TikTok said it was working to bring the platform back online Sunday after President-elect Donald Trump vowed to halt a federal ban against the app once he takes office, a stunning reversal just 14 hours after the social media platform went dark for its millions of users in the United States.
抖音表示,正在努力使平台于周日恢复上线,此前当选总统唐纳德·特朗普承诺在他上任后将暂停对该应用的联邦禁令,这一惊人的逆转发生在社交媒体平台在美国数百万用户断电后的 14 小时。

“In agreement with our service providers, TikTok is in the process of restoring service,” the company said in a statement. “We thank President Trump for providing the necessary clarity and assurance to our service providers that they will face no penalties providing TikTok to over 170 million Americans and allowing over 7 million small businesses to thrive.”
“根据我们的服务提供商的协议,TikTok 正在恢复服务过程中,”该公司在声明中表示。“我们感谢特朗普总统为我们服务提供商提供了必要的清晰度和保证,即他们为超过 1.7 亿美国人提供 TikTok 服务,并允许超过 700 万家小企业蓬勃发展,将不会受到任何处罚。”
The action marked the latest dizzying development in the battle over the fate of the app, which has entranced millions of users with its snappy, short-form videos but sparked condemnation from officials across Washington — including Trump when he was president — over its links to China.
Trump confirmed Sunday that he will issue an executive order once he is sworn in Monday to delay the federal ban against TikTok and give the company more time to distance itself from its Chinese owner and take on partial U.S. ownership. The ban was grounded in Congress’s concern that TikTok poses a national security risk, exposing its American users to possible surveillance or propaganda from Beijing. TikTok has disputed those claims as unfounded.
特朗普周日确认,他将在周一宣誓就职后发布一项行政命令,推迟对 TikTok 的联邦禁令,并给该公司更多时间与其中国母公司保持距离,并承担部分美国所有权。该禁令基于国会担心 TikTok 构成国家安全风险,可能使美国用户面临来自北京的监视或宣传。TikTok 对这些指控表示否认,认为其毫无根据。
In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump said the order would “extend the period of time before the law’s prohibitions take effect” so the company and the Trump administration “can make a deal to protect our national security.” The president-elect said the order would also make clear that companies that host or distribute the platform — such as Google and Apple, which were forced to implement the ban by removing the platform from their app stores Sunday — would not face liability for keeping TikTok from “going dark.”
在他在“真实社交”平台上的帖子中,特朗普表示该命令将“延长法律禁止生效的时间”,以便该公司和特朗普政府“可以达成一项保护我们国家安全的协议”。当选总统还说,该命令还将明确,那些托管或分发该平台的公司——例如谷歌和苹果,它们被迫在周日从其应用商店中移除该平台以实施禁令——不会因阻止 TikTok“变暗”而面临责任。
The Washington Post first reported Wednesday that Trump was considering issuing an executive order to delay enforcement of the ban of the popular video-sharing platform by 60 or 90 days. The success of such a maneuver hinges in part on a legal question: whether a president can direct his administration not to enforce a law that Congress passed with broad bipartisan support and that the Supreme Court upheld, a prospect some legal scholars and at least one top Republican have cast doubt on.
《华盛顿邮报》周三首先报道,特朗普正在考虑发布一项行政命令,将暂停执行对流行视频分享平台的禁令 60 天或 90 天。这种策略的成功部分取决于一个法律问题:总统是否可以指示他的政府不执行国会以广泛两党支持通过的、最高法院维持的法律,一些法律学者以及至少一位顶级共和党人对此表示了怀疑。
While Trump did not specify in his post Sunday how much longer he would give the company to find a buyer, he expressed a desire to create a “joint venture” between its China-based parent company, ByteDance, and new U.S. owners as “we so choose.” Trump told NBC News on Saturday that he would “most likely” give TikTok a 90-day extension to pursue a sale, but his plans for executing the move were hazy. While the law does not require that ByteDance sell TikTok to an American company, some lawmakers have said that is their preferred outcome.
尽管特朗普在其周日发布的帖子中没有具体说明他将给公司多长时间来寻找买家,但他表示希望“如我们所愿”在字节跳动(其中国母公司)和新的美国业主之间创建一个“合资企业”。特朗普周六在接受 NBC 新闻采访时表示,他“很可能”会给 TikTok 一个 90 天的延期来寻求出售,但他执行这一行动的计划并不明确。虽然法律并没有要求字节跳动将 TikTok 出售给美国公司,但一些议员表示,这是他们更希望的结果。
TikTok shut down late Saturday as a result of a federal law that sought to force its U.S. operations to divest from ByteDance. The company declined to sell the platform, triggering a prohibition that blocked its 170 million U.S. users from accessing its website or digital app. As the app started shutting down, TikTok showed users a pop-up message expressing hope that Trump would find a “solution to reinstate TikTok once he takes office.”
抖音于周六晚间关闭,这是由于一项联邦法律要求其美国业务从字节跳动剥离。该公司拒绝出售该平台,引发了一项禁令,阻止其 1.7 亿美国用户访问其网站或数字应用。随着该应用开始关闭,抖音向用户显示了一条弹出消息,表达了希望特朗普上任后能找到“恢复抖音的解决方案”。
Before the ban took effect, creators scrambled to find alternative places to post as many users flocked to competing apps, threatening the livelihood of those who rely on TikTok for an income.
在禁令生效之前,创作者们急忙寻找替代平台发布内容,众多用户涌向竞争应用,这威胁到了那些依赖 TikTok 谋生的人的生活来源。
Hannah Wilson, a 30-year-old in New Orleans who has made TikToks for her 20,000 followers, said the developments Sunday didn’t allay all her concerns.
汉娜·威尔逊,新奥尔良的一名 30 岁女性,她在 TikTok 上拥有 20,000 名粉丝,表示周日的发展并没有完全消除她的所有担忧。
“I’m worried that even if TikTok comes back, it’ll be controlled by one of the U.S. tech billionaires and change anyways,” she said. “It’ll be different no matter what.”
“我担心即使 TikTok 回来,也可能被美国科技亿万富翁之一控制,然后还是会改变,”她说。“无论如何都会有所不同。”
Wilson called it a “sigh of relief” when the app started coming back online, but she said she’s bracing for more turbulence. “I think we’re going to be teetering for a while,” she said.
On Sunday, TikTok praised Trump for his “strong stand for the First Amendment and against arbitrary censorship” in announcing plans to restore service. The company added: “We will work with President Trump on a long-term solution that keeps TikTok in the United States.”
周日,TikTok 在宣布恢复服务的计划时赞扬特朗普“坚定捍卫第一修正案和反对任意审查”。该公司补充说:“我们将与特朗普总统合作,寻求一个长期解决方案,以保持 TikTok 在美国运营。”
Two days earlier, TikTok had brandished a shutdown as it criticized the Biden administration for not giving companies enough assurance that they would not be penalized if the app remained online. The White House called the threat a “stunt” and insisted implementation would fall to the incoming Trump administration, even as the ban took effect under President Joe Biden.
两天前,TikTok 以关闭威胁批评拜登政府没有给予公司足够的保证,即如果该应用程序保持在线,他们不会受到惩罚。白宫称这一威胁为“闹剧”,并坚持认为实施将取决于即将上任的特朗普政府,尽管禁令在乔·拜登总统任内生效。
TikTok had sought to stave off the ban by challenging the law in court, but after the Supreme Court rejected those arguments, the company said the app would have to “go dark” by Sunday. Under the law, companies that do business with TikTok and carry its products could face massive penalties if they continue to host the platform on their products.
Though Trump tried to ban the app during his first term in office, he more recently has pledged repeatedly to “save” TikTok from the law, which Biden signed in April. Until now, the president-elect’s plans were unclear, and his brief message Sunday left open questions about whether his approach would succeed in restoring the app.
尽管特朗普在其第一任期内试图禁止该应用程序,但他最近多次承诺要“拯救”TikTok,避免拜登在 4 月份签署的法律。到目前为止,当选总统的计划尚不明确,他周日发布的简短信息留下了关于他的方法是否能够成功恢复该应用程序的疑问。
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, earlier Sunday poured cold water on the notion that Trump could give ByteDance extra time to seek a sale. “Now that the law has taken effect, there’s no legal basis for any kind of ‘extension’ of its effective date,” Cotton, a longtime TikTok hawk, said in a statement.
参议员汤姆·科顿(共和党,阿肯色州),参议院情报委员会主席,在周日早些时候对特朗普可能给予字节跳动额外时间寻找买家这一观点泼了冷水。“现在法律已经生效,没有法律依据来‘延长’其生效日期,”这位长期关注 TikTok 的鹰派人物科顿在一份声明中表示。
After TikTok announced it planned to restore its services, Cotton warned that companies could still “face hundreds of billions of dollars of ruinous liability under the law,” even if Trump’s Justice Department does not enforce it. Pam Bondi, Trump’s pick for attorney general, declined to commit to enforcing the ban-or-sale measure during her confirmation hearing last week.
在 TikTok 宣布计划恢复其服务后,Cotton 警告称,即使特朗普的司法部不执行该法律,公司仍可能“面临数千亿美元的毁灭性责任”,Pam Bondi,特朗普挑选的司法部长人选,在上周的确认听证会上拒绝承诺执行禁令或销售措施。
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) expressed concern that Trump’s comments about securing partial American ownership signal that he intends to use government funds “to give him control of TikTok.”
参议员克里斯·墨菲(康涅狄格州民主党)表示,特朗普关于确保部分美国所有权的评论表明他打算“利用政府资金来控制 TikTok”。
Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond, said the president may not have the power to halt enforcement of a law that sailed through Congress and was affirmed in the nation’s highest court.
“The Supreme Court has said that it is constitutional, and so he would be flouting the law,” Tobias said. “You just can’t have a system of government where the president says, ‘Congress has overwhelmingly passed this and I’m going to ignore that.’”
Instead of taking executive action, he said, Trump would be on firmer legal ground invoking a provision in the law that allows the president to delay the divestiture deadline if there is progress toward a sale.
It’s still unclear to what extent Trump’s remarks will give TikTok’s business partners sufficient protection to put the app back online. Despite TikTok’s digital app and website gradually restoring service, the app was still unavailable to update or for new users to download on Google and Apple’s app stores as of Sunday afternoon.
特朗普的言论在多大程度上能为 TikTok 的商业伙伴提供足够的保护以恢复应用上线尚不明确。尽管 TikTok 的数字应用和网站逐渐恢复服务,但截至周日下午,该应用在谷歌和苹果的应用商店中仍无法更新或供新用户下载。
Before TikTok said it would turn its lights back on, Trump’s team privately reached out to some of TikTok’s business partners, including Oracle, to assure them they would not face penalties for bringing the platform back online, according to a person familiar with the conversations, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the nonpublic exchanges.
在 TikTok 表示将恢复运营之前,特朗普团队私下联系了包括甲骨文在内的部分 TikTok 商业合作伙伴,向他们保证,他们不会因将平台恢复上线而面临处罚,据一位了解对话内容的人士透露,该人士在讨论未公开交流的情况下要求匿名。
Apple and Oracle, the cloud computing giant that stores U.S. user data for TikTok, did not respond to requests for comment. Google declined to comment.
苹果和甲骨文,这家为 TikTok 存储美国用户数据的云计算巨头,未对评论请求作出回应。谷歌拒绝发表评论。
Tatum Hunter, Drew Harwell and Shira Ovide contributed to this report.
Tatum Hunter、Drew Harwell 和 Shira Ovide 为此报道做出了贡献。
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