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On 1st September 2000, in line with the Privatization Program of the government of Papua New Guinea (PNG), Taiheiyo Cement Corporation (TCC), Japan, acquired the full 100% share held by the previous owners, PNG Government and Halla Corporation of South Korea, and became PNG Taiheiyo Cement Ltd.
2000 年 9 月 1 日,根据巴布亚新几内亚政府的私有化计划,日本太平洋水泥株式会社(TCC)收购了之前所有者巴布亚新几内亚政府和韩国哈拉公司持有的全部 100%股份,并成为巴布亚新几内亚太平洋水泥有限公司。

The company is the sole cement manufacturer in PNG and is situated at the waterfront, right next to Lae International / Domestic Port. Commercial operation began in 1993 following successful commissioning of the plant. It manufactures Ordinary Portland Cement Type I in accordance with USA’s ASTM C150, which is equivalent to General Purpose Portland Cement (Type GP) specified in AS3972 (Australian Standard).
该公司是巴布亚新几内亚唯一的水泥生产商,位于海滨,紧邻莱国际/国内港口。1993 年,工厂成功投产后开始商业运营。它按照美国 ASTM C150 的标准生产普通硅酸盐水泥 I 型,该标准等同于澳大利亚标准 AS3972 规定的普通用途硅酸盐水泥(GP 型)。

The company imports all quality raw materials such as clinker from TCC in Japan, processes (grinds), packs and finally distributes cement to domestic and export customers. The plant is the most modern and the first of its kind in the South Pacific area.  It is fully automated, integrating the latest technology with sophisticated control of quality, environment and safety.
该公司从日本 TCC 进口所有优质原材料,如熟料,加工(磨碎),包装,最终向国内和出口客户分销水泥。该工厂是南太平洋地区最现代化和首个其类的工厂。它完全自动化,集成了最新技术,具有对质量、环境和安全进行精密控制的先进系统。


Building Tomorrow’s PNG with Paradise Cement: Crafting Foundations of Strength and Sustainability


PNG Taiheiyo Cement is steadfast in its commitment to generating added value for all stakeholders. Our pledge extends to our valued customers, dedicated employees, the local community, Papua New Guinea as a whole, and our esteemed shareholders. By consistently delivering excellence and innovation.
PNG 太平洋水泥坚定致力于为所有利益相关者创造附加价值。我们的承诺延伸至我们尊贵的客户、敬业的员工、当地社区、整个巴布亚新几内亚以及尊贵的股东。通过持续提供卓越和创新。