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Bottom Shadow Sonadow Oneshots 18+


It's a huge compilation of mature Sonadow stories without censorship.
Seme Sonic x Uke Shadow.

Chapter 1: MISSED


After weeks of being missing, Rouge finally decides to ask Team Sonic's help under G.U.N's instructions.



Chapter Text

“You can't find him?” Tails asked Rogue who dramatically decided to lie on their couch while Knuckles silently glared at her because she rudely put her legs on his lap. “No, we can't find him through G.U.N's tracers, and Omega's still in repairs so we can't use him either,” “Are you sure he didn't just run off?” Amy asked standing close to Sonic behind Tails. “No, and even if he did, he would've told me, and it wouldn't be this long that even G.U.N started to question his whereabouts,” Tails' ear twitched, “How long did you say it was again?” “Ten weeks and four days,” Sonic subconsciously frowned, he himself was looking for Shadow at some point during those weeks but he figured he was trying to avoid him.

“Where was the last place you saw him?” the kitsune asked, “In the forest, he mumbled something about sensing something with a massive amount of chaos energy,” Rouge sat up properly, “I was busy with...other things,” stolen jewels “But I eventually followed him, we went into this abandoned temple thing or a spaceship I don't know but when we got in there wandering around for a while,” she snapped her fingers, “He was gone,” Team Sonic glanced at each other. Now that was new.

Rouge lead both Knuckles and Sonic to the abandoned structure in the forest, Amy and Tails decide to stay back just in case, “How much further?” Sonic muttered, “Patience Blue,” the bat snickered. Despite her calm exterior, he could sense how tense she was, after all, a trusted ally of hers had just abruptly disappeared into thin air. “I feel it now,” Knuckles indicated as they got to the center of the forest, and soon there it was, Rouge was right, Sonic couldn't tell if it was a temple or spaceship.

The duo followed the treasure hunter who flew into the structure, “Don't vanish on me, boys,” she called out from above. The echidna and hedgehog started to pick up speed to keep up with Rouge. Soon enough they got to the center of the temple and the bat gracefully descended to the floor, “It's close,” Knuckles took the lead following his instincts to find the ominous energy. Rouge glanced to her side to find no one there, “Uhhh Knuckles–” the echidna turned around in annoyance, but his expression shifted. “Sonic?”

“Rouge?! Knuckles!” The blue hedgehog shouted in a panic, one moment he was running with them and the next he was alone. Sonic ran forward in desperation to find his friends, “For chaos’s sake,” he cursed as he approached a dead end, quickly turning around to take the next route, another dead end. He stopped and groaned in irritation looking around for any signs of light to lead him out of this damn place. He wandered around before stumbling into another room, he peaked inside, Nothing he snarled but his ears twitched at soft noises coming from inside.

Curious, Sonic quietly ventured in noticing a table-like stone, and some hospital equipment, maybe it was the infirmary. “no– stop–” Shadow? his ear perked up, and he started following the low voice he suspected was his rival. In the dark, he saw a fair shade of blue in fact, it was the same as his fur. Whoever it was, they were behind the stone table on the ground; “Uh–” at the sound of his voice they turned their head toward him.

Sonic's breath hitched being face to face with himself, his clone smirked at him, “Ah so it was you,” his voice sent shivers down Sonic's spine. It was much deeper than his, before he could ask what he meant, a fist flew up from underneath the other Sonic but stopped it before it hit him in the face.

The cobalt hedgehog's eyes widened, he knew those inhibitor rings; “Happy he's here?” the other hedgehog taunted, a growl responded as another hand tried going for his neck. He stopped it with ease, holding both wrists hostage he lifted Sonic's rival and slammed him on the table on his back. “Fuck–” Shadow grunts, “Shadow?” the dark hedgehog looked up to see the confused and fearful expression on Sonic's face, “What the hell are you doing here!?” “Looking for you!”

“Ge– AH!” Shadow's words were knocked out of his throat as he was pushed forward, those emerald eyes noticed the other Sonic's waist separating Shadow's thighs. There was no way; “Shit– Ah~ Get the fuck off!” the agent's moans confirmed what he feared, “What the chaos is going on?!” he shouted demanding answers, unable to formulate any thoughts his other self responded for Shadow, “Name's Sonic, Hero of Mobius,” he said casually as if he wasn't violating another person underneath him.

“Sonic...” the clueless hero's eyes kept glancing back at Shadow, his vulnerable state was oddly arousing. “Another version of you, yeah? Also inconveniently in his rut,” he revealed before pushing Shadow's thighs up piston fucking him and picking up speed. That made the hedgehog start cursing even more, “FUCK– DAMN IT SONIC–” his ungloved hands wrapped around his back, claws digging into the blue fur.

His name being called like that made Sonic feel hot but eventually, he snapped out of it. “Let him go,” he got into a fighting position, his clone didn't stop but snapped his fingers. Sonic felt his hands lift above his head, “What the–” “Chaos emerald,” Sonic pulled on the chains holding him. “Fuck please damn it!” The hero's flattening hearing the lewd noises coming from between the other two. His face warmed as his other self groaned coming inside Shadow, then biting his neck and forcing his tongue inside the other's mouth. He pulled away and the G.U.N agent growled threatening to kill him.

An hour had passed, and everything was like a dream. Sonic swallowed watching his rival bent over the table underneath the alternate version of himself, he didn't know how to feel but his body reacted accordingly to Shadow's moans and pleas. He blamed the chains for making him unable to turn away, “You're awfully quiet,” the other Sonic commented not interrupting his pace, “Thought you'd tried getting out already,” he smirked pulling the dark hedgehog up to stand up straight laying his head in the crook of his neck holding onto his wrists. The restrained cobalt could see his face now, cheeks stained with tears that leaked from the pleasure and those crimson eyes rolled back. His body was decorated with bite marks and stained with semen; he could feel his own cock starting to peek out of his pouch.

“I just...don't think I can...” he softly let out eyes glued to his rival, and the one behind snorted quietly in amusement, he knew that was bullshit. He glanced down at his now fully exposed and leaking problem, “Do you want help with that?” he offered, grabbing the overwhelmed hedgehog's jaws and turning him to face Sonic. “His mouth is amazing especially when he's like this,” he let out a shaky breath, “...I–” “No! NO! AHH–” Shadow started screaming trying to get out of his assaulter's grasp whom both he and Sonic looked startled by the sudden outburst. “Let go! Let go!!” Shadow started crying, Sonic's expression remained, while the other gently smiled.

“You're finally letting go,” he whispered releasing his wrists and Shadow collapsed on the table violently shaking, his claws scraping at the metal surface as he whimpered and cried. “You're hurting him, he's had enough,” Sonic pulled at his chains, “Am not,” his mirrored version denied, leaning down then hovered over Shadow's exhausted frame. “I did him a solid, he finally got to release,” he kissed the top of the trembling head of dark quills. “But I'm not done with you yet Shadow,” he raised his hips and started to thrust again.

His blue ears twitched at the agent's drained groans, he could only watch in defeat as his counterpart satisfied himself with the fatigue and unwilling participant. “Just how long have–” “Not sure, how long was he missing for?” Ten weeks, his emerald eyes widened at the realization, “He stresses the fact he's the Ultimate Lifeform...he can take it,” he responded to Sonic's dread. They needed to leave, he wasn't sure how long this Sonic's rut was going to last, and his rival was starting to give up entirely.

The cobalt looked around frantic for the green chaos emerald, it had to be around the gloaming room somewhere, he did mention Shadow tried to teleport out after all. He couldn't sense its energy if he tried, Knuckles and Shadow were better at it than he was. As he looked around, in the corner of his eye he noticed something glistening, but when he glanced it wasn't the emerald. Only guilt tearing away at his brain; the G.U.N agent's hand was reaching out toward him with those inhibitor rings glinting, the last bit of resistance fading from his eyes and now he was turning to Sonic for help.

No, Shadow don't do that, please... he helplessly pleads, “Fucking Chaos,” the alternate let out noticing the small interaction. “I wish I could breed you like I did my Shadow,” he kissed the back of his quills before pulling him up and wrapping an arm around his neck before releasing his load inside Shadow. “–” Shadow pleaded before arching his back and gripping his claws on the arm holding him hostage. “That's it, that’s it,” the blue hedgehog cooed, “Good,” he praised the agent taking all of him. They stood still for a minute before a ding from his wrist brought him back to reality, “Hmm seems like my Tails restored portals capabilities,” he glanced at the watch in his hand.

The chains holding Sonic suddenly disappeared almost making him fall over, “I can trust you with him, can't I?” the other blue hedgehog questioned. He didn't answer and merely stared unable to hide his vexed expression, the assailant smiled in return then carefully pulled out of the agent and he received a pained mewl. Sonic wasted no time to take his rival away from the cobalt, a possessive rumble came from his throat and his counterpart raised his hands in defense.

His constant smirking only made Sonic frown more, Is this how Shadow feels whenever I do stupid shit and then smile about it? speaking of, the dark hedgehog seemed to have lost consciousness. Sonic silently apologized for letting this happen, “I can heal him–” “Don't fucking touch him, just leave,” he snapped, a bit shocked by the foul language the alternate Sonic sighed and then made a portal with the watch. “You shouldn't have left him unattended,” he snorted before stepping through the rip to another dimension.

It slowly closed behind him then, “YOU!” he was greeted with a table being thrown at him, and he barely dodged it. Oh, that's right he nervously smiled at his Shadow who was pissed off, “Go through another portal, I dare you, and I'll make you wish you never claimed me,” Shadow threw a gas tank at him this time. “Shit– Love calm down,” big mistake, “DON'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!” another gas tank was thrown, and Sonic helplessly dodged look over at Tails who was silently watching the chaos unfold.

He pleaded for his help and the kitsune frantically shook his head wishing to see another day, Shadow grabbed a much bigger and metal version of Amy's hammer. “I'm going to crack your skull open,” Shit.