算作货币,这个无法解决的问题证明了从表征的本质中产生的一个基本哲学问题。
The extraordinary paradox we have to reckon with is that exchange value does not exist outside of its representation. Where representation normally reproduces a prior object or opinion, money engenders the very value that it appears to represent. Value is an abstraction. Only money is real, for value is only value in exchange, yet exchange values may only be determined by making comparisons with a sum of money. Comparison differs from barter exchange. Comparisons are made only when a neutral standard of measure 我们必须面对的一个非同寻常的悖论是,交换价值并不存在于其表象之外。表象通常再现的是先前的对象或观点,而货币产生的正是它所表象的价值。价值是一种抽象概念。只有货币才是真实的,因为价值只是交换中的价值,而交换价值只能通过与货币进行比较来确定。比较不同于易货交换。只有在中立的衡量标准下才能进行比较
already exists that determines in what respect commodities are to be compared. As we have seen, prices are determined in terms of money, yet the value of money is determined by its value in exchange. As a result, there are no absolute standards of value in economics. All exchange values are relative. Value is therefore a product of its representation for the purpose of exchange. It does not exist independently of exchange. 我们已经看到,价格是由货币决定的,而货币的价值是由其在交换中的价值决定的。正如我们所看到的,价格是由货币决定的,而货币的价值是由其交换价值决定的。因此,经济学中没有绝对的价值标准。所有交换价值都是相对的。因此,价值是以交换为目的的表征的产物。它不是独立于交换而存在的。
There is no external point of reference or comparison for value, except for vague expectations concerning exterior or future markets. There is no universal system of comparative or relative values as a whole, for the work of comparison is never completed. There is no true, just, or underlying price. There is merely a continual readjustment of expectations and comparisons in relation to money and its mode of bearing value. Individual agents cannot look at an economic system as a whole. They can merely make comparisons with current prices in accessible markets and recent price movements. There is no necessary relation between a given set of prices and the ultimate price of the item to be agreed. Pricing is an art rather than a science, proceeding by a combination of imitation of other market agents; calculation of costs, benefits, and rates of turnover and profit; and differentiation on the basis of specific differences to find a place in the market. It is not merely the case that no one knows where the equilibrium price is - there is no market equilibrium or true price. Yet the notion of a true, underlying, or equilibrium price is often a necessary postulate in the determination of prices. Each act of pricing is a guess, an estimate or approximation. Since there is nothing to which it approximates, then pricing is always an act of faith. It is inherently theological. Money records a transcendent value that does not exist outside of its recording. 除了对外部或未来市场的模糊预期之外,价值没有外部参照点或比较点。没有一个普遍的比较或相对价值整体体系,因为比较工作永远不会完成。没有真正的、公正的或基本的价格。有的只是对货币及其价值承载方式的预期和比较的不断调整。个体行为者无法将经济体系视为一个整体。他们只能与可进入市场的当前价格和最近的价格变动进行比较。一组给定的价格与待商定物品的最终价格之间没有必然联系。定价是一门艺术,而不是一门科学,是通过模仿其他市场主体,计算成本、收益、周转率和利润率,以及根据具体差异进行区分,从而在市场上占有一席之地。这不仅仅是没有人知道均衡价格在哪里的问题,而是不存在市场均衡或真正的价格。然而,真实价格、基本价格或均衡价格的概念往往是确定价格的必要假设。每个定价行为都是一种猜测、估计或近似。既然没有任何东西是它的近似值,那么定价就始终是一种信仰行为。它本质上是一种神学行为。货币记录了一种超验的价值,这种价值在货币记录之外并不存在。
5.1.2 A firm price is therefore always a somewhat arbitrary agreement. It marks the point where agreement has been achieved. When price is understood in terms of contract rather than exchange, one may make a temporal distinction between two kinds of price. It is necessary to distinguish between price quoted, an offer of a contract at a given value, and price agreed, the price recorded in the contract. While a price quoted reflects hopes and expectations, uncertainties and strategies, a price recorded simply reflects what has been done. While a price quoted depends on the credibility of the one who makes an offer, a contract depends on the credibility of public contracts within that society. 5.1.2 因此,确定的价格在某种程度上总是一种武断的协议。它标志着协议的达成。如果从合同而非交换的角度来理解价格,就可以从时间上区分两种价格。有必要区分报价和协议价格,前者是按给定价值提出的合同要约,后者是合同中记录的价格。报价反映的是希望和预期、不确定性和策略,而记录的价格只是反映已经做了什么。报价取决于报价人的信誉,而合同则取决于社会中公共合同的信誉。
Where, then, is the standard against which contracts may be measured? What underwrites the value of the currency? In practice, currencies emerge from specific institutions, from states or banks. Although currencies have a market value, such a value is determined in relation to the credit of the institution that issues it - which is not independent of the credit of other institutions on which that institution depends. The value of money is not ultimately determined by economic behavior in society as a whole, for this never reaches consistent patterns or completion. Instead, the value of money must be determined by the credit of its issuing institution. In reality, therefore, it is not possible to conceive of money, prices, or exchange values as substantial goods. Neither is it possible to conceive them as relative to a determinate system taken as a whole. It is not even possible to conceive them as relative to some absolute standard of credit embodied in a state or bank. Even the credit of each state and bank is determined by a local and particular market. In each contract, the value of the contractual unit consists in anticipations concerning a network of other contracts. Money has no existence in itself. Money is merely the public accounting of contracts. 那么,衡量合同的标准在哪里?是什么支撑着货币的价值?实际上,货币产生于特定的机构,如国家或银行。尽管货币具有市场价值,但这种价值是由发行货币的机构的信用决定的,而这种信用与该机构所依赖的其他机构的信用并不无关。货币的价值最终不是由整个社会的经济行为决定的,因为这种行为永远不会达到一致的模式或完成。相反,货币的价值必须由其发行机构的信用来决定。因此,在现实中,我们不可能将货币、价格或交换价值视为实质性的商品。也不可能把它们看作是相对于一个确定体系的整体。甚至不可能把它们看作是相对于国家或银行所体现的某种绝对信用标准而言的。即使是每个国家和银行的信用也是由当地的特定市场决定的。在每一个契约中,契约单位的价值都包含着对其他契约网络的预期。货币本身并不存在。货币只是合约的公共会计。
5.1.3 Monetary transactions are invariably shared fictions. There is nothing else to which such transactions can refer, apart from other, similar transactions. It makes all the difference in the world once a fiction becomes public. As every child knows, games of “let’s pretend” are highly enriched when the pretence is shared; they are further enriched when they refer to other shared pretend games. As every religious adherent knows, religious beliefs are only credible when they are shared with a community of believers. With money, one cannot say the price agreed refers to anything other than itself and the network of assets and liabilities directly affected by the transaction. Money does not designate. 5.1.3 货币交易总是共同的虚构。除了其他类似的交易之外,此类交易别无其他参照物。虚构一旦公开,世界就完全不同了。每个孩子都知道,"让我们假装 "的游戏,如果是共同的假装,就会变得非常丰富;如果是参照其他共同的假装游戏,就会变得更加丰富。每个宗教信徒都知道,宗教信仰只有在与信徒群体共享时才是可信的。对于金钱,我们不能说商定的价格指的是除其本身以及受交易直接影响的资产和负债网络之外的任何其他东西。金钱并不指定。
Exchange value is simply composed of records in public account books. Money is simply composed of public records held by banks. There is no sharp dividing line between money and exchange value. There are only assets and liabilities, credits and debts, with differing levels of liquidity. Moreover, while specific transactions recorded in accounts may designate the contracts agreed, the balances brought forward and totals do not designate anything beyond the books. A contract for exchange merely links one book to another. Indeed, since money is added to and subtracted from balances, it would be more accurate to say that contracts for exchange des- 交换价值只是由公共账簿中的记录组成。货币只是由银行持有的公共记录组成。货币和交换价值之间没有明显的分界线。只有资产和负债、信贷和债务,以及不同程度的流动性。此外,虽然账户中记录的具体交易可能指定了商定的合同,但结转的余额和总额并不指定账簿以外的任何东西。交换合同只是将一本账簿与另一本账簿联系起来。事实上,由于货币是在余额中增减的,因此更准确地说,汇兑合同指的是
ignate proportions of balances rather than claim that balances designate a sum of contracts for exchange. 我们不主张用余额来表示交换合同的总和,而是用余额的比例来表示交换合同的总和。
There is, of course, a significant difference between a contract and a balance. A contract specifies a determination of time, even if it is simply to deliver a sum of money at a determinate time. The balance of an account, by contrast, must represent all time as already complete. Ongoing temporal contracts such as debts and credits are recorded in the atemporal form of assets and liabilities, as if the contract were already complete and the value delivered. Account books assume that contracts will be honored and debts and credits will be paid in full, even if those who use them do not. Account books designate possible futures as if they had already occurred. Account books therefore contain reasonable fictions. 当然,合同与余额之间有很大区别。合同规定了确定的时间,即使只是在确定的时间交付一笔钱。相比之下,账户余额必须代表所有已经完成的时间。债务和信贷等持续的时间合同以资产和负债的非时间形式记录,就好像合同已经完成,价值已经交付。账簿假定合同将得到履行,债务和信贷将得到全额支付,即使使用它们的人没有这样做。账簿把可能发生的未来当作已经发生。因此,账簿包含合理的虚构。
5.1.4 It is a category mistake to suppose that account books contain the facts about an enterprise or that statistics represent evidence of the state of an economy. Since money has merely a residual status as a collective fiction represented through account books and bank records, there is nothing to which accounting can refer. Instead, account books belong within the categories of ethics and law. They are concerned with credits, debts, obligations, and contracts. While the contracts themselves stipulate the legally binding obligations, the need to count and balance such obligations is a moral duty. Account books operate with a moral conception of social obligation in order to direct economic behavior. 5.1.4 假定账簿包含企业的事实或统计数字代表经济状况的证据,这是一个类别错误。由于货币作为一种通过账簿和银行记录表现出来的集体虚构,其地位只是一种残余,因此没有任何东西可以作为会计的参照。相反,账簿属于道德和法律范畴。它们涉及债权、债务、义务和合同。合同本身规定了具有法律约束力的义务,而计算和平衡这些义务则是一种道德责任。账簿以社会义务的道德概念来指导经济行为。
Account books are no less binding and regulating for being nonreferential. As a first moral principle, income and expenditure have to balance according to the model of a circular flow. It is not normal to allow debts to increase at the expense of credits, for creditors will not allow debts to expand without seeing some evidence that such debts may eventually be repaid. Yet in certain circumstances, it is possible to allow the debts of powerful and credible economic agents, such as governments and large corporations, to increase indefinitely, being refinanced out of further loans, for so long as creditors are willing to receive the interest and can, if necessary, transfer such investments to others. This demonstrates once more that levels of debt and credit are shared fictions, yet they remain costly fictions, and the cost of maintaining their credibility is interest. 账簿的约束力和规范性并不因为它的非参考性而减弱。作为第一道德原则,收入和支出必须按照循环流动的模式保持平衡。允许债务增加而牺牲信贷是不正常的,因为债权人不会允许债务扩大,除非有证据表明这些债务最终可能得到偿还。然而,在某些情况下,只要债权人愿意收取利息,并在必要时将这些投资转给他人,就有可能允许政府和大公司等有实力、有信誉的经济主体的债务无限期增加,并从更多贷款中再融资。这再次表明,债务和信贷水平是共同的虚构,但它们仍然是代价高昂的虚构,而维持其可信度的成本就是利息。
As a second moral principle, accounts, instead of merely designating 作为第二项道德原则,账户不只是指定
sums of money, make economic conduct visible. When it comes to credit, it matters much less how much money one has recorded than how creditworthy one’s accounts are. Above all, account books make economic conduct visible, open to minute scrutiny. They maintain the credibility of the enterprise through auditing and publication. The necessity that the books balance is above all an ethical necessity. It is public proof of honorable conduct as the habit of discharging obligations and debts. 让经济行为可见。在信贷方面,一个人记录了多少钱并不重要,重要的是他的账目有多可靠。最重要的是,账簿让经济行为可见,接受细微的审查。账簿通过审计和公布来维护企业的信誉。账目平衡的必要性首先是一种道德必要性。它是荣誉行为的公开证明,是履行义务和债务的习惯。
As a third moral principle, presupposed by the previous two, accounts enable self-disciplined conduct. They enable one to keep a record and a balance between income and expenditure, credits and debts. An enterprise maintains public credibility only if it maintains private self-discipline. Accounts enable budgeting, a limited distribution of scarce resources. They allow one to avoid excessive borrowing, spending, speculation, or concentration. Accountancy guides and demonstrates sober, moral, prudent, and judicious behavior. Far from being a mere description of facts in the real world or a record of contracts, accountancy is a system of moral selfdiscipline. For if accounts refer to contractual conduct in relation to others, then what they record is the outcome of such contracts. Accounts belong wholly to the moral sphere of social interaction. ^(1){ }^{1} 账目是第三条道德原则,是前两条道德原则的前提,它使人们能够自律。账目使人们能够记录和平衡收入与支出、债权与债务。一个企业只有在保持私人自律的情况下才能保持公信力。账户使人们能够编制预算,有限地分配稀缺资源。会计使人们避免过度借贷、消费、投机或集中。会计指导并展示着清醒、道德、审慎和明智的行为。会计不仅仅是对现实世界中事实的描述,也不仅仅是对契约的记录,而是一种道德自律体系。因为如果账目指的是与他人相关的契约行为,那么账目记录的就是这些契约的结果。账目完全属于社会互动的道德范畴。 ^(1){ }^{1}
5.1.5 There is a further reason for regarding accounts as shared fictions. While accounts may balance income and expenditure, they may also balance debts and credits, treating debts and credits as though the time of their contracts had expired. If a credit is treated as a current asset, then its value may be used as a basis for further borrowing. During the time taken for the original credit to be paid, its value may already be spent once more. It is as though the same money exists in two places at once. Indeed, if this is the basis for fractional reserve banking as well as for the issuing of paper money, then most money has already multiplied in this way before further credit is issued. 5.1.5 将账目视为共同虚构还有另一个原因。账目可以平衡收支,也可以平衡债务和贷项,将债务和贷项视为合约期已过。如果贷项被视为流动资产,那么其价值就可以作为进一步借贷的基础。在偿还原始信贷的时间内,其价值可能已被再次使用。这就好比同一笔钱同时存在于两个地方。事实上,如果这是部分准备金银行以及纸币发行的基础,那么在进一步发放贷款之前,大多数货币已经以这种方式成倍增长了。
The common-sense protest is that such fiat money is fictional, speculative money since it is not backed by reserves of solid value. ^(2){ }^{2} In truth, the fiction is that there is such a thing as “solid value,” embodied in gold. Gold is merely another medium for the representation of value; it is a primitive technology for accounting. What gold fails to achieve is accomplished by coinage: the separation of its face value and substantial value. The separa- 按照常理,这种法定货币是虚构的、投机性的货币,因为它没有坚实的价值储备作为支撑。 ^(2){ }^{2} 事实上,虚构的货币就是 "稳固价值",它体现在黄金中。黄金只是另一种价值表征的媒介;它是一种原始的会计技术。黄金无法实现的目标,可以通过铸币来实现:将黄金的面值和实质价值分离开来。这种分离
tion may go further when the means of recording no longer reserves value. In double-entry bookkeeping, each sum is split into a credit and a debt. The essence of money is that it can be in two places at once, functioning as a reserve for itself. More precisely, money enables the coordination of simultaneous durations of time by means of contracts. Money does not exist outside of accounts. What money saves through its multiplication, then, is not mere value or time itself, since the same duration will be lived through, but the directing of attention. 当记账手段不再具有保留价值时,记账可能会走得更远。在复式记账法中,每一笔金额都分为贷方和借方。货币的本质在于,它可以同时存在于两个地方,为自己储备价值。更确切地说,货币可以通过契约协调同时存在的时间。货币不存在于账户之外。那么,货币通过其增殖所节省的,就不仅仅是价值或时间本身(因为同样的时间会被延续),而是注意力的引导。
Money has no present being. It merely has a past value that is recorded and a future value that is anticipated. Money only exists in memory or anticipation as a record in account books. One never sees money come and go. Even with live electronic access to markets, a change in value occurs instantaneously when a price is marked up or down. One never sees money make money; one never watches it breed. One has to send it away first, so that it may return at a profit. Money always breeds elsewhere, outside possession, beyond the limits of attention. The power, force, and activity of money always escapes attention. It leaves when it is invested and returns already changed, for profit or loss. 货币没有现在的存在。它只有被记录的过去价值和被预期的未来价值。金钱只存在于记忆或预期中,是账簿中的记录。人们从未见过金钱的来来去去。即使通过电子方式实时进入市场,当价格上涨或下跌时,价值也会瞬间发生变化。人们永远看不到钱在赚钱,永远看不到钱在繁殖。人们必须先把它送走,这样它才可能获利而归。金钱总是在别处,在占有之外,在注意力的范围之外滋生。金钱的权力、力量和活动总是逃脱人们的视线。当它被投入时,它就会离开;当它返回时,已经发生了变化,无论是盈利还是亏损。
Money substitutes for attending directly to a process. Instead of waiting for a debt to be repaid, and instead of engaging in the work of production or renegotiating a contract, money maintains a supervising eye. A credit, when taken for granted as an asset, is excluded from attention that may be more profitably directed elsewhere. Contracts, once agreed, may be taken for granted. Contracts, as agreements covering future conduct, give security and freedom. Accounting, in addition to enabling one to balance out credits and debts, allows one to enter into profitable liabilities to the full extent of one’s credits. On the one hand, accounting serves the need for balance and prudence; on the other hand, it serves the need to maximize growth and investment. It conserves the expenditure of attention on what has already been agreed so that attention can be directed to the forging of further contracts. Accounting enables the multiplication of contract, security, and credit. It measures the weight of each contractual obligation so that obligations can be balanced, guaranteed, and fulfilled. 金钱取代了直接参与过程。货币不是等待债务偿还,也不是参与生产或重新谈判合同,而是保持一种监督的目光。当信贷被视为理所当然的资产时,它就会被排除在注意力之外,而注意力放在其他地方可能会更有利。合同一旦达成,就可能被视为理所当然。合同作为涵盖未来行为的协议,给人以安全和自由。会计除了使人们能够平衡债权和债务之外,还允许人们在其债权的全部范围内承担有利可图的债务。一方面,会计满足了平衡和谨慎的需要;另一方面,会计满足了最大化增长和投资的需要。它使人们不必将精力花费在已达成的协议上,从而可以将注意力集中在签订更多的合同上。会计使契约、担保和信贷得以倍增。它衡量每项合同义务的分量,以便平衡、保证和履行义务。
Paradoxically, then, accounting measures that which no longer demands attention. It measures contracts, promises, and commitments that can be effectively relied on. It does not measure risk or uncertainty. It does not 自相矛盾的是,会计计量的是不再需要关注的东西。它衡量的是可以有效依赖的合同、许诺和承诺。它不衡量风险或不确定性。它不
measure the arising of opportunities. It does not measure quality of experience. It does not measure that which provides no expectation of a return. It does not measure that which seems to have ultimate importance. Accounting is the measure of that which can be taken for granted. 衡量机会的产生。它不能衡量经验的质量。它不能衡量那些没有回报预期的事情。它不能衡量那些似乎具有终极重要性的东西。会计衡量的是理所当然的东西。
A curious phenomenon develops, then, when accounting is taken as the ultimate guide in daily moral practice as a system for directing attention as it is in global capitalism. Such is the outcome whenever the making of profits or the repayment of debts becomes the primary motive for action. Once attention is absorbed by prices, balances, and profits, a simple moral error has occurred, because accounting should facilitate the freeing of attention to focus on the immediate demands of that which matters. Accounting should facilitate the saving of time. Once accounting absorbs attention, then prudent behavior, concerned with that which can no longer be taken for granted, becomes impossible. There is no time left for it. It is therefore an error to suppose that money, accounting, or statistics can give a full representation of the world. What truly matters always exceeds representation, even in terms of money. 因此,当会计作为日常道德实践的终极指南,作为全球资本主义的注意力引导系统时,就会出现一种奇怪的现象。每当赚取利润或偿还债务成为行动的主要动机时,就会出现这种结果。一旦人们的注意力被价格、余额和利润所吸引,就会出现一个简单的道德错误,因为会计应有助于解放人们的注意力,使其专注于重要事项的直接需求。会计应有助于节省时间。一旦会计吸收了人们的注意力,那么关注那些不再理所当然的事情的谨慎行为就变得不可能了。没有时间了。因此,认为金钱、会计或统计能够全面反映世界的观点是错误的。真正重要的东西总是超越表象,即使是在金钱方面。
5.1.6 When money is largely composed of figures recorded by banks, accounting has replaced coinage as the material basis of money. Moreover, just as coinage functions as a token of value, and the metallic value of the coinage is less significant than the coin’s acceptability in exchange, so accounting itself becomes the bearer of value, and it becomes irrelevant to ask about the truth of the prices or transactions recorded. All that matters is that such records are not seriously disputed. 5.1.6 当货币主要由银行记录的数字组成时,会计就取代了硬币成为货币的物质基础。此外,正如硬币具有价值象征的功能,硬币的金属价值不如硬币在交换中的可接受性重要,会计本身也成为了价值的承载者,询问所记录的价格或交易的真实性变得无关紧要。重要的是,这些记录不存在严重争议。
Accounting, then, forms the basis for credibility and credit. Decisions concerning credibility depend on the evidence presented in accounts. Yet such evidence does not exist outside of the contracts that it records. Accounting gives the appearance of producing reliable evidence by means of the consistency with which it is used. Moreover, accounting presents a hypothetical vision as if time were complete, eliminating risk, uncertainty, and strategy from recording. It presents a world that has been mastered, a set of contracts that have been fulfilled, as though each term recorded were established as property rather than merely promised as contract. If accounting provides evidence of the health of an enterprise, such evidence simply presents the effect of prudence and self-mastery, as well as mastery 因此,账目是可信度和信用的基础。有关可信度的决定取决于账目中提供的证据。然而,这些证据并不存在于会计所记录的合同之外。会计通过其使用的一致性给人以提供可靠证据的假象。此外,会计呈现的是一种假定的愿景,仿佛时间是完整的,从记录中消除了风险、不确定性和策略。它呈现的是一个已被掌握的世界,一套已被履行的契约,就好像所记录的每一个条款都被确定为财产,而不仅仅是作为契约的承诺。如果说会计为企业的健康发展提供了证据,那么这种证据只是呈现了谨慎和自我管理的效果,以及掌握了
over a determinate field of activity from which profits may be extracted. The fiction constructed by accounting, then, is of the mastery and independence of an enterprise, as if it were not dependent for its existence on a variety of ongoing contracts and as if it were not exposed to all the vulnerabilities of its contractual partners, as well as of the wider economy. In short, accounting generates an illusion of security because it records life as though it has been mastered and accomplished. 在一个确定的活动领域内,可以从中获取利润。因此,会计所构建的假象是一个企业的主宰和独立,仿佛它的存在并不依赖于各种正在进行的合同,仿佛它并不暴露于其合同伙伴以及更广泛的经济的所有弱点。简而言之,会计产生了一种安全的幻觉,因为它记录的生活仿佛已经被掌握和完成。
Accounting does not record all salient details. In particular, contracts have implications beyond the exchange of obligations between contracting parties. Externalities, the costs not recorded in the contract, are costs not incurred by either party. They express relations that extend in practice far beyond the details that are formalized in contracts. Then accounting, as the measure of that which can be taken for granted, has the effect of securing an illusion of mastery, saving the need for due care and attention to relations that are not recorded as costs or benefits. 会计并不记录所有重要细节。特别是,合同的影响超出了合同双方交换义务的范围。外部性,即合同中没有记录的成本,是任何一方都不会产生的成本。它们所表达的关系在实践中远远超出了合同中正式规定的细节。因此,会计作为衡量理所当然的东西的尺度,其作用是确保一种掌握的假象,使人们不必对那些没有作为成本或收益记录在案的关系给予应有的关注和重视。
The knowledge produced by accounting is highly selective and very limited. It is merely a partial knowledge of the balancing of debts and credits between contracts. As a system of moral discipline, giving guidance for prudent behavior, it has its limitations. Far from being concerned with the facts alone and neutral in relation to value, money and accounting have determinate moral effects and should be evaluated on moral grounds. Accountancy is an exercise in collective imagination, enhancing the intensity, precision, and security of ideas. It achieves balance and precision, however, by eliminating time, uncertainty, and externalities. It locks attention up within a closed system of thought. It produces an artificial illusion of mastery. As such, it exposes dangerous vulnerabilities. 会计所产生的知识是高度选择性和非常有限的。它只是对合同之间债权债务平衡的部分了解。作为一种道德约束体系,它为谨慎的行为提供指导,但也有其局限性。货币和会计远非只关注事实和对价值保持中立,而是具有决定性的道德影响,应从道德角度进行评价。会计是一种集体想象力的实践,它增强了思想的强度、精确性和安全性。然而,它通过消除时间、不确定性和外部性来实现平衡和精确。它将注意力锁定在一个封闭的思维系统中。它人为地制造了一种掌握一切的假象。因此,它暴露了危险的弱点。
5.2.1 The acquisition of money leads to freedom and mastery. One can only effectively become a sovereign individual through appropriation of money. Accounting, as a system of self-regulation or a practical philosophy, instills the habits of discipline through which such freedom and mastery can be obtained. It attends to the balance of obligations so that one can practice honesty, temperance, fortitude, and justice. One masters oneself before one can master the world. Nevertheless, it is impossible that all should be sovereign individuals possessed of wealth. It is necessary that some will 5.2.1 金钱的获得带来自由和主宰。一个人只有通过占有金钱才能有效地成为一个拥有主权的人。会计,作为一种自我调节制度或实用哲学,灌输了纪律习惯,通过它可以获得这种自由和主人翁精神。它关注义务的平衡,使人们能够践行诚实、节制、坚韧和正义。一个人要先掌握自己,才能掌握世界。然而,不可能所有人都是拥有财富的主权者。有些人必须
work to produce the goods and services that others will buy. Accounting does more than provide a guide through which freedom and mastery can be obtained. It represents action as though such mastery already exists. By managing accounts as if they designate property, an enterprise can appear to be in complete control of its business. This fiction requires further investigation. 工作是为了生产他人愿意购买的商品和服务。会计不仅仅是提供一种指导,通过它可以获得自由和掌握。它所代表的行动就好像这种掌握已经存在。通过把账目当作财产来管理,企业似乎可以完全控制其业务。这种虚构需要进一步研究。
In reality, those who enter into contracts are under a number of constraints that belie the fiction of self-mastery. In the first place, while it may be a relatively free decision to enter a contract, such contracts become binding once entered. While it may be an indication of economic strength to be able to enter into a range of liabilities with confidence, it is not an indication of freedom. Obligations bind, and an ability to fulfill contracts depends on the ability of partners to fulfill them also. One is only as strong as one’s debtors. 在现实中,签订合同的人受到许多限制,这些限制使自我主宰的虚构不攻自破。首先,虽然签订合同可能是一个相对自由的决定,但这种合同一旦签订就具有约束力。虽然能够满怀信心地承担一系列债务可能是经济实力的体现,但这并不是自由的体现。义务具有约束力,履行合同的能力也取决于合作伙伴履行合同的能力。一个人有多强大,他的债务人就有多强大。
In the second place, many factors influence or constrain which contracts are entered. When faced with a decision, one appears to have a free choice; with hindsight, one may observe the influences and constraints that determine that decisions that were taken. Indeed, free behavior can operate so consistently that one can hypothesize social and historical laws or processes that determine free decisions. Moreover, it is the very predictability of such patterns of choice that enables economic behavior to be studied and successful business strategies to be formulated. Freedom in theory, then, is combined with strong influences in practice. People enter into contracts on the basis of need, persuasion, imitation, and speculative aspiration. Contracting is not independent of a human sphere of mutual influence. So-called rational actors may not be able to perceive which course of action will maximize their self-interest and so will be subject to social influences and persuasion. Even when they do perceive, they can do so only by mistaking accounting for knowledge. The economy is not independent of culture, even if it does also influence culture. Whereas in the ideal market society all that is bought and sold remains property and one can calculate determinate uses and outcomes, in a contract society human behavior results from agreement. The mutual influence over the conduct of time takes precedence over individual calculations concerning the benefits of property. Because they depend on human behavior, relations, and externalities, the outcomes cannot be properly understood in advance. 其次,影响或制约签订合同的因素很多。当面临一项决定时,人们似乎可以自由选择;但事后,人们可以观察到决定所做决定的影响和制约因素。事实上,自由行为可以如此持续地运作,以至于人们可以假设决定自由决策的社会和历史规律或过程。此外,正是这种选择模式的可预测性使得人们能够研究经济行为,并制定成功的商业战略。因此,理论上的自由与实践中的强大影响相结合。人们是在需要、说服、模仿和投机愿望的基础上签订契约的。契约并非独立于人与人之间的相互影响。所谓的理性行动者可能无法感知哪种行动方式能使自身利益最大化,因此会受到社会的影响和劝说。即使他们能够感知,他们也只能通过将核算误认为知识来感知。经济并非独立于文化,即使它也会影响文化。在理想的市场社会中,所有买卖的物品都是财产,人们可以计算出确定的用途和结果,而在契约社会中,人的行为是协议的结果。对时间行为的相互影响优先于对财产利益的个人计算。由于结果取决于人的行为、关系和外部因素,因此无法预先正确理解。
In the third place, this social sphere of human relations that determines 第三,这一人类关系的社会领域决定了
the practices and habits of forming contracts is not independent of other constraints. Physical location, mobility, and capacities determine the range of available contracts. Cultural determination, including location in a class or culture, determines in practice the limits of confidence regarding available contractual relations. In addition to cultural and physical factors, there are also strong and predictable drives: for survival, for profit, and for power. Similarly, the obligation to honor existing contracts and repay debts compels the formation of further contracts that will facilitate this aim. 订立合同的做法和习惯与其他制约因素无关。地理位置、流动性和能力决定了可用契约的范围。文化决定因素,包括在一个阶级或文化中的位置,在实践中决定了对现有契约关系的信心限度。除了文化和自然因素之外,还有强大而可预见的驱动力:生存、利益和权力。同样,履行现有契约和偿还债务的义务也迫使人们订立更多的契约,以实现这一目标。
None of these constraints are represented in accounts, even though they have an ongoing influence on the possibilities and choices of further contracts. They are regarded as something separable from money or often as obstacles to be overcome. Nevertheless, their inescapability calls into question both the reality and the ideal of self-mastery that is the principal moral force of systems of accounting. 这些制约因素都没有在账目中体现出来,尽管它们对进一步签订合同的可能性和选 择有着持续的影响。它们被视为与金钱无关的东西,或者往往被视为需要克服的障碍。然而,它们的不可避免性使人们对作为会计制度主要道德力量的自我管理的现实和理想产生了怀疑。
5.2.2 In addition to the social and cultural factors determining the formation of contracts, accounting itself, as a disciplinary system, imposes its own moral requirements and judgments on the conduct of economic agents. 5.2.2 除了决定合同订立的社会和文化因素外,会计本身作为一种纪律制度,也对经济行为主体的行为提出了自己的道德要求和判断。
Accounting commands assent. The evidence it offers is repeatable, exchangeable, and potentially public. The personal judgments of the individual who writes in the account book are in theory irrelevant, even if assumptions about what is to be counted under any particular heading make all the difference to the outcome. The individual perspective and singular case are excluded. Accounting records only that which falls within the range of a mutual agreement - or that which, by virtue of appearing within the account book, takes on the appearance of being a product of mutual agreement. It excludes the incommensurable. One cannot easily disagree about the figures when they have been fixed by contract. The temporal work of evaluation, of finding and fixing a price, is not recorded. The price, once agreed, cannot be changed without renegotiation. The world that is counted, then, expresses the utopian ideal of a market where all prices have already been fixed and where the books have been balanced by enacting all trades. Not only does this differ from the real world of continual negotiation where prices never come to rest, but it also imposes the utopian ideal of determinate prices as an ideal frame of reference. 会计需要得到认同。它提供的证据是可重复的、可交换的,而且可能是公开的。在账簿上记账的个人的个人判断在理论上是无关紧要的,即使关于在任何特定标题下应计算什么的假设会对结果产生重大影响。个人观点和单一情况被排除在外。会计只记录属于双方协议范围内的内容--或者说,由于出现在账簿中,看起来像是双方协议的产物。它排除了不可比拟的东西。如果数字是根据合同确定的,就不能轻易提出异议。评估、发现和确定价格的时间性工作没有记录在案。价格一旦商定,未经重新谈判就不能改变。因此,被计算的世界表达了一种乌托邦式的市场理想,在这个市场中,所有价格都已确定,所有交易都已进行,账目也已平衡。这不仅有别于不断谈判、价格永不停息的现实世界,而且还将确定价格的乌托邦理想强加给人们作为理想的参照系。
In addition, accounting increases power by saving time. By balancing out a set of debts and credits, obligations and expectations, it multiplies the number of possible relations that can be entered. It minimizes the attention demanded by each one. It counts internalized costs and excludes externalized costs so that attention need only be paid to opportunities. While it multiplies obligations, it minimizes the attention that needs to be paid to each obligation so that a worldview may be constructed consisting entirely of freedom and opportunities for the self, constructed by obligations borne by others. Such is the significance of the imaginary, utopian world constructed by accounting. It is a world without the experience of time or social relation. 此外,会计还能节省时间,提高效率。通过平衡一系列债务和信贷、义务和期望,它使可输入的可能关系的数量成倍增加。它最大限度地减少了对每一种关系的关注。它计算内部成本,排除外部成本,因此只需关注机会。在增加义务的同时,它将每项义务所需的关注度降到最低,这样就可以构建出一个完全由自由和自我机会组成的世界观,它是由他人承担的义务构建而成的。这就是会计所构建的想象中的乌托邦世界的意义所在。这是一个没有时间经验或社会关系的世界。
Such discounting of the future has notable effects. Determinate figures are entered for uncertain outcomes. At first sight, such a measure would appear to be entirely neutral in relation to conduct. The internal logic of such a substitution suggests otherwise. Since a rate can be fixed for all uncertainties, and an insurance premium paid, then accounting can appear to count all eventualities. As long as every relation is substitutable, and a figure for monetary compensation is derived, accounting becomes the most encompassing, inclusive, and appealing mode of practical philosophy. 这种对未来的贴现产生了显著的影响。对不确定的结果输入了确定的数字。乍一看,这种措施似乎对行为完全中立。这种替换的内在逻辑却表明并非如此。既然可以为所有不确定因素确定费率,并支付保险费,那么会计工作似乎就可以计算所有可能发生的情况。只要每一种关系都是可以替代的,并且可以得出一个货币补偿的数字,那么会计就成了最全面、最包容、最吸引人的实践哲学模式。
Monetary outcomes have no uncertainty or problems with liquidity. Expressed in terms of money, a value without risk is substituted for risk. Just as there is a difference between an actual amount of credit and a degree of credibility, so also is there a difference between a monetary value and the value of a monetary evaluation. Monetary evaluation, discounting the future and fixing a price, posits itself as the most effective evaluation because it becomes the most certain on its own terms. Substituting certainty for uncertainty, money needs no discount. It appears to be supremely valuable because it is the very value through which values are evaluated. 货币结果没有不确定性或流动性问题。用货币来表示,就是用没有风险的价值来代替风险。正如实际信用额度与信用度之间存在差异一样,货币价值与货币评估价值之间也存在差异。货币评估是对未来进行贴现并确定一个价格,它自诩为最有效的评估,因为它本身就是最确定的。用确定性代替不确定性,货币不需要折扣。它看似至高无上,因为它正是价值评估所依据的价值。
The effectiveness of accounting in its own terms leads to the colonization of as much reality as possible by assigning it a potential exchange value. As soon as property and assets are given a nominal value, it is possible to borrow on them as security. ^(3){ }^{3} From such a perspective, the whole of reality becomes valued on the basis of its being alienated, lost and requiring replacement, for exchange values are costs of substitution. Relations between things and people acquire a nominal value only on the basis of that relation’s being imagined as broken. Indeed, submitted as security, the relation 会计本身的有效性导致将尽可能多的现实殖民化,赋予其潜在的交换价值。一旦财产和资产被赋予了名义价值,就有可能以它们为抵押进行借贷。 ^(3){ }^{3} 从这个角度看,整个现实的价值都是建立在其被异化、丧失和需要替代的基础之上的,因为交换价值是替代的成本。物与物、人与人之间的关系,只有在这种关系被想象为破裂的基础上,才能获得名义价值。事实上,作为安全提交的关系
to things may often be broken to meet contractual obligations. By giving a nominal value to property and assets, then, one turns the relation first into the mastery of the property owner who can dispose of such assets, and then into the mastery of the economic field that may require such disposal to discharge debts. In short, accounting achieves first a nominal and then a real subsumption of all relations under the form of the fiction of mastery over assets. 为了履行合同义务,财产和资产的所有权经常会被打破。因此,通过赋予财产和资产名义价值,人们首先把这种关系变成了财产所有者的主宰,他可以处置这些资产,然后又变成了经济领域的主宰,而经济领域可能需要这种处置来清偿债务。简而言之,会计首先在名义上,然后在实际中,将所有关系都归纳到对资产的虚构掌握形式之下。
Discounting the future is, however, an ambiguous procedure. If it seems to cede control to the present economic agent, this is not achieved without the agent handing over in return some social power to the future. It is comparable to a religious sacrifice through which one attempts to discharge one’s obligations to the gods. One hopes to receive their benefits without corresponding dangers. It is a process of splitting, separating out life and death, blessing and curse, fortune and misfortune, so that the destructive forces can be expelled and passed elsewhere while the creative forces can be enjoyed. Just as offering a sacrifice at the start of a venture may be interpreted in terms of an insurance policy, so taking out insurance can be interpreted in terms of sacrifice. Moreover, discounting the future is little more effective than sacrifice. It is an operation that separates values in representation only. Insurance offers no protection against real threats of fire, flood, and theft; it merely offers compensation and the opportunity for substitution. In practice, to discount the future, like sacrifice, is also to owe a debt to the future. If one assumes that an outcome will yield a profit and enters into liabilities on the basis of future income, then one enters an obligation to ensure that one’s assumptions become true. Attention is drawn to making the books balance after all. So while accounts may minimize the expenditure by taking the success of contracts for granted, they also leave a bad conscience. Since such contracts cannot be taken entirely for granted, even though one behaves as though they can, one is under an obligation to ensure that the outcome is such that it is as though they could have been taken for granted. Such is the absorption of attention demanded by its sacrificial practices. Such is the demand that ensures that account books can never be taken for granted. 然而,对未来进行贴现是一个模棱两可的过程。如果说它似乎是将控制权让给了现在的经济行为主体,那么,如果行为主体不将某种社会权力交还给未来,就无法实现这一点。这就好比人们试图通过宗教献祭来履行对神的义务。人们希望得到神灵的恩惠,却不希望承担相应的危险。这是一个分裂的过程,将生与死、福与祸、幸与不幸分离开来,以便将破坏力驱逐并转移到别处,同时享受创造力。正如创业之初的献祭可以用保险来解释,购买保险也可以用献祭来解释。此外,对未来进行贴现并不比牺牲更有效。它只是一种在表象上分离价值的操作。保险并不提供针对火灾、水灾和盗窃等实际威胁的保护,它只是提供补偿和替代的机会。实际上,对未来打折扣,就像牺牲一样,也是对未来欠债。如果一个人假设某个结果会产生利润,并以未来收入为基础承担债务,那么他就有义务确保自己的假设成为现实。毕竟,要使账目保持平衡,这才是重点。因此,虽然账目可以通过将合同的成功视为理所当然来尽量减少支出,但也会让人良心不安。既然不能完全想当然地签订合同,即使人们的行为似乎可以这样做,那么人们就有义务确保合同的结果是可以想当然地签订的。 这就是祭祀活动所要求的全神贯注。正是这种要求确保了账簿永远不会被视为理所当然。
Accounting, then, promises the world, but it leaves an obligation to build a utopia where all that is not accountable or substitutable has been excluded. It promises freedom and mastery, yet it imposes an obligation 因此,会计对世界作出了承诺,但却留下了一项义务,即建立一个乌托邦,在这个乌托邦中,所有不负责任或不可替代的东西都被排除在外。它许诺自由和主宰,却又规定了一项义务
to balance the books. It promises a determinate set of outcomes, yet it delivers uncertainty and risk. It promises to limit exposure to danger, yet it extends and intensifies the need to account for all to an unlimited degree. Accounting does not deliver what it promises. 来平衡账目。它承诺了一系列确定的结果,却带来了不确定性和风险。它承诺限制面临的危险,但却无限扩大和加强了对所有情况进行核算的需要。会计不能兑现其承诺。
5.2.3 Contracts differ from living relations as writing differs from speech and agreed prices differ from quoted prices. Whether or not contracts are written, they have the nature of writing. Writing differs from speech in that it may be separated from the attention of the author. Beyond the sphere of the author’s intentions and attentions, writing carries its meaning to posterity. It is temporally distanced from the initial situation; it is available to others apart from the original addressee; it can enter into different contexts where it can acquire new meanings. 5.2.3 合同不同于生活关系,因为书面不同于口头,协议价格不同于报价。无论合同是否是书面的,它们都具有书面的性质。书写不同于言语,因为它可以脱离作者的注意力。在作者的意图和注意力范围之外,书写将其意义传递给后人。它在时间上远离了最初的情境;除了最初的收信人之外,其他人也可以使用它;它可以进入不同的语境,在那里获得新的意义。
Money embodies and epitomizes these features of writing. It is a sign that does not signify, a detachable unit of value without meaning. It carries value across social and cultural distances and through time. It is a transferable debt that may never return to its point of origination. Moreover, when values are accounted without meanings then money leads to the progressive elimination of meaning from all perspectives that are counted. 货币体现了文字的这些特征,也是这些特征的缩影。它是一种没有意义的符号,是一种没有意义的可分离的价值单位。它的价值跨越社会和文化的距离,穿越时空。它是一种可转移的债务,可能永远不会回到其起源点。此外,当价值被计算而没有意义时,货币就会导致意义从所有被计算的视角中逐渐消失。
Contracts embody a curious ambivalence. They express a degree of social power, but all are rendered powerless by such social power. The authors, separated from control over the contract that exists in the public domain, are now powerless and can do little to add meaning or value to the original inscription. Similarly, the public readers of the contract are also relatively powerless. Each piece of writing is a command, a will, a testament that endures after the death of the author. Indeed, in writing contracts, the powers of the authors must be sacrificed for the words to become writing. Even if the contract is ignored or disobeyed, even if its meaning changes through receiving a new context, the weight of obligation enshrined in the contract remains. 契约体现了一种奇特的矛盾性。它们表达了某种程度的社会权力,但也因这种社会权力而变得无能为力。作者脱离了对存在于公共领域的合同的控制,现在无能为力,几乎无法为原始铭文增加意义或价值。同样,契约的公共读者也相对无能为力。每一篇文章都是一个命令,一份遗嘱,一份在作者死后依然存在的遗言。事实上,在书写合同时,作者的权力必须被牺牲,文字才能成为书面形式。即使合同被忽视或违背,即使其含义因接受新的语境而发生变化,合同中规定的义务的分量依然存在。
Whereas writing in general has a limited liquidity or transferability, money is a chameleon that adapts itself to the demands of its possessor. Whereas writing in general offers no proof of its truth or value, money is effective because it is transferable and flexible. It demonstrates its value through the purchases it achieves and the production it stimulates. Unlike other forms of writing, its power is given to the one whom it commands, 一般来说,文字的流动性或可转让性有限,而货币则是一种变色龙,可以根据拥有者的需求进行调整。一般的文字无法证明其真实性或价值,而货币则因其可转让性和灵活性而有效。它通过实现购买和刺激生产来证明自己的价值。与其他形式的文字不同,它的力量是由它所命令的人所赋予的、
while its power is taken from the one who chooses its command. Moreover, money demonstrates its value through the delivery of profits. Whereas the promises and proclamations of scripture require external witnesses for verification, money speaks on its own behalf by offering an advance. Unlike scripture, one does not need to believe in the promise or value of money; one merely needs to behave as though it held value in order to spend it and receive the offer it advances. For just as accounting enables the multiplication of contractual relations balancing debts and credits, money enables the multiplication of possible transactions by overlapping and encompassing any determinate form of demand. 而它的力量则来自于选择它的人。此外,金钱通过利润的交付来证明自己的价值。经文中的承诺和宣告需要外部证人来验证,而金钱则通过提供预付款来代表自己说话。与经文不同的是,人们不需要相信金钱的承诺或价值;人们只需要表现得好像它有价值一样,就可以花掉它并获得它所预付的报酬。就像会计可以使契约关系成倍增加,平衡债务和信贷一样,货币也可以使可能的交易成倍增加,重叠并包含任何确定的需求形式。
5.2.4 Accounting, then, presents a strange moral ambivalence. Once success is measured in public and objective terms as quantifiable figures then technical means of maximizing profits through efficiency and rational management take precedence over more obviously moral concerns. Accounting apparently deals with the facts; it poses as morally neutral. It provides the data on which technical rationality can operate. All can agree on the benefits of the creation of wealth. Any moral or political concerns regarding the distribution of wealth must come afterward. It is pointless to aim for a just distribution of wealth if there is no wealth to distribute. 5.2.4 因此,会计呈现出一种奇怪的道德矛盾。一旦成功被公开、客观地以可量化的数字来衡量,那么通过效率和合理管理实现利润最大化的技术手段就会优先于更明显的道德关切。会计显然是在处理事实;它在道德上是中立的。它为技术理性的运作提供数据。所有人都能就创造财富的好处达成一致。任何有关财富分配的道德或政治问题都必须在此之后才会出现。如果没有财富可分配,那么追求财富的公正分配是毫无意义的。
In practice, then, technical rationality is grounded on the practice of accounting that underwrites the distinction between fact and value. ^(4){ }^{4} Facts are recorded as evidence by mutual agreement. Expressed in terms of numbers, facts are units of accumulation or property. They are abstracted from the temporal and social relations that have generated them. They are collective fictions, grounded in a utopian ideal of a world composed entirely of completed facts, of everything that is the case. Moreover, taking out liabilities on the basis of such facts, one is under an unlimited obligation to demonstrate by means of technical rationality that such facts will indeed prove to be true and will participate in the utopia of true and complete facts. Accounting effects both a formal and a real subsumption of the world into rational and technical processes. 因此,在实践中,技术理性是以会计实践为基础的,而会计实践是区分事实与价值的基础。 ^(4){ }^{4} 事实被记录下来,作为双方同意的证据。事实以数字表示,是积累或财产的单位。它们从产生它们的时间和社会关系中抽象出来。它们是集体虚构的,建立在一个乌托邦式的理想基础上,即一个完全由完整的事实和一切事实组成的世界。此外,在这些事实的基础上承担责任时,人们有无限的义务通过技术理性来证明这些事实确实是真实的,并将参与到真实和完整事实的乌托邦中。会计既在形式上又在实际上将世界归入理性和技术过程。
This masquerade of moral neutrality is itself grounded on a disavowed moral stance. For the facts recorded by money are contractual agreements. Moreover, when the future is discounted and figures are treated as property having a definite value, the subject is portrayed as having sovereign 这种道德中立的伪装本身就是建立在一种不承认的道德立场之上的。因为货币记录的事实是契约协议。此外,当未来被打折扣,数字被视为具有确定价值的财产时,主体就被描绘成拥有主权的人。
freedom and mastery over their property. The implicit moral stance of accounting, then, is that making a profit, achieving sovereign freedom, is the goal of economic behavior. Such freedom is an eschatological hope. It has never been effectively achieved. The freedom that would prove accounts to be true, once all contracts have been discharged, remains under threat by the continuing obligation enshrined in contracts. As has been noted, money is both a promise and a threat - a promise of freedom and a threat of exclusion. The aim of rational economic behavior thus is to split one’s assets and liabilities so that assets are retained while liabilities are transferred to others. The aim is to appropriate the promise offered by money for itself while using the threat contained within money to discipline the economic behavior of others so that they will work for the creation of wealth. 自由和掌握自己的财产。因此,会计学隐含的道德立场是,获取利润、实现主权自由是经济行为的目标。这种自由是一种末世论的希望。它从未有效地实现过。一旦所有契约都解除了,证明会计是真实的自由仍然受到契约中所包含的持续义务的威胁。如前所述,金钱既是承诺,也是威胁--既是自由的承诺,也是排斥的威胁。因此,理性经济行为的目的是分割自己的资产和负债,以便保留资产,同时将负债转移给他人。其目的是将货币提供的承诺据为己有,同时利用货币所包含的威胁来约束他人的经济行为,使他们为创造财富而努力。
Accounting and the forming of contracts, then, take place within a broader moral culture. They presuppose property with its correlate of the sovereign individual to represent values as finite sums. Each sovereign individual is regarded as bearing ultimate responsibility for their economic destiny. Each contract is freely entered on the basis of perceived individual benefit rather than social constraint and obligation. Economic failure is perceived as moral weakness, the result of idleness or foolish choices, rather than an absence of capital, opportunity, and credit. Accounting as a moral practice enhances the sense of rectitude of its own moral judgments. Those who are successful in business are necessarily the good and the just by the standards of accounting. They are attentive to their own accounts and demonstrate mastery over their field of activity. They honor contracts and avoid excessive expenditure. They are careful stewards of time and waste as little as possible, making the most of opportunities. They serve the genuine demands of others. They contribute to the creation of wealth. They therefore deserve whatever profits they make and are effectively motivated to moral improvement by means of the promise of further profits. As a consequence, those who fail to thrive in a society represented through accounting may be suspected of moral failings. They may be inattentive to their accounts or financial position or fail to master their field of activity. They may renege on contracts or engage in profligate spending. They may waste time in idleness and squander opportunities. They do not serve the genuine demands of others. They do not contribute to the creation of wealth. The resulting poverty is deserved, as well as being a helpful corrective force to ensure 因此,会计和合同的订立是在更广泛的道德文化中进行的。它们以财产为先决条件,并以与之相关的主权个人作为有限总和来表示价值。每个主权个体都被视为对其经济命运负有最终责任。每份合同都是在个人利益而非社会约束和义务的基础上自由签订的。经济失败被视为道德弱点,是懒惰或愚蠢选择的结果,而不是缺乏资本、机会和信用。会计作为一种道德实践,增强了其自身道德判断的正确性。按照会计的标准,那些在商业上取得成功的人必然是善良和公正的人。他们关注自己的账目,显示出对自己活动领域的掌握。他们信守合同,避免过度开支。他们谨慎管理时间,尽可能减少浪费,充分利用各种机会。他们为他人的真正需求服务。他们为创造财富做出贡献。因此,无论他们赚取多少利润,他们都是理所应当的,并通过承诺获得更多利润来有效激励他们提高道德水平。因此,那些在以会计为代表的社会中未能茁壮成长的人可能会被怀疑道德失范。他们可能不注意自己的账目或财务状况,或未能掌握自己的活动领域。他们可能背弃合同或挥霍无度。他们可能会无所事事,浪费时间,浪费机会。他们不为他人的真正需求服务。他们对创造财富毫无贡献。由此产生的贫困是理所应当的,同时也是一种有益的矫正力量,以确保
that moral improvement may take place. If accounting appeals to an eschatology, it is one of reward and punishment in response to individual responsibility. The eschatology of universal freedom is at odds with the reality of universal obligation. There is no credit without someone undertaking a liability. There is no money without promise and threat; there is no freedom without the labor of others. 这样才有可能改善道德。如果说会计学诉诸的是一种末世论,那么它就是一种针对个人责任的奖惩末世论。普遍自由的末世论与普遍义务的现实相矛盾。没有人承担责任,就没有信贷。没有承诺和威胁,就没有金钱;没有他人的劳动,就没有自由。
The culture of modernity is one of universal threat. Since freedom is claimed by right, then any obligations are perceived as an encroachment on that freedom. Such threats may be averted by a sacrificial practice that transfers liabilities onto others. Any moral discourse that threatens the rights of the sovereign individual by restoring permanent reciprocal obligations must therefore be opposed. Far from accounting being morally and politically neutral, then, it calls into being a culture of individualism, of threat, and of righteous revenge. Such an eschatology is not a mere addition to economic practices. It is the very foundation on which credit is based. Money holds value because liabilities can be enforced on others. Money holds value because it remains scarce. Strong currencies hold value because other currencies are weak. The wealthy must be rewarded so that the poor are constrained to work; the poor are constrained to work so that the wealthy may be rewarded. The illusion of universal wealth and freedom requires a fundamental operation of splitting, of distinguishing between us and them, the saved and the damned. Such splitting is required because of its bad conscience, because threats of encroachment on freedom never truly subside. In the last analysis, money holds value because its value is enforced. It morals are underpinned by a theology of sovereign, eschatological judgment. 现代性文化是一种普遍威胁的文化。既然自由是一种权利,那么任何义务都会被视为对自由的侵犯。这种威胁可以通过将责任转嫁给他人的牺牲做法来避免。因此,必须反对任何通过恢复永久性互惠义务来威胁主权个人权利的道德论述。因此,会计学远非道德和政治上的中立,它呼唤的是一种个人主义、威胁和正义复仇的文化。这种末世论不仅仅是对经济实践的补充。它是信用的基础。货币之所以有价值,是因为它可以强制他人承担责任。货币之所以保值,是因为它仍然稀缺。强势货币之所以有价值,是因为其他货币疲软。富人必须得到奖赏,穷人才会被迫工作;穷人被迫工作,富人才能得到奖赏。普遍财富和自由的幻觉需要一种基本的分裂操作,即区分我们和他们,被拯救者和被诅咒者。之所以需要这种分裂,是因为它良心不安,因为侵犯自由的威胁从未真正消退。归根结底,金钱之所以有价值,是因为它的价值是强制的。它的道德基础是末世审判的主权神学。
5.3.1 It will be necessary to invent a moral practice that expresses a very different mode of evaluation. A revaluation of all values may begin with a modification of practices of accounting. For if money is an expression of a practice of recording value, then new kinds of money can emerge from new methods of accounting value. There are strong reasons for skepticism concerning the values represented in current accounts. Price signals and accounts do not produce certain knowledge or accurate moral guidance for 5.3.1 有必要创造一种道德实践,以表达一种截然不同的评价方式。对所有价值的重新评价可以从修改会计实践开始。因为,如果货币是记录价值的实践的一种表现形式,那么新的价值核算方法就会产生新的货币种类。我们有充分的理由对现行账户所代表的价值持怀疑态度。价格信号和账户并不能为人们提供确定的知识或准确的道德指导。
practical conduct. The fundamental misrepresentations we have noted are threefold. Prices and accounts emerge from a contract, a two-way relation, that treats all content and externalities as passive objects of manipulation rather than as active agents and bearers of cost; prices and accounts treat relations as already completed exchanges, as though contracts were not enduring relations; and prices and accounts can take no account of the conditions of credit that give them a unit of account as well as credibility. Accounting constructs an internal milieu of economic value formed between economic agents while excluding from consideration all non-market agents as environmental background, all experience of time as a means to be overcome, and all forms of faith as credit that make economic relations possible. In spite of appearances, in giving a market value to land, labor, and capital, the true significance of land, labor, and capital is not properly accounted. Contracts to pay for land, labor, and capital in the form of rent, wages, and interest interact directly with the environment, time, and credit. It is land, labor, and capital that count. 实际行为。我们注意到的基本错误表述有三个方面。价格和账户产生于一种契约,一种双向关系,这种契约将所有内容和外部性视为被动的操纵对象,而不是主动的行为主体和成本承担者;价格和账户将各种关系视为已经完成的交换,仿佛契约不是持久的关系;价格和账户无法考虑信用条件,而信用条件赋予了它们记账单位和可信度。会计建构了经济主体之间形成的经济价值的内部环境,却将作为环境背景的所有非市场主体、作为需要克服的手段的所有时间经验以及作为使经济关系成为可能的信用的所有信仰形式排除在外。尽管表面上看,在赋予土地、劳动和资本以市场价值时,土地、劳动和资本的真正意义并没有得到恰当的体现。以租金、工资和利息的形式支付土地、劳动力和资本的契约与环境、时间和信用直接相互作用。土地、劳动力和资本才是最重要的。
It will be necessary to invoke new ethical criteria for the evaluation of economic conduct: criteria assessing importance to evaluate the output of production; criteria assessing purpose to evaluate the process of labor; and criteria assessing credibility to evaluate the formation of social capital. It is not simply a matter of counting capital or counting life as that which supremely matters, whether this is conceived in terms of the health of the environment, population, or society. For capital and life escape representation. They cannot be counted. One cannot simply return from relative and arbitrary values, as measured in accounting, to absolute and intrinsic values. For this is to assume that matters can be isolated as independent of the contexts in which they arise. Instead, it is necessary to discover a temporal and relational mode of evaluation, where value is not encountered within either object or subject but in a relation that exceeds the bounds of mastery of the evaluating subject. 在评价经济行为时有必要援引新的道德标准:评价生产产出的重要性标准;评价劳动过程的目的性标准;评价社会资本形成的可信性标准。无论是从环境、人口还是社会健康的角度来看,这都不是一个简单的计算资本或计算生命至上的问题。因为资本和生命都可以逃避表征。它们无法被计算。我们不能简单地从会计衡量的相对和任意价值回归到绝对和内在价值。因为这是在假定事物可以独立于其产生的环境之外。相反,我们有必要发现一种时间性和关系性的评价模式,在这种模式中,价值不是在客体或主体中出现,而是在一种超越评价主体掌握范围的关系中出现。
Money, as we know it, is not yet valuable. It does not bear a good, enduring, credible value. Yet history has proved the superior power of money to outflank all other modes of evaluation due to its intrinsic force. Any attempt to contrapose true values to monetary values will fall on the problem of representation. Instead of abandoning money and current modes of accounting, then, it will be necessary to subordinate them to a fuller and 我们所知道的货币还没有价值。它不具有良好、持久、可信的价值。然而,历史已经证明,货币因其固有的力量而具有超越所有其他评价方式的优越性。任何将真正的价值与货币价值对立起来的尝试都会陷入表象问题。因此,与其放弃货币和当前的会计模式,不如让它们服从于更全面、更准确的价值评估。
richer mode of evaluation, combining the power of money as a medium of value with the evaluative power of attention to that which matters. 更丰富的评价模式,将货币作为价值媒介的力量与关注重要事物的评价力量结合起来。
To achieve this, it will be necessary to invert the distribution of values expressed in money. Money has been regarded as a store of value. Yet if true value cannot be represented or stored, then it will be necessary to suppose that value is external to money. Instead of value being represented as an object of accumulation, then, value may be indicated by the tendency of money to flow in a particular direction, should such flows be directed by evaluations. Money has been regarded as a unit of account. Yet money cannot measure true value. Instead of attempting to measure value by money, then, it will be necessary to measure money by value, by lending it a determinate degree of credit. Money has been regarded as a medium enabling the exchange of valued objects. Yet the values exchanged do not exist outside the practice of exchange. Instead of being an object of exchange, value may be regarded as a potency determining the formation of contracts. 要做到这一点,就必须反转以货币表示的价值分布。货币一直被视为价值的储存。然而,如果真正的价值无法表现或储存,那么就有必要假设价值是外在于货币的。那么,与其说价值是作为积累的对象,不如说价值是通过货币向特定方向流动的趋势来表示的,如果这种流动是由评价所引导的话。货币一直被视为记账单位。然而,货币并不能衡量真正的价值。因此,与其试图用货币来衡量价值,不如通过赋予货币一定程度的信用,用价值来衡量货币。货币一直被视为能够交换有价值物品的媒介。然而,所交换的价值并不存在于交换实践之外。与其说价值是交换的对象,不如说它是一种决定契约成立的效力。
If value is truly relational, it should never be confused with a property, a measure, or an object. Instead of relying on a fixed mode of representation, it is necessary to turn accounting into a temporal mode of thinking that rests on credit rather than on the illusion of evidence. This is a question of counting contracts as processes rather than possessions. It is a question of viewing accounting as an ongoing distribution of attention rather than as a record of what is taken for granted. It is a question of orienting economic behavior toward that which is taken as mattering rather than allowing economic behavior to determine what matters. Value may be regarded as a potency, a tendency, and an orientation embodied in the movement of money and expressed in the capacity to form contracts. Such is the revaluation of values that requires exploration. 如果价值真正具有关联性,那么它就绝不应与属性、度量或对象混为一谈。与其依赖一种固定的表征模式,不如将会计转化为一种基于信用而非证据假象的时间思维模式。这是一个将合同视为过程而非财产的问题。这是一个将会计视为注意力的持续分配而非理所当然的记录的问题。这是一个将经济行为导向被认为重要的事物,而不是让经济行为决定重要事物的问题。价值可被视为一种潜能、一种趋势和一种取向,它体现在货币的流动中,并表现为形成契约的能力。这就是需要探索的价值重估。
Value is produced by capital. Yet, as has been noted, production alone is insufficient for the creation of value. It is necessary that production fulfill some need or desire. Value requires both production and an evaluation. Moreover, demand alone is insufficient to produce value, for demand itself may be produced for the sake of profit. Demand may be created for products that do not effectively fulfill any significant need or desire. Furthermore, social consensus on value expresses little more than that certain products are in demand, without determining their value or significance for the formation of capital or for the quality of experience. Nothing is 价值是由资本创造的。然而,正如已经指出的那样,生产本身并不足以创造价值。生产必须满足某种需求或愿望。价值既需要生产,也需要评价。此外,仅有需求也不足以产生价值,因为需求本身可能是为了利润而产生的。对于不能有效满足任何重要需求或愿望的产品,也可能会产生需求。此外,关于价值的社会共识所表达的仅仅是某些产品有需求,而没有确定它们对于资本形成或经验质量的价值或意义。没有什么是
more complex and problematic than the production of value. Nevertheless, we should seek the emergence of value from the encounter of three dimensions: capital, which arises from the production of order; demand, which arises from the experience of time; and credit, which arises from a determinate theology of evaluation. 与价值的生产相比,价值的产生更为复杂,问题也更多。尽管如此,我们还是应该从三个维度的交汇中寻求价值的产生:资本,产生于秩序的生产;需求,产生于时间的体验;信用,产生于确定的评价神学。
5.3.2 The paradox of accounting is that the act of evaluation, the practice that matters most, becomes subordinated to the practice of making money, a representation of evaluation. To liberate evaluation from its representation, it is necessary to assume that true value resists accounting. Far from being represented by a price or possessed as a property, true value is that which can never be mastered. Only in a culture governed by money is it possible to imagine that there are no true values. In reality, there is no need for skepticism regarding the existence of value, for thought itself lives and moves in the element of value. Thought does not represent, project, or sense value as something external to it; thought is concentrated attention and as such is attracted and distracted by that which seems to matter. Value is not so much external to thought as it is the environment in which thought orients itself. Indeed, when thought encounters resistance, problems, and obstacles, when it is attracted by what is significant and problematic, it meets a value for which it cannot account. For example, thought is attracted by economic opportunities and misfortunes. These, the events that feed economic life, cannot be generally taken into account, for they have an unknowable value. They lack a publicly agreed price. 5.3.2 会计的悖论在于,最重要的评价行为从属于赚钱行为,而赚钱行为是评价的表征。要将评价从其表象中解放出来,就必须假定真正的价值抵制会计。真正的价值远非价格所能代表,也不是财产所能拥有,而是永远无法掌握的。只有在受金钱支配的文化中,才有可能想象不存在真正的价值。实际上,我们没有必要对价值的存在持怀疑态度,因为思想本身就生活和活动在价值元素之中。思维不会把价值作为外在的东西来表现、投射或感知;思维是集中的注意力,因此会被那些似乎重要的东西所吸引和干扰。价值与其说是思维的外在,不如说是思维所处的环境。事实上,当思维遇到阻力、问题和障碍时,当它被重要的、有问题的东西所吸引时,它就遇到了它无法解释的价值。例如,思想被经济机遇和不幸所吸引。这些为经济生活提供养料的事件无法被普遍考虑,因为它们具有不可知的价值。它们没有一个公开议定的价格。
A new kind of economic value may be regarded as that which cannot be evaluated yet demands to be evaluated. It is far from the equilibrium of a fixed or agreed price. Economic opportunity, like capital, is worth more than money. It is the source from which the values expressed in prices derive. Moreover, once economic opportunities find a market price, they are subjected to the equilibrating forces of the market and lose their potential as opportunities. The creation of value, therefore, always occurs outside the market. Far from value being embodied in a price, value is that which exerts pressure on prices to move insofar as they have not fully accounted for the emergence of opportunities or threats. Value cannot even be measured by the difference between a price and a hypothetical equilibrium position, for such a difference is merely a guess or a representation. Once given a price, 一种新的经济价值可被视为无法评估但又需要评估的价值。它远离固定价格或商定价格的平衡。经济机会与资本一样,价值高于金钱。它是价格价值的源泉。此外,经济机会一旦找到市场价格,就会受到市场平衡力量的影响,失去作为机会的潜力。因此,价值的创造总是发生在市场之外。价值远非体现在价格上,而是在价格没有充分考虑到机会或威胁出现的情况下,对价格的变动施加压力。价值甚至不能用价格与假定的平衡位置之间的差额来衡量,因为这种差额只是一种猜测或表象。一旦给出一个价格、
all values adjust so that no economic opportunity remains. Instead, it is necessary to consider value as a force operating through expectations. It has intensity, not an extensive quantity. 所有的价值都会调整,以至于不存在任何经济机会。相反,有必要将价值视为一种通过预期发挥作用的力量。它有强度,而不是一个广泛的数量。
Value, then, is to be understood as the very environment of evaluation. It expresses itself in anxiety and anticipation. Value is not determined by pricing; pricing is determined by value. The relation between accounting and value is no longer one of domination, where values are mastered by accounts, or one of representation, where prices are modeled on perceived values. It is more like a relation of symbiosis, where values provide the environment that feeds evaluation. Instead of accounting’s aspiring to a public and universal determination of value in a market price, true evaluation is necessarily local, partial, and responsive, attending to that which has the most urgent impact on it. Instead of being computed by linear chains of calculation, value emerges from the resolution of multiple, complex forces into a consistent outcome. Instead of representing an overall state of wealth to be compared with others, accounting would favor adaptation to a particular economic niche. 因此,价值应被理解为评价的环境本身。它表现为焦虑和期待。价值不是由定价决定的,定价是由价值决定的。会计与价值之间的关系不再是一种支配关系,即价值被会计所掌握;也不再是一种表征关系,即价格是以感知的价值为模型的。它更像是一种共生关系,价值为评价提供了环境。真正的评价必然是局部的、片面的和反应性的,它关注的是对其有最迫切影响的事物,而不是会计所追求的以市场价格来确定价值的公开性和普遍性。价值不是通过线性计算链计算出来的,而是通过将多种复杂的力量化解为一致的结果而产生的。会计不代表与他人进行比较的整体财富状况,而是有利于适应特定的经济环境。
The current system of accounting places all enterprises in universal competition for a single scarce resource: money. Nevertheless, all enterprises thrive through cooperation. Although money is not in reality scarce, economic opportunities and niches are scarce in the sense of being determinate locations. Instead of competing for limited economic opportunities, it may be more productive to invent additional sites and opportunities made possible by existing arrangements. Instead of competing for productive capacity through a more efficient use of time, it may be more productive to discover new productive capacities and to take more time. For economic growth does not mainly derive from a quantitative increase in production or the saving of time; it derives from capitalizing on economic opportunities as they emerge. Instead of being measured against time or expenditure, efficiency should be measured against truly scarce economic resources, such as energy, land, and materials. True efficiency is encountered in the conservation of capital; it is encountered in symbiosis with complementary forms of life and processes that provide nutrients and feed on waste. True efficiency comes not from saving time but from accumulating capital. True efficiency results from growth in social capital, enabling more economic relations and opportunities to arise. True efficiency is an increase in the di- 现行的会计制度将所有企业置于对单一稀缺资源--金钱--的普遍竞争之中。然而,所有企业都是通过合作发展壮大的。虽然金钱在现实中并不稀缺,但经济机会和 "利基 "在确定位置的意义上却是稀缺的。与其争夺有限的经济机会,不如通过现有的安排创造更多的地点和机会,这样可能更有成效。与其通过更有效地利用时间来争夺生产能力,不如去发现新的生产能力和花费更多的时间。因为经济增长主要不是来自生产数量的增加或时间的节省,而是来自对新出现的经济机遇的利用。与其用时间或支出来衡量效率,不如用能源、土地和材料等真正稀缺的经济资源来衡量效率。真正的效率体现在对资本的保护上;体现在与互补形式的生命和过程的共生上,这些生命和过程既提供养分,又以废物为食。真正的效率不是来自节省时间,而是来自积累资本。真正的效率来自于社会资本的增长,使更多的经济关系和机会得以产生。真正的效率来自于社会资本的增长,从而产生更多的经济关系和机会。
versity and complexity of processes of production within a given resource base. 在特定的资源基础上,生产过程的多样性和复杂性。
5.3.3 The new kind of value may be regarded as that which has an impact on assessments, even though it remains external to evaluation. Value is that which is not yet represented in a price. Yet if value is that which forms prices, then instead of being directly represented, its effects can be observed in the movement of prices. Opportunities, orientations, and tendencies have an effect on rates of change, accelerations, continuities, points of inflection, vibrations, frequencies, and volatility. Value that is external to prices has an impact on prices in three ways. News of the opening and closing of opportunities in the economic environment provokes a set of reactions; the progress of time allows underlying tendencies to disclose themselves; and flows of confidence internal to evaluation mark reorientations of price movements. ^(5){ }^{5} 5.3.3 新的价值可被视为对评估有影响的价值,尽管它仍不属于评估范畴。价值是价格中尚未体现的东西。然而,如果价值是形成价格的东西,那么它的影响就不是直接体现在价格上,而是可以从 价格的变动中观察到。机会、方向和趋势会对变化率、加速度、连续性、拐点、振动、频率和波动产生影响。价格外部的价值通过三种方式对价格产生影响。经济环境中机会开启和关闭的消息会引发一系列反应;时间的推移会让潜在的趋势显露出来;评估的内部信心流动会标志着价格走势的重新定向。 ^(5){ }^{5}
Pricing, therefore, already floats in a wider economic environment. While capital is the source of all production, credit is the source of both exchange value and money. Although credit operates through subjective evaluations, through psychological forces of anticipation and anxiety, it is not, for all that, any less real. It does not lie within the power of the will of the economic agent but imposes on this will, determining which choices are taken, for credit is formed from a resolution of diverse social expectations. Indeed, such expectations communicate with each other and solidify via the medium of prices. Markets thus have a dual function. They facilitate the exchange and distribution of products and services, but they also communicate intensities of credit. They can even perform the latter function without the exchange of anything simply by movements in prices. Faith itself, instead of being confined to the private beliefs of the individual, can be tested out and gain social solidity as credit. 因此,定价已经在更广泛的经济环境中浮动。资本是一切生产的源泉,而信用则是交换价值和货币的源泉。虽然信用是通过主观评价、通过预期和焦虑的心理力量来运作的,但它的真实性却丝毫不减。它不以经济主体的意志为转移,而是强加于经济主体的意志,决定经济主体做出何种选择,因为信用是由不同的社会预期共同形成的。事实上,这些预期通过价格这一媒介相互沟通和巩固。因此,市场具有双重功能。它们促进了产品和服务的交换与分配,同时也传递着信用的强度。它们甚至可以在没有任何交换的情况下,仅仅通过价格的变动来实现后一种功能。信仰本身不再局限于个人的私人信念,而是可以作为信用得到检验并获得社会的稳固性。
In reality, then, the market is guided by an invisible hand. External forces shape the movements of prices, whether these are the effects of economic conditions in the external world, the force of the passage of time, or the force of socially constructed credit. When the hand moves to compensate for imbalances, its action is always unjustly distributed - too late to save and too excessive in force. The market is ruled by an incompetent providence. Instead of returning the market to equilibrium, the invisible hand’s 因此,在现实中,市场是由一只看不见的手引导的。外部力量左右着价格的走势,无论是外部世界经济条件的影响,还是时间流逝的力量,抑或是社会构建的信用的力量。当这只手为弥补失衡而行动时,它的行动总是分配不公--来不及挽救,力量过大。市场被无能的天意所支配。无形之手非但不能使市场恢复平衡,反而会对市场产生负面影响。
imbalance, tardiness, and excessiveness ensure that equilibrium is never attained. The market is always unjust. In an interdependent world where power is exercised through money, casualties result from the failings of others. No one can be fully responsible for himself or herself. All are exposed to risk; no one achieves mastery. Outcomes are rarely proportional to economic prudence. 不平衡、迟滞和过度确保永远无法实现平衡。市场总是不公正的。在一个通过金钱行使权力的相互依存的世界里,他人的失误会造成伤亡。没有人能对自己完全负责。所有人都面临风险,没有人能够掌握一切。结果很少与经济谨慎成正比。
The injustice of the invisible hand has a number of consequences for economic ethics. In the first place, market forces cannot be foreseen or represented. True prudence - attuning oneself to the movements of the market - remains impossible. Economic misfortune and failure cannot be conclusively attributed to imprudent conduct. They need not carry the double misfortune of responsibility for failure alongside failure itself. Those who cannot be blamed for their misfortune do not disqualify themselves from care and provision from others. Indeed, such provision and care may be regarded as maintenance of human and social capital. The welfare of all remains the responsibility of all, since all may contribute in some way to future production. 无形之手的不公正对经济伦理产生了一系列影响。首先,市场力量是无法预见或体现的。真正的审慎--顺应市场动向--仍然是不可能的。经济上的不幸和失败不能完全归咎于不谨慎的行为。他们不必背负失败责任和失败本身的双重不幸。那些不能把自己的不幸归咎于他人的人,并没有因此而失去获得他人关怀和供应的资格。事实上,这种提供和照顾可被视为对人力和社会资本的维护。所有人的福利仍然是所有人的责任,因为所有人都可能以某种方式为未来的生产做出贡献。
In the second place, mastery over one’s economic fortunes remains an impossible ideal. In practice, people remain dependent on the fortunes of others to achieve their own success. Success in the current system may be less an indicator of one’s own economic prudence than one’s practice of profiting from others. Moreover, interdependence provides a motive for cooperation and for ensuring one’s own good fortune through ensuring the good fortune of others. As a result, the wealth of all is increased. 其次,掌握自己的经济命运仍然是一个不可能实现的理想。在实践中,人们仍然依赖他人的财富来实现自己的成功。在现行制度下,成功与其说是一个人在经济上是否谨慎的指标,不如说是一个人从他人身上获利的实践指标。此外,相互依存为合作提供了动力,也为通过确保他人的好运来确保自己的好运提供了动力。因此,所有人的财富都会增加。
In the third place, a clear representation of market forces would place the market in perpetual equilibrium. There would be no remaining economic opportunities and little remaining incentive for production. Market equilibrium has an entropic effect on the economy as a whole, reducing it to the steady state envisaged by some classical economists. Under such conditions, it is doubtful whether negentropic economic institutions could be developed at all. Economic life depends on the existence of opportunities. 第三,市场力量的明确体现将使市场永远处于均衡状态。这样就没有剩余的经济机会和剩余的生产动力了。市场均衡会对整个经济产生熵增效应,使其降至一些古典经济学家所设想的稳定状态。在这种情况下,能否发展出消极的经济体制都是个问题。经济生活取决于机会的存在。
The incompetence of the invisible hand of the market therefore turns out to be rather providential. Where the invisible hand fails to reward prudence and produce wealth, it leaves scope for social forces to reward prudence and produce wealth. Here again, society lives off its imperfections. 因此,市场这只 "看不见的手 "的无能证明是天意。在无形之手未能奖赏谨慎和创造财富的情况下,它为社会力量留下了奖赏谨慎和创造财富的空间。在这里,社会又是靠它的不完美而生存的。
A perfectly transparent economic system would have the effect of a perfect providence. It would reduce opportunity and social capital. An imperfect economy, by contrast, presents imbalances of distribution, ignorance, destructive behavior, and exploitation as so many problems that require resolution. Such problems may motivate economic behavior. It is not that such problems could ever be sufficiently solved or that a utopian solution should ever be an object of aspiration. It is the case, however, that such imbalances, inequalities, and dangers demand continual attention and so renew economic life. 一个完全透明的经济体系会产生完美天意的效果。它将减少机会和社会资本。与此相反,不完美的经济则将分配失衡、无知、破坏性行为和剥削作为许多需要解决的问题。这些问题可能会激发经济行为。并不是说这些问题永远都能得到充分解决,也不是说乌托邦式的解决方案永远都应该成为人们追求的目标。然而,这些不平衡、不平等和危险需要我们持续关注,并不断更新经济生活。
5.3.4 The effects of economic providence are not an object of faith alone. They are the object of speculative markets. Prices in speculative markets fluctuate in response to news, unfolding trends, and speculative confidence. The demand in such markets is always for a single good: reward measured against risk. Instead of being determined simply by supply and demand, therefore, as in other markets, speculative markets dramatize more clearly the social forces exerted on evaluation. A share-price graph is a history of forces of expectation. It shows periods of confidence and stability, periods of uncertainty and volatility, periods of anticipation and high activity, and periods of calm and continuity. In short, speculative traders deal not in the underlying asset but in fluctuations in confidence. 5.3.4 经济旨意的效果并不仅仅是信仰的目标。它们是投机市场的目标。投机市场的价格会随着新闻、发展趋势和投机信心的变化而波动。这类市场的需求始终是单一的:以风险衡量回报。因此,投机市场并不像其他市场那样简单地由供求关系决定,而是更清楚地体现了社会力量对评价的影响。股价图表就是一部期望力量的历史。它显示了信心和稳定时期、不确定和波动时期、预期和高度活跃时期以及平静和持续时期。简而言之,投机交易者交易的不是相关资产,而是信心的波动。
It is the very uncertainty of price movements that adds to their volatility. Speculators crave information concerning the current forces acting in the market. Imitation of others is often the only source of information available, leading to an oscillation of positive and negative feedback effects. Speculative bubbles and crashes need have no external cause. Yet speculative markets cannot operate in complete abstraction. They require an underlying object of confidence, as well as news from the productive economy, to stimulate disequilibria and opportunities. 正是价格变动的不确定性加剧了其波动性。投机者渴望获得有关当前市场力量的信息。对他人的模仿往往是唯一的信息来源,从而导致正反馈效应的振荡。投机泡沫和崩溃不需要外部原因。然而,投机市场不可能完全抽象地运行。它们需要一个基本的信心对象,以及来自生产性经济的消息,来刺激不平衡和机会。
Price is the only means of communication between diverse economic forces. The price, then, does not simply represent equilibrium between competing forces of expectation and anxiety. Such forces may be pulsed rather than continuous, emerging into consciousness when they succeed in attracting attention. Beneath the economy of prices lies an economy of attention that lends energy to what is granted significance. Similarly, markets respond to news, not only for its perceived intrinsic significance, but 价格是各种经济力量之间沟通的唯一手段。因此,价格并不简单地代表预期和焦虑等相互竞争的力量之间的平衡。这种力量可能是脉冲式的,而不是持续性的,当它们成功吸引人们的注意力时,就会出现在人们的意识中。在价格经济的背后,是一种关注经济,它为被赋予意义的事物注入能量。同样,市场对新闻的反应,不仅是因为其被认为具有内在意义,还因为
also to the extent that it is vividly portrayed and captures the imagination. An economy of prices operates on the basis of economies of attention and imagination. 这也取决于它是否生动形象,是否能吸引人们的想象力。价格经济是以注意力经济和想象力经济为基础的。
For economic behavior to change fundamentally, it is necessary to develop new mechanisms for distributing attention and imagination. Excessive attention to prices and excessive imagination of economic opportunities and threats may lead to a mode of economic behavior that cannot be receptive to what matters. The generalized state of excitement, anxiety, and stress generated by the market, while intrinsically unhealthy when excessive, may also be destructive of social capital. 要从根本上改变经济行为,就必须建立分配注意力和想象力的新机制。对价格的过度关注以及对经济机遇和威胁的过度想象可能会导致一种无法接受重要事物的经济行为模式。市场产生的普遍兴奋、焦虑和压力状态,虽然过度时本质上是不健康的,但也可能对社会资本造成破坏。
5.4.1 Accounting measures exchange values: it is solely concerned with the amount of money that can be substituted for a product or outcome. Accounting does not evaluate the product itself or the process of production. By means of a substitution, it produces the effect of an atemporal value, even if that value continually changes. In the same way, land, labor, and capital are evaluated in terms of the money required to pay for their usage. As ongoing temporal contracts, the amount of money paid for land, labor, and capital is proportional to the time required for their usage. They are treated solely as costs of production and thus as a drain on value. Since it is difficult to invent and produce additional value in the form of outcomes and products, economic activity is largely geared to reducing costs by saving time. Indeed, such a large proportion of economic activity and innovation is geared toward saving time that one may wonder whether more time is spent on saving time than time is saved. Similarly, the multiplication of contracts through debts and credits is aimed at saving time. If the aim of economic activity is to make money, then its principal aim is simply to save time. 5.4.1 会计衡量的是交换价值:它只关注可以替代产品或结果的货币数量。会计不评估产品本身或生产过程。通过替代,它产生了一种时间价值的效果,即使该价值在不断变化。同样,土地、劳动力和资本也是以支付其使用所需的资金来评估的。作为持续的时间契约,为土地、劳动力和资本支付的金额与使用它们所需的时间成正比。它们仅被视为生产成本,因而是价值的流失。由于很难发明和生产出成果和产品形式的额外价值,经济活动在很大程度上是通过节约时间来降低成本的。事实上,经济活动和创新的很大一部分都是为了节省时间,以至于人们不禁要问,花在节省时间上的时间是否比节省下来的时间还多。同样,通过债务和信贷实现契约的倍增也是为了节省时间。如果经济活动的目的是赚钱,那么其主要目的就只是为了节省时间。
The problem of spending time, by contrast, is relatively unexamined. There is enormous scope for wastage in the time of production, as well as in the time of consumption, for if the spending of time is measured against reducing costs and maximizing profits, priority is no longer given to the formation of capital and the enhancement of experience. In an economy geared solely toward profit and debt, much time is wasted on unproductive 相比之下,花费时间的问题却相对缺乏研究。生产时间和消费时间都存在巨大的浪费空间,因为如果以降低成本和利润最大化来衡量时间的花费,就不再优先考虑资本的形成和经验的积累。在一个只追求利润和债务的经济体中,大量时间被浪费在非生产性活动上
activities that are designed to ensure profits within a competitive environment rather than to contribute to the formation of capital or the enhancement of experience. There is at least as much scope for unproductive labor in a market economy as there is in one planned by the state. To achieve time that is of value, saving time should be subordinated to spending time. 这些活动的目的是在竞争环境中确保利润,而不是促进资本的形成或经验的积累。市场经济中的非生产性劳动至少与国家计划经济中的非生产性劳动一样多。为了实现有价值的时间,节约时间应服从于花费时间。
A new mode of accounting must begin with the process of spending time rather than the outcome of spent time. This is a matter of constructing a worthwhile life rather than simply increasing production. A theology of money must draw attention to the issue of which ways of spending time actually matter. Value, far from being an object of accumulation or acquisition, holds value only in motion. 新的会计模式必须从花费时间的过程而不是花费时间的结果开始。这是一个构建有价值的生活的问题,而不仅仅是增加产量的问题。货币神学必须提请人们注意哪些花费时间的方式才是真正重要的。价值远非积累或获取的对象,只有在运动中才具有价值。
In reality, of course, time cannot be saved at all. It continues to pass. The effort to save time is merely an attempt to control the distribution of time, taking less time for those activities that are deemed to be less important so that more time can be spent elsewhere. If the outcome of time is held as more significant than the experience, then to make efficiency gains, the quality of time may be downgraded by eliminating all that is superfluous and inefficient in relation to production. As a result, more time is spent on less significant experience, and the time that is spent is downgraded in quality. 当然,在现实中,时间根本无法挽回。时间会继续流逝。节省时间的努力不过是试图控制时间的分配,减少那些被认为不那么重要的活动的时间,以便把更多的时间花在其他地方。如果认为时间的结果比时间的经历更重要,那么为了提高效率,就可能会降低时间的质量,剔除所有多余的、与生产无关的低效时间。结果,更多的时间花在了意义不大的经历上,而所花时间的质量却被降低了。
When work is evaluated by managers in relation to its output, then time is not properly evaluated at all. Labor is always a cost for employers; it is only an experience for employees. The exchange value of labor is not fixed by the time that must be sacrificed for it in toil unless labor has already been downgraded to the point of tiresome drudgery. Instead, it is fixed as a cost by the sacrifice of employers’ profits. The dominant perspective in such accounting of work is that of the employer. Work is evaluated from the point of view of its product, not from the point of view of the experience of the worker or from the point of view of mobilizing, nourishing, and connecting physical, human, and social capital. For quality of time may emerge in undetermined moments of idleness. 当管理者根据产出来评价工作时,时间就根本没有得到正确的评价。对雇主来说,劳动始终是一种成本;对雇员来说,劳动只是一种经历。除非劳动已经降级到令人厌倦的苦役程度,否则劳动的交换价值并不取决于必须为之牺牲的劳作时间。相反,它被雇主牺牲利润固定为成本。在这种工作核算中,占主导地位的是雇主的观点。对工作的评价是从其产品的角度出发,而不是从工人的经验或从调动、滋养和连接物质、人力和社会资本的角度出发。因为时间的质量可能会在不确定的闲暇时刻出现。
Evaluation, in principle, may be removed from output and attached to experience. If accounts that evaluate output are themselves flawed fictions, then other fictions that are more responsive to the experience of time may also be devised. For human subjects endowed with memory, value is created, sensed, and recorded by spending time, not by saving time. There is 原则上,评价可以从产出中剥离出来,而附着于经验之上。如果对产出进行评价的说法本身就是有缺陷的虚构,那么也可以设计出其他更能反映时间体验的虚构。对于具有记忆力的人类主体来说,价值是通过花费时间而不是节省时间来创造、感知和记录的。有
no need for additional proof of value beyond the experience of those who encounter it. Experience itself is the true record of value. Even if experience overlooks significance, missing opportunities beyond the horizon of experience, it is still experience itself that may test such opportunities. 除了遇到价值的人的经验之外,不需要额外的价值证明。经验本身就是价值的真实记录。即使经验忽略了意义,错失了超越经验视野的机会,但经验本身仍然可以检验这些机会。
5.4.2 In the current system, evaluations, in practice, have no more social effectiveness than the money that is able to support them - the effective demand through which they are backed. All evaluations are valued externally, then, on the basis of their profitability or their symbiosis with profitable enterprises. While there is no shortage of evaluations, each evaluation is subordinated to an abstract system where it is evaluated from a purely external perspective that is held by no one. Such an abstract system causes a kind of leakage of value from the forms of life in which it emerges. Evaluations can endure and thrive only to the extent that they maintain themselves in some form of representation. In practice, this means that values endure and thrive only to the extent that they are profitable. The value of profit is substituted for all other values; there is a kind of entropy of value, a decay of all established values, as their effectiveness passes toward purely monetary effects. 5.4.2 在现行制度下,评估的社会效益实际上并不高于支持评估的资金--也就是支持评估 的有效需求。因此,所有的评估都是根据其盈利能力或与盈利企业的共生关系来进行外部估值的。虽然评价并不缺乏,但每项评价都从属于一个抽象的系统,在这个系统中,评价从一个纯粹的外部视角进行,没有人持有这种视角。这种抽象系统会导致价值从它所出现的生活形式中流失。只有当评价在某种形式的表征中得以维持时,评价才能持久和繁荣。在实践中,这意味着价值只有在有利可图的情况下才能持久和繁荣。利润价值取代了所有其他价值;存在着一种价值熵,即所有既定价值的衰减,因为它们的效力向纯粹的货币效应转移。
It is this very process of decay that allows for fresh economic activity. Economic activity can gain a new meaning: it is the production of value as a negentropic process, acting against a broader decay of value. If all production becomes the production of exchange value, if all evaluation seeks to determine a price, then the social field of evaluation decays toward an equilibrium point of perfect consensus based on the primacy of money. This utopia of the perfect market is a kind of moral heat death, where value no longer needs to be created and all needs or demands become arbitrary whims. An equilibrium point is not merely a moment of balance, when supply meets demand. An equilibrium point is also a moment of maximum entropy, when information has been destroyed. There is no possibility of tracing a movement back from equilibrium to its initial conditions, for the information concerning initial conditions is progressively eliminated in the approach to equilibrium. The marketization of society effects the progressive annihilation of history, culture, and value. 正是这种衰变过程使得新的经济活动成为可能。经济活动可以获得一个新的含义:它是价值生产的负熵过程,与更广泛的价值衰变相对抗。如果所有的生产都是交换价值的生产,如果所有的评价都是为了确定价格,那么社会评价领域就会衰落,走向以货币至上为基础的完全一致的平衡点。这种完美市场的乌托邦是一种道德热死,在那里价值不再需要被创造,所有的需要或需求都变成了任意的突发奇想。平衡点不仅仅是供求平衡的时刻。平衡点也是熵值最大的时刻,此时信息已被破坏。不可能从平衡点追溯到初始条件,因为在接近平衡点的过程中,有关初始条件的信息会逐渐消失。社会的市场化影响着历史、文化和价值的逐步消亡。
The production of true value thus requires more than a process of production and more than the production of profit. Such processes reorganize matter, changing it from its normal state of entropy to a state in which it 因此,真正价值的产生需要的不仅仅是生产过程,也不仅仅是利润的产生。这种过程重组了物质,使其从正常的熵状态转变为这样一种状态,即它
can be used. The value that is added in negentropic processes of production is simply information. This is the true output of production. More is required, however, than an increased information content. The information has to be useful to someone. Order becomes valuable only when it corresponds to desire. Valuable information does not simply consist in facts. It is not objective or individuated into units. Information holds value only when it is ordered to meet desire. It is this experience of time as entropy and perpetual decay of both capital and value that produces demand for the creation of order. The decay of value, then, is far from being something to be lamented. It is the very engine that drives evaluation, producing order and credit. 可以使用。在负熵生产过程中增加的价值仅仅是信息。这是生产的真正产出。然而,除了增加信息含量之外,还需要更多。信息必须对某人有用。只有当秩序符合人们的愿望时,它才变得有价值。有价值的信息不仅仅是事实。它不是客观的,也不是单独的单位。信息只有在满足欲望的情况下才有价值。正是这种将时间视为资本和价值的熵和永恒衰变的体验,产生了创造秩序的需求。因此,价值的衰减绝非值得悲叹的事情。它正是推动评价、产生秩序和信用的引擎。
The question arises of whether desire itself is sufficient to produce value. Of course, desire can do nothing without a material that it is capable of ordering. Moreover, desire does not generate information concerning the matter to be ordered, for the intrinsic properties of matter, including its potential to correspond to desire, can be learned only by experimentation and experience. An excess remains on each side-an excess of potential ordering and its correspondence to desire, as well as an excess of desire beyond what can be ordered. Indeed, the production of value cannot take place without this excess on each side. In this respect, it is not simply the correspondence or meeting of desire and order that produces value but their asymmetry, their lack of correspondence, as a positive potential and opportunity. It is this asymmetry that is the true source of wealth. Since it exceeds representation, evidence, and accounts, it has to be given credit. 问题在于,欲望本身是否足以产生价值。当然,没有能够被欲望排序的物质,欲望什么也做不了。此外,欲望并不能产生关于被排序物质的信息,因为物质的内在属性,包括与欲望相对应的潜力,只能通过实验和经验来了解。每一方都存在过剩--潜在的排序及其与欲望的对应关系的过剩,以及超出可排序的欲望的过剩。事实上,价值的产生离不开双方的这种过剩。在这方面,产生价值的不仅仅是欲望与秩序的对应或相遇,而是它们之间的不对称,它们之间缺乏对应,这是一种积极的潜力和机会。这种不对称才是财富的真正来源。由于它超越了表象、证据和记述,因此必须给予它肯定。
A further element is required to realize production beyond order and desire: credit. For the production of value to become a social reality, rather than a private reality, the meeting of desire and order must be made effective. It must be given credit. It must be treated as valuable in advance so that it may demonstrate that it is valuable in practice. The texture of society, then, is not constituted solely by order or structure; nor is it constituted by production or desire. It is constituted by credit as the ontological substance of all social bonds. 要实现超越秩序和欲望的生产,还需要一个要素:信用。要使价值生产成为一种社会现实,而不是一种私人现实,就必须使欲望与秩序的交汇变得有效。它必须被赋予信用。它必须事先被视为有价值的,以便在实践中证明它是有价值的。因此,社会的结构并不完全由秩序或结构构成,也不完全由生产或欲望构成。它是由作为所有社会纽带本体的信用构成的。
The production of value begins with credit. While the realization of value occurs when order meets desire, the motion of production begins with credit. The production of value therefore begins outside all circles of knowledge and desire, outside all circular motions, outside all adequate ideas. The production of value begins in risk and uncertainty. The curious 价值的产生始于信用。价值的实现发生在秩序与欲望相遇的时候,而生产的运动则始于信用。因此,价值的生产开始于所有知识和欲望的圈子之外,开始于所有循环运动之外,开始于所有适当的观念之外。价值的产生始于风险和不确定性。奇特的
conclusion to be drawn, then, is that value derives from speculation. Even financial speculators, although they might operate within a narrow domain of activity, are still concerned with what is essential in the production of value. In addition to producers who order material, and in addition to consumers who express demand, speculators or venture capitalists are required who guess at the emergence of economic opportunities. 因此,可以得出的结论是,价值源于投机。即使是金融投机者,尽管他们的活动范围可能很窄,但他们仍然关注价值生产的基本要素。除了订购物质的生产者和表达需求的消费者之外,投机者或风险资本家还需要猜测经济机会的出现。
5.4.3 Speculative ventures are, of course, often mistaken. Credit is not the sole source of value; value has to be implicit as a potential of the situation. While credit expresses a flow of speculative evaluation, demonstrable value derives from economic potential. Each economic opportunity has to be advanced credit, invested with desire, and effectively ordered. All contracts involve at least three parties: sellers of time, buyers of nutrition, and those who give credit to the contract. 5.4.3 当然,投机性投资往往是错误的。信贷不是价值的唯一来源;价值必须隐含为一种潜在的情况。信贷是一种投机性的评估,而可证明的价值则来自经济潜力。每一个经济机会都必须得到信用的预支、欲望的投入和有效的排序。所有合同至少涉及三方:时间的卖方、营养的买方和为合同提供信用的人。
The difficulty in assessing economic opportunities lies in the fact that such opportunities have to be proved in experience. Once proved, the opportunity no longer remains. There is thus no true science of economics, because the realization of economic value depends more on divination than it does on public evidence. In addition to the sciences of production and distribution that deal with order, and in addition to the sciences of anthropology and psychology that deal with desire, there is also a theology of credit. Such credit is grounded in a dim awareness of economic opportunities, whether in unrealized possibilities for order or in unachieved satisfactions of desire. 评估经济机遇的困难在于,这种机遇必须在经验中得到证明。一旦得到证明,机会就不再存在。因此,不存在真正的经济科学,因为经济价值的实现更多地取决于占卜,而不是公开的证据。除了涉及秩序的生产和分配科学,以及涉及欲望的人类学和心理学之外,还有一种信用神学。这种信用的基础是对经济机会的朦胧认识,无论是未实现的秩序可能性还是未实现的欲望满足。
More significant, there is also the question of unrealized values. It is one thing for the realization of an economic opportunity to be profitable; it is another for it to be truly valuable for capital and for experience. The production of value is most valuable either when it contributes to the formation of physical, human, and social capital or when it contributes to the quality of experience. The true value of an economic opportunity, then, rests in its ultimate implications for the production of capital, for meeting desire, and for enhancing credit. The highest form of value to be produced is the capacity to evaluate economic opportunity. 更重要的是,还有一个未实现价值的问题。实现一个经济机会是否有利可图是一回事,而它是否真正具有资本和经验价值则是另一回事。当价值的产生有助于形成物质、人力和社会资本时,或者当价值的产生有助于提高经验的质量时,它就是最有价值的。因此,经济机会的真正价值在于它对资本生产、满足欲望和提高信用的最终影响。评估经济机会的能力是产生价值的最高形式。
5.4.4 Money, as has been discussed, consists in a contract combining an asset, a liability, and a reserve. Each is a promise of exchange value. 5.4.4 如前所述,货币是由资产、负债和储备金组合而成的契约。每一种都是交换价值的承诺。
Together, they generate an advance of exchange value in the form of an asset. When money is treated as a representation of exchange value, then such exchange value is treated here as a passive object of exchange, of measure, and of preservation. It is apparently subordinated to the liberated will of the economic agent. Promises, liabilities, and securities, by contrast, impose regulatory practices on the handling of value. While exchange value may be freely transferred, promises, liabilities, and securities have a moral significance for participants. The moral nature of money is obscured when money is treated as an embodiment of exchange value. If the value of money were simply that of the goods and services that may be exchanged for it, then its value would depend on a substitution for money, a substitution that prevents one from considering the essence of money at all. Yet rent, wages, and interest in practice are paid only in the form of money. Moreover, since debts can be repaid only in money, the veil of perpetual substitution has at last to be discarded, leaving money in its naked state as promise, liability, and reserve. Money must eventually return to be assessed against its original promise. 它们以资产的形式共同产生了交换价值的预付款。当货币被视为交换价值的代表时,这种交换价值在这里被视为交换、衡量和保存的被动对象。它显然服从于经济主体的自由意志。相比之下,承诺、负债和证券则对价值的处理施加了监管措施。虽然交换价值可以自由转移,但承诺、负债和证券对参与者具有道德意义。当货币被视为交换价值的化身时,货币的道德本质就被掩盖了。如果货币的价值仅仅是可以与之交换的商品和服务的价值,那么它的价值将取决于对货币的替代,这种替代使人们根本无法考虑货币的本质。然而,租金、工资和利息实际上都是以货币的形式支付的。此外,由于债务只能以货币的形式偿还,永久替代的面纱最终必须被摒弃,让货币赤裸裸地处于承诺、负债和储备的状态。货币最终必须回归其最初的承诺。
As a debt, money has a tendency to flow in a particular direction. Without the return flow of money, money would become worthless. The promise is underwritten by the liability and the reserve. The value expressed in money is not created by production, exchange, or substitution. The value promised by money is created by the combination of a promise, a liability, and a reserve. Such a value is realized by the meeting of the production of order, the effective expression of desire, and the attribution of credit. 作为一种债务,货币有向特定方向流动的趋势。如果没有资金的回流,货币就会变得一文不值。承诺由债务和准备金来担保。货币的价值不是由生产、交换或替代创造的。货币承诺的价值是由承诺、负债和准备金共同创造的。这种价值是通过秩序的产生、欲望的有效表达和信用的归属来实现的。
Credit is granted on the basis of the security of the reserve. Since credit is not a delayed purchase, the aim of credit is not to acquire the reserve. Such a security is required only when credit fails. Security, then, is not the proper object of credit. The exchange value of the reserve merely substitutes for the object of credit should credit fail. Credit is attributed to economic opportunity. Just as capital - the ability to produce wealth - cannot be reduced to the exchange value of accumulated stock, so also an economic opportunity cannot be reduced to the value advanced on the basis of the expectation it generates. 信贷是在储备金担保的基础上发放的。由于信贷不是延迟购买,信贷的目的不是获取储备金。只有在信贷失败时才需要这种担保。因此,担保不是信贷的适当目的。储备金的交换价值只是在信贷失败时替代信贷的对象。信用归因于经济机会。正如资本--生产财富的能力--不能被归结为累积存量的交换价值一样,经济机会也不能被归结为基于它所产生的预期而预付的价值。
Credit therefore cannot be reduced to the value of the security that serves as a reserve or guarantee, to the value of the advance offered as credit, or to the value that is realized when the production of order meets 因此,贷记额不能减去作为储备金或担保的抵押物的价值、作为贷记额提供的预付款的价值,或在订单生产满足下列条件时实现的价值
desire. For even at the end of the process, the economic opportunity has evaporated, and a realized profit has taken its place. No determinate value can thus be substituted for credit; nor can credit be attributed to value. Credit is attributed to economic opportunity in the form of capital, therefore, rather than to the possibility of future value. 欲望。因为即使在这一过程结束时,经济机会也已消失,取而代之的是已实现的利润。因此,没有确定的价值可以取代信贷;信贷也不能归属于价值。因此,信用是资本形式的经济机会,而不是未来价值的可能性。
The paradox of credit is that there can be no public evidence for economic opportunities. If information concerning such opportunities were to become exchangeable and repeatable, agreed by consensus, then the opportunity would be taken into account in existing price levels, canceling the opportunity itself while leading to a loss if its productive possibilities are left unrealized. Economic opportunities arise, by contrast, from a lack of public consensus. They arise for those who are able to perceive the whole situation and its dominant trends more effectively than others. They derive from reading significant trends and possible futures. They can be made effective, bringing such futures into being, by being attributed credit. The value advanced enables the future to come about. Wealth does not derive from production or demand alone; it derives from the consequences of the interaction of current trends. Credit may be attributed most effectively to emergent economic niches rather than to existing strategies of production. 信用的悖论在于,经济机会不可能有公开的证据。如果有关这种机会的信息可以交换和重复,并得到一致同意,那么这种机会就会在现有的价格水平中得到考虑,从而取消了机会本身,同时如果其生产可能性没有得到实现,就会导致损失。与此相反,经济机会产生于缺乏公共共识。对于那些能够比其他人更有效地洞察整个形势及其主导趋势的人来说,经济机遇就会出现。它们来自于对重要趋势和可能未来的解读。它们可以通过归功于他人而变得有效,使这些未来成为现实。先进的价值使未来得以实现。财富不仅仅来自生产或需求,而是来自当前趋势相互作用的结果。信用可以最有效地用于新出现的经济领域,而不是现有的生产战略。
One does not produce wealth by mastering and controlling reality as a whole. One produces wealth by sensing and responding appropriately to economic opportunities. One produces wealth by creating order and information from the processes that are already under way. Unintended consequences may be external costs; they may also be economic opportunities. At any rate, the emergence of new economic niches as unintended consequences is the driving force of economic activity. In short, it is distance from equilibrium and inability to make accurate predictions that enables the emergence of new sites, new orders, and new negentropic processes that keep economic activity alive. 掌握和控制整个现实并不能创造财富。创造财富靠的是对经济机遇的感知和适当反应。一个人创造财富的方式是从已经开始的进程中创造秩序和信息。意外后果可能是外部成本,也可能是经济机遇。无论如何,作为意外后果的新的经济利基的出现是经济活动的驱动力。简而言之,正是由于远离均衡状态和无法做出准确预测,新的地点、新的秩序和新的负熵过程才得以出现,从而使经济活动保持活力。
5.5.1 Wealth may be considered capital, the ability to produce order. Yet while capital produces order in reality, it is desire that gives value to order-and thus to capital-in evaluation. The question arises, then, of 5.5.1 财富可以被视为资本,是产生秩序的能力。然而,虽然资本在现实中产生秩序,但赋予秩序价值的却是欲望,因而也是对资本的评价。那么问题来了
what gives value to desire. This is a theological question concerning the value of values, the value of desires, and the value of evaluations. 是什么赋予欲望以价值?这是一个关于价值、欲望价值和评价价值的神学问题。
To value such evaluations according to a consensus or the market is to substitute a purely extrinsic evaluation for the intrinsic value of evaluation. Evaluations, like economic opportunities, are external to such a market. One does not substitute for them without obscuring the very perspective or location that gives them value. Evaluations, like opportunities, are singular points that exceed all confirmed knowledge. Nevertheless, they do indeed operate within the mind to give value to values. 根据共识或市场对这种评价进行估值,是用纯粹的外在评价取代评价的内在价值。评价与经济机会一样,都是市场之外的东西。我们不能用评价来取代赋予评价价值的视角或位置。评价与机遇一样,是超越所有已确认知识的奇点。然而,它们确实在头脑中运作,赋予价值以价值。
True wealth thus requires more than capital formation, just as it requires more than making profits. True wealth also requires the production of evaluations and their effective realization through desire. True wealth is the realization of true values. It is necessary that such values should orient desire and production; it is not necessary that such values should be represented or given an exchange value. 因此,真正的财富需要的不仅仅是资本的形成,就像它需要的不仅仅是利润一样。真正的财富还需要产生评价,并通过欲望有效地实现评价。真正的财富是真正价值的实现。这种价值必须引导欲望和生产,但不一定要体现或赋予其交换价值。
If society is based on contract rather than exchange, contract itself is insufficient to represent values and opportunities that act on and through the mind. Such economic forces may operate through the imagination. One is not faced with a false choice between the transparency of knowledge, where thinking represents reality, and complete uncertainty and ignorance. Values may not be known in themselves, yet they still act over the course of time, producing a tendency toward a destination. What is necessary for the divination of value is some kind of supple, imaginative body that is capable of being affected by and indicating the potency of forces of evaluation. What is also required for the verification of such divinations is an experimental method for the realization of value. This theology of evaluation underlies credit. 如果社会是建立在契约而非交换的基础上,那么契约本身就不足以代表作用于心灵并通过心灵发挥作用的价值和机会。这种经济力量可以通过想象力发挥作用。在知识的透明性(思维代表现实)与完全的不确定性和无知之间,人们不会面临错误的选择。价值本身可能并不为人所知,但它们仍会随着时间的推移而发生作用,产生一种趋向目的地的趋势。价值占卜所需的是某种柔软的、富有想象力的身体,它能够受到评价力量的影响并显示出评价力量的效力。为了验证这种占卜,还需要一种实现价值的实验方法。这种评价神学是信贷的基础。
5.5.2 Values tend to be expressed in perspectives of evaluation. While such perspectives of evaluation often tend to attribute considerable importance to themselves, the value of such perspectives may appear to be very different from other perspectives. There are no demonstrably objective or universal criteria. In practice, such perspectives may seek consensus and agreement. The external value of values has been determined by the profitability of their associated enterprises. Market value substitutes in this way for a universal value. 5.5.2 价值往往表现在评价的角度上。虽然这些评价视角往往对自己相当重视,但这些视角的价值似乎与其他视角大相径庭。没有明显客观或普遍的标准。在实践中,这些观点可能会寻求共识和一致。价值观的外部价值是由其相关企业的盈利能力决定的。市场价值以这种方式取代了普遍价值。
The vital question, then, concerns how one can invest in values apart from a market system for their verification. It will be necessary to develop a social infrastructure for the imagination of value and mediation of credit that operates apart from market systems of exchange and substitution. It will be necessary for temporal relations to take a significant role in the emergence and testing of values. 因此,至关重要的问题是,除了验证价值的市场体系之外,人们如何对价值进行投资。有必要发展一种社会基础设施,用于价值想象和信用调解,这种基础设施的运作应与交换和替代的市场体系分开。有必要让时间关系在价值的产生和检验中发挥重要作用。
Investment of money substitutes for an investment of attention. No true evaluation can take place without attention to the perceptions, forces, and tendencies that have a direct impact on a particular location. Changes in prices and profits occur outside the sphere of attention; they exclude all true measures of value. What is required, by contrast, is continuing attention to and evaluation of given perspectives of evaluation. It is a matter of stripping away the values produced by evaluative perspectives so that such evaluative perspectives can be evaluated in their own right. 资金投入代替了关注投入。如果不关注对特定地点有直接影响的观念、力量和趋势,就无法进行真正的评估。价格和利润的变化不在关注的范围之内;它们排除了所有真正的价值衡量标准。相比之下,我们需要的是持续关注和评估特定的评价视角。这是一个剥离评价视角所产生的价值的问题,以便对这些评价视角本身进行评价。
5.5.3 The curious feature of liabilities, in contrast to assets, is their located nature. Assets have an exchange value; one must substitute for them to realize their value. Liabilities, by contrast, need to be repaid in kind. They are defined by their contracts. 5.5.3 与资产相比,负债的奇特之处在于其定位性。资产具有交换价值;人们必须通过替代资产来实现其价值。相比之下,负债需要以实物偿还。负债是由其合同确定的。
One of the illusions produced by treating money as a universal equivalent or representative of exchange value is that money is regarded as a better or worse embodiment of a universal, abstract currency. In practice, there are no universal, abstract currencies. There are merely specific assets and liabilities denominated in specific currencies, where debts need to be repaid in the currency in which they are denominated. Money is always a liability of a determinate bank. This is the ultimate significance of the creation of money as debt. It is a fixed liability rather than a transferable asset. It is always attached to a determinate location and practice of recording. Banks are perspectives of evaluation from which the world is measured and recorded. It is such a practice of evaluation that demands to be evaluated itself. 将货币视为交换价值的普遍等价物或代表所产生的一个错觉是,货币被视为一种普遍的、抽象的货币的更好或更坏的体现。实际上,并不存在普遍、抽象的货币。有的只是以特定货币计价的特定资产和负债,债务需要以其计价的货币偿还。货币始终是一家确定银行的负债。这就是货币作为债务产生的最终意义。它是一种固定的负债,而不是可转移的资产。它总是依附于一个确定的地点和记录方式。银行是衡量和记录世界的评价视角。正是这种评估实践要求对其本身进行评估。
There is no reason that liabilities should be restricted to money. It is possible to issue other kinds of liabilities. If one sells stocks short, for example, promising to deliver them at an agreed future price and date, one then has the option to buy at a better price in the meantime. Yet the original stock has to be delivered at some stage-unless such trades are canceled out 负债仅限于货币是没有道理的。发行其他种类的负债也是可能的。例如,如果一个人卖空股票,承诺在商定的未来价格和日期交付股票,那么他就可以选择在此期间以更好的价格买入股票。然而,原始股票必须在某个阶段交付,除非这种交易被取消。
by the dealer according to a similar principle that operates in the clearing house. 交易商根据类似于清算所的运作原则进行交易。
Liabilities, then, may be attached to determinate institutions reflecting determinate perspectives of evaluation. Just as money can be created as a division of assets and liabilities, so can virtual shares be created as promises to deliver. There are no limits to the range and kind of values that can be created, just as there are no limits to the range and kind of currencies that can be created. 因此,负债可以附着在反映确定评价观点的确定机构上。正如货币可以作为资产和负债的划分而产生,虚拟股份也可以作为兑现承诺而产生。可以创造的价值的范围和种类没有限制,正如可以创造的货币的范围和种类没有限制一样。
Money indicates the effective desire attached to a contract. Another measure is required to indicate the effective value attached to a contract. Even though they are private agreements between producers and consumers, contracts have a public value. Honoring private contracts is a public good since it leads to trust in contracts and an increase in social capital. Beyond this, performance of the contract may often affect other common goods. Each contract, then, may be evaluated not only in terms of money by consumer desire but also by its public effects. 货币表示合同所附的有效欲望。还需要另一种衡量标准来表明合同的有效价值。尽管合同是生产者和消费者之间的私人协议,但也具有公共价值。遵守私人合同是一种公共利益,因为它能带来对合同的信任和社会资本的增加。除此之外,合同的履行往往会影响到其他共同利益。因此,对每份合同的评价,不仅要考虑消费者对金钱的需求,还要考虑其对公共利益的影响。
The evaluation of such public effects is not a straightforward matter. While the public interest is served as a whole by the honoring of contracts, so that it is easy for the state to take on itself a liability to enforce contracts, a more complete evaluation of the significance of each contract requires a diversity of perspectives. Yet without at least some external interest that values each contract, the public can have no confidence that any particular contract will be of value. The public interest requires not only that contracts be kept, but also that they serve the common good. Value is not produced by the meeting of order and desire, or producer and consumer, alone. Value requires also that such a contract be given credit. 对这种公共影响的评估并不是一个简单的问题。虽然履行合同符合整体公共利益,因此国家很容易承担起执行合同的责任,但要对每份合同的意义进行更全面的评估,则需要不同的视角。然而,如果没有至少某种重视每份合同的外部利益,公众就无法相信任何特定的合同都是有价值的。公共利益不仅要求遵守合同,还要求合同服务于公共利益。价值并非仅由秩序与欲望或生产者与消费者的会面产生。价值还要求对这种合同给予信用。
Transactions always involve at least three parties-the producer, the consumer, the public whose interest is served - as well as a source of credit for each contract. Alongside production and demand, then, it is necessary to have evaluation. Just as there are enterprises for the production of order to meet demand, in a healthy economy there also need to be enterprises for the evaluation of contracts that assess demand. If money is the institution that alone serves this purpose, then the public can be confident that common interests will not be served. Indeed, in practice money does not serve this purpose alone in market capitalism. Dominant relations are supported by a moral discourse that defends their inherent goodness as sources of 交易总是至少涉及三方--生产者、消费者、利益相关的公众--以及每份合同的信贷来源。因此,除了生产和需求,还必须有评估。正如有企业生产订单以满足需求一样,在一个健康的经济体中,也需要有企业对评估需求的合同进行评估。如果只有货币才能实现这一目的,那么公众就可以确信共同利益不会得到满足。实际上,在市场资本主义中,货币并不能单独实现这一目的。支配性关系得到了道德话语的支持,这种道德话语捍卫了支配性关系的固有善性,认为它们是
wealth. Such uncritical moral discourse is purveyed through the media. Since media prosper only if they attract attention to themselves, such moral discourse can be published only if it flatters or serves the self-interests of its consumers. In short, the work of evaluation is short-circuited once more by the rule of the market. If evaluations are assessed by the effective demand for them, via profitability, then they can express only the wishful thinking of a dominant majority. The subordination of evaluation to desire at personal, institutional, and systemic levels is the fundamental corruption of democratic capitalism. 财富。这种不加批判的道德言论是通过媒体传播的。由于媒体只有在吸引眼球的情况下才会繁荣,因此,这种道德言论只有在迎合或符合消费者自身利益的情况下才能发表。简而言之,评价工作再次被市场规则短路。如果评价是由对其的有效需求(通过盈利)来评估的,那么评价只能表达占主导地位的大多数人的一厢情愿。在个人、机构和系统层面,评价从属于欲望,这是民主资本主义的根本腐败。
The short circuit between desire, money, and evaluation must be cut in order to liberate attention to the crediting, critique, and creation of effective evaluations. In short, the ethical economy that coexists with the economy of order requires its own distinctive institutions whose primary purpose is evaluation, not production or profit. The creation, critique, and crediting of evaluation is the theological activity that guides the economic order. 必须切断欲望、金钱和评价之间的短路,才能将注意力解放到有效评价的归功、批判和创造上。简而言之,与秩序经济共存的伦理经济需要有自己独特的机构,其主要目的是评价,而不是生产或盈利。评价的创造、批判和信用是指导经济秩序的神学活动。
If one were only a true metaphysician, thinking nothing but being itself, relieved of the distractions of social intercourse and material need, enjoying the subtlest of truths, the profoundest states of awareness, the richest of revelations, freed from the need to think the Good, for thinking itself would be good, freed from the need to think the True, for thinking itself would be true, freed even from the need to think reality, for thinking itself would be life, until one dismissed metaphysics, for there needed no metaphysics, dismissed thinking, for there needed no thinking, until one renounced even the knowledge that one was a philosopher before setting out to seek wealth, friends, and lovers. 如果一个人只是一个真正的形而上学者,只思考存在本身,摆脱社会交往和物质需求的干扰,享受最微妙的真理、最深刻的意识状态、最丰富的启示,摆脱思考 "善 "的需要(因为思考本身就是善),摆脱思考 "真 "的需要(因为思考本身就是真),甚至摆脱思考 "现实 "的需要(因为思考本身就是生活)、直到一个人放弃了形而上学,因为根本不需要形而上学;放弃了思考,因为根本不需要思考;直到一个人甚至放弃了自己是哲学家的认知,然后才开始寻找财富、朋友和爱人。
Whenever you receive a letter from a creditor write fifty lines on an extra-terrestrial subject, and you will be saved. 每当你收到债权人的来信,写上五十行地球以外的话题,你就会得救。
THIS STUDY BEGAN by noting the opposition between God and money proclaimed by Jesus: “You cannot serve God and Mammon.” Indeed, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Mark 10.24). As Jesus explained, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6.21). For the philosopher, such an opposition raises the most fundamental of problems. What is the true nature of wealth? Can wealth be understood in terms of the monetary value of assets or products? What is the difference between “treasure stored in heaven” and treasures on Earth? What makes for a rich life, a life lived in all its fullness? Here we approach the central task of theology: what is the source of the value of values? Jesus’s opposition to wealth belongs within the tradition of renunciation of the ways of the world, which are concerned with storing up treasure on Earth to seek out the “kingdom of God” or the true source of all treasure. The religious impulse, expressed diversely by the Taoist sages, the Indian renunciants, the Buddhist monks and nuns, the gurus, the cynics, the Essenes, and the desert fathers, has often been one of renunciation for the sake of attaining true, spiritual wealth. 本研究首先注意到耶稣所宣称的上帝与金钱之间的对立:"你们不能事奉上帝和玛门"。的确,"骆驼穿过针的眼,比财主进神的国还容易呢"(马可福音 10.24)。正如耶稣所解释的,"因为你们的财宝在哪里,你们的心也在哪里"(马太福音 6.21)。对于哲学家来说,这种对立提出了最根本的问题。财富的真正本质是什么?财富可以用资产或产品的货币价值来理解吗?天上的宝藏 "和地上的宝藏有什么区别?怎样的生活才是富足的生活?在这里,我们接近了神学的核心任务:价值的源泉是什么?耶稣对财富的反对属于放弃世俗之道的传统,世俗之道关注的是在地上积攒财富,而耶稣则是在寻找 "天国 "或所有财富的真正源泉。道教圣人、印度弃世者、佛教僧尼、大师、愤世嫉俗者、埃塞尼斯人和沙漠之父所表达的宗教冲动,往往是为了获得真正的精神财富而放弃。
Jesus’s opposition is distinctive, however. For the alternative between God and wealth (personified as Mammon) is that between two masters. In either case, it is a question of service. Wealth attracts time, attention, and devotion; it constructs a perspective from which the world is to be 然而,耶稣的反对是与众不同的。因为上帝与财富(化身为玛门)之间的选择是两个主人之间的选择。无论哪种情况,都是一个服务的问题。财富吸引时间、注意力和奉献精神;它构建了一个视角,从这个视角出发,我们可以看到这个世界
seen. There are differing principles of power here. For the philosopher, this opposition raises another most fundamental of problems: what is the true nature of power? Is power to be understood according to the sovereign power of Caesar or the executive power of the state? Is the messiah to be understood as a somewhat belated yet benign Caesar who will eventually rule through just decrees? What is the difference between the power of Caesar and the power of God? Here we approach a central dilemma for Christian theology: either theology takes the option of Constantinianism, whether it sanctifies sovereign power, imitates it, or reproduces it in fantasy by decreeing the true spiritual meanings according to which the world is to be judged, or else theology takes the option of a kenotic Christology, renouncing all power and taking the form of a servant. In both cases, the danger lies in insufficiently distinguishing divine power from imperial power. 看到了。这里存在着不同的权力原则。对于哲学家来说,这种对立提出了另一个最根本的问题:权力的真正本质是什么?权力应该按照凯撒的主权权力还是国家的行政权力来理解?弥赛亚是否应被理解为迟来但仁慈的凯撒,最终将通过公正的法令进行统治?凯撒的权力和上帝的权力有什么区别?在这里,我们面临着基督教神学的一个核心困境:要么神学选择君士坦丁主义,无论是将君权神圣化、模仿君权,还是在幻想中再现君权,颁布审判世界所依据的真正精神意义的法令;要么神学选择肯尼迪基督论,放弃一切权力,采取仆人的形式。在这两种情况下,危险都在于没有充分区分神权与皇权。
What is striking about Jesus’s sayings is that the two problems, those of true wealth and true power, are treated as inseparable: wealth is service. Yet can one not use worldly power in the service of the good, of the wealth of all, or of true spiritual values? Can one not use worldly wealth in the service of the enrichment of life? Is there not the possibility of human mastery rather than service, so that wealth and power are subordinated to humane values? Is not the whole of modern politics based on such assumptions? 耶稣的言论令人震惊之处在于,真正的财富和真正的权力这两个问题被视为不可分割的:财富就是服务。然而,难道人们就不能利用世俗的权力为善、为所有人的财富、为真正的精神价值服务吗?难道人们不能利用世俗的财富为丰富生活服务吗?难道不存在人的主宰而非服务的可能性,从而使财富和权力服从于人的价值?难道整个现代政治不是建立在这样的假设之上吗?
There are two clues as to why, for Jesus, this could not be the case. One lies in taxation. The power of the procurator of Judea and Herodian client rulers of Galilee did not simply derive from imperial decree or the threat of force. In practice, it derived from taxation. Roman coins gained their value from the fact that they could be used - and, indeed, had to be used - for the payment of taxes. ^(1){ }^{1} Money was issued by the imperial mint and eventually would have to return to Rome. The people of Israel were servants of Rome insofar as they paid taxes, not merely insofar as they were occupied by Roman garrisons. Hence, if wealth was acquired through the use of money, and money belonged to Caesar, then mastery over wealth was at the same time service of Caesar. To accumulate wealth was to participate in a system of exploitation and extortion. 对于耶稣来说,有两条线索可以说明为什么情况并非如此。其一是税收。犹太检察长和加利利希律王朝客户统治者的权力不仅仅来自于帝国法令或武力威胁。实际上,他们的权力来自税收。罗马钱币之所以有价值,是因为它们可以用来--事实上也必须用来--缴税。 ^(1){ }^{1} 货币由帝国铸币厂发行,最终必须回归罗马。以色列人是罗马的仆人,因为他们缴纳了税款,而不仅仅是因为他们被罗马驻军占领。因此,如果财富是通过使用金钱获得的,而金钱属于凯撒,那么掌握财富同时也是为凯撒服务。积累财富就是参与剥削和勒索制度。
Yet while the reality of taxation was central to the lives of those described in the Gospels, there is little evidence of a clearly understood theory of money. The second clue is perhaps more telling. Jesus inverted the relation of mastery between people and wealth-your heart is where your trea- 然而,虽然税收是《福音书》中所描述的那些人生活的核心,但几乎没有证据表明他们对金钱有清晰的认识。第二条线索或许更能说明问题。耶稣颠倒了人与财富之间的主宰关系--你的心就是你的财富。
sure is, not your treasure is where your heart is-by inverting the normal relation between the eye and light: “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” (Matt. 6.23). Service is enacted through time, attention, and devotion. The object of one’s attention is used as the material for forming the perspective through which the world is to be seen. One forms a perspective expressed in a metaphysics. If one does not turn attention to God, the source of the value of values, then one’s evaluations will be shaped by the world. True power consists here in a perspective of evaluation. Hence, the modern notion of autonomy is an illusion, since it is always a perspective, a source of evaluation, that one serves. 眼睛是身体的灯,如果你的眼睛健康,你的整个身体就会充满光明;如果你的眼睛不健康,你的整个身体就会充满黑暗。所以,如果你的眼睛是健康的,你的整个身体就会充满光明;但如果你的眼睛是不健康的,你的整个身体就会充满黑暗。你们心里的光若是黑暗,那黑暗是何等大呢!"(《马太福音》6.23)。(马太福音 6.23)。服务是通过时间、注意力和奉献来实现的。一个人关注的对象是形成观察世界的视角的材料。一个人形成的视角表现为形而上学。如果一个人不关注上帝--价值的源泉,那么他的评价就会被世界所左右。在这里,真正的力量在于评价的视角。因此,现代的自主概念是一种幻觉,因为人所服务的总是一种视角,一种评价的来源。
Jesus’s opposition between God and wealth therefore leads to a conjunction of two fundamental problems: the true nature of wealth and the true nature of power. For modern thought, by contrast, evaluation belongs to the subjective sphere of freedom, while money and power belong to the objective sphere of actualization. Modern thought rests on a series of dichotomies between thought and existence, between value and being, between mind and body, and between reason and religion. These metaphysical dichotomies are called into question as soon as one raises the problem of how time, attention, and devotion are to be spent. This is a universal question affecting believer and unbeliever alike. It undermines the modern exclusion of the theological from critical thought, for if one’s perspective is indeed formed by the way one spends one’s time ^(2){ }^{2} - and I will show how this is indeed the case with money-then evaluations, decisions, organization, and production emerge from a practice that itself arises from commitments. To what will one devote one’s life? What authority will one call on for one’s decisions to bear credit? ^(3){ }^{3} These are inescapable theological questions. Moreover, the dichotomy between the religious and the secular does not merely prevent secular thought from engaging with the most significant problems, for insofar as theology accepts this division of labor and concerns itself with the realms of belief, meaning, individual faith, and ecclesial tradition, it concedes much effective social authority to purely secular relations mediated by money. Rediscovering the problem of the effective source of the value of values requires a reformation of secular and theological thought alike. ^(4){ }^{4} 因此,耶稣将上帝与财富对立起来,导致了两个基本问题的结合:财富的真正本质和权力的真正本质。相比之下,对于现代思想而言,评价属于自由的主观领域,而金钱和权力则属于现实的客观领域。现代思想建立在思想与存在、价值与存在、心灵与肉体、理性与宗教等一系列二元对立之上。一旦人们提出如何花费时间、注意力和奉献精神的问题,这些形而上学的二分法就会受到质疑。这是一个普遍的问题,对信徒和非信徒都有影响。它破坏了现代批判性思维对神学的排斥,因为如果一个人的观点确实是由他花费时间的方式形成的 ^(2){ }^{2} --我将说明金钱的情况确实如此--那么评价、决策、组织和生产就会从实践中产生,而实践本身又源于承诺。人的一生将献给什么?为了使自己的决定得到认可,人们会求助于什么权威? ^(3){ }^{3} 这些都是无法回避的神学问题。此外,宗教与世俗之间的二分法并不仅仅阻止世俗思想介入最重要的问题,因为只要神学接受这种分工,并关注信仰、意义、个人信仰和教会传统等领域,它就会将许多有效的社会权威让渡给以金钱为中介的纯粹世俗关系。要重新发现价值的有效来源问题,就需要对世俗思想和神学思想进行改革。 ^(4){ }^{4}
To call into question the modern division between subject, object, and the knowledge that reunites them is to raise a further fundamental philosophical problem: what is the true nature of being? Are the metaphysical assumptions embedded in modern thought, and especially in modern politics and economics, still viable? Can one believe in the passive, material object; the free, evaluating subject; and the neutral truth as genuine metaphysical entities? To pursue a theology of money, it is now necessary to turn to problems of metaphysics, of power, and of wealth, for a perspective determines what one sees when one considers the world. What one seeks and sees is expressed most fully in metaphysics. 对主体、客体以及将它们统一起来的知识之间的现代划分提出质疑,就意味着提出了另一个根本性的哲学问题:存在的真正本质是什么?现代思想,尤其是现代政治和经济学中的形而上学假设是否仍然可行?被动的物质客体、自由的评价主体以及中立的真理是真正的形而上学实体吗?为了探究金钱神学,现在有必要转向形而上学、权力和财富的问题,因为视角决定了人们思考世界时所看到的东西。一个人所追求和看到的东西在形而上学中得到了最充分的表达。
Parmenides bequeathed a peculiar problem to Western metaphysics in the form of a tautology: “being is.” This can be taken to mean “truth is true” or “the same thing is for thinking and for being.” What is the thing that is the same for thinking and for being? The entire history of Western metaphysics may be regarded as a series of experiments with possible solutions to this problem, for a solution to this problem would liberate knowledge from the sway of opinion. Yet it is precisely here that one may discern the bad conscience of metaphysics. The thing that is the same for thinking and for being emerges only from a disciplined thinking, a rigorous practice of thought, or even a piety. The tautology “being is,” like all tautologies, invokes belief. A subject is identified with a predicate, but a subject always differs from predicate grammatically as subject and predicate. If they are to be the same, they can be so only in regard to a third term, above and beyond grammar - the thing that is the same for thinking and for being. This thing is the philosopher’s stone that defines the metaphysical quest. ^(6){ }^{6} Being is made an object of belief by a tautology that reduplicates and abstracts it, as when Aristotle defined metaphysics as the science of being qua being, ^(7){ }^{7} when Spinoza defined a substance as that which is in itself and is conceived through itself, ^(8){ }^{8} and when Heidegger translated Parmenides’s meditation as, “It is useful: to let-lie-before-us and so the-taking-to-heart-also: beings-inbeing.” ^('){ }^{\prime} The currency of any given metaphysical solution to this problem is determined by whether it is accepted that the same thing is for thinking and for being. It is here that the bad conscience of metaphysics can be 巴门尼德以同义反复的形式给西方形而上学留下了一个特殊的问题:"存在是"这句话的意思可以是 "真理是真的",也可以是 "对于思维和存在来说是一样的"。对于思维和存在来说相同的东西是什么呢?整个西方形而上学的历史可以被看作是解决这个问题的一系列实验,因为这个问题的解决将使知识从观点的左右中解放出来。然而,正是在这一点上,我们可以看出形而上学的良知。只有在严谨的思考、严谨的思维实践,甚至是虔诚的信仰中,才会出现思维与存在相同的东西。与所有同义反复一样,"存在是 "这一同义反复也会引发信念。主语与谓语是一致的,但作为主语和谓语,主语与谓语在语法上总是不同的。如果它们是相同的,那么它们只能在语法之上和语法之外的第三个术语方面是相同的--对于思维和存在来说是相同的东西。这个东西就是定义形而上学探索的哲人之石。 ^(6){ }^{6} 存在通过同义反复和抽象化而成为信仰的对象,就像亚里士多德把形而上学定义为 "存在之存在 "的科学, ^(7){ }^{7} 斯宾诺莎把物质定义为存在于自身之中并通过自身而被构想的东西, ^(8){ }^{8} 海德格尔把巴门尼德的沉思翻译为:"它是有用的:让我们先于我们而存在,因此,让我们先于我们而聆听--也是:存在于存在之中"。 ^('){ }^{\prime} 对这个问题的任何形而上学解决方案的通俗性,都取决于它是否被接受为思维和存在的同一事物。正是在这里,形而上学的坏良心可以
disclosed, for is it not inevitable that at the metaphysical level of tautology, where subject is identified with predicate, one may simply invert subject and predicate? Then the currency of metaphysics becomes the metaphysics of currency. 因为在同义反复的形而上学层面上,主语与谓语是一致的,人们可以简单地颠倒主语和谓语,这难道不是不可避免的吗?这样,形而上学的货币就变成了货币的形而上学。
Thomas Aquinas offered a solution to the metaphysical problem: God is his own essence and his own existence. ^(10){ }^{10} Thus, when God is identified as the True, the Good, and Life, this is somewhat paradoxical: all beings may be judged according to their truth, goodness, and life, but God alone is at once both ultimate criterion and eminent instance. God alone is his essence. This striking identity opens up a fateful ambivalence: is God true, or is truth divine? Is God good, or is goodness divine? Does God live, or is life divine? The problem becomes more acute when we turn to power and existence. If God is power, do we mean that might is right or that right is might? If God is being, do we mean that God exists or that existence is divine? We seem to be presented with a choice between transcendence and immanence. The divine is invoked either as a power of judgment or a criterion, in the case of transcendence, or as a power of affirmation or an instance, in the case of immanence. 托马斯-阿奎那提出了形而上学问题的解决方案:上帝就是他自身的本质和存在。 ^(10){ }^{10} 因此,当上帝被认定为真、善和生命时,这就有些自相矛盾了:所有生命都可以根据其真、善和生命来评判,但唯有上帝既是终极标准,又是杰出的实例。只有上帝才是他的本质。这种惊人的同一性开启了一种致命的矛盾:上帝是真实的,还是神圣的?上帝是善的,还是善是神圣的?上帝是有生命的,还是生命是神圣的?当我们转向力量和存在时,问题变得更加尖锐。如果上帝是力量,我们是指力量就是权利,还是权利就是力量?如果上帝是存在,我们是指上帝存在还是存在是神圣的?我们似乎要在超越性和内在性之间做出选择。在超越性的情况下,神被援引为一种判断力或一种标准;在即在性的情况下,神被援引为一种肯定力或一种实例。
For a Christian metaphysics, this ambivalence between transcendence and immanence may be regarded as a false problem resulting from the division of a prior identity. God is indistinguishable from the True, the Good, and Life. Divine simplicity, the identification of essence and existence, comes first. God is the same for thinking and for being. Unity constitutes God, just as it constitutes Parmenidean Being. God both affirms in creation and judges at the eschaton. This may be fine for an eternal God, but for us, the temporal interval between creation and judgment leaves ambivalence. Are we to make divine the True, the Good, and Life? If so, what is accomplished by attributing to them a “divine” status? Such an act exemplifies Ludwig Feuerbach’s concept of projection, in which one’s own orientation within the fields of knowledge, ethics, and temporal existence becomes sanctified. The alternative to this idolatry is to declare that God is the True, the Good, and Life. In this case, one takes one’s orientation within the fields of knowledge, ethics, and temporal existence from God. Religion takes priority over reason and ethics. Belief determines metaphysics. Theology then claims to offer to the world a vision of life interpreted according to the richest of categories: categories of importance, of meaning, of 对于基督教形而上学而言,这种超越性与内在性之间的矛盾可被视为先验同一性分裂所导致的虚假问题。上帝与 "真"、"善 "和 "生命 "是不可分的。神性的简单性,即本质与存在的同一性,是第一位的。对于思维和存在而言,上帝是相同的。统一性构成了上帝,正如它构成了帕门尼德的存在。上帝既在创世时肯定,又在末世时审判。这对永恒的上帝来说也许没什么问题,但对我们来说,创造与审判之间的时间间隔却让我们感到矛盾。我们是否要将真、善和生命奉为神明?如果是的话,赋予它们 "神圣 "的地位又能达到什么目的呢?这种行为体现了路德维希-费尔巴哈(Ludwig Feuerbach)的 "投射"(projection)概念,即一个人在知识、伦理和时间存在领域中的自我定位被神圣化。这种偶像崇拜的另一种选择是宣称上帝是真、是善、是生命。在这种情况下,一个人在知识、伦理和世俗生存领域的定位来自于上帝。宗教优先于理性和伦理。信仰决定形而上学。然后,神学声称要向世界提供一种按照最丰富的范畴来解释的人生观:重要性、意义、生命等范畴。
personhood, of relationality, of community, of events, of narrative, and of experience, for example. In contrast to these, the highest transcendentals of philosophy, even the “eternal” and the “one,” may come to seem relatively lifeless. Theology, by giving the richest depth of meaning, gives life and wealth to the world. Affirmation is no longer immanent affirmation but divine affirmation. 例如,人格、关系、社群、事件、叙事和经验。与之相比,哲学的最高超越性,甚至是 "永恒 "和 "一",可能会显得相对缺乏生命力。神学通过赋予最丰富的意义深度,赋予世界以生命和财富。肯定不再是内在的肯定,而是神圣的肯定。
Theology, in its essence and vocation, therefore offers a radical metaphysics: it overturns the ways of thinking of the world. Nevertheless, it remains haunted by the bad conscience of metaphysics. Divine simplicity may be a utopian aspiration, but it may not yet be achieved in human thinking. In the meantime, the doctrine of simplicity may be invoked to divinize implicit presuppositions about the True, the Good, and Life, so identifying idolatrous presupposition with theological declaration. It short-circuits the work of enrichment of a vision of life. Then the radical force of theology, its attempt to determine the value of values on the basis of true, spiritual insight, becomes lost beneath its established teachings. Even if God is truly simple, the doctrine of simplicity may veil divinity itself. 因此,神学在其本质和使命上提供了一种激进的形而上学:它颠覆了世界的思维方式。尽管如此,形而上学的不良良知仍然困扰着神学。神圣的简约可能是一种乌托邦式的愿望,但在人类的思维中可能尚未实现。在此期间,简约学说可能会被用来神化关于真、善和生命的隐含预设,从而将偶像崇拜式的预设与神学宣言相提并论。这使丰富人生观的工作出现了短路。这样一来,神学的根本力量,即试图在真实的精神洞察力基础上确定价值的力量,就会迷失在既定的教义之下。即使上帝真的简单,简单的教义也可能掩盖神性本身。
While for God eminent instance may indeed be ultimate criterion, for us there is no such bridge between reality and thought. For us, in practice, a third category of mediation will remain between essence and existence, between thought and reality. We live in a time before the end, before the full revelation of God. In the meantime, prior to the Parousia, time continues to pass. Awaiting the completion of metaphysics, the meaning of beings has not yet been determined. If the divine identity of thinking and being has not been achieved, a more modest identity may be anticipated when existence is treated as entirely separate from thought and no longer regarded as a predicate. The modern concept of existence, which adds nothing to the essence of that which is thought, places existence entirely outside of thought. ^(11){ }^{11} As Kant remarked, “A hundred real dollars do not contain the least coin more than a hundred possible dollars.” ^(12){ }^{12} What is real and what is thought are sharply distinguished. Thinking and being need to be mediated by a third term. If truth is the correspondence between the two, then it is truth that is the same for thinking and for being. Each being and each thought bears a metaphysical supplement: the truth of this being and of this thought. The modern metaphysical division is threefold: subject, object, and knowledge. 对上帝来说,杰出的事例可能确实是终极标准,但对我们来说,现实与思想之间并不存在这样的桥梁。实际上,对我们来说,在本质与存在、思想与现实之间还存在着第三类中介。我们生活在末日之前,生活在上帝的全面启示之前。与此同时,在预言降临之前,时间还在继续流逝。在形而上学完成之前,众生的意义尚未确定。如果说思维与存在的神圣同一性尚未实现,那么,当存在被视为完全独立于思维,不再被视为谓词时,一种更为温和的同一性就可以预见了。现代的存在概念没有为思维的本质增添任何东西,它把存在完全置于思维之外。 ^(11){ }^{11} 正如康德所说:"一百个真实的美元并不比一百个可能的美元包含更多的硬币"。 ^(12){ }^{12} 真实的东西和思想的东西是截然不同的。思维与存在需要以第三个术语为中介。如果说真理是二者之间的对应关系,那么对于思维和存在来说,真理就是相同的。每一种存在和每一种思维都有一个形而上学的补充:这一存在和这一思维的真理。现代形而上学有三重划分:主体、客体和知识。
Yet such a metaphysics does not escape belief, for while truth remains true independently of whether it is actually thought or demonstrated, the truth of a truth can never be thought or demonstrated apart from thought. The modern, objective notion of existence remains an object of belief, for no existence is ever encountered apart from thought. The metaphysical problem becomes a dilemma. On the one hand, thinking must address being to escape from mere belief. On the other hand, the metaphysical criterion, the thing that is the same for thinking and for being, remains an object of belief, for neither being qua being nor truth qua truth is encountered independently of a discipline and orientation of thinking. Metaphysics cannot provide its own critique. One cannot live with metaphysics or without it; one cannot live with belief or without it. 然而,这样的形而上学并不能摆脱信仰,因为尽管真理的真理性与它是否被实际思考或证明无关,但真理的真理性却永远不能脱离思考而被思考或证明。现代客观存在的概念仍然是信仰的对象,因为任何存在都不可能脱离思想而存在。形而上学问题变成了一个两难问题。一方面,思维必须解决存在问题,才能摆脱单纯的信仰。另一方面,形而上学的标准,即思维与存在相同的东西,仍然是信仰的对象,因为无论是存在之于存在,还是真理之于真理,都不会脱离思维的规律和取向。形而上学无法提供自己的批判。人不能有形而上学,也不能没有形而上学;人不能有信仰,也不能没有信仰。
In the meantime, awaiting a metaphysics that bears a universal currency, it may be necessary to substitute an interim measure for the supreme form and criterion of being and value. The most modest form and criterion of being and value that can be agreed is agreement itself. An agreement that is agreed as agreed is a contract. And while contracts may be taken as social or subjective phenomena, one distinctive kind of contract is the object of contracts, restoring subject, object, and knowledge to primordial metaphysical unity: money. 在此期间,为了等待一种具有普遍性的形而上学,可能有必要用一种临时措施来替代存在与价值的最高形式和标准。能够达成一致的存在与价值的最基本形式和标准就是协议本身。约定俗成的协议就是契约。尽管契约可以被视为社会现象或主观现象,但有一种独特的契约是契约的客体,它将主体、客体和知识恢复到原始的形而上学统一体:金钱。
Let us therefore return to where we started in the introduction. Money, according to the economists, is at once an instrument of exchange, a measure of value, and a store of value. As an instrument of exchange, money is an objective tool, the material basis of social interactions dependent on markets or contracts. It can be handled, transferred, and estimated more easily than anything else. As a measure of value, money is the conceptual basis of the science of wealth, the metaphysical precondition for any knowledge of agreed value. As a store of value, money participates in the subjective sphere of belief, for money holds value as long as people are willing to trust in its value and accept it in exchange. Money holds value, measures value, and transfers value only as long as it bears credit. Then the modern form of objectivity, disclosed as being essentially a matter of manipulation, transfer, and agreement; the modern form of knowledge, disclosed as being essentially a matter of comparison, substitution, and counting; and the modern form of subjectivity, disclosed as being essentially a matter of credit are reunited in the single metaphysical form of money. Money is the 因此,让我们回到导言中的起点。经济学家认为,货币既是交换工具,也是价值尺度和价值储藏手段。作为交换工具,货币是一种客观工具,是依赖市场或契约进行社会交往的物质基础。它比其他任何东西都更容易处理、转移和估算。作为价值尺度,货币是财富科学的概念基础,是任何商定价值知识的形而上学前提。作为一种价值储藏手段,货币参与了信仰的主观领域,因为只要人们愿意相信货币的价值并接受其交换,货币就具有价值。只有当货币具有信用时,它才具有价值、衡量价值和转移价值。这样,客观性的现代形式(本质上是操纵、转移和协议的问题)、知识的现代形式(本质上是比较、替代和计算的问题)和主观性的现代形式(本质上是信用的问题)就在货币这种形而上学的单一形式中结合在一起了。货币是
philosopher’s stone, the solution to the metaphysical problem of the unity of being and thought. It turns truth into gold and gold into truth. It is the thing that is the same for being and thinking, for it is what it says and says what it is. Money becomes the most significant object for meditation for both the philosopher and the theologian. 哲人之石,解决了存在与思想统一的形而上学问题。它把真理变成金子,把金子变成真理。它是存在与思维的同一,因为它说什么就是什么,说什么就是什么。金钱成为哲学家和神学家最重要的冥想对象。
For if money is essentially credit - a promise or a contract - then its essence is its existence. It does not exist outside of its concept. Just as the metaphysics of one singular being, God, was imported to resolve the problems of metaphysics as a whole, so the metaphysics of another singular being, money, may come to our aid. If the metaphysics of God may fail to empower thought insofar as God can never become an object to be handled and thought, then the metaphysics of money may prove more profitable. For money has all of the advantages of immediacy, universality, tangibility, and utility. It can be created on demand. It offers an illusory sovereignty to the subject who may spend it. 因为如果货币本质上是一种信用--一种承诺或契约--那么它的本质就是它的存在。它不存在于它的概念之外。正如为了解决形而上学的整体问题而引进了上帝这一奇异存在的形而上学一样,另一奇异存在--金钱--的形而上学也可以为我们提供帮助。如果说上帝的形而上学可能无法赋予思想以力量,因为上帝永远不可能成为一个可以处理和思考的对象,那么金钱的形而上学可能会证明更有利可图。因为金钱具有直接性、普遍性、有形性和实用性等所有优点。它可以按需创造。它为花钱的主体提供了一种虚幻的主权。
Cases of solution to the Parmenidean problem, as we can see from the examples of God, truth, and money, may have explosive significance in world history. The contemporary world is largely shaped by religion, by science, and by capital. Metaphysics is no longer simply an abstract, intellectual problem. It concerns the core of subjectivity and the formation of desire. Concepts of God, of truth, or of money evoke unlimited submission and aspiration. A certain kind of subjectivity is called into being by the infinite promise implicit within such concepts. An unlimited desire can find satisfaction through God, truth, or money. Moreover, the infinite metaphysical promise is one that concerns objectivity. Concepts of God, truth, and money act as principles of realization and actualization. Human activity can proceed in faith that it has been promised the world. In each case, metaphysics is made possible by belief. In each case, a particular metaphysics gains currency. A representation of the ultimate relation between being and thought is substituted in advance of knowledge of the true relation to make an actual and practical relation between them possible. Metaphysics, then, should not be understood as the projection of a real world in opposition to the apparent one, for the dichotomy between real and apparent is founded on a modern metaphysics that takes truth as the solution to the Parmenidean problem. Thus, the Kantian and Nietzschean critiques of metaphysics presuppose that the subject has been divorced 从上帝、真理和金钱的例子中我们可以看到,解决帕门尼德问题的案例在世界历史上可能具有爆炸性的意义。当代世界在很大程度上是由宗教、科学和资本塑造的。形而上学不再仅仅是一个抽象的知识问题。它关系到主体性的核心和欲望的形成。上帝、真理或金钱的概念唤起人们无限的服从和渴望。在这些概念中隐含的无限承诺召唤出了某种主体性。无限的欲望可以通过上帝、真理或金钱得到满足。此外,形而上学的无限承诺也与客观性有关。上帝、真理和金钱的概念是实现和现实化的原则。人类活动可以在对世界的承诺的信念中进行。在每一种情况下,形而上学都因信仰而成为可能。在每一种情况下,一种特定的形而上学都会流行起来。存在与思想之间终极关系的表象,在对真正关系的认识之前被取代,使它们之间的实际和实践关系成为可能。因此,形而上学不应被理解为真实世界与表象世界对立的投射,因为真实与表象的二分法是建立在现代形而上学的基础之上的,而现代形而上学则将真理作为帕门尼德问题的解决方案。因此,康德和尼采对形而上学的批判的前提是,主体已被剥离
from object and existence has been reduced to a predicate. Similarly, belief should not be understood in the sense of a subjective commitment to an objective uncertainty. The Feuerbachian and Freudian critiques of belief as projection are possible only once subject has been divorced from object and existence has been reduced to a predicate. Instead, belief is a way to inhabit thinking and being so that the real relation between them-one that exists perfectly well without the assistance of our mental constructions - can take on a specific form of expression. In other words, theology is an ontological commitment, a perspective arising from a dim awareness of the actual nature of life. Theology creates a metaphysics. 从对象和存在被简化为谓词。同样,信仰也不应被理解为对客观不确定性的主观承诺。只有当主体脱离客体,存在被简化为谓词时,费尔巴哈和弗洛伊德对作为投射的信念的批判才有可能。相反,信仰是一种栖息于思维与存在的方式,从而使它们之间的真实关系--一种无需我们的精神建构就能完美存在的关系--能够以一种特定的形式表达出来。换句话说,神学是一种本体论的承诺,是对生命实际本质的朦胧认识所产生的观点。神学创造了形而上学。
The metaphysics of money bears an extraordinary ambivalence. On the one hand, it offers a metaphysical form that occludes the work of metaphysics itself. In modern thought, that which is real is that which can be represented, tested, and exchanged. Just as the value of the commodity can be tested only when it is offered for exchange in a market, when money may substitute for it, so the truth of the matter is substituted for the matter itself. Reality is that which can be represented in thought in abstraction from its own context, production, fertility, tendencies, and energy. Taking the form of money that may be substituted for it, reality may be represented in imagination as capital in the form of accumulated stocks, invented forms, and assembled parts. In each case, the energy that gives being to such a representation is the energy of the imagination that represents it, not that of the original matter. In short, the metaphysics of money prevents the same thing’s being for being and for thinking. Thus, when the world is reproduced in imagination, it is no longer reproduced as active being but as passive image. Such is the source of the theology of the human subject as creator. Since the world is known only as represented, it must be supplemented by the transcendent decrees of a human subject. The paradox here is that the real is taken to be that which has no force, life, or existence of its own, so that existence can be attributed to it as a predicate-hence, the arising of the fantasy of sovereign power. 货币形而上学具有非同寻常的矛盾性。一方面,它提供了一种形而上学的形式,遮蔽了形而上学本身的工作。在现代思想中,真实的东西就是可以表现、检验和交换的东西。正如商品的价值只有在市场上进行交换时才能得到检验一样,当金钱可以替代商品时,事物的真相也就替代了事物本身。现实是可以从其自身的背景、生产、肥力、趋势和能量中抽象出来,在思维中表现出来的东西。现实的形式可以用金钱来代替,现实可以在想象中表现为资本,表现为积累的存量、发明的形式和组装的部件。在每一种情况下,赋予这种表象以存在的能量都是表象的想象力的能量,而不是原始物质的能量。简而言之,金钱的形而上学阻碍了同一事物的存在与思维。因此,当世界在想象中再现时,它不再是作为积极的存在而再现,而是作为被动的形象而再现。这就是人类主体作为创造者的神学来源。既然世界只是作为表象而被认识,那么它就必须由人类主体的超越性法令来补充。这里的悖论在于,真实被认为是本身没有力量、生命或存在的东西,因此,存在可以作为一种谓词归因于它--因此,产生了对主权权力的幻想。
A reapplication of this modern metaphysics to the case of money produces the standard definitions of the economic textbooks: money is an instrument of exchange, a measure of value, and a store of value. Thus, the nature of money is fully obscured, for far from being simply a passive instrument of exchange, money is in reality a contract that makes mar- 将这一现代形而上学重新应用于货币,就会产生经济学教科书中的标准定义:货币是交换工具、价值尺度和价值储藏。这样,货币的本质就完全被掩盖了,因为货币绝不仅仅是一种被动的交换工具,它实际上是一种契约,这种契约使货币成为一种价值尺度。
kets and exchange possible. Far from being simply a store of accumulated value, money, when invested, is in reality the condition for the production of value. Far from being a measure of value, money, when created as credit, is in reality both the promise of value that has not been produced and the spiritual source of the agreed value itself. The true metaphysics of money therefore constitutes a metaphysical revelation. This revelation consists in a direct inversion of current metaphysical assumptions. To be real is not simply to be an accumulated stock, an invented form, or an assembly of parts; it is to accumulate stock, to invent form, to assemble parts, and to energize production. To be real is not simply to be actually present in time; it is to be committed to spending time. To be real is to promise and to affect what is actually present through such promise. One may even propose that to be real is not simply to be real. The Parmenidean tautology must be broken open and must remain in suspension. To be real is to be not yet real; it is not yet to have become what one is. Reality is invariably an object of credit. Such is the reality of the metaphysics of money; such is the reality of modern metaphysics - a metaphysics that promises far more than it delivers. 货币和交换成为可能。货币不仅仅是一种累积价值的储存,它在投资时实际上是价值生产的条件。货币远非价值的度量,而是作为信用创造出来的,实际上既是尚未产生的价值的承诺,也是约定价值本身的精神源泉。因此,真正的货币形而上学是一种形而上学的启示。这一启示直接颠覆了当前的形而上学假设。货币的真实不是简单地成为积累的存量、发明的形式或部件的组合;而是积累存量、发明形式、组合部件并为生产注入活力。真实不是简单地在时间中实际存在,而是致力于花费时间。真实就是承诺,并通过这种承诺影响实际存在的东西。甚至可以说,"真实 "不仅仅是 "真实"。帕门尼德式的同义反复必须被打破,必须保持悬浮状态。成为现实就是尚未成为现实,就是尚未成为自己。现实永远是信用的对象。这就是金钱形而上学的现实;这就是现代形而上学的现实--一种承诺远远多于兑现的形而上学。
Such metaphysical considerations can inform a critical perspective on wealth. Wealth is fundamentally misunderstood when it is delimited to that which can be exchanged for money. We have considered wealth in terms of the production of capital: the accumulation of stock, the invention of forms, the assembly of parts, the energizing of production, and the provision of care or nutrition. These are metaphysical categories - perhaps somewhat tentative and inadequate ones - that have the merit of delineating locality, materiality, specificity, and activity. What matters most, when considering the wealth of existence, is particularity, for each particular reality has conditions of production, networks of dependencies, and potentialities that are not captured by exchange or substitution. All of the particularities of place and time are discounted in the substitution of money for property, just as they are discounted when reality is represented in the mind in the form of ideas. It is capital itself that can be destroyed in the quest for profit. Nevertheless, it is not particularity alone that matters. Any metaphysics that concerns itself exclusively with the particularities of matter or the gen- 这种形而上学的考量可以为批判性地看待财富提供依据。如果把财富局限于可以用金钱交换的东西,那就从根本上误解了财富。我们已经从资本生产的角度考虑了财富问题:存量的积累、形式的发明、部件的组装、生产的能量化以及护理或营养的提供。这些都是形而上学的范畴--也许是有些试探性和不充分的范畴--但其优点是可以划分出地域性、物质性、特殊性和活动性。在考虑存在的财富时,最重要的是特殊性,因为每个特殊的现实都有生产条件、依赖网络以及交换或替代无法捕捉的潜力。在用货币代替财产的过程中,地点和时间的所有特殊性都被打了折扣,正如当现实在头脑中以观念的形式表现出来时,这些特殊性也被打了折扣一样。在追求利润的过程中,资本本身就会被摧毁。然而,重要的不仅仅是特殊性。任何形而上学,如果只关注物质的特殊性,或者只关注人类的基因,都是不正确的。
eralities of form will be deficient, for capital becomes productive only when it is energized, when it is affected by an indeterminate flow of potential extracted from other particularities. Similarly, the provision of care and nutrition, the expression of desire or evaluation, involve the affirmation of the particular by means of that which does not have its particularity delimited in the same way. Energy, desire, time, and evaluation are dimensions of capital that are surplus to structuration by means of form. They exceed simple representation in the imagination. Far from being objects of representation, they are what make representation possible. 因为资本只有在被激活时,只有在受到从其他特殊性中提取的不确定的潜能流的影响时,才具有生产力。同样,护理和营养的提供、欲望的表达或评价,都是对特殊性的肯定,而特殊性并没有以同样的方式加以限定。能量、欲望、时间和评价都是资本的维度,是通过形式结构化的剩余。它们超越了想象中的简单表象。它们远非表象的对象,而是使表象成为可能的因素。
Wealth is therefore made possible by physical energy, human capital, and social capital. It is insufficient to denounce the abstractions introduced by money in the name of the particularity of life, for life, in its particularity, lacks wealth without energy, desire, and credit. The problem with money is not its abstraction as such but the fact that it substitutes for particularity instead of investing in it and affirming it. I have noted that money and property do not constitute wealth in themselves, since they may quickly be spent or exhausted; capital is defined as the means of production that has itself been produced. Similarly, particularities do not constitute capital in themselves, since they may not prove to be productive. The source of wealth lies in physical energy, human capital, and social capital. Here again, physical energy is directed by human capital, human capital by social capital, and social capital by credit. Credit, a pure flow of belief detached from all particularity, is the indispensable source in the creation of wealth. At the heart of the generation of wealth, therefore, lies “spiritual” wealth, the capacity to determine what is true wealth. Theology, considered a science of the distribution of credit, retains an essential role in the creation of wealth. 因此,物质能量、人力资本和社会资本使财富成为可能。以生活的特殊性为名谴责货币带来的抽象性是不够的,因为生活的特殊性是没有能量、欲望和信用就没有财富。货币的问题不在于其抽象性本身,而在于它取代了特殊性,而不是投资于特殊性并肯定特殊性。我已经指出,货币和财产本身并不构成财富,因为它们可能很快就会被花掉或耗尽;资本的定义是本身已经被生产出来的生产资料。同样,特殊性本身并不构成资本,因为它们可能不会被证明具有生产力。财富的源泉在于物质能量、人力资本和社会资本。在这里,物力又是由人力资本引导的,人力资本是由社会资本引导的,而社会资本则是由信用引导的。信用是脱离了一切特殊性的纯粹的信仰之流,是创造财富不可或缺的源泉。因此,财富创造的核心在于 "精神 "财富,即确定什么是真正财富的能力。神学被认为是一门关于信用分配的科学,在创造财富的过程中仍然发挥着不可或缺的作用。
God and money are competing sources of credit. Each seeks to determine the value of values. Yet where God is presumed to have created the world as it is, money presumes to transform the world by dismantling and exhausting it, if necessary, to generate profits and repay debts. Where God presides over a world understood in terms of being or eternal forms, money presides over a world understood in terms of becoming or perpetual creative destruction. Where God embodies the moral virtue of generosity or grace, money embodies the moral virtue of honoring one’s contracts and paying one’s dues. 上帝和金钱是相互竞争的信用来源。两者都试图决定价值的价值。然而,上帝被假定为创造了世界的原貌,而金钱则被假定为改造世界的工具,必要时通过拆解和耗尽世界来创造利润和偿还债务。上帝主宰的世界被理解为 "存在 "或 "永恒的形式",而金钱主宰的世界被理解为 "成为 "或 "永恒的创造性毁灭"。上帝体现的是慷慨或恩典的道德美德,而金钱体现的则是履行合同和偿还债务的道德美德。
The opposition between modern rationality and religion has been a 现代理性与宗教之间的对立一直是
mainstay of modern thought. Indeed, the rejection of sacred rites and artifacts, of occult powers, and of traditional obligations is a precondition for handling and transforming the world on the basis of evidence. While modern reason is economical, selecting only for consideration that which can be mastered, religion is lavish, spending its time and energy directing attention beyond material recirculation through offerings, prayer, meditation, worship, and renunciation. Indeed, the defining feature of evidence is its recirculation, repeatability, and exchangeability. Where modern rationality saves time, religion spends it. In saving time, modern rationality merely postpones the religious question of spending time. Indeed, by spending time in saving time, modern rationality makes an unexamined religious commitment to money. 现代思想的主流。事实上,摒弃神圣的仪式和器物、神秘的力量和传统的义务,是在证据的基础上处理和改造世界的先决条件。现代理性是节约的,它只选择可以掌握的东西进行思考,而宗教则是奢侈的,它通过供奉、祈祷、冥想、崇拜和放弃,花费时间和精力将注意力引导到物质循环之外。事实上,证据的显著特点就是其循环性、可重复性和可交换性。现代理性节省时间,而宗教则花费时间。在节省时间的过程中,现代理性只是推迟了花费时间的宗教问题。事实上,现代理性在节省时间的同时,也对金钱做出了未经审查的宗教承诺。
One achieves little, however, by restating the opposition between God and money or between reason and religion, for what is excluded from consideration by such means is the extent to which political and economic life depend on credit. It will be vital to explore the power that they have in common. If economic production is supplemented and driven by credit, and if sovereign power is supplemented by a political energy or authority, then God and money both belong to a metaphysical category that is beyond existing structures of representation. We have named this category political “energy” or “authority.” It is the constitutive element of a political theology. 然而,重述上帝与金钱或理性与宗教之间的对立并不能达到什么目的,因为通过这种方式被排除在外的是政治和经济生活在多大程度上依赖于信用。探讨它们共同拥有的力量至关重要。如果经济生产是由信用补充和驱动的,如果主权权力是由政治能量或权威补充的,那么上帝和金钱都属于一个形而上学的范畴,它超越了现有的表征结构。我们将这一范畴命名为政治 "能量 "或 "权威"。它是政治神学的构成要素。
The supreme embodiments of such energy in the contemporary world are God, truth, and money. These are the supreme authorities. Anything can be done in the name of God, truth, or money. In each case, however, this authority is founded on a metaphysical illusion arising from the Parmenidean tautology. The structure of this illusion is that “the same thing is for thinking and for being.” If God is thought as the Supreme Being, then God exceeds all possible thought. ^(13){ }^{13} If truth is thought as simply objective, then the objectivity of truth exceeds all possible thought. If money is treated as the thought that says what it means and means what it says, it excludes the significance of all other thought. Yet it is not enough to turn from metaphysics to belief, grounding political energy in the subject as opposed to the object, for the subject itself has no authority over its own representations. The sovereign decrees issued by God, the beliefs or decisions enacted by the subject, and the obligations to repay debts en- 在当代世界,这种能量的最高体现就是上帝、真理和金钱。它们是至高无上的权威。以上帝、真理或金钱的名义,什么都可以做。然而,在每一种情况下,这种权威都建立在由帕门尼德同义反复所产生的形而上学幻觉之上。这种幻觉的结构是 "思维和存在是同一回事"。如果上帝是作为最高存在的思维,那么上帝就超越了一切可能的思维。 ^(13){ }^{13} 如果把真理视为单纯的客观存在,那么真理的客观性就超越了一切可能的思维。如果把金钱视为言之有物、言之有理的思想,那么它就排除了所有其他思想的意义。然而,仅仅从形而上学转向信仰,将政治能量建立在主体而非客体之上是不够的,因为主体本身对自己的表象没有权威。上帝颁布的君主政令、主体颁布的信仰或决定,以及偿还债务的义务,这些都是主体的表征。
forced by money are embodiments of political “authority” that operate in abstract isolation from the field of conditions in which they are present. The power of reason is not reducible to the power of belief. The autonomy of the sovereign power, like that of the subject, is an illusion that depends on the capacity to use money or some other form of credit to command cooperation. Money operates in the absence of belief. The essence of political authority, like the essence of metaphysics, lies beyond the categories of subject and object. 金钱所迫是政治 "权威 "的体现,它的运作抽象地脱离了其所处的条件领域。理性的力量不能还原为信仰的力量。主权的自主性与主体的自主性一样,都是一种幻觉,它依赖于使用金钱或其他形式的信用来指挥合作的能力。金钱是在没有信仰的情况下运作的。政治权力的本质与形而上学的本质一样,超越了主体与客体的范畴。
The common power held by God, truth, and money is, in part, a power of evocation. Belief in metaphysics, far from being a result of subjective decision or discernment of objective truth, is something that must be evoked. The use of money evokes a metaphysics. For one who seeks to spend or acquire money, all things are passive objects of exchange, capable of becoming goods and services. All people are sovereign subjects capable of entering into contracts at will. All knowledge is science, the capacity to effectively realize projects in the world. Similarly, the use of money evokes a politics. A sovereign state is required to ensure that contracts are honored by means of the use of force; there can be no private property and thus no money without public sovereignty. Moreover, any social formations that challenge the absolute right of individual sovereignty over property are enemies of freedom, democracy, and justice. The sovereign state that supports market relations of contract claims the right to make war on other social formations insofar as they threaten property and contracts. The use of money also evokes an ethics, for money may only be spent, invested, or given. In regard to spending, money evokes the question, “What do I desire?” In regard to investment, money evokes the question, “How can I ensure ongoing growth and security?” In regard to giving, money evokes the question, “Where are my sympathies?” An ethics of pleasures, anxieties, and sympathies is evoked. The use of money even evokes a theology. The market rewards the prudent, the self-disciplined, the honest, and the keepers of contracts, whereas it punishes the foolish, the profligate, the idle, the dishonest, and the disloyal. The “invisible hand” of the market fosters the flourishing of virtue at the expense of vice. ^(14){ }^{14} 上帝、真理和金钱所拥有的共同力量在某种程度上是一种唤醒的力量。对形而上学的信仰远非主观决定或对客观真理辨别的结果,而是一种必须被唤起的东西。金钱的使用唤起了形而上学。对于想要花钱或获取金钱的人来说,所有事物都是被动的交换对象,都可以成为商品和服务。所有人都是主权主体,能够随意签订合同。所有知识都是科学,是在世界上有效实现项目的能力。同样,货币的使用也唤起了政治。一个主权国家必须通过使用武力来确保契约的履行;没有公共主权,就不可能有私有财产,也就不可能有货币。此外,任何挑战个人对财产的绝对主权的社会形态都是自由、民主和正义的敌人。支持市场契约关系的主权国家声称有权向威胁财产和契约的其他社会形态开战。金钱的使用也唤起了一种伦理,因为金钱只能用于消费、投资或赠予。在消费方面,金钱唤起了一个问题:"我想要什么?"在投资方面,金钱唤起的问题是:"我怎样才能确保持续增长和安全?"在给予方面,金钱唤起的问题是:"我的同情心在哪里?这就唤起了一种快乐、焦虑和同情的伦理。金钱的使用甚至唤起了一种神学。市场奖励谨慎、自律、诚实和守信的人,而惩罚愚蠢、挥霍、游手好闲、不诚实和不忠诚的人。 市场这只 "看不见的手 "促进了美德的发扬光大,而牺牲了恶习。 ^(14){ }^{14}
In the case of money, such an evocation of a metaphysics, a politics, an ethics, and a theology goes beyond the formation of a perspective reinforced by daily practice. These evoked potentials do not simply emerge 就金钱而言,这种对形而上学、政治学、伦理学和神学的唤醒,超越了通过日常实践强化的观点的形成。这些被唤起的潜能并不是简单地出现
as the religion of the capitalist, for insofar as money is created as debt and people, businesses, and governments are enslaved to an increasing spiral of debt - or are dependent on others who are so enslaved - then all are under an obligation to seek profits to repay debts. All are under an obligation to spend or acquire money and to view the world from the perspective of one who seeks to spend or acquire money. All political demands must be subordinated to the obligation to preserve the stability of a fragile financial system. The evoked potential is underwritten by the demand for money itself. It is this demand for money that is the true “invisible hand” of the market. It is this demand that is the manifestation of the political theology of money. 作为资本家的宗教,因为只要货币是作为债务创造的,而人们、企业和政府被不断增加的债务所奴役--或者依赖于被如此奴役的其他人--那么所有人都有义务寻求利润来偿还债务。所有人都有义务消费或获取金钱,并从寻求消费或获取金钱的角度来看待世界。所有的政治要求都必须服从于维护脆弱的金融体系稳定的义务。唤起的潜力由对货币本身的需求来支撑。正是这种对货币的需求才是市场真正的 "看不见的手"。正是这种需求体现了货币的政治神学。
Emancipation from global servitude to the financial system can come only through some reorganization of the institution of money. It may indeed be essential that there is some form of political theology, some form of distribution of credit. It may not be essential that this is embodied in the form of money created as debt in the way that we have known it since the founding of the Bank of England. Nevertheless, it is not sufficient that one substitute alternative forms of money for the dominant form, for the dominant norm has indeed proved itself to be dominant by means of its own spiritual power. ^(15){ }^{15} What is required is not simply a new kind of money but an institution for the distribution of credit that evokes its own metaphysics, politics, ethics, and theology. 要摆脱全球对金融体系的奴役,就必须对货币体制进行某种重组。某种形式的政治神学、某种形式的信贷分配可能确实至关重要。这也许并不重要,重要的是,这种形式体现为自英格兰银行成立以来我们所熟知的以债务形式创造的货币。然而,仅仅用其他形式的货币来取代主导形式是不够的,因为主导的规范已经通过其自身的精神力量证明了自己的主导地位。 ^(15){ }^{15} 我们需要的不仅仅是一种新的货币,而是一种能够唤起自身的形而上学、政治学、伦理学和神学的信贷分配制度。
The Achilles heel of the current financial system lies in its own metaphysical failure, for the metaphysics evoked by the use of money fails to disclose the nature of money itself. Money does not say what it does or do what it says. The same thing is not for being and for thinking. Of course, it is not enough to declare the truth about money to be set free, for the spiritual power of truth may not be as strong as the spiritual power of money. Truth does not exist in a vacuum without a metaphysics that gives it determinate form. Metaphysics does not take on coherence and consistency without a form of life in which it may be embodied. Nevertheless, the critique of the institution of money may give some guidance as to the kind of institution that may embody a new and effective political theology. 当前金融体系的致命弱点在于其自身形而上学的失败,因为使用货币所唤起的形而上学未能揭示货币本身的本质。货币不会说它所做的事,也不会做它所说的事。存在与思维也是如此。当然,仅仅宣布金钱的真相是不够的,因为真相的精神力量可能不如金钱的精神力量强大。如果没有形而上学赋予真理以确定的形式,真理就不会存在于真空之中。形而上学如果没有一种可以体现它的生活形式,就不会具有连贯性和一致性。尽管如此,对金钱制度的批判可以为体现新的、有效的政治神学的制度类型提供一些指导。
The logic of money therefore inverts the normal relation between thought and existence. Money is apparently defined as a tool, an object of human control. At the same time it imposes a demand: the demand for 因此,金钱的逻辑颠倒了思想与存在之间的正常关系。货币显然被定义为一种工具,一种人类控制的对象。与此同时,它也强加了一种需求:对 "金钱 "的需求。
money itself. Those who believe money can do anything for them are the ones who may be suspected of doing anything for money. Money evokes the spirit of capitalism, expressed in a metaphysics, politics, ethics, and theology. Yet although the spirit of capitalism reinforces and intensifies both the power of money and the demand for money, it does not by itself constitute the source of its power. Similarly, money operates through a constitutive illusion: money manifests itself, according to its own evoked metaphysics, as an instrument of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. It is because money is so lifeless, without power of its own, that its power is so great. Nevertheless, this dissimulation does not by itself constitute the sole source of its power. Lacking an alternative political theology, an alternative source of authority, the force of money continues to operate in the absence of belief. 金钱本身。那些相信金钱可以为他们做任何事情的人,可能会被怀疑为金钱做任何事情。金钱唤起了资本主义精神,表现为形而上学、政治学、伦理学和神学。然而,尽管资本主义精神加强并强化了金钱的力量和对金钱的需求,但它本身并不构成金钱力量的源泉。同样,货币也是通过一种构成性幻觉来运作的:货币根据其自身唤起的形而上学,表现为交换工具、记账单位和价值储存。正因为货币如此没有生命力,没有自身的力量,它的力量才如此巨大。然而,这种虚假性本身并不是货币力量的唯一来源。由于缺乏另一种政治神学、另一种权威来源,货币的力量在缺乏信仰的情况下继续运作。
Such a dissimulation does, however, place money in a somewhat paradoxical position. In regard to its own evoked metaphysics, money is not what it appears. The same thing is not for thinking and for being. In regard to credit, however, money is exactly what it appears - the same thing for thinking and for being-for money is itself the promise of money, and the promise of money counts as money itself. Nevertheless, it is important to distinguish between the promise of value and the power and authority of that promise. A promise bears no authority unless it is capable of evoking trust. There is a difference between relative purchasing power, the value that is promised, and absolute purchasing power, the power to make promises. A rise or fall in absolute purchasing power will, of course, be accompanied by a rise or fall in the value of that currency relative to others. Nevertheless, the two remain distinct. An ontological difference remains between money as an object of thought and credit that bears its own intrinsic power. Since the same thing is not for thinking and being, then the power of money lies in the mediation between thinking and being. 然而,这种伪装确实使金钱处于某种自相矛盾的境地。就其自身所唤起的形而上学而言,金钱并不像它所表现的那样。对于思维和存在来说也是如此。然而,就信用而言,金钱恰恰是它的表象--对于思维和存在都是一样的--因为金钱本身就是金钱的承诺,而金钱的承诺就相当于金钱本身。然而,重要的是要区分价值承诺与承诺的力量和权威。除非承诺能够唤起人们的信任,否则它就不具有权威性。相对购买力(承诺的价值)与绝对购买力(作出承诺的能力)之间是有区别的。当然,绝对购买力的上升或下降会伴随着该货币相对于其他货币价值的上升或下降。尽管如此,这两者仍然是截然不同的。作为思维对象的货币与拥有自身内在力量的信用之间仍然存在着本体论上的差异。既然思维与存在不是同一回事,那么货币的力量就在于思维与存在之间的中介作用。
Wherein, therefore, lies the authority of money? Such authority can be distinguished into three dimensions. A first dimension is entirely exterior to the promise of money itself. The promise of money bears authority because value can indeed be realized through the use of money. The world is shaped through science, technology, and rational management. Yet it will only be effectively shaped in this way if money is invested. So not only is it necessary that science, technology, and rational management have a 那么,金钱的权威何在?这种权威可以分为三个层面。第一个层面完全是货币承诺本身之外的。货币的承诺之所以具有权威性,是因为价值确实可以通过使用货币来实现。世界是通过科学、技术和合理的管理来塑造的。然而,只有投入资金,才能有效地塑造世界。因此,科学、技术和合理的管理不仅需要有
bearing on reality; it is also vital that money has a bearing on them. We should note the significance here of measuring sources of energy such as fossil fuels by means of the meter, measuring sources of labor by means of the clock, and measuring sources of value by means of bookkeeping. The meter, the clock, and the account book are three crucial inventions that mediate the promise of money in the modern world. 同样重要的是,货币对它们也有影响。在这里,我们应该注意到用仪表测量化石燃料等能源来源、用时钟测量劳动力来源以及用账簿测量价值来源的意义。计量器、钟表和账簿是现代世界中介货币承诺的三项关键发明。
A second dimension of the power of money is internal to human behavior. Money, as we have seen, erodes the authority of other social formations. The promise of money introduces an interval between the acts of buying and selling, just as it introduces an interval into reciprocal obligations. Then the one possessed of money appears to enjoy a sovereign freedom of selfdetermination over how money may be spent. The time between receiving and spending money is a moment of absolute irresponsibility, a moment of reprieve from social obligations, a moment of forgiveness or absolution. The promise of money brings justification by faith. There is no necessary authority that determines how money is to be spent. 金钱力量的第二个层面是人类行为的内在因素。正如我们所见,金钱会削弱其他社会形态的权威。金钱的承诺在买卖行为之间引入了间隔,就像它在互惠义务中引入了间隔一样。这样一来,拥有金钱的人似乎就享有了自我决定如何使用金钱的主权自由。从收钱到花钱的这段时间是绝对不负责任的时刻,是免除社会义务的时刻,是宽恕或赦免的时刻。金钱的承诺带来了因信称义。没有必要的权威来决定如何花钱。
It is here that the second dimension of the power of money appears, for the moment of sovereign freedom is not without all determination. It is a finite interval: as soon as the money is spent, it is gone. Moreover, since the moment of absolution has eroded the force of prior social obligations, then the network of social interdependencies to which one returns when money is spent is somewhat weaker. Money exercises an entropic force on non-market systems of social capital. Hence, the moment of sovereign freedom is exposed to the threat of lack of provision once it is all over. The promise of wealth is accompanied by the threat of poverty. The second dimension of the power of money is therefore encountered in the form of internal drives: the drive for survival and the drive for power that extends the sovereign moment of freedom as far as possible. There is also a transfer of trust and dependencies from those mediated by other social formations to those mediated by the market. Hence, the drive for power may be manifested both as an individual desire for the prolongation of freedom and as a social force of marketization, extending market relations to all sectors of existence. Similarly, there is the social form of the drive for survival: the need to preserve market relations, including the stability of the currency. The individual correlate of this is the need to repay debt to maintain one’s credit rating and one’s place in the market. 正是在这里,金钱力量的第二个维度出现了,因为主权自由的时刻并非没有任何决定性。这是一个有限的时间间隔:钱一花完,它就消失了。此外,由于 "赦免 "的时刻削弱了先前社会义务的力量,因此,当钱花完后,人们返回的社会相互依存关系网络就会变得薄弱一些。金钱对社会资本的非市场系统施加了一种熵的力量。因此,主权自由的时刻一旦结束,就会面临缺乏供应的威胁。财富的承诺伴随着贫困的威胁。因此,金钱力量的第二个层面是以内部驱动力的形式出现的:生存的驱动力和权力的驱动力,它们尽可能地扩展了主权自由的时刻。同时,信任和依赖也从其他社会形态的中介转移到了市场的中介。因此,权力的驱动力既可以表现为延长自由的个人欲望,也可以表现为市场化的社会力量,将市场关系扩展到生存的各个领域。同样,还有生存动力的社会形式:维护市场关系,包括货币稳定的需要。与之相关的个人需求是偿还债务,以维持个人的信用等级和市场地位。
The third dimension of the power of money belongs within the internal structure of money itself. The promise of money counts as money itself. The promise of money evokes credit. It is, of course, within the nature of a promise to evoke a certain tendency toward trust, especially if the contents of the promise can be portrayed vividly in the imagination. Yet the evocative power of money goes beyond other promises in that it bears its own authority. Such authority consists, first, in the way in which the promise of money counts as money, for although money is a promise of value, of satisfied demands, the promise of money does not merely repeat the promise at one stage removed. It actually advances the sum promised but advances it in the form of money. So while money promises to satisfy demands, the actual demand it satisfies first of all is the demand for money itself. In imagination, money can promise all things; in reality, money delivers itself. Hence, on the one hand, it appears as though the authority of money is grounded in either the endogenous demand for money of the market or the exogenous demand for money in the form of taxation required by the state. On the other hand, there is an intrinsic demand for money belonging to money itself. Money may be advanced as an asset in the form of credit, a promise of value, as long as that advance is matched by a liability in the form of a debt, a promise of money. It is notable that while credit, the promise of money, may easily circulate as a means of exchange, debt, the liability to pay money, does not circulate in such a way. 金钱力量的第三个层面属于金钱本身的内部结构。金钱的承诺本身就是金钱。金钱的承诺唤起信用。当然,唤起某种信任的倾向是允诺的本质,尤其是当允诺的内容可以在想象中生动地描绘出来时。然而,货币的唤醒力超越了其他承诺,因为它具有自身的权威性。这种权威性首先体现在金钱承诺作为金钱的方式上,因为尽管金钱是对价值的承诺,是对满足需求的承诺,但金钱承诺并不仅仅是重复一个阶段的承诺。它实际上是预支了所承诺的金额,而且是以货币的形式预支的。因此,尽管货币承诺满足需求,但它所满足的实际需求首先是对货币本身的需求。在想象中,货币可以许诺一切;而在现实中,货币却能实现自己。因此,一方面,货币的权威似乎是建立在市场对货币的内生需求或国家以税收形式对货币的外生需求之上的。另一方面,货币本身也存在着对货币的内在需求。货币可以作为一种资产,以信贷(一种价值承诺)的形式预支,只要这种预支与债务(一种货币承诺)形式的负债相匹配。值得注意的是,虽然作为货币承诺的信贷可以很容易地作为交换手段流通,但作为支付货币的责任的债务却不能以这种方式流通。
Money also consists in a perspective, a determinate act of accounting. A second intrinsic dimension to the authority of money lies in the authority of such a perspective. In accounting, an equivalence can be established between an asset and a sum of money. An asset is a promise of money; money is the promise of an asset. Yet money is not merely the unit of account but also the means of payment. To possess or realize the value of an asset, it is necessary first to possess money. So from the synchronic perspective of exchange value, the asset and the money are equivalent; from the diachronic perspective of acts of contracting and trade, money takes priority. In absolute terms, money is the universal means for the realization of all other values. So while in relative terms, the demand for the asset and the demand for money are equivalent, in absolute terms, the demand for money is always more urgent. Moreover, the device of accounting regards all things in terms of their exchange value, substituting money in advance 货币还包含一种视角,一种确定的会计行为。货币权威的第二个内在维度在于这种观点的权威性。在会计核算中,资产和货币可以建立等价关系。资产是货币的承诺;货币是资产的承诺。然而,货币不仅是记账单位,也是支付手段。要拥有或实现资产的价值,首先必须拥有货币。因此,从交换价值的同步角度来看,资产和货币是等价的;从契约和交易行为的非同步角度来看,货币具有优先权。从绝对意义上讲,货币是实现所有其他价值的普遍手段。因此,虽然相对而言,对资产的需求和对货币的需求是等同的,但绝对而言,对货币的需求总是更为迫切。此外,会计的手段是从交换价值的角度来看待所有事物,提前用货币来代替
as if an exchange has already taken place. To make money, it is necessary to balance the books and so regard all things as the promise of money. If money promises all things, it is only because all things promise money. The demand for money imposes an evaluating perspective on the world. 就好像交换已经发生。要想赚钱,就必须平衡账目,因此将所有事物都视为金钱的承诺。如果说金钱承诺了一切,那只是因为一切都承诺了金钱。对金钱的需求将一种评价的视角强加给了世界。
The authority of money also rests ultimately within the intrinsic nature of its authority as a contract. There are endogenous reasons for demanding money to pay debts: it is necessary to balance the books and maintain a credit rating. There are also exogenous reasons, embodied in the power to enforce contracts. Yet such agreement on the authority of money is facilitated because money bears its own authority. Contracts are enforced by culture and state because contracts are deemed to be valuable. If all contracts are measured in terms of money, then money is the conceptual and evaluative basis of all other contracts. It is essential to preserve the value and power of money to preserve all other contracts. Moreover, money measures a value that has been agreed by market forces. Since money is involved in all transactions, the pricing of money should be the most secure of all prices. Money therefore introduces an evaluative perspective that treats money itself as the most secure and valuable standard of comparison. Money is the supreme object of credit at the same time that it is the vehicle for the transmission of credit. The authority of money ultimately consists in the conjunction between metaphysics, wealth, and power. As credit, money is what it says and says what it is - it is the foundation for a perspective. As credit, money values money as the supreme value. As credit, money possesses the authority of an evaluative perspective that effectively realizes its aims. Money replaces God as the metaphysical source of truth, value, and power. 货币的权威最终还在于其作为契约的内在性质。需要货币来偿还债务有其内在原因:这是平衡账目和维持信用等级所必需的。还有一些外在原因,体现在执行契约的权力上。然而,由于货币本身具有权威性,因此这种关于货币权威性的一致意见是很容易达成的。契约之所以被文化和国家强制执行,是因为契约被认为是有价值的。如果所有契约都以货币为衡量标准,那么货币就是所有其他契约的概念和评价基础。要维护所有其他契约,就必须维护货币的价值和权力。此外,货币衡量的是市场力量商定的价值。既然货币参与了所有交易,那么货币的定价应该是所有价格中最安全的。因此,货币引入了一种评价视角,将货币本身视为最安全、最有价值的比较标准。货币是信用的最高对象,同时也是信用传递的工具。货币的权威归根结底在于形而上学、财富和权力之间的结合。作为信用,货币言必行,行必果--它是观点的基础。作为信用,金钱将金钱视为至高无上的价值。作为信用,金钱拥有评价观点的权威,可以有效地实现其目标。金钱取代了上帝,成为真理、价值和力量的形而上学来源。
Money is therefore inherently theological because it is a source of the value of values. Money is the source of prosperity and freedom. Money has its own implicit theology: it is the promise of value on which actual value may be advanced; it is the supreme value against which all other values may be measured; it is a speculative value whose intrinsic worth awaits demonstration; and it is a social obligation demanding that social interaction be ordered in accordance with profit and the repayment of debt. 因此,金钱本质上是神学,因为它是价值的源泉。金钱是繁荣和自由的源泉。货币有其自身隐含的神学意义:它是价值的承诺,在此基础上可以推进实际价值;它是最高价值,在此基础上可以衡量所有其他价值;它是一种投机价值,其内在价值有待证明;它是一种社会义务,要求根据利润和偿还债务来安排社会互动。
The purpose of this study has been to assess whether money is a successful candidate for such a source of evaluation. It has been discovered that the theology of money expresses an extraordinary ambivalence. Money has been assessed against a wider field of interactions in which it participates. In relation to ecological criteria, a concept of capital has been formulated as the means of production that has itself been produced. The value promised by money opens up possibilities for new capital investment, leading to the transformation of modes of production as well as of the ecology of the planet. Money does indeed lead to the generation of wealth. Yet the cycle of investment is completed by trade - money is substituted for products, resources, and capital. Once debt, interest, and profit determine the flows of money, then it is only money itself that is counted rather than products, capital assets, or resources. Money promises the world but delivers only itself. Indeed, the very survival of ecological relations of production is sacrificed to the accumulation of money. 本研究的目的是评估金钱是否是这种评价来源的成功候选者。研究发现,金钱神学表现出一种非同寻常的矛盾性。我们根据货币所参与的更广泛的互动领域对货币进行了评估。就生态标准而言,资本的概念是生产资料,而生产资料本身又是生产出来的。货币承诺的价值为新的资本投资提供了可能性,从而导致生产方式和地球生态的转变。货币确实能够创造财富。然而,投资的循环是通过贸易完成的--货币取代了产品、资源和资本。一旦债务、利息和利润决定了货币的流向,那么被计算的就只是货币本身,而不是产品、资本资产或资源。货币对世界做出了承诺,却只兑现了自己。事实上,生态生产关系的生存就是为货币的积累而牺牲的。
In relation to political criteria, money promises freedom. Those who possess wealth may be empowered to do as they please; they are emancipated from the constraints of natural necessities and social dependencies. Indeed, the promise of such empowerment may enable the provision of all kinds of services in exchange, for whoever spends money in the service of his or her freedom requires others who are willing to work and serve for money. For each empowerment there is also a corresponding servitude, whether of workers, of animals, or of productive resources. Moreover, wealth, as we have seen, has an intimate relation with democracy. Those who possess wealth are liberated from the constraints of necessity to be able to express personal opinions and preferences. At the same time, however, democracy rests in service to the creation of wealth, for once there is no common vision of the good around which society is to be structured, the common will concurs on the commonwealth itself. There is no higher political priority than the provision of economic and monetary stability for the purpose of creating wealth. Indeed, the political will of the masses must be subordinated to the demands of a fragile monetary system. Money promises freedom and democracy but delivers only itself. Indeed, political freedom is sacrificed to the accumulation of money. 就政治标准而言,金钱意味着自由。拥有财富的人可以随心所欲,摆脱自然必需品和社会依赖的束缚。事实上,这种赋权的承诺可以使人们提供各种交换服务,因为无论谁花钱为自己的自由服务,都需要其他愿意为钱工作和服务的人。每一种赋权都有相应的奴役,无论是对工人、动物还是生产资源的奴役。此外,正如我们所看到的,财富与民主有着密切的关系。拥有财富的人摆脱了必然性的束缚,能够表达个人的观点和偏好。然而,与此同时,民主也是为创造财富服务的,因为一旦没有共同的美好愿景来构建社会,共同的意愿就会集中于共同财富本身。没有比为创造财富而提供经济和货币稳定更优先的政治任务了。事实上,大众的政治意愿必须服从于脆弱的货币体系的要求。货币承诺自由和民主,但却只能兑现自己。事实上,政治自由是为金钱的积累而牺牲的。
In relation to theology, money must be assessed against criteria of spiritual wealth. Money possesses an extraordinary power of realization. Where 就神学而言,必须根据精神财富的标准来评估金钱。金钱具有非凡的变现能力。在哪里
God is thought to create and maintain the world through his divine power, people are able to adapt and transform the world through money. Where God requires submission of the soul to his will, money submits itself to the will of the soul. Where God may serve as a basis for common consent and action only for those who truly believe, money may serve as a basis for common consent and action for those who share no belief apart from the efficacy of money. As the means of access to all other goals produced by collective action, money posits itself as the supreme value. It therefore evacuates all other values of significance and effectiveness. The opposition between the religion of money and traditional religions is not necessarily a direct opposition within the sphere of meaning. Religious devotion is widely regarded as being compatible with the creation of financial wealth. What money discloses, however, is the power of credit itself. If traditional religions have found themselves impotent in the face of money, whether they endorse it or condemn it, this is because money has a superior power of attracting credit. Money surpasses other religions through the power of effectiveness itself. 人们认为上帝通过他的神力创造和维持世界,而人们则能够通过金钱来适应和改变世界。上帝要求灵魂服从他的意志,而金钱则服从灵魂的意志。只有那些真正信仰上帝的人才能以上帝为基础达成共识并采取行动,而对于那些除了金钱的效用之外没有任何信仰的人来说,金钱则是达成共识并采取行动的基础。作为获取集体行动所产生的所有其他目标的手段,金钱将自身视为最高价值。因此,它摒弃了所有其他价值的重要性和有效性。金钱宗教与传统宗教之间的对立并不一定是意义范畴内的直接对立。人们普遍认为宗教奉献与创造金融财富是一致的。然而,金钱所揭示的是信用本身的力量。如果说传统宗教在金钱面前无能为力,无论是赞同它还是谴责它,那是因为金钱具有吸引信用的超强力量。金钱通过自身的效力超越了其他宗教。
As a consequence, therefore, the implicit theology present in the religion of money cannot simply be judged and condemned in the name of true spiritual wealth. Money calls prior understandings of such wealth into question, for there is a theological model of power implicit in such understandings of wealth: it is assumed that an understanding of spiritual wealth can simply be actualized by the sovereign decrees of the divine being or by the sovereign decrees of human subjects devoted to such a vision of spiritual wealth. Yet the effectiveness of money has surpassed such sovereign power without claiming any power for itself. Similarly, the power of money cannot simply be curbed by state legislation, for money is the source of the prosperity and power of any state. The modern state could not exist without money. The sovereignty of the state, like the sovereignty of the democratic subject, is an illusion borne of selectivity in representation. It is necessary to respond to prevailing conditions, including conditions for the maintenance and enhancement of credit. Likewise, it is insufficient to denounce the illusions of global capitalism in the name of values grounded in life, health, and sustainability, for the very conditions of life are no longer grounded in resources alone. Material capital must be supplemented by physical energy, human capital, and social capital. Credit is an irreducible power present in production, in politics, and even in religion. 因此,不能简单地以真正的精神财富的名义来评判和谴责金钱宗教中隐含的神学。金钱使人们对这种财富的先前理解产生了疑问,因为在这种对财富的理解中隐含着一种权力的神学模式:人们假定,对精神财富的理解可以简单地通过神圣存在的主权法令或致力于这种精神财富愿景的人类主体的主权法令来实现。然而,金钱的效力已经超越了这种主权权力,却没有为自己要求任何权力。同样,金钱的力量也不能简单地通过国家立法来遏制,因为金钱是任何国家繁荣和权力的源泉。没有金钱,现代国家就无法存在。国家主权与民主主体的主权一样,都是由代表性的选择性所产生的幻觉。有必要顺应当时的条件,包括维持和提高信用的条件。同样,以生命、健康和可持续性为基础的价值观的名义谴责全球资本主义的幻想是不够的,因为生命的条件不再仅仅以资源为基础。物质资本必须辅之以物质能量、人力资本和社会资本。在生产、政治甚至宗教中,信用都是一种不可或缺的力量。
The significance of the theology of money, therefore, goes far beyond that of assessing the underlying infrastructure of global capitalism. Traditional theology, politics, and common sense have clashed with global capitalism and been found wanting in effective power. Nevertheless, one should not capitulate before the predatory, destructive, and nihilistic force of unfettered global capital. By contrast, it will be necessary to draw on the theology of money to revise and deepen our understanding of theology, of politics, and even of reason itself, for in somewhat diverse ways, modern theology, politics, and reason have been dependent on a notion of power that is now called into question by the theology of money. According to a dominant theological conception of power, power resides in the realm of ideas. Such ideas are actualized by an act of sovereign will. To shape reality appropriately, therefore, humans are understood by analogy with this model of the divine creator. It is essential to formulate the correct ideas before attempting to actualize them. All ongoing processes may be critically assessed in relation to ideas thought to be true. Power results from the apparent mastery that the subject holds over ideas represented in the mind. Yet the power of money is not of this nature. For any idea to be actualized in a determinate process, it is not sufficient that it be submitted to sovereign decree. Instead, the cooperation of a diverse range of material and social processes must be invoked, including supplies of physical energy and credit. The appearance of mastery within the mind results from selectivity, from the direction of attention to certain representations. In reality, far from this adding to the power of the mind and granting it sovereignty, selectivity is merely an expression of the mind’s impotence. The source for a broader conception of the mind’s power does not come from inside the mind itself but from the very basis that makes cooperation possible. Money, as a political body, possesses this spiritual power in the form of credit. It will be necessary to determine the nature of such spiritual power. 因此,货币神学的意义远不止于评估全球资本主义的基础结构。传统神学、政治学和常识与全球资本主义发生了冲突,并被发现缺乏有效的力量。然而,我们不应在不受约束的全球资本的掠夺性、破坏性和虚无主义力量面前屈服。相比之下,我们有必要借鉴货币神学来修正和深化我们对神学、政治乃至理性本身的理解,因为现代神学、政治和理性在某种程度上以不同的方式依赖于一种权力概念,而这种权力概念现在受到了货币神学的质疑。根据占主导地位的神学权力概念,权力存在于思想领域。这些观念通过主权意志的行为得以实现。因此,为了恰当地塑造现实,我们需要通过类比这种神圣造物主的模式来理解人类。在尝试实现这些想法之前,必须先提出正确的想法。所有正在进行的进程都可以根据被认为是真实的想法进行批判性评估。权力源于主体对头脑中的想法所拥有的明显控制权。然而,金钱的力量并非如此。任何思想要想在一个确定的过程中得到实现,光靠君主的命令是不够的。相反,它必须得到各种物质和社会进程的合作,包括物质能源和信贷的供应。头脑中出现的主宰源于选择性,源于对某些表象的关注。 实际上,选择性远非增加心灵的力量并赋予其主权,而只是心灵无能的一种表现。更广泛的心灵力量概念的源泉并非来自心灵本身,而是来自使合作成为可能的基础。货币作为一种政治体,以信用的形式拥有这种精神力量。我们有必要确定这种精神力量的性质。
The ambivalence of the theology of money comes down to this: on the one hand, money expresses an extraordinary power of effectiveness; on the other hand, money institutes an autonomous financial system of debt and credit that effectively drives economic behavior without leaving any scope for real evaluations. The system of profits and debts seems independent of any evaluations about how one may wish the world to be. Accounting is a moral practice that lacks all moral compass. Economics is divorced from theology. As a result, the generation of profits is accompanied by the gen- 货币神学的矛盾性归结为:一方面,货币表达了一种非凡的效力;另一方面,货币建立了一个由债务和信贷组成的自主金融体系,它有效地推动着经济行为,而不给真正的评价留下任何余地。利润和债务体系似乎与人们希望世界如何发展的任何评价无关。会计是一种缺乏道德指南针的道德实践。经济学脱离了神学。因此,在产生利润的同时,也产生了......"。
eration of debts; the creation of new productive capital is accompanied by the consumption and destruction of existing resources. Social cooperation is established through money at the expense of existing structures of social dependence, provision, and care. 新生产资本的创造伴随着对现有资源的消耗和破坏。社会合作是通过货币建立起来的,以牺牲现有的社会依赖、供应和关怀结构为代价。
In constructing the collective framework of trust in which economic activity can take place, religion makes an indispensable contribution to the production of capital in the rare and specific form of credit. It is the nature and function of money that discloses this social role at the same time that money itself comes to occupy it. There is no need to oppose the projected world of religion and metaphysics to the immanent world of material particularity. The object and source of credit, in the form of time, attention, and devotion, belongs to this world just as much as money does. Indeed, in a strange way, money is not only in opposition to God; it also discloses the significance and role of a source of the value of values. Perhaps one may reach a more complete understanding of what theology is and can be after considering a theology of money. 在构建集体信任框架,使经济活动得以进行的过程中,宗教以罕见而特殊的信用形式为资本的生产做出了不可或缺的贡献。正是货币的性质和功能揭示了这一社会角色,同时货币本身也占据了这一角色。没有必要把宗教和形而上学的投影世界与物质特殊性的内在世界对立起来。信贷的对象和来源,以时间、注意力和奉献的形式,与金钱一样属于这个世界。事实上,以一种奇特的方式,金钱不仅与上帝对立,它还揭示了价值之源的意义和作用。也许,在思考了金钱神学之后,我们可以更全面地理解神学是什么和可以是什么。
A revolution is required in the fields of religion, politics, and reason or metaphysics. The essence of the divine, of the political, and of being needs to be rethought apart from the categories of objectivity, in terms of an exchangeable product, as well as apart from the categories of subjectivity, in terms of freedom or desire. While it would be vain to imagine that a true and perfect ontology can ever be attained in human thought, it is possible to begin to build a more adequate ontology from the oversights embodied within the theology of money. Being has ecological dimensions: the essence of a thing is conditioned by a set of exterior relations. Being also has temporal dimensions: the essence of a thing is determined by its transformation and orientation during the course of time. In addition, being has a spiritual dimension: the essence of a thing is dependent on the degree of credit that is invested within it and that it, in turn, may invest elsewhere. Similarly, a political will is only as significant as the powers that cooperate with it. Its nature is determined by its orientation in time. The will to continue in existence, to accumulate power, or to pay back debt are fundamentally different orientations in time. Moreover, political wills are not autonomous, but they are effectively called into being by the conditions that make them possible. The desire for God is given by revelation; the desire for truth is given by science; and the desire for money is given by the possibility of trade, investment, or speculation. 宗教、政治、理性或形而上学领域都需要一场革命。神性、政治和存在的本质需要从客观性的范畴--可交换的产品--以及从主观性的范畴--自由或欲望--的角度来重新思考。虽然我们不能妄想在人类思想中找到真正完美的本体论,但我们可以从金钱神学的疏漏中开始建立一个更适当的本体论。存在具有生态维度:事物的本质受到一系列外部关系的制约。存在还具有时间维度:事物的本质取决于其在时间过程中的转变和定位。此外,"存在 "还具有精神维度:事物的本质取决于其内部投入的信用程度,反过来,它也可能投入到其他地方。同样,政治意愿的重要性取决于与之合作的力量。政治意愿的性质取决于它在时间中的定位。继续存在的意愿、积累权力的意愿或偿还债务的意愿在时间上有着根本不同的取向。此外,政治意志并不是独立存在的,它们实际上是由使其成为可能的条件所召唤的。对上帝的渴望是由启示赋予的;对真理的渴望是由科学赋予的;对金钱的渴望是由贸易、投资或投机的可能性赋予的。
It is precisely such dimensions that are obscured by the institution of money. Money calls into being an objectivist epistemology as well as an unfettered desire for freedom. As the universal representation of value, money substitutes itself for real relations of dependence and production, replacing existing ecological relations with purely economic ones mediated by money. As the objectification of contract, money naturalizes the sovereign power to treat one’s property as one pleases, neglecting external relations and dependencies. As the unit of accounting, money counts only those values that have an agreed market price, neglecting to measure the surplus of credit that attaches to economic opportunities. 货币制度掩盖的正是这些层面。货币催生了客观主义认识论以及对自由的无拘无束的渴望。作为价值的普遍代表,货币以其自身取代了真实的依存关系和生产关系,以货币为中介的纯经济关系取代了现有的生态关系。作为契约的客体化,货币将主权权力自然化,可以随心所欲地处理自己的财产,而忽略了外部关系和依赖关系。作为记账单位,货币只计算具有商定市场价格的价值,而忽略了衡量经济机会的信用盈余。
The metaphysics of money, constructed from exchange value, contract, and accounting, may be replaced by a metaphysics of credit. Credit gives a better account not only of the nature of money, but also of the nature of being, of politics, and of religion, for credit is always invested. It only has exterior relations. Moreover, credit is invested not in what something is, but in what it may become. Credit is a temporal orientation. Furthermore, credit does not have its power within itself; credit granted is only as valuable as the credit that is invested in the source of credit. 由交换价值、契约和会计构建的货币形而上学可以被信用形而上学所取代。信用不仅更好地解释了货币的本质,也更好地解释了存在、政治和宗教的本质,因为信用始终是投入的。它只有外部关系。此外,信用并不在于事物是什么,而在于它可能成为什么。信用是一种时间取向。此外,信用本身并不具有力量;授予的信用的价值与投入信用源泉的信用的价值相当。
It will be necessary to separate money as the instrument of contracts from credit as the bearer of evaluation, for money may only be spent, invested, or given away. Each of these uses is in competition with the others. Money evokes an ethics grounded in rivalry between desires, anxieties, and sympathies. As such, the institution of money breeds individualism. An effective evaluation is displaced by the more emotive consideration of pleasures, security, and demands. With credit as a bearer of evaluation, by contrast, the subject is placed in an entirely different position. What is worthy of investment that is, at present, undervalued? What has the potential to emerge as a powerful source of value? How can I advance my reputation and influence as a judicious, responsible, and careful investor? The question of the value of values comes to take priority over immediate self-interest. 有必要将作为契约工具的货币与作为评价承担者的信贷分开,因为货币只能用于消费、投资或赠送。每一种用途都是相互竞争的。金钱唤起了一种伦理,这种伦理的基础是欲望、焦虑和同情之间的竞争。因此,货币制度滋生了个人主义。对快乐、安全和需求的更感性的考虑取代了有效的评价。相比之下,以信用作为评价的载体,主体的地位则完全不同。什么是目前被低估的值得投资的东西?哪些东西有可能成为强大的价值来源?作为一个明智、负责、谨慎的投资者,我怎样才能提高自己的声誉和影响力?价值观的价值问题要优先于眼前的自身利益。
Such a distribution of credit may function as a fusion of the economic and the political. True political power is not an object to be accumulated or possessed, like money, but a spiritual culture or environment in which one may dwell. Where the freedom purchased by money is always relative, since one person’s power to demand is always another person’s need to serve, true political authority is a measure of cooperation. Such cooperation may function in independence of consensus or agreement. 这种信用分配可以作为经济与政治的融合。真正的政治权力并不像金钱那样是一种可以积累或占有的物品,而是一种精神文化或环境,人们可以在其中安居乐业。金钱购买的自由总是相对的,因为一个人的需求权力总是另一个人的服务需求,而真正的政治权力则是一种合作。这种合作可以是独立的共识或协议。
It is beyond the scope of this study to construct an entirely new epistemology, metaphysics, or politics based on credit. I have merely indicated that these are necessary. It is possible, however, to bring to mind the commitments of time, attention, and devotion required by determinate practices involving credit. The questions “What is money?” and “What is credit?” remain premature, since the problems of metaphysics are as yet unresolved. The theological questions are much simpler. What is the price of credit? What must be given to foster a culture of credit that will evoke a new metaphysics, politics, and ethics? Answering these questions is the task for the future. 以信用为基础构建全新的认识论、形而上学或政治学超出了本研究的范围。我只是指出这些是必要的。不过,我们还是有可能想到涉及信用的确定性实践所要求的时间、注意力和奉献精神的承诺。"货币是什么?"和 "信用是什么?"这两个问题仍然不成熟,因为形而上学的问题尚未解决。神学问题要简单得多。信用的代价是什么?必须付出什么才能培育出一种能唤起新的形而上学、政治学和伦理学的信用文化?回答这些问题是未来的任务。
Seven 七
St. francis of paOla, who attempted to restore the Franciscan order to its life of voluntary poverty, was once offered a bag of gold by King Ferdinand I for his traveling expenses in Naples. He refused, claiming it was the price of the blood of the king’s subjects. To demonstrate his point, he broke one of the gold pieces in half. Several drops of blood fell from the broken coin. ^(1){ }^{1} 圣弗朗西斯曾试图恢复方济会的自愿贫困生活,国王斐迪南一世曾给他一袋黄金,作为他在那不勒斯的旅费。他拒绝了,声称这是用国王臣民的鲜血换来的。为了证明自己的观点,他将其中一块金子掰成两半。几滴鲜血从破碎的金币上滑落。 ^(1){ }^{1}
The association between money and blood derives from the Gospel of Matthew. The chief priests refused Judas Iscariot’s return offering of the thirty pieces of silver, the price of Christ’s betrayal, thrown down in the temple. The coins were too impure to be placed in the treasury and were used instead to purchase a burial ground for foreigners. John Ruskin was later to reflect: “We do great injustice to Iscariot, in thinking him wicked above all common wickedness. He was only a common money-lover, and, like all money-lovers, did not understand Christ; - could not make out the worth of Him or the meaning of Him. He never thought He would be killed. He was horror-struck when he found that Christ would be killed; threw his money away instantly, and hanged himself. How many of our present money-seekers, think you, would have the grace to hang themselves, whoever was killed?” ^(2){ }^{2} 金钱与鲜血之间的联系源自《马太福音》。祭司长拒绝加略人犹大归还扔在圣殿里的三十块银币,那是基督被出卖的代价。这些钱币太不纯洁,不能放入国库,而是被用来为外国人购买墓地。约翰-罗斯金后来写道"我们认为加略人的邪恶超过了所有普通的邪恶,这是对他的极大不公。他只是一个普通的爱财者,和所有爱财者一样,他不理解基督,不知道祂的价值和意义。他从未想过自己会被杀害。当他发现基督将被杀害时,他惊恐万分,立刻扔掉了钱,上吊自杀了。你想,我们现在有多少追求金钱的人,无论谁被杀,都会有上吊自杀的雅量? ^(2){ }^{2}
Bassanio has run up numerous debts through living beyond his means. He conceives a speculative venture to clear his debts: to marry the fair and 巴萨尼奥生活拮据,欠债无数。为了清偿债务,他萌生了一个投机取巧的想法:娶一位美丽动人的姑娘为妻。
wealthy heiress Portia. Yet he needs to borrow even more to give himself the appearance of wealth to be in a position to press his suit. He turns to his chief creditor, Antonio, for a further loan that, if his suit is successful, may lead to the repayment of all his debts. Because Bassanio is obligated by debt, one suspects that nothing is sincere about his love, whether for Portia or Antonio. Surprisingly, Antonio places his purse, person, and “extremest means” at Bassanio’s service. Is this Antonio’s only hope to recover his money? Does he have faith in Bassanio’s plan? 富裕的女继承人鲍西亚。然而,他需要借更多的钱,让自己看起来更富有,以便能够提起诉讼。他求助于他的主要债主安东尼奥,希望他能再借一笔钱,如果他的诉讼成功,他就可以还清所有债务。由于巴萨尼奥身负债务,人们怀疑他对鲍西亚或安东尼奥的爱并不真诚。出人意料的是,安东尼奥将自己的钱包、人身和 "最极端的手段 "都交给了巴萨尼奥。这是安东尼奥找回钱财的唯一希望吗?他对巴萨尼奥的计划有信心吗?
Antonio’s means are temporarily tied up in seafaring ventures. Yet he, unlike Bassanio, has good credit. He will stand surety for a loan from some other source. Shylock will lend the money, but only at interest. Yet Shylock hates Antonio for regularly lending money without interest, bringing down the rate of interest in Venice. Antonio, in turn, despises Shylock for his practice of usury. Given this dispute over usury, the bond agreed is one between enemies: the forfeit of a pound of flesh, to be taken from the heart. Bassanio hesitates, but Antonio willingly agrees. Does he wish to teach his friend the price of love? 安东尼奥的经济来源暂时被航海事业所束缚。但他与巴萨尼奥不同,信用良好。他可以为其他来源的贷款提供担保。夏洛克愿意借钱,但要付利息。然而夏洛克憎恨安东尼奥经常无息借钱,降低了威尼斯的利率。安东尼奥则鄙视夏洛克的高利贷行为。鉴于对高利贷的争执,双方达成的契约是敌人之间的契约:没收一磅肉,从心底里没收。巴萨尼奥犹豫不决,但安东尼奥心甘情愿地同意了。他是想让他的朋友知道爱的代价吗?
Shylock’s ducats are derived from usury. For Antonio, they already contain the price of blood. Yet whenever money is lent on credit, there is always a Bassanio, an Antonio, and a Shylock. ^(3){ }^{3} There is always one who appropriates an asset to be spent, one who is liable for the return of the loan, and one who provides the loan from reserves. Whenever money is created as debt, there is one who spends, one who is obligated, and one to whom an obligation is due. Antonio indulges Bassanio in a speculative venture, an affair of the heart. What friend or parent would begrudge the same? Yet if Bassanio’s money embodies desire and liberty, Antonio’s bond is also an affair of the heart-a pound of its flesh. Antonio himself is mortgaged, pledged to death. Shylock, in turn, may have confidence in his enemy because of this power he exercises over his flesh. If Antonio refuses Shylock’s friendship, cooperation can still be ensured by means of their bond. Bassanio will spend that very bond of Antonio’s heart. It is the same the world over. Whenever money is created as debt, such money is the pledge of someone’s life and liberty. If credit money is frozen desire and coined liberty, it is also contracted servitude. Who, then, is the cruelest: Shylock, in demanding justice from an enemy, or Bassanio, in so using the loyalty of a friend in an amorous adventure? 夏洛克的金币来自高利贷。对安东尼奥来说,这些钱已经包含了血的代价。但凡赊账,总有巴萨尼奥、安东尼奥和夏洛克。 ^(3){ }^{3} 总有一个人侵占了要花掉的资产,总有一个人负责归还贷款,总有一个人从储备中提供贷款。每当金钱作为债务被创造出来时,就会有一个人花钱,一个人承担义务,一个人对其承担义务。安东尼奥纵容巴萨尼奥进行投机冒险,这是一件心事。哪个朋友或父母会吝啬这样做呢?然而,如果说巴萨尼奥的金钱体现了欲望和自由,那么安东尼奥的担保也是一种心事--一磅肉。安东尼奥自己也被抵押了,以死亡做担保。夏洛克反过来可能对他的敌人有信心,因为他对他的肉体行使着这种权力。如果安东尼奥拒绝夏洛克的友谊,他们之间的合作仍然可以通过纽带得到保证。巴萨尼奥将耗费安东尼奥心中的那份情谊。这在全世界都是一样的。每当金钱作为债务产生时,这种金钱就是某人生命和自由的抵押。如果说信用货币是冻结的欲望和铸造的自由,那么它也是契约的奴役。那么,谁最残忍?是夏洛克要求敌人伸张正义,还是巴萨尼奥利用朋友的忠诚进行艳遇冒险?
Portia’s hand and love are to be won by the artifice of selecting one of 波西娅要赢得她的手和爱情,就必须巧妙地从以下两个人中选择一个
three chests that contains her likeness. Each is inscribed with a motto expressing a principle of selection or a motive for love. On the gold chest is inscribed, “Who chooseth me, shall gain what many men desire.” If gold symbolizes money, the inscription expresses the principle of mimesis by which money retains its value-money is valued because others also value it and accept it in exchange. This is a poor principle to serve as a basis for love. If one merely desires what others desire, one’s love is likely to be fickle. On the silver chest is inscribed, “Who chooseth me, shall get as much as he deserves.” If silver symbolizes money, the inscription expresses the value of justice by which money retains its value - money holds value if a fair price is given in exchange. This is once more a poor principle to serve as a basis for love. Why desire that which has equivalent worth to what one already has? On the lead chest, chosen not by any rich suitor but only by the indebted Bassanio, is inscribed, “Who chooseth me, must give and hazard all he has.” Such is the risk to be undertaken in marriage; such is the risk undertaken by Portia herself. Such, also, is the nature of the bond Antonio undertakes for Bassanio. Such is the nature of money created on credit. Nevertheless, an important distinction can be made here. It is one thing to risk one’s death, like Antonio, in a heroic gesture of self-sacrifice made in a rash instant of decision. It is another to give one’s life to someone in an ongoing act of commitment that is renewed daily. Perhaps here lies the greater hazard: to risk one’s life, as do Bassanio and Portia, rather than to risk one’s death. Perhaps Bassanio’s speculative venture is a more serious matter than Antonio’s brush with death. 三个箱子里都有她的肖像。每个箱子上都刻有一句格言,表达了选择的原则或爱的动机。金箱子上刻着 "选择我的人,将获得许多人渴望的东西"。如果金子象征金钱,那么铭文表达的就是金钱保值的模仿原则--金钱之所以有价值,是因为别人也看重它并接受它作为交换。作为爱的基础,这是一个糟糕的原则。如果一个人只是想得到别人想要的东西,那么他的爱很可能是善变的。银箱上刻有 "谁选择了我,谁就会得到他应得的一切"。如果银象征着金钱,那么这句铭文表达了金钱保值的正义价值--如果以公平的价格交换,金钱就会保值。作为爱情的基础,这又是一个糟糕的原则。为什么要渴求与自己已经拥有的东西具有同等价值的东西呢?铅箱上刻着 "选择我的人,必须付出他的一切,并为此承担风险",铅箱不是由任何富有的求婚者选择的,而只是由负债累累的巴萨尼奥选择的。这就是婚姻所要承担的风险;这也是鲍西亚自己所承担的风险。安东尼奥为巴萨尼奥所做的保证也是如此。这就是赊账的本质。尽管如此,这里仍有一个重要的区别。像安东尼奥那样冒着生命危险,在匆忙决定的瞬间做出自我牺牲的英雄姿态是一回事。而将自己的生命献给某个人,做出持续的、每天都在更新的承诺,则是另一回事。也许这里存在着更大的危险:像巴萨尼奥和鲍西亚一样,冒着生命危险,而不是冒着死亡的危险。也许巴萨尼奥的投机冒险比安东尼奥与死亡擦肩而过更严重。
Hobbes’s analogy of money as the blood of the body politic was perhaps more apt than he knew. ^(4){ }^{4} The circulation of such a currency in flesh and blood-whether as love or money-is expressed no more poignantly than in Bassanio’s insight into the true significance of the letter announcing the wreck of all of Antonio’s ships: 霍布斯将金钱比喻为政治体的血液,这或许比他所知道的更为贴切。 ^(4){ }^{4} 这种货币在血肉中的流通--无论是作为爱情还是金钱--在巴萨尼奥洞察到宣布安东尼奥所有船只失事的信的真正意义时,表现得最为深刻:
Here is a letter, lady, 这里有一封信,女士
The paper as the body of my friend, And every word in it a gaping wound, Issuing lifeblood. ^(5){ }^{5} 这张纸就像我朋友的尸体,其中的每一个字都是一道裂开的伤口,流出生命的血液。 ^(5){ }^{5}
Once the “veil of money” is removed, there stands not mere imitation or barter exchange or private property but a sacrament of flesh and blood. Credit, contract, law, sacrifice, and love are theological matters. Each note 一旦 "金钱的面纱 "被揭开,站在那里的就不仅仅是模仿、易货交换或私有财产,而是有血有肉的圣礼。信用、契约、法律、牺牲和爱都是神学问题。每张纸币
of paper money, each electronic bank record, distributes the sacrificial power of the pledged flesh and blood on which it is written. 每张纸币、每份电子银行记录,都分配着写在上面的血肉之躯的牺牲力量。
So to the dénouement. The loan not repaid, Shylock demands his pound of flesh. The duke is powerless to overrule the bond. To do so would set a precedent that would undermine all future contracts in the city and so undermines its entire wealth. Sovereign power becomes dependent on credit. The duke, like Antonio, can only appeal to the merits of mercy. Shylock refuses offers from the quickly wed and newly rich Bassanio of twice or thrice the original sum. It is no longer a matter of money; it is a personal affair of the heart. It has been said that Shylock acts irrationally, rejecting the modern calculus of utility. ^(6){ }^{6} It has been said that Shylock belongs within the ancient social structure of gift and vendetta rather than the modern social structure of money and exchange. ^(7){ }^{7} Yet perhaps Shylock is more modern than he appears, for he chooses to demonstrate the superior power of impersonal contract over the personal relation of mercy. Despised and excluded from the bonds of friendship (Antonio has refused amicable terms prior to the agreement of the bond, whether from motives of objections to usury, anti-Judaism, or anti-Semitism), Shylock has to appeal to the one power - that of contract and justice - that preserves his place in society. As a despised Jew and usurer, he cannot place his faith in mercy. He, like the duke, is bound. Only public justice based on written law can protect him, so he chooses to place his faith in enactment of the letter of the law. 最后的结局是这样的。高利贷没有偿还,夏洛克要求得到他的一磅肉。公爵无力推翻契约。这样做会开创一个先例,破坏城市未来的所有合同,从而破坏整个城市的财富。主权变得依赖于信用。公爵和安东尼奥一样,只能诉诸仁慈。夏洛克拒绝了新婚不久、刚刚发财的巴萨尼奥提出的两倍或三倍于原价的赔偿。这不再是钱的问题,而是个人的心事。有人说夏洛克的行为是非理性的,他拒绝了现代的效用计算。 ^(6){ }^{6} 有人说,夏洛克属于古代馈赠和仇杀的社会结构,而不是现代金钱和交换的社会结构。 ^(7){ }^{7} 然而,夏洛克也许比他所表现的更现代,因为他选择展示非个人契约优于仁慈的个人关系的力量。夏洛克被鄙视,被排除在友谊的纽带之外(安东尼奥出于反对高利贷、反犹太主义或反犹主义的动机,在签订契约之前拒绝了友好的条件),他不得不诉诸一种力量--契约和正义的力量--来维护他在社会中的地位。作为一个被鄙视的犹太人和高利贷者,他无法相信仁慈。他和公爵一样,受到了约束。只有以成文法为基础的公共正义才能保护他,因此他选择相信法律条文的颁布。
Portia, disguised as a doctor of the law, proclaims the theological merits of Christian mercy over against Jewish justice. In the course of justice, no one would see salvation, so Christians pray for mercy. Portia proceeds to demonstrate this point by appealing to the letter of the law herself: in cutting a pound of flesh from Antonio’s heart, Shylock is to take no more or less or to spill any drop of blood. Moreover, in seeking his pound of flesh, Shylock is found guilty of seeking the life of a citizen. Framed for seeking justice, Shylock is then treated to a display of Christian mercy and forced to convert. In triumphalist Christian supersessionism, the law is upheld at the same time that the bond is abrogated. The Christian polity is defended against the threat of Jewish usury, as well as against the threat of modernity. Forgiveness is proclaimed as the supreme virtue of theological sovereignty: 伪装成法学博士的鲍西亚宣扬基督教的仁慈在神学上优于犹太教的正义。在伸张正义的过程中,没有人会得到救赎,因此基督徒祈求仁慈。接下来,鲍西娅以法律条文来证明这一点:夏洛克从安东尼奥的心上割下一磅肉时,不得多拿或少拿,也不得流一滴血。此外,夏洛克在谋求一磅肉的同时,也被认定犯有谋求公民生命的罪行。夏洛克因伸张正义而被诬陷,随后却受到了基督教仁慈的对待,被迫皈依基督教。在基督教的胜利至上主义中,在废除契约的同时,法律也得到了维护。基督教政体既要抵御犹太高利贷的威胁,也要抵御现代性的威胁。宽恕被宣扬为神学主权的最高美德:
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest, it becomes 最强大中的最强大,它变得
The thronèd monarch better than his crown. 王位君主胜过王冠。
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, 他的权杖显示了世俗权力的力量、
The attribute to awe and majesty, 敬畏和威严的属性、
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; 国王的畏惧和恐惧就在其中;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway, 但是,仁慈高于权杖、
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, 它屹立于国王的心中、
It is an attribute to God himself, 这是上帝本身的属性、
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s 世俗的力量才最像上帝的力量
When mercy seasons justice. ^(8){ }^{8} 当仁慈成为正义的季节 ^(8){ }^{8}
Mercy is what the duke longs for yet cannot achieve, for mercy dissolves the credibility of sovereignty. It is not simply the duke’s own credibility that is at stake; it is the credibility of sovereignty as such, the credit of the political body, the principle on which all contract is based. If Portia praises the divinity of mercy, such mercy is the prerogative of an absolute sovereign whose credibility knows no bounds. When mercy is enthroned in the heart of sovereignty, the scepter of sovereign power holds unbounded sway. 仁慈是公爵所渴望的,但却无法实现,因为仁慈会消解主权的信誉。这不仅关系到公爵自身的信誉,还关系到主权本身的信誉、政治机构的信誉以及所有契约所依据的原则。如果说鲍西亚赞美的是仁慈的神性,那么这种仁慈则是信誉无边的绝对君主的特权。当仁慈成为主权的核心时,主权的权杖就会拥有无限的影响力。
The figure who may be contrasted most sharply with Shylock, therefore, is not the duke or Portia or Antonio, for each insists on the letter of the law. Portia’s mercy toward her new husband, Bassanio, in forgiving him the gift of their wedding ring to the doctor of the law, is matched equally with her cruelty in demanding from Bassanio, when disguised as the doctor of the law, the wedding ring that she has forced him to promise never to give away. One figure external to the play itself who contrasts sharply with Shylock is holy Judas Iscariot, who willingly gives up what is his by right - his money and his life. It is Iscariot who renounces the power of contract. It is Iscariot who sacrifices all credibility, along with his money and life, in a futile and uneconomic gesture that achieves nothing. It is Iscariot who knows the true meaning of mercy. He sacrifices all for some vague sense of honor and justice. What Iscariot finds intolerable is the condition of moral debt. He would rather die than live on in shame. Yet in the sacrifice of sovereign power, of credibility, of money, and of life, may one catch a glimpse of a different power of credit? 因此,与夏洛克形成最鲜明对比的人物不是公爵,也不是鲍西亚或安东尼奥,因为每个人都坚持法律条文。波西娅对新婚丈夫巴萨尼奥仁慈,原谅了他将结婚戒指赠送给法医的行为,但她也同样残忍,伪装成法医向巴萨尼奥索要结婚戒指,而她曾强迫巴萨尼奥承诺永远不赠送戒指。与夏洛克形成鲜明对比的一个剧外人物是神圣的加略人犹大,他甘愿放弃属于自己的权利--金钱和生命。是伊斯加略放弃了契约的力量。是伊斯加略牺牲了所有的信誉,连同他的金钱和生命,做出了徒劳无益、毫无经济效益的姿态。正是加略人懂得仁慈的真正含义。他为了某种模糊的荣誉感和正义感牺牲了一切。伊斯卡略不能容忍的是道德上的亏欠。他宁死也不愿在耻辱中苟活。然而,在牺牲主权、信誉、金钱和生命的过程中,我们是否可以瞥见一种不同的信用力量?
From the play, it is Bassanio who ventures all that he has. It is Bassanio whose debts solicit the care of his creditor, Antonio. It is Bassanio who instigates the forming of bonds. It is Bassanio who, lacking credit in himself, 从剧中来看,是巴萨尼奥在冒险,他拥有一切。是巴萨尼奥欠下的债请求债主安东尼奥的照顾。是巴萨尼奥促成了债券的形成。是巴萨尼奥缺乏信用
inspires credit in others. It is Bassanio who offers multiples of the sum of the original bond to save Antonio. It is Bassanio who betrays the bond of his promise never to part with Portia’s ring. Might it not be Bassanio who understands the truly divine power of mercy? Might mercy not be manifest in the taking on of debt? 激发他人的信用。为了救安东尼奥,巴萨尼奥付出了比最初的保证金高出数倍的代价。是巴萨尼奥背叛了他永远不放弃鲍西亚戒指的承诺。难道不是巴萨尼奥理解了仁慈真正神圣的力量吗?难道不是巴萨尼奥在承担债务中体现了仁慈吗?
The problem of the creation of capitalist credit money is that of how private contracts of credit and debt may come to circulate freely, apart from their authors, as public money. It is, of course, essential that oral contracts, as agreed before a notary and witnesses, be replaced by written contracts containing all the agreed details. Alternatively, circulation can occur at the same place that the contract is agreed by means of a transfer between bank accounts. The merchant’s bill of exchange was designed to fulfill such requirements. The bank note achieves the same aim. The problem, then, is how one can guarantee that a bank has sufficient reserves to meet all such liabilities. Money is worth only as much as the bank that guarantees its value. As the early economist Charles Davenant explained in 1682: 资本主义信用货币的创造问题在于,如何使私人债权债务契约脱离契约人,作为公共货币自由流通。当然,在公证人和证人面前商定的口头合同必须由包含所有商定细节的书面合同所取代。另外,也可以通过银行账户间转账的方式,在合同约定的同一地点进行流通。商人汇票就是为了满足这些要求而设计的。银行票据也达到了同样的目的。那么,问题就在于如何保证银行有足够的准备金来支付所有这些债务。货币的价值取决于保证其价值的银行。正如早期经济学家查尔斯-达文南在 1682 年解释的那样:
Of all beings that have existence in the minds of men, nothing is more fantastical and nice than Credit; it is never to be forced; it hangs upon opinion, it depends upon our passions of hope and fear; it comes many times unsought for, and often goes away without reason, and when once lost, is hardly to be quite recovered. . . . [And] no trading nation ever did subsist and carry on its business by real stock; . . . trust and confidence in each other are as necessary to link and hold people together as obedience, love, friendship, or the intercourse of speech. ^(9){ }^{9} 在人们心中存在的所有生命中,没有什么比信用更虚幻、更美好;它永远不会被强迫;它取决于舆论,取决于我们的希望和恐惧的激情;它来的时候往往不求回报,走的时候往往毫无理由,而且一旦失去,就很难再找回来。. . . ^(9){ }^{9}
The network of private credit is always a fragile business. Most early attempts to issue banknotes ended in failure. A loss of confidence can lead to a run on the bank; default on a loan may lead to other defaults farther down the chain. Moreover, since credit is always an anticipation of wealth, there is never enough wealth present to repay all loans in a network of private credit. Anyone, however prudent or prosperous, may be caught with cash-flow problems in a network of private credit. In England in the 1580s, litigations for default on contracts are believed to have numbered in excess of one million per year - one for each family in the country. ^(10){ }^{10} The remains of the feudal network of personal loyalties and obligations must have col- 私人信贷网络始终是一个脆弱的行业。早期发行纸币的尝试大多以失败告终。失去信心可能会导致银行挤兑;拖欠贷款可能会导致更多的拖欠。此外,由于信贷总是财富的预期,在私人信贷网络中,永远没有足够的财富来偿还所有贷款。任何人,无论多么谨慎或富裕,都可能在私人信贷网络中遇到现金流问题。在 15 世纪 80 年代的英格兰,因违约而提起的诉讼据说每年超过一百万起--全国每个家庭都有一起。 ^(10){ }^{10} 封建社会的个人忠诚和义务网络的残余肯定会对经济产生影响。
lapsed in the rancor of default and litigation. Such dissolution of the social order paved the way for the revolutions of the following century and the eventual advent of capitalism and globalization. 社会秩序的解体为下个世纪的革命以及资本主义和全球化的最终到来铺平了道路。这种社会秩序的解体为下个世纪的革命以及资本主义和全球化的最终到来铺平了道路。
Given the interdependence of credit, its circulation depends ultimately on the presence of a reliable debtor of last resort. Such is the manifestation of a rather different kind of sovereignty: it is the power of an Antonio rather than the power of a duke. If the Bank of England took the role of lender of last resort, this was possible only because the newly emerging nation-state took on the role of debtor. ^(11){ }^{11} The English monarch seemed especially illsuited to such a role. Deriving income from essentially private obligations, patronage, and demesne revenues, the monarch was also charged with the expensive public business of waging war. The interests of Parliament, given the authority to raise extraordinary taxes for war, were not always consonant with those of the monarchy. Indeed, the history of the seventeenth century was a story of the opposition and compromise of the king and Parliament. When Charles II threatened an unpopular war against the Protestant Dutch in 1672, insufficient financial support from Parliament led to the Stop on the Exchequer and default on existing loans. This was sufficient to deter potential lenders, so weakening the monarchy and culminating in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, in which Parliament effectively seized power once more and deposed James II. The newly appointed sovereign, William of Orange, was deliberately awarded insufficient revenue by Parliament so that his debt would become public and national and his actions would be kept under Parliament’s control. 鉴于信贷的相互依存性,其流通最终取决于是否存在一个可靠的最后债务人。这是一种相当不同的主权的体现:它是安东尼奥的权力,而不是公爵的权力。如果说英格兰银行扮演了最后贷款人的角色,那么这只是因为新兴的民族国家扮演了债务人的角色。 ^(11){ }^{11} 英国君主似乎特别不适合这样的角色。君主的收入主要来自私人债务、赞助和庄园收入,同时还肩负着发动战争这一昂贵的公共事务。议会有权为战争征收特别税,但议会的利益与君主的利益并不总是一致的。事实上,17 世纪的历史就是国王与议会对立与妥协的故事。1672 年,当查理二世威胁要对荷兰新教徒发动一场不得人心的战争时,由于得不到议会足够的财政支持,导致财政陷入困境,现有贷款也无法偿还。这足以让潜在的贷款人望而却步,从而削弱了君主制,最终导致了 1688 年的光荣革命,议会再次有效地夺取了政权,废黜了詹姆斯二世。新任命的君主威廉-奥兰治(William of Orange)被议会故意判定收入不足,这样他的债务就会成为公共和国家债务,他的行动也会受到议会的控制。
More than a hundred schemes were proposed to manage public finances in the seventeenth century. The scheme adopted was the Bank of England. ^(12){ }^{12} A permanent loan of 1.2 million pounds was raised by public subscription, with the promise of a return in interest of 8 percent per annum. In return, this private bank was given a monopoly on bills of exchange that formerly had been heavily regulated and taxed. Since the reserves of the bank were guaranteed by future taxation, the bank itself became the lender of last resort. The most sought-after promise to pay was that of the state to its creditors. The Bank held good credit because its income stream could be derived from taxation. ^(13){ }^{13} The threat of default was over. ^(14){ }^{14} The terms of the settlement were regulated by Parliament. While the state was financially indebted to its creditors, the creditors were politically indebted to the state: they had a vested interest in its health and continuation. ^(15){ }^{15} England was able 十七世纪提出了一百多种管理公共财政的方案。最终通过的方案是英格兰银行。 ^(12){ }^{12} 通过公众认购筹集了120万英镑的永久贷款,并承诺以每年8%的利息作为回报。作为回报,这家私人银行获得了对汇票的垄断权,而以前对汇票的监管和征税都很严格。由于银行的储备金由未来的税收提供担保,银行本身就成了最后贷款人。最受欢迎的支付承诺是国家对其债权人的承诺。银行拥有良好的信用,因为它的收入来源于税收。 ^(13){ }^{13} 违约的威胁结束了。 ^(14){ }^{14} 和解条款由议会制定。虽然国家在财政上欠了债权人的债,但债权人在政治上也欠了国家的债:他们对国家的健康和延续有着既得利益。 ^(15){ }^{15} 英国能够
to establish its military and trading predominance, in competition principally with France, by means of the financial revolution. ^(16){ }^{16} The state could enforce the payment of taxes; the Bank’s creditors were given a secure income stream; and merchants could increase trade by means of reliable bills of exchange. While the institutional nexus was a four-way social relation, consisting of taxpayers, state, rentiers and merchants, ^(17){ }^{17} it was overseen by Parliament, which represented the interests of the landowning and merchant classes. If the national debt became public at the same time as the nation-state and paper currency, this is because the “public” consisted of the trading classes and their concern for mutual class interest. It was their self-regulation that constituted their sovereignty. ^(16){ }^{16} 法国通过金融革命,在军事和贸易上确立了自己的主导地位,主要与法国竞争。 ^(16){ }^{16} 国家可以强制纳税;银行的债权人获得了可靠的收入来源;商人可以通过可靠的汇票增加贸易。虽然这种制度关系是一种由纳税人、国家、租借人和商人组成的四方社会关系, ^(17){ }^{17} 但它是由代表地主和商人阶层利益的议会监督的。如果说国债与民族国家和纸币同时成为公共财产,那是因为 "公共财产 "由贸易阶层及其对共同阶级利益的关注组成。正是他们的自我调节构成了他们的主权。
The move toward trustworthiness and self-regulation as public and communal virtues, rather than private commitments in which one distinguishes between friend and stranger, were cultural innovations. No doubt they were aided by the individualist Puritan ethic in which personal conduct became the site of self-examination in place of personal relations, bonds, and obligations. No doubt such a culture was fostered by public representation through drama, ballads, and poetry: ^(18){ }^{18} The Merchant of Venice itself, in which the show of commitment, loyalty, and honor is converted into the actuality of commitment, loyalty, and honor, may have been both agent and signal of such a cultural shift. The play turns the Christian virtues of mercy, selfsacrifice, and fidelity into public virtues. No doubt, the increasing use of practices of bookkeeping also fostered a public culture of self-regulation and probity. 将诚信和自律作为公共和集体美德,而不是区分朋友和陌生人的私人承诺,是一种文化创新。毫无疑问,个人主义的清教徒伦理对它们有所帮助,在这种伦理中,个人行为成为自我审视的场所,而不是个人关系、纽带和义务的场所。毫无疑问,通过戏剧、民谣和诗歌进行的公开表述促进了这种文化的发展: ^(18){ }^{18} 《威尼斯商人》将承诺、忠诚和荣誉的表现转化为承诺、忠诚和荣誉的现实,可能既是这种文化转变的推动者,也是其信号。该剧将基督教的仁慈、自我牺牲和忠诚美德转化为公共美德。毫无疑问,越来越多地使用簿记的做法也促进了自律和廉洁的公共文化。
It is therefore a matter of little surprise that contemporary Bank of England notes may contain, on the reverse side to the head of the monarch, the head of William Shakespeare; or Isaac Newton, master of the Royal Mint for twenty-six years; or Adam Smith; or Charles Darwin, whose theory of natural selection was heavily influenced by Thomas Malthus and the character of economic life in eighteenth-century and nineteenth-century Britain. Such notes represent a fusion of sovereignty with the economic power of credit. The bearer of such a note may command sovereign power over those who are willing to serve the bearer’s needs. People become willing servants in return for a brief chance to exercise such power. Credit may be the supreme sovereign power, but it can be exercised only insofar as it circulates. Money is the blood of the body politic. 因此,毫不奇怪,当代英格兰银行的纸币在君主头像的反面可能印有威廉-莎士比亚的头像;或艾萨克-牛顿的头像,他曾担任皇家造币厂厂长 26 年;或亚当-斯密的头像;或查尔斯-达尔文的头像,他的自然选择理论深受托马斯-马尔萨斯以及 18 世纪和 19 世纪英国经济生活特征的影响。这种纸币代表了主权与信用经济力量的融合。这种纸币的持有者可以对那些愿意满足持有者需求的人行使主权。人们心甘情愿地成为仆人,以换取行使这种权力的短暂机会。信用可能是最高的主权权力,但它只有在流通的情况下才能行使。货币是政治体的血液。
Nevertheless, there is one respect in which the Glorious Revolution remains incomplete: distributed sovereignty is partial. The fragility of the relations of credit, even when secured by a central bank in a prosperous economy, admits little mercy. Credit is inherently a public, not a private, matter. One person’s default may lead to a collapse of the entire system. With the public interest to be upheld, the sovereign power of mercy is held by no one. The regulators of the economic system have to act as the duke, awarding a pound of flesh to any Shylock who rightfully demands it. Sovereignty is bound in chains. Economics becomes divorced from ethics in the very act of considering the commonwealth. The divorce between politics and theology, typified by Martin Luther’s distinction between the two kingdoms and John Locke’s distinction between the public commonwealth and the private and voluntary worship of God, ^(19){ }^{19} is a necessary effect of the sovereignty of public credit. Ultimately, we all become Shylock, demanding our pound of flesh. 然而,"光荣革命 "在一个方面仍然是不完整的:分配的主权是局部的。在繁荣的经济中,即使有中央银行的担保,信贷关系也是脆弱的,容不得半点仁慈。信用本质上是公共事务,而非私人事务。一个人的违约可能导致整个系统的崩溃。在维护公共利益的前提下,任何人都无法掌握仁慈的主权。经济体系的监管者必须充当公爵,向任何提出正当要求的夏洛克赏赐一磅肉。主权被枷锁束缚。经济学在考虑共同财富的过程中就脱离了伦理学。马丁-路德对两个王国的区分,以及约翰-洛克对公共财富和私人自愿崇拜上帝的区分,都表明了政治与神学之间的分离, ^(19){ }^{19} 这是公共信用主权的必然结果。最终,我们都会成为夏洛克,要求得到我们的一磅肉。
The significance of the Glorious Revolution and its subsequent dispersal of sovereignty via the Bank of England can be grasped only when the nature of such sovereignty itself is clarified. Medieval sovereignty emerged not from social contract but from war. War can be considered in physical terms of force and violence; war can also be considered in legal terms as the declaration of a suspension of peace due to the presence of a named and identified enemy. Yet war can also be considered in theological terms: for what cause is it worth pledging one’s own flesh and blood? One fights and dies for “king and country.” This pledge of ultimate commitment to a cause that exceeds life and death in significance may be considered the defining gesture of the religious. ^(20){ }^{20} Here one stands on ground that is beyond the merely moral. In the act of self-sacrifice, one gives more than one receives. All equity, reciprocity, or justice is excluded. We can, in this way, understand sovereignty as an essentially theological concept. Where fundamental political divisions derive from the real possibility of actually killing, ^(21){ }^{21} fundamental theological commitments are expressed in the real possibility of actually dying. 只有弄清了这种主权本身的性质,才能理解光荣革命及其随后通过英格兰银行分散主权的意义。中世纪的主权不是产生于社会契约,而是产生于战争。战争可以从武力和暴力的物理角度来考量;战争也可以从法律角度来考量,即由于出现了指名道姓的敌人而宣布中止和平。然而,战争也可以从神学的角度来考虑:为了什么事业值得献出自己的血肉之躯?一个人为 "国王和国家 "而战,为 "国王和国家 "而死。这种对超越生死的事业做出终极承诺的誓言,可以说是宗教的决定性姿态。 ^(20){ }^{20} 在这里,人们所站的立场超越了单纯的道德范畴。在自我牺牲的行为中,人们付出的比得到的更多。所有的公平、互惠或正义都被排除在外。这样,我们就可以把主权理解为一个本质上的神学概念。基本的政治分歧源于实际杀戮的现实可能性,而 ^(21){ }^{21} 基本的神学承诺则表现为实际死亡的现实可能性。
The sovereign, of course, is charged with executing law and justice. Con- 当然,君主的职责是执行法律和正义。Con-
flict may be mediated by moderation and measurement, in the exercise of justice, to establish the possibility of cooperation. The sovereign’s word is law not merely because it is enforced by the threat of violence, ^(22){ }^{22} or because the sovereign may risk his life in the prosecution of war for the sake of the people, but because the soldiers and servants of the monarch are willing to risk their lives to preserve and enhance the authority of the monarchy. Such authority consists in the flesh and blood that may be given for it. The energy of the political is a sacred - indeed, sacrificial - energy. 在行使正义的过程中,可以通过节制和衡量来调解冲突,从而建立合作的可能性。君主的话之所以是法律,不仅仅是因为它是通过暴力威胁来执行的, ^(22){ }^{22} 也不仅仅是因为君主可能为了人民而冒着生命危险发动战争,而是因为君主的士兵和仆人愿意冒着生命危险来维护和加强君主的权威。这种权威在于为之付出的血肉之躯。政治的能量是一种神圣的能量,实际上是一种牺牲的能量。
It is therefore important to regard sovereignty as an institutional form that resolves a range of fundamental problems. There is the theological problem: what is worth the pledging of one’s flesh and blood? There is the political problem: how is conflict-the real possibility of violence that is made all the more dangerous by the pledging of flesh and blood-to be mediated to become cooperation? How may potential opponents be incorporated into the same body? There is also an economic problem: how is wealth, the benefits accrued through cooperation achieved through the pledging of flesh and blood, to be distributed? What is worthy of credit and investment, in other words: the pledging of time, attention, and devotion or the pledging of flesh and blood? Here the economic problem fuses with the theological problem. Life may be valued only through a pledge of life; all such pledges are ultimately a pledge to the death. If such questions are not addressed, then the whole of economic and political conflict, whether historical or contemporary, becomes incomprehensible. More fundamental than the division of labor or the conflict of class or ethnic interests is the conflict of religious commitments. Any attempt to comprehend human life in terms drawn purely from within the sphere of life, whether the rational calculus of ends or the raging of the passions, whether production and exchange or the conflict of interests, whether biological conditions or the development of cultures, is doomed to failure. For homo religiosus will sacrifice reason and passion, wealth and politics, nature and culture for the sake of what stands in place of the divine. 因此,重要的是将主权视为一种解决一系列根本问题的制度形式。神学问题是:什么值得以血肉之躯作为抵押?还有政治问题:冲突--因血肉相连而变得更加危险的暴力的真实可能性--如何通过调解而变成合作?如何将潜在的对手纳入同一机构?还有一个经济问题:如何分配财富--通过血肉相连的承诺而实现的合作所带来的利益?换句话说,什么值得信任和投资:时间、注意力和奉献的承诺,还是血肉之躯的承诺?在这里,经济问题与神学问题融为一体。生命只有通过生命抵押才有价值;所有这些抵押最终都是对死亡的抵押。如果这些问题得不到解决,那么整个经济和政治冲突,无论是历史上的还是当代的,都会变得难以理解。比劳动分工、阶级或种族利益冲突更根本的是宗教承诺的冲突。无论是目的的理性计算还是激情的汹涌澎湃,无论是生产和交换还是利益冲突,无论是生物条件还是文化发展,任何纯粹从生活领域出发来理解人类生活的尝试都注定要失败。因为 "宗教的同类"(homo religiosus)会为了取代神性的东西而牺牲理性与激情、财富与政治、自然与文化。
The question then emerges of what happens to sovereignty and political theology when it is dispersed and democratized. ^(23){ }^{23} The original subscribers to the Bank of England in 1694 were willing to risk a portion of their substance or wealth for the sake of a secure income. Since the investment was managed by the Bank, there was little real sacrifice of life and time. King 于是就出现了这样一个问题:当主权和政治神学被分散和民主化时,它会发生什么变化? ^(23){ }^{23} 1694年,英格兰银行的最初认购者为了获得稳定的收入,甘愿拿自己的一部分财产或财富冒险。由于投资是由银行管理的,因此几乎不需要真正牺牲生命和时间。国王
William III had to stake the credibility of the monarchy on its ability to claim and collect taxes. This, again, is hardly a matter of hazarding his flesh and blood. By contrast, it was the citizens who gave a portion of their working lives, their income, and their pleasures in the form of taxes. While the payment of taxes may not always be a matter of life and death, comparable to the commitment of military service, it remains a matter of flesh and blood insofar as the fruits of inheritance, trade, or labor are devoted to paying taxes. 威廉三世不得不将君主制的信誉寄托在其索要和征收税款的能力上。同样,这也不是一个危害他的血肉之躯的问题。与此相反,是公民们以纳税的形式奉献了他们工作生活、收入和享乐的一部分。虽然缴纳税款并不总是生死攸关的问题,与服兵役的承诺不相上下,但只要将继承、贸易或劳动的成果用于缴纳税款,就仍然是血肉相连的问题。
The situation is little changed when we consider money created as debt. According to Georg Friedrich Knapp’s state theory of the origins of money, the value of money is assured by the decree that money is acceptable for the payment of taxes. ^(24){ }^{24} In a similar way, the value of credit money is assured by the fact that it is acceptable for the payment of interest and the repayment of debt. The Bank of England succeeded in forming a hybrid of two separate means of payment: the coin of the realm, acceptable as payment for taxes and in use as a unit of account for the measure of prices, and the bill of exchange, acceptable for the payment of merchants’ debts and so an instrument of credit. ^(25){ }^{25} The coin of the realm, like the bill of exchange, was merely a token of value, whether that value was reserved in the metallic content of the coin, the vault of a bank, or the promise of some future undertaking. Of course, the assets of a central bank have to be secured by a rate of interest, by the security of borrowers from the bank, and by its reserves. ^(26){ }^{26} Yet beneath such contractual claims to property, the value of the reserves is ultimately guaranteed by the sacrificial pledge by the state of the lives of its citizens. The value of the Bank of England note, guaranteed by future taxation, consisted in its power as a promise. On the one hand, its value was bought by the sacrifices of taxpayers. On the other hand, its value was bought by all those who borrowed from the Bank for their merchant ventures. The same duality is to be observed in Antonio’s bond: on the one hand, the pound of his flesh; on the other hand, the security of his seafaring ventures, in which the flesh and blood of his sailors was staked against the risk of possible shipwreck. When one comes to consider who ultimately staked their flesh and blood to ensure the profitability of the ventures undertaken by the eighteenth-century English merchants who profited most from the new credit economy, one quickly comes to sailors, Irish navvies, and African slaves. 当我们把货币视为债务时,情况就没有什么变化了。根据格奥尔格-弗里德里希-克纳普(Georg Friedrich Knapp)关于货币起源的国家理论,货币的价值是由货币可用于纳税的法令所保证的。 ^(24){ }^{24} 同样,信用货币的价值也因其可用于支付利息和偿还债务而得到保证。英格兰银行成功地形成了两种不同支付手段的混合体:一是王国硬币,可用于支付税款,并被用作衡量价格的记账单位;二是汇票,可用于支付商人的债务,因此是一种信用工具。 ^(25){ }^{25} 王国的钱币和汇票一样,只是一种价值象征,无论这种价值是保留在钱币的金属成分中,还是保留在银行的金库中,抑或是保留在对未来承诺的承诺中。当然,中央银行的资产必须以利率、银行借款人的担保以及银行准备金作为抵押。 ^(26){ }^{26} 然而,在这些对财产的契约性要求之下,储备金的价值最终是由国家以其公民的生命作为牺牲品来保证的。英格兰银行的票据由未来的税收提供担保,其价值在于它作为一种承诺的力量。一方面,它的价值是由纳税人的牺牲换来的。另一方面,它的价值也被所有向银行借款以从事商业活动的人所购买。在安东尼奥的债券中也可以看到同样的双重性:一方面是他的肉体;另一方面是他的航海事业的保障,他的水手们的血肉之躯被押在其中,以抵御可能发生的海难风险。 十八世纪的英国商人从新的信贷经济中获利最多,当他们考虑最终是谁用血肉之躯来确保企业的盈利时,人们很快就会想到水手、爱尔兰水手和非洲奴隶。
The credit economy is a network of contracted servitude. It may not always be the case that flesh and blood is sacrificed for sovereign, for nation, or for religion, although such sacrifices show few signs of abating. The contemporary call may be to sacrifice one’s life for freedom, democracy, civilization, and development. Such values are often treated uncritically because they are regarded with a religious awe. While taxation remains a major dynamic force in the contemporary economy, contributing to profit in order to pay debts is accelerating in magnitude. Contracted servitude is the condition of all borrowers, whether householders, corporations, governments, or highly leveraged speculators. Whenever one spends money, one spends a portion of the substance, wealth, and life of those who have undertaken loans. Yet the value of money is also backed by profitability, including the drudge of labor in sweatshops and factories, the exclusion from the formal economy of those who are not employed profitably, the consumption of natural resources, and the erosion of ecosystems and societies. The value of money is still paid for in flesh and blood. 信用经济是一个契约奴役网络。为主权、国家或宗教牺牲血肉之躯的情况可能并不总是存在,尽管这种牺牲几乎没有减少的迹象。当代的呼声可能是为自由、民主、文明和发展牺牲生命。这些价值观往往被不加批判地对待,因为人们对它们怀有宗教般的敬畏。虽然税收仍是当代经济的主要动力,但为偿还债务而贡献利润的规模正在加速扩大。契约奴役是所有借款人的状况,无论是家庭、公司、政府还是高杠杆投机者。每当人们花钱的时候,就等于花掉了贷款人的一部分物质、财富和生命。然而,货币的价值也是以盈利为支撑的,包括血汗工厂和工厂中的苦力,将那些没有盈利的人排除在正规经济之外,消耗自然资源,以及对生态系统和社会的侵蚀。金钱的价值仍然是以血肉为代价的。
What, then, is flesh and blood sacrificed for in the global economy? It is hardly the case that one willingly gives one’s life so that interest may accrue to the banks. Instead, one gives one’s life to enjoy that sovereign moment of freedom, that moment when circulation stops, when one has money in one’s pocket, one’s bank account, or behind one’s credit card. One gives one’s life to others so that one may, in turn, hold that sacred, sovereign power in one’s hand. It is a power that causes others to provide for one’s needs and desires with goods and services. Money exercises the sovereign power of command. The one who offers money, whether as a consumer or as an employer, exercises sovereignty. Just as people, regardless of political opinions or personal preferences, used to serve the monarch out of religious obligation to the divine right of kings, one serves customers or employers not through any belief in their merits but because of the religious obligation to money. In the final analysis, it is only debt itself that exercises sovereign power. Yet those who undertake debts, who underwrite the value of money in their own flesh and blood, are those who exercise the divine power of credit. 那么,在全球经济中,牺牲血肉是为了什么?这并不是说,人们甘愿献出自己的生命,让银行获得利息。相反,人献出生命是为了享受自由的主权时刻,是为了享受流通停止的时刻,是为了享受口袋、银行账户或信用卡里有钱的时刻。一个人将自己的生命交给他人,是为了反过来将这种神圣的、至高无上的权力握在自己手中。这种权力使他人用商品和服务满足自己的需求和愿望。金钱行使着命令的主权。提供金钱的人,无论是作为消费者还是作为雇主,都在行使主权。就像人们不论政治观点或个人喜好如何,都会出于对君权神授的宗教义务而为君主服务一样,人们为顾客或雇主服务并不是因为相信他们的优点,而是因为对金钱的宗教义务。归根结底,只有债务本身才能行使主权权力。然而,那些承担债务的人,那些以自己的血肉之躯担保货币价值的人,才是行使信贷神权的人。
Democracy, then, remains an illusion. While the sacred authority of money may pass through anyone’s hands, its presence rarely lasts. It is contract and debt that endure. Time, attention, and devotion are committed to fulfilling contracts, keeping accounts, and maintaining the value of money. 因此,民主仍然是一种幻想。虽然金钱的神圣权威可以在任何人手中流逝,但它的存在却很少持久。契约和债务才是永恒的。时间、注意力和奉献精神都用于履行合同、记账和维护金钱的价值。
The physical expression of worship and devotion has mutated from the offering, through the tithe and the tax, to the interest payment. One offers one’s life and death for the sake of money - whether the chance to one day possess it or to guarantee its continued authority. The modern age is by no means impious. It has a political theology of money. ^(27){ }^{27} 崇拜和奉献的物质表达方式已经从献祭、什一税和捐税变为利息支付。人们为了金钱而献出生命和死亡--无论是为了有朝一日拥有金钱的机会,还是为了保证金钱的持续权威。现代绝不是不虔诚的。它有一套关于金钱的政治神学。 ^(27){ }^{27}
The current global economic system is based on concepts of property, liberty, and money. Economic activity, moral and legal evaluation, and credit and aspiration are founded on these concepts. Such concepts are abstractions, cut off from ecological networks of capital, political forces of obligation, and religious networks of credit. Each functions as a support in the composition of the others. Taken together, they obscure and obstruct the effective distribution of nutrition, attention, and devotion. 当前的全球经济体系以财产、自由和货币概念为基础。经济活动、道德和法律评价以及信用和愿望都建立在这些概念之上。这些概念是抽象的,与资本的生态网络、义务的政治力量和信用的宗教网络割裂开来。每一个概念都是构成其他概念的支撑。合在一起,它们就会模糊和阻碍营养、注意力和奉献精神的有效分配。
The founding principles of economic life can no longer be considered to be the preservation of property and the enforcement of contract. More significant than these is the underlying principle from which property and contract derive. The founding principle of economic life is the maintenance, accumulation, invention, and construction of capital. Capital is conceived here apart from property, liberty, and money as the means of production that has itself been produced. It includes physical capital, human capital, social capital, and dynamic capital. 经济生活的基本原则不能再被视为维护财产和执行契约。比这更重要的是财产和契约的基本原则。经济生活的基本原则是资本的维护、积累、发明和建设。在这里,资本的概念与财产、自由和货币不同,它是生产出来的生产资料。它包括物质资本、人力资本、社会资本和动态资本。
The founding principle of political life can no longer be considered to be liberty. More significant than this is the underlying principle from which liberty derives. It matters above all else that evaluations are truly valuable and actually effective. Desire is conceived here apart from property, liberty, and money as the expression of an evaluation that must itself be evaluated. 政治生活的基本原则不能再被视为自由。比这更重要的是自由的基本原则。最重要的是,评价要真正有价值并切实有效。在这里,欲望与财产、自由和金钱是分开的,它是一种评价的表现形式,而这种评价本身必须受到评价。
The founding principles of spiritual life can no longer be considered to be the accumulation of profits or the repayment of debts. More significant than these is the underlying principle from which profit and debt arise. The founding principle of spiritual life is the investment of credit in that which deserves credit. Credit is conceived here apart from property, liberty, and money as the investment of nutrition, attention, and devotion that itself demands nutrition, attention, and devotion. 精神生活的基本原则不能再被视为利润的积累或债务的偿还。比这更重要的是利润和债务产生的根本原则。精神生活的基本原则是将信用投资于值得信用的事物。在这里,信用的概念与财产、自由和金钱无关,它是对营养、注意力和奉献的投资,而营养、注意力和奉献本身也需要营养、注意力和奉献。
It is such investment that has not been effectively accounted in moder- 正是这种投资没有得到有效的核算。
nity. It is such investment that is an object of theology. At the end of modernity one confronts a peculiar paradox, for the dream of a secular order based on property, liberty, and money is merely an abstraction. In abstract representation, one accounts all as wholly positive because one counts only the money or ideas that may be substituted for produced realities. One does not count the conditions of production. One does not count the investment of nutrition, attention, and devotion. One does not count the flesh and blood that is given to make credit, cooperation, and production possible. Thus, the cost of such a bloodless ideal is paid for immeasurably in uncounted flesh and blood. The dream of liberty ends in tyranny. Furthermore, little is achieved by denouncing the abstractions of the formal economy in the name of values grounded in subsistence, sustainability, and life, because such values remain abstractions that demand the total commitment of flesh and blood. Life itself inescapably involves sacrifice, cruelty, exploitation, incorporation, and consumption. It is not necessary to agree with Nietzsche that all life is will to power. “Power” is always a relative and composite notion, a product, and a later quantification. It is never a primitive or essential concept. ^(28){ }^{28} It is, however, possible to agree with the Buddha that all life is suffering while making the opposite, Nietzschean judgment: 性。这种投资正是神学的研究对象。在现代性的末期,人们面临着一个奇特的悖论,因为以财产、自由和金钱为基础的世俗秩序的梦想只是一种抽象的表象。在抽象的表象中,人们把一切都看成是完全积极的,因为人们只计算可以替代生产现实的金钱或观念。人们不计算生产条件。人们不计算营养、注意力和奉献精神的投入。人们没有计算为使信贷、合作和生产成为可能而付出的血肉。因此,这种不流血的理想所付出的代价是无法估量的,是无法计算的血肉之躯。自由之梦终结于暴政。此外,以生存、可持续发展和生命为基础的价值观的名义来谴责形式经济的抽象概念,并不能取得什么效果,因为这些价值观仍然是抽象概念,需要以血肉为代价。生命本身不可避免地包含牺牲、残酷、剥削、融入和消费。我们没有必要同意尼采关于所有生命都是权力意志的观点。"权力 "永远是一个相对的、综合的概念,是一种产物,是后来的量化。它从来不是一个原始或本质的概念。 ^(28){ }^{28} 然而,我们有可能同意佛陀关于众生皆苦的说法,同时做出与之相反的、尼采式的判断:
You want if possible - and there is no madder “if possible” - to abolish suffering; and we? - it really does seem that we would rather increase it and make it worse than it has ever been! Wellbeing as you understand it - that is no goal, that seems to us an end!.. The discipline of suffering, of great suffering - do you not know that it is this discipline alone which has created every elevation of mankind hitherto? That tension of the soul in misfortune which cultivates its strength, its terror at the sight of great destruction, its inventiveness and bravery in undergoing, enduring, interpreting, exploiting misfortune, and whatever of depth, mystery, mask, spirit, cunning and greatness has been bestowed upon it - has it not been bestowed upon it through suffering, through the discipline of great suffering? ^(29){ }^{29} 如果可能的话,你们希望--没有比这更疯狂的 "如果可能的话 "了--消除痛苦;而我们呢?- 我们似乎真的宁愿增加痛苦,让它变得比以往更糟糕!你所理解的幸福--那不是目标,对我们来说,那似乎是目的!......苦难的纪律,巨大苦难的纪律--难道你们不知道,正是这种纪律造就了人类迄今为止的每一次提升吗?不幸中的灵魂的张力培养了它的力量,培养了它在看到巨大毁灭时的恐惧,培养了它在经历、忍受、解释、利用不幸时的创造力和勇敢,以及赋予它的深度、神秘、面具、精神、狡猾和伟大,难道不是通过苦难、通过伟大苦难的纪律赋予它的吗? ^(29){ }^{29}
The fundamental theological problem we face at the end of modernity is neither that of abolishing suffering nor that of increasing and profiting from it. To ask who will suffer for us so that we do not have to is the implicit theology of the pursuit of money. It is to seek to end the meaning of life, whether for those who suffer or for those who profit, for life itself is suffering, the distribution of nutrition, attention, and devotion. To refuse the 我们在现代性终结时面临的根本神学问题既不是消除痛苦,也不是增加痛苦并从中获利。问谁会为我们受苦,让我们不必受苦,这就是追求金钱的隐含神学。这是在寻求终结生命的意义,无论是对受苦的人还是对获利的人,因为生命本身就是苦难,是营养、关注和奉献的分配。拒绝
responsibility of committing flesh and blood is to refuse the responsibility of living. The aim is not to make a judgment for or against life, for or against suffering, but to respond to it in such a way as to create true health and wealth. Such creation only occurs when life itself is committed. The fundamental theological problem is that of how one distributes time, attention, and devotion. To disavow devotion is to demand devotion from others in the form of the sacrifice of flesh and blood. To refuse theology is to practice a cruel and unreflective theology. The fundamental problem is this: what is worth the sacrifice of flesh and blood, of time, attention, and devotion? 承担血肉之躯的责任就是拒绝承担生活的责任。我们的目的不是对生命作出赞成或反对、支持或反对痛苦的判断,而是以创造真正的健康和财富的方式对生命作出反应。只有当生命本身得到承诺时,这种创造才会发生。神学的根本问题在于如何分配时间、注意力和奉献精神。放弃奉献就是以牺牲血肉之躯的形式要求他人奉献。拒绝神学就是实践一种残酷而不加反思的神学。根本的问题在于:什么值得牺牲血肉、时间、注意力和奉献?
All solutions to such a problem, whether nominally religious or political, become institutions for the facilitation of credit so that effective cooperation can be achieved. We have to ask: is money worth the sacrifice of flesh and blood? Are there better institutions for facilitating credit and cooperation that more effectively distribute health and wealth? True revolution occurs through institutional innovation. It is not a question of seizing existing powers, whether those of the state, of corporations, of banks, or of financial speculators. It is a matter of inventing a new kind of power embodied in a new institution that will interact with old institutions to endow them with a new form, function, and purpose. There is nothing necessary about the existing institution of capitalist credit money. There is nothing to prevent the invention of new forms of credit, contract, and exchange, for the current system, institutionalized effectively in the Bank of England and copied around the world, was constructed to resolve a set of theological, political, and economic problems. At the end of modernity, our problems have changed. 解决这一问题的所有办法,无论是名义上的宗教办法还是政治办法,都会成为促进信用的机构,从而实现有效的合作。我们不禁要问:牺牲血肉之躯换来的金钱值得吗?是否有更好的促进信贷与合作的机构,能够更有效地分配健康和财富?真正的革命是通过制度创新实现的。这不是一个攫取现有权力的问题,无论是国家、公司、银行还是金融投机者的权力。而是要发明一种新的权力,这种权力体现在新的制度中,与旧的制度相互作用,赋予它们新的形式、功能和目的。现有的资本主义信用货币制度没有任何必要。没有什么可以阻止新的信用、契约和交换形式的发明,因为现行制度在英格兰银行有效地制度化,并在世界各地复制,它的建立是为了解决一系列神学、政治和经济问题。在现代性的末期,我们的问题已经发生了变化。
Any effective innovation must successfully resolve these fundamental problems: 任何有效的创新都必须成功解决这些根本问题:
1 Credit must be given to that which is worthy of credit. The divorce between evaluation and currency, between ethics and economics, must be overcome. The flow of money must be directed by effective evaluations; effective evaluations must not be directed by the flow of money. 1 必须给予值得信任的人信任。必须克服评价与货币、道德与经济之间的脱节。资金的流向必须由有效的评价来引导;有效的评价绝不能由资金的流向来引导。
2 The conflicting needs of sustainability and profit must be reconciled. The divorce between capital, understood as the means of production that has itself been produced, and profit, the reflux of credit to its focus of origination, must be overcome. An increase in profit must effectively symbolize an increase in wealth. 2 必须调和可持续发展与利润之间相互冲突的需求。资本被理解为生产出来的生产资料,而利润则是信贷回流的源头,必须克服资本与利润之间的脱节。利润的增长必须有效地象征财富的增长。
3 The divorce between the secular and the religious, between attending to treasure on Earth and attending to treasure in heaven, must be overcome, for the commonwealth will always be founded on the commitment of flesh and blood. The problem of that for which one will give one’s life as time, attention, and devotion is one that faces us all, believer and non-believer alike. It is a matter of developing a system of accounting and recording that directs attention to that which matters. Both material conditions of production and spiritual conditions of credit must replace the sovereignty of the self-reflective subject as the focus for reflection. 3 必须克服世俗与宗教之间、关注地上财富与关注天上财富之间的分裂,因为大同世界将永远建立在血与肉的承诺之上。我们所有人,无论是信徒还是非信徒,都面临着一个问题,那就是一个人将为之付出生命的时间、注意力和奉献精神的问题。这是一个需要建立一套核算和记录系统的问题,以引导人们关注那些重要的事情。生产的物质条件和信用的精神条件都必须取代自我反思主体的主权,成为反思的焦点。
The new millennium requires the invention of a hundred schemes of institutional innovation that resolve the competing forces of these fundamental problems. Such schemes may perhaps best be developed and enacted within indigenous communities, developing nations, international religious organizations, and internationalist movements. Those closer to the apex of power in dominant nations, corporations, financial institutions, and universities may have less interest in finding alternatives to the current system, for the urgency of experimenting with new kinds of credit is felt most keenly by those whose lives are oppressed by debt. 新的千年需要发明一百种体制创新方案,以解决这些根本问题中相互竞争的力量。这些方案也许最好在土著社区、发展中国家、国际宗教组织和国际主义运动中制定和实施。那些更接近权力顶峰的主导国家、企业、金融机构和大学可能对寻找现行制度的替代方案兴趣不大,因为那些生活受到债务压迫的人对尝试新型信贷的紧迫性感受最深。
Evaluative Credit 评价性学分
PROPOSALS FOR ECONOMIC REFORM have to be evaluated against the following criteria: 经济改革提案必须根据以下标准进行评估:
1 Whether they do indeed achieve effective reform that changes the entire nature of the global economic system. 1 它们是否确实实现了有效的改革,改变了全球经济体系的整个性质。
2 Whether they can achieve effective reform without severely disrupting normal economic processes that provide the necessities of life. 2 他们能否在不严重破坏提供生活必需品的正常经济进程的情况下实现有效的改革。
3 Whether they achieve a better outcome in terms of prosperity and health for all. 3 它们是否在繁荣和全民健康方面取得了更好的成果。
4 Whether they are designed in line with the true principles that shape economic life. 4 它们的设计是否符合决定经济生活的真正原则。
While there is much to be learned from existing proposals for radical reform, most seek either to repair the existing system or to transform money into the ideological object described by the classical economists. None is based on the understanding of ecology, politics, and the theology of money explored here. Much further creative work is necessary. 虽然从现有的激进改革建议中可以学到很多东西,但大多数建议要么试图修复现有体系,要么试图将货币转变为古典经济学家所描述的意识形态对象。这些建议都不是基于对生态、政治和货币神学的理解。我们有必要进一步开展创造性的工作。
The invention of new institutions does not come naturally to a philosopher’s mind; a mind that is more familiar with concepts and principles is somewhat stretched when it comes to considering institutions. The following suggestions should be regarded as highly tentative. The primary aim is to illustrate how one may begin to apply the theology of money to the invention of institutions. One cannot be confident that these suggestions 在哲学家的头脑中,发明新的制度并不是一件自然而然的事情;在考虑制度时,一个更熟悉概念和原则的头脑会有些捉襟见肘。以下建议应被视为极具试探性。其主要目的是说明如何开始将货币神学应用于制度的发明。我们不能确信这些建议
will not ultimately turn out badly. Nevertheless, one has to admit that the influence of philosophers over political life has been immense, and even if such influence has often had deeply destructive consequences, it need not prevent us from perpetually striving for improvements. While it is possible to outline the concepts and principles through which new institutions may be invented, such concepts and principles need to be subjected to continual critique. It is therefore to be hoped that imaginative and critical engagement with the problems outlined in this study and with the following sketchy proposal may contribute to the invention of an alternative to the capitalist credit-money system. 尽管如此,我们不得不承认,哲学家对政治生活的影响是巨大的。然而,我们不得不承认,哲学家们对政治生活的影响是巨大的,即使这种影响常常产生极具破坏性的后果,但这并不妨碍我们不断努力加以改进。虽然我们可以勾勒出一些概念和原则,通过这些概念和原则可以发明新的制度,但这些概念和原则需要不断接受批评。因此,我们希望,以富有想象力和批判性的方式处理本研究中概述的问题以及以下简略建议,可能有助于发明资本主义信用货币体系的替代方案。
The fundamental aim is to enable flows of credit and investment to be directed toward that which matters the most. The contemporary world does not lack institutions for making evaluations. The media, think tanks, civil society organizations, charities, religious organizations, pressure groups, political bodies, and universities all play such a role. The problem with such evaluations is not simply lack of consensus. After all, diverse needs could be met by a diversity of evaluations. The problem that hinders the directing of credit by evaluation is the lack of authority or social effectiveness attached to such evaluations. The democratic solution usually involves attempting to ground the authority of evaluations on reason. Yet since the objectivity of objective truth can never be definitively manifested within thought, and the value of values does not meet with universal respect, one has to make do with representation, argument, and persuasion. Social authority is simply grounded in consensus. Yet a consensus can be formed in accordance with a particular perspective more easily than it can be found in the flux of opinion. The process of forming a consensus is disrupted, however, by a range of extraneous forces. In the first place, inquiries find the answers only to the questions they explicitly pose. The formation of problems and inquiries is regulated by culture, tradition, and political interests. Dominant political norms affect the consensus that is produced. In the second place, internal rules of virtue, merit, and prestige emerge within any kind of evaluative inquiry. The goal of gaining respect within the eyes of one’s peers may take over from attributing attention to that which matters. In intellectual life, the aims of innovation, taking up a stance, achieving recognition, or following acceptable fashion take precedence over considering carefully what matters most. In the third place, research tends to follow the flow of 其根本目的是使信贷和投资流向最重要的领域。当今世界并不缺乏进行评估的机构。媒体、智囊团、民间组织、慈善机构、宗教组织、压力团体、政治机构和大学都在发挥这样的作用。这些评估的问题不仅仅是缺乏共识。毕竟,多样化的评估可以满足多样化的需求。阻碍通过评价来引导信用的问题是,这些评价缺乏权威性或社会效益。民主的解决方案通常是试图将评价的权威性建立在理性的基础上。然而,由于客观真理的客观性永远无法在思想中得到明确的体现,而价值观的价值也无法得到普遍的尊重,因此人们只能通过表述、论证和说服来解决问题。社会权威的基础只是共识。然而,根据特定观点形成共识比在纷繁的意见中找到共识更容易。然而,形成共识的过程会受到一系列外来力量的干扰。首先,调查只能为其明确提出的问题找到答案。问题和调查的形成受到文化、传统和政治利益的制约。占主导地位的政治准则会影响共识的形成。其次,在任何一种评价性研究中,都会出现关于美德、功绩和声望的内部规则。赢得同行尊重的目标可能会取代对重要问题的关注。 在知识生活中,创新、表明立场、获得认可或追随流行的目的优先于认真考虑什么是最重要的。第三,研究工作往往会随波逐流。
money; money does not tend to follow the flow of research. Evaluation becomes subordinate to profit rather than investment being subordinate to evaluation. In short, the democratic solution of appeal to a rational consensus has failed and will always do so, to a greater or lesser extent. ^(1){ }^{1} 钱;钱往往不会随研究的流动而流动。评估从属于利润,而不是投资从属于评估。总之,诉诸理性共识的民主解决方案已经失败了,而且或多或少都会失败。 ^(1){ }^{1}
Instead, evaluations should no longer be regarded as universal. Indeed, if evaluations are local, partial, and responsive, then they may address more effectively the most urgent and local needs. Consensus need only be achieved at the most local level. The division of labor must be complemented by the division of evaluation. Just as it is grossly inefficient to have the same worker perform a multitude of tasks requiring differing skills, knowledge, tools, facilities, and conditions, so is it grossly inefficient to expect the democratic subject to hold informed, balanced, and sensitive views on each issue. If such is indeed already much the case, then it is vital to detach social authority that renders evaluations effective from both consensus and debt money. 相反,评估不应再被视为普遍性的。事实上,如果评估是地方性的、局部性的和反应性的,那么它们就可以更有效地满足最迫切的地方需求。只需在最地方一级达成共识即可。分工必须辅之以评估分工。正如让同一个工人从事多种需要不同技能、知识、工具、设施和条件的工作是非常低效的一样,期望民主主体对每个问题都持有知情、平衡和敏感的观点也是非常低效的。如果情况确实如此,那么就必须将使评价有效的社会权威从共识和债务资金中分离出来。
Evaluations, like commodities, are produced. Moreover, the production of evaluations is a delicate activity that requires knowledge, expertise, character, sensitivity, culture, and training. Furthermore, the production of evaluations is just as important in contributing to health and wealth as the production of goods and the provision of services. My proposal is this: there needs to be a secondary tier of the economy concerned solely with the production and distribution of effective evaluations. Demand has to be managed as carefully as production. In principle, such a secondary tier already exists in the institutions of civil society. In practice, such institutions fail to make their evaluations effective insofar as they are constrained by the flow of money. The secondary tier of evaluation therefore requires a new mode of intermediation apart from discourse and apart from money. 评价就像商品一样,是生产出来的。而且,评价的生产是一项微妙的活动,需要知识、专业技能、品格、敏感性、文化和培训。此外,在促进健康和财富方面,评价的生产与商品的生产和服务的提供同样重要。我的建议是:需要有一个专门从事有效评估的生产和分配的二级经济部门。对需求的管理必须像对生产一样谨慎。原则上,这样的二级机构已经存在于民间社会的机构中。在实践中,这些机构由于受到资金流的制约,无法使其评估工作取得成效。因此,二级评估需要一种新的中介模式,既不局限于言论,也不局限于资金。
Institutional innovation is therefore required at a further level: one of evaluative intermediation. By analogy with banks and financial institutions that mediate the flow of money in the production of goods and services, it will be necessary to mediate the flow of credit to evaluative institutions to grant them social effectiveness. Just as commerce and development are difficult with insufficient money or credit in circulation, so too is the effectiveness of evaluations held back if those evaluations lack authority. In short, something like money is required to enable diverse and local evaluations to become effective. The new form of evaluative credit must synthesize 因此,需要在另一个层面上进行体制创新:评估中介。银行和金融机构为商品和服务的生产提供资金流中介服务,与此类似,也有必要为评价机构提供信贷流中介服务,以提高其社会效益。正如流通中的货币或信贷不足会阻碍商业和发展一样,如果评估缺乏权威性,评估的有效性也会受到影响。总之,需要有类似于货币的东西,才能使多样化和地方性的评估变得有效。新形式的评估信用必须综合以下因素
the functions of currency, credit, and evaluation. I therefore propose that evaluative credits should circulate alongside money, goods, and services. 货币、信用和评价的功能。因此,我建议评价性信贷应与货币、商品和服务一起流通。
Just as the Bank of England was able to fuse the functions of currency and credit, doing so in such a way that currency became subordinate to credit, it will be necessary to construct a new fusion of credit and evaluation, doing so in such a way that credit is subordinated to evaluation. The following conditions need to be met: 正如英格兰银行能够融合货币和信贷的功能,使货币从属于信贷一样,有必要对信贷和评估进行新的融合,使信贷从属于评估。需要满足以下条件:
1 Evaluations need to have a causal impact on the flow of money to orient and direct it. Some kind of institutional arrangement is required that directs credit to the objects of evaluation. 1 评估需要对资金流产生因果影响,以引导和指导资金流。需要有某种制度安排来引导信贷流向评估对象。
2 The capacity to make effective evaluations is an intrinsic good that all should desire. This capacity appears to be present already in the form of money. Some kind of demand for evaluative credits is needed that makes their use possible alongside money. 2 进行有效评估的能力是所有人都应该渴望得到的一种内在的好处。这种能力似乎已经以货币的形式存在。需要对评估信用有某种需求,使其与货币一起使用。
3 Evaluative credits need to flow in a way different from that of money. Monetary power is achieved through cycles of investment and reflux of profit, short-circuiting the work of evaluation. The opposite must occur with evaluative credits. Rate of return should be replaced by care in investment as the criterion that determines evaluative power. 3 评估信用需要以不同于货币的方式流动。货币权力是通过投资和利润回流的循环来实现的,从而缩短了评估工作的时间。评估信用则必须与此相反。收益率应被投资的谨慎所取代,成为决定评价能力的标准。
Evaluative credits, unlike money, are not inherently transferable. Each act of social evaluation may be regarded as a contract between four parties: 评价学分与货币不同,本身不可转让。每一次社会评价行为都可以被视为四方之间的契约:
1 the one who makes the evaluation; 1 做出评价的人;
2 the one who receives the evaluation and carries out the investment in a means of production that is deemed to be worthwhile; 2 接受评估并对认为值得的生产资料进行投资的人;
3 the institution that offers expertise in the making of an evaluation, termed an “evaluative institution”; and 3 在评估中提供专门知识的机构,称为 "评估机构";以及
4 the institution that attributes social effectiveness to such evaluations, termed a “bank of evaluative credit.” 4 将社会效益归于此类评价的机构,称为 "评价信用库"。
This is the inherent structure of the distribution of credit. Credit is neither an instantaneous exchange nor a permanent obligation. It is an act of investment that endures over time. The seriousness with which an evaluation is regarded is measured by the amount of time devoted to it. One may therefore propose either that evaluative contracts endure for a 这就是信贷分配的内在结构。信贷既不是即时的交换,也不是永久的义务。它是一种长期的投资行为。评价的严肃性是以投入的时间来衡量的。因此,我们可以认为,评价契约的持续时间可以是
minimum period of time or that such credits carry maximum rates of investment and withdrawal. Alternatively, one could combine both features: the value of evaluative credits may depend on the duration or rate of investment. Such a system would sacrifice efficiency in terms of time in order to gain a greater degree of gravity. 或者说,这些信用额度具有最高的投资和提款率。或者,也可以把这两个特点结合起来:评价性学分的价值可以取决于投资的期限或比率。这种制度将牺牲时间效率,以获得更大的引力。
The power to make effective evaluations, or to issue evaluative credits, does not reside within all people as a natural or human right. It is, by contrast, a privilege conferred by social authority. It will therefore be necessary to have a bank of evaluative credit that issues the power to make evaluations to all its members. The principles for qualification for membership, comparable to the principles by which one qualifies to vote in a democratic organization, will be subject to a wide range of political, moral, and, indeed, theological differences. What qualifies one to count as an evaluative member? Should all be invited to join? Should all members have an equal power of evaluation? Should it be possible to buy the power to make evaluations by investing money in the evaluative bank that regulates credits? Should evaluative power be measured in terms of the proportion of an individual’s wealth that is to be invested in the bank? 进行有效评价或颁发评价学分的权力并不是所有人的自然权利或人权。相反,它是社会权威赋予的一种特权。因此,有必要建立一个评价信用银行,向其所有成员发放评价权。成员资格的确定原则,与民主组织中投票资格的确定原则类似,在政治、道德乃至神学方面都会存在广泛的分歧。什么人有资格成为评价成员?是否应该邀请所有人加入?是否所有成员都应享有平等的评价权?是否可以通过向管理学分的评价银行投资来购买评价权?评价权是否应该用投资于银行的个人财富比例来衡量?
It is unlikely that such differences can be easily resolved. One may therefore envisage a range of evaluative banks, each expressing its own political, moral, and theological perspective on inclusion, exclusion, and the distribution of evaluative power. Individuals would subscribe to the bank that best expressed their beliefs and preferences. While such banks could be international in scope, related to each other through clearing transactions, enabling the transmission of the effectiveness of evaluation across large distances, the institutions that produce evaluations would have a more localized perspective, drawing on an international fund of knowledge, technique, and experience to apply toward meeting urgent local needs. 这种分歧不可能轻易解决。因此,我们可以设想一系列的评价库,每个评价库都表达了自己对包容、排斥和评价权力分配的政治、道德和神学观点。个人可以加入最能表达其信仰和偏好的评价库。虽然这些银行可以是国际性的,通过清算交易相互联系,使评估的有效性能够跨越遥远的距离,但进行评估的机构将有一个更加本地化的视角,利用国际性的知识、技术和经验基金来满足当地的迫切需求。
The secondary tier of the evaluative economy would therefore require that these two new kinds of institutions correspond to the roles played by existing businesses and banks in the conventional economy. To prevent short circuits in the flows of credit, it will be essential for the division between the two to be carefully regulated. Instead of differentiating between the political and the religious, between state and church, between the power of force and the power of faith, it will be vital to differentiate between the 因此,评价型经济的二级机构要求这两类新机构与现有企业和银行在传统经济中扮演的角色相对应。为了防止信贷流动出现短路,必须对两者之间的划分进行仔细规范。与其区分政治与宗教、国家与教会、武力与信仰的力量,还不如区分以下两种力量,这一点至关重要
power of evaluation and the power to make evaluations effective, for any short-circuiting of these two would lead straight back into the situation in which an evaluative authority gives authority to its own evaluations. This is precisely the problem with money, for just as the nature of time is that it should be spent or given, the nature of evaluation is that credit should be invested. Only heterogeneity opens scope for adaptation, flexibility, and critique. The narcissistic circle of self-affirmation always becomes blind and cancerous. 评价的权力和使评价有效的权力,因为这两者之间的任何短路都会直接导致回到评价机 构赋予自己的评价权力的局面。这正是金钱的问题所在,因为正如时间的本质是用来花费或给予的一样,评价的本质也是用来投资的。只有异质性才为适应性、灵活性和批判性开辟了空间。自我肯定的自恋圈子总是变得盲目和充满毒瘤。
The process should work as shown in Figure 1. At the local level, the system works through evaluators and enterprises for investment. Investment is always dual. On the one hand, an evaluation is made that an enterprise is worth investment; on the other hand, credit or effective demand is granted to the object of investment. There is no reflux from enterprises to investors to prevent short circuits. The duality of credit and evaluation is expressed in the single act of a credit contract. Its evaluative dimension, however, is supported by evaluative institutions, while the effectiveness of credit is supported by the bank of evaluative credit. 整个过程如图 1 所示。在地方一级,该系统通过评估员和企业进行投资。投资总是双重的。一方面,评价企业是否值得投资;另一方面,向投资对象提供信贷或有效需求。从企业到投资者之间没有回流,以防止短路。信贷和评估的双重性体现在信贷合同这一单一行为中。不过,其评价层面是由评价机构支持的,而信贷的有效性则是由评价信贷银行支持的。
Since this is a secondary tier within the existing economy, banks of evaluative credit will have to guarantee the effectiveness of invested credits by means drawn from the money economy. It will be necessary to issue loans, which may return to the banks in the form of interest. Now, while some worthwhile enterprises may be profitable in monetary terms, others will not be directly profitable, only leading to the profitability of others. Yet if enterprises remain worthwhile, they may continue to attract credit and so may continue to be funded by ever-increasing permanent “loans.” The ability to command a permanent loan should not be restricted to states and large corporations; it should be possible for any enterprise that is genuinely worthwhile. As the loans increase in size, such enterprises may feel the weight of the responsibility to fulfill their obligations. Yet the worst effects of debt are avoided, since such loans need never to be repaid. Even a loss of credit and a default on the loan leading to the end of the enterprise need not be catastrophic, since it should occur only when the service is no longer deemed worthwhile. Of course, money spent by such worthwhile enterprises does not immediately flow back to the bank. It may circulate throughout the global economy. It may not be necessary for a bank to recover its “bad” loans directly if they contribute to economic growth else- 由于这是现有经济中的一个二级层次,评估信贷银行必须通过从货币经济中提取的手段来保证投资信贷的有效性。这就需要发放贷款,而贷款可能会以利息的形式返还给银行。现在,虽然一些有价值的企业可能在货币方面有利可图,但其他企业不会直接有利可图,而只会导致其他企业有利可图。然而,如果企业仍然有价值,它们就会继续吸引信贷,从而继续获得不断增加的永久性 "贷款"。获得永久性贷款的能力不应仅限于国家和大公司;任何真正有价值的企业都应该有这种能力。随着贷款规模的扩大,这些企业可能会感受到履行义务的责任之重。然而,债务的最坏影响是可以避免的,因为这类贷款永远不需要偿还。即使丧失信用和拖欠贷款导致企业倒闭,也不一定是灾难性的,因为只有当服务不再被认为有价值时才会发生。当然,这些有价值的企业所花费的资金不会立即流回银行。它可能会在全球经济中流通。如果 "不良 "贷款促进了其他方面的经济增长,银行可能就没有必要直接收回这些贷款。
1 A system of evaluative credit. 1 评价学分制。
where and if the bank has the capacity to profit or draw money back in from economic growth. 银行是否有能力从经济增长中获利或回笼资金。
Several outstanding problems remain to be addressed in such a system. How are evaluative institutions themselves to be funded? They may also be treated as nonprofitable enterprises for investment. It should be ensured that evaluative institutions can recommend investment in each other but cannot recommend investment in themselves. The credit granted to evaluative institutions must always come from another. Moreover, any completion of a circuit of evaluation of the form A rarr B rarr C rarr D rarr AA \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow D \rightarrow A should be sufficient to negate the credit of the whole chain. 在这样一个系统中,仍有几个悬而未决的问题有待解决。如何为评估机构本身提供资金?它们也可能被视为无利可图的投资企业。应确保评估机构可以建议对方投资,但不能建议自己投资。给予评估机构的信贷必须始终来自其他机构。此外, A rarr B rarr C rarr D rarr AA \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow D \rightarrow A 形式的评价回路的任何完成都应足以否定整个链条的信用。
Here we come to a further consideration: each evaluator may have a determinate number of credits to invest. Yet such credits, once invested, may vary in terms of social effectiveness or monetary value. The possibility of negating credits leads to a variation in their value, giving, in the first instance, the possibility of full value or zero. Yet the gravity of monetary value may also vary further, according to principles laid down by the bank 在此,我们需要进一步考虑的是:每个评估者可能都有确定数量的学分可以投入。然而,这些学分一旦投入,其社会效益或货币价值可能会有所不同。否定信用额度的可能性会导致信用额度价值的变化,首先可能是全额,也可能是零。然而,根据银行制定的原则,货币价值的严重程度也可能进一步变化
of evaluative credit, to foster a healthy environment for investment. Such principles may include the following: 评估信用的原则,以促进健康的投资环境。这些原则可包括以下内容:
1 To ensure the viability of the entire process, the value of credits may vary uniformly with the monetary reserves of the bank of evaluative credit, just as currencies float in value in relation to each other. 1 为了确保整个过程的可行性,信贷的价值可以随着评估信贷银行的货币储备而统一变化,就像货币之间的价值浮动一样。
2 To ensure the localization and diversification of credit, credits should increase in relative value in inverse proportion to the number of investors. In other words, individual evaluations are more effective than large, collective evaluations. 2 为确保信贷的本地化和多样化,信贷的相对价值增长应与投资者人数成反比。换句话说,个人评估比大型集体评估更有效。
3 To ensure that credits are invested in enterprises that are genuinely valuable, the number of credits permitted to an investor (or the value of subsequent credits) should rise in proportion to the number of subsequent investors in an enterprise. This may appear to contradict the preceding principle, but it differs in respect to time. It enables greater power to be given to investors who are capable of finding economic and evaluative opportunities. Of course, it is not ideal in that it still appeals to some degree of consensus, albeit a somewhat delayed one. 3 为确保信贷投资于真正有价值的企业,允许投资者获得的信贷数量(或后续信贷的价值)应与企业后续投资者的数量成比例增长。这似乎与前面的原则相矛盾,但在时间上有所不同。它使有能力寻找经济和评估机会的投资者获得更大的权力。当然,这并不理想,因为它仍然需要某种程度的共识,尽管这种共识有些滞后。
4 To ensure the diversification of credit, credits should increase in relative value the more widely they are dispersed by any single evaluator. 4 为确保信贷的多样化,信贷的相对价值应随着信贷被任何一个评估者分散的范围越广而增 加。
5 To ensure effective cross-fertilization, credits should increase in relative value in proportion to the number of different evaluative institutions that recommend the same investment. 5 为确保有效的相互促进,信贷的相对价值应根据推荐相同投资的不同评估机构的数量按比例增加。
6 To ensure that the power to make evaluations is itself valued, the power to issue evaluative credits may be borrowed. Repayment of evaluative credits issued in such a way can be achieved only through reneging on the use of credits of a determinate value at a particular time in the future. 6 为了确保评价权本身的价值,可以借用发放评价积分的权力。要偿还以这种方式发放的评估信用额度,只能通过在未来某个特定时间放弃使用具有确定价值的信用额度来实现。
It is likely that such principles will lead to further problems, including ways to work the system to one’s own advantage. These would have to be regulated by technical means. It is also likely that such principles will be subject to a high degree of technical development. At this stage, they are merely suggestions or illustrations to provoke further consideration. It is important, when designing an evaluative economy, to note the contrast between the emergence of complexity, diversity, negentropy, and ecological balance in natural systems and the monocultures, entropy, and imbalance of existing economic systems. Principles for constructing a renewed, 这些原则很可能会导致更多的问题,包括如何利用系统为自己谋利。这些都必须通过技术手段加以规范。此外,这些原则还可能在技术上有很大的发展。在现阶段,它们只是一些建议或说明,以引发进一步的思考。重要的是,在设计评价性经济时,要注意到自然系统中出现的复杂性、多样性、负熵和生态平衡与现有经济系统的单一性、熵和不平衡之间的对比。构建新经济的原则
healthy economic order may be created by means of an analogy with successful principles found in ecological and physiological orders. 健康的经济秩序可以通过类比生态和生理秩序中的成功原则来建立。
The devising of alternative credit systems is relatively easy. In principle, given the power of computing and virtual modeling, any kind of economic force can be engineered. ^(2){ }^{2} The entire system surrounding a bank of evaluative credit should be designed to act as a filter that removes the harmful social forces of the monetary economy to foster healthy social forces of care and provision. While relations between enterprises will remain monetary and economic, flows of money should become primarily driven by flows of credit and evaluation. Moreover, such a system should be intrinsically attractive. On the one hand, the power to issue evaluative credits is more significant than the power to vote. The system of evaluative credit may therefore be regarded as a further stage in the evolution of economic democracy. Once the principal exercise of power within sovereign states consists not simply of the exercise of force or the enactment of regulation, but of acts of executive decision empowered by selective funding, then true participation in sovereign power goes beyond the right to vote and extends into the capacity to issue effective evaluations. On the other hand, if credit is invested in enterprises that are genuinely worthwhile, then it should lead to an increase in environmental, human, and social capital, so improving the wealth of nations. 设计替代信贷系统相对容易。原则上,只要有强大的计算能力和虚拟模型,任何一种经济力量都可以被设计出来。 ^(2){ }^{2} 围绕评价性信贷银行的整个系统应该设计成一个过滤器,去除货币经济中有害的社会力量,以促进健康的社会关怀和供应力量。虽然企业之间的关系仍将是货币和经济关系,但资金的流动应主要由信用和评价的流动所驱动。此外,这种制度应该具有内在的吸引力。一方面,发放评价性信贷的权力比投票权更重要。因此,评价性信贷制度可被视为经济民主演变的又一阶段。一旦主权国家行使权力的主要方式不再是简单地使用武力或颁布法规,而是通过有选择地提供资金来授权行政决策行为,那么真正参与主权权力的方式就超越了投票权,而扩展为发布有效评价的能力。另一方面,如果信贷被投入到真正有价值的企业中,那么就会导致环境、人力和社会资本的增加,从而改善国家的财富。
The principal problem for such a system, however, is that it needs to be viable and to grow within the existing economic and political climate. In practice, there has to be a reflux of money to the banks of evaluative credit. In some ways, such a bank takes on some of the functions of the existing nation-state in terms of enabling the funding of public services and care for the common good. Unlike the state, however, it separates out the functions of making evaluations and giving effectiveness to those evaluations. Rather like the contemporary central bank that is concerned with the provision of monetary stability independent of political concerns, the bank of evaluative credit is concerned solely with the provision of an effective climate for evaluation while the task of making evaluations is devolved to institutions and individuals. 然而,这种制度的主要问题是,它需要在现有的经济和政治环境中具有生存能力和发展能力。在实践中,必须有资金流向评估信贷银行。在某种程度上,这种银行承担了现有民族国家的某些职能,为公共服务提供资金,并关心公共利益。然而,与国家不同的是,它分离出了进行评估和赋予评估效力的职能。就像当代的中央银行只关心提供货币稳定而不关心政治问题一样,评价性信贷银行只关心提供有效的评价环境,而将进行评价的任务下放给机构和个人。
There are two approaches to ensuring a reflux of money to banks of evaluative credit. A bank of evaluative credit could, in principle, become a matter of national policy, funded by the state via taxation. Indeed, if the 有两种方法可以确保资金流向评估信贷银行。评价性信贷银行原则上可以成为一项国家政策,由国家通过税收提供资金。事实上,如果
system were to work effectively, it would foster economic development and enhance the proceeds from taxation in a virtuous circle. Difficulties in implementing such a policy may arise, however, from constraints imposed by international economic orthodoxy and finance capital on autonomy in national policy. 如果这一制度能够有效运作,它将促进经济发展,并在良性循环中增加税收收入。然而,由于国际经济正统观念和金融资本对国家政策自主权的限制,这种政策的实施可能会遇到困难。
There is, however, a second source of funding. A bank of evaluative credit must participate in both the conventional economy and the evaluative economy at once. Like any normal bank, it should be able to receive deposits, make loans, and disperse profits in conventional money. It is vital that such a bank is either privately owned or owned by the state so that it is not subject to hostile takeovers or market forces. Profits, instead of being dispersed to shareholders, would be used to fund evaluative credits. Such a bank would have to be highly profitable in the conventional economy and would have to earn most of its profits in the same way as other banks: by speculation on financial markets and currency transactions. Instead of feeding parasitically on the conventional economy by means of taxation, it would feed on it parasitically by means of speculation. Indeed, the most secure and profitable assets for speculation are precisely those that express the centralization of vast flows of wealth in the global economy. To speculate on the strongest currencies is to extract once more a portion of the credit that is extracted from the global economy as a whole. This may seem to compromise the ethics of the entire system; nevertheless, credit can be issued only on a guarantee written in flesh and blood. While the growth of an alternative economic system should be grounded in increased productivity and the power to make effective evaluations, wealth and attractiveness are insufficient by themselves to guarantee success. Monetary income has to be assured either by taxation or by speculation. The issue is not whether sacrifices can be avoided in the utopian ideal of a bloodless society, but for what it is worth making sacrifices. If the power to make effective evaluations is endowed once more on those whose sacrifices underpin the global economy, only then does the circuit of evaluation come full circle. Justice occurs only when sacrifices of time, attention, and devotion are effectively counted. Whether the evaluative economy is funded by taxation or by speculation, it is vital to ensure that the intrinsic violence that makes the entire system possible does not compromise internal relations of evaluation. Moreover, just as contemporary currencies float freely with- 不过,还有第二个资金来源。评价性信贷银行必须同时参与传统经济和评价性经济。与其他普通银行一样,它应该能够接受存款、发放贷款,并以传统货币分配利润。至关重要的是,这样的银行要么是私人所有,要么是国家所有,这样它就不会受到恶意收购或市场力量的影响。利润将用于资助评估信贷,而不是分配给股东。这样一家银行必须在传统经济中获得高额利润,并且必须以与其他银行相同的方式赚取大部分利润:通过金融市场和货币交易投机。它不是通过征税寄生于传统经济,而是通过投机寄生于传统经济。事实上,最安全、最有利可图的投机资产正是那些体现全球经济中大量财富流动集中化的资产。对最强势货币进行投机,就是再次从全球经济中攫取部分信贷。这似乎有损于整个体系的道德;然而,只有在有血有肉的担保基础上才能发放信贷。虽然替代性经济体系的发展应以生产力的提高和有效评估的能力为基础,但财富和吸引力本身并不足以保证成功。货币收入必须通过税收或投机来保证。问题不在于在一个不流血社会的乌托邦理想中是否可以避免牺牲,而在于为了什么值得做出牺牲。 如果那些为全球经济做出牺牲的人能够再次获得进行有效评估的权力,那么只有这样,评估的循环才会完全结束。只有当时间、注意力和奉献精神的牺牲得到有效计算时,公正才会出现。无论评价性经济的资金来源是税收还是投机,都必须确保使整个体系成为可能的内在暴力不会损害评价的内部关系。此外,就像当代货币自由浮动一样
out the backing of gold, it is possible to conceive of a time when evaluative credits will bear sufficient credit to count on their own merits, without being backed by a determinate reserve of hard monetary income. 在没有黄金支持的情况下,我们可以设想,到那时,评价性信贷将有足够的信用,可以根据其本身的优点来计算,而不需要确定的硬通货收入储备的支持。
A bank of evaluative credit may take its structural model from the social forces resolved by the Bank of England, as shown in Figure 2. The Bank of England formed a nexus between public and private circulation in which each depended on the success of the other. A finite reserve was used as a basis for circulation through public spending that recirculated through taxation. At the same time, the reserve was used as a basis for private borrowing that recirculated through profits and interest repayments. Increased public spending leads to increased demand, increased production, and increased profit. At the same time, increased investment led to increased economic growth and increased revenue from taxation. Such is the institutional heart of the global economic system. 如图 2 所示,评价性信贷银行的结构模式可以借鉴英格兰银行所解决的社会力量。英格兰银行在公共流通和私人流通之间形成了一个纽带,两者都依赖于对方的成功。有限的储备金被用作通过公共开支进行流通的基础,而公共开支又通过税收进行再循环。同时,储备金也被用作私人借贷的基础,通过利润和利息偿还进行再循环。公共开支的增加导致需求增加、生产增加和利润增加。同时,投资增加导致经济增长和税收增加。这就是全球经济体系的制度核心。
The result is an effective alliance between taxpayers, investors, banks, and state, as depicted in the money cycle in Figure 3. While money flows in one direction, goods and services return in the opposite direction. The quantity and velocity of money in circulation increases in line with economic growth, even if this money is effectively underwritten by an increasing quantity of debt. A bank of evaluative credit has a similar structure. It 其结果是纳税人、投资者、银行和国家之间的有效联盟,如图 3 所示的货币循环。在货币单向流动的同时,商品和服务却反向回流。流通中的货币数量和速度随着经济增长而增加,即使这些货币实际上是由不断增加的债务所支撑的。评价性信贷银行也有类似的结构。它
forms a nexus between the money cycle and the credit cycle. Evaluative credits, although not directly transferable, hold their value from their convertibility on investment. The dual circuit of evaluation can be represented as in Figure 4. The key to the virtuous circle, here, is that evaluative investment should lead to effective capital growth, while effective capital growth should, via either taxation or speculation, lead to a growth in evaluative investment. 在货币循环和信贷循环之间形成了一种联系。评估信贷虽然不能直接转让,但其价值可通过投资转换。评价的双循环可以用图 4 来表示。在这里,良性循环的关键在于评价性投资应导致有效的资本增长,而有效的资本增长应通过税收或投机导致评价性投资的增长。
There is, however, a further virtuous circle to be considered, for credit is a negentropic form of capital. The more credit that is given, the more credit there is in circulation. Rather like the Buddhist notion of merit, a moral quantity acquired through generosity, morality, and meditation that increases when it is transferred to others, so credit increases when credit is given, for credit itself cannot be reduced to its material representation in contracts for evaluative credit. There is a reflux of credit to sources of social authority that effectively issue credit. The more effectively a system for evaluative credit operates, the higher the renown in which it is held. Just as a market is enabled by a dealer, a reserve, and a reputation, so a bank of evaluative credit is a dealer, backed by a reserve, with a reputation. Indeed, it may acquire its reserves by means of its reputation. Just as large worthwhile institutions, whether religious or otherwise, have generally been funded by large endowments, so may banks of evaluative credit, if they appear worthwhile, be initiated and expanded by endowments. Endowments, however, may be less significant than choosing to participate in the evaluative economy, whether as an individual evaluator; as a worker at an evaluative institution; or as an investor who seeks support from the evaluative economy. In short, the more the evaluative economy grows, the higher its reputation and the greater its degree of credit. Then withdrawing from evaluation to provide the conditions that make evaluation once more possible becomes a supremely meritorious act comparable to ascetic acts of renunciation. 然而,还有一个良性循环需要考虑,因为信贷是资本的一种负熵形式。给予的信贷越多,流通中的信贷就越多。就像佛教中的 "功德 "概念一样,"功德 "是一种通过慷慨、道德和冥想获得的道德数量,当它转移给他人时就会增加。信用会回流到有效发放信用的社会权威来源。评价性信用体系运作得越有效,其声誉就越高。正如市场是由交易商、储备金和声誉促成的,评价性信贷银行也是由储备金和声誉支持的交易商。事实上,它可以通过声誉获得储备金。正如有价值的大型机构,无论是宗教机构还是其他机构,一般都是由大笔捐赠基金资助的,评价性信贷银行也是如此,如果它们看起来有价值,也可以由捐赠基金发起和扩大。不过,捐赠的意义可能不如选择参与评价经济,无论是作为个人评价者、评价机构的工作人员,还是作为寻求评价经济支持的投资者。总之,评价经济越发展,其声誉和信用程度就越高。那么,退出评价,为评价提供条件,使评价再次成为可能,就成了一种功德无量的行为,可与苦行僧的放弃行为相媲美。
To issue an evaluative credit is at once to invest in worthwhile production, to express provision and care, and to invoke an authority that gives effective power to evaluations. To be granted the power to issue an evaluative credit is to be faced with the most fundamental of questions: what is true wealth? What is worth spending time on? Where is the effective source of power? Such questions are no longer posed in an abstract, philosophical 发放评价性信贷既是对有价值的生产进行投资,也是对供给和关怀的表达,同时还是对赋予评价以有效权力的权威的援引。获得发放评价性信贷的权力,就意味着要面对最基本的问题:什么是真正的财富?什么值得花费时间?有效的权力来源在哪里?这些问题已经不再是抽象的哲学问题了。
Labor, goods, and services 劳动力、货物和服务
Lending and currency management 借贷和货币管理
3 The money cycle. 3 货币循环。
sense. Responses to such questions need be neither universal nor conceptual. The question is not one of identifying what matters more than anything that can be conceived. It is merely one of identifying what urgently demands time, attention, and devotion. Such evaluations are partial, local, and responsive. Indeed, the system of evaluative credit thrives on diversity, on the division of evaluative labor. There is, of course, no guarantee that urgent demands will be met. But there should, of course, be some means of investing credits in urgent demands as they are identified. Nevertheless, although evaluations may be local and partial, the entire system of evaluative credit evokes a particular subjectivity. It may even evoke particular technologies and a particular theology. 意义。对这类问题的回答既不需要普遍性,也不需要概念性。问题不在于确定什么比任何可以设想的东西都更重要。它只是一个确定什么迫切需要时间、关注和奉献的问题。这种评价是局部的、地方性的和反应性的。事实上,评价信用体系的兴盛依赖于多样性,依赖于评价工作的分工。当然,我们无法保证迫切的需求一定会得到满足。但是,在发现紧急需求时,当然应该有某种方法将学分投入到这些需求中去。尽管如此,尽管评估可能是局部的和片面的,但整个评估学分制度却唤起了一种特殊的主观性。它甚至可能唤起特定的技术和特定的神学。
There are three great errors in evaluation evoked by the money system. First, by means of the meter, the clock, and the account book, the world is reinscribed in terms of money. The money system evokes a perspective that pays no attention to that which matters most. It considers all things insofar as they promise money. The system of evaluative credit, by contrast, turns its attention outside itself, toward that which matters. That which matters is assessed according to what it may become. The value of that which matters consists in what it may promise. The system of evaluative credit evokes a perspective that cares for what is outside itself. 货币体系导致了三大评价错误。首先,通过仪表、时钟和账本,世界被重新刻画为金钱的世界。货币体系唤起了一种不关注最重要事物的视角。它将所有事物都视为金钱的承诺。与此相反,评价性信贷系统将注意力转向自身之外,转向重要的事物。重要的东西是根据它可能成为什么来评估的。重要事物的价值在于它可能承诺的东西。评价性信贷系统唤起了一种关注自身之外事物的视角。
The second great error of the money system is that it evokes a subjectivity that imagines its own sovereign power. The world is examined from the perspective of what can be purchased, what can lead to profitable investments, and what can be an object of charity. Desires, anxieties, and sympathies form the perspective from which the world is seen. Yet in the play of desires, anxieties, and sympathies, urgent demand, careful consideration, and rational distribution may be subverted by internal pressure. The system of evaluative credit, by contrast, takes the burden of evaluation away from the individual and the present moment, for instead of responding immediately to emotional pressures and formulating a decision, decision makers can be educated by evaluative institutions that are based on traditions and disciplines of care in evaluation. The system of evaluative credit evokes a perspective that aims to take due care in the distribution of attention. 货币体系的第二大错误在于,它唤起了一种主观性,这种主观性想象着自己的主权力量。人们从什么可以购买、什么可以投资获利、什么可以成为慈善对象的角度来审视世界。欲望、焦虑和同情构成了观察世界的视角。然而,在欲望、焦虑和同情心的作用下,迫切的需求、慎重的考虑和合理的分配可能会被内在的压力所颠覆。与此相反,评价性信用制度将评价的重担从个人和当下转移到了决策者身上,因为决策者无需立即对情感压力做出反应并做出决定,而是可以通过评价机构接受教育,这些机构建立在谨慎评价的传统和纪律之上。评价信用制度唤起了一种观点,旨在对注意力的分配给予应有的关注。
The third great error of the money system is that it evokes its own political theology of the authority of money. Money becomes the supreme object 货币制度的第三个重大错误是,它唤起了自己的货币权威政治神学。货币成为至高无上的对象
of credit as well as the source of credit. Money promises all things to those who devote themselves to it while delivering only itself. By positing itself as the supreme value, money devalues other values. The system of evaluative credit may also be threatened by such an error. It may seem as though a bank of evaluative credit demands supreme devotion as the source of all credit. It is for this reason that there should always be a plurality of such systems for evaluative credit. Only the ongoing problems of clearing and comparison between such banks maintain the differences that avoid such an error. For in the last analysis, a bank of evaluative credit is merely a constructed institution. Any authority it bears has to be lent to it by those who commit themselves to participating in its system and practices. The credit or authority of an institution is like a ghost in the machine, the spirit that accompanies any determinate organization of time. Such spirits are objective possibilities, genuine potencies enabling cooperation and interaction that otherwise would be impossible. Yet they only come to life when they are invested in an institutional body, a determinate form. The error consists not in invoking a spirit but in the subsequent assumption that the spirit is the only divine form, for in this life, credit, like time, attention, and devotion, has to be distributed. 它既是信用的基础,也是信用的来源。金钱向那些投身于它的人许诺一切,却只兑现自己。货币将自身视为最高价值,从而贬低了其他价值。评价性信用体系也可能受到这种错误的威胁。评价性信贷银行似乎要求将至高无上的奉献精神作为所有信贷的来源。正因为如此,评价性信用体系应该永远是多元的。只有这些银行之间持续存在的清算和比较问题才能保持差异,避免出现这种错误。因为归根结底,评价性信贷银行只是一个建构的机构。它所具有的任何权威都必须由那些承诺参与其体系和实践的人借给它。机构的信用或权威就像机器中的幽灵,是伴随任何确定的时间组织的精神。这种精神是客观存在的可能性,是促成合作与互动的真正力量,否则就不可能实现。然而,只有当它们被赋予一个机构、一种确定的形式时,才会焕发出生命力。错误不在于唤起一种精神,而在于随后假定精神是唯一的神圣形式,因为在今生,功劳,就像时间、注意力和奉献一样,必须加以分配。
Conclusion 结论
MODERN REASON, modern politics, and modern economics have been founded on the ideal of autonomy. The individual was to be released from superstition, from tyranny, and from traditional duties and obligations. If the individual was threatened by external powers, enlightenment and emancipation could be achieved by seizing the same sovereign power that threatened from without and using it to defend the autonomy of the individual. Such an emancipation could only ever be partial and ideal, for if there is to be one who commands, even if that person commands only himself, there is also one who serves, even if that servant is only oneself. Power is a relation, not a possession. Liberty can never belong to the human subject. If the subject exercises power, the physically effective force of that power has to be borrowed from physical means; one has only as much power as that to which one can give organization and orientation. Similarly, if the subject exercises power, the socially effective force of that power has to be borrowed from spiritual means; one only has as much power as the credit invested in one’s person. The exercise of sovereign power in a moment of decision draws on whatever physical force and credit is available. Such decisions are, of course, a necessary part of life. Yet they cannot be taken as an end in themselves, for to do so is to close the questions of how power may be enhanced, how the means of production can be produced, how true wealth can be generated. It is also to close the questions of where credit should be placed and how values should be evaluated. There is, of course, a time when such questions have to be temporarily closed. Yet when a society is founded on the principle of their closure, then sovereign liberty becomes disoriented. 现代理性、现代政治和现代经济学都建立在自治的理想之上。个人要从迷信、暴政、传统责任和义务中解放出来。如果个人受到外来力量的威胁,可以通过夺取外来威胁的主权力量,并用它来捍卫个人的自主权,从而实现启蒙和解放。但这种解放只能是局部的和理想的,因为如果存在一个指挥者,哪怕这个指挥者只是他自己,那么也存在一个服务者,哪怕这个服务者只是他自己。权力是一种关系,而不是一种占有。自由永远不属于人类主体。如果主体行使权力,那么这种权力的实际有效力量就必须从物质手段中借用;一个人所拥有的权力,只能是他能够给予组织和引导的权力。同样,如果主体行使权力,那么这种权力的社会有效力量就必须从精神手段中借用;一个人的权力有多大,他的个人信用就有多大。在作出决定的时刻,行使主权权力需要借助任何可用的物质力量和信用。当然,这种决定是生活的必要组成部分。然而,它们本身并不能作为目的,因为这样做就等于结束了如何增强权力、如何生产生产资料、如何创造真正财富的问题。同时,这也是对信用的定位和价值的评估问题的终结。当然,在某些时候,这些问题必须暂时终结。然而,当一个社会建立在封闭这些问题的原则之上时,主权自由就会迷失方向。
The modern rejection of political theology consists in the ideal of autonomy: instead of asking how one may serve nature, society, or God, one asks how nature and society may be made to serve oneself. The disavowed spiritual energy that gives authority to such an autonomous subject is embodied in money. Money has replaced God. In its pure form, such energy is in fact the power of credit. Credit cannot exist without a commitment of time, attention, and devotion. To rephrase Marx, credit is the spiritual aroma of life, the general illumination that bathes all the other colors. Credit is the general theory of the world, its logic in a popular form, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, and its solemn complement. It is the treasure from heaven that is realized on Earth. It is pure wealth, pure power, and pure promise. It is at once faith, hope, and charity. It is at once the driving force of history and the object of religious aspiration. 现代人对政治神学的摒弃在于自主的理想:与其问如何为自然、社会或上帝服务,不如问如何让自然和社会为自己服务。赋予这种自主性主体以权威的被摒弃的精神能量体现在金钱之中。金钱取代了上帝。这种能量的纯粹形式其实就是信用的力量。没有时间、注意力和奉献精神的承诺,信用是不可能存在的。用马克思的话来说,信用是生活的精神香气,是沐浴所有其他色彩的普照。信用是世界的一般理论,是通俗形式的逻辑,是热情,是道德认可,是庄严的补充。它是天上的宝藏,在人间得以实现。它是纯粹的财富、纯粹的力量和纯粹的承诺。它既是信仰,也是希望和慈善。它既是历史的动力,也是宗教渴望的目标。
The modern rejection of political theology is not a problem merely for secular thought, for modern religious thought, insofar as it confines itself to narrating history or myth, interpreting the world, advising the individual subject, explaining the religious community, or even commenting on sovereign power, remains broadly humanistic. Theological notions can become truly embodied and meaningful only when nature, society, and God are thought together. Such a unity is not to be found in the atemporal realm of Greek metaphysics or in the modern metaphysics of change and process. Such a unity is to be found in promise and credit. 现代人对政治神学的排斥并不仅仅是世俗思想的问题,因为现代宗教思想只要局限于叙述历史或神话、解释世界、为个人主体提供建议、解释宗教团体,甚至评论主权权力,就仍然是广义的人文主义。只有当自然、社会和上帝被放在一起思考时,神学概念才能真正得到体现并具有意义。在希腊形而上学的无时间领域或现代变化与过程形而上学中都找不到这样的统一。这种统一性存在于承诺和信用之中。
A revolution in theology, politics, metaphysics, epistemology, and economics is required that explores the place of credit and commitment in the constitution of the world. Such a revolution can occur only when it is fully embodied in institutional practices and in the daily life of commitment of time, attention, and devotion. The politics of credit must become the central concern for a theology of the future. The principal problem with the contemporary organization of credit by means of the capitalist debt-money system is not its unreflected nature but its delimitation of evaluation. True emancipation is not that of human knowledge or will but that of the human capacity to evaluate. It is an emancipation of time, attention, and devotion. It is the subordination of credit to evaluation. 神学、政治学、形而上学、认识论和经济学都需要一场革命,探讨信用和承诺在世界构成中的地位。这种革命只有充分体现在制度实践中,体现在投入时间、注意力和奉献精神的日常生活中,才能发生。信用政治必须成为未来神学的核心问题。当代通过资本主义债务-货币体系组织信贷的主要问题不在于其未经反思的性质,而在于其对评价的限定。真正的解放不是人的知识或意志的解放,而是人的评价能力的解放。它是时间、注意力和奉献精神的解放。它是信用对评价的服从。
The proposals of this study are intended to pose the problem of the emancipation of evaluation. We have sought to see beyond the oppositions of God and money, Christ and Antichrist, the theological and the secular, 本研究的建议旨在提出解放评价的问题。我们试图超越上帝与金钱、基督与反基督、神学与世俗的对立、
the spiritual and the material to be able to address the most fundamental problem posed by each. I do not envisage that any of the institutional proposals contained here could solve all of the crises of the end of modernity. In particular, the effective accounting of the ecosystems and lives wasted by the modern economic system is still to be addressed. An effective curbing of rates of consumption may not immediately spring from a liberation of evaluation. The actual costs to be attached to effective evaluation and credit are not yet apparent. Yet in an age of approaching crisis and the tyranny of debt, little can be done until the spectral power of money is addressed. It is urgent, above all else, that time, attention, and devotion be committed to developing new institutions of credit that make effective evaluations once more possible. 我不认为这里所包含的任何制度建议都能解决现代性终结的所有危机。我不认为这里所包含的任何制度建议都能解决现代性终结的所有危机。特别是,现代经济体系所浪费的生态系统和生命的有效核算仍有待解决。有效抑制消费率可能不会立即从评价的解放中产生。有效评估和信用的实际成本尚不明显。然而,在一个危机逼近、债务横行的时代,在解决金钱的幽灵力量之前,我们将一事无成。当务之急是投入时间、精力和心血,建立新的信用体制,使有效的评估再次成为可能。
The theology of money poses an extraordinary challenge to any future theology. Does money promise value in such a way that value may be advanced? If so, then any effective theology must do likewise. It is not sufficient to promise a glorious future or explain the true meaning of value. Indeed, for a promise to be credible, it is important not to promise too much. Instead, an effective promise is one that identifies the true potential of a situation and enables it to be realized. While money identifies potential in terms of profit, the promise of more money, an effective theology must identify potential in terms of capital, the means of production that can itself be produced. 货币神学对未来的任何神学都提出了非同寻常的挑战。金钱是否承诺价值,从而使价值得以提升?如果是,那么任何有效的神学都必须这样做。仅仅承诺一个辉煌的未来或解释价值的真正含义是不够的。事实上,要使承诺可信,重要的是不要承诺太多。相反,一个有效的承诺应该是能够识别某种情况的真正潜力并使其得以实现的承诺。金钱是通过利润(承诺获得更多金钱)来识别潜力的,而有效的神学则必须通过资本(能够生产的生产资料)来识别潜力。
Is money the supreme value against which all other values may be measured? If so, then any effective theology must do likewise: it must become capable of measuring all other values. It is a matter of assessing, recognizing, and acknowledging the value of potential wherever it may be found. When money substitutes a single form or quantity for such values, it fails to make the most of potential, since it fails to acknowledge the actual values that are present. Instead, an effective theology has the task of acknowledging the intrinsic value of all things. 金钱是衡量所有其他价值的最高价值吗?如果是这样,那么任何有效的神学都必须这样做:它必须能够衡量所有其他价值。这是一个评估、认识和承认潜在价值的问题,无论它存在于何处。当金钱用单一的形式或数量来代替这些价值时,它就不能最大限度地利用潜能,因为它不承认存在的实际价值。相反,有效的神学的任务是承认所有事物的内在价值。
Is money a speculative value whose intrinsic worth awaits demonstration? If so, then any effective theology must be likewise. Theology belongs within the realm of the possible, the realm of “what if?” One cannot know in advance what the outcome of any particular theology will be. There is always an element of risk. Yet if money deals with speculative values, it quickly aims to convert speculation into certainty. Whether one counts 金钱是一种投机价值,其内在价值有待证明吗?如果是这样,那么任何有效的神学也必须如此。神学属于可能的范畴,属于 "如果 "的范畴。我们无法预先知道任何特定神学的结果会是什么。风险总是存在的。然而,如果金钱处理的是投机价值,它很快就会将投机转化为确定性。无论人们计算
only the realization of values that are certain or one counts possibilities as if they were certain, the speculative element of value is not effectively represented. Instead of a theology appealing solely to that which can be taken as certain (as in the worldview of naturalism) or appealing to that which is uncertain as if it were certain (as in the worldview of dogmatism), it is necessary that theology offer its speculations for experimental proof. What values are realized in practice by lending credit to any particular theology? 如果神学只追求确定的价值的实现,或把各种可能性当作确定的可能性来计算,那么价值的推测因素就不能得到有效的体现。与神学只诉诸于可被视为确定的价值(如自然主义的世界观)或将不确定的价值当作确定的价值来诉诸(如教条主义的世界观)不同,神学有必要将其推测提供给实验证明。在实践中,对任何特定神学的信任能实现什么价值呢?
Is money a social obligation demanding that all interaction be ordered in accordance with the repayment of debt? If so, then any effective theology must do likewise. Theology need not hesitate to impose its own demands. Theology consists in the ordering of time, attention, and devotion. Yet if money imposes its spectral power as debt, it does not, for all that, demand that attention be given to the perspective evoked by debt from which the world is to be seen. As a consequence, while debt may ally itself with other powers and forces - such as those of productive energy or those of drives for survival, pleasure, or power - it does not recognize any spectral power other than itself. If debt has proved to be cancerous, this is because it can achieve cooperation with other powers and forces only on its own terms. As a spiritual perspective, debt cannot exist harmoniously in the world with other demands. It is ecologically illiterate. 金钱是否是一种社会义务,它要求所有的互动都必须以偿还债务为前提?如果是这样,那么任何有效的神学都必须这样做。神学在提出自己的要求时无需犹豫。神学包括对时间、注意力和奉献的安排。然而,如果金钱以债务的形式将其幽灵般的力量强加于人,那么它并不要求人们关注债务所唤起的观察世界的视角。因此,尽管债务可能与其他力量结盟--如生产能量或生存、享乐或权力的驱动力--但它并不承认除自身之外的任何幽灵力量。如果说债务被证明是一种癌症,那是因为它只能以自己的方式与其他力量合作。作为一种精神视角,债务无法与其他需求和谐共处。它在生态学上是个文盲。
Any effective theology, while imposing its own demands, must provide an effective basis for cooperation with other demands. Instead of attempting to possess all time, attention, and devotion, divine power consists in the coordination and orientation of other powers so that the same time may be used to attend to a range of demands. Such is the true meaning of efficiency. Such is also the true meaning of redemption. It matters little if time is subordinated to particular demands if the same time is effectively coordinated with higher demands. 任何有效的神学在提出自身要求的同时,必须为与其他要求的合作提供有效的基础。神圣的力量不在于试图占有所有的时间、注意力和奉献精神,而在于协调和引导其他力量,以便用同样的时间来满足一系列的需求。这就是效率的真谛。这也是救赎的真谛。如果同一时间能够有效地与更高的要求相协调,那么时间是否服从于特定的要求并不重要。
Redemption from debt is not debt cancellation, for if debt takes on the role of constructive capital, then to cancel debt is to destroy productive potential. It is to dissolve the basis for trust and cooperation. Redemption from debt occurs, by contrast, through forgiveness. To forgive is to cease to oppose, resist, or exclude a harmful presence. All too often, forgiveness has been understood in terms of the sovereign power of judgment: it is treated as a matter of suspending revenge, punishment, or blame. Yet revenge, pun- 从债务中赎回不是取消债务,因为如果债务具有建设性资本的作用,那么取消债务就是破坏生产潜力。这也是在摧毁信任与合作的基础。相比之下,债务救赎是通过宽恕实现的。宽恕就是停止反对、抵制或排斥有害的存在。宽恕常常被理解为审判的最高权力:它被视为一个暂停复仇、惩罚或责备的问题。然而,复仇、惩罚
ishment, and blame are only matters for a sovereign power or a responsible subject who relates to life through representation. Alternatively, forgiveness has been conceived in terms of metaphysics as an assessment of deeds what they are and what they should be. A truly theological approach to forgiveness, however, is concerned with the ordering of time, attention, and devotion. At this level, divine power has largely been conceived as the spiritual equivalent of Caesar. Idols are broken; demons are exorcized; and spectral powers are conquered. Divine ownership is proclaimed over time, attention, and devotion. Yet it is precisely this power that is exercised by the spiritual force of money. It is such opposition, resistance, exclusion, and conquering that prevent effective cooperation and coordination. What one takes to be God is Mammon in disguise. 宽恕和责备只是主权国家或负责任的主体的事情,他们通过代表与生活发生关系。另外,宽恕也被形而上学视为对行为的评估,即行为是什么,行为应该是什么。然而,真正从神学角度看待宽恕,关注的是时间、注意力和奉献的秩序。在这个层面上,神力在很大程度上被视为与凯撒等同的精神力量。偶像被打破;恶魔被驱除;幽灵力量被征服。时间、注意力和献身精神宣示着神圣的所有权。然而,金钱的精神力量行使的正是这种权力。正是这种反对、抵制、排斥和征服阻碍了有效的合作与协调。人们所认为的上帝,其实是伪装的玛门。
True redemption occurs only through new creation. If the basis for cooperation with harmful spectral forces is not yet present, then it remains to be created. True forgiveness does not consist in the separation of the sin from the sinner or in the separation of the sinner from the spiritual power of sin\sin. Sin, sinner, and spectral power are not conceivable without one another. That which God has joined cannot be put asunder. Instead, true forgiveness consists in cooperation with sin, sinner, and spectral power to create good out of evil. Forgiveness is not a matter of sovereign decision. It is not something that already lies within our power. Forgiveness is a matter of divine creation. It consists in creating or discovering a new basis for cooperation. It is a challenge to be achieved. Redemption from debt therefore consists in the creation of a new basis for cooperation with debt. It consists in a new ordering of time, attention, and devotion alongside debt so that the renewal of life in all of its fullness is once more possible. 只有通过新的创造,才能实现真正的救赎。如果与有害的幽灵力量合作的基础还不存在,那么它就有待创造。真正的宽恕并不在于罪与罪人的分离,也不在于罪人与 sin\sin 的精神力量的分离。罪、罪人和幽灵的力量缺一不可。上帝所结合的东西是无法分开的。相反,真正的宽恕包含与罪、罪人和幽灵力量的合作,以恶制善。宽恕不是一个主权决定的问题。它不是我们力所能及的事情。宽恕是神圣的创造。它包括创造或发现一个新的合作基础。这是一个有待实现的挑战。因此,从债务中获得救赎就是为与债务的合作创造新的基础。它包括重新安排时间、注意力和对债务的奉献,从而使生命的复兴再次成为可能。
1 All citations from the Bible are from the New Revised Standard Version. 1 所有圣经引文均出自《新修订标准版》。
2 Pelagius, “Of Riches,” 7.2-3, in Bradstock and Rowland, Radical Christian Writings, 16-17. 2 伯拉纠:《关于财富》,7.2-3,见布拉德斯托克和罗兰德:《激进基督教著作》,16-17。
3 Quoted in Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 312. 3 引自 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 312。
4 Note the Christian philosopher Robert Spaemann: “The phenomenon of attention and inattention is the best paradigm for what we call good and evil” (Spaemann, Happiness and Benevolence, 190). 4 基督教哲学家罗伯特-斯帕曼(Robert Spaemann)指出:"注意和不注意现象是我们所说的善与恶的最佳范例"(斯帕曼,《幸福与仁慈》,190 页)。
5 Mitchell Innes, “The Credit Theory of Money,” in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 355. 5 Mitchell Innes,"The Credit Theory of Money",载于 Ingham,Concepts of Money,355。
6 Galbraith, Money, 18-20. 6 Galbraith, Money, 18-20。
7 See Ferguson, The Cash Nexus, for an account of the reasons for this and its historical implications. 7 见 Ferguson, The Cash Nexus, 关于其原因及其历史影响的说明。
8 Ingham, The Nature of Money, 121-31.
9 Galbraith, Money, 30. 9 Galbraith, Money, 30。
10 See Ingham, The Nature of Money, 13, 151. 10 见 Ingham, The Nature of Money, 13, 151。
11 Schumpeter is cited in Richard Arena and Agnès Festré, “Banks, Credit and the Financial System in Schumpeter,” in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 377. 11 Richard Arena 和 Agnès Festré,"熊彼特笔下的银行、信贷和金融体系",引自 Ingham,《货币概念》,377 页。
12 Schumpeter, A History of Economic Analysis, 318. 12 熊彼特:《经济分析史》,第 318 页。
13 Quoted in Arena and Festré, “Banks, Credit and the Financial System in Schumpeter,” in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 376-79. 13 引自 Arena 和 Festré,"熊彼特的银行、信贷和金融体系",载于 Ingham,《货币概念》,376-79 页。
14 Quoted in Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 312. 14 引自 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 312。
15 Polanyi, The Great Transformation. 15 波兰尼,《大变革》。
16 R. H. Tawney charts the history of this transformation in Religion and the Rise of Capitalism. 16 R. H. Tawney 在《宗教与资本主义的兴起》一书中描绘了这一转变的历史。
17 Quoted in Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 238. 17 引自 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 238。
18 Innes, “The Credit Theory of Money,” in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 358. 18 Innes,"货币信用理论",载于 Ingham,《货币概念》,358。
19 See further Goodchild, Capitalism and Religion, 127-29. 19 另见 Goodchild,《资本主义与宗教》,127-29 页。
It is clear that money meets some definitions of religion and is excluded from others. This is of little significance, since the separation of the religious from the secular is a defining gesture of a society organized around money. Definitions of religion are always constructed to play a role in a distinctive intellectual project, and are of little significance beyond those. My point is not that any inferences can be made from a description of money as “religious,” but that money lends itself to a distinctive kind of theological inquiry - one that is constructed in the very work of studying money. For my views on defining “religion” and the role of the study of religion as a discipline, see Philip Goodchild, “On ‘Religion’: Speeches to Its Cultural Despisers,” in Crossley and Karner, Writing History, Constructing Religion, 49-64. 很明显,金钱符合宗教的某些定义,而被排除在其他定义之外。这并无多大意义,因为宗教与世俗的分离是一个围绕金钱组织起来的社会的决定性姿态。宗教的定义总是为了在独特的知识项目中发挥作用而构建的,除此之外意义不大。我的观点并不是说可以从对金钱的 "宗教 "描述中得出任何推论,而是说金钱本身适合于一种独特的神学探究--一种在研究金钱的工作中被建构起来的神学探究。关于我对 "宗教 "的定义以及宗教研究作为一门学科的作用的看法,请参阅菲利普-古德柴尔德(Philip Goodchild)的《论 "宗教"》(On 'Religion':对其文化鄙视者的演讲",见 Crossley 和 Karner,《书写历史,构建宗教》,49-64 页。
It has been common to incorporate an essentialist conception into definitions of religion, so that it is defined in relation to a feature such as the supernatural, a belief in God or Gods, the holy or sacred, the transcendent, or a theory of salvation. No such conception is universally applicable to all cultures, even if rites of veneration are universally found. Such essentialist definitions cannot be maintained on anthropological grounds: see Fitzgerald, The Ideology of Religious Studies. The religious, in these conceptions, is positioned as the exotic other of modern reason and social life: see King, Orientalism and Religion. There is also, by contrast, a tradition of critical theory that aims to disclose the “fetishism” or exotic other as a presupposition of modern reason and practice itself, including the work of Karl Marx, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Jacques Derrida. Like my earlier work, Capitalism and Religion, my theology of money is situated within this tradition. 将本质主义概念纳入宗教定义的做法很常见,这样,宗教的定义就与超自然、对神的信仰、神圣或圣洁、超验或救赎理论等特征相关联。即使崇拜仪式普遍存在,但没有一种概念能普遍适用于所有文化。这种本质主义的定义在人类学上是站不住脚的:见菲茨杰拉德,《宗教研究的意识形态》(The Ideology of Religious Studies)。在这些概念中,宗教被定位为现代理性和社会生活的异域他者:见 King, Orientalism and Religion。与此相反,批判理论也有一个传统,旨在揭示 "拜物教 "或异域他者作为现代理性和实践本身的前提,包括卡尔-马克思、沃尔特-本雅明、马克斯-霍克海默、西奥多-阿多诺和雅克-德里达的著作。与我早先的著作《资本主义与宗教》一样,我的金钱神学也是在这一传统中形成的。
Douglas, Purity and Danger, 70. 道格拉斯:《纯洁与危险》,第 70 页。
A recent exception is Doctrine Commission of the General Synod of the Church of England, Being Human. 最近的一个例外是英格兰教会总会教义委员会的《做人》一书。
Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 505. “Thalers,” the word from which “dollars” is derived, is used in the original. 康德:《纯粹理性批判》,第 505 页。原文中使用了 "Thalers "一词,"美元 "一词即来源于此。
By beginning his study of the philosophy of money with the distinction between being and value, Georg Simmel obscures what is distinctive about money. Objective value is reduced to a distance or delay in realizing subjective enjoyment: see Simmel, The Philosophy of Money. 格奥尔格-西美尔(Georg Simmel)以存在与价值的区别作为货币哲学研究的开端,从而掩盖了货币的独特之处。客观价值被简化为实现主观享受的距离或延迟:见西美尔,《货币哲学》。
For a more complete statement of this argument, see Philip Goodchild, “Truth and Utopia,” Telos 134 (2006): 1-19. 关于这一论点的更完整陈述,见 Philip Goodchild, "Truth and Utopia," Telos 134 (2006):1-19.
For a derivation of this practice as the essence of theological reason, see idem,“Proslogion,” in Benson and Wirzba, The Phenomenology of Prayer, 232-43. Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding; idem, Two Treatises of Government; idem, “A Letter on Toleration,” in Yolton, The Locke Reader, 245-75. 关于将这一做法引申为神学理性的本质,见同上,"Proslogion",载于 Benson and Wirzba, The Phenomenology of Prayer, 232-43。洛克,《人类理解论》;同上,《政府论》;同上,"关于宽容的一封信",载于约尔顿,《洛克读本》,245-75。
Kelly, Locke on Money. 凯利,《洛克论金钱》。
More, Utopia, 46.
31 For a description of this method in philosophy, see Bergson, An Introduction to Metaphysics; Deleuze, Bergsonism. For a more complete account of the conception of reason pursued here, see Goodchild, Capitalism and Religion. Georg Simmel explains that a philosophy of money “can present the preconditions that, situated in mental states, in social relations and in the logical structure of reality and values, give money its meaning and its practical position”: Simmel, The Philosophy of Money, 54. The task here, by contrast, is to explore how money itself can give meaning and practical position to mental states, social relations, and even the structure of reality and values. 31 关于这种哲学方法的描述,见柏格森:《形而上学导论》;德勒兹:《柏格森主义》。关于这里所追求的理性概念的更完整的说明,见 Goodchild, Capitalism and Religion。格奥尔格-西美尔解释说,金钱哲学 "可以提出先决条件,这些先决条件位于精神状态、社会关系以及现实和价值的逻辑结构中,赋予金钱以意义和实际地位":西美尔,《货币哲学》,54。相比之下,这里的任务是探讨货币本身如何赋予精神状态、社会关系乃至现实和价值结构以意义和实际地位。
33 Aglietta and Orléan, La monnaie entre violence et confiance; Altvater, The Future of the Market; Ingham, The Nature of Money; Mies and Bennholdt-Thomsen, The Subsistence Perspective.
34 Duchrow and Hinkelammert, Property for People, Not for Profit. 34 Duchrow 和 Hinkelammert,《财产为民而非牟利》。
35 For me, money has displaced the pivotal concepts of twentieth-century European philosophy, such as being, time, difference, repetition, subjectivity, signifier, lack, void, and universality, as that which most demands thinking. Since money discloses its essence as credit, philosophy rejoins theology in a synthesis that modifies both. 35 对我而言,金钱取代了二十世纪欧洲哲学的关键概念,如 "存在"、"时间"、"差异"、"重复"、"主观性"、"符号"、"缺乏"、"虚无 "和 "普遍性",成为最需要思考的概念。由于货币以信用的形式揭示了其本质,因此哲学与神学重新结合在一起,对二者进行了修正。
Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, 35 . 施米特:《政治的概念》,35页。
Ibid., 33. 同上,第 33 页。
Ibid., 46. 同上,第 46 页。
Quoted in Ferguson, The Cash Nexus, 41. 引自 Ferguson, The Cash Nexus, 41。
Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, 38. 施米特,《政治的概念》,第 38 页。
6 See the distinction between auctoritas and potestas in Agamben, State of Exception, 74-88. 6 参见阿甘本《例外状态》(State of Exception)一书中关于 auctoritas 和 potestas 的区别,第 74-88 页。
7 Hence the emergence of social contract theory to replace theological ideas of a corporate body. While some kind of social contract makes sense in terms of Richard Hooker’s Anglicanism, where the state is an ecclesiastical polity and people are joined by the religious authority that unites them, it loses all credible authority in Thomas Hobbes’s writing and thereafter. From Hobbes to Schmitt, the authority of the social contract becomes a practical expedient when faced with the threat of violence. In practice, however, people remain united by the blood of the body politic rather than by its head: the material circulation of goods via money. 7 因此,社会契约理论应运而生,以取代关于法人团体的神学思想。在理查德-胡克(Richard Hooker)的圣公会主义中,国家是一个教会政体,人们通过宗教权威结合在一起,因此某种社会契约是有意义的,但在托马斯-霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)的著作中及其后,社会契约失去了所有可信的权威。从霍布斯到施米特,当面临暴力威胁时,社会契约的权威成为一种实用的权宜之计。然而,在实践中,人们仍然是通过政治体的血液而非政治体的首脑--通过货币的物质流通--团结在一起的。
8 Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, 54. 8 施米特,《政治的概念》,54。
9 Oliver O’Donovan argues that judgment is the essential political act: see O’Donovan, The Way of Judgment. 9 奥利弗-奥多诺万认为,判断是基本的政治行为:见奥多诺万,《判断之道》。
11 Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, 415. 11 休谟:《人性论》,415 页。
12 Schmitt, Political Theology, 36. 12 施米特,《政治神学》,36。
13 In a strange way, therefore, modern philosophers of immanence such as Benedict de Spinoza, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, and Gilles Deleuze may be regarded as faithful apostles and prophets of Christ insofar as they most successfully achieve the incarnation of thought. 13 因此,从一种奇怪的角度来看,现代的内在性哲学家,如本尼迪克特-德-斯宾诺莎、卡尔-马克思、弗里德里希-尼采、亨利-柏格森和吉勒-德勒兹,可以被视为基督忠实的使徒和先知,因为他们最成功地实现了思想的化身。
14 On the body of the sovereign, see Kantorowicz, The King’s Two Bodies. On money itself, see the forms of the socius discussed in Deleuze and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus, chap. 3. 14 关于君主的身体,见 Kantorowicz, The King's Two Bodies。关于金钱本身,参见德勒兹和瓜塔里《反俄狄浦斯》第 3 章中讨论的社会人的形式。3.
15 Quoted in Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 16. 15 引自 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 16。
16 Lacan, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, 110. 16 拉康,《精神分析的四个基本概念》,110。
17 In Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 22. 17 见 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 22。
18 Buchan, Frozen Desire. 18 布坎,《冰封的欲望》。
19 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 23. 19 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 23。
20 Marx, Grundrisse, 83-84.
21 Ibid., 95-99. 21 同上,第 95-99 页。
22 Heilbroner, Twenty-First Century Capitalism. 22 Heilbroner,《21 世纪资本主义》。
23 Marx, Grundrisse, 106-7.
24 This also calls into question whether it is appropriate to begin an analysis of the nature of money with its earlier forms, such as the use of tokens in religious sacrifice, the issuing of coinage by the state, or the use of a general equivalent in mercantile exchange. Marx’s approach in the first volume of Capital is to derive money from the model of mercantile exchange. This subordinates money to an expression of the wishes of the free, trading subject. The implication of these comments in the Grundrisse is that it is necessary to begin an analysis of the nature of money from its specific power within capitalist society. 24 这也提出了一个问题,即从货币的早期形式开始分析货币的本质是否合适,例如在宗教祭祀中使用代币、国家发行硬币或在商业交换中使用一般等价物。马克思在《资本论》第一卷中采用的方法是从重商主义交换模式中引申出货币。这使货币从属于自由贸易主体的意愿表达。这些评论在《基础理论》中的含义是,有必要从货币在资本主义社会中的具体力量开始分析货币的性质。
25 Marx, Grundrisse, 107. 25 Marx, Grundrisse, 107。
26 Ibid. 26 同上。
See Harvey, Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference. 见 Harvey, Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference.
National Research Council, Abrupt Climate Change. 国家研究委员会,《气候突变》。
See Cox, Climate Crash. 见考克斯,《气候危机》。
Ibid., 119. 同上,第 119 页。
Ibid., 123. 同上,第 123 页。
6 Hadley Centre, Modelling Climate Change. 6 哈德利中心,《模拟气候变化》。
7 See 7 见。
8 Recent reports on the effects of climate change, including the Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change (2006) and Fourth Assessment Report 2007 (20072008) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, are based on 8 最近关于气候变化影响的报告,包括政府间气候变化专门委员会的《斯特恩气候变化经济学评述》(2006 年)和《2007 年第四次评估报告》(2007-2008 年),都是基于以下依据编写的
models that assume stability and continuity with recent meteorological behavior. For all of their authority and their urgent warnings, the reports can hardly be used as a basis for confidence in ongoing stability. It is still unknown where the threshold or tipping point is that moves the climate system from a regime of anthropogenic forcing to a purely natural dynamism over which humans have no control. Current momentum behind the processes involved in anthropogenic forcing, however, suggests that crossing such a threshold is all but inevitable. The processes leading to the emission of carbon dioxide and methane are intimately tied into global economic and population growth; efficiency gains in energy production and use are likely to be offset by higher levels of consumption unless there is a major setback to economic growth. 这些模型假定最近的气象行为是稳定和连续的。尽管这些报告具有一定的权威性,并发出了紧急警告,但它们很难成为人们对气候持续稳定抱有信心的依据。目前尚不清楚,将气候系统从人为强迫机制转变为人类无法控制的纯自然动态机制的临界点或转折点在哪里。然而,目前人为强迫过程背后的动力表明,跨越这样一个临界点几乎是不可避免的。导致二氧化碳和甲烷排放的过程与全球经济和人口增长密切相关;除非经济增长出现重大倒退,否则能源生产和使用效率的提高很可能会被更高的消费水平所抵消。
Such as regulation of the gaseous composition of the atmosphere, protection of coastal zones, regulation of the hydrological cycle and climate, generation and conservation of fertile soils, dispersal and breakdown of wastes, pollination of many crops, and absorption of pollutants: see United Nations Environment Programme, Global Environmental Outlook, 120-21. See Mathis Wackernagel et al., “Tracking the Ecological Overshoot of the Human Economy,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (2002): 9266-71. 如调节大气中的气体成分、保护沿海地区、调节水文循环和气候、生成和保护肥沃的土壤、散播和分解废物、为许多作物授粉以及吸收污染物:见联合国环境规划署,《全球环境展望》,120-21。见 Mathis Wackernagel 等人,"追踪人类经济的生态过度",《美国国家科学院院刊》第 99 期(2002 年):9266-71.
18 Ibid., 16. 18 同上,第 16 页。
19 Ibid., 28. 19 同上,第 28 页。
20 Ibid., 29. ous banking crises and eighty-seven have suffered from adverse currency speculation since 1975: Lietaer, The Future of Money, 321. 20 同上,第 29 页。自 1975 年以来,发生了多次银行危机,87 次货币投机事件:Lietaer, The Future of Money, 321。
27 For an account of this process, see Harvey, The New Imperialism, chap. 4. 27 关于这一过程的描述,见 Harvey, The New Imperialism, 第 4 章。4.
28 Historically, the most significant event of such deregulation occurred in the early 1970 s under the regime of U.S. President Richard Nixon. It was the closing of the “gold window” underpinning the exchange rate of the dollar, followed by the removal of restrictions on the investment of foreign capital in the New York Stock Exchange. This event was no doubt a contingent political choice, although one that responded to the financial pressures of balance-of-payments deficits. The result has been admirably described by Peter Gowan as the “Dollar Wall Street Regime,” in which the U.S. government enjoys the unique advantages of seigniorage, the ability to print money at will, and the ability to pursue economic warfare through its control of the international financial regime. Despite the enhancement of political activity that this entails, the U.S. government has engaged in a gamble by releasing financial forces that it cannot directly control: see Gowan, The Global Gamble. The turn from neoliberalism to neoconservatism signifies not so much a return to direct imperialism as a desperate bid for power when faced with imminent collapse of U.S. global dominance. 28 从历史上看,这种放松管制的最重要事件发生在 1970 年代初美国总统理查德-尼克松执政时期。当时关闭了支撑美元汇率的 "黄金窗口",随后取消了对外国资本投资纽约证券交易所的限制。这无疑是一个偶然的政治选择,尽管是为了应对国际收支赤字带来的财政压力。彼得-高文(Peter Gowan)将其结果描述为 "美元华尔街政权",令人钦佩,在这个政权中,美国政府享有独一无二的优势,即攫取财富、随意印钞以及通过控制国际金融制度来发动经济战争的能力。尽管这意味着政治活动的加强,但美国政府通过释放其无法直接控制的金融力量,参与了一场赌博:见高文,《全球赌博》(The Global Gamble)。从新自由主义到新保守主义的转变,与其说是直接帝国主义的回归,不如说是在美国全球主导地位即将崩溃的情况下孤注一掷的权力争夺。
29 Aristotle, Politics, book I, 1257a-b, 12-13. 29 亚里士多德:《政治学》,第一卷,1257a-b,12-13。
30 Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 117. 30 斯密:《国富论》,第 117 页。
31 A fourth function of money as a standard for deferred payments is often included but may be regarded as complementary to its role as a measure of value or unit of account. 31 货币作为延期付款标准的第四种功能也经常被包括在内,但可被视为对其作为价值尺度或记账单位的补充。
32 The Marxist view of money maintains a strict distinction between money and credit, since in a credit squeeze or market crash, there is a sudden rush for “real” money. (This point is emphasized in de Brunhoff, Marx on Money, 80-86.) Such a rush is generated by a positive feedback effect - the credit of the state is simply regarded as more stable than credit issued by other institutions. Marx’s theory depends on the existence of a general equivalent, in the form of a monetized commodity such as gold; it is simply necessary, however, to substitute a particular representation as the measure of values in the absence of an actual general equivalent, as demonstrated by all the periods in history when currencies have functioned without a gold standard. 32 马克思主义的货币观将货币与信用严格区分开来,因为在信用紧缩或市场崩溃的情况下,会出现对 "真正 "货币的突然抢购(这一点在 de Brunhoff, Marx on Money, 80-86 中得到了强调)。(这一点在 de Brunhoff, Marx on Money, 80-86 中得到了强调。)这种抢购潮是由正反馈效应产生的--国家信用被简单地视为比其他机构发行的信用更稳定。马克思的理论依赖于以货币化商品(如黄金)为形式的一般等价物的存在;然而,在缺乏实际的一般等价物的情况下,只需用一种特定的表征来代替作为价值尺度的等价物即可,历史上货币在没有金本位的情况下发挥作用的所有时期都证明了这一点。
33 Geoffrey Ingham, “Fundamentals of a Theory of Money,” in idem, Concepts of Money, 136. 33 Geoffrey Ingham, "Fundamentals of a Theory of Money," in idem, Concepts of Money, 136.
34 One may question how such wealth and power of the speculator class are to be 34 人们可能会质疑,投机者阶级的这种财富和权力如何能够
“realized.” Yet credit is no less real than products and property. Even if there is hyperinflation of luxury property and speculative assets, it is this very hyperinflation that drives speculative profits. The key differential remains between speculators and other classes, including traditional capitalist shareowners. "实现"。然而,信贷的真实性并不亚于产品和财产。即使奢侈品和投机资产出现恶性通货膨胀,也正是这种恶性通货膨胀推动了投机利润的增长。投机者与其他阶层(包括传统的资本主义股份拥有者)之间的关键差别依然存在。
1 Georg Simmel founded his philosophy of money on a dichotomy between being and value. Value is conceived in terms of alienation from a prior subject. Thus: 1 格奥尔格-西美尔(Georg Simmel)的货币哲学建立在存在与价值的二分法之上。价值是从先验主体的异化角度来理解的。因此
In the same way, we invest economic objects with a quantity of value as if it were an inherent quality, and then hand them over to the process of exchange, to a mechanism determined by those quantities, to an impersonal confrontation between values, from which they return multiplied and more enjoyable to the final purpose, which was also their point of origin: subjective experience. This is the basis and source of that valuation which finds its expression in economic life and whose consequences represent the meaning of money. (Simmel, The Philosophy of Money, 78-79) 同样,我们给经济物品注入价值量,就好像它是与生俱来的品质一样,然后把它们交给交换过程,交给由这些价值量决定的机制,交给价值之间的非个人对抗,从那里,它们成倍增加,更愉快地回到最终目的,这也是它们的起源:主观经验。这就是在经济生活中得以体现的估价的基础和来源,其结果代表了货币的意义。(西美尔,《货币哲学》,78-79页)
2 One may think especially of the work of Spinoza, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein, among many others. 2 人们可能会特别想到斯宾诺莎、尼采、海德格尔和维特根斯坦等人的著作。
3 The concept of “society” invented by Marx and the concept of “culture” invented by Simmel are designed to solve this problem of the objectivity of value. We need to explore whether such concepts are basic or an effect of relations involving money. 3 马克思发明的 "社会 "概念和西美尔发明的 "文化 "概念都是为了解决价值的客观性问题。我们需要探讨的是,这些概念是基本概念还是货币关系的结果。
4 Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari explore this route to conclude that “desiringproduction is everywhere”: Deleuze and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus, 1. 4 吉尔-德勒兹和费利克斯-瓜塔里探索了这一路径,得出结论:"欲望生产无处不在":德勒兹和瓜塔里,《反俄狄浦斯》,1。
5 See further Daly, Beyond Growth. 5 另见 Daly,《超越增长》。
6 This has been pointed out in a number of popular works, such as McBurney, Ecology into Economics Won’t Go. George Monbiot explained this clearly in “Deliver Us from Finity,” Guardian (London), 31 December 2002. 6 这一点已在许多通俗读物中指出,如 McBurney, Ecology into Economics Won't Go。乔治-蒙比奥特(George Monbiot)在 "Deliver Us from Finity"(《让我们摆脱匮乏》)一文中清楚地解释了这一点,《卫报》(伦敦),2002 年 12 月 31 日。
7 This is known as the “Jevons paradox.” 7 这就是所谓的 "杰文斯悖论"。
8 The multiplier effect is an important dynamic discussed in economics textbooks. It describes how increasing the supply of money by lowering central bank interest rates or increasing government borrowing and spending has a knock-on effect throughout the economy. If a government spends more, then it pays workers and suppliers more, and so they in turn have more to spend, and so on, throughout an integrated, localized economy. One should note that speculative profits have a multiplier effect, as well. If one sector of the stock market yields speculative profits, then those profits can be used to buy other stocks, which in turn raises prices, leading to further profits. This is one reason the stock market can outstrip growth in underlying values that results from dividends. 8 乘数效应是经济学教科书中讨论的一个重要动态。它描述了通过降低中央银行利率或增加政府借贷和支出来增加货币供应如何在整个经济中产生连锁反应。如果政府增加支出,那么它就会向工人和供应商支付更多的工资,因此他们反过来也会有更多的支出,依此类推,影响到整个一体化的地方经济。需要注意的是,投机利润也有乘数效应。如果股市中的一个行业产生了投机利润,那么这些利润就可以用来购买其他股票,这反过来又会抬高价格,从而带来更多利润。这就是股市可能超过股息带来的基本价值增长的原因之一。
15 The fundamental difference, as argued by John Maynard Keynes, is that barter is always bilateral, whereas the use of money makes possible the use of price lists and comparisons in an extensive, multilateral, decentralized market: see Ingham, “Fundamentals of a Theory of Money,” in idem, Concepts of Money, 133. 15 正如约翰-梅纳德-凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)所论证的,两者的根本区别在于,易货贸易总是双边的,而货币的使用使得在一个广泛的、多边的、分散的市场中使用价目表和比较成为可能:见 Ingham, "Fundamentals of a Theory of Money," in idem, Concepts of Money, 133。
16 Bourdieu, The Logic of Practice. not by means of disinterestedness but because it aims at public recognition rather than the enjoyment of goods: see Hénaff, Le prix de la vérité, 154. 16 Bourdieu, The Logic of Practice[《实践的逻辑》]。不是因为无私,而是因为它旨在获得公众的认可,而不是享受商品:见 Hénaff, Le prix de la vérité, 154。
18 For a useful summary of views on the nature of money, see Ingham, The Nature of Money. 18 关于对货币性质的看法的有用总结,见 Ingham, The Nature of Money。
19 This problem is noticed in ibid., 23. 19 同上,23。
20 See Wray, Understanding Modern Money. 20 见 Wray,《理解现代货币》。
21 Cencini, Money, Income and Time. 21 Cencini,《金钱、收入与时间》。
22 The structure of money produced by the Bank of England makes interdependence between the state and civil society the basis for trust in the value of money. 22 英格兰银行生产的货币结构使国家与公民社会之间的相互依存成为信任货币价值的基础。
23 This is known as the quantity theory; it is not borne out by empirical evidence. The assumption is that the quantity of money causes price movements, but not vice versa. Nevertheless, capital investment, made possible by an increased supply of money through loans, has a direct effect on prices and the quantity of goods in circulation. Moreover, increases in the money supply can circulate through restricted circuits of the economy without having a general impact on prices. Since loans determine deposits, and since deposits restrict loans, the money supply is variable apart from inflation. 23 这就是所谓的 "数量理论";它并没有得到经验证据的证实。其假设是货币数量导致价格变动,反之亦然。然而,通过贷款增加货币供应量所带来的资本投资,会对价格和流通中的商品数量产生直接影响。此外,货币供应量的增加可以通过有限的经济循环而不会对价格产生普遍影响。由于贷款决定存款,而存款又限制贷款,因此货币供应量除通货膨胀外是可变的。
24 The fact that commodities are actually given prices makes it appear as if such a comparison with the market as a whole has taken place, if one assumes that all prices result solely from comparison. If other factors are involved in pricing, however, they may be specific to localities in the market. 24 如果假定所有价格都是通过比较得出的,那么商品实际上被赋予了价格这一事实就会让人觉得似乎与整个市场进行了这种比较。然而,如果定价中还涉及其他因素,这些因素可能是市场中各地特有的。
25 Hence, models of behavior in neoclassical economics based on Walrasian equilibrium have very little bearing on economic reality since they are premised on a model of exchange rather than contract. 25 因此,新古典经济学中基于瓦尔拉斯均衡的行为模型与经济现实关系不大,因为它们是以交换模型而非契约模型为前提的。
Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 385. 斯密:《国富论》,第 385 页。
See Davies, A History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day, 230. Innes, “The Credit Theory of Money,” in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 354. The role of mimesis in the constitution of money is emphasized in Aglietta and Orléan, La monnaie entre violence et confiance . 见 Davies, A History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day, 230。Innes, "The Credit Theory of Money," in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 354.Aglietta and Orléan, La monnaie entre violence et confiance .
30 Note that these considerations do not apply simply to fiat or debt money in the contemporary economy. They apply to all money as such. Thus, any currency re- 30 请注意,这些考虑因素并不仅仅适用于当代经济中的法定货币或债务货币。它们适用于所有货币。因此,任何货币都要重新
form that simply aims to turn money back into a token of legal tender or a valuable commodity will not succeed in neutralizing the power of money. Moreover, money coined by a state and distributed as legal tender, valid for the payment of taxation, is already created effectively as debt money, however valuable its intrinsic metal content. 单纯地将货币变回法定货币或有价商品的形式无法成功地消除货币的力量。此外,由国家铸造并作为法定货币发行的货币,无论其内在金属成分多么有价值,都已经被有效地创造为债务货币。
The problem of the overaccumulation of capital has been a staple ingredient in Marxist explanations of the contradictions of capitalism. Excess money capital cannot find suitable vehicles for investment if there is a falling rate of profit: see Harvey, The Limits to Capital. While such a tendency is doubtful in itself, excess money capital can always be used for speculative investment in property or financial products rather than for capital investment. The creation of money as debt is more effective in explaining the engine of modernity. Geoffrey Ingham argues, by contrast, that the tension between the expansion of value through the elasticity of supply of credit money and the breakdown of monetary stability through loss of confidence is the central dynamic of the modern capitalist system: see Ingham, “Fundamentals of a Theory of Money,” in idem, Concepts of Money, 142.32. This point is emphasized in de Brunhoff, Marx on Money, 80-86. 资本过度积累问题一直是马克思主义解释资本主义矛盾的主要内容。如果利润率下降,过剩的货币资本就无法找到合适的投资工具:见哈维:《资本的局限性》。虽然这种趋势本身就值得怀疑,但过剩的货币资本总是可以用于对财产或金融产品的投机性投资,而不是用于资本投资。将货币创造为债务更能有效地解释现代性的引擎。相比之下,杰弗里-英厄姆认为,通过信用货币的供应弹性实现价值扩张与因丧失信心而导致货币稳定性崩溃之间的矛盾是现代资本主义体系的核心动力:见英厄姆:《货币理论的基本原理》,载于同上,《货币概念》,142.32。de Brunhoff, Marx on Money, 80-86 强调了这一点。
Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 420. 斯密:《国富论》,第 420 页。
Marx derives the essence of money as a universal equivalent from his analysis of the commodity form: see Marx, Capital, 1:124-77. This analysis presupposes that it is possible to move from a general equivalent, a commodity that may be exchanged for many others, to a universal equivalent, against which prices are measured. But a universal comparison of prices is a utopian ideal that is never completed. Instead, all commodities promise money, but money is the promise of a power of effective demand in different and future markets. In this sense, money is essentially a promise of the power to realize possible future demands. Its essence cannot be given as a relation between commodities. Money is local and temporal, not universal. Its value remains indeterminate and uncertain. 马克思从他对商品形式的分析中得出了货币作为普遍等价物的本质:见 Marx, Capital, 1:124-77。这一分析的前提是,有可能从一般等价物(一种可与许多其他等价物交换的商品)转变为普遍等价物,并以此来衡量价格。但是,价格的普遍比较是一个乌托邦式的理想,永远不会实现。相反,所有商品都承诺货币,但货币是不同市场和未来市场有效需求力量的承诺。从这个意义上说,货币本质上是对实现未来可能需求的力量的承诺。它的本质不能被赋予商品之间的关系。货币具有地方性和时间性,而非普遍性。它的价值是不确定和不确定的。
Speaking of exchange value or price, Marx famously explained: 说到交换价值或价格,马克思有一个著名的解释:
The mysterious character of the commodity-form consists therefore simply in the fact that the commodity reflects the social characteristics of men’s own labour as objective characteristics of the products of labour themselves, as the socio-natural properties of these things. . . . It is nothing but the definite social relation between men themselves which assumes here, for them, the fantastic form of a relation between things. In order, therefore, to find an analogy we must take flight into the misty realm of religion. There the products of the human brain appear as autonomous figures endowed with a life of their own, which enter into relations both with each other and with the human race. (Ibid., 164-65) 因此,商品形式的神秘性仅仅在于,商品反映了人类自身劳动的社会特征,作为劳动产品本身的客观特征,作为这些事物的社会自然属性。. . .......商品只不过是人与人之间的确定的社会关系,在这里,对他们来说,它具有物与物之间关系的奇妙形式。因此,为了找到类比,我们必须飞入宗教的迷雾领域。在那里,人脑的产物以自主的形象出现,它们被赋予了自己的生命,相互之间以及与人类之间都存在着关系。(同上,第 164-65 页)
Yet money is a product of the human brain that becomes an autonomous figure endowed with a life of its own, just as music is the product of sound vibrations or speech is the product of the mouth. The instrument vibrates as it does because 然而,金钱是人类大脑的产物,它成为一个独立的形象,被赋予了自己的生命,就像音乐是声音振动的产物,语言是嘴巴的产物一样。乐器之所以振动,是因为
the music is written so; the mouth moves as it does because of the intention to speak; people enter contracts, buy and sell, to pay back debts. The “misty realm,” in practice, is that of “definite social relations.” Social relations are definite only with hindsight; in economic life, everything is uncertain. 音乐是这样谱写的;嘴之所以能动,是因为有说话的意图;人们签订契约、进行买卖、偿还债务。实际上,"虚无缥缈的境界 "是 "确定的社会关系"。社会关系只有在事后才能确定;在经济生活中,一切都是不确定的。
For this dual pledging of securities on the part of creditor and debtor, see Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger, “The Property Theory of Interest and Money,” in Smithin, What Is Money? 67-100. Note that I diverge from their theory insofar as I also attribute significance to the role of promise as the reason for undertaking the contract in the first place. 关于债权人和债务人的这种双重证券质押,见 Gunnar Heinsohn 和 Otto Steiger,"利息和货币的财产理论",载于 Smithin,《货币是什么?67-100.请注意,我与他们的理论不同之处在于,我也将承诺的作用视为签订合同的首要原因。
1 Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 134. 1 斯密:《国富论》,第 134 页。
2 This formal equality of people is described by John Locke in terms of a gift of the world by God to people in common. It is notable that Locke, having attributed the right of private property to the act of joining labor with what is given, points out that people could only have as much as they could use were it not for the invention of money. Money enables value to keep without spoiling and so enables unequal possession. People have therefore, by “tacit and voluntary consent,” agreed to the disproportionate and unequal possession of the Earth. Without money, the Earth would be used inefficiently, with great tracts lying waste. So those people who make use of land, and so have a greater right to its possession, are those who use money: see Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 286, 293, 299-300. 2 约翰-洛克用上帝将世界馈赠给人们来描述人们的这种形式上的平等。值得注意的是,洛克将私有财产权归因于将劳动与所给予的东西结合起来的行为,并指出,如果不是因为货币的发明,人们只能拥有他们所能使用的东西。货币使价值得以保存而不变质,从而实现了不平等的占有。因此,人们通过 "默许和自愿同意",同意对地球不相称、不平等的占有。如果没有金钱,地球将被低效利用,大片土地将被浪费。因此,那些使用土地并因此对土地拥有更大占有权的人,就是那些使用货币的人:见洛克,《政府论》,第286、293、299-300页。
3 Hobbes, Leviathan, 125. 3 霍布斯,《利维坦》,125页。
4 This is what Locke means by “freedom under government”: anyone who transgresses the natural laws of private property places himself in a state of war against all others, and all have a duty to punish them (Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 272). 4 这就是洛克所说的 "政府统治下的自由":任何违反私有财产自然法则的人都将自己置于与所有其他人的战争状态,而所有人都有责任惩罚他们(洛克,《政府两论》,272页)。
5 For more on the nature of such dependencies, see Mies and Bennholdt-Thomsen, The Subsistence Perspective. 5 关于这种依赖关系的性质,见 Mies 和 Bennholdt-Thomsen,《生存视角》。
6 See Brenner, Merchants and Revolution. 6 见 Brenner,《商人与革命》。
7 In the English Civil War, Parliament-composed very largely of agrarian capitalist landholders - effectively seized sovereignty from the monarchy. While this was reversed at the end of the Commonwealth, the Glorious Revolution of 1688 completed the process. Such a move was ideologically justified by Locke in his critique of patriarchy and discussion of the state of war. 7 在英国内战中,主要由农业资本主义土地所有者组成的议会实际上从君主手中夺取了主权。虽然这一情况在英联邦末期被逆转,但 1688 年的光荣革命完成了这一进程。洛克在批判父权制和讨论战争状态时,从意识形态上证明了这一举动的合理性。
8 See Heinsohn and Steiger, “The Property Theory of Interest and Money,” in Smithin, What Is Money? 79, 81. 8 见 Heinsohn 和 Steiger,"The Property Theory of Interest and Money",载于 Smithin,What Is Money?79, 81.
9 Locke’s political theory is a defense of slavery and colonization: see the discussion in Duchrow and Hinkelammert, Property for People, Not for Profit, 44-70. 9 洛克的政治理论是对奴隶制和殖民化的辩护:见 Duchrow 和 Hinkelammert 的讨论,《财产为民而非为利》,44-70 页。
11 As John McMurtry remarks, “When people are then forced to obey ‘value neutral’ laws - as the indigenous peoples across the world have been over 500 years by invasion, mass murder, land clearances and criminal prosecution for resistance - their remainders are eventually forced to submit”: McMurtry, The Cancer Stage of Global Capitalism, 14. See further idem, Value Wars. 11 正如约翰-麦克默特里(John McMurtry)所言,"当人们被迫遵守'价值中立'的法律时--就像世界各地的土著人民在过去 500 年里所遭受的入侵、大规模屠杀、土地清理和因反抗而受到刑事起诉那样--他们的余孽最终也会被迫屈服":McMurtry, The Cancer Stage of Global Capitalism, 14。另见同上,《价值战争》。
12 Note the verdict of Joan Robinson: “Once we admit that an economy exists in time, that history goes one way, from the irreversible past into the unknown future, the conception of equilibrium based on the mechanical analogy of a pendulum swinging to and fro in space becomes untenable. The whole of traditional economics needs to be thought out afresh” (quoted in Altvater, The Future of the Market, 75). 12 请注意琼-罗宾逊(Joan Robinson)的判断:"一旦我们承认经济存在于时间之中,承认历史是单向的,从不可逆转的过去进入未知的未来,那么基于钟摆在空间中来回摆动的机械类比的均衡概念就站不住脚了。整个传统经济学需要重新思考"(引自 Altvater,《市场的未来》,75 页)。
13 Even Marx’s analysis of money in terms of commodity fetishism falls into the same illusion that it criticizes: economic society cannot be analyzed in terms of exchange. 13 即使是马克思从商品拜物教的角度对货币进行的分析,也陷入了它所批判的同样的幻觉:不能从交换的角度来分析经济社会。
Note the judgment of Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger: “There is no economic theory worthy of the name because economists have never come to terms with property. . . . They resemble a fish which does not know of water before it is pulled out of it” (Heinsohn and Steiger, “The Property Theory of Interest and Money,” in Smithin, What Is Money? 71-72). The relevant distinction between property and possession as use, for these authors, is that property can be encumbered and collateralized as a debt. Indeed, they regard money as deriving from a mutual pledge of property. The debtor issues a contract as a claim against his property to the creditor; the creditor issues a claim against his property to the debtor; and it is the latter claim that may then circulate as money. Money cannot be created out of nothing, therefore, because it requires the mutual pledging of property reserves. Our concern here, however, is with the social forces and expectations that invest and vivify such claims. 请注意贡纳尔-海因索恩和奥托-施泰格的判断:"没有一种经济理论是名副其实的,因为经济学家们从来就没有正视过财产问题。. . .他们就像一条鱼,在被捞出水面之前不知道水的存在"(Heinsohn 和 Steiger,"利息和货币的财产理论",载于 Smithin,《货币是什么?71-72).在这些作者看来,财产与作为使用的占有之间的相关区别在于,财产可以作为债务进行抵押和担保。事实上,他们认为货币来源于财产的相互抵押。债务人以其财产为抵押向债权人签发合同,债权人以其财产为抵押向债务人签发债权,而后一种债权可以作为货币流通。因此,货币不可能凭空产生,因为它需要财产储备的相互抵押。然而,我们在此关注的是投资和激活这种债权的社会力量和期望。
Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 136-40. 斯密,《国富论》,136-40 页。
Ibid., 226. 同上,第 226 页。
Ibid., 462. 同上,第 462 页。
Ibid., 250. 同上,第 250 页。
Ibid., 182. 同上,第 182 页。
Ibid., 137-39. 同上,第 137-39 页。
Ibid., 138. 同上,第 138 页。
See Hutchinson et al., The Politics of Money, chap. 8. try, taken at large, from the National Debt? I never could get a plain and practical answer to that question. As to taxation to pay the interest, how can the country suffer by a process, under which money is never one minute out of the pockets of the people? You may just as well say that a man is weakened by the circulation of his blood. There may, certainly, be particular local evils and grievances resulting from the mode of taxation or collection; but how can that debt be in any proper sense a burden to the nation, which the nation owes to itself, and to no one but itself?" (quoted in Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 239). 见 Hutchinson 等人,《货币政治》,第 8 章。从国债中抽出一部分来试试看?对于这个问题,我从来没有得到过一个简单而实际的答案。至于征税来支付利息,国家怎么会因为这样一个过程而遭受损失,因为在这个过程中,钱从来没有一分钟离开过人民的口袋?你也可以说,一个人的血液循环会削弱他的力量。当然,征税或收税的方式可能会给当地带来一些特殊的弊端和不满;但是,国家欠自己的债,除了自己之外,不欠任何人的债,怎么可能在任何适当的意义上成为国家的负担呢?(引自 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 239)。
31 For the difference between active and reactive forces, see Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy, chap. 2. 31 关于主动力量和被动力量的区别,见德勒兹,《尼采与哲学》,第 2 章。
32 Keynes, A Treatise on Money, 1:26. 32 凯恩斯:《货币论》,1:26。
33 For Adam Smith, “A man grows rich by employing a multitude of manufacturers: he grows poor by maintaining a multitude of menial servants”: Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 430. He generalizes this to businesses, governments, and nations, providing an argument for keeping the “unproductive” public sector as small as possible. Nevertheless, this argument assumes that only those activities that yield profits are productive, whereas public services may be much more worthwhile and beneficial to a nation than private services. There is, however, a different way to read Smith’s point: he comments that the rent of land and the profits of stock are the principal sources from which unproductive hands derive their subsistence: ibid., 433. Thus, landowners and capitalist investors are perhaps more significant than the state in causing the underutilization of capacity. The successors to the menial servants of the eighteenth century are those who are employed to provide leisure services for the rich, often as waiters or cleaners. Then one must ask whether the provision of luxury goods and services is truly productive. For Smith, “Parsimony, not industry, is the immediate cause of the increase of capital. . . . By what a frugal man annually saves, he not only affords maintenance to an additional number of productive hands, for that or the ensuing year, but, like the founder of a public workhouse, he establishes as it were a perpetual fund for the maintenance of an equal number in all times to come”: ibid., 437-38. This is 33 在亚当-斯密看来,"一个人通过雇佣众多的制造商而致富:他通过养活众多的佣人而致贫":斯密,《国富论》,430 页。他将这一观点推广到企业、政府和国家,为尽可能减少 "非生产性 "公共部门提供了论据。然而,这一论点假定只有那些能产生利润的活动才是生产性的,而公共服务可能比私人服务更有价值,对国家更有益。然而,我们可以从另一个角度来理解斯密的观点:他评论说,土地的地租和股票的利润是非生产人员赖以生存的主要来源:同上,433。因此,在造成能力利用不足方面,土地所有者和资本家投资者可能比国家更为重要。十八世纪下等仆人的后继者是那些受雇为富人提供休闲服务的人,他们通常是服务员或清洁工。那么,我们必须要问,提供奢侈品和服务是否真正具有生产性。斯密认为,"资本增长的直接原因是吝啬,而不是工业。. . ..一个节俭的人每年节省下来的钱,不仅可以在当年或来年养活更多的生产能手,而且还可以像公共救济院的创办人一样,建立一个永久性的基金,在今后的所有时期养活同样多的人":同上,437-38。这是
the vital problem of capacity utilization: are the productive capacities of all set to work most effectively to ensure the maintenance and benefits of others? Ibid., 119. 能力利用的重要问题:是否所有人的生产能力都能最有效地发挥作用,以确保其他 人的维持和利益?同上,第 119 页。
1 On bookkeeping as a moral self-discipline, see Poovey, The History of the Modern Fact, 11. James Aho has argued that the formal conventions of double-entry bookkeeping were devised to defend against accusations of usury, “for every credit I am due, this double-entry declares, I owe just so much”: quoted in ibid., 37-38. It is notable that in bookkeeping, value consists entirely in credits and debts. The same is true with paper money. 1 关于簿记是一种道德自律,见 Poovey, The History of the Modern Fact, 11。詹姆斯-阿霍(James Aho)认为,复式簿记的形式惯例是为了抵御高利贷的指控而设计的,"对于我应得的每一笔信贷,复式簿记都宣布,我只欠这么多":引自同上,37-38。值得注意的是,在簿记中,价值完全由债权和债务构成。纸币也是如此。
Thus, even John Maynard Keynes distinguishes between commodity money (in the form of coinage and fiat money or composed of tokens) and managed money (which has a determinate relation to an objective standard): see Keynes, A Treatise on Money, 1:7. 因此,即使约翰-梅纳德-凯恩斯也区分了商品货币(以硬币和法定货币的形式或由代币组成)和管理货币(与客观标准有确定的关系):见凯恩斯,《货币论》,1:7。
3 This is recommended by Hernando de Soto as a solution for world poverty: see de Soto, The Mystery of Capital. It is important to note that in financial markets, value is not expressed in a price at any given time, for a price has discounted all economic opportunities. Instead, value is discerned through fundamental analyses of underlying conditions and technical analyses of price movements. Such value is not yet recorded in current prices. 3 赫尔南多-德-索托(Hernando de Soto)建议将此作为解决世界贫困问题的办法:见德-索托,《资本的奥秘》(The Mystery of Capital)。需要注意的是,在金融市场中,价值并不是通过任何特定时间的价格来体现的,因为价格已经扣除了所有的经济机会。相反,价值是通过对基本条件的基本分析和对价格走势的技术分析来辨别的。这种价值尚未记录在当前的价格中。
There are three principal reasons that a state introduces money for the sake of taxation. First, because money enables the transfer of wealth, it allows the institution of taxes in forms other than on labor and nonperishable goods, such as poll taxes and customs duties. Second, it raises the demand for more money and thus increases the profit from seigniorage or money creation. And third, it forces taxpayers out of a non-monetary subsistence economy into a cash economy: see Charles A. E. Goodhart, “The Two Concepts of Money,” in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 450 . It is the third factor, combined with the profits obtained by local tax collectors, that seems to have been the cause of major social transformations during Jesus’s lifetime and probably had an impact on his teaching on wealth. 国家为了征税而引入货币有三个主要原因。首先,由于货币能够实现财富的转移,它允许以劳动力和非易腐商品以外的形式征税,如人头税和关税。其次,它提高了对更多货币的需求,从而增加了seigniorage或货币创造的利润。第三,它迫使纳税人从非货币的自给自足经济转向现金经济:见 Charles A. E. Goodhart, "The Two Concepts of Money," in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 450。正是第三个因素,再加上当地税吏获得的利润,似乎是耶稣在世时社会发生重大变革的原因,也可能对他关于财富的教导产生了影响。
The concept of habitus developed by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu expresses such a determination of perspective by practice: see Bourdieu, The Logic of Practice. It is also, perhaps, implicit in the premises of the materialist method outlined by Marx in The German Ideology: see Pierson, The Marx Reader, 94-95. 社会学家皮埃尔-布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)提出的 "习性"(habitus)概念表达了这种由实践决定视角的观点:见布迪厄,《实践的逻辑》(The Logic of Practice)。这或许也隐含在马克思在《德意志意识形态》中概述的唯物主义方法的前提中:见 Pierson, The Marx Reader, 94-95。
3 It is the consciousness of such a problem that explains the pre-modern fusion 3 正是意识到了这一问题,才有了前现代与后现代的融合。
of the religious and the political. The term “political theology” goes back to the pagan Marcus Terentius Varro (116-27 b.C.E.). It meant the correct and public interaction with the gods (Varro is cited in Augustine, City of God, 234). The sphere of the political is not confined to law and right, on the one hand, and sovereignty, agency, force, and subjectivity, on the other. It also consists in piety. The polis constituted itself in public through cult, sacrificial rituals, ceremonies, and festivals. It is such piety that has been replaced by money as the authority of credit. 政治神学 "一词可追溯到异教徒 Marcus Terentius Varro(公元前 116-27 年)。政治神学 "一词可追溯到异教徒马库斯-泰伦提斯-瓦罗(Marcus Terentius Varro,公元前 116-27 年)。政治神学 "一词可追溯到异教徒马库斯-特伦提乌斯-瓦罗(公元前 116-27 年),它指的是与众神进行正确的、公开的互动(奥古斯丁在《上帝之城》中引用了瓦罗的话,第 234 页)。政治的范畴不仅限于法律和权利,还包括主权、代理权、武力和主体性。它还包括虔诚。政体通过崇拜、祭祀仪式、典礼和节日在公共场合构成自身。正是这种虔诚被作为信用权威的金钱所取代。
4 See further Philip Goodchild, “The Babylonian Captivity of Theology,” unpublished essay. 4 另见菲利普-古德柴尔德:《神学的巴比伦之囚》,未发表论文。
5 Parmenides, fragments 3 and 6, translated in Cohen et al., Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy, 36-38: 5 巴门尼德,片段 3 和 6,译于科恩等,《古希腊哲学读本》,36-38:
Come now, I will tell you - and bring away my story safely when you 来吧,我告诉你--等你把我的故事安全地带走
have heard it - the only ways of inquiry there are for thinking: 我曾听人说过--只有思考才有探究的途径:
the one, that it is and that it is not possible for it not to be, is the path of Persuasion (for it attends upon Truth), the other, that it is not and that it is necessary for it not to be, this I point out to you to be a path completely unlearnable, for neither may you know that which is not (for it is not to be accomplished) 一种是 "是","不可能不是",这是说服的道路(因为它与真理相联系);另一种是 "不是","必须不是",我向你们指出,这是一条完全不可学习的道路,因为你们也不可能知道 "不是"(因为它是不可完成的)。
nor may you declare it. . . . For the same thing is for thinking and for being. 也不得宣布。. . .因为思考和存在都是一样的。
6 Compare Simmel, The Philosophy of Money, 146: “One of the greatest advances made by mankind - the discovery of a new world out of the material of the old is to establish a proportion between two quantities, not by direct comparison, but in terms of the fact that each of them relates to a third quantity and that these two relations are either equal or unequal.” 6 对比西美尔,《货币哲学》,146:"人类最伟大的进步之一--从旧世界的材料中发现一个新世界--就是在两个量之间建立比例,不是通过直接比较,而是根据它们各自与第三个量有关,以及这两种关系要么相等要么不相等这一事实"。
7 Aristotle, Metaphysics IV, 1003a. 7 亚里士多德:《形而上学》IV,1003a。
8 Benedict de Spinoza, Ethics, pt. 1, definition 3, in Curley, A Spinoza Reader, 85. 8 本尼迪克特-德-斯宾诺莎,《伦理学》,第 1 页,定义 3,见 Curley, A Spinoza Reader, 85。
9 Heidegger, What Is Called Thinking? 223. 9 海德格尔,《什么叫思维?223.
10 Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles, book 1, chaps. 21-22, 116-21. 10 Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles, book 1, chaps.21-22, 116-21.
11 Anselm was able to formulate the ontological argument for the existence of God because of his Neo-Platonic presuppositions. The mind has to consider “that than which nothing greater than can be conceived” as existing. To explain the possibility of the fool, he distinguished between two senses of “conceiving.” “For in one sense a thing is thought when the word signifying it is thought; in another sense when the very object which the thing is is understood”: Anselm, Proslogion, in Davies, Anselm of Canterbury - The Major Works, 88-89. These correspond to differing kinds of reason - one consisting of the manipulation of signs and ideas by the mind, including the use of propositions that signify what is thought to be the case; the other when the very object discloses itself to the understanding 11 安瑟伦之所以能够提出上帝存在的本体论论证,是因为他的新柏拉图预设。心灵必须将 "没有比它更大的东西可以被想象 "视为存在。为了解释傻瓜的可能性,他区分了 "设想 "的两种意义。"因为在一种意义上,当表示事物的词被思考时,事物就被思考了;在另一种意义上,当事物的对象被理解时,事物就被理解了":Anselm, Proslogion, in Davies, Anselm of Canterbury - The Major Works, 88-89.这与不同的理性相对应--一种理性是心灵对符号和观念的操作,包括使用命题来表示所认为的情况;另一种理性是当对象本身向理解力显现时。
through illumination. In the latter case, thought and existence are no longer independent; thought depends on existence. Here existence is no mere predicate added to a representation. Existence generates thought. This is hardly surprising, given that thought actually exists. For Immanuel Kant, by contrast, thought has no necessary relation to existence. To posit a triangle and to reject its three angles is self-contradictory, but there is no contradiction in rejecting the triangle together with its three angles: Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 502. Anselm would no doubt reply that it is one thing to reject the existence of a posited triangle, but to reject the existence of “that than which nothing greater can be conceived” is merely foolish. 通过光照。在后一种情况下,思维和存在不再是独立的,思维依赖于存在。在这里,"存在 "不仅仅是添加到表象中的谓词。存在产生思维。这并不奇怪,因为思想确实存在。相反,对于伊曼努尔-康德来说,思想与存在并无必然联系。假设一个三角形并否定它的三个角是自相矛盾的,但否定三角形及其三个角并不矛盾:康德:《纯粹理性批判》,第 502 页。安瑟伦无疑会回答说,拒绝接受一个假定的三角形的存在是一回事,但拒绝接受 "没有比它更伟大的东西 "的存在则是愚蠢之极。
12 Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 505 (“thalers” is used instead of “dollars” in the original). 12 康德,《纯粹理性批判》,505(原文中用 "塔勒 "代替 "美元")。
13 Anselm develops his so-called ontological argument to demonstrate that God is “greater than that which can be conceived”: Anselm, Proslogion, in Davies, Anselm of Canterbury - The Major Works, chap. 15. 13 安瑟伦提出了所谓的本体论论证,以证明上帝 "比可想象的更伟大":Anselm, Proslogion, in Davies, Anselm of Canterbury - The Major Works, chap.15.
14 Hence, the frequency of the motif that neoliberal economic orthodoxy is itself a religion: see, e.g., Nelson, Economics as Religion. This is not directly our concern here, however. 14 因此,新自由主义的正统经济学本身就是一种宗教的说法屡见不鲜:参见纳尔逊:《作为宗教的经济学》(Nelson, Economics as Religion)。不过,我们在此并不直接关注这一点。
15 It is clear that most schemes for the creation of alternative currencies, such as local exchange trading schemes, do not address the source of the power of contemporary debt money with which they will have to compete. For a critical review of such schemes, see Hutchinson et al., The Politics of Money, chap. 9. It is notable that these authors, while heavily influenced by the Social Credit Movement and enthusiastic about a citizen’s income, stop short of endorsing any particular reform. 15 显然,大多数创造替代货币的计划,如地方交换交易计划,并没有解决它们必须与之竞争的当代债务货币的力量来源问题。关于此类计划的批判性评论,见 Hutchinson 等人,《货币政治》,第 9 章。9.值得注意的是,这些作者虽然深受社会信贷运动的影响,并热衷于公民收入,但并没有赞同任何特定的改革。
1 Bibliotheca Sanctorum, cited in Buchan, Frozen Desire, 64. 1 Bibliotheca Sanctorum,引自 Buchan,Frozen Desire,64。
2 Quoted in Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 285. 2 引自 Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 285。
Note the view of Charles Lamb in 1843: “The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the men who borrow, and the men who lend. . . . The infinite superiority of the former, which I choose to designate as the great race, is discernible in their figure, port, and a certain instinctive sovereignty. The latter are born degraded” (quoted in Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 214). 请注意查尔斯-兰姆 1843 年的观点:"根据我所能形成的最佳理论,人类是由两个不同的种族组成的,一个是借贷的人,另一个是借贷的人。. ..前者的无限优越性,我选择称之为伟大的种族,从他们的身材、港口和某种本能的主权中可以看出。而后者则生来堕落"(引自 Jackson,The Oxford Book of Money,214)。
4 Hobbes, Leviathan, 174-75. 4 霍布斯,《利维坦》,174-75页。
5 William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Scene 2, lines 262-5. 5 威廉-莎士比亚,《威尼斯商人》,第 3 幕,第 2 场,第 262-5 行。
6 Buchan, Frozen Desire, 90.
7 For the contrast between these as fundamental social orders, see Hénaff, Le prix de la vérité. 7 关于这两种基本社会秩序之间的对比,见 Hénaff,Lex prix de la vérité。
8 Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act 4, Scene 1, lines 184-93. 8 莎士比亚,《威尼斯商人》,第 4 幕,第 1 场,第 184-93 行。
9 Quoted in Ingham, The Nature of Money, 126. 9 引自 Ingham, The Nature of Money, 126。
10 C. Muldrew, The Economy of Obligation, cited in ibid.
11 For the significance of public debt in the wealth of nations, see Ferguson, The Cash Nexus, chap. 4. 11 关于公共债务在国家财富中的重要性,见 Ferguson, The Cash Nexus, 第 4 章。4.
12 It is interesting to note that the Bank of England was predominantly a Whig corporation, and 43 percent of its initial directors were Protestant dissenters: see Carruthers, City of Capital, 139. 12 值得注意的是,英格兰银行主要是一家辉格党公司,其最初的董事中有 43% 是新教持不同政见者:见 Carruthers, City of Capital, 139。
13 For the social forces involved in the transformation of credit into currency, see the luminous account of Ingham, The Nature of Money, 121-31. 13 关于信贷转化为货币所涉及的社会力量,请参阅英格汉姆(Ingham)在《货币的本质》(The Nature of Money)一书中的精彩论述,第 121-31 页。
14 It is notable that there were early attempts to cause a run on the Bank by rivals, such as goldsmiths in 1696 and the old East India Company in 1701, which failed. See Carruthers, City of Capital, 139. 14 值得注意的是,1696 年的金匠和 1701 年的旧东印度公司等竞争对手早期曾试图挤兑银行,但都失败了。见 Carruthers, City of Capital, 139。
15 See ibid., 9-10. 15 见同上,9-10 页。
16 Dickson, The Financial Revolution in England, 9.
17 Qualifying Geoffrey Ingham, who merely lists state, rentiers, and taxpayers: Ingham, The Nature of Money, 131. 17 Geoffrey Ingham 仅列举了国家、租借人和纳税人,这是对 Geoffrey Ingham 的限定:Ingham, The Nature of Money, 131。
18 Ibid., 126. 18 同上,第 126 页。
19 John Locke distinguished between the commonwealth, “a society of men constituted only for the procuring, preserving and advancing of their own civil interests” (these being life, liberty, health, leisure, and possessions), and a church, “a voluntary society for the public worship of God” (this being in such a manner as they judge effective for the eventual salvation of their souls): John Locke, “Letter on Toleration,” in Yolton, The Locke Reader, 245, 248. 19 约翰-洛克将联邦与教会区分开来,前者是 "一个只为获得、维护和促进其自身公民利益而组成的人的社会"(这些利益包括生命、自由、健康、闲暇和财产),后者是 "一个自愿公开敬拜上帝的社会"(这是他们认为对最终拯救其灵魂有效的方式):约翰-洛克,"关于宽容的信",载于 Yolton, The Locke Reader, 245, 248。
20 The theological dimensions of the notion of kingship are explored in Kantorowicz, The King’s Two Bodies. 20 Kantorowicz 在《国王的两个身体》中探讨了王权概念的神学层面。
21 Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, 33. 21 施米特,《政治的概念》,33。
22 See Walter Benjamin, “Critique of Violence,” in idem, Selected Writings, Volume 1, 236-52. 22 见瓦尔特-本雅明,"暴力批判",同上,《文选》,第 1 卷,236-52 页。
23 It is important to note here the historical correlation between sovereign states and the issuing of their own currencies, even in the recent break-up and unification of states: see Goodhart, “The Two Concepts of Money,” in Ingham, Concepts of Money, 456. 23 在此有必要指出主权国家与发行本国货币之间的历史关联,即使是在最近的国家解体和统一过程中也是如此:见 Goodhart,"The Two Concepts of Money",载于 Ingham,Concepts of Money,456。
24 “We keep most closely to the facts if we take as our test, that the money is accepted in payments made to the State’s offices. Then all means by which a payment can be made to the State form part of the monetary system. On this basis it is not the issue, but the acceptation, as we call it, which is decisive. State acceptation delimits the monetary system”: Georg Friedrich Knapp, quoted in Wray, Understanding Modern Money, 25. 24 "如果我们把向国家机关付款时接受货币作为检验标准,我们就最接近事实了。那么,向国家付款的所有手段都构成货币体系的一部分。在此基础上,起决定作用的不是发行,而是我们所说的接受。国家接受是货币体系的界限":Georg Friedrich Knapp,引自 Wray,Understanding Modern Money,25。
25 Ingham, The Nature of Money, 126-31.
26 See Heinsohn and Steiger, “The Property Theory of Interest and Money,” in Smithin, What Is Money? 91. 26 见 Heinsohn 和 Steiger,"利息和货币的财产理论",载于 Smithin,《货币是什么?91.
27 On the nature of political theology, see Philip Goodchild, “The Exceptional Political Theology of Saint Paul,” unpublished essay. 27 关于政治神学的性质,见 Philip Goodchild,"圣保罗非凡的政治神学",未发表论文。
28 See Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, 175. 28 见尼采:《超越善与恶》,175 页。
29 Ibid., 134. 29 同上,第 134 页。
1 Note the comments of Joseph Addison in 1711: “A man who is furnished with arguments from the Mint will convince his antagonist much sooner than one who draws them from reason and philosophy. Gold is a wonderful clearer of the understanding: it dissipates every doubt and scruple in an instant, accommodates itself to the meanest of capacities, silences the loud and clamorous, and brings over the most obstinate and inflexible. Philip of Macedon was a man of most invincible reason this way. He refuted by it all the wisdom of Athens, confounded their statesmen, struck their orators dumb, and at length argued them out of all their liberties” (quoted in Jackson, The Oxford Book of Money, 286). 1 请注意约瑟夫-艾迪生在 1711 年的评论:"一个从铸币厂获得论据的人,会比一个从理性和哲学中获得论据的人更快说服他的对手。黄金是理解力的奇妙清道夫:它能在瞬间驱散一切怀疑和顾虑,适应最卑微的能力,让吵闹者闭嘴,让最顽固不化者屈服。马其顿的腓力就是这样一个理性无敌的人。他用理性驳倒了雅典人的所有智慧,迷惑了他们的政治家,使他们的演说家哑口无言,最终使他们失去了所有的自由"(引自杰克逊:《牛津货币书》,286 页)。
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abstraction, 49, 54, 75 抽象,49、54、75
accounting, 167-85, 188, 217-18 会计,167-85,188,217-18
Addison, 279 n. 1
Agamben, 265 n. 6 阿甘本,265 n. 6
Aglietta, Michel, 21, 270 n. 29
Aho, James, 275 n. 1
Altvater, Elmar, 21 Altvater, Elmar, 21 岁
Anselm, 276 n. 11, 277 n. 13 安瑟伦,276 n. 11,277 n. 13
anti-globalization politics, 129 反全球化政治,129
Aquinas, Thomas, 205 托马斯-阿奎那,205
Aristotle, 59-60, 204 亚里士多德,59-60,204
authority, 29-31, 68, 212-18, 223, 234 权力,29-31,68,212-18,223,234
Bacon, Francis, 142 培根,弗朗西斯,142
bankers, 146-48 银行家,146-48
Bank of Amsterdam, 8 阿姆斯特丹银行,8
Bank of England, 7-10, 19, 214, 231-35, 239, 244, 251 英格兰银行,7-10,19,214,231-35,239,244,251
barter, 88-91 易货贸易,88-91
belief, 33, 69 信仰、33、69
Bergson, Henri, 266 n. 13 柏格森,亨利,266 n. 13
Bourdieu, Pierre, 275 n. 2
Buchan, James, 39 布坎,詹姆斯,39
Buddha, the, 238 佛陀,238
Butler, Samuel, 10 巴特勒,塞缪尔,10
capital, 41, 86, 97, 237; categories of, 85; consumption of, 79-80; newly defined, 73; representation of, 78-8o 资本, 41, 86, 97, 237; 种类, 85; 消费, 79-80; 新定义, 73; 代表性, 78-8o
capitalism, 11, 20, 65-69, 81; newly defined, 80 资本主义, 11, 20, 65-69, 81; 新定义, 80
capitalists, 146 资本家,146
care, 159-61 护理,159-61
Challen, Peter, 21 查伦,彼得,21
Charles II, King, 231 国王查理二世,231
circulation, 98-100 流通,98-100
class, 144-46 类,144-46
climate change, 44-46 气候变化,44-46
Cobbett, William, 11 威廉-科贝特,11
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 274 n. 30
colonization, 13, 14, 64, 108, 127, 175 殖民化,13、14、64、108、127、175
concepts, 49, 54-55 概念、49、54-55
contract, 96-97, 111, 123-28, 130-34, 138-39, 141-42, 157-58, 160-62, 16670, 173-78 合同,96-97,111,123-28,130-34,138-39,141-42,157-58,160-62,16670,173-78
Copernicus, 99 哥白尼,99
credit: direction of, 160; evaluation of, 180-85180-85; as force, 69,147,215,220-69,147,215,220- 24 ; of issuing institution, 167; interdependence and, 230-31; as money, 65,94,99,112-15,21865,94,99,112-15,218; as religious problem, 237-40, 257-61; sacrifice and, 229; social order and, 62, 105, 143, 191-94; as source of wealth, 151, 211; speculation and, 154-56; theory of money, 7-11 信用:方向,160;评价, 180-85180-85 ;作为力量, 69,147,215,220-69,147,215,220- 24;发行机构,167;相互依存与,230-31;作为货币, 65,94,99,112-15,21865,94,99,112-15,218 ;作为宗教问题,237-40,257-61;牺牲与,229;社会秩序与,62,105,143,191-94;作为财富来源,151,211;投机与,154-56;货币理论,7-11
currency, instability of, 64, 155 货币的不稳定性, 64, 155
Kant, Immanuel, 16, 206, 208-9 康德,伊曼纽尔,16,206,208-9
Kantorowicz, Ernst H., 266 n. 14, 278 n. 20
Keynes, John Maynard, 20, 152, 270 n. 15, 275 n. 2
Kingdom of God, 2-3 天国,2-3
Knapp, G. F., 235
Lacan, Jacques, 38 拉康,雅克,38
Lamb, Charles, 277 n. 3 查尔斯-兰姆,277 n. 3
Leigh, Edward, 38 利,爱德华,38
liberalization of trade, 139-40 贸易自由化,139-40
liberty, 35, 39, 40-41, 159 自由,35,39,40-41,159
Lietaer, Bernard, 279 n. 2
Local Exchange Trading Schemes, 277 n. 15 本地交换交易计划,277 n. 15
Locke, John, 19-20, 36, 137, 233, 272 n. 2, 272 n. 4, 272 n. 7, 272 n. 9, 278 n. 19
Luther, Martin, 233 马丁-路德,233
Malthus, Thomas, 232 马尔萨斯,托马斯,232
Manent, Pierre, 33
market, xiii-xiv; construction of, 91-92; 市场, xiii-xiv; 建设, 91-92;
instabilities of, 63-67; as an institution, 123-34; as social order, 59-62, 106-7; toxic tendencies, 83-8783-87 不稳定性, 63-67; 作为一种制度, 123-34; 作为社会秩序, 59-62, 106-7; 有毒倾向, 83-8783-87
Marx, Karl, 20, 40-41, 55, 112, 258, 264 n. 21, 266 n. 13, 266 n. 24, 268 n. 32, 269 n. 3, 271 n. 34, 275 n. 2
McMurtry, John, 21, 274 n. 11
medium of exchange, 88-91, 131 交换媒介, 88-91, 131
Merchant of Venice, The, 225-29, 232 《威尼斯商人》,225-29,232
merchants, 146 商人,146
metaphysics, 74, 204-10, 213, 223 形而上学,74、204-10、213、223
Mies, Maria, 21 玛丽亚-密斯,21 岁
modernity, xii-xiii; money as engine of, 10, 13, 20; as myth, 43-44 现代性, xi-xiii;金钱作为动力, 10, 13, 20;作为神话, 43-44
modern reason, 14-19, 34 现代理性,14-19,34
Mofid, Kamran, 21 Mofid,Kamran,21 岁
money: authority of, xiv, 58, 217-18; as capital, 74; creation of, 7-10; credit theory of, 7; dynamic power of, 95- 货币:权威, xiv, 58, 217-18; 作为资本, 74; 创造, 7-10; 信用理论, 7; 动力, 95-
96, 110-11, 118-19, 220; metallist and banking theories of, 92-93; nature of, 117-18, 208; as a political body, 38-39, 221; as promise, 103, 105-6, 108-9, 115-18; as representation, 143; as ritual, 13 ; spectral power of, 12-13,6812-13,68; spiritual power of, 6; theology of, 6-7, 14, 17-18, 69, 77, 118, 129, 189, 204, 214, 219, 221-22, 237, 259; value of, 93-94 monopoly, 137-39 96, 110-11, 118-19, 220; metallist and banking theories of, 92-93; nature of, 117-18, 208; as a political body, 38-39, 221; as promise, 103, 105-6, 108-9, 115-18; as representation, 143;作为仪式, 13; 幽灵力量, 12-13,6812-13,68 ; 精神力量, 6; 神学, 6-7, 14, 17-18, 69, 77, 118, 129, 189, 204, 214, 219, 221-22, 237, 259; 价值, 93-94 垄断, 137-39
negentropy, 77 负熵,77
Newton, Isaac, 44, 232 牛顿,艾萨克,44,232
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 5, 238, 266 n. 13, 269 n. 2, 270 n. 3 尼采,弗里德里希,5,238,266 n.13,269 n.2,270 n. 3
Nixon, Richard, 268 n. 28 尼克松,理查德,268 n. 28
nutritional value, 134-46 营养价值,134-46
O’Donovan, Oliver, 265 n. 9 O'Donovan, Oliver, 265 n. 9
Orléan, André, 21, 270 n. 29
Parmenides, 204 巴门尼德,204
Paterson, William, 7 威廉-帕特森,7
peak oil, 47-48 石油峰值,47-48
Pelagius, 3 伯拉纠,3
piety, 89, 160, 276 n .3 虔诚,89,160,276 n .3
pleasure principle, 62, 100, 104 快乐原则,62,100,104
Polanyi, Karl, xiii, 11 卡尔-波兰尼,第 xiii、11 页
political: energy of the, 30-31, 68, 70; essence of the, 35 政治:能量,30-31,68,70;本质,35
political body, money as, 38-39 政治机构,金钱,38-39
political theology, 30, 37, 212, 214-15, 237, 254, 258, 276 n. 3 政治神学,30、37、212、214-15、237、254、258、276 n. 3
political theory, 32,35 政治理论,32,35
politics, end of, 57-58 政治,终结,57-58
power: as mastery, 34-36; of money, 4; nature of, 202, 211; in political theory, 31-33 权力:作为掌握, 34-36; 货币, 4; 性质, 202, 211; 政治理论, 31-33
price, 86,116,16686,116,166 价格, 86,116,16686,116,166
property, 35, 37, 39, 41, 97, 123-28, 130-34 财产,35、37、39、41、97、123-28、130-34
purchasing power, 101-3 购买力,101-3
Quantity Theory, 270 n. 23 《数量理论》,270 n. 23
rate of profit, 63, 79-80 利润率,63,79-80
reality principle, 60, 106 现实原则,60,106
reason, 38 ; essence of, 35 理性,38;本质,35
redemption, 260-61 救赎,260-61
religious faith, xi-xiii 宗教信仰, xi-xiii
renunciation, xi,xvx i, x v 放弃, xi,xvx i, x v
representation, 34-35, 52-54, 56-57, 5961, 69, 75-79, 85-89, 124-25, 141-42, 165-67, 209; capitalist, 67, 90; philosophy of, 36-37 代表权, 34-35, 52-54, 56-57, 5961, 69, 75-79, 85-89, 124-25, 141-42, 165-67, 209; 资本主义, 67, 90; 哲学, 36-37
Ricardo, David, 101 大卫-里卡多 101
rights, 124-27 权利,124-27
Robinson, Joan, 273 n. 12
Rommel, General Erwin, 29 隆美尔,埃尔温将军,29
Rowbotham, Michael, 21 迈克尔-罗伯瑟姆 21
Ruskin, John, 225 罗斯金,约翰,225
sacrifice, 176 牺牲,176
Savile, George, 39 乔治-萨维尔,39
Schmitt, Carl, 29-30, 50, 52 卡尔-施密特,29-30,50,52
Schroeder, Jeanne L., 273 n. 10
Schumpeter, Joseph, 10, 50-51 约瑟夫-熊彼特,10,50-51
secularization, 11 世俗化,11
self-interest, 156-59 自利,156-59
Sen, Amartya, 21
Shakespeare, William, 232 莎士比亚,威廉,232
Shaw, George Bernard, 4 萧伯纳,4
Simmel, Georg, 21, 87, 264 n. 25, 265 n. 32, 269 n. 1, 269 n. 3, 276 n. 6
Smith, Adam, 20, 60, 99-101, 115, 123, 135-36, 138, 157-58, 232, 274 n. 33 《亚当-斯密》,20、60、99-101、115、123、135-36、138、157-58、232、274 n. 33
social capital, 137-46, 158-62 社会资本,137-46,158-62
social production, 40 社会生产, 40
sovereign power, 41, 125-26, 202, 213, 220 主权,41,125-26,202,213,220
sovereignty, 232-36 主权,232-36
speculation, 16, 63-64, 66-67, 114, 14751, 154-55 推测,16,63-64,66-67,114,14751,154-55
Spinoza, Benedict de, 36, 204, 266 n. 13, 269 n. 2
spiritual capital, 161 精神资本,161
state, functions of the, 134 国家的职能,134
Steiger, Otto, 272 n. 35, 273 n. 14
store of value, 94-97 价值储藏,94-97
subject, sovereignty of, 34-35 主体主权,34-35
taxation, 3, 202, 231, 249-51 税收,3,202,231,249-51
Taylor, Charles, xi 泰勒、查尔斯, xi
theology: essence of, 36-37, 206, 209; 神学:本质,36-37,206,209;
Christian, 3-4; secular, 54 基督教,3-4;世俗,54
theology of money, 6-7, 14, 17-18, 69, 77, 118, 129, 189, 204, 214, 219, 221-22, 237, 259 货币神学,6-7,14,17-18,69,77,118,129,189,204,214,219,221-22,237,259
threat, 106-7, 125, 144-45 威胁,106-7,125,144-45
time, 6, 16-17, 97, 133, 136, 140-44, 158, 时间,6,16-17,97,133,136,140-44,158、
161-63, 188-89; saving, 16-17, 54-57, 161-63,188-89;节约,16-17,54-57、
175, 184, 188, 212
truth, 15-17, 206-8, 212-14 真理,15-17,206-8,212-14
unit of account, 91-94 记账单位,91-94
universalism, 30-31, 54 普遍主义,30-31,54
use value, 104 使用价值,104
usury, 11, 60, 139-40, 226, 228, 274 n. 26 高利贷,11、60、139-40、226、228、274 n. 26
value: as abstraction, 76-77; creation of, 182-83, 190-92; labour theory of, 135-36; nutritional theory of, 134-38 价值:作为抽象概念, 76-77; 创造, 182-83, 190-92; 劳动理论, 135-36; 营养理论, 134-38
value of values, 5 数值的数值,5
Varro, Marcus Terentius, 276 n. 3
war, 29-30, 126, 128 战争,29-30,126,128
wealth, xi-xii; creation of, 51, 77-78; 财富, xi-xii; 创造, 51, 77-78;
material, 4; nature of, 163, 194-95, 201, 203, 210-11; spiritual, 213, 219-20 物质, 4; 性质, 163, 194-95, 201, 203, 210-11; 精神, 213, 219-20
William III, King, 7, 231, 235 国王威廉三世,7,231,235
will to power, 100, 103-4, 113, 145, 238 权力意志, 100, 103-4, 113, 145, 238
work, 136, 153, 158, 161-62, 189 工作,136,153,158,161-62,189
PHILIP GOODCHILD is a professor of religion and philosophy in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Nottingham. He is the author of Capitalism and Religion: The Price of Piety (2002), Deleuze and Guattari: An Introduction to the Politics of Desire (1996) and Gilles Deleuze and the Question of Philosophy (1996), and editor of Rethinking Philosophy of Religion: Approaches from Continental Philosophy (2002). He is also a co-editor of Duke University Press’s New Slant: Religion, Politics, Ontology series. 菲利普-古奇尔德是诺丁汉大学神学与宗教研究系的宗教与哲学教授。他著有《资本主义与宗教》(Capitalism and Religion:The Price of Piety》(2002 年)、《Deleuze and Guattari:欲望政治学导论》(1996 年)和《吉勒-德勒兹与哲学问题》(1996 年)的作者,以及《反思宗教哲学》的编辑:Rethinking Philosophy of Religion: Approaches from Continental Philosophy》(2002 年)的编辑。他还是杜克大学出版社 New Slant 的联合编辑:宗教、政治、本体论》丛书的联合编辑。
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Goodchild, Philip, 1965-
Theology of money / Philip Goodchild. - (New slant : religion, politics, ontology)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8223-4438-4 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN 978-o-8223-4450-6 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Wealth-Religious aspects-Christianity.
2. Money-Religious aspects-Christianity.
I. Title. II. Series: New slant.
BR115.W4G66 2009