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China’s Biggest Cities See Housing Market Pick Up After Easing

  • Shanghai, Shenzhen buyers show interest in new and used homes
  • Analysts, investors are optimistic worst of slump may be over
Residential buildings under construction in Shanghai.Photographer: Raul Ariano/Bloomberg
上海正在建设中的住宅楼。摄影师:Raul Ariano/Bloomberg

Two of China’s biggest cities saw improvements in homebuyer sentiment last weekend after relaxing property restrictions, the first positive signs in months for the embattled real estate sector.

In Shanghai, about 90% of the more than 300 units offered at a new project over the weekend were sold, beating the sales-through rate for the same development in March. In Shenzhen, some developers saw buyer interest surge so much they rescinded discount offers. Existing-home sales recovered in both cities.
在上海,上周末新项目推出的 300 多个单位中,约 90%已售出,超过了三月同一项目的销售率。在深圳,一些开发商看到购房者兴趣激增,以至于取消了折扣优惠。两个城市的二手房销量均有所恢复。

China’s real estate slump has finally shown signs of abating after the central government rolled out its most forceful rescue package to halt the three-year downturn. The loosening has trickled out at local level, with more than 200 cities across the country easing purchase restrictions and downpayment ratios, according to a tally by the state-run Xinhua News Agency. It accelerated last week as megacities Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou followed through.
中国的房地产市场在中央政府推出最有力的救助计划后终于显示出了止跌迹象。根据官方媒体新华社的统计,全国 200 多个城市放宽了购房限制和首付比例,这种放松已经在地方层面开始显现。上海、深圳和广州等特大城市上周加速了这一过程。

“The gradual improvement of market sentiment came after the strong policy support announced in mid-May,” said Raymond Cheng, head of China property research at CGS International Securities HK. Cheng expects sales to improve further this month.

Read more: China Property Stocks Gain as Home Sales Drop EasesBloomberg Terminal

In the financial hub of Shanghai, so many prospective buyers lined up for a project by state-owned Xiangyu Real Estate Group Co. on Sunday that some had to view model apartments themselves instead of being escorted by staff, an agent said.

“I haven’t seen such a big wave of customers coming in for a long time,” said the agent, Zhao, who only gave her surname because she wasn’t authorized to speak to the press. “We’ve been working days and nights to answer questions.”

Read more on China’s housing crisis:
China’s Housing Bailout Needs Ever-Growing Central Bank Toolkit
China’s Top Cities Ease Housing Rules as Beijing Extends Aid
China’s 60 Million Homes Are Hard to Sell Even in Big Cities
中国 6000 万套房屋即使在大城市也难以出售

In Shenzhen, state-owned Poly Developments and Holdings Group Co. canceled the 2% discount offered for its Jade Apartments residential project in the district of Longgang on Saturday. Similarly, local builder Galaxy Real Estate dropped its 2% rebate after meeting its May sales target in advance.
在深圳,国有企业保利发展控股集团有限公司取消了周六在龙岗区玉石公寓住宅项目提供的 2%折扣。同样,当地开发商银河地产在提前完成五月销售目标后取消了 2%的返利。

Shares of China’s beaten developers have climbed on optimism that the worst of the crisis may be over. New-home sales at the 100 biggest real estate companies dropped 33.6% from a year earlier in May, easing from a 45% decline in April, China Real Estate Information Corp. data showed. A Bloomberg gauge of Chinese builders listed in Hong Kong gained as much as 2.3% on Monday. It has advanced 42% from an April low.
中国受打击的开发商股票上涨,人们乐观地认为危机可能已经过去。中国房地产信息公司的数据显示,5 月份,100 家最大的房地产公司的新房销售同比下降 33.6%,较 4 月份的 45%下降有所放缓。彭博指数显示,周一在香港上市的中国建筑公司股价上涨了高达 2.3%。自 4 月份低点以来,涨幅达到 42%。

Shanghai Sees Jump in Weekend Sales of Used Homes

Source: Shanghai's official property transaction house

Note: China's central government unveiled its rescue package on May 17. Shanghai followed through with its policy loosening on May 27.
注意:中国中央政府于 5 月 17 日公布了其救助计划。上海于 5 月 27 日跟进放宽政策。

The recovery is more evident in the used-home market, which has overtakenBloomberg Terminal the new-home sector by sales. Buyers have been drawn to heavier declines in prices of existing homes, as well as the reassurance that they are already built. In Shanghai, second-hand sales last weekend were 50% higher than the daily average for the month, according to data from the city’s property transaction agency.
二手房市场的复苏更为明显,销量已经超过新房市场。购房者被现有房屋价格的较大下降所吸引,同时也得到了这些房屋已经建成的保证。根据上海市房地产交易机构的数据,上周末二手房销量比当月日均水平高出 50%。

WATCH: Inside China’s Property Crisis

In Shenzhen, existing-home sales gained 8% over the past weekend to the highest level in more than three years, according to property agency Leyoujia, citing transactions it worked on. Leyoujia is the biggest real estate agency in the city.
根据乐有家房地产中介提供的数据,深圳二手房销量在上周末增长了 8%,达到三年多来的最高水平。乐有家是该市最大的房地产中介。

    — With assistance from Charlie Zhu and Emma Dong

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