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EPPD 1053 管理基础

姓名 母校编号
1. 李明耀 A206510
2. 丁毓铎 A207110
3. 王兴宇 A207227
4. 刘畅 A207456
5. 泰一航 A208025
6. 程晓阳 A213273
NO NAME MATRIC NO 1. LI MINGYAO A206510 2. DING YUDUO A207110 3. WANG XINGYU A207227 4. LIU CHANG A207456 5. TAI YIHANG A208025 6. CHENG XIAOYANG A213273| NO | NAME | MATRIC NO | | :---: | :--- | :---: | | 1. | LI MINGYAO | A206510 | | 2. | DING YUDUO | A207110 | | 3. | WANG XINGYU | A207227 | | 4. | LIU CHANG | A207456 | | 5. | TAI YIHANG | A208025 | | 6. | CHENG XIAOYANG | A213273 |


Ts.Dr.Mohd Nor Zamri M.




1.0 组织简要描述...3.
2.0 管理职能描述7   2.0 管理职能描述 7
A. 规划
3.0 B. 组织...9
4.0 C. 领导...13
5.0 D. 控制...15
6.0 参考...19

第一部分 组织概况

索尼互动娱乐有限公司(Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC),前身为索尼电脑娱乐公司(ソniー・コンピュータエンタテインメント,Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.,缩写为SCEI或SCE),索尼是一家游戏机、游戏软件开发、制造和分销制造商,成立于东京,日本1993年11月16日,使用现行45度角倾斜黄色自1994年以来,方形图案作为公司标志。
索尼互动娱乐有限公司(Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC),前身为索尼电脑娱乐公司(ソniー・コンピュータエンタテインメント,Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.,缩写为 SCEI 或 SCE),索尼是一家游戏机、游戏软件开发、制造和分销制造商,成立于东京,日本 1993 年 11 月 16 日,使用现行 45 度角倾斜黄色自 1994 年以来,方形图案作为公司标志。


(索尼互动娱乐 log 0 log 0 log 0\log 0(2016)-索尼互动娱乐-维基百科,自由的百科全书)
2016年4月1日,索尼电脑娱乐与索尼网络娱乐合并,成立索尼互动娱乐。总部由日本迁至美国加州圣马特奥(亦为SIE USA总部),所使用的商标为SCE方形商标,并由索尼旗下美国子公司SONY America负责管理。索尼互动娱乐(SIE)为索尼集团公司全资子公司,其所有权形式属股份有限公司制。
2016 年 4 月 1 日,索尼电脑娱乐与索尼网络娱乐合并,成立索尼互动娱乐。总部由日本迁至美国加州圣马特奥(亦为 SIE USA 总部),所使用的商标为 SCE 方形商标,并由索尼旗下美国子公司 SONY America 负责管理。索尼互动娱乐(SIE)为索尼集团公司全资子公司,其所有权形式属股份有限公司制。


SIE 采用总裁兼首席执行官领导的层级结构,领导团队负责硬件、软件和在线服务等不同业务领域。(索尼互动娱乐新闻发布室,2024 年 5 月 13 日)


SIE 直接向索尼集团公司汇报,与母公司的整体战略保持一致。PlayStation 部门在索尼的娱乐、技术和服务业务领域中扮演着关键角色,为其收入做出了重大贡献。

索尼互动娱乐ceo-搜索图片  索尼互动娱乐首席执行官-搜索图片


SIE在全球拥有约10,000至12,000名员工(Datanyze 2017)
SIE 在全球拥有约 10,000 至 12,000 名员工(Datanyze 2017)




PlayStation 5,PlayStation 4等PlayStation游戏机
PlayStation 5,PlayStation 4 等 PlayStation 游戏机


PlayStation Network(PSN)、PlayStation Plus 会员
云游戏和基于订阅的数字内容服务。(PlayStation 官方网站 2024)


平台限时独家发售的第三方游戏,如《最终幻想 7》、《刀锋战士》


SIE 除美国总部外,还在东京(日本)、伦敦(英国)等主要城市设有地区办事处。 专注于硬件创新和软件开发的研发中心。(PlayStation 官方网站 2024)
SIE 除美国总部外,还在东京(日本)、伦敦(英国)等主要城市设有地区办事处。专注于硬件创新和软件开发的研发中心。(PlayStation 官方网站 2024)



专为 PlayStation 游戏机设计的特定硬件,例如与 AMD 合作开发专用 CPU,以及开发 VR 眼镜以丰富游戏体验。


一支技术精湛的工程师、设计师和营销人员团队。与第三方开发商和工作室密切合作。(SIE 新闻室 2004 年 5 月 11 日)

3. 资金来源: 

Sony Group 的大力支持确保了资源和开发投入以及全球营销活动。



在游戏机市场(Xbox系列和Xbox)以及Xbox Game Pass等订阅服务上与PlayStation竞争。 




Steam 和 Epic Games Store 等平台提供了更广泛的游戏平台选择。 



12 岁至无上限的玩家范围从休闲游戏玩家到铁杆游戏玩家。


PlayStation Network 活跃用户超过 1 亿,展现出庞大的客户群。(SIE 新闻室 2020 年 1 月 7 日) 



游戏开发成本不断上升,制作周期越来越长,大部分游戏呈现数字化趋势,PS5Pro等新主机没有光驱,独占游戏和次世代技术的竞争压力巨大。(SIE官网 2024)
游戏开发成本不断上升,制作周期越来越长,大部分游戏呈现数字化趋势,PS5Pro 等新主机没有光驱,独占游戏和次世代技术的竞争压力巨大。(SIE 官网 2024)


聘用专家、注重创新,致力于提供高品质的游戏体验,不断改进硬件、软件和用户界面。(SIE 新闻室 2023 年 8 月 24 日)


A. 规划



Through innovative technology and a great user experience, become the world's most influential interactive entertainment brand.


为全球游戏玩家提供一流的游戏机、身临其境的娱乐体验和多样化的数字内容,以推动游戏行业的持续增长和繁荣(索尼互动娱乐,2024 年)。



提高PlayStation在全球游戏市场的份额和品牌知名度。扩大PlayStation Plus和PlayStation Network的用户群,推动数字内容销售和订阅服务的增长。 


推出新一代PlayStation游戏机,如PlayStation 5PRO,搭载云游戏和VR技术,提升用户体验。
推出新一代 PlayStation 游戏机,如 PlayStation 5PRO,搭载云游戏和 VR 技术,提升用户体验。
通过与第三方开发商合作制作独家游戏来增强品牌竞争力(SONY Interactive Entertainment,2024 年)。


1.供应商议价能力:芯片和硬件供应商拥有很大的影响力,但索尼的规模和品牌削弱了这种影响力。2 .买方议价能力:对价格敏感的游戏用户推动索尼提供多样化的产品组合。3 .新进入者的威胁:进入门槛高;索尼通过技术和内容差异化降低风险。4 .替代品的威胁:免费的手机和电脑游戏是主要替代品;索尼通过独家游戏和创新技术吸引用户。5 .行业竞争:与微软和任天堂的激烈竞争;索尼通过硬件创新和独家游戏保持优势(Porter,1980)。
1. 供应商议价能力:芯片和硬件供应商拥有很大的影响力,但索尼的规模和品牌削弱了这种影响力。2. 买方议价能力:对价格敏感的游戏用户推动索尼提供多样化的产品组合。3. 新进入者的威胁:进入门槛高;索尼通过技术和内容差异化降低风险。4. 替代品的威胁:免费的手机和电脑游戏是主要替代品;索尼通过独家游戏和创新技术吸引用户。5. 行业竞争:与微软和任天堂的激烈竞争;索尼通过硬件创新和独家游戏保持优势(Porter,1980)。


1.成本领先:优化供应链和生产流程,降低硬件制造成本,同时为不同群体提供多个价格层级。2.差异化:开发独家游戏、PlayStation VR技术和生态系统服务。3. 专注:专注于核心市场和增长市场,提供量身定制的内容和服务(索尼互动娱乐,2024年)。 


1.小时:吸引和培养顶尖的游戏设计师、工程师和数据分析师。2 .技术资源:加大对云游戏和虚拟现实研发的投入。3 .财务资源:为营销和研发分配更高的预算,确保新产品的成功推出。4. 合作伙伴关系:与独立游戏工作室和科技公司建立长期合作关系,提高内容和技术方面的核心竞争力(Johnson,2023 年)。 

1.Hr: 吸引和培养顶尖游戏设计师、工程师和数据分析师。

SWOT 分析 


1.品牌权威:PlayStation 在游戏行业中以质量和创新享有盛誉,只有 Xbox 和 Switch 可以与之竞争。2. 技术进步:4K 图形、高速 SSD 等尖端技术的集成将使玩家享受更快的加载速度,光线竞速将为玩家带来良好的真实感。 
1.Compatibility Issues:Limited backward compatibility for older game libraries (such as PS4 games)might deter some players. 
2.Small number of games:Right now,many games which push out recently just can play by PC platform,the player of PS platform cannot play these games by controller. 


1.Global Market Growth:Release the prohibition of game machine at China mainland by time,it will bring formal sell channel to that 1 . 4 1 . 4 1.4\mathbf{1 . 4} billion people market. 
2.Partnerships and Collaborations:Partnering with third-party developers for exclusive games enhances competitive edge,such as 《Blade》 and 《Final fantasy7:reburn》 
1.Intense Competition:Rival consoles like Xbox Series X X X\mathbf{X} and PC gaming platforms pose significant competition. 
2.Technological Advancements:Rapid tech evolution might make current systems obsolete sooner or the console's disposition can not afford large game in 4 k 4 k 4k\mathbf{4 k} 60FPS 


Task and structure 
PlayStation is the core brand of SONY Interactive Entertainment (SIE) and uses a divisional organizational structure to meet the needs of different markets, thereby increasing the efficiency of global operations. This structure divides the business by geographic region (North America, Europe, and Asia) and product category (hardware, software, and services), enabling fast decision making and execution.(Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2023) 

Core task 

1.Hardware development 

Develop game hardware (such as PlayStation game consoles), design and manufacture game equipment; 

2.Software and Games 

The development team designs and develops the game, releases the game on the app market, or collaborates with other game companies or studios to co-produce the game. 

3.Digital service 

Manage platforms such as PlayStation Network (PSN) and subscription services such as PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now to provide users with a smooth gaming experience. 

4.Departmental collaboration 

Hardware and software teams - Establish a good cooperation mechanism to ensure that software and hardware have a high degree of real match to improve the game experience 
Marketing team and development team – The Marketing Department surveys users and the market according to the products that have been developed, and formulates rich marketing strategies and means to increase the sales of new products. 

Facility layout 

1.Head office 

SAN Mateo, CA, USA - Responsible for strategic planning and key product decisions. Research and development center 
2.Tokyo Japan main task when developing hardware, constantly updating research and development to adapt to consumer needs of the hard. Focusing on hardware innovation, the design of the next generation of game consoles and controllers. 
3.London United Kingdom - A research centre for Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality has been established with the main aim of enhancing immersive experiences for users.(Digital Foundry, 2021). 
4.San Diego USA - Develop cloud infrastructure to enhance the scalability and performance of PSN 

Positions and responsibilities 


Responsible for setting corporate strategy, overseeing global operations and ensuring that all departments work together. 
R&d team (Sony, 2023) 
Design and optimize console hardware and software to improve gaming performance. 

2.Marketing team 

Use data analytics to develop marketing strategies and increase brand awareness. 

4.Customer support team 

Provide multi-language service, 24 -hour customer service calls to solve player problems, improve user experience.(NPD Group, 2022). 

5.Security team 

Comply with laws and regulations and be responsible for the protection of user data. 

Human resource management 

1.Job offer 

Attract talents through various channels such as advertising and campus recruitment. Strict selection process, pre-employment interview, professional testing. 


Provide professional technical and management skills training to employees after entry. Make the right career plan for each employee. 

3.Employee retention 

Generous salary and benefits, flexible working hours. Increase employee satisfaction and reduce employee turnover. 

4.Organizational advantage 

PlayStation’s flexible organizational structure and collaboration between its various divisions allow it to respond quickly to market changes and remain competitive, and the company is constantly innovating, such as introducing new technologies such as the DualSense controller, to enhance the user experience. In addition, PlayStation operates in more than 50 countries around the world, with a strong market share. 

Challenges and solutions 

1.Product quality 

PlayStation ensures consistent product quality through uniform quality control. 

2.Competitive pressure 

The company has increased investment in research and development, increased game content, improved product cost performance, and enhanced competitiveness. 

3.Network security 

Network security systems are regularly updated and reviewed to ensure the safety of user data. 


PlayStation’s organizational structure, resource allocation and strategic synergies solidify its leadership position in the gaming industry. By driving innovation, focusing on user needs and optimizing management operations, PlayStation continues to set the standard for the industry 

C. Leading 

In order to ensure that members of the organisation are able to effectively achieve the strategic objectives of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) and its PlayStation division, the company has implemented a number of effective leadership strategies into its management practices. These strategies include the appropriate use of power, scientific motivation and a variety of leadership styles to maximise the potential of employees and drive the business forward. 

Types of motivation 

1 Legitimate Power 

SIE’s leadership consists of the President and Chief Executive Officer, as well as department heads responsible for hardware, software and online services. This authority stems from the company’s clear hierarchical structure and positions, which ensures that employees are aware of their responsibilities and goals through clear delineation of duties. The existence of legitimate authority provides the power to implement company decisions and ensure that work is carried out effectively. 

2 The right to be remunerated 

In order to motivate employees to pursue excellence, SIE often rewards outstanding performance through performance bonuses, promotion opportunities and skills training. For example, teams that successfully develop new products (e.g., PlayStation 5) or publish popular exclusive games (e.g., God of War and The Last Survivor series) are rewarded with additional incentives. This strategy not only increases employee motivation, but also improves the overall performance of the company. 

3 Expertise 

Most of SIE’s leaders and team members are industry leaders with extensive experience in technology innovation, game design and marketing. For example, the hardware development team worked with AMD on the development of new processors and VR technology, demonstrating the strength of expert power. This kind of power gives employees more trust in the leader’s decisions and effectively contributes to the achievement of goals. 

4 Power of Reference 

The global prestige of the PlayStation brand has a powerful influence on the company’s leaders. SIE’s leaders have earned the respect and trust of employees through the brand and outstanding market performance, further motivating team members to work tirelessly to achieve the organisation’s goals. 

Approaches to Motivation 

1 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory 

(1) Physiological and safety needs: SIE offers competitive compensation and benefits to ensure that employees’ basic needs are met. 
(2) Social needs: SIE enhances co-operation and communication among employees through teamwork projects and interactive activities in regional offices. 
(3) Respect and self-realisation: SIE encourages employees to realise their personal values through skills enhancement, internal promotion and innovative projects (e.g. participation in next-generation game console development projects). 

2 Expectation Theory 

SIE closely links employees’ work goals with rewards. Clear performance standards and a corresponding reward system, such as performance bonuses or career development opportunities, convince employees that their efforts will bring tangible rewards, thus increasing their motivation. 

3 Goal-Oriented Approach 

SIE emphasises setting clear goals, such as launching new PlayStation games, optimising the user interface and expanding the PlayStation Network user base. 
Regular feedback and milestone assessments help employees focus on specific tasks and drive overall goal achievement. 

Leadership Style 

1 Transformational Leadership 

SIE’s leaders focus on driving technological innovation and product upgrades. For example, the release of the PS5 and the use of VR technology typify a 
transformational leadership style. This style drives the organisation forward by inspiring employees to take on challenges and realise innovative visions. 

2 Transactional Leadership 

On a day-to-day basis, SIE uses clear task allocation and reward and punishment mechanisms to ensure that work proceeds as planned. For example, milestones are set and assessed during the project development cycle and clear incentives are provided to improve efficiency and quality. 

3 Servant Leadership 

SIE’s leadership pays close attention to the career development and personal needs of its employees. For example, the company provides skills training, open communication platforms and resource support to help employees better realise their self-worth and enhance organisational cohesion. 

D. Controlling 

Application of control strategies 

PlayStation can apply the following strategies to ensure that the behavior of organization members is in line with its values and standards: 

Application of Balanced Scorecard 

The Balanced Scorecard is a comprehensive strategic management tool that assesses performance in four dimensions: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth. 

1. Financial dimension 

-Objective: Increase revenue and optimize operating costs. 
-Specific measures: Ensure effective use of resources to reduce cost wastage through refined budget management and regular financial audits. 
-Example: When launching the PS5 mainframe, we strictly control the cost of production and logistics, not only to meet customer demand but also to ensure the profitability of the company’s brand. 

2. Customer Dimension 

-Objective: Increase players’ satisfaction and love for the game. 
-Specific measures: Use user surveys, player communities and social media to collect feedback from users and optimize the brand’s service and product quality. 
-Example: Introducing free monthly game experiences and increased cloud storage in the PlayStation Plus subscription service to satisfy more of the players’ needs and increase the probability of renewal of players’ subscriptions. 

3. Internal process dimensions 

-Objective: Optimize the game development and publishing process to ensure high quality and timely delivery and increase customer satisfaction. Specific measures: Adopt agile development methods. 
-Specific measures: Adopt agile development methods, regularly assess development progress, and ensure rational allocation of resources. 
-Practical example: PlayStation reduced project delays in the console and game development process through cross-departmental collaboration. 

4. Learning and Growth Dimension 

-Objective: Improve employee skills in development and innovative practices in the organization. 
-Measures: Regular technical training and professional development program to encourage innovation and practice. 
-Practice example: Provide training for the development team on the latest VR technology and support the team to develop innovative VR games to attract more fans. 

Application of Feedback Control Model (FCM) 

The Feedback Control Model ensures that employees’ behavior is in line with the company’s values and standards through monitoring, feedback and adjustment: 

1. Monitoring 

-Methodology: Use data analysis tools and performance management systems to track KPIs on a regular basis. 
-Practical example: PlayStation regularly monitors the number of PS Plus subscriptions at regular intervals so as to understand user activity and player satisfaction and ensure that the service is aligned with its objectives. 

2. Feedback 

-Methodology: Use internal performance evaluations and user feedback to understand problems and make corresponding improvements. 
-Practical example: At the beginning of the PS5 launch, PlayStation quickly optimized the UI based on player feedback to improve user experience satisfaction. 

3. Adjustment 

-Method: Adjust the corresponding strategy according to the feedback results, optimize the process and resource allocation. 
-Practical example: During the development of The Last Survivor 2, PlayStation modified part of the game plot and level design according to the feedback from test players, thus further optimizing the game quality. 

Practical Application Cases 

1.Case: PlayStation Plus Service Optimization 

2.Background: PlayStation Plus is PlayStation’s subscription service that aims to enhance players’ online experience and drive revenue growth. However, the early version had unresolved issues with a single service and low renewal rate. 

Strategy Implementation: 

Balanced scorecard: 

1.Financial dimension: adjusted the pricing strategy by introducing quarterly and annual packages to attract more subscribers through price concessions. 
2.Customer dimension: Understand players’ needs through surveys, add monthly free games and exclusive discounts to create benefits for players. 
3.Internal Process Dimension: Optimize server stability to ensure smooth multiplayer online gaming experience and enhance gaming experience. 
4.Learning and growth dimension: train our technical team to improve service maintenance and player support so that timely server maintenance and game version updates can be done. 

Feedback control: 

1.Real-time monitoring: analyze user login data, online time and activities. 
2.Feedback collection: Learn what players say about new features through player communities and social media. 

Dynamic Adjustment: Gradually increase cloud storage space 

  • Results: Optimized to grow the number of PS Plus subscribers from 34 million in 2018 to more than 50 million in 2023, and to significantly increase user satisfaction and loyalty. 

Conclusions and recommendations 

By combining the Balanced Scorecard and the Feedback Control Model, PlayStation was able to effectively translate its strategic objectives into concrete action plans and ensure that organizational members’ behaviors were aligned with the company’s values. This approach not only improved employee execution, but also drove improvements in the company’s overall performance. 
It is recommended that PlayStation further incorporate artificial intelligence and big data analytics in the future to more efficiently achieve real-time monitoring and feedback to ensure that the company’s core values are implemented at all levels. 

Part III. Summary and Conclusion 

Management functions are crucial for organizational success, encompassing planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. In businesses, these functions work in concert not to help achieve strategic goals but also to enhance overall operational efficiency and competitiveness. For instance, Sony Interactive Entertainment has become a leader in the interactive entertainment field by driving development through clear planning, cross-departmental collaboration, and innovation. 
Conclusion Management functions are a key driving force behind organizational progress. Effective planning ensures the reasonable of resources, optimizing 
organizational structure improves execution efficiency, leading inspires team potential, and controlling ensures goal achievement. By continuously improving management functions, companies can face market challenges seize development opportunities, and achieve long-term competitive advantages. 

Part IV. References and Appendix 

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