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A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs


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Easy, fast, and cheap LLM serving for everyone

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Ray Summit CPF is Open (June 4th to June 20th)!
Ray 峰会 CPF 现已开放 (6 月 4 日至 6 月 20 日)!

There will be a track for vLLM at the Ray Summit (09/30-10/02, SF) this year! If you have cool projects related to vLLM or LLM inference, we would love to see your proposals. This will be a great chance for everyone in the community to get together and learn.
今年的 Ray Summit(09 月 30 日至 10 月 02 日,旧金山)将设有 vLLM 专题轨道!如果你有关于 vLLM 或LLM推理的酷项目,我们非常希望看到你的提案。这将是社区成员聚在一起学习的好机会。

Please submit your proposal here

Latest News 🔥 最新动态 🔥

  • [2024/06] We hosted the fourth vLLM meetup with Cloudflare and BentoML! Please find the meetup slides here.
    [2024/06] 我们与 Cloudflare 和 BentoML 一起举办了第四次 vLLM 聚会!请在这里查看聚会的幻灯片。
  • [2024/04] We hosted the third vLLM meetup with Roblox! Please find the meetup slides here.
    [2024/04] 我们与 Roblox 举办了第三次虚拟 LLM 聚会!请在这里查看聚会的幻灯片。
  • [2024/01] We hosted the second vLLM meetup in SF! Please find the meetup slides here.
    [2024/01] 我们在 SF 主办了第二次 vLLM 聚会!请在这里查看聚会的幻灯片。
  • [2024/01] Added ROCm 6.0 support to vLLM.
    [2024/01] 在 vLLM 中添加了 ROCm 6.0 支持。
  • [2023/12] Added ROCm 5.7 support to vLLM.
    [2023/12] 为 vLLM 添加了 ROCm 5.7 支持。
  • [2023/10] We hosted the first vLLM meetup in SF! Please find the meetup slides here.
    [2023/10] 我们在旧金山主办了第一次 vLLM 聚会!请在这里找到聚会的幻灯片。
  • [2023/09] We created our Discord server! Join us to discuss vLLM and LLM serving! We will also post the latest announcements and updates there.
    [2023/09] 我们创建了我们的 Discord 服务器!加入我们讨论 vLLM 和LLM服务!我们也会在那里发布最新的公告和更新。
  • [2023/09] We released our PagedAttention paper on arXiv!
    [2023/09] 我们在 arXiv 上发布了我们的 PagedAttention 论文!
  • [2023/08] We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) for providing a generous grant to support the open-source development and research of vLLM.
    [2023/08] 我们衷心感谢安德森·霍洛维茨(A16Z)提供的慷慨资助,以支持 vLLM 的开源开发和研究。
  • [2023/07] Added support for LLaMA-2! You can run and serve 7B/13B/70B LLaMA-2s on vLLM with a single command!
    [2023/07] 添加了对 LLaMA-2 的支持!现在您可以通过一个命令在 vLLM 上运行和提供 7B/13B/70B 的 LLaMA-2 模型!
  • [2023/06] Serving vLLM On any Cloud with SkyPilot. Check out a 1-click example to start the vLLM demo, and the blog post for the story behind vLLM development on the clouds.
    [2023/06] 使用 SkyPilot 在任何云上提供 vLLM。查看一键式示例以启动 vLLM 演示,以及关于在云端开发 vLLM 的故事的博客文章。
  • [2023/06] We officially released vLLM! FastChat-vLLM integration has powered LMSYS Vicuna and Chatbot Arena since mid-April. Check out our blog post.
    [2023/06] 我们正式发布了 vLLM!自 4 月中旬以来,FastChat-vLLM 集成已为 LMSYS Vicuna 和 Chatbot Arena 提供支持。查看我们的博客文章。

About 关于

vLLM is a fast and easy-to-use library for LLM inference and serving.
vLLM 是一个快速且易于使用的库,用于LLM推理和服务。

vLLM is fast with:
vLLM 快速实现:

  • State-of-the-art serving throughput
  • Efficient management of attention key and value memory with PagedAttention
    使用 PagedAttention 进行注意力键值内存的高效管理
  • Continuous batching of incoming requests
  • Fast model execution with CUDA/HIP graph
    使用 CUDA/HIP 图实现快速模型执行
  • Quantization: GPTQ, AWQ, SqueezeLLM, FP8 KV Cache
    量化:GPTQ,AWQ,SqueezeLLM,FP8 KV 缓存
  • Optimized CUDA kernels 优化的 CUDA 内核

vLLM is flexible and easy to use with:
vLLM 灵活易用,具有以下特点:

  • Seamless integration with popular Hugging Face models
    与流行的 Hugging Face 模型无缝集成
  • High-throughput serving with various decoding algorithms, including parallel sampling, beam search, and more
  • Tensor parallelism support for distributed inference
  • Streaming outputs 流式输出
  • OpenAI-compatible API server
    与 OpenAI 兼容的 API 服务器
  • Support NVIDIA GPUs, AMD GPUs, Intel CPUs and GPUs
  • (Experimental) Prefix caching support
    (实验性) 前缀缓存支持
  • (Experimental) Multi-lora support
    (实验性) 多 LoRa 支持

vLLM seamlessly supports most popular open-source models on HuggingFace, including:
vLLM 平滑支持 HuggingFace 上的大多数流行开源模型,包括:

  • Transformer-like LLMs (e.g., Llama)
    Transformer-like LLMs (例如,Llama)
  • Mixture-of-Expert LLMs (e.g., Mixtral)
    混合专家模型 (LLMs,例如 Mixtral)
  • Multi-modal LLMs (e.g., LLaVA)

Find the full list of supported models here.

Getting Started 开始使用

Install vLLM with pip or from source:
使用 pip 或从源代码安装 vLLM: ```markdown 在简体中文中: 通过 pip 或从源代码安装 vLLM: ```

pip install vllm

Visit our documentation to learn more.

Contributing 贡献指南

We welcome and value any contributions and collaborations. Please check out CONTRIBUTING.md for how to get involved.
我们欢迎并珍视任何贡献和协作。请查阅 CONTRIBUTING.md 了解如何参与。

Sponsors 赞助商

vLLM is a community project. Our compute resources for development and testing are supported by the following organizations. Thank you for your support!
vLLM 是一个社区项目。我们的开发和测试计算资源由以下组织支持。感谢您的支持!

  • a16z
  • AMD
  • Anyscale Anyscale (安赛乐)
  • AWS AWS 的翻译为:亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services)
  • Crusoe Cloud 克鲁索云
  • Databricks Databricks (数据库布克司)
  • DeepInfra 深度基础设施
  • Dropbox
  • Lambda Lab Lambda 实验室
  • Replicate 复制
  • Roblox Roblox(中文:罗布乐思)
  • RunPod 运行 Pod
  • Sequoia Capital 红杉资本
  • Trainy
  • UC Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校
  • UC San Diego 加州大学圣地亚哥分校
  • ZhenFund 真格基金

We also have an official fundraising venue through OpenCollective. We plan to use the fund to support the development, maintenance, and adoption of vLLM.
我们还通过 OpenCollective 设有一个官方的筹款平台。我们计划使用这笔资金来支持 vLLM 的开发、维护和采用。

Citation 引用

If you use vLLM for your research, please cite our paper:
如果你在研究中使用了 vLLM,请引用我们的论文:

  title={Efficient Memory Management for Large Language Model Serving with PagedAttention},
  author={Woosuk Kwon and Zhuohan Li and Siyuan Zhuang and Ying Sheng and Lianmin Zheng and Cody Hao Yu and Joseph E. Gonzalez and Hao Zhang and Ion Stoica},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles},