My 3x3x3x3x3x3x3 or 3^7 System for Quarterly Goal Achieving
我的 3x3x3x3x3x3x3 或 3^7 季度目标达成系统
EDIT Thanks to valuable feedback I made a few edits to make it even clearer. I tweaked the tl;dr list and added a table. I also added a few more resources across the entire post. Check it out 😃
编辑:感谢宝贵的反馈,我对内容进行了一些修改以使其更清晰。我调整了 tl;dr 列表并添加了一个表格。我还为整个帖子添加了一些更多资源。去看看吧 😃
It is inspired by Cal Newport's 3x3 Method, and loosely by Brian P. Moran's book "The 12 Week Year", because it covers the same timeframe and works well together on a macro level.
它受到 Cal Newport 的 3x3 方法的启发,并大致参考了 Brian P. Moran 的《12 周年》一书,因为它涵盖了相同的时间范围,并在宏观层面上很好地协同工作。
On a smaller scale the idea of "Sprint Planning for Personal Productivity", recently posted on the Monthly Method blog, provides structure, which in turn is inspired by the Scrum method laid out (among others) in Jeff Sutherland's book "Scrum".
在较小规模上,最近在《每月方法》博客上发布的“个人生产力冲刺计划”的想法提供了结构,而这种结构反过来又受到了杰夫·萨瑟兰德在其书籍《敏捷》中阐述的(包括其他方法)Scrum 方法的启发。
I mixed this with my own experience and some learnings from the last years that I derived from Cal Newport's idea to "Choose Your Hard Days", my personal preference to work in ADHD driven "all-in" chunks.
我结合了自己的经验和过去几年从 Cal Newport 的“选择你的艰难日子”理念中汲取的一些学习,以及我个人的偏好,在 ADHD 驱动的“全情投入”块状工作中工作。
(No affiliation to any of the books, blogs or tools. No affiliate links used, obviously. You also don't need to buy/read any of the books.)
3x3x3x3x3x3x3 tl;dr
Most of the personal goals or obligations we have are too vague. The side-project that is nothing but a dream or the university thesis to write in field, where we don't even know where to start.
The main idea is to provide a framework that helps to break down those long-term vague goals into smaller, manageable chunks with clearly defined micro goals (the "What") and keep moving the needle on a week by week basis with fix-scheduled work blocks (the "When"). The sum of the completion of all micro goals will complete the major goals.
Structure 结构
3 months time-frame is scheduled
3 個月時間範圍已排程-
(∑ 12 weeks work + 1 week of vacation or strict rest)
(12 周工作 + 1 周休假或严格休息)
3 major goals per each of the 3 months are defined
每月设定 3 个主要目标-
(∑ 9 major goals to achieve over 3 months)
(∑ 9 个目标,3 个月内完成)
3 week long focused sprints are scheduled for each of the 9 major goals.
每个 9 个主要目标都安排了为期 3 周的专注冲刺。-
A 3 week sprint is followed by a week of buffer-/down-time and time to reflect and plan the next steps.
一个 3 周的冲刺后,接着是一周的缓冲/休息时间,以及反思和规划下一步的时间。 -
(∑ 9 sprints for the 9 major goals)
(9 个冲刺针对 9 个主要目标)
3 minor goals for each of the 3 sprints are defined
3 个小目标针对每个 3 个冲刺已定义-
(∑27 minor weekly goals in total or 3 per major goal/sprint)
(总计 27 个小周目标或每个主要目标/冲刺 3 个)
3 days per sprint week are pre-scheduled as hard days (e.g. Mo, Wed, Fri).
3 天/周冲刺周预先安排为硬天(例如:周一、周三、周五)。-
The other days are rest days or low "admin" days with easy work
其他天是休息日或低“管理”日,工作轻松 -
(∑ just 27 hard days in 9 sprints or 3 months)
(总共只有 9 个冲刺或 3 个月的 27 个艰难日子)
3 work block micro goals are defined per minor weekly goal
每个小周目标定义 3 个工作障碍微目标-
(∑ 81 work block micro goals in total for the 3 months)
(总共 81 个工作块小目标,为期 3 个月)
3 hour long work blocks for each of the hard days (e.g. 8-11 am, 12-3 pm, 4-7 pm) are scheduled
每个艰难的日子(例如上午 8-11 点,中午 12-3 点,下午 4-7 点)都安排了 3 小时的工作时段-
(∑ 81 work blocks in total scheduled)
(总计安排了 81 个工作块)
Important notes 重要注意事项
It's an iterative process. You don't sit down and schedule the full 3 months down to the hours of each work-block. You more so start with a rough draft for the 3 months then break down the first month roughly. Then you only plan the next week in greater detail down to the hard days and work blocks. Every Sunday you make adjustments accordingly so that the goal is achieved.
这是一个迭代过程。你不会坐下来把接下来的 3 个月按小时详细规划到每个工作块。你更多的是先为这 3 个月草拟一个大致的计划,然后大致分解第一个月。然后你只更详细地规划下一周,直到具体的工作日和工作块。每个星期日你根据实际情况进行调整,以确保目标得以实现。
Maybe, because you will learn a lot along the way, the major and minor goals might even change?
也许,因为你会在过程中学到很多东西,所以主要和次要目标甚至可能会改变? -
You can and should, of course, make adjustments on demand. The work blocks don't all have to be 3h long. I found that 3 hours work well for me and it fits the naming scheme nicely.
当然,你可以也应该根据需要做出调整。工作块不一定要都是 3 小时长的。我发现对我来说 3 小时工作效果很好,而且很适合命名方案。
You only have to remember to start at a quarter and always break it down by 3 time- and goal-wise.—Once understood it is pretty intuitive.
你只需记住从四分之一开始,并且始终按 3 倍的时间目标和目标来分解。——一旦理解,就相当直观了。 -
You can also go into even greater detail by adding an 8th and 9th step and break down each scheduled work-block into single tasks of an hour or less. But in my opinion this is either over-planning or you do it intuitively when planning the next week/day anyways.
您还可以通过添加第 8 步和第 9 步来进一步细化,将每个预定的工作块分解为不超过一小时的单一任务。但在我看来,这要么是过度规划,要么是在规划下周/每天时本能地这样做。
We like tables, right?
Just an alternative representation of the 7 step list above:
只是一个上面 7 步列表的另一种表示:
Step 步 | Think about 想想 | Horizon 地平线 | Synonym 同义词 | Duration 时长 | Result 源文本:Result 翻译文本:结果 | Total ∑ 总计 ∑ |
1 | Time 时间 | Quarters 四分之一 |
37 Quarter
3 7 季度 |
12+1 weeks or 3 months
12+1 周或 3 个月 |
3 months scheduled
3 個月預定 | 3 months 3 個月 |
2 | Goals 目标 | Months 月份 | "Months" 月份 | 4 weeks 4 周 |
3 major goals per month defined
每月定义 3 个主要目标 |
9 major goals 9 个主要目标 |
3 | Time 时间 | Months 月份 | Sprints 冲刺 | 3+1 weeks 3+1 周 |
1 sprint for each major goal scheduled
1 每个主要目标安排一次冲刺 | 9 sprints 9 跑步 |
4 | Goals 目标 | Weeks 周 | Sprint Weeks 冲刺周 | 1 week 1 周 |
3 minor goals per sprint defined
3 次迭代每个目标定义 3 个小目标 |
27 minor goals 27 个小目标 |
5 | Time 时间 | Weeks 周 | Hard Days 艰难的日子 | 3 days 3 天 |
3 hard days per sprint week scheduled
3 个冲刺周内的 3 天硬仗安排 |
27 hard days 27 天艰难的日子 |
6 | Goals 目标 | Days 天數 | Work Blocks 工作块 | 1 day 1 天 |
3 work block micro goals per minor goal defined
3 个工作块微目标,每个小目标定义一个 |
81 work block micro goals 81 工作块微目标 |
7 | Time 时间 | Days 天數 | Work Block 工作时段 |
3 hour time block
3 小时时间段 |
3 work blocks per hard day 3 个工作块/艰难的一天 |
81 work blocks 81 工作块 |
Potential Results 潜在结果
(... if followed through)
Focused work hours: 27 per week, 81 per month, 243 per quarter
专注工作小时:每周 27 小时,每月 81 小时,每季度 243 小时 -
Focused hard days: just 3 per week or 27 days in total per the 13 weeks/91 days of the quarter
集中精力高强度工作日:每周 3 天,总共 13 周/91 天季度内共 27 天
This is in stark contrast to the on average just 3h of productive work a office/knowledge worker achieves during an 8h workday. Accounting for vacation time would mean that just 180 hours (3 * 5 * 12) of productive work gets done over a quarter while spending around 480 draining hours or 60 days at work in total.
这与办公室/知识工作者在 8 小时工作日中平均仅完成 3 小时的生产性工作形成鲜明对比。考虑到休假时间,这意味着在一个季度内仅完成 180 小时(3 * 5 * 12)的生产性工作,同时总共花费大约 480 个令人疲惫的工作小时或 60 天的时间。
So what are the main ideas?
12 Week Year
12 周年
Parkinson's law states that work will fill the given time. So if you are a student and have a full semester to work on an assignment you’ll most likely start in the last weeks before the deadline. The people that naturally start early are rare and the assignments to hand in will pile up with colliding deadlines.
Furthermore, we all know that strict frameworks and rule sets (military, religion, diets, simple workout plans, etc.) are effective because they leave no room for decision-making.
The 12 Week Year approach gives you a framework to cut down the commonly used yearly timeframe to just 12 weeks. If you think of it, it nicely aligns with the four seasons. So each quarter is about 12 weeks long plus 1 week of vacation.
12 周年计划方法为您提供了一个框架,将常用的年度时间框架缩短到仅仅 12 周。如果你这么想,它很巧妙地与四季相吻合。所以每个季度大约是 12 周,再加上 1 周的假期。
(12 + 1) weeks * 4 seasons = 52 weeks or a full year.
(12 + 1)周 * 4 季度 = 52 周 或 一整年。
Of course, those 12 weeks don't have to align with the beginning or end of a month, but it keeps things simple. Tweak it to your needs.
当然,这 12 周不必与月份的开始或结束对齐,但这样可以使事情变得简单。根据你的需求进行调整。
3 x 3: Three major goals for each of the three months
3 x 3:三个月的三个主要目标
"Most people overestimate what they can do in a day, and underestimate what they can do in a month. We overestimate what we can do in a year, and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade." — Matthew Kelly
大多数人高估了自己一天能做的事,低估了自己一个月能做的事。我们高估了自己一年能做的事,低估了自己十年能取得的成就。 —— 马修·凯利
Limit yourself to three major focus points for each of the three months. Don't overload on projects and don't spread yourself too thin. Clearly define achievable goals. Be very specific in defining your goals. Avoid vague terms like "studying for" or "working on".
If you are required to work on a larger scale project longer that is longer than 12 weeks you will have to break it down and define your personal sub-goals, which act as a major individual monthly goal in your plan.
如果您需要在一个超过 12 周的项目上工作,您将不得不将其分解并定义您的个人子目标,这些子目标作为您计划中的主要个人月度目标。
Example: For a thesis project that is scheduled for one semester or 6 months the derived goals could be:
例如:对于一个安排在一个学期或 6 个月内的论文项目,衍生目标可能包括:
1st month: a database of reviewed literature has been gathered following the PRISMA method
第一个月:根据 PRISMA 方法收集了已审查文献的数据库 -
2nd month: experimenta design is finished, documented with written procedures, lab hours are booked and the experiment time slots are scheduled
第二个月:实验设计完成,有书面程序文档,实验室时间已预定,实验时间段已安排 -
3rd month: subject group is found, invited and the experiments are conducted
第三个月:找到主题小组,邀请并进行了实验 -
Agile, Scrum, and Sprints
Sprints are a method to structure focused and uninterrupted work for a limited time with a strictly defined outcome.
It allows for quickly building prototypes, testing them, and iterating on the results, instead of planning long stretches in advance without the required knowledge, which often only becomes apparent once the first steps have been taken.
That's why you don't plan further than the next step, meaning the next sprint.
Sure, if you are bound to externally imposed deadlines, you should keep a rough schedule, but don't get lost in detailed plans, since you don't know where you'll be after the first sprint depending on the type of project.
3 weeks seems to be a reasonable choice for most goals as a solo knowledge worker or student. Especially if you consider that you'll usually have to juggle multiple projects or classes at the same time.
3 周似乎是对大多数目标来说合理的选项,尤其是作为一个独立的知识工作者或学生。尤其是考虑到你通常需要同时处理多个项目或课程。
Choose Your Hard Days in Advance
I got inspired by following the 5x5 workout routine, where you follow a strict routine of just 3 exercises per day with 5 sets of 5 reps on 3 days of the week (Mon, Wed, Fri). The days in between are for rest or active recovery.
我受到了遵循 5x5 锻炼计划的启发,这个计划每天只做 3 个动作,每周 3 天(周一、周三、周五)进行 5 组 5 次重复。中间的日子是用来休息或积极恢复的。
The weekend provides an extended rest period to be sure to make progress on Monday if you were plateauing the week before. Why does this minimal training system work so well?—It's limited by design, leaves almost no wiggle room, no decision-making is involved.
At any point in time you know what you'll have to do. Because there just are 3 exercises you do, you also won't skip one. Because the sets/reps are low, you also won't stop earlier (unless you physically can't).
You also (hopefully) won't take large irrational weight increases, because the system has a built-in progress mechanic.
I also remembered an old blog post by Cal Newport that stated that you should schedule your hard days in advance to reduce procrastination. Loosely applied to knowledge work: If you know there is just one hard day ahead, where you figuratively do the "heavy lifting" and your prospect is to have an immediate recovery day the next day it is easier to go "all-in" instead of being scared to even start because you fear that all days ahead will be hard.
我也记得 Cal Newport 的一篇旧博客文章,其中提到你应该提前安排你的艰难日子以减少拖延。将其应用于知识工作:如果你知道前方只有一天是艰难的,你将进行“重活”,而第二天你将有一个立即恢复的日子,那么全力以赴而不是因为害怕接下来的每一天都会很艰难而不敢开始会更容易。
If you are dealing with some form of (social) media addiction (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, reddit, etc.) it is surprisingly easy to skip it for just one day.
如果你正在处理某种形式的(社交)媒体成瘾(Instagram、Twitter、YouTube、Reddit 等),令人惊讶的是,你只需要一天就能跳过它。
While learning efforts should be spaced out over long periods (you won't learn things that you've crammed) this doesn't apply too well for tasks where you 'just' have to execute (writing, gathering literature, design, etc.). I mentally have to get into the topic and the flow of the task and prefer to devote a full day or more to it instead of switching between multiple themes per day.
Yet, even those tasks shouldn't be crammed into a weekend or all-nighter, but spaced out to have time for your subconscious to play with your ideas and improve them.
Timeblocking Workdays 时间块工作日
Going yet another level deeper to the scope of just one of those hard workdays, timeblocking, timeboxing, or chunking is another useful method. A lot has been written on that topic. Cal Newport is a huge advocate of it.
深入探讨那些艰难工作日的一个方面,时间块、时间盒或切块是另一种有用的方法。关于这个话题已经有很多文章了。Cal Newport 是它的强烈支持者。
What's special about it in the 3^7 context?—Actually, nothing. It just assists you to break down your goals even further and get more aware of how you spend your time. While the system aims for 3 blocks of 3 hours of work, this is often not achieved in 3 strict sessions. If you are in the flow you can (and often probably will) go longer. If you run into issues you need to take breaks. The important part is to a.) try to stick to the schedule and b.) keep the hard days (reasonably) open-ended if needed. It's like doing an all-nighter without the all-night part and keeping your circadian rhythm intact.
它在 3^7 的背景下有什么特别之处?——实际上没有什么。它只是帮助你进一步分解目标,并更了解你如何度过时间。虽然系统旨在完成 3 个 3 小时的工作块,但这通常不能在 3 个严格的会话中完成。如果你处于工作流中,你可以(并且很可能)工作更长的时间。如果你遇到问题,你需要休息。重要的是 a.) 尽量遵守时间表,b.) 如果需要,将艰难的日子(合理地)保持开放。这就像没有整夜工作,同时保持你的昼夜节律。
(Don't get me wrong, I'm not promoting all-nighters, but especially people with ADHD often thrive in those moments of flow, while it is exponentially harder for them to even get going.)
(别误会,我并不是在提倡通宵熬夜,但特别是患有 ADHD 的人往往在那种心流时刻表现出色,而对于他们来说,甚至开始行动都是指数级困难的。)
This flow is also why Pomodoro timers don't work for me. They interrupt my workflow and I often get lost in the 5min. breaks. It's way more motivating to know that if I pull through the hard day and achieve the "micro" goals set for each block now, I can look forward to a more relaxed day tomorrow. where I don't have to feel guilty about surfing the web the entire afternoon or binging on a series or book.
这个流程也是番茄钟对我不起作用的原因。它们打断了我的工作流程,我经常在 5 分钟的休息中迷失。如果我能度过艰难的一天并实现每个区块设定的“微观”目标,那么我就可以期待明天更加轻松的一天。在那一天,我不用感到内疚地整个下午在网上冲浪或沉迷于电视剧或书籍。
I only have to delay my reward to the next day and not by a long stretch to the weekend or to the vague point after the project is done, which we all know will never exist.
It's a trick playing with "broad" and "narrow" bracketing in decision making. Scott H. Young wrote a great summary on self-control in general, called "The Complete Guide to Self-Control". He also wrote the very read-worthy "Complete Guide to Motivation", "... Memory and "... Working Memory.
这是一个在决策中玩弄“宽”和“窄”括号的技巧。Scott H. Young 写了一篇关于自我控制的精彩总结,名为《自我控制完全指南》。他还写了非常值得一读的《动机完全指南》、“... 记忆”和“... 工作记忆”。
Personal experience 个人经验
I always had trouble finding flow working on projects. Task manager apps were overflowing, deadlines piling up and I was stressed to deliver on time.
The issue was not solvable by yet another tool, another app, another productivity hack, but by just gaining clarity over my goals, sub-goals, weekly goals, daily goals, and hourly results.
This system—as ridiculous it may sound—is just a framework to derive those goals and put the work in fixed buckets so that there is enough time for play.
I do spend more time planning, scheduling, and also seemingly inefficiently rewriting to-dos. But this effort helps to structure projects and break them down.
The sprint method is also fairly new to me (discovered it about a month ago), but it seems to work well in practice and conjunction with the rest of the system.
I like the overall simplicity of it because all you need to remember is to make chunks of "3" of everything and stay committed as you would to a simple workout routine. As mentioned before the 5x5 system is an inspiration, not only for the naming.
我喜欢它的整体简单性,因为你只需要记住将所有事物分成“3”块,并像坚持简单的锻炼计划一样坚持下去。正如之前提到的,5x5 系统不仅在于命名上的启发。
It was fascinating to see that I sometimes wanted to pick up the work on my light days, as well. You'll be surprised once you can take guilt out of the equation.
Important Note 重要提示
Treat it as a rigid framework, but adapt it flexibly to your needs in advance. Don't tinker too much with it during a sprint. This idea is inspired by what Scott H. Young calls "30 Day Trials". The small difference: It will be a 28 trial (1 sprint), which amounts to just 9 hard days, plus at max. 11 buffer or light (almost free) days and at least 8 weekend days for uninterrupted rest.—That actually sounds doable, right?
将其视为一个严格的框架,但在事先灵活地适应你的需求。在冲刺期间不要过多地修改它。这个想法灵感来源于 Scott H. Young 所说的“30 天试验”。小小的不同:这将是一个 28 天的试验(1 个冲刺),相当于仅仅 9 个艰难的日子,加上最多 11 个缓冲或轻松(几乎免费)的日子,以及至少 8 个周末休息日,不间断休息。——这听起来实际上可行,对吧?
If you don't have to juggle multiple projects at once, focus on just one or two goals per month and invest more work blocks, but keep the structure. Or isolate three different aspects of that single project.
Alternatively, pick a goal in another area of your life, such as exercise/health, a side-project, ambition to learn a new skill or a hobby.
If your work doesn't allow you to schedule three long, hard days per week and practically slack off on the other two, just make every other day half as hard, but try to keep the hard days free of meetings and interruptions.
Most likely you will still achieve more than people grinding out one day after the other.
other people 一天接一天地努力,你很可能仍然会取得更大的成就。
Tools 工具
I use to use a paper notebook, where I laid out a double page for the quarter, a double page for each month (or 3+1 week block) then a double page for each calendar week, and one page for each workday of the week (Sat + Sun got a half-page).
我以前用纸质笔记本,每个季度用一页双面,每个月(或 3+1 周块)用一页双面,然后每个日历周用一页双面,每周的工作日(周六和周日各占半页)用一页。
After every month I reserved a double page as a backlog. Every to-do that came to my mind, but does not directly contribute to progress on one of the major goals went to the backlog.
Everything that would contribute to the current phase was captured on the daily page and evaluated at the end of the workdays when reviewing and planning the next day(s)/week.
Besides, I tracked appointments in a digital calendar and used a simple task manager for everyday errands on other organizational reminders.
To gain a better overview of the goals I have recently switched to use Timestripe. I like the sliding lists and being able to dive into one "horizon". But I'm sure something similar could be built within Trello, Notion, Workflowy, or Craft.
为了更好地了解我的目标,我最近切换到使用 Timestripe。我喜欢滑动列表和能够深入到一个“horizon”。但我相信在 Trello、Notion、Workflowy 或 Craft 中也可以构建类似的功能。
In the end, the tool doesn't matter. Or as James Clear put it:
"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."
Get the system fixed first and then achieving goals will almost work automagically. Tools can help to make things easier, but tool-p*rn is a distraction.
PS: The name is bad on purpose, but makes me smile 😇
PS:名字故意取得不好,但让我笑了 😇
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Wow, thank you so much not only for sharing, but for providing so much detail AND links to resources! I'm going to try it out and see how it all works for me. I really need some kind of structure to hold things together long-term.
Thank you for the kind words!
If you really want to give it a try we could arrange regular, mutual check-ins via PM. Feel free to make changes, of course. I always wanted to post on r/GetMotivatedBuddies/, but was afraid nobody would get my weird ways of thinking and the resulting systems.
如果你真的想试试,我们可以通过私信安排定期的互相检查。当然,你可以随意修改。我一直想发帖在 r/GetMotivatedBuddies/,但害怕没有人能理解我奇怪的想法和由此产生的系统。
Okay, sure! The accountability could be really helpful for me. I have suspected for some time now that I could have at least mild ADHD (I'm talking to my doctor about it next week), so I have difficulty with both getting organized/starting on things, and sticking with them.
好的,当然可以!责任感对我可能非常有帮助。我怀疑自己可能至少有轻微的 ADHD(我下周会和医生讨论这个问题),所以我很难开始和组织事情,以及坚持下去。
So I look forward to trying the system (possibly with modifications).
r/productivity is fucking killing it with the tips and concrete strategies. My god. Thanks for the write up and the great formatting. Keep it up guys I’m learning so much
r/productivity 用这些建议和具体策略简直太棒了。我的天哪。感谢这篇总结和优秀的排版。继续保持,我学到了很多
Do you mind adding in a photo of your paper notebook so I can get a better idea of how you have it laid out?
u/nezia - Bumping this. I'd love to see a photo example or template if you're open to sharing!
I understand the goal setting but one thing I struggle with is how to balance weekly school work (Im a student) (e.g. listen to lecture then do readings etc) that I already struggle to complete, and then also try to fulfil additional goals on top of it.
So when I have assignments I often neglect my weekly routine and just jump into a day or two where I devote uninterrupted time into my assignment. But then my weekly routine gets interrupted and it’s a lot harder to balance everything.
So I never even think of trying to set additional goals on top of my schedule. I now function on a weekly basis and pick and choose things to work on. I’m trying to learn how to master my time.
This approach is not at all meant to add more goals to your to-do list. Your courses and assignments can be your goals. Instead of vague to-dos "study for class XYZ" you should clearly define the passing condition. That could be "pass the exam of class XYZ on the (date), which usually consists of 6 problems picked from the following three major areas". The more precise you are in the beginning the better your results. You can then split it into sub-goals. You could for example devote the 3 sprints to understand the 3 major areas that the class covers And each week you focus on deep diving into one topic in greater detail.
这种方法绝不是要给你的待办事项列表增加更多目标。你的课程和作业可以成为你的目标。与其模糊地列出“为 XYZ 课程学习”这样的待办事项,你应明确通过的条件。这可能包括“在(日期)通过 XYZ 课程的考试,通常包括从以下三个主要领域挑选的 6 个问题”。开始时越具体,结果越好。然后你可以将其分解为子目标。例如,你可以将 3 个冲刺期用于理解课程涵盖的 3 个主要领域,并且每周专注于深入研究一个主题的更多细节。
Try to get lecture notes from seniors or find the slides online. Maybe there are video recordings from previous semesters? Maybe a textbook is offered and all the example problems are handed to you in the beginning of the semester.
Then try to group them by topic (if not already done by the structure of the course) and deep dive on your own. At best before you even attend the lecture and exercise class or immediately after. This highly depends on the teaching style at your university.
If you have to hand in homework or present results on a weekly basis this might be tricky, though.
As I also mentioned briefly at the end of the "Choose Your Hard Days in Advance" paragraph this method doesn't apply that well to studying hard subjects (math, engineering, languages) since you need to space out learning.
It works better for goals that you can achieve independently by just "executing" like writing a paper, thesis or other projects, where you aren't tied to a fixed schedule or week to week assignments.
There is a quote by Jessica McCabe (she runs the "How to ADHD" channel on YouTube) that I really like, which always reminds me to space out learning:
有句话是来自 Jessica McCabe(她在 YouTube 上运营“如何应对 ADHD”频道),我特别喜欢,总是提醒我要分散学习时间:
But maybe you can fit in a
schedule? Meaning that you focus on just one goal per month and that goal is studying continuously. On your hard days (e.g. Mon, Wed, Fri) you schedule a fixed 3 hour block for deep, concentrated studying. You could either devote one 3 hour block to one class and tackle the homework and additional exam preparation problems (depends on your field, of course) or you split it up even more.但也许你可以安排一个
时间表?意思是说,你每个月只专注于一个目标,而这个目标就是持续学习。在你辛苦的日子里(例如周一、周三、周五)你安排一个固定的 3 小时块进行深入、专注的学习。你可以要么将一个 3 小时块用于一门课程,解决作业和额外的考试准备问题(当然取决于你的领域)或者将其更细分。In engineering you could focus on 3 technical classes and on those 3 hard days you try to solve one (or a few) hard problems from old exams (if available).
在工程领域,你可以专注于 3 个技术课程,在那 3 个艰难的日子里,你尝试解决(或解决几个)旧考试中的(如果有的话)难题。
By that you make sure that you don't waste time on problems from exercises that usually are a bit easier than the exam ones. Once the exam period is close, you will already have spend 9h per week on real problems that will get you As.
通过这样,你确保自己不会在通常比考试题目简单一点的练习题上浪费时间。一旦考试临近,你每周已经花费了 9 个小时在真正的问题上,这些问题能让你得到 A。
Feel free to experiment, make changes and tailor it to your needs, of course :)
The Yearly Theme! CGP grays video got me into quarterly goal setting. I use the notebook he created and just finished my first quarter. I am excited to go thru deep on all of your sources and really use your strategies. Alot of them I was already starting to develop for myself.
年主题!CGP 的灰色视频让我开始设定季度目标。我使用了他在视频中创建的笔记本,刚刚完成了我的第一个季度。我非常期待深入研究你们的资源,并真正运用你们的策略。其中很多我已经开始为自己开发了。
I love the idea of hard days and will definitely be using them.
Ah yes CGP. I've seen it and remember the theme-based "year of X", but I totally forgot about the end, where he talks about just giving it a try for one season. Great addition!
啊,是的 CGP。我见过它,记得基于主题的“X 年”,但完全忘记了结尾,他谈到只尝试一个赛季。非常好的补充!
Thank you :) 谢谢 :)
Super interesting. I skimmed this over, gonna set aside time to read it in depth later.
I am really curious to hear people thoughts about adapting this program to a full-time job (about 40h a week)? I have a side project that I really want to build, but I struggle to find the time to produce stuff in my spare time.
我非常好奇听听大家对将这个项目调整为全职工作(每周约 40 小时)的看法?我有一个非常想做的副项目,但我很难找到时间在业余时间产出东西。
I usually block my Sunday only for that project, but of course, it's difficult to produce a lot in only 1 day per week. Any thoughts?
Do you mean to be more effective in your 40h/week job or just for the side-project? I'm asking because depending on the job, there are set processes or a culture of required participation in group meetings, which keep the level of independence low.
你是指想要在每周 40 小时的工作中更有效率,还是仅仅针对副项目?我这么问是因为根据工作性质,可能存在固定的流程或需要参与团队会议的文化,这会降低独立性的水平。
At work, of course you could still follow the "Deep Work" approach by Cal Newport either in secret or follow his advice to talk to your boss about it. An argument made could be to count the hours of meeting participation and calculate how much time percentage-wise such obligations take up.
在工作时,当然你可以秘密地遵循 Cal Newport 的“深度工作”方法,或者按照他的建议与老板谈论这件事。一个可能的论点是计算会议参与的时长,并计算这些义务在时间百分比上占用了多少。
Ask whether you can be exempted from a few meetings to get 1-3 focused blocks of time into your schedule, where you only tackle the hardest problems. The kicker is, you then have to deliver, because you have set certain expectations.
询问是否可以免除一些会议,以便在您的日程中安排 1-3 个专注的时间块,在这段时间里,您只解决最困难的问题。关键在于,您必须交付成果,因为您已经设定了某些期望。
If you are working remotely right now anyways that is easier to do, because you often (there are still ways like cursor tracking etc.) you could work more efficiently with deep work blocks and reduce your hours without telling anyone.
Only applies if your work ethics are a bit malleable. I'm not promoting this per se, because I highly value transparency with higher-ups, but in some work cultures you are almost left without an option. Yet, be aware that this could backfire … not only legally depending on your labor legislation.
For your side-project you could limit yourself to start with
1 x 3
to schedule just one goal for the next three months to get your side-project going on your chosen hard days. You could take it a bit easier at work on three days (Mon, Wed, Fri), maybe leave an hour or two earlier if possible.对于你的副业,你可以从
1 x 3
开始,只为下三个月设定一个目标,以便在你的选择困难的日子里启动你的副业。在工作上,你可以轻松一点,在三天(周一、周三、周五)可能的话,早点离开一个小时或两个小时。You make up the lost time for you boss to have "b*tts in seats" by staying longer on the other days.
Or you could go a bit easier and just schedule two hard days (Tue, Thu). Depending on what your side-project entrails you could also get up earlier on those days and do half the side-project deep work before you head to work and do the second block once you return. Since your hard days are scheduled and followed by a light day or a even a weekend you can mentally prepare yourself better and pull through.
Picking up a side-project while working full-time and potentially kids or other people to take care of on top of life's general demands can be tough.
If you delay all the side-project work to your weekends or think you will tackle them at night, when you feel like it, you will impact your mood in the long run, because you know that you will be procrastinating.
Get clear on your goals by breaking them down further and further and make a commitment contract with yourself to give it at least one or two hard day per week.
If you are able to fit 6h/week of deep and focused work on your side project in and follow the pattern with the 3 sprints per quarter and taking breaks accordingly. You will end up with
6 * 3 * 3 * 4 = 216
hours of work on your project.Keep in mind that one year just has
24 * 365 = 8760
total hours, of which you at least spend slightly more than 35% for sleep and other basic needs (food, hygiene), another chunk of over 40% (5/12) for your free time (incl.mandatory things like doctor appointments, running errands etc.), leaving room for about 2000h (a bit less than 25%) of your time for work.
6h per week doesn't sound like a lot, but the 216h from two hard days would result in +10% of work, but only devoted to your own side-project.
Wow, I didn't expect such a long reply! There are some really interesting point here. I did mean that I want to work on my side project on top of my full-time job. However, my job is quite flexible in terms of working hours. I don't have a boss following me all day.
Basically, as long as I deliver and work all my hours, I can be quite flexible on how I schedule my work. I do have meetings that I can't miss though (about 10 hours a week).
On that note, I really like your approach of reducing to 3h of work on the hard days. Then, I could potentially add a 3 hours block on the week end (because, as you said, blocking my weekends for my side project will impact my mood on the long run), but it's not necessary imo. Which makes 9x3x3x4 = 324 hours per year without working during week-ends. Right?
在这个问题上,我真的很喜欢你在艰难的日子里减少到 3 小时工作量的方法。然后,我可能可以在周末增加一个 3 小时的区块(因为,正如你所说,将我的周末用于我的副项目会长期影响我的情绪),但在我看来这不是必要的。这使得 9x3x3x4 等于每年 324 小时,周末不工作。对吧?
No worries! If it's helpful it is worth the effort :)
But I didn't get the last sentence.
Seems to be in conflict with:
Do you intend to reduce your time spent at work (the 40h/week) a bit and make room for two hard days (
2 x 3h
) during the week + another work block of3h
on the weekend? If so, the 324 would be about right. If you do4
3^7 quarters with each having3
sprintswith each
3 sprint weeksand each of those having
9h = 3 * 3h` of work blocks scheduled.你打算减少每周工作时间(每周 40 小时)一点,为每周的两天(
2 x 3h
?如果是这样,324 小时就差不多合适了。如果你进行4
3^7 个季度,每个季度有3
个冲刺,with each
3 个冲刺周,and each of those having
9 小时=3 * 3 小时的工作时段安排。But in the end don't get too fixated on the numbers. It's not about the hours you invest, but the results you can achieve by working on your goals.
You could sit at work for 10h and not get done anything (we've all been there) or you could focus hard without distractions and achieve a workday worth of work of the average employee in just 3h.
你可以坐在工作岗位上 10 个小时却什么都没完成(我们都有过这样的经历)或者你可以集中精力,不受干扰,在仅仅 3 个小时内完成一个普通员工一天的工作量。
It is much more important to utilize the framework to break down vague goals or dreams into specific, reasonably manageable smaller goals and work blocks that are fixed in your schedule and non-negotiable.
If you know Tuesday's and Thursday's are you hard days you shouldn't make evening dinner plans or book a sport's class at a time that will interrupt your work.
This is the danger of relying on the weekends to "catch up".
There might be a wedding, a relative's birthday, a BBQ invitation or a scheduled trip to a national park and as soon as you start pushing your "overdue" hard days to the next week "to catch up" this approach is doomed.—Trust me, I've been there … 😅 Once you see a monolithic amount of work and just hard days lined up for the entire next week or even more, all mechanisms to procrastinate will kick in.
Then it's the same situation as in university with two colliding deadlines for papers to hand in, while also taking three exams.
That's super helpful. Thanks!
This is a great way to structure the goal mapping and planning process.
Can you explain #7 and how it is different from #6?
Is it for non hard days?
Oh snap. I just saw that there was a typo! It's supposed to mean 3 hours per work block not 33! (Switching between reddit's "fancy" and the Markdown editor caused all kinds of formatting problems and gave me a hard time.)
I updated the entire list in the main post to make it more clear. I also added a table for those that prefer this structured overview.—Check it out 😃
Thank you...but something doesn't add up or maybe my brain is fried...
If we are doing 9 sprints for 9 major goals (3 weeks per sprint.+1 week buffer), shouldn't the overall timeline be 9*4=36 weeks. How do you fit everything in 12 weeks?
You work on three projects in parallel (3 major goals per month).
你同时进行三个项目(每月 3 个主要目标)。
Keep in mind that the idea is inspired by Cal Newport’s 3x3 system. He’s an academic and a writer. It will rarely happen in both knowledge work or academia that you have just one goal for the month.
请注意,这个想法是受到 Cal Newport 的 3x3 系统的启发。他是一位学者和作家。在知识工作或学术界,你一个月只有一个目标的情况很少发生。
When in university you will always have concurrent projects. Prepare for the midterm exam of class A, write a paper for class B, gather material for your thesis spanning the whole semester and that would be three major projects for one month.
在大学里,你总会同时有几个项目。准备 A 班的期中考试,为 B 班写论文,收集整个学期的论文材料,这一个月里就是三个主要项目。
Thank you for taking the time to share this and be so thorough! I found the links to your inspiration helpful, which reminded me to dig into the question of "If I'm so focused on productivity, but never feel like I'm doing enough, what's wrong?"
The best result that I found was Doist's Productivity Shame.
最好的结果是找到了 Doist 的“生产力羞愧”。
Thank you for the inspiration!
Thank you for the kind words and the great article! Went through it and bookmarked a lot of what was referenced.
They link a lot to Rescue Time, which I did use almost a decade ago, but stopped due to privacy reasons. It's not a bad tool, but I don't like the fact that they collect the data.
他们经常提到 Rescue Time,我几乎十年前用过,但因为隐私原因停止了。它不是一个坏的工具,但我不喜欢他们收集数据的事实。
I didn't know that the term productivity shame was coined by Jocelyn K. Glei. I'm a huge fan of her books, but never dove into her podcast.
我不知道“生产力羞愧”这个术语是由 Jocelyn K. Glei 提出的。我是她书迷,但从未听过她的播客。
Jesus christ. I love this but my adhd willl have to come back. But this helps a lot with what im doing.
耶稣基督。我喜欢这个,但我的 ADHD 得回来了。但这对我正在做的事情有很大帮助。
Thank you! It can work wonders, especially for people with ADHD. The most valuable aspect for me is to get the peace of mind knowing that the next steps within a large project are both, manageably defined, and scheduled.
谢谢!它真的能创造奇迹,尤其是对患有 ADHD 的人来说。对我来说,最有价值的是能够安心地知道在一个大型项目中接下来的步骤既明确又安排得当。
There are a few 'lessons learned' from following that systems for a while:
The hard days will be hard. Schedule the hardest task for when you have the most energy (morning/early afternoon). The evening work block probably will be best for the task, which's quality can be slightly impacted.
lower days will be hard. Schedule the hardest task for when you have the most energy (morning/early afternoon). Evening work block probably will be best for the task, which's quality can be slightly impacted.
The required workload of the three simultaneous projects needs to be on the same level. Do not force-squeeze a disproportionately extensive project into this system's fixed 3h block. Rather break it down into two separate subprojects to retain balance.
三个同时进行的项目所需的工作量需要保持同一水平。不要将一个不成比例的广泛项目强行挤压到这个系统固定的 3 小时块中。相反,将其分解为两个独立的子项目以保持平衡。
If you know that the effort you have to put in is not equal for the three projects to tackle you can make the split according to a ratio different from 3-3-3 (1/3 each).Example 2-4-3 would have the same amount of 9 work hours scheduled per hard day:
如果你知道你要投入的努力在三个项目之间并不相等,你可以根据不同的比例来分配,而不是 3-3-3(各占 1/3)。例如 2-4-3 的比例,每个艰难的日子都会安排相同数量的 9 个工作小时:
- Project 1: 8-10am (2h)
- 项目 1:8-10am(2 小时)
- Project 2: 11am-1pm (2h) + 2-4pm (2h)
- 项目 2:上午 11 点-下午 1 点(2 小时)+ 下午 2 点-4 点(2 小时)
- Project 3: 5-8pm (3h)
- 项目 3:5-8 点(3 小时)
It's tempting, but do not try to work on more projects. I once tried to work on 6 projects in this system and failed miserably.
ably, but don't try to juggle more projects. I once tried to manage 6 projects in this system and failed utterly.
Buffer time is needed, because things will not go as planned. Even on a micro-scale within a single work block. If my gut feeling told me that a task is done in 1.5-2h max., it often still filled the whole 3h work block if not longer.
缓冲时间需要,因为事情不会按计划进行。即使在单个工作块内的微观尺度上也是如此。即使我的直觉告诉我一个任务最多需要 1.5-2 小时完成,如果没有更长,它通常还是填满了整个 3 小时的工作块。
If your type of occupation allows for it: Just aim for 3 of those "37 quarters" to be actually achievable within a year. That way there is leeway for squeezing in an additional "catch up" sprint week where necessary. I found that sometimes the pre-scheduled buffer week just was not sufficient.
如果你的职业类型允许的话:目标是让那“3 个 3 7 季度”在一年内真正可行。这样就可以在必要时挤进一个额外的“追赶”冲刺周。我发现有时候预先安排的缓冲周根本不够用。
I also played around with having shorter 'quarters' that consisted of just 2 month-long sprints instead of 3. You can also switch.
我也尝试过将“季度”缩短,只包含 2 个月的时间段,而不是 3 个月。你也可以切换。
The system works well for self-employed/-directed work. But I've heard that employees and students can struggle with it, when it comes to making it fit into a rigid class scheduled or with unpredictably scattered meetings.
For employees: Maybe adjust it so that you aim for "just" two 2h blocks of focused work per hard day. Protect them in your calendar with all you can.
对于员工:也许你可以调整一下,让每个艰难的日子只专注于两个 2 小时的区块。尽你所能地在你的日程中保护它们。
Don't tell everybody at work, but discuss with your supervisor that you want to try having interruption free blocks of focused "deep work" time. Call it an experiment for the next quarter if further argumentation is even needed.
The problem with this is that it creates expectations. Analogous to the term "quiet quitting" (where you do the bare minimum, but have detached from the work) you could find ways to implement this method quietly.
Wear noise cancelling headphones as a signal, close the office door during those times, switch to a different location in the building, where you are harder to reach etc.
For students: The 3 months schedule might not be suitable to meet the given semester rhythm. It's easily possible to substitute the whole system with having a total of 4 x 2 month sprints per year instead of 4x3.
对于学生:3 个月的日程可能不适合满足给定的学期节奏。完全可以用每年 4 个 2 个月冲刺来代替 4 个 3 个月的冲刺。
The remaining month in each quarter is for the actual midterms/exams period, internships or leisure time.
I'd love to hear your feedback after giving it a shot! :)
我非常乐意在尝试过后听听你们的反馈! :)
im printing this out to read later. you are amazing.
Great structure - or framework - that you have for achieving your goals! I'm curious to see how you'd put these into a digital dashboard instead of a paper notebook :-)
Hi thanks for the post, this is super interesting.
Just a question - I'm having trouble understanding how there can be 9 sprints for each of the 9 major goals. Can you explain this please?
只是一个问题——我不明白为什么每个主要目标都有 9 个冲刺。你能解释一下吗?
From my understanding, a sprint is 4 weeks (3 + 1), and there are 9 major goals in a quarter. Wouldn't this be equal to 36 weeks?
从我的理解来看,冲刺周期是 4 周(3+1),一个季度有 9 个主要目标。这不会等于 36 周吗?
This is primarily meant for university, academia or multi-project work in general, where you very rarely are able to just tackle one goal at a time for 3+1 weeks.
这主要针对大学、学术界或一般的多项目工作,在这种情况下,你很少能够一次只针对一个目标进行 3+1 周的工作。
So in month 1 your first sprint of 3 weeks will consist of work on the first 3 major goals. You move the needle on all of them simultaneously.
所以,在第一个月,你第一个为期 3 周的冲刺阶段将包括对前三个主要目标的开展工作。你同时推动所有这些目标的进展。
If you are in the luxurious position to be able to focus on only one project at a time you should pick your 3 major goals as sub goals for that project. This allows you to still work on them in parallel.—Especially if they are fundamentally different.
如果你能享受专注于一个项目的同时,你应该选择 3 个主要目标作为该项目的子目标。这让你仍然可以并行工作。——特别是如果它们在本质上完全不同。
Thanks for clarifying! 谢谢澄清!
3 years have passed since submitting of this post. How your goal oriented system looks like now? Have you change it? Or did you withdraw with this kind of structured life?
3 年已经过去了,自从这篇帖子提交以来。你现在这个目标导向的系统是什么样子?你改变它了吗?还是带着这种有结构的生活退出了?
Hey this is really great, thanks! I'm only going to say this because it seems to be your most frequently used word, but focused only has one "s"
Thanks a lot! While I think the most used word might be "goal" with 29 occurrences vs. focus(s)ed with just 3, I made the edit since the audience is mainly US-centered.
非常感谢!虽然我认为最常用的词可能是“目标”,出现了 29 次,而“专注的”(focus(s)ed)只有 3 次,但我还是做了编辑,因为受众主要是以美国为中心的。
Focussed is a still accepted, but "older" way to spell it. At least that's how I learned it back in school and as we all know … old habits are hard to break. 😇
Ha wow only three! Just goes to show how much my teacher brain was lighting up with red signal flares. Good to know, the double s does make sense given other similar words, so thanks for broadening my horizons!
哇,只有三个!这正好说明我的老师大脑里红灯信号弹在闪烁。很高兴知道,双 S 确实有道理,考虑到其他类似的词,所以谢谢您拓宽了我的视野!
You sparked my curiosity and a quick CTRL + F search revealed the numbers.
你激起了我的好奇心,快速 CTRL + F 搜索发现了数字。
And thanks a lot for pointing it out. I am not a native English speaker, learned traditional British English in school, but am exposed to way more American English on the web.
I often struggle mixing British and American English with some punctuation and syntax from my mother tongue, which differs from the English ones.
(But as long as I'm not using the horrific "should of" instead of "should have" I guess I'm doing alright 😃)
(但只要我不使用可怕的“should of”来代替“should have”,我想我做得还不错😃)
You are doing perfectly!
TLDR plz.
I've literally put a tl;dr in the second paragraph, because I knew it will be lengthy 🙃
(I removed the copy paste of the TL;DR from above to not have to make edits in multiple places. Please check it out in the main post.)