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"Building a New-Venture Team":

### 1. **New-Venture Team**
### 1. **新创团队**

- A group consisting of founders, key employees, and advisors responsible for moving the business from an idea to an operating company. This team grows as the firm can afford to hire more staff.
- 由创始人、关键员工和顾问组成的团队,负责将业务从想法转变为运营公司。随着公司有能力雇用更多员工,这个团队就会不断壮大。

### 2. **Liability of Newness**
### 2. **新的责任**

- New ventures often fail due to inexperience and lack of a track record. A skilled management team can help overcome these challenges.
- 新企业常常因缺乏经验和缺乏业绩记录而失败。熟练的管理团队可以帮助克服这些挑战。

### 3. **Key Elements of the New-Venture Team**
### 3. **新创团队的关键要素**

- **Founders**: Key decision-makers who shape the venture’s direction.
- **创始人**:塑造企业方向的关键决策者。

- **Boards (Directors & Advisors)**: Provide guidance and legitimacy to the firm.
- **董事会(董事和顾问)* *:为公司提供指导和合法性。

### 4. **Common Mistakes in Building a Team**
### 4. **组建团队的常见错误**

- Hiring unqualified friends or family.
- 雇用不合格的朋友或家人。

- Overestimating past successes.
- 高估过去的成功。

- Not addressing skill gaps.
- 没有解决技能差距。

### 5. **Founding Teams**
### 5. **创始团队**

- Ventures started by a team often bring more skills and networks but can face challenges like conflicts or duplicate expertise. A team of two to three members is considered ideal.
- 由团队发起的企业通常会带来更多技能和人际网络,但可能面临冲突或重复专业知识等挑战。两到三名成员组成的团队被认为是理想的。

### 6. **Attributes of Successful Teams**
### 6. **成功团队的特质**

- Prior entrepreneurial experience and relevant industry knowledge enhance success.
- 先前的创业经验和相关行业知识可提高成功率。

- A broad social and professional network provides valuable connections and resources.
- 广泛的社交和专业网络提供宝贵的联系和资源。

### 7. **Hiring Key Employees**
### 7. **雇用关键员工**

- A **skills profile** helps identify necessary roles and where there are gaps. Employees can be full-time, part-time, freelancers, or virtual assistants.
- **技能概况**有助于确定必要的角色以及存在差距的地方。员工可以是全职、兼职、自由职业者或虚拟助理。

### 8. **Board of Directors**
### 8. **董事会**

- Required for corporations. It includes inside (company officers) and outside directors (not employed by the company). They provide formal oversight and guidance and lend legitimacy to the firm.
- 公司需要。它包括内部董事(公司高管)和外部董事(非公司雇用)。他们提供正式的监督和指导,并为公司提供合法性。

### 9. **Board of Advisors**
### 9. **顾问委员会**

- A less formal group offering non-binding advice. Advisors contribute credibility and expertise without legal responsibility.
- 一个不太正式的团体,提供不具约束力的建议。顾问贡献信誉和专业知识,无需承担法律责任。

### 10. **Professional Advisors**
### 10. **专业顾问**

- **Lenders and Investors**: Provide financial support and advice, recruit management, and help with business strategy.
- **贷款人和投资者**:提供财务支持和建议、招聘管理人员并帮助制定业务战略。

- **Other Professionals**: Attorneys, accountants, and consultants offer specialized advice crucial to the business’s success.
- **其他专业人员**:律师、会计师和顾问提供对企业成功至关重要的专业建议。

### 11. **Business Consultants**
### 11. **商业顾问**

- Can be hired or offered through nonprofits to give expert advice and help with business challenges.
- 可以通过非营利组织聘用或提供,以提供专家建议并帮助应对业务挑战。

This summary covers the core aspects of forming and managing a new venture team, with a focus on the roles of founders, boards, employees, and advisors.