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MODULE:Organisational Behaviour


Module Handbook




目录 1

Teaching Staff2
教学人员 2

Module Information2
模块信息 2

Teaching Methods and Contact Hours4
教学方法和联系学时 4

Formative Assessment5
形成性评估 5

Summative Assessment5
总结性评估 5

Assessment Criteria5
评估标准 5

Seeking Help6
寻求帮助 6

Detailed Syllabus and Reading List6
详细教学大纲和阅读清单 6

Lecture Topics8
 讲座主题 8

Seminar Topics9
 研讨会专题 9

NB This handbook is intended for the guidance of students taking this module in 2024/2025. Whilst the details contained in this handbook represent the intentions of the module teaching staff at the time of writing, it is in the nature of higher education that some module information, such as syllabus, reading lists and formative assessments, may be subject to modifications throughout the academic year. Teaching staff reserve the right to make such minor changes in the matters covered by this publication and will endeavour to publicise any such changes as widely, and as much in advance, as possible.
本手册旨在为 2024/2025 年选修本模块的学生提供指导。虽然本手册中的详细内容代表了该模块教学人员在撰写本手册时的意图,但根据高等教育的性质,一些模块信息,如教学大纲、阅读清单和形成性评估,可能会在整个学年中进行修改。教学人员保留对本手册所涉及事项进行细微修改的权利,并将尽可能提前、广泛地公布任何此类修改。


Teaching Staff

Professor Bart de Jong (Module Leader, Lecturer, and Seminar Tutor)

Professor in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour

e-mail: bart.dejong@durham.ac.uk

Dr. Richard Morgan (Module Lecturer and Seminar Tutor)

Assistant Professor in Leadership

e-mail: r.h.morgan@durham.ac.uk

Professor Jakob Stollberger (Seminar Tutor)
Jakob Stollberger 教授(研讨会导师)

Professor in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour

e-mail: jakob.stollberger@durham.ac.uk

Dr. Xiaoyu Gan (Seminar Tutor)

Teaching Fellow in Strategy and Organisational Behaviour

email: xiaoyu.gan@durham.ac.uk

Lecturers may be contacted during their scheduled consultation hours for which no prior appointment is required. The schedule for consultation hours and how to access them will be posted on Learn Ultra.
讲师可以在预定的咨询时间内与您联系,无需事先预约。咨询时间安排和访问方式将公布在 Learn Ultra 上。

On urgent matters outside these times, you can arrange an appointment, preferably by email. Should you have an urgent problem and the module leader is not available, please contact the Learning and Teaching Office: business.masters@durham.ac.uk

Staff will communicate announcements via classes, as well as announcements and messages on Learn Ultra. You should check your e-mail and Learn Ultra regularly, possibly once a day, but at least every 2 days to check for messages and announcements.
教职员工将通过课堂传达通知,并在 Learn Ultra 上发布通知和消息。您应定期查看电子邮件和 Learn Ultra,可能每天查看一次,但至少每两天查看一次,以查看消息和公告。

If you wish to communicate with fellow students on matters relating to the module, you may ask your lecturer/tutor to make an announcement at the beginning/end of a class. Alternatively, you may send messages via the discussion boards or the class register of the module’s Learn Ultra site.
如果您希望与同学就该模块的相关事宜进行交流,您可以要求讲师/导师在课堂开始/结束时发布通知。或者,您也可以通过讨论区或该模块的 "Learn Ultra "网站的班级注册表发送信息。

You will have an opportunity to comment on the module via a student module evaluation questionnaire, which will be made available towards the end of the module

Module Information

Welcome to Durham and the Organisational (short: ‘OB’) Module!
欢迎来到杜伦大学和组织模块(简称 "OB")!

Your OB Module Team is excited to work with you during your first term in Durham. It is our first and foremost aim to make this module a great learning experience for you. The module will provide many opportunities to develop yourself – personally and professionally – and it will be fun!
您的 OB 单元团队很高兴能与您一起度过在杜伦的第一个学期。我们的首要目标是让您在本模块中获得良好的学习体验。该模块将为你提供许多个人和专业发展的机会,而且会充满乐趣!

The OB module introduces you to key issues of how people think, feel and act in organisations. This means that we look at individuals, teams, and the entire organisation – but also the society and cultural contexts in which all of us live and work. Through the OB Module, you will explore different workplaces all over the world as well as the influence of ethics and culture. You will develop in-depth knowledge about important aspects of organisational life such as diversity; stress and resources; leadership and followership; teamwork and culture. A key theme of the module is ethics and responsibility as they affect how people work together.
组织运作模块将向您介绍组织中人们如何思考、感受和行动的关键问题。这意味着我们不仅要研究个人、团队和整个组织,还要研究我们生活和工作的社会和文化背景。通过 OB 单元,您将探索世界各地不同的工作场所以及道德和文化的影响。您将深入了解组织生活的重要方面,如多样性、压力和资源、领导力和追随者、团队合作和文化。该模块的一个关键主题是道德和责任,因为它们会影响人们如何一起工作。

The main objectives of the OB module are to:

Provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the behaviour of individuals and groups at work (i.e., how people think, feel and act). We draw from a variety of social science disciplines, but primarily from a management and psychology perspective.

Help you develop an integrated view of OB that spans different levels, from the micro-level (i.e., individuals) to the meso-level (i.e., teams) and the macro-level (i.e., the entire organisations).

Inform you about the state-of-the science in OB research and how you can make better decisions for yourself and others on the basis of OB research (e.g., findings from online surveys and laboratory experiments).

Equip you with both knowledge and tools to reflect and develop yourself personally and professionally (e.g., your leadership skills, motivation, teamwork).

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

Understand why people display different attitudes and behaviours at work (e.g., why they are motivated or lack motivation, why they perform well or not).

Explain how processes at different levels (individuals, teams, organisation) play together to influence performance and well-being at work.

Use OB theories & tools to improve satisfaction, motivation, and performance of people you work with.

Improve the organisations you work in or with – with a focus on ethics and responsibility).

Details of the Module Outline, Prerequisites, Co-requisites, Overall Aim(s) of the module, Learning Objectives, including details of key skills this module will help students to acquire are available at the link given below:


Teaching Methods and Contact Hours

This module requires 150 hours of study. This includes a combination of lectures, seminars and independent study as follows:
本模块要求学习 150 个小时。其中包括讲座、研讨会和独立学习,具体如下:





Total Hours




2 hours
2 小时





1 hour
1 小时


Preparation and Reading




The hours of study include all formal contact hours (lectures and seminars), the time devoted to background reading, and all preparation and reading time associated both with the formal contact hours and the formative and summative assessments (including essays and examinations).

We use many interactive elements (e.g., TED talks, Discussion Boards, Missions) to make OB a fun and interesting learning experience for you. We want you to leave the module with useful knowledge and skills for the future and to help you develop you personally and professionally. We expect that you make good use of these opportunities – and an informed choice, which of these elements are best suited to your personal approach to learning. All materials will be made available through Learn Ultra.
我们使用了许多互动元素(如 TED 演讲、讨论板、任务),使转播成为一种有趣的学习体验。我们希望你在离开该模块时能学到对未来有用的知识和技能,并帮助你在个人和专业方面得到发展。我们希望您能充分利用这些机会,并在知情的情况下选择最适合您个人学习方法的内容。所有资料都将通过 Learn Ultra 提供。

We highly recommend that you engage with the module regularly, every week. The learning materials that we provide every week will help your preparation for the formative and summative assignments. Please always ask questions and engage in discussions with other students, your lecturers and seminar tutor. While this may seem daunting at first, you will learn that OB is a friendly learning environment. We approach learning with an open-minded and inclusive spirit!
我们强烈建议您每周定期参与该模块的学习。我们每周提供的学习材料将有助于您准备形成性和总结性作业。请经常提问,并与其他同学、讲师和研讨课导师进行讨论。起初,这可能会让你感到畏惧,但你会发现 OB 是一个友好的学习环境。我们以开放和包容的精神对待学习!

The seminars are an excellent opportunity to practice for your OB assignments. The seminar setting is smaller than the lectures (approx. 15-20 students). We encourage you to use the seminars for discussion as well as to ask questions. It is necessary that you prepare in advance for the seminars (e.g., read scientific articles, complete exercises, make notes). This is to get the most out of the learning, but also to be fair to other students during teamwork.
研讨班是您练习 OB 作业的绝佳机会。研讨会的规模小于讲座(约 15-20 名学生)。我们鼓励您利用研讨会进行讨论和提问。您有必要提前为研讨会做好准备(例如,阅读科学文章、完成练习、做笔记)。这不仅是为了最大限度地利用所学知识,也是为了在团队合作中对其他学生公平。

Please note that attendance of seminars is compulsory and is monitored. Students will be allocated to seminar groups at the start of term.

Formative Assessment

The main aim of the formative assessment is to help you, in a structured way, to understand the material and its applications, consolidate your knowledge and further develop relevant skills. They do not count towards the overall mark for the module but are compulsory.

The formative assessment for this module will consist of:

Formative assignment – A 2-page structured plan for your summative essay
形成性作业 - 2 页的终结性论文结构化计划

Further guidance can be found in the Student Information Hub on information such as writing essays, the submission process, assessment criteria and grade descriptors.
您可以在学生信息中心(Student Information Hub)找到有关论文写作、提交流程、评估标准和等级描述等信息的更多指导。

Summative Assessment

The summative assessments constitute the formal assessment of a student’s performance and count towards the overall mark for the module.

Summative assessment will take the form of one summative assignment. The summative assignment details will be made available by the Learning and Teaching Team via Learn Ultra in due course.
终结性评价将以一份终结性作业的形式进行。教学团队将适时通过 "Learn Ultra "提供终结性作业的详细信息。

Further guidance can be found via the Student Information Hub on SharePoint including information on referencing, assessment criteria and grade descriptors.
您可以通过 SharePoint 上的 "学生信息中心"(Student Information Hub)获得更多指导,包括有关参考资料、评估标准和成绩说明的信息。

Unless clearly identified as group assignments, summative assignments have to be a student’s individual piece of work. Collaboration between students in writing summative assignments is not permitted.

Assessment Criteria

Performance in the formative and summative assessments for this module is judged against the following criteria:

Relevance to question(s)

Organisation, structure and presentation

Depth of understanding

Analysis and discussion

Use of sources and referencing

Overall conclusions

Seeking Help

You should always feel welcome to talk to staff whenever you wish to discuss any aspect of the module. Please do keep in touch with us. A small misunderstanding can turn into a big problem if it is not dealt with in a timely manner.

The first port of call for any queries relating to your understanding of the of the module material and readings should be the lecturer who taught the relevant session. Please direct questions about administrative issues, such as the module outline, the exam structure and formative assessment etc. to the module leader.

If you have problems that relate more generally to your studies across this and other modules, please contact your academic adviser or year tutor without delay. In serious cases you should normally also see the Programme Director.

Full details of the support mechanisms that are in place are available via the Student Information Hub on SharePoint. The Student Information Hub is also a valuable source of information for any questions you might have, such as how to access various University services, how Business School processes work, and where to find University policies, etc.
您可以通过 SharePoint 上的 "学生信息中心"(Student Information Hub)获取有关现有支持机制的全部详细信息。学生信息中心也是一个宝贵的信息来源,可以帮助您解决任何问题,如如何获得大学的各种服务、商学院的工作流程以及在哪里可以找到大学政策等。

Detailed Syllabus and Reading List

The following pages give details of the topics covered by the module. Further information will be provided on Learn Ultra as the module progresses.
以下几页详细介绍了该模块涵盖的主题。随着该模块的进展,Learn Ultra 将提供更多信息。

Private study of recommended reading material is an integral part of the module. The list of recommended reading given for each topic in the module syllabus is divided into ‘essential’ (ER) and ‘further’ reading. ‘Essential’ readings are primarily intended to reinforce your understanding of the core lecture material. Where more than one such item is listed, these should usually be regarded as alternatives. ‘Further’ reading is intended to promote greater depth and breadth of understanding.
自学推荐阅读材料是该模块不可分割的一部分。该模块教学大纲中每个主题的推荐阅读书目分为 "必读"(ER)和 "延伸 "阅读。必读 "读物的主要目的是加强你对核心授课材料的理解。如果列出了多个此类项目,通常应将其视为备选项目。进一步 "阅读旨在加深和拓宽理解。

All sources listed will be available electronically via the University library or the internet. To make it easier for you to access journal articles and books online, please consider installing the viaDurham button in your browser.
所有列出的资料均可通过大学图书馆或互联网以电子方式获取。为方便您在线获取期刊文章和书籍,请考虑在浏览器中安装 viaDurhambutton。

Books (online)

Recommended reading in the form of online books can be accessed via the Reading List on Learn Ultra, which you will find under the “Start Here – Module Information” link.
您可以通过 "从这里开始--模块信息 "链接下的 "Learn Ultra "阅读列表,获取在线书籍形式的推荐读物。

The core textbook for the module is:

Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. Organizational Behaviour (17th Ed., Global Edition). Pearson. ISBN 9781292146317 (electronic book) (2017)
Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. 《组织行为学》(第 17 版,全球版)。Pearson.ISBN 9781292146317 (electronic book) (2017)

Access to this e-book is available via Durham University Virtual Library:


Feel free to use newer or older editions of the same textbook. Just make sure that you read the correct textbook chapter for each week as the numbering of chapters has changed over time.

Academic Journals

Most of the sources used in this module will be journal articles, which students will be able to read online or download. Many of the journal articles listed are accessible directly or indirectly via the EBSCO or the Science Direct database1. If you cannot find the article there, please look up the journal directly at: University Library : Online resources : electronic journals - Durham University.
本模块使用的大部分资料来源是期刊论文,学生可以在线阅读或下载。所列的许多期刊文章可通过 EBSCO 或 Science Direct 数据库 1 直接或间接访问。如果您在这里找不到文章,请直接在以下网址查找期刊:大学图书馆 : 在线资源 : 电子期刊 - 杜伦大学。

To ensure that all students can access the recommended reading at any time, please download the recommended reading in online books as chapters if this is possible, rather than read them online, as the latter limits the number of students who can simultaneously access the source.

Additional references may be provided during the year. You should also undertake your own search for additional relevant literature and follow up relevant references contained in the literature identified below, if you have a specific interest in the topics.

We expect you to be familiar with articles published in the best academic journals (and to cite them in the OB assignments). Here are some examples of very good journals that cover the field of OB:

Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review
管理学院学报 管理学院评论

Academy of Management Perspectives Administrative Science Quarterly
管理学院视角 行政科学季刊

British Journal of Management Harvard Business Review
英国管理杂志 哈佛商业评论

Human Relations Human Resource Management
人际关系 人力资源管理

Human Resource Management Journal Journal of Applied Psychology
人力资源管理期刊》 《应用心理学期刊

Journal of ManagementJournal of Management Studies
管理杂志》 《管理研究杂志

Journal of Organizational Behavior Journal of Vocational Behavior
组织行为学杂志 职业行为学杂志

Organization ScienceOrganization Studies
组织科学 组织研究

Personnel PsychologyPsychological Science
人事心理学 心理科学

Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes

Lecture Topics

1. Lecture Topic 1 (Week 1): Introduction to Organisational Behaviour
1.讲座主题 1(第 1 周):组织行为学简介

Lecturer: Prof Bart de Jong

Essential reading: Textbook Chapter 1
必读教科书第 1 章

2. Lecture Topic 2 (Week 2): Diversity in Organisations
2.讲座主题 2(第 2 周):组织中的多样性

Lecturer: Prof Bart de Jong

Essential reading: Textbook Chapter 2
必读教科书第 2 章

3. Lecture Topic 3 (Week 3): Health and Wellbeing at Work
3.讲座主题 3(第 3 周):工作中的健康与福利

Lecturer: Prof Bart de Jong

Essential reading: Textbook Chapter 18-5 to 18-7
必读:教科书第 18-5 至 18-7 章

4. Lecture Topic 4 (Week 4): Interpersonal Trust
4.讲座主题 4(第 4 周):人际信任

Lecturer: Prof Bart de Jong

Essential reading: Textbook Chapter 12, pages 440-443
必读:教科书第 12 章,第 440-443 页

Dirks, K.T. & De Jong, B.A. (2022). Trust Within the Workplace: A Review of Two Waves of Research and a Glimpse of the Third. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 9, 247-276.
Dirks, K.T. & De Jong, B.A. (2022)。工作场所中的信任:两波研究回顾与第三波研究一瞥》。组织心理学与组织行为年度评论》,9,247-276。

5. Lecture Topic 5 (Week 5): Teamwork
5.讲座主题 5(第 5 周):团队合作

Lecturer: Prof Bart de Jong

Essential reading: Textbook Chapter 10
必读教科书第 10 章

Mathieu, J. E., Gallagher, P. T., Domingo, M. A., & Klock, E. A. (2019). Embracing complexity: Reviewing the past decade of team effectiveness research. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 17–46.
Mathieu, J. E., Gallagher, P. T., Domingo, M. A., & Klock, E. A. (2019).拥抱复杂性:回顾过去十年的团队效能研究。Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 17-46.

6. Lecture Topic 6 (Week 6): Challenges and Opportunities in Contemporary Organisations
6.讲座主题 6(第 6 周):当代组织的挑战与机遇

On-stage panel interview with business leaders

7. Lecture Topic 7 (Week 7): Leadership
7.讲座主题 7(第 7 周):领导力

Lecturer: Dr Janey Zhang

Essential reading: Textbook Chapter 12
必读教科书第 12 章

8. Lecture Topic 8 (Week 8): Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
8.讲座主题 8(第 8 周):企业社会责任与道德

Lecturer: Dr Richard Morgan

Essential reading: Palazzo, G. 2018. Corporate social responsibility and leadership. In J. Antonakis & D. V. Day (Eds.), The nature of leadership (3rd Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
《必读:Palazzo, G. 2018.企业社会责任与领导力》。In J. Antonakis & D. V. Day (Eds.), The nature of leadership (3rd Edition).加利福尼亚州千橡市:SAGE.

9. Lecture Topic 9 (Week 9): Organizational Culture
9.讲座主题 9(第 9 周):组织文化

Lecturer: Dr Richard Morgan

Essential reading: Textbook chapter 16
必读教科书第 16 章

Giorgi, S., Lockwood, C., & Glynn, M. A. (2015). The many faces of culture: Making sense of 30 years of research on culture in organization studies. The Academy of Management Annals, 9(1), 1–54. 
Giorgi, S., Lockwood, C., & Glynn, M. A. (2015).文化的多面性:组织研究中文化研究 30 年的意义。The Academy of Management Annals, 9(1), 1-54.

10. Lecture Topic 10 (Week 10): Change in Organisations
10.讲座主题 10(第 10 周):组织中的变革

Lecturer: Dr Richard Morgan

Essential reading: Textbook Chapter 18-1 to 18-4
必读:教科书第 18-1 至 18-4 章

Kamarova, S., Gagné, M., Holtrop, D., & Dunlop, P. D. (2024). Integrating behavior and organizational change literatures to uncover crucial psychological mechanisms underlying the adoption and maintenance of organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Advance online publication. 
Kamarova, S., Gagné, M., Holtrop, D., & Dunlop, P. D. (2024)。整合行为学和组织变革文献,揭示采用和维持组织变革的关键心理机制。组织行为学杂志》。提前在线出版。

Seminar Topics

It is expected that all students prepare for each seminar session. You might be asked e.g. to summarise the main arguments made by the authors of articles you have been asked to read, to explain solutions to exercises and case studies you have been given as homework and to contribute actively to discussions during seminar sessions.

1. Seminar 1 (Week 3/4): Health and Wellbeing
1.研讨会 1(第 3/4 周):健康与幸福

Seminar Tutor: Prof Bart de Jong

Seminar preparation – see instructions on Learn Ultra.
研讨会准备 - 请参阅 "学习 Ultra "上的说明。

2. Topic 2 (Week 5/6): Transformational Leadership
2.主题 2(第 5/6 周):变革型领导

Seminar Tutor: Dr. Richard Morgan, Dr. Xiaoyu Gan

Seminar preparation – see instructions on Learn Ultra.
研讨会准备 - 请参阅 "学习 Ultra "上的说明。

3. Topic 3 (Week 7/8): Innovation and Creativity
3.主题 3(第 7/8 周):创新与创造

Seminar Tutor: Prof. Jakob Stollberger
研讨会导师Jakob Stollberger 教授

Seminar preparation – see instructions on Learn Ultra.
研讨会准备 - 请参阅 "学习 Ultra "上的说明。

4. Topic 4 (Week 9/10): Writing Practice and Feedback
4.专题 4(第 9/10 周):写作练习与反馈

Seminar Tutor: Dr. Richard Morgan, Dr. Xiaoyu Gan

Seminar preparation – see instructions on Learn Ultra.
研讨会准备 - 请参阅 "学习 Ultra "上的说明。

  1. Please see the listing on the right hand side of: University Library : Online resources : electronic journals - Durham University
    请参阅右侧的列表:大学图书馆 : 在线资源 : 电子期刊 - 杜伦大学