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NURS5009: The Health Narrative Across the Lifespan



Assessment 2
评估 2


Presentation (Pre-recorded video)

Due Date

Monday, 3rd February 2025, 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT (start of Week 4)
2025 年 2 月 3 日星期一,晚上 11:59 AEST/AEDT(第 4 周开始)


5 minutes +/- 10% – which is +/- 30 seconds: [4 minutes and 30 seconds to 5 minutes and 30 seconds]
5 分 +/- 10% – 即 +/- 30 秒:[4 分 30 秒至 5 分 30 秒]



Academic Integrity

GenAI May Not be Used
不得使用 GenAI

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPTmay not be used for this Assessment Task. You are required to demonstrate if you have developed the unit’s skills and knowledge without the support of GenAI. If you use GenAI tools in your assessment task, it may result in an academic integrity breach against you as described in the Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules, Section 3
生成式人工智能 (GenAI) 工具,例如 ChatGPT, 不得用于 此评估任务。您需要证明您是否在没有 GenAI 支持的情况下开发了该单位的技能和知识。如果您在评估任务中使用 GenAI 工具,可能会导致您违反学术诚信,如学生 学术和非学术不端行为规则第 3 节所述


Record your Presentation in Zoom.
在 Zoom 中录制您的演示文稿。

Submit your assessment via “Assessment 2: Presentation (Pre-recorded video)”, in the Assessments Tasks & Submission section on the Blackboard NURS5009 site.
通过“评估2:演示(预先录制的视频)提交您的评估在Blackboard NURS5009网站的评估任务和提交部分。

Further instructions below.

Unit Learning Outcomes

This assessment task maps to the following ULOs:
此评估任务映射到以下未清偿债务 (ULO):

ULO1: critically analyse the construction and diverse meanings of health, wellness, illness and disease for the health consumers narrative in local and global settings

ULO2: demonstrate an advanced and integrated understanding of cognitive and developmental milestones which affect children from the neonatal period to adolescence and the associated clinical manifestations

ULO3: demonstrate cultural responsivity and respect for the identity and dignity of all persons, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


In this assessment, you will engage with the concept of the Illness-Wellness Continuum, a model attributed to Dr. Travis, which offers a holistic perspective on health and well-being that was covered in Module 1. You will begin completing an activity that requires you to score on the illness-wellness continuum. This explores this continuum and its implications.
在此评估中,您将参与疾病-健康连续体的概念,这是一个归功于 Travis 博士的模型,它提供了模块 1 中涵盖的健康和福祉的整体视角。您将开始完成一项要求您 在疾病-健康连续体上得分的活动。 本文探讨了这个连续体及其含义。

Learning Outcomes: This assessment aligns with the following unit learning outcomes:

ULO1: Critically analyse the construction and diverse meanings of health, wellness, illness, and disease for the health consumer's narrative in local and global settings.

ULO2: Demonstrate an advanced and integrated understanding of cognitive and developmental milestones that affect children from the neonatal period to adolescence, along with the associated clinical manifestations.

ULO3: Demonstrate cultural responsivity and respect for the identity and dignity of all persons, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Task Description

You are required to create a 5-minute video presentation that demonstrates your understanding of the Illness-Wellness Continuum and addresses specific learning outcomes.
您需要制作一个 5 分钟的视频演示,展示您对疾病-健康连续体的理解并解决特定的学习成果。

Task Instructions

Complete the activity on the Illness-Wellness Continuum in Module 1: Introduction to narratives, developmental theories and concepts of change, which is based on the work of Dr. Travis.
完成模块 1 关于疾病-健康连续体的活动:叙述、发展理论和变革概念简介,该活动基于 Travis 博士的工作。

Reflect on the content of the video and how it relates to the Illness-Wellness Continuum.

Based on your reflection and understanding of the Illness-Wellness Continuum, create a 5-minute video presentation.
根据您对疾病-健康连续体的反思和理解,制作一个 5 分钟的视频演示。

Please note that your presentation should be delivered without the use of PowerPoint or prompts.
请注意,您的演示文稿应在不使用 PowerPoint 或提示的情况下进行。

In your video, address the following points to demonstrate your comprehension of the Illness-Wellness Continuum and the associated learning outcomes:

Explain the core concepts of the Illness-Wellness Continuum.

Discuss how this continuum challenges conventional health paradigms.

Provide examples of how the continuum can be applied to diverse health consumer narratives in local and global settings

Explore cognitive and developmental milestones from neonatal period to adolescence, along with the associated clinical manifestations.

Highlight the importance of cultural responsiveness and respect for health consumers, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, in the context of the continuum.

Ensure your video is clear, engaging, and effectively communicates your insights.


Complete the Illness-Wellness Continuum Activity available on the Blackboard site as part of your preparation for submission.
完成 Blackboard 网站上提供的 Illness-Wellness Continuum 活动,作为提交准备工作的一部分

Referencing Style Resource

You must follow the APA 7th style of references as per SCU Library referencing guides
您必须按照 SCU 库参考指南遵循 APA 7th 参考格式

Task Submission

* Your video must be a maximum of 5 minutes (strict time limits) MP4 file presentation through Zoom. Please note there is an allowance of +/- 10% – which is +/- 30 seconds. Therefore, the submitted video length can vary between 4 minutes and 30 seconds to 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Any content presented after the 5 minutes 30 seconds will not be marked, and it is not possible to meet the task requirements with work less than 4 minutes 30 seconds. Please view this video to assist with instructions on how to record yourself speaking at the same time: How To Record Video and Audio on Zoom
* 您的视频必须通过 Zoom 以最长 5 分钟(严格的时间限制)呈现 MP4 文件。请注意,有 +/- 10% 的限额 – 即 +/- 30 秒。因此,提交的视频长度可以在 4 分 30 秒到 5 分 30 秒之间变化。在 5 分 30 后呈现的任何内容都不会被标记,并且工作少于 4 分 30 秒无法满足任务要求请观看此视频以协助说明如何同时录制自己的讲话:如何在 Zoom 上录制视频和音频

*High-Definition recordings are not required or supported. You may need to compress the final file using the free program Handbrake. A stepped process on how to do this can be located at https://spark.scu.edu.au/kb/x/hIrz
*不需要或不支持高清录制。您可能需要使用免费程序 Handbrake 压缩最终文件。有关如何执行此操作的分步过程可以在 https://spark.scu.edu.au/kb/x/hIrz 中找到

*Upload your recorded presentation to Assessment 2: Presentation (Pre-recorded video), in the Assessments Tasks & Submission section on the Blackboard NURS5009 site
*将您的录制演示文稿上传到Blackboard NURS5009站点的评估任务和提交部分的“评估2:演示文稿(预先录制的视频)”。

by Monday, 3rd February 2025, 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT (start of Week 4)
2025 年 2 月 3 日星期一晚上 11:59 AEST/AEDT(第 4 周开始)

You must label your submission with your surname and initials and the assessment task's name, e.g. LapkinS_ Assessment 2
您必须使用您的姓氏和首字母缩写以及评估任务的名称 e.gLapkinS_ Assessment 2 标记您的提交

Academic Integrity

At Southern Cross University academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility, and respect in relation to academic work. 

The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic, and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more information see the SCU Academic Integrity Framework 
南十字星大学学术诚信框架旨在制定一种全面、系统和一致的方法来解决整个大学的学术诚信问题。有关更多信息, 请参阅 SCU 学术诚信框架 

NOTEAcademic Integrity breaches include unacceptable use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools, the use of GenAI has not been appropriately acknowledged or is beyond the acceptable limit as defined in the Assessment, poor referencing, not identifying direct quotations correctly, close paraphrasing, plagiarism, recycling, misrepresentation, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, fabricating information.  
注意: 违反学术诚信的行为包括:不可接受的生成式人工智能 (GenAI) 工具的使用GenAI 的使用未得到适当承认或超出评估中定义的可接受限制引用不当、未正确识别直接引用、紧密释义、抄袭、回收、虚假陈述、串通、作弊、合同欺骗、捏造信息。 


GenAI May Not be Used
不得使用 GenAI

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPTmay not be used for this Assessment Task. You are required to demonstrate if you have developed the unit’s skills and knowledge without the support of GenAI. If you use GenAI tools in your assessment task, it may result in an academic integrity breach against you as described in the Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules, Section 3
生成式人工智能 (GenAI) 工具,例如 ChatGPT, 不得用于 此评估任务。您需要证明您是否在没有 GenAI 支持的情况下开发了该单位的技能和知识。如果您在评估任务中使用 GenAI 工具,可能会导致您违反学术诚信,如学生 学术和非学术不端行为规则第 3 节所述

Special Consideration

Please refer to the Special Consideration section of Policy https://policies.scu.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=140
请参阅保单 https://policies.scu.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=140Special Consideration(特殊注意事项)部分

Late Submissions & Penalties

Please refer to the Late Submission & Penalties section of Policy https://policies.scu.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00255
请参阅 政策 https://policies.scu.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00255延迟提交和处罚部分

Grades & Feedback

Assessments that have been submitted by the due date will receive an SCU grade. Grades and feedback will be posted to the ‘Grades and Feedback section on the Blackboard unit site. Please allow 7 days for marks to be posted.
在截止日期之前提交的 Assessments 将获得 SCU 等级。成绩和反馈将发布到 Blackboard 单元站点的成绩反馈”部分。请等待 7 天的时间发布时间。

Assessment Criteria

Your assessment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Clarity and depth of reflection.

Comprehensive coverage of the Illness-Wellness Continuum concepts.
全面涵盖 Illness-Wellness Continuum 概念。

Application of the continuum to diverse health consumer narratives.

Consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect.

Quality of video presentation.

Please note that your presentation should be delivered without the use of PowerPoint or prompts.
请注意,您的演示文稿应在不使用 PowerPoint 或提示的情况下进行。

Assessment Presentation BriefRubric

Marking Criteria and % allocation
标记标准和 % 分配

High Distinction +
优异成绩 +


High Distinction








Marginal Fail




Not Addressed


Clarity and depth of reflection (25%)
反射的清晰度和深度 25%)

Exceptional clarity and profound depth in reflecting, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding and insightful analysis of the Illness-Wellness Continuum

Excellent clarity and depth of reflection showcase a strong understanding and analysis of the Illness-Wellness Continuum

Clear and in-depth reflection, indicating a solid understanding and thoughtful examination of the Illness-Wellness Continuum

Generally clear and sufficiently deep reflection, showing a good understanding and analysis of the Illness-Wellness Continuum

Adequate clarity and depth in reflection, with a satisfactory understanding and basic analysis of the Illness-Wellness Continuum

Limited clarity and depth, with some understanding evident but lacking in-depth analysis of the Illness-Wellness Continuum

Inadequate clarity and depth, reflecting a poor understanding and minimal analysis of the Illness-Wellness Continuum.

No attempt made to address the criterion.

Comprehensive coverage of the Illness-Wellness Continuum from the neonatal period to adolescence (20%)
全面覆盖从新生儿期到青春期疾病-健康连续体 (20%)

Thorough and exhaustive coverage of the Illness-Wellness Continuum concepts, demonstrating a deep understanding of the topic and incorporating advanced insights and perspectives from the neonatal period to adolescence.

Comprehensive coverage with a strong grasp of the Illness-Wellness Continuum's key concepts, offering detailed insights and analysis across the neonatal period to adolescence.

Substantial coverage of the Illness-Wellness Continuum concepts, showcasing a solid understanding and application of key principles from the neonatal period to adolescence.

Adequate coverage of the Illness-Wellness Continuum concepts, addressing the core elements with clarity and satisfactory detail from the neonatal period to adolescence.

Basic coverage of the Illness-Wellness Continuum concepts, demonstrating a sufficient understanding of fundamental aspects without delving deeply into nuanced elements, spanning the neonatal period to adolescence.

Limited coverage of the Illness-Wellness Continuum concepts, with notable gaps in understanding or incomplete exploration of key principles from the neonatal period to adolescence.

Minimal coverage and understanding of the Illness-Wellness Continuum concepts, lacking depth and coherence in addressing essential elements from the neonatal period to adolescence.

No attempt made to cover or address the Illness-Wellness Continuum concepts from the neonatal period to adolescence.

Application of the continuum to diverse health consumer narratives (25 %)
将连续体应用于不同的健康消费者叙述 25 %

Exceptional application of the Illness-Wellness Continuum to a wide range of health consumer narratives demonstrates a profound understanding of diverse perspectives and provides insightful connections beyond expectations.

Excellent application of the continuum to diverse health consumer narratives, displaying a strong ability to connect concepts to various contexts and offering insightful analyses that enhance the understanding of different experiences.

Very good application of the Illness-Wellness Continuum to diverse health consumer narratives, showing a solid ability to relate key concepts to different scenarios and providing thoughtful analyses.

Adequate application of the continuum to diverse health consumer narratives, demonstrating a basic ability to connect concepts to different contexts with clarity and coherence.

Satisfactory application of the Illness-Wellness Continuum to health consumer narratives, with a basic ability to connect concepts to diverse scenarios, though lacking in-depth exploration.

Limited application of the continuum to health consumer narratives, with notable gaps in understanding or incomplete connections to diverse experiences.

Minimal application of the Illness-Wellness Continuum to diverse health consumer narratives, lacking depth and coherence in relating key concepts to different scenarios.

No attempt made to apply the continuum to diverse health consumer narratives.

Consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect (15%)
考虑文化响应性和尊重 15%)

Exceptional consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect, demonstrating a profound understanding of diverse cultural nuances and incorporating them seamlessly into the analysis with a high level of sensitivity and insight.

Excellent consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect, displaying a strong awareness of diverse cultural factors and effectively integrating them into the work.

Very good consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect, showing a solid understanding of cultural influences and appropriately addressing them in the analysis.

Adequate consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect, demonstrating a basic awareness of cultural factors and incorporating them to a satisfactory extent.

Acceptable consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect, with a basic acknowledgment of cultural factors, although lacking in-depth exploration.

Limited consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect, with noticeable oversights or insensitivity to cultural factors, requiring improvement.

Poor consideration of cultural responsiveness and respect, showing a lack of awareness and understanding of cultural nuances, resulting in inadequate or inappropriate integration.

No attempt made to consider or address cultural responsiveness and respect.

Pace, presentation and language of the video (15%)
视频的节奏、呈现方式和语言 15%)

Exceptional quality and effectiveness in communication, blending outstanding skills in maintaining audience attention, eye contact, and expressive, clear, and fluent speech at a steady pace, showcasing creativity and technical proficiency.

Excellent quality and effectiveness by incorporating highly engaging and well-executed presentation elements. Maintains audience attention through consistent eye contact, delivering clear and fluent speech at a steady pace.

Very good quality and effectiveness, showcasing strong communication and presentation skills. Maintains audience attention through consistent eye contact, delivering clear and mostly fluent speech at a steady pace.

Good quality and effectiveness with clear and competent presentation elements. Makes some attempts to hold the audience's attention through maintained eye contact. Speaks clearly and fluently, mostly at a steady pace, though occasional speeding up may occur.

Satisfactory quality and effectiveness, meeting basic presentation standards. Makes attempts to engage the audience through maintained eye contact. Speaks clearly and fluently, mostly maintaining a steady pace, although occasional speeding up may occur.

Limited quality and effectiveness with noticeable weaknesses in communication or technical aspects. Fails to maintain eye contact with the audience, struggles with being heard or understood, and exhibits issues with speaking pace, being either too fast or too slow.

Poor quality and effectiveness with significant deficiencies in communication and presentation, including a lack of eye contact with the audience, challenges in being heard or understood, and issues with speaking pace, characterised by being either too fast or too slow.

Does not maintain eye contact with the audience. Can’t be heard or understood. Speaks too fast/slow.
Doe与观众保持眼神交流 。无法被听到或理解。说话太快/太慢。

Description of SCU Grades
SCU 等级描述

High Distinction:

The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified


The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as competent in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area. The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory in relation to the learning requirements specified.


The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.