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GoDaddy's bound mobile phone number is invalid, and the whole process of two-factor verification will be canceled

爱晴皇岛 龙舞文选 2023-07-20 11:07
Original Aiqing Huangdao Dragon Dance Anthology 2023-07-20 11:07 Hebei

GoDaddy's bound mobile phone number is invalid, and the whole process of two-factor verification will be canceled

Because of the business relationship, we put all the domain names in godaddy, there are more than 1,000 domain names, filled in the Chinese name.

In July 2023, because an important domain name needs to be renewed, when you log in to GoDaddy, enter your password, correct, and the jump page will appear "Sorry, your phone number is invalid. words.

It should be the reason why the phone number for 2-Step Verification is invalid. Hell, why is there an invalid phone number? I've tried it many times, but I'm still having this problem on different computers and using different browsers.

  无奈,只好求助客服取消二步验证。  I had no choice but to ask customer service to cancel the two-step verification.

The customer service sent me an address and asked me to submit my application at that address.

  我提交了申请后,很快就收到一封邮件:  Soon after I submitted my application, I received an email:

  We got your request.We've received your request and our team will start work on it as soon as possible.

  Your ticket ID is:


  You can expect a response from us within 72 hours.

  If we need any more information,we'll email you to ensure we get it and move forward.If you haven't heard from us in the timeframes listed above,please contact us.

I translated it with Google Translate, which probably means that I received my request and asked me to wait for 72 hours.

On the morning of the third day, I received an email:

  We received your request.A certified English translation of your government-issued photo ID or alternate identification in English is required to move forward.We recommend utilizing your favorite search engine to find local companies in your area that are certified to do official translations of documents.A Certified Translation consists of the following three parts:

  The document in the original language text

  The document in the translated text

  A statement signed by the translator or translation company representative,with his or her signature notarized by a Notary Public,attesting that the translator or translation company representative believes the translated document to be an accurate and complete translation of the original document.Sometimes this statement bears the title"Certificate of Accuracy"or"Statement that Two Documents Have the Same Meaning."Some translators will attach a Curriculum Vitae to the notarized statement.

  Once this is received,we will inform you if there is anything additional needed to process your request,or we will let you know that your request has been completed.

  With Regards,

  Account Recovery Team

Roughly this means that we are asked to provide a translation, and there is a requirement for the translation, and it needs to be certified.

Although I translated it, I still didn't understand it, so I asked for help from online customer service. The online customer service said that because of the problem of canceling the two-factor verification, it needs to be handled by the competent department in the United States, because there are no Chinese in the department in the United States, so it is necessary to provide documents that they can understand, and said that I am sorry for the trouble. In short, the attitude is indeed good, but it just can't solve the problem. I just got tangled. I obviously filled in the Chinese name in the account, and I submitted a Chinese certificate, if I translate the Chinese document into English, wouldn't it be even more mismatched? Foreigners are too rule-oriented. Their brain circuits are as strange as the legend says. After saying it to the online customer service, the online customer service said a lot of polite words, and said that they couldn't decide, and could only provide the translation according to the requirements of the American customer service, and said that they also understood that the translation for certification was not easy to handle. I was given a proposal that I could provide my passport.

One of our colleagues had a passport, so I submitted it and continued to wait, but I didn't expect that after submitting it, it would be like a stone in the sea, and he didn't give me any news at all. I waited for a week, and not a single email came.

Miss Ben has a hot temper. I wrote to the American customer service and scolded it, I don't know if they can understand it, anyway, it uses the national scolding, and then Google translate. This is obviously my account, why is it so difficult. Don't blame Miss Ben for scolding her mother.

I don't know if it works or what, but after waiting for a week, on Tuesday, I received an email from them, which reads as follows:

  We received your request.

  Please be advised that in order to move forward with your request we require a certified English translation of the first document you used when submitted this request.

  We will be unable to complete your request without the required documentation.

  You can review the terms of service which you agreed to at the time you registered your domain names for further information at the following

  We must verify that you are the account holder in order to cancel the Two Step Verification service on the account.We cannot legally make any changes without the required documentation.

  A certified English translation of your government-issued photo ID or alternate identification in English is required to move forward.

  We recommend utilizing your favorite search engine to find local companies in your area that are certified to do official translations of documents.

  A Certified Translation consists of the following three parts:

  The document in the original language text

  The document in the translated text

  A statement signed by the translator or translation company representative,with his or her signature notarized by a Notary Public,attesting that the translator or translation company representative believes the translated document to be an accurate and complete translation of the original document.Sometimes this statement bears the title"Certificate of Accuracy"or"Statement that Two Documents Have the Same Meaning."Some translators will attach a Curriculum Vitae to the notarized statement.

  Once this is received,we will inform you if there is anything additional needed to process your request,or we will let you know that your request has been completed.

  With Regards,

  Account Recovery Team

It's still Google Translate, it's over, and I got on the bar, and clearly told me that if I don't provide translation, you can't help me cancel the two-factor verification, and talk to me about the principle, saying that when I registered their account, I agreed to the terms, and sent me the address of the terms. I was really convinced, how could I be in the mood to read their terms, so I had to admit it.

  看来护照也没管用啊。  Looks like passports don't work.

So I searched online about GoDaddy's method of removing two-factor authentication, and how to translate the ID card for GoDaddy to recognize.

Here I want to praise a certain degree, and I really found a lot of results, it turns out that what I encountered, many people have already encountered it. Some people wrote tutorials. But I found that although it was a tutorial, there was no substantive teaching, and in the end, it was guided to ask them for help. And I found out that it wasn't just one person who posted the article, it seems that they also competed. By comparing word of mouth, and I contacted several people on the ground, and finally found that the one called Aiqing Huangdao is more reliable, first of all, he seems more professional when talking about this matter, and secondly, he is a Taobao transaction, and he can be refunded if he doesn't get it. This reassures me.

By the way, I found him by searching for "godaddy second verification" on Taobao, and chatted with him on Want Want.

He helped me analyze the whole process, and he said that the ID card I submitted did need to be translated, but it was not that I submitted the translation, and the customer service in the United States was able to hand over the account number to me, because my account information was filled in randomly, and the translation of the ID card must match the account information.

In the same way, it is not that I can provide my passport to succeed, but also that the information must be correct. I understand the meaning of online customer service, but I also misunderstand it. The online customer service meant to ask me to submit a passport with English. And the colleague I submitted was from Vietnam, and there was no English on it, so no wonder the customer service on the US side ignored me. Are they taking me for a fool? I also scolded them.

Aiqing Huangdao also helped me analyze. Fortunately, I submitted a passport in Vietnamese, and foreigners couldn't read it, and if they could understand it, it would be troublesome, because the passport and account information didn't match. If I submit multiple identity information, the foreigner will think that there is a dispute with this account, and maybe freeze my account completely.

Obediently, we don't understand, we just don't think it's that serious, so we casually submitted a few documents.

After talking about him for a long time, he finally returned to the essence and asked me if there was a valuable domain name in my account, saying that if there was no valuable domain name, he would not be able to help.

I'm a temperant, and I said that if I cancel the second-factor verification of my account, it has nothing to do with whether there is a valuable domain name in the account. He asked me if it was convenient for me to communicate on the phone, and I sent my number. He called me, and his attitude was pretty good. But a thick northeastern accent. He explained to me that because there are so many people who are experiencing this problem right now, his energy is limited, and it is not a matter of a day or two to deal with the cancellation of two-factor verification, and it is also very energy-consuming. So I'm going to set a threshold and say that if there's no valuable domain name, let me try it myself. If there is a valuable domain name, it is worth spending money to find, he can help, let me understand. And said that he got it since 2011, and for so many years, there have been zero negative reviews on the Internet, which reassures me. He also said that some people's tutorials on the Internet were directly plagiarized from him. It is said that some people added a 9th point to the 8 points he wrote in 2011, which became 9 points of experience, and the 9th point was to leave some contact information. After chatting for about half an hour, I just feel that everything is quite honest and reliable. Even if you don't deal with problems, you can talk when you are a friend.

Okay, okay. I don't have any valuable domains in my account, but I have more than 1,000 domains in my account, many of which are websites. His price is acceptable.

So I paid a deposit and took on Taobao goods. He sent a zip package, unzipped with some instructions and examples, and a document.

When I did this, it was already past 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. It's already tired. And he said unto him, Give it to him the next day. After saying goodnight to each other, I finally had a more solid sleep.

Without further ado, the next day, after resting, I sorted out the documents according to what he said and sent them to him.

He was quite serious, sometimes saying that the documents I provided were not clear and asked me to take a new photo, and then saying that the hand-held photo I provided did not show my arms. And I still have to communicate with my colleague, who is lazy, and I scolded him a few times before I did it again. Anyway, I'm quite tired after I got it done.

  上午发给他后,下午我问他咋样了。哈哈。  After sending it to him in the morning, I asked him how he was doing in the afternoon. Ha ha.

He said to let me be patient, said he was going to start over, said he also had an interactive process. All right. Who made Miss Ben not understand?

I asked him how long it would take, and he said it would be about a week, and he said that a week might not work.

After that, two emails came in the mailbox one after another, and I was worried that he wouldn't see it, so I asked him if he had received each one. He said don't worry, he set up forwarding, stared at the mailbox every day, and saw every email a long time ago. Well, okay.

On the afternoon of the third day, I was eating watermelon in the sweltering heat. He sent a message on WeChat. (By the way, in order to facilitate contact, we left WeChat on Want Want and added WeChat), and he said let me not go offline. He came to help me with the problem. He asked me how I lost my phone that received the two-factor verification code. Why can't I receive two verifications? I just said it, the heat is unbearable, I was a little upset, I thought, I handed over all the money to you, so I said to him, I don't know, you just look at it. Everyone's situation is different, he said. Let me tell him the truth. All right. I patiently explained to him that our mobile phone was not lost, but that the mobile phone number appeared on the GoDaddy page.

I don't know how he got it. After about 2 hours, I received a verification code on my phone. He sent a message on WeChat and asked me what the verification code was, and I didn't know what the verification code was for. I logged in myself and found that the webpage still shows that the phone number is invalid. I told him the verification code.

Then I received an email in my mailbox to reset my password. To be honest, I'm still a little uneasy about him. I clicked on the link and reset the password again. At that time, it also showed success, so I tried to log in with the new password myself, and it showed that the password was wrong, and then I re-entered it a few times, and soon it showed that the account was locked because of too many times.

He sent a message, which was a screenshot of the account being locked, and asked if I had made it. I had to admit it. Then he sent him a blushing emoji. He said don't trust him. He also emphasized his credibility for more than 10 years. Say I've complicated things again. Let me do what he says in the future, and don't mess around. All right. Who let us owe nothing?

Another day, evening. He asked me again if I was there and asked me to wait online. Half an hour later, he asked me for a verification code again, and this time I was obedient and didn't move anything, so I sent him a verification code so that he wouldn't blame me.

Soon after, I received an email in my mailbox that the two-step verification had been cancelled, and he told me that it had been successful. I logged in and tried it, and sure enough, there was no barrier to access.

I say, equally, success? He said, "It's a success." I don't think it's too difficult. It didn't take a week, he said that everyone's situation is different. Some may be longer, others shorter. If it's fast, it's considered easy, and if it's slow, you're in a hurry. - It's also huh. I replied to him, leaving tears in my eyes. made a crying emoji, he said, this is not only technology, but more on experience, just like doctors in small hospitals and large hospitals, the reason why doctors in large hospitals are highly skilled is because doctors in large hospitals experience more patients. And most people experience the problem of canceling the second verification for the first time, so they will take a lot of detours.

I changed the email address of the password, and in the process, he urged me several times to confirm the receipt, saying that this was a Taobao transaction and belonged to the service category. Let me complete the confirmation of receipt as soon as possible, saying that it is not that he is not at ease, but that there are all kinds of people on the Internet. This is also understandable, the key is that we are not a trustworthy person, so we confirmed the receipt of the goods, and gave him a good review.

The problem is solved, I am still in the stage where I can't calm down, after this incident, I am a little worried about GoDaddy, so I chatted with him. I asked him, which domain name provider is better and safer, he said that good and security are relative, not absolute (I thought to myself, what dialectics do you play with me, haha), he said that godaddy does not use real-name authentication, now there is more WeChat login, more secondary verification, it is more secure and flexible, there is real-name authentication in China, but there are also many examples of domain name theft in China, domestic domain names are stolen because of the website vulnerabilities of domain name providers, and said that around 2014, there was a case of a domain name vendor's domain name being stolen in large quantities, At that time, the webmasters all set up a group and collectively found the headquarters of the domain name provider in Beijing, but the domain name was no longer with the domain name dealer and had been transferred abroad, or he helped the webmaster appeal back a batch of domain names.

I also asked him if he needed to change the contact information of the domain name, and asked him how to change it, and he said that he could enter the change by clicking on the domain name. In short, this person can also be chatted.

We talked until 10 o'clock in the evening, of course, it was all related to domain names. I thought to myself, I can't talk all the time. They said goodnight to each other and went to bed.

That's how I really experienced when I canceled GoDaddy Two-Factor Verification. The reason why I wrote it was because he asked me how my writing was, and I still had some confidence in my writing. He said that he could write down the whole process, just look at the chat window and email, and record the whole process, which is also helpful to him.

  于是,就有了这个帖子。  So, there is this post.

I think this post is also a reference for the webmasters, and it can be regarded as a meritorious thing. Goku, you're naughty again. Anyway, the master called me.

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