Name qquad\qquad Due date: qquad\qquad 姓名 qquad\qquad 截止日期: qquad\qquad
Please keep a record of everything you EAT and DRINK for 3\mathbf{3} days -2 weekdays and 1 weekend day. Include all meals, snacks, and beverages, and the time of day you are eating or drinking. Please pick days that are TYPICAL for your current eating patterns. 请记录您在 -2 3\mathbf{3} 个工作日和 1 个周末的所有食物和饮料。包括所有餐点、小吃和饮料,以及您一天中吃饭或喝水的时间。请选择适合您当前饮食模式的典型日子。
The purpose of filling out these food records is to help better understand WHAT you are eating, WHEN you are eating, and HOW MUCH you are eating. Please be as honest and accurate as you can, as the information you provide will help you better reflect on your eating habits. 填写这些食物记录的目的是帮助更好地了解您在吃什么、何时吃以及您吃了多少。请尽可能诚实和准确,因为您提供的信息将帮助您更好地反思自己的饮食习惯。
Do not record vitamin or mineral pills, any nutritional supplements, protein powder, etc. Only record all foods and drinks for the three days. 不要记录维生素或矿物质丸、任何营养补充剂、蛋白粉等。仅记录这三天的所有饮食。
Only 2 out of 3 days will be marked, remember to indicate which days you would like to be marked on or it will be chosen automatically 3 天中只有 2 天会被标记,请记得注明您希望在哪些日子被标记,否则系统会自动选择
Record all food and beverages consumed during a 24 hour period. Provide the following: 记录 24 小时内消费的所有食品和饮料。提供以下内容:
Type of Food Eaten: e.g. chicken noodle soup 食物种类: 例如鸡面汤
Brand Name: e.g. Campbell’s, Lipton, Weight Watchers 品牌名称:例如 Campbell's、Lipton、Weight Watchers
Food or Beverage Characteristics: 食品或饮料特性:
Colour: e.g. green vs. yellow beans; white vs. whole wheat bread 颜色:例如,绿豆与黄豆;白面包与全麦面包
Fat Content: % fat (e.g. skim, 1%, 2% or homo milk), leanness of meat (e.g. extra lean ground beef), fat claims (e.g. “light”, “low-fat”), was skin removed from poultry? 脂肪含量:脂肪百分比(例如脱脂、1%、2% 或同种牛奶)、肉瘦(例如超瘦牛肉)、脂肪声称(例如“清淡”、“低脂”)、家禽是否去皮?
Freshness: e.g. fresh, frozen, canned, or dried? 新鲜度:例如新鲜、冷冻、罐装还是干燥?
Other Details: e.g. 25% reduced sodium, “diet” products, etc. 其他细节:例如减少 25% 的钠、“减肥”产品等。
Time of Day you ate or drank 您吃过或喝过的时间
Please ESTIMATE and describe the amount of food eaten as best as possible. Diet records are only reliable with accurate measurements. 请估计并尽可能描述所吃的食物量。饮食记录只有在准确测量的情况下才可靠。
Use household measures to specify serving sizes. 使用家用度量来指定份量。
Measuring cups (examples): Put cooked pasta or rice into a measuring cup to record the correct amount before placing it on your plate. Measure your cereal out before pouring into a bowl, and don’t forget to measure your milk as well! 量杯(示例):将煮熟的意大利面或米饭放入量杯中,以记录正确的量,然后再将其放在盘子上。在倒入碗中之前,先称量麦片,别忘了也要量牛奶!
Teaspoons/tablespoons (examples): Measure out butter, margarine, mayonnaise, salad dressings, ketchup, mustard, ground flaxseed, sugar, milk/cream, and other condiments, seasonings, and toppings before adding to your food or beverages. 茶匙/汤匙(示例):在添加到食物或饮料中之前,请称出黄油、人造黄油、蛋黄酱、沙拉酱、番茄酱、芥末、亚麻籽粉、糖、牛奶/奶油和其他调味品、调味料和浇头。
Use food labels to estimate quantities: Food labels can help you estimate the quantity of food eaten based on weight or volume. For example, write down a 355 mL can of pop, 1//21 / 2 of a 60 g can of tuna, a 37 g granola bar, etc. 使用食品标签估算数量: 食品标签可以帮助您根据重量或体积估算食品的食用量。例如,写下一罐 355 毫升的汽水、 1//21 / 2 一罐 60 克的金枪鱼、一根 37 克的格兰诺拉麦片棒等。
Use your hand to estimate portion sizes quickly: 用手快速估计份量:
Whole Thumb = 1 Tablespoon 整个拇指 = 1 汤匙
Palm of Your Hand =3=3 oz of meat 手掌 oz of of Your Hand =3=3 肉
Tip of your Thumb =1=1 Teaspoon 拇指 =1=1 尖茶匙
Fist =1=1 cup ( 250 mL ) 拳 =1=1 头杯 ( 250 mL )
A thumb equals 25 g of most cheeses. So 2 thumbs equal a serving. 一个拇指等于 25 克大多数奶酪。所以 2 个拇指等于一份。
A thumb-tip equals a teaspoon. Three thumbtips equal a tablespoon, about the amount of milk you’d put in coffee. 一个拇指尖等于一茶匙。三个拇指尖等于一汤匙,大约是你在咖啡中加入的牛奶量。
A palm equals a serving of meat, fish or poultry. That’s without the fingers and thumb! 一棵棕榈树等于一份肉、鱼或家禽。那还不包括手指和拇指!
A fist equals a cup. A fist would be 1 1/3 servings of yogurt. A fist size of raw leafy greens would be a serving of lettuce 一个拳头等于一个杯子。一个拳头就是 1 1/3 份酸奶。一拳头大小的生绿叶蔬菜就是一份生菜
3. Record if anything was ADDED when preparing the food, such as oil (list specific kind), sauce, butter, margarine, or other condiments or seasonings. 3. 记录准备食物时是否添加了任何东西,例如油(列出特定种类)、酱汁、黄油、人造黄油或其他调味品或调味料。
4. For COMBINATION DISHES such as lasagna, casseroles, chili, soups, or stews include a description of the main ingredients. E.g. Lasagna: lean ground beef ( 1//41 / 4 cup per piece), mozzarella cheese ( 1 oz per piece), cottage cheese ( 1 oz per piece), 1//21 / 2 cup tomato sauce, 2 noodles, 1//41 / 4 cup spinach. 4. 对于千层面、砂锅菜、辣椒、汤或炖菜等组合菜肴,请包括主要成分的描述。例如烤宽面条:瘦牛肉碎( 1//41 / 4 每杯)、马苏里拉奶酪(每块 1 盎司)、白软干酪(每块 1 盎司)、 1//21 / 2 杯番茄酱、2 条面条、 1//41 / 4 杯菠菜。
5. Include SNACK FOODS eaten. Don’t forget to include candy, chips, cookies, popcorn, ice cream, and beverages such as soft drinks, juice, coffee, or tea. 5. 包括吃的零食。不要忘记包括糖果、薯片、饼干、爆米花、冰淇淋和饮料,如软饮料、果汁、咖啡或茶。
Sample 1-Day Food Record 样本 1 天食物记录
Below is an EXAMPLE of how to keep accurate records. Include a detailed description and amounts for each item. Remember to record water, notes on product details, and the times of day you ate. 以下是如何保持准确记录的示例。包括每项的详细说明和金额。记得记录水、产品详细信息说明以及您一天中的用餐时间。
Was this a typical day? If not, why? Usually drink more water (forgot water bottle at home) Did you take all of your usual medications and supplements as prescribed? ◻\square Yes ◻\square No 这是典型的一天吗?如果不是,为什么?通常多喝水(把水瓶忘在家里了) 您是否按照处方服用了所有常用药物和补充剂? ◻\square 是 ◻\square 否