Summary 总结

  • A former Spirit AeroSystems Josh Dean passed away after battling pneumonia and a MRSA infection.
    前Spirit AeroSystems的Josh Dean在与肺炎和MRSA感染作斗争后去世。
  • This followed a Boeing whistleblower passing away in March.
  • Recently, more whistleblowers have come out with testimonies against Boeing.

A whistleblower at Spirit AeroSystems, a Tier 1 supplier for Boeing, has passed away after battling pneumonia and a subsequent bacterial infection. The whistleblower, Josh Dean, spent two weeks in a critical condition before passing away.
波音公司的一级供应商Spirit AeroSystems的一名举报人在与肺炎和随后的细菌感染作斗争后去世。举报人乔什·迪恩(Josh Dean)在去世前处于危急状态两周。

Let go from Spirit AeroSystems
放开 Spirit AeroSystems

According to a report by The Seattle Times, Dean passed away in Oklahoma City, after spending two weeks in a critical condition. He had contracted pneumonia and later developed a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection.

The publication noted that Dean was let go from Spirit AeroSystems in April 2023.
该出版物指出,Dean 于 2023 年 4 月被 Spirit AeroSystems 解雇。

Per the Mayo Clinic, the infection is resistant to many of the antibiotics that are used to treat staph infections, with the medical practice group noting that most MRSA infections are contracted in hospitals or other healthcare settings.

“Infections can resist the effects of many common antibiotics, so they're more difficult to treat. This can allow the infections to spread and sometimes become life-threatening.”

Train carrying Boeing 737 fuselages from Spirit AeroSystems to Boeing's facilities shutterstock_2257906543
Photo: Ian Dewar Photography | Shutterstock
照片:伊恩·杜瓦摄影 |Shutterstock

Another Boeing whistleblower, John Barnett, was found dead in his car in March. A few years prior, Barnett had raised concerns about the Boeing 787.
另一位波音举报人约翰·巴内特(John Barnett)于3月被发现死在车内。几年前,巴内特曾对波音787表示担忧。

However, suggesting any connections between the two deaths and secret plots to silence whistleblowers would be ludicrous, considering the potential consequences for the company.

Related 相关
John Barnett: What Boeing’s Biggest Whistleblower Claimed About The Company
约翰·巴内特(John Barnett):波音公司最大的举报人对该公司的主张
Barnett was found dead in his car last week while facing a legal battle with Boeing.

Recent whistleblower testimonies

Nevertheless, several more whistleblowers have come out against the company, alleging malpractice with the Boeing 777 and Boeing 787 programs.

On April 9, two members of the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, namely Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, and Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin, stated that they received a troubling report from a whistleblower.

In a joint statement, the two lawmakers said that they sent a letter to Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which included raising concerns about safety culture.

The Subcommittee invited David Calhoun, the President and chief executive officer of Boeing, to appear in a hearing that was scheduled on April 17.
小组委员会邀请波音公司总裁兼首席执行官大卫·卡尔霍恩(David Calhoun)出席定于4月17日举行的听证会。

Boeing 777 assembly line at Everett, Washington shutterstock_1089230753
Photo: First Class Photography | Shutterstock
照片:First Class Photography |Shutterstock

According to a Boeing spokesperson who shared a statement with Simple Flying at the time, the manufacturer was cooperating with the inquiry, adding that the company understood the critical oversight responsibility of the Subcommittee.
据波音发言人当时与Simple Flying分享的一份声明中称,制造商正在配合调查,并补充说,该公司了解小组委员会的关键监督责任。

Related 相关
Whistleblower Report Prompts Closer Look At Boeing 787 Dreamliner Program
Boeing denied the allegations made by the whistleblower, including those related to potential 787 issues.

Alleged retaliation  指称的报复行为

Meanwhile, The Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) alleged that the company had retaliated against two employees who raised concerns about the 777 and 787 aircraft, adding that it filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in April.

Boeing logo on a Boeing 787-9 shutterstock_1571152042
Photo: Ryan Fletcher | Shutterstock
照片:瑞安·弗莱彻 |Shutterstock

The union stated that the case involved two engineers who worked with the Organization Delegation Authorization process.

The pair insisted on a different set of assumptions for both twin-aisle jets’ onboard computer networks, a notion rejected by managers at Boeing, according to SPEEA’s allegations.

Related 相关
Union Says Boeing Retaliated Against 2 Engineers Who Flagged 777 & 787 Dreamliner Issues
The union has already filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), requesting documents from Boeing.