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Chapter 15: Leadership

True / False
对 / 错

1. Leadership occurs among people, involves the use of influence, and is used to attain goals.
1. 领导力发生在人与人之间,涉及影响力的利用,并被用来实现目标。

2. Influence means that the relationship among people is passive.
2. 影响力意味着人与人之间的关系是被动的。

3. The highest level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities is Level 5 leadership.
3. 管理者能力层次结构中的最高级别是 5 级领导。

4. Interactive leadership means that the leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority.
4. 互动式领导意味着领导者喜欢共识和协作的过程,影响力来自关系,而不是职位权力和正式权威。

5. Values associated with interactive leadership include personal confidence, exclusion, and independence.
5. 与互动式领导相关的价值观包括个人自信、排斥和独立性。

6. Within a single individual, management and leadership reflect the same sets of qualities and skills that frequently overlap.
6. 在单个个体中,管理和领导反映了经常重叠的相同品质和技能。

7. Good leadership is needed to help the organization meet current commitments, while good management is needed to move the organization in the future.
7. 需要良好的领导来帮助组织履行当前的承诺,而需要良好的管理来推动组织的未来发展。

8. Authentic leadership refers to individuals who know and understand themselves, act consistently with high ethical values, and empower others.
8. 真正的领导力是指了解和理解自己、始终如一地以高尚的道德价值观行事并赋予他人权力的个人。

9. A leader who works to fulfill subordinates’ needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission is called a servant leader.
9. 努力满足下属的需求和目标以及实现组织更大使命的领导者被称为仆人式领导。

10. In a recent study, it was found that men were more capable of motivating others than women.
10. 在最近的一项研究中,发现男性比女性更有能力激励他人。

11. A situation would be considered highly favorable to the leader when tasks are highly unstructured and the leader has little formal authority.
11. 当任务高度非结构化且领导者几乎没有正式权力时,一种情况会被认为对领导者非常有利。

12. Personal power, innovation, and nurturing are consistently viewed as manager qualities rather than leader qualities.
12. 个人能力、创新和培养一直被视为管理者的品质,而不是领导者的品质。

13. Three distinguishing personal characteristics associated with successful leaders are intelligence, honesty, and self-confidence.
13. 与成功领导者相关的三个显着个人特征是智慧、诚实和自信。

14. Ohio State University researchers identified two major behaviors called consideration and initiating structure.
14. 俄亥俄州立大学的研究人员确定了两种主要行为,称为考虑和启动结构。

15. Consideration is the extent to which the leader is task-oriented and directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment.
15. 考虑是领导者以任务为导向的程度,并将下属的工作活动引导到目标的实现。

16. The extent to which a leader is mindful of subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust refers to initiating structure.
16. 领导者关心下属、尊重他们的想法和感受并建立相互信任的程度是指启动结构。

17. Job-centered leaders are those leaders that establish high performance goals and display supportive behavior toward subordinates.
17. 以工作为中心的领导者是那些建立高绩效目标并对下属表现出支持行为的领导者。

18. Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory focuses a great deal of attention on the characteristics of employees in determining appropriate leadership behavior.
18. Hersey 和 Blanchard 的情境理论在确定适当的领导行为时,将大量注意力集中在员工的特征上。

19. The situational theory model focuses a great deal on the characteristics of followers, not those of the situation.
19. 情境理论模型非常关注追随者的特征,而不是情境的特征。

20. The telling style, according to Hersey and Blanchard, is appropriate for followers with moderate readiness.
20. 根据 Hersey 和 Blanchard 的说法,讲述风格适合准备程度适中的追随者。

21. Matching the leader's style with the situation by changing factors in the situation to achieve the best match is the basic idea with Fiedler's contingency theory.
21. 通过改变情境中的因素来实现最佳匹配,使领导者的风格与情况相匹配,这是 Fiedler 权变理论的基本思想。

22. Task structure refers to the extent to which the leader has formal authority over subordinates.
22. 任务结构是指领导者对下属拥有正式权力的程度。

23. The task-oriented leader, according to Fiedler, excels in highly favorable or highly unfavorable situations, whereas relationship-oriented leaders are most effective in situations of moderate favorability.
23. 根据 Fiedler 的说法,以任务为导向的领导者在非常有利或非常不利的情况下表现出色,而以关系为导向的领导者在中等有利的情况下最有效。

24. A substitute counteracts the leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors.
24. 替代品抵消了领导风格并阻止领导者表现出某些行为。

25. A situational variable that counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors is called a neutralizer.
25. 抵消领导风格并阻止领导者表现出某些行为的情境变量称为中和器。

26. The relationship-oriented leader performs better in situations of moderate favorability because human relations skills are important in achieving high group performance.
26. 以关系为导向的领导者在中等好感度的情况下表现得更好,因为人际关系技能对于实现较高的团队绩效很重要。

27. An inspirational leader who has the ability to motivate subordinates, through personal transactions, to transcend their normal performance refers to a transactional leader.
27. 有能力通过个人交易激励下属超越其正常绩效的鼓舞人心的领导者是指交易型领导者。

28. The charismatic leader has the ability to motivate subordinates to transcend their expected performance.
28. 有魅力的领导者有能力激励下属超越他们的预期表现。

29. Charismatic leaders typically have a strong vision for the future, and they can motivate others to help realize it.
29. 魅力型领导者通常对未来有很强的愿景,他们可以激励他人帮助实现它。

30. A transformational leader is a leader distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change.
30. 变革型领导者是具有带来创新和变革的特殊能力的领导者。

31. Transformational leaders are hardworking, tolerant, and fair-minded, but are not as capable of leading change as are transactional leaders.
31. 变革型领导者勤奋、宽容、公正,但不如交易型领导者领导变革。

32. The pragmatic survivor is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills.
32. 务实的幸存者是积极参与组织但不使用批判性思维技能的追随者。

33. The alienated follower is a person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization.
33. 被疏远的追随者是一个独立的、批判性的思考者,但在组织中是被动的。

34. An effective follower is characterized by a need for constant supervision.
34. 一个有效的追随者的特点是需要持续的监督。

35. Power is the potential ability to influence the behavior and decisions of other people.
35. 权力是影响他人行为和决定的潜在能力。

36. The type of power that results from the leader's legitimate authority, based upon his or her position within the organization, is called coercive power.
36. 领导者的合法权威基于他或她在组织中的地位而产生的权力类型称为强制权力。

37. The effective follower exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation.
37. 有效的追随者既不表现出批判性、独立的思考,也不表现出积极参与。

38. Influence is the effect a person's actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others.
38. 影响力是一个人的行为对他人的态度、价值观、信仰或行为的影响。

39. Legitimate, reward, and expert powers are all forms of position power.
39. 合法、奖励和专家权力都是地位权力的形式。

40. When Leo shouts at Krisit in public for not finishing her work and suspends her for two days, he is using his coercive power.
40. 当里奥当众对克里斯特大吼大叫,说她没有完成工作,并停职两天时,他正在使用他的强制力。

41. Two types of personal powers are expert and reward powers.
41. 两种类型的个人权力是专家权力和奖励权力。

42. A person who has referent power may not have a formal leadership role.
42. 具有参考权的人可能没有正式的领导角色。

43. Rational persuasion is one interpersonal influence tactic available for leaders.
43. 理性说服是领导者可用的一种人际影响策略。

44. Use of rational persuasion and appealing to higher authority are two commonly used influence tactics.
44. 使用理性说服和诉诸上级权威是两种常用的影响力策略。

45. People who are entangled in a network of relationships have less power.
45. 缠在关系网络中的人权力较小。

46. Effective leaders develop networks of allies—people who can help the leader accomplish his or her goals.
46. 有效的领导者会建立盟友网络——可以帮助领导者实现他或她的目标的人。

47. Research indicates people rate leaders as "more effective" when they are perceived to use one influence tactic.
47. 研究表明,当人们认为领导者使用一种影响力策略时,他们认为领导者“更有效”。

Multiple Choice

48. Which of the following is the ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals?
48. 以下哪项是影响人们实现组织目标的能力?

49. Leadership
49. 领导力

50. Which of the following means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful?
50. 以下哪项意味着朴实无华和谦虚,而不是傲慢和骄傲?

51. Which of the following refers to the highest level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities?
51. 以下哪项是指管理者能力层次结构中的最高级别?

52. The leader who builds an enduring great organization through a combination of personal humility and professional resolve is a
52. 通过个人谦逊和专业决心相结合来建立一个持久的伟大组织的领导者是

53. The leader who builds widespread commitment to a clear and compelling vision and stimulates people to high performance is a
53. 对清晰而引人注目的愿景建立广泛承诺并激励人们取得高绩效的领导者是

54. Linda is viewed by her colleagues as someone who makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, and good work habits, but she is sometimes hard to work with because of her communication style. Based on the Level 5 leadership spectrum, Linda would be placed in which category?
54. 琳达被同事们视为通过才能、知识和良好的工作习惯做出富有成效的贡献的人,但由于她的沟通方式,有时很难相处。根据 5 级领导力范围,Linda 将被归入哪个类别?

55. Richard is well loved by his coworkers at Axel Cable Inc. He is viewed as having a great deal of humility, often giving credit for successes to other members of his team. As such, Richard would be placed in which category of the Level 5 leadership spectrum?
55. 理查德深受 Axel Cable Inc. 同事的爱戴。他被认为非常谦逊,经常将成功归功于团队中的其他成员。因此,Richard 将被归入 5 级领导光谱的哪个类别?

56. Which type of leader works to fulfill subordinated needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission?
56. 哪种类型的领导者致力于满足从属的需求和目标,以及实现组织更大的使命?

57. All of the following are major approaches to leadership except
57. 以下所有都是领导的主要方法,除了

58. Jeremiah, a manager at Welford Nonprofit Group, is known for his selflessness and willingness to give to others. He likes working in the nonprofit sector because he wants to apply his skills and abilities to serve others who are less fortunate. Based on this information, which type of leader best describes Jeremiah?
58. Jeremiah 是 Welford Nonprofit Group 的经理,以无私和愿意为他人奉献而闻名。他喜欢在非营利部门工作,因为他想运用自己的技能和能力为其他不幸的人服务。根据这些信息,哪种类型的领袖最能描述耶利米呢?

59. Which of the following types of leaders know and understand themselves, act consistently with high order ethical values, and empower and inspire others?
59. 以下哪类领导者了解和理解自己,始终如一地以高层次的道德价值观行事,并赋予他人权力和激励他人?

60. Which of the following is not a valid component of authentic leadership?
60. 以下哪项不是真正领导力的有效组成部分?

61. According to a study on leaders, who typically scores higher on social and emotional skills?
61. 根据一项关于领导者的研究,谁通常在社交和情感技能方面得分更高?

62. At work, Sabrina favors a consensual and collaborative process, where influence derives from relationships rather than positions of power and formal authority. As such, she can best be viewed as what type of leader?
62. 在工作中,萨布丽娜喜欢共识和协作的过程,其中影响力来自关系,而不是权力和正式权威的地位。因此,最好将她视为哪种类型的领导者?

63. All of the following are leadership qualities except
63. 以下所有都是领导素质,除了

64. Which of the following is not a manager quality?
64. 以下哪项不是管理者的品质?

65. The distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader are known as
65. 领导者独特的个人特征是

66. The early research on leadership traits was referred to as the
66. 关于领导特质的早期研究被称为

67. In general, research has found what type of relationship between personal traits and leader success?
67. 一般来说,研究发现个人特质与领导者成功之间存在什么类型的关系?

68. Recently, Beagle Boutique was attempting to hire a middle manager. It was looking for an intelligent, active, and creative individual. Which approach to leadership was Beagle using?
68. 最近,Beagle Boutique 试图招聘一名中层管理人员。它正在寻找一个聪明、积极和有创造力的人。Beagle 使用哪种领导方法?