The parties whose names and descriptions are stated in Section 1 of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Landlord”) which expression shall where the context so admits include in the case of body corporate its successor-in-title and permitted assigns of the one part; 名称和描述在附录第一节中列出的各方(以下简称“房东”),在上下文允许的情况下,该表达式应包括在公司法人情况下的继承人和被允许的受让人;
The parties whose names and descriptions are stated in Section 2 of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Tenant”) which expression shall where the context so admits include in the case of body corporate its successor-in-title and permitted assigns of the other part. 名称和描述在附录第二节中列出的各方(以下简称“租户”),在上下文允许的情况下,该表达式应包括在公司法人情况下的继承人和被允许的受让人。
WHEREAS:- 鉴于:-
(A) The Landlord is the registered proprietor of all that parcel of land described in Section 3 of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Property”). (A)房东是附录第三节中描述的所有土地的注册所有者(以下简称“物业”)。
(B) The Landlord is desirous of letting and the Tenant is desirous of taking a tenancy of the premises described in Section 4 of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Demised Premises”). (B)房东希望出租,租户希望租赁附录第四节中描述的房屋(以下简称“租赁房屋”)。
WHEREFORE IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED as follows:- 因此,双方达成如下协议:-
1.1 The Landlord shall let and the Tenant shall take a tenancy (hereinafter referred to as “this Tenancy”) of the Demised Premises for a period stated in Section 5(i) of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Term”), and commencing on the date stated in Section 6(i) of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Commencement Date”) and expiring on the date stated in Section 6(ii) of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Expiry Date”). 1.1 房东应出租,租户应接受(以下称为“本租约”)租赁物业,租期在附带的附表第 5(i)节中说明(以下称为“租期”),并于附带的附表第 6(i)节中说明的日期开始(以下称为“开始日期”),并于附带的附表第 6(ii)节中说明的日期到期(以下称为“到期日期”)。
2. RENTAL 2. 租金
2.1 The rental for the Demised Premises shall be as stated in Section 7 of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Rental”) and shall be payable in the manner described in Section 8 of the Schedule annexed hereto for the purpose described in Section 10 of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Purpose”). 2.1 租赁物业的租金应如附带的附表第 7 节中所述(以下称为“租金”),并应按照附带的附表第 8 节中所述的方式支付,用于附带的附表第 10 节中所述的目的(以下称为“目的”)。
3.1 The Tenant hereby agrees to pay the Landlord on the execution of this Tenancy Agreement the sum stated in Section 9(i) of the Schedule annexed hereto by way of a deposit as security for the due observance and performance by the Tenant of its covenants herein contained (hereinafter referred to as “the Security Deposit”) wherein the Security Deposit shall be subject to the provisions of this Tenancy and in the absence of any breach by the Tenant of the terms and conditions herein contained be returned to the Tenant free of interest within one (1) month from the termination of this Tenancy PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Security Deposit shall not be treated as towards payment of rent. 3.1 租户特此同意在本租赁协议签署时向房东支付附于本协议的附表第 9(i)节所述的金额,作为保证金,以确保租户遵守和履行本协议中包含的契约(以下简称“保证金”),其中保证金应受本租赁协议的条款的约束,并且在租户未违反本协议条款和条件的情况下,应在本租赁协议终止后一个(1)月内无息退还给租户,前提是保证金不得视为租金的支付。
3.2 The Tenant hereby agrees to pay the Landlord on the execution of this Tenancy Agreement the sum stated in Section 9(ii) of the Schedule annexed hereto by way of a deposit for payment of electricity and water bills, costs of repairs and other sums payable by the Tenant under this Tenancy (if any) (hereinafter referred to as “the Utility Deposit”) and which shall be refunded to the Tenant free of interest within one (1) month from the termination of this Tenancy hereby created. 3.2 租户特此同意在本租赁协议签署时向房东支付附于本协议的附表第 9(ii)节所述的金额,作为支付电费和水费、维修费用及租户根据本租赁协议应支付的其他款项(如有)(以下简称“公用事业保证金”),并应在本租赁协议终止后一个(1)月内无息退还给租户。
3.3 The Tenant shall not utilise any of the Security Deposit and/or Utility Deposit to set off or pay for any outstanding rent or sums or moneys due and payable under this Tenancy. 租户不得利用任何保证金和/或公用事业押金抵消或支付本租约下任何未支付的租金或应付的款项。
3.4 Both the Tenant and Landlord expressly agree that: 租户和房东明确同意:
3.4 (a) The Landlord is entitled to deduct from the Security Deposit a reasonable sum to make good any non-compliance or breach of the Tenant’s obligations herein; and 房东有权从保证金中扣除合理金额,以弥补租户在此处的义务的任何不合规或违约行为;并且
3.4 (b) The Landlord is entitled to deduct from the Utility Deposit any sums owing by the Tenant for the utilities consumed within the Property at any time during the Term. 房东有权从公用事业押金中扣除租户在租期内任何时间消耗的公用事业费用。
The aforementioned clause excludes cases where the defect existed upon moving in. The Tenant is required to highlight any such defects upon the Move-In Inspection session or within fourteen (14) days after moved in. In such event, it shall be the Landlord’s obligation to ensure that such defects are rectified and made good at the costs and expenses of the Landlord. 上述条款不包括在搬入时已存在缺陷的情况。租户需要在搬入检查会议上或搬入后十四(14)天内指出任何此类缺陷。在这种情况下,房东有义务确保这些缺陷得到修复,并由房东承担费用和开支。
4.1 (f) Not to assign or underlet or sublet or part with possession or the occupation or the use of the Demised Premises or any part thereof without the prior consent of the Landlord. 4.1 (f) 未经房东事先同意,不得转让、转租、分租或放弃对租赁物业或其任何部分的占有、使用或占用权。
4.1 (g) To repair and make good or pay the Landlord for the cost of repairing or making good such damage caused by acts/omission of vandalism or negligence and/or willful neglect of the Tenant. 4.1 (g) 负责修理和修复,或支付房东因租户的破坏行为、疏忽和/或故意忽视造成的损坏的修理费用。
4.1 (h) To permit the Landlord and/or the Landlord’s agents surveyors and/or workmen to enter upon the Demised Premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of viewing the condition thereof or for doing such reasonable work as may be thought fit, provided that a reasonable notice of at least 48 hours is served upon the Tenant in advance (save and except for emergency case). 4.1 (h) 允许房东和/或房东的代理人、测量师和/或工人在合理时间内进入租赁物业,以查看其状况或进行合理的工作,前提是提前至少 48 小时向租户发出合理通知(紧急情况除外)。
4.1 (i) To observe and comply with all notices served in respect of the Demised Premises and rules and regulations of the local authorities. 4.1 (i) 观察并遵守关于租赁房屋的所有通知以及地方当局的规章制度。
4.1 (j) Not to make any renovations or alterations to the Demised Premises without the prior written consent from the Landlord. This includes, but is not limited to, activities such as drilling holes or driving nails into the walls or ceiling. 4.1 (j) 未经房东事先书面同意,不得对租赁房屋进行任何装修或改动。这包括但不限于在墙壁或天花板上钻孔或钉钉子等活动。
4.1 (k) Before the expiry of this Tenancy to give the Landlord two (2) months’ notice in writing in advance as to whether or not the Tenant is desirous of entering into a new tenancy with the Landlord. 4.1 (k) 在本租期到期之前,提前两(2)个月书面通知房东,告知租户是否希望与房东签订新租约。
4.1 (I) At the expiration or sooner determination of the Term to peacefully and quietly deliver up the Demised Premises to the Landlord in the original condition as the same were delivered to the Tenant as at the date of this Tenancy, at the Tenant’s own cost, if any, to be incurred, fair wear and tear excepted. 4.1 (L) 在租期到期或提前终止时,租户应和平安静地将租赁房屋以原状交还给房东,租户应自行承担任何费用,正常磨损除外。 4.1(m)4.1(\mathrm{~m}) Not to do or permit or suffer anything to be done in or upon the Demised Premises or any part thereof which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to or in any way interfere with the quiet enjoyment of the occupants of the neighboring premises. 4.1(m)4.1(\mathrm{~m}) 不得在租赁房屋或其任何部分内做或允许或容忍任何可能成为滋扰或干扰邻近房屋居住者安静享受的事情。
4.1 (n) To permit the Landlord to transfer, sell or dispose of the Demised Premises at any time provided that the Landlord shall notify the new purchaser or transferee of this Tenancy and procure the new purchaser or transferee to continue to allow the Tenant to exercise its rights herein. 4.1 (n) 允许房东在任何时候转让、出售或处置租赁房产,前提是房东应通知新买家或受让人本租约,并促使新买家或受让人继续允许租户行使其权利。
4.1 (o) Not to obstruct or litter or in any way make untidy the Demised Premises or the corridors, passages, staircases, entrances, or the areas designated for parking of the Demised Premises or the Property. 4.1 (o) 不得阻碍、乱扔垃圾或以任何方式使租赁房产或走廊、通道、楼梯、入口或指定停车区域变得杂乱无章。
4.1 § Not to use the Demised Premises or any part thereof for carrying any other business or purpose or activity so as to cause unreasonable accumulation of dirt, rubbish or debris of any sort in or outside the Demised Premises or which causes an undesirable amount of noise or which in the opinion of the Landlord is undesirable or unsuitable for the other tenants or occupants of the Property, adjacent shophouses or neighboring premises. 4.1 § 不得将租赁房产或其任何部分用于进行任何其他业务、目的或活动,以致于在租赁房产内外造成不合理的污垢、垃圾或任何形式的碎片积累,或造成不适当的噪音,或在房东看来对其他租户或物业的居住者、相邻商铺或邻近房产不宜或不适合。
4.1 (q) To adopt every reasonable and foreseeable precaution necessary to prevent fire and explosion and not to do or permit or suffer to be done anything whereby any policy of insurance of the Demised Premises or any part thereof against loss or damage by fire and explosion for the time being subsisting may become void or voidable or whereby the rate of premium thereof may be increased and to repay to the Landlord on demand all sums paid by way of increased premium and all expenses incurred by the Landlord in or about renewal of any such policy rendered necessary by breach or non-observance of this covenant. 4.1 (q) 采取一切合理和可预见的预防措施,以防止火灾和爆炸,并且不做或允许或容忍任何可能导致租赁房产或其任何部分的保险政策因火灾和爆炸造成的损失或损害而失效或可失效的事情,或者可能导致保险费率增加的事情,并在要求时向房东偿还因违反或不遵守本契约而导致的所有增加的保险费和房东在续保过程中产生的所有费用。
4.1 ® Not to alter the electricity and/or water meters to the Demised Premises and/or to commit any unlawful act in and around the Demised Premises. 4.1 ® 不得更改租赁房产的电表和/或水表,并且不得在租赁房产及其周围进行任何非法行为。
4.1 (s) To adopt every reasonable and foreseeable precaution necessary to prevent any acts of vandalism in or to the Demised Premises and any part thereof. 4.1 (s) 采取一切合理和可预见的预防措施,以防止对租赁房产及其任何部分的破坏行为。
4.1 (t) To keep the Landlord indemnified of all actions causes of action including third party actions, liabilities, claims, demands, costs and damages, losses and expenses of every kind whatsoever which may arise in consequence of any breach of covenant or neglect in the performance of this Tenancy by the negligence of the Tenant, its servants or agents or invitees or licensees. 4.1 (t) 为了使房东免受因租户的疏忽、其仆人或代理人或受邀者或被许可人造成的任何违反契约或未能履行本租约而引起的所有行动、诉因(包括第三方诉讼)、责任、索赔、要求、费用和损失的影响,租户应对房东进行赔偿。
4.1 (u) To allow Landlord to advertise the property for re-rental during the last 2 months of the tenancy, and to allow the Landlord or their representatives to visit the property by appointment. 4.1 (u) 在租期的最后两个月内,允许房东为重新出租该物业进行广告,并允许房东或其代表按预约访问该物业。
7.1 In the event that the Landlord shall wish to prematurely terminate this Tenancy, the Landlord shall give to the Tenant 2 months prior written notice and two (2) months’ Rent worth of compensation. In addition to the above, all deposits paid by the Tenant pursuant to this Agreement shall be paid and refunded to the Tenant by the Landlord. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the Tenant remains liable to settle all outstanding sums payable under this Agreement up to the date of termination. 7.1 如果房东希望提前终止本租约,房东应提前 2 个月书面通知租户,并支付相当于两个月租金的赔偿。此外,房东应将租户根据本协议支付的所有押金退还给租户。尽管如此,租户仍需承担在终止日期之前根据本协议应支付的所有未结算款项。
7.2 In the event that the Tenant shall wish to prematurely terminate this Tenancy, the Tenant shall give to the Landlord 2 months prior written notice. The Security Deposits paid by the Tenant pursuant to this Agreement will be forfeited absolutely and the Tenant remains liable to settle all outstanding sums payable under this Agreement up to the date of termination. 7.2 如果租户希望提前终止本租约,租户应提前 2 个月书面通知房东。租户根据本协议支付的保证金将被完全没收,租户仍需承担在终止日期之前根据本协议应支付的所有未结算款项。
7.3 The Tenant shall continue to punctually pay the Rental and observe and perform all the terms and covenants herein contained until vacant possession of the Demised Premises is delivered up to the Landlord. 7.3 租户应继续按时支付租金,并遵守和履行本协议中包含的所有条款和约定,直到将租赁物业的空置交还给房东。
7.4 In the event that the early termination is due to:- 7.4 如果提前终止是由于:-
7.4 (a) Breach of contract by Tenant 7.4 (a) 租户违反合同
The Landlord has the right to terminate the agreement at any time by providing the Tenant with a written notice. In such cases, the agreement will immediately become void and the Security Deposit shall be forfeited by the Landlord without prejudice to any other rights the Landlord may have against the Tenant. The Landlord may also seek to recover any outstanding payments related to the Tenant’s breach of the terms stated in this agreement. 房东有权在任何时候通过向租户提供书面通知来终止协议。在这种情况下,协议将立即失效,保证金将被房东没收,而不影响房东对租户可能拥有的任何其他权利。房东还可以寻求追回与租户违反本协议条款相关的任何未付款项。
7.4 (b) Breach of contract by Landlord 7.4 (b) 房东违约
The Tenant has the right to terminate the agreement at any time by providing the Landlord with a written notice. In such cases, the Tenant is required to deliver the vacant possession of the Demised Premises to the Landlord in its original state on the early termination date. The Landlord has to compensate the Tenant with two months’ worth of rental and refund the Tenant all deposits paid pursuant to this Agreement. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the Tenant remains liable to settle all outstanding sums payable under this Agreement up to the date of termination. 租户有权在任何时候通过向房东提供书面通知来终止协议。在这种情况下,租户需要在提前终止日期将租赁物业的空置交还给房东,并保持其原始状态。房东必须向租户赔偿两个月的租金,并退还租户根据本协议支付的所有押金。尽管如此,租户仍需承担在终止日期之前根据本协议应支付的所有未付款项的责任。
8. OPTION TO RENEW 8. 续租选项
8.1 The Landlord hereby grants to the Tenant an option to renew this Tenancy for a further term as stated in Section 5(ii) of the Schedule annexed hereto if it has:- 8.1 房东特此授予租户在附录第 5(ii)节中所述的进一步租期的续租选择权,前提是租户已:-
8.1 (a) paid the rent reserved by this Tenancy and observed and performed its covenants contained or implied in it, up to the expiration of the present Term; and 8.1 (a) 在本租期到期之前支付了本租约规定的租金,并遵守和履行了其中包含或隐含的契约;以及
8.1 (b) given the Landlord written notice of its wish for a renewal not less than two (2) months before that expiration. 8.1 (b) 在到期前不少于两(2)个月向房东发出续租意愿的书面通知。
8.2 In the case of renewal of this Tenancy Agreement under Clause 8.1:- 8.2 根据第 8.1 条款续租本租赁协议的情况下:-
8.2 (a) the rental shall be subject to negotiation between the parties, at the prevailing market rate at the time of renewal as stated in Section 5(ii) of the Schedule annexed hereto; and 8.2 (a) 租金应根据双方协商,按续租时的市场现行价格确定,如附录第 5(ii)节所述;以及
8.2 (b) the covenants and conditions shall otherwise be the same as those in this Tenancy Agreement excepting this present covenant for renewal. 8.2 (b) 除了本续租契约外,契约和条件应与本租赁协议中的相同。
9.1 The terms stated in the Schedule annexed hereto shall be incorporated into and be deemed to be part and parcel of this Agreement. 9.1 附录中所述的条款应纳入并视为本协议的一部分。
10. GOVERNING LAW 10. 适用法律
10.1 This Agreement and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and the Parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Malaysia. 10.1 本协议及其主题或形成(包括非合同争议或索赔)所产生的任何争议或索赔应受马来西亚法律的管辖并根据其解释,双方应提交马来西亚法院的专属管辖权。
(which shall be construed as an essential part of this Agreement) (应视为本协议的一个重要部分)
(i) Term of Tenancy : Feb 1, 2025 to Jan 31, 2026 (12 months)
(ii) Option to Renew : Until January 31, 2027 (0 months)
(i) Term of Tenancy : Feb 1, 2025 to Jan 31, 2026 (12 months)
(ii) Option to Renew : Until January 31, 2027 (0 months)| (i) Term of Tenancy : Feb 1, 2025 to Jan 31, 2026 (12 months) |
| :--- |
| (ii) Option to Renew : Until January 31, 2027 (0 months) |
Section 6 第 6 节
Tenancy Period 租赁期限
(i)开始日期:2025 年 2 月 1 日(ii)到期日期:2026 年 1 月 31 日
(i) Commencement Date : Feb 1, 2025
(ii) Expiry Date : Jan 31, 2026
(i) Commencement Date : Feb 1, 2025
(ii) Expiry Date : Jan 31, 2026| (i) Commencement Date : Feb 1, 2025 |
| :--- |
| (ii) Expiry Date : Jan 31, 2026 |
Rental is payable in advance by (1)st of each month, with grace period of 7 days calendar days
Bank : Public Bank Berhad
Acc No : 4800652403
Rental is payable in advance by (1)st of each month, with grace period of 7 days calendar days
Bank : Public Bank Berhad
Acc No : 4800652403| Rental is payable in advance by (1)st of each month, with grace period of 7 days calendar days |
| :--- |
| Name : LIM CHOR SHEN |
| Bank : Public Bank Berhad |
| Acc No : 4800652403 |
Section 9 第 9 节
Deposit 押金
(i) 安全押金:RM 5,000 (ii) 公用事业押金:RM 1,250 (iii) 其他押金:RM 100
- Water, electricity and indah water bills are to be paid by Tenant
- Internet bills are to be paid by Tenant
- tenant is not allow wear outside shoe inside the unit, if found out any stain appear at the unit and unable eliminate,owner have the right to deduct deposit
No carpark is provided.
- Water, electricity and indah water bills are to be paid by Tenant
- Internet bills are to be paid by Tenant
- tenant is not allow wear outside shoe inside the unit, if found out any stain appear at the unit and unable eliminate,owner have the right to deduct deposit| No carpark is provided. |
| :--- |
| - Water, electricity and indah water bills are to be paid by Tenant |
| - Internet bills are to be paid by Tenant |
| - tenant is not allow wear outside shoe inside the unit, if found out any stain appear at the unit and unable eliminate,owner have the right to deduct deposit |
Section 1 Landlord " LIM CHOR SHEN
(78089045423) "
Section 2 Tenant "LI JIA JIE
Section 3 Property 50-16 South Link Lifestyle Apartment,
Section 4 Demised Premises 50-16 South Link Lifestyle Apartment,
Section 5 Term & Renewal Option "(i) Term of Tenancy : Feb 1, 2025 to Jan 31, 2026 (12 months)
(ii) Option to Renew : Until January 31, 2027 (0 months)"
Section 6 Tenancy Period "(i) Commencement Date : Feb 1, 2025
(ii) Expiry Date : Jan 31, 2026"
Section 7 Rental RM 2,500/ month
Section 8 Payment of Rental "Rental is payable in advance by (1)st of each month, with grace period of 7 days calendar days
Bank : Public Bank Berhad
Acc No : 4800652403"
Section 9 Deposit "(i) Security Deposit : RM 5,000
(ii) Utility Deposit : RM 1,250
(iii) Other Deposit : RM 100"
Section 10 Purpose Strictly for residential use only.
Section 11 House Rules & Other General Provisions "No carpark is provided.
- Water, electricity and indah water bills are to be paid by Tenant
- Internet bills are to be paid by Tenant
- tenant is not allow wear outside shoe inside the unit, if found out any stain appear at the unit and unable eliminate,owner have the right to deduct deposit"| Section 1 | Landlord | $\begin{aligned} & \text { LIM CHOR SHEN } \\ & \text { (78089045423) } \end{aligned}$ |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Section 2 | Tenant | LI JIA JIE <br> (EJ2927976) |
| Section 3 | Property | 50-16 South Link Lifestyle Apartment, |
| Section 4 | Demised Premises | 50-16 South Link Lifestyle Apartment, |
| Section 5 | Term & Renewal Option | (i) Term of Tenancy : Feb 1, 2025 to Jan 31, 2026 (12 months) <br> (ii) Option to Renew : Until January 31, 2027 (0 months) |
| Section 6 | Tenancy Period | (i) Commencement Date : Feb 1, 2025 <br> (ii) Expiry Date : Jan 31, 2026 |
| Section 7 | Rental | RM 2,500/ month |
| Section 8 | Payment of Rental | Rental is payable in advance by (1)st of each month, with grace period of 7 days calendar days <br> Name : LIM CHOR SHEN <br> Bank : Public Bank Berhad <br> Acc No : 4800652403 |
| Section 9 | Deposit | (i) Security Deposit : RM 5,000 <br> (ii) Utility Deposit : RM 1,250 <br> (iii) Other Deposit : RM 100 |
| Section 10 | Purpose | Strictly for residential use only. |
| Section 11 | House Rules & Other General Provisions | No carpark is provided. <br> - Water, electricity and indah water bills are to be paid by Tenant <br> - Internet bills are to be paid by Tenant <br> - tenant is not allow wear outside shoe inside the unit, if found out any stain appear at the unit and unable eliminate,owner have the right to deduct deposit |
(which shall be construed as an essential part of this Agreement) (应被视为本协议的基本部分)
- Attend to problems with external gates, pools or garden
- Changing of taps and tap washers
- Wash basin repairs
- Repairs and replacement of electrical equipment, unless internal and
external wiring change
- Kitchen fixtures repairs
- Replacement of door knobs, door locks, cupboard and windows, etc.
- Replacement of glass panels in windows, doors, etc.
- Damage to blinds, curtains (e.g.: spills, tears, stains)
- Upon expiry of tenancy, clean the property, chemical service all air
conditioning units, patch up all holes & touch up paintwork on walls, clean
all cushion covers and dry-clean all curtains and ensure all electrical/
fluorescent/ incandescent/ halogen/energy saving bulbs/ tubes/ lamps are
in good working conditions before handover.
- Attend to any clogged drains and toilets
- Changing/replacing light bulbs
- Attend to problems with external gates, pools or garden
- Changing of taps and tap washers
- Wash basin repairs
- Repairs and replacement of electrical equipment, unless internal and
external wiring change
- Kitchen fixtures repairs
- Replacement of door knobs, door locks, cupboard and windows, etc.
- Replacement of glass panels in windows, doors, etc.
- Damage to blinds, curtains (e.g.: spills, tears, stains)
- Upon expiry of tenancy, clean the property, chemical service all air
conditioning units, patch up all holes & touch up paintwork on walls, clean
all cushion covers and dry-clean all curtains and ensure all electrical/
fluorescent/ incandescent/ halogen/energy saving bulbs/ tubes/ lamps are
in good working conditions before handover.| - Attend to any clogged drains and toilets |
| :--- |
| - Changing/replacing light bulbs |
| - Attend to problems with external gates, pools or garden |
| - Changing of taps and tap washers |
| - Wash basin repairs |
| - Repairs and replacement of electrical equipment, unless internal and |
| external wiring change |
| - Kitchen fixtures repairs |
| - Replacement of door knobs, door locks, cupboard and windows, etc. |
| - Replacement of glass panels in windows, doors, etc. |
| - Damage to blinds, curtains (e.g.: spills, tears, stains) |
| - Upon expiry of tenancy, clean the property, chemical service all air |
| conditioning units, patch up all holes & touch up paintwork on walls, clean |
| all cushion covers and dry-clean all curtains and ensure all electrical/ |
| fluorescent/ incandescent/ halogen/energy saving bulbs/ tubes/ lamps are |
| in good working conditions before handover. |
Section 12 "Tenant's
responsibility" "- Attend to any clogged drains and toilets
- Changing/replacing light bulbs
- Attend to problems with external gates, pools or garden
- Changing of taps and tap washers
- Wash basin repairs
- Repairs and replacement of electrical equipment, unless internal and
external wiring change
- Kitchen fixtures repairs
- Replacement of door knobs, door locks, cupboard and windows, etc.
- Replacement of glass panels in windows, doors, etc.
- Damage to blinds, curtains (e.g.: spills, tears, stains)
- Upon expiry of tenancy, clean the property, chemical service all air
conditioning units, patch up all holes & touch up paintwork on walls, clean
all cushion covers and dry-clean all curtains and ensure all electrical/
fluorescent/ incandescent/ halogen/energy saving bulbs/ tubes/ lamps are
in good working conditions before handover."| Section 12 | Tenant's <br> responsibility | - Attend to any clogged drains and toilets <br> - Changing/replacing light bulbs <br> - Attend to problems with external gates, pools or garden <br> - Changing of taps and tap washers <br> - Wash basin repairs <br> - Repairs and replacement of electrical equipment, unless internal and <br> external wiring change <br> - Kitchen fixtures repairs <br> - Replacement of door knobs, door locks, cupboard and windows, etc. <br> - Replacement of glass panels in windows, doors, etc. <br> - Damage to blinds, curtains (e.g.: spills, tears, stains) <br> - Upon expiry of tenancy, clean the property, chemical service all air <br> conditioning units, patch up all holes & touch up paintwork on walls, clean <br> all cushion covers and dry-clean all curtains and ensure all electrical/ <br> fluorescent/ incandescent/ halogen/energy saving bulbs/ tubes/ lamps are <br> in good working conditions before handover. |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above stated. 鉴于此,双方在上述日期和年份签字。
(Signed by Landlord) (房东签字)
Name: LIM CHOR SHEN 姓名:林楚申
IC/Passport: 78089045423 身份证/护照:78089045423
Date: 日期:
(Signed by Tenant) (租户签字)
Name: LI JIA JIE 姓名:李佳杰
IC/Passport: EJ2927976 身份证/护照:EJ2927976
Date: 日期: