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Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity)
產業分類基準 (股票)


Contents  內容

Section 1 Introduction … 3
第 1 節 簡介 ... 3

Section 2 Management responsibilities … 4
第 2 節 管理責任 ... 4

Section 3 FTSE Russell Index policies … 5
第三節 富時羅素指數政策 ... 5

Section 4 Classification guidelines … 6
第 4 節 分類指引...... 6

Section 5 Periodic reviews … 10
第 5 節 定期審核 ... 10

Section 6 Structure and definitions … 11
第 6 節 結構與定義... 11

Appendix A Collective investment schemes … 27
Appendix B REIT and REIT equivalent company structures … 28
Appendix C Further information … 30
附錄 C 更多資訊...... 30

Section 1  第一節

Introduction  簡介

1. Introduction  1.簡介

1.1 Industry Classification Benchmark
1.1 產業分類基準

1.1.1 The Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) is a detailed and comprehensive structure for sector and industry analysis, facilitating the comparison of companies across four levels of classification and national boundaries. The classification system allocates companies to the subsector whose definition closely describes the nature of its business as determined from the source of its revenue or the source of the majority of its revenue where available, as detailed in Rule 4.2.1.
1.1.1 行業分類基準(ICB)是一個詳細而全面的行業和產業分析結構,方便比較四級分類和 國界的公司。該分類系統將公 司分配至其定義可密切描述其業務性質的子行業,該業務性質由其收入來源或大部分收入來源(如有) 決定,詳情請參閱第 4.2.1 條。
The structure and definitions of all subsectors of ICB are available in Section 6.
ICB 所有子部門的結構與定義請參閱第 6 節。

1.2 FTSE Russell  1.2 富時羅素
FTSE Russell is a trading name of FTSE International Limited, Frank Russell Company, FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Limited (and its subsidiaries FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Inc. and FTSE Fixed Income Europe Limited), FTSE Fixed Income LLC, FTSE (Beijing) Consulting Limited, Refinitiv Benchmark Services (UK) Limited, Refinitiv Limited and Beyond Ratings.
富時羅素是富時國際有限公司、Frank Russell Company、富時環球債務資本市場有限公司(及其附屬公司 FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Inc. 和 FTSE Fixed Income Europe Limited)、FTSE Fixed Income LLC、富時(北京)諮詢有限公司、Refinitiv Benchmark Services (UK) Limited、Refinitiv Limited 和 Beyond Ratings 的交易名稱。

Section 2  第二節

Management responsibilities

2. Management responsibilities

2.1 FTSE Russell  2.1 富時羅素

2.1.1 FTSE Russell is responsible for maintaining ICB, and for the classification of all companies within ICB.
2.1.1 FTSE Russell 負責維護 ICB 以及 ICB 內所有公司的分類。

2.1.2 FTSE Russell will maintain a record of all changes in the classification of companies and is responsible for ensuring the timely publication of all company classification changes.
2.1.2 FTSE Russell 將保存公司分類的所有變更記錄,並負責確保所有公司分類變更的及時公佈。

2.1.3 FTSE Russell will monitor corporate events, which occur between quarterly meetings, that may affect the industrial classification of a company.
2.1.3 FTSE Russell 會監控季度會議之間發生的企業事件,這些事件可能會影響公司的行業分類。

2.2 FTSE Russell Industry Classification Advisory Committee
2.2 富時羅素行業分類諮詢委員會

2.2.1 The FTSE Russell Industry Classification Advisory Committee has been established by FTSE Russell. The Committee may recommend changes to the ICB Ground Rules and the ICB structure, for approval by the FTSE Russell Governance Board.
2.2.1 富時羅素行業分類諮詢委員會由富時羅素設立。該委員會可能會建議更改 ICB 基本規則和 ICB 架構,以供富時羅素治理委員會批准。

2.2.2 The Terms of Reference of the FTSE Russell Industry Classification Advisory Committee are set out on the FTSE Russell website and can be accessed using the following link:
2.2.2 富時羅素行業分類諮詢委員會的職權範圍載於富時羅素網站上,可透過以下連結存取:

FTSE Russell Industry Classification Advisory Committee.pdf

2.3 FTSE Russell Policy Advisory Board
2.3 富時羅素政策諮詢委員會

2.3.1 The FTSE Russell Policy Advisory Board, whose membership is representative of users of FTSE Russell Indices, has been established by FTSE Russell as an independent committee. The FTSE Russell Policy Advisory Board provides strategic advice to FTSE Russell on the construction and maintenance of agreed indices (as stipulated in their terms of reference) and to oversee the practitioner committees established by FTSE Russell to assist in the management of the indices. The FTSE Russell Policy Advisory Board terms of reference also include the provision of strategic advice on the construction and maintenance of ICB.
2.3.1 富時羅素政策諮詢委員會(FTSE Russell Policy Advisory Board)是由富時羅素成立的獨立委員會,其成員代表富時羅素指數的使用者。富時羅素政策諮詢委員會就協定指數的建構與維護向富時羅素提供策略性建議 (如其職權範圍所規定),並監督由富時羅素成立以協助管理指數的從業員委員會。富時羅素政策諮詢委員會的職權範圍也包括就 ICB 的建構和維護提供策略性建議。

2.3.2 The terms of reference of the FTSE Russell Policy Advisory Board are set out on the FTSE Russell website and can be accessed using the following link:
2.3.2 富時羅素政策諮詢委員會的職權範圍載於富時羅素網站上,可使用以下連結存取:

FTSE Russell Policy Advisory Board.pdf

Section 3  第三節

FTSE Russell Index policies

3. FTSE Russell Index policies

These Ground Rules should be read in conjunction with the following policy documents which can be accessed using the links below:

3.1 Challenges and Appeals
3.1 挑戰與上訴

3.1.1 FTSE Russell’s challenges and appeals procedure can be accessed using the following link:
3.1.1 FTSE Russell 的質疑和上訴程序可使用以下連結存取:
ICB Challenges and Appeals.pdf
ICB 挑戰與上訴.pdf

3.2 Policy for Benchmark Methodology Changes
3.2 基準方法變更政策

3.2.1 Details of FTSE Russell’s policy for making benchmark methodology changes can be accessed using the following link:
3.2.1 有關 FTSE Russell 基準方法變更政策的詳細資訊,可透過以下連結取得:
Policy for Benchmark Methodology Changes.pdf

Section 4  第四節

Classification guidelines

4. Classification guidelines

4.1 Basis of decisions  4.1 決定基礎
4.1.1 FTSE Russell will at all times approach decisions affecting the industry classification of companies with reference to these guidelines.
4.1.1 在任何時候,FTSE Russell 都會參考這些指引來處理影響公司行業分類的決策。

4.2 Allocation of companies to subsectors
4.2 公司在次行業中的分配

4.2.1 A company will be allocated to that subsector of ICB whose definition most closely coincides with the source of the company’s revenue or the source of the majority of its revenue. The principal source of information used for the classification of a company shall be its audited accounts and directors’ report. Where a company carries out two or more lines of business that differ substantially from each other, FTSE Russell will base its decision on the accounting segmentation published in the audited accounts and directors’ report. Interim statements will not normally be used. Changes in a company’s business or structure will be considered under Rule 4.3.1.
4.2.1 公司將被分配至定義與公司收入來源或大部分收入來源最相近的 ICB 子行業。用於公司分類的主要資訊來源應為其經審計的帳目和董事報告。如果一家公司經營兩項或兩項以上的業務,而這些業務之間存在重大差異,富時羅素將根據已審核賬目和董事會報告中公佈的會計分類作出決定。通常不會使用中期報表。公司業務或結構的變更將根據規則 4.3.1 考慮。
Where revenue information is unavailable or insufficient, or where a company is new or is in the course of changing its line of business, the company will be allocated to that subsector whose definition most closely coincides with the description of the company’s business as stated in the company’s annual report, or if the annual report is not available, the description of the company’s business provided in the company’s listing prospectus or in the company’s regulatory filings or, if none of these is available, the business description provided on the company’s website.

4.2.2 Segmental reporting normally discloses revenue before tax, minority interests, extraordinary items and interest earned or incurred. Unless there is audited evidence that any of these items is specifically attributable to a class of business for which revenue is disclosed, it will be disregarded in assessing the sources of revenue. Where any part of the company’s business is to earn interest or incur interest, or interest expenses are central to the business, then such interest shall be taken into account in determining the company’s business.
4.2.2 分部報告通常披露稅前收入、少數股東權益、非經常項目及賺取或產生的利息。除非有經審核的證據證明任何該等項目是特別歸屬於已披露收入的業務類別,否則在評估收入來源時將不予理會。如果公司業務的任何部分是賺取利息或產生利息,或利息支出是業務的核心,則在確定公司業務時應將該等利息計算在內。
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

4.2.3 Subject to Rules 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 companies will be assigned a classification using the following method
4.2.3 在遵守規則 4.2.1 和 4.2.2 的前提下,公司將使用以下方法分配分類

  • If the company reports at least 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% more revenue in one Subsector within the relevant Industry or Sector, it will be assigned to that Subsector. Otherwise:
    如果該公司在相關產業或部門中的一個子部門中至少報告了 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% 更多收入,則該公司將被分配至該子部門。否則:
To be assigned a Diversified Sector classification (Diversified Materials, General Mining, Diversified Retailers, Diversified Chemicals or Diversified REITs) a company will report 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% or more of its revenue within the Sector, but less than 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% within one specific Subsector.
若要歸類為多元化產業(多元化材料、一般礦業、多元化零售業、多元化化學品或多元化房地產投資信託基金),公司須報告 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 或以上的產業收入,但少於 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 的特定子產業收入。
To be assigned a Diversified Industry classification (Diversified Financial Services, Diversified Industrials or Multi-Utilities) a company will report 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% or more of its revenue within the Industry, but less than 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% within one specific Subsector.
若要歸類為多元化產業 (多元化金融服務業、多元化工業或多項公用事業),公司必須有 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 或以上的營收來自該產業,但少於 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 的營收來自特定的子產業。
Companies which generate 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% or more of their revenue from one Industry, but are not classified per the above, will be assigned to the Subsector within that Industry which provides the largest portion of the company’s revenue.
如果公司收入的 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 或更多來自一個行業,但未按上述方式分類,則會被分配到該行業中提供公司收入最大部分的子行業。
To illustrate Step 3 - where a company does NOT generate 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% or greater of revenue from one Subsector, however largest Subsector is 2 0 % 2 0 % 20%\mathbf{2 0 \%} or greater than the next largest Subsector
舉例說明第 3 步 - 當一間公司並未從一個次級領域產生 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 或更多的營收,然而最大的次級領域是 2 0 % 2 0 % 20%\mathbf{2 0 \%} 或更多於下一個最大的次級領域。
  • Company A generates 40% of its revenue from Construction (50101010), 15% from Cement (50101030), 13% from Electrical Components (50202010), 12% from Specialty Chemicals (55201020), 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% from Pipelines (60101035) and 10% from Multi-utilities (65102000). As the company generates over 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% more of its revenue from one Subsector to the next highest, the company is assigned to that Subsector - Construction.
    A 公司 40% 的收入來自建築 (50101010),15% 來自水泥 (50101030),13% 來自電氣元件 (50202010),12% 來自特殊化學品 (55201020), 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% 來自管道 (60101035) 和 10% 來自公用事業 (65102000)。由於該公司從一個子行業獲得的收入超過 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% ,因此該公司被歸入該子行業 - 「建築」。

    To illustrate Step 4 - where company holds a banking license and greatest portion of revenue is generated from the Banks Subsector - 20% or greater threshold does not apply
    舉例說明:步驟 4 - 公司持有銀行執照,且最大部分收入來自銀行分行 - 不適用 20% 或更高的門檻
  • Company B generates 40 % 40 % 40%40 \% of its revenue from Banks (30101010), 30% from Asset Managers and Custodians (30202010) and 30 % 30 % 30%30 \% from Investment Services (30202015). The company holds a Banking License. As the company holds a banking license and the Banks Subsector generates the greatest portion of revenue, the company is assigned to the Banks Subsector.
    B 公司的收入 40 % 40 % 40%40 \% 來自銀行 (30101010),30% 來自資產管理公司和託管公司 (30202010) 以及 30 % 30 % 30%30 \% 來自投資服務 (30202015)。公司持有銀行牌照。由於該公司持有銀行牌照,且銀行子行業產生最大部分的收入,因此將該公司歸入銀行子行業。
Note: If the company did not hold a Banking License it would instead have been assigned a Diversified Financial Services classification as no one Subsector is 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% or greater than the next highest.
註:若該公司未持有銀行牌照,則會被歸類為多元化金融服務業,因為沒有任何一個子行業是 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% 或大於次高者。

To illustrate Step 5 - where 5 0 % 5 0 % 50%\mathbf{5 0 \%} or greater of revenue is generated from one Industry
說明步驟 5 - 其中 5 0 % 5 0 % 50%\mathbf{5 0 \%} 或更多的收入來自一個產業

  • Company B generates 30% of its revenue from Computer Services (10101010), 25% from Software (10101015) and 45% from Telecommunications Equipment (15101010). As the company derives 55% of its revenue from the Technology Industry, and there are no diversified Sector or Industry classifications within Technology, the company is assigned to the Subsector within the Technology Industry which provides the greatest portion of its revenue - Computer Services.
    B 公司 30% 的收入來自電腦服務 (10101010),25% 來自軟體 (10101015) 以及 45% 來自電信設備 (15101010)。由於該公司 55% 的營收來自科技產業,而科技產業內並無多元化的部門或產業分類,因此該公司被歸類於科技產業內提供最大營收的子部門 - 電腦服務。
  • Company C generates 10% of revenue from Banks (30101010), 40% from Asset Managers and Custodians (30202010), 10% from Investment Services (30202015) and 40% from Real Estate Holding and Development (35101010). As the company derives 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% of its revenue from the Financials Industry, the company will be assigned there. As Asset Management revenue is greater than 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% larger than the next largest Subsector within the Financials Industry, the company is assigned to Asset Managers and Custodians.
    C 公司有 10% 的收入來自銀行 (30101010)、40% 來自資產管理公司和託管公司 (30202010)、10% 來自投資服務 (30202015) 以及 40% 來自房地產控股和開發 (35101010)。由於該公司的收入 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% 來自金融業,因此該公司將被分配至金融業。由於資產管理營收高於 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% ,且大於金融業內次大的子行業,因此該公司將被分配至資產管理與託管公司。
Note: If Asset Management was not 20% larger than the next Subsector, the company would instead have been assigned a Diversified Financial Services classification.
註:若資產管理公司的規模未達下一子產業的 20%,則該公司會被歸類為多元化金融服務業。

To illustrate Step 5 - where there is no one dominant Industry or Sector which generates greatest portion of revenue
舉例說明第 5 步 - 沒有一個主導產業或行業能產生最大部分的收益
  • Company D generates 35% of revenue from Consumer Electronics (40203010), 20% from Personal Products (45201020), 13% from Electrical Components (50202010), 12% from Specialty Chemicals (55201020), 10% from Pipelines (60101035) and 10% from Multi-utilities (65102000). No one Subsector generates 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% or more of revenue than the next highest and no one Sector or Industry provides 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% or greater of the company’s revenue. The company is therefore assigned to the Subsector which provides the greatest portion of revenue - Consumer Electronics.
    D 公司 35% 的收入來自消費電子產品 (40203010),20% 來自個人產品 (45201020),13% 來自電氣元件 (50202010),12% 來自專業化學品 (55201020),10% 來自管道 (60101035) 以及 10% 來自多項公用事業 (65102000)。沒有任何一個子行業產生的營收為 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% 或超過次高者,也沒有任何一個行業或產業提供的營收為 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 或超過公司營收。因此,該公司被歸入提供最大部分營收的子行業 - 電子消費品。

    4.2.4 Companies which are classified as ICB subsectors closed end investments and open end and miscellaneous investment vehicles are classified based on their structure and not the source of the company’s revenue. Additionally, investment holding companies will be assigned an ICB classification based on their investment objective. Where the investment holding company is deemed to hold controlling interests in companies, the ICB will either be assigned to diversified financial services or where there is a single investment theme (e.g. infrastructure, property, biotechnology), to the subsector which it represents. Where the investment holding company is deemed to hold non-controlling interests, the company will be treated akin to an investment trust and assigned an ICB of closed end investments.
    4.2.4 被歸類為 ICB 子產業封閉式投資及開放式與雜項投資工具的公司,是根據其結構而非公司收入來源來分類。此外,投資控股公司將根據其投資目標被指定為 ICB 分類。當投資控股公司被視為持有公司的控股權益時,其 ICB 將被歸類為多元化金融服務,或當有單一投資主題(如基礎建設、房地產、生物科技)時,則歸類為其所代表的子行業。若投資控股公司被視為持有非控制性權益,則該公司將被視為類似投資信託,並被指定為封閉式投資的 ICB。

    Please refer to Appendix A for further details.
    詳情請參閱附錄 A。

    4.2.5 FTSE Russell will seek to maintain stability in the classification of companies by disregarding what it considers to be temporary fluctuations in the fortunes of individual businesses.
    4.2.5 FTSE Russell 會忽略其認為個別企業運氣的短暫波動,以維持公司分類的穩定性。

    4.2.6 In exceptional circumstances, the classification may reflect other factors, if the FTSE Russell Industry Classification Advisory Committee considers that ignoring these factors may result in a misleading classification.
    4.2.6 在特殊情況下,如果富時羅素行業分類諮詢委員會認為忽略這些因素可能會導致誤導性分類,則該分類可能會反映其他因素。
For example, FTSE Russell may, in consultation with the FTSE Russell Industry Classification Advisory Committee, classify companies on the basis of either the immediate end use of their product or the industrial process used.

4.2.7 The ICB classification allocated to a company will also apply to the fixed income securities issued by that company.
4.2.7 分配給公司的 ICB 分類也適用於該公司發行的固定收入證券。

4.3 Changes to the classification of a company
4.3 公司分類的變更

4.3.1 Where a significant change takes place in a company’s structure as a result of a corporate event (such as a merger or demerger), its ICB classification will be reassessed on the basis of financial data formally published by the company. The ICB classification will be allocated in line with Rule 4.2.1.
4.3.1 當公司結構因公司事件(如合併或分割)而發生重大變化時,其 ICB 分類將根據公司正式公佈 的財務資料重新評估。ICB 分類將根據規則 4.2.1 進行分配。
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

4.3.2 Any adjustment resulting from a change in a company’s classification under Rule 4.3.1will be implemented either concurrent with, or shortly after (e.g. T+2), the implementation of the associated corporate event.
4.3.2 根據規則 4.3.1 公司分類的變更所導致的任何調整,將在相關公司事件實施的同時或之後不久(例如 T+2)實施。

4.3.3 A company’s classification may also be reviewed by FTSE Russell either at its discretion or at the request of the company or professional advisors acting on the company’s behalf.
4.3.3 FTSE Russell 也可自行決定或應公司或代表公司的專業顧問的要求,審核公司的分類。
Any adjustment resulting from a change in a company’s classification will be effective on the Monday after the third Friday of March, June, September and December. The cut-off date for the receipt of data or other justification relating to any such change is the last business day of January, April, July and October.
Please note: in circumstances where an incorrect ICB classification has been assigned to a company at IPO, FTSE Russell reserves the right to update the ICB classification with a minimum T+2 notice.
請注意:若公司在首次公開募股時被指定錯誤的 ICB 分類,富時羅素保留更新 ICB 分類的權利,並至少提前 T+2 通知。

4.4 Industry sectors  4.4 產業部門

4.4.1 FTSE Russell will seek to avoid the maintenance of sectors or subsectors containing a single company.
4.4.1 富時羅素將設法避免維持包含單一公司的行業或子行業。

4.5 Changes to the ICB
4.5 ICB 的變更

Changes to the structure of ICB will be evolutionary. Any changes to the ICB structure (subsectors, sectors, supersectors or industries) shall take place with a minimum of six months’ notice. These changes will be considered by the FTSE Russell Industry Classification Advisory Committee and will be based on long-term trends, rather than what it considers may be temporary fluctuations within individual industries.
ICB 結構的變更將是循序漸進的。ICB 結構 (子行業、行業、超級行業或行業) 的任何變更都應至少提前六個月通知。這些變更將由富時羅素產業分類諮詢委員會考慮,並將以長期趨勢為基礎,而非其認為個別產業內的短暫波動。

Section 5  第五節

Periodic reviews  定期審查

5. Periodic reviews  5.定期審查

5.1 5.1 5.1quad5.1 \quad Periodic reviews
5.1 5.1 5.1quad5.1 \quad 定期審查

5.1.1 The classification of all companies in the ICB global universe will be reviewed following receipt of their annual report.
5.1.1 ICB 全球範圍內所有公司的分類將於收到其年報後檢討。
The cut-off dates for the receipt of data for consideration at periodic reviews and the corresponding implementation dates are shown below:
Cut-off date  截止日期 ICB effective date  ICB 生效日期
Last business day of January
Monday after the third Friday of March
Last business day of April
Monday after the third Friday of June
Last business day of July
Monday after the third Friday of September
Last business day of October
Monday after the third Friday of December
Cut-off date ICB effective date Last business day of January Monday after the third Friday of March Last business day of April Monday after the third Friday of June Last business day of July Monday after the third Friday of September Last business day of October Monday after the third Friday of December| Cut-off date | ICB effective date | | :--- | :--- | | Last business day of January | Monday after the third Friday of March | | Last business day of April | Monday after the third Friday of June | | Last business day of July | Monday after the third Friday of September | | Last business day of October | Monday after the third Friday of December |
5.1.2 Review procedures: the industry classification of each company will be determined by analysing the financial reports based on the rules under Section 4 of these classification guidelines.
5.1.2 審核程序:每家公司的產業分類將依照本分類指南第 4 節的規定,透過分析財務報告來決定。

5.1.3 Implementation: periodic changes to the industry classification of a company will be implemented after the close on the third Friday of March, June, September and December.
5.1.3 實施:公司行業分類的定期變更將在每年三月、六月、九月和十二月的第三個星期五收盤後實施。

5.1.4 Monthly announcements: on the first business day of each month an indicative list of pending periodic review changes (to be implemented as per Rule 5.1.2) will be announced.
5.1.4 每月公告:每月的第一個營業日將公告待定定期審查變更(根據規則 5.1.2 執行)的指示性清單。

5.1.5 Quarterly periodic review announcement: the confirmed periodic review changes will be announced on the Wednesday following the second Friday of February, May, August and November. Any revisions to those announcements may be made up until the Friday two weeks prior to the ICB effective implementation date. Revisions after this date will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.
5.1.5 季度定期審查公告:經確認的定期審查變更將在二月、五月、八月和十一月的第二個星期五之後的星期三公告。在 ICB 生效實施日期前兩週的星期五之前,可對這些公告進行任何修訂。此日期之後的修訂僅在特殊情況下才會被考慮。

5.2 Classification queries
5.2 分類查詢
Market participants who wish to query the classification of a company can access the form using the following link or request an ICB Classification Data Form by contacting info@ftserussell.com.
欲查詢公司分類的市場參與者可使用以下連結存取表格,或聯絡 info@ftserussell.com 索取 ICB 分類資料表格。

ICB Classification Data Form.pdf
ICB 分類資料表格.pdf

Section 6  第六節

Structure and definitions

6. Structure and definitions

Effective 1 July 2019
自 2019 年 7 月 1 日起生效

6.1 Technology  6.1 技術

Companies that are primarily engaged in the advancement of the information technology and electronics industries. It includes companies developing integrated computer systems and services, application software not specific to industry market segments, digital platform providers that generate revenue from advertising contents, and derive subscription fees from an advertiser. Also included are companies that develop next generation electronics and related components.
Disruptors leveraging “new” technology will not generally constitute their placement in the technology industry. Rather, individual company technology applications and services will be reviewed as to the markets they serve. Examples include: companies that provide healthcare, technology equipment, electronic entertainment (video games), e-retailers, and transaction processing service companies.
Industry  產業 Supersector  超級產業 Sector  部門 Subsector  子行業 Definition  定義
10 Technology  10 技術 1010 Technology  1010 科技 101010 Software and Computer Services
101010 軟體與電腦服務
10101010 Computer Services
10101010 電腦服務
Companies that provide consulting or integration services to other businesses relating to information technology. Includes providers of computer-system design, systems integration, network and systems operations, cloud computing, distributed ledger technology (DLT) consulting and integration, data management and storage, repair services and technical support
為其他企業提供資訊科技相關諮詢或整合服務的公司。包括電腦系統設計、系統整合、網路與系統作業、雲端運算、分散式總帳技術 (DLT) 諮詢與整合、資料管理與儲存、維修服務與技術支援的提供者。
10101015 Software  10101015 軟體 Publishers and distributors of computer software for home or corporate use. Excludes computer game producers, which are classified under Electronic Entertainment subsector
10101020 10101020 1010102010101020
Consumer Digital Services
10101020 Consumer Digital Services| $10101020$ | | :--- | | Consumer Digital Services |
Companies involved in digital platforms that primarily generate revenue from advertising, content delivery and other virtual products for consumers. To a lesser extent, they generate subscription fee revenue through related services offered by the platform and/or by the advertisers to utilise data content and customer insight
101020 Technology Hardware and Equipment
101020 科技硬體與設備
  10102010 半導體
10102010 Semiconductors| 10102010 | | :--- | | Semiconductors |
Producers and distributors of semiconductors and other integrated chips, including other products related to the semiconductor industry, such as motherboards. Excludes makers of printed circuit boards, which are classified under electronic components subsector
Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Definition 10 Technology 1010 Technology 101010 Software and Computer Services 10101010 Computer Services Companies that provide consulting or integration services to other businesses relating to information technology. Includes providers of computer-system design, systems integration, network and systems operations, cloud computing, distributed ledger technology (DLT) consulting and integration, data management and storage, repair services and technical support 10101015 Software Publishers and distributors of computer software for home or corporate use. Excludes computer game producers, which are classified under Electronic Entertainment subsector "10101020 Consumer Digital Services" Companies involved in digital platforms that primarily generate revenue from advertising, content delivery and other virtual products for consumers. To a lesser extent, they generate subscription fee revenue through related services offered by the platform and/or by the advertisers to utilise data content and customer insight 101020 Technology Hardware and Equipment "10102010 Semiconductors" Producers and distributors of semiconductors and other integrated chips, including other products related to the semiconductor industry, such as motherboards. Excludes makers of printed circuit boards, which are classified under electronic components subsector| Industry | Supersector | Sector | Subsector | Definition | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 10 Technology | 1010 Technology | 101010 Software and Computer Services | 10101010 Computer Services | Companies that provide consulting or integration services to other businesses relating to information technology. Includes providers of computer-system design, systems integration, network and systems operations, cloud computing, distributed ledger technology (DLT) consulting and integration, data management and storage, repair services and technical support | | | | | 10101015 Software | Publishers and distributors of computer software for home or corporate use. Excludes computer game producers, which are classified under Electronic Entertainment subsector | | | | | $10101020$ <br> Consumer Digital Services | Companies involved in digital platforms that primarily generate revenue from advertising, content delivery and other virtual products for consumers. To a lesser extent, they generate subscription fee revenue through related services offered by the platform and/or by the advertisers to utilise data content and customer insight | | | | 101020 Technology Hardware and Equipment | 10102010 <br> Semiconductors | Producers and distributors of semiconductors and other integrated chips, including other products related to the semiconductor industry, such as motherboards. Excludes makers of printed circuit boards, which are classified under electronic components subsector |
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

6.2 Telecommunications  6.2 電信

Contains companies that own and operate telecommunication infrastructures to provide content delivery services. Also included are manufacturers of telecommunication equipment and components.
Industry  產業 Supersector  超級產業 Sector  部門 subsector  子行业 Definition  定義
15 15 1515
Telecommunications  電信
15 Telecommunications| $15$ | | :--- | | Telecommunications |
  1510 電信
1510 Telecommunications| 1510 | | :--- | | Telecommunications |

151010 電信設備
Telecommunications Equipment
151010 Telecommunications Equipment| 151010 | | :--- | | Telecommunications Equipment |
15101010 15101010 1510101015101010
Telecommunications Equipment
15101010 Telecommunications Equipment| $15101010$ | | :--- | | Telecommunications Equipment |
Makers and distributors of high-technology communication products, including satellites, mobile telephones, fibres optics, switching devices, local and wide-area networks, teleconferencing equipment and connectivity devices for computers, including hubs and routers
151020 151020 151020151020
Telecommunications Service Providers
151020 Telecommunications Service Providers| $151020$ | | :--- | | Telecommunications Service Providers |

15102010 有線電視服務
15102010 Cable
Television Services
15102010 Cable Television Services| 15102010 Cable | | :--- | | Television Services |
Companies that distribute media content through cable and wireless networks, accessed through computers or televisions
15102015 15102015 1510201515102015
Telecommunications Services
15102015 Telecommunications Services| $15102015$ | | :--- | | Telecommunications Services |
Providers of mobile and fixed-line telephone services, including cellular, satellite and paging services. Includes wireless tower companies that own, operate and lease mobile site towers to multiple wireless service providers. Includes companies that primarily provides telephone services through the internet. Excludes companies whose primary business is internet access
Industry Supersector Sector subsector Definition "15 Telecommunications" "1510 Telecommunications" "151010 Telecommunications Equipment" "15101010 Telecommunications Equipment" Makers and distributors of high-technology communication products, including satellites, mobile telephones, fibres optics, switching devices, local and wide-area networks, teleconferencing equipment and connectivity devices for computers, including hubs and routers "151020 Telecommunications Service Providers" "15102010 Cable Television Services" Companies that distribute media content through cable and wireless networks, accessed through computers or televisions "15102015 Telecommunications Services" Providers of mobile and fixed-line telephone services, including cellular, satellite and paging services. Includes wireless tower companies that own, operate and lease mobile site towers to multiple wireless service providers. Includes companies that primarily provides telephone services through the internet. Excludes companies whose primary business is internet access| Industry | Supersector | Sector | subsector | Definition | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | $15$ <br> Telecommunications | 1510 <br> Telecommunications | 151010 <br> Telecommunications Equipment | $15101010$ <br> Telecommunications Equipment | Makers and distributors of high-technology communication products, including satellites, mobile telephones, fibres optics, switching devices, local and wide-area networks, teleconferencing equipment and connectivity devices for computers, including hubs and routers | | | | $151020$ <br> Telecommunications Service Providers | 15102010 Cable <br> Television Services | Companies that distribute media content through cable and wireless networks, accessed through computers or televisions | | | | | $15102015$ <br> Telecommunications Services | Providers of mobile and fixed-line telephone services, including cellular, satellite and paging services. Includes wireless tower companies that own, operate and lease mobile site towers to multiple wireless service providers. Includes companies that primarily provides telephone services through the internet. Excludes companies whose primary business is internet access |
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

6.3 Healthcare  6.3 醫療保健

Consists of companies that manufacture healthcare equipment and supplies or that provide healthcarerelated services such as lab services, in-home medical care and operate healthcare facilities. Also included are companies involved in research, development and production of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology products, and medical cannabis producers.
Industry  產業 Supersector  超級產業 Sector  部門 subsector  子行业
20 Health Care  20 健康照護 2010 Health Care  2010 健康照護

201010 健康照護提供者
201010 Health Care
201010 Health Care Providers| 201010 Health Care | | :--- | | Providers |

20101010 健康照護設施
20101010 Health
Care Facilities
20101010 Health Care Facilities| 20101010 Health | | :--- | | Care Facilities |
Industry Supersector Sector subsector 20 Health Care 2010 Health Care "201010 Health Care Providers" "20101010 Health Care Facilities"| Industry | Supersector | Sector | subsector | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | 20 Health Care | 2010 Health Care | 201010 Health Care <br> Providers | 20101010 Health <br> Care Facilities |
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

Financials  6.4 財務

Consists of companies engaged in savings, loans, security investment and related activities such as financial data and information providers. Other examples include mortgage/consumer/corporate financing, investment banking and brokerage, asset management and custody, insurance, and mortgage REITs.

Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月
Industry Supersector Sector Subsector ]  Industry   Supersector   Sector   Subsector  {:[" Industry "," Supersector "," Sector "," Subsector "]]\left.\begin{array}{l|l|l|l}\text { Industry } & \text { Supersector } & \text { Sector } & \text { Subsector }\end{array}\right]
Definition  定義
Definition| Definition | | :--- |

6.5 Real estate  6.5 房地產

Consists of companies engaged in real estate investment, development, and other real estate related services. Also includes equity REITs. Mortgage REITs are classified under financials industry.
包括從事房地產投資、開發及其他房地產相關服務的公司。也包括股票型 REITs。按揭 REITs 歸類於金融業。
Industry  產業 Supersector  超級產業 Sector  部門 Subsector  子行業
35 Real Estate  35 房地產 3510 Real Estate  3510 房地產

351010 房地產投資與服務開發
351010 Real Estate
Investment and
Services Development
351010 Real Estate Investment and Services Development| 351010 Real Estate | | :--- | | Investment and | | Services Development |

35101010 房地產持有與開發
35101010 Real
Estate Holding and
35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development| 35101010 Real | | :--- | | Estate Holding and | | Development |

35101015 房地產服務
35101015 Real
Estate Services
35101015 Real Estate Services| 35101015 Real | | :--- | | Estate Services |

Companies that invest directly or indirectly in
a variety of types of properties without a
concentration on any single type
Companies that invest directly or indirectly in a variety of types of properties without a concentration on any single type| Companies that invest directly or indirectly in | | :--- | | a variety of types of properties without a | | concentration on any single type |

Companies that provide services to real
estate companies but do not own the
properties themselves. Includes agencies,
brokers, leasing companies, management
companies and advisory services
Companies that provide services to real estate companies but do not own the properties themselves. Includes agencies, brokers, leasing companies, management companies and advisory services| Companies that provide services to real | | :--- | | estate companies but do not own the | | properties themselves. Includes agencies, | | brokers, leasing companies, management | | companies and advisory services |
Investment Trusts  投資信託基金
Industry Supersector Sector Subsector 35 Real Estate 3510 Real Estate "351010 Real Estate Investment and Services Development" "35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development" "35101015 Real Estate Services" "Companies that invest directly or indirectly in a variety of types of properties without a concentration on any single type" "Companies that provide services to real estate companies but do not own the properties themselves. Includes agencies, brokers, leasing companies, management companies and advisory services" Investment Trusts | Industry | Supersector | Sector | Subsector | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | 35 Real Estate | 3510 Real Estate | 351010 Real Estate <br> Investment and <br> Services Development | 35101010 Real <br> Estate Holding and <br> Development | | | | 35101015 Real <br> Estate Services | Companies that invest directly or indirectly in <br> a variety of types of properties without a <br> concentration on any single type | | | | Companies that provide services to real <br> estate companies but do not own the <br> properties themselves. Includes agencies, <br> brokers, leasing companies, management <br> companies and advisory services | | | | | Investment Trusts | |

6.6 Consumer discretionary
6.6 酌情消費品

Contains companies that provide products and services directly to the consumers, and their purchasing habits are cyclical in nature (discretionary). Includes companies that manufacture and distribute household durable goods, apparel, home electronic devices, leisure equipment, and automotive and related parts. The services segment includes hotels, restaurants, retail/e-retail, passenger transportation, and other leisure facilities. Also includes media companies that engage in entertainment content creation and traditional advertisement. Excludes web-portal/hosts that generate revenue through advertisement, which are classified under technology - consumer digital services.
包含直接向消費者提供產品與服務的公司,其購買習慣具有週期性 (自由裁量)。包含製造及經銷家庭耐用品、服飾、家用電子設備、休閒設備、汽車及相關零件的公司。服務業包括飯店、餐廳、零售/電子零售、客運及其他休閒設施。也包括從事娛樂內容製作及傳統廣告的媒體公司。不包括透過廣告產生營收的入口網站/主機,此類公司歸類於科技 - 消費者數位服務。

Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector 4050 Travel and Leisure 405010 Travel and Leisure 40501010 Airlines Companies providing primarily passenger air transport. Excludes airports, which are classified under transportation services sector ]  Industry   Supersector   Sector   Subsector   4050 Travel and   Leisure   405010 Travel and   Leisure  40501010  Airlines   Companies providing primarily passenger air   transport. Excludes airports, which are   classified under transportation services sector  {:[" Industry "," Supersector "," Sector "," Subsector "],[,{:[" 4050 Travel and "],[" Leisure "]:},{:[" 405010 Travel and "],[" Leisure "]:},40501010" Airlines "][" Companies providing primarily passenger air "],[" transport. Excludes airports, which are "],[" classified under transportation services sector "]]\left.\begin{array}{l|l|l|l}\text { Industry } & \text { Supersector } & \text { Sector } & \text { Subsector } \\ & \begin{array}{l}\text { 4050 Travel and } \\ \text { Leisure }\end{array} & \begin{array}{l}\text { 405010 Travel and } \\ \text { Leisure }\end{array} & 40501010 \text { Airlines }\end{array} \begin{array}{l}\text { Companies providing primarily passenger air } \\ \text { transport. Excludes airports, which are } \\ \text { classified under transportation services sector }\end{array}\right]

6.7 Consumer staples  6.7 主要消費品

Contains companies that provide products and services directly to the consumers, and their purchasing habits are non-cyclical in nature (staples). Includes companies that manufacture, distribute, and/or retail food, beverages, and other non-durable household goods. It also includes drug-retailing companies as well as agriculture, fishing, ranching and milling companies.
包含直接向消費者提供產品和服務的公司,其購買習慣為非週期性 (主要產品)。包括製造、經銷及/或零售食品、飲料和其他非耐用家庭用品的公司。也包括藥物零售公司以及農業、漁業、牧業和碾磨業公司。
Industry  產業 Supersector  超級產業 Sector  部門 subsector  子行业 Definition  定義
45 Consumer Staples  45 消費品 4510 Food, Beverage and Tobacco
4510 食品、飲料和煙草
451010 Beverages  451010 飲料 45101010 Brewers  45101010 啤酒 Manufacturers and shippers of cider or malt products such as beer, ale and stout
45101015 Distillers and Vintners
45101015 蒸餾酒商和葡萄酒商
Producers, distillers, vintners, blenders and shippers of wine and spirits such as whisky, brandy, rum, gin or liqueurs
45101020 Soft Drinks  45101020 軟性飲料 Manufacturers, bottlers and distributors of non-alcoholic beverages, such as soda, fruit juices, tea, coffee and bottled water
451020 Food Producers  451020 食品生產商 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations
45102010 農業、漁業、牧場和種植業
Companies that grow crops or raise livestock, operate fisheries or own nontobacco plantations. Includes manufacturers of livestock feeds and seeds and other agricultural products
Industry Supersector Sector subsector Definition 45 Consumer Staples 4510 Food, Beverage and Tobacco 451010 Beverages 45101010 Brewers Manufacturers and shippers of cider or malt products such as beer, ale and stout 45101015 Distillers and Vintners Producers, distillers, vintners, blenders and shippers of wine and spirits such as whisky, brandy, rum, gin or liqueurs 45101020 Soft Drinks Manufacturers, bottlers and distributors of non-alcoholic beverages, such as soda, fruit juices, tea, coffee and bottled water 451020 Food Producers 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Companies that grow crops or raise livestock, operate fisheries or own nontobacco plantations. Includes manufacturers of livestock feeds and seeds and other agricultural products| Industry | Supersector | Sector | subsector | Definition | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 45 Consumer Staples | 4510 Food, Beverage and Tobacco | 451010 Beverages | 45101010 Brewers | Manufacturers and shippers of cider or malt products such as beer, ale and stout | | | | | 45101015 Distillers and Vintners | Producers, distillers, vintners, blenders and shippers of wine and spirits such as whisky, brandy, rum, gin or liqueurs | | | | | 45101020 Soft Drinks | Manufacturers, bottlers and distributors of non-alcoholic beverages, such as soda, fruit juices, tea, coffee and bottled water | | | | 451020 Food Producers | 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations | Companies that grow crops or raise livestock, operate fisheries or own nontobacco plantations. Includes manufacturers of livestock feeds and seeds and other agricultural products |
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

6.8 Industrials  6.8 工業

Consists of companies engaged in manufacturing and distribution of capital goods and provider of business support services. Includes aerospace, weapons/defense, commercial vehicles, construction materials, industrial machinery and equipment manufacturers. The service segment includes commercial transportation services, business support, maintenance and security services, international trade, transaction processing, and diversified logistic support services.
Industry Supersector Sector Subsector ]  Industry   Supersector   Sector   Subsector  {:[" Industry "," Supersector "," Sector "," Subsector "]]\left.\begin{array}{ll|l|l}\text { Industry } & \text { Supersector } & \text { Sector } & \text { Subsector }\end{array}\right] Definition    Industry Supersector Sector Subsector ]  Industry   Supersector   Sector   Subsector  {:[" Industry "," Supersector "," Sector "," Subsector "]]\left.\begin{array}{ll|l|l}\text { Industry } & \text { Supersector } & \text { Sector } & \text { Subsector }\end{array}\right] 定義
50 Industrials  50 工業

5010 結構與材料
5010 Construction
and Materials
5010 Construction and Materials| 5010 Construction | | :--- | | and Materials |

501010 建築與材料
501010 Construction
and Materials
501010 Construction and Materials| 501010 Construction | | :--- | | and Materials |
50 Industrials "5010 Construction and Materials" "501010 Construction and Materials"| 50 Industrials | 5010 Construction <br> and Materials | 501010 Construction <br> and Materials | | :--- | :--- | :--- |
50101010 | 50101010 | | :--- | | |
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

Basic materials  6.9 基本材料

Consists of companies that extract or process raw materials, and manufacturers of semi-finished goods such as chemicals, textile, paper, forest products and related packaging products. Metals and minerals miners, metal alloy producers, and metal fabricators are also included.

Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

6.10 Energy  6.10 能源

Contains of companies that engage in energy extraction, process, and production activities and produce related energy equipment. Includes both renewable and non-renewable energy companies. Companies that primarily engages in distribution of energy are classified in utilities industry.
Industry  產業 Supersector  超級產業 Sector  部門 Subsector  子行業 Definition  定義
60 Energy  60 能源 6010 Energy  6010 能源 601010 Oil, Gas and Coal
601010 石油、天然氣和煤炭

60101000 綜合石油與天然氣
Integrated Oil and Gas
60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas| 60101000 | | :--- | | Integrated Oil and Gas |
Companies that engage in all three fields of petroleum production: Extraction (upstream), Transportation (midstream), and Refining and Marketing (downstream).
從事所有三個石油生產領域的公司:開採 (上游)、運輸 (中游) 以及精煉和行銷 (下游)。
60101010 Oil: Crude Producers
60101010 石油:原油生產商
Companies engaged in the exploration for and drilling, production, and supply of crude oil or natural gas on land.
60101015 Offshore Drilling and Other Services
60101015 近海鑽井及其他服務
Companies engaged in the exploration for and drilling, production, and supply of crude oil or natural gas in offshore areas.
60101020 Oil Refining and Marketing
60101020 石油煉製與行銷
Companies primarily engaged in the refining and marketing of petroleum products (downstream).

60101030 石油設備與服務
60101030 Oil
Equipment and Services
60101030 Oil Equipment and Services| 60101030 Oil | | :--- | | Equipment and Services |
Suppliers of equipment and services to oil or gas fields and offshore platforms, such as drilling, exploration, seismic-information services and platform construction.
Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Definition 60 Energy 6010 Energy 601010 Oil, Gas and Coal "60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas" Companies that engage in all three fields of petroleum production: Extraction (upstream), Transportation (midstream), and Refining and Marketing (downstream). 60101010 Oil: Crude Producers Companies engaged in the exploration for and drilling, production, and supply of crude oil or natural gas on land. 60101015 Offshore Drilling and Other Services Companies engaged in the exploration for and drilling, production, and supply of crude oil or natural gas in offshore areas. 60101020 Oil Refining and Marketing Companies primarily engaged in the refining and marketing of petroleum products (downstream). "60101030 Oil Equipment and Services" Suppliers of equipment and services to oil or gas fields and offshore platforms, such as drilling, exploration, seismic-information services and platform construction.| Industry | Supersector | Sector | Subsector | Definition | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 60 Energy | 6010 Energy | 601010 Oil, Gas and Coal | 60101000 <br> Integrated Oil and Gas | Companies that engage in all three fields of petroleum production: Extraction (upstream), Transportation (midstream), and Refining and Marketing (downstream). | | | | | 60101010 Oil: Crude Producers | Companies engaged in the exploration for and drilling, production, and supply of crude oil or natural gas on land. | | | | | 60101015 Offshore Drilling and Other Services | Companies engaged in the exploration for and drilling, production, and supply of crude oil or natural gas in offshore areas. | | | | | 60101020 Oil Refining and Marketing | Companies primarily engaged in the refining and marketing of petroleum products (downstream). | | | | | 60101030 Oil <br> Equipment and Services | Suppliers of equipment and services to oil or gas fields and offshore platforms, such as drilling, exploration, seismic-information services and platform construction. |
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月

6.11 Utilities  6.11 公用事業

Contains companies that distributes electric, gas, and water. Most companies in this industry are heavily affected by government regulation. Also includes companies that provide waste, recycle, and related environmental services.

Appendix A  附錄 A

Collective investment schemes

Controlling stakes  控制賭注

A holding greater than 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% is defined as ‘controlling’. When assessing a portfolio of investments, the number of investments in which the company holds > 50 % > 50 % > 50%>50 \% must equate to 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% or more of the entire portfolio (i.e. half or more of the portfolio is made up of controlling stakes). As part of the assessment, the investment objective of the company may also be referenced. If the objective is to exert influence, have board representation or be involved in management responsibilities of minority holdings then those holdings will be categorised as controlling interests.
持股量大於 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 的定義為「控股」。在評估投資組合時,公司持有 > 50 % > 50 % > 50%>50 \% 的投資數量必須等於整個投資組合的 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 或以上(即一半或以上的投資組合為控股)。作為評估的一部分,也可參考公司的投資目標。如果目的是對少數持股施加影響力、擁有董事會代表或參與管理職責,則該等持股將歸類為控股權益。

Appendix B  附錄 B

REIT and REIT equivalent company structures

Markets that have REITs or REIT equivalent company structures are listed below:
Market  市場 Description  說明 Treatment for ICB  ICB 的治療方法
Australia  澳洲 Listed Property Trust (LPT), A-REIT
上市房地產信託基金 (LPT),A 類房地產信託基金
Belgium  比利時 Société d'Investissement à Capital Fixe Immobilière (SICAFI) REIT
Brazil  巴西 Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (FII) REIT
Bulgaria  保加利亞 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
REIT or Real Estate
REIT 或不動產
Canada  加拿大 Mutual Fund Trust (MFT) - open-end
共同基金信託 (MFT) - 開放式
Specified Investment Flow-Through (SIFT) Trust - Real Estate Investment
特定投資流通 (SIFT) 信託 - 房地產投資
China  中國 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - unincorporated closed-end
不動產投資信託 (REIT) - 非公司型封閉式
Dubai  杜拜 Public Investment Funds (FI), Private Investment Funds (FIP) - Real Estate Investment
公共投資基金 (FI)、私人投資基金 (FIP) - 房地產投資
Finland  芬蘭 Closed-End Investment Company (CEIC) - Real Estate Investment
封閉式投資公司 (CEIC) - 房地產投資
France  法國 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Germany  德國 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Greece  希臘 Real Estate Investment Company (REIC)
不動產投資公司 (REIC)
Hong Kong  香港 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Hungary  匈牙利 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
India  印度 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Indonesia  印尼 Dana Investasi Real Estat Berbentuk Kontrak Investasi Kolektif (DIRE) REIT
Ireland  愛爾蘭 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
RearalT Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Market Description Treatment for ICB Australia Listed Property Trust (LPT), A-REIT REIT Belgium Société d'Investissement à Capital Fixe Immobilière (SICAFI) REIT BE-REITS REIT Brazil Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (FII) REIT Bulgaria Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT or Real Estate Canada Mutual Fund Trust (MFT) - open-end REIT Specified Investment Flow-Through (SIFT) Trust - Real Estate Investment REIT China Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - unincorporated closed-end REIT Dubai Public Investment Funds (FI), Private Investment Funds (FIP) - Real Estate Investment REIT Finland Closed-End Investment Company (CEIC) - Real Estate Investment REIT France Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT Germany Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT Greece Real Estate Investment Company (REIC) REIT Hong Kong Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT Hungary Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT India Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT Indonesia Dana Investasi Real Estat Berbentuk Kontrak Investasi Kolektif (DIRE) REIT Ireland Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT RearalT Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT| Market | Description | Treatment for ICB | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Australia | Listed Property Trust (LPT), A-REIT | REIT | | Belgium | Société d'Investissement à Capital Fixe Immobilière (SICAFI) | REIT | | BE-REITS | REIT | | | Brazil | Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (FII) | REIT | | Bulgaria | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT or Real Estate | | Canada | Mutual Fund Trust (MFT) - open-end | REIT | | Specified Investment Flow-Through (SIFT) Trust - Real Estate Investment | REIT | | | China | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - unincorporated closed-end | REIT | | Dubai | Public Investment Funds (FI), Private Investment Funds (FIP) - Real Estate Investment | REIT | | Finland | Closed-End Investment Company (CEIC) - Real Estate Investment | REIT | | France | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | Germany | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | Greece | Real Estate Investment Company (REIC) | REIT | | Hong Kong | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | Hungary | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | India | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | Indonesia | Dana Investasi Real Estat Berbentuk Kontrak Investasi Kolektif (DIRE) | REIT | | Ireland | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | RearalT | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT |
Industry Classification Benchmark (Equity), v4.9, December 2024
行業分類基準(股票),v4.9,2024 年 12 月
Market  市場 Description  說明 Treatment for ICB  ICB 的治療方法
Malaysia  馬來西亞 Property Trust Funds  財產信託基金 REIT
Mexico  墨西哥 Fideicomiso de Infraestructura en Bienes Raíces (FIBRA) REIT
Netherlands  荷蘭 Fiscal investment institution/Fiscale Beleggingsinstelling (FBI)
財政投資機構/Fiscale Beleggingsinstelling (FBI)
New Zealand  紐西蘭

上市房地產投資工具 (LPV) 組合投資實體 (PIE) - 房地產投資
Listed Property Vehicles (LPVs)
Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) - Real Estate Investment
Listed Property Vehicles (LPVs) Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) - Real Estate Investment| Listed Property Vehicles (LPVs) | | :--- | | Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) - Real Estate Investment |
REIT REIT  REIT 房地產投資信託基金
Pakistan  巴基斯坦 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Philippines  菲律賓 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Portugal  葡萄牙 Sociedades de Investimento e Gestão Imobiliária or 'SIGI'
Sociedades de Investimento e Gestão Imobiliária 或「SIGI」。
Saudi Arabia  沙烏地阿拉伯

不動產投資交易基金 不動產投資信託 (REIT) - 非公司型封閉式
Real Estate Investment Traded Fund
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - unincorporated closed-end
Real Estate Investment Traded Fund Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - unincorporated closed-end| Real Estate Investment Traded Fund | | :--- | | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - unincorporated closed-end |
  REIT 房地產投資信託基金
REIT REIT| REIT | | :--- | | REIT |
Singapore  新加坡 Singapore Real Estate Investment Trust (S-REIT)
新加坡房地產投資信託基金 (S-REIT)
Spain  西班牙 Sociedades Cotizadas de Inversión en el Mercado Inmobiliario (SOCIMI) REIT
South Africa  南非 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Taiwan  台灣 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Thailand  泰國

基礎建設基金 公開發售的財產基金 (PFPO)
Infrastructure Fund
Property Fund for Public Offering (PFPO)
Infrastructure Fund Property Fund for Public Offering (PFPO)| Infrastructure Fund | | :--- | | Property Fund for Public Offering (PFPO) |
ICB assigned based on the assets held REIT
根據持有的資產分配的 ICB REIT
Turkey  土耳其 Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi - Real Estate Investment Companies (REICs)
Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi - 房地產投資公司 (REIC)
UK Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
US Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
Market Description Treatment for ICB Malaysia Property Trust Funds REIT Mexico Fideicomiso de Infraestructura en Bienes Raíces (FIBRA) REIT Netherlands Fiscal investment institution/Fiscale Beleggingsinstelling (FBI) REIT New Zealand "Listed Property Vehicles (LPVs) Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) - Real Estate Investment" REIT REIT Pakistan Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT Philippines Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT Portugal Sociedades de Investimento e Gestão Imobiliária or 'SIGI' REIT Saudi Arabia "Real Estate Investment Traded Fund Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - unincorporated closed-end" "REIT REIT" Singapore Singapore Real Estate Investment Trust (S-REIT) REIT Spain Sociedades Cotizadas de Inversión en el Mercado Inmobiliario (SOCIMI) REIT South Africa Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT Taiwan Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT Thailand "Infrastructure Fund Property Fund for Public Offering (PFPO)" ICB assigned based on the assets held REIT Turkey Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi - Real Estate Investment Companies (REICs) REIT UK Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT US Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) REIT| Market | Description | Treatment for ICB | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Malaysia | Property Trust Funds | REIT | | Mexico | Fideicomiso de Infraestructura en Bienes Raíces (FIBRA) | REIT | | Netherlands | Fiscal investment institution/Fiscale Beleggingsinstelling (FBI) | REIT | | New Zealand | Listed Property Vehicles (LPVs) <br> Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) - Real Estate Investment | REIT REIT | | Pakistan | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | Philippines | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | Portugal | Sociedades de Investimento e Gestão Imobiliária or 'SIGI' | REIT | | Saudi Arabia | Real Estate Investment Traded Fund <br> Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - unincorporated closed-end | REIT <br> REIT | | Singapore | Singapore Real Estate Investment Trust (S-REIT) | REIT | | Spain | Sociedades Cotizadas de Inversión en el Mercado Inmobiliario (SOCIMI) | REIT | | South Africa | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | Taiwan | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | Thailand | Infrastructure Fund <br> Property Fund for Public Offering (PFPO) | ICB assigned based on the assets held REIT | | Turkey | Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi - Real Estate Investment Companies (REICs) | REIT | | UK | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT | | US | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | REIT |

Appendix C  附錄 C

Further information  更多資訊

A glossary of terms used in FTSE Russell’s Ground Rule documents can be found using the following link:
FTSE Russell Ground Rule 文件中使用的詞彙可透過以下連結找到:

Glossary.pdf  詞彙.pdf

Further information on the ICB is available from FTSE Russell.
有關 ICB 的進一步資訊,請參閱 FTSE Russell。

For contact details please visit the FTSE Russell website or contact FTSE Russell client services at info@ftserussell.com.
如需詳細聯絡資訊,請造訪 FTSE Russell 網站或聯絡 FTSE Russell 客戶服務部 (info@ftserussell.com)。
Website: www.Iseg.com/en/ftse-russell/
網站: www.Iseg.com/en/ftse-russell/

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FTSE  富時