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讲师:助理教授 Ana Peric Momcilovic 博士





6月 1, 2023


1. 引言 3

2. 中国农村发展:综合概况 3

2.1 我国乡村规划的主要特点 3

2.1.1 上下文特征 3

2.1.2 农村政策的历史概况 4

2.1.3 农村规划的主导方法 5

2.1.4 农村政策中强调的具体方面 5

2.2 中国当代农村发展 6

2.2.1 体制框架 6

2.2.2 监管框架 8

3. 讨论 9

3.1 影响中国农村政策制定演变的因素 9

3.1.1 全球因素 9

3.1.2 国内因素 10

3.2 中国农村政策实施面临的挑战 11

4. 参考文献 13


农村、农业和农民一直是中国历史上统治者关注的焦点。尽管每个历史时期的农村治理主题和内容各不相同,但它始终遵循中国统治者的基本逻辑(Liu,2019)。在当代中国, 随着1980年代以来的经济繁荣,城市化水平迅速提高,而农村地区的发展滞后。为促进农村发展,中国政府在农村开展政治经济结构调整,促进农村发展。此外,近年来,针对以《乡村振兴战略》(国家发展和改革委,2021 华人民共和国宪法》(国家发展和改革委,2016)为代表的农村问题,中国政府提出了一系列政策,以解决困扰中国农村近2000年的贫困问题。





具体的政治经济环境深刻地影响了中国的农村计划体系。在社会主义制度下,中国共产党的领导是一切工作的前提,对农村治理者有效。 吴(2019)指出,党和国家在改变中国农村治理方面发挥着至关重要的作用。在政治方面,自1980年代以来,村民自治在中国农村广泛实行,使村民自治成为农村政治生活的主体,标志着农村治理进入了法制、民主和现代化的轨道(Liu,2019)。因此,以市场为导向的改革和村民自治的实施使利益相关者能够获得争夺利益的权力。另一方面,中国政府直接推动了农村治理改革。例如,村民自治的农村治理改革的实施是由政府推动的,代表政府在农村规划体系中的主导作用达到了极致(Yu & Xu,2018)。

经济方面,中国农村最显著的变化是生产力和生产关系的转变。家庭土地管理与农村经济活动多样化,为农村放松管制和民主改革奠定了经济基础(Tilt,2008)。此外,中国在经济体系中实行市场社会主义,这意味着政府在经济建设中发挥主导作用,而市场在资源配置和服务中负责(Zhao & L ü,2019)。 这保证了农村经济在国家领导下的健康发展,进一步使农村地区在全球市场上竞争。


根据Zhang(2008)的研究,中国农村政策可分为三个阶段。根据 历史因素和社会环境的不同影响中国农村政策呈现出“自治-集体化-政府主导自治的变化趋势。表1显示了 中国农村政策随时间推移的显著变化。

表 1. 中国农村政策的不同阶段和特点. 资料来源:Zhang et al., 2008


中国农村规划的主要方法是政治经济学方法其中“生产主义差异化农村方法占主导地位(Lowe,2005)。换言之,政治经济学方法不是只考虑景观和农业的功能方法,而是强调地方政治和地方权力斗争来研究农村的变化。在中国,随着1980年代开始的市场动荡,新的多样性和差异化模式正在农村空间中出现。由于生产性农业的衰落,农村被视为一种资产。在不断变化的形势下, 中国利用了通勤集水区之外的“有争议的”农村,这意味着政府在调整农村作为唯一土地所有者的现有功能方面发挥主导政治作用,旨在使 农村有利于国民经济增长。


中国农村政策中强调的特别方面是经济。改革开放前,高度集中的农村治理模式抑制了农村生产力的发展,使我国农村经济濒临崩溃。为了解决这些问题,政府在1978年后将重点转向经济建设,主要关注农村地区的经济体制改革,旨在促进农村经济发展和解放农村生产力(Zhao & L ü,2019)。如图1所示,改革开放以来,中国农业总产值稳步增长。

Figure 1. The total agricultural output value of China (from 1978 to 2022). Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2023
图 1.中国农业总产值(1978-2022年)。资料来源:中国国家统计局,2023

In addition, China abolished the agricultural tax in place for over 2,000 years in 2006, meaning farmers no longer have to pay agriculture-related taxes to the state. This reduces the heavy burden on farmers and indicates that the Chinese government puts rural economic development in a higher position.

Contemporary rural development in China

Institutional framework

After the reform in the 1980s, the institutional framework of rural planning in China became a ternary structure represented by the grassroots organization of the Communist Party of China, the government and the villagers, Table 2 indicates the specific institutional framework in rural China.

Table 2.
表 2.
The institutional
framework of rural planning system in China.
Source: Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, 1988

Under the ternary authority structure, the grassroots organization of the Communist Party of China plays a core role in rural planning. The Organic Law of the Villagers' Committees of the People's Republic of China (Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, 1988) points out that grassroots organizations of the CPC should follow the Constitution, support villagers in carrying out self-governance activities and play core roles in leadership.

At the national level, the government of rural planning system consists of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau (NRRB), which regulate the process and direction of rural governance reform through political, economic and legal means. At the local level, the township party committees and township governments mainly oversee rural planning. In practice, as there are no government agencies in villages, the local government usually sends party and government officials to villages to guide village planning and governance, aiming to manage and supervise villages on behalf of the higher government (Yu & Xu, 2018).
在国家层面,农村计划系统政府由农业农村事务部(MARA)和国家乡村振兴局(NRRB)组成,它们通过政治、经济和法律手段规范农村治理改革的进程和方向。在地方一级,乡镇党委和乡政府主要监督农村规划。在实践中,由于村庄没有政府机构,地方政府通常派党政府官员到村庄指导村庄规划和治理,旨在代表上级政府管理和监督村庄(Yu & Xu,2018)。

Besides, villagers have played an essential role in China's rural planning system. The Constitution of the People's Republic of China (National People's Congress, 1982) defines the legal status of villagers' autonomy. Overall, the ternary authority structure lays the institutional foundation for the modernization and democratization of China's rural planning system.

Under the ternary authority structure, the authorities to govern the rural area are the Village Committee and the Village Party Branch. The Village Committee is responsible for managing village-level affairs and protecting villagers' fundamental rights and interests. All villagers elect its members, and the director of the Village Committee is the leader of this department. The Village Party Branch is the grassroots organization of the CPC in rural areas, responsible for implementing the Party's policies. Its members are drawn from all party members in the specific rural area, and the Village Branch's Secretary is the department's leader. In practice, the joint meeting of the two is the highest authority of the village and they often work together to achieve the effectiveness of rural governance (Wu, 2019).

Regulative framework

As Figure 2 shows, the regulative framework of the contemporary rural system in China mainly consists of land use regulations, rural development policies, environmental regulations and rural welfare policies, aiming to promote sustainable development in rural areas (State Council of the People's Republic of China, 2018). Among them, rural development policies are the most critical.

Figure 2. The regulative framework of the rural planning system in China. Source: State Council of the People's Republic of China, 2018

As mentioned earlier, economics is the focus when it comes to Chinese rural development. The Chinese government has introduced a series of rural development policies, aiming at promoting rural modernization, improving farmers' living standards and easing social contradictions. Among these policies, the most important strategic instruments are Rural Revitalization Strategy (National Development and Reform Commission, 2021) and Constitution of the People's Republic of China (National Development and Reform Commission, 2016).

To solve the problems of backward agricultural production and poor living standards of villagers, the Chinese government proposed Rural Revitalization Strategy (National Development and Reform Commission, 2021) in 2018. The strategy mainly includes promoting structural reform on the supply side of agriculture, pushing agricultural modernization, strengthening rural infrastructure construction, facilitating industrial poverty alleviation and talent leadership. In addition, the main focus of the policy is improving the quality and efficiency of agricultural development, building a modern agricultural industrial system and promoting an industrial revolution in rural areas (State Council of the People's Republic of China, 2018). The strategy could accelerate the modernization process of the countryside through policy instruments, promote the upgrading of the agricultural industrial structure, and facilitate the development of the rural economy and the integration of urban and rural areas (National Development and Reform Commission, 2018).

Poverty Eradication Strategy (National Development and Reform Commission, 2016) is dedicated to eradicating the poverty that has plagued rural China for thousands of years. Launched in 2015, the strategy's main components include the implementation of precise poverty alleviation, the development of special industries and the provision of basic public services. The core of the strategy is the precise alleviation of poverty in rural areas (National Development and Reform Commission, 2016). The strategy aims to improve the living standards and well-being of rural residents through policy instruments and incentives to achieve common prosperity.


Factors Influencing the evolution of rural policy creation in China

3.1.1 Global factors
3.1.1 全球因素

The international situation profoundly influences contemporary Chinese rural policy creation. On the economic front, the easing of relations between China and the Western countries after the 1980s has expanded the Chinese international market, especially after China acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. The changes in international markets gave Chinese agricultural exports and the rural economy more development opportunities, shifting the Chinese planned economic system to market-oriented (Liu, 2019). In addition, the wave of economic glocalization has led to an influx of investment into China's rural areas, and the establishment of many township enterprises has shifted the rural from the single agricultural function to the diversified one. The resulting competition between different stakeholders in the countryside has contributed to democratizing policies in rural areas (Wu, 2019).

On the political front, the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe in the 1990s prompted China to abandon the Soviet model and shift towards market economy (Zhang, 2008), which promotes the gradual relaxation of strict government control over the countryside. Most recently, the Chinese government has created a series of rural development policies to maintain the stability of the rural economy in response to the deteriorating global economic situation caused by the trade friction between the US and China and the new epidemic in recent years.

Domestic factors

The urgent need for economic development is the critical domestic factor for contemporary rural policy creation. Chang (2021) points out that long-standing political movements and the oppression of peasant production incentives by high levels of collectivization before the 1980s caused inadequate supply of agricultural products and no guarantee for peasants subsistence, which seriously affected social stability. As a result, Chinese rural policy has been overhauled, with official policy shifting from directive to guiding and no longer directly interfering in rural activities, aiming to liberate and develop rural productivity. Nowadays, the reformed rural governance model and planning strategy play positive roles in promoting the development of China's rural areas.

In addition, the market-oriented reform promoted the change of content of Chinese rural policy. After the 1980s, as the market economy replaced the planned economy and the boom of township enterprise, the content of Chinese rural policies shifted from only focusing on agricultural production to promoting comprehensive economic development in rural areas, aiming to improve the living standards of rural areas and realize rural revitalization (Zhao & Lü, 2019).
此外,市场化改革促进了我国农村政策内容的转变。1980年代以后,随着市场经济取代计划经济和乡镇企业的繁荣,中国农村政策的内容从只关注农业生产转向促进农村地区经济综合发展,旨在提高农村生活水平,实现乡村振兴(Zhao & Lü,2019)。

Challenges of rural policy implementation in China

The existing Chinese rural policy has contributed to the economic development of rural areas, improved the living standards of people in rural areas and safeguarded the political rights of peasants. However, there are challenges to the current rural policy in China.

On the political front, firstly, there is difficult to reconcile the relationship between the Village Party Branch and the Villagers' Committee. They often constrain each other in dealing with village affairs because of their similar functions and equal status. The relationship between the two committees in rural areas has become a key factor seriously affecting the stability and development of rural society. In a few places, conflicts between the two committees have led to financial chaos and rural affairs' desolation which even evolved into confrontation and conflict between villagers and the government (Yu & Xu, 2018). Secondly, villagers' autonomy lacks support in rural areas. Zhang (2008) points out that villagers' autonomy in China is not endogenous but rather the result of state forces driving it under the national legal system. In other words, there is an inertia in Chinese rural areas to implement villagers' autonomy policies, making the rural democratic system just a formality and a few elites the monopoly of power in some places.
在政治方面,首先,村党支部和村民委员会的关系难以调和。他们在处理村务时往往相互制约,因为他们的职能相似,地位平等。两委在农村的关系,已成为严重影响农村社会稳定与发展的关键因素。在一些地方,两个委员会之间的冲突导致了财政混乱和农村事务的荒凉,甚至演变成村民与政府之间的对抗和冲突(Yu & Xu,2018)。其次,农村缺乏村民自治支持。Zhang(2008)指出,中国村民的自治不是内生的,而是国家力量在国家法律制度下推动的结果。换言之,中国农村地区在实施村民自治政策方面存在惯性,使农村民主制度成为一种形式,少数精英在一些地方垄断了权力。

In economic terms, the loss of population in rural areas is another challenge of implementing the rural policy. As Figure 3 shows, the large number of opportunities generated by China's rapid urban economic development has led to a massive labor exodus from rural areas (Zhao & Lü, 2019). The lack of labor is a serious constraint to the development of rural areas, even though the country has implemented policies to attract talent to help rural development such as Rural Revitalization Strategy. However, current policies cannot reverse this trend of population mobility. In other words, the rapid growth of the urban economy has constrained the implementation of rural development policy.
从经济角度来看,农村地区人口的流失是实施农村政策的另一个挑战。如图3所示,中国城市经济的快速发展带来了大量机会,导致大量劳动力从农村地区外流(Zhao & Lü,2019)。劳动力匮乏严重制约了农村地区的发展,尽管该国实施了农村振兴战略等吸引人才帮助农村发展的政策。然而,目前的政策无法扭转这种人口流动的趋势。换言之,城市经济的快速增长制约了农村发展政策的实施。

Figure 3. Chinese Rural Population and Outflow Rate (from 1978 to 2017). Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2018

Overall, through significant political and economic restructuring, Chinese rural is moving in a freer and more prosperous direction. Although economic and political challenges struggle Chinese rural system, by deepening the reform of the rural governance system, implementing the existing rural development strategies and adhering to the market-oriented direction of rural areas, China will eventually establish a nationwide modern rural governance system.


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