Remember this: humans are emotional, not logical beings. 记住:人类是情感驱动的,而非理性的生物。
We are constantly looking to resolve our conscious pains, become aware of our unconscious pains, and implement solutions that benefit our quality of life. 我们始终在努力解决意识到的痛苦,认识到无意识的痛苦,并采取有助于提高生活质量的解决方案。
There is 1 concept that will save you a lot of pain on your creator journey: 有一个概念可以让你的创作之旅轻松很多:
The Levels Of Awareness 意识的不同层次
Unaware: unaware of a problem they have 对自己存在的问题毫不知情
Problem Aware: aware that they have a problem but not sure what is causing it or how to solve it 问题意识:知道自己有问题,但不清楚问题的原因或解决方法
Solution Aware: aware that a solution exists, but are unaware of your solution (free or paid resources) 解决方案意识:知道有解决方案的存在,但对你的解决方案(无论是免费还是付费资源)并不知情
Product Aware: aware of your free or paid solution, but either haven’t implemented it or are hesitant to act on it 产品意识:了解您的免费或付费解决方案,但尚未实施或对采取行动感到犹豫不决
Most Aware: aware of your solution and are ready to act on it - all they need is a little push (with persuasion and influence) 最清楚:他们意识到你的解决方案并准备付诸行动,只需要一点推动(通过劝说和影响)
Your top-of-funnel content (social media platforms) should target all of the above, with levels 1-3 as the priority. 你的漏斗顶部内容(社交媒体平台)应针对以上所有内容,优先关注 1-3 级。
Why? 90%90 \% of people actively engaging on social media are beginners. The other 9%9 \% like consuming beginner content as a good reminder. 为什么? 90%90 \% 的人积极参与社交媒体是初学者,而其他 9%9 \% 则喜欢将初学者的内容作为很好的提醒。
Then there’s the 1%1 \% that seem to be bitter all the time. 然后有那些 1%1 \% 似乎总是充满苦涩。
"That's too basic!" 这实在是太简单了!
Then don’t read it, bro. Close the app. 那就别看了,兄弟。关掉这个应用吧。
Your bottom-of-funnel content (emails, lead magnets, and products) should also target all of the above, with levels 3-5 as the priority. 你的漏斗底部内容(如电子邮件、引导磁铁和产品)也应针对以上所有内容,优先考虑 3 到 5 级。
In our case, your newsletter will still target levels 1-3 unless you have a product or service to sell. 在我们的情况下,您的新闻通讯仍然会针对 1-3 级,除非您有产品或服务要出售。
Don’t overthink this and don’t hesitate to give out advanced-level information. 不要想太多,也不要犹豫,尽量提供高级信息。
Advanced information will make people feel smart for reading it, which helps boost your authority (just keep it off the timeline because your engagement and growth will suffer). 高级信息会让人感到聪明,从而提升你的权威(只需将其从时间线上移除,因为这会影响你的参与度和增长)。
Attention Is The New Currency 注意力是新的财富
The first step towards any transaction of value is capturing attention. 任何有价值的交易的第一步是引起注意。
Some transactions include: 一些交易内容包括:
Free content in exchange for engagement and shares 通过内容获取参与和分享
Free products in exchange for their email 通过提供电子邮件获取免费产品
Deeper, more valuable content in exchange for a click 提供更深入、更有价值的内容来换取一次点击
Going from a DM to a call 从私信转到电话沟通
Going from a call to a sale 从电话沟通到达成销售
Almost every touchpoint of your brand and writing involve a transaction of some form. 几乎每一个品牌和写作的接触点都涉及某种交易。
Your ability to create that transaction is based on capturing, holding, and converting attention. 你进行该交易的能力取决于你如何捕捉、保持和转化注意力。
The tried and true ways of capturing attention include: 吸引注意力的有效方法包括:
Calling out who you are talking to (like what someone does for work) 叫出你正在交谈的对象(就像某人在工作时所做的那样)
Targeting a pain point that someone is experiencing 针对某人所面临的痛点进行针对性解决
Opening a curiosity loop (by asking a question or implying a puzzle with a missing piece) 开启一个好奇心的循环(通过提问或暗示一个缺失的谜题)
Using statistics, numbers, and other pattern interrupts that pull readers out of their mindless scrolling 利用统计数据、数字和其他干扰元素来吸引读者停止无意识的滑动
This is why content writers always stress nailing the hook or headline of a post. 这就是内容创作者为何总是强调要抓住文章的吸引点或标题。
If somebody doesn’t read the hook or headline and feel compelled to dive deeper based on their level of awareness - they aren’t going to read the rest of your content (or go through the rest of your course). 如果有人没有阅读标题或引子,并且没有根据他们的认知水平感到有必要深入了解,他们就不会继续阅读你内容的其他部分(或完成你课程的其他部分)。
There are more tips and tricks for capturing attention, but those are dependent on what you are trying to capture attention with. 吸引注意力的方法还有很多,但具体取决于你想用什么来引起关注。
Short-form content (like tweets and IG posts) doesn’t allow much space for depth - so we need to be tactical with how we write 短格式内容(如推文和 Instagram 帖子)缺乏深度,因此我们在写作时需要采取策略
Medium-form content (like Linkedln posts, carousels, and threads) can have a proper hook, body, and conclusion rapidly - it’s “easier” to keep the reader engaged with how they are structured. 中等长度的内容(如 LinkedIn 帖子、轮播和讨论串)可以快速形成合适的引子、主体和结论——这种结构使得“吸引读者的注意”变得“更容易”。
Long-form content (like emails and articles) allow for a lot of creativity, storytelling, and general value - so we need to understand that. 长篇内容(如电子邮件和文章)提供了丰富的创造力、叙事和整体价值,因此我们需要对此有清晰的理解。
All of these will be touched on, systemized, and streamlined with an Newsletter Template inside the Notion hub. 所有这些内容将在 Notion 中的新闻通讯模板中进行整理、系统化和优化。
My question for you: 我想问你:
Are you conscious of who you are talking to at every touchpoint in your brand and writing? 你是否意识到在品牌和写作的每个接触点上,你正在与谁交流?
Your social media bio? Your pinned tweet? Link in bio? Email list opt in? Landing page writing? Specific tweets? The transition between tweets in threads? When someone DMs you? When you DM someone else? 你的社交媒体个人简介是什么?你固定的推文是什么?简介中的链接是什么?你有电子邮件列表的注册吗?你写的着陆页是什么?特定的推文有哪些?推文之间是如何衔接的?当有人给你发私信时,你会怎么做?当你给别人发私信时,又会怎样?
What part of the journey are your readers on and what journey are you going to take them on when you capture their attention? 你的读者目前处于旅程的哪个阶段?你将如何引导他们,吸引他们的注意力?
How can you craft a message that is specific to them and where they are at? 你如何撰写一条针对他们及其当前状况的具体信息?
Do Further Research 进行更深入的研究
This is a well-talked about subject. You can find many different resources on persuasive communication, capturing attention, and how the mind interprets what it reads. 这是一个广受关注的话题。你可以找到许多关于说服沟通、吸引注意力以及大脑如何理解所阅读内容的资源。
Explore your curiosity and write about what you learn 😃 发掘你的好奇心,记录你所学到的知识 😃
Foundational Tips For Holding Attention 吸引注意力的基础技巧
When it comes to holding attention, you must understand the principles of storytelling and persuasion (they are the same thing) - which we will discuss in the next section. 在吸引注意力方面,您需要理解讲故事和说服的原则(这两者是相同的) - 我们将在下一节中对此进行讨论。
When you are creating online, throw everything you know about communication out the window. 当你在线创作时,忘掉你对沟通的所有认知。
This isn’t high school English class. 这可不是高中英语课。
If you write like your English teacher wanted you to - you will suffer. I promise. It’s not fun. 如果你按照你英语老师希望的方式写作,你会很痛苦。我保证,这并不好玩。
You are writing to build a connection. Similar to how you would in real life, but a bit more tactical. 你正在写作以建立联系。这与现实生活中的交流类似,但更加注重策略。
The very first step for impactful communication, specifically writing (as we will be starting with writing), is readability. 有效沟通的第一步,尤其是写作(我们将从写作开始),是确保内容的可读性。
Have you seen how Twitter accounts, some articles, and sales pages are spaced out? 你见过推特账户、一些文章和销售页面是如何布局的吗?
The creators are mindful of guiding the readers’ attention. 创作者们关注于引导读者的注意力。
Here are some quickly implementable tips for holding attention before we dive deeper: 这里有一些可以迅速实施的技巧,帮助我们在深入讨论之前吸引注意力:
Space out your sentences (press “enter” after 1-3 sentences). This can be longer in blog posts 将句子分开(在 1-3 个句子后按“回车”)。在博客文章中可以写得更长一些
Be mindful of how your content looks - does it guide the reader down the page? Does it have rhythm and intention behind how it is written? 注意你的内容呈现方式 - 它是否能引导读者顺畅地阅读?写作是否具有节奏感和明确的意图?
Keep sentences as short and impactful as you can - edit filler words that detract from the message 尽量使句子简短有力 - 删除那些影响信息传达的多余词汇
If you can’t keep them short, use dashes “-” and parenthesis so their attention doesn’t get tired, keep people guessing (you can see how I do this throughout my writing). 如果你无法让内容简短,可以使用破折号“-”和括号,这样可以避免让读者感到疲惫,并保持他们的好奇心(你可以看到我在写作中是如何做到的)。
Use bullet points, lists, and other methods that imply that something comes next 使用项目符号、列表以及其他暗示后续内容的方式
Humans are always trying to piece together the puzzle. 人类总是努力将这个难题拼凑在一起。
They want to know what came before and after a certain point in a story (the situation that you are referring to in your content). 他们想了解在故事中某个特定时刻之前和之后发生了什么(你在内容中提到的情境)。
Keep all of this in mind as you are reading content. 在阅读内容时,请牢记这些。
How are these creators guiding your attention towards a mutually beneficial transaction? 这些创作者是如何引导你的注意力,促成互利交易的?
Start practicing this immediately. The sooner you start practicing, the more you will become aware of how your attention is being controlled. 立刻开始练习。你越早开始练习,就越能意识到自己的注意力是如何被控制的。
Intention 目的
Do not overthink this, but be mindful of what kind of person you are targeting with your content. 不要想得太复杂,但要留意你所针对的内容受众是什么样的人。
What are they going through? What did you go through at that timeframe? How did you overcome it? How can you deliver that message in a way that delivers full impact? 他们正在经历什么?你在那个时期经历了什么?你是如何克服这些困难的?你如何以一种能够产生深远影响的方式传达这个信息?