

Protecting free speech -- X proudly provides financial support for legal proceedings
保护言论自由 ——X 自豪地为法律诉讼提供财政支持
At X, we have an unwavering commitment to protecting free speech on our platform and in the world. As a signal of our dedication to this critical work, we're proudly providing financial support for numerous legal proceedings to stand up for individuals’ right to free expression.
在 X,我们坚定不移地致力于保护我们平台上和全世界的言论自由。作为我们致力于这项重要工作的信号,我们自豪地为众多法律诉讼提供财政支持,以维护个人的言论自由权。
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We're helping people exercise their right to free speech on X -- and to also work in environments that are free from bullying, harassment, or discrimination. So far in 2024, here are the lawsuits X is currently supporting or have supported:
我们正在帮助人们在 X 上行使言论自由的权利,并在没有欺凌、骚扰或歧视的环境中工作。 2024 年到目前为止,X 目前支持或已经支持的诉讼如下:
  • X is proud to filed by Dr. Matthew Strauss against his former employer, Queen's University. We support Dr. Strauss's efforts to vindicate his free speech rights without fear of retaliation.
  • former Block employee Chloe Happe in a lawsuit against her former employer in defense of her rights to open political discourse on X.
  • X is Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill against the government-supported efforts to cancel her speech.
  • We are proud to for Gina Carano’s lawsuit, empowering her to seek vindication of her free speech rights on X and the ability to work without bullying, harassment, or discrimination.
  • We for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign student Juan David Campolargo in protection of his right to free speech. With our support, the university has rescinded its disciplinary action and dropped the case.
To those who also fight for free speech – we stand with you. X is committed to protecting everyone’s right to speak freely and without fear, on our platform and in the world.
对于那些同样为言论自由而奋斗的人 —— 我们与你们站在一起。 X 致力于保护每个人在我们的平台上和世界上无恐惧地自由发言的权利。
Then please remove the shadowbanning. Let people decide for themselves what they want to follow, read, and join. Including for all EU countries. "Regulated by parliament" or other NGOs speech is not free speech.
那么请删除影子禁令。让人们自己决定他们想要关注、阅读和加入的内容。包括所有欧盟国家。 “受议会监管” 或其他非政府组织的言论并不是言论自由。