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UL 1449


Surge Protective Devices

UL Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices, UL 1449
UL 浪涌保护器安全标准,UL 1449

Fifth Edition, Dated January 8, 2021
第五版,2021 年 1 月 8 日

Summary of Topics  主题摘要

This Fifth edition of ANSI/UL 1449 includes the following revised requirements:
ANSI/UL 1449 第五版包括以下修订要求:
  • Revision to - Openings in an Enclosure for Type 3 SPDs; 3.12 3.12 _ _ 3.12 __\underline{\underline{3.12}}
    对 的修订 - 第 3 类 SPD 外壳中的开口; 3.12 3.12 _ _ 3.12 __\underline{\underline{3.12}}
  • Revision to Allow Terminal Blocks Tested to UL 1059; 17.1.9, 17.2.4, 17.3.3
    修订为允许接线板通过 UL 1059 测试;17.1.9、17.2.4、17.3.3
  • Addition of 20.5-20.7 for PWBs
    增加 20.5-20.7 PWB
  • Status Indicator Switch Performance Cycling Clarification; 21.2
  • Clarification to Table 37.1 to Align with Table 45.2
    澄清表 37.1,使之与表 45.2 一致
  • Clarification of 41.5.2 Regarding when External Protection is Relied Upon to Yield Compliant Performance Test Results
    澄清 41.5.2 中关于何时依靠外部保护产生符合要求的性能测试结果的规定
  • Clarification of 41.5.2 for VPR Measurement for Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 Component Assemblies
    41.5.2 对 1、2、3 和 4 类组件的 VPR 测量的澄清
  • Clarify Testing for Integral Thermal Protection Operation Following Nominal Discharge Current Testing with Addition of 43.2
    通过增加 43.2,明确了在标称放电电流测试之后的整体热保护运行测试
  • Clarification of Table 45.1 to Include Delta Systems Up to 1000 V
    澄清表 45.1,将电压高达 1000 V 的三角洲系统纳入其中
  • Clarification of 45.1.11 Pertaining to Leakage and Ground Continuity Tests After Current Tests; 3.37
    对 45.1.11 "电流测试后的漏电和接地连续性测试 "的澄清;3.37
  • Revision to 45.2.5 and 45.3.4 Related to Thermal Responsive Devices
    对与热敏器件有关的 45.2.5 和 45.3.4 的修订
  • Clarification of Titles for Sections 47 and 48
    澄清第 47 和 48 节的标题
  • Revision to 5 2 . 1 1 5 2 . 1 1 52.11\mathbf{5 2 . 1 1} to Include Polymeric Enclosures
    修订 5 2 . 1 1 5 2 . 1 1 52.11\mathbf{5 2 . 1 1} 以纳入聚合物机壳
  • Editorial Correction in 59.1
    59.1 中的编辑更正
  • Revision to 7 8 . 1 7 8 . 1 78.1\mathbf{7 8 . 1} to Correct a Reference
    修订 7 8 . 1 7 8 . 1 78.1\mathbf{7 8 . 1} 以更正参考文献
  • Relocated Appendix A, Standards for Components, to Section 2, Referenced Publications
    将附录 A "组件标准 "移至第 2 节 "参考出版物"。
The new and revised requirements are substantially in accordance with Proposal(s) on this subject dated March 6, 2020.
新的和修订后的要求与 2020 年 3 月 6 日的相关提案基本一致。
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of UL.
保留所有权利。未经 UL 事先许可,不得以任何电子、机械、影印、录制或其他方式复制本出版物的任何部分、将其存储在检索系统中或以任何形式进行传播。
UL/provides this Standard “as is”//without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but R E R E RER E not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purposes
UL/提供本标准的 "现状"//不作任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但 R E R E RER E 不限于适销性或适用性的暗示保证。
In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages, including loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, or any other damages arising out of the use of or the inability to use this Standard, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall UL’s liability for any damage ever exceed the price paid for this Standard, regardless of the form of the claim.
在任何情况下,UL 都不对任何特殊的、附带的、后果性的、间接的或类似的损害负责,包括利润损失、储蓄损失、数据丢失,或因使用或无法使用本标准而造成的任何其他损害,即使 UL 或 UL 授权代表已被告知此类损害的可能性。在任何情况下,UL 对任何损害的赔偿责任均不得超过购买本标准所支付的价格,无论索赔形式如何。
Users of the electronic versions of UL’s Standards for Safety agree to defend, indemnify, and hold UL harmless from and against any loss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgment (including reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing an electronic Standard on the purchaser’s computer system.
UL 安全標準電子版的使用者同意為 UL 辯護、賠償,並使 UL 免於承擔因購買者在電腦系統中儲存電子標準時發生的任何錯誤或偏差所造成的任何損失、費用、責任、損害、索賠或判決(包括合理的律師費)。
ANSI/UL 1449-2020

UL 1449

Standard for Surge Protective Devices

First Edition - August, 1985
第一版 - 1985 年 8 月

Second Edition - August, 1996
第二版 - 1996 年 8 月

Third Edition - September, 2006
第三版 - 2006 年 9 月

Fourth Edition - August, 2014
第四版 - 2014 年 8 月
Fifth Edition  第五版
January 8, 2021  2021 年 1 月 8 日
This ANSI/UL Standard for Safety consists of the Fifth Edition.
本 ANSI/UL 安全标准包括第五版。
The most recent designation of ANSI/UL 1449 as an American National Standard (ANSI) occurred on November 4, 2020. ANSI approval for a standard does not include the Cover Page, Transmittal Pages, and Title Page.
ANSI/UL 1449 最近一次被指定为美国国家标准(ANSI)是在 2020 年 11 月 4 日。ANSI 批准的标准不包括封面、送文页和标题页。
Comments or proposals for revisions on any part of the Standard may be submitted to UL at any time. Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal Request in UL’s On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) at https://csds.ul.com.
有关标准任何部分的修订意见或建议可随时提交给 UL。提案应通过 UL 的在线标准合作开发系统 (CSDS) https://csds.ul.com 中的提案请求提交。
UL’s Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed nor electronic copy of a Standard should be altered in any way. All of UL’s Standards and all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regarding those Standards shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL.
UL 安全标准的版权归 UL 所有。不得以任何方式更改标准的印刷版或电子版。UL 的所有标准以及与这些标准相关的所有版权、所有权和权利均归 UL 独家所有。
版权所有 © 2021 underwriters Laboratories Inc.
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1 Scope … 7  1 范围 ... 7
2 Referenced Publications … 8
2 参考出版物 ... 8

3 Glossary … 11
3 术语表 ... 11

4 Components … 15
4 组件 ... 15

5 Units of Measurement … 15
5 计量单位 ... 15

6 General … 16
6 综述 ... 16

7 Enclosure … 16
7 外壳 ... 16

7.1 Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs … 16
7.2 Type 3 SPD cord-connected … 21
7.3 Type 3 SPD direct plug-in … 22
7.4 Open-type SPDs … 25
7.4 开放式 SPD ... 25

8 Protection Against Corrosion. … 25
8 防腐保护 .... 25

9 Insulating Materials … 25
9 绝缘材料 ... 25

9.1 General … 25
9.1 概述 ... 25

9.2 Bushings … 26
9.2 衬套 ... 26

10 Current-Carrying Parts … 26
10 载流部件 ... 26

11 Internal Wiring … 26
11 内部接线 ... 26

12 Supplementary Protection … 28
12 辅助保护 ... 28

13 Accessibility of Live Parts … 31
13 带电部件的可及性 ... 31

14 Supply Connections … 31
14 电源连接 ... 31

14.1 Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 SPD - Permanently connected. … 31
14.1 类型 1、类型 2 和类型 3 SPD - 永久连接。... 31

14.2 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected … 34
14.3 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in … 36
15 Mounting … 36
15 安装 ... 36

15.1 Type 1 or Type 2 SPD … 36
15.2 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected … 36
15.2 类型 3 SPD - 连接电线 ... 36

15.3 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in … 37
16 Receptacles … 37
16 插座 ... 37

17 Grounding … 38
17 接地 ... 38

17.1 General … 38
17.1 概述...... 38

17.2 Type 1 or Type 2 SPD … 39
17.2 1 型或 2 型 SPD ... 39

17.3 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected … 40
17.3 类型 3 SPD - 连接电线 ... 40

17.4 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in … 41
18 Spacings … 41
18 间距 ... 41

19 SPDs Used in Higher Altitude … 43
19 在高海拔地区使用的 SPD ... 43

20 Clearance and Creepage Distances … 43
20 净空和爬电距离 ... 43

21 Switches … 45
21 开关 ... 45

22 Printed Wiring Boards … 45
22 印刷电路板 ... 45

23 Electronic Circuits … 46
23 电子电路 ... 46

24 Isolated Secondary Circuits … 47
24 隔离式二次电路 ... 47

24.1 General … 47
24.1 概述...... 47

24.2 Difference between the level of evaluation required within each type of secondary circuit … 47
24.3 Class 2 circuit requirements. … 48
24.3 第 2 类电路要求。... 48

24.4 Limited voltage/current circuit requirements … 49
24.5 Limiting energy circuit requirements
24.5 限制能源电路要求
24.5 Limiting energy circuit requirements … … 50 … … 50
UL C 24.6 Limiting impedance circuit requirements
UL C 24.6 限制阻抗电路要求

UL C 24.6 Limiting impedance circuit requirements … 50 … 50 … 51 … 51
UL C 24.6 限制阻抗电路要求 ... 50 ... 50 ... 51 ... 51

26 Capacitors … 51
26 电容器 ... 51

27 Electromagnetic Interference Filters … 52
27 电磁干扰滤波器 ... 52

28 Protectors for Communication and Fire Alarm Circuits … 53
29 Antenna Connections for Audio-Video Products … 53
29 音视频产品的天线连接 ... 53

30 SPDs Intended for Use on Ungrounded Systems, Impedance Grounded Systems, or Corner Grounded Delta Systems … 53
31 Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment … 53
31 不间断电源设备 ... 53

32 SPD/Panelboard Extension Modules … 54
32 SPD/面板扩展模块 ... 54

33 Molded Case Surge Protective Devices … 54
33 模制外壳浪涌保护器 ... 54

34 Interchangeability of Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs). … 54
34 金属氧化物变阻器 (MOV) 的互换性.... 54

35 Supplementary Circuit … 55
35 补充电路 ... 55

36 Rechargeable Battery Pack … 55
36 可充电电池包 ... 55

37 General … 56
37 综述 ... 56

37.1 General. … 56
37.1 概述... 56

37.2 Test environment and general sample discussion … 56
38 Leakage Current Test - Type 3 SPDs Only … 62
39 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test … 66
39 绝缘电压-耐压测试 ... 66

39.1 Primary circuits … 66
39.1 初级电路...... 66

39.2 Isolated secondary circuits … 67
40 Temperature Test … 68
40 温度测试 ... 68

41 Surge Testing … 71
41 浪涌测试 ... 71

41.1 General. … 71
41.1 综述... 71

41.2 Test equipment … 72
41.3 Surge generator calibration … 76
41.3 浪涌发生器校准 ... 76

41.4 Test procedure - Application and measurement points … 78
41.5 Representative device - Sample preparation … 80
41.6 Determination of voltage protection rating (VPR) … 81
41.7 Nominal discharge current - For Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs and Type 1, 2 component assemblies … 81
41.7 标称放电电流 - 用于 1 型和 2 型防雷器以及 1、2 型组件组件......81

41.8 Operating duty cycle test - For Type 3 SPDs and Type 3 component assemblies … 82
41.9 Repeated voltage protection rating test. … 83
41.9 重复电压保护额定值试验。... 83

42 Type 5 SPD Surge Testing … 83
43 Type 4 Component Assemblies Surge Testing … 83
44 Operational Voltage Test … 84
44 工作电压测试 ... 84

45 Current Testing … 84
45 电流测试 ... 84

45.1 General. … 84
45.1 综述... 84

45.2 Short circuit current rating test - For Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs and permanently connected Type 3 SPDs … 88
45.2 短路额定电流测试 - 用于 1 型和 2 型防雷器以及永久连接的 3 型防雷器 ... 88

45.3 Intermediate current test … 89
45.3 中间电流测试...... 89

45.4 Limited current abnormal overvoltage test … 91
45.4 限流异常过电压试验 ... 91

46 Thermal Responsive Device Testing … 92
46 热响应设备测试 ... 92

46.1 Temperature withstand … 92
46.1 耐温性 ... 92

46.2 Repeat limited current test … 93
47 Thermal Responsive Device Testing Not In-Series with a Load … 93
48 Thermal Responsive Device Testing In-Series with a Load … 94
48 热响应设备测试与负载串联 ... 94

49 Grounding Continuity Test … 95
49 接地连续性测试 ... 95

50 Fault Current Test. … 95
50 故障电流测试。... 95

51 Overcurrent Test … 96
51 过电流测试 ... 96

52 Withstand Test … 97
52 耐压测试 ... 97

53 Instrumentation and Calibration of High-Capacity Circuits … 100
53.1 General … 100
53.1 综述...... 100

53.2 Available current of 10,000 amperes or less … 100
53.2 可用电流等于或小于 10,000 安培 ... 100

REPROD 53.3 Available current more than 10,000 amperes … 102
REPROD 53.3 可用电流超过 10,000 安培...... 102

53.4 Instrumentation for test currents above 10,000 amperes … 104
54 Insulation Resistance Test … 105
54 绝缘电阻测试 ... 105

55 Capacitor Endurance Test … 105
55 电容器耐久性测试 ... 105

56 Component Breakdown Test … 106
56 组件分解测试 ... 106

57 Strain Relief Test … 107
58 Push-Back Relief Test … 107
59 Conductor Secureness Test … 108
60 Snap-On Cover Tests … 108
60 卡入式盖板测试 ... 108

61 Non-Metallic Enclosure Conduit Connection Tests … 109
61 非金属外壳导管连接测试 ... 109

61.1 General. … 109
61.1 综述。... 109

61.2 Pullout … 109
61.2 拉出...... 109

61.3 Bending … 109
61.3 弯曲 ... 109

61.4 Torque … 110
61.4 扭矩 ... 110

62 Enclosure Impact Tests … 110
62 外壳冲击试验 ... 110

62.1 General … 110
62.1 概述...... 110

62.2 Drop impact test … 111
62.2 跌落冲击试验...... 111

62.3 Steel sphere impact test … 112
62.3 钢球冲击试验... 112

62.4 Low-temperature steel sphere impact test … 115
62.4 低温钢球冲击试验... 115

63 Crushing Test … 115
63 碾压试验 ... 115

64 Mold Stress-Relief Distortion Test … 116
65 Mounting Hole Barrier Tests … 116
65 安装孔阻隔性测试 ... 116

65.1 General … 116
65.1 概述...... 116

65.2 Mounting hole barrier impact test … 117
65.3 Mounting hole barrier probe test. … 118
65.3 安装孔阻隔探头测试 .... 118

66 Adequacy of Mounting Test … 118
67 Accessibility Tests … 119
67 无障碍测试 ... 119

67.1 Enclosure accessibility test … 119
67.2 Accessibility of live parts test … 119
68 Permanence of Cord Tag Test … 122
68.1 General … 122
68.1 概述...... 122

68.2 Conditioning … 122
68.2 空调 ... 122

68.3 Test method … 123
69 Capacitor Discharge … 123
69 电容器放电 ... 123

70 Metal Oxide Varistor Voltage … 124
70 金属氧化物变阻器电压 ... 124

71 Aging Test … 124
71 老化试验 ... 124

72 Pullout Insertion and Withdrawal Test. … 124
72 拔出插入和拔出测试 .... 124

73 Capacitor Failure Test … 125
73 电容器故障测试 ... 125

74 Breakdown Voltage Measurement Test … 125
74 击穿电压测量测试 ... 125

75 Vibration Test … 125
75 振动测试 ... 125

76 Strength of Mounting Test … 125
76 安装强度测试 ... 125

77 PTC-MOV Testing Sequence … 125
77 PTC-MOV 测试程序 ... 125

78 High Altitude Conditioning … 126

79 General … 126
79 综述 ... 126

80 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test … 127
80 绝缘电压-耐压测试 ... 127

81 Grounding Continuity Test … 127
81 接地连续性测试 ... 127

82 Nominal Varistor Voltage … 128
82 标称变阻器电压 ... 128

83 Breakdown Voltage Measurement … 128
83 击穿电压测量 ... 128



85 Details … 129  85 详情 ... 129
86 Details … 136
86 详情 ... 136

补充材料 SA - 光电 (PV) 自耦降压器

SA1 Scope … 139
SA1 范围 ... 139

SA2 Glossary … 139
SA2 术语表 ... 139

SA3 Spacings … 139
SA3 间距 ... 139

SA4 Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test (Section 39) for PV SPDs … 139
SA5 DC Voltage Test Source Requirements … 139
SA5 直流电压测试源要求 ... 139

SA6 Voltage Protection Rating Test (41.6) … 139
SA6 电压保护额定值测试 (41.6) ... 139

SA7 Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) Test (41.7) … 140
SA7 额定放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) 测试 (41.7) ... 140

SA8 Current Tests (Section 45) … 140
SA8 电流测试(第 45 节) ... 140

SA9 Temperature Withstand Test (Section 46) … 141
SA10 Thermal Responsive Device Testing (Section 47) … 141
SA11 PV SPD Leakage (Quiesent) Current (Iq) Test … 141
SA11 PV SPD 泄漏(静态)电流 (Iq) 测试 ... 141

SA12 Operational Voltage Test … 141
SA12 工作电压测试 ... 141

SA13 Markings … 141
SA13 标识 ... 141

补充 SB - 直流电 (DC) SPD

SB1 Scope … 143
SB1 范围 ... 143

SB2 Glossary … 143
SB2 术语表 ... 143

SB3 Spacings … 143
SB3 间距 ... 143

SB4 Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test (Section 39) for DC SPDs … 144
SB5 DC Voltage Test Source Requirements … 144
SB5 直流电压测试源要求 ... 144

SB6 Voltage Protection Rating Test (41.6) … 144
SB6 电压保护额定值测试 (41.6) ... 144

SB7 Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)I_{n} ) Test (41.7). … 144
SB7 额定放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)I_{n} ) 测试 (41.7).... 144

SB8 Current Tests (Section 45) … 144
SB8 电流测试(第 45 节)...... 144

SB9 Temperature Withstand Test (Section 46) … 145
SB10 Thermal Responsive Device Testing (Section 47) … 145
SB11 DC SPD Leakage (Quiesent) Current (Iq) Test … 145
SB11 直流防雷器泄漏(静态)电流 (Iq) 测试 ... 145

SB12 Photovoltaic (PV) SPDs … 145
SB12 光伏 (PV) 自耦降压器 ... 145

SB13 Dual Rated AC/DC SPDs … 145
SB13 双额定交流/直流 SPD ... 145

SB14 Markings … 146
SB14 标识 ... 146

ANNEX A Surge Waveforms
附件 A 浪涌波形

A1 Combination V/I Waves … 147
A1 组合 V/I 波 ... 147


1 Scope  1 范围

1.1 These requirements cover enclosed and open-type Surge Protective Devices(SPDs)designed for repeated limiting of transient voltage surges as specified in the standard on 50 or 60 Hz power circuits not exceeding 1000 V and for PV applications up to 1500 V dc and designated as follows:
1.1 本要求涵盖封闭式和开放式浪涌保护装置(SPDs),设计用于重复限制标准中规定的不超过 1000 V 的 50 或 60 Hz 电源电路中的瞬态电压浪涌,以及用于直流电压不超过 1500 V 的光伏应用,其名称如下: 1.
Type 1 -One port,permanently connected SPDs,except for watt-hour meter socket enclosures, intended for installation between the secondary of the service transformer and the line side of the service equipment overcurrent device,as well as the load side,including watt-hour meter socket enclosures and Molded Case SPDs intended to be installed without an external overcurrent protective device.Type 1 SPDs for use in PV systems can be connected between the PV array and
用于光伏系统的 1 型 SPD 可连接在光伏阵列和负载之间。

间,以及负载侧,包括电度表插座外壳和用于没有外部过流保护装置的模制外壳SPDs。用于光伏系统的Type 1 SPDs是连接在光伏阵列和主服务断路器之间。
Type 2 -Permanently connected SPDs intended for installation on the load side of the service equipment overcurrent device;including SPDs located at the branch panel and Molded Case SPDs.永久性连接的电涌保护器(SPDs),旨在安装在服务设备过电流装置的负裁侧;包括位于分支面板处的SPDS和模制外壳SPDs。
类型 2 -永久性连接的电涌保护器(SPD),旨在安装在服务设备过电流装置的负裁侧;包括位于分支面板处的SPDS和模制外壳SPD。永久性连接的电涌保护器(SPDs),旨在安装在服务设备过电流装置的负裁侧;包括位于分支面板处的SPDS和模制外壳SPDs。
Type 3 -Point of utilization SPDs,installed at a minimum conductor length of 10 meters( 30 feet) from the electrical service panel to the point of utilization,for example cord connected,direct plug- in,receptacle type and SPDs installed at the utilization equipment being protected.See marking in 85.4.The distance( 10 meters)is exclusive of conductors provided with or used to attach SPDs.
第 3 类 - 使用点防雷器,从配电盘到使用点的导线长度至少为 10 米(30 英尺)。从配电盘到使用点,例如电线连接,直接插入,插座类型和安装在被保护的使用设备上的防雷器。

使用点的SPDs,安装在从配电柜到使用点至少 10 米的导线长度处,如电线连接,直接插入,插座式以及安装在被保护设备内部的SPDs。该距离( 10 米)不包括提供或用于连接SPDs的导线。 Type 4 Component Assemblies-Component assembly consisting of one or more Type 5 components together with a disconnect(integral or external)or a means of complying with the limited current tests in 45.4.4CA-组件组装由一个或多个笑型Type 5 器件以及一个断开装置((内置或外置)组成,或者是一种坿合45.4中限制电流测试要求的途径/方法。
使用点的 SPDs,安装在从配电柜到使用点至少 10 米的导线长度处,如电线连接,直接插入,插座式以及安装在被保护设备内部的 SPDs。该距离(10 米)不包括提供或用于连接 SPDs 的导线。4.4CA-组件组装由一个或多个笑型Type 5 器件以及一个断开装置(内置或外置)组成,或者是一种坿合45.4中限制电流测试要求的途径/方法。
Type 1,2, 3 Component Assemblies-Consists of a Type 4 component assembly with internal or external short circuit protection.Type 1,2,3CA 一 由具有内盖或外部途路保伏的Tyyp 4CA组成.
1 类,2 类,3 类元件组件--由具有内盖或外部途路保伏的 Typ 4CA 组成.
Type 5 -Discrete component surge suppressors,such as MOVs that may be mounted on a PWB, connected by its leads or provided within an enclosure with mounting means and wiring
类型 5 -分立元件浪涌抑制器,如 MOV,可安装在 PWB 上,通过引线连接或安装在带有安装装置和接线的外壳内

1.2 Except as indicated in 1.3,the products covered by this Standard are rated and intended for connection to circuits or supply sources having nominal voltage ratings as specified in Table 45.1.
1.2 除 1.3 所示外,本标准所涵盖的产品均为额定电压,并用于连接表 45 中规定的额定电压的电路或电源。

1.3 A product intended for connection to an ac circuit or supply source other than that specified in 1.2 may be examined and tested in accordance with the intent of the requirements in this standard and,if found to be substantially equivalent,may be judged to comply with this Standard.
1.3 用于连接 1.2 规定以外的交流电路或电源的产品,可根据本标准要求的意图进行检查和测 试,如发现实质上等同,则可判定为符合本标准。

1.4 These requirements cover cord-connected direct plug-in,and permanently connected SPDs intended for indoor and outdoor use in accordance with the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
1.4 这些要求涵盖了根据美国国家电气规范(ANSI/NFPA 70)设计的用于室内和室外的电线连接直接插入式和永久连接式防雷器。
1.5 These requirements do not cover the interconnection of multiple field installed SPDs.
1.5 这些要求不包括多个现场安装的 SPD 的互连。

1.6 These requirements cover SPDs that may include components specifically intended to function as filters for conducted electromagnetic interference(EMI)or noise,in addition to limiting transient voltage
1.6 这些要求涵盖的 SPD 除了限制瞬态电压外,还可能包括专门用作传导电磁干扰(EMI)或噪声滤波器的元件。

1.7 These requirements cover SPDs employing circuit components intended to provide secondary protection for telephone communication circuits and circuit components intended to protect data communication or fire alarm circuits.See Section 28.
1.7 这些要求包括采用电路组件为电话通信电路提供二级保护的防雷器,以及采用电路组件为数据通信或火警电路提供保护的防雷器。 参见第 28 节。

这些要求涵盖了使用电路元件的 SPDs,旨在为电话通信电路提供二次保护,以及旨在保护数据通信或火警电路的电路元件。见第 28 节。
1.8 These requirements cover SPDs employing antenna connections for audio-video products.See Section 29.
1.8 这些要求涵盖采用天线连接的音频视频产品 SPD。
1.9 An SPD that has a battery backup feature or other uninterruptible power supply equipment shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment,UL 1778.See Section 31.具有电池洛用功能稢其他不间断电源没备的SPD也应驸合(不间断电源没备标准)(UL 1778)中的适用要求。请参阅策 31 节。
1.9 具有备用电池功能或其他不间断电源没备的 SPD 也应符合不间断电源没备标准中的适用要求。请参阅第 31 节.具有电池洛用功能稢其他不间断电源没备的 SPD 也应驸合(不间断电源没备标准)(UL 1778)中的适用要求。
1.10 These requirements cover SPDs/Panelboard Extension Modules.These products shall also comply with the Standard for Panelboards,UL 67.See Section 32.
1.10 这些要求包括 SPD/面板扩展模块。 这些产品也应符合面板标准,UL 67。

这些要求涵盖了SPDs/配电盘扩展模块。这些产品还应符合配电盘标准,UL 67。请参阅第32节。
1.11 These requirements do not evaluate the effect of SPDs on connected loads,the effect of SPDs on harmonic distortion of the supply voltage,the degree of attenuation provided by SPDs,nor the adequacy of the voltage protection rating of SPDs to protect specific connected equipment from upset or damage.
1.11 这些要求不评估 SPD 对连接负载的影响、SPD 对电源电压谐波畸变的影响、SPD 的衰减程度,以及 SPD 的电压保护额定值是否足以保护特定连接设备免受干扰或损坏。


1.12 This standard does not cover cord connected or direct plug-in SPDs intended for use with medical equipment.Medical equipment is typically intended for use in General Patient Care Areas or Critical Patient Care Areas as defined by Article 517 of the National Electrical Code for Health Care Facilities. SPDs intended for such use shall comply with the requirements of the Standard for Safety of Medical Electrical Equipment,Part 1:General Requirements,UL 60601-1,and the Standard for Safety Requirements for Medical Electrical Systems,IEC 60601-1-1.
1.12 本标准不包括用于医疗设备的软线连接或直接插入式 SPD。用于此类用途的防雷器应符合《医疗电气设备安全标准》第 1 部分:一般要求,UL 60601-1,以及《医疗电气系统安全要求标准》,IEC 60601-1-1。
1.13 An SPD intended to serve as an outlet cover plate or outlet box hood shall comply with the requirement for faceplates in the Standard for Cover Plates for Flush Mounted Wiring Devices,UL 514D.
1.13 用作插座盖板或插座盒罩的防雷器,应符合《嵌入式接线装置盖板标准》(UL 514D)中对面板的要求。

1.14 An SPD intended for use in a Lightning Protection System(LPS)shall comply with the Surge Protection requirements in the Standard for Installation Requirements for Lightning Protections Systems, UL 96A.供用于雷电保护系统(LPS)的SPD应符合 《UL 96A》标准中关于安装要求和雷击保护系统的浪涌保护要求。
1.14 用于雷电保护系统(LPS)的SPD应符合《UL 96A》标准中关于安装要求和雷击保护系统的浪涌保护要求。防雷保护系统安装要求标准》中的浪涌保护要求。
1.15 A Type 3 SPD may employ additional low voltage supplementary circuitry to power a USB charger. Type 3 SPD 可能会使用额外的低压辅助电路来为USB充电器供电。
1.15 3 类 SPD 可能会使用额外的低压辅助电路来为 USB 充电器供电。

1.16 A cord-connected or direct plug-in Type 3 SPD may employ a replaceable or non-replaceable rechargeable battery to power a USB output circuit.
1.16 用电线连接或直接插入的 3 类防雷器可使用可更换或不可更换的充电电池为 USB 输出电路供电。

一个通过线缆连接或直接插入的Type 3 SPD 可以使用可更换或不可更换的充电电池来为USB输出电路供电。
1.17 A direct plug-in SPD employing more than two receptacles shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Current Taps and Adapters,UL 498A.
1.17 使用两个以上插座的直插式防雷器,还必须符合《电流抽头和适配器标准》(UL 498A)中的适用要求。

直接插入式SPD,如果使用两个以上的插座,也必须遵守电流分接器和适配器的标准要求,即UL 498A。
直接插入式 spd,如果使用两个以上的插座,也必须遵守电流分接器和适配器的标准要求,即ul 498a。

1.18 A cord-connected SPD employing more than two receptacles shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the requirements in the Standard for Relocatable Power Taps,UL 1363 or the Standard for Furniture Power Distribution Units,UL 962A.
1.18 采用两个以上插座的电线连接式插座分配器,还必须符合《可移动电源插座标准》(UL 1363)或《家具配电装置标准》(UL 962A)中的适用要求。

使用两个以上插座的有线连接SPD(浪涌保护器)还必须符合《可移动电源分接器标准》(UL 1363)或《家具电源分配单元标准》(UL 962A)中适用的要求。

2 Referenced Publications
2 参考出版物

2.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this Standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.
2.1 本标准要求中出现的任何未注明日期的规范或标准,应解释为指该规范或标准的最新版本。
2.2 The following publications are referenced in this Standard:
2.2 本标准参考了以下出版物: 本标准参考了以下出版物: 本标准参考了以下出版物: 本标准参考了以下出版物

ANSI C84.1,Electric Power Systems Voltage Ratings( 60 Hz )
ANSI C84.1,电力系统额定电压( 60 赫兹)

ASTM E230/E230M,Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force(emf)Tables for Standardized Thermocouples
ASTM E230/E230M,标准化热电偶规格和温度-电动势(emf)表
IEC 60601-1-1, Safety Requirements for Medical Electrical Systems
IEC 60601-1-1,医疗电气系统的安全要求

IEC 60664-1, Insulation Coordination for Equipment within Low-voltage Supply Systems - Part 1: Principles, Requirements and Tests
IEC 60664-1,低压供电系统内设备的绝缘协调 - 第 1 部分:原则、要求和试验
IEEE C37.09, AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
IEEE C37.09,按对称电流额定的交流高压断路器

IEEE C62.45, Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits
IEEE C62.45,与低压(1000 V 及以下)交流电路相连设备的浪涌测试
NEMA/WD 6, Wiring Devices - Dimensional Specifications
NEMA/WD 6,接线装置 - 尺寸规格

NFPA 70, National Electrical Code
NFPA 70,国家电气规范

UL 20, Snap Switches
UL 20,快速开关

UL 50E, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations
UL 50E,电气设备外壳,环境考虑因素

UL 67, Panelboards  UL 67,面板
UL 94, Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances
UL 94,设备和电器部件塑料材料可燃性测试

UL 96A, Installation Requirements for Lightning Protections Systems
UL 96A,防雷系统安装要求

UL 224, Extruded Insulating Tubing
UL 224,挤压绝缘套管

UL 248-14, Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 14: Supplemental Fuses
UL248-14,低压保险丝--第 14 部分:辅助保险丝

UL 248-16, Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 16: Test Limiters
UL248-16,低压保险丝--第 16 部分:测试限制器

UL 414, Meter Sockets
UL 414,电表插座

UL 452, Antenna-Discharge Units
UL 452,天线放电装置

UL 486A-486B, Wire Connectors
UL 486A-486B,电线连接器

UL 486E, Wiring Terminals for Use With Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors

UL 489, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures
UL 489,模制外壳断路器、模制外壳开关和断路器外壳

UL 497, Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communication Circuits

UL 497A, Secondary Protectors for Communication Circuits

UL 497B, Protectors for Data Communication and Fire Alarm Circuits

UL 497C, Protectors for Coaxial Communication Circuits

UL 498, Attachment Plugs and Receptacles
UL 498,连接插头和插座
UL 508, Industrial Control Equipment
UL 508,工业控制设备
UL 514A, Metallic Outlet Boxes
UL 514A,金属插座盒
UL 514B, Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings
UL 514B,导管、套管和电缆配件
UL 514C, Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes, and Covers
UL 514C,非金属插座盒、嵌入式设备盒和盖子
UL 514D, Cover Plates for Flush Mounted Wiring Devices
UL 514D,埋入式接线装置盖板
UL 746B, Polymeric Materials - Long Term Property Evaluations
UL 746B,聚合材料 - 长期特性评估

UL 746C, Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations
UL 746C,聚合材料 - 在电气设备评估中的使用
UL 746E, Polymeric Materials - Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fibre, and Materials Used in Printed Wiring Boards
UL 746E,聚合材料--工业层压板、绕丝管、硫化纤维和印刷线路板用材料
UL 796, Printed Wiring Boards
UL 796,印刷线路板

UL 817, Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords
UL 817,软线组和电源线

UL 840, Insulation Coordination Including Clearance and Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment

UL 962A, Furniture Power Distribution Units
UL 962A,家具配电装置

UL 969, Marking and Labeling Systems
UL 969,标记和标签系统
UL 991, Tests for Safety-Related Controls Employing Solid-State Devices

UL 1059, Terminal Blocks
UL 1059,接线板
UL 1077, Supplementary Protectors for Use in Electrical Equipment
UL 1077,电气设备中使用的辅助保护器

UL 1283, Electromagnetic Interference Filters
UL 1283,电磁干扰滤波器

UL 1310, Class 2 Power Units
UL 1310,2 类电源装置
UL 1363, Relocatable Power Taps
UL 1363,可移动电源抽头
UL 1429, Pullout Switches
UL 1429,拉出开关
UL 1434, Thermistor-Type Devices
UL 1434,热敏电阻型设备
UL 1492, Audio-Video Products and Accessories
UL 1492,音视频产品及配件
UL 1557, Electrically Isolated Semiconductor Devices
UL 1557,电气隔离半导体器件
UL 1577, Optical Isolators
UL 1577,光隔离器
UL 1778, Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment
UL 1778,不间断电源设备
UL 2054, Household and Commercial Batteries
UL 2054,家用和商用电池

UL 5085-1,Low Voltage Transformers-Part 1:General Requirements
UL 5085-1,低压变压器-第 1 部分:一般要求
UL 5085-3,Low Voltage Transformers-Part 3:Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers
UL 5085-3,低压变压器-第 3 部分:2 类和 3 类变压器
UL 60065,Audio,Video,and Similar Electronic Apparatus Safety Requirements
UL 60065,音频、视频及类似电子设备安全要求
UL 60384-14,Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment-Part 14:Sectional Specification:Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains
UL 60384-14,电子设备中使用的固定电容器-第 14 部分:部分规范:用于抑制电磁干扰和连接电源的固定电容器
UL 60601-1,Medical Electrical Equipment,Part 1:General Requirements
UL 60601-1,医疗电气设备,第 1 部分:一般要求
UL 60691,Thermal-Links-Requirements and Application Guide
UL 60691,热链路-要求和应用指南
UL 60950-1,Information Technology Equipment-Safety-Part 1:General Requirements
UL 60950-1,信息技术设备-安全-第 1 部分:一般要求
UL 61058-1,Switches for Appliances-Part 1:General Requirements
UL 61058-1,电器开关-第 1 部分:一般要求

3 Glossary  3 术语表

3.1 For the purpose of this Standard,the following definitions apply.
3.1 在本标准中,适用以下定义。

3.21 .2 / 50 3.21 .2 / 50 3.21.2//503.21 .2 / 50 VOLTAGE WAVE-Voltage surge with a virtual front time of 1.2 μ s 1.2 μ s 1.2 mus1.2 \mu \mathrm{~s} and a time to half-value of 50 μ s 50 μ s 50 mus50 \mu \mathrm{~s} delivered across an open circuit.
3.21 .2 / 50 3.21 .2 / 50 3.21.2//503.21 .2 / 50 电压波 - 开路电路上产生的电压浪涌,其虚拟前沿时间为 1.2 μ s 1.2 μ s 1.2 mus1.2 \mu \mathrm{~s} ,半值时间为 50 μ s 50 μ s 50 mus50 \mu \mathrm{~s}

3.3 8/20 CURRENT WAVE-Current surge with a virtual front time of 8 μ 8 μ 8mu8 \mu s and a time to half-value of 20 μ μ mu\mu s delivered into a short circuit.
3.3 8/20 CURRENT WAVE(电流浪涌)--电流浪涌的虚拟前沿时间为 8 μ 8 μ 8mu8 \mu s,进入短路的半值时间为 20 μ μ mu\mu s。
3.4 AC POWER INTERFACE-The electrical points where the SPD is electrically connected to the ac power system.
3.4 交流电源接口 - SPD 与交流电源系统电气连接的电气点。
3.5 CIRCUIT BREAKER SPD-Combination circuit breaker and surge-protective devices(SPDs) designed to serve the dual function of providing overcurrent protection,and for repeated limiting of transient-voltage surges.
3.5 CIRCUIT BREAKER SPD-断路器和浪涌保护器(SPDs)的组合设计用于提供过流保护和重复限制瞬时电压浪涌的双重功能。
3.6 COMBINATION WAVE-(Also called"combination surge")A surge delivered by a generator which has the inherent capability of applying a 1.2 / 50 μ s 1.2 / 50 μ s 1.2//50 mus1.2 / 50 \mu \mathrm{~s} voltage wave across an open circuit,and delivering an 8 / 20 μ s 8 / 20 μ s 8//20 mus8 / 20 \mu \mathrm{~s} current wave into a short circuit.The exact wave that is delivered is determined by the generator's fictive impedance.
3.6 组合波--(又称 "组合浪涌")由发电机产生的浪涌,发电机本身具有在开路上施加 1.2 / 50 μ s 1.2 / 50 μ s 1.2//50 mus1.2 / 50 \mu \mathrm{~s} 电压波,并在短路中产生 8 / 20 μ s 8 / 20 μ s 8//20 mus8 / 20 \mu \mathrm{~s} 电流波的能力。产生的确切波形由发电机的假阻抗决定。
3.7 COMPONENT-SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE-An SPD intended solely for factory installation in another component,device or product and designated as Type 4 Component Assemblies,Type 1, 2 or 3 Component Assemblies or Type 5 SPD.
3.7 CompONENT-SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE(组件-防溅装置)--专门用于在工厂安装在另一个组件、装置或产品中的防溅装置,并被指定为 4 型组件组件、1 型、2 型或 3 型组件组件或 5 型防溅装置。

组件-浪涌保护装置-一种专门用于在另一个组件,设备或产品中进行工厂安装的SPD,并被指定为类型4组件组装,类型1,2或 3 组件组装或类型 5 SPD。
组件-浪涌保护装置-一种专门用于在另一个组件,设备或产品中进行工厂安装的 spd,并被指定为类型 4 组件组装,类型 1,2 或 3 组件组装或类型 5 spd。

3.8 CORD CONNECTED(CC)-An SPD provided with a power-supply cord terminating in an attachment plug for connection of the device to a receptacle in the AC power circuit.
3.8 CORD CONNECTED(CCC)--配有电源线的防雷器,电源线的终端是一个连接插头,用于将设备连接到交流电源电路中的插座上。

3.9 CREST(PEAK)VALUE(OF A WAVE,SURGE,OR IMPULSE)-The maximum value that a wave, surge,or impulse attains.
3.9 波峰(PEAK)值(OF A WAVE,SURGE,OR IMPULSE)--波浪、浪涌或脉冲达到的最大值。
3.10 DIRECT PLUG-IN(DPI)-An SPD incorporating integral blades for direct insertion into a standard wall receptacle.直插式揰件(DPI)SPD,包含集成插片,可直接插入标准堺上插座。
3.10 DIRECT PLUG-IN(DPI)--包含集成插片的 SPD,可直接插入标准堺上插座。
3.11 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE FILTER-A device intended to attenuate unwanted radio- frequency signals(such as noise or interference)generated from electromagnetic sources.EMI filters consist of capacitors and inductors used alone or in combination with each other and may be provided with resistors.
3.11 电磁干扰滤波器--用于减弱电磁源产生的不需要的射频信号(如噪声或干扰)的装置。电磁干扰滤波器由单独使用或相互组合使用的电容器和电感器组成,并可能配有电阻器。
3.12 ENCLOSED SPD-An SPD provided with a complete enclosure in accordance with the construction requirements of this standard.
3.12 封闭式防雷器(ENCLOSED SPD)- 按照本标准的结构要求提供完整外壳的防雷器。
3.13 EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST(EUT)-Refers to the SPD being tested.

3.14 FACTORY WIRING-The connection of a wire,under controlled conditions,at a manufacturer's location.
3.14 工厂接线--在受控条件下,在制造商的地点连接导线。
3.15 FAULT CURRENT-The current from the connected power system that flows in a short circuit.
3.15 故障电流(FAULT CURRENT)--短路时从所连接的电力系统流过的电流。
3.16 FIELD WIRING-The connection of a wire in the field,in accordance with the National Electrical Code,NFPA 70.
3.16 FIELD WIRING(现场接线)--按照美国国家电气规范(NFPA 70)在现场连接电线。
3.17 FOLLOW(POWER)CURRENT-The current from the connected power source that flows through an SPD during and following the passage of discharge current.Examples of devices that permit follow current are gas discharge tubes and thyristors.
3.17 FOLLOW(POWER)CURRENT(跟随电流)--在放电电流通过时和放电电流通过后,从所连接的电源流过防雷器的电流。允许跟随电流的设备有气体放电管和晶闸管。
3.18 HERMETICALLY SEALED DEVICE-A device that is sealed against the entrance of an external atmosphere and in which the seal is made by fusion;e.g.,soldering,brazing,welding,or the fusion of glass to metal.
3.18 HERMETICALLY SEALED DEVICE 防止外部空气进入的密封装置,其密封是通过熔合;e.g.,焊接,钎焊,或玻璃与金属的熔合来实现的。

3.19 ISOLATED SECONDARY CIRCUIT-A circuit derived from an isolating source(such as a transformer,optical isolator,limiting impedance or electro-mechanical relay)and having no direct connection back to the primary circuit(other than through the grounding means).A secondary circuit that has a direct connection back to the primarv circuit is considered part of the primarv circuit.
3.19 隔离的次级电路(ISOLATED SECONDER CIRCUIT)--从隔离源(如变压器、光隔离器、限幅阻抗或机电继电器)引出的电路,除通过接地装置外,不直接连接回初级电路。


3.20 MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS OPERATING VOLTAGE(MCOV)-The maximum designated root- mean-square(rms)value of the power frequency voltage that may be continuously applied to the mode of protection of an SPD.
3.20 MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS OPERATING VOLTAGE(MCOV)--可连续施加于 SPD 保护模式的指定最大均方根(rms)工频电压值。
3.21 MEASURED LIMITING VOLTAGE-The maximum magnitude of voltage,measured at the leads, terminals,receptacle contacts,and similar locations after the application of an impulse of specified waveshape and amplitude.
3.21 测量极限电压(MEASURED LIMITING VOLTAGE)--在导线、端子、插座触点及类似位置施加规定波形和振幅的脉冲后测量到的最大电压值。
3.22 MODES OF PROTECTION-Electrical paths where the SPD offers defense against transient overvoltages.Examples include,Line to Neutral(L-N),line to Ground(L-G),Line to Line(L-L)and Neutral to Ground(N-G).
3.22 保护模式 - 防雷器可防止瞬态过电压的电气路径。例如,线路至中性线(L-N),线路至接地(L-G),线路至线路(L-L)和中性线至接地(N-G).
3.23 MOLDED CASE SPD-A One-Port SPD incorporated within a molded case and intended for use in a space normally occupied by a circuit breaker within a panelboard complying with the Standard for Panelboards,UL 67.Molded Case SPD's may consist of a one piece SPD or may be of a two piece, "Pullout SPD"design.See 3.36-3.38 for description of a Molded Case SPD of the"Pullout"configuration.模塑化外壳SPD-一个集成在模制外壳中的单端口SPD,旨在用于符合面板板标准UL 67的电路断路器通常占用的空间。模制外壳SPD可能由一个整体SPD组成,或者可能是两片式的"拉出式SPD"设计。关于"拉出式"酉改置的模制外壳SPD的掉述,请参见 3.36 3.38 3.36 3.38 3.36-3.383.36-3.38
3.23 MOLDED CASE SPD-A 单端口防雷器,装在一个模制的外壳内,用于通常由断路器占用的空间,并符合UL 67.1.规定的配电盘标准。模制外壳防雷器可以是单件式防雷器,也可以是双件式 "拉出式防雷器"。关于 "拉出式 "酉改置的模制外壳SPD的掉述,请参见3.

3.24 NOMINAL DISCHARGE CURRENT ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right)-Peak value of the current,selected by the manufacturer, through the SPD having a current waveshape of 8 / 20 8 / 20 8//208 / 20 where the SPD remains functional after 15 surges.
3.24 标称放电电流 ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) - 制造商选择的通过防雷器的电流峰值,其电流波形为 8 / 20 8 / 20 8//208 / 20 ,防雷器在 15 次浪涌后仍能正常工作。
3.25 NOMINAL SYSTEM VOLTAGE-A nominal value assigned to designate a system of a given voltage class in accordance with ANSI C84.1.For the purpose of this standard,nominal system voltages include,but are not limited to,120,208,240,277,347,480, 600 Vac.
3.25 NOMINAL SYSTEM VOLTAGE(系统标称电压)--根据 ANSI C84.1 标准,指定某一电压等级系统的标称值。在本标准中,系统标称电压包括,但不限于,120,208,240,277,347,480,600 Vac。
3.26 NOMINAL VARISTOR VOLTAGE-The voltage across the varistor at 1 mA , DC 1 mA , DC 1mA,DC1 \mathrm{~mA}, \mathrm{DC}
3.26 标称变阻器电压-- 1 mA , DC 1 mA , DC 1mA,DC1 \mathrm{~mA}, \mathrm{DC}

3.27 NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE RATING-The normal ac power frequency voltage rating assigned to an SPD by the manufacturer.For an SPD,other than a Component-SPD,it is generally equal to the nominal value of the root-mean-square power-frequency phase voltage of the ac circuit(for example, 120 , 208 , 240 , 347 , 480 120 , 208 , 240 , 347 , 480 120,208,240,347,480120,208,240,347,480 ,or 600 Vrms ).
3.27 NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE RATING(正常工作电压额定值)--制造商为防雷器设定的正常交流工频电压额定值。对于除组件式防雷器之外的防雷器,该额定值通常等于交流电路的均方根工频相电压标称值(例如, 120 , 208 , 240 , 347 , 480 120 , 208 , 240 , 347 , 480 120,208,240,347,480120,208,240,347,480 ,或 600 Vrms )。
3.28 ONE-PORT SPD-An SPD having provisions(terminals,leads,plug)for connection to the ac power circuit but no provisions(terminals,leads,receptacles)for supplying current to ac power loads.
3.28 ONE-PORT SPD--一种具有(终端,导线,插头)用于连接交流电源电路,但没有(终端,导线,插座)用于向交流电源负载供电的 SPD。
3.29 OPEN-TYPE SPD-A Type 1, 2 or 3 SPD,with an incomplete or partial enclosure and with field wiring terminals and/or leads,suitable for field installation,in accordance with the National Electrical Code,
3.29 OPEN-TYPE SPD-A 类型 1、2 或 3 SPD,带有不完整或部分外壳,带有现场接线端子和/或导线,适合现场安装,符合国家电气规范。

据国家电气规范ANSI/NFPA 70 ,在适当外壳内进行现场安装。
据国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 ,在适当外壳内进行现场安装。
3.30 OPPOSITE POLARITY-A difference in potential between two points,such that shorting of these two points would result in a condition involving an overload,rupturing of printed wiring-board-tracks, components,or fuses,and the like.
3.30 OPPOSITE POLARITY - 两点之间的电位差,以至于这两点短路会导致过载、印制线路板-轨道、组件或保险丝等损坏。
3.31 PEAK LET-THROUGH CURRENT ( I p ) I p (I_(p))\left(I_{p}\right)-The maximum current through a circuit during a fault.
3.31 PEAK LET-THROUGH CURRENT ( I p ) I p (I_(p))\left(I_{p}\right) -故障时通过电路的最大电流。

3.32 PERMANENTLY CONNECTED(PC)-An SPD provided with terminals or leads for field connection to wiring systems in accordance with the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
3.32 PERMANENTLY CONNECTED(PC)--根据美国国家电气规范,ANSI/NFPA 70,带有端子或导线的防雷器,用于现场连接到布线系统。

永久性连接(PC)-根据国家电气规程,ANSI/NFPA 70标准,SPD配备有用于现场连接到布线系统的端子或引线。
永久性连接(pc)-根据国家电气规程,ansi/nfpa 70标准,spd配备有用于现场连接到布线系统的端子或引线。

3.33 PHASE ANGLE-The point on the ac power sine wave,expressed in terms of electrical degrees between 0 and 360 ,at which the transient surge is applied.
3.33 PHASE ANGLE(相位角)--交流电源正弦波上的一点,用 0 至 360 度之间的电度表示,在该点上施加瞬态浪涌。
3.34 POWERED TESTING-Refers to surge testing that is done while the SPD is electrically connected to the ac power system,at the nominal system voltage,or the manufacturer's operating voltage rating, whichever is greater.
3.34 带电测试 - 指防雷器与交流电源系统电气连接时进行的浪涌测试,测试电压为系统额定电压或制造商的额定工作电压,以较高者为准。
3.35 PRIMARY CIRCUIT-A circuit in which the wiring and components are conductively connected to the AC power interface.主电路一 一个电路,其线路和元件导电连挍至交流电源接口。
3.35 PRIMARY CIRCUIT - 电路,其中线路和元件导电连挍至交流电源接口。
3.36 PULLOUT BASE-An assembly designed for mounting in place of a plug-in circuit breaker within a panelboard,that is for use with specified SPD pullout module(s)as part of a Pullout SPD.
3.36 PULLOUT BASE(拉出底座)--一种组件,设计用于安装在配电板内插入式断路器的位置,与指定的 SPD 拉出模块(s)一起使用,作为拉出 SPD 的一部分。
3.37 PULLOUT MODULE-An SPD incorporated within a housing that is detachable from its pullout base,intended to be replaceable and field installable.
3.37 PULLOUT MODULE(拉出式模块)--一种安装在外壳内的防雷器,可从其拉出式底座上拆下,用于更换和现场安装。
3.38 PULLOUT SPD-A Molded Case SPD that consists of a detachable"pullout module"and"pullout base",intended for use in a space normally occupied by a circuit breaker within a panelboard complying with the Standard for Panelboards,UL 67.
3.38 PULLOUT SPD - 由可拆卸的 "拉出模块 "和 "拉出底座 "组成的模制外壳防雷器,用于符合 UL 67 配电盘标准的配电盘内断路器通常占用的空间。
3.39 RACK-MOUNTED CORD-CONNECTED TYPE 3 SPD-A cord-connected Type 3 SPD provided with mounting means for securement to a stationary(intended to be fastened in place or located in a dedicated space)or portable(capable of being easily moved by hand from place to place in normal use)
3.39 RACK-MOUNTED CORD-CONNECTED TYPE 3 SPD - 带有安装装置的软线连接型 3 类防雷器,可固定在固定物上(用于固定到位或位于专用空间内)或便携式(可在正常使用时方便地用手从一个地方移到另一个地方)。

3.40 RECEPTACLE SPD-A receptacle outlet incorporating an integral SPD.
3.40 RECEPTACLE SPD-A 内置 SPD 的插座插口。

3.41 RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK-A risk of electric shock is considered to exist at any part if:
3.41 触电危险 在下列情况下,任何部位都有触电危险: - 在任何情况下,任何部位都有触电危险。

a)The potential between the part and earth ground or any other accessible part is more than 30 V rms(42.4 V peak);and
a)部件与接地或任何其他可触及部件之间的电位超过 30 V rms(42.4 V peak);且

b)The continuous current flow through a 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega resistor connected across the potential exceeds 0.5 mA .
b)通过跨电位连接的 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega 电阻器的连续电流超过 0.5 mA .
3.42 RISK OF FIRE-A risk of fire is considered to exist at any two points in a circuit where:
3.42 火灾危险 在电路中的任意两点存在火灾危险,其中:

a)The open circuit voltage is more than 30 Vrms ( 42.4 V peak)and the energy available to the circuit under any condition of load including short circuit,results in a current of 8 A or more after 1 minute of operation;or
a)开路电压超过 30 Vrms (峰值 42.4 V),且在任何负载条件下(包括短路),电路的可用能量在运行 1 分钟后达到或超过 8 A;或

b)A power of more than 15 watts can be delivered into an external resistor connected between the two points.
b)连接两点之间的外部电阻器可输出超过 15 瓦的功率。
3.43 SERVICEABLE PART-A part or component of an SPD that is intended to be replaced or otherwise serviced during the life of the SPD.
3.43 可维修部件--防雷装置的一个部件或组件,在防雷装置的使用期限内需要更换或维修。

3.44 SERVICE EQUIPMENT OVERCURRENT DEVICE-The first overcurrent protection device between the service transformer secondary and the service entrance.
3.44 检修设备过流保护装置(SERVICE EQUIPMENT OVERCURRENT DEVICE)--检修变压器次级和检修入口之间的第一个过流保护装置。
3.45 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING(SCCR)OF SPD-The suitability of an SPD for use on an AC power circuit that is capable of delivering not more than a declared rms symmetrical current at a declared voltage during a short circuit condition.
3.45 防雷器的短路电流额定值(SCCR)--防雷器是否适用于交流电源电路,在短路情况下,该防雷器能够在规定电压下提供不超过规定均方根值的对称电流。


3.46 SUPPLEMENTARY PROTECTION DEVICE-A device intended for use as overcurrent,over-or under-voltage,or over-temperature protection within electrical equipment where branch circuit overcurrent protection is already provided,or is not required.
3.46 辅助保护装置--在已提供或不需要分支电路过流保护的电气设备中,用作过流、过压或欠压或过温保护的装置。

3.47 SURGE-A transient wave of current,potential or power in an electric circuit.For the purposes of this standard,surges do not include temporary overvoltages(TOV)consisting of an increase in the power frequency voltage for several cycles.
3.47 SURGE 浪涌--电路中电流、电位或功率的瞬态波。 在本标准中,浪涌不包括由工频电压上升几个周期组成的临时过电压(TOV)。
3.48 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE(SPD)-A device composed of at least one non-linear component (see 3.55 and 3.56 )and intended for limiting surge voltages on equipment by diverting or limiting surge current and is capable of repeating these functions as specified.SPDs were previously known as Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors or secondary surge arresters.电涌保护器一由至少一个非线性元件(见3.55和3.56)组成的设备旨在通过转移或限制电涌电流来限制设备上的电涌电压,并能够重复执行这些功能。SPD以前被称为羁态电压电涌抑制器或次级电涌避雷器。
3.48 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE(浪涌保护器)--至少由一个非线性元件组成(见 3.55 和 3.56),用于通过转移或限制浪涌电流来限制设备上的浪涌电压,并能按规定重复这些功能的装置。电涌保护器一由至少一个非线性元件组成(见 3.55 和 3.56),旨在通过转移或限制电涌电流来限制设备上的电涌电压,并能按规定重复这些功能。SPD以前被称为羁态电压电涌抑制器或次级电涌避雷器。

3.49 SPD DISCONNECTOR-Device(s)(internal and/or external)required for disconnecting an SPD from the power system.These devices may provide overcurrent(fuse or circuit breaker)and/or over temperature(thermal responsive devices)protection.SPD 脱离器-设备(内部和或外部)用于将SPD 从电力系统中断开。这些设备可能提供过电流(保险丝或断路器)和或过热(热敏设备)保护。
3.50 THERMAL-LINK-A non-resettable device incorporating a thermal element(a metallic or non- metallic fusible material that is part of a THERMAL-LINK and is responsive to temperature by a change of state such as from solid to liquid at the temperature for which it is calibrated-as defined in UL 60691) which will open a circuit once only when exposed for a sufficient length of time to a temperature in excess of that which it has been designed.热熔体一一种不可复位的设备,包含一个热敏元件(是热熔体的一部分的金属或非金属易熔材料,通过状态改变如在校准温度下从固态变为液态来响应温度变化-如UL 60691所定义)该设备一旦在超出其设计温度的条件下暴露足够长的时间,就会断开电路一次。
3.50 THERMAL-LINK- 一种不可复位的装置,包含一个热敏元件(一种金属或非 金属易熔材料,是 THERMAL-LINK 的一部分,在其校准的温度下,通过从固态 到液态的状态变化对温度做出反应,如 UL 60691 中的定义)。只有当暴露在超过其校准温度的温度下足够长的时间后,才会打开一次电路。designed.热熔体一种不可复位的设备,包含一个热敏元件(是热熔体的一部分的金属或非金属易熔材料,通过状态改变如在校准温度下从固态变为液态来响应温度变化-如UL 60691所定义)该设备一旦在超出其设计温度的条件下暴露足够长的时间,就会断开电路一次。

3.51 THERMAL RESPONSIVE DEVICE-A non-resettable device or mechanical element that will disconnect a series connected circuit or component,when exposed for a sufficient length of time to a temperature in excess of that which it has been designed.
3.51 THERMAL RESPONSIVE DEVICE (热响应装置)- 一种不可复位的装置或机械元件,当暴露在超过其设计温度足够长的时间后,将断开串联电路或元件。
3.52 TWO-PORT SPD-An SPD having provisions(terminals,leads,plug)for connection to the ac power circuit and provisions[terminals,leads,receptacles(s)]for supplying current to one or more ac
3.52 双端口防雷器--一种防雷器,其端子、导线、插头可连接交流电源电路,并可为一个或多个交流电源提供电流。

power loads.SPDs provided with a minimum of two adjacent terminals for each circuit conductor may be considered and tested as a two-port SPD.
电源负载.每个电路导体至少有两个相邻端子的 SPD 可视为双端口 SPD 并进行测试。
3.53 VOLTAGE AND CURRENT LIMITING TYPE SPD-An SPD that has a high impedance to surges at the input,such as a series connected inductor,followed by voltage limiting or voltage switching
3.53 限压限流型防雷器--一种对输入端浪涌具有高阻抗的防雷器,例如串联电感,然后进行限压或电压切换。

3.54 VOLTAGE PROTECTION RATING(VPR)-A rating selected from a list of preferred values as given in Table 84.1 and assigned to each mode of protection.The value of VPR is determined as a higher value taken from Table 84.1 to the average measured limiting voltage determined during the first set of measured limiting voltages tests during the transient-voltage surge suppression test using the combination wave generator at a setting of 6 kV , 3 kA 6 kV , 3 kA 6kV,3kA6 \mathrm{kV}, 3 \mathrm{kA}
3.54 电压保护定额(VPR)--从表 84.1 所列的优选值中选出并分配给每种保护方式的定额。 VPR 的值是在使用组合波发生器进行瞬态电压浪涌抑制试验期间,以 6 kV , 3 kA 6 kV , 3 kA 6kV,3kA6 \mathrm{kV}, 3 \mathrm{kA}
3.55 VOLTAGE-LIMITING-TYPE SPD-An SPD that has a high impedance when no surge is present, but will reduce it continuously with increased surge current and voltage.Common examples of components used as nonlinear devices are varistors and suppressor diodes.These SPDs are sometimes called"clamping-type"SPDs.
3.55 限压型防雷器--一种在无浪涌时具有高阻抗,但随着浪涌电流和电压的增加而不断降低阻抗的防雷器。
3.56 VOLTAGE-SWITCHING-TYPE SPD-An SPD that has a high impedance when no surge is present,but can have a sudden change in impedance to a low value in response to a voltage surge. Common examples of components used as nonlinear devices are spark gaps,gas tubes,and silicon- controlled rectifiers.These SPDs are sometimes called crowbar-type SPDs.
3.56 VOLTAGE-SWITCHING-TYPE SPD(电压转换型防雷器)--一种防雷器,在无浪涌时阻抗较高,但在电压浪涌时阻抗会突然变低。

4 Components  4 组件

4.1 Except as indicated in 4.2,a component of a product covered by this Standard shall comply with the requirements for that component.See 2.2 for a list of standards covering components generally used in
4.1 除第 4.2 节所述情况外,本标准所涵盖产品的部件应符合对该部件的要求。

4.2 A component is not required to comply with a specific requirement that:组件无需道守以下特定定求:
4.2 组件无需道守以下特定要求: 组件无需道守以下特定要求: 4.

a)Involves a feature or characteristic not required in the application of the component in the product covered by this standard,or a)涉及在符合本标准的产品中应用该维件时不需要的特征或特性,或者

b)Is superseded by a requirement in this standard.For example,when two or more testing methods are allowed in a standard or standards listed in 2.2,and one or more of those testing methods are documented in this standard,only the testing method or methods documented in this standard shall be used in component evaluation.战被本标准中的其他要求取代。例如,当2.2中列出的标准公许使用两种或多种则试方法时,如果这些测试方法中的一个或多个在本标准中有文档记录,那么在组件评估中应仅使用在本标准中记录的测试方法。
b)被本标准中的其他要求取代。例如,当2.2中列出的标准中允许使用两种或多种测试方法时,如果这些测试方法中的一个或多个在本标准中有文档记录,则只能使用本标准中记录的测试方法。例如,当 2.2 中列出的标准公许使用两种或多种则测试方法时,如果这些测试方法中的一个或多个在本标准中有文档记录,那么在组件评估中应仅使用在本标准中记录的测试方法。

4.3 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of use.一个组件应当按照其为预期使用条件所设定的额定值来使用。
4.3 一个组件应当按照其为预期使用条件所设定的额定值来使用。
4.4 Specific components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capabilities.Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions,such as certain temperatures not exceeding specified limits,and shall be used only under those specific conditions.
4.4 某些部件的结构特性不完整或性能受到限制。 这些部件只能在有限的条件下使用,例如某些温度不能超过规定的限度,并且只能在这些特定条件下使用。

5 Units of Measurement
5 计量单位
5.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement.Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information.未㗎括号标明的值是要求。括号内的值是解释性或近似信息。
5.1 不带括号的值是要求.括号内的值是解释性或近似信息.
5.2 All units of voltage and current specified in this standard are root-mean-square values unless otherwise indicated.
5.2 除非另有说明,本标准中规定的所有电压和电流单位均为均方根值。


6 General  6 一般情况

6.1 An SPD shall be so formed and assembled that it has the strength and rigidity necessary to withstand the handling that can be encountered during shipment,installation and use without increasing the risk of fire,electric shock,and injury to persons due to total or partial collapse with resulting reduction of spacings,loosening or displacement of parts,or other defects.
6.1 防爆片的成型和装配应具有必要的强度和刚度,以承受在装运、安装和使用过程中可能遇到的搬运,而不会增加火灾、电击和因全部或部分坍塌导致间距缩小、部件松动或移位或其他缺陷而造成人员伤害的风险。


6.2 A direct plug-in type SPD shall comply with the general requirements for current taps and adapters in the Standard for Current Taps and Adapters,UL 498A.
6.2 直插式防雷器应符合《电流抽头和适配器标准》(UL 498A)中对电流抽头和适配器的一般要求。

直接插入式SPD应符合电流分接器和适配器标准UL 498A中对电流分接器和适配器的一般要求。
6.3 A cord-connected type SPD shall comply with the general requirements in the Standard for Relocatable Power Taps,UL 1363.
6.3 软线连接型防雷器必须符合《可移动电源开关标准》(UL 1363)的一般要求。
6.4 Watt-hour meter socket adapter Type 1 SPDs shall also comply with the applicable requirements of the Standard for Meter Sockets,UL 414.
6.4 瓦时电表插座适配器 1 型 SPD 还必须符合电表插座标准 UL 414 的适用要求。
6.5 A Type 3 SPD intended for outdoor use shall not exceed 0.45 m ( 18 in .)in length including the cord and plug,and shall be constructed such that the Enclosure does not obstruct a receptacle hood when in use.用于户外的Type 3 SPD的长度不得超过 0.45 米( 18 英寸),包括电线和插头,并且其构造应确保在使用中外壳不会阳矿插座盖。
6.5 用于户外的 3 型防雷器的长度不得超过 0.45 米(18 英寸),包括电线和插头,并且其构造应确保在使用中外壳不会阳矿插座盖。45 米( 18 英寸),包括电线和插头,并且其构造应确保在使用中外壳不会阳矿插座盖。
6.6 Unless specified otherwise,open-type SPDs shall comply with the applicable requirements for the SPD Type,as specified in this standard.除非另有规定,开放式(外壳)SPD应符合本标准中规定的适用于SPD类型的要求。
6.6 除非另有规定,开放式(外壳)SPD 应符合本标准中规定的适用于 SPD 类型的要求。

7 Enclosure  7 附文

7.1 Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs
7.1 类型 1 和类型 2 SPD

7.1.1 General  7.1.1 综述 An enclosure and a part of an enclosure,such as door,cover,or tank,shall be provided with means for firmly securing it in place.外壳和外壳的部分,如门,盖子或箱子,应该配备有用于牢固固定其位置的措施。
7.1.1 外壳和外壳的一部分,如门、盖子或箱子,应该配备有用于牢固固定其位置的措施。 An enclosure other than a Type 1 (indoor use only)enclosure shall comply with the requirements for the type designation indicating the conditions for which it is intended,as specified,for Enclosure Types, in the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment,Environmental Considerations,UL 50E.
71.1.2 非 1 型(仅限于室内使用)外壳应符合《电气设备外壳标准》(环境考虑因素,UL 50E)中对外壳类型所规定的、表明其适用条件的类型名称的要求。 Sheet-metal screws threading directly into metal shall not be used to attach a cover,door,or other part that is to be removed to install field wiring or for operation of the equipment.Sheet-metal screws may thread into sheet-metal nuts that are permanently mounted and protected against corrosion.Machine screws and self-tapping machine screws may thread-directly into sheet-metal walls. 不得使用直接穿入金属的金属板螺钉来安装盖、门或其他需要拆卸以安装现场接线或操作设备的部件。 金属板螺钉可以穿入永久安装并有防腐蚀保护的金属板螺母。 Sheet-metal screws mounting internal components that are not removed for installation or operation may thread directly into metal. 安装内部组件的金属板螺钉 安装或操作时不拆卸的内部组件可直接拧入金属板。 A snap-on cover giving access to uninsulated live parts that does not require a tool for removal shall perform acceptably when subjected to the Snap-On Cover Tests,Section 60. 用于接触无绝缘带电部件,且不需要工具即可拆卸的卡扣式盖子,在进行第 60 节规定的卡扣式盖子试验时,其性能应是可以接受的。 An enclosure cover shall be hinged if it gives access to a fuse or any other overload-protective device,the functioning of which requires renewal,or if it is necessary to open the cover in connection with the normal operation of the SPD. 如果外壳盖可以接触到熔断器或任何其他过载保护装置(其功能需要更新),或者在防雷器正常工作时需要打开外壳盖,则外壳盖必须是铰链式的。
Exception:A hinged cover is not required for an SPD when the fuse or overload protector is not in series with a load circuit and opens only in the event of a malfunction of a discrete suppression component.
例外情况:当熔断器或过载保护器不与负载电路串联,并且仅在分立抑制元件发生故障时才打开时,防雷器不需要铰链盖。 A door or cover giving access to a fuse shall shut closely against a 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 inch)rabbet or the equivalent,or shall have either turned flanges for the full length of four edges or angle strips fastened to it.Flanges or angle strips shall fit closely with the outside of the walls of the box and shall overlap the edges of the box by not less than 12.7 mm ( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 inch).A combination of flange and rabbet or a construction that affords equivalent protection is acceptable.门或盖子进入保险丝应紧贴6.4毫米(1/4英寸)的槽口或等效物,或者应具有四个边堟全长的釉边或固定在其上的角条。翻边或角条应与箱体外侧紧密贴合,并且至少重叠箱体边缘 12.7 毫米 ( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸)。翻边和槽口的组合或提供等效保护的结构是可接受的。 通向保险丝的门或盖应紧贴 6.4 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)的拉贝或同等材料,或在其四边的全长上有翻边或紧固角条。7 毫米( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸). 凸缘和斜边的组合或可提供同等保护的结构为可接受。门或盖子进入保险丝应紧贴6.4毫米(1/4英寸)的槽口或等效物,或者应具有四个边堟全长的釉边或固定在其上的角条。翻边或角条应与箱体外侧紧密贴合,并且至少重叠箱体边缘 12.7 毫米 ( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸)。翻边和槽口的组合或提供等效保护的结构是可接受的。 Strips used to provide rabbets,or angle strips fastened to the edges of a door,shall be secured at: 用于开槽的条带或固定在门边缘的角形条带必须在以下位置固定: 7.
用于提供榫槽或固定在门边缘的角度条的条板,应当在以下位置被固定 a)不少于两个点
b)距离条板每端不超过 38.1 毫米( \(1-1 / 2\) 英寸);以及
c)这些端部固定点之间的点不应超过 152 毫米( 6 英寸)远。
a)Not less than two points;

b)Not more than 38.1 mm (1-1/2 inches)from each end of strip;and
b)距带材两端不超过 38.1 毫米(1-1/2 英寸);以及

c)Points between these end fastenings to be not more than 152 mm ( 6 inches)apart.
c)这些端部紧固件之间的间距不得超过 152 毫米(6 英寸)。

7.1.2 Cast metal 铸造金属外壳
7.1.2 铸造金属外壳 Cast metal for an enclosure shall be at least 3.2 mm ( 1 / 8 1 / 8 1//81 / 8 inch)thick at every point,of greater thickness at reinforcing ribs and door edges,and not less than 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 inch)thick at tapped holes for conduit. qquad\qquad ,在加强助和门边缘处的厚度更大,而在用于导管的螺㳇孔处,其厚度不应小于 6.4 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)。 用于外壳的铸件,每一点的厚度至少为 3.2 毫米( 1 / 8 1 / 8 1//81 / 8 英寸),在加强筋和门边缘处的厚度更大,而在用于导管的钻孔处的厚度不小于 6.2 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)。4 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)厚,用于导管的螺孔处。 qquad\qquad ,在加强助和门边缘处的厚度更大,而在用于导管的螺孔处,其厚度不应小于 6.4 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)。
Exception No.1:At other than at plain or threaded conduit holes,die-cast metal shall not be less than 2.4 m m m m mmm m(3/32 inch)thick for an area greater than 154.8 cm 2 154.8 cm 2 154.8cm^(2)154.8 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}(24 square inches)or having any dimensions greater than 152 mm (6 inches),and shall not be less than 1.6 mm (1/16 inch)thick for an area of 154.8 cm 2 cm 2 cm^(2)\mathrm{cm}^{2}(24 square inches)or less and having no dimension greater than 6 inches(152 mm).The area limitation for metal that is 1.6 mm (1/16 inch)thick may be obtained by the provision of reinforcing ribs subdividing a larger area.
例外 No.1:除普通导管孔或螺纹导管孔外,压铸金属的厚度不得小于 2.4 m m m m mmm m (3/32 英寸)厚,面积大于 154.8 cm 2 154.8 cm 2 154.8cm^(2)154.8 \mathrm{~cm}^{2} (24 平方英寸)或任何尺寸大于 152 毫米(6 英寸),且不得小于 1.6毫米(1/16英寸)厚,面积为154.8 cm 2 cm 2 cm^(2)\mathrm{cm}^{2} (24平方英寸)或以下,且尺寸不大于6英寸(152毫米)的金属的面积限制为1.厚度为 1.6 毫米(1/16 英寸)的金属的面积限制可通过提供细分较大面积的加强筋来实现。
Exception No.2:Cast metal that is a minimum 0.89 mm ( 0.035 inch)thick may be employed instead of 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16 inch-thick( 1.6 mm )die-cast metal if the enclosure is not intended to be used as a splice box and if the voltage rating of the complete device is such that the voltage between any two conductors is 250 V or less and is limited to direct current or single-phase alternating current.
例外 No.2:可以使用厚度至少为 0.89 毫米(0.035 英寸)的铸件金属代替厚度为 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16 英寸(1.如果外壳不打算用作接线盒,并且整套设备的额定电压为任意两根导线之间的电压不超过 250 V,且仅限于直流电或单相交流电,则可以使用厚度不小于 0.89 mm (0.035 英寸)的压铸金属来代替 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16英寸厚(1.

7.1.3 Sheet metal 金属板材金属外売的厚度不得小于表7.1和表7.2中所示的厚度,但未涂层钢材的厚度不得小于 0.81 毫米( 0.032 英寸),铰锌钢村的厚度不得小于 0.86 毫米( 0.034 英寸),有色金属的厚度在连接线系统连接点处不得小于 1.14 毫米( 0.045 英寸)
7.1.3 金属板材金属外売的厚度不得小于表7.1和表7.2中所示的厚度,但未涂层钢材的厚度不得小于 0.81 毫米( 0.032 英寸),铰锌钢村的厚度不得小于 0.86 毫米( 0.034 英寸),有色金属的厚度在连接线系统连接点处不得小于 1.14 毫米( 0.045 英寸)。 The thickness of a sheet-metal enclosure shall not be less than that indicated in Table 7.1 and Table 7.2,except that uncoated steel shall not be less than 0.81 mm ( 0.032 inch)thick,zinc-coated steel shall not be less than 0.86 mm ( 0.034 inch )thick,and nonferrous metal shall not be less than 1.14 mm ( 0.045 inch)thick at points at which a wiring system is to be connected. 金属板外壳的厚度不得小于表 7.1 和表 7.2 所示的厚度,但未涂层钢不得小于 0.81 毫米(0.032 英寸)厚,锌涂层钢不得小于 0.86 毫米(0.034 英寸)厚,镀锌金属板不得小于 1.14 毫米(1.14 英寸)厚。032 英寸)厚,镀锌钢不得小于 0.86 毫米(0.034 英寸)厚,在连接布线系统的位置,有色金属不得小于 1.14 毫米(0.045 英寸)厚。 Table 7.1 and Table 7.2 are based on a uniform deflection of the enclosure surface for any given load concentrated at the center of the surface regardless of metal thickness. 表 7.1 和表 7.2 是基于外壳表面在任何给定荷载集中于表面中心时的均匀挠度,与金属厚度无关。 With reference to Table 7.1 and Table 7.2,a supporting frame is a structure of angle or channel, or a folded rigid section of sheet metal that is firmly attached to and has essentially the same outside dimensions as the enclose surface and that has such torsional rigidity as to resist bending moments that may be applied by the enclosure surface when it is deflected.A construction that is considered to have equivalent reinforcing is one that produces a structure that is as rigid as one built with a frame of angles or channels.Constructions that are considered to be without supporting frame include: 参照表 7.表 7.1 和表 7.2,支撑框架是一种角钢或槽钢结构,或一种折叠的刚性金属板截面,它牢固地连接在围护结构表面上,并具有与围护结构表面基本相同的外部尺寸,其扭转刚度可抵抗围护结构表面偏转时可能施加的弯矩。被认为具有等效加固的结构是指其刚性与角钢或槽钢框架结构相当的结构。

a)Single sheet with formed flanges(formed edges);

b) A single sheet that is corrugated or ribbed;
b) 波纹或棱形的单张纸;

c) An enclosure surface loosely attached to a frame; for example, with spring clips; and
c) 松散地连接到框架上的外壳表面,例如使用弹簧夹;以及

d) An enclosure surface having an unsupported edge.
d) 具有无支撑边缘的外壳表面。
Table 7.1  表 7.1
Thickness of Metal for Enclosures - Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel
外壳金属厚度 - 碳钢或不锈钢
Without support frame a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
无支撑架 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
带支撑框架或同等加固 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
Minimum acceptable thickness

最大宽度 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum width b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
cm (inches)
Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches)| Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | :--- | | cm (inches) |

最大长度 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum length c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
cm (inches)
Maximum length ^("c ") cm (inches)| Maximum length ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | :--- | | cm (inches) |
Maximum width b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} cm (inches)
最大宽度 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum length cm (inches)
最大长度 厘米(英寸)
mm  毫米
ated (inches)| ated | | :--- | | (inches) |
Meta mm  毫米 coated (inches)  涂布(英寸)
10.2 (4.0) Not limited  不受限制 15.0 (6.25) Not limited  不受限制 0.51 (0.020) 0.58 (0.023)
12.1 (4.75) 14.6 (5.75) 17.1 (6.75) 21.0 (8.25)
15.2 (6.0) Not limited  不受限制 24.1 (9.5) Not limited  不受限制 0.66 (0.026) 0.74 (0.029)
17.8 (7.0) 22.2 (8.75) 25.4 (10.0) 31.8 (12.5)
20.3 (8.0) Not limited  不受限制 30.5 (12.0) Not limited  不受限制 0.81 (0.032) 0.86 (0.034)
22.9 (9.0) 29.2 (11.5) 33.0 (13.0) 40.6 (16.0)
31.8 (12.5) Not limited  不受限制 49.5 (19.5) Not limited  不受限制 1.07 (0.042) 1.14 (0.045)
35.6 (14.0) 45.7 (18.0) 53.3 (21.0) 63.5 (25.0)
45.7 (18.0) Not limited  不受限制 68.6 (27.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.35 (0.053) 1.42 (0.056)
50.8 (20.0) 63.5 (25.0) 73.7 (29.0) 91.4 ( 36.0 ) 91.4 ( 36.0 ) 91.4quad(36.0)91.4 \quad(36.0)
55.9 (22.0) Not limited  不受限制 83.8 (33.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.52 (0.060) 1.60 (0.063)
63.5 (25.0) 78.7 (31.0) 88.9 (35.0) 109.2 109.2 109.2109.2
63.5 (25.0) Not limited  不受限制 99.1 (39.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.70 (0.067) 1.78 (0.070)
73.7 (29.0) 91.4 (36.0) 104.1 (41.0) 129.5 129.5 129.5129.5
83.8 (33.0) Not limited  不受限制 129.5 (51.0) Not limited  不受限制 2.03 (0.080) 2.13 (0.084)
96.5 (38.0) 119.4 (47.0) 137.2 (54.0) 167.6 (66.0)
106.7 (42.0) Not limited  不受限制 162.6 (64.0) Not limited  不受限制 2.36 (0.093) 2.46 (0.097)
119.4 (47.0) 149.9 (59.0) 172.7 (68.0) 213.4 (84.0)
132.1 (52.0) Not limited  不受限制 203.2 (80.0) Not limited  不受限制 2.74 (0.108) 2.82 (0.111)
152.4 (60.0) 188.0 (74.0) 213.4 (84.0) 261.6 (103.0)
160.0 (63.0) Not limited  不受限制 246.4 (97.0) Not limited  不受限制 3.12 (0.123) 3.20 (0.126)
185.4 (73.0) 228.6 (90.0) 261.6 (103.0) 322.6 (127.0)

a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 参见。 b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 宽度是作为外壳一部分的矩形金属板的较小尺寸。外壳的相邻表面可能有共同的支撑,并由单一板材制成。 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 不受限制,仅适用于表面边缘有至少 12.7 毫米( 1 / 2 inch 1 / 2 inch 1//2inch1 / 2 \mathrm{inch} )的凸缘,或固定在使用中通常不会移除的相邻表面上。
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} See
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet.
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1 / 2 inch 1 / 2 inch 1//2inch1 / 2 \mathrm{inch} ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use.
^("a ") See ^(b) The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. ^("c ") Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1//2inch ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use.| ${ }^{\text {a }}$ See | | :--- | | ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. | | ${ }^{\text {c }}$ Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( $1 / 2 \mathrm{inch}$ ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use. |
Without support frame ^("a ") With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing ^("a ") Minimum acceptable thickness "Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches)" "Maximum length ^("c ") cm (inches)" Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches) Maximum length cm (inches) mm "ated (inches)" Meta mm coated (inches) 10.2 (4.0) Not limited 15.0 (6.25) Not limited 0.51 (0.020) 0.58 (0.023) 12.1 (4.75) 14.6 (5.75) 17.1 (6.75) 21.0 (8.25) 15.2 (6.0) Not limited 24.1 (9.5) Not limited 0.66 (0.026) 0.74 (0.029) 17.8 (7.0) 22.2 (8.75) 25.4 (10.0) 31.8 (12.5) 20.3 (8.0) Not limited 30.5 (12.0) Not limited 0.81 (0.032) 0.86 (0.034) 22.9 (9.0) 29.2 (11.5) 33.0 (13.0) 40.6 (16.0) 31.8 (12.5) Not limited 49.5 (19.5) Not limited 1.07 (0.042) 1.14 (0.045) 35.6 (14.0) 45.7 (18.0) 53.3 (21.0) 63.5 (25.0) 45.7 (18.0) Not limited 68.6 (27.0) Not limited 1.35 (0.053) 1.42 (0.056) 50.8 (20.0) 63.5 (25.0) 73.7 (29.0) 91.4quad(36.0) 55.9 (22.0) Not limited 83.8 (33.0) Not limited 1.52 (0.060) 1.60 (0.063) 63.5 (25.0) 78.7 (31.0) 88.9 (35.0) 109.2 63.5 (25.0) Not limited 99.1 (39.0) Not limited 1.70 (0.067) 1.78 (0.070) 73.7 (29.0) 91.4 (36.0) 104.1 (41.0) 129.5 83.8 (33.0) Not limited 129.5 (51.0) Not limited 2.03 (0.080) 2.13 (0.084) 96.5 (38.0) 119.4 (47.0) 137.2 (54.0) 167.6 (66.0) 106.7 (42.0) Not limited 162.6 (64.0) Not limited 2.36 (0.093) 2.46 (0.097) 119.4 (47.0) 149.9 (59.0) 172.7 (68.0) 213.4 (84.0) 132.1 (52.0) Not limited 203.2 (80.0) Not limited 2.74 (0.108) 2.82 (0.111) 152.4 (60.0) 188.0 (74.0) 213.4 (84.0) 261.6 (103.0) 160.0 (63.0) Not limited 246.4 (97.0) Not limited 3.12 (0.123) 3.20 (0.126) 185.4 (73.0) 228.6 (90.0) 261.6 (103.0) 322.6 (127.0) "^("a ") See ^(b) The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. ^("c ") Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1//2inch ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use." | Without support frame ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | Minimum acceptable thickness | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ <br> cm (inches) | Maximum length ${ }^{\text {c }}$ <br> cm (inches) | Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ cm (inches) | Maximum length cm (inches) | mm | ated <br> (inches) | Meta mm | coated (inches) | | 10.2 (4.0) | Not limited | 15.0 (6.25) | Not limited | 0.51 | (0.020) | 0.58 | (0.023) | | 12.1 (4.75) | 14.6 (5.75) | 17.1 (6.75) | 21.0 (8.25) | | | | | | 15.2 (6.0) | Not limited | 24.1 (9.5) | Not limited | 0.66 | (0.026) | 0.74 | (0.029) | | 17.8 (7.0) | 22.2 (8.75) | 25.4 (10.0) | 31.8 (12.5) | | | | | | 20.3 (8.0) | Not limited | 30.5 (12.0) | Not limited | 0.81 | (0.032) | 0.86 | (0.034) | | 22.9 (9.0) | 29.2 (11.5) | 33.0 (13.0) | 40.6 (16.0) | | | | | | 31.8 (12.5) | Not limited | 49.5 (19.5) | Not limited | 1.07 | (0.042) | 1.14 | (0.045) | | 35.6 (14.0) | 45.7 (18.0) | 53.3 (21.0) | 63.5 (25.0) | | | | | | 45.7 (18.0) | Not limited | 68.6 (27.0) | Not limited | 1.35 | (0.053) | 1.42 | (0.056) | | 50.8 (20.0) | 63.5 (25.0) | 73.7 (29.0) | $91.4 \quad(36.0)$ | | | | | | 55.9 (22.0) | Not limited | 83.8 (33.0) | Not limited | 1.52 | (0.060) | 1.60 | (0.063) | | 63.5 (25.0) | 78.7 (31.0) | 88.9 (35.0) | $109.2$ | | | | | | 63.5 (25.0) | Not limited | 99.1 (39.0) | Not limited | 1.70 | (0.067) | 1.78 | (0.070) | | 73.7 (29.0) | 91.4 (36.0) | 104.1 (41.0) | $129.5$ | | | | | | 83.8 (33.0) | Not limited | 129.5 (51.0) | Not limited | 2.03 | (0.080) | 2.13 | (0.084) | | 96.5 (38.0) | 119.4 (47.0) | 137.2 (54.0) | 167.6 (66.0) | | | | | | 106.7 (42.0) | Not limited | 162.6 (64.0) | Not limited | 2.36 | (0.093) | 2.46 | (0.097) | | 119.4 (47.0) | 149.9 (59.0) | 172.7 (68.0) | 213.4 (84.0) | | | | | | 132.1 (52.0) | Not limited | 203.2 (80.0) | Not limited | 2.74 | (0.108) | 2.82 | (0.111) | | 152.4 (60.0) | 188.0 (74.0) | 213.4 (84.0) | 261.6 (103.0) | | | | | | 160.0 (63.0) | Not limited | 246.4 (97.0) | Not limited | 3.12 | (0.123) | 3.20 | (0.126) | | 185.4 (73.0) | 228.6 (90.0) | 261.6 (103.0) | 322.6 (127.0) | | | | | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ See <br> ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. <br> ${ }^{\text {c }}$ Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( $1 / 2 \mathrm{inch}$ ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 7.2  表 7.2
Thickness of Metal for Enclosures of Aluminum, Copper, or Brass
Without support frame a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
无支撑架 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
带支撑框架或同等加固 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
Minimum acceptable thickness

最大宽度 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum width b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
cm (inches)
Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches)| Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | :--- | | cm (inches) |

最大长度 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum length c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
cm (inches)
Maximum length ^("c ") cm (inches)| Maximum length ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | :--- | | cm (inches) |

最大宽度 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 厘米 quad\quad (英寸)
Maximum width b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
cm quad\quad (inches)
Maximum width ^("b ") cm quad (inches)| Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | :--- | | cm $\quad$ (inches) |
num th  
cm  厘米 (inches)  英寸 cm  厘米 (inches)  英寸
7.6 (3.0) Not limited  不受限制 17.8 17.8 17.817.8 ( 7.0 ) ( 8.5 ) ( 7.0 ) ( 8.5 ) [(7.0)],[(8.5)]\begin{aligned} & \hline(7.0) \\ & (8.5) \end{aligned} Not limited  不受限制 0.58 (0.023)
8.9 (3.5) 10.2 (4.0) 24.1 (9.5)
10.2 (4.0) Not limited  不受限制 (10.0) Not limited  不受限制 0.74 (0.029)
12.7 (5.0) 15.2 (6.0) 26.7 (10.5) 34.3 34.3 34.3quad34.3 \quad (13.5)   34.3 34.3 34.3quad34.3 \quad (13.5)
15.2 (6.0) Not limited  不受限制 35.6 (14.0) Not limited  不受限制 0.91 (0.036)
16.5 (6.5) 20.3 (8.0) 38.1 (15.0) 45.7 (18.0)
20.3 (8.0) Not limited  不受限制 48.3 (19.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.14 (0.045)
24.1 (9.5) 29.2 (11.5) 53.3 (21.0) 63.5 (25.0)
30.5 (12.0) Not limited  不受限制 71.1 (28.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.47 (0.058)
35.6 (14.0) 40.6 (16.0) 76.2 (30.0) 94.0 (37.0)
45.7 (18.0) Not limited  不受限制 106.7 (42.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.91 (0.075)
50.8 (20.0) 63.4 (25.0) 114.3 (45.0) 139.7 (55.0)
63.5 (25.0) Not limited  不受限制 152.4 (60.0) ited  它的 2.41 (0.095)
73.7 (29.0) 91.4 (36.0) 162.6 (64.0) 198.1 (78.0)
94.0 (37.0) Not limited  不受限制 221.0
( 87.0 ) ( 93.0 ) ( 87.0 ) ( 93.0 ) {:[(87.0)],[(93.0)]:}\begin{aligned} & (87.0) \\ & (93.0) \end{aligned} Not limited  不受限制 3.10 (0.122)
106.7 (42.0) 134.6 (53.0) 289.6 (114.0)
132.1 (52.0) Not limited  不受限制 312.4 330.2 312.4 330.2 {:[312.4],[330.2]:}\begin{aligned} & 312.4 \\ & 330.2 \end{aligned} ( 123.0 ) ( 130.0 ) ( 123.0 ) ( 130.0 ) {:[(123.0)],[(130.0)]:}\begin{aligned} & (123.0) \\ & (130.0) \end{aligned} Not limited  不受限制 3.89 (0.153)
152.4 (60.0) 188.0 (74.0) 406.4 (160.0)

a a ^(a){ }^{\mathrm{a}} 参见。 b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 宽度是作为外壳一部分的矩形金属板的较小尺寸。外壳的相邻表面可能有共同的支撑,并由单一板材制成。 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 不受限制仅适用于表面边缘有至少 12.7 毫米( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸)的凸缘或固定在使用中通常不会移除的相邻表面上。
a a ^(a){ }^{\mathrm{a}} See