General Terms
Acknowledgment and Disclaimer
TA, its officers, employees, advisors and agents:
make no express or implied representation or warranty as to the currency, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this RFT;
对于本 RFT 中所含信息的时效性、可靠性或完整性,不做出任何明示或暗示的陈述或保证;
make no express or implied representation or warranty that any estimate or forecast will be achieved or that any statement as to future matters will prove correct; and
to the extent permitted by law, expressly disclaim all liability arising from information contained in or omitted from this RFT or otherwise provided to a Tenderer.
在法律允许的范围内,明确声明不承担因本 RFT 中包含或省略的信息或以其他方式提供给投标人的信息而产生的所有责任。
It is the responsibility of Tenderers to obtain all information necessary or convenient for the preparation of their tenders.
Tenderers are therefore deemed to have:
examined this RFT and any other documents referenced or referred to in this RFT and any other information made available in writing by TA to Tenderers for the purposes of submitting a tender;
检查本 RFT 以及本 RFT 中引用或提及的任何其他文件以及 TA 为提交投标书而向投标人提供的书面信息;
made themselves aware of the applicable policies located on TA’s corporate website for the purpose of indicating their willingness to comply and to ensure their subcontractors will comply with TA’s Supplier Code of Conduct, Fraud and Corruption Policy and its Public Interest Disclosure policy (available at;
了解TA公司网站上的适用政策,以表明他们愿意遵守并确保其分包商遵守TA的供应商行为准则、欺诈和腐败政策及其公共利益披露政策(可访问 );
examined all other information which is obtainable by the making of reasonable and timely inquiries and relevant to the risks, contingencies and other circumstances having an effect on their tender; and
satisfied themselves as to the correctness and sufficiency of their tender, including quoted prices which are deemed to cover the cost of all matters necessary for the due and proper performance and delivery of the Services.
In submitting a tender, each Tenderer acknowledges that it has not relied on any express or implied statement, representation or warranty as to the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this RFT, or otherwise provided to a Tenderer by TA or on TA’s behalf.
在提交投标书时,各投标人承认,其并未依赖任何明示或暗示的声明、陈述或保证来证明本 RFT 中包含的信息或TA或TA向投标人提供的信息的真实性、准确性或完整性。的代表。
All expenses and costs incurred by a Tenderer in connection with this RFT, including (without limitation) preparing and lodging a tender, providing TA with further information, attending interviews and participating in any subsequent negotiations, are the sole responsibility of the Tenderer.
投标人承担与本 RFT 有关的所有费用和费用,包括(但不限于)准备和提交投标书、向TA提供进一步信息、参加面试以及参与任何后续谈判,均由投标人自行承担。
For the avoidance of doubt, in no circumstances will TA be responsible for any costs incurred by a Tenderer in preparing a tender.
为避免疑义,在任何情况下, TA均不对投标人准备标书所产生的任何费用负责。
No Contract
This RFT and the content within it does not constitute the making of an offer of any kind or indicate any contractual obligation owed by TA to the Tenderer, nor does it provide any encouragement for the Tenderer to expend funds or other resources in reliance of any offer it may believe has been made to it within this RFT.
本 RFT 及其内容不构成任何形式的要约,也不表明 TA 对投标人负有任何合同义务,也不鼓励投标人依赖任何要约而花费资金或其他资源它可能认为已在本 RFT 中对其进行了处理。
Nothing in this RFT should be construed as giving rise to any contractual obligation, right, claim, or any other legal relationship (express or implied) whatsoever between TA and any Tenderer a result of this RFT being issued or the Tender Schedule being submitted. No legal relationship will be created until a formal written contract is executed with TA.
本 RFT 中的任何内容均不应被解释为因发布本 RFT 或提交投标时间表而在TA和任何投标人之间产生任何合同义务、权利、索赔或任何其他法律关系(明示或暗示) 。在与TA签订正式书面合同之前,不会建立任何法律关系。
Nothing in this RFT or in any tender or the submission of the tender (in part or together) is to be construed as giving rise to any contractual obligation, right, claim, or any other legal relationship (express or implied) whatsoever between TA and any Tenderer.
本 RFT 或任何投标或投标的提交(部分或全部)中的任何内容均不得解释为引起 TA 和 TA 之间的任何合同义务、权利、索赔或任何其他法律关系(明示或暗示)。任何投标人。
No contract will be created until a formal written contract is executed by TA and a Tenderer.
Limited Liability
In the event a court finds there to be a contract between TA and a Tenderer regarding the conduct of this RFT process, the Tenderer acknowledges that TA’s liability for any breach of the terms of such contract is limited to the Tenderer’s administrative costs of participation in the RFT process, and does not include liability for any lost profit, lost opportunity or other losses of the Tenderer.
如果法院发现TA与投标人之间存在关于进行 RFT 流程的合同,则投标人承认TA对任何违反此类合同条款的责任仅限于投标人参与的管理费用在 RFT 过程中,不包括投标人的任何利润损失、机会损失或其他损失的责任。
Public Statements
Tenderers should not make any public statements (including without limitation providing information or documents for publication in any media) in relation to this RFT or any subsequent contract arising out of this RFT without TA’s prior written approval.
未经 TA 事先书面批准,投标人不得就本 RFT 或因本 RFT 产生的任何后续合同发表任何公开声明(包括但不限于提供在任何媒体上发布的信息或文件)。
TA may exclude a tender from further consideration if the Tenderer fails to comply with this clause.
如果投标人不遵守本条款, TA可以将投标排除在进一步考虑之外。
TA will not withhold its approval to the extent the Tenderer is required to disclose information by the rules of a stock exchange.
如果证券交易所规则要求投标人披露信息, TA不会拒绝批准。
TA’s Rights
Notwithstanding any other provision of this RFT, TA reserves the right, at any time to:
尽管本 RFT 中有任何其他规定, TA仍保留随时执行以下操作的权利:
vary this RFT or timings and processes outlined in this RFT;
改变本 RFT 或本RFT 中概述的时间安排和流程;
seek amended tenders or call for new tenders;
accept or reject any tender received after Closing Time;
if TA considers that it is in the Public Interest to do so, suspend or terminate this RFT process or any part of it;
如果TA认为这样做符合公共利益,则暂停或终止此 RFT 流程或其任何部分;
require additional information or clarification from any Tenderer or anyone else, or provide additional information or clarification to any Tenderer or anyone else;
shortlist one or more Tenderers;
negotiate or not negotiate with any one or more Tenderers and discontinue negotiations at any time;
negotiate with one or more persons who have not submitted Tenders or enter into a contract or other binding relationship for similar services to the services outside the RFT process;
与尚未提交标书或未就 RFT 流程之外的服务签订类似服务的合同或其他约束关系的一名或多名人员进行谈判;
allow, or not allow, the successful Tenderer to enter into the proposed contract in the name of a different legal entity from that which provided a response to this RFT;
允许或不允许中标投标人以与对本 RFT 作出答复的法律实体不同的法律实体的名义签订拟议合同;
allow or not allow another legal entity to take over a Tender in substitution for the original Tenderer where an event occurs that has the effect of substantially altering the composition or control of the Tenderer or the business of the Tenderer;
add to, alter, delete or exclude any of the requirement to be provided by the preferred Tenderer under this RFT;
添加、更改、删除或排除首选投标人根据本 RFT 提供的任何要求;
alter, amend or vary the terms of the Draft Contract at any time, including without limitation during negotiations; and
publish or disclose the names of Tenderers (whether successful or unsuccessful).
For the avoidance of doubt, TA may exercise its rights under this clause and elsewhere in this RFT at any time and in its absolute discretion, unless this RFT expressly provides otherwise.
为避免疑义,除非本 RFT 另有明确规定, TA可以随时全权酌情行使其在本条款和本 RFT 中其他部分下的权利。
For the avoidance of doubt and without limitation, it may be in the public interest suspend or terminate this RFT process if:
为避免疑义且不受限制,在以下情况下,出于公共利益的考虑,可能会暂停或终止此 RFT 流程:
there is a decision made to cancel or vary the program to which the procurement relates;
there is a ‘machinery-of-government’ change which affects responsibilities between agencies for programs to which the procurement relates;
unforeseen technological or environmental change occur which affects the business case for the procurement as specified;
unforeseen technical or operational problems occur which can be attributed to inadequate, incorrect or inappropriate specifications in the request document;
there is a discovery of new information materially affecting the policy or operational effectiveness of the continuation of a project and/or procurement as specified;
funding is unavailable or insufficient through changes to appropriations or inability to obtain authority where necessary; or
the Board of TA deems suspension or termination of the RFT to be in the public interest; and/or
TA董事会认为暂停或终止 RFT 符合公共利益;和/或
a responsible Minister does not approve TA entering into contract or terminates the RFT process.
负责的部长不批准TA签订合同或终止 RFT 流程。
Conflict of Interest
Where Tenderers identify that a conflict of interest may arise in the provision of the services, Tenderers are to include such information in their tender.
If at any time prior to entering into a contract for the services, an actual or potential conflict of interest arises or may arise for any Tenderer, other than that already disclosed, that Tenderer should immediately notify TA in writing.
如果在签订服务合同之前的任何时间,任何投标人出现或可能出现实际或潜在的利益冲突(已披露的利益冲突除外),则投标人应立即以书面形式通知 TA。
If any actual or potential conflict is notified, TA may, in its absolute discretion:
如果收到任何实际或潜在冲突的通知, TA可以全权酌情决定:
disregard the tender submitted by such a Tenderer;
enter into discussions to seek to resolve such conflict of interest; or
take any other action it considers appropriate.
Tenderer Behaviour
Tenderers must not, and must ensure that their officers, employees, agents and advisors do not, in relation to the preparation, lodgement or assessment of tenders:
make any false or misleading or deceptive claim or statement;
improperly obtain confidential information;
receive improper assistance from any existing or former officer or employee of TA;
engage in collusive tendering, anti-competitive conduct, unlawful, unethical or other similar conduct with any other Tenderer or other person;
attempt to improperly influence an officer or employee of TA, violate any applicable laws regarding the offering of inducements; or
approach any officer or employee of TA other than in the manner set out in this RFT.
以本 RFT 中规定的方式以外的方式接触TA的任何管理人员或员工。
TA may exclude from consideration any tender lodged by a Tenderer that, in TA’s reasonable opinion, has failed to comply with this clause.
No Tenderer may issue any information, publication, document or article for publication in any media which includes details of the Services to be provided under the contract subject of this Tender, or which otherwise refers or is connected to TA or this RFT process, without prior written approval of TA.
未经事先通知,投标人不得在任何媒体上发布任何信息、出版物、文件或文章,其中包括根据本招标合同主题提供的服务的详细信息,或者以其他方式提及或与TA或本 RFT 流程相关的信息、出版物、文件或文章。 TA的书面批准。
Confidentiality and Disclosure
Tenderers should be aware of Australian Government legislation and policies that are relevant to confidentiality and to preventing loss of privacy in procurement as well as those laws and policies relating to disclosure of information.
Hence, without limiting the successful Tenderer's other obligations to be met under all applicable Commonwealth laws and policies, the tenderer agrees that if they enter into a contract with TA, they will not do anything that would otherwise breach, or cause TA to breach, an Australian Privacy Principle under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The successful Tenderer will also need to agree in any contract that it may enter into with TA, to impose those same obligations on any subcontractor engaged by the Tenderer.
因此,在不限制中标投标人根据所有适用的联邦法律和政策应履行的其他义务的情况下,投标人同意,如果他们与TA签订合同,他们不会做任何会违反或导致TA违反1988 年《隐私法》 (联邦)规定的澳大利亚隐私原则。中标的投标人还需要在其可能与TA签订的任何合同中同意,对投标人聘用的任何分包商施加同样的义务。
Tenderers must treat this tender as confidential and must keep confidential any TA and Commonwealth confidential information provided for the purpose of preparing the request for tender, including personal information as defined in the Privacy Act.
TA will, subject to this RFT and the remaining subclauses in this section endeavour to treat the following information as confidential:
TA将根据本 RFT 和本节其余条款尽力将以下信息视为机密:
all tenders received prior to and during the procurement process;
all unsuccessful tenders, following the end of this procurement process and the award of a contract to a successful tenderer; and
all successful tenders, following the end of this procurement process and the award of a contract, but only to the extent that:
a tenderer has requested that specific information in their tender response be kept confidential; and
TA has determined that specific information is to be kept confidential in accordance with guidance from the Department of Finance (Confidentiality throughout the Procurement Cycle, available at or TA has agreed, as part of a contract, to keep that information confidential.
Tenderers should include in their Tender Response Schedule in Attachment 1 of this RFT, any request that they want to make for certain information to be treated as confidential following the end of the procurement process.
投标人应在本 RFT 附件 1 的投标响应表中包含他们希望在采购流程结束后将某些信息视为机密的任何请求。
Notwithstanding the above, the Tenderer should also be aware that TA has a number of public accountability requirements that may lead to the requirement for it to disclose information of the Tenderer from this tender, including information of the successful Tenderer under any contract they enter into with TA. This includes disclosures:
尽管如此,投标人还应意识到,电讯管理局有多项公共责任要求,可能会要求其披露本次招标中投标人的信息,包括与他们签订的任何合同中的中标投标人的信息。 TA 。这包括披露:
to advisers, officers, employees or subcontractors for the purposes of conducting this RFT process, including any audit or review;
出于执行此 RFT 流程(包括任何审计或审查)的目的而向顾问、管理人员、员工或分包商披露;
pursuant to orders made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth), which gives members of the public right of access to documents in the possession of the Commonwealth of Australia and its agencies;
根据《 1982 年信息自由法》 (联邦)颁布的命令,该法赋予公众查阅澳大利亚联邦及其机构拥有的文件的权利;
to the responsible Minister, or to a House or Committee of Parliament, where a request is made by any of them;
向负责的部长、或议会众议院或委员会(如果其中任何一方提出请求) ;
to the Auditor-General, Information and Privacy Commissioner or Commonwealth Ombudsman or their delegates in the performance of their obligations under relevant legislation;
for the purpose of defending any claim or proceeding in relation to this RFT process or any resulting contract;
或出于对与本RFT 流程或任何由此产生的合同相关的任何索赔或诉讼进行辩护的目的;
as otherwise required at law or pursuant to Commonwealth policy or as part of any discoverable information relevant to a case before a court;
of what is already in the public domain, other than those due to a breach of the relevant obligations of confidentiality;
to meet specific accountability requirements, including:
the policy of the Commonwealth to publish headline details of contracts and standing offers with an value of $400,000 or more on AusTender;
联邦政府的政策是在AusTender上发布价值400,000 美元或以上的合同和长期报价的标题详细信息;
the requirement to publish information about certain procurements and expenditure in its annual reports, consistent with the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth); and
根据《 1918 年联邦选举法》 (联邦) ,要求在年度报告中公布有关某些采购和支出的信息;和
the requirement to make available, on request, the names of any subcontractors engaged to perform services in relation to a Commonwealth contract (as such, Tenderers should inform all potential subcontractors that their participation in fulfilling a Commonwealth contract may be publicly disclosed).
Public Interest Disclosures
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Cth) promotes integrity and accountability in the Commonwealth by encouraging the disclosure of information about suspected wrongdoing, protecting people who make disclosures from adverse consequences relating to the making of a disclosure, and requiring agencies to take action to ensure that disclosures are properly investigated and dealt with.
《公共利益披露法 2013》 (联邦)通过鼓励披露有关涉嫌不当行为的信息、保护披露者免受与披露相关的不利后果以及要求各机构采取行动确保信息披露得到适当的调查和处理。
Tenderers are advised that if they enter into a contract with TA they may be deemed as a public official by virtue of their provision of goods or services to the Commonwealth. As a result, they are obliged to act in accordance with the standards expected of ‘public officials’ by not engaging and ensuring their subcontractors do not engage in ‘disclosable conduct’. This includes conduct that would break any law, is corrupt, wastes public funds, or otherwise abuses the position of a ‘public official’.
投标人请注意,如果他们与 TA 签订合同,他们可能会因向联邦提供商品或服务而被视为公职人员。因此,他们有义务按照“公职人员”的预期标准行事,不参与并确保其分包商不参与“可披露的行为”。这包括违反法律、腐败、浪费公共资金或以其他方式滥用“公职人员”地位的行为。
Further information is available on TA’s corporate website ( and the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s website (
如需了解更多信息,请访问 TA 公司网站 ( ) 和联邦监察员网站 ( ) 。
Intellectual Property Rights
All intellectual property that exists in the information contained in this RFT, which for the avoidance of doubt relates to property (including any related or attached material to this RFT) that falls within the ambit of statutory instruments that would deem them to be intellectual property such as the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), remains the property of TA.
本 RFT 所含信息中存在的所有知识产权,为避免疑义,涉及属于将其视为知识产权的法定文书范围内的财产(包括本 RFT 的任何相关或附加材料),例如根据1968 年版权法(联邦),仍然是TA的财产。
The Tenderer is permitted to use the RFT for the purpose only of compiling its tender and, in the case of the preferred Tenderer, for negotiating a contract with TA.
投标人仅可将 RFT 用于编制其投标书,如果是首选投标人,还可用于与TA谈判合同。
The Tenderer licenses TA, its officers, employees, agents and advisers to copy, adapt, modify, disclose or do anything else necessary, in TA's opinion, to all material (including that which contains intellectual property rights of the Tenderer or other persons) contained in the tender for the purpose of:
投标人许可TA及其管理人员、雇员、代理和顾问对所有材料(包括包含投标人或其他人的知识产权的材料)进行复制、改编、修改、披露或进行TA认为必要的任何其他操作。 ) 包含在投标中,目的是:
evaluating/clarifying tenders;
negotiation of any Contract with a Tenderer;
managing any Contract with the successful Tenderer (if any);
audit, governmental and Parliamentary reporting requirements; and
responding to any disputes about the RFT Process or requests from Parliament or a Parliamentary Committee.
回应有关 RFT 流程的任何争议或议会或议会委员会的请求。
TA may make copies of the tender documents for any purpose related to this RFT.
TA可以出于与本 RFT 相关的任何目的复印招标文件。
TA may retain such paper and electronic file copies of all tender documents that TA considers appropriate.
TA reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to require that at any stage all written information (whether confidential or otherwise and without regard to the type of media on which such information was provided to any Tenderer) provided to Tenderers (and all copies of such information made by Tenderers) be returned to TA or destroyed by the Tenderer.