ISO 14001:2015
ISO 14001:2015

Status : Published 状态 : 已出版 (Under review)

This standard was last reviewed and confirmed in 2021. Therefore this version remains current.
该标准最后一次审查和确认是在 2021 年。因此,此版本仍然是最新的。
Format 格式 Language 语言
std 1 151 PDF + ePub PDF + 电子发布
std 2 181 PDF + ePub + Redline
std 3 151 Paper 
std 4 151 PDF
  • CHF151 151 瑞士法郎
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What is ISO 14001?
什么是 ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is the internationally recognized standard for environmental management systems (EMS). It provides a framework for organizations to design and implement an EMS, and continually improve their environmental performance. By adhering to this standard, organizations can ensure they are taking proactive measures to minimize their environmental footprint, comply with relevant legal requirements, and achieve their environmental objectives. The framework encompasses various aspects, from resource usage and waste management to monitoring environmental performance and involving stakeholders in environmental commitments.
ISO 14001 是国际公认的环境管理体系 (EMS) 标准。它为组织设计和实施环境管理体系提供了一个框架,并不断提高其环境绩效。通过遵守此标准,组织可以确保他们采取积极措施,以最大限度地减少其环境足迹,遵守相关法律要求,并实现其环境目标。该框架涵盖多个方面,从资源使用和废物管理到监测环境绩效,以及让利益相关者参与环境承诺。

Why is ISO 14001 important?
为什么 ISO 14001 很重要?

In an age of heightened environmental consciousness and increasing global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion, organizations have a pivotal role to play. ISO 14001 offers a structured approach for businesses to address these pressing concerns. By adopting this standard, organizations signal a commitment not only to regulatory compliance but also to ongoing environmental improvement. This proactive approach to environmental management can result in tangible benefits, such as reduced waste, energy conservation, and cost savings.
在环境意识增强和气候变化、生物多样性丧失和资源枯竭等全球挑战日益严峻的时代,组织可以发挥关键作用。ISO 14001 为企业提供了一种结构化的方法来解决这些紧迫的问题。通过采用该标准,组织不仅表明了对法规遵从性的承诺,而且表明了对持续环境改善的承诺。这种积极主动的环境管理方法可以带来实实在在的好处,例如减少浪费、节约能源和节约成本。

Furthermore, it enhances an organization's reputation, fosters stakeholder trust, and often constitutes a critical step for engaging in global trade and supply chains. Simply put, ISO 14001 stands as a testament to an organization's dedication to a sustainable future, blending environmental responsibility with strategic business growth.
此外,它还可以提高组织的声誉,培养利益相关者的信任,并且通常是参与全球贸易和供应链的关键步骤。简而言之,ISO 14001 证明了一个组织致力于可持续的未来,将环境责任与战略业务增长相结合。

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Benefits 好处

  •  Enhanced environmental performance
  • Regulatory compliance 法规遵从性
  •  Risk management 风险管理
  •  Cost savings 节省成本
  •  Operational excellence 卓越运营
  •  Stakeholder and customer trust

Mastering ISO 14001: Unveiling the Secrets of Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
掌握ISO 14001:揭开环境管理体系(EMS)的秘密


Organizations of all sizes and across all sectors that wish to reduce their environmental impact, ensure regulatory compliance, and demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future should consider adopting ISO 14001.

While there are several environmental standards, ISO 14001 stands out as it provides a holistic framework for an Environmental Management System, encompassing all aspects of an organization's environmental impact and offering tools for continuous improvement.

The standard itself undergoes revisions periodically (typically every 5-10 years). Certified organizations usually undergo surveillance audits annually, with a recertification
audit every three years.

ISO 14001 provides value for any organization across any industry that is looking to implement a systematic approach to improving environmental performance, including:

  • Manufacturing, production and process industries
  • Energy, utilities and extractives sectors
  • Agriculture, fishing, forestry and food producers
  • Construction and building firms
  • Transport, distribution and logistic services
  • Healthcare, hospitality, recreation and other service industries
  • Public sector and government agencies.

  •  Enhanced environmental performance: Adopting ISO 14001 can lead to a noticeable reduction in waste production, resource consumption, and pollutant emissions, ultimately resulting in a minimized environmental footprint.
  •  Regulatory compliance: The standard aids in understanding and meeting environmental legal requirements, helping organizations to avoid potential fines, penalties, and legal actions.
  •  Cost savings: Efficient resource usage, waste reduction, and streamlined processes often result in significant cost reductions, offsetting the costs of implementing and maintaining the EMS.
  •  Stakeholder and customer trust: In a marketplace increasingly valuing green initiatives, ISO 14001 certification can differentiate a business, bolstering its reputation and fostering loyalty among stakeholders and customers. 
  •  Risk management: ISO 14001 provides tools to identify, assess, and manage environmental risks, protecting the organization from potential liabilities and unexpected disruptions.
  • Operational excellence: The principles of continuous improvement embodied in the standard can lead to streamlined operations, waste minimization, and enhanced productivity.

While both ISO 14001 and the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) provide EMS frameworks, there are some key differences:

  • EMAS is only applicable for organizations operating in the European Union, while ISO 14001 has global application.
  • EMAS has more prescriptive requirements, including publishing an environmental statement.
  • EMAS requires third-party validation of the EMS, while ISO 14001 can be self-declared.
  • EMAS emphasizes performance improvement, while ISO 14001 focuses on the EMS itself.

However, both frameworks are complementary and internationally recognized for
improving environmental outcomes.

Yes, ISO 14001 is one of many ISO standards that enable certification by third party certification bodies. Certification demonstrates that an organization has implemented ISO 14001 effectively and has a robust EMS meeting all the standard's requirements. It is a globally recognized stamp of approval.

However, companies implementing ISO 14001 can choose whether they want to go through a certification process or not. As with other ISO management system standards, some organizations choose to implement the standard in order to benefit from the best practice it contains, while others also want to get certified to reassure customers and clients.

The certification process typically involves a gap analysis, implementation of the EMS as per the standard, internal audits, management reviews, and finally, a certification audit by an external body. Many certification bodies are accredited, which means that an accreditation body has provided independent confirmation of their competence. This may bring an additional layer of confidence for stakeholders.

If you wish to use a logo to demonstrate certification, contact the certification body that issued the certificate. As in other contexts, standards should always be referred to with their full reference, for example “certified to ISO 14001:2015” (not just “certified to ISO 14001”). See full details about use of the ISO logo.

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General information 一般信息

  •  : Published 状态 : 已出版
     : 2015-09
    出版日期 : 2015-09
    : International Standard confirmed [90.93]
    阶段 : 国际标准确认 [ 90.93]
  •  : 3 版数 : 3
     : 35
    页数 : 35
  • ISO/TC 207/SC 1
    技术委员会 : ISO/TC 207/SC 1
    03.100.70  13.020.10 
    ICS:03.100.70 13.020.10
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