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10 Chairs, 10 Personalities
10 位主席,10 位人物

10 Chairs, 10 Personalities 2021.
2021 年 10 位主席、10 位名人。

SWNA is developing projects by communicating with the clients in the direction created from overlapping the ideas of each designer. Each unique personality comes together in various ways to make the object that reflects the design of SWNA. '10 Chairs' are a collection of wooden chairs that express the stories of each designer. By unifying subject and material, the project enables them to compare and understand their thoughts.
SWNA 通过与客户沟通,按照每个设计师的想法重叠的方向来开发项目。每个独特的个性以不同的方式组合在一起,形成反映 SWNA 设计的对象。 “10把椅子”是一系列木椅,表达了每位设计师的故事。通过统一主题和材料,该项目使他们能够比较和理解他们的想法。
Jaeir 贾伊尔
Lee yunjae 李润在

Jaeir is a chair that can be simply manufactured wood of the same thickness without bending. Jaeir chair connects soft curves and straight lines in harmony without breaking like Eulerian trail and draws subtle changes of line's elasticity and continuity.Jeair is designed by Yunjae Lee of SWNA.
Jaeir是一把可以用相同厚度的木材简单制造而无需弯曲的椅子。 Jaeir椅子将柔和的曲线和直线和谐地连接在一起,而不像欧拉轨迹那样断裂,并绘制出线条的弹性和连续性的微妙变化。Jeair由SWNA的Yunjae Lee设计。

Plain 清楚的
Park Chaejee 朴彩智

Plain is a stable proportional chair with a low back and thick legs. Although it has a simple silhouette, it is designed to reveal the assembly structure of each part as it is. Plain is designed by Chaejee Park of SWNA.
Plain 是一款稳定的比例椅子,具有低靠背和粗腿。虽然轮廓简单,但其设计目的是按原样揭示各部件的组装结构。 Plain是由SWNA的Chaejee Park设计的。

Crescendo  渐强
Lee Yeongbin 李永彬

Crescendo is Inspired by a musical image, the Crescendo chair is characterized by its rhythmical line and silhouette that change depending on the angle of seeing it. Crescendo is designed by Yeongbin Lee of SWNA.
Crescendo 的灵感源自音乐形象,Crescendo 椅子的特点是富有韵律的线条和轮廓,随着观看角度的不同而变化。 Crescendo 由 SWNA 的 Yeongbin Lee 设计。

Kim Seonjin 金善珍

Plank is a chair with a sturdy construction in which wide panels that directly reveal the physical properties of wood and rough lumps are delicately combined. The outer line is a straight line, matching the space, and the inner line is a curve, which is designed in consideration of a comfortable seating feeling. Plank Chair is designed by Seonjin Kim of SWNA.
Plank 是一款结构坚固的椅子,其中直接展现木材物理特性的宽面板和粗糙的块状物巧妙地结合在一起。外线为直线,与空间相匹配,内线为曲线,考虑舒适的乘坐感。 Plank Chair 由 SWNA 的 Seonjin Kim 设计。

Deer 鹿
Cheon Dahae 千多海

Deer chair is inspired by the aesthetic of delicate and robust deer legs. It is well composed in the sense of minimal structure to perform in ergonomics. Deer Chair is designed by Dahae Cheon of SWNA.
鹿椅的灵感来自于精致而健壮的鹿腿的美感。它在符合人体工程学的最小结构意义上构成良好。 Deer Chair 由 SWNA 的 Dahae Cheon 设计。

Split Chair 分体椅
Kwon Gyuenhwan  权均焕

Split Chair is a chair that considers formative features and applications by three-dimensionalizing 2D arc curves. A curved split line was applied to each joint where the backrest and legs were connected, and it was designed to focus on comfort when a person sits. Split Chair is designed by Gyuenhwan Kwon of SWNA.
Split Chair是一款通过三维2D圆弧曲线来考虑造型特征和应用的椅子。靠背和腿部连接的每个关节处都应用了弯曲的分割线,其设计重点是人们坐下时的舒适度。分体椅由 SWNA 的 Gyuenhwan Kwon 设计。

Off Chair 离开椅子
Lee Hyojeong 李孝正

Off Chair is a chair designed to face different directions beyond the existing leg position. Also, 'Off Chair' creates a different image when chairs are connected to each other.Off Chair is designed by Hyojeong Lee of SWNA.
Off Chair 是一种设计用于面向超出现有腿部位置的不同方向的椅子。此外,当椅子相互连接时,“Off Chair”会产生不同的形象。Off Chair 由 SWNA 的 Hyojeong Lee 设计。

Fold 折叠
Kim Gyuchang 金圭昌

Fold is a chair with the backrest extending from the legs folded. Unlike existing chairs, the legs of the chair, which have an oblique structure, change depending on the viewing angle. Fold Chair is designed by Gyuchang Kim of SWNA.
Fold是一把靠背从折叠的腿延伸出来的椅子。与现有的椅子不同,椅子的腿具有倾斜结构,会根据观看角度而变化。折叠椅由 SWNA 的 Gyuchang Kim 设计。

Big Foot 大脚
Mok Seungsoo 莫承洙

Big Foot is a chair that anyone can feel friendly by familiar and soft elements that are felt from the body of an animal. It has legs that get thicker as it goes down and a soft, round seat plate, so you can feel the soft seating feeling not only visually but also when you sit down. Big Foot is designed by Seungsoo Mok of SWNA.
Big Foot是一张任何人都能感受到友好的椅子,其熟悉而柔软的元素来自于动物的身体。其腿越往下越粗,座板呈柔软的圆形,因此不仅在视觉上,在坐下时也能感受到柔软的坐感。 Big Foot 由 SWNA 的 Seungsoo Mok 设计。

Kim Hyeil 金惠一

ARCH was inspired by the shape of round arch, which is one of the basic elements of construction. ARCH features simple and precise details by the touch of round arch while emanating the elegance and uniqueness of construction. The shape comprised of essence of an architecture reveals its stillness and peace, and even makes emphasis. It does not spoil the space where the chair is placed and keeps its own color. ARCH is designed by Hyeil Kim of SWNA.
ARCH的灵感来自圆拱的形状,圆拱是建筑的基本元素之一。 ARCH以圆拱形的触感为特色,细节简洁而精确,同时散发着建筑的优雅和独特性。构成建筑本质的形状,揭示了建筑的静谧与平和,甚至具有强调性。它不会破坏椅子放置的空间并保持自己的颜色。 ARCH 由 SWNA 的 Hyeil Kim 设计。

SWNA 西南神经网络协会
2F/3F, 31-9, Bukchon-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
韩国首尔特别市钟路区北村路 31-9 2F/3F

+82 2 6380 9881

10 Chairs, 10 Personalities
10 位主席,10 位人物
  • Mohamed Ragab 的个人资料
    Stunning 令人惊叹的
  • Ahmed El-Khouli 的个人资料
    I love the concept. 我喜欢这个概念。
  • Constant Even 的个人资料
    Super clean work, well done !
  • Alejandro Gómez Slok 的个人资料
    could not have finde a better title, amazing details in each chair I just want them all!
  • Alejandro Gómez Slok 的个人资料
    could not have finde a better title, amazing details in each chair I just want them all!
  • jony qiao 的个人资料
    Adorable!! 可爱!!
  • GENENSE CGI 的个人资料
    Fantastic design of 10 chairs and great idea to compare with character of 10 personalities @SWNA office
  • clippingpath mania 的个人资料
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  • Jason Luo 的个人资料
    Impressive shape variation
  • Andrés Bertone 的个人资料
    Awsome job! Clear concept for each chair!

10 Chairs, 10 Personalities
