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OPEC+推迟自愿减产缩减计划至 12 月

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OPEC+推迟自愿减产缩减计划至 12 月



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随着新项目和市场准入的增加,阿尔伯塔省的石油产量预计将在 2025 年增长

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OPEC+推迟自愿减产缩减计划至 12 月


集团现计划于 12 月增产 18.9 万桶/日,1 月增产 20.7 万桶/日

即期布伦特原油跌至九个月低点 75.04 美元/桶


欧佩克及其盟友已将逐步取消 220 万桶/日自愿减产计划的启动时间推迟两个月至 12 月,该组织于 9 月 5 日宣布,此举旨在支持不断下跌的油价。

欧佩克+联盟原计划从 10 月开始,根据市场条件,逐步恢复由沙特阿拉伯、科威特、阿尔及利亚、阿曼、哈萨克斯坦、伊拉克、俄罗斯和阿联酋这八个成员国削减的产量,至 2025 年底,首期恢复 19 万桶/日。

然而,在 9 月 5 日未经宣布的虚拟会议后发表的声明中,这些国家表示,他们将把减产措施延长至 11 月,然后在 12 月 1 日至 2025 年底期间逐步取消减产。

根据欧佩克发布的一份表格,八个成员国将在 12 月集体增加 18.9 万桶/日,1 月增加 20.7 万桶/日,“并可根据需要灵活暂停或逆转调整。”



标普全球商品洞察旗下的普氏能源资讯在 9 月 5 日评估的即期布伦特基准价格为每桶 75.04 美元,较前一日下跌 0.25%,为自 12 月 13 日以来的最低价。洲际交易所的前月布伦特期货在欧佩克+推迟消息传出后最初上涨,但很快回落,伦敦收盘时跌至每桶 73.16 美元的 15 个月低点,盘中曾触及每桶 74.19 美元的高点。

自愿减产的 220 万桶/日是该联盟目前离线持有的 580 万桶/日的一部分,此举削弱了其市场份额,使得来自美洲和其他新兴产区的竞争对手受益。在决策前一天,一位代表向《商品洞察》表示,他担心任何 OPEC+的增产举措都将对市场产生“负面影响”。


增产的新起点恰逢下一次欧佩克+部长级会议,定于 12 月 1 日在维也纳举行。


自 8 月 29 日以来,布伦特原油价格已下跌 7.20 美元/桶,当时利比亚东部派系为回应的黎波里西部政府试图罢免该国央行行长而关闭了石油设施。

尽管危机导致利比亚 63%的原油停产,但据利比亚国家石油公司称,9 月 3 日在联合国斡旋下,双方谈判似乎已缓和局势,这激发了人们对恢复生产的希望——以及随之而来的石油抛售。


与此同时,伊拉克和哈萨克斯坦今年的产量过剩,7 月份分别达到 32.1 万桶/日和 9.5 万桶/日,这削弱了该联盟支撑市场的能力,导致各国提交了补偿计划。

"超产国家也重申了他们的承诺,即所有超产数量将在 2025 年 9 月前得到完全补偿,"包括 8 月份的超产,该组织在其声明中表示。


该组织在 8 月份的最新月度石油市场报告中指出,预计 2024 年第四季度 OPEC+原油需求将达到每日 4380 万桶,2025 年第一季度为每日 4260 万桶,远高于包括标普全球商品洞察的 OPEC+调查在内的次级来源所评估的 7 月份产量,即每日 4090.7 万桶。

新 OPEC+减产缩减计划(千桶/日)
 国家  十月-十一月  十二月  一月  二月  三月  四月  五月  六月  七月  八月  九月  十月  十一月  十二月
 阿尔及利亚 908 921 917 921 925 929 934 938 943 946 951 955 959 959
 伊拉克 4,000 4,018 4,037 4,055 4,073 4,092 4,110 4,128 4,147 4,165 4,183 4,202 4,220 4,220
 科威特 2,413 2,424 2,436 2,447 2,458 2,469 2,481 2,492 2,503 2,514 2,526 2,537 2,548 2,548
 沙特阿拉伯 8,978 9,061 9,145 9,228 9,311 9,395 9,478 9,561 9,645 9,728 9,811 9,895 9,978 9,978
UAE 2,912 2,926 2,972 3,020 3,067 3,114 3,161 3,207 3,254 3,301 3,348 3,361 3375 3375
 哈萨克斯坦 1,468 1,475 1,482 1,489 1,495 1,502 1,509 1,516 1,523 1,530 1,536 1,543 1550 1550
 阿曼 759 763 766 770 773 777 780 784 787 791 794 798 801 801
 俄罗斯 8,978 9,017 9,057 9,096 9,135 9,174 9,214 9,253 9,292 9,331 9,371 9,410 9,449 9,449




观看: 石油市场关注利比亚供应威胁;挪威天然气维护高峰

In this week's Market Movers Global with Sayona John:

  • OPEC oil supplies in spotlight as demand concerns drag on crude prices
  • Norwegian gas maintenance set to peak
  • UK clean energy auction results due Tuesday
  • Tepid demand to persist in Asian thermal coal market
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This week, oil markets are weighing the threat of Libyan oil supply disruption, potential US interest rate cuts, and tensions in the Middle East against concerns over a slowdown in Chinese oil demand, which has kept crude prices below $80/b. Potential Libyan production losses of up to 1 million b/d could prompt OPEC+ to delay its planned phaseout of voluntary production cuts in October. In addition, market participants are watching for signals from the US Federal Reserve's upcoming policy meeting, which could influence global economic activity and oil demand.

In gas, the heaviest maintenance period for Norwegian facilities will peak this week, with up to 240 million cubic meters per day of capacity offline. Although some capacity will remain offline until mid-September, Norwegian gas supplies to Europe have been steady, helping to fill gas storage sites above the EU’s 90% target. This maintenance period is critical for Europe's energy security as colder seasons approach.

On Tuesday, the UK government will announce the results of its latest clean energy auction. The auction has increased its budget and bid ceiling to avoid a repeat of last year’s no-show by offshore wind developers. Analysts predict that between 4 and 6 gigawatts of contracts could be awarded, marking a significant step towards the government’s ambitious 2030 renewable energy targets.

In the coal market, robust hydropower production in China is limiting daily coal consumption, while weak industrial demand in India is limiting seaborne cargo imports. However, demand is expected to pick up from mid-September as China restocks for winter and Indian buyers replenish stocks for upcoming festivals.

I’m Sayona John, thank you for kicking off your Monday with S&P Global Commodity Insights.

Asia Gas Markets Conference 2024

  • 22 Oct 2024 | 00:00 UTC

Alberta's oil output set to grow in 2025 with new projects, market access


July crude oil production crosses 4 million b/d

Asian refiners eyeing more Alberta crude with TMX

No apportionment on Mainline, Trans Mountain

Alberta's conventional crude and oil sands production has been on an upward trend this summer, with that trajectory likely to be maintained until the year end and beyond, as healthy market fundamentals boost heavy and light oil prices and additional basin egress opens up new markets, industry participants said.

Oil sands and condensate production will drive most Western Canadian crude supply growth over the next 18 months, S&P Global Commodity Insights analysts said in a report.

New well pads have started up at several in-situ facilities, including MEG Energy's Christina Lake, Cenovus' Sunrise and Foster Creek, ConocoPhillips' Surmont and Imperial Oil's Grand Rapids Phase 1, the analysts said, adding overall Canadian production [that includes NGL, butanes and pentanes] reached 5.3 million b/d in December 2023 and is expected to hit 5.4 million b/d in December 2024 and 5.6 million b/d in December 2025.

In another report, the Alberta Energy Regulator said Sept. 3 that combined conventional and oil sands production posted a record high of 4.137 million in July.

This is the second time in 2024 that crude oil output crossed the 4 million b/d mark, with March production at 4.174 million b/d, the AER data showed.

Alberta's oil production in January was 3.931 million b/d, but output in April, May and June decreased to 3.925 million b/d, 3.805 million b/d and 3.888 million b/d, respectively, due to planned and unplanned maintenance work and also the wildfires.

"At over 4 million b/d in July, that was the highest ever July production and the ninth year-on-year increase in a row," ATB Financial said in a research note in early September. "YTD [year to date] production was 200,000 b/d, or 5%, higher than the previous record set last year. Fourteen years is not a blink of an eye, but it is a relatively short time for crude oil production to double in Alberta. Back in July 2010, production was 2 million b/d and development of the oil sands has been a driving factor in this historical trend," the ATB report said.

In July 2010, conventional oil production (including condensate) was 500,000 b/d compared with 600,000 b/d in July 2024. But oil sands production, conversely, has increased dramatically going from 1.6 million b/d in July 2010 to over 3.4 million b/d in July 2024, with the more recent increases due to additional transportation capacity brought by the 590,000 b/d Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline that supported pricing with the heavy Western Canadian Select barrels being priced at an average $65/b, the report said.

TMX start up, crude flows

The Western Canadian Select discount to WTI has ranged between roughly $11/b and $16/b since TMX began operations on May 1, Platts assessments show. WCS was last assessed at a $13.70/b discount to WTI on Sept. 4, compared to a roughly $18/b discount the same time in 2023.

Platts is part of S&P Global Commodity Insights.

TMX exports have averaged about 360,000 b/d in July and August, with cargo destinations about evenly split between US West Coast and Asian destinations. Heavy crudes continue to dominate the export slate and some Aframax cargoes continue to move directly to Asia, while others are consolidating their cargoes on VLCCs, the Commodity Insights report said, noting there are preliminary signs that TMX is shifting Latin American crude trade flows, as USWC imports of Latin American heavy crude have declined sharply since May.

"Alberta's oil production growth will happen not through mega projects, but incremental capacity additions in existing facilities and occasionally a few greenfield developments," Greg Stringham, former vice president for markets with the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers said Sept. 5. "The resource is there and so are the fundamentals on pricing and TMX has opened up a new market."

A new trend in Alberta's producers to seek a new market with TMX start up has been a growing demand for their heavy barrels in Asia, Stringham said.

"Asian refiners continue to test WCS and AWB [Access Western Blend] barrels and there is a significant interest coming out of China, Taiwan and partially Japan. As long as the heavy/light differentials are in that $9/b range, there will be a growing Asia pull," he said.

Mainline, Trans Mountain apportionment

Leading Western Canadian crude infrastructure providers Enbridge and Trans Mountain continue to add new capacity to move more barrels in markets on the US Gulf Coast, USWC and Asia resulting in pipeline apportionments.

However, for September there is no apportionment on the light or heavy systems on the Mainline, Enbridge spokesperson Gina Sutherland said Sept. 5.

"This is due to upstream and downstream sector maintenance, which we expect this time of year," Sutherland said. "We anticipate the Mainline to be well utilized for the remainder of the year."

The 3,000-mile Mainline pipeline system transports Canadian barrels from Edmonton to Gretna on the Canadian-US border, where the volumes flow onto the Lakehead system that supplies crude oil to refineries in the US Midwest and further on to the USGC.

"We continue to estimate we will transport 3 million b/d of product on the Mainline, for the remainder of the year. We are exploring potential expansions in the 2026-2027 timeframe and are currently having conversations with customers to determine their long-term transport, including the potential to add 150,000 b/d day of expansion capacity," Sutherland said.

Separately, Trans Mountain spokesperson Allison Penton said that total system nominations for the 300,000 b/d Trans Mountain Pipeline system has no apportionment for September.

A zero apportionment on a crude oil pipeline implies available crude transportation capacity.

West African Crude Oil Price Assessment

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Commodity Tracker: 5 charts to watch this week

Prices are the focal point this week, with Southern California's natural gas market seeing rare discounts and Texas displays mixed economic indicators due to plunging energy prices. Additionally, S&P Global Commodity Insights editors are tracking the decline in China's steel demand.

1. Southern California enjoys rare spell as a discount natural gas market

What's happening? Cash prices at SoCal Gas city-gate have regularly been below Henry Hub this summer, an unusual occurrence for a location that is often one of the highest priced in the US. While weak prices in the US have led to some curtailments of production in the Southeast and Northeast, production in Western US basins that supply California has remained robust, especially in the New Mexico side of the Permian Basin. High storage inventories are also weighing on prices. The Aliso Canyon storage facility has increased capacity, pushing SoCal inventories to their highest level since 2015.

What's next? Basis discounts could continue through October. The September and October forward contracts were both priced 4 cents/MMBtu below Henry Hub on Aug. 29, Platts M2MS data showed.

2. Texas economic indicators mixed as energy prices plunge on year

What's happening? Key indexes in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' latest survey of Texas manufacturing, service and retail sectors showed mixed results in August. Two out of three showed month-to-month improvements, but service and retail sectors' numbers were down from August 2023. Power and natural gas average prices plunged from August 2023, as peak power demand weakened amid milder weather.

What's next? The Electric Reliability Council of Texas' Monthly Outlook for Resource Adequacy for September forecast a peak of 77.5 GW, compared with a peak of 84.2 GW in September 2023. S&P Global Commodity Insights forecast ERCOT's September load levels to average about 5% lower year on year.

3. China's falling steel demand beleaguers its steel industry

What's happening? China's domestic steel demand has fallen rapidly over the past few months. The apparent domestic steel consumption in July declined 11% month on month and 12% year on year to 73.79 million metric tons, according to Commodity Insights' calculations. Apparent consumption equates to the crude steel output after subtracting net exports and increased steel inventories, reflecting the amount of steel consumed domestically. The debt-laden property sector remains the culprit behind China's falling steel demand and is still not showing signs of bottoming out. Sluggish domestic consumer spending has also affected the manufacturing of products such as cars and home appliances.

What's next? A lack of adequate policy support to ease China's steel industry woes is expected to keep domestic steel demand subdued for the rest of 2024, with any potential rebound in steel prices in the near future likely to be short-lived. China's steel demand is expected to decline to around 750-800 MMt/y in the next five to 10 years, which means at least 20% of the current steelmaking capacity will have to be cut, in order for the industry to regain its health.

4. MMA prices decline on slower demand after record highs in August

What's happening? Spot European methyl methacrylate prices are declining on subdued demand despite ongoing tight supply. Platts, part of Commodity Insights, assessed the DDP Northwest Europe methyl methacrylate spot price at Eur2,800/t Aug. 30, down Eur50 on the day. On Aug. 12, the highest assessed price was seen at Eur3,125/t on substantially tight supply. However, weaker demand coupled with the summer holiday period led to a shift in prices. Meanwhile, supply remained very tight, with multiple players struggling to find material for September, while the focus was on October to December deliveries.

What's next? With Trinseo being back from maintenance early in the week of Sept. 2 and Rohm operating as per usual after some supply limitations in August, prices slightly declined, though remaining elevated compared to historical levels. A significant factor is also increased imports heading into Europe. However, market players suggest that September market conditions will be flat to August.

5. Myanmar's rice prices plummet to one-year low

What's happening? Myanmar's rice prices are on a downtrend, with the Platts-assessed Myanmar 5% broken white rice at a one-year low. On Aug. 23, Platts assessed Myanmar 5% broken white rice at $519/t FOB FCL, dropping $71/t on the year and down $30/t on the month. This decline in the country's rice prices is attributed to sluggish demand, high freight costs and the depreciation of Myanmar's kyat against the US dollar.

What's next? The lower price of Myanmar's 5% broken white rice is likely to make it more competitive against the same variety from Thailand, Vietnam and Pakistan.

Reporting and analysis by Kevin Birn, Markham Watson, Jing Zhang, Maria-eleni Tsimeki, Aditya Deval

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