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Company 公司

Company 公司

About Wendell 关于温德尔

Our team 我们的队伍

A team of customer orientation

Innovation and service are the tenets of Wendell that have not changed since we are founded, and they are the driving force behind growth with customers.

Given with a team of professional engineers, it has combined with a stable and complete EMC and product line of circuit protection component, which helps customers from the problem of mutual interference among each of the components, and also the trouble of responsibility classification incurred as of different suppliers. From supply to signal output as well as from source design to safety certification, only Wendell can, in one time, complete and furnish all of solutions regarding EMC, RF, and safety certifications.

Our mission 我们的任务

Excellent Service & Solution Provider.

Excellent Supplier Of Electronic Components.

Excellent Partnership with Customers.

Headquartered in Taipei, the Wendell has a strong presence in Seoul (Korea), Saitama (Japan), Singapore, Shanghai, Suzhou and Shenzhen. In the future, it will continue to expand its service network in Greater China and Asia. Most of all, our innovative integrated services allow customers to hand over all of their annoying EMC problems to us, which has not only improved the efficiency of product launch, but also saved time. As such, it helps customers to focus more on how to increase added value. On the other hand, Wendell has, as well, set up ISO17025 electrical test laboratory, found with TAF and UL CBTL certification.
Wendell 总部位于台北,在首尔(韩国)、埼玉(日本)、新加坡、上海、苏州和深圳拥有强大的业务。未来将继续拓展大中华区及亚洲地区的服务网络。最重要的是,我们创新的集成服务让客户将所有恼人的EMC问题都交给我们,这不仅提高了产品上市的效率,还节省了时间。因此,它可以帮助客户更多地关注如何增加附加值。另一方面,温德尔还建立了ISO17025电气测试实验室,并获得TAF和UL CBTL认证。

Our beliefs 我们的信念

Constant Innovation 不断创新

With adherence to the belief of constant innovation, Wendell has researched and developed the global patent as the active lightning protection module Surge Pro®, and pioneered the over-voltage protection transformer Surge-Trans®, which should greatly reduce the after-sales maintenance cost with customer products.

The range of applications we offer includes: mobile phones, desktop computers, notebook computers, tablet computers, digital cameras, navigation systems, surveillance systems, industrial computers, medical equipment, communication equipment, Netcom products, wind power generation system, LED lighting system, and others.

We are convinced that “customer orientation” is never just a slogan, but a commitment of Wendell to building up a long-term partnership of excellence.
秉持不断创新的信念,稳德尔研发了全球专利主动防雷模块Surge Pro®,并首创过压保护变压器Surge-Trans®,大大降低售后维护成本与客户的产品。我们提供的应用范围包括:手机、台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、数码相机、导航系统、监控系统、工业电脑、医疗设备、通讯设备、网通产品、风力发电系统、LED照明系统、和别的。我们坚信,“以客户为中心”不仅仅是一句口号,而是稳德尔对建立长期卓越合作伙伴关系的承诺。