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编号 06/2022/TT-BXD

河内,2022 年 11 月 30 日


在 QCVN 06:2022/BXD 上


根据 2006 年 6 月 29 日颁布的《技术法规和标准法》;

根据政府 2007 年 8 月 1 日第 127/2007/ND-CP 号法令,阐述了《技术法规和标准法》的实施情况,以及政府 2018 年 5 月 16 日关于修订第 127/2007/ND-CP 号法令的第 78/2018/ND-CP 号法令;

根据 2022 年 8 月 8 日政府关于建设部职能、任务、权力和组织结构的第 52/2022/ND-CP 号法令;



第 1 条.QCVN 06:2022/BXD 国家建筑和施工消防技术法规附于本协议。

第 2 条.本通知于 2023 年 1 月 16 日生效,取代建设部长于 2021 年 5 月 19 日颁布 QCVN 06:2021/BXD 国家建筑和施工安全技术法规的第 02/2021/TT-BXD 号通知。

第 3 条.各部委、部级机构、政府机构、省、中央直辖市人民委员会以及有关组织、个人负责本通知的实施。

页 部长



QCVN 06:2022/BXD



1 总则

2 与火灾相关的技术分类

3 人类安全保证

4 防止火焰蔓延

5 消防供水

6 消防和救援

7 组织实施

附录 A (法规) 特定建筑组别的附加法规

附录 B(法规)根据与火灾相关的技术分类和材料的消防安全要求对建筑材料进行分类

附录 C(法规)用于制造和储存目的的建筑物、结构、房间的火灾和爆炸风险等级

附录 D(法规)防烟

附录 E(规定)防火间隔距离

附录 F(法规)几个模块的耐火等级

附录 G(规定)出口通道的距离和出口通道的宽度

附录 H(法规)建筑物、构筑物和防火分区的耐火类别和消防安全保证要求

附录 I (供参考) 插图


QCVN 06:2022/BXD 由建设科学技术研究所(建设部)开发,越南消防和救援警察局(公安部)联合编制,提交科学技术部批准,由科学技术与环境部(建设部)批准,并根据 11 月 30 日第 06/2022/TT-BXD 号通知发布, 2022 年建设部长。

QCVN 06:2022/BXD 取代了建设部长 2021 年 5 月 19 日第 02/2021/TT-BXD 号通知所附的 QCVN 06:2021/BXD。


1 总则

1.1 范围

1.1.1 本法规规定

a) 房间、防火分区、建筑物和结构(以下简称“建筑物”)的一般消防安全要求;

b) 建筑材料、结构元件、建筑物零部件和建筑物的火灾相关技术分类。

1.1.2 本法规适用于以下建筑物和构筑物:

a) 房屋:防火高度不超过 150 米且地下室不超过 3 个的公寓楼和公寓;至少 7 层或 1 个以上地下室和 3 个地下室的独立式住宅,也用于生产、商业目的的独立式住宅,其中生产、商业目的的建筑面积占建筑面积的 30% 以上;


b) 火灾高度不超过 150 米且地下室不超过 3 个的公共建筑物(用作礼拜场所、宗教场所、遗产的建筑物除外);带看台的户外运动场所(体育场、体育比赛和训练场等);

c) 火灾高度不超过 50 米且地下室不超过 1 个的制造设施和仓库;

d) 火高不超过 50 米且地下室不超过 1 个的技术基础设施和便利设施的提供商;

e) 用于运输目的的建筑物,防火高度不超过 50 米,地下室不超过 3 个;

f) 用于农业和农村发展目的的建筑物(苗圃和温室等除外)。

注:建筑分类应符合相关法律规定。参见附表 6 以了解 1.1.2 下的具体解释。

1.1.3 In regard to buildings classified under fire risk categories F1.2, F1.3, F4.2, F4.3 by functions and multipurpose buildings with more than 150 m in fire height or at least 4 basements and buildings with fire prevention and fire protection properties different from those named under Schedule 6, in addition to adhering to this Regulation, other technical requirements and solutions pertaining to organization and building engineering appropriate to specific fire prevention and fire protection properties of these buildings must also be complied with on the basis of applied standard documents.  

NOTE: In regard to buildings using their 4th and 5th basements as parking spaces, regulations pertaining to underground parking garages must also be complied with in addition to this Regulation.  

1.1.4 This Regulation applies to new construction of buildings and constructions named under 1.1.2 or:  

a) Renovation and repair which alter occupancies of rooms, fire compartments, or buildings;  

b) Renovation and repair which alter egress solutions of rooms, fire compartments, or buildings;  

c) Renovation and repair which raise fire risk of construction materials or reduce fire-resistance rating of structures, structural elements;  

d) Renovation and repair which alter fire risk class or fire and explosion class of rooms, fire compartments, and buildings in a way that fire risk of those locations is increased;  

e) Renovation and repair which raise fire safety requirements of rooms, fire compartments, and buildings;  

f) Renovation and repair of fire protection systems of fire compartments and buildings;  

g) Other renovation and repair according to instructions of competent fire and rescue police department.  

1.1.5 Section 2 through 6 do not apply to buildings with special occupancies (buildings and constructions associated with technology line of power generating facilities such as: hydroelectricity power plant, thermoelectricity power plant; wind power plant, solar power plant, geothermal power plant, tidal power plant, waste-to-energy plant, biomass power plant; biogas power plant; cogeneration power plant, air traffic control tower, manufacturing facilities or preservation facilities of explosive substances and materials; storage of petroleum, petroleum products, natural gas, flammable gas, and pyrophoric substances; filling stations of gas and oil, flammable liquid, flammable gas; manufacturing facilities or storage of toxic chemicals; national defense and security constructions; underground sections of subways; mines, and buildings with similar features). 

1.1.6 Section 5 also does not apply to:  

a) Facilities, buildings, and constructions for preservation and processing of cereal;  

b) Boiler facilities generating heat; electrical grid facilities;  

c) Firefighting systems for fire of metal, strong chemically active substances and materials which when react to water will explode, create flammable gas and exothermic reactions, such as: compounds between aluminum - organic substances, alkali metal, compounds between lithium - organic substances, lead azide, hydrides of aluminium, zinc, magnesium, sulfuric acid, titanium chloride, thermite.  

1.1.7 Fire prevention and fire protection requirements of construction standards must be based on requirements of this Regulation.  

In addition to this Regulation, other specific fire prevention and firefighting requirements under other standards applicable to specific buildings and constructions must also be adequately complied with. If no other specific standards that are based on this Regulation are issued, regulations under applicable standards still prevail until said standards are reviewed. Applicable standards of foreign countries are also allowed as long as this Regulation, other Vietnamese regulations and law on fire prevention and firefighting, and regulations on adoption of foreign standards in construction activities in Vietnam are adhered to.  

If specific technical regulations and requirements under applicable standards pertaining to fire prevention and fire protection are less safe than those under this Regulation, those under this Regulation shall prevail.  

1.1.8 Fire safety design documents and fire safety technical documents of buildings, structures, structural elements, and construction materials must specify fire-related technical characteristics of these structures in accordance with this Regulation.  

1.1.9 When designing buildings and constructions, other mandatory regulations and technical requirements according to applicable laws must be complied with in addition to complying with this Regulation, such as: planning, architecture, structures, water supply and drainage system, electrical system, electrical appliances, lightning arrester, fuel supply system, energy efficiency, ventilating system, air conditioning system, mechanical system, safety use of glass, fall and collision prevention.  

1.1.10 In some specific cases, several requirements under this Regulation can be replaced as long as technical evaluation is sent to the Ministry of Construction stating additional or replacement solutions and the basis thereof in order to maintain fire safety. This technical evaluation must be reviewed by the Ministry of Construction while construction design dossiers must be approved by competent fire and rescue police authority in accordance with fire prevention and firefighting laws.  

1.2 Regulated entities 

This Regulation applies to organizations and individuals related to construction investment activities in Vietnamese territory.  

1.3 Reference documents 

The following reference documents are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.  

QCVN 17:2018/BXD, National technical regulations on the construction and installation of outdoor advertising facilities.  

TCVN 3890, Fire protection - Fire protection equipment, firefighting systems for construction 

TCVN 5738, Fire protection - Automatic fire alarm system - Technical requirements  .

TCVN 7336, Fire protection - Water, foam automatic fire-extinguishing systems - Design and installation requirements  .

TCVN 9310-4, Fire protection - Vocabulary - Part 4: Fire extinction equipment  .

TCVN 9310-8, Fire protection - Vocabulary - Part 8: Terms specific to fire-fighting, rescue services and handling hazardous materials.  

TCVN 9311-1, Fire - resistance test- Elements of building construction - Part 1: General requirements  .

TCVN 9311-3, Fire - resistance test - Elements of building construction - Part 3: Commentary on test method and test data application  .

TCVN 9311-4, Fire - resistance test - Elements of building construction - Part 4: Specific requirements for load bearing vertical separating elements.  

TCVN 9311-5, Fire - resistance test - Elements of building construction - Part 5: Specific requirements for load bearing horizontal separating elements  .

TCVN 9311-6, Fire - resistance tests - Elements of building construction- Part 6: Specific requirements for beams  .

TCVN 9311-7, Fire – resistance test – Elements of building construction – Part 7: Specific requirements of columns.  

TCVN 9311-8, Fire - resistance test- Elements of building construction - Part 8: Specific requirements for non - load bearing vertical separating elements  .

TCVN 9383, Fire resistance test - Fire door and Shutter Assemblies  .

TCVN 12695, Reaction to fire tests for construction products - Non-combustibility test  .

TCVN 13456, Fire protection - Emergency lighting and Exit sign - Design, installation requirements  

1.4 Definitions 

In this Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:  


fire safety for buildings and constructions (or construction parts)  

Refers to fulfillment of requirements for construction material properties and structures, architectural solutions, planning, technical and technology solutions depending ton characteristics of constructions in order to prevent fire (fire protection), limit the spread, extinguish fire (fire prevention), prevent factors harmful for humans, and minimize property damage in case of fire.  


fire engine parking space  

Refers to a road segment whose finished surface can withstand the calculated load, which is located along the circumference or in a part of the circumference of the buildings, which allows firefighting equipment to deploy firefighting activities.  

NOTE: In comparison with fire lane, fire engine parking space is design to withstand a greater load with a greater width for the deployment of firefighting equipment  


fire protection  

Refers to a combination of methods and technical solutions adopted to prevent impact of fire on human and limit physical damage caused by fire.  


fire resistance category of buildings, constructions, fire compartments  

Refers to a categorized characteristic of buildings, constructions, and fire compartments determined by fire-resistance rating of structures/structural elements employed to build said buildings, constructions, and fire compartments.  


fire protection assembly  

Refer to an apparatus employed to prevent fire and combustion products from spreading from a fire compartment or from a room with fire to other rooms. Includes fire-resistance-rated walls, fire-resistance-rated partitions, and fire-resistance-rated floors.  


smoke barriers  

Refer to structures employed to divert, contained, and/or reduce the spread of smoke (gaseous product for a fire).  


fire risk level of structural elements  

Refers to a characteristic of structural elements and is based on combustibility test results of materials of structural elements according to applicable standards  


fire risk level of structures  

Refers to a characteristic of buildings, constructions, and fire compartments and is based on level of participation of their structures in development of the fire and formation of fire hazards.  


building height for fire prevention and firefighting (fire height)  

Fire height of a building (excluding the topmost mechanical floor) is determined as follows:  

The maximum distance from fire lane to the lowest point of the opening (window) on the exterior wall of the highest storey;  

Half of total distance from fire lane to the floor and to the ceiling of the topmost storey - if no openings (windows) are located on the exterior wall.  

NOTE 1: If roof is utilized, fire height of the building shall equal the greatest distance from fire lane to the highest point of the wall surrounding the roof  

NOTE 2: Fire height shall not take into account the roof if it is not regularly occupied by humans (not utilized by humans).  

NOTE 3: If balcony (loggia) or enclosing structures (guardrail) are built, fire height shall equal the greatest distance from fire lane to the highest point of the guarding structures (guardrail) or balcony (loggia).  


height of solid stream  

Equals 0,8 times the height of a stream flowing vertically.  


smoke outlet (flap, shutter)  

Refer to remotely controlled equipment (devices) which seals openings located on the exterior wall surrounding rooms protected by natural smoke extraction system.  


hoistway door  

Refers to a door fixed to the elevator shaft which allows passengers to enter and exit from elevator cabins.  


smoke inlet  

Refers to an opening in smoke extraction system to which mesh, bars, flaps, or normally closed fire dampers can be fitted.  


accessible floor area  

Refers to the total floor area of all covered spaces within a building, including service ducts, lift shafts, toilets, staircases, areas occupied by fixed, moveable furniture, equipment, facilities, and any open-to-sky habitable areas above or below the first storey of the building.  


fire lane  

Refers to a road designed to allow firefighting equipment to reach and move within a building’s vicinity to commerce firefighting and rescue activities.  

1.4 16 

means of egress  

Refers to a path of travel which allows humans to head outside or enter safe areas, refuge floors, fire emergency holding areas and guarantees safe evacuation of humans in case of fire.  


independent means of egress  

Refers to a means of egress that serves only one section of the building (exit accesses of other sections of the building will not lead to this means of egress).  


fire-resistance rating  

Refers to the period of time (in hours or minutes) from the moment in which structures and structural elements undergo fire resistance test in standard temperature to the moment in which they exhibit any of the limit states.  


fire emergency holding area  

Refers to an area which is located on the refuge floor and allows temporary evacuation in case of fire.  


technical room  

Refers to a room where all technical equipment of the building or storey is stored. Technical rooms can occupy a mechanical floor partially or entirely.  



Refers to a space contained within a building that serves a definite purpose and is limited by structures.  


regularly occupied room  

Refers to a room occupied by humans for at least 2 consecutive hours or for a total of 6 hours in 24 hours.  


single-loaded corridor  

Refers to a corridor whose one side receives natural ventilation, is not obstructed, runs continuously along its length and whose clear height from the highest point of the side wall to the ceiling is not smaller than 1,2 m.  


fire protection system  

A system that includes: smoke protection system, standpipe system, fire hydrant system, automatic fire suppression system, fire alarm, public address system, emergency lighting system, egress lighting system, fire service elevator, rescue equipment, structural solutions, evacuation solutions, smoke prevention solutions, flame spread prevention solutions.  


air supply system for smoke control  

Refers to a system that is remotely controlled and prevents smoke in case of fire for rooms in control areas, staircases, elevator shafts, fire protection vestibules by supplying fresh air from the outside to create positive pressure in the aforementioned areas, prevents the spread of combustion products and supplies fresh air to make up for the expelled combustion products.  


smoke extraction system  

Refers to a system that is remotely controlled expels smoke and combustion products outside via smoke inlet.  


standpipe system  

Refers to a combination of specialized equipment including valves, hoses, and nozzles that have been pre-installed to deliver water to the fire.  


fire separation distance  

Refers to the minimum distance between buildings and constructions for the purpose of preventing flame spread.  


fire compartment  

Refers to a section of a building which is separated by fire-resistance-rated walls and/or fire-resistance-rated floors or fire-resistance-rated roofs whose fire-resistance rating is sufficient to prevent the fire from spreading beyond the fire compartment throughout the fire duration.  



Refers to a space located between doors which prevents smoke and other gases from entering buildings, staircases, or other rooms.  


fire protection vestibule  

Refers to a vestibule that protects any opening on fire protection assembly, is enclosed by fire-resistance-rated floors and fire-resistance-rated partitions, contains 2 adjacent openings fitted with fire-resistance-rated protectives, or contains more than 2 openings fitted with fire-resistance-rated protectives only when mechanical ventilation is adopted for the vestibule in order to prevent smoke from entering the vestibule in case of fire.  



Refers to smoke and dust created by products of incomplete combustion of liquid and/or solid materials  


exit access (exit, exit access doorway)  

Refers to a route or a door that leads into a means of egress, directly outside, or into control areas, refuge floors, and/or fire emergency holding areas.  


exit passageway  

Refers to an exit access that leads to a means of egress without crossing building sections (or rooms) of other occupancies.  


separate exit access  

Refers to an exit access that leads from a building section (or room or rooms) into an independent means of egress, or directly outside, or directly into control areas, refuge floors, fire emergency holding areas.  


protective concrete layer and concrete cover  

Protective concrete layer starts from the edge of the structural elements to the nearest rebar surface.  

Concrete cover refers to the thickness of the protective concrete layer (from the edge of the structural elements to the nearest rebar surface).  


occupied roof  

Refers to a roof which is regularly occupied by humans (at least 2 consecutive hours or at least 6 hours within a period of 24 hours).  



Refers to the visible, gaseous part of a fire.  



Refers to a structure whose primary function is to shelter, protect people or objects therein and which is partially or entirely covered and built on a fixed location.  


apartment building  

Refers to a building with at least 2 storeys, multiple flats, common staircases, private property and common property, common infrastructures and amenities for use by households, individuals, and organizations. Includes apartment buildings built for residential purposes and apartment buildings built for a mix of residential and business purposes (hereinafter referred to as “multipurpose apartment buildings”)  


multipurpose building  

Refers to a building that serves different purposes (for example: a building can be designed to facilitate office, commerce and services, public operations, and even accommodations)  

NOTE: A multipurpose building must comply with regulations on fire safety applicable to multipurpose buildings if floor area dedicated to each occupancy of the building does not exceed 70% of the total floor area of said building (not including floor area used for technical system, fire prevention and firefighting, fire emergency holding areas, and parking).  


manufacturing facility  

Refers to a building where industrial manufacturing activities are conducted and necessary conditions are guaranteed to allow humans to work and operate technology equipment.  


fire risk category by function of buildings, constructions, fire compartments, and rooms  

Refers to a characteristic of buildings, constructions, fire compartments, and rooms which is determined by functions and characteristics of said buildings, constructions, fire compartments, and rooms, including characteristics of production technology employed within said buildings, constructions, fire compartments, and rooms.  


fire risk classification of construction materials  

Refers to a property of construction material determined by combustibility test as per standards.  


fire subcompartment  

Refers to a part within a fire compartment that is separated by fire protection assembly and/or areas sustaining no fire load  


fire prevention  

Refers to a combination of organization and technical solutions which aim to ensure safety for humans, prevent fire, restrict flame spread, and facilitate effective extinguishing of the flame  


compartment volume  

Refers to volume of space in a building or a fire compartment. This volume does not include walls of protected elevators, exit access stairwells and other spaces (e.g. lavatories and storage units) covered by walls with fire resistance ratings less than 60 minutes and walkways passing through walls protected by class 2 fire-resistance-rated doors installed with self-closing devices. Compartment volume shall be calculated based on:  

a) Clearance area which equals the distance between inner finished surfaces of surrounding walls, or in case of areas without surrounding walls, from a vertical surface to the topmost outermost edge of the floor;  

b) Height which equals the distance from the highest point of the lower floor to the lowest point of the upper floor;  

c) In case of a building or a fire compartment that extends to the roof, height shall take into account the distance from the floor surface to the lowest point of the roof or the lowest point of ceiling of the topmost storey in the fire compartment, including spaces occupied by unprotected service ducts, walls, vertical shafts, or other structures within the space in question.  


smoke protected lobby  

Refers to a lobby leading into an exit access stairwells. This lobby must be designed to as to prevent or minimize smoke infiltration into the staircase.  


elevator lobby  

Refers to an empty space leading to the elevator  


number of storey  

Refers to the number of above-ground storeys (including mechanical floor, roof access) and basements/semi-basements but not attics.  

NOTE: Roof access does not contribute towards the number of storey of a construction when its sole use is to shelter stairwell/elevator shaft and cover technical equipment of the construction (if any) and when roof access area does not exceed 30% of roof area.  


fire incident  

Refers to an uncontrolled combustion that leads to human casualty and/or property damage. 



Refers to an exothermic redox chemical reaction which is accompanied by a flame or incandescent light or smoke.  


standard documents  

Include documents such as standards, technical specifications, code of practice, and technical regulations in Vietnam and in other countries promulgated by competent agencies and authorities.  


fire load  

Refers to the total heat output produced by combustion of combustible materials within a construction  



Refers to a storey located in the space directly beneath the pitched roof where a part or the entire vertical surface of the storey is created by roof pitches or gables while surrounding walls (if any) are not taller than 1,5 m from the floor.  


home landing (of an elevator)  

Refers to a storey where the main entrance to the building is located (usually the first storey).  



Refers to a storey with more than half of its height located below ground level according to approved planning.  

NOTE: When reviewing fire safety requirements of a building located on varying ground levels, a storey located below ground level according to approved planning shall not be considered a basement if means of egress from this storey does not travel in an upward direction.  


refuge floor  

Refers to a storey for temporary evacuation which is located in a building with fire height exceeding 100 m. Each refuge floor may house one or multiple fire emergency holding areas.  



Refers to a storey with half of its height located above or at ground level according to approved planning  


mechanical floor  

Refers to a storey or a part thereof where technical rooms or technical equipment of the building is located. A mechanical floor can be a basement, a semi-basement, a attic, the topmost storey, or any storey in-between.  


above-ground storey  

Refers to a storey whose floor level is above or at ground level according to approved planning.  


fire service elevator  

Refers to an elevator which is installed primarily for passenger transport but is additionally equipped with protected control, communication systems and marked in order to allow the elevator to be manually controlled by fire brigade to reach various storeys of the building in case of fire.  


smoke ventilation  

Refers to controlled ventilation process which takes place in case of fire in any of the rooms and helps prevent harmful impact of combustion products (rising of toxic substances concentration, rising of temperature, or changing of optical density of air) on humans and properties.  


fire risk of substances and construction materials  

Refers to a state of substances and materials which is characterized by the ability of the substances and materials to combust or explode.  


fire risk of fire barriers  

Refers to a state of fire barriers and is characterized by the ability to combust and contribute to the fire as well as impact of harmful combustion factors on humans and properties.  


fire resistance  

Refers to the ability to resist the fire and prevent the spread of fire hazards.  


smoke damper  

Refers to a normally closed fire damper, which is rated for E and installed directly on openings of smoke inlets in corridors and smoke protected lobbies (subsequently referred to as “corridors”)  


fire damper  

Refers to an equipment which is remotely controlled, shields ventilation ducts or openings on enclosing structures of a building, and is rated for EI. There are 3 types of fire dampers:  

Normally open fire dampers (which close in case of fire);  

Normally closed fire dampers (which open in case of fire or after a fire);  

Combined fire dampers (which close in case of a fire and open after a fire);  


control area  

Refers to an area in which humans are protected from fire hazards or an area in which fire hazards are either absent or not exceeding the permitted values.  


smoke compartment  

Refers to space within a structure which is limited or surrounded by smoke barriers or structural elements which help prevent the spread of smoke in case of fire.  


passive fire protection for structures  

Refers to the adoption of impregnation or coating, layering of protective layers on top of structures in order to raise fire resistance and/or reduce fire risk of the structures.  


fire hazards  

Fire hazards which can lead to injury, poisoning, loss of life, and/or property damage.  

NOTE: Fire hazards include 1) flame and flaming droplets; 2) heat wave; 3) rising ambient temperature; 4) rising toxic substance concentration of combustion products; 5) low oxygen concentration; 6) smoke obscuration.  

1.5 General provisions 

1.5.1 When designing buildings, structural and premise - spatial arrangement and construction engineering solutions must be implemented in order to ensure the followings in case of fire:  

- The buildings are able to maintain overall stability and stiffness in a definite period of time as prescribed by fire resistance category of buildings;  

- All building occupants (regardless of age and health conditions) can evacuate to safe areas outside (hereinafter referred to as “outside”) in a timely manner before the risks to human lives and health are present due to fire hazards;  

- All rescue operations are feasible;  

- Fire brigade and firefighting equipment are able to access the fire, implement firefighting activities, rescue humans and properties;  

- The fire is prevented from spreading onto neighboring buildings, even when the burning buildings collapse;  

- All direct and indirect physical damage is minimized, including damage to the buildings and properties therein, taking into account economic relationship between the damage and costs for fire prevention and firefighting solutions, equipment.  

1.5.2 During construction process:  

- All fire prevention and protection solutions must be adopted according to the design in a manner conforming to applicable regulations and standards and approved by the competent authority;  

- Fire prevention and firefighting requirements of construction in progress and auxiliary constructions, fire prevention and firefighting regulations in construction as per fire prevention and firefighting laws must be adequately implemented;  

- All firefighting equipment must be equipped and ready for use;  

- Safe evacuation, rescue operations, and property protection in case of fire during construction process and at construction sites must be guaranteed.  

1.5.3 During use:  

- All building sections and operation of fire protection system must conform to design requirements and technical documents thereof;  

- Regulations on fire prevention and firefighting as per applicable laws must be implemented;  

- Structural solutions, premise - spatial arrangement, and engineering solutions must not be altered without approved design as per the law;  

- Structural elements and materials that do not meet requirements under applicable regulations and standards are not allowed for use in repair operations  

If a building is approved under restrictions pertaining to fire load or number of occupants of the building or building section, these restrictions must be posted in visible locations while building administration departments must establish separate fire prevention, firefighting, and evacuation solutions in case of fire.  

1.5.4 When analyzing fire risk of buildings, calculated scenarios based on correlation between parameters such as contribution to the fire, the spread of fire hazards, human evacuation, and firefighting operations can be utilized.  


2.1 Fire risk classification of construction materials 

2.1.1 Purpose of classification The classification of construction materials and substances based on fire risks shall be implemented in order to establish fire safety requirements for these materials and substances, and use, preservation, transport, processing, and disposal thereof. In order to establish fire safety requirements for building structures, constructions, and fire protection systems, construction materials shall be classified by fire risks.  

2.1.2 Classification criteria 

Fire risks of construction materials are determined based on fire-related technical specifications:  

- Combustibility;  

- Ignitability;  

- Flame spread;  

- Smoke production;  

- Toxic potency.  

2.1.3 Combustibility classification By combustibility, construction materials are classified into non-combustible materials and combustible materials. Non-combustible materials are those with combustibility criteria (temperature increase, loss of sample mass, duration of sustained flaming) under B.1.1, Appendix B.  

Non-combustible materials are not subject to regulations on fire risks and not subject to determination of other criteria (see B.1.1, Appendix B) Combustible materials shall be classified into 4 classes:  

- Ch1 (mildly flammable);  

- Ch2 (moderately flammable);  

- Ch3 (flammable);  

- Ch4 (highly flammable).  

Combustibility and construction materials classified by combustibility are determined under B.1.2, Appendix B  

2.1.4 Ignitability classification  

By ignitability, combustible construction materials are classified into 3 classes:  

- BC1 (barely ignitable);  

- BC2 (moderately ignitable);  

- BC3 (ignitable).  

Classification of construction material based on ignitability shall be determined under B.1.3 of Appendix B  

2.1.5 Flame spread classification  

By flame spread, combustible construction materials are classified into 4 classes  

LT1 (no spread);  

LT2 (limited spread);  

LT3 (moderate spread);  

LT4 (rapid spread).  

Classification of flame spread applies to flooring and roofing materials, including carpets, according to B.1.4 of Appendix B  

Other construction materials are not required to be classified by flame spread.  

2.1.6 Smoke production classification  

By smoke production, combustible construction materials are classified into 3 classes:  

- SK1 (low smoke production);  

- SK2 (moderate smoke production);  

- SK3 (high smoke production).  

Classification of construction materials by smoke production is determined under B.1.5 of Appendix B.  

2.1.7 Toxic potency classification  

By classification of combustion products, combustible construction materials are classified into 4 classes:  

- DT1 (low toxic potency);  

- DT2 (moderate toxic potency);  

- DT3 (high toxic potency);  

- DT4 (very high toxic potency).  

Classification of construction materials by toxic potency of combustion products is determined under B.1.6 of Appendix B  

2.1.8 Fire risk classification By fire risks, construction materials are classified into CV0, CV1, CV2, CV3, CV4, and CV5 in ascending order fire risk level.  

NOTE: Fire risk level of construction materials is determined by a combination of criteria under 2.1.2. Fire risk levels of construction materials are specified under B.1.7, Appendix B.  

2.2 Structural elements 

2.2.1 Purpose of classification Structural elements are classified by fire resistance and fire risks Structural elements are classified by fire resistance in order to determine their use in buildings, constructions, and fire compartments with a definite fire-resistance rating or to determine fire-resistance rating of buildings, constructions, and fire compartments.  

2.2.13 Structural elements are classified by fire risks in order to determine their contribution to the fire and formation of fire hazards.  

2.2.2 Structural elements classification by fire resistance Depending on the ability of structural elements of buildings and constructions to resist the fire and the spread of fire hazards in standard testing conditions, their fire resistance shall be classified as follows:  

- Not required;  

- No less than 15 minutes;  

- No less than 30 minutes;  

- No less than 45 minutes;  

- No less than 60 minutes;  

- No less than 90 minutes;  

- No less than 120 minutes;  

- No less than 150 minutes;  

- No less than 180 minutes;  

- No less than 240 minutes. Fire-resistance rating of structural elements shall be determined under standard testing conditions. Fire-resistance rating of load bearing and sheltering structural elements under standard testing conditions or calculated results shall be expressed by the amount of time after which one or several limit states subsequently occur:  

- Loss of stability (expressed by the letter R);  

- Loss of integrity (expressed by the letter E);  

- Loss of insulation (expressed by the letter I) as temperature of the non-burning surface reaches the limit value;  

Loss of limitation of heat radiation (expressed by the letter W) as heat flux measured from a definite distance from the non-burning surface of the structural elements/structures reaches the limit value;  

NOTE 1: Fire-resistance rating of structural elements is determined by using combustibility test under TCVN 9311-1 through TCVN 9311-8 or equivalent standards or by using calculations according to approved fire resistance design standards.  

Fire-resistance ratings of smoke and air ducts shall be determined in accordance with ISO 6944 or equivalent standards.  

NOTE 2: The required fire-resistance ratings of specific structural elements are specified under this Regulation and Technical regulations of each construction. The required fire-resistance rating of structural elements are expressed by REI, REW, EI, EW, EIW, RE, or R accompanied by the duration of sustaining fire in minutes. For example: If a structural element has required fire-resistance rating of REI 120, the structural element must be able to maintain its stability, integrity, and insulation for 120 minutes while being affected by the fire. If a structural element has required fire-resistance rating of R 60, the structural element must be able to maintain its stability for 60 minutes while being affected by the fire regardless of insulation and integrity.  

NOTE 3: A structural element is considered to fulfill fire-resistance rating requirements if any of the following conditions is met:  

a) The structural element shares similar design and technical characteristics with a combustibility test sample whose fire-resistance rating as determined by the test is not lower than the required fire-resistance rating of the structural element.  

b) Fire-resistance rating of the structural element as determined by calculations according to applicable fire resistance standards is not lower than the required fire-resistance rating of structural element.  

c) The structural element has design and technical characteristics matching those of structural elements which are listed under Appendix F together with respective nominal fire-resistance ratings not lower than the required fire-resistance rating of the structural element.  

2.2.3 Classification of structural elements by fire risks By fire risks, structural elements are classified into 4 levels:  

K0 (no fire risks);  

K1 (limited fire risks);  

K2 (moderate fire risks),  

K3 (fire risks). Criteria for placing a structural element under any specific fire risk level shall be determined by using methods stated under Vietnam’s standards (or equivalent) pertaining to fire safety testing.  

NOTE 1: Without testing, structural elements are placed under fire risk levels as follows:  

a) K0 - when the structural elements are made solely from non-combustible materials;  

b) K1 - when outer surface of the structural elements are made from materials that are classified as Ch1, BC1, and SK1 or higher in terms of safety;  

c) K2 - when outer surface of the structural elements are made from materials that are classified as Ch2, BC2, and SK2 or higher in terms of safety;  

d) K3 - when outer surface of the structural elements are made from materials that are classified as either Ch3 or BC3 or SK3  

NOTE 2: Glass façade of a building is considered a K0 structural element if all its parts (including those connected to the building) are made from non-combustible materials. Sealant network and outer coating that are up to 0,3 mm in thickness (if any) can be ignored for this purpose  

2.3 Fire protection assembly 

2.3.1 Purpose of classification  


2.3.2 消防总成的分类 防火组件包括耐火墙、耐火隔板和耐火地板,并按照附表 1 进行分类。

注:除上述防火组件外,还采用防火幕、水幕、防火隔离距离、无火荷载区域等其他措施,以防止火焰蔓延。 根据分隔物的耐火等级,消防组件的开启保护装置(如耐火门、舱口、防火阀、窗户、防火幕)根据附表 2 进行分类。

注意: 空气分配系统中防火阀的耐火等级应根据 ISO 10294 或同等标准确定。门、窗和百叶窗的耐火等级应根据 TCVN 9383 或同等标准确定。 位于消防组件开口处的消防前厅,如果依赖于消防前厅的结构,应分为 1 型和 2 型消防前厅

2.3.3 消防装配要求 采用防火组件来防止火势和燃烧产物从防火室或着火房间蔓延到其他房间。 防火总成的特点是耐火性和火灾危险性。


- 分隔结构(隔板、墙壁、地板等);

- 稳定分隔结构的结构元件(框架、支撑和类似结构);

- 支撑分隔结构的结构元件(支撑梁、支撑墙等);

- 其接头。

稳定分隔结构的结构元件、支撑分离结构的结构元件及其接头的稳定性损失 (R) 的耐火等级不得低于分离结构要求的耐火等级。

消防组件的火灾风险应由分隔结构的火灾风险以及稳定分离结构的连接部件和结构元件的火灾风险来确定。 附表 1 规定了用作防火组件的结构元件的耐火等级和类型、相应的开口保护装置和防火前厅。 1 型防火组件必须具有 K0 火灾风险等级。在特定情况下,2 型至 4 型防火组件允许 K1 火灾风险级别。 附表 2 规定了防火组件开口保护物的耐火等级。

附表 1 - 防火等级和用作防火组件的结构元件类型、相应的开口保护装置和防火前厅






1. 耐火等级墙体


REI 150




REI 45



2. 耐火等级隔断


EI 45




艾尔 15



3. 玻璃面积超过隔断面积 25% 的耐火隔断


EIW 45 1)




EIW 15 1)



4. 防火地板


REI 150




REI 60




REI 45




第 15 页



对于玻璃以外的材料,采用 EI 参数;对于玻璃截面,采用 EW 参数。已经过 EI 参数测试和合格的耐火等级隔板,包括玻璃部分,应被视为符合 EW 参数。

附表 2 - 防火组件开口保护装置的耐火等级




1. 门(玻璃截面超过门面积 25% 的门;防烟门)、舱口、防火阀 1)、防火幕


艾尔 60


艾尔 30


EI 15

2. 玻璃截面超过门面积 25% 的门


EIW 60 2)


EIW 30 2)


EIW 15 2)

3. 井道门(如果需要耐火等级)


E 30 型

4. 视窗


E 60 系列


E 30 型


E 15 系列

1) 如果防火风门安装在通道、管道和管道内,则允许对防火风门的耐火等级进行完整性 (E) 评级,这些风门同时具有完整性和 (E) 和绝缘 (I) 等级。

2) 对于玻璃以外的材料,采用 EI 参数;对于玻璃截面,采用 EW 参数。已经过 EI 参数测试和认证的门,包括玻璃截面,应被视为符合 EW 参数要求 对消防前厅部件的要求在附表 3 中规定。

注意:如果消防组件的内部装有门、舱口、风门、窗户、百叶窗或这些防护装置所在的防火前厅,则门、防火风门和防火前厅也必须具有与附表 1 规定的消防组件类型相适应的防火能力。

附表 3 - 消防前厅部件的规定














2.4 楼梯和楼梯间

2.4.1 分类的目的

楼梯和楼梯间被分类,以确定它们与前提 - 空间布置和结构解决方案有关的要求,并确定使用它们作为人类出口的要求

2.4.2 楼梯的分类 作为建筑物和构筑物的出口通道的楼梯和楼梯间应分类如下:

类型 1 - 室内楼梯,位于楼梯间;

类型 2 - 室内楼梯,开放式;

类型 3 - 室外楼梯,打开。

注 1:“Open”(开放)表示楼梯未封闭在楼梯间内。

注 2:有关楼梯类型的插图在附录 I 中描述。 用于灭火和救援目的的消防逃生楼梯应分为以下两种类型:

- P1 - 垂直梯子;

- P2 - 爬升与运行比率不超过 6:1(不超过 80o的楼梯

2.4.3 楼梯间的分类 出口通道楼梯间应根据防烟等级分类如下:

- 普通楼梯间;

- 防烟楼梯间

注意:与楼梯间类型有关的插图在附录 I 中描述。 普通楼梯间应进一步分类如下:

- L1 - 楼梯间通过每层外墙的开口(空白或装有玻璃)接收自然采光,或如打算从半地下室出口,则不接收自然采光;

- L2 - 楼梯间,通过屋顶上的开口(空白或装有玻璃)接收自然光。 防烟楼梯间须视乎防烟措施进一步分类如下:

- N1 - 楼梯间,其每层的入口沿开放通道穿过缓冲区(N1 楼梯间的情况见第 3 部分);

注意:N1 楼梯间可以被楼梯间取代,楼梯间每层的入口都穿过前厅。前厅和楼梯间都必须包含正压,以防发生火灾。进入前厅和楼梯间的空气供应必须彼此独立。

- N2 - 发生火灾时包含正压(楼梯间内的压力大于楼梯间外的压力)的楼梯间;

- N3 - 楼梯间,每层的入口穿过始终具有正压的防火前厅(消防前厅内的压力大于消防前厅外的压力)。

2.5 建筑物、构筑物和防火区

2.5.1 分类的目的


2.5.2 分类标准


- 耐火类别;

- 结构的火灾风险级别;

- 按功能划分的火灾风险类别。

2.5.3 建筑物、构筑物和防火分区的耐火类别 建筑物、构筑物和防火分区应分为I、II、III、IV、V5个耐火类别。 建立建筑物、构筑物和防火分区的耐火类别

建筑物、构筑物和防火分区的耐火类别是根据层数(或防火高度)、按功能划分的防火风险类别、防火分区面积(见附录 H)以及建筑物、施工和防火分区中发生的技术程序的防火风险确定的。 必须选择所需的结构耐火等级,以保持与建筑物、结构和防火分区的耐火类别相适应。除非下文另有说明,否则建筑物、构筑物、防火分区的耐火类别与其结构的耐火等级之间的对应关系应符合附表 4。

附表 4 - 建筑物、构筑物、防火分区的耐火类别与其结构构件的耐火等级之间的对应关系




Non-load bearing exterior walls  

Floors (including attics and storeys above the basements)  

Roof structures without attics  

Structural elements of stairwell  

Roof tiles (including tiles with insulation)  

Truss, beams, purlins  

Inner wall  

Stringer and landings  


R 120  

E 30 

REI 60  

RE 30  

R 30  

REI 120  

R 60  


R 90  

E 15  

REI 45  

RE 15  

R 15  

REI 90  

R 60  


R 45  

E 15  

REI 45  

RE 15  

R 15  

REI 60  

R 45  


R 15  

E 15  

REI 15  

RE 15  

R 15  

REI 45  

R 15  



NOTE 1: In buildings with fire resistance categories I, II, and III, the floor and ceiling of basements, semi-basements must be made from non-combustible materials and be rated for REI 90 at the minimum. The floor of the first storey and the topmost storey must be made from materials not lower than Ch1 in terms of combustibility. In buildings with fire resistance categories of IV and V, the floor and ceiling of basements, semi-basements must be made from materials not lower than Ch1 in terms of combustibility and be rated for REI 45 at the minimum.  

NOTE 2: Fire-resistance ratings of roof tiles (including thermal insulation tiles) and purlins thereof (other than buildings, fire compartments, and rooms placed under F3.1 or F3.2 fire risk categories by functions, F5 fire risk category warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and other buildings, rooms, fire compartments of class A, B, or C) are not required if all of the following conditions are met:  

The underside of the purlins are at least 6,1 m away from the floor directly below them;  

Roof tiles and purlins are made from either non-combustible materials or mildly flammable materials (Ch1).  

NOTE 3: In regard to buildings (F1.3 buildings and multipurpose buildings) with 2 or 3 basements, load bearing structures and structural elements in the basements must be rated for at least R 120.  

NOTE 4: Floor of rooms where combustible liquid is produced or preserved must be made from non-combustible materials.  

NOTE 5: A part of the non-load bearing exterior wall is not required to be subject to fire protection measures. The area that is not required to be subject to fire protection measures shall be determined in accordance with E.3, Appendix E.  

NOTE 6: Fire-resistance ratings of non-load bearing exterior wall are not required when all of the following conditions are met:  

- The entire building is equipped with automatic sprinkler system in accordance with the TCVN 7336;  

- The minimum fire separation distance of exterior wall segments where fire protection measures are not required according to E.3, Appendix E is sufficiently guaranteed;  

- Non-load bearing exterior wall of the building has K0 fire risk level. Finishing materials of exterior wall (if any) are non-combustible materials or mildly flammable (Ch1) with no spread capacity (LT1) or higher.  

Load bearing walls, load bearing pillars, frames, solid partitions, floor components between storeys and roof without attics (such as beams, rafters, purlins, floor tiles, roof tiles) shall be considered load bearing components of buildings if they can maintain general structure and spatial stability of buildings in case of fire.  

Information on the aforementioned load bearing components of the buildings must be specified in the building’s technical dossiers by designing entities.  

Fire-resistance ratings and fire risk levels are not required for roof structures and structural elements that contain attics in buildings with all fire resistance categories. Fire-resistance ratings of gable structures of attics are not required as long as fire risk level of the gables must be equivalent to that of surrounding walls. Structural elements and structures of roofs which contain attics must be instructed by the designing entities in the building’s technical dossiers.  

Fire-resistance ratings are not required for opening protectives (doors, windows, hatches), skylights, light-transmitting windows on the roof, and translucent roofing sheets except for protectives of openings on fire protection assembly and otherwise mentioned cases.  

If the minimum required fire-resistance ratings of structural elements are R 15 (RE 15, REI 15), unprotected steel structures are allowed for use if their fire-resistance rating is at least R 8 according to tests or calculations, or if section factor Am/V is less than or equal to 250 m-1  .

NOTE: Section factor Am/V shall be determined in accordance with the ISO 834-10 or equivalent standards  

In N1 smokeproof stairwells, stringers and landings rated for R 15 with fire risk level K0 are allowed for use.  

Fire compartments shall be separated by type 1 fire-resistance-rated walls and/or type 1 fire-resistance-rated floors. A vertical fire compartment can be divided by a mechanical floor which is separated from adjacent storeys by type 2 fire-resistance-rated floors if vertical continuity of type 1 fire-resistance-rated walls is not disrupted. Fire compartments in buildings with fire resistance categories IV and V can be separated by type 2 fire-resistance-rated walls.  

2.5.4 Fire risk levels of structures of buildings, constructions, and fire compartments Buildings, constructions, and fire compartments shall be classified into 4 fire risk levels of structures of S0, S1, S2, and S3 depending on fire risks of structural elements. Establish fire risk levels of structures of buildings, constructions, and fire compartments  

建筑物、构筑物和防火分区结构的火灾风险级别应由层数、按功能划分的防火风险类别、防火分区以及建筑物、施工和防火分区采用的技术程序的火灾风险确定。 建筑物结构的火灾风险级别与结构元件的火灾风险级别之间的对应关系

结构元件的火灾风险级别必须与建筑物、构筑物和防火分区结构的火灾风险级别相对应。附表 5 规定了建筑物、构筑物、防火分区的结构物的火灾风险级别与其结构元件所选的火灾风险级别之间的对应关系。 打开位于建筑物围护结构(门、窗、舱口)、天窗和屋顶透光窗上的保护装置不需要火灾风险等级,但消防组件中的打开保护装置除外。


附表 5 - 建筑物、构筑物、防火分区的火警风险级别与结构构件的火警风险级别之间的对应关系






























2.5.5 按建筑物、结构、防火分区和房间的功能划分的火灾风险类别 建筑物及其部分(防火隔间、房间或具有相关居住者的一系列房间)应根据其用途、发生火灾时对居住者安全的威胁程度,同时考虑到年龄、身体状况、居住者睡觉的可能性、使用建筑物主要居住者的人及其数量,按功能划分火灾风险类别。按职能划分的火灾风险类别在附表 6 中指定。 F1、F2、F3 和 F4 建筑的制造室和储藏室,包括大于 50 m2 的实验室和工厂,以及带有容量超过 10 kW 的烹饪设备的食品制备室,应归入 F5 类别。 如果按功能划分为特定火灾风险类别的建筑物允许包含按功能划分为其他火灾风险类别的房间或一系列房间,则除本条例外,还必须严格遵守根据特定建筑形式和技术设备的设计标准的附加条件。

附表 6 - 建筑物分类1) 按功能划分的火警风险类别





永久或临时住宿的建筑物(包括 24 小时住宿)













F2 1





F2.1 所述场所但在户外的建筑物、休闲公园;以及具有类似占用的建筑物。


F2.2 所述场所的建筑物,但位于户外。




































1) 本附表适用于建筑物、构筑物、防火区、房间或居住人数相互关联的房间系列。

2.5.6 按火灾和爆炸风险对具有制造和仓储占用的建筑物、结构和房间进行分类 分类的目的

对具有制造和存储占用的建筑物、结构和房间进行分类,是为了建立消防安全要求,防止火灾风险,并确保在建筑物、结构和房间发生火灾时对人员和财产的消防保护。 房间的分类 根据火灾和爆炸风险,具有制造和储存空间的房间应分类如下:

- 火灾和爆炸风险高 (A);

- 火灾和爆炸风险 (B);

- 火灾风险(C1、C2、C3 和 C4)

- 中度火灾风险 (D);

- 低火灾风险 (E)。

具有制造和存储占用的房间应在附录 C 中详细说明。 Buildings, constructions, and rooms with other occupancies shall not be classified by fire and explosion risks. Fire and explosion risk classes of rooms shall be determined on the basis of combustible substances and materials present in the rooms, quantity and fire risk thereof, premise - spatial solutions of the rooms, and characteristics of technology procedures that take place in the rooms. The classification of rooms by fire and explosion risks shall be carried out by inspecting rooms for indicators of the classes from (A) to (E) under Schedule C.1 of Appendix C. Classification of buildings and constructions By fire and explosion risks, buildings and constructions shall be classified into classes of A, B, C, D, and E. Fire and explosion risk classes of buildings and constructions shall be determined on the basis of percentage and total area of rooms of certain fire and explosion risk classes in the buildings and constructions. The classification of buildings and constructions is specified under Appendix C.  


3.1 General provisions 

3.1.1 The requirements in this section aim to ensure:  

- Timely and unobstructed evacuation of humans;  

- Rescue of people affected by fire hazards;  

- Protection for people escaping via means of egress from fire hazards.  

3.1.2 Evacuation means the organized and voluntary movement of people from rooms and areas where they are vulnerable to fire hazards to the outside. Evacuation can also mean involuntary movement of people with mobility impairment and is usually done by their caregivers. Evacuation is done along means of egress via exit accesses.  

3.1.3 Rescue refers to the compulsory relocation of people to the outside when they are vulnerable to fire hazards or when the risks of fire hazards are present. Rescue is done with the help of the fire brigade or professionally trained employees, includes the use of rescue equipment, and is made via exit accesses and fire exits.  

3.1.4 Human protection along means of egress must be ensured by a combination of premise - spatial solutions, convenience, structural, and organization solutions.  

All means of egress accessible from a room must ensure safe evacuation through exit accesses from that room without taking into account smoke protection and fire extinguishing equipment present in this room.  

Protection for means of egress beyond the room must be calculated in order to ensure safety for humans and must take into account fire risk categories by functions of other rooms located on the exit accesses, number of evacuating people, fire resistance categories and fire risk levels of structures of buildings, number of exit accesses on a storey and in the entire building.  

Fire risks of construction materials on the surface of the structures (finishing layers and tiles) in rooms and along means of egress must be limited depending on fire risk categories by functions of the buildings and rooms and other protective measures for exit accesses.  

3.1.5 When designing exit accesses from rooms and buildings, all rescue measures and equipment and exits that are not qualified for exit access requirements under 3.2.1 must not be taken into account.  

3.1.6 F5 rooms of class A or class B must not be positioned below rooms with occupant load of more than 50 people and must not be positioned in basements or semi-basements.  

F1.1, F1.2, and F1.3 must not be positioned in basements or semi-basements.  

3.1.7 In regard to buildings with 2 to 3 basements, smoking rooms, supermarkets, shopping malls, food and beverage vendors, and other public spaces can be positioned lower than the first basement only when additional fire safety measures according to applied standard documents are adopted and approved by competent authorities in accordance with 1.1.10.  

In regard to hospitals and high schools, rooms serving primary occupancies must be positioned in the semi-basement or the first basement (if there is no semi-basement) or higher. The first basement means the highest basement or the basement that is adjacent to the semi-basement.  

All basement floors must facilitate at least 1 entry to exit access stairwells which travels through smoke protected lobbies which are separated from surrounding spaces by type 2 fire-resistance-rated. All doors must be fitted with self-closing devices.  

3.1.8 In order to ensure safe evacuation, early fire detection and alarm are required.  

3.1.9 In order to protect people evacuating, smoke protection must be implemented to prevent smoke from infiltrating means of egress of buildings and building sections.  

Basic requirements for smoke protection systems of buildings are specified under Appendix D.  

3.1.10 All equipment of fire protection system in buildings must be prioritized for electricity supply from 2 independent sources (a grid-connected source and a backup generator). 

NOTE: Electrical appliances that have separate backup power sources (such as diesel backup pumps, safety cabinets with backup batteries) only requires the grid-connected source as long as the backup power source can function normally in case of fire.  

3.1.11 The effectiveness of human safety assurance measures in case of fire can be evaluated via calculation.  

3.2 Exit accesses and fire exits 

3.2.1 Exits are considered exit accesses if:  

a) They lead from rooms on the first storey to the outside:  

- Directly; or  

- Via corridors; or  

- Via lobbies (or waiting areas); or  

- Via staircases; or  

- Via corridors and lobbies (or waiting areas); or  

- Via corridors and staircases.  

b) They lead from rooms on any storey other than the first storey to:  

- Stairwell or type 3 staircases directly; or  

- Corridors that lead directly to stairwells or type 3 staircases; or  

- Common rooms (or waiting areas) with exits that lead directly to stairwells or type 3 staircases; or  

- Single-loaded corridors of buildings with less than 28 m of fire height that lead directly to type 2 staircases; or  

- Occupied roof or separate section of the roof which leads to type 3 staircases.  

c) They lead to adjacent rooms (other than F5 rooms of class A or class B) located on the same storey with exits as depicted under 3.2.1 a) and b). Exits leading to rooms of class A or class B can be considered exit accesses if they lead from mechanical rooms that are not regularly occupied but used solely to support the aforementioned rooms of class A and class B.  

d) They lead to exits meeting requirements under 3.2.2 and other exit accesses mentioned in this document.  

NOTE: If type 3 staircases are used for exit access, calculations pertaining to evacuation must be done accordance with Appendix G.  

3.2.2 Exits from basements and semi-basements are considered exit accesses if they lead directly outside and are separated from common stairwells of the buildings (see Figure I.1 of Appendix I).  

The following exits are also considered exit accesses:  

a) Exits from basements that go outside through common stairwells via separate walkways and are separated from the remaining section of the stairwells by type 1 solid fire-resistance-rated partitions (see Figure I.2 of Appendix I);  

b) Exits from basements and semi-basements where rooms of class C1 to class C4, class D, and class E are located which lead into rooms of class C1 to class C4, class D, and class E and into lobbies on the first storey of F5 buildings;  

c) Exits from waiting areas, locker rooms, smoking rooms, and toilets in basements or semi-basements of F2, F3, and F4 buildings that lead into lobbies on the first storey via separate type 2 staircases. If this is the case, the following requirements must be met:  

- Lobbies must be separated from corridors and adjacent rooms by fire-resistance-rated partitions of at least type 1;  

- Rooms on the first storey and storeys above must have means of egress that do not travel through these lobbies (except for rooms in the lobbies);  

- Finishing materials of waiting areas, locker rooms, smoking rooms, and toilets in basements or semi-basements must fulfill requirements applicable to common rooms according to Appendix B;  

Locker rooms must have enough exit accesses according to this Regulation excluding the exit accesses along type 2 staircases mentioned above.  

d) Hinged doors for railway and road transport vehicles.  

Vestibules can be positioned on exit discharges from buildings, basements, and semi-basements.  

3.2.3 Exits are not considered exit accesses if sliding doors, folding doors, roller shutters, or revolving doors are installed along the way.  

Hinged outswinging leaves fitted in the aforementioned doors can be considered exit accesses if their design meets regulations.  

3.2.4 Quantity and width of exit accesses from rooms, storeys, and buildings shall be determined by the largest number of people possibly evacuating through them and the maximum permissible distance from the furthest occupied areas (for domestic or work purposes) to the nearest exit accesses.  

NOTE 1: The largest number of people evacuating from different spaces of buildings or building sections shall conform to G.3 of Appendix G  

NOTE 2: In addition to general requirements stated hereunder, specific requirements pertaining to quantity and width of exit accesses are also stated under standard documents applicable to specific types of buildings. Appendix G prescribes specific regulations for common building types.  

Building sections with different occupancies and separated by fire protection assembly must have separate exit accesses, except specific cases specified in this document.  

Building sections with different occupancies and separated into fire compartments by fire protection assembly must have separate exit accesses from each storey. Up to 50% of total number of exit accesses can lead to adjacent fire compartments (except for exit accesses that lead to F5 fire compartments). F5 building sections must have separate exit accesses.  

3.2.5 The following rooms must have at least 2 exit accesses:  

a) F1.1 rooms with occupant load of more than 15 people;  

b) Rooms in basements and semi-basements with occupant load of more than 15 people; the case where rooms in basements and semi-basements have occupant load ranging from 6 to 15 people, one of the 2 exit accesses can be a fire exit according requirements of 3.2.13 d);  

c) Rooms with occupant load of at least 50 people;  

d) Rooms (other than F5 rooms) with occupant load of less than 50 people (including bleachers and opera boxes) where the maximum distance from occupied areas to exit accesses exceeds 25 m. If exit accesses leading to the rooms in question are connected from adjacent rooms with occupant load of more than 5 people, the maximum distance mentioned above must include the travel length for people from the adjacent rooms as well.  

e) Rooms and adjacent spaces whose exits only lead to the rooms in question with occupant load of at least 50 people;  

f) F5 rooms of class A or class B with more than 5 people working in a shift at its peak, or class C with more than 25 people working in a shift at its peak or when the rooms are larger than 1 000 m2  ;

g) Open working platforms and platforms for people operating and maintaining equipment in F5 rooms larger than 100 m2 in case of rooms of class A or class B - or larger than 400 m2 in case of rooms of other classes.  

If the rooms are required to have at least 2 exit accesses, 50% of the number of exit accesses can lead to an adjacent room as long as the adjacent room must also contain exit accesses compliant to this Regulation and standard documents applicable to that room.  

3.2.6 Number of exit accesses of storeys The following storeys must have at least 2 exit accesses:  

a) Storeys of F1.1, F1.2, F2.1, F2.2, F3, and F4 buildings;  

b) Storeys with occupant load of at least 50 people;  

c) Storeys of F1.3 buildings when total flat area per storey exceeds 500 m2 (in case of single-stair buildings, calculate the area on a storey of the single-stair building). If total flat area on a storey does not exceed 500 m2 and there is only one exit access from that storey, each flat located at a height above 15 m must accommodate a fire exit in accordance with 3.2.13 in addition to the exit accesses;  

d) Storeys of F5 buildings, either class A or class B when there are more than 5 people working in a shift or class C when there are more than 25 people working in a shift;  

e) Basements and semi-basements larger than 300 m2 or with occupant load of more than 15 people. A single exit access is allowed in the following cases (except for buildings with fire resistance category V):  

a) From each storey (or from a part of a storey that is separated from other sections of the storey by fire protection assembly) with fire risk categories F1.2, F1.4, F2 (other than nightclubs, discotheques, bars, singing rooms, karaoke venues; and similar service establishments), F3, F4.2, F4.3, and F4.4 when all conditions below are met:  

- In regard to buildings with fire height not exceeding 15 m, area of the storey in question must not exceed 300 m2. In regard to buildings with fire height from exceeding 15 m to 21 m, area of the storey in question must not exceed 200 m2  .

- The entire buildings are protected by automatic sprinkler system;  

- Each storey with occupant load not exceeding 20 people;  

- In regard to buildings with more than 3 storey or with fire height exceeding 9 m: equipped with type 2 fire-resistance-rated doors on exit accesses of each storey that lead into exit access stairwells.  

- In regard to buildings with 3 storeys or less or with fire height not exceeding 9 m: type 2 stairwells can substitute the aforementioned stairwells as long as building occupants can exit via open balconies or open rooftop in case of fire (except for mansions, villas, accommodations which are prescribed as below).  

NOTE: Open balcony or open rooftop means the balcony or rooftop is not enclosed and sheltering apparatus (if any) must facilitate evacuation and rescue for the fire brigade.  

In regard to mansions, villas, and accommodations not taller than 3 storeys and of category F1.2, stairwells mentioned above can be substituted by type 2 stairwells when all conditions below are met:  

- Each storey must not be larger than 200 m2, fire height must not exceed 9 m, and total number of occupants must not exceed 15 people;  

- Buildings have at least one exit access that leads directly outside or into type 3 staircases;  

- Occupants can exit outside via type 2 stairwells by ascending or descending no more 1 storey. If occupants are required to descend 2 storeys in order to exit outside, each sleeping unit must have a window located no higher than 1 m from floor level and an exit that leads directly into corridors or common rooms where doors leading to balconies are located. Windows and balconies mentioned above must not be more than 7 m above the ground. If these windows and balconies are more than 7 m to 9 m above the ground, each window and balcony must be fitted with emergency escape equipment which facilitates human evacuation at height (for example: metal ladder, rope ladder);  

b) From mechanical floors or storage of mechanical equipment which are not larger than 300 m2. If a storey contains a mechanical area as mentioned above, every 2 000 m2 remaining must have at least 1 more exit access (if the remaining area is less than 2 000 m2, at least 1 emergency area is required). If mechanical floor or mechanical areas are located in the basements, their exits must be separate from other exits and lead directly outside. If mechanical floors or mechanical areas are located on above-ground storeys, exits can go through common stairwells or N1 stairwells if the buildings contain N1 stairwells;  

c) From storeys of F1.3 buildings where total flat area (or total floor area in single-stair buildings) ranges from exceeding 500 m2 to 550 m2 and:  

- When elevation of the topmost storey does not exceed 28 m - exit accesses from that storey can lead into common stairwells as long as addressable fire alarm is equipped;  

- When elevation of the topmost storey exceeds 28 m - exit accesses from that storey can lead to N1 smokeproof stairwells as long as all rooms in flats (other than lavatories, bathrooms, and auxiliary sections) must be equipped with addressable fire alarm or automatic fire extinguishing system.  

In regard to F1.3 buildings with fire height ranging from exceed 28 m to 50 m and total flat area on each storey reaches 500 m2, N1 stairwells can be substituted with type 2 stairwells, when the conditions below are met: 1) Entrances from all storeys that lead into stairwells, including openings between stairwells and lobbies must be fitted with fire protection vestibules which is maintained at positive pressure in case of fire; 2) at least one elevator of the building is reserved for use by the fire brigade; 3) All rooms in the flats (other than lavatories, bathrooms, auxiliary sections) must be equipped with addressable fire alarm or automatic fire extinguishing system; 4)The buildings are equipped with fire siren (can be installed in common corridors).  

NOTE: Flat area includes balcony and/or loggia area.  

d) From storeys (or sections of storeys separated from other sections of the storeys by fire protection assembly) of category F4.1 when all conditions below are met:  

- The buildings' fire height does not exceed 9 m and area of the storeys in question does not exceed 300 m2  ;

- The storeys in question have single-loaded corridors that lead into type 2 open staircases or stairwells and are led to from F4.1 rooms.  

3.2.7 Number of exit accesses from a storey must not be less than 2 if this storey contains a room that requires at least 2 exit accesses.  

Number of exit accesses from a building must not be lower than the number of exit accesses of any storey in the same building.  

3.2.8 If at least 2 exit accesses are required, they must be distributed away from one another and the calculation of evacuation potential of these exit accesses must assume that the fire has denied access to one of the other exit accesses. The remaining exit accesses must be able to ensure safe evacuation for all occupants in the rooms, on the storeys, or in the buildings (see Figure I.3).  

When a room, a building section, or a storey requires at least 2 exit accesses, at least 2 of these exits must be distributed away from one another. The distance between any 2 exit accesses must be equal to or greater than half of the greatest diagonal of the room, building section, or storey. This distance shall be measured by a straight line connecting their closest sides (see Figures I.4 a), b), and c)).  

If the entire building is protected by automatic sprinkler system, this distance can be reduced down to 1/3 of the greatest diagonal of the rooms above (see Figure I.4 d)).  

If 2 exit stairwells are connected via a corridor, the distance between 2 exit accesses (doors leading to the exit stairwell) shall be measured along the corridor (see Figure I.5). This corridor must be protected in accordance with 3.3.5.  

3.2.9 Clearance height of exit access must not be lower than 1,9 m while clear width must not be lower than:  

- 1,2 m - from F1.1 rooms if the number of evacuation people exceeds 15, rooms and buildings of other fire risk categories by occupancies if the number of evacuating people exceeds 50, other than F1.3 category;  

- 0,8 m - in all other cases.  

Width of doors leading outside from stairwells and doors leading into lobbies from stairwells must not be lower than calculated value or stringer width specified under 3.4.1.  

In all cases, when determining width of an exit access, the geometry of the means of egress must be taken into account so as to not obstruct stretchers carrying patients.  

If double doors are used on exit accesses, width of exit accesses shall equal width of the open leaf and shall not include width of the closed leaf or fixed leaf. Double doors must be fitted with self-closing devices so that each leaf closes in sequence.  

In buildings with fire height more than 28 m (other than F1.3 and F1.4 buildings), exit access doorways from common corridors of each storey, common lobbies, waiting areas, foyers, stairwells (other than exit access doorways leading directly outside) must be fire-resistance-rated doors with fire-resistance ratings of EI 30 or higher.  

3.2.10 Doors of exit accesses and other doors on means of egress must be outswinging doors. 

The direction in which the doors swing is not required in case of:  

- F1.3 and F1.4 rooms;  

- Rooms with occupant load not exceeding 15 people, other than rooms of class A or class B;  

- Warehouse no larger than 200 m2 and not regularly occupied by employees;  

- Restrooms;  

- Entrances leading to landings of type 3 staircases.  

3.2.11 Doors of exit accesses from corridors, common spaces, waiting areas, lobbies, and stairwells must be opened from the inside without keys. In buildings with fire height exceeding 15 m, the doors mentioned above, other than doors of flats, must be solid doors or fitted with tempered glass.  

Doors of exit accesses from areas (either rooms or corridors) that are protected by mechanical smoke protection system must be solid doors fitted with self-closing devices and their clearance must be tightly sealed. If these doors need to be left open during use, they must be fitted with self-closing devices that close the doors automatically in case of fire.  

Doors on stairwells must be fitted with self-closing devices and have their clearance tightly sealed. Doors of stairwells that open directly outside are not required to be fitted with self-closing devices or have their clearance tightly sealed. Except for specific cases, doors of stairwells in buildings with fire resistance category I or II must be type 1 fire-resistance-rated doors; doors of stairwells in buildings with fire resistance category III or IV must be type 2 fire-resistance-rated doors; doors of stairwells in buildings with fire resistance category V must be type 3 fire-resistance-rated doors.  

Other than specific regulations, doors of exit accesses leading from corridors to stairwells used by at least 4 storeys (except for buildings for incarceration or correctional purposes) must ensure the followings:  

a) All electronic locks installed on doors must automatically open on activation of the building’s automatic fire alarm system. As soon as electricity is cut, these electronic locks must open;  

b) Occupants using stairwells can always come back inside via the doors they just go through or where reentry to the buildings is permitted;  

c) Reentry points must be designed following the principle where doors are only allowed to deny reentry if all conditions below are met:  

- There are at least 2 storeys where occupants can exit the stairwells to reach other exit accesses (i.e. reentry must be allowed on at least 2 storeys);  

- There are no more than 4 storeys between storeys where occupants can exit the stairwells to reach other exit accesses;  

- Reentry must be allowed on the topmost storey or the storey immediately below the topmost storey which is served by exit access stairwells if this storey allows access to another exit access;  

- Doors that allow reentry must be marked on the stair side by signage that reads “CỬA CÓ THỂ DI VÀO TRONG NHÀ” (REENTRY ON THIS FLOOR) with minimum letter height of 50 mm and is placed at a height between 1,2 m and 1,8 m;  

- Doors that do not allow reentry must be marked on the stair side by signage which directs occupants to the nearest points of reentry or the nearest exit accesses in both directions.  

NOTE: Doors that do not allow reentry must be marked on the corridor side (the other side of the stair side) by signage that warns occupants that they cannot return through those doors.  

3.2.12 Exits that do not qualify as exit accesses can be considered fire exits in order to increase safety for humans in case of fire. All fire exits, including those under 3.2.13, must not be included when calculating fire evacuation.  

3.2.13 In addition to cases mentioned under 3.2.12, fire exits also include:  

a) Exit to balcony or loggia where a solid wall with minimum clear width of 1,2 m from the edge of the balcony (or loggia) to the window (or door fitted with glass) or 1,6 m between glass doors that open to the balcony (or loggia) is located. Balconies or loggias must have minimum width of 0,6 m, receive natural ventilation, and be separated from adjacent rooms by partitions which stretch from floor to ceiling and contain openings. The solid walls mentioned above can be replaced by glass walls with minimum fire-resistance rating of EI 30 or EI 15 depending on fire-resistance rating of exterior wall.  

b) 出口到宽度至少为 0.6 m 的开放外部通道,该通道通向相邻的防火分箱或防火隔间。不允许使用阻碍人类行动的遮蔽结构/结构元件;

c) 出口到阳台或凉廊,最小宽度为 0.6 m,并配有外部梯子,连接每层或阳台的阳台和凉廊,凉廊舱口的最小尺寸为 0.6 x 0.8 m,通向较低的阳台或凉廊;

d) 通过最小尺寸为 0.75 米 x 1.5 米的窗户或门或舱口、最小尺寸为 0.6 米 x 0.8 米的活板门,从完成楼层标高不低于负 4.5 米且不高于 5.0 米的房间的外部出口;在这种情况下,该出口必须配备任何坡度的梯子;

e) 防火等级 I、II 和 III 的 S0 和 S1 建筑物的屋顶,通过窗户、门或舱口进入,其尺寸和梯子如本条第 d) 项所述。

3.2.14 机械地板可以有最小宽度为 1.8 m 的出口通道。

对于安装了技术网络的机械地板(管道系统、管道和类似结构),可以通过最小尺寸为 0.75 m x 1.5 m 的门或通过最小尺寸为 0.6 m x 0.8 m 的舱口来促进消防出口,并且不需要出口通道。


3.3 出口方式

3.3.1 所有出口必须按照 TCVN 3890 接收照明和方向。

3.3.2 从房间最远点或从最远的工作站到最近的出口入口的最大允许距离(沿出口方式测量)必须受到限制,具体取决于:

- 房间和建筑物按功能划分的火灾风险类别以及火灾和爆炸风险级别(见附录 C);

- 疏散人数;

- 房间的几何参数和出口方式;

- 结构的火灾风险级别和建筑物的耐火类别。

沿 2 型楼梯间的出口长度应等于楼梯高度的 3 倍。

注意:适用于每种结构类型的法规规定了从最远点到最近出口入口的最大允许距离的具体要求。附录 G 规定了一些适用于常见建筑类型的具体规定。

3.3.3 在设计和安排出口时,必须考虑 3.2.1 的要求。出口通道不得包括电梯、自动扶梯和以下设施:

- 如果电梯井道的封闭结构(包括井道门)不符合消防组件的要求,则从电梯井道穿过内部走廊、电梯大厅和电梯前厅的通道;

- 穿过楼梯间平台的通道,以及穿过 2 型楼梯间所在房间且不用于疏散目的的通道;

- 沿屋顶行驶的通道,但已占用的屋顶或专为疏散目的设计的屋顶部分除外;

- 沿着至少 3 层的 2 型楼梯行驶的通道,从地下室或半地下室通向,但第 3.2.1、3.2.2 和 3.2.6 条所述的与沿 2 型楼梯疏散有关的特定情况除外。

3.3.4 地板和天花板(包括吊顶如有)的装饰材料、瓷砖和地板的覆盖材料必须符合附录 B 附表 B.8 的要求。

3.3.5 条例中特别提到的情况外,第 3.2.1 条所述出口通道上的走廊不得包含: 从墙体伸出高度低于 2 m 的设备;输送可燃气体和可燃气体的管道和壁挂式机柜,通信机柜和立管柜除外。

根据适用于每种建筑类型的规定,沿出口的走廊、大堂和公共休息室必须由适当的消防组件封闭。防火组件封闭防火等级为 I 的建筑物的出口必须由耐火等级至少为 EI 30 的不燃材料制成,或者对于耐火等级为 II、III 和 IV 的建筑物,由耐火等级最低为 EI 15 的不可燃或轻度易燃 (Ch1) 材料制成。对于耐火等级为 II 且火灾和爆炸风险等级为 D 和 E 的建筑物(见附录 C),走廊可以用玻璃墙封闭。通往走廊的门必须是耐火等级门,其耐火等级不低于消防组件的耐火等级。

长度超过 60 m 的走廊必须分成长度小于 60 m 的段,并根据附录 D 由 2 型耐火等级隔板确定。这些耐火等级隔板的门必须符合 3.2.11 的要求。


- 最宽的敞开门的一半宽度 - 当门位于走廊的一侧时;

最宽的开门的整个宽度离开 - 当门位于走廊的两侧时。此要求不适用于 F1.3 单楼梯建筑中平门和通往楼梯间的门之间的走廊(公共大堂)。

3.3.6 出口通道水平段的净高不得小于 2 m,出口和坡道段水平段的净空宽度不得小于:

- 1,2 m - 用于从 F1 房间疏散超过 15 人或从其他功能火灾风险类别的房间疏散超过 50 人的公共走廊。

- 0.7 m - 用于通往各个工作站的通道。

- 1,0 m - 在所有其他情况下。


3.3.7 除门槛外,不得在出口处更改小于 45 厘米的高度或路缘石。高度变化的路段必须至少有 3 级楼梯或作为最大上升与运行比率为 1:6 的斜坡(在 60 厘米的运行中最大上升 10 厘米或斜坡和水平表面产生的度数不大于 9.5o)。

高度变化超过 45 厘米的路段的楼梯必须安装护栏。

除第 3.4.4 条所述的情况外,出口不得使用螺旋楼梯和弯曲楼梯;同一纵梁和楼梯间不允许使用具有不同上升高度和踏板深度的台阶。出口不允许使用镜子。

3.4 楼梯和出口上的楼梯

3.4.1 用于人员疏散的纵梁的宽度,包括楼梯间的纵梁,不得低于计算的宽度或楼梯间任何出口通道门口的宽度,并且不得低于:

- 1,35 m - 用于 F1.1 建筑;

- 1,2 m - 用于除第一层以外的任何楼层的居住负荷超过 200 人的建筑物;

- 0,7 m - 用于通往各个工作站的楼梯;

- 0,9 m - 用于其他情况。

3.4.2 楼梯在出口处的坡度(坡度)不得超过 1:1 (45o);踏面深度不得小于 25 厘米,室外楼梯除外,上升高度不得大于 22 厘米且低于 5 厘米。

通向各个工作站的开放式楼梯的坡度(坡度)可以增加到 2:1 (63.5°)。

弧形楼梯(通常位于一楼)的卷扬机的踏面深度可窄至 22 厘米;通往机械地板、阁楼、空屋顶和载客量不超过 5 人的工作站的房间(F 5 级 A 级或 B 级房间除外)的踏板深度可窄至 12 厘米。

3 型楼梯必须由不燃材料制成(耐火等级为 V 的建筑物除外),并且必须位于最低防火风险等级为 K1 且最低耐火等级为 REI 30 或 EI 30 的墙壁的实心部分(无窗户或透光开口)旁边(如果建筑物的耐火等级为 V,则不需要这些实心墙截面的耐火等级)。这些楼梯的平台必须与出口通道位于同一标高处,护栏高度为 1.2 m,距离窗户不超过 1.0 m。墙壁的实心部分可以用最低耐火等级为 EI 30 的玻璃墙代替。对于从走廊通向 3 型楼梯平台的门口以及这些 3 型楼梯专用的房间,不需要防火等级。

2 型楼梯必须满足适用于楼梯间纵梁和平台的要求。

3.4.3 平台宽度不得小于纵梁宽度。对于铰链式外摆式电梯门,通向电梯的层站(层站充当电梯大厅)的宽度不得小于纵梁的总宽度和电梯门扇宽度的一半,且不小于 1,6 m。

直纵梁的中间平台必须至少有 1,0 米。


3.4.4 在满足以下所有条件的情况下,按功能归入 F4 火灾风险类别的建筑物允许在出口处设置弯曲楼梯:

- 楼梯垂直高度不超过 9.0 m;

- 飞行宽度符合本文档中的规定;

- 最小半径不小于飞行宽度的两倍;

- 冒口高度范围为 150 mm 至 190 mm;

- 卷扬踏板的最小深度(在距离卷扬踏板较小端 270 毫米处测量)不低于 220 毫米;

- 在中间段测得的胎面深度不低于 250 毫米;

- 卷扬踏板的最大深度(在距离卷扬踏板较大端 270 毫米处测量)不大于 250 毫米;

- 立面高度的两倍与复卷机踏板的最小深度之和不得低于 480 毫米;两倍的冒口高度和复方踏板的最大深度之和不得大于 800 毫米。

3.4.5 楼梯间和前厅(如有)不得包含:

- 输送可燃气体或可燃气体的管道;

- 壁挂式机柜,通信机柜和立管柜除外;

- 裸露的电缆和电线(低压设备的电线和走廊和楼梯间照明的电线除外);

- 货运电梯和起重设备的出口;

- 存放单元或机械单元的出口;

- 从墙面突出的设备高度低于台阶和平台表面 2.2 m。


3.4.6 在防烟楼梯间以外的楼梯间,如果乘客电梯不下降超过第一层,并且电梯井的围护结构由不燃材料制成,则允许超过 2 部乘客电梯。


3.4.7 除非本法规另有规定,否则所有楼梯间必须包含通向相邻地块或通过入口大厅的出口排放物,该入口大厅与相邻的走廊和房间由 1 类耐火等级隔板隔开,门装有自动关闭装置和密封间隙。

如果至少 2 个楼梯间的出口通道穿过入口大厅,则除 1 个楼梯间外的所有楼梯间都必须包含除入口大厅门外的出口排放物。如果只有一个楼梯间通向入口大厅,则该楼梯间必须包含出口出口。

从 2 个楼梯间进入的出口可以穿过火灾高度小于 28 m、层面积不超过 300 m2、每层居住者负载符合批准设计以及符合适用法规的自动灭火系统的建筑物的入口大厅。如果批准的设计没有指定每层的居住者负荷,则居住负荷可以通过将房间、楼层或建筑物的建筑面积除以附表 G.9 下的建筑面积系数(m 2/人)来计算,并且不得超过 50 人。

In regard to passenger terminals and large lobbies with similar occupancies, if exits from stairwells (or corridors) lead into common passenger lounges which contain exit discharges, exits to open overpass, or to terminal platforms, exits from 50% of those stairwells (or corridors) can be considered exit accesses.  

N1 stairwells must contain exit discharges.  

3.4.8 All stairwells must receive natural or artificial lighting.  

a) In case of natural lighting:  

Other than L2 stairwells, lighting can be provided via light-transmitting openings no smaller than 1,2 m2 on exterior wall of each storey.  

L2 staircases must contain skylights no smaller than 4 m2 and clearance between 2 flights of stairs no smaller than 0,7 m or light-transmitting openings throughout the height of the stairwells with cross section no smaller than 2 m2  .

Up to 50 % of stairwells without light-transmitting openings can be used for evacuation in the following cases:  

- F2, F3, and F4 buildings: N2 or N3 stairwells which contain positive pressure in case of fire;  

- F5 buildings of class C with up to 28 m in fire height, or class D and class E regardless of fire height: N3 stairwells which contain positive pressure in case of fire.  

d) In case of artificial lighting:  

If light-transmitting openings cannot be installed in accordance with section a) of 3.4.8, exit access stairwells must be smokeproof stairwells, fitted with artificial lighting equipment which is powered in accordance with note section of 3.4.13 following the principle where power source for lighting equipment must be maintained in case of fire and light provided must be sufficient to facilitate evacuation without impairing visibility.  

3.4.9 Smoke protection for N2 and N3 stairwells must conform to Appendix D. If necessary, N2 stairwells must be divided into subcompartments longitudinally by type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions and passages between subcompartments must be located outside of the stairwells.  

Windows in N2 stairwells must be fixed windows.  

Vestibules of N3 stairwells must not be smaller than 3,0 m2 or not be smaller than 6,0 m2 if the vestibules simultaneously act as fire service elevator lobbies.  

3.4.10 Smokeproof capability of smokeproof vestibules which lead into N1 smokeproof vestibules must receive natural ventilation together with appropriate structural solutions and premise - spatial arrangement. Cases deemed appropriate are:  

NOTE: Arrangements of smokeproof vestibules leading into N1 stairwells are depicted under I.3.2 (Appendix I).  

a) Smokeproof vestibules must be open, connected to the exterior, usually positioned in corners of the buildings, and meet the following requirements (see Figure I.7):  

- When a part of exterior walls adjoins another wall creating an angle lower than 135o, the horizontal clearance from the nearest doorways to the vertex of the angle must not be less than 4 m; this distance can be lowered to match the protrusion length of exterior wall. This requirement does not apply to walkways or where the created angle exceeds or equals 135o, or the protrusion of exterior wall that does not exceed 1,2 m;  

Width of wall segment between doorways of smokeproof vestibules and the nearest windows must not be lower than 2 m;  

Walkways must not be narrower than 1,2 m; guardrails must be located at a height of 1,2 m; width of wall segments between doorways in smokeproof vestibules must not be lower than 1,2 m.  

NOTE: Similar cases are depicted under Appendix I, Figures I.8 a), b), and c)  

b) Smokeproof vestibules that travel along single-loaded corridors (see Figures I.8 h), i), and k)) shall receive natural lighting and ventilation via openings that open to and adjoin any of the following spaces:  

- Exterior spaces;  

- A public way or street or other public space unobstructed to the sky;  

- A vertical ventilation shafts whose width is not lower than 6 m and clearance area is not lower than 93 m2  ;

c) Smokeproof vestibules that travel through a smoke protected lobby which is not smaller than 6 m2 where each dimension is not less than 2 m and is separated from adjacent sections of the buildings by type 2 fire-resistance-rated walls. Doors must be fitted with self-closing devices and tightly sealed clearance. Smoke protected lobbies must not obstruct human evacuation. Smokeproof capability of smoke protected lobbies must be provided by any of the following measures:  

- Air vents no smaller than 15% of floor area of smoke protected lobbies and no more than 9 m away from any section of the lobbies. These air vents must be connected to a vertical shaft or a vertical clearance along the building’s height. The vertical shaft or vertical clearance must have minimum width of 6 m and minimum clear area of 93 m2. Walls of the shaft must be able to resist fire for at least 1 hour; the shaft must contain no openings other than the air vents of smoke protected lobbies, exit stairwells, and lavatories (see Figures I.8 d), e), and f));  

- Cross ventilation where fixed air vents are located on 2 exterior walls. Air vents on each exterior wall must not be smaller than 50% of clear area of the opposing exterior wall. Distance from any point of the corridor to an air vent must not be greater than 13 m (see Figure I.8 g)).  

3.4.11 L1 stairwells and type 3 staircases are allowed in buildings with all fire risk categories by functions with up to 28 m in fire height. If this is the case in F5 buildings of class A or class B, exits to corridors from class A or class B rooms must travel through vestibules containing positive pressure at all time.  

3.4.12 L2 stairwells are allowed in buildings with I, II, and III fire resistance category with S0 and S1 fire risk level of structures, F1, F2, F3, F4 fire risk category by functions, and up to 9 m in fire height. This fire height can be increased to 12 m (except for in-patient medical facilities) as long as light-transmitting openings open automatically in case of fire. The number of L2 stairwells must not exceed 50% of total number of stairwells (other than F1.3 and F1.4 buildings). The remaining stairwells must contain light-transmitting openings on exterior wall of each storey.  

When building L2 stairwells, each flat of a F1.3 point access building located at a height above 4 m must be provided with a fire exit in accordance with 3.2.13.  

3.4.13 In buildings with more than 28 m of fire height (other than F5 buildings of class C and class E that are not regularly occupied) and F5 buildings of class A or class B, N1 smokeproof stairwells are required.  

In buildings serving multiple occupancies, stairwells connecting building sections with different fire risk categories by functions must be smokeproof stairwells which comply with this article, unless otherwise specified.  

NOTE: N1 stairwells can be substituted in accordance with 2.5.1c) as long as the system that supplies vestibules and stairwells with outside air must be powered by 2 independent sources (a grid-connected source and a backup generator) in order to maintain stable operation of the system in case of fire.  


a) Up to 50% of total number of stairwells in F1, F2, F3, or F4 buildings as N3 or N2 stairwells where entry to these stairwells travels through vestibules which have similar enclosing solutions as type 1 fire protection vestibules (meaning positive pressure is not required in these vestibules as long as enclosing structures must have similar fire-resistance ratings as type 1 fire protection vestibules);  

b) Evacuation from basements of a building with at least 2 basements to be implemented along N3 or N2 stairwells whose entry travels through vestibules which have similar enclosing structures to type 1 fire protection vestibules;  

c) The following smokeproof stairwells instead of N1 stairwells in F5 buildings:  

- In regard to class A or class B buildings - N2 or N3 stairwells which are maintained at positive pressure at all time;  

- In regard to class C buildings - N2 or N3 stairwells which are maintained at positive pressure in case of fire;  

- In regard to class D or class E buildings - N2 or N3 stairwells which are maintained at positive pressure in case of fire or L1 stairwells if the stairwells are divided into subcompartments by solid fire-resistance-rated partitions every 20 m in height and passages from one subcompartment to another subcompartment must be located outside of the stairwells.  

3.4.14 In buildings where smokeproof stairwells are located, smoke protection must be implemented for all common corridors, lobbies, common spaces, and waiting areas.  

3.4.15 In all buildings with I and II fire resistance categories and S0 fire risk level of structure, type 2 stairwells are allowed from entrance halls to the second storey as long as requirements under 4.26 are taken into account.  

In F3.1 and F3.2 buildings, the aforementioned stairs are also allowed in regardless of the existence of entrance halls.  

3.4.16 In buildings with up to 28 m in fire height, F1.2, F2, F3, F4 fire risk categories by functions, I and II fire resistance categories and S0 fire risk level of structures, type 2 stairwells are allowed to connect at least 2 storeys if exit access stairwells meet requirements under standard documents and those under 4.27. Type 2 stairwells connecting at least 3 storeys are not allowed to be calculated, considered, or used as means of egress in case of fire, except for cases under 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.6.  

3.4.17 Escalators must be positioned in accordance with requirements applicable to type 2 staircases.  

3.5 Fire safety requirements for construction materials 

3.5.1 Construction materials shall be utilized depending on occupancies and fire risk levels thereof.  

3.5.2 Fire safety requirements pertaining to the application of construction materials in buildings shall correspond to fire risk levels of construction materials under Schedule B.7 (Appendix B).  

3.5.3 The use of finishes - decorations, tiles, and flooring materials on means of egress must conform to requirements under 3.3.4 whereas the use thereof in common rooms (other than flooring materials in sports competition surfaces and floors of dancing rooms) shall conform to Schedule B.9 (Appendix B).  

3.5.4 Rooms of F5 buildings with class A or class B or class C1 where combustible liquid is used or preserved must have flooring materials with maximum fire risk level of CV1.  

3.5.5 Locker rooms of F2.1 buildings are not allowed to use wall, ceiling, dropped ceiling finishes or tiles with fire risk levels lower than CV1, or flooring materials with fire risk levels lower than CV2.  

3.5.6 Storage occupancies of books, documents, archives, and similar items are required to use finishes, decorations, tiles, and flooring materials with fire risk level of CV0 or CV1.  

3.5.7 In exhibition occupancies of museums, galleries, and F2.2 rooms with similar nature, wall, ceiling, and dropped ceiling finishes with fire risk level higher than CV2 are not allowed; flooring materials with fire risk level higher than CV3 are not allowed.  

3.5.8 In mercantile occupancies of F3.1 buildings, wall, ceiling, and dropped ceiling finishes with fire risk level higher than CV2 are not allowed; flooring materials with fire risk level higher than CV3 are not allowed.  

3.5.9 In waiting areas of F3.3 buildings, wall, ceiling, dropped ceiling finishes, and flooring materials are required to have fire risk level of CV0.  

3.5.10 Fire safety requirements for finishes - decorations, tiles, flooring materials, and testing criteria corresponding to standard documents are allowed as substitution for requirements under 3.5.1 through 3.5.9 and Appendix B, other than requirements under A.4.  


4.1 Flame spread prevention shall be implemented by limiting burning area, fire intensity, and fire duration. To be specific:  

- Using structural solutions and premise - spatial arrangement to prevent the spread of fire hazards in a room, between rooms, between rooms with different fire risk categories by functions, between storeys, between single-stair buildings, and between buildings.  

- Limiting fire and explosion risks related to technology in rooms and buildings;  

- Limiting fire risk classes of construction materials used on exterior of building structures, including: roofs; finishes of exterior walls, rooms, and means of egress;  

- Equipping automatic and handheld first-aid firefighting equipment;  

- Installing fire detectors and fire alarms.  

NOTE: Regulations on fire separation distance between houses, public buildings, and manufacturing facilities are specified under Appendix E. Separation distance between combustible liquid storage, open above-ground storage of combustible substances, LPG tanks (LPG stands for Liquefied Petroleum gas), and combustible gas tanks to other constructions must conform to field-specific regulations and standards.  

4.2 Apartment buildings, dorms, public buildings, manufacturing facilities, and storage facilities must meet fire prevention and fire protection requirements of this Regulation and standards designed specifically for the apartment buildings, dorms, public buildings, manufacturing facilities, and storage facilities. However, the number of storeys (which translates to maximum permissible fire height of buildings), fire compartment, and the highest storey allowed for conference rooms, lecture halls, meeting rooms, sports quarters, and rooms with similar occupancies must conform to Appendix H.  

4.3 Building sections (rooms, fire emergency holding areas, mechanical floors, basements, semi-basements, and other building sections) where firefighting operations are difficult, additional equipment is required to limit burning area, fire intensity, and fire duration.  

4.4 The effectiveness of solutions for preventing flame spread can be evaluated by economic - technical calculations which are based on requirements under 1.5.1 for limiting direct and indirect fire damage.  

4.5 Building sections and rooms with different fire risk categories by functions must be separated from one another by separating components with fire-resistance category and fire risk levels of structures or by type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions and/or type 3 fire-resistance-rated floors, unless otherwise specified in this Regulation or field-specific regulations and standards. In this case, the requirements for separating components and fire protection assemblies shall include fire risk categories by functions of rooms, fire loads, fire resistance categories, and fire risk levels of structures.  

In regard to a storey that serves at least 2 occupancies, if one of those occupancies is a primary occupancy and occupies at least 90% of the storey floor area and remaining occupancies supports the primary occupancy, areas with different fire risk categories by functions are not required to be separated by fire protection assemblies. In this case, the entire storey must comply with fire safety requirements corresponding to fire risk category of the primary occupancy. This regulation does not apply to cases where fire and explosion risk classes of rooms with supporting occupancies are higher than those of rooms with primary occupancies.  

NOTE: Specific requirements for F1.3 buildings:  

a) Walls and partitions between single-stair buildings; walls and partitions between common corridors (outside of flats) and other rooms must have minimum fire-resistance rating of EI 30;  

b) Non-load bearing partitions and walls between flats must have minimum fire-resistance rating of EI 30 and fire risk level of K0;  

c) Rooms with public occupancies must be separated from dwelling units by type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions and type 3 fire-resistance-rated floors, or type 2 fire-resistance-rated floors in buildings with fire resistance category I.  

4.6 When a building has multiple sections with different fire risk categories by functions which have been separated by fire protection assemblies, each section must meet fire safety requirements applicable to buildings with similar fire risk category by functions. 

Fire prevention and fire protection system of the building must be selected as follows: when building sections have different fire risk categories by functions, fire resistance category of the building can exceed fire resistance category by function of any building section.  

4.7 In regard to F5 buildings, if the technology permits, rooms of class A and class B must be positioned close to the exterior wall or on upper storeys in case of multistorey buildings.  

4.8 In regard to basements and semi-basements, rooms of class A and class B are not allowed unless otherwise specified.  

4.9 Structural elements must not facilitate the spread of deep-seated fire.  

NOTE: In regard to F1.3 buildings or sections thereof, balconies of loggias and balconies of the third storey or higher must be made from non-combustible materials  

4.10 Fire resistance capability of components connecting structural elements must not be lower than fire resistance capability of the structural elements.  

4.11 Structures creating slope floors in auditorium must meet fire-resistance rating and fire risk level requirements in accordance with Schedule 4 and Schedule 5 applicable to floors.  

4.12 When installing technical ductworks and cable lines that penetrate walls, floors, or partitions, the penetration section must be tightly sealed or otherwise protected so as to not reduce technical parameters pertaining to fire of the penetrated structural elements.  

4.13 Fire-retardant coatings or impregnation layers applied to exposed surfaces of structures must meet requirements applicable to finishing of the structures.  

Technical documents of coatings or impregnation layers must dictate the frequency in which they are reapplied or restored depending on conditions of use.  

For the purpose of increasing fire-resistance rating or reducing fire risk level of structures, fire-retardant layers are not allowed in positions where they cannot be reapplied or restored on a periodic basis.  

4.14 The effectiveness of fire-retardant substances (materials) in reducing fire risk levels of materials must be evaluated via tests in order to determine fire risk classes of construction materials as stated under Part 2.  

The effectiveness of fire-retardant substances (materials) in increasing fire resistance capability of structures must be evaluated via tests in order to determine fire-resistance rating of structures as stated under Part 2.  

4.15 Fire-resistance-rated partitions installed in rooms with dropped ceilings must also separate the plenum spaces. Channels and ducts carrying combustible substances in gas form, gas-vapour mix, liquid, and combustible materials are not allowed in the plenum spaces.  

Dropped ceilings are not allowed in rooms of class A or class B.  

If dropped ceilings are employed for the purpose of increasing fire-resistance ratings of floors of common storeys and floors of topmost storey, the dropped ceilings must fulfill fire risk-related requirements applicable to these floors of common storeys and floors of topmost storey.  

4.16 In areas where fire protection assemblies meet enclosing structures of the buildings, including areas where the shape of the buildings changes, measures must be taken to prevent fire from spreading through these fire protection assemblies.  

4.17 Fire-resistance-rated walls that separate the buildings into fire compartments must be built throughout the building’s height or connected to type 1 fire-resistance-rated floors and must be able to prevent fire from spreading to adjacent fire compartments when building structures on the burning side collapse.  

4.18 Openings on fire protection assemblies must be sealed in case of fire.  

Windows on fire protection assemblies must be fixed windows whereas doors, hatches, and dampers must be fitted with self-closing devices and have their clearance tightly sealed. If doors, hatches, and dampers are required to be left open when used, they must be fitted with devices that close the doors, hatches, or dampers in case of fire.  

4.19 Total area of openings in fire protection assemblies, other than enclosing structures of elevator shafts, must not exceed 25% of area of the fire protection assemblies. Total area of openings is not limited if fire-resistance rating of opening protectives are not lower than fire-resistance rating of fire protection assemblies (other than type 1 fire-resistance-rated walls). Opening protectives in fire protection assemblies must meet requirements under 2.3.3 and requirements of Part 4.  

Vestibules maintained at positive pressure must be fitted to doors of fire protection assemblies which separate rooms of class A or class B with rooms of classes other than A and B, corridors, stairwells, and elevator lobbies in accordance with Appendix D. 2 or more rooms of the same class A or class B are not allowed to use the same vestibule.  

4.20 If fire protection vestibules cannot be fitted in fire protection assemblies which separate rooms of class A or class B from other rooms or when doors, hatches, and dampers cannot be fitted in fire protection assemblies which separate rooms of class C from other rooms, a combination of solutions is required to prevent flame spread and infiltration of ignitable gas, vapor, liquid vapor, combustion droplets which can present an explosion threat in the right concentration into adjacent rooms and storeys. The effectiveness of the solutions must be proven.  

If openings of fire protection assemblies between rooms of class C, class D, and class E cannot be protected by fire-resistance-rated doors, open vestibules equipped with automatic extinguishing systems are allowed. Enclosing structures of these vestibules must be suitable fire-resistant enclosing structures.  

4.21 Fire-resistance-rated doors and fire dampers in fire protection assemblies must be made from non-combustible materials.  

Fire-resistance-rated doors, hatches, and fire dampers are allowed to be made from materials rated with combustibility not lower than Ch3 and protected by at least 4 mm of non-combustible materials.  

If doors of fire protection vestibules, fire-resistance-rated doors, and hatches in fire protection assemblies face rooms that are not used for the purpose of preserving or using combustible gas, combustible liquid, or combustible materials or implementing technology procedures which contribute to the creation of combustible dust, these doors are allowed to be made from Ch3 materials with minimum thickness of 40 mm and with no voids.  

4.22 Channels, ducts, and pipes carrying combustible gas, mixture of combustible gas - vapor, combustible liquid, combustible substances or combustible materials are not allow to penetrate type 1 fire-resistance-rated walls and floors.  

In regard to channels, ducts, and pipes carrying the substances and materials other than the aforementioned kinds, areas where the channels, ducts, and pipes penetrate the fire protection assemblies must be fitted with devices that automatically prevent the spread of combustion production along these channels, ducts, and pipes.  

NOTE: Ventilation ducts and smoke ducts are allowed in fire-resistance-rated walls of houses, public buildings, and auxiliary buildings if the minimum thickness of fire-resistance-rated walls (excluding duct cross-sectional area) is not lower than 25 cm while the thickness of the segments separating smoke ducts and ventilation ducts is not lower than 12 cm.  

NOTE: Openings of fire protection assemblies where water pipes penetrate must be treated in accordance with 4.12.  

4.23 Enclosing structures of elevator shafts (other than shafts mentioned under 3.4.6), elevator machine rooms (other than those on the roof), technical channels, ducts, and cabinets must meet requirements applicable to type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions and type 3 fire-resistance-rated floors. Fire-resistance ratings of enclosing structures between elevator shafts and elevator machine rooms are not prescribed.  

If fire-resistance-rated doors cannot be fitted in the aforementioned enclosing structures of elevator shafts, vestibules or lobbies must be installed and fitted with type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions and type 3 fire-resistance-rated floors or automatic shutters which activate in case of fire. These shutters must be made from non-combustible materials and rated for at least E 30.  

In regard to buildings fitted with smokeproof stairwells, automatic smoke protection solutions must be implemented for elevator shafts whose exits are not protected by fire protection vestibules which are maintained at positive pressure in case of fire.  

4.24 Rubbish terminal rooms, rubbish chutes, and rubbish intake doors must be designed and installed in accordance with standards and technical regulations applied specifically to these apparatus and the following requirements:  

- Rubbish chutes and terminal rooms must be isolated from other sections of the buildings by fire protection assemblies; rubbish intake doors on each storey must be accompanied by fire-resistance-rated doors fitted with self-closing devices;  

- Rubbish chutes must be made from non-combustible materials;  

- Rubbish chutes or rubbish terminal rooms are not allowed to be located in stairwells, waiting areas, or vestibules enclosed by fire-resistance-rated components for evacuation purposes;  

- Rooms where rubbish chutes are located or rubbish terminal rooms must be entered from a clear exterior space or through a fire protection vestibule that is regularly ventilated;  

- Entrances to rubbish terminal rooms must not be adjacent to exit accesses or exit access doorways of the buildings or fixed to windows of houses.  

4.25 Depending on the technology involved, separate staircases are allowed for the purpose of travel between basements or semi-basements with the first storey.  

These staircases must be enclosed by type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions and fire protection vestibules which are maintained at positive pressure in case of fire.  

The installation of fire protection vestibules as mentioned above is optional in regard to staircases of F5 buildings that lead from rooms of class C4, class D, or class E in the basements or semi-basements to rooms of the same class on the first storey.  

These staircases shall not be included for the purpose of calculating evacuation, except for cases under 3.2.1.  

4.26 When installing type 2 staircases from lobby of the first storey to the second storey, this lobby must be separated from adjacent corridors and rooms by type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions.  

4.27 Rooms where type 2 stairwells are located in accordance with 3.4.16 must be separated from connecting corridors and other rooms by type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions. The rooms where type 2 stairwells are located are not required to be separated by fire-resistance-rated partitions when:  

- The entire building is protected by automatic extinguishing system;  

- The building has 9 m or less in fire height and 300 m2 or less in area of any storey.  

4.28 In regard to basements or semi-basements, entrances to elevators must be accompanied by type 1 fire protection vestibules which are maintained at positive pressure in case of fire.  

4.29 The selection of building dimensions and fire compartment dimension and fire separation distance must rely on fire resistance categories, fire risk levels of structures, fire risk categories by functions, and fire loads and include effectiveness of fire prevention and fire protection equipment employed, presence, position, and level of equipment of fire brigade, possible economic and ecosystem consequences led to by the fire.  

4.30 During operation, all fire prevention and protection equipment must be able to operate as intended.  

4.31 The installation of automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing system must conform to TCVN 3890.  

4.32 Prevention of horizontal flame spread on the façade  

4.32.1 Type 1 fire-resistance-rated walls must separate exterior walls with fire risk levels K1, K2, K3 and must protrude from the exterior wall surface by at least 30 cm.  

Separation of the exterior walls is not required if the exterior walls have K0 fire risk level or type 1 fire-resistance-rated walls adjoin exterior wall vertically (creating vertical fire-resistant barrier) and have minimum width of 1,2 m, minimum fire-resistance rating of E 60, and fire risk level of K0.  

If type 2 fire-resistance-rated walls and type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions adjoin exterior walls, they must connect to vertical fire-resistant barriers, have minimum width of 1 m, and fire-resistance rating conforming to Schedule 4 or Schedule A.1 depending on the building’s height. Type 2 fire-resistance-rated partitions must connect to solid exterior walls vertically, have minimum width of 1 m and fire-resistance rating conforming to Schedule 4 or Schedule A.1 depending on the building’s height.  

4.32.2 Requirements under 4.32.1 are not required if the requirements under NOTE 6 (Schedule 4) or NOTE 2 (Schedule A.1) depending on the building’s height.  

4.33 Prevention of horizontal flame spread on the façade  

4.33.1 If exterior walls have openings that are not fitted with fire-resistance-rated doors or contain sections with non-compliant fire-resistance ratings, areas where exterior walls connect to floors between storeys (fire-resistance barriers between storeys) must be designed appropriately in order to prevent vertical flame spread. Fire-resistance barriers between storeys must be designed to meet any of the following regulations:  

a) Exterior wall segments that connect to floors between storeys (wall segments between windows of the lower storey and the windows of the upper storey or between wall segments that are protected via any fire protection measures of the lower and upper storeys) must be solid walls, made from non-combustible materials, and have minimum height of 1,0 m;  

b) Door awning must be made from non-combustible materials, have minimum width (measured from the surface of exterior walls) of 0,6 m, and have minimum fire-resistance rating not lower than the required fire-resistance rating of exterior wall;  

c) Exterior wall segments connect to floors between storeys by tempered glass, have minimum width of 6 mm, are equipped with sprinklers which are associated with automatic fire extinguishing equipment and positioned no more than 2 m away from any other sprinkler starting from rooms (corridors) adjoining exterior walls and no more than 0,5 m away from the inner surface of exterior walls.  

NOTE 1: Fire-resistance rating requirements (if any) of components along fire-resistant barriers shall conform to Schedule 4 or Schedule A.1 depending on the building’s height. Vertical separating elements must be able to maintain integrity (E); joints or opening protectives must be able to maintain integrity (E) and insulation (I); fixed connecting elements must be able to maintain load bearing capacity (R).  

NOTE 2: The requirements above do not apply to exit accesses and doors of loggias and balconies whose platform is more than 0,6 m in length.  

4.33.2 Fire-resistance ratings of structures of exterior walls fitted with light-transmitting glass must meet requirements applicable to non-load bearing exterior walls and requirements mentioned under 4.32, 4.33.  

4.33.3 When a part of exterior wall connects to another part of the wall to create an angle lower than 135o and the horizontal distance between the nearest edges of openings in all direction from the angle is less than 4m, openings on the wall part in question must be fitted with fire-resistance-rated doors with minimum fire-resistance rating of E 30 or equipped with sprinkler system.  

4.33.4 Regulations under 4.33.1 through 4.33.3 are not required in regard to buildings with 3 storeys or less or fire height under 15 m and open above-ground garages or buildings that meet all requirements under NOTE 6 (Schedule 4) or NOTE 2 (Schedule A.1) depending on the building’s height.  

4.34 Prevention of flame spread between buildings  

Fire separation distance between buildings (E.1 and E.2 under Appendix E) and fire separation distance by boundaries (E.3 under Appendix E) must correspond to area of openings that are not protected by fire protection measures; fire-resistance rating of the wall segments must be able to maintain fire protection capacity.  

4.35 Prevention of flame spread for atriums  

The design and placement of open staircases, escalators, moving walkways, glass elevators, similar appliances, and rooms with openings leading to single-loaded corridors in buildings, building complexes, atrium and atriums must fulfill the following requirements:  

a) Atriums must be positioned within a fire compartment, openings on storeys connecting to the atriums must allow the placement of escalators, open staircases, and elevators (including glass elevators);  

b) Surrounding structures of rooms and corridors that adjoin atriums must have minimum fire-resistance rating of EI (EIW) 60 or be made of tempered glass with minimum thickness of 6 mm, be rated for fire-resistance rating of any types, and fitted with sprinklers which are associated with automatic extinguishing system, placed from adjacent rooms (corridors), no more than 2 m away from another sprinkler, and no more than 0,5 m away from partitions;  

c) Openings leading to atriums, including openings of escalators and rooms on single-loaded corridors fitted with smoke partitions which have minimum fire-resistance rating of E 45, are dropped down in case of fire, and powered by automatic and remote control scheme, or fitted with fixed smoke partitions. Descending height of smoke partitions must not be lower than the thickness of the smoke in case of fire. Thickness of the smoke shall be determined via calculations during design. In this case, the base of the smoke layer must not be lower than 2,5 m above the floor surface;  

d) Storey area within a fire compartment where an atrium is located shall be determined by the sum of area of the bottommost storey of the atrium and area of single-loaded corridors, walkways, and rooms on upper storeys, within the volume of the atrium, and confined by type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions. If type 1 fire-resistance-rated partitions are not available and/or the atrium is not physically separated from adjoining rooms, fire compartment shall equal total area of relevant storeys;  

e) Natural smoke extraction system is allowed in atriums if appropriate evaluation and calculation are present;  

f) Light-transmitting panels of atriums must be made from non-combustible materials. In this case, these panel structures must be made from safety wired glass (to prevent injury). Materials which have combustibility not higher than Ch1 and do not create flaming droplets are allowed for the purpose of light-transmitting panels;  

g) For the purpose of firefighting in atriums, installation of sprinklers is allowed below protruding structures of floors between storeys, balconies (including below escalators, etc.) instead of below the ceilings of atriums. Sprinklers must be 1,5 m to 2,0 m away from one another and no more than 0,5 m away from edges of openings on the floor.  


5.1 Water supply for outdoor firefighting 

5.1.1 Fire safety requirements pertaining to water supply for outdoor firefighting The installation of water supply for outdoor firefighting shall conform to TCVN 3890 and other superseding standard documents. 消防供水源的水质必须适合消防设备和消防方法的运行条件。 消防用水管网通常为低压管网。如果管网中持续高压,则必须进行计算以确保管网的工作压力。在高压管网的情况下,必须配备消防泵,以便在火灾警报启动后 5 分钟内运行。 低压消防用水管网(位于地面以上)的最小压力不得低于 10 m。高压消防用水管网的最低压力必须足以保证当火流量最大且喷嘴位于建筑物的最高点时,最低固体水流高度为 10 m。额外用于家庭或制造用途的管网中的压力不得低于 10 m 且不大于 60 m。

5.1.2 关于室外消防消防流量的消防安全要求 用于户外消防的环管网的火流量(针对一次火灾事故)和住宅区同时发生的火灾事故数量应符合附表 7 的规定。 针对组合管道、管网分配管道和小型社区(一个小村庄、一系列建筑物和类似建筑)的 F1、F2、F3、F4 火灾风险类别的建筑物中用于室外消防(针对一次火灾事故)的消防流量应使用附表 8 中的最大值。 对于一次火灾事故的 F5 火灾风险类别的建筑物进行室外消防的消防流量,应使用附表 9 和附表 10 中要求最大值的建筑物的流量。

注 1:在计算 2 个火灾事件的火流时,使用的值等于需要最大流速的建筑物值的两倍。

注 2:独立辅助建筑物中用于户外消防的消防流量应使用附表 8 中适用于 F2、F3、F4 火灾风险类别的建筑物的值;如果辅助建筑物位于制造设施内,则根据制造设施的一般体积和附表 9 计算消防流量。

注 3:用于农业和农村发展的建筑物的室外消防消防流量,耐火等级为 I 和 II,最大容积为 5 000 m 3,D 和 E 火灾和爆炸危险等级,应等于 5 L/s。

注 4:无线电台和电视台室外消防的火流量,无论电台的体积和电台附近的居民人数如何,都不得低于 15 升/秒,即使附表 9 和附表 10 规定了较低的值。

注 5:体积超过附表 9 和附表 10 规定的体积的建筑物室外消防的消防流量必须符合特别规定。

注 6:对于耐火等级为 II 的建筑物和木结构,室外消防的火流量应大于附表 9 和附表 10 中的值 5 L/s。

注 7:建筑物户外灭火及食物冷藏的火流应与火警风险等级 C 的建筑物相若。

注解 8:满载集装箱堆存室外消防的消防流量取决于集装箱的数量,具体如下:

从 30 到 50 个容器,15 升/秒;

从 51 到 100 个容器,20 升/秒;

从 101 到 300 个容器,25 升/秒;

从 301 到 1000 个容器,40 升/秒;

从 1 001 到 1 500 个容器,60 升/秒;

从 1 501 到 2 000 个容器,80 升/秒;

超过 2000 个容器,100 升/秒;

附表 7 - 住宅区室外消防的消防流量

人口 x 1 000 人


1 起火灾的室外消防火流量,L/s

建筑物高度不超过 2 层,无论防火类别如何

3 层或以上的建筑物,无论防火等级如何

≤ 1




> 1 和 ≤ 5




> 5 和 ≤ 10




> 10 和 ≤ 25




> 25 和 ≤ 50