Killer onboarding starts with a story 出色的入職培訓從一個故事開始
Samuel Hulick ..... 29 塞缪爾·休利克.....29
A content-first approach to product onboarding 內容優先的產品入門方法
Jonathon Colman ..... 39 喬納森·科爾曼..... 39
Hook trial users from their first use 勾住用戶從初次使用開始就被吸引
Robbie Allan ..... 50 羅比·艾倫.....50
Making the best first impression 締造最佳第一印象
Danielle Swanser ..... 57 丹尼爾·斯旺瑟.....57
Streamline onboarding for complex products 簡化複雜產品的新手上路過程
Robbie Allan ..... 66 羅比·艾倫 ..... 66
Onboarding groups, not just individuals 不只是單個個人,而是整個團隊的入職
Brendan Irvine-Broque ..... 74 布倫丹·艾爾文-布洛克 ..... 74
How we designed a modular onboarding system 如何設計模塊化的入職系統
Cindy Chang & Siya Yang ..... 81 張倩與楊思雅.....81
Onboarding never stops 上崗培訓永不停歇
Ruairí Galavan ..... 92 魯艾里·葛雷文
Customer retention is the new conversion 客戶留存是新的轉換
Des Traynor ..... 100 德斯·特兰諾 ..... 100
Conclusion 結論
Des Traynor ..... 109 德斯特雷納
Foreword 序言
Trying out a new software product can feel awesome, like taking on a new superpower. Suddenly, you have a capability you didn't have before, like being able to have a face-to-face conversation with someone on the other side of the planet, or knowing exactly which song is playing in the restaurant you're eating in. 嘗試使用新的軟體產品可能會感覺很棒,就像獲得了新的超級能力。突然之間,你擁有了之前沒有的能力,比如能夠與地球另一端的人進行面對面對話,或者知道你正在就餐的餐廳裡正在播放哪一首歌。
The real magic comes when we seamlessly acquire these superpowers. It sets the product/customer relationship up for long-lasting success right from the beginning. When this occurs, it's great not only for the customer but for the business too. Converting signups into long-lasting, churn-resistant users is a tide that lifts all departmental ships: marketing, product, customer support and beyond. 真正的魔力在於我們能無縫整合這些超級能力。這就為產品/客戶關係從一開始就奠定了長期成功的基礎。當這種情況發生時,不僅對客戶而且對企業來說也是一大好處。將註冊轉換為長期且抗流失的用戶,可以提升所有部門的成績:市場營銷、產品、客戶支持等等。
Unfortunately, most transitions from struggling-to-superpowered are anything but seamless. Signup, activation, first use and re-engagement workflows are often tacked on only at the last minute. Rarely are they given anything close to the attention that the "core" features of a product receive, which is ironic because onboarding is the only part of a product that every single user will experience. 很遺憾,從掙扎到超級力量的大多數轉型並非無縫銜接。註冊、激活、首次使用和再參與的工作流程通常僅在最後一刻才被加入。它們很少得到與產品的"核心"功能同等程度的關注,這很諷刺,因為入職是每個用戶都會經歷的唯一部分。
In fact, onboarding can even pose a bit of a paradox in that way: the worse onboarding performs, the more often it will be the ONLY part of a product that a given user sees. You can create the most powerful features in the world, but they might as well not exist if users never have a chance to encounter them. 事實上,入職培訓可能會出現一些矛盾:入職培訓效果越差,某個用戶看到的產品其實只有這部分。你可以創造出世界上最強大的功能,但如果用戶從未有機會接觸到它們,那不也白費功夫。
When a product's onboarding is underserved, the loss of users can be staggering. Every signup has the potential to be a valuable user of your product. And every signup has come to you thanks to the elbow grease of your marketing and product teams, who created a value proposition appealing enough to investigate. 當產品的入門服務不足時,用戶流失可能會驚人。每一個註冊用戶都有成為您產品有價值用戶的潛力。每一個註冊用戶都是因為您的營銷和產品團隊努力創造出吸引人的價值主張而來到您這裡。
Is that time investment - for both your company and its new signups being rewarded with a robust, bulletproof activation process? Or is it being squandered with an experience that neglects the needs of first-time users, letting the majority of them slip through your fingers like sand? 那個時間投資 - 對於您的公司及其新註冊用戶而言,是否正被一個強大、無懈可擊的啟動流程所回報?還是被一個忽視首次使用者需求的體驗所浪費,導致大多數用戶像沙子一樣從您手中溜走?
Intercom has given this space a lot of thought over the years, first and foremost in designing and building products to help engage, onboard and retain customers. They've also consistently delivered phenomenal recommendations and insights via their blog, podcast, guides and, now, with the updated edition of this book, which builds upon the first edition with a number of new chapters exploring the latest thinking on onboarding. Intercom 在過去數年一直深思如何設計和建立產品來協助吸引、接納和留住客戶。他們也一直通過部落格、播客、指南以及這本書的更新版本提供非凡的建議和洞見,該書在首次發行的基礎上新增了多個探討最新接納思想的章節。
This extra material covers a lot of new terrain: from a simple framework to understand the ideal onboarding flow to an in-depth exploration of how to write the content that helps your users achieve their goals; from advice on making a great first impression to ensuring that as many users as possible stick around, and so much more. In short, the writing that follows outlines time-tested thinking that will help your company thrive by helping its users do the same. 這份額外資料涵蓋了許多新的領域:從理解理想入職流程的簡單框架,到深入探討如何撰寫有助於用戶實現目標的內容;從提供建議以達成出色的第一印象,到確保盡可能多的用戶留下來,以及更多。簡而言之,接下來的撰述概括了經過考驗的思維,將有助於您的公司茁壯成長,同時也幫助其用戶達成同樣目標。
I truly hope you absorb and apply the advice this book provides. The world, and your business, could always use more superpowered people. 我真誠地希望您能吸收並應用本書提供的建議。這個世界和您的事業,總是需要更多具有超級力量的人。
Samuel Hulick, UserOnboard 塞繆爾·胡里克,UserOnboard
Samuel Hulick is the authority on user onboarding. Whether it's through his detailed and witty onboarding teardowns of some of the world's biggest products at, or his book 塞繆爾·休利克是用戶引導的權威。無論是透過他對世界上最大產品之詳細而機智的引導分析於,還是他的著作
The Elements of User Onboarding, he's been central in bringing user onboarding front and center for modern software products. 用戶啟用的要素,他在將用戶啟用置於現代軟件產品的中心位置方面發揮了關鍵作用。
Introduction 簡介
When we started Intercom, our mission was to make business personal. So we took it upon ourselves to email every new customer to ask how easy setup was and to see if there was anything confusing them. 當我們創立 Intercom 時,我們的使命是讓商業變得更加貼心與個人化。因此,我們自發地透過電子郵件接觸每一位新客戶,詢問他們設置的便利程度,並瞭解是否有任何困惑之處。
It was a manual process, but repeatedly talking to people who are trying to set up your product is a surefire way to help you learn that you need to fix your onboarding. 這是一個手動的過程,但是反覆與想要設置您的產品的人對話,是幫助您了解需要修復您的入門 onboarding 的一個可靠方法。
Even though onboarding wasn't as well studied as it is today, one thing was apparent: onboarding was and is the one truly universal problem every piece of software has. It's the only thing literally all your customers are going to do, and you're guaranteed thousands of your users will run into some kind of difficulty with it. 即使入職流程並未像今天一樣受到廣泛研究,但有一件事是顯而易見的:入職流程是每個軟體都會面臨的共同問題。這是您所有客戶都必須要做的唯一事情,並且您可以肯定會有成千上萬的用戶在這方面遇到某些困難。
It doesn't matter if you've tried every marketing technique under the sun, if you're not onboarding users successfully it counts for nothing. Why would you invest so much in trying to attract users but not go the extra step and try to keep them? 不管您嘗試過陽光下的所有行銷技巧,如果您無法成功地為用戶進行引導,那都只是無用功。為什麼您要如此大量投資去吸引用戶,卻不願意更進一步嘗試保留他們呢?
One of the obvious traps startups fall into is seeing onboarding as just the first three screens after signup. They fall for the snake oil of optimization and think a blue button instead of a red one will magically deliver engaged users. In reality, onboarding is the online equivalent of white glove service, of holding your customer's hand as you guide them from feature to feature, flow to flow, listening to their intentions and ensuring they find the right parts of your product to get started from. And it goes far beyond their first visit. 創業公司常常陷入的一個明顯陷阱是將入門僅視為註冊後的前三個螢幕。他們陷入了優化的誘惑,認為將按鈕從紅色改為藍色就能神奇地吸引用戶。事實上,入門就像是線上的貴賓服務,牽著客戶的手引導他們從一個功能到另一個功能,從一個流程到另一個流程,聆聽他們的意圖,確保他們找到您產品的正確部分開始使用。這遠不止於他們的第一次訪問。
Onboarding is the phase a customer goes through in between making the decision they want to use a product and being a fully satisfied customer extracting lots of value from the product. In short, it's about ensuring your customers are successful. 入職是客戶在決定要使用某產品與成為充分滿意的客戶並從中獲得大量價值之間的過程。簡言之,它是確保您的客戶成功的過程。
This new edition of Intercom on Onboarding includes our latest thinking on the topic, diving into the lessons we've had to keep learning as we've scaled. Since we released our last book we've launched an entire product in the space, Product Tours, so as you'd guess, our thinking has matured. We don't talk about hacks or gimmicks, instead, we cover everything we've learned that works - from redesigning your onboarding for new contexts, to guiding customers through their first visit, to turning them into long-term loyal customers. 這是電子報溝通中有關新手培育最新的思考。我們深入探討在擴展規模過程中必須不斷學習的課題。自從上一本書發行以來,我們推出了整個產品領域的新手教程。因此,我們的想法也趨於成熟。我們不談論竅門或花招,而是全面分享我們所學到的有效做法 - 從為新的情境重新設計新手培育,到引導客戶度過首次造訪,再到將他們轉化為長期忠實客戶。
While a lot of these lessons come from direct experience, they're bound by a universal truth any startup can take away. Good onboarding comes from focusing less on your own business and more on your customers. It's not a metric, it's an outcome - successful users. 雖然這些教訓大多來自直接經驗,但它們都受制於任何創業公司都可以吸取的普遍真理。良好的入職培訓來自於關注客戶,而不是自身業務。它不是一個指標,而是一個結果 - 成功的用戶。
Once you get that right, everything follows from there. 一旦你做對了那件事,其他的事情都會順理成章。
Des Traynor, Co-Founder, Intercom 德斯·特雷納,Intercom 公司的共同創辦人
CHAPTER 01 第 01 章
The low-hanging fruit of user onboarding 使用者入門的低垂果實
nboarding has traditionally been of two kinds - either "Let's point out our interface" or "Let's decide where we want our user to end up and push them that way." 入職培訓傳統上有兩種方式 - 要麼是「讓我們指出我們的界面」,要麼是「讓我們決定我們想讓使用者最終到達的地方,並朝那個方向推動他們」。
Both have an important role to play in onboarding, but if not implemented in combination with other approaches, they are likely to miss the mark on their own, they don't understand the difference between correlation and causation. Just because a user has reached on an onboarding progress bar, or they've been told how to add a teammate, doesn't mean they'll make adequate progress and become a long-term user. 在入職過程中,兩者都扮演著重要的角色,但如果不與其他方法結合實施,它們單獨很可能會錯誤。他們不了解相關性和因果關係之間的差異。僅僅因為用戶已經在入職進度條上達到 ,或者他們被告知如何添加團隊成員,並不意味著他們將取得足夠的進度並成為長期用戶。
The best onboarding is the kind that pays less attention to getting users to complete steps the business cares about and more about getting them to experience "successful moments." 最好的入職程序就是那種,它不太關注讓用戶完成企業關心的步驟,而更多關注讓他們體驗「成功時刻」。
These successful moments usually have nothing to do with optimizing button colors or calls to action and everything to do with gaining a better understanding of who your user is, what it is they are trying to achieve and where they currently are in your workflow. 這些成功的時刻通常與優化按鈕顏色或行動號召無關,而是與更好地了解您的使用者是誰、他們正試圖實現什麼以及他們當前在您的工作流程中所處位置有關。
Finding these successful moments is more difficult than adding a progress bar. It involves actually talking to customers while they're signing up and after they've signed up, learning as much as you can. But nobody said acquiring and retaining customers was easy. 尋找成功時刻比添加進度條更加困難。這需要在客戶註冊期間和註冊之後與客戶進行實際交談,以學習盡可能多的知識。但是,沒有人說獲取和保留客戶是一件容易的事。
Moving past the signup stage 跨越註冊階段
High growth companies and startups are knee deep in customer acquisition metrics. Click-through rates, cost per click, cost per lead, conversion rate, cost per acquisition and more. 高成長公司和新創公司正深陷於客戶獲取指標之中。點擊率、每次點擊成本、每個潛在客戶成本、轉換率、每次獲客成本等。
Some wade through data looking for easy tweaks, hoping that changing a button from red to green or adding words like "Free" and "Now" to landing page headlines will add another to their funnel. At best, this Fisher- 一些人淌過數據尋找簡單的調整,希望把按鈕從紅色改為綠色,或在登陸頁面標題中加入「免費」和「現在」等字詞,能給他們的轉化漏斗添上另一個 。從最好的角度來看,這只是
Price psychology gets them a few quick wins. At worst, they spin their wheels for weeks pushing complexity around from one screen to another, all in the hope of growing signups. 價格心理學帶來了幾項快速勝利。最糟糕的情況是,他們數週來徒勞地將複雜性從一個畫面推移到另一個畫面,希望藉此增加註冊量。
"What happens to the users who sign up?" you ask. Well that's the funny thing: most of them churn, but that gets less attention in this game of Whack-a-Metric. It's worth remembering that recovering a lost signup is worth just as much as capturing a new one. Of the hundreds of Intercom customers I've spoken with, they all have a variation of this problem: people sign up, click around and disappear. That's where user onboarding comes in turning new signups into loyal and engaged customers. 「使用者註冊之後會發生什麼事?」你問。這真是個有趣的問題:大部分的使用者都會流失,但這在追捧指標的遊戲中鮮少受到關注。值得記住的是,重新獲得流失的註冊用戶與捕獲新用戶同樣重要。在我與數百名 Intercom 客戶交談過程中,他們都有相同的問題:使用者註冊,點擊瀏覽後就消失了。這正是用戶引導的用武之地,將新註冊用戶轉化為忠實和積極參與的客戶。
With each successive generation of onboarding, the focus has shifted slightly from what the business wants to what the customer needs. Early onboarding was outside of the product, where help manuals, and later websites, were offered to users - externally and out of context - in the hopes they would use them instead of contacting support. Since then, onboarding has slowly moved inside the product. 隨著每一代的新員工入職過程的演變,重心已經從企業所需稍微轉移到客戶的需求。早期的新員工入職過程是在產品之外,提供給使用者說明手冊,後來則是網站 - 脫離實際情境的外部資源,希望使用者能自行使用而不需聯繫支援。此後,新員工入職過程已逐步移至產品內部。
Interface is king: onboarding 1.0 界面為王:入門 1.0
Click this to configure your settings 點擊此處以設定您的設定
Configure your settings 設定您的設定
The first onboarding attempts focused on the user interface alone. Instead of focusing on the users' definition of success, businesses tried to reverse engineer user desires from each piece of interface. For most interfaces, 最初的入職嘗試只注重用戶界面。企業並沒有聚焦在用戶定義的成功定義,而是試圖從各個界面組件中反向推導出用戶的需求。對於大多數界面,
this amounts to tooltips pointing out buttons and menus that don't help customers achieve their actual goals - but tooltips can't be truly effective when they focus on the product rather than the user. 這相當於提示窗口指出按鈕和選單,但它們並不能真正幫助客戶達成他們的實際目標 - 但當提示窗口專注於產品而不是用戶時,它們就不會真正有效。
Progress bars: onboarding 2.0 進度條:新手上路 2.0
Add a bio to your profile 在您的個人簡介中加入個人簡歷
Let users know more about your role in a sentence or two. 讓使用者了解更多關於您角色的一兩句話。
The next era of onboarding was made famous by LinkedIn. Gamified progress bars shepherd users through a series of hoops, not too dissimilar to how trainers get their poodles to win the top prize at a dog show. This approach consists of identifying a set of tasks you want every new user to do, arbitrarily giving them a percentage score for each task and then bugging the hell out of users until they hit . Gamification: the multi-billion dollar industry that never happened. 下一個入職時代由 LinkedIn 聞名。遊戲化的進度條引導用戶完成一系列任務,與訓練員如何讓貴賓犬獲得狗展頂獎的方式並無太大不同。這種方法包括確定希望每個新用戶完成的一組任務,並任意為每項任務賦予百分比得分,然後一直騷擾用戶直到他們達到 。遊戲化:這個價值數十億美元的產業從未真正出現。
Again, progress bars are quite effective but are still internally focused. They ensure the user does what the business wants, but not necessarily that users achieve what they want. 再次,進度條確實很有效,但仍然是內部焦點。它們確保用戶做出業務希望的事情,但不一定能達到用戶自己的目標。
For simple, well-defined products, there's little difference between a user's immediate desire and the metrics the business uses to record progress. But for anything more complex (e.g. B2B SaaS products), this can result in force-feeding configuration options to a user who simply wanted to manage some tasks or requiring a user to invite their team before they've finished assessing the product. For example, many products ask users to invite 對於簡單、定義明確的產品,使用者的即時需求和企業用於記錄進度的指標之間差異很小。但對於任何更複雜的產品(例如 B2B SaaS 產品),這可能會導致強制要求使用者配置選項,而使用者只是想管理一些任務,或要求使用者在完成評估產品之前邀請其團隊。例如,許多產品都要求使用者邀請
additional friends who aren't on the service before they show a user's onboarding as complete. Does this benefit the business or their customers? 在使用者顯示完成迎新之前,應該獲得額外未曾註冊的好友。這是否有利於企業或其客戶?
Understand the customer's definition of success: onboarding 3.0 了解客戶成功的定義:onboarding 3.0
Alex 阿歷克斯
Active in the last 在過去 處於活躍狀態
Hi Stefanie. Thanks for signing up - let me know if you have any questions. 你好,Stefanie。感謝你註冊,如果有任何問題請告訴我。
In the meantime, l'd love to know what are the most important things you're trying to achieve with ProjectMap? Thanks! 同時,我很想知道您在 ProjectMap 中正在努力實現哪些最重要的事情?謝謝!
Rather than relying solely on emergent metrics and then forcing users to hit some business targets, modern onboarding focuses on the user and what they want to achieve. 現代的用戶引導不僅單一地依賴新興的指標,而是關注用戶本身及其所要實現的目標。
This begins with continually asking newly signed up customers what they are hoping to achieve with your product. You will learn: 從不斷詢問新簽約客戶他們希望使用您的產品達成什麼目標開始。您將學習:
Their functional goals (e.g. organize my team's tasks). 他們的功能性目標(例如組織我團隊的任務)。
Their personal goals (e.g. let me feel in control). 他們的個人目標(例如:讓我感到有控制權)。
Their social goals (e.g. impress my boss). 他們的社會目標(例如:給老闆留下深刻印象)。
You also need to ensure each new signup believes they are on a path to achieving their goals. This is what successful onboarding does. Slack sets the bar high in this regard - their Slackbot guides new users through setting up their account by asking them a series of questions. Not only does the user set up their account, but they are learning to use Slack at the same time. 您還需要確保每個新註冊用戶都認為自己正在朝著實現目標的道路前進。這就是成功的入職培訓所做的。Slack 在這方面設立了很高的標準 - 他們的 Slackbot 通過問一系列問題引導新用戶設置他們的帳戶。用戶不僅設置了自己的帳戶,同時也在學習如何使用 Slack。
Onboarding your customers for success 確保客戶成功的入門指引
The purpose of a trial is to convince a potential user your product will deliver what they need at a price they can afford. It's about getting them to those "successful moments." It's important to remember this is their success, not yours, and has nothing to do with filling in database fields to complete their profile. Onboarding is the key here. So here are five steps to improve your onboarding: 試用的目的是要說服潛在用戶,你的產品能以他們負擔得起的價格,提供他們所需要的。這是關於讓他們達到「成功時刻」。我們必須記住,這是他們的成功,而不是你的,和填寫個人資料無關。入門是關鍵所在。以下是五個改善入門的步驟:
1. Understand the different jobs your product is hired for 了解您的產品被用於哪些不同的工作
You might regard yourself as being in the "project management" category, but people who sign up might actually be trying to "improve productivity" or "get better at remote working." Yes, your product solves these problems through the lens of project management, but is important to know what use cases, examples and copy will motivate your customers versus what will fall on deaf ears. 您可能將自己視為屬於"專案管理"類別,但報名的人實際上可能是想"提高生產力"或"在遠程工作方面做得更好"。是的,您的產品可以通過專案管理的視角解決這些問題,但知道哪些用例、範例和文案會激勵您的客戶,哪些又無法引起共鳴,這一點很重要。
2. Understand what success looks like for each of these jobs 2. 了解每項工作所代表的成功模樣
People aren't using your analytics tool for the sake of it; they're using it to get promoted, to prove their worth or to rally a team behind a common problem. A very simple step here is to ask new signups what they're trying to achieve with your product. Once you know that, you'll be amazed at how many onboarding changes you'll want to make instantly. 人們不是為了使用您的分析工具而使用它;他們是為了得到晉升、證明自己的價值或團結一個團隊來解決共同問題。在這裡一個非常簡單的步驟是詢問新註冊用戶他們想要通過您的產品達成什麼目標。一旦您知道了這一點,您將會驚訝於您會立即想要做出多少入職變更。
3. Design paths guiding them through the features that help them achieve this 設計引導路徑使用者透過有助於實現此目標的功能
Once you know the end goal(s) of your target users, you can design a flow to guide them to it. If there are distinct end goals that differ (e.g. "I want to share my design work" vs. "I want to get more design gigs"), it's best to let new signups declare their desire up front so you'll never be tone-deaf. 一旦您知道目標用戶的最終目標,就可以設計一個引導他們達成目標的流程。如果存在不同的終極目標(例如"我想分享我的設計作品"與"我想獲得更多設計工作"),最好讓新註冊用戶先聲明自己的需求,這樣就不會產生誤解。
4. Communicate with users to help them get there 4. 與用戶溝通以幫助他們達到目標
Sadly, most product communications during trials are badly targeted, usually using "time since signup" as the key. In reality, just because it's been seven days, it doesn't mean I've done anything useful. Similarly, I could have signed up yesterday, spent all day in your product and be fully up to speed. Activity matters, usage matters. Understand where I am, where I'm going, and send me messages that help me get there. 真可惜,大部分產品在試用期間的溝通都非常定位不佳,通常以「註冊後的時間」作為關鍵指標。事實上,只因已經過了七天並不代表我已經做了任何有用的事情。同樣地,我可能昨天剛註冊,但整天待在你的產品中已經完全上手。活動和使用情況才是真正重要的。了解我目前的情況和未來走向,並向我發送可以幫助我達成目標的訊息。
5. Have an early warning system for new users 5. 為新使用者設立預警系統
Most products wait until a customer cancels, or fails to convert, and then the apologetic pleading messages begin. This is when you'll see "How can we get you back?" emails to a customer who has already checked out. That's like waiting until you see divorce papers before checking how your spouse is doing. Instead, know what failure looks like and start the conversation before it's too late. 大部分商品都是等到顧客取消訂單或未完成結帳,才開始發送道歉式的勸誘訊息。這時候你會看到「我們如何讓您重新回來?」這樣的電子郵件發給已經離開的顧客。這就像等到看到離婚文件才去關心另一半的狀況。相反地,了解失敗的跡象,並在太遲之前就開始對話。
Collectively these steps won't solve everything, and it's a fair criticism of the discipline of onboarding that a lot of this advice maps back to Good Product Design . But as we discussed at the outset, you can go back to tweaking button colors, or you can try something new: help your customers be successful. Do that and you'll find there's low-hanging fruit, and lots of it. 總的來說,這些步驟無法解決所有問題,也可以批評指導新手的學科,它大多回歸到良好的產品設計 。但正如我們一開始討論的,你可以回去微調按鈕顏色,或者你可以嘗試新的方法:幫助你的客戶取得成功。這樣做,你會發現有許多容易做到的事情。