=Neural Dust=

Sharon needed help. She was going through what was possibly the most traumatic time of an Antari's life - her husband had died young. It was an accident involving extreme sports and drugs, shocking but not surprising to anyone who knew the daredevil young millionaire. He was an adrenaline junkie and had too much time and money without a coherent life goal to apply it towards. She had come from a poor background, fallen in love with him prior to the Arena and all but bent over right as the match started. She wanted to live a cushy lifestyle, feeding off of his success.

Was it karmic fate that brought her to this point? It's a well known Antari adage that relationships beginning with both partners fighting to win create the best long term outcomes. Was this the universe punishing her for her laziness?

Questions for another time. The world was spinning and she had to adapt. Unfortunately, she had neither the connections nor the mental brainpower to carry on. Sharon inherited a fortune, but was not equipped to handle it. For starters, she lacked neural dust, the prerequisite for most high-powered Antari who want to communicate effortlessly with other upper class movers and shakers. It also let its wearer access a host of encoded information built into all the products and services of the city.

Sharon needed neural dust. Sharon did not know anyone who could perform the surgery.


It was unwise to seek help in the black market. That was obvious to everyone. But Sharon was out of options. Rule number one - only deal with females. Antari lower class males could never be trusted, and could always be assumed to be on the prowl for sex and dominance. Rule two - scrape as much info as you can. Sharon asked around at dozens of tech stalls for a neural dust doctor. Two female doctors were mentioned by most of them.

Sharon was worried about the most popular one. This was the black market after all - and aren't honeypots a thing? There is probably more than one good surgeon in this dive, and she was trying to keep a low profile after all. Going with the most popular one would only make it more likely that others would find out about her surgery. She decided to find the second doctor.


Sharon approached a small, dingy lab on the fringe of the black market slum. The doorway was covered by strings of beads. She pushed through and looked around - empty. Vials of purple and blue liquid stood on countertops nearby. Syringes and unlabeled glass containers were strewn about.

Talli walked out of the back room - "What are you here for?" she asked, resting her hand behind a nearby countertop.

"I'm looking for someone to do a cheap neural dust surgery - is this the right place?"

"Ah, yeah I can do that." Talli withdrew her hand from her weapon drawer. She walked over, admiring Sharon's health, and guided her into the back room.

Unlike the rest of the lab, the surgery room was completely immaculate. It was clean from top to bottom, with a single comfortable chair in the center.

Sharon sat down.

"Don't worry, this is pretty standard, it won't take long."

Talli lifted a plastic mask to Sharon's face and the world drifted away.


A loud noise startled Sharon. She woke and sat up, rubbing her head. There were several marks where the surgical implements had penetrated through her skull, but other than that there was no sign of the surgery. She wasn't even in any pain. She blinked a few times then looked around - she laid on a couch in the lobby of Talli's lab.

"Ah, awake I see. Any pain? Any side effects?"

"... no, not that I can feel. Did it work?"

"Why don't you test it yourself."

Talli brought out a blender and turned it on. A bunch of holographic information suddenly sprang to life above the blender - visible only to Sharon. She stared at it in near disbelief. Just by thinking, she began to manipulate the speed and power settings of the blender.

"I guess it's working then." Talli dropped it on the counter and pulled out her phone. "That's going to be 800"

Sharon stared at the phone, seeing several entry fields floating in the air above it. She mentally filled them out, watching as the text appeared at the whim of her concentration. She smiled, ecstatic with hope for the future. Things were going to be different from now on, and it was so easy to interact with! She had initially been worried there was going to be a learning curve but this seemed effortless. Once complete, the hologram vanished and Talli smirked slightly.

"Well, I hope to see you again real soon..."


The next day Sharon was standing at the supermarket. She could see everything. A dazzling display of information filled the empty air in front of all the products. Reviews, scientific summaries, cost/benefit analysis - making decisions had never been so easy. The first day alone she figured out about fifty things she had been doing wrong with her exercise, diet, job searches, and investment strategies. It felt like peering into another universe.

She stood holding a can of whipped cream, fascinated by the dust-enabled animated logo on the label. A movement distracted her - it was Talli, standing at the end of the aisle.

Sharon froze, what was Talli doing here? Was this some kind of black market shakedown? More money perhaps? But Talli didn't seem to notice her. She was reaching up for a bag of something on the upper shelf. She was wearing a tank top, revealing her toned arms and a side shot of her succulent breasts. Sharon kept staring, her eyes wandering down Talli's strong legs and then back up toward her crotch, her chest, her beautiful face.

She blinked. Talli disappeared.


It happened at least twice a day, for the last several days. Talli would show up at a club, at a theater, on the street - always at a distance, always doing something vaguely erotic like exercising or bending over to pick something up or... or just standing there.

Sharon was distressed. Talli was clearly stalking her. But to what end? She had to get answers. Even in the black market, there were morals. Yes, surely, it was okay to go back and try to get the truth out of her.


Sharon pushed her way through the beaded door of Talli's lab to find her sitting on the sofa, staring at her phone. She looked up, almost surprised.

"Back again? How's the neural dust working out?"

Sharon gathered her courage and bluntly let her words spill out - "WHY ARE YOU - WHY ARE YOU STALKING ME?!" Her question was met with a puzzled expression.

"Honey, I've been working in my lab every day since you left. I haven't even left the black market area, I live here."

Sharon started to get furious. She asked about the supermarket, the theater, seeing Talli in the rich part of town over the past-

"Ah, I see. Yes well, sometimes neural dust creates feedback. You know how it lets you see things that aren't actually there? Mostly it receives external signals but sometimes it gets input from your own brain. So... yeah, I guess this is a bit awkward but I was the one who performed a life changing surgery on you, I think you've just been a bit obsessed about it. That's why you've been hallucinating."

This explanation seemed to calm Sharon down. A big misunderstanding, that's all it was. Par for the course, getting all emotional over something like this. She apologized, thanked Talli again for the surgery, and went home.


Sharon sat in her mansion, watching television. The sights and sounds surrounded her, a symphony of wonderous color that filled the living room. The main character was doing a monologue off to the side somewhere, but she had decided to watch one of the subplots happening between a few minor characters off to the side.

She stood listening intently as a pair of hands reached around from behind her and caressed her breasts.

Sharon bolted upright and turned her head. Talli's face was staring at her.

"You're... you're a hallucination..."

"Yes, I know"

"You aren't real." Sharon reached out to push her hand through Talli's face. It phased right through her.

"Yeah, I'm not real. But I could be."

"Wh... what are..."

"I'm a figment of your imagination. So I know what you know. And I know you've been admiring me for the past week. You could... touch me if you wanted to. All you have to do is believe."

Sharon thought for a few moments. Talli was still groping her tits.

Groping her tits.


Clearly, it was possible to feel this hallucination. She just had to believe. Sharon closed her eyes and concentrated. She reached out slowly. Slowly. Her hand extended. Pushing toward Talli's face. Further. Further.

Sharon cracked an eyelid - her wrist was in the middle of Talli's forehead.

"Why isn't this working?"

"Who knows, the brain is a funny organ." Talli smiled, and faded away.


Over the next several days Talli continued to visit her. At home, around town, in the supermarket, in the shower. Sharon would suddenly feel Talli's hands on her breasts, or down her pants. It would last for a few minutes, enough to make her unreasonably horny, then Talli would evaporate.

And then Talli began to suggest things to her.

It started with little things, suggestions of what clothes to buy or which exercises to focus on. Then her suggestions became more intimate. After a workout, Talli was fondling Sharon in the shower. Horny and slightly annoyed, Sharon allowed the violation as she washed her hair, confident in Talli's imminent evaporation.

"Aren't your breasts kind of small? I think you need to get bigger breasts."

"I... what?!"

"Your breasts need to be bigger" repeated Talli "I think they would look better if they were bigger. And more sensitive."

"I'm not going to just-"

"Your breasts should be bigger. I want them to be bigger." Talli's face grew serious. She pushed Sharon against the shower wall, fingering her pussy from behind. "You need to get bigger breasts, bigger and more sensitive."

Sharon whimpered as her arousal spiked. She had no idea what was happening but she could feel Talli's entire body pressing against her, and she was so close to orgasm. She thrust her ass out against Talli's strong hand, letting her penetrate deeper with her fingers.

"Go back to Talli and ask her to improve your breasts."

"Y... yes..."


The next day Sharon pushed the beads of Talli's lab door aside, walking in to find Talli sitting in the corner on her phone.

"I need you to improve my breasts."

"Sure. But... that's quite a weird request, coming from you. Why do you-"

"Isn't your job to not ask questions?" Sharon would not - could not - admit why she was doing this. It was just too bizarre. She just needed better breasts, that's all there was to it.

"Alrighty then babe, you're the one with the money."

They moved to the back room and Sharon once again watched the plastic mask descend on her face, then darkness.


Sharon prepared food in her house. Or at least, she was attempting to. She was naked from the waist up, so that hallucination Talli had full access to her body. Her larger, more sensitive breasts leaked slightly as they were massaged from behind. Sharon stood over a cutting board, shivering as she was molested by a figment of her imagination. A half prepared meal lay on the board next to a knife. Finishing the preparation was an impossible task as Talli's hands roamed freely over Sharon's body.

Sharon felt a hand slide up under her skirt. She felt her panties get pulled down. She felt fingers penetrating her ass and vagina. She felt hands caressing both of her large, full breasts.

How many hands did Talli have?

Sharon opened her eyes and turned around to an empty room. Her panties were back in place, although she was still naked from the waist up.

"Damnit, I was so close..."


"You know what you need?"

"No, what."

Sharon was sitting in the hot tub as Talli nonchalantly groped her chest.

"You need a bigger ass. Bigger and more... sensitive. I think that's best for everyone." Talli reached down to grab a hold of Sharon's butt.

Sharon couldn't help but agree.


Sharon lay in bed, trying to sleep. Talli straddled her, disappearing every once in a while only to crawl back up onto her crotch from some unseen side of the bed. It was nearly midnight. Sharon was getting aggravated.

"Look, its pretty clear what you need. You need a cock."

"On top of the breasts and ass?!" Sharon turned over and threw back the covers to reveal her massive rear end. "I thought maybe just a little bigger, this is ridiculous! And it took a day to recover from!"

"I didn't mean that, I mean you need to get penetrated by cock. You've been frustrated - you haven't been orgasming as much recently."

"So what, I need to go buy a vibrator? My husband is dead. You know the rules, it's possible prison time if I hook up with-"

"Well, there is another option." Talli looked down at her crotch, then back to Sharon. "I'm part of your imagination, so... I'm pretty malleable."

Sharon stared backwards past her large ass at Talli's naked crotch in awe as a huge, throbbing cock grew out from where her clitoris used to be.

"Amazing..." Talli whispered, "so this is what you want it to look like." She crawled over to Sharon, pulled her up by her waist, and thrust the throbbing member into her pussy.


Sharon's problems seemed to have melted away. She was folding laundry, naked, as Talli fucked her from behind. It felt completely real and yet her body wasn't being tossed around at all.

She sat trembling through an investment meeting, complaining about the cold air conditioning as Talli molested her through her business clothes. She had to excuse herself early before her heaving, leaking breasts put out enough milk to soak through her shirt.

In the shower, Sharon knelt down on her knees to wash her hair as she sucked Talli's cock. Talli had even started to orgasm, holding Sharon's head in position until she swallowed the entire load. It disappeared down her throat.


Sharon laid in bed, letting Talli fuck her missionary-style. Talli leaned down, letting their breasts rub against each other. Sharon's hypersensitive mammaries flooded her body with endorphins.

"Do you love me?" Talli's sultry voice seeped into Sharon's ears.


"I want to feel it. I want you to give yourself to me."

Sharon knew exactly what Talli wanted - after all, she was a figment of her imagination. "You own me. You own my breasts. You own my ass. You own my pussy. My body is yours. I belong to you."

"Good girl, now tomorrow go back to Talli and tell her that."


Sharon pushed through the beaded doorway to Talli's lab. Talli was standing behind the counter, on her phone.

"Talli, I need to tell you something."

"I know. You've been a very good girl so far. I'm glad you found me, and that we could have so much fun together."

Sharon blinked a few times. She reached out to swat Talli's arm.

"Oh, I'm the real one. But I haven't been quite honest with you." She held up her phone. "It just took a little time to break through your mental defenses. Triggering you to admire my body was actually really easy - are you sure you weren't into women already? It doesn't matter now - now I have you all to myself." Talli began approaching her.

Sharon felt faint. She backed up, fumbling around for something to grab onto. Finding nothing, she stumbled to the ground, eyes wide with terror.

"Maybe you just need a little encouragement."

Talli gripped her phone, communicating with it silently via neural dust, and Sharon began to feel her body heating up.

"Don't get me wrong, I do love you, and I want to make you happy. I needed to get inside that mind of yours though - and also figure out what size and shape this thing should be..." Talli dropped her pants, revealing a large cock exactly the same as fake Talli's. "It's here, ready for you."

Sharon's mind blanked out. She stared at the rising mast in front of her. Part of her mind wanted to get the hell out of there. Her body disagreed.

She crawled over to Talli's pulsing dick, took it in both hands, and wrapped her mouth around it. She sighed internally - she felt complete. Everything was going to be okay from now on. Talli would live her life for her. She would take control.


Talli sunbathed next to the mansion pool. Her slave Sharon had her head buried between Talli's legs. It was nice finally getting to live in the upper strata of Antari society - she definitely earned it.
