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Thyssenkrupp approves the sale of a 20% stake in its steel business to EP Corporate Group

carbon steel | Steel | Carbon-accounted | 2024/05/24 02:36:55 TWT
碳鋼 |鋼 |碳核算 |2024/05/24 02:36:55 TWT

Author Annalisa Villaannalisa.villa@spglobal.comLaura Varrialelaura.varriale@spglobal.com | EN |

電子郵件 + -

Transaction to be completed in the current fiscal year

The parties aim to a 50:50 joint venture

Partnership to contribute to low-carbon steel production

The supervisory board of Thyssenkrupp has approved the 20% participation of the energy company EP Corporate Group in its steel business, the largest German steelmaker announced on late May 23 at market close.
5月23日晚些時候,德國最大的鋼鐵製造商蒂森克虜伯(Thyssenkrupp)監事會批准能源公司EP Corporate Group參股其鋼鐵業務20%的股份。

At the end of April, both companies announced that EPCG would acquire a 20% stake in the steel business. The decision was reached with the second vote of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board against the votes of the employee representatives, it said in a statement.

The transaction is expected to be completed in the current fiscal year, subject to possible regulatory approvals.

The parties are already in talks about the acquisition by EPCG of a further 30%, called thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, with the target to establish a 50:50 joint venture. Thyssenkrupp CEO, Miguel Ángel López Borrego, said in the past that the new joint venture will combine the materials capabilities of Steel Europe with the energy expertise of EPCG for capturing the potential of the decarbonization of the steel industry.
雙方已經在就EPCG收購另外30%的股份進行談判,稱為蒂森克虜伯鋼鐵歐洲公司,目標是建立一家50:50的合資企業。蒂森克虜伯首席執行官米格爾·安赫爾·洛佩斯·博雷戈(Miguel Ángel López Borrego)過去曾表示,新的合資企業將把歐洲鋼鐵公司的材料能力與EPCG的能源專業知識相結合,以捕捉鋼鐵行業脫碳的潛力。

The partnership is considered a significant contribution to ensure low-carbon steel production as the company expects that demand for green steel will grow, even to a point to exceed supply significantly from 2030 onwards.

Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, launched its carbon-accounted price assessments in May 2023, following the market trend of strengthening lower-carbon steel demand.
S&P Global Commodity Insights旗下的Platts於2023年5月啟動了碳核算價格評估,順應低碳鋼鐵需求增強的市場趨勢。

Platts assessed Northwest European hot-rolled carbon-accounted coil stable on the day at Eur765/mt ($828.04/mt) ex-works Ruhr May 23.

The assessment was calculated in line with the sum of Platts daily carbon-accounted steel premium (CASP) assessment and Platts daily hot-rolled coil price assessment in Northwest Europe.