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Analytical Psychology  分析心理学
(1974). Journal of Analytical Psychology, 19(1):1-21
Jung’s Conception of Transference

Michael Fordham, M.D., M.R.C.P.(1)

Introduction  导言

It is sometimes said that you can find anything in Jung’s writings-implying that he did not know his own mind. I am not of this opinion. There are variations and minor contradictions in his writings on transference often where there is still controversy today, but, by studying his publications as a whole, a basic consistency running through it all can be clearly defined.
There are, however, important changes in his views that cannot be attributed to the delineation of opposites. More needs to be known of the context in which they were made, for this is either omitted by Jung altogether or not given in sufficient detail. I shall suggest tentative solutions, hoping that in the course of time more information, which may make a better and more reliable conclusion possible, will become available. But even if we knew all the sources of vacillations and even reversed conceptions which are, let me say, like those almost anybody who published so much would make, it would still be necessary to bear in mind Jung’s own comment on his method of exposition: ‘… not everything I bring forth is written out of my head, but much of it comes from the heart also, a fact I would beg the gracious reader not to overlook if, following up the intellectual line of thought, he comes upon certain lacunae that have not been properly filled in’ (JUNG 9, p. 118).
In this paper I shall be bringing together much that is familiar. Is it worth while looking again at what we knew long ago? Clearly I think so and my reason is this: to look from time to time at the foundations and incomplete superstructure of a house still in the process of being built shows what is firmly built and what is still in the process of construction. To stand back and look at what has been done helps to orientate us when occupied with details or some particular part of the whole and, most important, makes it impossible to believe that one part is the complete structure.

Part I  第一部分

'The Theory of Psychoanalysis'

In'The theory of psychoanalysis'Jung began to formulate his ideas about transference.In that collection of lectures,delivered at Fordham University in 1912,he asserts:'Thanks to this personal feeling Freud was able to discover wherein lay the therapeutic effect of psychoanalysis'(JUNG 7,p.190).It was,he says,in the transference.At first,analysis may proceed without 䇣一阴段 evidence of its presence and therapeutic effects may be achieved as patients revive memories,abreact traumatic affects,penetrate into secret and previously repressed areas/But the result of the analysis is not always beneficial-indeed there are patients who pursue the search for historical material'without making the slightest improvement'(JUNG 7,p.191).In these cases especially,the answer lies in interpreting the infantile attitude of the patient to the analyst for'all those sexual fantasies which cluster around the imago of the parents now cluster round him'(JUNG 7,p.190),producing an erotic transference composed of'memory images of the parents'.
在《精神分析理论》一书中,荣格开始提出他关于移情的观点。 在 1912 年于福特汉姆大学(Fordham University)发表的那本演讲集中,他断言:"多亏了这种个人感觉,弗洛伊德才得以发现精神分析的治疗效果所在。他说:"在移情中。起初,分析可能在没有䇣一阴段证据的情况下进行,治疗效果可能在病人唤醒记忆、反应创伤性影响、渗入秘密和以前被压抑的领域时实现/但当病人唤醒记忆、反应创伤性影响、渗入秘密和以前被压抑的领域时,治疗效果可能在移情中实现。但是,分析的结果并不总是有益的--事实上,有些病人继续寻找历史材料,却没有丝毫的改善。在这些情况下,答案尤其在于解释病人对分析师的幼稚态度,因为 "所有那些围绕着父母形象的性幻想现在都围绕着他"(JUNG 7,p.190),产生了由 "父母的记忆形象 "组成的色情转移。
At this stage transference is far more important than analysis of the patient's history,because the analyst is at once assimilated into the family milieu and,at the same time,is outside it and related to the real world.In this sense transference becomes'of great biological value to the patient';and is '… a bridge across which the patient can get away from his family into reality'(JUNG 7,p.190).So,he continues,the'bond is one of the most valuable social factors imaginable'(JUNG 7,p.199).And he adds that besides sexuality there are moral,social and ethical components which become the analyst's allies once they have been'purged'of their'regressive components,their infantife sexualism'(JUNG 7,p.199).
在这个阶段,移情远比分析病人的病史更重要,因为分析师既融入了家庭环境,同时又置身于家庭环境之外,与现实世界发生联系。他继续说,"纽带 "是可以想象的最有价值的社会因素之一。除了性之外,还有道德、社会和伦理的成分,这些成分一旦被'净化'掉它们的'倒退成分',即它们的'幼稚性主义'(JUNG 7,p.199),就会成为分析家的同盟。
It is the infantile contents especially that can make transference'a powerful hindrance to the progress of the treatment because the patient assimilates the analyst to his father and mother...'(JUNG 7,p.191),and the more he does this so much the more will transference do him harm.It is therefore essential for these parts to be,as it was called,severed-how can this be done?Besides interpretation,which makes the nature of the transference conscious,there arises,Jung says,a battle within the patient who fights against the neurotic forces and infantile demands,but at the same time the patient shows resistances to sustaining the conflict so as to reach a successful conclusion.He may bargain with the analyst like a child who wishes to get presents from his parents;alternatively he may seek out'special adventures'(JUNG 7,p.198),which the analyst must not prevent since they may contain value for the patient.Jung is very specific on this score:‘ dots\ldots we have to let the patient and his impulses take the lead,even if the path seems a wrong one.Error is just as important a condition of life's progress as the truth'(JUNG 7,p.200).
尤其是婴儿期的内容会使移情成为治疗进展的强大障碍,因为病人会把分析师同化为他的父亲和母亲...'(JUNG 7,p.191),他越是这样,移情对他的伤害就越大.因此,必须对这些部分进行所谓的 "克服"--怎样才能做到这一点呢? 除了解释,使移情的性质成为意识之外,还出现了荣格所说的,在病人内心与神经质力量和幼稚要求进行的斗争,但与此同时,病人也表现出了抗拒。他可能会像一个希望从父母那里得到礼物的孩子一样与分析师讨价还价;或者,他可能会寻求 "特殊的冒险"(JUNG 7,p.在这一点上,荣格说得很清楚:' dots\ldots 我们必须让病人和他的冲动起主导作用,即使这条路看起来是错误的。
As to the analyst himself,the patient perceives characteristics of his personality and makes them part of himself,and these help in constructing the bridge to reality.The analyst's personality is therefore crucial,and he must be mature if he wants to help his patient in the correct direction;Jung defines characteristics that he must have overcome:isolationist tactics,auto-erotic 孤立火火等䧄 mystification,infantile demands which if unacknowledged'may identify themselves with the parallel demands of the patient'(JUNG 7 p.199).For these reasons a personal analysis of the analyst is essential and he will be astonished to find how apparently technical difficulties will simply vanish as the result of it.
Another facet of this essay is Jung's comparison of confession and transference with practices of the church:they are,he says,' dots\ldots a brilliant method of social guidance and education'(JUNG 7,p.192).But,he continues,a modern person consciously or unconsciously has become disillusioned by the church and strives for something different:to'… govern himself and stand morally on his own feet'(JUNG 7,p.193).It is thus the aim of analysis to help in this direction and so the best result is when a patient becomes'in harmony with himself,neither good nor had,just as he is in his natural state'(JUNG 7,p.196).In striving towards wholeness,which involves severing the transference,Jung reminds us,'only certain religions demand this of the individual,and it is this that makes the second stage of analysis so very difficult'(JUNG 7,p.197).
这篇文章的另一个方面是荣格将忏悔和移情与教会的做法相提并论:他说,"它们是 dots\ldots 一种杰出的社会引导和教育方法。但是,他接着说,现代人自觉或不自觉地对教会产生了幻灭感,并努力寻求不同的东西:......来......因此,分析的目的就是朝着这个方向提供帮助,所以最好的结果就是病人与自己和谐相处,既不是好的,也不是坏的,就像他的自然状态一样。7,p.196).只有某些宗教要求个人这样做,而正是这一点使得第二阶段的分析变得非常困难'(JUNG 7,p.197).

'Some Crucial Points in Psychoanalysis’

In the same year(i.e.1913)as he delivered his lectures,he was corresponding with Dr Löy and his letters contain additions and amplification of themes already considered.He perhaps lays more emphasis on the social and moral content of transference and conceives the sexual fantasies more favourably as analogies which are related to empathy,adaptation and the 'urge towards individualization'(JUNG 8,p.284).And again the apparently sexuàt character of transference leads on as a bridge to higher empathy,to the value of the personality and so to the'road to freedom'.There is some interesting detail about the positive and negative transference related to the father imag;he gives positive and negative valences to love,hostility and rebellion;for a patient who is an'infantile rebel',合嵗 positive transference is an achievement while a negative one just repeats the old pattern and is a
在他发表演讲的同一年(1913 年),他与洛伊博士进行了通信。他也许更强调移情的社会和道德内容,更倾向于将性幻想视为与移情、适应和 "个人化 "有关的类比(JUNG 8,p.移情的明显性又一次将我们引向更高的移情,引向人格的价值,从而引向 "通向自由之路"。想象;他为爱、敌意和叛逆赋予了积极和消极的价值;对于一个有叛逆心理的病人来说,合嵗积极的移情是一种成就,而消极的移情只是重复旧的模式,是一种失败。

'back sliding';for a patient showing'infantile obedience'the state of affairs is reversed.Consequently an apparently negative transference is positive and can further individualization.Finally,there is the more specific idea that'the patient's libido fastens on the person of the analyst in the form[not only of sexuality but also]of expectation,hope,interest,trust,friendship and love' (JUNG 8,p.286).
最后,还有一种更具体的观点,即 "病人的性欲以[不仅是性,而且是]期待、希望、ope、rustest、友谊等形式紧紧抓住分析师的人"。病人的性欲以[不仅是性欲,而且]期望、希望、兴趣、信任、友谊和爱的形式紧紧抓住分析师的人。

'The Therapeutic Value of Abreaction'

By 1921 in ‘The therapeutic value of abreaction’ Jung’s ideas have developed further and he introduces new ones. (1) ‘The therapeutic effect comes from the doctor’s efforts to enter into the pyche of his patient, thus establishing a psychologically adapted relationship’ (JUNG 10, p. 134).(2) The degree of transference varies with the understanding between doctorand patient: with good understanding transference is moderate, with poor understanding it becomes intense and sexualized. The importance of the real relationship between analyst and patient is stressed when he says that after a thorough analysis ‘the patient’s claim to … human relationship still remains and should be conceded, for without a relationship of some kind he falls into a void’ (JUNG 10, p. 136).
到 1921 年,荣格在《反应的治疗价值》一书中进一步发展了他的观点,并提出了新的观点。(1) "治疗效果来自于医生努力进入病人的内心世界,从而建立起一种心理上相适应的关系"(荣格 10,第 134 页)。(2) 移情的程度随医患之间的理解而变化:理解好的移情程度适中,理解差的移情程度强烈且性化。他强调了分析师和病人之间真正关系的重要性,他说,在彻底分析之后,"病人对......人际关系的要求仍然存在,而且应该得到承认,因为如果没有某种关系,他就会陷入空虚"(UNG 10,第 136 页)。
In this context he makes a very sharp attack on the ‘exclusive reduction’ of a patient’s material to its sexual roots. It is his most vigorous one and it is difficult to understand why he made it so strong. Exclusively sexual reduction, he says, ‘… is a shocking violation of the patient’s material’. It ignores the creative elements in the patient and leads to blocking of outlets so that the patient clings in a ‘convulsive erotic transference unless he prefers to break off the relationship in hatred’ (italics mine) (JUNG 10, p. 134). ‘In either case the result is spiritual desolation’ (JUNG 10, p. 134). So exclusively sexual interpretation becomes ‘a gross technical blunder’ (JUNG 10, p. 135), ‘for it constantly destroys the patient’s every attempt to build up a normal human relationship by resolving it back into its elements’ (JUNG 10, p. 135).
在这方面,他对将病人的材料 "完全还原 "为性根源的做法进行了非常尖锐的抨击。这是他最激烈的一次抨击,很难理解他为何如此强烈。他说,"完全的性还原......是对病人材料的令人震惊的侵犯"。它忽视了病人的创造性因素,导致出路受阻,使病人在'抽搐的情欲转移中紧紧抓住不放,除非他宁愿在仇恨中断绝关系'(斜体为笔者所加)(JUNG 10,第 134 页)。无论哪种情况,结果都是精神荒芜"(琼 10,第 134 页)。因此,纯粹的性解释成了'严重的技术性错误'(JUNG 10,第 135 页),'因为它通过将病人的人际关系分解成各种元素,不断破坏病人建立正常人际关系的每一次尝试'(JUNG 10,第 135 页)。
But if adaptation takes place ‘… in spite of all this … it will have been at the cost of many moral, intellectual and aesthetic values whose loss to man’s character is a matter for regret. Quite apart from this major loss, there is the danger of perpetually brooding on the past, of looking back wistfully to things that cannot be remedied now’ (JUNG 10, p. 135).
但是,如果适应发生了,'......尽管如此......它将以许多道德、智力和审美价值为代价,而这些价值对人类性格的损失是令人遗憾的。除了这种重大损失之外,还有一种危险,那就是永远沉湎于过去,踌躇满志地回顾那些现在无法弥补的东西"(琼 10,第 135 页)。
All this reads like an attack on psychoanalysis. But to what nurnose? In 1918 Freud had criticized the ‘Swiss School’ in an address, ‘Lines of advance in psychoanalytic therapy’ (Freud 4), delivered to the Fifth International Psychoanalytic Congress; then he grossly misrepresented Jung, so it is possible Jung was retaliating; but, if so, he seems to misfire for, in 1920, Freud had already published ‘Beyond the pleasure principle’ (Freud 5). There are two other alternatives: (1) that he had come across cases which had been badly handled, or (2) he had personal experience of difficulties with his own patients over their sexuality. I feel sure Jung had a reason for his attack which seems to be based on considerable affect-it ‘comes from the heart’.
所有这些都像是对精神分析的攻击。但攻击的是什么呢?1918 年,弗洛伊德在第五届国际精神分析大会上发表了题为 "精神分析疗法的进步之路"(弗洛伊德 4)的演讲,批评了 "瑞士学派";随后,他对荣格进行了严重的歪曲,因此荣格有可能是在报复;但如果是这样的话,他似乎是在误伤,因为在 1920 年,弗洛伊德已经发表了 "超越快乐原则"(弗洛伊德 5)。还有另外两种可能:(1)他遇到了一些处理不当的病例,或者(2)他个人曾与自己的病人在性问题上遇到过困难。我确信荣格的攻击是有原因的,而这个原因似乎是基于相当的情感--它 "发自内心"。
Having given his view of a problem, which can still exercise analysts, Jung continues in very definite terms. Properly handled reductive analysis is essential for ‘The transference phenomenon is an inevitable feature of every thorough analysis…’ (JUNG 10, p. 136) and relationship is impossible
荣格在阐述了他对这一问题的看法之后,以非常明确的措辞继续说道,"移情现象是每个彻底分析都不可避免的特征"(JUNG 10, 第 136 页)。正确处理还原分析是必不可少的,因为 "移情现象是每一次彻底分析不可避免的特征......"(荣格书 10,第 136 页),而这种关系是不可能的。

until all the projections have been consciously recognized and resolved.

‘The touchstone of every [successful] analysis … is always this person to person relationship, a psychological situation where the patient confronts the doctor upon equal terms, and with the same ruthless criticism that he must inevitably learn from the doctor in the course of his treatment.’ In this way instead of the ‘… slavish and humanly degrading bondage of the transference’, the patient ‘discovers that his own unique personality has value, that he has been accepted for what he is, and that he has it in him to adapt himself to the demands of life’ (JUNG 10, p. 137). ‘Our task is … to cultivate and transform this growing thing until it can play its part in the totality of the psyche’ (JUNG 10, p. 138). This is a clear statement that transference is goal-seeking and that the doctor becomes a real person as well as an analyst, the recipient of the projections which he reduces.
'每一个[成功的]分析的试金石......总是这种人与人之间的关系,一种病人在平等的条件下与医生对抗的心理状态,以及他在治疗过程中不可避免地要从医生那里学到的同样无情的批评。'通过这种方式,病人不再受到'......移情的奴役和有辱人格的束缚',而是'发现自己独特的人格是有价值的,发现自己的本来面目已被接受,发现自己有能力适应生活的要求'(JUNG 10,第 137 页)。我们的任务是......培养和改造这种成长中的东西,直到它能在整个心理中发挥作用"(琼 10,第 138 页)。这清楚地表明,移情是一种目标追求,医生既是分析师,也是投射的接受者。

Discussion  讨论

These three papers may be considered together. They cover the ideas and practices before 1926 when Jung wrote the first of his Two essays on analytical psychology.
这三篇论文可以放在一起阅读。它们涵盖了 1926 年荣格撰写《分析心理学两篇论文》中的第一篇之前的观点和实践。
The early period is revealing of Jung’s consistency; it is indeed astonishing to find the core of all his later ideas and practices unambiguously set down in print, though, as will be seen, at one time he withdrew from the almost excessive importance he first gave to the transference as the effective element in the ‘here and now’ as it is called nowadays.
荣格早期的作品显示了他的一贯性;令人惊讶的是,他后来的所有观点和实践的核心内容都以印刷品的形式明确记载下来,尽管正如我们将看到的那样,他曾一度放弃了他最初给予移情的近乎过分的重视,因为移情是 "此时此地 "的有效元素,也就是现在所说的 "此时此地"。
It is of interest that he attributes the discovery of the therapeuticf importance of transference to Freud. This, I believe, is open to doubt Though we may learn more about this from his correspondence with Freud, according to my reading of the literature the therapeutic effect of psychoanalysis is supposed by its exponents to stem not primarily from the transference, but from the making conscious of the unconscious enshrined in the famous epigram, ‘where id was there ego shall be’. Even today the position of many psychoanalysts is far from the one Jung attributed to Freud. In a recent symposium on the subject at the British Psychoanalytic Society there was very little emphasis on transference as a situation from which therapy stems. Jung’s position is reflected not so much in classical psychoanalysis as in the work of LITTLE (17), HEIMANN (6), STRACHEY (21), RACKER (19), SEARLES (20), and MILNER (18); but space does not permit me to enter into this subject.
值得注意的是,他将移情疗法的重要性归功于弗洛伊德。虽然我们可以从他与弗洛伊德的通信中了解到更多信息,但根据我对文献的阅读,精神分析的治疗效果被其支持者认为主要不是源于移情,而是源于 "本我在哪里,自我就在哪里 "这句著名的格言所蕴含的无意识的觉醒。即使在今天,许多精神分析师的立场也与荣格赋予弗洛伊德的立场相去甚远。在英国精神分析学会最近举行的一次专题讨论会上,很少有人强调移情是治疗的源头。荣格的立场与其说反映在经典精神分析中,不如说反映在利特尔(LITTLE)(17)、海曼(HEIMANN)(6)、斯特拉凯(STRACHEY)(21)、拉克(RACKER)(19)、塞勒斯(SEARLES)(20)和米尔纳(MILNER)(18)的著作中;但篇幅所限,我无法深入探讨这个问题。
Jung went along with Freud in recognizing the incestuous, erotic and infantile characteristics of transference, as well as accepting its resistance phenomena. Where he went beyond psychoanalysis is in his emphasis on the goal-seeking and therapeutic function of transference in which the real personality of the analyst became highly significant. His emphasis on transference

as a potentially therapeutic situation and on the real nersonality of the analyst seems to have been his own particular contribution. The idea that once the projections have been recognized and resolved, a bridge to reality can be made with the aim of attaining moral autonomy, defined, even in 1913, as the ‘urge towards individualization’, is characteristic and central in the development of his thesis. The social and religious, moral and ethical meanings of transference are also much more important to Jung than to Freud.
作为一种潜在的治疗情境和分析师的真实人格,这似乎是他自己的特殊贡献。一旦认识并解决了投射,就可以架起一座通往现实的桥梁,从而实现道德自主,甚至在 1913 年还将其定义为 "走向个体化的冲动",这一观点在他的论述发展中是独具特色的,也是核心所在。对荣格来说,移情的社会和宗教、道德和伦理意义也比弗洛伊德重要得多。
I have paid rather close attention to the negative transference and want to make a further comment upon it because it receives so much attention today and the management of it has been considerably advanced.
There is only one direct reference to it as such: where Jung says that for obedient patients a negative transference is valuable, etc. There is also reference to the patient with a compulsive transference who breaks off the relation in hatred; but this he attributes to the ‘exclusive sexual interpretation’ and so cannot be conceived as transference but an adapted response. One other possible indication of it is given where he says the analyst is confronted by his patient as an equal and criticizes with the same ruthlessness that he has ‘learned from his doctor’; but this again does not define negative transference, though the patient’s criticism might very well contain it. So it does not seem that in this early period Jung had scrutinized the patient’s hostile and critical attitudes much for transferred matter.
只有一处直接提到了移情:荣格说,对于顺从的病人来说,消极的移情是有价值的,等等。此外,荣格还提到有强迫性移情的病人会因为憎恨而断绝关系;但他将此归因于 "排他性解释",因此不能将其视为移情,而是一种适应性反应。另一个可能的迹象是,他说分析师以平等的身份面对病人,并以 "从医生那里学到的 "同样无情的态度进行批评;但这同样没有定义消极移情,尽管病人的批评很可能包含消极移情。因此,在这一早期阶段,荣格似乎并没有仔细研究病人对转移问题的敌意和批评态度。

Part II  第二部分

'Two Essays in Analytical Psychology’

In the Two essays (1926 and 1928) Jung began to relate transference to individuation in much more detail. He also made his position about reductive analysis more evident, and there is clarification of what he means by the personal unconscious; it contains what is now commonly called ‘whole object psychology’: the persons in the patient’s past whose imagos are transferred to the analyst comprise ‘father, mother, uncle, guardian, teacher, etc.’. They contrast with the archetypal transference which he introduces here for the first time and which he approaches through the idea of disposable energy-already broached in 1913-as follows: ‘Let us suppose that [a] patient is “analysed”, i.e. she has, through the treatment, come to understand the nature of the unconscious thoughts lurking behind her symptoms and has thus regained possession of the unconscious energy which constituted the strength of those symptoms. The question then arises: what to do with the so-called disposable energy?’ (JUNG 9, p. 61). Since the patient’s fantasies have now transferred themselves to the doctor ‘they must be cauterized, i.e. resolved by reductive analysis and this used to be called “severing the transference”. Thereby the energy is again released from
在这两篇论文(1926年和1928年)中,荣格开始更详细地阐述移情与个体化的关系。他还更加明确了自己对还原分析的立场,并澄清了个人无意识的含义;个人无意识包含现在通常所说的 "整体客体心理学":病人过去的人,他们的意象被转移给分析师,包括 "父亲、母亲、叔叔、监护人、老师等"。这些人与原型转移形成了鲜明对比,他在这里首次引入了原型转移,并通过一次性能量的概念来探讨这一问题--这一概念早在 1913 年就已提出--如下所示:让我们假设[一位]病人被 "分析 "了,也就是说,通过治疗,她理解了潜伏在她症状背后的无意识思想的本质,从而重新获得了构成这些症状力量的无意识能量。接下来的问题是:如何处理这些所谓的一次性能量?由于病人的幻想现在已经转移到了医生身上,'因此必须将其烧灼,即通过还原分析来解决,这被称为'切断转移'。由此,能量再次从

an unserviceable form, and again we are faced by the problem of [the energy’s] disposability’ (JUNG 9, p. 62).
我们再次面临[能源的]可处置性问题"(JUNG 9,第 62 页)。
At this period Jung was again rather definite that the patient can become free of this personal transference and can indeed cease to be infantile. The next stage in analysis is that in which the structural elements of the personality are projected. The case that he cites in illustrating his thesis is often quoted. It is of a woman patient with masculine traits of which she is unconscious. Jung identifies them and then asks himself where can the masculine parts of herself be located? Deciding that they must be projected, he asks his patient how he appears to her when she is not with him and she reveals: ‘“Sometimes you seem rather dangerous, sinister, like an evil magician or a demon. I don’t know how I ever get such ideas-you are not a bit like that”’ (JUNG 9, p. 89).
在这一时期,荣格再次明确指出,病人可以摆脱这种个人转移,并确实不再幼稚。分析的下一阶段是投射人格结构元素的阶段。他经常引用一个案例来说明他的论点。这是一个女病人的病例,她具有男性特征,但却没有意识到。荣格发现了这些特征,然后问自己,她身上的男性特征在哪里?他认为这些部分一定是被投射出来的,于是他问病人,当她不在他身边时,他是如何出现在她面前的:她说:"有时候,你看起来相当危险、阴险,就像一个邪恶的魔术师或恶魔。我不知道自己怎么会有这样的想法--你一点也不像那样的人"(《琼 9》,第 89 页)。
From this Jung proceeds to the distinction between the human and nonhuman parts of the psyche and the need to make a sharp line of demarcation between the ego, or subject, and the non-ego. It was in this way that he gained access to the archetypal images and could interpret with references to them. They were ‘raised to the subjective plane,’ which in effect means that the transference was interpreted as parts of the self and thus the way was opened to the use of active imagination and the dialectical process between the ego and archetypal forms.
荣格由此开始区分心理的人类部分和非人类部分,并认为有必要在自我或主体与非自我之间划出一条清晰的界线。正是通过这种方式,他得以接触到原型图像,并能参照这些图像进行解释。它们被 "提升到主观层面",这实际上意味着转移被解释为自我的一部分,从而为使用积极的想象力以及自我和原型形式之间的辩证过程开辟了道路。
I would like to remind you of an especially interesting example in these essays which bears on the resolution of the archetypal transference. Again it is of a woman whose transference imago becomes ‘blown up’. In spite of insight into the personal meaning of the transference the father imago became combined with saviour and lover and did not dissolve. Dreams, Jung found, referred to him and his person distorted in a remarkable way. Sometimes the figure was of supernatural size, sometimes he seemed extremely aged, then again he resembled her father, but was at the same time curiously woven into nature, as in the following dream: ‘Her father (who in reality was of small stature) was standing with her on a hill that was covered with wheat-fields. She was quite tiny beside him, and he seemed to her like a giant. He lifted her up from the ground and held her in his arms like a child. The wind swept over the wheat-fields, and as the wheat swayed in the wind, he rocked her in his arms’ (JUNG 9, p. 129).
我想提醒大家注意这些文章中一个特别有趣的例子,它与原型移情的解决有关。同样是一位女性,她的移情意象被 "炸毁 "了。尽管洞察到了移情的个人意义,但父亲的意象与救世主和情人结合在一起,并没有消解。荣格发现,梦中的他和他的人以一种非同寻常的方式被扭曲了。有时,父亲的形象是超自然的,有时,父亲显得非常苍老,有时,父亲又像她的父亲,但同时又与大自然奇妙地交织在一起,就像在下面的梦中:'她的父亲(实际上身材矮小)和她一起站在一座长满麦田的山上。她在他身边显得非常渺小,而他在她眼里就像一个巨人。他把她从地上抱起来,像抱孩子一样抱在怀里。风掠过麦田,麦子随风摇摆,他在怀里摇晃着她"(《琼 9》,第 129 页)。
The analysis gradually ended and Jung concludes that these dreams reflected a shift of emphasis away from personal to transpersonal functions leading on to the self: ‘a kind of subterranean undermining of the transference [took place]. Her relations with a certain friend deepened perceptibly, notwithstanding the fact that consciously she still clung to the transference. So that when the time came for leaving me, it was no catastrophe, but a perfectly reasonable parting.’ ‘I saw’, he continues, ‘how the transpersonal controlpoint developed-I cannot call it anything else-a guiding function, and step by step gathered to itself all the former personal

overvaluations; how, with this afflux of energy, it gained influence over the resisting conscious mind without the patient’s consciously noticing what was happening’ (JUNG 9, p. 131).
高估;它是如何在病人没有意识到发生了什么的情况下,通过这种能量的流动,对抵制的意识心智产生影响的"(JUNG 9,第 131 页)。
There are difficulties in this presentation, especially on the subject of idealization and destructive and hostile fantasies and impulses associated with it which may very well have undermined the transference: however, whether this reflection be true or false, the concept that there is an inherent evolution in the transference in the direction of individuation is an important addition to the clinical picture. It had been present in his early views but in terms of a more or less conscious striving towards a goal; here the idea had become deepened and enriched.

Part III  第三部分

‘Analytical Psychology-its Theory and Practice’

The Tavist