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Tourism Best  旅游最佳

Management Practices  管理实践

Celebrating 28 Years of  庆祝 28 年
Making Tourism Work for Juneau

Table of Contents  目录

Introduction … 3  引言 … 3
Agreements Regarding Transportation and Vehicles … 4
关于运输和车辆的协议 … 4

Agreements Regarding Flightseeing (Helicopter and Fixed Wing) … 9
关于观光飞行(直升机和固定翼)的协议 … 9

Agreements Regarding Walking, Hiking, Bicycling, Segway, and Zipline Tours … 10
关于步行、远足、自行车、赛格威和滑索游的协议 … 10

Agreements Regarding Cruise Ships … 11

Agreements Regarding Docks, Harbors, the Airport, and all CBJ Staging Areas … 12
关于码头、港口、机场及所有 CBJ 集结区的协议……12

Agreements Regarding Shoreside Tour Brokers … 12
关于岸边旅游经纪人的协议 … 12

Agreements Regarding Marine Tour, Sightseeing, and Sportfishing Operators … 13
关于海洋旅游、观光和体育钓鱼运营商的协议 … 13

Agreements Regarding Restaurants and Hospitality Businesses … 15
关于餐厅和酒店业务的协议 … 15

Agreements Regarding Downtown Retail Businesses … 15
关于市中心零售业务的协议 … 15

General Agreements for All TBMP Participants … 16
所有 TBMP 参与者的通用协议 … 16

Program Contacts. … 17
程序联系人…… 17

ATTACHMENT A Commercial Passenger Vehicle Code … 18
附件 A 商业客运车辆规范 … 18

ATTACHMENT B Marine Vessel Visible Emission Standards (18 AAC 50.070) … 18
附件 B 海洋船舶可见排放标准 (18 AAC 50.070) … 18

ATTACHMENT C The Sounds of a Port … 19
附件 C 港口的声音 … 19

ATTACHMENT D TBMP Employee Agreement Sample #1 … 20
附件 D TBMP 员工协议样本#1 … 20

ATTACHMENT E TBMP Employee Agreement Sample #2 … 20
附件 E TBMP 员工协议样本#2 … 20

ATTACHMENT F TBMP Internal Observation Form … 21
附件 F TBMP 内部观察表 … 21

ATTACHMENT G TBMP Air Operator Letter of Agreement … 22
附件 G TBMP 航空运营商协议信 … 22

ATTACHMENT H Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act Regulations. … 23
附件 H 海洋哺乳动物保护法和濒危物种法规定。… 23

ATTACHMENT I Wilderness Best Management Practices for Tracy Arm- Ford’s Terror Wilderness (Note: this WBMP document is for informational purposes) … 25
附件 I 特雷西湾-福特恐怖荒野的最佳管理实践(注意:此 WBMP 文档仅供参考)… 25

EXHIBIT A NOAA Harbor Seal Approach Guidelines in Glacial Fjords for Vessel Operators. … 27
附件 A NOAA 港口海豹接近指南,适用于冰川峡湾的船舶操作员。… 27

EXHIBIT B Recommended Areas for Interpretive Announcements. … 28
附录 B 推荐的解释性公告领域。… 28

2024 Tourism Best Management Practices
2024 年旅游最佳管理实践

Begun in 1997, Tourism Best Management Practices (TBMP) are intended to minimize the impacts of tourism in a manner which addresses both resident and industry concerns and enhances our visitors’ experiences in the Capital City.
始于 1997 年的旅游最佳管理实践(TBMP)旨在以一种既考虑居民和行业关切又提升我们在首都城市游客体验的方式,最小化旅游的影响。
The program is a cooperative effort of Juneau tour operators, cruise lines, transportation providers, merchants, hospitality businesses, tour brokers, the US Forest Service/Juneau Ranger District, and the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ). These guidelines, however, do not replace applicable city, state, or federal regulations.
By actively participating in this voluntary program, participants demonstrate their commitment to address key community concerns. It is equally important for residents to help operators and the CBJ monitor the success of this program by providing constructive feedback via the Tourism Best Management Practices Hotline. Contact the Tourism Hotline by sending an e-mail to hotline@traveljuneau.com. Using this email address is the best method to ensure that your concern is viewed and responded to in a timely and efficient manner. You may also register your concerns by calling the hotline phone number (907-586-6774) after April 15 th 15 th  15^("th ")15^{\text {th }} or by submitting a webform concern (traveljuneau.com/tbmp/hotline).
通过积极参与这个自愿项目,参与者展示了他们解决社区关键问题的承诺。居民帮助运营商和 CBJ 监测该项目的成功同样重要,方法是通过旅游最佳管理实践热线提供建设性反馈。请通过发送电子邮件至 hotline@traveljuneau.com 联系旅游热线。使用此电子邮件地址是确保您的问题及时有效地被查看和回应的最佳方法。您还可以在 15 th 15 th  15^("th ")15^{\text {th }} 年 4 月之后拨打热线电话号码(907-586-6774)或提交网络表单来注册您的问题(traveljuneau.com/tbmp/hotline)。
TBMP encourages the community to utilize the hotline to register comments (see item #102). Residents are also encouraged to provide positive feedback via the hotline to recognize participants who are making a difference by following the guidelines and operating their business in a courteous and neighborhood-friendly manner. Being informed of residents’ observations and concerns allows participants to consider the way in which they conduct their business to minimize impacts on the community. Visit our website traveljuneau.com/tbmp.
TBMP 鼓励社区利用热线注册意见(见第 102 项)。也鼓励居民通过热线提供积极反馈,以表彰那些遵循指导方针并以礼貌和邻里友好的方式经营业务的参与者。了解居民的观察和关切使参与者能够考虑他们的经营方式,以尽量减少对社区的影响。访问我们的网站 traveljuneau.com/tbmp。
The CBJ Assembly applauds the signatories to this document for their continued efforts on behalf of the community and the visitors they serve, and TBMP appreciates the continued support of the Assembly. In consideration of all visitors, residents, and fellow industry employees and businesses, the following guidelines are in place to maintain a friendly business atmosphere and an aesthetically welcoming environment in Juneau. Agreeing to sign on to the program also expresses your support of the program, which is in place to allow members to work cooperatively to minimize impacts and protect the very qualities that make Juneau a great place to live and to visit.
CBJ 大会对本文件的签署者表示赞赏,感谢他们为社区及其服务的游客所做的持续努力,TBMP 也感谢大会的持续支持。考虑到所有游客、居民以及同行业的员工和企业,以下指导方针旨在维护友好的商业氛围和美观的环境。在签署该计划时,您也表达了对该计划的支持,该计划旨在让成员们合作,以最小化影响并保护使朱诺成为一个宜居和旅游胜地的独特品质。
TBMP participants will continue utilizing the internal observation program. This process encourages participants to notify each other if they observe TBMP guidelines not being followed. This program is intended to provide additional feedback to TBMP participants to assist them in continuing to reduce impacts in the community (see attachment “F”).
TBMP 参与者将继续利用内部观察程序。该过程鼓励参与者在观察到 TBMP 指南未被遵循时相互通知。该程序旨在为 TBMP 参与者提供额外反馈,以帮助他们继续减少对社区的影响(见附件“F”)。
Participating businesses will also require employees to sign a TBMP agreement in which they certify that they have read, understood, and intend to abide by the practices outlined below (see attachments “D” and “E”).
参与的企业还将要求员工签署一份 TBMP 协议,证明他们已阅读、理解并打算遵守以下列出的做法(见附件“D”和“E”)。

“Recommendations” appear at the end of certain content sections in the guidelines to which they relate and are not new agreed-upon guidelines. However, these items are included to actively urge businesses to consider these practices during the 2024 season.
“建议”出现在与其相关的指南某些内容部分的末尾,并不是新的达成一致的指南。然而,这些项目的包含是为了积极敦促企业在 2024 年季节期间考虑这些做法。

Agreements Regarding Transportation and Vehicles

Commercial passenger vehicles are required to comply with CBJ Administrative Code (Title 20 Business Regulations, Chapter 40 Commercial Passenger Vehicles-relevant sections are included as attachment " A A AA "). It is a fundamental expectation that all drivers will comply with all local, state, and national regulations and traffic laws as well as regulatory requirements established for commercial and non-commercial vehicles. For purposes of this program, vehicles include motorcoaches, buses, mini-buses, limos, vans, trolleys, taxis, motorcycles, pedi-cabs, or any vehicle used for an organized tour.
商业客运车辆必须遵守 CBJ 行政法规(第 20 标题商业法规,第 40 章商业客运车辆-相关部分作为附件“ A A AA ”包含)。所有驾驶员都必须遵守所有地方、州和国家的法规以及为商业和非商业车辆设定的监管要求,这是一个基本的期望。根据本项目的目的,车辆包括长途客车、公共汽车、小型公共汽车、豪华轿车、面包车、无轨电车、出租车、摩托车、脚踏车或任何用于组织旅游的车辆。
Residents should remember that tour vehicles are sometimes used for non-tour activities, including charters, government service contracts, school field trips, and charity work. While this program focuses on tour activities, operators agree to conduct all activities in a courteous manner and to emphasize these guidelines during pre-season training.
  1. PRE-SEASON TRANSPORTATION MEETINGS: All transportation companies utilizing the downtown and/or Statter Harbor/Auke Bay staging areas agree to send a representative to a pre-season transportation meeting to discuss the implementation of a plan to ease vehicle congestion and conflicts in these areas. Some downtown transportation providers may also be asked to attend a meeting with major trucking and shipping companies which operate on the Rock Dump to review the ship schedule, peak days, and tour routing to foster better communication and to help minimize downtown traffic concerns.
  2. DOWNTOWN TRAFFIC/STAGING: All companies utilizing the Alaska Steamship Dock, Cruise Ship Terminal, Peratrovich Plaza, and Columbia Lot staging areas should be aware of times when congestion into and out of these lots will be at peak level. Dispatchers, Docks and Harbors staff, crossing guards, and drivers will assist in promoting efficient traffic flow in the area by managing vehicle movements in a courteous manner and by yielding to other vehicles and users as necessary. All participants will also be mindful of sirens and approaching emergency vehicles to keep South Franklin Street clear for emergency traffic. Drivers using Peratrovich Plaza should be aware of the clockwise traffic pattern and be cautious of South Franklin Street vehicle and pedestrian traffic when exiting the lot.
  3. COLUMBIA LOT (TRAM LOT) PROCEDURES: This lot is designated the “A zone” shuttle facility. As required in a
    哥伦比亚停车场(电车停车场)程序:该停车场被指定为“A 区”接驳设施。根据要求,

    conditional use permit, coaches shuttling cruise passengers from the AJ Dock will actively load and unload from this using a designated facility shuttle lane. On days when the AJ Dock shuttle is not operating, " A A AA " zone permitted coaches with scheduled shuttles to the Mendenhall Glacier may also actively load and unload from this designated shuttle lane.
    条件使用许可证,教练车将从 AJ 码头接送邮轮乘客,将在指定的设施接驳车道上主动上下客。在 AJ 码头接驳车不运营的日子里," A A AA " 区域允许的教练车可以在预定的接驳车前往门登霍尔冰川时,也在这个指定的接驳车道上主动上下客。
  • “A or B” loading zone includes the three lanes closest to the Tram between the taxi/crew shuttle load-unload and the " B B BB " zone.
    “A or B” 装载区包括与电车最近的三条车道,位于出租车/机组人员接驳的上下客区和“ B B BB ”区之间。
  • “B” loading zone includes the two lanes closest to the taxi/crew shuttle load-unload lanes.
  • The taxi/crew shuttle load-unload zone is the lane closest to S. Franklin Street.
    出租车/机组人员接驳车装卸区是离 S. Franklin Street 最近的车道。
The last staging lane nearest the tram will be considered a “priority staging lane” for Mendenhall Glacier shuttles (see orange mark on map). Other vehicles entering the Columbia (Tram) Lot to stage for pickup/drop-offs are encouraged to first utilize the two B B BB zone lanes and the two A / B A / B A//BA / B zone lanes closest to the road whenever possible. This “priority lane” will not be marked, striped, or designated in any way other than being mentioned in this guideline.
靠近电车的最后一个临时停车道将被视为门登霍尔冰川接驳车的“优先临时停车道”(请参见地图上的橙色标记)。其他进入哥伦比亚(电车)停车场以进行接送的车辆,鼓励尽可能先使用离道路最近的两个 B B BB 区车道和两个 A / B A / B A//BA / B 区车道。这个“优先车道”不会以任何方式标记、划线或指定,除了在本指南中提到。

4. STATTER HARBOR/AUKE BAY PROCEDURES: All companies utilizing this location will be aware of times when congestion into and out of Statter Harbor will be at peak level. Dispatchers, captains, and drivers will assist in promoting efficient traffic flow in the area by managing vehicle and vessel movements in a courteous manner and by yielding to other vehicles/vessels and users as necessary. All vehicle drivers should follow the traffic pattern in the parking and transit lot as per the map provided. Drivers shall utilize the angled parking and depart as soon as passengers have unloaded and/or reloaded for the return trip to town (if the turnaround takes longer than 15 minutes, drivers should stage elsewhere).
4. STATTER HARBOR/AUKE BAY 程序:所有使用此地点的公司都应了解进入和离开 Statter Harbor 的高峰拥堵时间。调度员、船长和司机将通过礼貌地管理车辆和船只的移动,协助促进该地区的高效交通流,并在必要时让其他车辆/船只和用户优先通行。所有车辆驾驶员应按照提供的地图遵循停车和过境区的交通模式。司机应利用斜角停车,并在乘客卸货和/或重新装载返回市区的行程后尽快离开(如果掉头时间超过 15 分钟,司机应在其他地方等待)。
All companies will send designated trainers and lead personnel to a pre-season meeting to go over the most current Statter Harbor Vehicle and Vessel Procedures. All companies agree to abide to the best of their ability with these procedures.
所有公司将派指定的培训师和主要人员参加季前会议,以审查最新的 Statter Harbor 车辆和船只程序。所有公司同意尽力遵守这些程序。

5. PERATROVICH PLAZA (PP) 程序 – “B 区域仅限”:

  • Class “A” Vehicles and Class “C” Vehicles will not have access to the PP Lot.
    “A”类车辆和“C”类车辆将无法进入 PP 停车场。
  • Class “A” Vehicles, Class “C” Vehicles may not drop off passengers in the PP Lot.
    “A”类车辆和“C”类车辆不得在 PP 停车场放下乘客。
  • Vehicles may not stop anywhere in the PP Lot other than designated parking lanes.
    车辆不得在 PP 停车场的指定停车车道以外的任何地方停车。
  • Operators shall turn off vehicles after parking and not restart buses until passengers are loaded and the vehicle is ready to depart.
  • Taxis and crew shuttles may use the two lanes closest to the exit on the north side of the lot.
  1. TRAFFIC FLOW: Drivers agree not to impede normal traffic flow by slowing down or stopping for sightseeing opportunities anywhere within the City & Borough of Juneau. Drivers will be especially attentive not to slow down or stop when transiting Glacier/Willoughby Avenue between 10th Street and the State Museum/Egan Drive, or along South Franklin Street.
  2. TAXIS, CREW SHUTTLES, AND PEDI-CABS should avoid stopping in the roadway, even when flagged for a fare. Vehicles should attempt to stop out of the flow of traffic to prevent congestion in the area.
  3. OPERATORS AGREE to treat the curbside “A” zone adjacent to Marine Park Plaza as a “quick drop/quick load” area. For loading procedures, operators agree not to approach the area for loading until their guests are curbside and ready to load. Operators who anticipate a longer time needed for loading agree to take a lane in the main Marine Park Plaza. Drivers using the curbside " A A AA " zone agree to pull completely up to the curb in a manner that doesn’t block the main
    运营商同意将靠近海洋公园广场的路边“A”区视为“快速卸货/快速装货”区域。对于装货程序,运营商同意在客人到达路边并准备装货之前,不接近该区域进行装货。预计装货时间较长的运营商同意在主海洋公园广场占用一个车道。使用路边“ A A AA ”区的司机同意完全靠近路缘,以不阻碍主干道的方式停靠。

    roadway and/or block the entrance to Marine Park Plaza. Drivers of vehicles in the adjacent " B B BB " zone agree to park in a manner that doesn’t encroach the “A” zone. The “B” zone section will not be considered “quick drop/quick load.”
    道路和/或阻塞海洋公园广场的入口。相邻“ B B BB ”区域的车辆驾驶员同意以不侵占“A”区域的方式停车。“B”区域部分将不被视为“快速卸货/快速装货”。
  4. DRIVERS SHOULD PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION when traveling southbound past Marine Park not to block the parking garage exit when other vehicles have stopped for the crosswalk ahead. Try to stop short of the exit when traffic is backed up so cars may still exit the garage.
  5. 12TH STREET & CALHOUN AVENUE/COPE PARK: All operators agree to eliminate the use of buses, mini-buses, and tour vans on 12th Street/Calhoun Avenue unless required by a CBJ traffic revision. Cope Park should not be used by tour operators.
    12 街与卡尔霍恩大道/科普公园:所有运营商同意在 12 街/卡尔霍恩大道上禁止使用公交车、小型巴士和旅游面包车,除非 CBJ 交通修订要求使用。科普公园不应被旅游运营商使用。
  6. EMPTY TOUR VEHICLES: Drivers of empty tour vehicles agree to avoid looping through downtown on Franklin/Front Street or on Shattuck Way unless transiting to a drop-off or pick-up destination in the immediate vicinity.
  7. FRANKLIN STREET: Drivers who miss a loading space at the Alaska Steamship Wharf/Marine Park agree to use the roundabout intersection in front of the parking garage, turn around and return to the Steamship Wharf/Marine Park via a left turn into this staging area OR via Willoughby and Whittier Avenue. To avoid congestion, drivers agree not to use Franklin Street as a shortcut when returning to the Steamship Wharf.
  8. FRANKLIN/MAIN CORRIDOR: Operators of buses and minibuses should avoid using Franklin Street north of the Red Dog for any tour activity. Operators will minimize congestion on Franklin Street through downtown and Main Street by not adding this routing to new tours or including in current tour descriptions.
    FRANKLIN/MAIN CORRIDOR:公交车和小巴的运营商应避免在红狗以北的富兰克林街进行任何旅游活动。运营商将通过不将此路线添加到新旅游中或不包括在当前旅游描述中,来减少富兰克林街和主街的拥堵。
  9. TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS employing driver-guides (those who drive vehicles and provide commentary simultaneously) will incorporate defensive driving and road environmental awareness into their training program curriculum to reduce any potential safety risks associated with this practice.
  10. DRIVERS SHOULD PRACTICE safe and defensive driving behaviors at all times (such as yielding right-of-way to all pedestrians within the roadway, regardless of whether they are in a crosswalk, signaling intention to turn well in advance, avoiding entering intersections on yellow lights, and slowing and checking cross traffic before entering an intersection). Driver-guides are encouraged to refrain from delivering tour commentary while transiting areas of increased congestion or with high volumes of pedestrians and bicyclists present, such as downtown loading areas and portions of South Franklin Street that may be congested during periods of the day. Drivers agree not to exhibit dangerous and aggressive driving behaviors such as tailgating, weaving, dangerous turns or merges, or failure to yield or stop.
  11. DRIVER-GUIDES ARE ENCOURAGED TO share safety recommendations with guests before disembarking from the vehicle. A ‘safety minute’ may remind guests about how to act responsibly as a safe pedestrian, including crossing in designated crosswalks; looking in both directions before crossing a roadway; and common hazards and blind spots when walking near large buses and shuttles.
  12. VEHICLE FLUIDS AND EMISSIONS: Drivers of ALL VEHICLES agree to monitor any engine oil and/or fluid leaks and excess emissions when operating throughout the Juneau road system. This includes monitoring at all staging/loading zones and docks downtown, as well as venues such as, but not limited to, the State Museum, Mendenhall Glacier, Statter Harbor, Mayor Bill Overstreet Park, Brotherhood Bridge Photo Lookout, Homestead Park on Douglas Island, Shrine of St. Therese, and Juneau International Airport. Should any vehicle exhibit a leak of a substantial nature or visible emissions in excess, the operator should be prepared to immediately pull the vehicle from service until repaired.
  13. ENGINE IDLING: Drivers of ALL VEHICLES agree to turn engines off at every reasonable opportunity when loading and unloading passengers and/or when staging in the various loading zones, staging areas, and tour venues throughout the CBJ. This includes all passenger and crew shuttle operations and “quick drop-offs” accomplished at Marine Park and the Columbia (Tram) Lot. Vehicles should not sit with engines idling while actively loading, unloading, or waiting for passengers to arrive. Engines should be started only when the vehicle is ready to move, and thereafter, only when the vehicle is in motion or in traffic. Note that the State Museum, Juneau Ranger District, and all downtown docks require companies to turn off engines at these facilities as part of a company’s permit to operate.
    发动机怠速:所有车辆的驾驶员同意在装卸乘客和/或在 CBJ 各个装载区、集结区和旅游场所时,每当有合理机会时关闭发动机。这包括所有乘客和船员的接驳操作以及在海洋公园和哥伦比亚(缆车)停车场进行的“快速下车”。在积极装载、卸载或等待乘客到达时,车辆不应让发动机怠速。发动机应仅在车辆准备移动时启动,此后仅在车辆行驶或在交通中时启动。请注意,州博物馆、朱诺护林区和所有市中心码头要求公司在这些设施内关闭发动机,作为公司运营许可证的一部分。
  14. TRANSITING RESIDENTIAL STREETS: Drivers agree to avoid transiting residential streets within the City and Borough of Juneau unless conducting a specific pick-up or drop-off in the immediate vicinity. This includes, but is not limited to, 1st Street in Douglas and Riverside Drive in the valley.
    穿越住宅街道:驾驶员同意在朱诺市和区内避免穿越住宅街道,除非在附近进行特定的接送。这包括但不限于道格拉斯的 1 街和山谷的 Riverside Drive。
  15. WEST JUNEAU: All drivers should avoid conducting tours on Blueberry Hill and Pioneer Avenue. This includes taxi companies.
  16. LEFT TURNS: Drivers of motor coaches and full-size buses departing the Seadrome Building and Sheraton Four Points Hotel agree not to make left turns onto Egan Drive. When traveling northbound on Marine Way and attempting to make a legal left turn into the Alaska Steamship Wharf loading/unloading zone (Marine Park Plaza), drivers of all vehicles should be mindful of traffic behind them. If this left turn is not possible to make without causing a considerable delay of traffic (numerous vehicles) behind them, drivers should proceed and return to the Alaska Steamship Wharf via Willoughby and Whittier Avenue.
    左转:从 Seadrome 大楼和 Sheraton Four Points 酒店出发的长途汽车和全尺寸巴士的司机同意不向 Egan Drive 左转。当在 Marine Way 向北行驶并试图合法左转进入阿拉斯加轮船码头的装卸区(Marine Park Plaza)时,所有车辆的司机应注意他们身后交通的情况。如果无法左转而不造成后方交通(多辆车辆)的显著延误,司机应继续行驶,并通过 Willoughby 和 Whittier Avenue 返回阿拉斯加轮船码头。
  17. USE OF LEFT LANE DOWTOWN AND ON EGAN DRIVE: When exiting downtown, ALL VEHICLES will make every effort to move into the right lane by the time they reach Whittier Avenue, unless they are setting up for a left turn. Operators of ALL VEHICLES (regardless of size) will avoid driving in the left lane on Egan Drive except when turning left, setting up for a left turn, or overtaking unusually slow traffic traveling in the right lane.
  18. SANDY BEACH, TWIN LAKES, AUKE REC, COPE PARK, EAGLE BEACH: Drivers agree not to impede traffic and to maintain a safe travelling speed. Drivers agree not to use Sandy Beach, Twin Lakes, Cope Park, Eagle Beach, or Auke Bay Recreation Area (including the Auke Bay Recreation access road) as tour destinations.
  19. ADA ZONES NOT FOR STAGING: Drivers utilizing equipment with a wheelchair lift will use the designated ADA zones only for active loading and unloading and not for staging of vehicles.
    ADA 区域不用于停放:使用带有轮椅升降机的设备的驾驶员仅可在指定的 ADA 区域进行主动装卸,而不得用于车辆停放。
  20. SAFETY WHEN BACKING: All motorcoaches, buses, mini-buses, and trolleys will take special care when backing out of the loading/unloading zones at the Alaska Steamship Wharf, Peratrovich Plaza, AJ Dock, the Cruise Ship Terminal, and the Franklin Street Dock. All companies will assign a representative on site to assist with traffic flow and backing procedures during the first four (4) hours of tour operations at each staging facility. Operators should also provide a backer during their own peak hours of operations throughout the day at each location. Also, when preparing to back up, drivers should be aware of the back-up beepers and the sound they make and should strive to spend as little time as possible in reverse. Drivers should only shift into reverse when they are ready to commence backing to minimize beeper sounds.
    倒车安全:所有的长途汽车、公交车、小型巴士和电车在阿拉斯加轮船码头、佩拉特罗维奇广场、AJ 码头、游轮码头和富兰克林街码头的装卸区倒车时将特别小心。所有公司将在每个 staging facility 的前四(4)小时的旅游运营期间指派一名现场代表协助交通流动和倒车程序。运营商还应在每天的高峰运营时段在每个地点提供一名倒车员。此外,在准备倒车时,司机应注意倒车警报器及其发出的声音,并应尽量减少倒车时间。司机应仅在准备开始倒车时才换入倒车档,以尽量减少警报声。
  21. IMPEDING PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC: Taxis and crew shuttles will refrain from impeding or slowing traffic by stopping along sidewalks downtown to pick up or drop off passengers.
  22. SAFETY ON ROADWAYS: Drivers will yield right-of-way to all pedestrians within the roadway, regardless of whether they are in a crosswalk. Additionally, drivers will take caution when encountering pedestrians, cyclists, and animals on narrow roadways, bike lanes, and school zones throughout the borough, and companies will take this into consideration during their driver training programs. Drivers should strive to operate in a manner which exhibits common courtesy throughout their daily travels.
  23. DRIVERS UTILIZING THANE ROAD for tours, transfers, and charters should be aware that Thane Road has a somewhat uneven road surface that may require vans and minibuses to transit the area at a slower rate of speed than the typical passenger car. Should these slower speeds result in congestion and a back-up of traffic, drivers are asked to utilize the next available “vehicle pullout” to allow other vehicles to safely pass. Operators will take extra precautions to avoid joggers and cyclists when transiting the area.
    使用 THANE ROAD 进行旅游、转移和包车的司机应注意,Thane Road 的路面有些不平,可能需要面包车和小型巴士以比普通乘用车更慢的速度通过该区域。如果这些较慢的速度导致拥堵和交通滞留,司机被要求利用下一个可用的“车辆停车区”以便其他车辆安全通过。运营商在通过该区域时将采取额外的预防措施,以避免与慢跑者和骑自行车的人发生冲突。
  24. IN THE INTEREST OF SAFETY, all operators agree to promote a “hands-free only” cell phone policy when their drivers are operating a vehicle except in the case of an emergency. Drivers will refrain from texting/emailing on their mobile phone while operating a vehicle as doing so is a misdemeanor.
  25. DRIVERS OF ALL TOUR VEHICLES, regardless of size, agree to drive with headlights “ON” to increase visibility of their vehicles to others and thus promote safety on the roadways.
  26. TROLLEY OPERATIONS: Drivers agree not to impede traffic and to maintain a safe travelling speed. Drivers agree to be mindful of the outside volume of trolley bells and PA systems.
  27. RESOURCE SCHEDULING: Operators agree to assign vehicles to scheduled tours and transfers in a manner which efficiently maximizes the use of all vehicles on duty. The number of vehicles and type of equipment will be assigned to a tour or transfer based on the capacity needed on a given day. Operators will collaborate with partners/vendors to find opportunities to minimize the number of vehicles on the road whenever possible.
  28. TRAINING OF SCHEDULERS: Operators will train all schedulers to take advantage of synergies that are present in the Juneau tourism transportation industry. As noted above, schedulers should strive to better serve their constituents and community stakeholders by minimizing vehicles on the road whenever possible.
  29. CROSSING GUARDS: TBMP Crossing Guards will be positioned in strategic locations to promote safety and facilitate vehicle and pedestrian movement throughout the downtown corridor. TBMP members should be mindful of their presence and obey their instructions.
    交通警卫:TBMP 交通警卫将被安排在战略位置,以促进安全并便利车辆和行人通过市中心走廊。TBMP 成员应注意他们的存在并遵守他们的指示。
  30. MENDENHALL LOOP ROAD: Drivers agree to transit Mendenhall Loop Road in a safe manner and at a consistent speed, taking into consideration traffic rules and neighborhood sensitivity along this road. Drivers should maintain a consistent speed as much as possible to minimize any engine acceleration (revving) noise and increased emissions associated with inconsistent speed. This is especially true outbound to the glacier just past Back Loop Road.
  31. USE OF BROTHERHOOD BRIDGE PARKING LOT: Use of the Brotherhood Bridge Parking Lot by tour companies requires a commercial use permit from the City & Borough of Juneau Department of Parks & Recreation. Tour companies agree to comply with all permit conditions, including not leaving their vehicles unattended while in the lot. Companies will not unload guests at the viewpoint; coaches/vehicles must park in their designated spaces to unload guests.

  • Tour companies who operate coaches longer than 30 feet must-use the designated pullouts [Zone A] along the Brotherhood Bridge access drive for unloading and loading guests who are either visiting the viewpoint or transiting from Mendenhall River. Drivers who are using the lot for staging should yield to those transporting guests when at all possible.
    运营超过 30 英尺的旅游公司必须在兄弟桥通道的指定停车区[Zone A]进行上下客,客人可以是参观观景点或从门登霍尔河过境的。使用该停车场进行调度的司机在可能的情况下应让路给运输客人的车辆。
  • Tour companies who operate smaller cutaway or airporter vehicles should park in spaces near the entrance [Zone B] to the main parking lot. Those drivers using the lot for staging should yield to operators transporting guests.
    运营较小的切割车或机场接送车辆的旅游公司应将车辆停放在主停车场入口附近的空间[区域 B]。使用停车场进行待命的司机应让位于运输客人的运营商。
  1. ALL TOUR OPERATORS stopping at Mayor Bill Overstreet Park and whose driver and/or guide are getting out of the vehicle with tour passengers (providing narrative or guide services on the site) will require a permit to do so.


  • Transportation companies which currently use hand-held microphones for tour commentary, regardless of the type of vehicle (motorcoach, van, trolley, etc.), should consider phasing in headsets and/or boom microphones to promote safety and ensure that drivers are always operating the vehicle with two hands on the steering wheel.
  • Tourism vehicle rental companies may consider creating an agreement, or adding language to an existing waiver, for vehicle renters to sign stating that they agree to obey all traffic laws and practice safe driving behaviors. The waiver/agreement may choose to explicitly list traffic laws or safe driving behaviors.

Agreements Regarding Flightseeing (Helicopter and Fixed Wing)

Flightseeing operations are subject to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and operational requirements. Guided glacier landing trips are also subject to US Forest Service permit requirements. Although the following guidelines are designed to minimize noise, safety and flight operations take precedence over noise abatement procedures. Flightseeing operators have signed a Letter of Agreement (LOA) in conjunction with the FAA addressing operational routes and procedures. To learn more, a website link to the LOA may be found at juneau.org/tourism. Operators will conduct pre-season training in a manner which emphasizes these guidelines.
观光飞行操作须遵循联邦航空管理局(FAA)的规定和操作要求。导游冰川着陆旅行也须遵循美国森林服务局的许可要求。尽管以下指南旨在减少噪音,但安全和飞行操作优先于噪音控制程序。观光飞行运营商已与 FAA 签署了一份协议书(LOA),涉及操作路线和程序。要了解更多信息,可以访问 juneau.org/tourism 查找 LOA 的链接。运营商将以强调这些指南的方式进行季前培训。

38. ROUTES & AIRCRAFT IDENTIFIERS: Operators agree to provide the following to the CBJ which will make the information available to interested members of the public:
38. 航线和飞机识别码:运营商同意向 CBJ 提供以下信息,CBJ 将向公众感兴趣的成员提供该信息:
  • established flight routes
  • common factors influencing route choice, such as weather, turbulence, and traffic
  • aircraft colors or other distinguishing characteristics useful in identifying individual operators
  1. ALTITUDE: Operators follow voluntarily agreed-upon routes for tour flights and maintain minimum altitudes of 1,500 feet for helicopters and 1,000 feet for floatplanes operating above residential areas, except during take-off, landing, or when deviations are required by weather, traffic, or the Air Traffic Control Tower.
    高度:运营商自愿遵循约定的航线进行观光飞行,并在住宅区上空保持直升机最低高度为 1,500 英尺,水上飞机最低高度为 1,000 英尺,除非在起飞、着陆或因天气、交通或空中交通管制塔的要求而需要偏离。
  2. FLY NEIGHBORLY: Helicopter operators agree to conduct flightseeing tours in accordance with the Helicopter Association International (HAI) Fly Neighborly Program. The Fly Neighborly Program is a voluntary noise reduction program designed to be implemented worldwide by local helicopter operators, large and small. Operators will train all pilots on the Fly Neighborly Program regarding its application to local operations. Additional information on this program can be viewed on the HAI website, rotor.org/fly-neighborly.
    友好飞行:直升机运营商同意根据国际直升机协会(HAI)友好飞行计划进行观光飞行。友好飞行计划是一个自愿的噪音减少计划,旨在由当地的大小直升机运营商在全球范围内实施。运营商将对所有飞行员进行友好飞行计划的培训,以便其在当地运营中的应用。有关该计划的更多信息可以在 HAI 网站上查看,网址为 rotor.org/fly-neighborly。
  3. OPERATING TIMES: Operators agree not to schedule glacier flightseeing and tour departures before 8 am or after 7 pm and to complete all tour flights by 9 pm . Operators agree to minimize tour support operations outside these hours. Non-tour operations will occur outside these hours as our community is uniquely dependent on commercial fixed-wing and helicopter operations. Operators agree to take the same care to minimize their impacts during non-tour flight operations.
    运营时间:运营商同意在早上 8 点之前或晚上 7 点之后不安排冰川观光和旅游出发,并在晚上 9 点之前完成所有旅游航班。运营商同意在这些时间之外尽量减少旅游支持操作。非旅游操作将在这些时间之外进行,因为我们的社区独特地依赖于商业固定翼和直升机操作。运营商同意在非旅游飞行操作期间同样小心,以尽量减少其影响。
  4. LOW USE ZONES: Operators agree to maintain “low use zones” in the Perseverance/Granite Creek Basin, Peterson Trail/Lake, the Eagle River/Eagle Glacier Cabin, and the John Muir Cabin areas. “Low use zones” are identified as areas where direct overhead tour flights are avoided (weather permitting).
  5. WILDLIFE VIEWING: Operators conducting air tours within CBJ boundaries agree to minimize impacts to backcountry users and wildlife. Operators will not circle, hover, harass, or decrease altitude for wildlife viewing. Flightseeing operators also agree to avoid key mountain goat kidding areas.
    野生动物观赏:在 CBJ 边界内进行空中旅游的运营商同意尽量减少对偏远地区用户和野生动物的影响。运营商不会为了观赏野生动物而盘旋、悬停、骚扰或降低高度。观光飞行运营商还同意避免关键的山羊产仔区域。

Agreements Regarding Walking, Hiking, Bicycling, Segway, Zipline Tours

Commercial use of public trails is permitted by the CBJ Department of Parks & Recreation (11 CBJ AC 01 010-01 100-Commercial Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities and Trails), by the US Forest Service, and by Alaska State Parks. Operators may apply for commercial permits for these trails:
CBJ 公园与娱乐部(11 CBJ AC 01 010-01 100-公园和娱乐设施及小径的商业使用)、美国森林服务局和阿拉斯加州公园允许公共小径的商业使用。运营商可以申请这些小径的商业许可证:
  • CBJ Parkland Trails: Perseverance Trail System (Red Mill Trail, Glory Hole Trail, Mine Camp Ruins Trail), Rainforest Trail, Amalga Meadows Beach Access (Kayak Beach), Auke Lake Launch Ramp/Parking Access, Sunshine Cove Beach Access, Treadwell Historic Loop Trail.
    CBJ 公园地小径:毅力小径系统(红磨坊小径,荣耀洞小径,矿营遗址小径),雨林小径,阿马尔加草甸海滩通道(皮划艇海滩),奥克湖发射坡道/停车通道,阳光湾海滩通道,特雷德威尔历史环形小径。
  • US Forest Service: Steep Creek Trail, East Glacier, West Glacier, Moraine Ecology, Nugget Falls, Powerline Trail (near Gladstone St), Tolch Rock, and Trail of Time.
    美国森林服务局:Steep Creek Trail,East Glacier,West Glacier,Moraine Ecology,Nugget Falls,Powerline Trail(靠近 Gladstone St),Tolch Rock,以及 Trail of Time。
  • Alaska State Parks: Perseverance Trail System, Upper Mount Roberts Trail (above tram), Ernest Gruening State Park.
All commercial use of CBJ parks and trails requires a commercial use permit issued by the CBJ Parks & Recreation Department. Commercial use is not allowed in some areas. Contact the Parks & Recreation Department for additional information.
所有对 CBJ 公园和步道的商业使用都需要 CBJ 公园与娱乐部颁发的商业使用许可证。某些区域不允许商业使用。请联系公园与娱乐部以获取更多信息。
Operators will conduct pre-season training in a manner which focuses on and emphasizes these guidelines.

44. TOURS DURING COMMUTE HOURS: Operators agree not to conduct downtown walking or Segway tours on Calhoun Avenue during morning and afternoon commute hours (7:30-8 am and 4:30-5 pm).
44. 通勤时间的游览:运营商同意在早上和下午的通勤时间(早上 7:30-8 点和下午 4:30-5 点)期间,不在卡尔霍恩大道进行市中心步行或赛格威游览。

45. USE OF BIKE PATHS: Operators agree to use bike paths along Glacier Highway, Fritz Cove Road, Back Loop and Loop Roads, Montana Creek Road, Glacier Spur Road, and other destinations within CBJ, and to instruct clients to ride single file. Operators agree not to use the walking path immediately along the Twin Lakes shoreline for tours.
45. 使用自行车道:运营商同意使用沿冰川公路、弗里茨湾路、后环路和环路、蒙大拿溪路、冰川支路以及 CBJ 内其他目的地的自行车道,并指示客户单行骑行。运营商同意不在双湖岸边的步行道上进行旅游。

46. FISH CREEK ROAD: Cycling guides agree to instruct guests to ride single file in the bike lane unless the lane is blocked by a parked vehicle or other roadside obstruction. A guide will always be in the lead to make sure that guests descend the hill at a safe speed.
46. 鱼溪路:骑行指南一致同意指导客人在自行车道上单行骑行,除非车道被停放的车辆或其他路边障碍物阻塞。导游将始终在前方,以确保客人以安全的速度下坡。

47. INSTRUCTIONS TO YIELD: Cycling and Segway guides agree to instruct clients to safely yield to other users on commercially used bike paths whenever possible. Segway operators will conduct tours with clients in single file fashion in all areas of the City and Borough of Juneau.
47. 让步的指示:骑行和赛格威导游同意在商业使用的自行车道上尽可能安全地指示客户让步给其他用户。赛格威操作员将在朱诺市和区的所有区域以单行队列的方式带领客户进行游览。

48. TRAILHEAD PARKING: Operators agree to use trailhead parking in a courteous and responsible manner and to pay special attention to community users. If utilizing the Brotherhood Bridge parking lot for the viewpoint, operators will discourage visitors from using the Kaxdigoowu Heen Dei (Brotherhood Bridge Trail).
48. 小径起点停车场:运营者同意以礼貌和负责任的方式使用小径起点停车场,并特别关注社区用户。如果使用兄弟桥停车场作为观景点,运营者将劝阻游客使用 Kaxdigoowu Heen Dei(兄弟桥小径)。

49. IDENTIFIERS FOR TOUR GUIDES: Operators agree to ensure tour guides are easily identifiable and that company names are visible on guides’ attire and company vehicles.
49. 导游的标识:运营商同意确保导游易于识别,并且公司名称在导游的服装和公司车辆上清晰可见。

50. YIELD TO OTHER USERS: Guides agree to instruct clients to yield to other users on commercially used trails.
50. 向其他用户让路:指南同意指导客户在商业使用的小径上向其他用户让路。

51. TRAIL CONDITION REPORTS: Operators agree to report trail conditions and trail abuse to appropriate regulatory agencies.
51. 小径状况报告:运营商同意向适当的监管机构报告小径状况和小径滥用情况。

52. LITTER REMOVAL: Operators agree to remove litter (tour and non-tour related) from permitted trails on a regular basis.
52. 垃圾清理:操作员同意定期从允许的步道上清除垃圾(与旅游相关和非旅游相关)。

Agreements Regarding Cruise Ships

Visible stack emissions are regulated by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation under the Marine Vessel Visible Emission Standards (18 AAC 50-.070). (See attachment B)
可见烟囱排放由阿拉斯加环境保护局根据《海洋船舶可见排放标准》(18 AAC 50-.070)进行监管。(见附件 B)

53. P.A. ANNOUNCEMENTS, SIGNALS and OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT: Cruise Line Agencies, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Alaska, and individual cruise lines will continue to work to minimize vessel announcements, whistle signals, and outdoor entertainment (movies/video screens and use of music, bands, or DJ) while docked or anchored in Juneau Harbor. Large shipboard outdoor video screens should be turned off completely (both visual and sound) prior to entering the harbor.
53. 公告、信号和户外娱乐:邮轮公司、国际邮轮协会(CLIA)阿拉斯加及各个邮轮公司将继续努力减少在朱诺港停靠或锚泊时的船舶公告、哨声信号和户外娱乐(电影/视频屏幕和音乐、乐队或 DJ 的使用)。大型船上户外视频屏幕在进入港口之前应完全关闭(包括视觉和声音)。
Cruise ships are also asked to monitor their outside speakers, announcements, and entertainment on approach to and departure from Juneau. Ships will keep outside speakers turned “off” until they are well past the homes along Gastineau Channel. “Dupont” at the south end of Gastineau Channel should be used as a marker point where outside speakers should be turned off inbound and remain off until at this point outbound. Cruise Line Agencies, CLIA Alaska, and cruise lines will ensure that the shipboard staff understands the importance of this specific guideline.
邮轮还被要求在接近和离开朱诺时监控其外部扬声器、公告和娱乐节目。船只将在经过加斯蒂诺海峡沿岸的住宅之前将外部扬声器保持“关闭”状态。“Dupont”位于加斯蒂诺海峡南端,应作为外部扬声器在入境时关闭并在出境时保持关闭的标记点。邮轮公司、CLIA 阿拉斯加和邮轮公司将确保船上工作人员理解这一具体指导方针的重要性。
Certain signals and announcements are necessary and required by the US Coast Guard or are necessary for inspections, drills, and other safety reasons. Safety drills should not begin before 10 am local time. (See TBMP attachment C for a discussion and explanation of the use of ships’ whistles.)
某些信号和公告是美国海岸警卫队所要求的,或是出于检查、演习和其他安全原因所必需的。安全演习不得在当地时间上午 10 点之前开始。(有关船只汽笛使用的讨论和解释,请参见 TBMP 附件 C。)

54. EMISSION STANDARDS: All cruise vessels agree to comply with the Marine Vessel Visible Emissions Standards (18 AAC 50-.070) and take all available and reasonable steps to minimize visible stack effluents while in port.
54. 排放标准:所有邮轮同意遵守海洋船舶可见排放标准(18 AAC 50-.070),并采取一切可用和合理的措施在港口期间最小化可见烟囱排放。

55. VESSEL EMISSIONS: All cruise vessels agree to take any other proactive steps feasible to manage visible emissions, especially on days when the downtown area might be under an air quality alert.
55. 船舶排放:所有邮轮同意采取任何其他可行的主动措施来管理可见排放,特别是在市中心可能处于空气质量警报的日子。

56. COURTEOUS USE OF VESSEL FLOATS: Cruise ship tender operators agree to use the Port Field Office Float and the Intermediate Vessel Float in a safe and responsible manner and to pay special attention to other users. Tender operators also agree to minimize their wake in the harbor, especially in the vicinity of floatplanes and kayaks and to operate in a manner which exhibits common courtesy to others.
56. 礼貌使用船只浮筒:游轮接驳船操作员同意以安全和负责任的方式使用港口现场办公室浮筒和中间船只浮筒,并特别关注其他用户。接驳船操作员还同意在港口内尽量减少尾波,特别是在水上飞机和皮划艇附近,并以对他人表现出共同礼貌的方式操作。

57. LITTER: In an effort to keep our streets clean, ships’ crew and passengers will be encouraged to utilize trash containers and cigarette ash trays located in the downtown area. The CBJ Harbor Department, private dock owners, and other businesses provide receptacles throughout downtown Juneau to discard trash and smoking material.
57. 垃圾:为了保持我们的街道清洁,船员和乘客将被鼓励使用位于市中心的垃圾容器和烟灰缸。CBJ 港务局、私人码头业主和其他企业在朱诺市中心提供垃圾和烟草材料的投放容器。

58. OFFLOADING OF SHIP WASTE: Cruise companies and cruise ships agree to minimize offloading of ship waste and eliminate offloading of bulky waste, such as furniture, bedding, pillows, mattresses, electronics, and oversized items into CBJ’s landfill.
58. 船舶废物的卸载:邮轮公司和邮轮同意尽量减少船舶废物的卸载,并消除将大型废物(如家具、床上用品、枕头、床垫、电子产品和超大物品)卸载到 CBJ 的垃圾填埋场。

59. CRUISE COMPANIES/CRUISE SHIPS are requested, when possible, to advise Cruise Line Agencies of Alaska (CLAA) of any USCG Safety of Life at Sea drills and/or individual ship drills at least 24 hours prior to these activities, and CLAA will advise the CBJ Tourism Manager and TBMP of the upcoming activity.
59. 邮轮公司/邮轮被要求在可能的情况下,提前至少 24 小时通知阿拉斯加邮轮公司代理(CLAA)任何美国海岸警卫队的海上生命安全演习和/或个别船只演习,CLAA 将通知 CBJ 旅游经理和 TBMP 即将进行的活动。

60. GASTINEAU CHANNEL: When transiting this narrow waterway (Gastineau Channel), vessels agree to always monitor their wake, especially between April 1 and June 25 when the DIPAC salmon hatchery net pens are in operation along the Thane shoreline near Sheep Creek. Excessive wake can be a safety hazard for hatchery net pen staff, shoreside fishermen, and those recreating on the beach, along with small boats in the Thane/Sheep Creek area.
60. 加斯蒂诺海峡:在通过这个狭窄的水道(加斯蒂诺海峡)时,船只同意始终监测其尾波,特别是在 4 月 1 日至 6 月 25 日之间,当 DIPAC 鲑鱼孵化场的网箱在谢普溪附近的桑德海岸线运营时。过大的尾波可能对孵化场网箱工作人员、岸边渔民以及在海滩上休闲的人们,以及在桑德/谢普溪地区的小船构成安全隐患。

Agreements Regarding Docks, Harbors, the Airport, and all CBJ Staging Areas
关于码头、港口、机场及所有 CBJ 集结区的协议

CBJ docks and harbors are regulated under the CBJ Administrative Code (05 CBJ AC 10.010-10.090–Docks and Harbors). Operators will conduct pre-season training in a manner which emphasizes these guidelines.
CBJ 码头和港口受 CBJ 行政法规(05 CBJ AC 10.010-10.090–码头和港口)的监管。运营商将以强调这些指导方针的方式进行季前培训。

61. COURTEOUS USE/LITTER REMOVAL: Operators agree to use docks, harbors, loading ramps, the airport, all CBJ staging areas, and related parking facilities in a courteous and responsible manner and to pay special attention to other users. Operators also agree to remove tour and non-tour related litter when frequenting these areas.
61. 礼貌使用/垃圾清理:操作员同意以礼貌和负责任的方式使用码头、港口、装卸坡道、机场、所有 CBJ 集结区及相关停车设施,并特别关注其他用户。操作员还同意在频繁使用这些区域时清理与旅游相关和非旅游相关的垃圾。

62. SPECIAL EVENTS: Companies agree to pay extra attention when operating during special events including Salmon Derby, Celebration, and the Fourth of July.
62. 特殊活动:公司同意在特殊活动期间,包括鲑鱼德比、庆典和独立日,给予额外关注。

Agreements Regarding Shoreside Tour Brokers

  1. TOUR BROKERS WILL NOT interfere with sales activities or operations of other tour brokers.
  2. TOUR BROKERS WILL be responsible for the space immediately around their vending area and will pick up and properly dispose of all litter accumulated there during the course of their activities.
  3. TOUR BROKERS WILL NOT engage in hawking or any disruptive, loud behavior.
  4. TOUR BROKERS AGREE NOT to smoke in their booth and/or when working with customers.
  5. TOUR BROKERS WILL only distribute written information when a customer requests it – no handing out of flyers or leaflets in or around the sales area.
    旅游经纪人仅在客户要求时分发书面信息 - 不在销售区域内或周围发放传单或小册子。
  6. TOUR BROKERS WILL have informed knowledge of products sold and will not provide inaccurate information.
  7. TOUR BROKERS WILL agree to practice good standard business ethics by not disparaging or making negative comments concerning other businesses.
  8. TOUR BROKERS WILL strive to be good ambassadors of the community with knowledge of the locations of public amenities such as post office, bus stops, museums, restrooms, and government buildings.
  9. TOUR BROKERS WILL NOT display misleading signage or advertising.

Agreements Regarding Marine Tour, Sightseeing, and Sportfishing Operators

  1. IMPACTS TO COASTAL ZONES: Marine tour operators and charter/sportfishing operators will take all available and reasonable steps to minimize impacts to coastal residents and other vessel operators. Vessel operators will strive to minimize the impacts of their wake on other watercraft, docks, and beaches throughout the CBJ coastal waterways, including popular crabbing and recreational boating grounds. Additionally, these operators agree to honor and abide by a voluntary “no wake zone” in the Smugglers Cove/Spuhn Island/Swedula Island vicinity as outlined in Map A below.
    对沿海地区的影响:海洋旅游运营商和包租/运动钓鱼运营商将采取一切可用和合理的措施,以尽量减少对沿海居民和其他船只运营商的影响。船只运营商将努力减少其尾波对其他水上交通工具、码头和海滩的影响,包括 CBJ 沿海水道内受欢迎的捕蟹和休闲划船区域。此外,这些运营商同意遵守并遵循下方地图 A 中所述的 Smugglers Cove/Spuhn Island/Swedula Island 附近的自愿“无尾波区”。
  2. TO MINIMIZE WAKE DAMAGE to adjacent property owners in Auke Bay, marine tour operators agree to voluntarily navigate along the centerline of the bay as shown in Map B below. The centerline is approximate to a line from the white speed buoy to the south end of Coughlin Island. Captains of vessels will agree to remain as close to this proposed centerline as practicable and as depicted in the adjacent image. Operators are reminded of their responsibility to always maintain safe speeds and nothing in these voluntary guidelines removes the duty to follow established rules of the road.
    为了尽量减少对 Auke Bay 邻近物业所有者的干扰,海洋旅游运营商同意自愿沿下方地图 B 所示的海湾中心线航行。中心线大致是从白色速度浮标到 Coughlin Island 南端的一条线。船只的船长同意尽可能靠近这一提议的中心线,并如附图所示。运营商被提醒始终保持安全速度的责任,这些自愿指南中的任何内容都不免除遵循既定交通规则的义务。
  3. TO MINIMIZE WAKE DAMAGE to adjacent property owners on south Shelter Island, operators agree to respect the restricted area as shown in Map C below.
    为了最小化对南谢尔特岛邻近物业所有者的干扰,操作人员同意遵守下方地图 C 所示的限制区域。

  4. MARINE TOUR OPERATORS AGREE to monitor the volume and use of their onboard PA systems and outside speakers in a manner which reduces the impact on residents and recreational boaters.
  5. MARINE OPERATORS will follow all applicable federal regulations regarding marine mammal viewing. For the most up-to-date information on marine mammal viewing laws and guidelines in Alaska, visit:

  6. WHEN TWO OR MORE VESSELS are positioned near wildlife they are viewing and the intention of the other vessels is not obvious, all vessel operators agree to coordinate their movements by radio to reduce the potential for causing disturbance to the wildlife.
  7. TIME SPENT BY MARINE OPERATORS observing a specific whale or specific group of whales should not exceed 30 minutes within a 2-hour time span on any one tour or charter. Vessels should refrain from revisiting the same whale or group of whales within that two (2) hour period.
    海洋操作员观察特定鲸鱼或特定鲸鱼群体的时间不得超过每次游览或包船的 2 小时内的 30 分钟。船只应避免在该两(2)小时内重新访问同一只鲸鱼或鲸鱼群体。
  8. VESSEL ENGINE IDLING: ALL marine vessel operators (including charter fishing captains) agree to minimize engine idling at every reasonable opportunity. This includes loading and unloading of passengers and/or when standing-by in the various vessel loading zones throughout the CBJ. In the interest of reducing emissions, whenever it is deemed safe and prudent by vessel captains, engines should be turned off. Engines should not be started until the vessel is making ready to get underway.
    船舶引擎怠速:所有海洋船舶运营商(包括包租捕鱼船的船长)一致同意在每个合理的机会尽量减少引擎怠速。这包括在 CBJ 各个船舶装卸区装卸乘客时和/或待命时。为了减少排放,只要船长认为安全和谨慎,应该关闭引擎。引擎在船舶准备起航之前不应启动。
  9. FOR ALL COMPANIES that may engage in whale watching in the Juneau area as part of their marine activities, at least one representative shall agree to attend annual NOAA or NMFS wildlife viewing training scheduled to occur in Juneau and will pass that information on to their respective management for training purposes.
    对于所有可能在朱诺地区进行观鲸活动的公司,至少一名代表应同意参加定期在朱诺举行的 NOAA 或 NMFS 野生动物观赏培训,并将该信息传达给各自的管理层以便进行培训。
  10. VESSEL OPERATORS should not utilize the Indian Island passage as a shortcut into and out of Auke Bay at cruising speed. The area should be considered a “no-wake” zone to provide a safer environment for residents and boaters in this area.

  11. WHEN TRANSITING ON THE WATER throughout the CBJ, marine tour, whale watching, and sportfishing operators agree to maintain (whenever possible) a 200-yard distance from boats that are actively fishing to reduce the impact of wake on those vessels. Transiting is defined as passing at a speed that creates a wake.
    在 CBJ 水域通行时,海洋旅游、观鲸和体育钓鱼运营商同意在可能的情况下与正在钓鱼的船只保持 200 码的距离,以减少对这些船只的波浪影响。通行被定义为以产生波浪的速度通过。
  12. THE COGHLAN CUT can at times become a crowded passage with multiple commercial and private boats transiting the area and residents recreating nearby. These instances can cause safety concerns for small boats, kayakers, boats loading on the shore, and individuals enjoying the beach. TBMP operators and captains agree to be diligent in monitoring their own wake, vessel traffic, and recreational use of the Coghlan Cut area and to adjust their speed and/or routing as necessary to promote a safe environment for all users. TBMP operators agree to avoid transiting the Coghlan Cut during Salmon Derby Weekend.
    科赫兰切口有时会变得拥挤,多个商业和私人船只在该区域通行,居民在附近休闲。这些情况可能会对小船、皮划艇、在岸边装载的船只以及享受海滩的个人造成安全隐患。TBMP 操作员和船长同意在监控自己的尾波、船只交通和科赫兰切口区域的休闲使用方面保持警惕,并根据需要调整速度和/或航线,以促进所有用户的安全环境。TBMP 操作员同意在鲑鱼德比周末期间避免通过科赫兰切口。
  13. VESSEL OPERATORS, in the spirit of cooperation and to promote continuous improvement, agree to communicate between boats on-the-water concerning any possible guideline infractions and to do so in a courteous and constructive manner. If a vessel captain or crew member believes they have observed TBMP guidelines not being followed, they agree to document the specifics (using the TBMP Internal Observation Form) and report to their shoreside management for respectful follow-up at the management level.
    船舶运营商本着合作精神并促进持续改进,同意在水上船只之间就任何可能的指导方针违规进行沟通,并以礼貌和建设性的方式进行。如果船长或船员认为他们观察到 TBMP 指导方针未被遵循,他们同意记录具体情况(使用 TBMP 内部观察表)并向岸上管理层报告,以便在管理层进行尊重的后续处理。
  14. SELF-MONITORING: All participants agree to improve their self-monitoring efforts by actively utilizing the TBMP Internal Observation Form to directly contact a company who may not be observing the TBMP guidelines. These actions honor the spirit of TBMP and ultimately help all companies reduce tourism impacts in the community.
    自我监测:所有参与者同意通过积极利用 TBMP 内部观察表来改善他们的自我监测工作,直接联系可能未遵守 TBMP 指南的公司。这些行动尊重 TBMP 的精神,并最终帮助所有公司减少对社区的旅游影响。


  • Between the 100-yard and 500-yard viewing distance, no more than 12 commercial whale watching vessels will be engaged in whale watching at a given time and each vessel will stay no longer than 30 minutes.
    在 100 码到 500 码的观赏距离之间,任何时候参与观鲸的商业船只不得超过 12 艘,每艘船停留时间不得超过 30 分钟。
  • Coghlan Cut will be considered a no-wake zone for all commercial whale watching vessels whenever other vessels are present or there are people on the beach.
    Coghlan Cut 将被视为所有商业观鲸船的无波浪区,任何时候只要有其他船只在场或海滩上有人员。
  • All U.S. Coast Guard inspected whale watching vessels will have AIS, providing visibility that can allow the fleet the opportunity to spread out in the whale watching grounds.
    所有经过美国海岸警卫队检查的观鲸船都将配备 AIS,提供可见性,使船队有机会在观鲸区域分散开来。
  • In an effort to reduce whale viewing pressure in the shoulder season, when the whale population is often lower, commercial whale watching companies will only guarantee whale sightings in their sales and marketing from May 15 to September 15.
    为了减少在肩季(鲸鱼数量通常较少时)的观鲸压力,商业观鲸公司将在 5 月 15 日至 9 月 15 日的销售和营销中仅保证鲸鱼的观赏。
  • To minimize engine noise, vessels will power down, or partially power down, when in the proximity of whales and when it is deemed safe to do so without affecting safe navigation of the vessel.
  • Whale watching operators agree to strongly consider becoming active members of the Whale SENSE program. Whale SENSE is a voluntary education and recognition program offered to commercial whale watching companies in the US Atlantic and Alaska Regions. The program is sponsored by NOAA Fisheries and Whale and Dolphin Conservation (a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting whales and dolphins around the globe). Developed in collaboration with the whale watching industry, Whale SENSE recognizes whale watching companies committed to responsible practices (see whalesense.org). TBMP has joined as a Whale SENSE Proud Supporter.
    鲸鱼观察运营商同意认真考虑成为鲸鱼 SENSE 项目的积极成员。鲸鱼 SENSE 是一个自愿的教育和认可项目,面向美国大西洋和阿拉斯加地区的商业鲸鱼观察公司。该项目由 NOAA 渔业和鲸鱼与海豚保护组织(一个致力于保护全球鲸鱼和海豚的非营利组织)赞助。鲸鱼 SENSE 与鲸鱼观察行业合作开发,认可致力于负责任实践的鲸鱼观察公司(请参见 whalesense.org)。TBMP 已作为鲸鱼 SENSE 自豪支持者加入。

Agreements Regarding Restaurants and Hospitality Businesses

  1. BUSINESSES WILL be responsible for sweeping the sidewalk immediately in front of their establishment, will pick up and properly dispose of all litter into the proper receptacle, and will avoid sweeping litter into the street (as the street sweepers may already have made their rounds).
  2. BUSINESSES AND THEIR EMPLOYEES WILL strive to be good ambassadors of the community with knowledge of the locations of public amenities such as post office, bus stops, museums, restrooms, and government buildings.

Agreements Regarding Downtown Retail Businesses

  1. MERCHANTS WILL be responsible for sweeping the sidewalk immediately in front of their establishment, will pick up and properly dispose of all litter into the proper receptacle, and will avoid sweeping litter into the street (as the street sweepers may already have made their rounds).
  2. MERCHANTS WILL REFRAIN from placing merchandise and signage on the city-owned/public sidewalks and will leave adequate space between items for sale and the public sidewalk so that customers examining the merchandise are not blocking the sidewalk.
  3. MERCHANT WILL NOT place their business’ accumulated daily refuse into street-side, public CBJ refuse containers. They should secure their own agreement with a contracted container service.
    商家不得将其业务积累的每日垃圾放入街边的公共 CBJ 垃圾容器。他们应与承包的容器服务达成自己的协议。
  4. MERCHANTS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES WILL AVOID handing out flyers or leaflets outside of their place of business.
  5. MERCHANTS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES WILL NOT engage in sidewalk hawking or any other disruptive or aggressive physical behavior to attract potential customers into their place of business.
  6. MERCHANTS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES who may smoke on the sidewalk in front of their businesses agree to utilize the proper receptacles for disposing of cigarette butts.
  7. MERCHANTS WILL AVOID displaying misleading signage or advertising and agree not to post stickers or signage in their windows indicating “cruise ship preferred” or “guaranteed shopping venue.”
  8. MERCHANTS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES WILL at all times agree to practice good standard business ethics by not disparaging or making negative comments concerning other businesses.
  9. MERCHANTS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES WILL strive to be good ambassadors of the community with knowledge of the locations of public amenities such as post office, bus stops, museums, restrooms, and government buildings.
  10. MERCHANTS WILL AVOID boarding up or taping brown paper or newspaper to their windows when closing in the offseason. Merchants are encouraged to utilize some sort of economical and decorative paper (wrapping paper, etc.) to “brighten up the look” of a business closed for the winter.
    商家在 offseason 关闭时将避免用棕色纸或报纸封住窗户。商家被鼓励使用某种经济且具有装饰性的纸(如包装纸等)来“提升冬季关闭的商店的外观”。
  11. MERCHANTS SHOULD FOLLOW the CBJ Historic District requirements to the best of their ability and consider, where possible and economical, keeping display windows lit (LED lighting) and/or their outside awning lights or motion sensors on to keep windows and sidewalks lit after dark to promote safety and a welcoming feel to downtown during the winter months.
    商家应尽力遵循 CBJ 历史区的要求,并在可能且经济的情况下,考虑保持展示窗户的照明(LED 照明)和/或外部遮阳篷灯或运动传感器开启,以在冬季夜间保持窗户和人行道的照明,促进安全和营造温馨的市中心氛围。

General Agreements for All TBMP Participants
所有 TBMP 参与者的通用协议

  1. TRAINING: Participants agree to train all relevant employees on the program objectives and practices and to conduct periodic training sessions for employees hired mid-season. Participants will train employees and strive to conduct business in a manner which exhibits common courtesy throughout the season. Employees of participating businesses will be required to sign a “TBMP Employee Partnership Agreement” certifying that the employee has read, understands, and agrees to abide by the Tourism Best Management Practices guidelines applicable to his/her job description. (See attachment “D” and “E” for examples.)
    培训:参与者同意对所有相关员工进行项目目标和实践的培训,并为赛季中途雇用的员工进行定期培训。参与者将培训员工,并努力以展现共同礼仪的方式开展业务。参与企业的员工将被要求签署“TBMP 员工合作协议”,以证明该员工已阅读、理解并同意遵守适用于其职位描述的旅游最佳管理实践指南。(请参见附件“D”和“E”的示例。)
  2. CONTACT NAME: Participants agree to provide the CBJ and TBMP Hotline administrator with an accurate contact name, telephone number, and email address and to communicate any changes as soon as possible if they occur.
    联系人姓名:参与者同意向 CBJ 和 TBMP 热线管理员提供准确的联系人姓名、电话号码和电子邮件地址,并在发生任何变化时尽快沟通。
  3. WORK SESSIONS: Participants agree to participate in periodic work sessions to discuss progress made in attaining program goals.
  4. RESPONSE TO TBMP HOTLINE: An important ingredient for a successful TBMP program is consistent, respectful, and prompt responses to the tourism hotline messages. Participants agree to respond within 3 3 3\mathbf{3} business days to calls and emails received directly and via the Tourism Best Management Practices Hotline if callers provide sufficient details to allow businesses to address the issue.
    对 TBMP 热线的回应:成功的 TBMP 项目一个重要因素是对旅游热线信息的一致、尊重和及时的回应。参与者同意在 3 3 3\mathbf{3} 个工作日内对直接接收到的电话和电子邮件以及通过旅游最佳管理实践热线收到的电话进行回应,前提是来电者提供足够的细节以便企业解决问题。
Participants also agree to copy the TBMP Hotline Administrator with the result of their interaction with the caller. Callers will be asked to communicate as much information as possible, including the name of participant business, description of the aircraft, watercraft, or vehicle, vehicle number if possible, and date and approximate time of observation. Callers will also be asked to leave a name, phone number, and/or email address so the participants may respond. Callers are also encouraged to provide positive feedback via the hotline to recognize participants who are making a difference by following the guidelines and operating their business in a courteous and neighborhood-friendly manner.
参与者还同意将与来电者互动的结果抄送给 TBMP 热线管理员。来电者将被要求尽可能提供更多信息,包括参与者的商业名称、飞机、水上交通工具或车辆的描述、如果可能的话,车辆号码,以及观察的日期和大致时间。来电者还将被要求留下姓名、电话号码和/或电子邮件地址,以便参与者可以进行回复。来电者也被鼓励通过热线提供积极反馈,以表彰那些通过遵循指南并以礼貌和邻里友好的方式经营业务而有所作为的参与者。

103. ONGOING TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES: Businesses agree to provide ongoing (mid-season) training and coaching for their employees to reinforce compliance with the guidelines that pertain to their operations.
103. 员工持续培训:企业同意为员工提供持续的(季中)培训和辅导,以加强对与其运营相关的指导方针的遵守。

104. RECYCLING: All TBMP members are strongly encouraged to commit to a recycling program which is effective for their individual size and type of business. Note that all commercial entities must have a recycling permit. Recycling information can be obtained at juneau.org/engineering-public-works/recycleworks-2/recycling.
104. 回收利用:所有 TBMP 成员都被强烈鼓励承诺参与适合其个体规模和类型的商业的回收计划。请注意,所有商业实体必须拥有回收许可证。有关回收的信息可以在 juneau.org/engineering-public-works/recycleworks-2/recycling 获取。

105. ALL BUSINESS WILL agree to secure and dispose of trash in a manner which does not attract wildlife.
105. 所有企业将同意以不吸引野生动物的方式安全处理和处置垃圾。

106. ACCESSIBILITY: Recognizing that the number of visitors arriving in Juneau each year with limited mobility and/or visual or hearing impairments is increasing, TBMP members are encouraged to focus forward to find “best practice” objectives which may assist in providing these visitors with a quality experience. To that end, here are some recommendations shared by SAIL (SE Alaska Independent Living) that businesses might consider in preparing to respond to this expanding market.
106. 可及性:鉴于每年到达朱诺的行动不便和/或视觉或听力障碍的游客数量正在增加,TBMP 成员被鼓励向前看,寻找可能帮助这些游客获得优质体验的“最佳实践”目标。为此,以下是 SAIL(东南阿拉斯加独立生活)分享的一些建议,企业在准备应对这一不断扩大的市场时可以考虑。
  • Businesses could post information concerning their tour/venue accessibility online, or otherwise make it readily available to those seeking details (i.e., how many steps? how long a walk? are necessary service companions given complimentary space?).
  • Businesses should consider training all frontline employees in accessibility awareness, with focus on how best to accommodate requests for various types of assistance (mobility, hearing, visual, etc.), how to provide good customer service to those with disabilities or impairments, and when to seek additional help in doing so.
  1. ALL TOUR OPERATORS stopping at Mayor Bill Overstreet Park require a commercial use permit from the City & Borough of Juneau Department of Parks & Recreation.


  • TBMP members can voluntarily offset carbon emissions through a local program, the ALASKA CARBON REDUCTION FUND (akcarbonreduction.org). This program allows both visitors and businesses to consider balancing out their carbon emissions by helping to convert lower-income home heating from fossil fuels to renewable energy, making housing more affordable and meeting the City and Borough of Juneau goals for carbon reduction.
    TBMP 成员可以通过一个地方项目自愿抵消碳排放,即阿拉斯加碳减排基金(akcarbonreduction.org)。该项目允许游客和企业考虑通过帮助将低收入家庭的取暖方式从化石燃料转向可再生能源来平衡他们的碳排放,从而使住房更加负担得起,并实现朱诺市和区的碳减排目标。
  • TBMP members are encouraged to commit to a composting program which is effective for their individual size and type of business.
    TBMP 成员被鼓励承诺参与适合其个体规模和类型业务的堆肥计划。

Program Contacts  程序联系人

TBMP member businesses are responsible for actively participating in the program and promoting the program’s objectives through a variety of means. These may include press releases, public service announcements, brochures, newspaper inserts, additional print media, and other appropriate means. This may also include contacting other businesses who have not signed on to the program and encouraging them to join with other visitor industry businesses. The CBJ supports and endorses the Tourism Best Management Practices program and encourages all to participate.
TBMP 成员企业负责积极参与该项目,并通过多种方式推广该项目的目标。这些方式可能包括新闻稿、公共服务公告、宣传册、报纸插页、其他印刷媒体以及其他适当的方式。这也可能包括联系尚未加入该项目的其他企业,并鼓励他们与其他旅游行业企业一起加入。CBJ 支持并认可旅游最佳管理实践项目,并鼓励所有人参与。
Elizabeth Arnett, TBMP Administrator (primary industry contact)
伊丽莎白·阿内特,TBMP 管理员(主要行业联系人)

c/o Travel Juneau, 800 Glacier Avenue #201, Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: 907-321-7231 | Email: elizabeth.arnett@traveljuneau.com
电话:907-321-7231 | 邮箱:elizabeth.arnett@traveljuneau.com

CBJ Website: juneau.org/tourism
CBJ 网站: juneau.org/tourism

TBMP Website: traveljuneau.com/tbmp | TBMP Hotline: Email: hotline@traveljuneau.com | Phone: 907-586-6774
TBMP 网站:traveljuneau.com/tbmp | TBMP 热线:电子邮件:hotline@traveljuneau.com | 电话:907-586-6774
For concerns with vessel visible emissions, complete an Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation “Air Quality Complaints” form at bit.ly/emissionconcerns.
有关船舶可见排放的担忧,请填写阿拉斯加环境保护局的“空气质量投诉”表格,网址为 bit.ly/emissionconcerns。

ATTACHMENT A: Commercial Passenger Vehicle Code
附件 A:商业客运车辆规范

In addition to the voluntary guidelines on pages 4-9 above, drivers are required to follow CBJ commercial passenger vehicle codes and traffic laws, which include the following:
除了上述第 4-9 页的自愿指南外,驾驶员还需遵循 CBJ 商业客运车辆法规和交通法律,包括以下内容:
  1. Drivers will not park, stop vehicles, nor disembark passengers on bridges throughout CBJ, including but not limited to Salmon Creek, Montana Creek, and Brotherhood Bridges (CBJ 72O2360(a)(1)(g)).
    司机不得在 CBJ 的桥梁上停车、停放车辆或让乘客下车,包括但不限于 Salmon Creek、Montana Creek 和 Brotherhood Bridges(CBJ 72O2360(a)(1)(g))。
  2. Drivers will not block designated bike paths (CBJ 72 02400).
    驾驶员不得阻挡指定的自行车道(CBJ 72 02400)。
  3. Drivers will pay special attention to crosswalks throughout CBJ and must stop for pedestrians using crosswalks (CBJ 72 02155).
    司机将特别注意 CBJ 内的人行横道,并必须为使用人行横道的行人停车(CBJ 72 02155)。
  4. Drivers will use Basin Road in a safe and responsible manner and adhere to the speed limit of 10 mph (CBJ 72 02275(a)).
    驾驶员将以安全和负责任的方式使用 Basin Road,并遵守 10 英里每小时的速度限制(CBJ 72 02275(a))。
  5. Drivers will use appropriate loading and unloading zones (CBJ 72.12.045, 050, 060).
    司机将使用适当的装卸区(CBJ 72.12.045, 050, 060)。
  6. Drivers are prohibited from making U U UU turns unless otherwise noted (CBJ 72.10.095).
    除非另有说明(CBJ 72.10.095),否则禁止司机进行 U U UU 转弯。

ATTACHMENT B: Marine Vessel Visible Emission Standards (18 AAC 50.070)
附件 B:海洋船舶可见排放标准(18 AAC 50.070)

Within three miles of the Alaska coastline, visible emissions, excluding condensed water vapor, may not reduce visibility through the exhaust effluent of a marine vessel by more than 20 percent except as follows:
在阿拉斯加海岸线三英里内,排放的可见物质(不包括凝结水蒸气)不得使海洋船舶的废气排放降低能见度超过 20%,除非如下情况:
  1. While at berth or at anchor, visibility may be reduced by up to 100 percent for periods aggregating no more than
    在停泊或锚泊时,能见度可能会降低至 100%,持续时间总计不超过
  • three minutes in any one hour; and
  • an additional three minutes during initial startup of a vessel; for purposes of this subparagraph, “initial startup” includes the period during which a vessel is testing equipment in preparation to casting off or weighing anchor;
  1. During the hour immediately after weighing anchor or casting off, visibility may be reduced under one, but not both, of the following options:
  • visibility may be reduced by up to 40 percent for that entire hour; or
    在整个小时内,能见度可能降低多达 40%
  • visibility may be reduced by up to 100 percent for periods aggregating no more than nine minutes during that hour;
    在该小时内,能见度可能会减少高达 100%,持续时间不超过九分钟
  1. During the hour immediately before the completion of all maneuvers to anchor or make fast to the shore, visibility may be reduced under one, but not both, of the following options:
  • visibility may be reduced by up to 40 percent for that entire hour; or
    在整个小时内,能见度可能降低多达 40%
  • visibility may be reduced by up to 100 percent for periods aggregating no more than nine minutes during that hour; and
    在该小时内,能见度可能会降低至多 100%,且持续时间不超过九分钟;并且
  1. At any time not covered by (1)-(3) of this section, visibility may be reduced by up to 100 percent for periods aggregating no more than three minutes in any one hour.
    在本节(1)-(3)未涵盖的任何时间内,能见度可能会降低至最多 100%,在任何一小时内的累计时间不超过三分钟。

ATTACHMENT C: The Sounds of a Port
附件 C:港口的声音

Included as part of the operating procedures of any large vessel is the need, requirement, and ability to signal other vessels in the area of their position (in areas of restricted visibility) and of their intentions (when under way or getting under way). These signals are required for safe navigation. In addition, many small vessel operators may not have or may not consistently monitor their VHF radios. Therefore, the only way for large vessels to communicate (regardless of visibility issues) is via sound signals. This is a common practice in the maritime industry around the world.
作为任何大型船舶操作程序的一部分,需要、要求和能力在其位置区域(在能见度受限的区域)向其他船舶发出信号,以及在航行或准备航行时发出意图信号。这些信号对于安全导航是必需的。此外,许多小型船舶操作员可能没有或不一定会持续监控他们的 VHF 无线电。因此,大型船舶沟通的唯一方式(无论能见度问题)是通过声响信号。这在全球海事行业中是一种常见做法。
The USCG regulations require vessels to use their whistles to signal when they are in an area of restricted visibility, which is defined as “any condition in which visibility is restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms, or any other similar causes.”
The USCG defines a ship’s whistle as any sound signaling appliance capable of producing the prescribed blasts and which complies with the specifications in Annex III to the USCG regulations.
美国海岸警卫队将船只的汽笛定义为任何能够发出规定鸣响并符合美国海岸警卫队法规附录 III 中规格的声音信号装置。
This whistle must meet USCG specifications for audibility. For vessels 200 meters in length or more, which encompasses most large cruise ships calling in Juneau, the sound must produce 143 db of sound one meter from the whistle in the direction of maximum intensity and be audible for two nautical miles in the direction of maximum intensity. This is why a ship’s whistle may sound quite strong if one is positioned directly in front of the ship. Regulations require ships to signal under the following circumstances:
这个哨子必须符合美国海岸警卫队(USCG)对可听性的规格。对于长度为 200 米或更长的船只,这包括大多数在朱诺停靠的大型游轮,声音必须在距离哨子一米的最大强度方向产生 143 分贝的声音,并在最大强度方向上可听到两海里。这就是为什么如果一个人正好站在船的正前方,船的哨声听起来会非常响亮。法规要求船只在以下情况下发出信号:
  1. When making way astern, day or night, ships are required to sound three short blasts on the ship’s whistle to announce their intention of going astern. This is why a ship will signal with three short blasts (day or night) when departing the port and coming off the dock with engines operating astern.
  2. When conducting USCG Safety of Life at Sea drills or inspections, the ship is required to sound six short blasts and one long blast on the ship’s whistle to initiate the drill or inspection. During the drill, certain signals may also be used to announce lowering of the lifeboats or all clear. During such drills and inspections, ships are required to use all ship’s public address systems, including inside and outside speakers. The intention in every case is to conduct a drill or inspection as if the exercise is an actual emergency event, which requires ships to use the full complement of signaling capabilities a vessel would have at its disposal during a real emergency.
Finally, there are other times when a ship will use its whistle and/or public address system to ensure safe navigation or for other safety or emergency reasons that may occur onboard a ship.
The cruise industry is keenly aware of the sensitivity of some Juneau residents to the sounds of these signals and procedures and will continue to minimize unnecessary use of the ships’ whistles and outside public address speakers.

(For more detailed information, reference “International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea,” 1972 ((72
(有关更详细的信息,请参考《1972 年国际海上避碰规则》(72

COLREGS)): navcen.uscg.gov/?pageName =NavRulesAmalgamated

ATTACHMENT D: TBMP Employee Agreement (sample #1)
附件 D:TBMP 员工协议(样本#1)


TBMP Employee Partnership Agreement
TBMP 员工合作协议

As an employee of ABC TOURS, INC. in Juneau, I certify that I have read and fully understand the attached Tourism Best Management Practices (TBMP) program. To demonstrate my personal commitment to make the visitor season as enjoyable as possible for visitors and residents alike, to the best of my ability, I will honor the guidelines as outlined in this program. Further, I will convey to my fellow employees in the visitor industry the importance of operating our businesses in a manner that is both responsible and sensitive to neighborhood concerns.
作为 ABC TOURS, INC.在朱诺的员工,我证明我已阅读并完全理解附带的旅游最佳管理实践(TBMP)计划。为了表明我个人的承诺,尽我所能使游客季节对游客和居民都尽可能愉快,我将遵守本计划中列出的指导方针。此外,我将向我在旅游行业的同事传达以负责任和敏感于邻里关切的方式运营我们业务的重要性。

Employee Signature Date  员工签名 日期
Employee Signature  员工签名
Date  日期
Employee Signature  员工签名
Date  日期

ATTACHMENT E: TBMP Employee Agreement (sample #2)
附件 E:TBMP 员工协议(样本#2)

TBMP Employee Partnership Agreement

As an employee of XYZ TOURS, INC. in Juneau, I certify that I have read and fully understand the attached Tourism Best Management Practices (TBMP) program.
作为 XYZ TOURS, INC.在朱诺的员工,我证明我已阅读并完全理解附带的旅游最佳管理实践(TBMP)计划。
To demonstrate my personal commitment to make the visitor season as enjoyable as possible for visitors and residents alike, to the best of my ability I will honor the guidelines as outlined in this program. Further, I will convey to my fellow employees in the visitor industry the importance of operating our businesses in a manner that is both responsible and sensitive to neighborhood concerns.
Employee Name Printed  员工姓名打印 Employee Signature  员工签名 Date  日期
Employee Name Printed  员工姓名打印 Employee Signature  员工签名 Date  日期
Employee Name Printed  员工姓名打印 Employee Signature  员工签名 Date  日期
Employee Name Printed Employee Signature Date Employee Name Printed Employee Signature Date Employee Name Printed Employee Signature Date| Employee Name Printed | Employee Signature | Date | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Employee Name Printed | Employee Signature | Date | | Employee Name Printed | Employee Signature | Date |

ATTACHMENT F: TBMP Internal Observation Form
附件 F:TBMP 内部观察表格

TBMP Participant,  TBMP 参与者,
A staff member has reported an instance that may have been out of compliance with one or more of the guidelines established in the TBMP program. The following is a brief description of the observed activity. Please complete the bottom portion of this form and return it to us as verification that you are aware of the situation.
一名工作人员报告了一起可能违反 TBMP 项目中一项或多项指南的情况。以下是对观察到的活动的简要描述。请填写此表格的底部部分,并将其返回给我们,以确认您已了解该情况。
To further improve the outcomes of TBMP, the assistance of the staff of all participants has been enlisted to watch not only their company’s operations, but operations throughout the industry. We can be stronger by helping each other.
为了进一步改善 TBMP 的结果,已征求所有参与者员工的协助,不仅观察他们公司的运营,还观察整个行业的运营。通过相互帮助,我们可以变得更强大。
Don’t hesitate to call our owner/manager to discuss this issue further. If any of our operations were viewed to be possibly out of compliance, we hope that you would extend to us the same courtesy of communicating similar information.
Thank you, and again, don’t hesitate to contact our owner/manager for clarification.
Date of observed activity qquad\qquad Time qquad\qquad am/pm
观察到的活动日期 qquad\qquad 时间 qquad\qquad 上午/下午
Observed activity:  观察到的活动:
Signature of Manager of observing company
Phone qquad\qquad Email qquad\qquad  电话 qquad\qquad 邮箱 qquad\qquad
Email report to: hotline@traveljuneau.com

Participant explanation:


Corrective action taken (if necessary):

Signature of Manager of observed company
Phone qquad\qquad Email qquad\qquad  电话 qquad\qquad 邮箱 qquad\qquad
Email report to: hotline@traveljuneau.com

ATTACHMENT G: TBMP Air Operator Letter of Agreement
附件 G:TBMP 航空运营商协议信

Juneau Commercial Operators Letter of Agreement

Airspace Users-Juneau, Alaska, and Vicinity
空域用户 - 朱诺,阿拉斯加及周边地区

Juneau Airspace Letter of Agreement Revision Number 27
朱诺空域协议修订版第 27 号

Effective Date April 1, 2023
生效日期 2023 年 4 月 1 日


Airspace Users-Juneau, Alaska, and Vicinity
空域用户 - 朱诺,阿拉斯加及周边地区
This letter of agreement is entered into for the purpose of establishing safe operating practices in the Juneau Airport Class D surface area and the uncontrolled airspace in the geographic areas surrounding Juneau, Alaska, to include, (1) the Juneau Icefield and its glacier drainages, (2) Gastineau Channel and Taku Inlet to include the Taku Glacier icefield, and (3) Lynn Canal, Glacier Bay and Cross Sound/Icy Strait as described in Appendices A, B, C, and D to this agreement.
本协议书的签署旨在建立在阿拉斯加朱诺周边地理区域的朱诺机场 D 级地面区域和不受管制空域内的安全操作规范,包括(1)朱诺冰原及其冰川排水区,(2)加斯蒂诺海峡和塔库湾,包括塔库冰川冰原,以及(3)林运河、冰川湾和交叉海峡/冰峡,具体内容见本协议的附录 A、B、C 和 D。
The intent is to ensure horizontal and vertical separation of aircraft and to ensure aircraft on common routes are on the same radio frequencies. These routes and procedures are designed to include commercial aircraft operations (air carriers and tour operators), both fixed and rotary wing, special use operations (para-gliders, powered and non-powered parachutes), general aviation, and military users.
The methods employed include preferred routes, primary and secondary reporting points, radio frequencies, frequency changeover points, and specific altitudes for specified direction of flight at traffic conflict areas.
The procedures in this agreement are based on effective procedures developed over years of use by local commercial operators. The topography and prevailing weather surrounding Juneau, Alaska, channels aircraft into common routes, creating potential conflicts between aircraft regardless of the type of operation being conducted. The largest concentration of aircraft is comprised of VFR commuter traffic and air tours. However, all aircraft are geographically restricted to the use of the same routes.
本协议中的程序基于当地商业运营商多年使用中开发的有效程序。阿拉斯加朱诺周围的地形和盛行天气将飞机引导到共同航线,导致无论进行何种类型的操作,飞机之间都可能发生冲突。最大的飞机集中包括 VFR 通勤交通和空中游览。然而,所有飞机在地理上都被限制使用相同的航线。
Signature of an aircraft operator to the routes and procedures contained in this Juneau Operators Letter of Agreement (LOA) indicates voluntary compliance, in that while operating on the described routes, these procedures should be adhered to. This does not restrict an aircraft operator from utilizing non-depicted routes. Deviations from this letter of agreement may be made after verbal coordination with other affected parties. This agreement does not relieve aircraft operators and pilots from adhering to Federal Aviation Regulations nor Operations Specifications issued to that company by FAA Flight Standards. It remains a right and responsibility for a pilot to deviate from any procedure if required to ensure the safety of their aircraft, or when weather conflicts require.
航空运营商在本六月奥运营商协议(LOA)中所包含的航线和程序上的签名表示自愿遵守,即在按照所描述的航线操作时,应遵循这些程序。这并不限制航空运营商使用未描绘的航线。在与其他受影响方进行口头协调后,可以对本协议进行偏离。本协议并不免除航空运营商和飞行员遵守联邦航空法规或 FAA 飞行标准向该公司发布的操作规范的责任。飞行员在确保其飞机安全或在天气冲突需要时,有权和责任偏离任何程序。
Modifications to a specific area procedure will be made via date and numbered revisions to the specific appendix or page, including a signature agreement line for each party to this agreement. This agreement is valid until the end of each calendar year.
A website link to the Letter of Agreement may be found at juneau.org/tourism (click on the Tourism Best Management Practices link).
可以在 juneau.org/tourism 找到协议书的链接(点击旅游最佳管理实践链接)。

ATTACHMENT H: Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act Regulations
附件 H:海洋哺乳动物保护法和濒危物种法规定

海洋哺乳动物保护法;第 50 条第 216 部分关于捕捞和进口海洋哺乳动物的规定

50 CFR 216.11: Take Prohibitions
50 CFR 216.11:捕捉禁令

Except as otherwise provided in subparts C, D, and I of this part 216 or in part 228 or 229, it is unlawful for:
除本部分 216 的 C、D 和 I 小节或 228 或 229 部分另有规定外,以下行为是非法的:

a. Any person, vessel, or conveyance subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to take any marine mammal on the high seas, or

b. Any person, vessel, or conveyance to take any marine mammal in waters or on lands under the jurisdiction of the United States, or
b. 任何人、船只或运输工具在美国管辖的水域或土地上捕捉任何海洋哺乳动物,或

c. Any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to take any marine mammal during the moratorium.
c. 任何受美国管辖的人员在禁令期间捕捞任何海洋哺乳动物。
The Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibits the TAKE of all marine mammal species in US waters. Take means “to harass, hunt, capture, or kill, or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or kill,” and harassment means “any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which has the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild; or has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, and sheltering.”
TAKE includes feeding or attempting to feed a marine mammal in the wild. Some exceptions for take are made for authorized scientific research and subsistence hunting by Alaska Natives.

50 FR 216.18: Special Prohibitions for Approaching Humpback Whales in Alaska
50 FR 216.18:阿拉斯加接近座头鲸的特别禁令

Except as otherwise provided in subparts C, D, and I of this part 216 or in part 228 or 229 , it is unlawful for:
除本部分 216 的 C、D 和 I 小节或 228 或 229 部分另有规定外,以下行为是非法的:

b) Approaching humpback whales in Alaska - (1) Prohibitions. Except as provided under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, it is unlawful for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to commit, to attempt to commit, to solicit another to commit, or to cause to be committed, within 200 nautical miles ( 3704 km ) of Alaska, or within inland waters of the state, any of the acts in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (b)(1)(iii) of this section with respect to humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae).
b) 接近阿拉斯加的座头鲸 - (1) 禁止事项。除本节第(b)(2)段另有规定外,任何受美国管辖的个人在阿拉斯加 200 海里(3704 公里)范围内或该州内陆水域内,进行、尝试进行、诱使他人进行或导致进行与座头鲸(Megaptera novaeangliae)相关的第(b)(1)(i)至(b)(1)(iii)段中的任何行为,均属违法。

i. Approach, by any means, including by interception (i e, placing a vessel in the path of an oncoming humpback whale so that the whale surfaces within 100 yards ( 914 m ) of the vessel), within100 yards ( 914 m ) of any humpback whale;
通过任何手段接近,包括拦截(即将一艘船放置在来袭的座头鲸的路径上,以便鲸鱼在距离船只 100 码(914 米)内浮出水面),在距离任何座头鲸 100 码(914 米)内;

ii. Cause a vessel or other object to approach within 100 yards ( 914 m ) of a humpback whale; or
ii. 使船只或其他物体接近座头鲸 100 码(914 米)以内;或

iii. Disrupt the normal behavior or prior activity of a whale by any other act or omission, as described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
iii. 通过本节第(a)(4)段所述的任何其他行为或不作为,干扰鲸鱼的正常行为或先前活动。

a(4) Disrupt the normal behavior or prior activity of a whale by any other act or omission. A disruption of normal behavior may be manifested by, among other actions on the part of the whale, a rapid change in direction or speed; escape tactics such as prolonged diving, underwater course changes, underwater exhalation, or evasive swimming patterns; interruptions of breeding, nursing, or resting activities; attempts by a whale to shield a calf from a vessel or human observer by tail swishing or by other protective movement; or the abandonment of a previously frequented area.

濒危物种法案;第 50 章第 224 部分关于濒危海洋和洄游物种的规定

濒危物种法案;第 50 章第 226 部分指定关键栖息地

50 FR 226.202: Critical Habitat for Steller Sea Lions
50 FR 226.202: 斯特勒海狮的关键栖息地

(a) Alaska rookeries, haul outs, and associated areas. In Alaska, all major Steller sea lion rookeries are identified in Table 1 and major haul outs are identified in Table 2 and associated terrestrial, air, and aquatic zones.
(a) 阿拉斯加的海狮繁殖地、休息场所及相关区域。在阿拉斯加,所有主要的斯特勒海狮繁殖地在表 1 中列出,主要的休息场所在表 2 中列出,以及相关的陆地、空中和水域区域。

a. Critical habitat includes a terrestrial zone that extends 3,000 feet ( 09 km ) landward from the baseline or base point of each major rookery and major haul out in Alaska.
关键栖息地包括一个陆地区域,该区域从阿拉斯加每个主要繁殖地和主要休息地的基线或基点向内延伸 3,000 英尺(09 公里)。

b. Critical habitat includes an air zone that extends 3,000 feet ( 0.9 km ) above the terrestrial zone of each major rookery and major haul out in Alaska, measured vertically from sea level.
关键栖息地包括一个空气区域,该区域在阿拉斯加每个主要繁殖地和主要休息地的陆地区域上方延伸 3000 英尺(0.9 公里),垂直测量自海平面。

c. Critical habitat includes an aquatic zone that extends 3,000 feet ( 0.9 km ) seaward in State and Federally managed waters from the baseline or basepoint of each major rookery and major haul out in Alaska that is east of 144 deg. W longitude. (NOTE: this zone is the relevant area for Southeast Alaska.)
关键栖息地包括一个水域区域,该区域从阿拉斯加每个主要繁殖地和主要休息地的基线或基点向海洋延伸 3000 英尺(0.9 公里),位于州和联邦管理的水域中,且位于西经 144 度以东。(注意:该区域是东南阿拉斯加的相关区域。)

d. Critical habitat includes an aquatic zone that extends 20 nm ( 37 km ) 20 nm ( 37 km ) 20nm(37km)20 \mathrm{~nm}(37 \mathrm{~km}) seaward in State and Federally managed waters from the baseline or basepoint of each major rookery and major haul out in Alaska that is west of 144 deg. W longitude.
关键栖息地包括一个水域区域,该区域从阿拉斯加每个主要繁殖地和主要休息地的基线或基点向海洋延伸 20 nm ( 37 km ) 20 nm ( 37 km ) 20nm(37km)20 \mathrm{~nm}(37 \mathrm{~km}) ,位于州和联邦管理的水域中,且位于西经 144 度以西。
Critical habitat for Steller sea lions: Major haul out and major rookeries in Alaska

Southeast Alaska:  东南阿拉斯加:

TABLE 1  表 1
TABLE 2  表 2
Haul Out  拖出 Latitude  纬度 Longitude  经度
Benjamin Island  本杰明岛 5833.5 N 13454.5 W
Biali Rock  白岩 5643.0 N 13520.5 W
Biorka Island  比奥尔卡岛 5650.0 N 13534.0 W
Cape Addington  阿丁顿角 5526.5 N 13349.5 W
Cape Cross  开普十字 5755.0 N 13634.0 W
Cape Ommaney  奥曼尼角 5610.5 N 13442.5 W
Coronation Island  加冕岛 5556.0 N 13417.0 W
Gran Point 5908.0 N 13514.5 W
Graves Rock  格雷夫斯岩 5814.5 N 13645.5 W
Luli Point 5718.5 N 13448.5 W
Sunset Island  日落岛 5730.5 N 13335.0 W
Timbered Island  木材岛 5542.0 N 13348.0 W
Boundaries to  边界到
Rookery  繁殖地 Latitude  纬度 Longitude  经度 Latitude  纬度 tongitude
Forrester Island  福雷斯特岛 5451.0 N 13332.0 W 5452.5 N 13335.5 W
Hazy Island  朦胧岛 5552.0 N 13434.0 W 5551.5 N 13435.0 W
White Sisters  白姐妹 5738.0 N 13615.5 W
Haul Out Latitude Longitude https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_24_da591681bcd64891c6f1g-24.jpg?height=224&width=46&top_left_y=1579&top_left_x=812 Benjamin Island 5833.5 N 13454.5 W Biali Rock 5643.0 N 13520.5 W Biorka Island 5650.0 N 13534.0 W Cape Addington 5526.5 N 13349.5 W Cape Cross 5755.0 N 13634.0 W Cape Ommaney 5610.5 N 13442.5 W Coronation Island 5556.0 N 13417.0 W Gran Point 5908.0 N 13514.5 W Graves Rock 5814.5 N 13645.5 W Luli Point 5718.5 N 13448.5 W Sunset Island 5730.5 N 13335.0 W Timbered Island 5542.0 N 13348.0 W Boundaries to https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_24_da591681bcd64891c6f1g-24.jpg?height=281&width=43&top_left_y=2137&top_left_x=812 Rookery Latitude Longitude Latitude tongitude Forrester Island 5451.0 N 13332.0 W 5452.5 N 13335.5 W Hazy Island 5552.0 N 13434.0 W 5551.5 N 13435.0 W White Sisters 5738.0 N 13615.5 W | | Haul Out | | Latitude | Longitude | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_24_da591681bcd64891c6f1g-24.jpg?height=224&width=46&top_left_y=1579&top_left_x=812) | Benjamin Island | | 5833.5 N | 13454.5 W | | | | Biali Rock | | 5643.0 N | 13520.5 W | | | | Biorka Island | | 5650.0 N | 13534.0 W | | | | Cape Addington | | 5526.5 N | 13349.5 W | | | | Cape Cross | | 5755.0 N | 13634.0 W | | | | Cape Ommaney | | 5610.5 N | 13442.5 W | | | | Coronation Island | | 5556.0 N | 13417.0 W | | | | Gran Point | | 5908.0 N | 13514.5 W | | | | Graves Rock | | 5814.5 N | 13645.5 W | | | | Luli Point | | 5718.5 N | 13448.5 W | | | | Sunset Island | | 5730.5 N | 13335.0 W | | | | Timbered Island | | 5542.0 N | 13348.0 W | | | | Boundaries to | | | | | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_24_da591681bcd64891c6f1g-24.jpg?height=281&width=43&top_left_y=2137&top_left_x=812) | Rookery | Latitude | Longitude | Latitude | tongitude | | | Forrester Island | 5451.0 N | 13332.0 W | 5452.5 N | 13335.5 W | | | Hazy Island | 5552.0 N | 13434.0 W | 5551.5 N | 13435.0 W | | | White Sisters | 5738.0 N | 13615.5 W | | |

ATTACHMENT I: 2024 Wilderness Best Management Practices
附件 I:2024 年荒野最佳管理实践

2023 Wilderness Best Management Practices for Tracy Arm-Ford's Terror Wilderness (including Holkham Bay, Tracy Arm, Endicott Arm, and Ford's Terror)
2023 年 Tracy Arm-Ford's Terror Wilderness 最佳管理实践(包括 Holkham Bay、Tracy Arm、Endicott Arm 和 Ford's Terror)

(Note: this WBMP document is for informational purposes)
(注意:此 WBMP 文档仅供参考)

Agreements Regarding Vessel Operators

This program is a cooperative effort between vessel operators and the Tongass National Forest. Initiated in 2008, Wilderness Best Management Practices are intended to minimize the impacts of tourism and vessel operations in the waters adjacent to the Tracy Arm-Ford’s Terror Wilderness in a manner that addresses both concerns for our natural resources and operators’ concerns for safety and passenger service. By actively participating in this voluntary program, operators demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable use of wilderness resources.
该程序是船舶运营商与汤加斯国家森林之间的合作努力。该计划始于 2008 年,旨在通过最佳管理实践,最小化旅游和船舶运营对特雷西湾-福特恐怖荒野附近水域的影响,同时兼顾对自然资源的关注和运营商对安全及乘客服务的关注。通过积极参与这一自愿项目,运营商展示了他们对可持续利用荒野资源的承诺。

The following provisions will uphold wilderness values while providing for vessel safety.

RESPECT OTHERS: Operators recognize the importance of preserving an authentic Alaskan wilderness experience for all users and agree to the following measures:
  • SCHEDULES: As practicable, commercial operators shall make their schedules available and communicate any changes to help minimize potential conflicts with other users. Operators are encouraged to share schedules via the Ship Schedules folder on the WBMP blog and through other means. Cruise ships will list their estimated inbound and outbound bar crossing times in advance on their schedules to help other operators coordinate. If an operator modifies their scheduled itinerary due to ice conditions or other factors, the operator will do their best to inform other users of their revised plans (e.g., via radio, posting on the WBMP blog, using email and/or sat phone/in reach). It is in the best interest of all users to have up-to-date itineraries and the most accurate conditions available.
    时间表:在可行的情况下,商业运营商应提供他们的时间表并沟通任何变更,以帮助尽量减少与其他用户的潜在冲突。鼓励运营商通过 WBMP 博客上的船舶时间表文件夹和其他方式分享时间表。邮轮将在其时间表中提前列出预计的进出港口过境时间,以帮助其他运营商进行协调。如果运营商因冰情或其他因素修改其计划行程,运营商将尽力通知其他用户其修订的计划(例如,通过无线电、在 WBMP 博客上发布、使用电子邮件和/或卫星电话/保持联系)。所有用户都应以获取最新的行程和最准确的情况为最佳利益。
  • FORD’S TERROR: Vessels with more than 250 passengers agree not to enter Ford’s Terror, including the portion that opens from the north shore of Endicott Arm.
    福特恐怖:超过 250 名乘客的船只同意不进入福特恐怖,包括从恩迪科特湾北岸开放的部分。
  • RECOGNIZE OTHER USERS: Tracy and Endicott Arms, Holkham Bay, and Ford’s Terror experience use from commercial and noncommercial users, including hunters, fishers, paddlers, boaters, hikers, photographers, wildlife viewers, and wilderness recreationists. To facilitate the enjoyment and sustainable use of the wilderness area, all motorized vessel operators agree to maintain a safe and respectful distance from other users and to avoid them whenever possible.
    识别其他用户:Tracy 和 Endicott Arms、Holkham Bay 和 Ford’s Terror 体验来自商业和非商业用户的使用,包括猎人、渔民、划船者、船员、徒步旅行者、摄影师、野生动物观察者和荒野休闲者。为了促进对荒野区域的享受和可持续使用,所有机动船只操作员同意与其他用户保持安全和尊重的距离,并尽可能避免接触他们。
  • MINIMIZE IMPACTS: Operators agree to do their utmost to minimize impacts, including wakes, noise, and operations that might affect paddlers, other boats, and wildlife such as bears, nesting birds, and hauled-out seals. A wake is an extension of a vessel’s operations and can often be reduced by lowering speed. When in proximity to wildlife, motorized vessels, non-motorized vessels, and sensitive areas, be mindful of wake impacts and strive to minimize disturbance. Paddlers acknowledge that use of the marine radio to announce their presence will assist motorized vessel operators in achieving these goals.
COMMUNICATE: All operators acknowledge the importance of communication to the success of this agreement and pledge the following commitments:
  • USE MARINE RADIOS to share pertinent information such as operator intentions and updates on sea and ice conditions. Operators agree to keep communications respectful and concise. Monitor marine radio channels 16/13 and other working channels.
    使用海洋无线电共享相关信息,例如操作员意图和海洋及冰雪状况的更新。操作员同意保持沟通尊重且简洁。监控海洋无线电频道 16/13 及其他工作频道。
  • MAKE SÉCURITÉ ANNOUNCEMENTS prior to crossing bars, rounding blind corners, conducting paddle craft operations, off-loading/picking-up passengers, and when appropriate, to preface other navigational safety messages. Doing so will help others adjust to minimize impacts to your operations.
  • POST ON THE WBMP BLOG (wildernessbmp.pbworks.com/w/page/14933240/FrontPage) to share schedule changes, ice conditions, provide feedback, or other information and concerns about Tracy Arm-Ford’s Terror Wilderness. The blog contains a link to request access for new users.
    在 WBMP 博客(wildernessbmp.pbworks.com/w/page/14933240/FrontPage)上发布信息,以分享日程变更、冰况、提供反馈或其他关于特雷西峡湾-福特恐怖荒野的信息和关注。该博客包含一个链接,供新用户请求访问。
  • INFORM OTHER OPERATORS of schedule changes, such as diverting from one Arm to another, cancelling calls altogether, or making significant timing changes, and do so in as timely a manner as possible.
  • ENGAGE IN DISCUSSIONS about WBMP implementation and improvements.
    参与关于 WBMP 实施和改进的讨论。
PRESERVE QUIET: All operators recognize the importance of quiet and solitude and will minimize vessel announcements and signals while in the Tracy Arm-Ford’s Terror Wilderness. While interpretation of wilderness values and marine ecology for

passengers is important, operators agree to limit their outside announcements to preserve wilderness values of others in the vicinity (see Exhibit A).
乘客是重要的,运营商同意限制他们的外部公告,以保护周围其他人的自然价值(见附件 A)。
Operators agree to avoid announcements prior to 8:00am whenever possible, to limit the duration of announcements to about 5 minutes, to limit the number of announcements, and to lower the volume of announcements on outside decks to the minimum required for communication and safety. Operators agree to follow the Forest Service’s recommended locations for these interpretive announcements (see Exhibit B map). The Forest Service will also attempt to provide alternative methods of interpretation such as brochures, maps, and podcasts. Operators agree not to use whistles, horns, or other noisemaking devices except as required for navigational, safety, or emergency purposes.
运营商同意在可能的情况下避免在早上 8:00 之前发布公告,将公告的持续时间限制在大约 5 分钟内,限制公告的数量,并将外部甲板上的公告音量降低到进行沟通和安全所需的最低水平。运营商同意遵循森林服务局推荐的这些解说公告的位置(见附录 B 地图)。森林服务局还将尝试提供其他解说方法,例如小册子、地图和播客。运营商同意不使用哨子、喇叭或其他发声设备,除非出于导航、安全或紧急目的所需。
MAINTAIN CLEAN AIR: All vessel operators agree to comply with the Marine Vessel Visible Emissions Standards (18 AAC 50.070) and take all available and reasonable steps to minimize visible stack emissions while in Tracy Arm-Ford’s Terror Wilderness. Recognizing that the unusually cold, still air of these glacial fjords can trap persistent haze, operators agree to take proactive steps to manage visible emissions, such as seeking engineered solutions and improvements to emissions monitoring. Visible stack emissions are regulated by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and monitored by the US Forest Service in cooperation with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Forest Service rangers will provide timely feedback to vessel operators resulting from their observations.
保持空气清洁:所有船舶运营商同意遵守海洋船舶可见排放标准(18 AAC 50.070),并采取一切可用和合理的措施,以最小化在特雷西湾-福特恐怖荒野中的可见烟囱排放。鉴于这些冰川峡湾的异常寒冷、静止空气可能会困住持久的雾霭,运营商同意采取主动措施来管理可见排放,例如寻求工程解决方案和改进排放监测。可见烟囱排放由阿拉斯加环境保护局监管,并由美国森林服务局与阿拉斯加环境保护局合作进行监测。森林服务局的护林员将根据他们的观察及时向船舶运营商提供反馈。
PROTECT WILDLIFE: All operators agree to conduct their business in a manner which, whenever possible, avoids changing the natural behavior of wildlife in their vicinity including bears, mountain goats, whales, and nesting birds such as terns and oystercatchers.
Seals: Based on research by federal and state agencies, NOAA Fisheries recommends the following guidelines for all vessel types and at all glacial areas. It may not be practical to follow every guideline on each visit, but vessel operators should exercise caution to minimize disturbance to seals.
  1. All vessels (kayaks to cruise ships) should strive to maintain 500 yards (about 0.25 mi ) from seals without compromising safe navigation. Make an approach plan to avoid surprising seals. Be equally cautious to reduce disturbance when departing the fjord as arriving.
    所有船只(从皮划艇到游轮)应努力保持与海豹 500 码(约 0.25 英里)的距离,而不影响安全航行。制定接近计划,以避免惊吓海豹。离开峡湾时要同样小心,以减少干扰。
  2. Minimize wake, avoid abrupt changes in course or engine pitch, and avoid loud noises (such as ice collisions) in the vicinity of seals. Consider avoiding the use of PA systems on outer decks.
  3. Try to avoid traveling through thick ice, which provides habitat for birthing and nursing of pups. The absence of seals on the ice doesn’t mean the area isn’t being used.
  4. Time visits when feasible to minimize overlap with the peak numbers of seals hauled out midday. Research shows most seals are hauled out and vulnerable to disturbance between 9 am and 4 pm .
    在可行的情况下安排时间访问,以尽量减少与中午时分聚集的海豹数量的重叠。研究表明,大多数海豹在上午 9 点到下午 4 点之间被拖出水面,容易受到干扰。
  5. Tracy Arm guidelines May 15 to June 30:
    Tracy Arm 指南 5 月 15 日至 6 月 30 日:
  • During seal pupping, vessels should try to restrict travel to the southwestern half of the arm with 580 yards (approximately 0.33 mi ) of the shoreline, and greater than 1250 yards (approximately 0.75 mi ) from the glacier, to avoid higher seal densities along the eastern side of the arm and closest to the glacier.
    在海豹产仔期间,船只应尽量限制在距离海岸 580 码(约 0.33 英里)的西南半部航行,并且距离冰川超过 1250 码(约 0.75 英里),以避免在臂的东侧和靠近冰川的地方出现更高的海豹密度。
  • When ice is thick, vessels should stop north of a line drawn east from Tern Point.
The complete Alaska Harbor Seal Approach Guidelines in Glacial Fjords may be found at fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/outreach-materials/alaska-harbor-seal-approach-guidelines-glacial-fjords.
完整的阿拉斯加港湾海豹接近指南在冰川峡湾中可以在 fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/outreach-materials/alaska-harbor-seal-approach-guidelines-glacial-fjords 找到。
  1. Reduce impacts to wildlife, including bears, goats, seals, and birds;
  2. Respect the wilderness experience of other users including appreciation of natural and undeveloped qualities and outstanding opportunities for solitude, and
  3. Honor Wilderness Act checks on technology and human agency.
WBMP signatories agree to refrain from drone use in Tracy and Endicott Arms, Holkham Bay, and Ford’s Terror. Each season operators may make a one-time exception for drone use after July 31st (after newborn wildlife has fledged or weaned). This exception should:
WBMP 签署方同意在特雷西和恩迪科特海峡、霍克汉湾以及福特恐怖区内停止使用无人机。每个季节,运营商可以在 7 月 31 日后(在新生野生动物已离巢或断奶后)一次性例外使用无人机。此例外应:
  1. Be of short duration,
  2. Occur in the absence of other users, and
  3. Maintain as great a distance from wildlife as possible.
As a reminder, for designated wilderness above mean high tide, it is illegal to launch, land, or possess a drone in designated wilderness per 36 CFR 261.18(a).
作为提醒,对于平均高潮线以上的指定荒野,根据 36 CFR 261.18(a),在指定荒野中发射、着陆或拥有无人机是非法的。
KEEP IT ALIVE: All vessel operators agree to include these guidelines in annual training and respective policies and procedures documentation. Operators will provide feedback about compliance with the above guidelines to other operators and the appropriate agency.

Send emails/queries to:  发送电子邮件/查询至:

Sean Rielly, Wilderness Program Manager, sean.rielly@usda.gov Dylan Miller, Lead Wilderness Ranger, dylan.miller@usda.gov
肖恩·里利,荒野项目经理,sean.rielly@usda.gov 迪伦·米勒,首席荒野护林员,dylan.miller@usda.gov

EXHIBIT A: NOAA Harbor Seal Approach Guidelines in Glacier Fjords for Vessel Operators
附录 A:NOAA 港口海豹接近指南,适用于冰川峡湾的船舶操作员

**2015 map…South Sawyer Glacier position may have changed. Vessels advised to maintain recommended travel corridor and distance from the encountered glacial face.
**2015 年地图……南索耶冰川的位置可能已发生变化。建议船只保持推荐的航行走廊和与遇到的冰川面之间的距离。**
NOAA Fisheries recommends the following guidelines specific to Tracy Arm May 15 to June 30:
NOAA Fisheries 建议以下针对 Tracy Arm 的指南,适用于 5 月 15 日至 6 月 30 日:
  • During seal pupping, vessels should try to restrict travel to the southwestern half of the arm with 580 yards (approximately 0.33 mi ) of the shoreline, and greater than 1250 yards (approximately 0.75 mi ) from the glacier, to avoid higher seal densities along the eastern side of the arm and closest to the glacier.
    在海豹产仔期间,船只应尽量限制在距离海岸 580 码(约 0.33 英里)的西南半部航行,并且距离冰川超过 1250 码(约 0.75 英里),以避免在臂的东侧和靠近冰川的地方出现更高的海豹密度。
  • When ice is thick, vessels should stop north of a line drawn east from Tern Point.
The following is a summary of locations where outside announcements would affect the fewest visitors (see map):
  1. Stephens Passage before entering Holkham Bay would be a good place to introduce Tracy Arm. Since the waterway is wide, announcements would not impact campers, kayakers, fishermen on shore, beach-walkers, hunters, and other users of the wilderness area.
  2. There is an approximate five-mile stretch beginning one mile east of the Tracy Arm elbow and ending one mile west of the first large U-shaped valley on the north shore. This would be a good area for short (5 minute) interpretive announcements to be made to guests (between N57.922776/W133.563637 and N57.915954/W133.452213).
    从特雷西湾肘部向东一英里开始,到北岸第一个大型 U 形山谷向西一英里结束,大约有五英里长的区域。这将是一个适合向客人进行短暂(5 分钟)解说的好地方(在 N57.922776/W133.563637 和 N57.915954/W133.452213 之间)。
  3. There is another approximate four-mile stretch within the Tracy Arm S turns. It begins one mile north of the third Ushaped valley on the south shore, approximately eleven miles east of the elbow. It ends 1.5 miles west of Sawyer Island. This would be a good area for short interpretive announcements to be made to guests (between N57.887659/W133.307565 and N57.884008/ W133.213526).
    在特雷西湾的 S 型转弯处还有大约四英里长的路段。它从南岸第三个 U 形山谷以北一英里处开始,距离肘部大约十一英里。它在索耶岛以西 1.5 英里处结束。这将是一个适合向客人进行简短解说的好区域(在 N57.887659/W133.307565 和 N57.884008/W133.213526 之间)。
  4. At the end of Tracy Arm, a few miles from South Sawyer Glacier, is another area where there is an opportunity to present a short (5 minute) interpretive announcement (between N57.860754/ W133.131673 and the face of the S Sawyer Glacier). It would be preferable to leave a “quiet zone” within a few miles of Sawyer Island to ensure a more peaceful environment for those people who may be camping on the island.
    在特雷西湾的尽头,距离南索耶冰川几英里处,有另一个可以进行简短(5 分钟)解说的区域(在 N57.860754/W133.131673 和南索耶冰川的冰川面之间)。在索耶岛附近几英里内留出一个“安静区”将是更可取的,以确保那些可能在岛上露营的人有一个更宁静的环境。
  5. PA announcements are more likely to disturb visitors and wildlife in Endicott Arm due to the greater amount of islands, bays, and anchorages. The recommended location for announcements in Endicott Arm is between one mile southeast of the entrance to Ford’s Terror and one mile northwest of the entrance to North Dawes Inlet (between N57.585560/W133.163017 and N57.515926/W133.053845).
    由于岛屿、海湾和锚地数量较多,PA 公告更可能打扰到 Endicott Arm 的游客和野生动物。建议在 Endicott Arm 发布公告的位置是 Ford’s Terror 入口东南一英里和 North Dawes Inlet 入口西北一英里之间(在 N57.585560/W133.163017 和 N57.515926/W133.053845 之间)。

Exhibit B Map: yellow zones depict areas where public announcements might be least disruptive.
附件 B 地图:黄色区域表示公共公告可能最不干扰的区域。
"We’re about to enter one of the most pristine Alaskan environments that we’ll see on our voyage. Tracy Arm is a thirty-mile glacial fiord that reaches deep into the Coast Mountains and deep into our glacial past. With old-growth temperate rain forest here at its beginning and active tidewater glaciers at its upper reaches, our visit to Tracy Arm is a trip in time back to the Pleistocene ice age.

"Tracy Arm is a special place. Recognizing its extraordinary biological, scenic, and recreational values, Congress protected the surrounding land as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. The designation provides permanent protection for this part of the Tongass National Forest, ensuring that it remains a place of wild nature. It’s a land for wildlife, timeless forests, and the enjoyment of the American public.

“To help preserve Tracy Arm’s wild character, tour companies and the Tongass National Forest created a set of guidelines for visiting the area. Our cruise company helped develop the guidelines and proudly supports their goals, which include special considerations for wildlife, air quality, and other natural systems. In accordance with the agreement, we will limit our outside announcements within the fiord, helping preserve a quiet environment both for wildlife and for other visitors. During the next few hours, our naturalists will make a few announcements about the area, but otherwise we invite you to sit back and enjoy this spectacular part of our rich natural heritage.”

NOTES:  备注:

Tourism Best Management Practices 800 Glacier Ave #201 Juneau, AK 99801
旅游最佳管理实践 800 Glacier Ave #201 朱诺, AK 99801

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