True / False |
1. Leadership occurs among people, involves the use of influence, and is used to attain goals.
2. Influence means that the relationship among people is passive.
3. The highest level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities is Level 5 leadership.
4. Interactive leadership means that the leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority.
5. Values associated with interactive leadership include personal confidence, exclusion, and independence.
6. Within a single individual, management and leadership reflect the same sets of qualities and skills that frequently overlap.
7. Good leadership is needed to help the organization meet current commitments, while good management is needed to move the organization in the future.
8. Authentic leadership refers to individuals who know and understand themselves, act consistently with high ethical values, and empower others.
9. A leader who works to fulfill subordinates’ needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission is called a servant leader.
10. In a recent study, it was found that men were more capable of motivating others than women.
11. A situation would be considered highly favorable to the leader when tasks are highly unstructured and the leader has little formal authority.
12. Personal power, innovation, and nurturing are consistently viewed as manager qualities rather than leader qualities.
13. Three distinguishing personal characteristics associated with successful leaders are intelligence, honesty, and self-confidence.
14. Ohio State University researchers identified two major behaviors called consideration and initiating structure.
15. Consideration is the extent to which the leader is task-oriented and directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment.
16. The extent to which a leader is mindful of subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust refers to initiating structure.
17. Job-centered leaders are those leaders that establish high performance goals and display supportive behavior toward subordinates.
18. Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory focuses a great deal of attention on the characteristics of employees in determining appropriate leadership behavior.
19. The situational theory model focuses a great deal on the characteristics of followers, not those of the situation.
20. The telling style, according to Hersey and Blanchard, is appropriate for followers with moderate readiness.
21. Matching the leader's style with the situation by changing factors in the situation to achieve the best match is the basic idea with Fiedler's contingency theory.
22. Task structure refers to the extent to which the leader has formal authority over subordinates.
23. The task-oriented leader, according to Fiedler, excels in highly favorable or highly unfavorable situations, whereas relationship-oriented leaders are most effective in situations of moderate favorability.
24. A substitute counteracts the leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors.
25. A situational variable that counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors is called a neutralizer.
26. The relationship-oriented leader performs better in situations of moderate favorability because human relations skills are important in achieving high group performance.
27. An inspirational leader who has the ability to motivate subordinates, through personal transactions, to transcend their normal performance refers to a transactional leader.
28. The charismatic leader has the ability to motivate subordinates to transcend their expected performance.
29. Charismatic leaders typically have a strong vision for the future, and they can motivate others to help realize it.
30. A transformational leader is a leader distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change.
31. Transformational leaders are hardworking, tolerant, and fair-minded, but are not as capable of leading change as are transactional leaders.
32. The pragmatic survivor is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills.
33. The alienated follower is a person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization.
34. An effective follower is characterized by a need for constant supervision.
35. Power is the potential ability to influence the behavior and decisions of other people.
36. The type of power that results from the leader's legitimate authority, based upon his or her position within the organization, is called coercive power.
37. The effective follower exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation.
38. Influence is the effect a person's actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others.
39. Legitimate, reward, and expert powers are all forms of position power.
40. When Leo shouts at Krisit in public for not finishing her work and suspends her for two days, he is using his coercive power.
41. Two types of personal powers are expert and reward powers.
42. A person who has referent power may not have a formal leadership role.
43. Rational persuasion is one interpersonal influence tactic available for leaders.
44. Use of rational persuasion and appealing to higher authority are two commonly used influence tactics.
45. People who are entangled in a network of relationships have less power.
46. Effective leaders develop networks of allies—people who can help the leader accomplish his or her goals.
47. Research indicates people rate leaders as "more effective" when they are perceived to use one influence tactic.
Multiple Choice |
48. Which of the following is the ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals?
49. Leadership
50. Which of the following means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful?
51. Which of the following refers to the highest level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities?
52. The leader who builds an enduring great organization through a combination of personal humility and professional resolve is a
53. The leader who builds widespread commitment to a clear and compelling vision and stimulates people to high performance is a
54. Linda is viewed by her colleagues as someone who makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, and good work habits, but she is sometimes hard to work with because of her communication style. Based on the Level 5 leadership spectrum, Linda would be placed in which category?
55. Richard is well loved by his coworkers at Axel Cable Inc. He is viewed as having a great deal of humility, often giving credit for successes to other members of his team. As such, Richard would be placed in which category of the Level 5 leadership spectrum?
56. Which type of leader works to fulfill subordinated needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission?
57. All of the following are major approaches to leadership except
58. Jeremiah, a manager at Welford Nonprofit Group, is known for his selflessness and willingness to give to others. He likes working in the nonprofit sector because he wants to apply his skills and abilities to serve others who are less fortunate. Based on this information, which type of leader best describes Jeremiah?
59. Which of the following types of leaders know and understand themselves, act consistently with high order ethical values, and empower and inspire others?
60. Which of the following is not a valid component of authentic leadership?
61. According to a study on leaders, who typically scores higher on social and emotional skills?
62. At work, Sabrina favors a consensual and collaborative process, where influence derives from relationships rather than positions of power and formal authority. As such, she can best be viewed as what type of leader?
63. All of the following are leadership qualities except
64. Which of the following is not a manager quality?
65. The distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader are known as
66. The early research on leadership traits was referred to as the
67. In general, research has found what type of relationship between personal traits and leader success?
68. Recently, Beagle Boutique was attempting to hire a middle manager. It was looking for an intelligent, active, and creative individual. Which approach to leadership was Beagle using?