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Media Research Methods – Search Seminars Cheatsheet
媒体研究方法 – 搜索研讨会备忘单


This sheet contains some tips if you’re stuck with the seminar task, but it also contains SPOILERS

Image verification

Do a reverse image search using Google Image or TinEye – just upload the image to either of these. You might need to move the image around, try to find a view which might be unique (showing the mountain and boats will help locate this image)
使用 Google Image 或TinEye进行反向图像搜索- 只需将图像上传到其中任何一个即可您可能需要移动图像,尝试找到可能独特的视图(显示山和船将有助于找到该图像)

The image looks like it could be of Dunstaffnage Castle, but there are two Dunstaffnage Castles in Scotland

Try Google – search for [environmental issues Dunstaffnage] and similar searches such as
尝试使用 Google – 搜索 [environmental issues Dunstaffnage ] 和类似搜索,例如

[environment* Dunstaffnage]
[环境* D人员配置]

Keywords/ search terms

What other keywords or synonyms might you try? You could ask ChatGPT. I tried “I'm a sociologist looking for information about "an environmental issue" can you give me some synonyms or keywords please?” - have a look at these results – are they useful? How could you refine this prompt to get more useful results. Remember that in your discussions you will have to be very clear that you used AI, what you used it for, and what you think of the results
您还可以尝试其他哪些关键字或同义词?你可以问 ChatGPT 。我尝试过“我是一名社会学家,正在寻找有关“环境问题”的信息,您能给我一些同义词或关键字吗?” - 看看这些结果 - 它们有用吗?您如何改进此提示以获得更有用的结果。请记住,在讨论中,您必须非常清楚您使用了人工智能、使用它的目的以及您对结果的看法

Look at all the articles in the Search Engine Results Page – are there any clues? (try not to open the news stories, it’s more fun to work this out yourself)
看看搜索引擎结果页面中的所有文章——有什么线索吗? (尽量不要打开故事,自己解决更有趣)

Dates are important You already have a tip that this is an environmental issue and that it is happening currently. Keep a close eye on the dates of any reports you find.


If you do think this is Dunstaffnage Castle, what is its address and postcode? How can you double-check this? (try looking for the organisation who owns or manages the castle, they’re likely to have the address right)
如果您确实认为这是邓斯塔夫纳奇城堡,那么它的地址和邮政编码是什么?你如何仔细检查这一点? (尝试寻找拥有或管理城堡的组织他们可能有正确的地址)

What about trying Google Earth to see if you can see anything unusual on the maps of the area
尝试使用 Google 地球看看您是否可以在该地区的地图上看到任何异常情况

And Google Maps

Or any other open source map tools https://gijn.org/tag/geolocation/

If you’re still not sure which Dunstaffnage, why not keep searching for both?
如果仍然不确定是哪个Dunstaffnage ,为什么不继续搜索两者呢?

This is fun - https://gijn.org/stories/the-daily-quiz-that-teaches-journalists-how-to-geolocate-images/
这很有趣 - https://gijn.org/stories/the-daily-quiz-that-teaches-journalists-how-to-geolocate-images/

Try not to go straight to the news articles as these have a lot of information – but there’s a statement which is not entirely correct! Can you spot something which turned out not to be true? Why might this have happened?
尽量不要直接阅读新闻文章,因为这些文章包含大量信息 - 但其中有一个说法并不完全正确!你能发现一些事实证明不真实的事情吗?为什么会发生这种情况?

To find the answer, you might want to look at what happened in the Scottish Parliament

Scottish Parliament


Scottish Government bodies


Which body or bodies are responsible for monitoring this issue?

Devolved or reserved? There might be some agencies involved in this story which are UK agencies, or Scotland-only, depending on whether this is a Scottish (devolved) issue or if it’s governed by the UK (reserved issue) - this might seem niche, but any news stories or policy work in the UK will depend on a basic understanding of this. Journalists get it wrong every day – so it’s good to check
下放还是保留?可能有一些机构参与这个故事,这些机构是英国机构,或者仅限苏格兰,具体取决于这是苏格兰(权力下放)问题还是由英国管理(保留问题) - 这可能看起来很小众,但任何新闻英国的故事或政策工作将取决于对此的基本理解。记者每天都会犯错——所以最好检查一下


Search tip: [https://www.parliament.scot/search?qry=%22salmon+farm*%22]
搜索提示: [ https://www.parliament.scot/search?qry=%22salmon+farm*%22 ]

Can you refine this to find the committee you want?

Does the wildcard work on the Scottish Parliament website’s search?

You might need to broaden the search. You know the date that this happened, more or less try [https://www.parliament.scot/search?qry=%22salmon%22]

Back to the advanced search operators

What local authority is responsible for this postcode?

Official reports are most often PDF format. Can you look for filetype:pdf on their website, and include the word environment* - using the wildcard * which will include any word starting with ‘environment’ is included in the search. Try this search:
官方报告通常为 PDF 格式。您能否在他们的网站上查找filetype:pdf ,并包含单词environment* - 使用通配符 * ,它将包含搜索中包含的任何以“environment”开头的单词。尝试这个搜索:

[dunstaffnage AND environment* filetype:pdf]
[邓斯塔夫nage和环境*文件类型:pdf ]

If you know the local authority, why not ask Google to search within their website?
如果您了解当地政府机构,为什么不要求 Google 在他们的网站内进行搜索呢?

[dunstaffnage AND environment* filetype:pdf site:argyll-bute.gov.uk]
[ Dunstaffnage和环境*文件类型:pdf站点:argyll-bute.gov.uk]

Local Authorities


More reports

What about trying this search for official reports by other agencies – you now have dates and a location, and possibly the name of the company who owns the farm

Who owns the company accused of this environmental problem? Look up Companies House


Image verification

Back to image verification tools – can you work out whose video originated this story? Warning: the site contains very disturbing content, so all we are asking for is the name of the charity or organisation which revealed the story. The source of this video.

Tip – a thumbnail is usually enough to find a video in a reverse image search
提示 – 缩略图通常足以在反向图像搜索中找到视频

Box of broadcasts

Can you use the keywords and dates to find if there was any news video or radio coverage of this? Why is video news easier to search?

Scholarly articles

What is being said about this issue in this story – is it common across the world? What field are these articles being written in, and what keywords are they using?

Search on Google Scholar, and the University Library
在 Google Scholar 和大学图书馆上搜索