统一社会信用代码:91140000110114391W/91140000701011888X Unified social credit code: 91140000110114391W/91140000701011888X
建立和实施了符合 Established and implemented compliance
GB/T 45001-2020/ISO 45001:2018
标准要求的职业健康安全管理体系。 Occupational health and safety management system required by the standard.
体系削弱蛋的范围 system weakens the range of eggs
产品和活动范目: Products & Events:
焦炭、焦化产品、蒸馏矿、生铁、钢坯、热轧钢材、不锈钢和高合金无缝管及焊接管,冷轧杠杆产品的生产、销售及相关支持性活动。 Production, sales and related support activities of coke, coking products, distilled ore, pig iron, billets, hot-rolled steel, stainless steel and high-alloy seamless and welded pipes, cold-rolled lever products.
地理位置留: Geographical location stay:
山西省太原市尖草坪街2号;山西示范区中心北街2号号;太原不锈钢生态工业 No. 2, Jiancaoping Street, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province; No. 2, Central North Street, Shanxi Demonstration Zone; Taiyuan stainless steel ecological industry
园区;山西省太原市兴华街23号;山西省临汾市桥东街3号。 Park; No. 23, Xinghua Street, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province; No. 3, Qiaodong Street, Linfen City, Shanxi Province.
中小引吅 Small and medium-sized leads
管理休妿 Manage Hugh Woman
管理系统 Management system
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