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snakeskin.  蛇皮

Summary: 摘要

Henry Fox, on embracing his softness, overcoming familial abuse, and being unapologetically queer.
亨利-福克斯(Henry Fox),关于拥抱自己的柔软、克服家庭虐待以及毫不掩饰的同性恋。

Notes: 备注

The first part of this fic doesn’t kinda fit in with the second part but like, I wanted to include it because it goes with the theme of Henry realizing what freedom truly means.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy :)

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text: 工作文本:



“Baby!” "宝贝!"

Henry hums back in reply, feeling a sense of warmth settle in his chest at the sheer domesticity that oozes from the tone in itself. He’s perched on the seat next to their biggest window in their bedroom, highlighting a line he intends to get back to on one of the many documents scattered on the window sill related to his abdication. Next to it is a lukewarm cup of earl gray, which Henry had barely sipped on, his concentration and focus getting the best of him. 

Alex’s voice, faint from the kitchen, is a pin drop in still water.

“Babyyy!” "宝贝!"

Henry sighs, placing the sheets of paper on the window sill. He stands up and dusts off his pants, cranes his neck a little to relieve the ache that’s built up there from having his head down for a stretch of time, and makes his way downstairs. David is immediately up and running the moment he hears Henry’s presence downstairs, much to his delight. He bends down to give him a couple of kisses, when he notices Alex leaning onto the kitchen island with his hip, eyes on his lit phone screen. 

He’s shirtless, sweatpants low on his hips, his muscle definition stark and prominent, as fine as the hair curling on his chest and the trail that digs a river downwards from his belly button. Stretches of beautiful brown skin, hip cocked to the side, the silver key leisurely resting atop the center of his chest. 

Henry swallows around the parchness of his throat, feeling a little lightheaded with how intense the sudden rush of love and arousal that just shot through his spine was. Sizzling like a raw live wire.

“Alex?” He asks. “I’m here.”

“Took your sweet time,” Alex mutters sarcastically. “Here, look at this. What do you think?”

He passes his phone to Henry, and then loops around the island to get his laptop, opening it as he once again settles by Henry’s side. On the phone screen is a picture of a coffee table, a side table, and a giant potted plant. They’re dark brown, minimalistic and modern. Quite sturdy looking. The potted plant would take a good few inches of space upwards, and Henry thinks the leaves look just a bit like elephant ears. 

“They’re…” "他们......"

“Pretty good right?” Alex says. “I mean, I’ve been searching for new ones all over and it’s just. It’s just so hard to find something that kinda, you know, sticks? Like, I’ll favorite one the night before and I wake up in the morning and I’m like ok gross, that’s not gonna be in our home. But this set caught my eye because it seems not too vibrant or like. Extravagant?”

Henry nods along dumbly, but can’t bring himself to think past Alex wants to replace our furniture, which he doesn’t really have a problem with. There’s just something about it that makes him pause, feeling a strange sensation settle heavily in his stomach. Trying to figure out what exactly it is that’s making his emotions so turbulent at the moment. 

“What’s wrong with the current coffee table?” 

“Nothing,” Alex shrugs. “Nothing’s wrong with any of the furniture, honestly. Because it’s like, how we bought the house and everything.”

“Yeah,” Henry agrees. “But…?” He knows there’s a But coming.
"是的,"亨利同意。"但是......?"他知道 "但是 "要来了

“But I just want to personalize our furniture a bit? Like, all the furniture is just the default and I like knowing that we chose them sometimes, I don’t know. Plus the cream shade of the coffee table is kinda gross.”

“Oh.” "哦"

He doesn’t know why, but the idea of Alex hating anything about the Brownstone deeply unsettles Henry. 

“Sure,” he says. “This looks fine. I don’t mind.”

“Really?” Alex asks. "真的吗?"亚历克斯问道。

“Yeah.” "是的"

“You didn’t even go through all the pictures.”

“Well,” Henry stumbles over his words. “Should I?”

Alex is looking at him like he’s asked if the earth is flat. “Should you? Baby, if we’re gonna buy it, I think the least we could do is see how it looks from all angles.”
亚历克斯看着他,就像在问他地球是不是平的。"你应该吗?"宝贝,如果我们要买它,我想我们至少应该 从各个角度看看它是什么样子的。"

Henry feels a mortified blush begin to develop and he ducks his head to swiftly swipe through the pictures, staying on each for a second or two. They’re all adequate, and Henry can imagine it in their living space easily. Alex has always had a good eye, and these match his taste as well. Logically, Henry doesn’t really find any flaws or… criticisms? He bites his lip, trying to grasp the wisps of thoughts that’s making his stomach crawl uneasily. 

Insecurity. 不安全。

He knows it. He can feel it. He wears it.

“It’s great,” he supplies. “They’re great. Um, how are you planning on getting them here?” The idea of men in their home moving furniture makes his skin crawl. 

Alex is eyeing him suspiciously and Henry plasters on an even bigger, softer smile. 

“That was fast,” Alex comments, raising his foot to rub his heel on David’s fur. The beagle is staring up at Henry with knowing eyes, as if he could sense the anxiety bubbling inside of him. “Like, you didn’t even actually say why you like it.”

Frustration blooms like blood on wet tissue, and Henry hates it. 

“I like the color,” he offers weakly. “And… the leaves on the plant look like elephant ears.”

Alex huffs out a laugh at that, eyes crinkling. Sometimes eases in Henry’s chest, and he steps forward to plant a small chaste kiss on the corner of his lips, nuzzling his cheek so he can feel the prickle of his stubble, which Henry adores. 

“You haven’t shaved,” he sighs. “My little porcupine.”
"你还没刮胡子,"他叹息道,"我的小豪猪。" "You haven't shaved," He sighs."我的小豪猪"

A radiant palm rests casually on his hip, and a thumb is drawing circles on the silver of skin that’s peeking through between Henry’s trousers and shirt.

“Mhm, I haven’t,” Alex mumbles, and chases after another kiss. “You still haven’t given me an honest opinion.”

“That was an honest opinion,” Henry says, wondering why Alex wouldn’t drop this subject already. They’ve been living in the Brownstone for about two months now. This is the first time they’ve ever discussed moving in new furniture. “They’ll do just fine.”

“Yeah,” Alex says, sounding dubious. He cups Henry’s cheek, and Henry leans into it, presses a sweet little kiss on the thumb that traces his bottom lip. “But I don’t know. I’m having second thoughts now because you didn’t really seem to like it as much as I hoped.”

A heavy stone drops into Henry’s stomach so fast he feels his breath hitch. “I like it, dear. Why would I not?”

“For any reason?” Alex asks, and then he looks miserable, a little, the tension blooming amidst the confusion that furrows his brow. “Sorry, did I spring this on you? I didn’t even ask you if you liked our current one and—”

“I don’t really have any opinion of the current one.”

Alex pauses. “You don’t?”

“No,” Henry admits. “So I wouldn’t really mind if you wanted to replace it. And I don’t have—.” He pauses, eyes widening, realizing what he’s about to say.

Alex knows him a bit too well, so he catches on fast. “You don’t have an opinion on this one too?” 

Not finding any reason to lie more, Henry just shrugs, shrinking into himself. He doesn’t know why this is making him feel so tilted. Unbalanced. Shameful

“Baby.” "宝贝"

Henry bites his bottom lip, his gaze lowered. 

“Look at me.” "看着我"

Henry finally does so, irrationally fearing to be met with irritation, but all he sees is warmth, with a splurge of concern in those gorgeous browns. His thumb caresses the skin on Henry’s cheek, and Henry sighs, upset.

“Alex,” he says. “This might sound ridiculous to you, but I’ve never really shopped for furniture before.”
"亚历克斯,"他说。"你可能会觉得这很荒唐 但我以前从没真正买过家具"

Alex blinks. “Doesn’t sound too ridiculous.”

“I don’t know,” Henry says, trying so hard not to feel like he’s melting into the floor. “I’ve lived in Kensington my whole life. I’ve had everything handed to me, and I never really questioned it? Like. I’ve never chosen my own bed, or dresser, or anything like that.”

“H.” "H."

“I know, I know. I’m not trying to make this into a sob story or anything, as if having to sleep in luxury was so bloody difficult—”
"我知道,我知道。我不是想把这说成一个悲伤的故事什么的 就好像要睡在豪华的房间里有多难似的--"

“Hey, none of that,” Alex whispers, cupping his cheek. His fingers, rough and warm, send sparks of warmth that make Henry sigh and melt into him. Alex welcomes the weight, holding him up. “It’s understandable, baby.”

“So I guess what I meant is just. You can get it, dear. I don’t mind.”

“Nope.” "不"

Henry startles. “What?” 亨利吓了一跳。"什么?"

“I’m no longer getting it.” Alex pushes him away until they’re eye to eye once, and he’s smiling like the devil again, the lopsided troublemaker signature grin of his. Henry wonders if he’ll ever stop feeling like a school boy with a crush. “We’re surfing the web together, and then doing some actual physical shopping.”

“What?” "什么?"

“I want to hear your thoughts on every single piece of furniture we own,” Alex says, deadly serious. “By the time we’re done, each of them should be deeply loved and admired by you.”

“I love everything about this place,” Henry argues. 

“Well, clearly not some of the furniture.”

Henry grumbles. It doesn’t escape his mind that the idea of shopping for furniture with Alex is so ridiculously domestic that he doesn’t find himself as haunted by the prospect any longer. He is, however, intimidated by the idea of offering opinions on these things. 

“Alex,” he idly comments. “Do you think I’m… low maintenance?”

“What?”  "什么?"

Henry shrugs, feeling his chest suddenly restrict. “Like, I agree with anything. You know? Especially for things like the house? So, you could say I’m low maintenance.”

“Um,” Alex says, eyebrows furrowing. “No? You’re opinionated as hell and I can’t even change the sauce brand in the fridge without you hounding my ass.”

Henry laughs at that, burying his face in Alex’s shoulder. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“What the hell brought that on?”

“I dunno,” Henry mumbles into Alex’s shoulder, rubbing his face into warm soft skin. He feels a little too exposed right now. Raw, like a wound that hasn’t healed yet but somehow the band aid has still been ripped off. “I had an ex call me that once.”

Alex stiffens. Henry bites his lip and wills away the immediate rise of distress.

“Not in a bad way,” he amends. “Like, in a good way? Because, you know, I was kind of always. Agreeable? I never really questioned Gran on things. And I guess it rubbed off on how I interacted with others as well. I just go along with things I guess. Hence, low maintenance.” 

He laughs to diffuse the mood but it only tapers off awkwardly. Alex is silent, but his hands have gotten tighter. Henry’s hip is sure to have reddened at the area Alex is pressing into. 

“First, you’re not some cargo being shipped to another continent for me to go around calling you low maintenance. And second, your people pleasing attributes just seem to be what one would call personality traits one adapts when raised in an abusive environment. Also, is it bad I kind of want to punch that guy?”

“He didn’t even do anything!” Henry protests, lips drawing up in spite of himself. He doesn’t comment on the previous statements. He can see the logic in it but he doesn’t exactly feel the need to dissect his psyche to explore this more, nor does he in particular want to challenge this part of himself.

Henry Fox does not like conflict. If anything, he’s been mastering the intricate art of diffusing conflict his whole life. 

Alexander Claremont Diaz was the first ever thing he fought for, and won. Something that was reached into cracked open ribs and brandished out, raw and bleeding and alive. Look at all this love I have. The vastness of it. Look at the way Alex cups it so gently in the palm of his hand. A love hard won, and as intensely cherished. 
亚历山大-克莱蒙特-迪亚兹(Alexander Claremont Diaz)是他为之奋斗并赢得胜利的第一件事。这是他从肋骨裂开的缝隙中取出的东西,生猛、鲜血淋漓、生机勃勃。看看我拥有的这些爱。它的浩瀚看看亚历克斯把它轻轻捧在手心的样子。这份爱来之不易,同样值得珍惜。

It raises the question: what else is there for Henry to call his?

A bird that’s out of the gilded cage has the world as his oyster. 

Henry is suddenly struck by the lightning realization that in choosing Alex, he’d chosen a life of free will. It’s not just the ability to love freely but the ability to choose.

“Clearly, he didn’t know you at all, since you must have kept your opinions to yourself.”

“Oh my God,” Henry laughs hysterically, riding this sudden high. “His fashion sense was awful.”

“Yeah?” "是吗?"

“Yes. And he always chose this bland disgusting little pastry from some ridiculous cafe that was near Oxford and I never mentioned how awful they were but God, Alex, looking back, that could have been identified as food poisoning.”
"是的,他总是从牛津附近的一家可笑的咖啡馆 挑选这种平淡恶心的小点心 我从没提过它们有多难吃 但是天哪,艾丽克丝,回想起来,那可能会被认定为食物中毒"

“A threat to the Crown,” Alex mutters sagely. “I should really beat his ass.”

Henry only laughs harder, clinging onto Alex’s shoulders.

“So are you up for some online shopping?”

Smiling into Alex’s neck, Henry nods. 



“Baby.” "宝贝"

Henry hums in reply. 

“Are you bored?” "你无聊吗?"

“Not quite.” "不完全是"

“I’m bored.” "我很无聊"

Henry looks up from his phone screen, where he’d been ardently scrolling on Instagram. They’re seated at a table to the left corner of the gala, not quite in the open or the center, and have had to smile politely and greet multiple people who have passed by them. There’s a giant crystal chandelier that looks a little too fragile for Henry’s liking, and he’d barely stopped himself from getting another champagne flute. He doesn’t want to end up more than a little tipsy tonight.
亨利从手机屏幕上抬起头,他一直在热切地浏览 Instagram。他们坐在晚会左侧角落的一张桌子上,既不开阔,也不居中,他们不得不礼貌地微笑着向经过他们身边的许多人打招呼。那里有一盏巨大的水晶吊灯,看起来有点太脆弱了,亨利不喜欢,他几乎没忍住又拿了一支香槟酒笛。他可不想今晚喝得太醉。

“Entertain some people then,” Henry says. “Do what you do. I don’t know. Network.”

“I don’t wanna,” Alex whines, an impressive imitation of a five year old’s tantrum. “You’ve been very nonchalant all evening. What’s so interesting about Instagram anyway?”

Henry scowls, flushing. “Nothing,” he says, then looks around. “Isn’t that Isabella? The girl who passed the Bar like months ago and we were invited to her celebration party?”

Alex squints. “Yeah?” 亚历克斯眯起眼睛"是吗?"

“Why don’t you go talk to her?”

“Henryyy,” Alex moans. “I don’t wanna talk to anyone else. I wanna talk to you.”

Henry chuckles, straying out an arm so he can wrap it around Alex’s shoulders, hand bending upwards so he can play with Alex’s pretty dark curls. “You’re in an anti-social mood tonight.”

“Maybe if my boyfriend wasn’t so glued to his phone.”
"如果我男朋友没那么爱玩手机的话" "Maybe if my boyfriend wasn't so glued to his phone."

“Alright, alright,” Henry says, but before he leaves the app, he bookmarks the post he was admiring, saving it for later. 

“Did you just bookmark that person’s mirror selfie?” 

Henry startles, automatically switching off his phone. “What?”

Alex is smiling at him, the corners of his lips wavering in his attempt to keep his little shit eating grin in. “You just saved that guy’s post! Why’d you do that?”

“Come off it,” Henry scoffs, looking away as he lets go of Alex. He makes sudden eye contact with an old blond lady, and shares a polite smile with her. 

“I’m not mad at you or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about. Can’t a guy be curious though, honey?”

Henry’s brows raise and he lets out a short burst of giggles at the idea of Alex being jealous of some bugger Henry has never even talked to, much less be interested in. “It’s nothing of that sort, dear. Of course not.”

“And that takes us back to the original question: why did you save that post?”
"这又回到了最初的问题: 你为什么要保存那个帖子?"

Henry looks around the dimly lit extravagant gala, once more attempting to find a distraction for Alex, but feels his elbow tugged on with a familiar firm grip. For all intents and purposes, Alex has turned into a whiny little puppy. 

“Please? Entertain your poor bored boyfriend, baby, he’s dying.” 

“It was just some fashion influencer from London, you dramatic idiot.”

Alex’s lips part in surprise, and Henry watches the way his tongue makes a little appearance, and shifts in his seat. The dim lights casting magnificent shadows on his face, his chiseled jaw and his perfectly maintained stubble. A painting come to life from the depths of Henry’s most intimate dreams. 

“A fashion influencer,” Alex repeats. There’s a glint in his eye that foreshadows an hour of nagging and teasing. 

“Yes,” Henry sighs, feeling a blush form at the highs of his cheeks. “Laugh it up.”

“I’m honestly just more curious as to why you’re saving some influencers' pictures. You still haven’t given me a proper reason.”

Henry shrugs. “I like their clothes.”

“Lemme see.” "让我看看"

Henry shouldn’t be feeling as exposed as he is, but something about showing Alex a fashion influencer Henry has been secretly following in his burner account since he was seventeen makes him feel like he just broke off a piece of himself and handed it over to Alex to examine with a magnifying glass. It’s so mortifying. The act of being seen. 
亨利本不应该觉得自己像现在这样暴露,但向艾丽克丝展示亨利从 17 岁起就在自己的刻录账户中秘密关注的时尚达人,让他觉得自己好像刚从自己身上割下一块,交给艾丽克丝用放大镜检查。这太令人羞愧了。被人看到的感觉

The thing about being in love, Henry has figured, and being loved back just as intensely, is the irrefutable reality of being perceived; body and all. Henry, stripped bare. Henry, in all his willowy glory from the mole at the edge of his lip to the crescent shaped scar on his ankle. From his deepest insecurities to his rawest desires, laid bare. 

Revealing things about oneself he never even considered he ever would; typing it on his laptop in the pitch blackness of the night, pouring out his grief into compact little words, the glare of the screen making his eyes ache, along with the intensity of the emotion that sloshes inside of him like waves in a storm he’s battling. 

Look at me, he’d yelled. Look at all my wretchedness, the undesirability, the hollowness. The mansion of my mind, haunted.

And Alex, having seen it all, having strolled through the garden of Henry’s mind, emerging with his dazzling smile to kiss him senseless and love him just as much, if not more. 

And it boils down to little things like this, where Alex is observing another tiny thing that was carved into Henry’s soul, nestled in his palm for his eyes only. But here, amongst a hundred other dignitaries that bustle past, Alex has scrubbed him raw once more.

It feels so utterly ridiculous to wax so much dramatics over this, but Henry feels vulnerable. When vulnerable, he drowns in his stream of consciousness. Alex, his anchor.

“These are cute as fuck. Look at this crop top? And this guy has your build, love, are you… interested…?”

Henry ducks his head so his curls can obstruct his eyes. 

“Do you like this top?”

“I sure do like this top,” Henry jokes, leaning in to place a coy kiss on Alex’s lips. “Perhaps we could leave a little early tonight…”

“Most feeble deflection I’ve ever seen,” Alex huffs, pushing Henry away only to plant a little kiss on his forehead that Henry welcomes with his eyes shut. “We’re giving them quite the show.” 

“Maybe we can make it more private.”

“Baby,” Alex says, his voice a drawl that makes Henry shiver pleasantly. “I seem to have found another little gem hidden in the dirt. Do you really think I’m gonna let this go?”

He passes Henry’s phone back to him, and they both look down at the picture, Alex’s hand over Henry's, his long fingers encompassing Henry’s easily. The crop tops advertised on the post are not what one would usually picture when thinking about this clothing item. They’re thick cotton, and body tight, and pastel cream shades in color, but have ranged to darker brown in other posts. The man modeling it has a little honey bee stitched into the pocket of it, and a silver of dark skin is visible between the hem of his cropped top and the low rise pants he’s wearing. Alex swipes right, and the man is rocking a tote bag with the same design, and his sweater is more loose on him, hanging off of one shoulder, and its hem is designed to rise up on one side, showing more skin on the right side of his hip than his left. The sweater is sheer and thin, and Henry can’t help himself from imagining how it would feel on his skin.
他把亨利的手机递还给他,两人都低头看着照片,亚历克斯的手放在亨利的手上,修长的手指轻易地就握住了亨利的手。帖子上宣传的 Crop Tops 与人们通常想象中的服装大相径庭。它们是厚棉质的,紧身的,颜色是淡淡的奶油色,但在其他帖子中也有深棕色的。做模特的男子在衣服口袋上缝了一只小蜜蜂,在他的剪裁上衣下摆和低腰裤之间,可以看到一片银色的深色皮肤。艾利克斯向右一扫,那人正背着一个同样设计的手提包,毛衣穿在他身上更加宽松,挂在一侧肩膀上,下摆设计成一侧上翘,露出臀部右侧比左侧更多的皮肤。毛衣又薄又透,亨利忍不住想象它穿在自己身上的感觉。

Henry has never enjoyed suits. The fabric, the texture, and worst of all, the tightness at the throat. It doesn’t help that he is also very earnest about the way he presents himself, always making sure his tie is done right and there aren’t any extra folds or wrinkles on his shirts. These two sides of him have always constantly battled, the side that longs for some comfort in his attire and the side that wants to look presentable and dignified at all times.

Royal etiquette has turned his brain into a persistent hawk.

“This is like, exactly your size, love,” Alex is saying. “And you’d look so fucking pretty in this, you know that right?”

The discomfort that is swirling in Henry’s stomach does a little leap and a hop. He grits his teeth and looks down, then back up at Alex. “I don’t want to talk about this here.”

Whatever leisure expression in Alex’s face falls, replaced by the all familiar concern, which Henry can now read as easily as an Austen novel. The dips of his brow, the slightest of downturns on his lips, the way his eyes fixate on Henry. 

“Did I say something?” 

“No.” "不"

“But there is something going on in that pretty head of yours.”

Henry’s silence elapses as Alex gazes into him, eyes inquisitive and open.

“You know what I think?” Alex says. “Forgive me if I’m overstepping on your fragile little psyche but. I think you really want to wear these,”—he waves the phone around a bit—“and something is holding you back the way it always does when you want to do something you enjoy. Or love. Or me.” Alex wiggles his eyebrows. “But I think we crossed that bridge a few months ago.”

Henry rolls his eyes but doesn’t offer anything for Alex to work with, his own thick headedness his worst enemy. 

“You know what you should do?”

“Hm?”  "嗯?"

“Order it.”  "点菜吧"

“Order it? For what?”

“Um, for you to wear, obviously?”

“Me? When would I ever wear something like that?”

“Oh I don’t know, when you walk David? When we go out for casual dates? Just like; literally anywhere in general?

This in public? Gran would have my—” 

Henry pauses, eyes widening, the stone in his stomach dissolving like salt in water. Alex is looking at him with a knowing, sad look, and then he’s being hauled up, stumbling away from their shared little table at the corner of the gala. Excusing pleasantries and polite farewells as Alex leads him away.

By the time they’re done exploring each other in bed, Henry drifts off into sleep no later, and when Alex doesn’t breach the subject the next morning, Henry doesn’t allow himself to bring it up as well. Something about it sticks a dagger in his throat, sharp and painful.

Alex showers him with affection like it’s his life mission. 

At night he presses chaste kisses on supple skin, traces patterns with ink-blotted fingers from late night study sessions on Henry’s thighs, leaves behind a litany of bruises that bloom like roses. He sinks into Henry and holds him down, gathers him in his arms and allows Henry to find solace in them. They breathe each other in and make love until there’s no beginning or end of their bodies, connected and wrapped around each other. Henry’s swollen lips on Alex’s chest, Alex’s long fingers scraping down until they’re thumbing at Henry to open up for him, and pressing in. 

It’s four days since the gala when Shaan delivers a box to Henry, already checked through security and still intact, but completely mysterious.
晚会结束四天后,Shaan 给 Henry 送来了一个盒子,盒子已经过了安检,完好无损,但完全是个谜。

“I didn’t order anything,” Henry says dumbly.

“It’s addressed to you, Sir.”

Henry dubiously brings it in, uses the blade they keep at the side table drawer to tear into the box. Sitting down on the couch, he opens it, takes out the fancy wrapping and stops and stares, heart beating fast.

Nestled inside are two sweaters, one in a cream shade and the other a light brown. And underneath it, a cropped cotton T-shirt, in a subdued red tone, with a small print at the breast pocket saying baby, in simple cursive letters. Next to it is a note. In Alex’s handwriting.
里面有两件毛衣,一件是乳白色的,另一件是浅棕色的。下面是一件红色的棉质 T 恤,胸前的口袋上印着一个小图案,上面用简单的草书写着 "宝贝"。旁边还有一张纸条。是亚历克斯的笔迹。

Hi baby,  嗨,宝贝、

wear whatever makes you comfortable tonight for date night. 

p.s if the surprise underneath overwhelms you, just keep it in the box and don’t worry your pretty head about it, k? 
p.s 如果下面的惊喜让你不知所措,那就把它放在盒子里,别担心你的漂亮脑袋,好吗?

yrs, 是的、

Alex xx 亚历克斯 xx

Intrigued, and heart in his throat, a tremendous crimson blush pulsing in his cheeks, Henry gingerly picks up the pieces of clothing to see what’s hidden underneath.

Henry stifles a gasp with great difficulty as his fingers caressed fine maroon silk, sheer and beautiful. He’s so very careful as he picks it up by the strings of the collar and he watches the way the nightgown unravels in front of him, a floral lace pattern at the edges. It’s undoubtedly the most beautiful garment he’s ever held in his hands. The texture in itself makes him want to sink his bare skin on it, watch the way it would ripple on his pale skin. More than anything, he wants to see Alex’s hands on his skin, softly peeling off the silk. Or touch him over it, a thin sliver of silk separating bare touch.

His breath hitches as he stares at all the articles of clothing in front of him.

Alex is right. He is overwhelmed. 

He’s never considered he’d ever wear something outside of the approved clothing that the royals traditionally wear, much less effeminate clothing…

Henry takes a deep breath. And then another. He runs a hand through his curls, thinks about how he’s growing it out a little. Thinks about the stupid sequined monstrosity Alex sometimes wears out with no shame in any bone in his body, a gag gift Nora apparently got him once that’s he become obsessed with. Henry can do that too. If he wants to. He can. 

His grandmother’s words are a knife in his chest. They’re difficult to remove.

He takes another deep breath. There’s a difference between being gay and… looking gay, even though it’s all such rubbish at the end of the day and anyone can wear anything but he knows deep down what people will think of him. Can imagine the tabloids, even though Alex and Henry have long since stopped caring about what sleazy British media has to say about them. 
他又深吸了一口气。同性恋和......看起来像同性恋是不一样的,虽然说到底都是垃圾,谁都可以穿任何衣服,但他深知人们会怎么看他。尽管亚历克斯和亨利早已不在乎 英国媒体对他们的流言蜚语,但小报还是会报道的。

But he can’t help it. He thinks of the headlines. Princess Henry: a gay stereotype? Prince Henry seen out in public, navel out: a cry for attention from the First Son? Trouble in Queer Paradise! His mind doesn’t stop there. It conjures up what the comments would look like. Some of them downright inhumane, his mind thinking back to when on a particularly awful night, Henry had braved the comments on a Daily Mail article. The emails did reveal the prince is needy. Desperate for attention. History of sleeping around. Could it be the sudden death of his father that had him looking for male attention elsewhere? Lmao I always kinda knew he was limp wristed. Prince Henry is kind of a—

Whore. 妓女

Henry drops the box. 

He stands up abruptly and finds himself stumbling into their room, his heart now jackrabbiting in his chest. 

His hands are shaking as he dials Alex’ tone, who answers on the third ring.

“Baby?” "宝贝?"

Alex.” And suddenly, Henry’s crying.

“Henry?” There’s a sudden rush of shuffling, papers rustling. “Henry, fuck, are you okay? What’s wrong?” 
"亨利?"突然传来一阵急促的脚步声 纸张发出沙沙声"亨利,妈的,你还好吗?怎么了?"

“N-nothing,” Henry sniffles, pressing the heel of his palm to his damp eyes, feeling pitiful and small. “I’m just… my mind is not in a good place right now.”

“Hey, it’s okay,” Alex says, and it sounds like he’s walking, zipping up his bag while doing so, and Henry feels horrible about the fact that he got Alex to leave his study session early, and now date night is probably canceled too because Henry can’t fucking stand the idea of crossing over the imaginary line he’s drawn in his head about what is fucking acceptable and what’s not acceptable and—

“You didn’t.” "你没有"

Henry inhales shakily. “What?”

“You didn’t draw the line, sweetheart. It was drawn for you. Let’s not misplace the blame, alright?”

“Okay.” "好吧"

“Taking a wild guess and assuming you opened my gift.”

“I’m sorry—” "对不起......"

“No apologies, Hen. It’s my fault for springing it on you, actually. I just thought you'd be absolutely beautiful in them. And my stance hasn’t changed, but we go at your pace okay?”
"不用道歉,轩。其实是我的错,是我把它强加给你的。我只是觉得你穿上绝对很漂亮。我的立场没变 但我们按你的节奏来,好吗?"

Henry smiles shyly, clutching the phone to his ear and sighing. He blinks away the last of his tears. “I… I do appreciate them all, dear.”

There’s a little pause. And then, “you do?”

“Yes.” "是的"

“Oh, I’m glad. I uh, went through some of the accounts you follow on your burner you know? Not to get all stalker-ish, but, I saw this lingerie account that had posted about the uh, night gowns and you had liked the post. So… yeah. I dunno. I wanted to surprise you?”

“I like it,” Henry says. I love it, he wants to say. “That’s… that’s the problem.”

“Baby,” Alex whispers softly into the phone, his voice grainy.

“I know,” Henry mumbles. “It just sent me spiraling.”

“Oh, sweetheart. I know how cruel it gets in that head of yours, and none of them are true. I know you know that. Whatever bullshit you’ve been told or read, and I know that’s what you’re thinking, bub, is wrong. You’re my boyfriend, my baby, and anyone who shit talks my baby is getting a bonk on the head from me. Including you. Do you want a bonk on the head?”

“No,” Henry sniffles, and giggles softly. 

“Exactly.” "没错"

“It’s just… I’m so scared of… looking a certain way because of how much it’s ingrained into me how weak and wrong it is…”

“It’s difficult to shrug it off in one go,” Alex says gently. “But that’s why the passage of time is a wonderful thing. And why our youth is ripe for the picking.”

“You’re incredible.” "你真不可思议"

“I’m aware.” "我知道"

“Okay, Mr Big Head.” "好吧,大头先生"

“You feeling better?” "你感觉好些了吗?"

“I’m fine.” His tears have dried up as fast as they’ve come, leaving behind a faint ache in his eyes and a cool itch on his cheeks. He swallows. “Fuck, Alex, I’m sorry for overreacting.”

“Nope. You are not saying sorry. At all. Not one apology from your mouth. Got it?”

Henry bites his lip, repressing an apology, but also because it’s a little hot when Alex gets authoritative like this. “Okay.”

“I’ll be there in twenty, baby. Do you want me to stay on the phone?”

Henry plays with a strand of his hair, feeling his breaths come easier. His chest is no longer convoluted into one big knot, and his head is calmer. “That won’t be necessary, I’ll wait for you.” 

“Okay, baby. Call me for whatever reason, okay? I love you.”

“Love you too.” The call disconnects.

Henry stays in bed, hugging a pillow, for what feels like hours but is most likely just a few minutes. Perhaps a quarter of an hour, or more. When he finally feels composed enough to face it, he finds himself standing up, a hand flying up to nervously play with the ring on his finger. 

He takes soft steps back into the living room, where he is once again face to face with The Box as he’s labeled it in his head now. He picks up the sweater, leaving behind the cropped t-shirt and the other darker one. It’s the cream colored one. The fabric is thick and soft, and Henry brings it up to tenderly rub it in his face, and then stares at it. It’s got a long neck, which means it will definitely fall off one shoulder. It’s cropped, so it will be showing off his waist, and a good proportion of his stomach. He’s wearing low rise black pants right now, with his usual midnight blue sweater.
他迈着轻盈的步子回到客厅,在那里,他又一次面对着 "盒子"。他拿起那件毛衣,留下了那件剪裁考究的 T 恤和另一件深色的。这是一件乳白色的毛衣。布料又厚又软,亨利把它拿起来在脸上轻轻地擦了擦,然后盯着它看。它的脖子很长,这意味着它肯定会从一个肩膀上掉下来。衣服是剪裁过的,所以会露出他的腰部和相当一部分腹部。他现在穿的是黑色低腰裤,搭配他惯常穿的午夜蓝色毛衣。

When he takes off the sweater, he isn’t met with a rush of apprehension or anxiety. Instead, he hears an echo of Alex’s words, a soothing balm on his frizzled nerves.

I just thought you’d be absolutely beautiful in them.

Without waiting around to get second thoughts or cold feet, he puts it on. He immediately shivers at the softness of the fabric, and the way he automatically feels more exposed. More of his skin feels the fresh air, and he looks down as he slowly feels the skin that’s not covered at the hip. 

He looks at his hand, over his stomach. He imagines Alex’s hand over it, warm and big. 

Fuck. 妈的



“Baby?” "宝贝?"

Henry jumps, looking away from the mirror. The night gown falls off his shoulder, and he didn’t exactly mean it to look coy, but it does, and Alex’s slack jawed look of amazement is igniting a confidence in him that makes him flash a mischievous little smile that tapers off to a shy smirk. 

“Took your sweet time,” Henry says, mocking Alex’s voice. “I moved on from the sweaters.” 

He’d removed his pants and underwear minutes ago, and the nightgown glides effortlessly on soft pale skin. He’d dimmed the lights as well, and his curls are mused, and there’s this certain smug satisfaction that rises within him when he knows he’d just rendered Alex, the shit talking chatterbox, speechless.

“Henry,” Alex croaks out in a strangled voice. “You’re a dream. You’re… you’re ethereal.”

Henry sucks in a breath, star struck.

Here’s the thing about living a life paved out for you, in clothes laid out for you, and speaking words written out for you. At some point, it becomes a layer of skin that you wear. Prince Henry is not just a mask; it’s an entire persona. He walks different. He talks different. He shakes hands different. It’s a skin that he puts on and takes off, and Henry quite likes the horror theme that comes with this particular metaphor; it sounds sanguinary, and violent, like he’s peeling off skin in the dead of the night with not a soul to witness the untold horrors of having to wear someone else’s skin like it’s yours. Having to hide his attributes, his fashion sense, his taste in books, like it’s something ugly. Something terrible

He wasn’t meant to be soft. But the irrefutable truth is that he is. 

He remembers when Phillip and him once got into a fist fight, and when they’d both gotten some good punches in and Henry had cried when he’d knocked his head on the edge of the fountain, their father had fixed them up. And he’d knelt next to Phillip and told his eldest son as he’d pressed ice on bruised knuckles:

“Don’t hit your brother, Pip. He doesn’t have your fists.”

But Henry had hit back, so Arthur’s words had confused him back then, but later on, when Henry realized his particular inclinations, not just in sexual attraction, but the type of books he read, the specifics in different fashion shops that would make him do a double take on the streets, the pet names that had him melting like ice cream…

His father's words whispered into his forehead as he’d pressed a kiss there softly one night as a thirteen year old Henry had blinked back tears, after a day of being reprimanded by his Gran:
一天晚上,13 岁的亨利被奶奶训斥了一天后,父亲在他的额头上轻轻地吻了一下,他眨了眨眼睛,忍住了眼泪:

You have nothing to be ashamed of.

There is no shame in being soft. Henry wishes, for once, he could run back in time, similar to the way he ran amidst marble statues with Alex chasing after him in the V&A, until he’s kneeling on the ground looking dead in the eye of a six year old blue eyed boy who has a curious mind and a poet’s soul, and tell him that. I hope you don’t punish yourself for the crime of being soft. I hope you don’t think yourself weak. 

Alex once told him that he’s soft on the inside, like a peach. 

Henry is peeling off snakeskin. Slowly and surely, he’s allowing a little boy who’s hidden inside to be completely free.

Alex is kissing him senseless. His hands are on Henry’s hips, pressing soft silk into soft skin, and Henry is tripping backwards, allowing Alex to steer him towards the bedroom. Stumbling back like a loose footed deer.

Alex is mumbling in between kisses, Henry drunk on them like cherry wine. It sings in his blood, warms up his soul. 

“Prettiest boy in the world,” Alex whispers. “Will you let me take care of you tonight?”
"世界上最漂亮的男孩" 亚历克斯低语道"今晚能让我照顾你吗?"

“Tonight and all nights, love,” Henry hums, blushing. “You know I’m yours.”
"今夜和所有夜晚,亲爱的" 亨利哼着歌,脸红了"你知道我是你的"

They fall into bed in a tumble of long limbs. Alex in his suit—fuck, Henry had forgotten Alex had left early today morning because he had an internship meeting at a law firm. His black tie is loose and his shirt collar unbuttoned. It feels so delightfully domestic; Henry trying on a night gown Alex bought for him at the same time he comes home. Alex pouring out the sweetest words like honey, dripping them into his lips with a promise of something more.

“Love,” Alex whispers, tan hands trailing up on pale thighs, lifting up rich silk with the tenderest of strokes. Henry watches with rapt attention, lips parted and legs spread. The lace at the edges tickles deliciously, the press of silk leaves goosebumps. Alex’s eyes are drinking him like Henry is whiskey, and Alex bends down to shuffle him into his chest, Henry crumbling into him, his nightgown falling further down his left shoulder, a natural tease. 

“You’re impossibly beautiful, sweetheart,” Alex murmurs into the column of his throat. “I can’t verbalize it, there’s no word in the English language that sums it, I think. Mi amor.”

The silk bunches up at Henry’s hips, and his legs spread languidly, offering up space for Alex like a prayer, his eyes fluttering as he arches his back in an elegant bow. Alex presses chaste kisses on his skin, his talented fingers switch between rough and gentle with the way they press into him, hold him, squeeze him. 

Alex eyes him inquisitively as he grabs a bottle of lube from the bedside table.

“Please,” Henry whines. “Get in me, love.”

“Of course.” "当然"

“Is that a promise?” "这是承诺吗?"

Alex kisses him into silence, and then caresses his cheek with his thumb. “An oath.”

Henry sighs as he feels his legs lift, his knees spread apart, the silk feeling like heaven on his skin. He squirms on the bed, feeling Alex’s eyes heavy with lust snake over him, and he feels desired. It sinks into him, and he lets it flow into his bloodstream, taking root. Alex’s hunger. Alex’s desire. Alex’s love.

“Oh,” Henry sighs, eyes slipping shut. There’s hardness inside of him, lubed knuckles gliding on smooth muscle, Henry welcoming him in with minimal resistance.

Alex presses kisses onto his bent knees, a minefield of red splotches on Henry’s inner thighs. He enters another finger, and another, and scissors them inside of him, skillfully dissecting Henry until he’s falling apart, releasing the sweetest sounds.

“Perfect, darling,” Henry stammers out, flushed pink and trembling. 

You are,” Alex whispers, eyes alight like stars. He hasn’t stopped staring at Henry’s sprawled form, at the fragile little strings: one on Henry’s right shoulder, the other dangling from the left. The silk bunched up at the hip, the nipple that’s barely peeking through the sharp V-neck. The maroon lace that contrasts pale flushed skin. “You’re a treasure. My treasure.”
"你是,"亚历克斯低声说,眼睛像星星一样闪亮。他目不转睛地盯着亨利匍匐的身躯,盯着那些脆弱的小线绳:一条在亨利的右肩上,另一条在左肩上。臀部的丝绸束起,乳头从尖锐的 V 领中露出。栗色蕾丝与苍白潮红的肌肤形成鲜明对比。"你是个宝藏我的珍宝"

He bends down to press kisses on Henry’s moles, in time to the gentle thrusts of his beautiful fingers, and Henry is unravelling for him wonderfully, like a ribbon, a silk one. 

“Oh, fuck, Alex. More, love.”

Alex pulls away from him, a gentle smile on his face, eyes melting with lust. Heady eyes blown out, a gorgeous brown. His skin darkened with arousal, perspiration peppering his temples like drops of dew. 

“Ready for me?” "准备好了吗?"

“Always.” Henry grips Alex’s midnight curls tight, as the younger man does quick work of shedding off his boxers, now only in his unbuttoned shirt, tie loosely hanging from his neck. He looks so boyishly handsome, like a standstill from an old movie, with his troublemaker smile and his firm forearms, his bare chest peaking through a crinkled shirt, the key dangling from his neck, glinting in the dim light. Like a man taken straight out of a page from an 80s erotic magazine. From Henry’s dreams. 
"一直都是"亨利紧紧抓住亚历克斯午夜时分的卷发,年轻的亚历克斯迅速脱掉了四角裤,现在只穿着没扣纽扣的衬衫,领带松松垮垮地挂在脖子上。他看起来是那么的英俊潇洒,就像老电影里的定格,带着惹祸的笑容和结实的前臂,裸露的胸膛从皱巴巴的衬衫里露出来,脖子上挂着钥匙,在昏暗的灯光下闪闪发光。就像从 80 年代色情杂志中直接抽出来的男人。来自亨利的梦境

“My love,” Henry sighs, spreading his legs, aching for him. “Make love to me, please.”

“Settle, baby,” Alex murmurs, his voice rumbling and thick, vibrating inside of Henry and making him squirm. “All in due time.”

“You enjoy torturing me.”

“I enjoy admiring the view. You’re breath taking.”

Henry’s breath hitches, a flush blossoming in all corners, his skin reddened and warm with desire dancing like licks of flames on it. 

“Please don’t make me ask again, Alex.” He clenches around the fingers nestled inside of him, biting his lip at how much he wants them replaced. 

Alex spends another minute tormenting him, before he slowly slides his fingers out, shushing Henry when his jolts and whines. 

“Oh, God.” Henry whimpers out when Alex sinks into him inch by inch, his fist tightening on the curls and pulling, his back arching impossibly. Alex lavishes at the tender points of his neck, sharp canines sinking into delicate skin, sure to leave a mark. “Oh fuck!”

Alex bottoms out and they both exchange twin exhales, breaths synchronized. They stay wrapped up together, feeling the beats of each others hearts, their throbbing pulse, and Henry feels a sting in his eyes, his nose burning, his throat clamping up. 

“Move,” he croaks out, voice breaking.

Alex presses kisses on his eyelids, and as Henry’s eyelashes dampen with tears, Alex’s tongue swipes over it, tasting the salt.

“Oh, honey,” he whispers, beginning to thrust, setting a rhythm. Gliding in smooth and pulling out tenderly, allowing Henry’s muscles to go sore with the stretch, with the delicious ache. A slow torment as Alex continues to move, swallowing Henry’s pleas for more with his talented mouth, biting into a plush bottom lip until they’re swollen and bruised. He explores Henry’s body delicately, feels the silk on his body in awe, his mouth parted, arousal thrumming in his eyes. He whispers compliments that get lost in between grunts and moans. 

He takes Henry’s cheek in his palm and promises him a lifetime of happiness, a lifetime of freedom to be as soft as he wants. 

“A lifetime of night gowns,” he whispers, biting into Henry’s shoulder, sealing it with blood. 

Henry mewls when Alex’s hand slithers down and squeezes him, his thrusts growing erratic, hitting the spot inside of Henry that makes him sob. His grip tightens in Alex’s hair, eliciting a choked out moan from the man, and they both pant as they can feel their releases approaching, a crescendo. Warmth wraps around his stomach in tendrils, and he can feel it tighten and tighten and tighten… until. 
当亚历克斯的手向下滑动并挤压亨利时,亨利发出了 "呜呜 "的叫声,他的抽插越来越不规律,撞击着亨利的内心,让他泣不成声。他紧紧抓住亚历克斯的头发,引得亚历克斯发出一声哽咽的呻吟,两人都气喘吁吁,因为他们都能感觉到自己的释放即将到来,达到高潮。温暖如丝般缠绕着他的腹部,他能感觉到这种感觉越来越紧,越来越紧......直到......

“Ah!” He arches off the bed, his back elegantly bending back and he’s cumming into his stomach, and his heart drops when he realizes he’d ruined his nightgown the same day he’s got it. Alex buries his head in Henry’s shoulder, nuzzling into the overgrown golden curls as he cums inside of Henry, moaning.

As if reading Henry’s thoughts, Alex speaks, voice flustered and breathless, “I can buy you more.”

“A lifetime of nightgowns, like you said.” Henry knows the true weight of what those words mean, and he feels the last of his snakeskin crumble into fine dust.

“The best for my baby.”

Henry shuts his eyes, and smiles.

Notes: 备注

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think ❤️
感谢您的阅读!请告诉我您的想法 ❤️

I’m on twitter as @hnrycore 🫡
我在 twitter 上的名字是 @hnrycore 🫡