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  • torch.optim.Optimizer.register_load_state_dict_pre_hook
    torch.optim.Optimizer.register_load_state_dict_pre_hook torch.optim.Optimizer 注册加载状态字典前钩子
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torch.optim.Optimizer.register_load_state_dict_pre_hook torch.optim.Optimizer 注册加载状态字典前钩子

Optimizer.register_load_state_dict_pre_hook(hook, prepend=False)[source]
```python Optimizer.register_load_state_dict_pre_hook(hook, prepend=False)[source] ``` ```python Optimizer 注册加载状态字典预处理钩子(hook, prepend=False)[源代码] ```

Register a load_state_dict pre-hook which will be called before load_state_dict() is called. It should have the following signature:
注册一个在调用 load_state_dict() 之前将被调用的 load_state_dict 预钩子。它应该具有以下签名:

hook(optimizer, state_dict) -> state_dict or None

The optimizer argument is the optimizer instance being used and the state_dict argument is a shallow copy of the state_dict the user passed in to load_state_dict. The hook may modify the state_dict inplace or optionally return a new one. If a state_dict is returned, it will be used to be loaded into the optimizer.
```plaintext optimizer 参数是正在使用的优化器实例, state_dict 参数是用户传递给 load_state_dictstate_dict 的浅拷贝。钩子可以就地修改状态字典,或者可选地返回一个新的状态字典。如果返回了状态字典,它将被用于加载到优化器中。 ```

The hook will be called with argument self and state_dict before calling load_state_dict on self. The registered hook can be used to perform pre-processing before the load_state_dict call is made.
钩子将在调用 self 上的 load_state_dict 之前,使用参数 selfstate_dict 进行调用。已注册的钩子可以在执行 load_state_dict 调用之前进行预处理。

Parameters 参数
  • hook (Callable) – The user defined hook to be registered.
    钩子(Callable)- 用户定义的待注册钩子。

  • prepend (bool) – If True, the provided pre hook will be fired before all the already registered pre-hooks on load_state_dict. Otherwise, the provided hook will be fired after all the already registered pre-hooks. (default: False)
    ``` prepend(布尔值)- 如果为 True,提供的预操作 hook 将在所有已注册的预钩子 load_state_dict 之前执行。否则,提供的 hook 将在所有已注册的预钩子之后执行。(默认:False) ```

Returns 返回

a handle that can be used to remove the added hook by calling handle.remove()
一个可以通过调用 handle.remove() 来移除已添加钩子的句柄

Return type 返回类型


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