Teaching with learning in mind

Explore the science of learning and implication to teaching and learning

How cognitive science and good old pedagogy help us crack the "GenAI in education" challenge? 
认知科学和传统教学法如何帮助我们应对 "教育领域的 GenAI "挑战?

Recorded conversations with great minds on cognitive science and education.

How the field has matured to include evidence from not only the cognitive sciences, but motivation, meta-cognition, and habit formation, and how we can put the evidence together in a meaningful and functional way.

Translated into:  Spanish/ Español  by Juan Fernández 
翻译成 西班牙语/ 西班牙语:胡安-费尔南德斯

How knowledge is stored in the brain and changes over time? Exploring the functions and interactions long-term memory, and working memory and laying the foundation for further explorations of effective learning strategies.

Translated into:  Spanish/ Español  by Juan Fernández 
翻译成 西班牙语/ 西班牙语:胡安-费尔南德斯

The model and its features, in pictures. Including a comparison with the SOLO taxonomy.  
图解模型及其特点。包括与 SOLO 分类法的比较。

How the pyramid model was born? what is it good for?  and three short animated videos that highlight important pedagogical considerations.  

A pyramids model for building knowledge, through making meaning. What is needed to acquire higher levels of understanding and ability? Explore this illustration-based page.

What is understanding from a "learning brain" point of view? 
从 "学习大脑 "的角度看,什么是理解?

Visual models will help us analyze the abstract concept of 'understanding' and to explore its components. What can be applied in the classroom? and how can we help students when they don't understand?
视觉模型将帮助我们分析 "理解 "这一抽象概念,并探索其构成要素。当学生不理解时,我们该如何帮助他们?

Can we define meaning operationally? and what are the implications for the key role of meaning-making in every stage of learning?
我们能否对意义进行可操作的定义?"意义建构 "在每个学习阶段的关键作用有何意义?

Translated into:  Spanish/ Español  by Juan Fernández 
翻译成 西班牙语/ 西班牙语:胡安-费尔南德斯

What is the role of prediction in updating existing memories with new information? what is the evidence and what are the possible implications?

A ResearchEd talk turned into blog,  explores the research behind prediction and its applications to the classroom. 
将 ResearchEd 讲座转化为博客,探讨预测背后的研究及其在课堂上的应用。

What is the difference between consolidation and reconsolidation?  what are the evidence in humans and the possible implications to educations?

What is the crucial difference between 'learning to the test' and 'learning for long-term retention'?
应试学习 "与 "长期学习 "之间的关键区别是什么?

A review of a research paper by  Rawson, Dunlosky, Sciartelli (2013) with  implication for  field-research and classroom practice.
对 Rawson、Dunlosky、Sciartelli(2013 年)研究论文的评论,以及对实地研究和课堂实践的启示。

The benefits of practicing  by using retrieval, the barriers too. 

Key points to consider , and practical examples from teachers that apply.

An experiment in cognitive psychology taken into the classroom for educational purposes.  