-the cause of a disease. 疾病的原因
-Pathogenic factors: 致病因素
-Exterior abnormalities in climate/infections of epidemic disease 气候/流行病感染的外部异常
-Interior:a)emotional conditions - 内部:a)情绪状况
b)improper diet b)不合理的饮食
c)overstrain 过度紧张
d)injuries,trauma d)损伤,创伤
e)wounds and bites by insects and beasts 昆虫和野兽的伤口和咬伤
The pathogenesis of one disease: 一种疾病的发病机制:
Ex:wind-cold rarr\rightarrow lung rarr\rightarrow exterior symptoms(cough,chills,no sweat,headache,thin white tongue,floating-tight pulse)rarr\rightarrow if the exterior pathogenic factors are not dispelled properly, these EPF stays intemally rarr\rightarrow transform to Heat(intemal)rarr\rightarrow fever,constipation,thirst,red tongue,rapid pulse. 风冷 rarr\rightarrow 肺 rarr\rightarrow 外部症状(咳嗽,恶寒,无汗,头痛,薄白舌,浮紧脉) rarr\rightarrow 如果外部致病因素未得到适当清除,这些致病因素会留在体内 rarr\rightarrow 转化为热(体内) rarr\rightarrow 发热,便秘,口渴,舌红,脉数
Also,phlegm,blood stasis,dampness(internal),and heat(internal)rarr\rightarrow these are the pathogenic products of the internal organs disorder,but they can be the cause of the other diseases. 此外,痰、血瘀、湿(内湿)和热(内热) rarr\rightarrow 这些是内脏器官失调的病理产物,但它们也可能是其他疾病的原因
What is Pathogenesis(病机)? 什么是病机?
-describes the mechanism of the initiation,development and change of a disease. 描述了疾病的起始、发展和变化机制
From the observation of the clinical practice: 从临床实践观察:
Qi strong or deficiency depends on rarr\rightarrow 气强或气虚取决于 rarr\rightarrow
a)body condition rarr\rightarrow mental state,living environment,nutrition,and excecise. a)体况 rarr\rightarrow 心理状态、生活环境、营养和锻炼
b)Congenital condition rarr\rightarrow born with,inherited from parents b)先天性状况,出生时就有,由父母遗传而来
*in TCM,to determine the cause of disease not only looking at the external factor,it will according to the clinical signs,analyse the disease symptoms,to determine the cause,and provide the treatment. 在中医中,确定病因不仅要看外部因素,还会根据临床体征,分析疾病症状,以确定病因,并提供治疗方案
"determination of pathogenic factors based on the differentiation of symptoms and signs" 基于症状和体征的致病因素确定
Etiology 病因
Exterior Pathogenic Factors: 外部致病因素:
A. Six Exterior Pathogenic Factors 六淫
Wind - cold -summer heat - damp - dry - fire (heat) rarr\rightarrow also called " 6 natural factors" 风 - 寒 - 夏热 - 湿 - 干 - 火(热) rarr\rightarrow 也称为“六自然因素”
The 6 exterior pathogenic factors rarr\rightarrow cause exterior conditions. 六种外感致病因素导致外邪。
How do they cause disease? 他们是如何引起疾病的?
When the resistance of the human body declines, the 6 natural factors may become pathogenic factors. (Western - the immune system decline rarr\rightarrow the human body is susceptible to pathogens such as bacteria, virus) 当人体电阻下降时,6 种自然因素可能成为致病因素。(西方——免疫系统下降 rarr\rightarrow 人体易受细菌、病毒等病原体侵害)
In General, the 6 pathogenic factors have the following characteristics in causing diseases: 一般来说,6 种致病因素在引起疾病时具有以下特点:
Usually related to seasonal conditions and living environments. 通常与季节性条件和居住环境有关。
Attack the human body either separately or simultaneously with or more in combination. 攻击人体,可以单独或同时,或更多结合进行。
In the course of causing diseases, may not only influence each other, but also may transform into each other under certain conditions. 在导致疾病的过程中,不仅可能相互影响,而且在某些条件下还可能相互转化。
They cause disease usually by entering the body through the skin or the mouth and nose. 他们通常通过皮肤或口腔和鼻腔进入人体而引起疾病。
Yang pathogen 杨病原体
Spring 春季
“Wind is leading hundred diseases” 风是百病之源
attacks the body in combination with the other EPF 攻击身体,与其他 EPF 结合
invading the upper part of the body 侵犯身体上部
Yang pathogen, Apt to Attack and invade the Upper Part of the body 杨病原体,易攻击和侵入身体上部
Apt to Migrate and Change 易于迁移和变更
a) migration rarr\rightarrow no fixed time and/or place - wandering a) 迁移 rarr\rightarrow 没有固定时间和/或地点 - 流浪
b) Change rarr\rightarrow the onset of a disease is sudden and the disease is liable to change rapidly. b) 疾病的发作是突然的,且疾病容易迅速变化。
Leading Pathogen, and Being Apt to Cause Disease in Combination with Other Pathogenic Factors 主要病原体,并易于与其他病原因素结合引起疾病
Wind - cold 风 - 冷
Wind-heat 风热
Wind - dampness 风 - 潮湿
Wind - dryness 风 - 干燥
Wind - water 风 - 水
Apt to Move 易于移动
Move rarr\rightarrow abnormal movements or rigidity occur in the body and limbs. 身体和四肢出现异常运动或僵硬。
Yin pathogen 隐病原体
Winter 冬季
Impair Yang Qi 损伤阳气
Coagulative & obstructive in nature rarr\rightarrow cause constriction 凝固性与阻塞性,导致收缩
Yin pathogen, tending to impair Yang Qi 阴性病原体,易损阳气
Coagulative and obstructive in nature 凝固性和阻塞性
Causing constriction 导致狭窄
Cold rarr\rightarrow causes meridians and collaterals, and tendons to contract. 冷 rarr\rightarrow 导致经络和筋腱收缩。
SUMMER - HEAT 夏日 - 炎热
Yang pathogen 杨病原体
Summer 夏日
Scorching in nature 炽热,本质上
Tends to rise and disperse 倾向于上升和扩散
Apt to impair body fluid and to exhaust Qi 易损体液,耗气
Usually accompanied by dampness 通常伴有潮湿
Yang pathogen, scorching in nature 杨病原体,性质炎热
Tending to rise and disperse, and being apt to impair body fluid and exhaust Qi 易致升散,耗伤津液,耗气
Usually accompanied by dampness 通常伴有潮湿
Yin pathogen 隐病原体
Late Summer 晚夏
Obstruct the functional activities of Qi and impairs Spleen Yang 阻碍气机功能活动,损伤脾阳
Heavy and turbid in nature 性质上浓重且浑浊
Viscous and lingering in nature 粘稠而持久
Tends to go downward 倾向于向下
Apt to attack the lower part of the body 易攻击身体下部
Yin pathogen, tending to obstruct the functional activities of Qi\mathbf{Q i} and impair Spleen Yang 阴性病原体,倾向于阻碍 Qi\mathbf{Q i} 的功能活动并损害脾阳
Heavy and turbid in nature 性质上浓重且浑浊
Heavy rarr\rightarrow feeling heavy of the body and head. 身体和头部沉重。
Turbidity rarr\rightarrow refers to the excretion and secretion rarr\rightarrow eye secretions, mucus stools with pus and blood, turbid urine, yellow and white leukorrhea, stick sputum, turbid nasal discharge. 混浊度 rarr\rightarrow 指眼部分泌物的排泄和分泌,脓血便,混浊尿液,黄白带,粘痰,混浊鼻涕。
3. Viscous and lingering 3. 黏稠且持久
4. Tending to go downward, and being apt to attack the lower part of the body 4. 倾向于向下,并倾向于攻击身体下部
Fall season 秋季
Tends to impair body fluid 易损害体液
Attack the lung 攻击肺部
Warm-dryness rarr\rightarrow early fall or late summer 温暖干燥 rarr\rightarrow 初秋或晚夏
Cold - dryness rarr\rightarrow late fall 寒冷 - 干燥 rarr\rightarrow 深秋