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UL 1449


Surge Protective Devices

UL Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices, UL 1449
UL 浪涌保护器安全标准,UL 1449

Fifth Edition, Dated January 8, 2021
第五版,2021 年 1 月 8 日

Summary of Topics  主题摘要

This Fifth edition of ANSI/UL 1449 includes the following revised requirements:
ANSI/UL 1449 第五版包括以下修订要求:
  • Revision to - Openings in an Enclosure for Type 3 SPDs; 3.12 3.12 _ _ 3.12 __\underline{\underline{3.12}}
    对 的修订 - 第 3 类 SPD 外壳中的开口; 3.12 3.12 _ _ 3.12 __\underline{\underline{3.12}}
  • Revision to Allow Terminal Blocks Tested to UL 1059; 17.1.9, 17.2.4, 17.3.3
    修订为允许接线板通过 UL 1059 测试;17.1.9、17.2.4、17.3.3
  • Addition of 20.5-20.7 for PWBs
    增加 20.5-20.7 PWB
  • Status Indicator Switch Performance Cycling Clarification; 21.2
  • Clarification to Table 37.1 to Align with Table 45.2
    澄清表 37.1,使之与表 45.2 一致
  • Clarification of 41.5.2 Regarding when External Protection is Relied Upon to Yield Compliant Performance Test Results
    澄清 41.5.2 中关于何时依靠外部保护产生符合要求的性能测试结果的规定
  • Clarification of 41.5.2 for VPR Measurement for Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 Component Assemblies
    41.5.2 对 1、2、3 和 4 类组件的 VPR 测量的澄清
  • Clarify Testing for Integral Thermal Protection Operation Following Nominal Discharge Current Testing with Addition of 43.2
    通过增加 43.2,明确了在标称放电电流测试之后的整体热保护运行测试
  • Clarification of Table 45.1 to Include Delta Systems Up to 1000 V
    澄清表 45.1,将电压高达 1000 V 的三角洲系统纳入其中
  • Clarification of 45.1.11 Pertaining to Leakage and Ground Continuity Tests After Current Tests; 3.37
    对 45.1.11 "电流测试后的漏电和接地连续性测试 "的澄清;3.37
  • Revision to 45.2.5 and 45.3.4 Related to Thermal Responsive Devices
    对与热敏器件有关的 45.2.5 和 45.3.4 的修订
  • Clarification of Titles for Sections 47 and 48
    澄清第 47 和 48 节的标题
  • Revision to 5 2 . 1 1 5 2 . 1 1 52.11\mathbf{5 2 . 1 1} to Include Polymeric Enclosures
    修订 5 2 . 1 1 5 2 . 1 1 52.11\mathbf{5 2 . 1 1} 以纳入聚合物机壳
  • Editorial Correction in 59.1
    59.1 中的编辑更正
  • Revision to 7 8 . 1 7 8 . 1 78.1\mathbf{7 8 . 1} to Correct a Reference
    修订 7 8 . 1 7 8 . 1 78.1\mathbf{7 8 . 1} 以更正参考文献
  • Relocated Appendix A, Standards for Components, to Section 2, Referenced Publications
    将附录 A "组件标准 "移至第 2 节 "参考出版物"。
The new and revised requirements are substantially in accordance with Proposal(s) on this subject dated March 6, 2020.
新的和修订后的要求与 2020 年 3 月 6 日的相关提案基本一致。
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of UL.
保留所有权利。未经 UL 事先许可,不得以任何电子、机械、影印、录制或其他方式复制本出版物的任何部分、将其存储在检索系统中或以任何形式进行传播。
UL/provides this Standard “as is”//without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but R E R E RER E not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purposes
UL/提供本标准的 "现状"//不作任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但 R E R E RER E 不限于适销性或适用性的暗示保证。
In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages, including loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, or any other damages arising out of the use of or the inability to use this Standard, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall UL’s liability for any damage ever exceed the price paid for this Standard, regardless of the form of the claim.
在任何情况下,UL 都不对任何特殊的、附带的、后果性的、间接的或类似的损害负责,包括利润损失、储蓄损失、数据丢失,或因使用或无法使用本标准而造成的任何其他损害,即使 UL 或 UL 授权代表已被告知此类损害的可能性。在任何情况下,UL 对任何损害的赔偿责任均不得超过购买本标准所支付的价格,无论索赔形式如何。
Users of the electronic versions of UL’s Standards for Safety agree to defend, indemnify, and hold UL harmless from and against any loss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgment (including reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing an electronic Standard on the purchaser’s computer system.
UL 安全標準電子版的使用者同意為 UL 辯護、賠償,並使 UL 免於承擔因購買者在電腦系統中儲存電子標準時發生的任何錯誤或偏差所造成的任何損失、費用、責任、損害、索賠或判決(包括合理的律師費)。
ANSI/UL 1449-2020

UL 1449

Standard for Surge Protective Devices

First Edition - August, 1985
第一版 - 1985 年 8 月

Second Edition - August, 1996
第二版 - 1996 年 8 月

Third Edition - September, 2006
第三版 - 2006 年 9 月

Fourth Edition - August, 2014
第四版 - 2014 年 8 月
Fifth Edition  第五版
January 8, 2021  2021 年 1 月 8 日
This ANSI/UL Standard for Safety consists of the Fifth Edition.
本 ANSI/UL 安全标准包括第五版。
The most recent designation of ANSI/UL 1449 as an American National Standard (ANSI) occurred on November 4, 2020. ANSI approval for a standard does not include the Cover Page, Transmittal Pages, and Title Page.
ANSI/UL 1449 最近一次被指定为美国国家标准(ANSI)是在 2020 年 11 月 4 日。ANSI 批准的标准不包括封面、送文页和标题页。
Comments or proposals for revisions on any part of the Standard may be submitted to UL at any time. Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal Request in UL’s On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) at https://csds.ul.com.
有关标准任何部分的修订意见或建议可随时提交给 UL。提案应通过 UL 的在线标准合作开发系统 (CSDS) https://csds.ul.com 中的提案请求提交。
UL’s Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed nor electronic copy of a Standard should be altered in any way. All of UL’s Standards and all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regarding those Standards shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL.
UL 安全标准的版权归 UL 所有。不得以任何方式更改标准的印刷版或电子版。UL 的所有标准以及与这些标准相关的所有版权、所有权和权利均归 UL 独家所有。
版权所有 © 2021 underwriters Laboratories Inc.
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1 Scope … 7  1 范围 ... 7
2 Referenced Publications … 8
2 参考出版物 ... 8

3 Glossary … 11
3 术语表 ... 11

4 Components … 15
4 组件 ... 15

5 Units of Measurement … 15
5 计量单位 ... 15

6 General … 16
6 综述 ... 16

7 Enclosure … 16
7 外壳 ... 16

7.1 Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs … 16
7.2 Type 3 SPD cord-connected … 21
7.3 Type 3 SPD direct plug-in … 22
7.4 Open-type SPDs … 25
7.4 开放式 SPD ... 25

8 Protection Against Corrosion. … 25
8 防腐保护 .... 25

9 Insulating Materials … 25
9 绝缘材料 ... 25

9.1 General … 25
9.1 概述 ... 25

9.2 Bushings … 26
9.2 衬套 ... 26

10 Current-Carrying Parts … 26
10 载流部件 ... 26

11 Internal Wiring … 26
11 内部接线 ... 26

12 Supplementary Protection … 28
12 辅助保护 ... 28

13 Accessibility of Live Parts … 31
13 带电部件的可及性 ... 31

14 Supply Connections … 31
14 电源连接 ... 31

14.1 Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 SPD - Permanently connected. … 31
14.1 类型 1、类型 2 和类型 3 SPD - 永久连接。... 31

14.2 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected … 34
14.3 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in … 36
15 Mounting … 36
15 安装 ... 36

15.1 Type 1 or Type 2 SPD … 36
15.2 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected … 36
15.2 类型 3 SPD - 连接电线 ... 36

15.3 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in … 37
16 Receptacles … 37
16 插座 ... 37

17 Grounding … 38
17 接地 ... 38

17.1 General … 38
17.1 概述...... 38

17.2 Type 1 or Type 2 SPD … 39
17.2 1 型或 2 型 SPD ... 39

17.3 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected … 40
17.3 类型 3 SPD - 连接电线 ... 40

17.4 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in … 41
18 Spacings … 41
18 间距 ... 41

19 SPDs Used in Higher Altitude … 43
19 在高海拔地区使用的 SPD ... 43

20 Clearance and Creepage Distances … 43
20 净空和爬电距离 ... 43

21 Switches … 45
21 开关 ... 45

22 Printed Wiring Boards … 45
22 印刷电路板 ... 45

23 Electronic Circuits … 46
23 电子电路 ... 46

24 Isolated Secondary Circuits … 47
24 隔离式二次电路 ... 47

24.1 General … 47
24.1 概述...... 47

24.2 Difference between the level of evaluation required within each type of secondary circuit … 47
24.3 Class 2 circuit requirements. … 48
24.3 第 2 类电路要求。... 48

24.4 Limited voltage/current circuit requirements … 49
24.5 Limiting energy circuit requirements
24.5 限制能源电路要求
24.5 Limiting energy circuit requirements … … 50 … … 50
UL C 24.6 Limiting impedance circuit requirements
UL C 24.6 限制阻抗电路要求

UL C 24.6 Limiting impedance circuit requirements … 50 … 50 … 51 … 51
UL C 24.6 限制阻抗电路要求 ... 50 ... 50 ... 51 ... 51

26 Capacitors … 51
26 电容器 ... 51

27 Electromagnetic Interference Filters … 52
27 电磁干扰滤波器 ... 52

28 Protectors for Communication and Fire Alarm Circuits … 53
29 Antenna Connections for Audio-Video Products … 53
29 音视频产品的天线连接 ... 53

30 SPDs Intended for Use on Ungrounded Systems, Impedance Grounded Systems, or Corner Grounded Delta Systems … 53
31 Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment … 53
31 不间断电源设备 ... 53

32 SPD/Panelboard Extension Modules … 54
32 SPD/面板扩展模块 ... 54

33 Molded Case Surge Protective Devices … 54
33 模制外壳浪涌保护器 ... 54

34 Interchangeability of Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs). … 54
34 金属氧化物变阻器 (MOV) 的互换性.... 54

35 Supplementary Circuit … 55
35 补充电路 ... 55

36 Rechargeable Battery Pack … 55
36 可充电电池包 ... 55

37 General … 56
37 综述 ... 56

37.1 General. … 56
37.1 概述... 56

37.2 Test environment and general sample discussion … 56
38 Leakage Current Test - Type 3 SPDs Only … 62
39 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test … 66
39 绝缘电压-耐压测试 ... 66

39.1 Primary circuits … 66
39.1 初级电路...... 66

39.2 Isolated secondary circuits … 67
40 Temperature Test … 68
40 温度测试 ... 68

41 Surge Testing … 71
41 浪涌测试 ... 71

41.1 General. … 71
41.1 综述... 71

41.2 Test equipment … 72
41.3 Surge generator calibration … 76
41.3 浪涌发生器校准 ... 76

41.4 Test procedure - Application and measurement points … 78
41.5 Representative device - Sample preparation … 80
41.6 Determination of voltage protection rating (VPR) … 81
41.7 Nominal discharge current - For Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs and Type 1, 2 component assemblies … 81
41.7 标称放电电流 - 用于 1 型和 2 型防雷器以及 1、2 型组件组件......81

41.8 Operating duty cycle test - For Type 3 SPDs and Type 3 component assemblies … 82
41.9 Repeated voltage protection rating test. … 83
41.9 重复电压保护额定值试验。... 83

42 Type 5 SPD Surge Testing … 83
43 Type 4 Component Assemblies Surge Testing … 83
44 Operational Voltage Test … 84
44 工作电压测试 ... 84

45 Current Testing … 84
45 电流测试 ... 84

45.1 General. … 84
45.1 综述... 84

45.2 Short circuit current rating test - For Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs and permanently connected Type 3 SPDs … 88
45.2 短路额定电流测试 - 用于 1 型和 2 型防雷器以及永久连接的 3 型防雷器 ... 88

45.3 Intermediate current test … 89
45.3 中间电流测试...... 89

45.4 Limited current abnormal overvoltage test … 91
45.4 限流异常过电压试验 ... 91

46 Thermal Responsive Device Testing … 92
46 热响应设备测试 ... 92

46.1 Temperature withstand … 92
46.1 耐温性 ... 92

46.2 Repeat limited current test … 93
47 Thermal Responsive Device Testing Not In-Series with a Load … 93
48 Thermal Responsive Device Testing In-Series with a Load … 94
48 热响应设备测试与负载串联 ... 94

49 Grounding Continuity Test … 95
49 接地连续性测试 ... 95

50 Fault Current Test. … 95
50 故障电流测试。... 95

51 Overcurrent Test … 96
51 过电流测试 ... 96

52 Withstand Test … 97
52 耐压测试 ... 97

53 Instrumentation and Calibration of High-Capacity Circuits … 100
53.1 General … 100
53.1 综述...... 100

53.2 Available current of 10,000 amperes or less … 100
53.2 可用电流等于或小于 10,000 安培 ... 100

REPROD 53.3 Available current more than 10,000 amperes … 102
REPROD 53.3 可用电流超过 10,000 安培...... 102

53.4 Instrumentation for test currents above 10,000 amperes … 104
54 Insulation Resistance Test … 105
54 绝缘电阻测试 ... 105

55 Capacitor Endurance Test … 105
55 电容器耐久性测试 ... 105

56 Component Breakdown Test … 106
56 组件分解测试 ... 106

57 Strain Relief Test … 107
58 Push-Back Relief Test … 107
59 Conductor Secureness Test … 108
60 Snap-On Cover Tests … 108
60 卡入式盖板测试 ... 108

61 Non-Metallic Enclosure Conduit Connection Tests … 109
61 非金属外壳导管连接测试 ... 109

61.1 General. … 109
61.1 综述。... 109

61.2 Pullout … 109
61.2 拉出...... 109

61.3 Bending … 109
61.3 弯曲 ... 109

61.4 Torque … 110
61.4 扭矩 ... 110

62 Enclosure Impact Tests … 110
62 外壳冲击试验 ... 110

62.1 General … 110
62.1 概述...... 110

62.2 Drop impact test … 111
62.2 跌落冲击试验...... 111

62.3 Steel sphere impact test … 112
62.3 钢球冲击试验... 112

62.4 Low-temperature steel sphere impact test … 115
62.4 低温钢球冲击试验... 115

63 Crushing Test … 115
63 碾压试验 ... 115

64 Mold Stress-Relief Distortion Test … 116
65 Mounting Hole Barrier Tests … 116
65 安装孔阻隔性测试 ... 116

65.1 General … 116
65.1 概述...... 116

65.2 Mounting hole barrier impact test … 117
65.3 Mounting hole barrier probe test. … 118
65.3 安装孔阻隔探头测试 .... 118

66 Adequacy of Mounting Test … 118
67 Accessibility Tests … 119
67 无障碍测试 ... 119

67.1 Enclosure accessibility test … 119
67.2 Accessibility of live parts test … 119
68 Permanence of Cord Tag Test … 122
68.1 General … 122
68.1 概述...... 122

68.2 Conditioning … 122
68.2 空调 ... 122

68.3 Test method … 123
69 Capacitor Discharge … 123
69 电容器放电 ... 123

70 Metal Oxide Varistor Voltage … 124
70 金属氧化物变阻器电压 ... 124

71 Aging Test … 124
71 老化试验 ... 124

72 Pullout Insertion and Withdrawal Test. … 124
72 拔出插入和拔出测试 .... 124

73 Capacitor Failure Test … 125
73 电容器故障测试 ... 125

74 Breakdown Voltage Measurement Test … 125
74 击穿电压测量测试 ... 125

75 Vibration Test … 125
75 振动测试 ... 125

76 Strength of Mounting Test … 125
76 安装强度测试 ... 125

77 PTC-MOV Testing Sequence … 125
77 PTC-MOV 测试程序 ... 125

78 High Altitude Conditioning … 126

79 General … 126
79 综述 ... 126

80 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test … 127
80 绝缘电压-耐压测试 ... 127

81 Grounding Continuity Test … 127
81 接地连续性测试 ... 127

82 Nominal Varistor Voltage … 128
82 标称变阻器电压 ... 128

83 Breakdown Voltage Measurement … 128
83 击穿电压测量 ... 128



85 Details … 129  85 详情 ... 129
86 Details … 136
86 详情 ... 136

补充材料 SA - 光电 (PV) 自耦降压器

SA1 Scope … 139
SA1 范围 ... 139

SA2 Glossary … 139
SA2 术语表 ... 139

SA3 Spacings … 139
SA3 间距 ... 139

SA4 Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test (Section 39) for PV SPDs … 139
SA5 DC Voltage Test Source Requirements … 139
SA5 直流电压测试源要求 ... 139

SA6 Voltage Protection Rating Test (41.6) … 139
SA6 电压保护额定值测试 (41.6) ... 139

SA7 Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) Test (41.7) … 140
SA7 额定放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) 测试 (41.7) ... 140

SA8 Current Tests (Section 45) … 140
SA8 电流测试(第 45 节) ... 140

SA9 Temperature Withstand Test (Section 46) … 141
SA10 Thermal Responsive Device Testing (Section 47) … 141
SA11 PV SPD Leakage (Quiesent) Current (Iq) Test … 141
SA11 PV SPD 泄漏(静态)电流 (Iq) 测试 ... 141

SA12 Operational Voltage Test … 141
SA12 工作电压测试 ... 141

SA13 Markings … 141
SA13 标识 ... 141

补充 SB - 直流电 (DC) SPD

SB1 Scope … 143
SB1 范围 ... 143

SB2 Glossary … 143
SB2 术语表 ... 143

SB3 Spacings … 143
SB3 间距 ... 143

SB4 Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test (Section 39) for DC SPDs … 144
SB5 DC Voltage Test Source Requirements … 144
SB5 直流电压测试源要求 ... 144

SB6 Voltage Protection Rating Test (41.6) … 144
SB6 电压保护额定值测试 (41.6) ... 144

SB7 Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)I_{n} ) Test (41.7). … 144
SB7 额定放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)I_{n} ) 测试 (41.7).... 144

SB8 Current Tests (Section 45) … 144
SB8 电流测试(第 45 节)...... 144

SB9 Temperature Withstand Test (Section 46) … 145
SB10 Thermal Responsive Device Testing (Section 47) … 145
SB11 DC SPD Leakage (Quiesent) Current (Iq) Test … 145
SB11 直流防雷器泄漏(静态)电流 (Iq) 测试 ... 145

SB12 Photovoltaic (PV) SPDs … 145
SB12 光伏 (PV) 自耦降压器 ... 145

SB13 Dual Rated AC/DC SPDs … 145
SB13 双额定交流/直流 SPD ... 145

SB14 Markings … 146
SB14 标识 ... 146

ANNEX A Surge Waveforms
附件 A 浪涌波形

A1 Combination V/I Waves … 147
A1 组合 V/I 波 ... 147


1 Scope  1 范围

1.1 These requirements cover enclosed and open-type Surge Protective Devices(SPDs)designed for repeated limiting of transient voltage surges as specified in the standard on 50 or 60 Hz power circuits not exceeding 1000 V and for PV applications up to 1500 V dc and designated as follows:
1.1 本要求涵盖封闭式和开放式浪涌保护装置(SPDs),设计用于重复限制标准中规定的不超过 1000 V 的 50 或 60 Hz 电源电路中的瞬态电压浪涌,以及用于直流电压不超过 1500 V 的光伏应用,其名称如下: 1.
Type 1 -One port,permanently connected SPDs,except for watt-hour meter socket enclosures, intended for installation between the secondary of the service transformer and the line side of the service equipment overcurrent device,as well as the load side,including watt-hour meter socket enclosures and Molded Case SPDs intended to be installed without an external overcurrent protective device.Type 1 SPDs for use in PV systems can be connected between the PV array and
用于光伏系统的 1 型 SPD 可连接在光伏阵列和负载之间。

间,以及负载侧,包括电度表插座外壳和用于没有外部过流保护装置的模制外壳SPDs。用于光伏系统的Type 1 SPDs是连接在光伏阵列和主服务断路器之间。
Type 2 -Permanently connected SPDs intended for installation on the load side of the service equipment overcurrent device;including SPDs located at the branch panel and Molded Case SPDs.永久性连接的电涌保护器(SPDs),旨在安装在服务设备过电流装置的负裁侧;包括位于分支面板处的SPDS和模制外壳SPDs。
类型 2 -永久性连接的电涌保护器(SPD),旨在安装在服务设备过电流装置的负裁侧;包括位于分支面板处的SPDS和模制外壳SPD。永久性连接的电涌保护器(SPDs),旨在安装在服务设备过电流装置的负裁侧;包括位于分支面板处的SPDS和模制外壳SPDs。
Type 3 -Point of utilization SPDs,installed at a minimum conductor length of 10 meters( 30 feet) from the electrical service panel to the point of utilization,for example cord connected,direct plug- in,receptacle type and SPDs installed at the utilization equipment being protected.See marking in 85.4.The distance( 10 meters)is exclusive of conductors provided with or used to attach SPDs.
第 3 类 - 使用点防雷器,从配电盘到使用点的导线长度至少为 10 米(30 英尺)。从配电盘到使用点,例如电线连接,直接插入,插座类型和安装在被保护的使用设备上的防雷器。

使用点的SPDs,安装在从配电柜到使用点至少 10 米的导线长度处,如电线连接,直接插入,插座式以及安装在被保护设备内部的SPDs。该距离( 10 米)不包括提供或用于连接SPDs的导线。 Type 4 Component Assemblies-Component assembly consisting of one or more Type 5 components together with a disconnect(integral or external)or a means of complying with the limited current tests in 45.4.4CA-组件组装由一个或多个笑型Type 5 器件以及一个断开装置((内置或外置)组成,或者是一种坿合45.4中限制电流测试要求的途径/方法。
使用点的 SPDs,安装在从配电柜到使用点至少 10 米的导线长度处,如电线连接,直接插入,插座式以及安装在被保护设备内部的 SPDs。该距离(10 米)不包括提供或用于连接 SPDs 的导线。4.4CA-组件组装由一个或多个笑型Type 5 器件以及一个断开装置(内置或外置)组成,或者是一种坿合45.4中限制电流测试要求的途径/方法。
Type 1,2, 3 Component Assemblies-Consists of a Type 4 component assembly with internal or external short circuit protection.Type 1,2,3CA 一 由具有内盖或外部途路保伏的Tyyp 4CA组成.
1 类,2 类,3 类元件组件--由具有内盖或外部途路保伏的 Typ 4CA 组成.
Type 5 -Discrete component surge suppressors,such as MOVs that may be mounted on a PWB, connected by its leads or provided within an enclosure with mounting means and wiring
类型 5 -分立元件浪涌抑制器,如 MOV,可安装在 PWB 上,通过引线连接或安装在带有安装装置和接线的外壳内

1.2 Except as indicated in 1.3,the products covered by this Standard are rated and intended for connection to circuits or supply sources having nominal voltage ratings as specified in Table 45.1.
1.2 除 1.3 所示外,本标准所涵盖的产品均为额定电压,并用于连接表 45 中规定的额定电压的电路或电源。

1.3 A product intended for connection to an ac circuit or supply source other than that specified in 1.2 may be examined and tested in accordance with the intent of the requirements in this standard and,if found to be substantially equivalent,may be judged to comply with this Standard.
1.3 用于连接 1.2 规定以外的交流电路或电源的产品,可根据本标准要求的意图进行检查和测 试,如发现实质上等同,则可判定为符合本标准。

1.4 These requirements cover cord-connected direct plug-in,and permanently connected SPDs intended for indoor and outdoor use in accordance with the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
1.4 这些要求涵盖了根据美国国家电气规范(ANSI/NFPA 70)设计的用于室内和室外的电线连接直接插入式和永久连接式防雷器。
1.5 These requirements do not cover the interconnection of multiple field installed SPDs.
1.5 这些要求不包括多个现场安装的 SPD 的互连。

1.6 These requirements cover SPDs that may include components specifically intended to function as filters for conducted electromagnetic interference(EMI)or noise,in addition to limiting transient voltage
1.6 这些要求涵盖的 SPD 除了限制瞬态电压外,还可能包括专门用作传导电磁干扰(EMI)或噪声滤波器的元件。

1.7 These requirements cover SPDs employing circuit components intended to provide secondary protection for telephone communication circuits and circuit components intended to protect data communication or fire alarm circuits.See Section 28.
1.7 这些要求包括采用电路组件为电话通信电路提供二级保护的防雷器,以及采用电路组件为数据通信或火警电路提供保护的防雷器。 参见第 28 节。

这些要求涵盖了使用电路元件的 SPDs,旨在为电话通信电路提供二次保护,以及旨在保护数据通信或火警电路的电路元件。见第 28 节。
1.8 These requirements cover SPDs employing antenna connections for audio-video products.See Section 29.
1.8 这些要求涵盖采用天线连接的音频视频产品 SPD。
1.9 An SPD that has a battery backup feature or other uninterruptible power supply equipment shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment,UL 1778.See Section 31.具有电池洛用功能稢其他不间断电源没备的SPD也应驸合(不间断电源没备标准)(UL 1778)中的适用要求。请参阅策 31 节。
1.9 具有备用电池功能或其他不间断电源没备的 SPD 也应符合不间断电源没备标准中的适用要求。请参阅第 31 节.具有电池洛用功能稢其他不间断电源没备的 SPD 也应驸合(不间断电源没备标准)(UL 1778)中的适用要求。
1.10 These requirements cover SPDs/Panelboard Extension Modules.These products shall also comply with the Standard for Panelboards,UL 67.See Section 32.
1.10 这些要求包括 SPD/面板扩展模块。 这些产品也应符合面板标准,UL 67。

这些要求涵盖了SPDs/配电盘扩展模块。这些产品还应符合配电盘标准,UL 67。请参阅第32节。
1.11 These requirements do not evaluate the effect of SPDs on connected loads,the effect of SPDs on harmonic distortion of the supply voltage,the degree of attenuation provided by SPDs,nor the adequacy of the voltage protection rating of SPDs to protect specific connected equipment from upset or damage.
1.11 这些要求不评估 SPD 对连接负载的影响、SPD 对电源电压谐波畸变的影响、SPD 的衰减程度,以及 SPD 的电压保护额定值是否足以保护特定连接设备免受干扰或损坏。


1.12 This standard does not cover cord connected or direct plug-in SPDs intended for use with medical equipment.Medical equipment is typically intended for use in General Patient Care Areas or Critical Patient Care Areas as defined by Article 517 of the National Electrical Code for Health Care Facilities. SPDs intended for such use shall comply with the requirements of the Standard for Safety of Medical Electrical Equipment,Part 1:General Requirements,UL 60601-1,and the Standard for Safety Requirements for Medical Electrical Systems,IEC 60601-1-1.
1.12 本标准不包括用于医疗设备的软线连接或直接插入式 SPD。用于此类用途的防雷器应符合《医疗电气设备安全标准》第 1 部分:一般要求,UL 60601-1,以及《医疗电气系统安全要求标准》,IEC 60601-1-1。
1.13 An SPD intended to serve as an outlet cover plate or outlet box hood shall comply with the requirement for faceplates in the Standard for Cover Plates for Flush Mounted Wiring Devices,UL 514D.
1.13 用作插座盖板或插座盒罩的防雷器,应符合《嵌入式接线装置盖板标准》(UL 514D)中对面板的要求。

1.14 An SPD intended for use in a Lightning Protection System(LPS)shall comply with the Surge Protection requirements in the Standard for Installation Requirements for Lightning Protections Systems, UL 96A.供用于雷电保护系统(LPS)的SPD应符合 《UL 96A》标准中关于安装要求和雷击保护系统的浪涌保护要求。
1.14 用于雷电保护系统(LPS)的SPD应符合《UL 96A》标准中关于安装要求和雷击保护系统的浪涌保护要求。防雷保护系统安装要求标准》中的浪涌保护要求。
1.15 A Type 3 SPD may employ additional low voltage supplementary circuitry to power a USB charger. Type 3 SPD 可能会使用额外的低压辅助电路来为USB充电器供电。
1.15 3 类 SPD 可能会使用额外的低压辅助电路来为 USB 充电器供电。

1.16 A cord-connected or direct plug-in Type 3 SPD may employ a replaceable or non-replaceable rechargeable battery to power a USB output circuit.
1.16 用电线连接或直接插入的 3 类防雷器可使用可更换或不可更换的充电电池为 USB 输出电路供电。

一个通过线缆连接或直接插入的Type 3 SPD 可以使用可更换或不可更换的充电电池来为USB输出电路供电。
1.17 A direct plug-in SPD employing more than two receptacles shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Current Taps and Adapters,UL 498A.
1.17 使用两个以上插座的直插式防雷器,还必须符合《电流抽头和适配器标准》(UL 498A)中的适用要求。

直接插入式SPD,如果使用两个以上的插座,也必须遵守电流分接器和适配器的标准要求,即UL 498A。
直接插入式 spd,如果使用两个以上的插座,也必须遵守电流分接器和适配器的标准要求,即ul 498a。

1.18 A cord-connected SPD employing more than two receptacles shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the requirements in the Standard for Relocatable Power Taps,UL 1363 or the Standard for Furniture Power Distribution Units,UL 962A.
1.18 采用两个以上插座的电线连接式插座分配器,还必须符合《可移动电源插座标准》(UL 1363)或《家具配电装置标准》(UL 962A)中的适用要求。

使用两个以上插座的有线连接SPD(浪涌保护器)还必须符合《可移动电源分接器标准》(UL 1363)或《家具电源分配单元标准》(UL 962A)中适用的要求。

2 Referenced Publications
2 参考出版物

2.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this Standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.
2.1 本标准要求中出现的任何未注明日期的规范或标准,应解释为指该规范或标准的最新版本。
2.2 The following publications are referenced in this Standard:
2.2 本标准参考了以下出版物: 本标准参考了以下出版物: 本标准参考了以下出版物: 本标准参考了以下出版物

ANSI C84.1,Electric Power Systems Voltage Ratings( 60 Hz )
ANSI C84.1,电力系统额定电压( 60 赫兹)

ASTM E230/E230M,Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force(emf)Tables for Standardized Thermocouples
ASTM E230/E230M,标准化热电偶规格和温度-电动势(emf)表
IEC 60601-1-1, Safety Requirements for Medical Electrical Systems
IEC 60601-1-1,医疗电气系统的安全要求

IEC 60664-1, Insulation Coordination for Equipment within Low-voltage Supply Systems - Part 1: Principles, Requirements and Tests
IEC 60664-1,低压供电系统内设备的绝缘协调 - 第 1 部分:原则、要求和试验
IEEE C37.09, AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
IEEE C37.09,按对称电流额定的交流高压断路器

IEEE C62.45, Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits
IEEE C62.45,与低压(1000 V 及以下)交流电路相连设备的浪涌测试
NEMA/WD 6, Wiring Devices - Dimensional Specifications
NEMA/WD 6,接线装置 - 尺寸规格

NFPA 70, National Electrical Code
NFPA 70,国家电气规范

UL 20, Snap Switches
UL 20,快速开关

UL 50E, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations
UL 50E,电气设备外壳,环境考虑因素

UL 67, Panelboards  UL 67,面板
UL 94, Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances
UL 94,设备和电器部件塑料材料可燃性测试

UL 96A, Installation Requirements for Lightning Protections Systems
UL 96A,防雷系统安装要求

UL 224, Extruded Insulating Tubing
UL 224,挤压绝缘套管

UL 248-14, Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 14: Supplemental Fuses
UL248-14,低压保险丝--第 14 部分:辅助保险丝

UL 248-16, Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 16: Test Limiters
UL248-16,低压保险丝--第 16 部分:测试限制器

UL 414, Meter Sockets
UL 414,电表插座

UL 452, Antenna-Discharge Units
UL 452,天线放电装置

UL 486A-486B, Wire Connectors
UL 486A-486B,电线连接器

UL 486E, Wiring Terminals for Use With Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors

UL 489, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures
UL 489,模制外壳断路器、模制外壳开关和断路器外壳

UL 497, Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communication Circuits

UL 497A, Secondary Protectors for Communication Circuits

UL 497B, Protectors for Data Communication and Fire Alarm Circuits

UL 497C, Protectors for Coaxial Communication Circuits

UL 498, Attachment Plugs and Receptacles
UL 498,连接插头和插座
UL 508, Industrial Control Equipment
UL 508,工业控制设备
UL 514A, Metallic Outlet Boxes
UL 514A,金属插座盒
UL 514B, Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings
UL 514B,导管、套管和电缆配件
UL 514C, Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes, and Covers
UL 514C,非金属插座盒、嵌入式设备盒和盖子
UL 514D, Cover Plates for Flush Mounted Wiring Devices
UL 514D,埋入式接线装置盖板
UL 746B, Polymeric Materials - Long Term Property Evaluations
UL 746B,聚合材料 - 长期特性评估

UL 746C, Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations
UL 746C,聚合材料 - 在电气设备评估中的使用
UL 746E, Polymeric Materials - Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fibre, and Materials Used in Printed Wiring Boards
UL 746E,聚合材料--工业层压板、绕丝管、硫化纤维和印刷线路板用材料
UL 796, Printed Wiring Boards
UL 796,印刷线路板

UL 817, Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords
UL 817,软线组和电源线

UL 840, Insulation Coordination Including Clearance and Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment

UL 962A, Furniture Power Distribution Units
UL 962A,家具配电装置

UL 969, Marking and Labeling Systems
UL 969,标记和标签系统
UL 991, Tests for Safety-Related Controls Employing Solid-State Devices

UL 1059, Terminal Blocks
UL 1059,接线板
UL 1077, Supplementary Protectors for Use in Electrical Equipment
UL 1077,电气设备中使用的辅助保护器

UL 1283, Electromagnetic Interference Filters
UL 1283,电磁干扰滤波器

UL 1310, Class 2 Power Units
UL 1310,2 类电源装置
UL 1363, Relocatable Power Taps
UL 1363,可移动电源抽头
UL 1429, Pullout Switches
UL 1429,拉出开关
UL 1434, Thermistor-Type Devices
UL 1434,热敏电阻型设备
UL 1492, Audio-Video Products and Accessories
UL 1492,音视频产品及配件
UL 1557, Electrically Isolated Semiconductor Devices
UL 1557,电气隔离半导体器件
UL 1577, Optical Isolators
UL 1577,光隔离器
UL 1778, Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment
UL 1778,不间断电源设备
UL 2054, Household and Commercial Batteries
UL 2054,家用和商用电池

UL 5085-1,Low Voltage Transformers-Part 1:General Requirements
UL 5085-1,低压变压器-第 1 部分:一般要求
UL 5085-3,Low Voltage Transformers-Part 3:Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers
UL 5085-3,低压变压器-第 3 部分:2 类和 3 类变压器
UL 60065,Audio,Video,and Similar Electronic Apparatus Safety Requirements
UL 60065,音频、视频及类似电子设备安全要求
UL 60384-14,Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment-Part 14:Sectional Specification:Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains
UL 60384-14,电子设备中使用的固定电容器-第 14 部分:部分规范:用于抑制电磁干扰和连接电源的固定电容器
UL 60601-1,Medical Electrical Equipment,Part 1:General Requirements
UL 60601-1,医疗电气设备,第 1 部分:一般要求
UL 60691,Thermal-Links-Requirements and Application Guide
UL 60691,热链路-要求和应用指南
UL 60950-1,Information Technology Equipment-Safety-Part 1:General Requirements
UL 60950-1,信息技术设备-安全-第 1 部分:一般要求
UL 61058-1,Switches for Appliances-Part 1:General Requirements
UL 61058-1,电器开关-第 1 部分:一般要求

3 Glossary  3 术语表

3.1 For the purpose of this Standard,the following definitions apply.
3.1 在本标准中,适用以下定义。

3.21 .2 / 50 3.21 .2 / 50 3.21.2//503.21 .2 / 50 VOLTAGE WAVE-Voltage surge with a virtual front time of 1.2 μ s 1.2 μ s 1.2 mus1.2 \mu \mathrm{~s} and a time to half-value of 50 μ s 50 μ s 50 mus50 \mu \mathrm{~s} delivered across an open circuit.
3.21 .2 / 50 3.21 .2 / 50 3.21.2//503.21 .2 / 50 电压波 - 开路电路上产生的电压浪涌,其虚拟前沿时间为 1.2 μ s 1.2 μ s 1.2 mus1.2 \mu \mathrm{~s} ,半值时间为 50 μ s 50 μ s 50 mus50 \mu \mathrm{~s}

3.3 8/20 CURRENT WAVE-Current surge with a virtual front time of 8 μ 8 μ 8mu8 \mu s and a time to half-value of 20 μ μ mu\mu s delivered into a short circuit.
3.3 8/20 CURRENT WAVE(电流浪涌)--电流浪涌的虚拟前沿时间为 8 μ 8 μ 8mu8 \mu s,进入短路的半值时间为 20 μ μ mu\mu s。
3.4 AC POWER INTERFACE-The electrical points where the SPD is electrically connected to the ac power system.
3.4 交流电源接口 - SPD 与交流电源系统电气连接的电气点。
3.5 CIRCUIT BREAKER SPD-Combination circuit breaker and surge-protective devices(SPDs) designed to serve the dual function of providing overcurrent protection,and for repeated limiting of transient-voltage surges.
3.5 CIRCUIT BREAKER SPD-断路器和浪涌保护器(SPDs)的组合设计用于提供过流保护和重复限制瞬时电压浪涌的双重功能。
3.6 COMBINATION WAVE-(Also called"combination surge")A surge delivered by a generator which has the inherent capability of applying a 1.2 / 50 μ s 1.2 / 50 μ s 1.2//50 mus1.2 / 50 \mu \mathrm{~s} voltage wave across an open circuit,and delivering an 8 / 20 μ s 8 / 20 μ s 8//20 mus8 / 20 \mu \mathrm{~s} current wave into a short circuit.The exact wave that is delivered is determined by the generator's fictive impedance.
3.6 组合波--(又称 "组合浪涌")由发电机产生的浪涌,发电机本身具有在开路上施加 1.2 / 50 μ s 1.2 / 50 μ s 1.2//50 mus1.2 / 50 \mu \mathrm{~s} 电压波,并在短路中产生 8 / 20 μ s 8 / 20 μ s 8//20 mus8 / 20 \mu \mathrm{~s} 电流波的能力。产生的确切波形由发电机的假阻抗决定。
3.7 COMPONENT-SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE-An SPD intended solely for factory installation in another component,device or product and designated as Type 4 Component Assemblies,Type 1, 2 or 3 Component Assemblies or Type 5 SPD.
3.7 CompONENT-SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE(组件-防溅装置)--专门用于在工厂安装在另一个组件、装置或产品中的防溅装置,并被指定为 4 型组件组件、1 型、2 型或 3 型组件组件或 5 型防溅装置。

组件-浪涌保护装置-一种专门用于在另一个组件,设备或产品中进行工厂安装的SPD,并被指定为类型4组件组装,类型1,2或 3 组件组装或类型 5 SPD。
组件-浪涌保护装置-一种专门用于在另一个组件,设备或产品中进行工厂安装的 spd,并被指定为类型 4 组件组装,类型 1,2 或 3 组件组装或类型 5 spd。

3.8 CORD CONNECTED(CC)-An SPD provided with a power-supply cord terminating in an attachment plug for connection of the device to a receptacle in the AC power circuit.
3.8 CORD CONNECTED(CCC)--配有电源线的防雷器,电源线的终端是一个连接插头,用于将设备连接到交流电源电路中的插座上。

3.9 CREST(PEAK)VALUE(OF A WAVE,SURGE,OR IMPULSE)-The maximum value that a wave, surge,or impulse attains.
3.9 波峰(PEAK)值(OF A WAVE,SURGE,OR IMPULSE)--波浪、浪涌或脉冲达到的最大值。
3.10 DIRECT PLUG-IN(DPI)-An SPD incorporating integral blades for direct insertion into a standard wall receptacle.直插式揰件(DPI)SPD,包含集成插片,可直接插入标准堺上插座。
3.10 DIRECT PLUG-IN(DPI)--包含集成插片的 SPD,可直接插入标准堺上插座。
3.11 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE FILTER-A device intended to attenuate unwanted radio- frequency signals(such as noise or interference)generated from electromagnetic sources.EMI filters consist of capacitors and inductors used alone or in combination with each other and may be provided with resistors.
3.11 电磁干扰滤波器--用于减弱电磁源产生的不需要的射频信号(如噪声或干扰)的装置。电磁干扰滤波器由单独使用或相互组合使用的电容器和电感器组成,并可能配有电阻器。
3.12 ENCLOSED SPD-An SPD provided with a complete enclosure in accordance with the construction requirements of this standard.
3.12 封闭式防雷器(ENCLOSED SPD)- 按照本标准的结构要求提供完整外壳的防雷器。
3.13 EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST(EUT)-Refers to the SPD being tested.

3.14 FACTORY WIRING-The connection of a wire,under controlled conditions,at a manufacturer's location.
3.14 工厂接线--在受控条件下,在制造商的地点连接导线。
3.15 FAULT CURRENT-The current from the connected power system that flows in a short circuit.
3.15 故障电流(FAULT CURRENT)--短路时从所连接的电力系统流过的电流。
3.16 FIELD WIRING-The connection of a wire in the field,in accordance with the National Electrical Code,NFPA 70.
3.16 FIELD WIRING(现场接线)--按照美国国家电气规范(NFPA 70)在现场连接电线。
3.17 FOLLOW(POWER)CURRENT-The current from the connected power source that flows through an SPD during and following the passage of discharge current.Examples of devices that permit follow current are gas discharge tubes and thyristors.
3.17 FOLLOW(POWER)CURRENT(跟随电流)--在放电电流通过时和放电电流通过后,从所连接的电源流过防雷器的电流。允许跟随电流的设备有气体放电管和晶闸管。
3.18 HERMETICALLY SEALED DEVICE-A device that is sealed against the entrance of an external atmosphere and in which the seal is made by fusion;e.g.,soldering,brazing,welding,or the fusion of glass to metal.
3.18 HERMETICALLY SEALED DEVICE 防止外部空气进入的密封装置,其密封是通过熔合;e.g.,焊接,钎焊,或玻璃与金属的熔合来实现的。

3.19 ISOLATED SECONDARY CIRCUIT-A circuit derived from an isolating source(such as a transformer,optical isolator,limiting impedance or electro-mechanical relay)and having no direct connection back to the primary circuit(other than through the grounding means).A secondary circuit that has a direct connection back to the primarv circuit is considered part of the primarv circuit.
3.19 隔离的次级电路(ISOLATED SECONDER CIRCUIT)--从隔离源(如变压器、光隔离器、限幅阻抗或机电继电器)引出的电路,除通过接地装置外,不直接连接回初级电路。


3.20 MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS OPERATING VOLTAGE(MCOV)-The maximum designated root- mean-square(rms)value of the power frequency voltage that may be continuously applied to the mode of protection of an SPD.
3.20 MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS OPERATING VOLTAGE(MCOV)--可连续施加于 SPD 保护模式的指定最大均方根(rms)工频电压值。
3.21 MEASURED LIMITING VOLTAGE-The maximum magnitude of voltage,measured at the leads, terminals,receptacle contacts,and similar locations after the application of an impulse of specified waveshape and amplitude.
3.21 测量极限电压(MEASURED LIMITING VOLTAGE)--在导线、端子、插座触点及类似位置施加规定波形和振幅的脉冲后测量到的最大电压值。
3.22 MODES OF PROTECTION-Electrical paths where the SPD offers defense against transient overvoltages.Examples include,Line to Neutral(L-N),line to Ground(L-G),Line to Line(L-L)and Neutral to Ground(N-G).
3.22 保护模式 - 防雷器可防止瞬态过电压的电气路径。例如,线路至中性线(L-N),线路至接地(L-G),线路至线路(L-L)和中性线至接地(N-G).
3.23 MOLDED CASE SPD-A One-Port SPD incorporated within a molded case and intended for use in a space normally occupied by a circuit breaker within a panelboard complying with the Standard for Panelboards,UL 67.Molded Case SPD's may consist of a one piece SPD or may be of a two piece, "Pullout SPD"design.See 3.36-3.38 for description of a Molded Case SPD of the"Pullout"configuration.模塑化外壳SPD-一个集成在模制外壳中的单端口SPD,旨在用于符合面板板标准UL 67的电路断路器通常占用的空间。模制外壳SPD可能由一个整体SPD组成,或者可能是两片式的"拉出式SPD"设计。关于"拉出式"酉改置的模制外壳SPD的掉述,请参见 3.36 3.38 3.36 3.38 3.36-3.383.36-3.38
3.23 MOLDED CASE SPD-A 单端口防雷器,装在一个模制的外壳内,用于通常由断路器占用的空间,并符合UL 67.1.规定的配电盘标准。模制外壳防雷器可以是单件式防雷器,也可以是双件式 "拉出式防雷器"。关于 "拉出式 "酉改置的模制外壳SPD的掉述,请参见3.

3.24 NOMINAL DISCHARGE CURRENT ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right)-Peak value of the current,selected by the manufacturer, through the SPD having a current waveshape of 8 / 20 8 / 20 8//208 / 20 where the SPD remains functional after 15 surges.
3.24 标称放电电流 ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) - 制造商选择的通过防雷器的电流峰值,其电流波形为 8 / 20 8 / 20 8//208 / 20 ,防雷器在 15 次浪涌后仍能正常工作。
3.25 NOMINAL SYSTEM VOLTAGE-A nominal value assigned to designate a system of a given voltage class in accordance with ANSI C84.1.For the purpose of this standard,nominal system voltages include,but are not limited to,120,208,240,277,347,480, 600 Vac.
3.25 NOMINAL SYSTEM VOLTAGE(系统标称电压)--根据 ANSI C84.1 标准,指定某一电压等级系统的标称值。在本标准中,系统标称电压包括,但不限于,120,208,240,277,347,480,600 Vac。
3.26 NOMINAL VARISTOR VOLTAGE-The voltage across the varistor at 1 mA , DC 1 mA , DC 1mA,DC1 \mathrm{~mA}, \mathrm{DC}
3.26 标称变阻器电压-- 1 mA , DC 1 mA , DC 1mA,DC1 \mathrm{~mA}, \mathrm{DC}

3.27 NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE RATING-The normal ac power frequency voltage rating assigned to an SPD by the manufacturer.For an SPD,other than a Component-SPD,it is generally equal to the nominal value of the root-mean-square power-frequency phase voltage of the ac circuit(for example, 120 , 208 , 240 , 347 , 480 120 , 208 , 240 , 347 , 480 120,208,240,347,480120,208,240,347,480 ,or 600 Vrms ).
3.27 NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE RATING(正常工作电压额定值)--制造商为防雷器设定的正常交流工频电压额定值。对于除组件式防雷器之外的防雷器,该额定值通常等于交流电路的均方根工频相电压标称值(例如, 120 , 208 , 240 , 347 , 480 120 , 208 , 240 , 347 , 480 120,208,240,347,480120,208,240,347,480 ,或 600 Vrms )。
3.28 ONE-PORT SPD-An SPD having provisions(terminals,leads,plug)for connection to the ac power circuit but no provisions(terminals,leads,receptacles)for supplying current to ac power loads.
3.28 ONE-PORT SPD--一种具有(终端,导线,插头)用于连接交流电源电路,但没有(终端,导线,插座)用于向交流电源负载供电的 SPD。
3.29 OPEN-TYPE SPD-A Type 1, 2 or 3 SPD,with an incomplete or partial enclosure and with field wiring terminals and/or leads,suitable for field installation,in accordance with the National Electrical Code,
3.29 OPEN-TYPE SPD-A 类型 1、2 或 3 SPD,带有不完整或部分外壳,带有现场接线端子和/或导线,适合现场安装,符合国家电气规范。

据国家电气规范ANSI/NFPA 70 ,在适当外壳内进行现场安装。
据国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 ,在适当外壳内进行现场安装。
3.30 OPPOSITE POLARITY-A difference in potential between two points,such that shorting of these two points would result in a condition involving an overload,rupturing of printed wiring-board-tracks, components,or fuses,and the like.
3.30 OPPOSITE POLARITY - 两点之间的电位差,以至于这两点短路会导致过载、印制线路板-轨道、组件或保险丝等损坏。
3.31 PEAK LET-THROUGH CURRENT ( I p ) I p (I_(p))\left(I_{p}\right)-The maximum current through a circuit during a fault.
3.31 PEAK LET-THROUGH CURRENT ( I p ) I p (I_(p))\left(I_{p}\right) -故障时通过电路的最大电流。

3.32 PERMANENTLY CONNECTED(PC)-An SPD provided with terminals or leads for field connection to wiring systems in accordance with the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
3.32 PERMANENTLY CONNECTED(PC)--根据美国国家电气规范,ANSI/NFPA 70,带有端子或导线的防雷器,用于现场连接到布线系统。

永久性连接(PC)-根据国家电气规程,ANSI/NFPA 70标准,SPD配备有用于现场连接到布线系统的端子或引线。
永久性连接(pc)-根据国家电气规程,ansi/nfpa 70标准,spd配备有用于现场连接到布线系统的端子或引线。

3.33 PHASE ANGLE-The point on the ac power sine wave,expressed in terms of electrical degrees between 0 and 360 ,at which the transient surge is applied.
3.33 PHASE ANGLE(相位角)--交流电源正弦波上的一点,用 0 至 360 度之间的电度表示,在该点上施加瞬态浪涌。
3.34 POWERED TESTING-Refers to surge testing that is done while the SPD is electrically connected to the ac power system,at the nominal system voltage,or the manufacturer's operating voltage rating, whichever is greater.
3.34 带电测试 - 指防雷器与交流电源系统电气连接时进行的浪涌测试,测试电压为系统额定电压或制造商的额定工作电压,以较高者为准。
3.35 PRIMARY CIRCUIT-A circuit in which the wiring and components are conductively connected to the AC power interface.主电路一 一个电路,其线路和元件导电连挍至交流电源接口。
3.35 PRIMARY CIRCUIT - 电路,其中线路和元件导电连挍至交流电源接口。
3.36 PULLOUT BASE-An assembly designed for mounting in place of a plug-in circuit breaker within a panelboard,that is for use with specified SPD pullout module(s)as part of a Pullout SPD.
3.36 PULLOUT BASE(拉出底座)--一种组件,设计用于安装在配电板内插入式断路器的位置,与指定的 SPD 拉出模块(s)一起使用,作为拉出 SPD 的一部分。
3.37 PULLOUT MODULE-An SPD incorporated within a housing that is detachable from its pullout base,intended to be replaceable and field installable.
3.37 PULLOUT MODULE(拉出式模块)--一种安装在外壳内的防雷器,可从其拉出式底座上拆下,用于更换和现场安装。
3.38 PULLOUT SPD-A Molded Case SPD that consists of a detachable"pullout module"and"pullout base",intended for use in a space normally occupied by a circuit breaker within a panelboard complying with the Standard for Panelboards,UL 67.
3.38 PULLOUT SPD - 由可拆卸的 "拉出模块 "和 "拉出底座 "组成的模制外壳防雷器,用于符合 UL 67 配电盘标准的配电盘内断路器通常占用的空间。
3.39 RACK-MOUNTED CORD-CONNECTED TYPE 3 SPD-A cord-connected Type 3 SPD provided with mounting means for securement to a stationary(intended to be fastened in place or located in a dedicated space)or portable(capable of being easily moved by hand from place to place in normal use)
3.39 RACK-MOUNTED CORD-CONNECTED TYPE 3 SPD - 带有安装装置的软线连接型 3 类防雷器,可固定在固定物上(用于固定到位或位于专用空间内)或便携式(可在正常使用时方便地用手从一个地方移到另一个地方)。

3.40 RECEPTACLE SPD-A receptacle outlet incorporating an integral SPD.
3.40 RECEPTACLE SPD-A 内置 SPD 的插座插口。

3.41 RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK-A risk of electric shock is considered to exist at any part if:
3.41 触电危险 在下列情况下,任何部位都有触电危险: - 在任何情况下,任何部位都有触电危险。

a)The potential between the part and earth ground or any other accessible part is more than 30 V rms(42.4 V peak);and
a)部件与接地或任何其他可触及部件之间的电位超过 30 V rms(42.4 V peak);且

b)The continuous current flow through a 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega resistor connected across the potential exceeds 0.5 mA .
b)通过跨电位连接的 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega 电阻器的连续电流超过 0.5 mA .
3.42 RISK OF FIRE-A risk of fire is considered to exist at any two points in a circuit where:
3.42 火灾危险 在电路中的任意两点存在火灾危险,其中:

a)The open circuit voltage is more than 30 Vrms ( 42.4 V peak)and the energy available to the circuit under any condition of load including short circuit,results in a current of 8 A or more after 1 minute of operation;or
a)开路电压超过 30 Vrms (峰值 42.4 V),且在任何负载条件下(包括短路),电路的可用能量在运行 1 分钟后达到或超过 8 A;或

b)A power of more than 15 watts can be delivered into an external resistor connected between the two points.
b)连接两点之间的外部电阻器可输出超过 15 瓦的功率。
3.43 SERVICEABLE PART-A part or component of an SPD that is intended to be replaced or otherwise serviced during the life of the SPD.
3.43 可维修部件--防雷装置的一个部件或组件,在防雷装置的使用期限内需要更换或维修。

3.44 SERVICE EQUIPMENT OVERCURRENT DEVICE-The first overcurrent protection device between the service transformer secondary and the service entrance.
3.44 检修设备过流保护装置(SERVICE EQUIPMENT OVERCURRENT DEVICE)--检修变压器次级和检修入口之间的第一个过流保护装置。
3.45 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING(SCCR)OF SPD-The suitability of an SPD for use on an AC power circuit that is capable of delivering not more than a declared rms symmetrical current at a declared voltage during a short circuit condition.
3.45 防雷器的短路电流额定值(SCCR)--防雷器是否适用于交流电源电路,在短路情况下,该防雷器能够在规定电压下提供不超过规定均方根值的对称电流。


3.46 SUPPLEMENTARY PROTECTION DEVICE-A device intended for use as overcurrent,over-or under-voltage,or over-temperature protection within electrical equipment where branch circuit overcurrent protection is already provided,or is not required.
3.46 辅助保护装置--在已提供或不需要分支电路过流保护的电气设备中,用作过流、过压或欠压或过温保护的装置。

3.47 SURGE-A transient wave of current,potential or power in an electric circuit.For the purposes of this standard,surges do not include temporary overvoltages(TOV)consisting of an increase in the power frequency voltage for several cycles.
3.47 SURGE 浪涌--电路中电流、电位或功率的瞬态波。 在本标准中,浪涌不包括由工频电压上升几个周期组成的临时过电压(TOV)。
3.48 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE(SPD)-A device composed of at least one non-linear component (see 3.55 and 3.56 )and intended for limiting surge voltages on equipment by diverting or limiting surge current and is capable of repeating these functions as specified.SPDs were previously known as Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors or secondary surge arresters.电涌保护器一由至少一个非线性元件(见3.55和3.56)组成的设备旨在通过转移或限制电涌电流来限制设备上的电涌电压,并能够重复执行这些功能。SPD以前被称为羁态电压电涌抑制器或次级电涌避雷器。
3.48 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE(浪涌保护器)--至少由一个非线性元件组成(见 3.55 和 3.56),用于通过转移或限制浪涌电流来限制设备上的浪涌电压,并能按规定重复这些功能的装置。电涌保护器一由至少一个非线性元件组成(见 3.55 和 3.56),旨在通过转移或限制电涌电流来限制设备上的电涌电压,并能按规定重复这些功能。SPD以前被称为羁态电压电涌抑制器或次级电涌避雷器。

3.49 SPD DISCONNECTOR-Device(s)(internal and/or external)required for disconnecting an SPD from the power system.These devices may provide overcurrent(fuse or circuit breaker)and/or over temperature(thermal responsive devices)protection.SPD 脱离器-设备(内部和或外部)用于将SPD 从电力系统中断开。这些设备可能提供过电流(保险丝或断路器)和或过热(热敏设备)保护。
3.50 THERMAL-LINK-A non-resettable device incorporating a thermal element(a metallic or non- metallic fusible material that is part of a THERMAL-LINK and is responsive to temperature by a change of state such as from solid to liquid at the temperature for which it is calibrated-as defined in UL 60691) which will open a circuit once only when exposed for a sufficient length of time to a temperature in excess of that which it has been designed.热熔体一一种不可复位的设备,包含一个热敏元件(是热熔体的一部分的金属或非金属易熔材料,通过状态改变如在校准温度下从固态变为液态来响应温度变化-如UL 60691所定义)该设备一旦在超出其设计温度的条件下暴露足够长的时间,就会断开电路一次。
3.50 THERMAL-LINK- 一种不可复位的装置,包含一个热敏元件(一种金属或非 金属易熔材料,是 THERMAL-LINK 的一部分,在其校准的温度下,通过从固态 到液态的状态变化对温度做出反应,如 UL 60691 中的定义)。只有当暴露在超过其校准温度的温度下足够长的时间后,才会打开一次电路。designed.热熔体一种不可复位的设备,包含一个热敏元件(是热熔体的一部分的金属或非金属易熔材料,通过状态改变如在校准温度下从固态变为液态来响应温度变化-如UL 60691所定义)该设备一旦在超出其设计温度的条件下暴露足够长的时间,就会断开电路一次。

3.51 THERMAL RESPONSIVE DEVICE-A non-resettable device or mechanical element that will disconnect a series connected circuit or component,when exposed for a sufficient length of time to a temperature in excess of that which it has been designed.
3.51 THERMAL RESPONSIVE DEVICE (热响应装置)- 一种不可复位的装置或机械元件,当暴露在超过其设计温度足够长的时间后,将断开串联电路或元件。
3.52 TWO-PORT SPD-An SPD having provisions(terminals,leads,plug)for connection to the ac power circuit and provisions[terminals,leads,receptacles(s)]for supplying current to one or more ac
3.52 双端口防雷器--一种防雷器,其端子、导线、插头可连接交流电源电路,并可为一个或多个交流电源提供电流。

power loads.SPDs provided with a minimum of two adjacent terminals for each circuit conductor may be considered and tested as a two-port SPD.
电源负载.每个电路导体至少有两个相邻端子的 SPD 可视为双端口 SPD 并进行测试。
3.53 VOLTAGE AND CURRENT LIMITING TYPE SPD-An SPD that has a high impedance to surges at the input,such as a series connected inductor,followed by voltage limiting or voltage switching
3.53 限压限流型防雷器--一种对输入端浪涌具有高阻抗的防雷器,例如串联电感,然后进行限压或电压切换。

3.54 VOLTAGE PROTECTION RATING(VPR)-A rating selected from a list of preferred values as given in Table 84.1 and assigned to each mode of protection.The value of VPR is determined as a higher value taken from Table 84.1 to the average measured limiting voltage determined during the first set of measured limiting voltages tests during the transient-voltage surge suppression test using the combination wave generator at a setting of 6 kV , 3 kA 6 kV , 3 kA 6kV,3kA6 \mathrm{kV}, 3 \mathrm{kA}
3.54 电压保护定额(VPR)--从表 84.1 所列的优选值中选出并分配给每种保护方式的定额。 VPR 的值是在使用组合波发生器进行瞬态电压浪涌抑制试验期间,以 6 kV , 3 kA 6 kV , 3 kA 6kV,3kA6 \mathrm{kV}, 3 \mathrm{kA}
3.55 VOLTAGE-LIMITING-TYPE SPD-An SPD that has a high impedance when no surge is present, but will reduce it continuously with increased surge current and voltage.Common examples of components used as nonlinear devices are varistors and suppressor diodes.These SPDs are sometimes called"clamping-type"SPDs.
3.55 限压型防雷器--一种在无浪涌时具有高阻抗,但随着浪涌电流和电压的增加而不断降低阻抗的防雷器。
3.56 VOLTAGE-SWITCHING-TYPE SPD-An SPD that has a high impedance when no surge is present,but can have a sudden change in impedance to a low value in response to a voltage surge. Common examples of components used as nonlinear devices are spark gaps,gas tubes,and silicon- controlled rectifiers.These SPDs are sometimes called crowbar-type SPDs.
3.56 VOLTAGE-SWITCHING-TYPE SPD(电压转换型防雷器)--一种防雷器,在无浪涌时阻抗较高,但在电压浪涌时阻抗会突然变低。

4 Components  4 组件

4.1 Except as indicated in 4.2,a component of a product covered by this Standard shall comply with the requirements for that component.See 2.2 for a list of standards covering components generally used in
4.1 除第 4.2 节所述情况外,本标准所涵盖产品的部件应符合对该部件的要求。

4.2 A component is not required to comply with a specific requirement that:组件无需道守以下特定定求:
4.2 组件无需道守以下特定要求: 组件无需道守以下特定要求: 4.

a)Involves a feature or characteristic not required in the application of the component in the product covered by this standard,or a)涉及在符合本标准的产品中应用该维件时不需要的特征或特性,或者

b)Is superseded by a requirement in this standard.For example,when two or more testing methods are allowed in a standard or standards listed in 2.2,and one or more of those testing methods are documented in this standard,only the testing method or methods documented in this standard shall be used in component evaluation.战被本标准中的其他要求取代。例如,当2.2中列出的标准公许使用两种或多种则试方法时,如果这些测试方法中的一个或多个在本标准中有文档记录,那么在组件评估中应仅使用在本标准中记录的测试方法。
b)被本标准中的其他要求取代。例如,当2.2中列出的标准中允许使用两种或多种测试方法时,如果这些测试方法中的一个或多个在本标准中有文档记录,则只能使用本标准中记录的测试方法。例如,当 2.2 中列出的标准公许使用两种或多种则测试方法时,如果这些测试方法中的一个或多个在本标准中有文档记录,那么在组件评估中应仅使用在本标准中记录的测试方法。

4.3 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of use.一个组件应当按照其为预期使用条件所设定的额定值来使用。
4.3 一个组件应当按照其为预期使用条件所设定的额定值来使用。
4.4 Specific components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capabilities.Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions,such as certain temperatures not exceeding specified limits,and shall be used only under those specific conditions.
4.4 某些部件的结构特性不完整或性能受到限制。 这些部件只能在有限的条件下使用,例如某些温度不能超过规定的限度,并且只能在这些特定条件下使用。

5 Units of Measurement
5 计量单位
5.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement.Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information.未㗎括号标明的值是要求。括号内的值是解释性或近似信息。
5.1 不带括号的值是要求.括号内的值是解释性或近似信息.
5.2 All units of voltage and current specified in this standard are root-mean-square values unless otherwise indicated.
5.2 除非另有说明,本标准中规定的所有电压和电流单位均为均方根值。


6 General  6 一般情况

6.1 An SPD shall be so formed and assembled that it has the strength and rigidity necessary to withstand the handling that can be encountered during shipment,installation and use without increasing the risk of fire,electric shock,and injury to persons due to total or partial collapse with resulting reduction of spacings,loosening or displacement of parts,or other defects.
6.1 防爆片的成型和装配应具有必要的强度和刚度,以承受在装运、安装和使用过程中可能遇到的搬运,而不会增加火灾、电击和因全部或部分坍塌导致间距缩小、部件松动或移位或其他缺陷而造成人员伤害的风险。


6.2 A direct plug-in type SPD shall comply with the general requirements for current taps and adapters in the Standard for Current Taps and Adapters,UL 498A.
6.2 直插式防雷器应符合《电流抽头和适配器标准》(UL 498A)中对电流抽头和适配器的一般要求。

直接插入式SPD应符合电流分接器和适配器标准UL 498A中对电流分接器和适配器的一般要求。
6.3 A cord-connected type SPD shall comply with the general requirements in the Standard for Relocatable Power Taps,UL 1363.
6.3 软线连接型防雷器必须符合《可移动电源开关标准》(UL 1363)的一般要求。
6.4 Watt-hour meter socket adapter Type 1 SPDs shall also comply with the applicable requirements of the Standard for Meter Sockets,UL 414.
6.4 瓦时电表插座适配器 1 型 SPD 还必须符合电表插座标准 UL 414 的适用要求。
6.5 A Type 3 SPD intended for outdoor use shall not exceed 0.45 m ( 18 in .)in length including the cord and plug,and shall be constructed such that the Enclosure does not obstruct a receptacle hood when in use.用于户外的Type 3 SPD的长度不得超过 0.45 米( 18 英寸),包括电线和插头,并且其构造应确保在使用中外壳不会阳矿插座盖。
6.5 用于户外的 3 型防雷器的长度不得超过 0.45 米(18 英寸),包括电线和插头,并且其构造应确保在使用中外壳不会阳矿插座盖。45 米( 18 英寸),包括电线和插头,并且其构造应确保在使用中外壳不会阳矿插座盖。
6.6 Unless specified otherwise,open-type SPDs shall comply with the applicable requirements for the SPD Type,as specified in this standard.除非另有规定,开放式(外壳)SPD应符合本标准中规定的适用于SPD类型的要求。
6.6 除非另有规定,开放式(外壳)SPD 应符合本标准中规定的适用于 SPD 类型的要求。

7 Enclosure  7 附文

7.1 Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs
7.1 类型 1 和类型 2 SPD

7.1.1 General  7.1.1 综述 An enclosure and a part of an enclosure,such as door,cover,or tank,shall be provided with means for firmly securing it in place.外壳和外壳的部分,如门,盖子或箱子,应该配备有用于牢固固定其位置的措施。
7.1.1 外壳和外壳的一部分,如门、盖子或箱子,应该配备有用于牢固固定其位置的措施。 An enclosure other than a Type 1 (indoor use only)enclosure shall comply with the requirements for the type designation indicating the conditions for which it is intended,as specified,for Enclosure Types, in the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment,Environmental Considerations,UL 50E.
71.1.2 非 1 型(仅限于室内使用)外壳应符合《电气设备外壳标准》(环境考虑因素,UL 50E)中对外壳类型所规定的、表明其适用条件的类型名称的要求。 Sheet-metal screws threading directly into metal shall not be used to attach a cover,door,or other part that is to be removed to install field wiring or for operation of the equipment.Sheet-metal screws may thread into sheet-metal nuts that are permanently mounted and protected against corrosion.Machine screws and self-tapping machine screws may thread-directly into sheet-metal walls. 不得使用直接穿入金属的金属板螺钉来安装盖、门或其他需要拆卸以安装现场接线或操作设备的部件。 金属板螺钉可以穿入永久安装并有防腐蚀保护的金属板螺母。 Sheet-metal screws mounting internal components that are not removed for installation or operation may thread directly into metal. 安装内部组件的金属板螺钉 安装或操作时不拆卸的内部组件可直接拧入金属板。 A snap-on cover giving access to uninsulated live parts that does not require a tool for removal shall perform acceptably when subjected to the Snap-On Cover Tests,Section 60. 用于接触无绝缘带电部件,且不需要工具即可拆卸的卡扣式盖子,在进行第 60 节规定的卡扣式盖子试验时,其性能应是可以接受的。 An enclosure cover shall be hinged if it gives access to a fuse or any other overload-protective device,the functioning of which requires renewal,or if it is necessary to open the cover in connection with the normal operation of the SPD. 如果外壳盖可以接触到熔断器或任何其他过载保护装置(其功能需要更新),或者在防雷器正常工作时需要打开外壳盖,则外壳盖必须是铰链式的。
Exception:A hinged cover is not required for an SPD when the fuse or overload protector is not in series with a load circuit and opens only in the event of a malfunction of a discrete suppression component.
例外情况:当熔断器或过载保护器不与负载电路串联,并且仅在分立抑制元件发生故障时才打开时,防雷器不需要铰链盖。 A door or cover giving access to a fuse shall shut closely against a 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 inch)rabbet or the equivalent,or shall have either turned flanges for the full length of four edges or angle strips fastened to it.Flanges or angle strips shall fit closely with the outside of the walls of the box and shall overlap the edges of the box by not less than 12.7 mm ( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 inch).A combination of flange and rabbet or a construction that affords equivalent protection is acceptable.门或盖子进入保险丝应紧贴6.4毫米(1/4英寸)的槽口或等效物,或者应具有四个边堟全长的釉边或固定在其上的角条。翻边或角条应与箱体外侧紧密贴合,并且至少重叠箱体边缘 12.7 毫米 ( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸)。翻边和槽口的组合或提供等效保护的结构是可接受的。 通向保险丝的门或盖应紧贴 6.4 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)的拉贝或同等材料,或在其四边的全长上有翻边或紧固角条。7 毫米( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸). 凸缘和斜边的组合或可提供同等保护的结构为可接受。门或盖子进入保险丝应紧贴6.4毫米(1/4英寸)的槽口或等效物,或者应具有四个边堟全长的釉边或固定在其上的角条。翻边或角条应与箱体外侧紧密贴合,并且至少重叠箱体边缘 12.7 毫米 ( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸)。翻边和槽口的组合或提供等效保护的结构是可接受的。 Strips used to provide rabbets,or angle strips fastened to the edges of a door,shall be secured at: 用于开槽的条带或固定在门边缘的角形条带必须在以下位置固定: 7.
用于提供榫槽或固定在门边缘的角度条的条板,应当在以下位置被固定 a)不少于两个点
b)距离条板每端不超过 38.1 毫米( \(1-1 / 2\) 英寸);以及
c)这些端部固定点之间的点不应超过 152 毫米( 6 英寸)远。
a)Not less than two points;

b)Not more than 38.1 mm (1-1/2 inches)from each end of strip;and
b)距带材两端不超过 38.1 毫米(1-1/2 英寸);以及

c)Points between these end fastenings to be not more than 152 mm ( 6 inches)apart.
c)这些端部紧固件之间的间距不得超过 152 毫米(6 英寸)。

7.1.2 Cast metal 铸造金属外壳
7.1.2 铸造金属外壳 Cast metal for an enclosure shall be at least 3.2 mm ( 1 / 8 1 / 8 1//81 / 8 inch)thick at every point,of greater thickness at reinforcing ribs and door edges,and not less than 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 inch)thick at tapped holes for conduit. qquad\qquad ,在加强助和门边缘处的厚度更大,而在用于导管的螺㳇孔处,其厚度不应小于 6.4 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)。 用于外壳的铸件,每一点的厚度至少为 3.2 毫米( 1 / 8 1 / 8 1//81 / 8 英寸),在加强筋和门边缘处的厚度更大,而在用于导管的钻孔处的厚度不小于 6.2 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)。4 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)厚,用于导管的螺孔处。 qquad\qquad ,在加强助和门边缘处的厚度更大,而在用于导管的螺孔处,其厚度不应小于 6.4 毫米( 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸)。
Exception No.1:At other than at plain or threaded conduit holes,die-cast metal shall not be less than 2.4 m m m m mmm m(3/32 inch)thick for an area greater than 154.8 cm 2 154.8 cm 2 154.8cm^(2)154.8 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}(24 square inches)or having any dimensions greater than 152 mm (6 inches),and shall not be less than 1.6 mm (1/16 inch)thick for an area of 154.8 cm 2 cm 2 cm^(2)\mathrm{cm}^{2}(24 square inches)or less and having no dimension greater than 6 inches(152 mm).The area limitation for metal that is 1.6 mm (1/16 inch)thick may be obtained by the provision of reinforcing ribs subdividing a larger area.
例外 No.1:除普通导管孔或螺纹导管孔外,压铸金属的厚度不得小于 2.4 m m m m mmm m (3/32 英寸)厚,面积大于 154.8 cm 2 154.8 cm 2 154.8cm^(2)154.8 \mathrm{~cm}^{2} (24 平方英寸)或任何尺寸大于 152 毫米(6 英寸),且不得小于 1.6毫米(1/16英寸)厚,面积为154.8 cm 2 cm 2 cm^(2)\mathrm{cm}^{2} (24平方英寸)或以下,且尺寸不大于6英寸(152毫米)的金属的面积限制为1.厚度为 1.6 毫米(1/16 英寸)的金属的面积限制可通过提供细分较大面积的加强筋来实现。
Exception No.2:Cast metal that is a minimum 0.89 mm ( 0.035 inch)thick may be employed instead of 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16 inch-thick( 1.6 mm )die-cast metal if the enclosure is not intended to be used as a splice box and if the voltage rating of the complete device is such that the voltage between any two conductors is 250 V or less and is limited to direct current or single-phase alternating current.
例外 No.2:可以使用厚度至少为 0.89 毫米(0.035 英寸)的铸件金属代替厚度为 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16 英寸(1.如果外壳不打算用作接线盒,并且整套设备的额定电压为任意两根导线之间的电压不超过 250 V,且仅限于直流电或单相交流电,则可以使用厚度不小于 0.89 mm (0.035 英寸)的压铸金属来代替 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16英寸厚(1.

7.1.3 Sheet metal 金属板材金属外売的厚度不得小于表7.1和表7.2中所示的厚度,但未涂层钢材的厚度不得小于 0.81 毫米( 0.032 英寸),铰锌钢村的厚度不得小于 0.86 毫米( 0.034 英寸),有色金属的厚度在连接线系统连接点处不得小于 1.14 毫米( 0.045 英寸)
7.1.3 金属板材金属外売的厚度不得小于表7.1和表7.2中所示的厚度,但未涂层钢材的厚度不得小于 0.81 毫米( 0.032 英寸),铰锌钢村的厚度不得小于 0.86 毫米( 0.034 英寸),有色金属的厚度在连接线系统连接点处不得小于 1.14 毫米( 0.045 英寸)。 The thickness of a sheet-metal enclosure shall not be less than that indicated in Table 7.1 and Table 7.2,except that uncoated steel shall not be less than 0.81 mm ( 0.032 inch)thick,zinc-coated steel shall not be less than 0.86 mm ( 0.034 inch )thick,and nonferrous metal shall not be less than 1.14 mm ( 0.045 inch)thick at points at which a wiring system is to be connected. 金属板外壳的厚度不得小于表 7.1 和表 7.2 所示的厚度,但未涂层钢不得小于 0.81 毫米(0.032 英寸)厚,锌涂层钢不得小于 0.86 毫米(0.034 英寸)厚,镀锌金属板不得小于 1.14 毫米(1.14 英寸)厚。032 英寸)厚,镀锌钢不得小于 0.86 毫米(0.034 英寸)厚,在连接布线系统的位置,有色金属不得小于 1.14 毫米(0.045 英寸)厚。 Table 7.1 and Table 7.2 are based on a uniform deflection of the enclosure surface for any given load concentrated at the center of the surface regardless of metal thickness. 表 7.1 和表 7.2 是基于外壳表面在任何给定荷载集中于表面中心时的均匀挠度,与金属厚度无关。 With reference to Table 7.1 and Table 7.2,a supporting frame is a structure of angle or channel, or a folded rigid section of sheet metal that is firmly attached to and has essentially the same outside dimensions as the enclose surface and that has such torsional rigidity as to resist bending moments that may be applied by the enclosure surface when it is deflected.A construction that is considered to have equivalent reinforcing is one that produces a structure that is as rigid as one built with a frame of angles or channels.Constructions that are considered to be without supporting frame include: 参照表 7.表 7.1 和表 7.2,支撑框架是一种角钢或槽钢结构,或一种折叠的刚性金属板截面,它牢固地连接在围护结构表面上,并具有与围护结构表面基本相同的外部尺寸,其扭转刚度可抵抗围护结构表面偏转时可能施加的弯矩。被认为具有等效加固的结构是指其刚性与角钢或槽钢框架结构相当的结构。

a)Single sheet with formed flanges(formed edges);

b) A single sheet that is corrugated or ribbed;
b) 波纹或棱形的单张纸;

c) An enclosure surface loosely attached to a frame; for example, with spring clips; and
c) 松散地连接到框架上的外壳表面,例如使用弹簧夹;以及

d) An enclosure surface having an unsupported edge.
d) 具有无支撑边缘的外壳表面。
Table 7.1  表 7.1
Thickness of Metal for Enclosures - Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel
外壳金属厚度 - 碳钢或不锈钢
Without support frame a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
无支撑架 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
带支撑框架或同等加固 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
Minimum acceptable thickness

最大宽度 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum width b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
cm (inches)
Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches)| Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | :--- | | cm (inches) |

最大长度 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum length c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
cm (inches)
Maximum length ^("c ") cm (inches)| Maximum length ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | :--- | | cm (inches) |
Maximum width b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} cm (inches)
最大宽度 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum length cm (inches)
最大长度 厘米(英寸)
mm  毫米
ated (inches)| ated | | :--- | | (inches) |
Meta mm  毫米 coated (inches)  涂布(英寸)
10.2 (4.0) Not limited  不受限制 15.0 (6.25) Not limited  不受限制 0.51 (0.020) 0.58 (0.023)
12.1 (4.75) 14.6 (5.75) 17.1 (6.75) 21.0 (8.25)
15.2 (6.0) Not limited  不受限制 24.1 (9.5) Not limited  不受限制 0.66 (0.026) 0.74 (0.029)
17.8 (7.0) 22.2 (8.75) 25.4 (10.0) 31.8 (12.5)
20.3 (8.0) Not limited  不受限制 30.5 (12.0) Not limited  不受限制 0.81 (0.032) 0.86 (0.034)
22.9 (9.0) 29.2 (11.5) 33.0 (13.0) 40.6 (16.0)
31.8 (12.5) Not limited  不受限制 49.5 (19.5) Not limited  不受限制 1.07 (0.042) 1.14 (0.045)
35.6 (14.0) 45.7 (18.0) 53.3 (21.0) 63.5 (25.0)
45.7 (18.0) Not limited  不受限制 68.6 (27.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.35 (0.053) 1.42 (0.056)
50.8 (20.0) 63.5 (25.0) 73.7 (29.0) 91.4 ( 36.0 ) 91.4 ( 36.0 ) 91.4quad(36.0)91.4 \quad(36.0)
55.9 (22.0) Not limited  不受限制 83.8 (33.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.52 (0.060) 1.60 (0.063)
63.5 (25.0) 78.7 (31.0) 88.9 (35.0) 109.2 109.2 109.2109.2
63.5 (25.0) Not limited  不受限制 99.1 (39.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.70 (0.067) 1.78 (0.070)
73.7 (29.0) 91.4 (36.0) 104.1 (41.0) 129.5 129.5 129.5129.5
83.8 (33.0) Not limited  不受限制 129.5 (51.0) Not limited  不受限制 2.03 (0.080) 2.13 (0.084)
96.5 (38.0) 119.4 (47.0) 137.2 (54.0) 167.6 (66.0)
106.7 (42.0) Not limited  不受限制 162.6 (64.0) Not limited  不受限制 2.36 (0.093) 2.46 (0.097)
119.4 (47.0) 149.9 (59.0) 172.7 (68.0) 213.4 (84.0)
132.1 (52.0) Not limited  不受限制 203.2 (80.0) Not limited  不受限制 2.74 (0.108) 2.82 (0.111)
152.4 (60.0) 188.0 (74.0) 213.4 (84.0) 261.6 (103.0)
160.0 (63.0) Not limited  不受限制 246.4 (97.0) Not limited  不受限制 3.12 (0.123) 3.20 (0.126)
185.4 (73.0) 228.6 (90.0) 261.6 (103.0) 322.6 (127.0)

a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 参见。 b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 宽度是作为外壳一部分的矩形金属板的较小尺寸。外壳的相邻表面可能有共同的支撑,并由单一板材制成。 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 不受限制,仅适用于表面边缘有至少 12.7 毫米( 1 / 2 inch 1 / 2 inch 1//2inch1 / 2 \mathrm{inch} )的凸缘,或固定在使用中通常不会移除的相邻表面上。
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} See
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet.
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1 / 2 inch 1 / 2 inch 1//2inch1 / 2 \mathrm{inch} ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use.
^("a ") See ^(b) The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. ^("c ") Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1//2inch ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use.| ${ }^{\text {a }}$ See | | :--- | | ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. | | ${ }^{\text {c }}$ Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( $1 / 2 \mathrm{inch}$ ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use. |
Without support frame ^("a ") With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing ^("a ") Minimum acceptable thickness "Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches)" "Maximum length ^("c ") cm (inches)" Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches) Maximum length cm (inches) mm "ated (inches)" Meta mm coated (inches) 10.2 (4.0) Not limited 15.0 (6.25) Not limited 0.51 (0.020) 0.58 (0.023) 12.1 (4.75) 14.6 (5.75) 17.1 (6.75) 21.0 (8.25) 15.2 (6.0) Not limited 24.1 (9.5) Not limited 0.66 (0.026) 0.74 (0.029) 17.8 (7.0) 22.2 (8.75) 25.4 (10.0) 31.8 (12.5) 20.3 (8.0) Not limited 30.5 (12.0) Not limited 0.81 (0.032) 0.86 (0.034) 22.9 (9.0) 29.2 (11.5) 33.0 (13.0) 40.6 (16.0) 31.8 (12.5) Not limited 49.5 (19.5) Not limited 1.07 (0.042) 1.14 (0.045) 35.6 (14.0) 45.7 (18.0) 53.3 (21.0) 63.5 (25.0) 45.7 (18.0) Not limited 68.6 (27.0) Not limited 1.35 (0.053) 1.42 (0.056) 50.8 (20.0) 63.5 (25.0) 73.7 (29.0) 91.4quad(36.0) 55.9 (22.0) Not limited 83.8 (33.0) Not limited 1.52 (0.060) 1.60 (0.063) 63.5 (25.0) 78.7 (31.0) 88.9 (35.0) 109.2 63.5 (25.0) Not limited 99.1 (39.0) Not limited 1.70 (0.067) 1.78 (0.070) 73.7 (29.0) 91.4 (36.0) 104.1 (41.0) 129.5 83.8 (33.0) Not limited 129.5 (51.0) Not limited 2.03 (0.080) 2.13 (0.084) 96.5 (38.0) 119.4 (47.0) 137.2 (54.0) 167.6 (66.0) 106.7 (42.0) Not limited 162.6 (64.0) Not limited 2.36 (0.093) 2.46 (0.097) 119.4 (47.0) 149.9 (59.0) 172.7 (68.0) 213.4 (84.0) 132.1 (52.0) Not limited 203.2 (80.0) Not limited 2.74 (0.108) 2.82 (0.111) 152.4 (60.0) 188.0 (74.0) 213.4 (84.0) 261.6 (103.0) 160.0 (63.0) Not limited 246.4 (97.0) Not limited 3.12 (0.123) 3.20 (0.126) 185.4 (73.0) 228.6 (90.0) 261.6 (103.0) 322.6 (127.0) "^("a ") See ^(b) The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. ^("c ") Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1//2inch ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use." | Without support frame ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | Minimum acceptable thickness | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ <br> cm (inches) | Maximum length ${ }^{\text {c }}$ <br> cm (inches) | Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ cm (inches) | Maximum length cm (inches) | mm | ated <br> (inches) | Meta mm | coated (inches) | | 10.2 (4.0) | Not limited | 15.0 (6.25) | Not limited | 0.51 | (0.020) | 0.58 | (0.023) | | 12.1 (4.75) | 14.6 (5.75) | 17.1 (6.75) | 21.0 (8.25) | | | | | | 15.2 (6.0) | Not limited | 24.1 (9.5) | Not limited | 0.66 | (0.026) | 0.74 | (0.029) | | 17.8 (7.0) | 22.2 (8.75) | 25.4 (10.0) | 31.8 (12.5) | | | | | | 20.3 (8.0) | Not limited | 30.5 (12.0) | Not limited | 0.81 | (0.032) | 0.86 | (0.034) | | 22.9 (9.0) | 29.2 (11.5) | 33.0 (13.0) | 40.6 (16.0) | | | | | | 31.8 (12.5) | Not limited | 49.5 (19.5) | Not limited | 1.07 | (0.042) | 1.14 | (0.045) | | 35.6 (14.0) | 45.7 (18.0) | 53.3 (21.0) | 63.5 (25.0) | | | | | | 45.7 (18.0) | Not limited | 68.6 (27.0) | Not limited | 1.35 | (0.053) | 1.42 | (0.056) | | 50.8 (20.0) | 63.5 (25.0) | 73.7 (29.0) | $91.4 \quad(36.0)$ | | | | | | 55.9 (22.0) | Not limited | 83.8 (33.0) | Not limited | 1.52 | (0.060) | 1.60 | (0.063) | | 63.5 (25.0) | 78.7 (31.0) | 88.9 (35.0) | $109.2$ | | | | | | 63.5 (25.0) | Not limited | 99.1 (39.0) | Not limited | 1.70 | (0.067) | 1.78 | (0.070) | | 73.7 (29.0) | 91.4 (36.0) | 104.1 (41.0) | $129.5$ | | | | | | 83.8 (33.0) | Not limited | 129.5 (51.0) | Not limited | 2.03 | (0.080) | 2.13 | (0.084) | | 96.5 (38.0) | 119.4 (47.0) | 137.2 (54.0) | 167.6 (66.0) | | | | | | 106.7 (42.0) | Not limited | 162.6 (64.0) | Not limited | 2.36 | (0.093) | 2.46 | (0.097) | | 119.4 (47.0) | 149.9 (59.0) | 172.7 (68.0) | 213.4 (84.0) | | | | | | 132.1 (52.0) | Not limited | 203.2 (80.0) | Not limited | 2.74 | (0.108) | 2.82 | (0.111) | | 152.4 (60.0) | 188.0 (74.0) | 213.4 (84.0) | 261.6 (103.0) | | | | | | 160.0 (63.0) | Not limited | 246.4 (97.0) | Not limited | 3.12 | (0.123) | 3.20 | (0.126) | | 185.4 (73.0) | 228.6 (90.0) | 261.6 (103.0) | 322.6 (127.0) | | | | | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ See <br> ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. <br> ${ }^{\text {c }}$ Not limited applies only of the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( $1 / 2 \mathrm{inch}$ ) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 7.2  表 7.2
Thickness of Metal for Enclosures of Aluminum, Copper, or Brass
Without support frame a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
无支撑架 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
带支撑框架或同等加固 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
Minimum acceptable thickness

最大宽度 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum width b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
cm (inches)
Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches)| Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | :--- | | cm (inches) |

最大长度 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 厘米(英寸)
Maximum length c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
cm (inches)
Maximum length ^("c ") cm (inches)| Maximum length ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | :--- | | cm (inches) |

最大宽度 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 厘米 quad\quad (英寸)
Maximum width b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
cm quad\quad (inches)
Maximum width ^("b ") cm quad (inches)| Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | :--- | | cm $\quad$ (inches) |
num th  
cm  厘米 (inches)  英寸 cm  厘米 (inches)  英寸
7.6 (3.0) Not limited  不受限制 17.8 17.8 17.817.8 ( 7.0 ) ( 8.5 ) ( 7.0 ) ( 8.5 ) [(7.0)],[(8.5)]\begin{aligned} & \hline(7.0) \\ & (8.5) \end{aligned} Not limited  不受限制 0.58 (0.023)
8.9 (3.5) 10.2 (4.0) 24.1 (9.5)
10.2 (4.0) Not limited  不受限制 (10.0) Not limited  不受限制 0.74 (0.029)
12.7 (5.0) 15.2 (6.0) 26.7 (10.5) 34.3 34.3 34.3quad34.3 \quad (13.5)   34.3 34.3 34.3quad34.3 \quad (13.5)
15.2 (6.0) Not limited  不受限制 35.6 (14.0) Not limited  不受限制 0.91 (0.036)
16.5 (6.5) 20.3 (8.0) 38.1 (15.0) 45.7 (18.0)
20.3 (8.0) Not limited  不受限制 48.3 (19.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.14 (0.045)
24.1 (9.5) 29.2 (11.5) 53.3 (21.0) 63.5 (25.0)
30.5 (12.0) Not limited  不受限制 71.1 (28.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.47 (0.058)
35.6 (14.0) 40.6 (16.0) 76.2 (30.0) 94.0 (37.0)
45.7 (18.0) Not limited  不受限制 106.7 (42.0) Not limited  不受限制 1.91 (0.075)
50.8 (20.0) 63.4 (25.0) 114.3 (45.0) 139.7 (55.0)
63.5 (25.0) Not limited  不受限制 152.4 (60.0) ited  它的 2.41 (0.095)
73.7 (29.0) 91.4 (36.0) 162.6 (64.0) 198.1 (78.0)
94.0 (37.0) Not limited  不受限制 221.0
( 87.0 ) ( 93.0 ) ( 87.0 ) ( 93.0 ) {:[(87.0)],[(93.0)]:}\begin{aligned} & (87.0) \\ & (93.0) \end{aligned} Not limited  不受限制 3.10 (0.122)
106.7 (42.0) 134.6 (53.0) 289.6 (114.0)
132.1 (52.0) Not limited  不受限制 312.4 330.2 312.4 330.2 {:[312.4],[330.2]:}\begin{aligned} & 312.4 \\ & 330.2 \end{aligned} ( 123.0 ) ( 130.0 ) ( 123.0 ) ( 130.0 ) {:[(123.0)],[(130.0)]:}\begin{aligned} & (123.0) \\ & (130.0) \end{aligned} Not limited  不受限制 3.89 (0.153)
152.4 (60.0) 188.0 (74.0) 406.4 (160.0)

a a ^(a){ }^{\mathrm{a}} 参见。 b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 宽度是作为外壳一部分的矩形金属板的较小尺寸。外壳的相邻表面可能有共同的支撑,并由单一板材制成。 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 不受限制仅适用于表面边缘有至少 12.7 毫米( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸)的凸缘或固定在使用中通常不会移除的相邻表面上。
a a ^(a){ }^{\mathrm{a}} See
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet.
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} Not limited applies only if the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 inch) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use.
^(a) See ^(b) The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. ^("c ") Not limited applies only if the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1//2 inch) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use.| ${ }^{\mathrm{a}}$ See | | :--- | | ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. | | ${ }^{\text {c }}$ Not limited applies only if the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( $1 / 2$ inch) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use. |
Without support frame ^("a ") With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing ^("a ") Minimum acceptable thickness "Maximum width ^("b ") cm (inches)" "Maximum length ^("c ") cm (inches)" "Maximum width ^("b ") cm quad (inches)" num th cm (inches) cm (inches) 7.6 (3.0) Not limited 17.8 "(7.0) (8.5)" Not limited 0.58 (0.023) 8.9 (3.5) 10.2 (4.0) 24.1 (9.5) 10.2 (4.0) Not limited (10.0) Not limited 0.74 (0.029) 12.7 (5.0) 15.2 (6.0) 26.7 (10.5) 34.3quad (13.5) 15.2 (6.0) Not limited 35.6 (14.0) Not limited 0.91 (0.036) 16.5 (6.5) 20.3 (8.0) 38.1 (15.0) 45.7 (18.0) 20.3 (8.0) Not limited 48.3 (19.0) Not limited 1.14 (0.045) 24.1 (9.5) 29.2 (11.5) 53.3 (21.0) 63.5 (25.0) 30.5 (12.0) Not limited 71.1 (28.0) Not limited 1.47 (0.058) 35.6 (14.0) 40.6 (16.0) 76.2 (30.0) 94.0 (37.0) 45.7 (18.0) Not limited 106.7 (42.0) Not limited 1.91 (0.075) 50.8 (20.0) 63.4 (25.0) 114.3 (45.0) 139.7 (55.0) 63.5 (25.0) Not limited 152.4 (60.0) ited 2.41 (0.095) 73.7 (29.0) 91.4 (36.0) 162.6 (64.0) 198.1 (78.0) 94.0 (37.0) Not limited 221.0236.2 "(87.0) (93.0)" Not limited 3.10 (0.122) 106.7 (42.0) 134.6 (53.0) 289.6 (114.0) 132.1 (52.0) Not limited "312.4 330.2" "(123.0) (130.0)" Not limited 3.89 (0.153) 152.4 (60.0) 188.0 (74.0) 406.4 (160.0) "^(a) See ^(b) The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. ^("c ") Not limited applies only if the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( 1//2 inch) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use." | Without support frame ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | With supporting frame or equivalent reinforcing ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | | | Minimum acceptable thickness | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ <br> cm (inches) | Maximum length ${ }^{\text {c }}$ <br> cm (inches) | Maximum width ${ }^{\text {b }}$ <br> cm $\quad$ (inches) | | | num th | | | | | | | | cm | (inches) | cm | (inches) | | 7.6 (3.0) | Not limited | $17.8$ | $\begin{aligned} & \hline(7.0) \\ & (8.5) \end{aligned}$ | Not limited | | 0.58 | (0.023) | | 8.9 (3.5) | 10.2 (4.0) | | | 24.1 | (9.5) | | | | 10.2 (4.0) | Not limited | | (10.0) | Not limited | | 0.74 | (0.029) | | 12.7 (5.0) | 15.2 (6.0) | 26.7 | (10.5) | $34.3 \quad$ (13.5) | | | | | 15.2 (6.0) | Not limited | 35.6 | (14.0) | Not limited | | 0.91 | (0.036) | | 16.5 (6.5) | 20.3 (8.0) | 38.1 | (15.0) | 45.7 | (18.0) | | | | 20.3 (8.0) | Not limited | 48.3 | (19.0) | Not limited | | 1.14 | (0.045) | | 24.1 (9.5) | 29.2 (11.5) | 53.3 | (21.0) | 63.5 | (25.0) | | | | 30.5 (12.0) | Not limited | 71.1 | (28.0) | Not limited | | 1.47 | (0.058) | | 35.6 (14.0) | 40.6 (16.0) | 76.2 | (30.0) | 94.0 | (37.0) | | | | 45.7 (18.0) | Not limited | 106.7 | (42.0) | Not limited | | 1.91 | (0.075) | | 50.8 (20.0) | 63.4 (25.0) | 114.3 | (45.0) | 139.7 | (55.0) | | | | 63.5 (25.0) | Not limited | 152.4 | (60.0) | | ited | 2.41 | (0.095) | | 73.7 (29.0) | 91.4 (36.0) | 162.6 | (64.0) | 198.1 | (78.0) | | | | 94.0 (37.0) | Not limited | 221.0236.2 | $\begin{aligned} & (87.0) \\ & (93.0) \end{aligned}$ | Not limited | | 3.10 | (0.122) | | 106.7 (42.0) | 134.6 (53.0) | | | 289.6 | (114.0) | | | | 132.1 (52.0) | Not limited | $\begin{aligned} & 312.4 \\ & 330.2 \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & (123.0) \\ & (130.0) \end{aligned}$ | Not limited | | 3.89 | (0.153) | | 152.4 (60.0) | 188.0 (74.0) | | | 406.4 | (160.0) | | | | ${ }^{\mathrm{a}}$ See <br> ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular piece of sheet metal that is part of an enclosure. Adjacent surfaces of an enclosure may have common supports and be made of a single sheet. <br> ${ }^{\text {c }}$ Not limited applies only if the edge of the surface is flanged at least 12.7 mm ( $1 / 2$ inch) or fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

7.1.4 Nonmetallic  7.1.4 非金属 The enclosure shall comply with the applicable mechanical/electrical property considerations, flammability, moisture-absorptive properties and thermal requirements for fixed and stationary equipment as specified in the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C. 外壳必须符合《聚合材料标准--电气设备评估中的使用》(UL 746C)中规定的固定和固定设备的适用机械/电气性能考虑因素、易燃性、吸湿性和热要求。
Exception No. 1: The enclosure of a Receptacle SPD shall comply with the enclosure requirements in the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles, UL 498.
例外 1:插座 SPD 的外壳应符合附件插头和插座标准 UL 498 中的外壳要求。
Exception No. 2: The enclosure of a Circuit Breaker SPD shall comply with the enclosure requirements in the Standard for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures, UL 489.
例外情况 2:断路器 SPD 的外壳应符合 UL 489《模制外壳断路器、模制外壳开关和断路器外壳标准》中的外壳要求。
Exception No. 3: The enclosure of a one-piece Molded Case SPD shall comply with the enclosure requirements in the Standard for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and CircuitBreaker Enclosures, UL 489.
例外情况 3:一体式模制外壳 SPD 的外壳应符合 UL 489《模制外壳断路器、模制外壳开关和断路器外壳标准》中的外壳要求。
Exception No. 4: The enclosure of a Pullout SPD shall comply with the enclosure requirements in 33.2.
例外 4: 拉出式 SPD 的外壳应符合 33.2 中的外壳要求。 The enclosure shall comply with the Non-Metallic Enclosure Conduit Connection, Enclosure Impact, Crushing and Mold-Stress Relief Test requirements of Sections 61, 62, 63, and 64, respectively, of this Standard. 外壳必须分别符合本标准第 61、62、63 和 64 节的非金属外壳导管连接、外壳冲击、挤压和霉菌应力释放试验要求。 A part such as a dial or nameplate that is considered to be a part of the enclosure shall be of metal or other material as specified for the enclosure in 被视为外壳一部分的部件,如刻度盘或铭牌,应使用金属或 中为外壳规定的其他材料。 A nonmetallic part such as a reset knob, lever, polymeric overlay, or button protruding through a hole in the enclosure shall be of a material classified as V 0 , V 1 , V 2 V 0 , V 1 , V 2 V-0,V-1,V-2\mathrm{V}-0, \mathrm{~V}-1, \mathrm{~V}-2 as determined by the Standard for Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, UL 94, if the area of the hole is not greater than 650 mm 2 ( 1 in 2 ) 650 mm 2 1 in 2 650mm^(2)(1in^(2))650 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}\left(1 \mathrm{in}^{2}\right). Nonmetallic parts protruding through a hole, the area of which is greater than 650 mm 2 ( 1 in 2 ) 650 mm 2 1 in 2 650mm^(2)(1in^(2))650 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}\left(1 \mathrm{in}^{2}\right), shall be made of materials that comply with the requirements in 通过外壳上的孔突出的非金属部件,如复位旋钮、控制杆、聚合物覆盖层或按钮,如果孔的面积不大于 650 mm 2 ( 1 in 2 ) 650 mm 2 1 in 2 650mm^(2)(1in^(2))650 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}\left(1 \mathrm{in}^{2}\right) ,则应使用《设备和电器部件塑料材料可燃性试验标准》(UL 94)确定为 V 0 , V 1 , V 2 V 0 , V 1 , V 2 V-0,V-1,V-2\mathrm{V}-0, \mathrm{~V}-1, \mathrm{~V}-2 的材料。通过孔突出的非金属部件,如果其面积大于 650 mm 2 ( 1 in 2 ) 650 mm 2 1 in 2 650mm^(2)(1in^(2))650 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}\left(1 \mathrm{in}^{2}\right) ,则必须使用符合 要求的材料制造。
Exception: An enclosure evaluated to the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations, UL 50E, satisfies the requirements of
例外情况:符合 UL 50E 《电气设备外壳、环境考虑因素标准》的外壳可满足 的要求。

7.1.5 Wiring openings  7.1.5 接线口 If threads for the connection of conduit are tapped all the way through a hole in an enclosure wall or if an equivalent construction is employed, there shall not be less than three or more than five threads in the metal. The construction of the device shall be such that a conduit bushing can be properly attached. If threads for the connection of conduit are not tapped all the way through a hole in an enclosure wall, conduit hub, or the like, there shall not be less than 3-1/2 threads in the metal. In addition, there shall be a smooth, well-rounded inlet hole for the conductors that provides protection to the conductors equivalent to that provided by a standard conduit bushing, and the inlet hole shall have an internal diameter approximately the same as that of the corresponding trade size of rigid conduit. 如果用于连接导管的螺纹是通过外壳壁上的孔一直攻入的,或如果采用了等效的结构,则金属中的螺纹不得少于三个或多于五个。设备的结构应能正确连接导管套管。如果用于连接导管的螺纹没有完全穿过外壳壁上的孔、导管毂等,则金属中的螺纹不得少于 3-1/2。此外,导线必须有一个光滑、圆滑的入口孔,为导线提供与标准导管套管相同的保护,入口孔的内径应与相应规格的硬导管的内径大致相同。 An enclosure threaded for support by rigid conduit shall provide at least five full threads for engaging the conduit. 用刚性导管支撑的外壳必须至少有五个完整的螺纹与导管啮合。 Clamps and fasteners for the attachment of raceways, such as conduit, electrical metallic tubing, armored cable, nonmetallic flexible tubing, nonmetallic-sheathed cable, or service cable, that are supplied as a part of an enclosure shall comply with the requirements in the Standards for Metallic Outlet Boxes, UL 514A; Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings, UL 514B; and Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes, and Covers, UL 514C. 用于连接导管、金属电气管、铠装电缆、非金属软管、非金属护套电缆或服务电缆等滚道的夹具和紧固件,作为外壳的一部分提供,应符合 UL 514A《金属插座盒标准》、UL 514B《导管、管道和电缆附件标准》和 UL 514C 《非金属插座盒、嵌入式设备盒和盖子标准》中的要求。 A knockout in a sheet-metal enclosure shall be reliably secured but shall be capable of being removed without undue deformation of the enclosure. 金属板外壳上的开孔必须可靠固定,但必须能够在外壳不发生过度变形的情况下拆除。 A knockout shall be provided with a flat surrounding surface for proper seating of a conduit bushing, and shall be so located that installation of a bushing at any knockout likely to be used during installation will not result in unacceptable spacing between uninsulated live parts and the bushing. 开孔周围必须平整,以便正确安装导管套管,其位置必须保证在安装过程中可能使用的任何开孔处安装套管不会导致未绝缘带电部件与套管之间出现不可接受的间距。 For an enclosure not provided with conduit openings, or knockouts, spacings not less than the minimum required in Spacings, Section 18 shall be provided between uninsulated live parts and a conduit bushing installed at any location likely to be used during installation. Permanent marking on the enclosure, a template, or a full-scale drawing furnished with the device may be used to limit such a location. 对于未提供导管开孔或敲击孔的外壳,应在未绝缘带电部件与安装在安装过程中可能使用的任何位置的导管套管之间提供不小于第 18 节 "间距 "中要求的最小间距。可使用外壳上的永久标记、模板或随设备提供的全尺寸图纸来限定此类位置。 In measuring a spacing between an uninsulated live part and a bushing installed in the knockout referred to in and, it is to be assumed that a bushing having the dimensions indicated in Table 7.3 is in place, and that a single locknut is installed on the outside of the enclosure. 在测量无绝缘带电部件与安装在 和 所述的孔洞中的衬套之间的间距时,应假定已安装了具有表 7.3 所示尺寸的衬套,并在外壳外部安装了单个防松螺母。
Table 7.3  表 7.3
Dimensions of Bushings  衬套尺寸

Trade size of conduit,
Trade size of conduit, inches| Trade size of conduit, | | :---: | | inches |
Bushing dimensions, mm (inches)
Overall diameter  总直径 Height  高度
1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 25.4 ( 1 ) ( 1 ) (1)(1) 9.5 ( 3 / 8 ) ( 3 / 8 ) (3//8)(3 / 8)
3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 31.4 ( 1 15 / 64 ) ( 1 15 / 64 ) (1-15//64)(1-15 / 64) 10.7 ( 27 / 64 ) ( 27 / 64 ) (27//64)(27 / 64)
1 40.5 ( 1 19 / 32 ) ( 1 19 / 32 ) (1-19//32)(1-19 / 32) 13.1 ( 33 / 64 ) ( 33 / 64 ) (33//64)(33 / 64)
1 1 / 4 1 1 / 4 1-1//41-1 / 4 49.2 ( 1 15 / 16 ) ( 1 15 / 16 ) (1-15//16)(1-15 / 16) 14.3 ( 9 / 16 ) ( 9 / 16 ) (9//16)(9 / 16)
1 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 1-1//21-1 / 2 ( 2 13 / 64 ) ( 2 13 / 64 ) (2-13//64)(2-13 / 64) 15.1 ( 19 / 32 ) ( 19 / 32 ) (19//32)(19 / 32)
2 ( 2 45 / 64 ) ( 2 45 / 64 ) (2-45//64)(2-45 / 64) 15.9 ( 5 / 8 ) ( 5 / 8 ) (5//8)(5 / 8)
2 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 2-1//22-1 / 2 68.7 ( 3 7 / 32 ) ( 3 7 / 32 ) (3-7//32)(3-7 / 32) 19.1 ( 3 / 4 ) ( 3 / 4 ) (3//4)(3 / 4)
3 81.8 ( 3 7 / 8 ) ( 3 7 / 8 ) (3-7//8)(3-7 / 8) 20.6 ( 13 / 16 ) ( 13 / 16 ) (13//16)(13 / 16)
3 1 / 2 3 1 / 2 3-1//23-1 / 2 98.4 ( 4 7 / 16 ) ( 4 7 / 16 ) (4-7//16)(4-7 / 16) 23.8 ( 15 / 16 ) ( 15 / 16 ) (15//16)(15 / 16)
"Trade size of conduit, inches" Bushing dimensions, mm (inches) Overall diameter Height 1//2 25.4 (1) 9.5 (3//8) 3//4 31.4 (1-15//64) 10.7 (27//64) 1 40.5 (1-19//32) 13.1 (33//64) 1-1//4 49.2 (1-15//16) 14.3 (9//16) 1-1//2 (2-13//64) 15.1 (19//32) 2 (2-45//64) 15.9 (5//8) 2-1//2 68.7 (3-7//32) 19.1 (3//4) 3 81.8 (3-7//8) 20.6 (13//16) 3-1//2 98.4 (4-7//16) 23.8 (15//16)| Trade size of conduit, <br> inches | Bushing dimensions, mm (inches) | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | Overall diameter | | Height | | | $1 / 2$ | 25.4 | $(1)$ | 9.5 | $(3 / 8)$ | | $3 / 4$ | 31.4 | $(1-15 / 64)$ | 10.7 | $(27 / 64)$ | | 1 | 40.5 | $(1-19 / 32)$ | 13.1 | $(33 / 64)$ | | $1-1 / 4$ | 49.2 | $(1-15 / 16)$ | 14.3 | $(9 / 16)$ | | $1-1 / 2$ | $(2-13 / 64)$ | 15.1 | $(19 / 32)$ | | | 2 | $(2-45 / 64)$ | 15.9 | $(5 / 8)$ | | | $2-1 / 2$ | 68.7 | $(3-7 / 32)$ | 19.1 | $(3 / 4)$ | | 3 | 81.8 | $(3-7 / 8)$ | 20.6 | $(13 / 16)$ | | $3-1 / 2$ | 98.4 | $(4-7 / 16)$ | 23.8 | $(15 / 16)$ | No wire other than wires leading to a part mounted on a door or cover shall be brought out through the door or cover. 除通向安装在门或盖上的部件的导线外,不得将其他导线穿过门或盖。

7.2 Type 3 SPD cord-connected
7.2 类型 3 SPD 电线连接

7.2.1 General  7.2.1 概述 The enclosure shall not have any openings or knockouts that may be used for permanent mounting or connection to a permanent wiring system. 外壳不得有任何可用于永久安装或连接永久布线系统的开口或开孔。 An opening in an enclosure shall have such size and shape - or shall be so covered by screening or barrier or by an expanded, perforated, or louvered panel - that a test rod having a diameter of 1.6 mm ( 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16 inch) shall be prevented from contacting uninsulated current-carrying parts. Accessibility shall be evaluated by performing the enclosure accessibility test in 67.1 67.1 _ 67.1 _\underline{67.1}. 外壳开口的大小和形状,或用屏蔽或屏障或膨胀、穿孔或百叶窗板覆盖,应能防止直径为1.6毫米( 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16 英寸)的测试棒接触未绝缘的载流部件。应通过执行 67.1 67.1 _ 67.1 _\underline{67.1} 中的外壳可达性测试来评估可达性。 A keyhole slot, notch, or similar means for temporary mounting, if provided, shall be so located that the supporting screws or the like cannot damage any electrical insulation or reduce spacings to live parts. 用于临时安装的钥匙孔槽、凹槽或类似装置(如有)的位置应确保支撑螺钉或类似装置 不会损坏任何电气绝缘或减小与带电部件的间距。 A barrier that covers a mounting hole and thereby forms part of the required enclosure shall be subjected to the Mounting Hole Barrier Tests, Section 65. 遮盖安装孔从而构成所需外壳一部分的隔板,必须进行第 65 节的安装孔隔板试验。 An SPD intended for outdoor use shall comply with the applicable performance requirements for a Type 3R enclosure as specified in the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations, UL 50E. 用于室外的 SPD 应符合 UL 50E 《电气设备外壳、环境考虑因素标准》中规定的 3R 型外壳的适用性能要求。

7.2.2 Metallic  7.2.2 金属 A metal enclosure of a Type 3 SPD shall have a minimum thickness in accordance with Table 7.4. 3 型防雷器的金属外壳的最小厚度应符合表 7.4 的规定。
Table 7.4  表 7.4
Minimum Acceptable Thicknesses of Enclosure Metal
Metal  金属

At small, flat unreinforced surfaces and at
surfaces of a shape or size to provide
adequate mechanical strength
At small, flat unreinforced surfaces and at surfaces of a shape or size to provide adequate mechanical strength| At small, flat unreinforced surfaces and at | | :---: | | surfaces of a shape or size to provide | | adequate mechanical strength |
At relatively larger unreinforced flat surfaces
mm  毫米 (inch)  英寸 m m m m mm\mathbf{m m} (inch)  英寸
Die-cast metal  压铸金属 1.2 ( 3 / 64 ) ( 3 / 64 ) (3//64)(3 / 64) 2.0 ( 5 / 64 ) ( 5 / 64 ) (5//64)(5 / 64)
Cast malleable iron  可锻铸铁 1.6 ( 1 / 16 ) ( 1 / 16 ) (1//16)(1 / 16) 2.4 ( 3 / 32 ) ( 3 / 32 ) (3//32)(3 / 32)
Other cast metal  其他铸造金属 2.4 ( 3 / 32 ) ( 3 / 32 ) (3//32)(3 / 32) 3.2 ( 1 / 8 ) ( 1 / 8 ) (1//8)(1 / 8)
Uncoated sheet steel  无涂层钢板 0.66 ( 0.026 ) ( 0.026 ) (0.026)(0.026) 0.66 ( 0.026 ) ( 0.026 ) (0.026)(0.026)
Galvanized sheet steel  镀锌钢板 0.74 ( 0.029 ) ( 0.029 ) (0.029)(0.029) 0.74 ( 0.029 ) ( 0.029 ) (0.029)(0.029)
Nonferrous sheet metal  有色金属板 0.91 ( 0.036 ) ( 0.036 ) (0.036)(0.036) 0.91 ( 0.036 ) ( 0.036 ) (0.036)(0.036)
Metal "At small, flat unreinforced surfaces and at surfaces of a shape or size to provide adequate mechanical strength" At relatively larger unreinforced flat surfaces mm (inch) mm (inch) Die-cast metal 1.2 (3//64) 2.0 (5//64) Cast malleable iron 1.6 (1//16) 2.4 (3//32) Other cast metal 2.4 (3//32) 3.2 (1//8) Uncoated sheet steel 0.66 (0.026) 0.66 (0.026) Galvanized sheet steel 0.74 (0.029) 0.74 (0.029) Nonferrous sheet metal 0.91 (0.036) 0.91 (0.036)| Metal | At small, flat unreinforced surfaces and at <br> surfaces of a shape or size to provide <br> adequate mechanical strength | At relatively larger unreinforced flat surfaces | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | mm | (inch) | $\mathbf{m m}$ | (inch) | | Die-cast metal | 1.2 | $(3 / 64)$ | 2.0 | $(5 / 64)$ | | Cast malleable iron | 1.6 | $(1 / 16)$ | 2.4 | $(3 / 32)$ | | Other cast metal | 2.4 | $(3 / 32)$ | 3.2 | $(1 / 8)$ | | Uncoated sheet steel | 0.66 | $(0.026)$ | 0.66 | $(0.026)$ | | Galvanized sheet steel | 0.74 | $(0.029)$ | 0.74 | $(0.029)$ | | Nonferrous sheet metal | 0.91 | $(0.036)$ | 0.91 | $(0.036)$ |

7.2.3 Nonmetallic  7.2.3 非金属 A nonmetallic enclosure shall comply with the applicable mechanical/electrical property considerations, flammability and thermal requirements for non-attended, non-intermittent duty portable equipment as specified in the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C. 非金属外壳应符合《聚合材料标准--电气设备评估中的使用》(UL 746C)中规定的非有人值守、非间歇性工作便携式设备的适用机械/电气性能考虑因素、易燃性和热要求。
Exception: A rack-mounted cord-connected Type 3 SPD intended for use in stationary equipment shall comply with the flammability requirements in the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, for stationary equipment.
例外情况:用于固定设备的机架式 3 类软线连接防雷器应符合《聚合材料标准--用于电气设备评估》(UL 746C)中有关固定设备的易燃性要求。 The enclosure shall comply with the Strain Relief, Enclosure Impact, Crushing, and Mold StressRelief Distortion Test requirements of Sections 57 , 62 , 63 57 _ , 62 _ , 63 _ 57 _,62 _,63 _\underline{57}, \underline{62}, \underline{63}, and 64 64 _ 64 _\underline{64} respectively, of this Standard. 外壳应分别符合本标准第 57 , 62 , 63 57 _ , 62 _ , 63 _ 57 _,62 _,63 _\underline{57}, \underline{62}, \underline{63} 节和第 64 64 _ 64 _\underline{64} 节的应变消除、外壳撞击、挤压和模具应力消除变形试验要求。 An SPD intended for outdoor use having a nonmetallic enclosure shall additionally comply with the Water Resistance and UV exposure requirements specified in the Standard for Polymeric Materials Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C. 带有非金属外壳的室外用 SPD 还必须符合《电气设备评估中使用的聚合材料标准》(UL 746C)中规定的防水和紫外线曝晒要求。

7.3 Type 3 SPD direct plug-in
7.3 类型 3 SPD 直接插件

7.3.1 General  7.3.1 概述 The enclosure shall comply with the enclosure requirements in the Standard for Current Taps and Adapters, UL 498A, and with the requirements specified in, and, as applicable. 外壳必须符合电流抽头和适配器标准 UL 498A 中的外壳要求,并酌情符合、 和 中规定的要求。
Exception: The enclosure may have means for permanent attachment to a (duplex) receptacle rated 15A, 125V. When provided with means for permanent attachment, the SPD need not comply with requirements specified in and but shall comply with the Grounding Contact Test as specified in 16.11.
例外:外壳可有永久连接额定电流为 15A、125V 的(双联)插座的装置。当有永久连接装置时,防雷器不必符合 和 的规定,但必须符合 16.11 规定的接地触点试验。 A unit shall: 设备应:

a) Have a mass of 0.79 kg ( 28 ounces) or less; and
a) 重量在 0.79 千克(28 盎司)或以下;以及

b) Comply with the specifications in Table 7.5.
b) 符合表 7.5 中的规格。
Table 7.5  表 7.5
Specifications for Plug-In Products

Figure 7.1  图 7.1
Dimensions of a Plug-In Product
插入式产品的尺寸 When determining the moment and weight specified in,a mounting tab is not to be included in measurements of the linear dimensions for the purpose of determining moments unless: 在确定 中规定的力矩和重量时,为确定力矩而进行的线性尺寸测量中不包括安装片,除非: 1.

a)The tab and enclosure withstand the Enclosure Impact Tests,Section 62 62 _ 62 _\underline{62} ,with one impact on the tab itself,without deformation;and
a)标签和外壳可经受外壳撞击测试,第 62 62 _ 62 _\underline{62} 节,标签本身受到一次撞击,不会变形;以及

b)For a non-metallic unit having an integral tab,the tab and enclosure do not distort when subjected to the Mold Stress-Relief Distortion Test,Section 64.
b)对于有整体凸台的非金属装置,凸台和外壳在经受模具应力释放变形试验(第 64 节)时不变形。 When inserted in a parallel-blade duplex receptacle,any part of a unit shall not interfere with full insertion of an attachment plug into the adjacent receptacle. 当插入平行插片双工插座时,装置的任何部分不得妨碍将连接插头完全插入相邻插座。
Exception:A unit that renders the adjacent receptacle completely unusable is acceptable.
例外:使相邻贮器完全无法使用的装置是可以接受的。 The enclosure of a unit shall be capable of being gripped for removal from the receptacle to which it is connected,and the perimeter of the face section from which the blades project shall not be less than 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch 1 / 4 inch 1//4inch1 / 4 \mathrm{inch} )from any point on either blade. 装置的外壳必须能够被夹住,以便从与之连接的贮器上拆卸下来,而且叶片伸出的面部分的周长,从任一叶片上的任何一点算起,不得小于 6.4 毫米( 1 / 4 inch 1 / 4 inch 1//4inch1 / 4 \mathrm{inch} )。

7.4 Open-type SPDs 外売开放式SPDs
7.4 开放式 SPD 外売开放式 SPD

7.4.1 Any part of an open-type SPD intended to be installed through an opening in or as part of an enclosure shall comply with the Enclosure requirements for the SPD Type.
7.4.1 开放式防雷器的任何部分,如要穿过外壳的开口安装,或作为外壳的一部分安装,则必须符合防雷器类型的外壳要求。

8 Protection Against Corrosion
8 防腐保护

8.1 Iron and steel parts shall be protected against corrosion by enameling,galvanizing,plating,or other equivalent means.This applies to all springs and other parts upon which proper mechanical operation may rely.
8.1 钢铁部件必须通过搪瓷、镀锌、电镀或其他类似方法进行防腐蚀保护。 这适用于所有弹簧和其他可能依赖于正常机械操作的部件。
Exception No.1:Parts such as bearings,thermal elements,if such protection is impracticable.
例外 No.1:轴承、热元件等部件,如果这种保护不可行。

Exception No.2:Small minor parts of iron or steel such as washers,screws,or bolts that are not current- carrying and are not in the equipment grounding conductor path,if corrosion of such unprotected parts is not likely to result in a risk of fire,electric shock,or injury to persons.
例外 No.2:垫圈、螺钉或螺栓等不带电流且不在设备接地导体通路上的小型钢铁部件,如果这些未受保护部件的腐蚀不会导致火灾、电击或人身伤害的危险。
Exception No.3:Parts made of stainless steel,properly polished or treated if necessary.
例外 No.3:不锈钢部件,必要时适当抛光或处理。

8.2 The requirements in 8.1 apply to all enclosing cases whether of sheet steel or cast iron,and to all springs and other parts upon which mechanical operation may depend.
8.2 8.1 的要求适用于所有钢板或铸铁外壳,以及所有弹簧和其他可能依赖机械操作的部件。

9 Insulating Materials  9 绝缘材料

9.1 General  9.1 概述

9.1.1 A barrier or integral part,such as an insulating washer or bushing,and a base or support for the mounting of live parts,shall be of a moisture-resistant material that will not be damaged by the temperature and stresses to which it may be subjected under conditions of actual use.
9.1.1 隔离垫圈或衬套等隔离物或整体部件,以及安装带电部件的底座或支架,应使用防潮材料,且在实际使用条件下不会因温度和应力而损坏。
9.1.2 An insulating material is to be investigated with respect to its acceptability for the application in accordance with the Standard for Polymeric Materials-Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations,UL 746C.Materials,such as mica,ceramic,or some molded compounds are usually acceptable for use as the sole support of live parts.If it is necessary to investigate a material to determine its acceptability, consideration is to be given to such factors as its mechanical strength,resistance to ignition sources, dielectric strength,insulation resistance,and heat-resistant properties in both the aged and unaged
9.1.2 绝缘材料应根据聚合材料标准--电气设备评估中的使用,UL 746C,对其应用的可接受性进行调查。如果有必要对某种材料进行调查,以确定其可接受性,则应考虑其机械强度、抗点火源性、介电强度、绝缘性以及在老化和未老化情况下的耐热性能等因素。

conditions, the degree to which it is enclosed, and any other features affecting the risk of fire and electric shock.

9.1.3 When required by 9.1.2, the Inclined-Plane Tracking Test, UL 746C, shall be conducted on the insulating material used in SPDs rated over 600V at the rated voltage of the SPD. For dc rated SPDs, the equivalent ac voltage may be used where V ac = V dc / 1.414 V ac = V dc / 1.414 V_(ac)=V_(dc)//1.414\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{ac}}=\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{dc}} / 1.414.
9.1.3 当 9.1.2 有要求时,应在额定电压超过 600V 的防雷器中使用的绝缘材料上,按防雷器的额定电压进行 UL 746C 斜面跟踪测试。对于直流额定 SPD,可使用等效交流电压,其中 V ac = V dc / 1.414 V ac = V dc / 1.414 V_(ac)=V_(dc)//1.414\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{ac}}=\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{dc}} / 1.414

9.1.4 Ordinary vulcanized fiber may be used for insulating bushings, washers, separators, and barriers, but not as sole support for uninsulated live parts.
9.1.4 普通硫化纤维可用于绝缘套管、垫圈、隔板和屏障,但不能作为未绝缘带电部件的唯一支撑。

9.2 Bushings  9.2 衬套

9.2.1 At a point where a cord or lead passes or is intended to pass through an opening in a wall, barrier, or enclosure case, there shall be a bushing or the equivalent that shall be secured in place and that shall have a smoothly rounded surface against which the lead or cord may bear.
9.2.1 在电线或引线穿过或打算穿过墙壁、屏障或外壳开口的位置,必须有一个固定到位的套管或类似装置,其表面应为光滑的圆角,以便引线或电线承受。

9.2.2 If the cord hole is in wood, porcelain, phenolic composition, or other nonconducting material, a smoothly rounded surface is considered to be the equivalent of an insulating bushing.
9.2.2 如果绳孔位于木质、瓷质、酚醛成分或其他非导电材料中,则光滑的圆形表面被视为等同于绝缘套管。

9.2.3 Ceramic materials and some molded compositions are acceptable generally for insulating bushings.
9.2.3 一般来说,陶瓷材料和某些模塑成分可用于绝缘套管。

9.2.4 A fiber bushing shall not be less than 1.2 mm ( 3 / 64 3 / 64 3//643 / 64 inch) thick, and shall be so formed and secured in place so as not to be affected adversely by conditions of ordinary moisture. It shall be employed only where it is not subjected to a temperature higher than 90 C ( 194 F ) 90 C 194 F 90^(@)C(194^(@)F)90^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(194^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) under normal operating conditions.
9.2.4 纤维衬套的厚度不得小于 1.2 mm( 3 / 64 3 / 64 3//643 / 64 英寸),其成型和固定方式不得受一般湿度条件的不利影响。只有在正常工作条件下温度不高于 90 C ( 194 F ) 90 C 194 F 90^(@)C(194^(@)F)90^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(194^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 的情况下,方可使用。

9.2.5 If an insulated metal grommet is employed instead of an insulating bushing, the insulating material shall not be less than 0.8 mm ( 1 / 32 1 / 32 1//321 / 32 inch) thick and shall completely fill the space between the grommet and the metal in which it is mounted.
9.2.5 如果使用绝缘金属扣眼代替绝缘套管,绝缘材料的厚度不得小于 0.8 毫米( 1 / 32 1 / 32 1//321 / 32 英寸),并应完全填满扣眼与安装金属之间的空间。

10 Current-Carrying Parts
10 个载流部件

10.1 A current-carrying part shall have mechanical strength, an ampacity acceptable for the service, and shall be of metal that is acceptable for the particular application.
10.1 载流部件应具有机械强度和服务所能接受的安培力,并应为特定应用所能接受的金属。

10.2 Uninsulated live parts, including terminals, shall be so secured to their supporting surfaces - by methods other than friction between surfaces - so as not to turn or shift in position if such motion may result in reduction of spacings to less than those required elsewhere in this standard.
10.2 非绝缘带电部件,包括接线端子,应通过表面间摩擦力以外的方法固定在其支撑面上,以免转动或移动位置,如果这种移动可能导致间距减小到小于本标准其他条款的要求。

10.3 A lockwasher is generally acceptable at a terminal or connection stud.
10.3 在接线端子或连接螺柱上一般可使用防松垫圈。

11 Internal Wiring  11 内部接线

11.1 Wire employed for the internal wiring of a device shall be acceptable for the particular application.
11.1 用于设备内部接线的导线必须是特定应用所能接受的。

11.2 The internal wiring shall be rated for the voltage and temperature to which it may be subjected to under normal operating conditions.
11.2 内部接线的额定电压和温度应符合其在正常工作条件下可能承受的电压和温度。

11.3 18 AWG [ 0.82 mm 2 0.82 mm 2 0.82mm^(2)0.82 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ( 0.04 inches)] rubber-covered wire when provided as part of a device shall be at least Type RFH-1 or equivalent, if a potential of 300 V or less is involved 18 and 16 AWG [0.82 and 1.3 mm 2 mm 2 mm^(2)\mathrm{mm}^{2} ( 0.04 and 0.05 inches)] wires shall be at least Type RFH-2 or equivalent, if a potential greater than 300 V is involved. A 14 AWG [ 2.1 mm 2 2.1 mm 2 2.1mm^(2)2.1 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ( 0.06 inches)] or larger wire shall be Type T, RH or RHW or equivalent.
11.3 作为设备一部分提供的 18 AWG [ 0.82 mm 2 0.82 mm 2 0.82mm^(2)0.82 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ( 0.04 英寸)] 橡胶包覆导线,如果涉及 300 V 或以下的电位,则至少应为 RFH-1 型或同等产品。14 AWG [ 2.1 mm 2 2.1 mm 2 2.1mm^(2)2.1 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ( 0.06 英寸) ] 或更大的导线应为 T、RH 或 RHW 型或同等产品。

11.4 For a Type 1 or Type 2 SPD, line and ground connecting conductors shall not be smaller than 14 AWG ( 2.1 mm 2 2.1 mm 2 2.1mm^(2)2.1 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) copper or 12 AWG ( 3.3 mm 2 3.3 mm 2 3.3mm^(2)3.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) aluminum.
11.4 对于 1 类或 2 类防雷器,线路和接地连接导体不得小于 14 AWG ( 2.1 mm 2 2.1 mm 2 2.1mm^(2)2.1 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) 铜或 12 AWG ( 3.3 mm 2 3.3 mm 2 3.3mm^(2)3.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) 铝。

11.5 If the use of a short length of insulated conductor - such as a short coil lead - is not practical, electrical insulating tubing may be used on each conductor. The tubing is not to be subjected to sharp bends, tension, compression, or repeated flexing or to contact with sharp edges, projections, or corners. The wall thickness shall comply with the individual requirements for the tubing.
11.5 如果无法使用短的绝缘导体(如短线圈引线),则可在每根导体上使用电气绝缘管。绝缘套管不得承受急弯、拉伸、压缩或反复弯曲,也不得与尖锐边缘、突出物或拐角接触。管壁厚度应符合管材的个别要求。

11.6 Extruded insulating tubing shall be rated for temperature and voltage application and shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Extruded Insulating Tubing, UL 224.
11.6 挤压绝缘管必须符合温度和电压应用的额定值,并符合 UL 224《挤压绝缘管标准》的要求。

11.7 The internal wiring and electrical connections between parts of a device shall be protected or enclosed.
11.7 设备各部件之间的内部接线和电气连接必须加以保护或封闭。

11.8 Wires within an enclosure, compartment, raceway, or the like shall be so positioned or protected that contact with any rough, sharp, or movable part is prevented.
11.8 在外壳、隔间、滚道或类似装置内的导线,其位置或保护应能防止与任何粗糙、尖锐或可移动的部件接触。

11.9 A screw provided for use in mounting the device to an outlet box or other enclosures shall not project more than 22.2 mm ( 7 / 8 7 / 8 7//87 / 8 inch) beyond the strap or cover and shall have flat or blunt ends. The end of the screw may have thread-cleaning slots or grooves but shall not have any burrs, fins, or other sharp edges that could damage wiring.
11.9 用于将设备安装到插座盒或其他外壳上的螺钉,伸出带子或盖子的长度不得超过 22.2 毫米( 7 / 8 7 / 8 7//87 / 8 英寸),且螺钉末端必须平整或钝。螺钉末端可以有螺纹清洁槽或凹槽,但不得有任何毛刺、鳍或其他可能损坏接线的尖锐边缘。

11.10 Screw threads, including those of sheet metal screws, shall not be exposed for more than 4.76 mm ( 3 / 16 3 / 16 3//163 / 16 inch) inside a compartment containing wiring and shall be so located that contact with conductor insulation is unlikely.
11.10 螺钉螺纹(包括金属板螺钉的螺纹)在装有电线的隔间内的外露长度不得超过 4.76 mm( 3 / 16 3 / 16 3//163 / 16 英寸),且其位置应确保不会接触导体绝缘层。

11.11 Suitably insulated wires may be bunched and passed through a single opening in a metal wall within the enclosure of the product.
11.11 可以将适当绝缘的导线捆扎在一起,并通过产品外壳金属壁上的一个开口。

11.12 A bare conductor or a conductor utilizing noncarbonizable beads for insulation shall not be employed outside of an enclosure device. A bare conductor, if used within an enclosure, shall be so supported that the spacings required elsewhere in this Standard will be maintained. If necessary, a force of 10 N ( 2.25 lbf ) 10 N ( 2.25 lbf ) 10N(2.25lbf)10 \mathrm{~N}(2.25 \mathrm{lbf}) shall be applied to any point on internal parts in an endeavor to reduce the spacing while taking measurements.
11.12 在外壳装置外不得使用裸导体或使用非碳化珠作绝缘的导体。如果在外壳内使用裸导体,则必须对其进行支撑,以保持本标准其他部分所要求的间距。如有必要,应在内部部件的任何一点施加 10 N ( 2.25 lbf ) 10 N ( 2.25 lbf ) 10N(2.25lbf)10 \mathrm{~N}(2.25 \mathrm{lbf}) 力,以便在测量时减小间距。

11.13 All splices and connections shall be mechanically secure and shall make reliable electrical contact. Solder connections shall be made mechanically secure prior to soldering. A lead is considered to be mechanically secure if it is:
11.13 所有拼接和连接均须机械牢固,并须有可靠的电气接触。焊接前,应确保焊接连接机械牢靠。符合以下条件的引线可视为机械牢固:

a) Wrapped at least halfway (180 degrees) around a terminal;
a) 至少缠绕端子一半(180 度);

b) Provided with at least one right angle bend when passed through an eyelet or opening; or
b) 通过孔眼或开口时至少有一个直角弯曲;或

c) Twisted with other conductors.
c) 与其他导体绞合。
Exception: Wiring through openings on printed wiring boards need not be mechanically secure before soldering.

11.14 A splice shall be provided with insulation equivalent to that of the wires involved if the required spacing between the splice and other metal parts is not permanently maintained.
11.14 如果接合处与其他金属部件之间没有永久保持规定的间距,则必须为接合处提供与所涉导线等效的绝缘。

11.15 In determining whether splice insulation consisting of coated-fabric, thermoplastic, or another type of tape or tubing is acceptable, consideration is to be given to such factors as mechanical strength, dielectric properties, heating and moisture-resistant characteristics, and the like.
11.15 在确定是否可接受由涂层织物、热塑性塑料或其他类型的胶带或管子组成的接合绝缘时,应考虑机械强度、介电特性、耐热和防潮特性等因素。

11.16 Where stranded wiring is connected to a wire-binding screw, the construction shall be such that any loose strand of wire is prevented from contacting live parts of opposite polarity or dead metal parts that may be grounded. This can be accomplished by use of upturned lugs on the terminal plate, pressure terminal connectors, soldering lugs, crimped eyelets, or equivalent means.
11.16 在将绞合导线连接到绑线螺钉上时,其结构应能防止任何松散的导线接触到极性相反的带电部件或可能接地的无电金属部件。为此,可在接线板上使用上翻接线片、压力接线端子、焊接接线片、压接孔或类似方法。

11.17 Soldered stranded (bunch tinned/solder dipped/tinned bonded) wire shall not be used with the terminals of a receptacle unless the receptacle has been investigated for such use.
11.17 除非对插座进行过调查,否则不得在插座的端子上使用焊接绞合线(束状镀锡/浸锡/锡键合)。

11.18 The internal wiring of a cord-connected two-port SPD shall be at least of the same gauge (AWG) as the power-supply cord.
11.18 用电线连接的双端口防雷器的内部接线至少应与电源线的规格(AWG)相同。
Exception No. 1: Non-load current-carrying conductors need not be of the same gauge as the powersupply cord.
例外情况 1:非负载电流导体的规格不必与电源线相同。
Exception No. 2: Smaller AWG conductors may be used if:
例外情况 2:在下列情况下,可以使用较小的 AWG 导线

a) Supplementary overcurrent protection is provided; and
a) 提供补充过流保护;以及

b) The results of the Temperature Test (Section 40), the Fault Current Test (Section 50) for grounding-path conductors only, and the Overcurrent Test (Section 51) are acceptable using the smaller AWG size.
b) 温度测试(第 40 节)、故障电流测试(第 50 节)(仅适用于接地导线)和过流测试(第 51 节)的结果均可接受使用较小的 AWG 尺寸。

11.19 The internal wiring of a direct plug-in two-port SPD shall be at least of the same gauge (AWG) as the branch-circuit conductors on which the device is intended to be installed.
11.19 直接插入式双端口防雷器的内部接线至少应与拟安装该装置的分支电路导线的线规 (AWG) 相同。
Exception No. 1: Non-load current-carrying conductors need not be of the same gauge as the branch circuit conductors.
例外情况 1:非负载电流导体不必与支路导体采用相同规格。
Exception No. 2: Smaller AWG conductors may be used if:
例外情况 2:在下列情况下,可以使用较小的 AWG 导线

a) Supplementary overcurrent protection is provided; and
a) 提供补充过流保护;以及

b) The results of the Temperature Test (Section 40), the Fault Current Test (Section 50) for grounding-path conductors only, and the Overcurrent Test (Section 51) are acceptable using the smaller AWG size.
b) 温度测试(第 40 节)、故障电流测试(第 50 节)(仅适用于接地导线)和过流测试(第 51 节)的结果均可接受使用较小的 AWG 尺寸。
Exception No. 3: A direct plug-in two-port SPD rated 15A or less may employ 14 AWG internal wiring.
例外情况 3:额定电流为 15A 或以下的直插式双端口防雷器可以使用 14 AWG 的内部接线。

12 Supplementary Protection
12 补充保护

12.1 Supplementary overcurrent or overtemperature protection, if provided in SPDs, shall be readily replaceable or resettable.
12.1 辅助过流或过温保护(如果在 SPD 中提供)应可随时更换或重新设置。
Exception: The supplementary protection need not be readily replaceable or resettable if, when it opens, the entire SPD is intended to be replaced and the supplementary protection is inaccessible to the user by the use of ordinary tools (such as slotted or phillips type screwdrivers, pliers, etc.), or the unit is otherwise sealed.

12.2 All supplementary overcurrent protection devices shall be capable of clearing a fault current of not less than that indicated in Table 12.1. A supplementary overcurrent protection device, in series with the load, shall also comply with UL 1077, including overload testing in UL 1077 for motor starting at 6 times the AC full load current.
12.2 所有辅助过流保护装置均应能清除不小于表 12.1 所示的故障电流。与负载串联的辅助过流保护装置也应符合 UL 1077 的规定,包括在 6 倍交流满载电流下进行电机启动的 UL 1077 过载测试。
Exception No. 1: A fuse that is capable of clearing a fault current of not less than that indicated in Table 12.1 and complies with the requirements in the Standard for Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 14: Supplemental Fuses, UL 248-14, is able to be used as a supplementary protection device.
例外情况 1:能够清除不小于表 12.1 所示故障电流并符合《低压熔断器标准--第 14 部分:辅助熔断器》(UL 248-14)要求的熔断器可用作辅助保护装置。
Exception No. 2: A circuit breaker or fuse that complies with 12.12 is able to be used as a supplementary protector.
例外情况 2:符合 12.12 规定的断路器或熔断器可用作辅助保护器。
Table 12.1  表 12.1
Available Fault Current a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
可用故障电流 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
Permanently connected devices b b ^(b)^{\mathbf{b}}
永久连接的设备 b b ^(b)^{\mathbf{b}}
Cord connected or direct plug-in devices b b ^(b)^{\mathbf{b}}
软线连接或直接插入设备 b b ^(b)^{\mathbf{b}}
Rating, A  评级,A

Minimum available fault
current (short circuit
current), amperes
Minimum available fault current (short circuit current), amperes| Minimum available fault | | :---: | | current (short circuit | | current), amperes |
Rating volts  额定电压

Rating, volts times
Rating, volts times amperes| Rating, volts times | | :---: | | amperes |

Available fault
current, amperes
Available fault current, amperes| Available fault | | :---: | | current, amperes |
100 A or less
100 A 或以下
5,000 1175 or less  1175 或以下 200
101 400 A 101 400 A 101-400A101-400 \mathrm{~A} 10,000 1176 to 1920  1176 年至 1920 年 1000
Over 400 A  超过 400 A 25,000 250 ac or less
250 ac 或以下
1921 to 4080  1921 年至 4080 年 2000
4081 to 9600  4081 至 9600 3500
More than 9600  超过 9600 5000
More than 250 ac
超过 250 个
1920 or less  1920 或以下 1000
More than 1920  超过 1920 5000
Permanently connected devices ^(b) Cord connected or direct plug-in devices ^(b) Rating, A "Minimum available fault current (short circuit current), amperes" Rating volts "Rating, volts times amperes" "Available fault current, amperes" 100 A or less 5,000 1175 or less 200 101-400A 10,000 1176 to 1920 1000 Over 400 A 25,000 250 ac or less 1921 to 4080 2000 4081 to 9600 3500 More than 9600 5000 More than 250 ac 1920 or less 1000 More than 1920 5000| Permanently connected devices $^{\mathbf{b}}$ | | Cord connected or direct plug-in devices $^{\mathbf{b}}$ | | | | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Rating, A | Minimum available fault <br> current (short circuit <br> current), amperes | Rating volts | Rating, volts times <br> amperes | Available fault <br> current, amperes | | 100 A or less | 5,000 | | 1175 or less | 200 | | $101-400 \mathrm{~A}$ | 10,000 | 1176 to 1920 | 1000 | | | Over 400 A | 25,000 | 250 ac or less | 1921 to 4080 | 2000 | | | | | 4081 to 9600 | 3500 | | | | | More than 9600 | 5000 | | | | More than 250 ac | 1920 or less | 1000 | | | | | More than 1920 | 5000 |
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} Available fault current/short circuit current either at the point of application of the SPD or equal to or greater than the rating of the panel in which it is installed."
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} SPD 应用点的可用故障电流/短路电流或等于或大于其安装面板的额定值"。

b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} For one-port SPD, the available fault current/short circuit current rating shall be based on the ampere rating of the circuit that the SPD is intended to be connected to, in accordance with the manufacturer’s ratings as detailed in 84.1.
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 对于单端口防雷器,可用的故障电流/短路电流额定值应根据 84.1 中详述的制造商额定值,以防雷器打算连接的电路的额定安培数为基础。

c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} Higher fault current/short circuit current ratings, as detailed in Table 12.2 are able to be used. When higher ratings are selected, they must be utilized for all applicable tests that reference this table.
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 可以使用表 12.2 中详述的更高故障电流/短路电流额定值。如果选择了更高的额定值,则必须将其用于所有参考该表的适用测试。
Table 12.2  表 12.2
Available Fault Current (Short Circuit Current) Rating - RMS Symmetrical Current in Amperes
可用故障电流(短路电流)额定值 - 以安培为单位的有效对称电流
5,000 10,000 14,000 18,000 22,000 25,000 30,000 42,000 50,000 65,000 85,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 200,000| 5,000 | | :---: | :---: | | 10,000 | | 14,000 | | 18,000 | | 22,000 | | 25,000 | | 30,000 | | 42,000 | | 50,000 | | 65,000 | | 85,000 | | 100,000 | | 125,000 | | 150,000 | | 200,000 |
12.3 A thermal-Link device provided in a Type 1, 2, 3 SPD or Type 1, 2, 3 Component Assembly and not connected in series with the load, shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Thermal-Links Requirements and Application Guide, UL 60691.
12.3 在 1、2、3 型 SPD 或 1、2、3 型元件组件中提供的热连接装置,若未与负载串联,则应符合 UL 60691 热连接要求和应用指南标准中的要求。
Exception No. 1: For a one port Type 1, 2 SPD or Type 1, 2 Component assembly compliance with 46 satisfies this requirement.
例外 1: 对于单端口 1、2 型防雷器或 1、2 型元件组件,符合第 46 条的规定即可满足此要求。
Exception No. 2: For a Type 3 SPD or Type 3 Component Assembly compliance with Section 47 satisfies this requirement where the temperature of the thermal link does not exceed 40 C 40 C 40^(@)C40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}.
例外 2:对于第 3 类 SPD 或第 3 类组件,如果热连接的温度不超过 40 C 40 C 40^(@)C40^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ,则符合第 47 节的规定即可满足此要求。

12.4 A thermal-Link device provided in a Type 3 SPD or Type 3 Component Assembly and connected in series with the load, shall be capable of clearing a fault current of not less than that indicated in Table 12.1 and shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Thermal-Links - Requirements and Application Guide, UL 60691. The thermal link shall have a general purpose rating.
12.4 在 3 类防雷器或 3 类元件组件中提供并与负载串联的热连接装置应能清除不小于表 12.1 所示的故障电流,并应符合 UL 60691《热连接标准--要求和应用指南》中的要求。热连接件应具有通用额定值。
Exception: Compliance with 48 satisfies the second part of this requirement.
例外情况:遵守第 48 条的规定即可满足本要求的第二部分。

12.5 A thermal responsive device, provided as part of the SPD, in a one port Type 1 or Type 2 SPD, or a Type 1, 2 Component Assembly, and not connected in series with the load, shall comply with the requirements in Section 46.
12.5 作为单端口 1 型或 2 型防雷器或 1 型、2 型组件总成中防雷器的一部分提供的、不与负载串联的热感应装置应符合第 46 节的要求。

12.6 A thermal responsive device or a thermal link, provided as part of an SPD, in a two port Type 2 SPD or a Type 2 Component Assembly where the thermal responsive device is in series with the load, shall comply with the requirements in Section 47. The thermal responsive devices shall also be capable of clearing a fault current of not less than that indicated in Table 12.1.
12.6 在双端口 2 型防雷器或 2 型组件总成中,作为防雷器一部分提供的热敏反应装置或热敏联结器(其中热敏反应装置与负载串联)应符合第 47 节的要求。热敏器件还必须能够清除不小于表 12.1 所示的故障电流。
Exception: If the thermal disconnect is not in series with the load and does not exceed 40 C 40 C 40^(@)C40^{\circ} \mathrm{C} during normal operation it shall comply with 46.
例外情况:如果热断开装置未与负载串联,且在正常运行期间不超过 40 C 40 C 40^(@)C40^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ,则应符合 46.

12.7 A thermal responsive device provided in a Type 3 SPD or a Type 3 Component Assembly that’s in series with the load shall comply with the requirements in 48 and shall also be capable of clearing a fault current of not less than that indicated in Table 12.1.
12.7 与负载串联的 3 类防雷器或 3 类组件中的热感应装置应符合 48 的要求,并能清除不小于表 12.1 所示的故障电流。

12.8 A thermal responsive device provided in a Type 3 SPD or a Type 3 Component Assembly that’s not in series with the load where the temperature does not exceed 40 C 40 C 40^(@)C40^{\circ} \mathrm{C} shall comply with the requirements in Section 47.
12.8 在温度不超过 40 C 40 C 40^(@)C40^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 的 3 类 SPD 或不与负载串联的 3 类组件组件中提供的热敏器件应符合第 47 节中的要求。

12.9 An MOV provided with an integral thermal responsive device or thermal link, intended to be connected in series with the load, shall comply with the requirements in 48, and shall also be capable of clearing a fault current of not less than that indicated in Table 12.1.
12.9 带有整体热敏反应装置或热敏连接装置的 MOV 与负载串联后,应符合 48 的要求,并应能清除不小于表 12.1 所示的故障电流。

12.10 An MOV provided with an integral thermal responsive device or thermal link, not intended to be connected in series with the load, shall comply with the requirements in Section 47.
12.10 带有整体热感应装置或热连接装置的 MOV,如不打算与负载串联,则应符合第 47 节的要求。

12.11 A thermal responsive device or a thermal link provided in a Type 4 Component Assembly shall comply with the requirements specified in 12.9 12.9 _ 12.9 _\underline{12.9} or 12.10 12.10 _ 12.10 _\underline{12.10} as appropriate.
12.11 第 4 类部件组件中提供的热敏装置或热敏连接件应符合 12.9 12.9 _ 12.9 _\underline{12.9} 12.10 12.10 _ 12.10 _\underline{12.10} 中规定的要求。

12.12 A circuit breaker or fuse, provided in series with the load in a permanently connected two-port SPD, shall be suitably rated, capable of clearing a fault current of not less than that indicated in Table 12.1 and acceptable for branch-circuit protection in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 - for example, circuit breakers or Class CC, J, T, G, H, K, L, RK1 or RK5 cartridge fuses or Type S or Edison-base plug fuses are acceptable for the application. Other types of overcurrent protection devices are to be investigated to determine their acceptability for the application.
12.12 在永久连接的双端口防雷器中,与负载串联的断路器或熔断器应具有适当的额定值,能够清除不小于表 12.1 所示的故障电流,并符合国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 的规定,可用于支路保护 - 例如,断路器或 CC、J、T、G、H、K、L、RK1 或 RK5 级盒式熔断器或 S 型或爱迪生基座插头式熔断器均可用于该应用。其他类型的过流保护装置需要进行调查,以确定其在应用中的可接受性。

12.13 An SPD that is provided with fuses that are intended to be replaced in the field shall be marked in accordance with 85.8 .
12.13 带有可在现场更换的保险丝的防雷器应按照 85.8 的规定进行标记。

12.14 Fuses that are intended to be replaced in the field in a permanently connected SPD shall be either installed in an extractor type fuse holder or located behind a hinged cover as indicated in
12.14 在永久连接的防雷装置中,用于现场更换的保险丝应安装在抽屉式保险丝座中,或位于 所示的铰链盖后面。

12.15 A supplementary protection device shall not be connected as to interrupt the equipment grounding conductor path.
12.15 辅助保护装置的连接不得中断设备接地导体的通路。

12.16 A supplementary protection device shall not open during the Temperature Test, Section 40 or the Surge Testing, Section 41.
12.16 在第 40 节的温度试验或第 41 节的浪涌试验期间,辅助保护装置不得打开。

12.17 A cord-connected SPD with four or more receptacle outlets shall be provided with supplementary overcurrent protection as specified in the Standard for Relocatable Power Taps, UL 1363.
12.17 带有四个或更多插座插口的软线连接防雷器,必须按照《可移动电源插座标准》 (UL 1363)的规定提供补充过流保护。

12.18 A single-pole supplementary protection device shall be connected in the ungrounded (line) conductor of the supply circuit, only. A double-pole device shall be connected on both the ungrounded and grounded (neutral) conductors such that when it operates, it opens both ungrounded and grounded conductors.
12.18 单极辅助保护装置应仅连接在供电电路的未接地(线路)导体上。双极装置应同时连接在未接地导体和接地导体(中性线)上,使其在动作时同时打开未接地导体和接地导体。

12.19 An MOV provided with an integral PTC thermistor shall comply with the requirements in Section 77, and the PTC thermistor shall comply with the requirement of the Standard for Thermistor-Type Devices, UL 1434 as current limiting devices with 100,000 times endurance cycles.
12.19 带有内置 PTC 热敏电阻的 MOV 应符合第 77 节的要求,PTC 热敏电阻应符合 UL 1434 热敏电阻式装置标准中关于 10 万次耐久循环的限流装置的要求。

13 Accessibility of Live Parts
13 活部件的可及性

13.1 The electrical parts of an SPD that do not require use of a tool to access, shall be so located or enclosed that persons are protected against inadvertent contact with uninsulated current-carrying parts and film-coated magnet wire and accessibility shall be evaluated by performing the accessibility of live parts test in 67.2 .
13.1 不需要使用工具接触的防雷器电气部件,其位置或封闭程度应能防止人员不慎接触到未绝缘的载流部件和覆膜电磁线,其可触及性应通过进行 67.2 中的带电部件可触及性试验来评估。
Exception: The exposed terminals of Receptacle Type and Molded Case SPDs, that are intended to be enclosed after installation, need not comply with the accessibility of live parts.

14 Supply Connections  14 电源连接

14.1 Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 SPD - Permanently connected
14.1 类型 1、类型 2 和类型 3 SPD - 永久连接

14.1.1 General  14.1.1 概述 Supply connections are considered to be those that are made in the field when a device is installed. 供电连接被视为设备安装时在现场进行的连接。 An outlet box, terminal box, wiring compartment, or the like in which connections to the powersupply circuit are to be made in the field shall be free from sharp edges, including screw threads, burrs, fins, moving parts, or the like, that can damage the insulation on a conductor. 现场连接电源电路的插座盒、接线盒、配线间或类似装置应无尖锐边缘,包括螺纹、毛刺、鳍片、活动部件或类似装置,以免损坏导体的绝缘。 A terminal box or compartment on a fixed device shall be so located that wire connections therein will be accessible for inspection, without disturbing the wiring, after the device is installed in the intended manner. 固定装置上的接线盒或接线室的位置,应能在装置按预定方式安装后,在不影响接线的情况下,检查其中的导线连接。
Exception No. 1: Wire connections to a device intended to be mounted on an outlet box may be accessible upon removal of the device from the outlet box.
例外情况 1:从插座盒上拆下设备后,可以接触到与插座盒上安装的设备的电线连接。
Exception No. 2: An electrical component, such as a switch, fuseholder, overcurrent protective device, or the like, may be mounted on a wiring compartment cover provided that:
例外 2:电气部件,如开关、保险丝座、过流保护装置等,可安装在配线间盖板上, 但必须符合以下条件

a) A component connecting leads are of sufficient length to provide for the making, and examination, of field-wiring connections without placing additional stress on the component wiring terminals;
a) 元件连接导线有足够的长度,以便进行现场接线连接和检查,而不会对 元件接线端子造成额外的压力;

b) Any of the component connections are not to be field wired;
b) 任何组件连接均不得现场接线;

c) Strain relief is provided to prevent stress from being transmitted to the component wiring terminations, and comply with the Strain Relief Test, Section 57;
c) 提供应力消除装置,以防止应力传递到组件接线端点,并符合第 57 节的应力消除测试要求;

d) The minimum size of the component leads is 18 AWG (0.82 mm 2 mm 2 mm^(2)\mathrm{mm}^{2} ); and
d) 元件引线的最小尺寸为 18 AWG (0.82 mm 2 mm 2 mm^(2)\mathrm{mm}^{2} );以及

e) Wiring terminals on the component are recessed or protected by barriers of insulating material or the equivalent that will provide protection from contact with wiring installed in the box.
e) 元件上的接线端子应嵌入或用绝缘材料或类似材料保护,以防止与安装在箱内的接线接触。 A permanently-connected SPD shall have a field-wiring terminal, wiring lead, conduit fitting, a knockout or other opening in the enclosure and wire bending space, for the connection of a wiring system in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 and acceptable for the purpose. 永久连接的防雷器必须有现场接线端子、接线导线、导管接头、外壳上的开孔或其他开口以及电线弯曲空间,用于连接符合国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 并可接受的接线系统。
Exception No. 1: An enclosure need not have provision for the connection of a wiring system, such as a conduit hub, a knockout or a fitting, if it is intended to be drilled or punched in the field to accommodate a wiring system and is provided with appropriate installation instructions.
例外 1:如果外壳是为了在现场钻孔或打孔以容纳布线系统,并附有适当的安装说明,则不需要为连接布线系统提供导管毂、开孔或接头等装置。
Exception No. 2: Conduit fittings, knockouts, other openings in the enclosure and wire bending space, for the connection of a wiring system are not required for open-type SPDs.
例外 2:开放式 SPD 不需要用于连接布线系统的导管配件、开孔、外壳上的其他开口和电线弯曲空间。
Exception No. 3: An SPD intended for connection using exposed wiring methods and marked in accordance with 85.36 need not have a conduit hub, a knockout, or similar fitting. The SPD shall have provisions to be installed in accordance with National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 Article 398. Strain relief means must be provided to prevent stress from being transmitted to the wiring terminations, and comply with the Strain Relief Test, Section 57 with the specified cable installed.
例外 3:用于外露接线方式连接并按照 85.36 进行标记的 SPD 不需要有导管毂、插孔或类似配件。SPD 的安装应符合国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 第 398 条的规定。必须提供应力释放装置,以防止应力传递到接线终端,并在安装指定电缆的情况下符合第 57 节的应力释放测试。 An SPD that is acceptable for use with a fitting for only one type of wiring system shall be supplied with such a fitting. Installation instructions shall be provided if use of the fitting is not explicit. 只可与一种布线系统的配件一起使用的防雷器应与这种配件一起提供。如果接头的使用不明确,则应提供安装说明。

14.1.2 Pigtail (flying) leads
14.1.2 尾纤(飞线)引线 An SPD provided with integral pigtail leads intended for connection in the field to a power supply circuit conductor shall be provided with a conduit connection means that is acceptable in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70. 带有集成尾纤导线的防雷器,用于在现场与供电电路导线连接,必须配备符合《国家电气规范》(ANSI/NFPA 70)的导管连接方式。 For one port SPD Types 1 and 2, the pigtail lead shall not be smaller than 14 AWG (2.1 mm 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} ) copper or 12 AWG ( 3.3 mm 2 3.3 mm 2 3.3mm^(2)3.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) aluminum. 对于单端口 1 型和 2 型 SPD,尾纤引线不得小于 14 AWG (2.1 mm 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} ) 铜或 12 AWG ( 3.3 mm 2 3.3 mm 2 3.3mm^(2)3.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) 铝。
Exception: SPD Types 1, 2 and 4 Component Assemblies with integral pigtail leads intended to be connected to a power supply circuit conductor shall not be smaller than 18 AWG ( 0.82 mm 2 0.82 mm 2 0.82mm^(2)0.82 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) and shall not be shorter than 152 mm (6 inches), when measured from the point of exit from the conduit connector. Insulation on such a lead shall be:
例外情况:SPD 1、2 和 4 型组件的集成尾纤引线与电源电路导线的连接不得小于 18 AWG ( 0.82 mm 2 0.82 mm 2 0.82mm^(2)0.82 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ),从导管连接器出口处测量,不得短于 152 毫米(6 英寸)。此类导线的绝缘应为

a) At least 0.8 mm (1/32 inch) thick thermoplastic; or
a) 至少 0.8 毫米(1/32 英寸)厚的热塑性塑料;或

b) At least 0.4 mm (1/64 inch) thick rubber plus a braid cover for 300 V or less applications; or
b) 至少 0.4 毫米(1/64 英寸)厚的橡胶外加编织层,用于 300 伏或以下的应用;或

c) At least 0.8 mm (1/32 inch) thick rubber plus a braid cover for applications between 301 and 600 ULVCOPYRIGHTED MATERIAL - NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER
c) 至少 0.8 毫米(1/32 英寸)厚的橡胶外加编织层,用于 301 和 600 ULV 之间的应用。 A pigtail lead, described in shall comply with the Conductor Secureness Test, Section 59. 所述的尾纤导线必须符合第 59 节的导体稳固性试验。 If a lead is intended for field connection to the supply circuit, and the lead’s other end terminates at an accessible terminal screw, the terminal screw shall be staked, soldered, or otherwise rendered non removable. 如果导线用于现场连接供电电路,且导线的另一端端接在可触及的接线端子螺钉上,则接线端子螺钉必须固定、焊接或以其他方式使其不可移动。
Exception: The terminal screw need not be inaccessible if suitable for field wiring.

14.1.3 Pressure wire connectors
14.1.3 压力导线连接器 A field-wiring pressure wire connector provided with or specified for use an SPD shall comply with one of the following, as applicable: 与防雷装置一起提供或指定使用的现场接线压力导线连接器必须符合下列适用规定之一:

a) The performance requirements in the Standard for Wire Connectors, UL 486A-486B; or
a) 《电线连接器标准》(UL 486A-486B)中的性能要求;或

b) The performance requirements in the Standard for Equipment Wiring Terminals for Use With Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors, UL 486E.
b) 《铝导线和/或铜导线设备接线端子标准》(UL 486E)中的性能要求。 The tightening torque for a field-wiring terminal shall be as specified by the SPD manufacturer and shall be marked as specified in 80.35 or 81.1 . The specified tightening torque shall not be less than 90 percent of the value employed in the temperature test or static heating test as specified in the requirements in the Standard for Wire Connectors, UL 486A-486B, or the Standard for Equipment Wiring Terminals for Use With Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors, UL 486E, for that wire size corresponding to the ampere rating of the industrial control equipment. 现场接线端子的拧紧扭矩应由 SPD 制造商规定,并应按照 80.35 或 81.1 的规定进行标记。规定的拧紧扭矩不得小于《导线连接器标准》UL 486A-486B 或《铝导线和/或铜导线设备接线端子标准》UL 486E 中规定的温度测试或静态加热测试中使用的数值的 90%,该数值适用于与工业控制设备额定电流相对应的导线尺寸。
Exception: When the tightening torque is less than 90 percent of the value specified, the connector shall be investigated in accordance with UL 486A-486B, or UL 486E, with the lesser assigned torque value.
例外情况:当拧紧扭矩小于规定值的 90% 时,应根据 UL 486A-486B 或 UL 486E 标准,以较小的指定扭矩值对连接器进行调查。 A pressure wire terminal shall comply with the Verification of the Performance of Terminal Assemblies Test in the Standard for Terminal Blocks, UL 1059. 压线端子必须符合 UL 1059 接线端子标准中的端子组件性能验证测试。

14.1.4 Wire binding screws
14.1.4 绑线螺钉 For a connections intended for 10 AWG ( 5.3 mm 2 5.3 mm 2 5.3mm^(2)5.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) or smaller, a wiring binding screw may be used. 对于 10 AWG ( 5.3 mm 2 5.3 mm 2 5.3mm^(2)5.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) 或更小规格的连接,可以使用接线固定螺丝。 A wire-binding screw employed at a wiring terminal shall not be smaller than No. 8 (4.2 mm diameter), except that a No. 6 ( 3.5 mm diameter) screw may be used for the connection of a 14 AWG (2.2 mm 2 mm 2 mm^(2)\mathrm{mm}^{2} ) conductor. 接线端子上使用的绑线螺钉不得小于 8 号(直径 4.2 mm),但可使用 6 号(直径 3.5 mm)螺钉连接 14 AWG (2.2 mm 2 mm 2 mm^(2)\mathrm{mm}^{2} ) 导线。 A terminal plate tapped for a wire-binding screw shall be of metal not less than 0.76 mm ( 0.030 0.76 mm ( 0.030 0.76mm(0.0300.76 \mathrm{~mm}(0.030 inch) thick and there shall not be less than two full threads in the metal. 用于绑线螺钉的接线板,其金属厚度不得小于 0.76 mm ( 0.030 0.76 mm ( 0.030 0.76mm(0.0300.76 \mathrm{~mm}(0.030 英寸,金属上的螺纹不得少于两个。 A wire-binding screw shall thread into metal. 绕线螺钉应拧入金属中。 The parts to which wiring connections are to be made may consist of clamps or binding screws with terminal plates having upturned lugs or the equivalent to hold the wires in position. 连接接线的部件可由夹子或捆绑螺钉组成,接线板上有上翘的接线片或类似装置,以固定导线的位置。
Exception: Upturn lugs are not required when the installation instructions require prepared conductors (i.e. ring type or fork type crimp terminals) to be used.

14.1.5 Spring type terminations
14.1.5 弹簧式终端 Spring type terminations shall comply with the requirements in Spring Force Connections in the Standard for Terminal Blocks, UL 1059. 弹簧式终端应符合 UL 1059 接线板标准中弹簧力连接的要求。

14.1.6 Other means  14.1.6 其他方式 Other equally effective connection means may be used if investigated for the purpose. 如经调查,可使用其他同样有效的连接方式。

14.1.7 Lead and terminal identification
14.1.7 导线和终端识别 A field-wiring terminal intended for the connection of a grounded conductor shall be substantially white in color and shall be easily distinguishable from the other terminals, or proper identification of the terminal for the connection of the grounded conductor shall be clearly shown in some other manner, such as on an attached wiring diagram. If wire leads are provided instead of terminals, the surface of the grounded conductor shall be finished to show white or grey color and shall be easily distinguishable from the other leads. 用于连接接地导体的现场接线端子的颜色应基本为白色,并应易于与其他端子区分开来,或应以其他方式(如在所附的接线图上)清楚显示用于连接接地导体的端子的正确标识。如果用导线代替接线端子,接地导体的表面应加工成白色或灰色,并应易于与其他导体区分。 In order to polarize the wiring of a permanently-wired device intended to be connected to a supply circuit rated at 125 V or 125 / 250 V 125 / 250 V 125//250V125 / 250 \mathrm{~V} or less, and employing an overcurrent-protective device other than an automatic control, one terminal or lead shall be identified for the connection of the grounded conductor of the supply circuit. See for identification requirements. The grounded conductor or a terminal identified for this use shall be the one to which no overcurrent-protective devices of the singlepole type is connected. 为了极化拟连接到额定电压为 125 V 或 125 / 250 V 125 / 250 V 125//250V125 / 250 \mathrm{~V} 或更低的电源电路并采用过流保护装置(自动控制装置除外)的永久接线设备的接线,必须确定一个端子或导线用于连接电源电路的接地导体。标识要求见。用于此用途的接地导体或端子必须是未连接单极型过流保护装置的接地导体或端子。

14.2 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected
14.2 类型 3 SPD - 连接电线

14.2.1 General  14.2.1 概述 A metal strain-relief clamp or band without auxiliary protection is acceptable with a Type SJ, SJO, SJT, SJTO, SO, ST, STO, or equivalent cord. A metal strain-relief clamp or band is acceptable with a Type SP-3, SPT-3 or equivalent cord only if acceptable auxiliary mechanical protection that is not electrically conductive is provided over the cord. 对于 SJ、SJO、SJT、SJTO、SO、ST、STO 型或同类软线,可使用无辅助保护的金属应力消除夹或带。SP-3、SPT-3 或同等型号的软线可使用金属应力消除夹或带,但必须在软线上提供可接受的非导电辅助机械保护。 The flexible cord shall be Type S, SO, ST, SJ, STO, SJO, SJT, SJTO or shall be a type at least as serviceable for the particular application. Outdoor use products shall include “W” suffix. 软线必须是 S、SO、ST、SJ、STO、SJO、SJT、SJTO 型,或至少是可用于特定用途的类型。室外用产品应包括后缀 "W"。
Exception: SPT-3 or SP-3 may be used on an SPD rated 15 A, or less, if marked in accordance with 85.16.
例外情况:额定电流为 15 A 或以下的 SPD 可使用 SPT-3 或 SP-3,但必须按照 85.16 进行标记。 A cord set shall comply with the Standard for Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords, UL 817. 线组应符合线组和电源线标准 UL 817。 The supply cord shall have a voltage rating not less than the rated voltage of the SPD, and shall have an ampacity not less than the current rating of the SPD. The power-supply cord of a cord-connected SPD must also comply with the power-supply cord gauge requirements in the Standard for Relocatable Power Taps, UL 1363. 电源线的额定电压应不低于防雷器的额定电压,安培数应不低于防雷器的额定电流。电源线连接的防雷器的电源线还必须符合《可移动电源插头标准》(UL 1363)中的电源线规格要求。
Exception: An SPD employing one or two receptacles is not prohibited from having a smaller ampacity supply cord when the cord ampacity complies with the:
例外情况:采用一个或两个插座的 SPD 不禁止使用较小安培数的电源线,但电源线的安培数必须符合以下规定:

a) Table for Allowable Ampacity for Flexible Cords and Cables in the National Electrical Code;
a) 《国家电气规范》中的软电线和电缆允许安培值表;

b) Temperature Test, Section 40;
b) 温度测试,第 40 节;

c) Fault Current Test, Section 50; and
c) 故障电流测试,第 50 节;以及

d)Overcurrent Test,Section 51.
d)过流测试,第 51 节。 The length of a supply cord measured from the outside surface of the enclosure of an SPD to the plane of the face of the attachment plug shall not be less than 0.45 m ( 1.5 ft ) 0.45 m ( 1.5 ft ) 0.45m(1.5ft)0.45 \mathrm{~m}(1.5 \mathrm{ft}) or be more than 7.6 m ( 25 ft.). 从防雷器外壳外表面至连接插头表面平面测量的电源线长度不得少于 0.45 m ( 1.5 ft ) 0.45 m ( 1.5 ft ) 0.45m(1.5ft)0.45 \mathrm{~m}(1.5 \mathrm{ft}) 或超过 7.6 米(25 英尺).
Exception No.1:SPDs with only one or two receptacles are not required to comply with the minimum supply cord length.
例外 No.1:只有一个或两个插座的自毁装置无需遵守最小电源线长度的规定。
Exception No.2:For an SPD intended for outdoor use,the length of the supply cord measured from the outside surface of the enclosure to the plane of the face of the attachment plug shall be not less than 0.15 m m mm( 6 in ).
例外情况 2:对于供室外使用的防雷器,从外壳外表面到连接插头表面平面测量的电源线长度应不小于 0.15 m m mm (6 英寸)。 For an SPD employing an outlet cord as described in 16.1,the total length of the outlet cord including the receptacle shall not be more than 1.8 m ( 6 ft ) 1.8 m ( 6 ft ) 1.8m(6ft)1.8 \mathrm{~m}(6 \mathrm{ft}) .The total length of a supply cord,measured from inlet to outlet including the body of the SPD,shall not be more than 7.6 m ( 25 feet). 对于使用 16.1 所述出线软线的防雷器,包括插座在内的出线软线的总长度不得超过 1.8 m ( 6 ft ) 1.8 m ( 6 ft ) 1.8m(6ft)1.8 \mathrm{~m}(6 \mathrm{ft}) . 电源软线的总长度,从进线口测至出线口,包括防雷器本体在内,不得超过 7.6 米 (25 英尺). A detachable power-supply cord shall not be used. 不得使用可拆卸的电源线。

Exception:An SPD with one or two receptacles is able to employ a detachable power-supply cord when rated 12 amperes or less.
例外情况:当额定电流为 12 安培或以下时,带有一个或两个插座的 SPD 可以使用可拆卸的电源线。 If the attachment plug is other than the non-polarity type,one of the circuit conductors in the flexible cord shall be identified for connection of the grounded supply conductor if the SPD is rated at 125 V or less or at 125 / 250 V 125 / 250 V 125//250V125 / 250 \mathrm{~V} or less( 3 wires). 如果连接插头不是非极性类型,如果防雷器的额定电压为 125 V 或以下或 125 / 250 V 125 / 250 V 125//250V125 / 250 \mathrm{~V} 或以下(3 根导线),则软线中的一根电路导线必须确定用于连接接地电源导线。 An attachment plug shall have a current rating not less than the rated current of the SPD,and a voltage rating consistent with the voltage rating of the SPD.An attachment plug shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles,UL 498 and in accordance with Wiring Devices-Dimensional Specifications,ANSI/NEMA WD6. 附件插头的额定电流不得小于防雷器的额定电流,额定电压应与防雷器的额定电压一致。附件插头应符合附件插头和插座标准(UL 498)中的适用要求,并符合接线装置尺寸规格(ANSI/NEMA WD6)。 An SPD that employs one or two receptacles is able to be provided with an IEC 320 attachment plug.An IEC 320 attachment plug shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles,UL 498. 采用一个或两个插座的防雷器可配备 IEC 320 连接插头。IEC 320 连接插头必须符合附件插头和插座标准 UL 498 的适用要求。 An SPD that employs one or two receptacles is able to be provided with a cord set with an IEC 320 attachment plug.The cord set shall comply with the Standard for Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords, UL 817. 采用一个或两个插座的防雷器可配备带 IEC 320 连接插头的线组。线组应符合线组和电源线标准,即 UL 817。

14.2.2 Strain relief 应变消除
14.2.2 应变消除 Strain relief shall be provided so that a mechanical stress on a supply cord is not transmitted to 应提供应力消除装置,使供电线缆上的机械应力不会传递到电线上。 Means shall be provided so that the supply cord cannot be pushed into the SPD through the cord-entry hole if such displacement is likely to subject the cord to mechanical damage or expose it to a temperature higher than that for which the cord is rated or if such displacement is likely to reduce spacings,such as to a metal strain-relief clamp,below the minimum acceptable values.
14.2.2 如果电源线可能受到机械损伤或暴露在高于电源线额定温度的环境中,或如果这种位移可能使间距(例如与金属应力消除夹具的间距)减小到最小可接受值以下,则必须采取措施,使电源线不能通过电源线入口孔推入防雷器。 The strain-relief means shall comply with the Strain Relief and Push-Back Relief Test requirements,Sections 57 57 _ 57 _\underline{57} and 58 58 _ 58 _\underline{58} 应力消除装置应符合应力消除和反推消除试验要求,第 57 57 _ 57 _\underline{57} 58 58 _ 58 _\underline{58} 节. A knot shall not be employed to provide strain relief. 不得使用绳结来提供应力释放。

14.3 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in
14.3 类型 3 SPD - 直接插入式

14.3.1 An SPD provided with blades for direct plug-in at a receptacle shall comply with applicable requirements in the Standard for Current Taps and Adapters, UL 498A.
14.3.1 带有刀片可直接插入插座的防雷器必须符合 UL 498A 《电流抽头和适配器标准》中的适用要求。

14.3.2 An attachment plug shall have a current rating not less than the rated current of the SPD, and a voltage rating consistent with the voltage rating of the SPD. An attachment plug shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles, UL 498 and in accordance with Wiring Devices - Dimensional Specifications, ANSI/NEMA WD6.
14.3.2 连接插头的额定电流应不小于防雷器的额定电流,额定电压应与防雷器的额定电压一致。附件插头必须符合 UL 498 附件插头和插座标准中的适用要求,并符合 ANSI/NEMA WD6 接线装置--尺寸规格。

14.3.3 An SPD provided with two sets of line blades shall be constructed so that no electrical connection exists between the two sets of line blades associated with each outlet of the duplex receptacle.
14.3.3 带有两组线片的防雷器的构造必须保证与双联插座的每个插座相关的两组线片之间没有电气连接。

15 Mounting  15 安装

15.1 Type 1 or Type 2 SPD
15.1 1 类或 2 类 SPD

15.1.1 Provisions shall be made for securely mounting an SPD to a supporting surface. A bolt, screw, or other part used to mount a component integral to the SPD shall not be used for securing the SPD to the supporting surface.
15.1.1 应规定将防雷装置牢固地安装在支承面上。螺栓、螺钉或其他用于安装与防雷装置一体的部件的部件不得用于将防雷装置固定在支撑面上。

15.1.2 An SPD intended for connection using exposed wiring methods shall be provided with a bracket or similar means for mounting shall comply with the Strength of Mounting Test, Section 76 76 _ 76 _\underline{76}.
15.1.2 采用外露接线方式连接的防雷器必须配有支架或类似的安装方式,必须符合 76 76 _ 76 _\underline{76} 节的安装强度测试要求。

15.2 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected
15.2 类型 3 SPD - 连接电线

15.2.1 Cord-connected SPD shall not have means for permanent mounting.
15.2.1 用电线连接的防雷器不得有永久性安装装置。
Exception: A cord-connected Type 3 SPD, complying with the Standard for Furniture Power Distribution Units, UL 962A, may employ mounting means for securement to portable or stationary furniture.
例外情况:符合 UL 962A 家具配电装置标准的 3 类软线连接型 SPD 可采用安装方式固定在便携式或固定式家具上。

15.2.2 Cord-connected SPDs may be provided with a means for temporary mounting. A tool shall not be required for dismounting.
15.2.2 用电线连接的防雷器可提供临时安装装置。拆卸时不需要工具。

15.2.3 A means for temporary mounting shall provide for secure positioning that requires a positive, deliberate action by the user to dismount it.
15.2.3 用于临时安装的装置必须提供安全的定位,要求使用者采取积极、审慎的行动才能拆卸。

15.2.4 A keyhole slot, notch, or similar means for temporary mounting, shall be located so that the screw head, nail head, hook, or other supporting device is not accessible for further securing of the SPD once it is mounted.
15.2.4 用于临时安装的钥匙孔槽、凹槽或类似装置的位置,应使螺钉头、钉头、钩子或其他支撑装置在安装后无法进一步固定防雷装置。
Exception: A temporary mounting means that does not comply with the above requirement may be acceptable if investigated for the purpose.

15.2.5 If a temporary mounting means is provided, installation instructions shall be furnished with the product. If the mounting means requires special hardware, the hardware shall be provided with the product.
15.2.5 如果提供临时安装方式,产品必须附有安装说明。如果安装方式需要特殊的硬件,硬件必须随产品提供。
Exception: Installation instructions need not be furnished if it is determined that the mounting means is obvious.

15.2.6 The temporary mounting means shall comply with the construction requirements in 7.2.3, the Mounting Hole Barrier Test, Section 65, and the Adequacy of Mounting Test, Section 66.
15.2.6 临时安装装置应符合 7.2.3 的施工要求、第 65 节的安装孔阻隔试验和第 66 节的安装适当性试验。

15.2.7 A rack-mounted cord-connected Type 3 SPD is able to employ mounting means to secure the SPD to portable or stationary equipment.
15.2.7 安装在机架上的电线连接型 3 类防雷器可采用安装方式将防雷器固定在便携式或固定式设备上。

15.3 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in
15.3 类型 3 SPD - 直接插入式

15.3.1 Direct plug-in SPDs shall not have a means for permanent mounting except as specified in the Exception to for the mounting tab defined in
15.3.1 直插式防雷器不得有永久安装的装置,但 中定义的安装片的 例外中规定的情况除外。

15.3.2 A mounting tab shall not be provided with a unit unless all of the following conditions are met:
15.3.2 除非满足下列所有条件,否则不得随设备提供安装片:

a) The unit is intended for use on a 15 A , 125 V 15 A , 125 V 15A,125V15 \mathrm{~A}, 125 \mathrm{~V} receptacle;
a) 设备用于 15 A , 125 V 15 A , 125 V 15A,125V15 \mathrm{~A}, 125 \mathrm{~V} 插座;

b) A screw is provided and constructed so as to secure the mounting tab of the unit to a standard parallel-blade duplex receptacle cover-mounting screw;
b) 提供一个螺钉,其结构可将设备的安装片固定在标准平行叶片双工插座盖安装螺钉上;

c) For a unit without a grounding pin, the mounting tab is constructed so that the unit may be mounted to both grounding and nongrounding receptacles; and
c) 对于没有接地插针的设备,安装片的结构使设备既可安装在接地插座上,也可安装在不接地插座上;以及 d) 对于没有接地插针的设备,安装片的结构使设备既可安装在接地插座上,也可安装在不接地插座上。

d) Marking as specified in 85.14 is provided.
d) 提供 85.14 所规定的标记。

16 Receptacles  16 个插座

16.1 The receptacle outlets shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles, UL 498 and in accordance with Wiring Devices - Dimensional Specifications, ANSI/NEMA WD6.
16.1 插座必须符合附件插头和插座标准 UL 498 中的适用要求,并符合布线设备 - 尺寸规格 ANSI/NEMA WD6。

16.2 An SPD employing one or two receptacles is able to employ a maximum of two IEC 320 receptacles. The IEC 320 receptacles shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles, UL 498.
16.2 使用一个或两个插座的防雷装置最多可使用两个 IEC 320 插座。IEC 320 插座必须符合附件插头和插座标准 UL 498 的适用要求。

16.3 An SPD is able to employ only one receptacle outlet at the end of a single cord set. The cord set shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords, UL 817. One or two cords may be provided.
16.3 SPD 在单个线组的末端只能使用一个插座。电线组必须符合 UL 817《电线组和电源线标准》的要求。可提供一根或两根电线。

16.4 A receptacle provided as part of an SPD shall be rated not more than the current rating of the SPD per 84.1 and a voltage rating consistent with the voltage rating of the SPD.
16.4 作为防雷器一部分的插座,其额定电流不得超过 84.1 所规定的防雷器的额定电流,其额定电压不得超过防雷器的额定电压。

16.5 The receptacle outlets of cord-connected SPDs employing three or more receptacles shall have a current rating of 15 or 20 A and a voltage rating of 125 or 250 V .
16.5 采用三个或三个以上插座的软线连接防雷器的插座出口的额定电流必须为 15 或 20 安培,额定电压必须为 125 或 250 伏。

16.6 The receptacle outlets of direct plug-in SPD shall comply with applicable requirements in the Standard for Current Taps and Adapters, UL 498A.
16.6 直插式防雷器的插座必须符合 UL 498A 《电流抽头和适配器标准》中的适用要求。

16.7 The contact components of a receptacle shall have a voltage and current rating equal to that of the attachment plug.
16.7 插座的触点部件的额定电压和电流必须与附件插头的额定电压和电流相等。
Exception: A 15A receptacle may be used with an SPD rated 20A with a 20A attachment plug.
例外:15A 插座可与带 20A 连接插头的额定电流为 20A 的防雷器一起使用。

16.8 A receptacle shall be of the grounding type if, and only if, the SPD is provided with a grounding-type attachment plug or other means for grounding. See Grounding, Section 17.
16.8 插座必须是接地型的,而且只有在 SPD 有接地型连接插头或其他接地方式的情况下。参见接地,第 17 节。
Exception: All of the receptacle outlets of cord-connected SPDs employing three or more receptacles shall be of the grounding type. MATERIAL - NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER
例外情况:使用三个或三个以上插座的软线连接防雷器的所有插座出口都必须是接地型的。材料 - 未授权进一步使用

16.9 Receptacles may be of the same or different slot configurations (locking and non-locking).
16.9 插座可采用相同或不同的插槽结构(带锁和不带锁)。

16.10 The output receptacle (s) of a direct plug-in SPD shall be integral with the device (not cordconnected).
16.10 直接插入式防雷器的输出插座必须与设备连为一体(不能用电线连接)。

16.11 Each receptacle outlet provided in an SPD with mounting means or intended for use in a fixed application, having the 5 15 5 15 5-155-15 or 5-20 configuration specified in Wiring Devices - Dimensional Specifications, ANSI/NEMA WD6, shall comply with the Grounding Contact Test requirements specified in the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles, UL 498.
16.11 带有安装装置或用于固定应用的 SPD 中提供的每个插座插口,具有《接线装置 - 尺寸规格》(ANSI/NEMA WD6)中规定的 5 15 5 15 5-155-15 或 5-20 配置,必须符合《附件插头和插座标准》(UL 498)中规定的接地触点测试要求。

16.12 A receptacle used in an SPD intended for outdoor use shall be comply with the outdoor use requirements in the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles, UL 498.
16.12 用于室外的防爆装置中的插座必须符合 UL 498 附件插头和插座标准中的室外使用要求。

16.13 A receptacle used in an SPD intended for outdoor use shall be provided with a receptacle hood which is weather-proof with an attachment plug cap inserted or removed.
16.13 拟在室外使用的防爆装置中使用的插座必须配备一个插座罩,该罩在插上或拔下连接插头盖时可防风雨。

17 Grounding  17 接地

17.1 General  17.1 概述

17.1.1 SPDs shall be provided with a means for grounding all exposed dead metal parts that might become energized.
17.1.1 防雷器必须配备将所有可能通电的裸露金属部件接地的装置。

17.1.2 The equipment grounding termination shall be connected by a clamp, bolt, screw, braze, weld or an equivalent positive means that cannot be loosened from the outside and may include a corrosion resistant strap or jumper. Mechanical connections shall be secured. A solder connection may be used if the grounding lead is mechanically secure to the enclosure in accordance with 11.13. The grounding connection shall penetrate nonconductive coatings, such as paint or vitreous enamel.
17.1.2 设备接地端须用夹子、螺栓、螺钉、钎焊、焊接或类似的从外部无法松动的正极方式连接,可包括防腐带或跳线。机械连接必须牢固。如果接地导线按照 11.13 的规定机械地固定在外壳上,则可使用焊接连接。接地连接应穿透非导电涂层,如油漆或搪瓷。

17.1.3 The grounding continuity between the grounding pin, blade, or terminal and the accessible dead metal parts of the SPD that might become energized is to comply with the Grounding Continuity Test, Section 49 .
17.1.3 接地引脚、叶片或端子与可能通电的防雷器可触及的无金属部分之间的接地连续性应符合第 49 节的接地连续性测试要求。

17.1.4 An equipment-grounding conductor shall be of copper, copper alloy, or other material that has been investigated for use as an electrical conductor. A ferrous metal part in the grounding path shall be protected against corrosion.
17.1.4 设备接地导体应为铜、铜合金或其他经研究可用作电导体的材料。接地通路中的黑色金属部分应采取防腐蚀措施。

17.1.5 Metal parts in a bonding path shall be galvanically compatible so as to reduce electrolytic action between dissimilar metals.
17.1.5 接合路径上的金属部件必须具有电气兼容性,以减少异种金属之间的电解作用。

17.1.6 A bonding member shall:
17.1.6 担保成员应

a) Be protected from mechanical damage;
a) 防止机械损坏;

b) Not be secured by a removable fastener used for any purpose other than bonding unless the bonding conductor is not likely to be omitted after removal or replacement of the fastener; and
b) 不得用除粘接以外的任何用途的可拆卸紧固件固定,除非粘接导体在拆除或更换紧固件后不可能被遗漏;以及

c) Have the flexibility needed to withstand mechanical stress.
c) 具有承受机械应力所需的柔韧性。

17.1.7 If a bonding means depends on screw thread, two or more screws shall be employed, or at least two full threads of a single screw shall engage metal.
17.1.7 如果粘接方式取决于螺纹,则必须使用两个或两个以上的螺钉,或一个螺钉至少有两个完整螺纹与金属接触。

17.1.8 A receptacle provided as part of an SPD shall have its grounding contact, if provided, conductively connected to the grounding means. See 16.8.
17.1.8 作为防雷装置一部分的插座,其接地触点(如有)必须与接地装置导电连接。见 16.8。

17.1.9 Connections in the grounding conductor path from the receptacle grounding contact to the grounding conductor shall be welded, bolted, mechanically secured and soldered, or made by equivalent positive means. A quick connect, or similar friction fit connector shall not be used in the grounding conductor path.
17.1.9 从插座接地触点到接地导体之间的接地导体通路的连接必须采用焊接、螺栓连接、机械固定和焊接,或采用同等的可靠方法。接地导体通路不得使用快速连接或类似的摩擦配合连接器。
Exception: Grounding connectors/terminal blocks that comply with the requirements in UL 1059, the Standard for Terminal Blocks, and also comply with Part V - Protective Conductor Terminal Blocks (PCTB), shall be permitted. See 17.2.4 and 17.3.3 for details.
例外情况:接地连接器/接线端子应符合 UL 1059《接线端子标准》的要求,并符合第五部分--保护导体接线端子 (PCTB) 的要求。详见 17.2.4 和 17.3.3。

17.1.10 If a receptacle used is provided with a grounding screw, the grounding screw shall be used to provide the ground connection to the receptacle. The yoke or faceplate mounting screws of the receptacle shall not be used to provide or maintain the grounding means of the receptacle or enclosure of an SPD.
17.1.10 如果所用的插座有接地螺丝,接地螺丝必须用来提供插座的接地连接。插座的轭或面板安装螺钉不得用于提供或维持 SPD 插座或外壳的接地装置。
Exception: The yoke mounting screw of a Self-Grounding Receptacle (a receptacle which includes a spring clip or other part to provide for electrical continuity between the grounded device yoke and the yoke mounting screw) is able to be used to provide or maintain the grounding means of the receptacle or enclosure of an SPD. This Exception is applicable when the yoke mounting screw of a permanentlyconnected SPD is not able to be loosened from the outside, the mounting screw penetrates nonconductive coatings, such as paint and vitreous enamel, and the SPD complies with the Fault Current Test, Section 50, and the Overcurrent Test, Section 51.
例外情况:自接地插座(插座包括一个弹簧夹或其他部件,在接地装置插座和插座安装螺钉之间提供电气连续性)的插座安装螺钉可用于提供或保持 SPD 插座或外壳的接地方式。此例外适用于以下情况:永久连接的防雷器的轭状安装螺钉无法从外部松开,安装螺钉穿透非导电涂层,如油漆和搪瓷,且防雷器符合第 50 节的故障电流测试和第 51 节的过电流测试。

17.1.11 A copper-base-alloy rivet that is used to secure parts in the grounding path, or that forms a part of the grounding path, shall contain not less than 80 percent copper.
17.1.11 用于固定接地通路中的部件或构成接地通路一部分的铜基合金铆钉,含铜量不得低于 80%。

17.1.12 The internal grounding wiring shall be at least of the same gauge (AWG) as the ungrounded wire.
17.1.12 内部接地线的规格(AWG)至少应与未接地线相同。
Exception: Smaller wire may be used if the results of the Fault Current Test, Section 50 50 _ 50 _\underline{50} and the Overcurrent Test, Section 51, are acceptable using the smaller AWG size.
例外情况:如果 50 50 _ 50 _\underline{50} 节的故障电流测试和第 51 节的过电流测试的结果可以接受,则可以使用较小的 AWG 导线。

17.1.13 An SPD that has an equipment grounding conductor path through traces on a printed wiring board shall comply with the Fault Current Test, Section 50, and Overcurrent Test, Section 51.
17.1.13 通过印制电路板上的痕迹有设备接地导体路径的防雷器,必须符合第 50 节的故障电流试验和第 51 节的过电流试验的要求。

17.2 Type 1 or Type 2 SPD
17.2 第 1 类或第 2 类 SPD

17.2.1 A wire-binding screw intended for the connection of a grounding conductor shall have a greencolored head that is hexagonal shaped, slotted, or both. A pressure wire connector intended for connection of such a conductor shall be plainly identified, such as by being marked “G,” “GR,” “GND,” “Ground,” “Grounding,” or the like; or by a marking on a wiring diagram provided on the product. The wirebinding screw or pressure wire connector shall be so located that it is unlikely to be removed during normal servicing of the unit.
17.2.1 用于连接接地导体的压线螺钉,其头部应为绿色,呈六角形或开槽形,或两者兼有。用于连接接地导体的压线连接器必须有明显的标识,如标有 "G"、"GR"、"GND"、"Ground"、"Grounding "等字样,或在产品上提供的接线图上标明。绑线螺钉或压线连接器的位置应确保在正常维修设备时不可能被拆下。

17.2.2 A terminal for connection of a grounding conductor shall be capable of securing a conductor of the size acceptable for the particular application, in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 , and shall be constructed as specified in
17.2.2 用于连接接地导体的接线端子,应能固定符合国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 的特定应用所能接受的尺寸的导体,其结构应符合 的规定。

17.2.3 A grounding terminal for 10 AWG ( 5.3 mm 2 5.3 mm 2 5.3mm^(2)5.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) or smaller wire may consist of a threaded stud welded to the enclosure or equivalent. Such terminal shall be of acceptable material - for example, plated if of steel; and shall also comply with 17.2.1, 17.2.2 and
17.2.3 用于 10 AWG ( 5.3 mm 2 5.3 mm 2 5.3mm^(2)5.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} )或更小导线的接地端子可由焊接在外壳上的螺纹螺栓或类似物组成。这种接线端子应采用可接受的材料,例如,如果是钢,则应镀层;并应符合 17.2.1、17.2.2 和 的规定。

17.2.4 A solder lug, a push-in (screwless) connector, or a quick-connect or similar friction-fit connector, shall not be used for the grounding terminal.
17.2.4 接地端子不得使用焊片、推入式(无螺钉)连接器或快速连接或类似的摩擦配合连接器。
Exception: Grounding connectors/terminal blocks that comply with the requirements in UL 1059, the Standard for Terminal Blocks, and also comply with Part V - Protective Conductor Terminal Blocks (PCTB), shall be permitted. PCTB used in Type 1 SPD’s shall be rated for Service applications. PCTB used in Type 2 SPD’s shall berated for Service, Commercial, or Industrial applications.
例外情况:接地连接器/接线端子应符合 UL 1059《接线端子标准》的要求,并符合第 V 部分 - 保护导体接线端子 (PCTB) 的要求。1 类 SPD 中使用的 PCTB 必须符合服务应用的额定值。2 类 SPD 中使用的 PCTB 应额定用于服务、商业或工业应用。

17.2.5 A lead intended for the connection of a grounding conductor shall not be smaller than 14 AWG ( 2.1 mm 2 2.1 mm 2 2.1mm^(2)2.1 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) and sized in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70. The surface of an insulated lead intended solely for the connection of an equipment-grounding conductor shall be green with or without one or more yellow stripes, and no other lead visible to the installer in the field in a field-wiringterminal compartment shall be so identified.
17.2.5 用于连接接地导体的导线不得小于 14 AWG ( 2.1 mm 2 2.1 mm 2 2.1mm^(2)2.1 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ),其尺寸应符合国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70。仅用于连接设备接地导体的绝缘导线的表面应为绿色,并带有或不带有一条或多条黄色条纹,现场接线端子间内安装人员可看到的任何其他导线均不得有此标识。

17.2.6 A hinge on a metal enclosure shall not be relied upon as a suitable grounding connection for the cover. The cover shall be provided with a separate bonding conductor, sized in accordance with 17.2 .5 , connected from the grounding terminal to the cover.
17.2.6 金属外壳上的铰链不得作为盖子的合适接地连接。盖子必须配备单独的接地导体,其大小应符合 17.2.5 的规定,并从接地端子连接至盖子。

17.3 Type 3 SPD - Cord connected
17.3 类型 3 SPD - 连接电线

17.3.1 The grounding conductor of a flexible cord of a cord-connected SPD, that is required to be grounded, shall be conductively connected to a metallic enclosure or frame and to the ground terminal(s) of the output receptacle(s) of the SPD.
17.3.1 须接地的软线连接防雷器的接地导体须导电连接至金属外壳或框架以及防雷器输出插座的接地端子。
Exception No. 1: Dead metal parts that are isolated from grounded metal and are not a part of the enclosure need not be connected to the grounding conductor of the power-supply cord.
例外 1:与接地金属隔离且不属于外壳一部分的无接地金属部件无需与电源线的接地导体连接。
Exception No. 2: A small metal part, such as an adhesive-attached foil label, a screw, or the like, that is on the exterior of the enclosure and separated from all electrical components by grounded metal or is electrically isolated from all components need not be connected to the grounding conductor of the powersupply cord.
例外 2:小金属部件,如粘贴的铝箔标签、螺丝或类似部件,如果位于外壳外部,并与所有电气部件用接地金属隔开,或与所有部件电气隔离,则无需与电源线的接地导体连接。

17.3.2 The grounding conductor in a power-supply cord shall be green with or without one or more yellow stripes and of at least the same size as the current-carrying conductors. No other lead in the powersupply cord shall be so identified.
17.3.2 电源线中的接地导体应为绿色,带或不带一条或多条黄色条纹,尺寸至少与载流导体相同。电源线中的任何其他导线均不得如此标识。

17.3.3 The grounding conductor shall be welded, bolted, mechanically secured and soldered, or connected by other equivalent positive means to a metallic frame or enclosure such that it is not likely to be removed during ordinary servicing not involving the power-supply cord.
17.3.3 接地导体必须焊接、栓接、机械固定和焊接,或以其他等效的正极方式连接到金属框架或外壳上,使其在不涉及电源线的普通维修过程中不会被拆除。
Exception: Grounding connectors/terminal blocks that comply with the requirements in UL 1059, the Standard for Terminal Blocks, and also comply with Part V - Protective Conductor Terminal Blocks (PCTB), shall be permitted. PCTB used in Type 3 SPD’s shall be rated for Service, Commercial, or Industrial applications.
例外情况:接地连接器/接线端子应符合 UL 1059《接线端子标准》的要求,并符合第 V 部分 - 保护导体接线端子 (PCTB) 的要求。第 3 类 SPD 中使用的 PCTB 必须符合服务、商业或工业应用的额定值。

17.3.4 The grounding conductor shall be connected to the grounding blade or equivalent fixed contacting member of an attachment plug.
17.3.4 接地导体应连接到附件插头的接地刀片或类似的固定接触件上。

17.3.5 A cord-connected SPD (having a 125 / 250 V 125 / 250 V 125//250V125 / 250 \mathrm{~V} rating) shall not use the neutral circuit conductor as the grounding conductor.
17.3.5 软线连接的 SPD(具有 125 / 250 V 125 / 250 V 125//250V125 / 250 \mathrm{~V} 额定值)不得使用中性电路导体作为接地导体。

17.3.6 The line and neutral conductor path shall not be connected to the grounding circuit conductor path.
17.3.6 线路和中性线导体通路不得与接地回路导体通路相连。
Exception: Connections between the line or neutral circuit conductor path and the grounding conductor path are able to be made when the components are investigated for the application (such as certain capacitors permitted as detailed in Section 26 - Capacitors).
例外情况:线路或中性线电路导体通路与接地导体通路之间的连接,可在对组件的应用进行调查后进行(如第 26 节 - 电容器中详述的某些允许使用的电容器)。

17.4 Type 3 SPD - Direct plug-in
17.4 类型 3 SPD - 直接插入式

17.4.1 A direct plug-in SPD required to be grounded shall be provided with a grounding pin as one of the attachment-plug contacts conductively connected to a metallic enclosure or frame and to the ground terminal(s) of the output receptacle(s) of the SPD.
17.4.1 要求接地的直插式防雷器必须有接地销,作为与金属外壳或框架和防雷器输出插座接地端子导电连接的连接插头触点之一。
Exception No. 1: Dead metal parts that are isolated from grounded metal and are not a part of the enclosure need not be connected to the grounding conductor of the power-supply cord.
例外 1:与接地金属隔离且不属于外壳一部分的无接地金属部件无需与电源线的接地导体连接。
Exception No. 2: A small metal part, such as an adhesive-attached foil label, a screw, or the like, that is on the exterior of the enclosure and separated from all electrical components by grounded metal or is electrically isolated from all components need not be connected to the grounding conductor of the powersupply cord.
例外 2:小金属部件,如粘贴的铝箔标签、螺丝或类似部件,如果位于外壳外部,并与所有电气部件用接地金属隔开,或与所有部件电气隔离,则无需与电源线的接地导体连接。

18 Spacings  18 个间距

18.1 The spacings in an SPD shall not be less than those indicated in Table 18.1.
18.1 SPD 的间距不得小于表 18.1 所示的间距。
Exception No. 1: Greater spacings may be required if the enclosure, because of its size, shape, or the material used, is not considered to be sufficiently rigid to warrant the minimum spacings.
例外情况 1:如果围栏因其尺寸、形状或所使用的材料而被认为刚度不足以保证最小间距,则可能需要更大的间距。
Exception No. 2: As an alternative to Table 18.1, lesser spacings may be acceptable when determined in accordance with the requirements for Clearance and Creepage Distances, Section 20.
例外 2:作为表 18.1 的替代方案,根据第 20 节 "净空和爬电距离 "的要求确定较小的间距也是可以接受的。
Exception No. 3: The acceptability of the inherent spacings of a component shall be based on the requirements for the component.
例外情况 3:部件固有间距的可接受性应基于对部件的要求。
Exception No. 4: Circuits that comply with the requirements for Isolated Secondary Circuits, Section 24 24 _ 24 _\underline{24} need not be evaluated for spacings. The spacing between these circuits and other circuits shall comply with Table 18.1.
例外情况 4: 符合第 24 24 _ 24 _\underline{24} 节隔离二次电路要求的电路无需评估间距。这些电路与其他电路之间的间距应符合表 18.1 的规定。
Table 18.1  表 18.1
Minimum Spacings  最小间距
Spacings, in mm (inches)
Between any uninsulated live part and an uninsulated live part of opposite polarity, and uninsulated grounded dead metal part other than the enclosure, or exposed dead metal part that is isolated (insulated) e,f e,f  ^("e,f "){ }^{\text {e,f }}
在任何未绝缘的带电部件和极性相反的未绝缘带电部件之间,以及除外壳以外的未绝缘接地无金属部件或已隔离(绝缘)的裸露无金属部件之间 e,f e,f  ^("e,f "){ }^{\text {e,f }}
Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fittings for conduit or armored cable b,c,e, , f b,c,e,  , f ^("b,c,e, ",f){ }^{\text {b,c,e, }, f}
任何未绝缘带电部件与金属外壳壁之间,包括导管或铠装电缆的接头 b,c,e, , f b,c,e,  , f ^("b,c,e, ",f){ }^{\text {b,c,e, }, f} .
Product  产品 Potential involved in volts-RMS (peak)
Through air or oil
Over surface  表面以上 Shortest distance  最短距离
Type 3 SPDs  第 3 类 SPD 0 50 (70.7 or less) 0 50  (70.7 or less)  {:[0-50],[" (70.7 or less) "]:}\begin{gathered} 0-50 \\ \text { (70.7 or less) } \end{gathered} 1.2 (3/64) 1.2 (3/64) 1.2 (3/64)
51 125 (over 70.7 176.8 ) 51 125  (over  70.7 176.8  )  {:[51-125],[" (over "70.7-176.8" ) "]:}\begin{gathered} 51-125 \\ \text { (over } 70.7-176.8 \text { ) } \end{gathered} 1.6 (1/16) 1.6 (1/16) 6.4 (1/4)
126 250 (over 176.8 353.5 ) 126 250  (over  176.8 353.5  )  {:[126-250],[" (over "176.8-353.5" ) "]:}\begin{gathered} 126-250 \\ \text { (over } 176.8-353.5 \text { ) } \end{gathered} 2.4 (3/32) 2.4 (3/32) 6.4 (1/4)
251 600 (over 353.5-848.4) 251 600  (over 353.5-848.4)  {:[251-600],[" (over 353.5-848.4) "]:}\begin{gathered} 251-600 \\ \text { (over 353.5-848.4) } \end{gathered} 9 / 5 d ( 3 / 8 ) d 9 / 5 ( 3 / 8 ) 9//5^("d ")(3//8)^("d ")9 / 5^{\text {d }}(3 / 8)^{\text {d }} 12.7 d ( 1 / 2 ) d 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) 12.7^("d ")(1//2)^("d ")12.7^{\text {d }}(1 / 2)^{\text {d }} 12.7 (1/2)
Spacings, in mm (inches) Between any uninsulated live part and an uninsulated live part of opposite polarity, and uninsulated grounded dead metal part other than the enclosure, or exposed dead metal part that is isolated (insulated) ^("e,f ") Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fittings for conduit or armored cable ^("b,c,e, ",f) Product Potential involved in volts-RMS (peak) Through air or oil Over surface Shortest distance Type 3 SPDs "0-50 (70.7 or less) " 1.2 (3/64) 1.2 (3/64) 1.2 (3/64) "51-125 (over 70.7-176.8 ) " 1.6 (1/16) 1.6 (1/16) 6.4 (1/4) "126-250 (over 176.8-353.5 ) " 2.4 (3/32) 2.4 (3/32) 6.4 (1/4) "251-600 (over 353.5-848.4) " 9//5^("d ")(3//8)^("d ") 12.7^("d ")(1//2)^("d ") 12.7 (1/2)| | | Spacings, in mm (inches) | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | Between any uninsulated live part and an uninsulated live part of opposite polarity, and uninsulated grounded dead metal part other than the enclosure, or exposed dead metal part that is isolated (insulated) ${ }^{\text {e,f }}$ | | Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fittings for conduit or armored cable ${ }^{\text {b,c,e, }, f}$ | | Product | Potential involved in volts-RMS (peak) | Through air or oil | Over surface | Shortest distance | | Type 3 SPDs | $\begin{gathered} 0-50 \\ \text { (70.7 or less) } \end{gathered}$ | 1.2 (3/64) | 1.2 (3/64) | 1.2 (3/64) | | | $\begin{gathered} 51-125 \\ \text { (over } 70.7-176.8 \text { ) } \end{gathered}$ | 1.6 (1/16) | 1.6 (1/16) | 6.4 (1/4) | | | $\begin{gathered} 126-250 \\ \text { (over } 176.8-353.5 \text { ) } \end{gathered}$ | 2.4 (3/32) | 2.4 (3/32) | 6.4 (1/4) | | | $\begin{gathered} 251-600 \\ \text { (over 353.5-848.4) } \end{gathered}$ | $9 / 5^{\text {d }}(3 / 8)^{\text {d }}$ | $12.7^{\text {d }}(1 / 2)^{\text {d }}$ | 12.7 (1/2) |
Table 18.1 Continued  表 18.1 续表
Spacings, in mm (inches)
Between any unin uninsulated live pa uninsulated groun than the enclosure, that is isol
live part and an site polarity, and metal part other dead metal part ulated e,f e,f  ^("e,f "){ }^{\text {e,f }}
带电部分和现场极性,以及金属部分和其他死金属部分的绝缘 e,f e,f  ^("e,f "){ }^{\text {e,f }}
Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fittings for conduit or armored cable b , c , e , f b , c , e , f ^(b,c,e,f){ }^{b, c, e, f}
任何未绝缘带电部件与金属外壳壁之间,包括导管或铠装电缆的接头 b , c , e , f b , c , e , f ^(b,c,e,f){ }^{b, c, e, f} .
Product  产品 Potential involved in volts-RMS (peak)
Through air or oil
Over surface  表面以上 Shortest distance  最短距离
Type 1 or Type 2 SPDs
第 1 类或第 2 类 SPD
0 150 0 150 0-1500-150 ( 212.1 ( 212.1 (212.1(212.1 or less) 151 300 151 300 151-300151-300 (over 212.1 424.3 212.1 424.3 212.1-424.3212.1-424.3 ) 301 600 301 600 301-600301-600 (over 424.3 848.5 424.3 848.5 424.3-848.5424.3-848.5 )
0 150 0 150 0-1500-150 ( 212.1 ( 212.1 (212.1(212.1 或更少) 151 300 151 300 151-300151-300 212.1 424.3 212.1 424.3 212.1-424.3212.1-424.3 以上) 301 600 301 600 301-600301-600 424.3 848.5 424.3 848.5 424.3-848.5424.3-848.5 以上)
3.2 a ( 1 / 8 ) a 6.4 ( 1 / 4 ) 9.5 ( 3 / 8 ) 3.2 a ( 1 / 8 ) a 6.4 ( 1 / 4 ) 9.5 ( 3 / 8 ) {:[3.2^(a)(1//8)^(a)],[6.4(1//4)],[9.5(3//8)]:}\begin{aligned} & 3.2^{\mathrm{a}}(1 / 8)^{\mathrm{a}} \\ & 6.4(1 / 4) \\ & 9.5(3 / 8) \end{aligned} 6.4 ( 1 / 4 ) 9.5 ( 3 / 8 ) 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) 6.4 ( 1 / 4 ) 9.5 ( 3 / 8 ) 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) {:[6.4(1//4)],[9.5(3//8)],[12.7(1//2)]:}\begin{aligned} & 6.4(1 / 4) \\ & 9.5(3 / 8) \\ & 12.7(1 / 2) \end{aligned} 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) {:[12.7(1//2)],[12.7(1//2)],[12.7(1//2)]:}\begin{aligned} & 12.7(1 / 2) \\ & 12.7(1 / 2) \\ & 12.7(1 / 2) \end{aligned}
601 1000 ( 849.9 1414.2 ) 601 1000 ( 849.9 1414.2 ) {:[601-1000],[(849.9-1414.2)]:}\begin{gathered} 601-1000 \\ (849.9-1414.2) \end{gathered} 14 (.55) 21.6 (.85) 25.4 (1)

a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 极性相反的现场接线端子之间的间距,以及接线端子与接地或裸露的死金属部件之间的间距,不得小于 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch ) 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch ) 6.4mm(1//4inch)6.4 \mathrm{~mm}(1 / 4 \mathrm{inch}) 如果突出的线股可能导致此类端子短路或接地。 b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 就本要求而言,如果外壳的变形可能减小金属件与未绝缘带电部件之间的间距,则附着在外壳上的金属件被视为外壳的一部分。 c c ^(c){ }^{c} 与金属外壳的间距不适用于打算与最终产品外壳一起安装的设备的外壳或框架。 d d ^(d){ }^{d} 这些间距适用于在插入隔离的带电金属部件时涉及的间距总和。e 根据第 20 节缩短的间距可以接受在印刷线路板上使用符合标准的保形涂料,该标准符合《聚合材料 - 工业层压板、缠绕丝管、硫化纤维和印刷线路板中使用的材料》(UL 746E);并根据所进行的测试进行判断。 f ^("f "){ }^{\text {f }} 打算完全封装在可接受的灌封化合物或环氧树脂中的印刷电路板,其间距不得小于 0.8 毫米( 1 / 32 1 / 32 1//321 / 32 英寸)。
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} The spacing between field wiring terminals of opposite polarity and between a wiring terminal and a grounded or exposed dead metal part shall not be less than 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch ) 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch ) 6.4mm(1//4inch)6.4 \mathrm{~mm}(1 / 4 \mathrm{inch}) if short circuiting or grounding of such terminals may result from projecting strands of wire.
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} For the purpose of this requirement, a metal piece attached to the enclosure is considered to be a part of the enclosure if deformation of the enclosure is likely to reduce the spacing between the metal piece and uninsulated live parts.
c c ^(c){ }^{c} The spacing to a metal enclosure does not apply to the housing or frame of a device intended for installation with an end product enclosure.
d d ^(d){ }^{d} These spacings apply to the sum of the spacings involved whenever an isolated dead metal part is interposed.
e Reduced spacings in accordance with Section 20 may be acceptable on a printed wiring board provided with a conformal coating that complies with the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fibre, and Materials Used in Printed Wiring Boards, UL 746E; and are judged based on the tests performed.
f ^("f "){ }^{\text {f }} A printed wiring board intended to be completely encapsulated in an acceptable potting compound or epoxy shall not have any spacing less than 0.8 mm ( 1 / 32 1 / 32 1//321 / 32 inch).
^("a ") The spacing between field wiring terminals of opposite polarity and between a wiring terminal and a grounded or exposed dead metal part shall not be less than 6.4mm(1//4inch) if short circuiting or grounding of such terminals may result from projecting strands of wire. ^(b) For the purpose of this requirement, a metal piece attached to the enclosure is considered to be a part of the enclosure if deformation of the enclosure is likely to reduce the spacing between the metal piece and uninsulated live parts. ^(c) The spacing to a metal enclosure does not apply to the housing or frame of a device intended for installation with an end product enclosure. ^(d) These spacings apply to the sum of the spacings involved whenever an isolated dead metal part is interposed. e Reduced spacings in accordance with Section 20 may be acceptable on a printed wiring board provided with a conformal coating that complies with the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fibre, and Materials Used in Printed Wiring Boards, UL 746E; and are judged based on the tests performed. ^("f ") A printed wiring board intended to be completely encapsulated in an acceptable potting compound or epoxy shall not have any spacing less than 0.8 mm ( 1//32 inch).| ${ }^{\text {a }}$ The spacing between field wiring terminals of opposite polarity and between a wiring terminal and a grounded or exposed dead metal part shall not be less than $6.4 \mathrm{~mm}(1 / 4 \mathrm{inch})$ if short circuiting or grounding of such terminals may result from projecting strands of wire. | | :--- | | ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ For the purpose of this requirement, a metal piece attached to the enclosure is considered to be a part of the enclosure if deformation of the enclosure is likely to reduce the spacing between the metal piece and uninsulated live parts. | | ${ }^{c}$ The spacing to a metal enclosure does not apply to the housing or frame of a device intended for installation with an end product enclosure. | | ${ }^{d}$ These spacings apply to the sum of the spacings involved whenever an isolated dead metal part is interposed. | | e Reduced spacings in accordance with Section 20 may be acceptable on a printed wiring board provided with a conformal coating that complies with the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fibre, and Materials Used in Printed Wiring Boards, UL 746E; and are judged based on the tests performed. | | ${ }^{\text {f }}$ A printed wiring board intended to be completely encapsulated in an acceptable potting compound or epoxy shall not have any spacing less than 0.8 mm ( $1 / 32$ inch). |
Spacings, in mm (inches) Between any unin uninsulated live pa uninsulated groun than the enclosure, that is isol live part and an site polarity, and metal part other dead metal part ulated ^("e,f ") Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fittings for conduit or armored cable ^(b,c,e,f) Product Potential involved in volts-RMS (peak) Through air or oil Over surface Shortest distance Type 1 or Type 2 SPDs 0-150 (212.1 or less) 151-300 (over 212.1-424.3 ) 301-600 (over 424.3-848.5 ) "3.2^(a)(1//8)^(a) 6.4(1//4) 9.5(3//8)" "6.4(1//4) 9.5(3//8) 12.7(1//2)" "12.7(1//2) 12.7(1//2) 12.7(1//2)" "601-1000 (849.9-1414.2)" 14 (.55) 21.6 (.85) 25.4 (1) "^("a ") The spacing between field wiring terminals of opposite polarity and between a wiring terminal and a grounded or exposed dead metal part shall not be less than 6.4mm(1//4inch) if short circuiting or grounding of such terminals may result from projecting strands of wire. ^(b) For the purpose of this requirement, a metal piece attached to the enclosure is considered to be a part of the enclosure if deformation of the enclosure is likely to reduce the spacing between the metal piece and uninsulated live parts. ^(c) The spacing to a metal enclosure does not apply to the housing or frame of a device intended for installation with an end product enclosure. ^(d) These spacings apply to the sum of the spacings involved whenever an isolated dead metal part is interposed. e Reduced spacings in accordance with Section 20 may be acceptable on a printed wiring board provided with a conformal coating that complies with the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fibre, and Materials Used in Printed Wiring Boards, UL 746E; and are judged based on the tests performed. ^("f ") A printed wiring board intended to be completely encapsulated in an acceptable potting compound or epoxy shall not have any spacing less than 0.8 mm ( 1//32 inch)." | | | Spacings, in mm (inches) | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | Between any unin uninsulated live pa uninsulated groun than the enclosure, that is isol | live part and an site polarity, and metal part other dead metal part ulated ${ }^{\text {e,f }}$ | Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fittings for conduit or armored cable ${ }^{b, c, e, f}$ | | Product | Potential involved in volts-RMS (peak) | Through air or oil | Over surface | Shortest distance | | Type 1 or Type 2 SPDs | $0-150$ $(212.1$ or less) $151-300$ (over $212.1-424.3$ ) $301-600$ (over $424.3-848.5$ ) | $\begin{aligned} & 3.2^{\mathrm{a}}(1 / 8)^{\mathrm{a}} \\ & 6.4(1 / 4) \\ & 9.5(3 / 8) \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & 6.4(1 / 4) \\ & 9.5(3 / 8) \\ & 12.7(1 / 2) \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & 12.7(1 / 2) \\ & 12.7(1 / 2) \\ & 12.7(1 / 2) \end{aligned}$ | | | $\begin{gathered} 601-1000 \\ (849.9-1414.2) \end{gathered}$ | 14 (.55) | 21.6 (.85) | 25.4 (1) | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ The spacing between field wiring terminals of opposite polarity and between a wiring terminal and a grounded or exposed dead metal part shall not be less than $6.4 \mathrm{~mm}(1 / 4 \mathrm{inch})$ if short circuiting or grounding of such terminals may result from projecting strands of wire. <br> ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ For the purpose of this requirement, a metal piece attached to the enclosure is considered to be a part of the enclosure if deformation of the enclosure is likely to reduce the spacing between the metal piece and uninsulated live parts. <br> ${ }^{c}$ The spacing to a metal enclosure does not apply to the housing or frame of a device intended for installation with an end product enclosure. <br> ${ }^{d}$ These spacings apply to the sum of the spacings involved whenever an isolated dead metal part is interposed. <br> e Reduced spacings in accordance with Section 20 may be acceptable on a printed wiring board provided with a conformal coating that complies with the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fibre, and Materials Used in Printed Wiring Boards, UL 746E; and are judged based on the tests performed. <br> ${ }^{\text {f }}$ A printed wiring board intended to be completely encapsulated in an acceptable potting compound or epoxy shall not have any spacing less than 0.8 mm ( $1 / 32$ inch). | | | | |
18.2 The spacing at wiring terminals is to be measured with wires representative of field wiring in place and connected to the terminals as in actual service.
18.2 测量接线端子的间距时,应将代表现场接线的导线就位,并按实际使用情况连接到端子上。

18.3 All uninsulated live parts connected to different circuits shall be spaced from one another as though they were parts of opposite polarity, in accordance with the requirement in 18.5 , and shall be investigated on the basis of the highest voltage involved.
18.3 根据 18.5 的要求,所有连接到不同电路的无绝缘带电部件应相互隔开,如同它们是极性相反的部件,并应根据所涉及的最高电压进行调查。

18.4 For the purposes of these requirements any uninsulated live part that is completely encapsulated in an acceptable potting compound or epoxy shall be considered insulated for the purpose of accessibility of live parts.
18.4 就这些要求而言,任何完全封装在可接受的浇注料或环氧树脂中的未绝缘带电部件,就带电部件的可接近性而言,应视为绝缘部件。

18.5 A live screw head or nut on the underside of an insulating base shall be prevented from loosening and shall be insulated or spaced from the mounting surface. This may be accomplished by:
18.5 绝缘底座底部的带电螺钉头或螺母应防止松动,并应与安装表面绝缘或保持一定间距。可通过以下方法实现

a) Countersinking such parts not less than 3.2 mm ( 1 / 8 inch 1 / 8 inch 1//8inch1 / 8 \mathrm{inch} ) in the clear and then covering them with a waterproof, insulating sealing compound that does not soften at a temperature 15 C ( 27 F ) 15 C 27 F 15^(@)C(27^(@)F)15^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(27^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) higher than its normal operating temperature in the device, and not less than 65 C ( 149 F ) 65 C 149 F 65^(@)C(149^(@)F)65^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(149^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) in any case, or
a) 在透明部件上沉入不小于 3.2 毫米( 1 / 8 inch 1 / 8 inch 1//8inch1 / 8 \mathrm{inch} )的沉孔,然后用防水绝缘密封剂覆盖,该密封剂在高于设备正常工作温度 15 C ( 27 F ) 15 C 27 F 15^(@)C(27^(@)F)15^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(27^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 的温度下不会软化,且在任何情况下不小于 65 C ( 149 F ) 65 C 149 F 65^(@)C(149^(@)F)65^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(149^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) ,或

b) Securing such parts and insulating them from the mounting surface by means of a barrier or the equivalent, or by means of through-air or over-surface spacings as required by Table 18.1.
b) 按照表 18.1 的要求,通过屏障或类似物,或通过空气间距或表面间距,固定这些部件并使其与安装表面绝缘。

18.6 In multicomponent equipment, the spacings from one component to another, from any component to the enclosure, or to other uninsulated dead metal parts excluding the component mounting surface, are based on the maximum voltage rating of the complete equipment and not on the individual component ratings. The inherent spacings within an individual component are investigated on the basis of the voltage used and controlled by the individual component. Spacings between metal oxide varistors, capacitors, and other components shall comply with the minimum spacing requirements in Table 18.1.
18.6 在多组件设备中,从一个组件到另一个组件,从任何组件到外壳,或到除组件安装面之外的其他未绝缘的无金属部分的间距,是基于整套设备的最大额定电压,而不是基于单个组件的额定电压。单个组件内的固有间距是根据单个组件使用和控制的电压进行调查的。金属氧化物变阻器、电容器和其他组件之间的间距应符合表 18.1 中的最小间距要求。
Exception: Components that comply with the requirements in the Standard for Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment - Part 14: Sectional Specification: Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains, UL 60384-14, need not comply with the minimum spacing requirements between components in Table 18.1.
例外情况:符合《电子设备中使用的固定电容器标准 - 第 14 部分:部分规范》要求的元件:用于抑制电磁干扰和连接电源线的固定电容器》(UL 60384-14)中的要求,则无需遵守表 18.1 中的元件间最小间距要求。

18.7 Spacings at a fuse and fuseholder are to be measured with a fuse in place that has the maximum standard dimensions for the rating, and such spacings are to not be less than those specified in Table 18.1.
18.7 熔断体与熔断体座的间距应在熔断体已就位且具有额定值最大标准尺寸的情况下进行测量,且间距不得小于表 18.1 的规定。

18.8 A barrier or liner of insulating material used in areas where spacings are otherwise insufficient, shall comply with the requirements for internal barriers outlined in the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, it shall be resistant to moisture absorption, and shall be secured in place or its position fixed by space limitations. An adhesive used to position a barrier shall be investigated for the effects of temperature, humidity, and cyclic conditions outlined in the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment, Evaluations, UL 746C.
18.8 在间距不够的地方使用的绝缘材料隔板或衬垫,应符合 UL 746C 《聚合材料标准--电气设备评估中的使用》中对内部隔板的要求,应能防止吸潮,并应固定到位或因空间限制而固定其位置。用于定位隔热箱的粘合剂必须对温度、湿度和 UL 746C 《聚合材料标准--电气设备中的使用》评估中列出的循环条件的影响进行调查。

18.9 For open-type SPDs, the spacings between live parts and metal parts that may be grounded, such as the heads of mounting screws that pass through an insulating panel, shall be judged as if they were grounded parts within an enclosure. The spacing between uninsulated live parts and the surface on which the device may be mounted is to be judged as if the mounting surface were part of an enclosure.
18.9 对于开放式防雷器,带电部件与可能接地的金属部件(例如穿过绝缘板的安装螺钉头)之间的间距,应按照它们是外壳内的接地部件来判断。无绝缘带电部件与可能安装设备的表面之间的间距,应按照安装表面是外壳的一部分来判断。

19 SPDs Used in Higher Altitude
19 在高海拔地区使用的 SPD

19.1 SPDs, rated for use in an altitude greater than 2000 m shall incorporate surge components that are not influenced by changes in outside air pressure and density anticipated at higher altitudes, such as semiconductor devices (MOVs, etc.), hermetically sealed devices (such as Gas Discharge Tubes) or be completely encapsulated.
19.1 额定在海拔超过 2000 米处使用的防雷器应安装不受高海拔地区外部气压和密度变化影响的浪涌部件,如半导体器件(MOV 等)、密封器件(如气体放电管)或完全封装的器件。
Exception: SPDs that incorporate components that are influenced by changes in outside air pressure and density, such as open air gap devices, that are not installed within a hermetically sealed or encapsulated environment, shall be subjected to surge testing while installed within a Barometric Chamber at the pressure corresponding to the rated altitude as specified in IEC 60664-1.
例外情况:包含受外界气压和密度变化影响的组件的防雷器,如开放式气隙装置,如果没有安装在密封或封装环境中,则应在 IEC 60664-1 规定的额定海拔高度相应压力下安装在气压室中进行浪涌测试。

19.2 SPDs, rated for use in an altitude greater than 2000 m , shall have through air (Clearance) spacings based on Table 18.1 multiplied by the applicable altitude correction factors specified in IEC 60664-1.
19.2 额定在海拔 2000 米以上使用的防雷器,其通气(净空)间距应根据表 18.1 乘以 IEC 60664-1 规定的适用海拔修正系数确定。

19.3 SPDs rated for use in an altitude greater than 2000 m, shall comply with the High Altitude Conditioning Test, Section 78.
19.3 标定在海拔 2000 米以上使用的防雷装置必须符合第 78 节的高海拔条件试验。

20 Clearance and Creepage Distances
20 净空和爬电距离

20.1 As an alternative approach to the spacing requirements specified in 18.1, and other than as noted in 20.2 20.2 _ 20.2 _\underline{20.2} and 20.3, clearances and creepage distances are able to be evaluated in accordance with the requirements in the Standard for Insulation Coordination Including Clearance and Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment, UL 840, as described in 20.4.
20.1 作为 18.1 中规定的间距要求的替代方法,除 20.2 20.2 _ 20.2 _\underline{20.2} 和 20.3 中所述的情况外,间隙和爬电距离可根据 20.4 中所述的《电气设备绝缘配合(包括间隙和爬电距离)标准》(UL 840)中的要求进行评估。

20.2 Clearances between an uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fittings for conduit or armored cable, shall be as noted in Table 18.1. The clearances shall be determined by physical measurement.
20.2 未绝缘带电部件与金属外壳壁(包括导管或铠装电缆的接头)之间的间隙应符合表 18.1 的规定。间隙应通过实际测量确定。

20.3 The clearance and creepage distance at field wiring terminals shall be in accordance with the requirements in Spacings, Section 18.
20.3 现场接线端子的间隙和爬电距离应符合第 18 节 "间距 "的要求。
Exception: If the design of the field wiring terminals is such that it will preclude the possibility of reduced spacing due to stray strands or improper wiring installation, clearances and creepage distances at the field wiring terminal may be evaluated in accordance with the Standard for Insulation Coordination including Clearances and Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment, UL 840.
例外情况:如果现场接线端子的设计能排除因杂股或接线安装不当而导致间距减小的可能性,则现场接线端子的间隙和爬电距离可根据《电气设备绝缘协调标准》(包括间隙和爬电距离)(UL 840)进行评估。

20.4 In conducting evaluations in accordance with the requirements in the Standard for Insulation Coordination Including Clearance and Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment, UL 840, the following guidelines shall be used:
20.4 在根据《电气设备绝缘配合(包括间隙和爬电距离)标准》(UL 840)的要求进行评估时,应采用以下准则:

a) The pollution degree within an SPD housing is pollution degree 2 .
a) SPD 住房内的污染等级为 2 级。

b) SPD intended for installation as or with service entrance equipment shall be evaluated as Overvoltage Category III. Other SPD covered under this standard shall be evaluated as Overvoltage Category II;
b) 拟安装为服务入口设备或与服务入口设备一起安装的 SPD 应被评为 III 类过电压。本标准涵盖的其他 SPD 应按过电压类别 II 进行评估;

c) Pollution degree 2 exists on a printed wiring board between adjacent conductive material which is covered by any coating which provides an uninterrupted covering over at least one side and the complete distance up to the other side of conductive material;
c) 印刷线路板上相邻导电材料之间的污染度为 2,该导电材料由任何涂层覆盖,该涂层至少在一侧和导电材料另一侧的整个距离上提供不间断的覆盖;

d) Any printed wiring board which complies with the requirements in the Standard for Printed Wiring Boards, UL 796, shall be considered to provide a Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) of 100, and if it further complies with the requirements for Direct Support in UL 796 then it provides a CTI of 175;
d) 任何符合印制电路板标准 UL 796 要求的印制电路板,其比较跟踪指数 (CTI) 均为 100,如果进一步符合 UL 796 中关于直接支持的要求,则 CTI 为 175;

e) For the purposes of compliance with the requirements for coatings of printed wiring boards used to achieve pollution degree 1 in accordance with UL 840, a coating which complies with the requirements for Conformal Coatings in the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, complies with the requirements;
e) 为了符合 UL 840 对用于达到 1 级污染的印刷线路板涂层的要求,符合《聚合材料标准--用于电气设备评估》(UL 746C)中对保形涂料要求的涂层即为符合要求;

f) Pollution degree 1 is also achievable at a specific printed wiring board location by application of at least a 0.79 mm ( 1 / 32 1 / 32 1//321 / 32 inch) thick layer of silicone rubber or for a group of printed wiring boards through potting, without air bubbles, in epoxy or potting material.
f) 通过至少 0.79 毫米( 1 / 32 1 / 32 1//321 / 32 英寸)厚的硅橡胶层,或通过在环氧树脂或灌封材料中灌封无气泡的一组印刷线路板,也可在特定的印刷线路板位置实现 1 级污染。

g) Evaluation of clearances, only, to determine equivalence with current through air spacings requirements are able to be conducted in accordance with the requirements for Clearance A (Equivalency) of UL 840. An impulse test potential having a value as determined in UL 840 is to be applied across the same points of the device as would be required for the Dielectric VoltageWithstand Test, Section 39;
g) 仅为确定与电流通过空气间距要求的等效性而进行的间隙评估,可按照 UL 840 的间隙 A(等效性)要求进行。应在设备的相同点上施加 UL 840 中确定值的脉冲测试电位,该电位与第 39 节的介电耐压测试所需的电位相同;

h) Evaluation of clearances and creepage distances shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements in UL 840 for Clearance B (Controlled Overvoltage), and Creepage Distances;
h) 净空和爬电距离的评估应按照 UL 840 中对净空 B(受控过电压)和爬电距离的要求进行;

i) The Phase-to-Ground Rated System Voltage used in the determination of Clearances shall be the equipment rated supply voltage rounded to the next higher value (in the table for determining clearances for equipment) for all points on the supply side of an isolating transformer or the entire product if no isolating transformer is provided. The System Voltage used in the evaluation of secondary circuitry is able to be interpolated with interpolation continued across the table for the Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage Peak and Clearance; and
i) 用于确定间隙的相地间额定系统电压应为隔离变压器供电侧所有点的设备额定电源电压,或整个产品(如果未提供隔离变压器)的设备额定电源电压,四舍五入至下一个较高值(在确定设备间隙的表格中)。二次电路评估中使用的系统电压可在额定冲击耐受电压峰值和间隙表中继续内插;以及

j) Determination of the dimensions of clearance and creepage distances shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements for Measurement of Clearance and Creepage Distances of UL 840.
j) 净空和爬电距离尺寸的确定应按照 UL 840 的净空和爬电距离测量要求进行。

20.5 Insulation is required between traces on inner layers of PWBs and between traces of different layers in PWBs.
20.5 印刷线路板内层痕迹之间以及印刷线路板不同层痕迹之间需要绝缘。

20.6 The insulation between adjacent tracks on the same layer shall be evaluated as either:
20.6 同一层上相邻轨道之间的绝缘应按以下两种情况之一进行评估:

a) Creepage distance for pollution degree 1; or
a) 污染度为 1 的爬电距离;或

b) Solid insulation evaluated by the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 39.
b) 通过第 39 节 "介电耐压试验 "评估的固体绝缘。
Note: Clearance is not considered for the inner layer where air does not exist.

20.7 Insulation between traces of different layers shall be evaluated by the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 39.
20.7 不同层之间的绝缘应通过第 39 节的介电耐压试验进行评估。

21 Switches  21 个开关

21.1 Each switch shall have voltage and current ratings of not less than the load it is intended to control.
21.1 每个开关的额定电压和额定电流不得低于其预期控制的负载。

21.2 A switch provided in an SPD shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Switches for Appliances - Part 1: General Requirements, UL 61058-1. The switch shall have as a minimum a general use rating.
21.2 SPD 中的开关应符合《电器开关标准--第 1 部分》(Standard for Switches for Appliances - Part 1:一般要求,UL 61058-1。开关至少应具有一般使用等级。
Exception No 1: A switch that complies with the requirements of the Standard for General-Use Snap Switches, UL 20, for a general-use ac switch shall be acceptable for use in an SPD.
例外 1:符合通用快速开关标准 UL 20 对通用交流开关要求的开关可用于防雷装置。
Exception No. 2: A switch provided as part of a status indicator intended only to function when the SPD fails or when the SPD is removed need only be endurance rated/tested for 50 cycles/operations.
例外 2: 作为状态指示器的一部分而提供的开关,仅在防雷器失灵或防雷器被拆除时起作用,只需进行 50 次循环/操作的耐久额定值/测试。

21.3 A switch shall open all ungrounded circuit conductors, and may, in addition, open the grounded circuit conductor.
21.3 开关应断开所有未接地的电路导线,并可断开接地电路导线。

21.4 Each switch shall indicate to the user when its associated circuit is energized. Such indication shall be by a means such as an integral pilot light, a separate pilot light adjacent to the switch, an on-off marking, or other readily understood visible indication of whether or not the switch is “on” or “off”. See 85.18.
21.4 每个开关必须向用户显示其相关电路何时通电。指示方式应为整体指示灯、邻近开关的独立指示灯、开-关标记或其他易于理解的开关 "开 "或 "关 "的可见指示。见 85.18。
Exception: An SPD may be provided with indicator or pilot lights such as neon-series-resistor, LED type, or the like, to show which receptacles are live or to indicate that the unit is energized.
例外情况:防雷器可配备指示灯或试灯,如霓虹灯、LED 灯或类似灯具,以显示哪些插座带电或指示设备已通电。

22 Printed Wiring Boards
22 印刷线路板

22.1 A printed-circuit board shall comply with all requirements, including those for direct support and shall be marked with the triangle symbol as described in the Standard for Printed-Wiring Boards, UL 796. A printed-circuit board shall also be classed V-0, V-1, or V-2 and rated minimum 105 C ( 221 F ) 105 C 221 F 105^(@)C(221^(@)F)105^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(221^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) in accordance with the requirements for the tests for flammability of plastic materials for parts in devices and appliances, UL 94. For a material classed V-2 a closed bottom in the equipment beneath the material or barrier evaluated for the use shall be provided.
22.1 印刷电路板应符合所有要求,包括直接支持的要求,并应标有《印刷电路板标准》(UL 796)中所述的三角形符号。印制电路板还应根据 UL 94《装置和设备部件塑料材料易燃性测试要求》,分为 V-0、V-1 或 V-2 级,并达到最低 105 C ( 221 F ) 105 C 221 F 105^(@)C(221^(@)F)105^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(221^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 级。对于 V-2 级材料,应在设备中的材料或经评估可用于该用途的屏障下面提供封闭的底部。

22.2 A resistor, capacitor, inductor, or other part that is mounted on a printed-circuit board to form a printed-circuit assembly shall be secured so that it cannot be displaced to cause a risk of electric shock or fire by a force likely to be exerted on it during assembly, operation, or servicing of the SPD.
22.2 安装在印制电路板上形成印制电路组件的电阻器、电容器、电感器或其他部件必须固定,使其在 SPD 的装配、操作或维修过程中不会因可能受到的外力而移位,造成电击或火灾危险。
Note: Consideration is to be given to a barrier or a partition that is part of the device and that provides mechanical protection and electrical insulation of a component connected to the printed-circuit board.

22.3 An SPD that has an equipment grounding conductor path through traces on a printed wiring board shall comply with the Fault Current Test, Section 50, and Overcurrent Test, Section 51.
22.3 通过印制电路板上的痕迹有设备接地导体路径的防雷器,必须符合第 50 节的故障电流测试和第 51 节的过电流测试的要求。

22.4 A two-port SPD that has a load current-carrying circuit conductor path through traces on a printed wiring board shall comply with the Overcurrent Test, Section 51.
22.4 负载载流电路导体路径通过印刷线路板上的痕迹的双端口防雷器,必须符合第 51 节的过流测试要求。

23 Electronic Circuits  23 电子电路

23.1 Malfunction of a component such as a diode; a transistor; a thyristor; an electrolytic capacitor; an integrated circuit; an optical isolator or other solid-state device (any device whose operation is dependant upon any combination of optical, electrical, or magnetic phenomenal within a solid) that has not been investigated for reliability and determined to be reliable shall not result in a risk of fire, electric shock or injury to persons when subjected to the Component Breakdown Test, Section 56.
23.1 如二极管、晶体管、晶闸管、电解电容器、集成电路、光隔离器或其他固态装置(任何其操作取决于固体内部的任何光、电或磁现象组合的装置)等部件的故障未经可靠性调查并确定为可靠,在进行第 56 节所述的部件击穿试验时,不得造成起火、触电或人员伤害的危险。
Exception No. 1: A component located in the following circuits need not be subjected to the Component Breakdown Test:
例外 1: 位于下列电路中的部件无需进行部件击穿试验:

a) Circuits that comply with the requirements for Isolated Secondary Circuits, Section 24,
a) 符合第 24 节 "隔离二级电路 "要求的电路、

b) A circuit that has been investigated to the requirements in the Standard for Tests for SafetyRelated Controls Employing Solid-State Devices, UL 991, for reliability and determined to be reliable.
b) 按照 UL 991《采用固态装置的安全控制测试标准》的要求对电路的可靠性进行调查,并确定其可靠。
Exception No. 2: Resistors, non-electrolytic capacitors, inductors, transformers, electromechanical devices such as switches and relays, and optical isolators that comply with the applicable requirements, as specified, elsewhere in this Standard.
例外 2: 电阻器、非电解电容器、电感器、变压器、机电设备(如开关和继电器),以及符合本 标准其它条款规定的适用要求的光隔离器。

23.2 Compliance with 23.1 will require an analysis of the circuit to determine whether malfunction of a component could result in a risk of fire, electric shock or injury to persons. This analysis may require the opening and short circuiting of any component (electrolytic capacitor, transistor junction, and the like) and observation of the ultimate results of the simulated malfunction or breakdown. Only one condition of simulated malfunction or breakdown is to be imposed at a time. For Type 3 SPDs, compliance shall be determined with the input source connected as intended and also with Line-Neutral reversed.
23.2 为符合 23.1 的要求,需要对电路进行分析,以确定部件故障是否会导致火灾、电击或人员 伤害的危险。分析时可能需要打开和短路任何元件(电解电容器、晶体管结等),并观察模拟故障或击穿的最终结果。每次只能施加一种模拟故障或击穿条件。对于 3 类防雷器,应在输入源按原样连接以及线路-中性线反接的情况下确定是否符合要求。

23.3 A solid-state electronic circuit that operates and is relied upon for safe operation of the device during the Leakage Current Test, Section 38, the Surge Testing, Section 41, the Operational Voltage Test, Section 44, or the Current Testing, Section 45, shall be investigated and comply with the requirements of Standard for Tests for Safety-Related Controls Employing Solid-State Devices, UL 991.
23.3 在第 38 节的泄漏电流测试、第 41 节的浪涌测试、第 44 节的工作电压测试或第 45 节的电流测试中,操作固态电子电路并使装置安全运行的固态电子电路,须接受调查并符合 UL 991《采用固态器件的与安全有关的控制装置的测试标准》的要求。
Exception: A solid-state electronic circuit that operates during the Leakage Current Test, Section 38, the Surge Testing, Section 41, the Operational Voltage Test, Section 44, or the Current Test, Section 45, is not required to be investigated to UL 991 when the SPD is tested:
例外情况:固态电子电路在漏电流测试(第 38 节)、浪涌测试(第 41 节)、工作电压测试(第 44 节)或电流测试(第 45 节)中工作时,在防雷器进行测试时无需按照 UL 991 进行调查:

a) With the circuit functioning as intended;
a) 电路正常运行;

b) With the circuit open-circuited; and
b) 电路开路;以及

c) With the circuit short-circuited
c) 电路短路时

during the Leakage Current Test, the Surge Testing, the Surge Current Test, the Operational Voltage Test, or the Current Test.

24 Isolated Secondary Circuits
24 个隔离二级电路

24.1 General  24.1 概述

24.1.1 In addition to the requirements for Separation of Circuits, Section 25, a secondary circuit shall comply with the requirements for one of the following types of secondary circuits:
24.1.1 除第 25 节的电路分隔要求外,二次电路还必须符合下列任何一种二次电路的要求:

a) A Class 2 circuit;
a) 2 级电路;

b) A Limited Voltage/Current circuit;
b) 限压/限流电路;

c) A Limited Energy circuit; or
c) 限能量电路;或

d) A Limiting Impedance circuit.
d) 限制阻抗电路。

24.1.2 Secondary circuits intended for interconnection to Information Technology Equipment, such as keyboards, monitors, mouses and the like, shall comply with the spacing, isolation, and transformer requirements in the Standard for Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1.
24.1.2 用于与信息技术设备(如键盘、显示器、鼠标等)互连的次级电路必须符合《信息技术设备标准 - 安全 - 第 1 部分》中的间距、隔离和变压器要求:一般要求,UL 60950-1。

24.1.3 An optical isolator that is relied upon to provide isolation between primary and secondary circuits or between other circuits as required by this standard shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard for Optical Isolators, UL 1577, and shall be able to withstand for 1 minute, without breakdown, an ac dielectric voltage withstand potential equal to 1000 V plus twice rated voltage between the input and output circuits.
24.1.3 根据本标准的要求,在初级和次级电路之间或其他电路之间提供隔离的光隔离器,其构造应符合 UL 1577《光隔离器标准》,并应能在输入和输出电路之间承受相当于 1000 V 加两倍额定电压的交流介质耐压电势 1 分钟而不击穿。

24.1.4 A power switching semiconductor device that is relied upon to provide isolation to ground shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard for Electrically Isolated Semiconductor Devices, UL 1557. The dielectric voltage withstand tests required by UL 1557 shall be conducted at a dielectric potential of 1000 V plus twice rated voltage for 1 minute.
24.1.4 依靠提供对地隔离的功率开关半导体器件的构造必须符合《电气隔离半导体器件标准》UL 1557 的规定。UL 1557 规定的介电耐压试验应在 1000 V 加两倍额定电压的介电势下进行 1 分钟。

24.1.5 An electromechanical relay that is relied upon to provide isolation between primary and secondary circuits or between other circuits, as required by this standard, shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, UL 508, and shall be able to withstand for 1 minute, without breakdown, an ac dielectric voltage withstand potential equal to 1000 V plus twice rated voltage between the input and output circuits.
24.1.5 根据本标准的要求,在初级电路和次级电路之间或其他电路之间提供隔离的机电继电器,其构造必须符合《工业控制设备标准》UL 508 的规定,并能在输入和输出电路之间承受相当于 1000 V 加两倍额定电压的交流介质耐压电势 1 分钟而不击穿。

24.2 Difference between the level of evaluation required within each type of secondary circuit
24.2 各类次级电路所需评估等级之间的差异

24.2.1 The following applies to secondary circuits that comply with the Class 2 (see 24.3 24.3 _ 24.3 _\underline{24.3} ) or the Limited Voltage/Current (see 24.4) circuit requirements:
24.2.1 以下内容适用于符合 2 级(见 24.3 24.3 _ 24.3 _\underline{24.3} )或限压/限流(见 24.4)电路要求的二次电路:

a) Components located within these circuits need not be evaluated.
a) 位于这些电路内的部件无需进行评估。

b) Spacings located within these circuits and from these circuits to earth ground or to the enclosure need not be evaluated. However, spacings from these circuits to other circuits shall be in accordance with Spacings, Section 18.
b) 位于这些电路内以及从这些电路到接地或外壳的间隔无需评估。但从这些电路到其他电路的间距应符合第 18 节 "间距 "的规定。

c) These circuits can be accessible from outside the enclosure.
c) 这些电路可从机箱外接入。

24.2.2 The following applies to secondary circuits that comply with the Limited Energy (see 24.5) circuit requirements and that involve open circuit potentials less than or equal to 30 V ac or 42.4 V peak:
24.2.2 以下适用于符合有限能量(见 24.5)电路要求且开路电位小于或等于 30 V 交流或 42.4 V 峰值的二次电路:

a) Components located within these circuits need not be evaluated.
a) 位于这些电路内的部件无需进行评估。

Exception: Printed wiring boards shall be evaluated in accordance with Printed Wiring Boards, Section 22. Wiring shall be evaluated in accordance with Internal Wiring, Section 11.
例外情况:印刷线路板应按照第 22 节印刷线路板进行评估。布线应根据第 11 节 "内部布线 "进行评估。

b) Spacings located within these circuits and from these circuits to earth ground or to the enclosure need not be evaluated. However, spacings from these circuits to other circuits shall be in accordance with Spacings, Section 18.
b) 位于这些电路内以及从这些电路到接地或外壳的间隔无需评估。但从这些电路到其他电路的间距应符合第 18 节 "间距 "的规定。

c) These circuits cannot be accessible from outside the enclosure. Therefore, if these circuits provide power to components that extend through the enclosure (such as displays, keypads, and the like), then the ability of these components to serve as an enclosure will need to be evaluated.
c) 这些电路无法从机柜外部接入。因此,如果这些电路为穿过机壳的组件(如显示器、键盘等)供电,则需要评估这些组件作为机壳的能力。

24.2.3 The following applies to secondary circuits that comply with the Limited Energy (see 24.5) circuit requirements and that involve open circuit potentials in excess of 30 V ac or 42.4 V peak:
24.2.3 以下适用于符合有限能量(见 24.5)电路要求且开路电位超过 30 伏交流或 42.4 伏峰值的二次电路:

a) Printed wiring boards shall be evaluated in accordance with Printed Wiring Boards, Section 22. Wiring shall be evaluated in accordance with Internal Wiring, Section 11. The effects of heat generating power components on adjacent components such as printed wiring boards and wiring shall be evaluated in accordance with the temperature requirements in Temperature Test, Section 40.
a) 应根据第 22 节 "印刷电路板 "对印刷电路板进行评估。布线应按照第 11 节 "内部布线 "进行评估。发热功率元件对邻近元件(如印刷线路板和布线)的影响应按照第 40 节 "温度测试 "中的温度要求进行评估。
Exception: Components located within these circuits need not be evaluated.

b) Spacings located within these circuits need not be evaluated. However, spacings from these circuits to earth ground or to the enclosure and spacings from these circuits to other circuits shall be in accordance with Spacings, Section 18.
b) 位于这些电路内的间隔无需评估。但是,从这些电路到接地或外壳的间距,以及从这些电路到其他电路的间距,应符合第 18 节 "间距 "的规定。

c) These circuits shall not be accessible from outside the enclosure. Therefore, if these circuits provide power to components that extend through the enclosure (such as displays, keypads, and the like), then the ability of these components to serve as an enclosure will need to be evaluated.
c) 这些电路不得从外壳外部接入。因此,如果这些电路为穿过外壳的组件(如显示器、键盘等)供电,则需要对这些组件作为外壳的能力进行评估。

24.2.4 The following applies to secondary circuits that comply with the Limiting Impedance (see 24.6) circuit requirements in this section:
24.2.4 以下内容适用于符合本节中限制阻抗(见 24.6)电路要求的二次电路:

a) Components located within these circuits need not be evaluated.
a) 位于这些电路内的部件无需进行评估。

b) Spacings located within these circuits and from these circuits to earth ground or to the enclosure need not be evaluated. However, spacings from these circuits to other circuits shall be in accordance with Spacings, Section 18.
b) 位于这些电路内以及从这些电路到接地或外壳的间隔无需评估。但从这些电路到其他电路的间距应符合第 18 节 "间距 "的规定。

c) These circuits can be accessible from outside the enclosure.
c) 这些电路可从机箱外接入。
Exception: Circuits supplied from a limiting impedance that complies with Exception No. 1 to 24.6.2 cannot be accessible from outside the enclosure. Therefore, if these circuits provide power to components that extend through the enclosure (such as displays, keypads, and the like), then the ability of these components to serve as an enclosure will need to be evaluated.
例外情况:从符合 24.6.2 例外 1 的限制阻抗供电的电路不能从外壳外部接入。因此,如果这些电路为穿过外壳的组件(如显示器、键盘等)供电,则需要对这些组件作为外壳的能力进行评估。

24.3 Class 2 circuit requirements
24.3 第 2 级电路要求

24.3.1 A Class 2 circuit shall be supplied by an isolating source that complies with the requirements for Class 2 Power Units, UL 1310, or the requirements in the Standard for Low Voltage Transformers - Part 1: General Requirements, UL 5085-1 and the Standard for Low Voltage Transformers - Part 3: Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers, UL 5085-3.
24.3.1 第 2 类电路必须由符合第 2 类电源装置要求(UL 1310)或《低压变压器标准 - 第 1 部分:一般要求》(UL 5085-1)和《低压变压器标准 - 第 3 部分:第 2 类和第 3 类变压器》(UL 5085-3)要求的隔离源供电:低压变压器标准 - 第 3 部分:第 2 类和第 3 类变压器,UL 5085-3。

24.4 Limited voltage/current circuit requirements
24.4 有限电压/电流电路要求

24.4.1 A limited voltage/current circuit shall be supplied by an isolating source such that the maximum open circuit voltage potential available to the circuit is not more than 30 V ac or 42.4 V peak and the current available is limited to a value not exceeding 8 amperes measured after 1 minute of operation. The secondary winding of an isolating type transformer may be used to comply with this requirement. The transformer shall comply with the requirements in the appropriate UL Standards for Transformers.
24.4.1 有限电压/电流电路必须由隔离源供电,使电路可用的最大开路电压电位不超过 30 伏交流或 42.4 伏峰值,可用电流限于工作 1 分钟后测得的不超过 8 安培的值。隔离式变压器的次级绕组可用于满足这一要求。变压器应符合相应的 UL 变压器标准中的要求。

24.4.2 With reference to these secondary voltage and current limits, these measurements are to be made as follows:
24.4.2 参照上述二次电压和电流限值,应进行如下测量:

a) The input to the source of that secondary is to be connected as intended. For Type 3 SPDs, the input source shall be connected as intended and also with Line-Neutral reversed;
a) 二级源的输入应按原样连接。对于 3 型防雷器,输入源应按原样连接,并将线路-中性线反接;

b) The maximum open circuit voltage potential available to the secondary circuit under consideration is to be measured across the source of that secondary; and
b) 所考虑的二次回路的最大开路电压电位应在该二次回路的源极上测量;以及

c) The current available to the secondary circuit under consideration is to be measured by connecting a variable resistive load across the source of that secondary and then varying the load until an available current of 8 amperes can be obtained for 1 minute of operation. If an available current of 8 amperes cannot be obtained under any condition of loading, up to and including a short circuit, then the test can be discontinued for that circuit.
c) 在二次回路的源极上连接一个可变电阻负载,然后改变负载,直到运行 1 分钟可获得 8 安培的可用电流,以此来测量二次回路的可用电流。如果在任何负载条件下(包括短路)都无法获得 8 安培的可用电流,则可以停止对该电路的测试。

24.4.3 For a transformer, only one secondary circuit of a multiple secondary transformer is to be tested at a time and all other secondaries not under test are to be loaded as intended. The voltage and current measurements can be made directly across the secondary output terminals of the transformer. When a tapped transformer winding is used to supply a full-wave rectifier, the measurements are to be made from either end of the winding to the tap. When the transformer is used as part of a switching-type power supply, the voltage and current measurements are to be made after the transformer secondary winding rectification means.
24.4.3 对于一个变压器,一次只能测试多次级变压器中的一个次级回路,所有其他不在 测试范围内的次级回路均按原样加载。电压和电流测量可直接在变压器次级输出端子上进行。当使用分接变压器绕组为全波整流器供电时,测量应从绕组的任一端开始,直到分接为止。当变压器用作开关式电源的一部分时,电压和电流测量应在变压器次级绕组整流装置之后进行。

24.4.4 A secondary fuse or other such secondary circuit protective device used to limit the available current in accordance with 24.4.1, shall be rated at not more than the values specified in Table 24.1.
24.4.4 用于按照 24.4.1 限制可用电流的二次熔断器或其他此类二次电路保护装置的额定值不得超过表 24.1 中规定的值。
Table 24.1  表 24.1
Rating for Fuse or Circuit Protective Device
Open circuit volts (peak)
Amperes  安培数
0 20 0 20 0-200-20 5.0
Over 20 30 20 30 20-3020-30  完毕 100 / V a 100 / V a 100//V^(a)100 / \mathrm{V}^{a}
a V V ^("a ")V{ }^{\text {a } ~} V is defined as the peak open circuit voltage.
a V V ^("a ")V{ }^{\text {a } ~} V 定义为峰值开路电压。
Open circuit volts (peak) Amperes 0-20 5.0 Over 20-30 100//V^(a) ^("a ")V is defined as the peak open circuit voltage. | Open circuit volts (peak) | Amperes | | :---: | :---: | | $0-20$ | 5.0 | | Over $20-30$ | $100 / \mathrm{V}^{a}$ | | ${ }^{\text {a } ~} V$ is defined as the peak open circuit voltage. | |
24.4.5 The secondary circuit protective device referenced in 24.4 .4 may also be provided in the primary circuit. When provided in the primary circuit, there are no restrictions on the current rating of the protective device as long as it limits the available secondary current in accordance with Table 24.1.
24.4.5 24.4.4 中提及的二次回路保护装置也可设置在一次回路中。在一次回路中设置时,只要保护装置能根据表 24.1 限制可用的二次电流,则对保护装置的额定电流没有限制。

24.4.6 When a protective device is used as specified in 24.4.4 or 24.4 .5 24.4 .5 _ 24.4.5_\underline{24.4 .5}, this protective device shall comply with the requirements in Spacings, Section 18, and shall be provided with an adjacent replacement marking and replacement instructions that include the required voltage and current rating. The printed wiring board, wiring, and spacings prior to the point at which the voltage and current are suitably limited shall comply with the requirements of this Standard.
24.4.6 当使用 24.4.4 或 24.4 .5 24.4 .5 _ 24.4.5_\underline{24.4 .5} 中规定的保护装置时,该保护装置应符合第 18 节 "间隔 "中的要求,并应提供相邻的更换标记和包括所需额定电压和电流的更换说明。在适当限制电压和电流之前的印刷电路板、接线和间隔应符合本标准的要求。

UI 版权材料 - 未经授权不得转载

24.4.7 A fixed impedance (such as a component or grouping of components in the same circuit) or a regulating network (such as used in a switching type power supply) may be provided to limit the voltage
24.4.7 可提供一个固定阻抗(如同一电路中的一个元件或一组元件)或一个调节网络(如开关式电源中使用的网络)来限制电压。

and/or the available current in accordance with 24.4.1. Such a fixed impedance or regulating network shall be able to function under single component fault conditions.
和/或 24.4.1 规定的可用电流。这种固定阻抗或调节网络应能在单一元件故障条件下工作。

24.5 Limiting energy circuit requirements
24.5 限制能源电路要求

24.5.1 A limited energy circuit shall be supplied by an isolating source such that the maximum voltampere capacity available to the circuit is 200 volt-amperes or less at a maximum open circuit voltage potential of 100 V ac . The secondary winding of an isolating type transformer may be used to comply with this requirement. The transformer shall comply with the requirements in the appropriate UL Standard for Transformers.
24.5.1 限能电路必须由隔离源供电,在最大开路电压电位为 100 伏交流时,电路的最大伏安容量应为 200 伏安或以下。隔离型变压器的次级绕组可用于满足此要求。变压器应符合相应的 UL 变压器标准中的要求。

24.5.2 With reference to the secondary voltage and volt-ampere capacity limits, the measurements are to be made as follows:
24.5.2 二次电压和伏安容量限值的测量方法如下:

a) The input to the source of that secondary is to be connected as intended. For Type 3 SPDs, the input source shall be connected as intended and also with Line-Neutral reversed;
a) 二级源的输入应按原样连接。对于 3 型防雷器,输入源应按原样连接,并将线路-中性线反接;

b) The maximum open circuit voltage potential available to the secondary circuit under consideration is to be measured across the source of that secondary; and
b) 所考虑的二次回路的最大开路电压电位应在该二次回路的源极上测量;以及

c) The maximum volt-ampere capacity available to the secondary circuit under consideration is to be measured by connecting a variable resistive load across the source of that secondary and then measuring the voltage and current while varying the resistive load from open circuit to short circuit in 1 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 1-1//21-1 / 2 to 2 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 2-1//22-1 / 2 minutes. The maximum available volt-ampere capacity is then calculated by multiplying the simultaneously measured values of secondary voltage and secondary current.
c) 测量二次回路的最大伏安容量时,应在二次源上连接一个可变电阻负载,然后测量电压和电流,同时在 1 1 / 2 1 1 / 2 1-1//21-1 / 2 2 1 / 2 2 1 / 2 2-1//22-1 / 2 分钟内将电阻负载从开路变为短路。然后将同时测量到的二次电压和二次电流值相乘,计算出最大可用伏安容量。

24.5.3 For a transformer, only one secondary circuit of a multiple secondary transformer is to be tested at a time and all other secondaries not under test are to be loaded as intended. The voltage and volt-ampere capacity measurements can be made directly across the secondary output terminals of the transformer. When a tapped transformer winding is used to supply a full-wave rectifier, the measurements are to be made from either end of the winding to the tap. When the transformer is used as part of a switching-type power supply, the voltage and volt-ampere capacity measurements are to be made after the transformer secondary winding rectification means.
24.5.3 对于一台变压器,一次只能测试多次级变压器中的一个次级回路,其他所有不在测试 之列的次级回路均应按原样加载。电压和伏安容量的测量可直接在变压器次级输出端子上进行。当使用分接变压器绕组为全波整流器供电时,测量应从绕组的任一端开始,直到分接为止。当变压器用作开关式电源的一部分时,电压和伏安容量的测量应在变压器次级绕组整流装置之后进行。

24.5.4 A primary or secondary circuit fuse or other such circuit protective device may be used to limit the maximum available volt-ampere capacity in accordance with 24.5.1. While there are no restrictions on the current rating of this protective device as long as it limits the available secondary volt-ampere limit in accordance with 24.5.2, the protective device shall comply with the requirements of this standard and shall be provided with an adjacent replacement marking or replacement instructions that includes the required voltage and current rating. The printed wiring board, wiring, and spacings prior to the point at which the voltage and volt-ampere capacity are suitably limited shall comply with the requirements of this Standard.
24.5.4 可使用一次或二次电路熔断器或其他此类电路保护装置来限制符合 24.5.1 规定的最大可用伏安容量。虽然对这种保护装置的额定电流没有限制,只要它能根据 24.5.2 限制可用的二次伏安极限值即可,但该保护装置必须符合本标准的要求,并应在邻近的更换标记或更换说明上注明所需的额定电压和电流。在电压和伏安容量受到适当限制之前的印刷线路板、接线和间隔应符合本标准的要求。

24.6 Limiting impedance circuit requirements
24.6 限制阻抗电路要求

24.6.1 A Limiting Impedance circuit shall be supplied by an impedance that complies with the following. For Type 3 SPDs, Limiting Impedance shall be evaluated with the input source connected as intended and also with Line-Neutral reversed:
24.6.1 限制阻抗电路的阻抗必须符合下列规定。对于 3 型防雷器,必须在输入源按原样连接以及线路-中性线反接的情况下评估限制阻抗:

a) The calculated power dissipation of the impedance, as the result of a direct short applied across the circuit downstream of the impedance, does not exceed the power rating of the impedance; and
a) 在阻抗下游电路上直接短路时,计算得出的阻抗功率损耗不超过阻抗的额定功率;以及 b) 在阻抗下游电路上直接短路时,计算得出的阻抗功率损耗不超过阻抗的额定功率。

b) The power dissipation of the impedance shall be less than 15 watts.
b) 阻抗的功率耗散应小于 15 瓦。

c) There does not exist a risk of shock, as defined in 3.41 3.41 _ 3.41 _\underline{3.41}, downstream of the impedance.
c) 阻抗下游不存在 3.41 3.41 _ 3.41 _\underline{3.41} 中定义的电击风险。
Exception: A Limiting Impedance circuit may be supplied by an impedance that complies with the following:

a) The impedance shall be rated such that the calculated power dissipation of the impedance, as the result of a direct short applied across the circuit downstream of the impedance, exceeds the power rating of the impedance but is still less than 15 watts; and
a) 阻抗的额定值应能使阻抗下游电路直接短路时的计算功率损耗超过阻抗的额定功率,但仍小于 15 瓦;以及 b) 阻抗的额定值应能使阻抗下游电路直接短路时的计算功率损耗超过阻抗的额定功率,但仍小于 15 瓦。

b) The impedance shall not open or short when subjected to the effects of a direct short applied across the circuit downstream of the impedance. The method for setting up this limiting impedance test is the same as the method for setting up the Breakdown of Components Test, Section 56.
b) 当阻抗下游电路直接短路时,阻抗不得开路或短路。限制阻抗测试的设置方法与第 56 节 "元件击穿测试 "的设置方法相同。

c) There does not exist a risk of shock, as defined in 3.41 3.41 _ 3.41 _\underline{3.41}, downstream of the impedance.
c) 阻抗下游不存在 3.41 3.41 _ 3.41 _\underline{3.41} 中定义的电击风险。

24.6.2 The limiting impedance referred to in 24.6 .1 24.6 .1 _ 24.6.1_\underline{24.6 .1} shall be able to function under single component fault conditions.
24.6.2 24.6 .1 24.6 .1 _ 24.6.1_\underline{24.6 .1} 中提到的限制阻抗应能在单一元件故障条件下工作。
Exception No. 1: If the circuit limited by this impedance is enclosed, then this limiting impedance need not function under single component fault conditions.
例外情况 1:如果受此阻抗限制的电路是封闭的,则在单个元件故障条件下,此限制阻抗不必起作用。
Exception No. 2: A single resistor serving as a limiting impedance is considered to comply with this requirement without further investigation.
例外情况 2: 作为限制阻抗的单个电阻器可视为符合本要求,无需进一步调查。
Exception No. 3: A single capacitor serving as a limiting impedance is considered to comply with this requirement without further investigation if the capacitor complies with requirements in the Standard for Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment - Part 14: Sectional Specification: Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains, UL 60384-14.
例外情况 3:如果作为限制阻抗的单个电容器符合《电子设备中使用的固定电容器标准-第 14 部分:部分规格》中的要求,则可视为符合本要求,无需进一步调查:用于抑制电磁干扰和连接电源的固定电容器》,UL 60384-14。

25 Separation of Circuits
25 电路分离

25.1 An SPD employing circuit conductors intended for connection to telephone communication, data communication, fire alarm, antenna/cable or isolated secondary circuits, shall be provided with a barrier, physically secured by means other than friction, that separates the ac power circuit conductors from the conductors of the other circuits. Bonding of the equipment grounding conductor and the referenced conductors of the telecommunication circuits is permissible.
25.1 采用电路导体用于连接电话通信、数据通信、火灾报警、天线/电缆或隔离的次级电路的防雷器,必须提供一个屏障,以摩擦以外的方式进行物理固定,将交流电源电路导体与其他电路的导体分开。允许将设备接地导体与电信电路的参考导体连接起来。
Exception No. 1: A barrier is not required between conductors that are separated by a minimum spacing of 2 inches, including lead dress.
例外情况 1:导体之间的最小间距为 2 英寸(包括导线裙),不需要隔离栅。
Exception No. 2: Conductors that are acceptably insulated for the maximum ac power circuit voltage involved need not be separated from the ac power circuit conductors, provided that breakage or loosening of a conductor at a terminal in either circuit cannot result in contact between uninsulated live parts of one circuit and uninsulated or inadequately insulated live parts of the other circuit.
例外情况 2:对于所涉及的最大交流电源电路电压而言,可接受绝缘的导体无需与交流电源电路导体分开,只要任一电路终端的导体断裂或松动不会导致一个电路的未绝缘带电部分与另一电路的未绝缘或未充分绝缘的带电部分接触。
Exception No. 3: For conductors other than appliance wiring material, such as traces on a printed wiring board, terminals mounted on insulating blocks, and the like, the minimum separation between conductors of the ac power circuit and conductors of other circuits shall be in accordance with Table 18.1.
例外 3:对于电器接线材料以外的导体,如印刷线路板上的痕迹、安装在绝缘块上的端子等,交流电源电路的导体与其他电路的导体之间的最小间隔应符合表 18.1 的规定。

26 Capacitors  26 电容器

26.1 Capacitors other than those employed in a secondary circuit shall comply with the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 39, Insulation Resistance Test, Section 54, and Capacitor Endurance Test, Section 55.
26.1 除二次回路中使用的电容器外,其他电容器均须符合第 39 节的介电耐压试验、第 54 节的绝缘电阻试验和第 55 节的电容器耐久性试验的要求。

Exception No. 1: Capacitors evaluated to the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Insulation Resistance Test and Capacitor Endurance Test of the Standard for Electromagnetic Interference Filters, UL 1283 are not required to be subjected to these tests.
例外情况 1:按照《电磁干扰滤波器标准》(UL 1283)的介质耐压测试、绝缘电阻测试和电容器耐久性测试进行评估的电容器无需进行这些测试。
Exception No. 2: Capacitors that comply with the requirements in the Standard for Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment - Part 14: Sectional Specification: Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains, UL 60384-14 and are rated for the intended application, including operating voltage, subclass, Upper and Lower Temperature rating as follows:
例外情况 2:符合《电子设备用固定电容器标准--第 14 部分:部分规格》要求的电容器:用于抑制电磁干扰和连接电源线的固定电容器》(UL 60384-14)中的要求,并针对预期应用进行额定,包括工作电压、子类别、上下限温度额定值如下:

a) X Capacitors can be used in L-L and L-N applications only without additional testing per 26.1.
a) X 电容器只能用于 L-L 和 L-N 应用中,无需根据 26.1 进行额外测试。

b) Y Capacitors can be used in L-L, L-N, L-G and N-G applications without additional testing per 26.1 .
b) Y 型电容器可用于 L-L、L-N、L-G 和 N-G 应用中,无需根据 26.1 进行额外测试。
Exception: Two X X XX capacitors in series, may be substituted for a Y Y YY capacitor providing that each capacitor is rated 1.36 / 2 = .68 1.36 / 2 = .68 1.36//2=.681.36 / 2=.68 times the voltage rating required for a Y Y YY capacitor.
例外情况:两个串联的 X X XX 电容器可替代一个 Y Y YY 电容器,但每个电容器的额定电压必须是 Y Y YY 电容器所需额定电压的 1.36 / 2 = .68 1.36 / 2 = .68 1.36//2=.681.36 / 2=.68 倍。
NOTE: Since the endurance testing of Y capacitors is at 1.7 times the rated voltage and the endurance testing for X capacitors is at 1.25 times the rated voltage, the X capacitor needs to be rated at 1.36 times the rating of the Y capacitor ( 1.25 U RX = 1.7 U RY ; U RX = 1.36 U RY ) 1.25 U RX = 1.7 U RY ; U RX = 1.36 U RY (1.25U_(RX)=1.7U_(RY);U_(RX)=1.36U_(RY))\left(1.25 \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{RX}}=1.7 \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{RY}} ; \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{RX}}=1.36 \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{RY}}\right). Therefore, with two X capacitors in series, each capacitor would need to be rated 1.36 / 2 1.36 / 2 1.36//21.36 / 2 = .68 = .68 =.68=.68 times the operating voltage at the point of installation.
注: 由于 Y 型电容器的耐久性测试电压是额定电压的 1.7 倍,而 X 型电容器的耐久性测试电压是额定电压的 1.25 倍,因此 X 型电容器的额定电压需要是 Y 型电容器额定电压 ( 1.25 U RX = 1.7 U RY ; U RX = 1.36 U RY ) 1.25 U RX = 1.7 U RY ; U RX = 1.36 U RY (1.25U_(RX)=1.7U_(RY);U_(RX)=1.36U_(RY))\left(1.25 \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{RX}}=1.7 \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{RY}} ; \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{RX}}=1.36 \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{RY}}\right) 的 1.36 倍。因此,在两个 X 电容器串联的情况下,每个电容器的额定值都需要 1.36 / 2 1.36 / 2 1.36//21.36 / 2 = .68 = .68 =.68=.68 安装点工作电压的 1.36 倍。

c) Duration of the damp-heat test (21 or 56 days) does not need to be considered.
c) 无需考虑湿热试验的持续时间(21 天或 56 天)。

d) Passive flammability category does not need to be considered.
d) 不需要考虑被动易燃性类别。

e) Overvoltage Class and Peak Surge Voltage properties do not need to be considered provided that the capacitors are tested as part of the SPD during the end-product SPD Surge Testing per UL 1449 Section 41.
e) 无需考虑过电压等级和峰值浪涌电压特性,只要电容器作为防雷器的一部分,在最终产品防雷器浪涌测试期间按照 UL 1449 第 41 节进行测试即可。

26.2 A capacitor shall comply with spacings of Table 18.1 between the case and legs, and any other uninsulated live parts.
26.2 电容器的外壳、支脚和任何其他未绝缘带电部件之间的间距必须符合表 18.1 的规定。
Exception: For a capacitor that complies with the requirements of the Standard for Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment - Part 14: Sectional Specification: Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains, UL 60384-14, spacings of Table 18.1 do not apply.
例外情况:对于符合《电子设备中使用的固定电容器标准 - 第 14 部分:分节规范》要求的电容器,表 18.1 的间距不适用:对于符合《电子设备中使用的固定电容器标准 - 第 14 部分:部分规范:用于抑制电磁干扰和连接到电源的固定电容器》(UL 60384-14)要求的电容器,表 18.1 中的间距不适用。

26.3 Capacitors employed in Type 1 SPDs shall comply with the Fault-Current Test in the Standard for Capacitors, UL 810 at the short circuit current rating of the SPD.
26.3 在 1 型防雷器中使用的电容器,在防雷器的短路额定电流下,必须符合 UL 810 电容器标准中的故障电流测试。
Exception: Capacitors that have not been subjected to the Fault-Current Test in accordance with UL 810 at the short circuit current rating of the SPD shall be subjected to the Capacitor Failure Test, Section 73.
例外情况:在防雷器的短路额定电流下,未经 UL 810 规定的故障电流测试的电容器,应接受第 73 节规定的电容器故障测试。

26.4 A discharge means, such as a bleeder resistor, shall be provided to drain the charge stored in a capacitor if necessary to comply with the requirements in Capacitance, Section 69.
26.4 为符合第 69 节 "电容 "中的要求,必要时须提供放电装置,如放电电阻器,以放掉储存在电容器中的电荷。

27 Electromagnetic Interference Filters
27 电磁干扰滤波器

27.1 An SPD provided with an EMI filtering feature, as defined in the glossary of this standard, shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Electromagnetic Interference Filters, UL 1283.
27.1 具备本标准术语表中定义的 EMI 滤波功能的防雷器应符合《电磁干扰滤波器标准》(UL 1283)中的适用要求。

27.2 Suppression elements may be removed when conducting the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Testing.
27.2 在进行介电耐压试验时,可拆除抑制元件。

28 Protectors for Communication and Fire Alarm Circuits
28 通信和火灾报警电路保护器

28.1 Secondary protector circuits, employed in Type 2 or Type 3 SPDs, intended for use in telecommunication networks shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Secondary Protectors for Communication Circuits, UL 497A, and shall be marked in accordance with 85.23.
28.1 拟用于电信网络的 2 类或 3 类防雷器中使用的二级保护器电路应符合 UL 497A 《通信线路二级保护器标准》中的适用要求,并应按照 85.23 进行标记。
Exception: A secondary protector circuit that complies with the applicable requirements from UL 497A bidirectionally is not required to be marked in accordance with 85.23.
例外情况:符合 UL 497A 双向适用要求的二级保护器电路无需按照 85.23 进行标记。

28.2 Protector circuits, employed in Type 2 or Type 3 SPDs, intended for use in data communication, coaxial connections and fire alarm circuits shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Protectors for Data Communication and Fire Alarm Circuits, UL 497B.
28.2 用于数据通信、同轴连接和火警电路的 2 类或 3 类防雷器中的保护器电路,应符合 UL 497B 《数据通信和火警电路保护器标准》中的适用要求。

28.3 Primary protector circuits, employed in Type 1 SPDs intended for use on communication circuits as defined in article 800 of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, shall comply with the applicable requirements of Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communications Circuits, UL 497.
28.3 用于《国家电气规范》(NFPA 70)第 800 条定义的通信电路的 1 类防雷器中的主保护器电路,应符合 UL 497《成对导体通信电路保护器》的适用要求。

28.4 Primary protector circuits, employed in Type 1 SPDs, intended for use on coaxial communication circuits and network-powered broadband communications systems as defined in article 830 of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, shall comply with the applicable requirements of Protectors for Coaxial Communications Circuits, UL 497C.
28.4 用于《国家电气规范》(NFPA 70)第 830 条定义的同轴通信电路和网络供电宽带通信系统的 1 类防雷器中的主保护器电路,应符合 UL 497C 《同轴通信电路保护器》的适用要求。

29 Antenna Connections for Audio-Video Products
29 音视频产品的天线连接

29.1 Outdoor antenna lead-in connections, employed in SPDs, shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Antenna-Discharge Units, UL 452, and the Standard for Audio-Video Products and Accessories, UL 1492 or the Standard for Audio, Video, and Similar Electronic ApparatusSafety Requirements, UL 60065.
29.1 SPD 中使用的室外天线引线连接应符合《天线放电装置标准》(UL 452)和《音频视频产品及附件标准》(UL 1492)或《音频、视频及类似电子设备安全要求标准》(UL 60065)中的适用要求。

29.2 The antenna connections shall be subjected to the Internal Resistance and Discharge Tests outlined in the Standard for Antenna-Discharge Units, UL 452, and the Voltage Surge Test outlined in the Standard for Audio-Video Products and Accessories, UL 1492 or the Surge Test outlined in the Standard for Audio, Video, and Similar Electronic Apparatus-Safety Requirements, UL 60065.
29.2 天线连接应通过 UL 452《天线放电装置标准》中规定的内阻和放电测试,以及 UL 1492《音视频产品及配件标准》中规定的电压浪涌测试或 UL 60065《音视频及类似电子设备-安全要求标准》中规定的浪涌测试。
Exception: Coaxial protectors complying with the requirements in Protectors for Coaxial Communications Circuits, UL 497C for primary protection and the Standard for Protectors for Data Communication and Fire Alarm Circuits, UL 497B for secondary protection satisfy this requirement.
例外情况:同轴保护器的一级保护符合《同轴通信电路保护器》(UL 497C)的要求,二级保护符合《数据通信和火灾报警电路保护器标准》(UL 497B)的要求。

30 SPDs Intended for Use on Ungrounded Systems, Impedance Grounded Systems, or Corner Grounded Delta Systems
30 用于非接地系统、阻抗接地系统或转角接地三角系统的 SPD

30.1 SPDs for use on ungrounded systems, impedance grounded systems, or corner grounded delta systems shall have surge protective elements that are connected from line to ground rated for maximum line to line voltage.
30.1 用于未接地系统、阻抗接地系统或转角接地三角系统的防雷器必须具有浪涌保护元件,这些元件从线路连接到地面,额定电压为最大线路到线路电压。

30.2 SPDs for use on ungrounded systems shall have a cautionary marking in the instruction manual as specified in 86.1(e).
30.2 在非接地系统上使用的防雷器应在使用说明书上有 86.1(e)规定的警示标记。

31 Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment
31 不间断供电设备

31.1 Uninterruptible power supply equipment employed in SPDs shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment, UL 1778.
31.1 SPD 中使用的不间断电源设备应符合《不间断电源设备标准》(UL 1778)中的适用要求。

32 SPD/Panelboard Extension Modules
32 个 SPD/面板扩展模块

32.1 SPD/Panelboard Extension Modules shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Panelboards, UL 67.
32.1 SPD/面板扩展模块还应符合面板标准 UL 67 中的适用要求。

33 Molded Case Surge Protective Devices
33 模制外壳浪涌保护器

33.1 Molded Case SPDs shall additionally comply with the requirements in the Standard for MoldedCase Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit Breaker Enclosures, UL 489. The investigation will include, but is not limited to:
33.1 模制外壳 SPD 还应符合 UL 489《模制外壳断路器、模制外壳开关和断路器外壳标准》中的要求。调查将包括但不限于:

a) Spacings evaluation, such as electrical spacings, wiring space, and wire bending space.
a) 空间评估,如电气空间、布线空间和电线弯曲空间。

b) Openings in enclosures or the deadfront when the classified SPD is placed in a specified panelboard and is used with filler plates or other circuit breakers.
b) 在指定配电板中放置分类 SPD 并与填充板或其他断路器一起使用时,外壳或死区的开口。

c) Accessibility of wiring terminals with the classified SPD installed in a specified panelboard.
c) 安装在指定配电板上的分级防雷器的接线端子的无障碍性。

d) Other construction requirements in this standard.
d) 本标准中的其他施工要求。

e) Connectability features that are equivalent to a specified circuit breaker, including wiring terminal temperature rating, and field wiring conductor temperature rating and type.
e) 与指定断路器相当的连接功能,包括接线端子额定温度、现场接线导体额定温度和类型。

33.2 Molded Case SPDs of the Pullout design shall additionally comply with the following:
33.2 采用拉出式设计的模制外壳防雷器还应符合下列规定

a) The Pullout Module shall not be insertable into a Pullout Base of the same manufacturer that has a different voltage rating, or for which it is not intended for use.
a) 拉拔模块不得插入同一制造商生产的具有不同额定电压的拉拔底座中,或插入其非专用的拉拔底座中。

b) The Pullout Module and Pullout Base case insulating material shall comply with the Base and Support - Insulating Material requirements in the Standard for Panelboards, UL 67.
b) 拉出模块和拉出底座外壳的绝缘材料应符合 UL 67 面板标准中关于底座和支架-绝缘材料的要求。

c) Spacings shall comply with the Standard for Panelboards, UL 67.
c) 间距应符合面板标准 UL 67。
Exception: Spacings inside the Pullout Module shall comply with the spacing requirements for Surge Protective Devices, Section 18 of UL 1449.
例外情况:拉出模块内部的间距应符合 UL 1449 第 18 节浪涌保护装置的间距要求。

d) The enclosure of a Pullout SPD shall enclose completely all current-carrying parts, whether dead or alive, when the pullout module is installed. A pullout module shall be so constructed that no live part will be exposed to unintentional contact by the operator when the pullout module is in any position. See Standard for Pullout Switches, UL 1429 - Operating Mechanism.
d) 当拉出模块安装时,拉出防雷器的外壳应完全封闭所有带电部件,无论其是死的还是 活的。拉出模块的构造应确保当拉出模块处于任何位置时,操作人员都不会无意中接触到带电部件。参见拉出开关标准,UL 1429 - 操作机构。

e) The Pullout Base shall fit closely with the opening in the panelboard deadfront in accordance with the Standard for Panelboards, UL 67.
e) 拉出底座应与面板上的开口紧密配合,符合 UL 67 面板标准。

f) Pullout SPDs shall be subjected to and comply with the Pullout Insertion and Withdrawal Test, Section 72.
f) 防拉拔自毁装置必须接受并符合第 72 节的防拉拔插入和拔出测试。

34 Interchangeability of Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs)
34 金属氧化物变阻器 (MOV) 的互换性

34.1 The following requirements shall be applied when substituting discrete component Type 5 MOVs within SPDs:
34.1 在 SPD 内替代分立元件 5 型 MOV 时,必须遵守下列要求:

a) Interchangeability of MOVs shall be applicable to Type 1, Type 2, or Type 1, 2, component assemblies and Type 4 component assemblies. Also, Type 3, Type 3 component assemblies where the MCOV of the MOVs is greater than the Current Testing voltage in Table 45.1.
a) MOV 的互换性应适用于 1 类、2 类或 1 类、2 类组件和 4 类组件。此外,如果 MOV 的 MCOV 大于表 45.1 中的电流测试电压,则适用于 3 类、3 类组件组件。

b) Replacement MOV shall have the same orientation and location as the original MOV.
b) 替换的 MOV 应与原 MOV 方向和位置相同。

c) Replacement MOV shall comply with the requirements in this standard.
c) 更换的 MOV 应符合本标准的要求。

d) Replacement MOV shall have the same MCOV as the original MOV with a maximum tolerance of ± 4 % ± 4 % +-4%\pm 4 \%.
d) 替换的 MOV 应具有与原 MOV 相同的 MCOV,最大公差为 ± 4 % ± 4 % +-4%\pm 4 \%

e) Replacement MOV disk diameter shall be equal to the original MOV or the geometric area shall be equal, i.e. when replacing a round MOV with a square one with a tolerance of ± 10 % ± 10 % +-10%\pm 10 \%.
e) 替换的 MOV 盘直径应与原始 MOV 相等,或几何面积相等,即用方形 MOV 替换圆形 MOV 时,公差为 ± 10 % ± 10 % +-10%\pm 10 \%

f) Replacement MOV shall have the following test specification data equivalent to the original MOV:
f) 替换的 MOV 应具有与原 MOV 同等的下列测试规格数据:
  1. Nominal Discharge Current, ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right)
    标称放电电流, ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right)

    i) Replacement MOV shall have an equal or greater I n I n I_(n)I_{n} rating as the original MOV.
    i) 替换的 MOV 应具有与原 MOV 相同或更高的 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 额定值。
  2. Measured Limiting Voltage (MLV)
    测量极限电压 (MLV)

    i) Replacement MOV MLV shall be less than 110 % 110 % 110%110 \% of the original MOV.
    i) 替换的 MOV MLV 应小于原 MOV 的 110 % 110 % 110%110 \%
Exception: If replacement MOV(s) has a MLV rating, greater than 110 % 110 % 110%110 \%, conduct Determination of Voltage Protection Rating Test, 41.6 on the SPD with the replacement MOV installed. If the average limiting voltage measured is less than or equal to, but not greater than 10% of the average limiting voltage measured using the original MOV(s), then the replacement MOV is considered to comply with this requirement.
例外情况:如果更换的 MOV 的 MLV 额定值大于 110 % 110 % 110%110 \% ,则对安装了更换 MOV 的 SPD 进行 41.6 电压保护额定值确定测试。如果测得的平均极限电压小于或等于但不大于使用原 MOV 测得的平均极限电压的 10%,则认为更换的 MOV 符合本要求。

3) Nominal Varistor Voltage
3) 标称变阻器电压

i) Replacement MOV nominal varistor voltage ( V n ) V n (V_(n))\left(V_{n}\right) shall be within ± 4 % ± 4 % +-4%\pm 4 \% of the original MOV’s nominal varistor voltage ( V n ) V n (V_(n))\left(\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}}\right).
i) 更换的 MOV 标称变阻器电压 ( V n ) V n (V_(n))\left(V_{n}\right) 应在原 MOV 标称变阻器电压 ± 4 % ± 4 % +-4%\pm 4 \% ( V n ) V n (V_(n))\left(\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}}\right) 范围内。

g) The coating of the replacement MOV shall be of the same generic material, such as epoxy powder coating, as the original MOV.
g) 替代 MOV 的涂层应采用与原 MOV 相同的通用材料,如环氧粉末涂层。

35 Supplementary Circuit
35 补充电路

35.1 A supplementary charging circuit provided in a Type 3 SPD shall comply with the requirement of the Standard for Class 2 Power Units, UL 1310 or the Standard for Information Technology Equipment Safety - Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1.
35.1 3 类 SPD 中的补充充电电路应符合 UL 1310《2 类电源装置标准》或 UL 60950-1 《信息技术设备安全标准 - 第 1 部分:一般要求》的要求:一般要求,UL 60950-1。

35.2 Type 3 SPDs that employ supplementary circuitry as specified in 1.15 evaluated by UL 60950-1 shall be marked as specified in 85.32 85.32 _ 85.32 _\underline{85.32} to warn the user of the limited application.
35.2 采用经 UL 60950-1 评估的 1.15 中规定的补充电路的 3 类防雷器必须按照 85.32 85.32 _ 85.32 _\underline{85.32} 中的规定进行标记,以警告用户其应用受到限制。

36 Rechargeable Battery Pack
36 充电池组

36.1 A rechargeable battery pack provided in cord-connected and direct plug-in Type 3 SPDs shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Household and Commercial Batteries, UL 2054.
36.1 用电线连接和直接插入式 3 类防雷器中的可充电电池组必须符合 UL 2054《家用和商用电池标准》的要求。

36.2 Cord-connected and direct plug-in Type 3 SPDs provided with a non-replaceable rechargeable battery shall be marked as specified in 85.33 85.33 _ 85.33 _\underline{85.33}.
36.2 带有不可更换充电电池的软线连接和直接插入式 3 型防雷器必须按照 85.33 85.33 _ 85.33 _\underline{85.33} 中的规定进行标记。

36.3 Cord-connected and direct plug-in Type 3 SPDs provided with a replaceable rechargeable battery shall be marked as indicated in 85.34 and provided with instructions as noted in 86.3.
36.3 带有可更换充电电池的电线连接式和直接插入式 3 型防雷器,必须按 85.34 的规定作标记,并提供 86.3 的说明。


37 General  37 一般情况

37.1 General  37.1 概述

37.1.1 Figure 37.1 (Flowcharts 1 4 1 4 1-41-4 ) and Table 37.1 (SPD Test Matrix) identify the primary tests to be conducted on SPDs. The tests identified in Flowchart 1 are Surge Tests as detailed in Section 41. The tests shown in Flowcharts 2 4 2 4 2-42-4 identify the Current Tests which include the Short Circuit Current Rating Test as well as the Intermediate Current Test and the Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test. These tests are detailed in Section 45. The tests identified in Section 38 (Leakage Current), Section 39 (Dielectric), Section 40, (Temperature), and Section 44 (Operational Voltage Test), as well as Section 49 (Grounding Continuity), are required at specified points and on specified SPD Types throughout the Test Program.
37.1.1 图 37.1( 1 4 1 4 1-41-4 流程图)和表 37.1(SPD 测试矩阵)确定了对 SPD 进行的主要测试。流程图 1 中的测试是浪涌测试,详见第 41 节。流程图 2 4 2 4 2-42-4 中显示的测试为电流测试,包括短路额定电流测试、中间电流测试和限流异常过压测试。第 45 节详细介绍了这些试验。第 38 节(泄漏电流)、第 39 节(介质)、第 40 节(温度)和第 44 节(工作电压测试)以及第 49 节(接地连续性)中确定的测试需要在整个测试程序的指定点和指定 SPD 类型上进行。

37.2 Test environment and general sample discussion
37.2 测试环境和一般样本讨论

37.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, tests performed on an SPD shall be conducted under the following standard test conditions:
37.2.1 除非另有规定,对防雷装置进行的试验必须在下列标准试验条件下进行:
Relative Humidity:  相对湿度:
Altitude or Pressure:  高度或压力:
Ambient Temperature:  环境温度:
AC Operating Voltage:  交流工作电压:
Less than 85 percent  低于 85
Less than 2000 m ( 6562 ft ) 2000 m ( 6562 ft ) 2000m(6562ft)2000 \mathrm{~m}(6562 \mathrm{ft}) or pressure of 80 106 kPa 80 106 kPa 80-106kPa80-106 \mathrm{kPa}
小于 2000 m ( 6562 ft ) 2000 m ( 6562 ft ) 2000m(6562ft)2000 \mathrm{~m}(6562 \mathrm{ft}) 80 106 kPa 80 106 kPa 80-106kPa80-106 \mathrm{kPa} 的压力

25 ± 5 C 25 ± 5 C 25+-5^(@)C25 \pm 5^{\circ} \mathrm{C}
Nominal System Voltage or manufacturers normal operating voltage rating, whichever is greater

37.2.2 Tests on an SPD shall be performed on an unaltered unit except where specifically stated in this standard.
37.2.2 除本标准有特别规定外,对防雷器的试验必须在未改动的装置上进行。

37.2.3 Unless otherwise specified, new and clean representative devices of an SPD shall be selected for testing. The minimum number of representative devices, and the tests or sequence of tests to be conducted, shall be in accordance with Figure 37.1, Test program flow charts 1 - 4 .
37.2.3 除另有规定外,必须从一个自毁装置中挑选新的和清洁的有代表性的装 置进行试验。代表性装置的最少数目,以及进行的测试或测试顺序,须符合图 37.1 "测试程序流程图 1-4 "的规定。
Exception: Tests may be combined and conducted on fewer representative devices if agreeable to all concerned.

37.2.4 When the use of cheesecloth is specified, the cloth to be used is to be bleached cheesecloth running 14 15 yd 2 / lb 14 15 yd 2 / lb 14-15yd^(2)//lb14-15 \mathrm{yd}^{2} / \mathrm{lb} (approximately 26 28 m 2 / kg 26 28 m 2 / kg 26-28m^(2)//kg26-28 \mathrm{~m}^{2} / \mathrm{kg} ) and having what is known as a count of 32 by 28 , that is, for any square inch, 32 threads in one direction and 28 threads in the other direction (for any square centimeter, 13 threads by 11 threads).
37.2.4 在规定使用干酪布时,应使用漂白干酪布,其规格为 14 15 yd 2 / lb 14 15 yd 2 / lb 14-15yd^(2)//lb14-15 \mathrm{yd}^{2} / \mathrm{lb} (约为 26 28 m 2 / kg 26 28 m 2 / kg 26-28m^(2)//kg26-28 \mathrm{~m}^{2} / \mathrm{kg} ),计数为 32 乘 28,即任何一平方英寸在一个方向上为 32 线,在另一个方向上为 28 线(任何一平方厘米为 13 线乘 11 线)。

37.2.5 When the use of tissue paper is specified, the paper shall be white wrapping paper of grammage generally between 12 g / m 2 12 g / m 2 12g//m^(2)12 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{m}^{2} and 30 g / m 2 30 g / m 2 30g//m^(2)30 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{m}^{2}.
37.2.5 在规定使用纸巾时,纸应是克重一般在 12 g / m 2 12 g / m 2 12g//m^(2)12 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{m}^{2} 30 g / m 2 30 g / m 2 30g//m^(2)30 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{m}^{2} 之间的白色包装纸。
Figure 37.1  图 37.1

Test Program Flow Chart 1
测试程序流程图 1

Per Section 41-44 and Table 41.1
根据第 41-44 节和表 41.1

Test Program Flow Chart 2
测试程序流程图 2

Short Circuit Current Test

Per 45.2 and Table 12.1 and Table 12.2
根据 45.2 和表 12.1 和表 12.2

Test Program Flow Chart 3
测试程序流程图 3

Intermediate Current Test

Per 45.3 and Table 45.2 and Table 45.3
每 45.3 和表 45.2 和表 45.3

Test Program Flow Chart 4
测试程序流程图 4

Limited Current Test  限流测试

Per 45.4 and Table 45.4
每 45.4 和表 45.4

NOTE: Additional non-sequential test requirements are specified in various sections throughout the standard. These include: Sections 31, 32, 34, 41, 45, 49, 51, 52, 54, and 61 .
注:整个标准的不同章节还规定了其他非顺序测试要求。这些章节包括第 31、32、34、41、45、49、51、52、54 和 61 节。
Table 37.1  表 37.1
SPD Testing Matrix  SPD 测试矩阵
Test  测试 Section reference  章节参考 SPD Type  SPD 类型
Type 1  第一类 Type 2  第二类 Type 3  类型 3 Type 1, 2, 3 component assemblies
1、2、3 型组件装配
Temperature  温度 40 40 _ 40 _\underline{40} A a A A^("a ")\mathrm{A}^{\text {a }} A a A A^("a ")\mathrm{A}^{\text {a }} A a A A^("a ")\mathrm{A}^{\text {a }} A a A A^("a ")\mathrm{A}^{\text {a }}
Leakage Current  泄漏电流 38 NA NA A d A A^("d ")A^{\text {d }} A d A A^("d ")A^{\text {d }}
Dielectric Voltage Withstand
39 A A A A
Surge Test for VPR
VPR 浪涌测试
41 A A A A
Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} )
标称放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} )
41 A A N A b N A NA^("b ")N A^{\text {b }} A for Type 1 or 2 applications
A 用于 1 类或 2 类应用
Operating Duty Cycle  工作负载周期 41 NA NA A A for Type 3 application or b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
A 用于第 3 类应用或 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
Repeat Surge Test  重复浪涌测试 41 41 _ 41 _\underline{41} A A A A
Operational voltage  工作电压 44 44 _ 44 _\underline{44} A A A A
Grounding Continuity  接地连续性 49 49 _ 49 _\underline{49} A A A A
Current tests at short circuit current rating, intermediate and limited short circuit current levels
45 A A A (Applies to Permanently Connected Only)
A, NA for Type 5 SPDs. Limited Current only for Type 4 Component Assemblies. Short circuit, intermediate and limited for Type 1, 2, 3 Component Assemblies
A、NA 用于 5 型 SPD。限流仅适用于 4 型元件组件。短路,中间和有限,适用于 1、2、3 型元件组件
Fault and Overcurrent Tests only as required by Exception No. 2 of 11.18 and 11.19 or by 22.3 or 22.4.
仅根据 11.18 和 11.19 例外 2 或 22.3 或 22.4 的要求进行故障和过流测试。
50, 51 A A A A
Withstand  承受力 52 A c A A^("c ")A^{\text {c }} A c A A^("c ")A^{\text {c }} N A c N A NA^("c ")N A^{\text {c }} A - Type 1 or 2 application c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
A - 第 1 或第 2 类应用 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
Insulation Resistance and Capacitor Endurance
54, 55 A A A A
Component Breakdown as required by 23.1
23.1 要求的部件明细表
56 A A A A
Strain Relief  应变缓解 57 57 _ 57 _\underline{57} NA NA A 0
Push-back Relief  后推式溢流阀 58 58 _ 58 _\underline{58} NA NA A 0
Conductor Secureness  导体安全性 59 59 _ 59 _\underline{59} A A NA 0
Snap-On Cover  卡入式盖板 60 60 _ 60 _\underline{60} A A A 0
Non-Metallic Enclosure Conduit Connection
61 A A NA 0
Enclosure Impact  外壳影响 62 62 _ 62 _\underline{62} A A A 0
Crushing  粉碎 63 63 _ 63 _\underline{63} NA NA A 0
Mold Stress-Relief Distortion
64 64 _ 64 _\underline{64} A A A 0
Mounting Hole Barrier  安装孔屏障 65 65 _ 65 _\underline{65} A A A 0
Adequacy of Mounting  安装的适当性 66 66 _ 66 _\underline{66} NA NA A 0
Accessibility  无障碍环境 67 67 _ 67 _\underline{67} NA NA A 0
Permanence of Cord Tag
68 68 _ 68 _\underline{68} NA NA A 0

A - 适用 NA - 不适用 O - 仅适用
A - Applicable
NA - Non-applicable
O - Only as applicable
A - Applicable NA - Non-applicable O - Only as applicable| A - Applicable | | :--- | | NA - Non-applicable | | O - Only as applicable |
Test Section reference SPD Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 1, 2, 3 component assemblies Temperature 40 _ A^("a ") A^("a ") A^("a ") A^("a ") Leakage Current 38 NA NA A^("d ") A^("d ") Dielectric Voltage Withstand 39 A A A A Surge Test for VPR 41 A A A A Nominal Discharge Current ( I_(n) ) 41 A A NA^("b ") A for Type 1 or 2 applications Operating Duty Cycle 41 NA NA A A for Type 3 application or ^("b ") Repeat Surge Test 41 _ A A A A Operational voltage 44 _ A A A A Grounding Continuity 49 _ A A A A Current tests at short circuit current rating, intermediate and limited short circuit current levels 45 A A A (Applies to Permanently Connected Only) A, NA for Type 5 SPDs. Limited Current only for Type 4 Component Assemblies. Short circuit, intermediate and limited for Type 1, 2, 3 Component Assemblies Fault and Overcurrent Tests only as required by Exception No. 2 of 11.18 and 11.19 or by 22.3 or 22.4. 50, 51 A A A A Withstand 52 A^("c ") A^("c ") NA^("c ") A - Type 1 or 2 application ^("c ") Insulation Resistance and Capacitor Endurance 54, 55 A A A A Component Breakdown as required by 23.1 56 A A A A Strain Relief 57 _ NA NA A 0 Push-back Relief 58 _ NA NA A 0 Conductor Secureness 59 _ A A NA 0 Snap-On Cover 60 _ A A A 0 Non-Metallic Enclosure Conduit Connection 61 A A NA 0 Enclosure Impact 62 _ A A A 0 Crushing 63 _ NA NA A 0 Mold Stress-Relief Distortion 64 _ A A A 0 Mounting Hole Barrier 65 _ A A A 0 Adequacy of Mounting 66 _ NA NA A 0 Accessibility 67 _ NA NA A 0 Permanence of Cord Tag 68 _ NA NA A 0 "A - Applicable NA - Non-applicable O - Only as applicable" | Test | Section reference | SPD Type | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | Type 1, 2, 3 component assemblies | | Temperature | $\underline{40}$ | $\mathrm{A}^{\text {a }}$ | $\mathrm{A}^{\text {a }}$ | $\mathrm{A}^{\text {a }}$ | $\mathrm{A}^{\text {a }}$ | | Leakage Current | 38 | NA | NA | $A^{\text {d }}$ | $A^{\text {d }}$ | | Dielectric Voltage Withstand | 39 | A | A | A | A | | Surge Test for VPR | 41 | A | A | A | A | | Nominal Discharge Current ( $\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}}$ ) | 41 | A | A | $N A^{\text {b }}$ | A for Type 1 or 2 applications | | Operating Duty Cycle | 41 | NA | NA | A | A for Type 3 application or ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | Repeat Surge Test | $\underline{41}$ | A | A | A | A | | Operational voltage | $\underline{44}$ | A | A | A | A | | Grounding Continuity | $\underline{49}$ | A | A | A | A | | Current tests at short circuit current rating, intermediate and limited short circuit current levels | 45 | A | A | A (Applies to Permanently Connected Only) | A, NA for Type 5 SPDs. Limited Current only for Type 4 Component Assemblies. Short circuit, intermediate and limited for Type 1, 2, 3 Component Assemblies | | Fault and Overcurrent Tests only as required by Exception No. 2 of 11.18 and 11.19 or by 22.3 or 22.4. | 50, 51 | A | A | A | A | | Withstand | 52 | $A^{\text {c }}$ | $A^{\text {c }}$ | $N A^{\text {c }}$ | A - Type 1 or 2 application ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | Insulation Resistance and Capacitor Endurance | 54, 55 | A | A | A | A | | Component Breakdown as required by 23.1 | 56 | A | A | A | A | | Strain Relief | $\underline{57}$ | NA | NA | A | 0 | | Push-back Relief | $\underline{58}$ | NA | NA | A | 0 | | Conductor Secureness | $\underline{59}$ | A | A | NA | 0 | | Snap-On Cover | $\underline{60}$ | A | A | A | 0 | | Non-Metallic Enclosure Conduit Connection | 61 | A | A | NA | 0 | | Enclosure Impact | $\underline{62}$ | A | A | A | 0 | | Crushing | $\underline{63}$ | NA | NA | A | 0 | | Mold Stress-Relief Distortion | $\underline{64}$ | A | A | A | 0 | | Mounting Hole Barrier | $\underline{65}$ | A | A | A | 0 | | Adequacy of Mounting | $\underline{66}$ | NA | NA | A | 0 | | Accessibility | $\underline{67}$ | NA | NA | A | 0 | | Permanence of Cord Tag | $\underline{68}$ | NA | NA | A | 0 | | A - Applicable <br> NA - Non-applicable <br> O - Only as applicable | | | | | |
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Table 37.1 Continued  续表 37.1
Test  测试 Section reference  章节参考 SPD Type  SPD 类型
Type 1  第一类 Type 2  第二类 Type 3  类型 3 Type 1, 2, 3 component assemblies
1、2、3 型组件装配

a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} - 适用于带有发热元件(如电感器、电阻器等)的单端口 SPD 和所有双端口 SPD。 b I n b I n ^(b)-I_(n){ }^{b}-I_{n} 测试适用于 41.8.1 的例外情况。 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} - 适用于用于永久连接应用的双端口 SPD。 d d ^(d){ }^{d} - 适用于用于软线连接和直接插入应用的 3 类 SPD。
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs.
b I n b I n ^(b)-I_(n){ }^{b}-I_{n} test is applicable per Exception to 41.8.1.
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} - Applicable to two-port SPDs intended for permanently connected applications.
d d ^(d){ }^{d} - Applicable to Type 3 SPDs intended for cord-connected and direct plug-in applications.
^("a ") - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs. ^(b)-I_(n) test is applicable per Exception to 41.8.1. ^("c ") - Applicable to two-port SPDs intended for permanently connected applications. ^(d) - Applicable to Type 3 SPDs intended for cord-connected and direct plug-in applications.| ${ }^{\text {a }}$ - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs. | | :--- | | ${ }^{b}-I_{n}$ test is applicable per Exception to 41.8.1. | | ${ }^{\text {c }}$ - Applicable to two-port SPDs intended for permanently connected applications. | | ${ }^{d}$ - Applicable to Type 3 SPDs intended for cord-connected and direct plug-in applications. |
Test Section reference SPD Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 1, 2, 3 component assemblies "^("a ") - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs. ^(b)-I_(n) test is applicable per Exception to 41.8.1. ^("c ") - Applicable to two-port SPDs intended for permanently connected applications. ^(d) - Applicable to Type 3 SPDs intended for cord-connected and direct plug-in applications." | Test | Section reference | SPD Type | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | Type 1, 2, 3 component assemblies | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs. <br> ${ }^{b}-I_{n}$ test is applicable per Exception to 41.8.1. <br> ${ }^{\text {c }}$ - Applicable to two-port SPDs intended for permanently connected applications. <br> ${ }^{d}$ - Applicable to Type 3 SPDs intended for cord-connected and direct plug-in applications. | | | | | |
Table 37.2  表 37.2
Testing for Type 5 and Type 4 Component Assemblies
5 类和 4 类组件的测试
Test  测试 Section reference  章节参考 Type 5 a 5 5^("a ")5^{\text {a }}  键入 5 a 5 5^("a ")5^{\text {a }} Type 4 component assemblies a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
第 4 类部件组件 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
Temperature  温度 40 O a O O^("a ")\mathrm{O}^{\text {a }} O a O O^("a ")\mathrm{O}^{\text {a }}
V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} (before and after I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} )
V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} 前后)
70 A A
Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)I_{\mathrm{n}} )
标称放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)I_{\mathrm{n}} )
42, 43 A A
Disconnector  断路器 46, 47, 48 NA A
Limited Current  有限电流 45 NA A
Dielectric Voltage Withstand (for discrete components the test is performed with foil wrapped around epoxy disc)
39 A A
Grounding Continuity  接地连续性 49 0 0
Fault and Overcurrent Tests only as required by Exception No. 2 of 11.18 and 11.19 or by 22.3 or 22.4
仅根据 11.18 和 11.19 例外 2 或 22.3 或 22.4 的要求进行故障和过流测试
50, 1  1  _ " 1 "_\underline{\text { 1 }} 0 0
Withstand  承受力 52 52 _ 52 _\underline{52} O b O O^("b ")\mathrm{O}^{\text {b }} O b O O^("b ")\mathrm{O}^{\text {b }}
Insulation Resistance and Capacitor Endurance
54, 5 5 5 5 _ 55_5 \underline{5} 0 0
Component Breakdown as required by 23.1
23.1 要求的部件明细表
56 56 _ 56 _\underline{56} 0 O

A - 适用 NA - 不适用 O - 仅适用 a - 适用于带有发热元件(如电感器、电阻器等)的单端口 SPD 以及所有双端口 SPD。 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} - 适用于双端口 SPD。
A - Applicable
NA - Non-applicable
O - Only as applicable
a - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs.
b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} - Applicable to two-port SPDs.
A - Applicable NA - Non-applicable O - Only as applicable a - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs. ^("b ") - Applicable to two-port SPDs.| A - Applicable | | :--- | | NA - Non-applicable | | O - Only as applicable | | a - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs. | | ${ }^{\text {b }}$ - Applicable to two-port SPDs. |
Test Section reference Type 5^("a ") Type 4 component assemblies ^("a ") Temperature 40 O^("a ") O^("a ") V_(n) (before and after I_(n) ) 70 A A Nominal Discharge Current ( I_(n) ) 42, 43 A A Disconnector 46, 47, 48 NA A Limited Current 45 NA A Dielectric Voltage Withstand (for discrete components the test is performed with foil wrapped around epoxy disc) 39 A A Grounding Continuity 49 0 0 Fault and Overcurrent Tests only as required by Exception No. 2 of 11.18 and 11.19 or by 22.3 or 22.4 50, " 1 "_ 0 0 Withstand 52 _ O^("b ") O^("b ") Insulation Resistance and Capacitor Endurance 54, 55_ 0 0 Component Breakdown as required by 23.1 56 _ 0 O "A - Applicable NA - Non-applicable O - Only as applicable a - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs. ^("b ") - Applicable to two-port SPDs." | Test | Section reference | Type $5^{\text {a }}$ | Type 4 component assemblies ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Temperature | 40 | $\mathrm{O}^{\text {a }}$ | $\mathrm{O}^{\text {a }}$ | | $\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}}$ (before and after $\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}}$ ) | 70 | A | A | | Nominal Discharge Current ( $I_{\mathrm{n}}$ ) | 42, 43 | A | A | | Disconnector | 46, 47, 48 | NA | A | | Limited Current | 45 | NA | A | | Dielectric Voltage Withstand (for discrete components the test is performed with foil wrapped around epoxy disc) | 39 | A | A | | Grounding Continuity | 49 | 0 | 0 | | Fault and Overcurrent Tests only as required by Exception No. 2 of 11.18 and 11.19 or by 22.3 or 22.4 | 50, $\underline{\text { 1 }}$ | 0 | 0 | | Withstand | $\underline{52}$ | $\mathrm{O}^{\text {b }}$ | $\mathrm{O}^{\text {b }}$ | | Insulation Resistance and Capacitor Endurance | 54, $5 \underline{5}$ | 0 | 0 | | Component Breakdown as required by 23.1 | $\underline{56}$ | 0 | O | | A - Applicable <br> NA - Non-applicable <br> O - Only as applicable <br> a - Applicable to one-port SPDs with heat generating components, such as inductors, resistors, etc., and all two-port SPDs. <br> ${ }^{\text {b }}$ - Applicable to two-port SPDs. | | | |

38 Leakage Current Test - Type 3 SPDs Only
38 漏泄电流测试 - 仅限 3 型防雷器

38.1 When tested in accordance with 38.4 - 38.9, the leakage current of Type 3 and Type 4, intended for Type 3 applications, cord-connected or direct-plug-in SPDs shall not be more than 0.5 mA .
38.1 在按照 38.4 - 38.9 进行测试时,用于 3 类应用的 3 型和 4 型、线连接式或直插式防雷 器的泄漏电流不得大于 0.5 mA。
Exception No. 1: Cord-connected or direct plug-in SPDs marked in accordance with 85.9 shall not have leakage current more than 3.5 mA .
例外 1:按 85.9 标准标记的电线连接式或直接插入式防雷器的泄漏电流不得超过 3.5 mA。
Exception No. 2: For SPDs intended to be employed between line and ground as a component of a cordconnected product, the leakage current shall be measured through the SPD.
例外情况 2:对于作为电线连接产品组件的线路和接地之间使用的防雷器,应通过防雷器测量泄漏电流。

38.2 Leakage current refers to all currents, including capacitively coupled currents, that may be conveyed between exposed surfaces of an SPD and ground or other exposed surfaces of an SPD.
38.2 泄漏电流是指 SPD 外露表面与地面或 SPD 其他外露表面之间可能传输的所有电流,包括电容耦合电流。

38.3 An SPD provided with solid-state electronic circuit that operates and is relied upon for safe operation of the device during this test shall be tested as follows during the test:
38.3 装有固态电子电路的防雷装置,在本项试验中必须按下列方法进行安全操作试验:

a) With the circuit functioning as intended;
a) 电路正常运行;

b) With the circuit open-circuited; and
b) 电路开路;以及

c) With the circuit short-circuited.
c) 电路短路。
Exception: A solid-state electronic circuit that has been investigated and found to comply with the requirements of the Standard for Tests for Safety-Related Controls Employing Solid-State Devices, UL 991, is not required to be tested as described in (a) - ©.
例外情况:固态电子电路如经调查符合 UL 991《采用固态器件的安全控制测试标准》的要求,则无需进行 (a) - © 所述的测试。

38.4 All exposed surfaces and the receptacle grounding contact, if provided, are to be tested for leakage current. The leakage currents from these surfaces, and a grounding contact, are to be measured to the grounded supply conductor individually as well as collectively if simultaneously accessible, and from one surface to another if simultaneously accessible. Parts are to be considered exposed surfaces unless guarded by an enclosure considered acceptable for protection against electric shock as defined in Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13. Surfaces are to be considered simultaneously accessible if they can be readily contacted by one or both hands of a person at the same time.
38.4 所有外露表面和插座接地触点(如有)必须进行泄漏电流测试。从这些表面和接地触点到接地电源导体的泄漏电流,应单独测量,如果同时接触,则应集体测量,如果同时接触,则应从一个表面到另一个表面测量。部件应视为裸露表面,除非有第 13 节 "带电部件的可触及性 "中规定的可接受的防触电保护外壳保护。如果一个人的一只手或两只手可以同时接触到这些表面,则这些表面应视为可以同时接触到。

38.5 If a surface other than metal is used for the enclosure or part of the enclosure, the leakage current is to be measured using metal foil having an area of 10 × 20 cm 10 × 20 cm 10 xx20cm10 \times 20 \mathrm{~cm} ( 4 × 8 4 × 8 4xx84 \times 8 inches) in contact with the surface. If the surface is less than 10 × 20 cm 10 × 20 cm 10 xx20cm10 \times 20 \mathrm{~cm} ( 4 × 8 4 × 8 4xx84 \times 8 inches), the metal foil is to be the same size as the surface. The metal foil is not to remain in place long enough to affect the temperature of the SPD.
38.5 如果外壳或外壳的一部分使用金属以外的表面,则应使用与表面接触面积为 10 × 20 cm 10 × 20 cm 10 xx20cm10 \times 20 \mathrm{~cm} ( 4 × 8 4 × 8 4xx84 \times 8 英寸) 的金属箔测量泄漏电流。如果表面小于 10 × 20 cm 10 × 20 cm 10 xx20cm10 \times 20 \mathrm{~cm} ( 4 × 8 4 × 8 4xx84 \times 8 英寸),金属箔的尺寸应与表面相同。金属箔的放置时间不得过长,以免影响 SPD 的温度。

38.6 The measurement circuit for leakage current is to be as shown in Figure 38.2 for three-phase SPDs. The measurement instrument is defined in ( a ) ( d ) ( a ) ( d ) (a)-(d)(a)-(d) of this paragraph. The meter that is actually used for a measurement need only indicate the same numerical value for a particular measurement as would the defined instrument. The meter used need not have all the attributes of the defined instrument.
38.6 三相 SPD 的泄漏电流测量电路如图 38.2 所示。测量仪表在本段 ( a ) ( d ) ( a ) ( d ) (a)-(d)(a)-(d) 中定义。实际用于测量的仪表只需显示与定义仪表相同的特定测量数值。所使用的仪表不必具备定义仪表的所有属性。

a) The meter is to have an input impedance of 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega resistive shunted by a capacitance of 0.15 μ F μ F muF\mu \mathrm{F}.
a) 电表的输入阻抗为 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega 电阻,由 0.15 μ F μ F muF\mu \mathrm{F} 的电容分流。

b) The meter is to indicate 1.11 times the average of the full-wave rectified composite waveform of the voltage across the resistor or current through the resistor.
b) 电流表应显示电阻器两端电压或通过电阻器电流的全波整流复合波形平均值的 1.11 倍。

c) Over a frequency range of 0 100 kHz 0 100 kHz 0-100kHz0-100 \mathrm{kHz}, the measurement circuitry is to have a frequency response - ration of indicated to actual value of current - that is equal to the ratio of the impedance of a 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega resistor shunted by a 0.15 μ F 0.15 μ F 0.15 muF0.15 \mu \mathrm{~F} capacitor to 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega. At an indication of 0.5 mA and 5 mA , the measurement is to have an error of not more than 5 percent.
c) 在 0 100 kHz 0 100 kHz 0-100kHz0-100 \mathrm{kHz} 的频率范围内,测量电路的频率响应 - 电流指示值与实际值的比值 - 应等于 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega 电阻器的阻抗与 0.15 μ F 0.15 μ F 0.15 muF0.15 \mu \mathrm{~F} 电容器分流的 1500 Ω 1500 Ω 1500 Omega1500 \Omega 的比值。当指示电流为 0.5 mA 和 5 mA 时,测量误差不超过 5%。

d) Unless the meter is used to measure leakage from one part of an SPD to another, the meter is to be connected between accessible parts and the grounded supply conductor.
d) 除非仪表用于测量 SPD 一个部件到另一个部件的泄漏,否则仪表应连接在可触及部件和接地电源导体之间。

38.7 A sample of the SPD is to be tested for leakage current starting with the as-received condition - as received being without prior energization except as may occur as part of the production-line testing - but with its grounding conductor circuit open at the test receptacle. An SPD intended for outdoor use shall additionally be subjected to the leakage current test following a 48 hour humidity conditioning of air having a relative humidity of 88 ± 2 88 ± 2 88+-288 \pm 2 percent at a temperature of 32 ± 2 C ( 90 ± 4 F ) 32 ± 2 C 90 ± 4 F 32+-2^(@)C(90+-4^(@)F)32 \pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(90 \pm 4^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right). Immediately following the humidity conditioning, the sample is to be removed from the humidity chamber and tested as noted below. The supply voltage is to be adjusted to:
38.7 一个防雷器样品须在收货状态下进行泄漏电流试验--收货状态是指除在 生产线试验中可能发生的情况外,事先未通电,但在试验插座上的接地导体回路 是断开的。室外使用的防雷器还必须在温度为 32 ± 2 C ( 90 ± 4 F ) 32 ± 2 C 90 ± 4 F 32+-2^(@)C(90+-4^(@)F)32 \pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(90 \pm 4^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 、相对湿度为 88 ± 2 88 ± 2 88+-288 \pm 2 %的空气中进行 48 小时的湿度调节后,再进行泄漏电流测试。湿度调节结束后,立即将样品从湿度调节箱中取出,并进行如下测试。将电源电压调至: 88 ± 2 88 ± 2 88+-288 \pm 2 %:

a) 120 V for an SPD rated between 110 and 120 V ;
a) 120 伏,用于额定电压在 110 至 120 伏之间的防雷器;

b) 240 V for an SPD rated between 220 and 240 V ; and
b) 240 伏,用于额定电压在 220 至 240 伏之间的防雷器;以及

c) The rated voltage marked on the SPD for any other voltage.
c) SPD 上标注的任何其他电压的额定电压。
The test sequence with reference to the appropriate measuring circuit is to be as follows:

d) For single-phase SPDs,
d) 单相防雷器、
  1. Using the appropriate circuit from Figure 38.1 and, with switch S 1 S 1 S1S 1 open, the SPD is to be connected to the measuring circuit. Leakage current is to be measured using both positions of switch S2.
    使用图 38.1 中的相应电路,并在开关 S 1 S 1 S1S 1 打开的情况下,将 SPD 连接到测量电路。使用开关 S2 的两个位置测量泄漏电流。
  2. Switch S 1 S 1 S1S 1 is then to be closed energizing the SPD and, within a period of 5 seconds, the leakage current is to be measured using both positions of switch S2.
    然后关闭开关 S 1 S 1 S1S 1 使 SPD 通电,并在 5 秒钟内使用开关 S2 的两个位置测量泄漏电流。
  3. The leakage current is to be monitored until the leakage current stabilizes or decreases. Both positions of switch S2 are to be used in determining this measurement.
    监测漏泄电流,直至漏泄电流稳定或减小。开关 S2 的两个位置均用于确定该测量值。

    e) For three-phase SPD, the measurements are to be made when the leakage current has stabilized using Figure 38.2, with each of the switches S A , S B S A , S B S_(A),S_(B)\mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{A}}, \mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{B}} and S C S C S_(C)\mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{C}} open in turn and the other two switches closed. The SPD enclosure or other dead metal parts intended to be grounded are not to be connected to ground, except through the measuring circuit during the test.
    e) 对于三相 SPD,测量应在泄漏电流稳定后使用图 38.2 进行,每个开关 S A , S B S A , S B S_(A),S_(B)\mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{A}}, \mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{B}} S C S C S_(C)\mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{C}} 依次打开,另外两个开关关闭。除了在测试期间通过测量电路外,SPD 外壳或其他需要接地的金属部件不得接地。
Exception: For products known to be sensitive to instantaneous changes in polarity, the leakage current test shall be repeated in the reverse polarity condition.
Figure 38.1  图 38.1

Leakage-Current Measurement Circuit

Product intended for connection to a 120 V 120 V 120-V120-\mathrm{V} power supply.
用于连接 120 V 120 V 120-V120-\mathrm{V} 电源的产品。

2-wire product intended for connection to a 3-wire, grounded neutral power supply, as illustrated above.

3-wire product intended for connection to a 3-wire, grounded neutral power supply, as illustrated above.

A - Probe with shielded lead.
A - 带屏蔽导线的探头。

B - Separated and used as clip when measuring currents from one part of product to another.
B - 分离出来,在测量从产品的一个部分到另一个部分的电流时用作夹子。
Figure 38.2  图 38.2
Three-Phase Leakage-Current Measurement Circuit

38.8 A representative device of the SPD is to be tested for leakage current starting with the as-received condition - as received being without prior energization except as may occur as part of the production-line testing - but with its grounding conductor circuit open at the test receptacle. A two-port SPD incorporating heat dissipating circuit components electrically in series with the load shall also be operated at rated load until temperatures stabilize, and then be subjected to the leakage current test while still in a well heated condition.
38.8 一个有代表性的防雷器装置,应从收货状态开始进行泄漏电流试验--收货 状态是事先未通电,但在生产线试验中可能发生的情况除外--但其接地导体回路 在试验插座上是断开的。与负载串联有散热电路元件的双端口防雷器也必须在额定负载下运行,直至温度稳定,然后在仍处于充分加热状态下进行泄漏电流测试。

38.9 The test representative device is to be installed in a manner so that all parallel ground paths are eliminated.
38.9 试验代表装置的安装应消除所有平行接地通路。

39 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test
39 绝缘电压-耐压测试

39.1 Primary circuits  39.1 初级电路

39.1.1 An SPD shall withstand a 60 Hz sinusoidal potential of 1000 V plus twice maximum rated supply voltage without breakdown for 1 minute between the following:
39.1.1 防雷器在下列情况之间的 1 分钟内,应能承受 1000 V 加两倍最大额定电源电压的 60 Hz 正弦电势而不发生击穿:

a) Uninsulated live metal parts and the enclosure. A nonconductive enclosure is to be wrapped in conductive foil. For discrete components, such as MOVs, the component may be tested with the nonconductive enclosure or coating embedded in No. 7-1/2 lead or steel shot or smaller that is to serve as the outer electrode.
a) 未绝缘的带电金属部件和外壳。非导电外壳应包裹导电箔。对于分立元件,如 MOV,可在测试时将非导电外壳或涂层嵌入作为外电极的 7-1/2 号铅或更小的钢丸中。

b) Terminals of opposite polarity.
b) 极性相反的端子。

c) Uninsulated live metal parts and accessible dead metal parts.
c) 未绝缘的带电金属部件和可触及的无电金属部件。

d) Uninsulated live metal parts and grounding contacts of grounding type receptacles.
d) 未绝缘的带电金属部件和接地型插座的接地触点。

e) Primary and isolated secondary circuits.
e) 一次回路和隔离二次回路。

39.1.2 Across-the-line connected components (that is, varistors, diodes, capacitors, and the like) that would interfere with the test are to be disconnected or removed during this test.
39.1.2 在测试期间,必须断开或拆除会干扰测试的跨线连接元件(即变阻器、二极管、电容等)。

39.1.3 Capacitors rated more than 250 V connected across the line or line to ground, shall withstand a DC dielectric potential of 1414 V plus 2.828 times maximum rated supply voltage without breakdown for 1 minute between the terminals of the capacitor and between terminals and foil wrapped around the case of the capacitor. For capacitors rated 250 V or less, the DC test potential is to be 1414 V .
39.1.3 额定电压大于 250 V 的电容器,在跨接线路或线路对地连接时,在电容器端子之 间以及端子与包裹在电容器外壳上的箔片之间,应能承受 1414 V 加 2.828 倍最大额定 电源电压的直流介质电位 1 分钟而不击穿。对于额定电压为 250 V 或以下的电容器,直流测试电位为 1414 V。
Exception: A capacitor that complies with the requirements the Standard for Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment - Part 14: Sectional Specification: Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains, UL 60384-14, is not required to be subjected to the test potential specified in 39.1.3.
例外情况:符合《电子设备用固定电容器标准--第 14 部分:部分规格》要求的电容器:用于抑制电磁干扰和与电源线连接的固定电容器》(UL 60384-14)的电容器无须接受 39.1.3 中规定的电位测试。

39.1.4 The test potentials mentioned in 39.1.1 and 39.1 . 3 are to be obtained from any convenient source of sufficient capacity - at least 500 VA , except that a lower capacity source may be employed if the meter is connected in the output circuit - to maintain the potential except in the case of breakdown. The voltage is to be gradually increased until the required test level is reached and is to be held at that value for one minute. The increase in the applied potential is to be at a uniform rate as rapid as is consistent with its value being correctly indicated by a voltmeter.
39.1.4 39.1.1 和 39.1.3 所述的试验电位应从任何方便的电源获得,电源容量至少为 500 VA,但如果电表连接在输出电路中,则可使用容量较小的电源。39.1.4 39.1.1 和 39.1.3 所述的试验电位,应从任何方便的、容量足够大的电源获得--至少 500 VA,但如果电流表连接在输出电路中,则可使用容量较小的电源--以保持电位,除非发生击穿。电压应逐渐增加,直至达到所需的测试水平,并在该值上保持一分钟。在电压表正确显示电压值的情况下,施加电势的增加速度应均匀一致。

39.2 Isolated secondary circuits
39.2 隔离二级电路

39.2.1 The test potential indicated in Table 39.1 is to be applied between:
39.2.1 表 39.1 所示的试验电位应在以下两者之间使用:

a) Secondary circuits and grounded metal - with grounded secondary windings of transformers disconnected; and
a) 次级电路和接地金属 - 变压器的接地次级绕组断开;以及

b) Between secondary circuit parts of opposite polarity.
b) 极性相反的次级电路部件之间。
A 60 Hz 60 Hz 60-Hz60-\mathrm{Hz} essentially sinusoidal source is to be used for testing alternating-current circuits. A direct-current source may be used for testing a direct-current circuit but, if possible, the transformer in the appliance should be employed to supply the alternating current to the rectifier (or substitute high voltage rectifier, if necessary) for the opposite polarity test on direct-current circuits.
60 Hz 60 Hz 60-Hz60-\mathrm{Hz} 测试交流电路时应使用基本正弦的电源。直流电源可用于测试直流电路,但如果可能,应使用设备中的变压器向整流器(或必要时替代高压整流器)提供交流电,以便对直流电路进行极性相反的测试。
Exception: A secondary circuit derived from a Class 2 power source is not required to be subjected to this test.
例外情况:来自 2 级电源的次级电路无需进行此项测试。
Table 39.1  表 39.1
Magnitude of Test Potential
Maximum voltage in circuit
Test voltage  测试电压
0 1000 0 1000 0-10000-1000 volts   0 1000 0 1000 0-10000-1000 伏特 3 V ( 500 3 V ( 500 3V(5003 \mathrm{~V}(500 minimum ) ) ))
3 V ( 500 3 V ( 500 3V(5003 \mathrm{~V}(500 最小值 ) ) ))
Over 1000 volts  超过 1000 伏 1.25 V + 1750 1.25 V + 1750 1.25V+17501.25 \mathrm{~V}+1750
Maximum voltage in circuit Test voltage 0-1000 volts 3V(500 minimum ) Over 1000 volts 1.25V+1750| Maximum voltage in circuit | Test voltage | | :---: | :---: | | $0-1000$ volts | $3 \mathrm{~V}(500$ minimum $)$ | | Over 1000 volts | $1.25 \mathrm{~V}+1750$ |
39.2.2 All selector or other operating switches are to be adjusted to the various operating positions which ensure the connection of these parts in the circuit under test. Bleeder resistors, electrolytic capacitors, transistors, and other power consuming devices are to opened at the common return side of the circuit.
39.2.2 所有选择开关或其他操作开关均应调至不同的操作位置,以确保这些部件在被测 电路中的连接。泄放电阻、电解电容器、晶体管和其他耗电设备应在电路的公共回流侧打开。

40 Temperature Test  40 温度测试

40.1 General - This test is conducted on all two-port SPDs.
40.1 概述 - 本测试适用于所有双端口 SPD。
Exception: This test need not be conducted if the manufacturer elects to have temperatures measured during the test conducted in Section 44, Operational Voltage Test. In either case, the measured temperatures shall not exceed the maximum acceptable temperatures as shown in Table 40.1.
例外情况:如果制造商选择在第 44 节 "工作电压试验 "中进行试验时测量温度,则无需进行此试验。无论哪种情况,测得的温度均不得超过表 40.1 所示的最大可接受温度。

40.2 One representative device of the SPD shall be tested under conditions of maximum rated voltage, current load and frequency. It shall not attain a temperature at any point high enough to affect adversely any materials employed or exhibit higher temperatures at specific points than indicated in Table 40.1.
40.2 须在最大额定电压、电流负载和频率条件下测试一个具有代表性的防雷装置。其任何一点的温度均不得高到足以对所使用的任何材料产生不利影响,或在特定点的温度高于表 40.1 所示的温度。
Table 40.1  表 40.1
Maximum Acceptable Temperatures
Material and components  材料和组件 C C ^(@)C{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C} F F ^(@)F{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{F}
1. Varnished-cloth insulation
85 185
2. Fuses other than Class CC , G , J , T CC , G , J , T CC,G,J,T\mathrm{CC}, \mathrm{G}, \mathrm{J}, \mathrm{T}
2.非 CC , G , J , T CC , G , J , T CC,G,J,T\mathrm{CC}, \mathrm{G}, \mathrm{J}, \mathrm{T} 级保险丝
90 9 90 9 90^(9)90^{9} 194 9 194 9 194^(9)194{ }^{9}
3. Fuses Class C, CC, G, J, T
3.保险丝 C、CC、G、J、T 级
Tube  管材 125 257
Ferrule or blade  卡套或刀片 110 230
4. Fiber employed as electrical insulation
90 194
5. Wood and other similar insulation
90 194
6. Any point on or within a terminal box
90 a 90 90^("a ")90^{\text {a }} 194 a 194 194^("a ")194{ }^{\text {a }}
7. Any external surface not intended to be contacted in normal use
90 194
8. Enclosure surfaces at risk of being contacted in normal use including operating devices and handles
Metallic  金属 60 140
Nonmetallic  非金属 85 185
9. Class 105 insulation system on coils or windings:
9.线圈或绕组上的 105 级绝缘系统:
Thermocouple method  热电偶法 90 b 90 90^("b ")90^{\text {b }} 194 b 194 194^("b ")194{ }^{\text {b }}
Resistance method  电阻法 110 b 110 110^("b ")110^{\text {b }} 230 b 230 230^("b ")230^{\text {b }}
10. Class 130 insulation system on coils or windings:
10.线圈或绕组的 130 级绝缘系统:
Thermocouple method  热电偶法 110 b 110 110^("b ")110^{\text {b }} 230 b 230 230^("b ")230{ }^{\text {b }}
Resistance method  电阻法 130 b 130 130^("b ")130^{\text {b }} 266 b 266 266^("b ")266{ }^{\text {b }}
11. Class 155 insulation system on coils or winding:
11.线圈或绕组上的 155 级绝缘系统:
Thermocouple method  热电偶法 135 275
Resistance method  电阻法 145 293
12. Class 180 insulation systems on coils or windings:
12.线圈或绕组上的 180 级绝缘系统:
Thermocouple method  热电偶法 150 302
Resistance method  电阻法 160 320
13. Phenolic composition employed as electrical insulation or as a part whose malfunction results in a fire or an electrical shock condition
f f
14. Insulated wires and cords
60 9 60 9 60^(9)60^{9} 140 9 140 9 140^(9)140^{9}
15. On the surface of a capacitor casing:
Electrolytic  电解 65 d 65 65^("d ")65^{\text {d }} 149 d 149 149^("d ")149^{\text {d }}
Other types  其他类型 85 e 85 85^("e ")85^{\text {e }} 194 e 194 194^("e ")194{ }^{\text {e }}
Material and components ^(@)C ^(@)F 1. Varnished-cloth insulation 85 185 2. Fuses other than Class CC,G,J,T 90^(9) 194^(9) 3. Fuses Class C, CC, G, J, T Tube 125 257 Ferrule or blade 110 230 4. Fiber employed as electrical insulation 90 194 5. Wood and other similar insulation 90 194 6. Any point on or within a terminal box 90^("a ") 194^("a ") 7. Any external surface not intended to be contacted in normal use 90 194 8. Enclosure surfaces at risk of being contacted in normal use including operating devices and handles Metallic 60 140 Nonmetallic 85 185 9. Class 105 insulation system on coils or windings: Thermocouple method 90^("b ") 194^("b ") Resistance method 110^("b ") 230^("b ") 10. Class 130 insulation system on coils or windings: Thermocouple method 110^("b ") 230^("b ") Resistance method 130^("b ") 266^("b ") 11. Class 155 insulation system on coils or winding: Thermocouple method 135 275 Resistance method 145 293 12. Class 180 insulation systems on coils or windings: Thermocouple method 150 302 Resistance method 160 320 13. Phenolic composition employed as electrical insulation or as a part whose malfunction results in a fire or an electrical shock condition f f 14. Insulated wires and cords 60^(9) 140^(9) 15. On the surface of a capacitor casing: Electrolytic 65^("d ") 149^("d ") Other types 85^("e ") 194^("e ")| Material and components | ${ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ | ${ }^{\circ} \mathrm{F}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 1. Varnished-cloth insulation | 85 | 185 | | 2. Fuses other than Class $\mathrm{CC}, \mathrm{G}, \mathrm{J}, \mathrm{T}$ | $90^{9}$ | $194{ }^{9}$ | | 3. Fuses Class C, CC, G, J, T | | | | Tube | 125 | 257 | | Ferrule or blade | 110 | 230 | | 4. Fiber employed as electrical insulation | 90 | 194 | | 5. Wood and other similar insulation | 90 | 194 | | 6. Any point on or within a terminal box | $90^{\text {a }}$ | $194{ }^{\text {a }}$ | | 7. Any external surface not intended to be contacted in normal use | 90 | 194 | | 8. Enclosure surfaces at risk of being contacted in normal use including operating devices and handles | | | | Metallic | 60 | 140 | | Nonmetallic | 85 | 185 | | 9. Class 105 insulation system on coils or windings: | | | | Thermocouple method | $90^{\text {b }}$ | $194{ }^{\text {b }}$ | | Resistance method | $110^{\text {b }}$ | $230^{\text {b }}$ | | 10. Class 130 insulation system on coils or windings: | | | | Thermocouple method | $110^{\text {b }}$ | $230{ }^{\text {b }}$ | | Resistance method | $130^{\text {b }}$ | $266{ }^{\text {b }}$ | | 11. Class 155 insulation system on coils or winding: | | | | Thermocouple method | 135 | 275 | | Resistance method | 145 | 293 | | 12. Class 180 insulation systems on coils or windings: | | | | Thermocouple method | 150 | 302 | | Resistance method | 160 | 320 | | 13. Phenolic composition employed as electrical insulation or as a part whose malfunction results in a fire or an electrical shock condition | f | f | | 14. Insulated wires and cords | $60^{9}$ | $140^{9}$ | | 15. On the surface of a capacitor casing: | | | | Electrolytic | $65^{\text {d }}$ | $149^{\text {d }}$ | | Other types | $85^{\text {e }}$ | $194{ }^{\text {e }}$ |
Table 40.1 Continued  续表 40.1

40.3 Ordinarily, coil or winding temperatures are to be measured by thermocouples unless the coil is inaccessible for mounting these devices - for example, a coil enclosed in sealing compound - or unless the coil wrap includes thermal insulation or more than two layers, 0.8 mm ( 1 / 32 0.8 mm ( 1 / 32 0.8mm(1//320.8 \mathrm{~mm}(1 / 32 inch ) ) )) of cotton, paper, rayon, or the like. At any point on the surface of a coil where the temperature is affected by an external source of heat, the temperature measured by means of a thermocouple may be 15 C ( 27 C ) 15 C 27 C 15^(@)C(27^(@)C)15^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(27^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right) higher than the maximum indicated in items 10 or 11 of Table 40.1 if the temperature of the coil, as measured by the resistance method, is not higher than specified in Table 40.1.
40.3 通常情况下,线圈或绕组的温度应通过热电偶来测量,除非线圈无法安装这些装置 - 例如,线圈被密封复合物封闭 - 或者线圈包层包括隔热层或两层以上的 0.8 mm ( 1 / 32 0.8 mm ( 1 / 32 0.8mm(1//320.8 \mathrm{~mm}(1 / 32 英寸 ) ) )) 棉、纸、人造丝或类似材料。在线圈表面上温度受外部热源影响的任何一点,如果用电阻法测得的线圈温度不高于表 40.1 中的规定,则用热电偶测得的温度可能 15 C ( 27 C ) 15 C 27 C 15^(@)C(27^(@)C)15^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(27^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right) 高于表 40.1 第 10 项或第 11 项中的最大值。

40.4 When the change-in-resistance method is used, determination of the temperature rise of a winding is to be calculated by the following formula:
40.4 采用电阻变化法时,绕组温升的确定应按下式计算:
Δ t = R 2 R 1 ( K + t 1 ) ( K + t 2 ) Δ t = R 2 R 1 K + t 1 K + t 2 Delta t=(R_(2))/(R_(1))(K+t_(1))-(K+t_(2))\Delta t=\frac{R_{2}}{R_{1}}\left(K+t_{1}\right)-\left(K+t_{2}\right)
in which:  其中:
Δ t Δ t Delta t\Delta t is the temperature rise in C C ^(@)C{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C};
Δ t Δ t Delta t\Delta t C C ^(@)C{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 中的温升;

R 2 R 2 R_(2)R_{2} is the resistance of the coil in ohms at the end of test;
R 2 R 2 R_(2)R_{2} 是测试结束时线圈的电阻值(欧姆);

R 1 R 1 R_(1)R_{1} is the resistance of the coil in ohms at the beginning of the test;
R 1 R 1 R_(1)R_{1} 是测试开始时线圈的电阻值(欧姆);

t 1 t 1 t_(1)t_{1} is the ambient temperature in C C ^(@)C{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C} at the beginning of the test;
t 1 t 1 t_(1)t_{1} 是测试开始时 C C ^(@)C{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 中的环境温度;

t 2 t 2 t_(2)t_{2} is the ambient temperature in C C ^(@)C{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C} at the end of the test; and
t 2 t 2 t_(2)t_{2} 是测试结束时 C C ^(@)C{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 中的环境温度;以及

K K KK is 234.5 for copper and 225.0 for electrical conductor grade (EC) aluminum; values of the constant for other conductors are to be determined.
K K KK 铜为 234.5,电导体级 (EC) 铝为 225.0;其他导体的常数值有待确定。

40.5 When necessary, the value of R R RR at shutdown is able to be determined by taking several resistance measurements at short intervals, beginning as quickly as possible after shutdown. A curve of the resistance values and the time is to be plotted and extrapolated to give the value of R R RR at shutdown.
40.5 必要时,可以通过在停机后尽快开始的短时间间隔内进行几次电阻测量来确定停机时的 R R RR 值。绘制电阻值和时间的曲线并进行推断,即可得出关机时的 R R RR 值。

40.6 Measurements are to be made until thermal equilibrium is attained. Thermal equilibrium is to be considered to exist if three successive readings indicated no change when taken at the conclusion of each of three consecutive equal intervals of time, the duration of each interval being whichever of the following is longer:
40.6 测量应进行到达到热平衡为止。如果在连续三个相等的时间间隔(每个时间间隔的持续时间以下列时间间隔较长者为准)中的每个时间间隔结束时,三个连续读数均显示无变化,则可认为存在热平衡:

a) 5 minutes; or
a) 5 分钟;或

b) 10 percent of the total test time elapsed previous to the start of the first interval.
b) 第一个间隔开始前总测试时间的 10%。

40.7 All values in Table 40.1 are based on an assumed ambient room temperature not higher than 25 C 25 C 25^(@)C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ( 77 F ) 77 F (77^(@)F)\left(77^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right). A test may be conducted at any ambient temperature within the range of 10 40 C ( 50 104 F ) 10 40 C 50 104 F 10-40^(@)C(50-104^(@)F)10-40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(50-104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right), and the observed temperature corrected for a room temperature of 25 C ( 77 F ) 25 C 77 F 25^(@)C(77^(@)F)25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(77^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right).
40.7 表 40.1 中的所有数值均以假定环境室温不高于 25 C 25 C 25^(@)C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ( 77 F ) 77 F (77^(@)F)\left(77^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 为基础。测试可在 10 40 C ( 50 104 F ) 10 40 C 50 104 F 10-40^(@)C(50-104^(@)F)10-40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(50-104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 范围内的任何环境温度下进行,并根据 25 C ( 77 F ) 25 C 77 F 25^(@)C(77^(@)F)25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(77^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 室温对观测温度进行校正。

40.8 Equipment intended specifically for use where the prevailing ambient temperature is consistently 40 C ( 104 F ) 40 C 104 F 40^(@)C(104^(@)F)40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) or more is to be tested at such higher ambient temperature and shall not exceed the maximum acceptable temperatures in Table 40.1, see 85.10.
40.8 专门用于环境温度持续 40 C ( 104 F ) 40 C 104 F 40^(@)C(104^(@)F)40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 或更高的设备,应在更高的环境温度下进行试验,且不得超过表 40.1 中的最高可接受温度,见 85.10。

40.9 If acceptable to all concerned, the equipment described in 40.7 may be tested within the range of 10 40 C ( 50 104 F ) 40 C 50 104 F -40^(@)C(50-104^(@)F)-40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(50-104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) and corrected for a room ambient temperature the equipment is intended to be used. For example, equipment ambient is 50 C ( 122 F ) 50 C 122 F 50^(@)C(122^(@)F)50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(122^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) and is tested in a 25 C ( 77 F ) 25 C 77 F 25^(@)C(77^(@)F)25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(77^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) ambient. To determine the maximum acceptable temperatures on components and materials in the equipment, the values in Table 40.1 are to be reduced by 25 C ( 77 F ) 25 C 77 F 25^(@)C(77^(@)F)25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(77^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right).
40.9 如果有关各方都能接受,40.7 所述设备可在 10 40 C ( 50 104 F ) 40 C 50 104 F -40^(@)C(50-104^(@)F)-40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(50-104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 的范围内进行试验,并按设备使用的室内环境温度进行校正。例如,设备环境温度为 50 C ( 122 F ) 50 C 122 F 50^(@)C(122^(@)F)50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(122^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) ,在 25 C ( 77 F ) 25 C 77 F 25^(@)C(77^(@)F)25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(77^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 环境温度下进行测试。为了确定设备中部件和材料的最高可接受温度,表 40.1 中的数值应减去 25 C ( 77 F ) 25 C 77 F 25^(@)C(77^(@)F)25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(77^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)

40.10 Thermocouples consisting of 30 AWG ( 0.05 mm 2 0.05 mm 2 0.05mm^(2)0.05 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) iron and constantan wire and a potentiometertype instrument are to be used whenever referee temperature measurements by thermocouples are necessary.
40.10 在需要使用热电偶进行裁判温度测量时,应使用由 30 AWG ( 0.05 mm 2 0.05 mm 2 0.05mm^(2)0.05 \mathrm{~mm}^{2} ) 铁丝和康铜丝组成的热电偶以及电位计型仪器。

40.11 The thermocouples and related instruments are to be accurate and calibrated in accordance with good laboratory practice. The thermocouple wire is to conform to the requirements for Special Tolerances thermocouples as listed in the Tolerances on Initial Values of EMF versus Temperature tables in the Standard Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples, ANSI/ASTM E230/E230M.
40.11 热电偶及相关仪器应准确无误,并按照良好实验室规范进行校准。热电偶丝应符合 ANSI/ASTM E230/E230M 标准规格和标准热电偶温度-电动势(emf)表中 EMF 初始值与温度关系公差表所列特殊公差热电偶的要求。

40.12 A thermocouple junction and the adjacent thermocouple lead wire are to be securely held in good thermal contact with the surface of the material whose temperature is being measured. In most cases, acceptable thermal contact results from securely taping or cementing the thermocouple in place but, if a metal surface is involved, brazing or soldering the thermocouple to the metal may be necessary.
40.12 热电偶接头和相邻的热电偶导线应牢固地与被测材料表面保持良好的热接触。在大多数情况下,将热电偶牢固地粘贴或粘接在适当的位置就可以实现可接受的热接触,但如果涉及金属表面,则可能需要将热电偶钎焊或焊接到金属上。

40.13 To facilitate conducting the test on totally enclosed SPDs, thermocouples are to be attached to coils and capacitors prior to the addition of potting materials and are to be routed through holes made in the enclosure for this purpose.
40.13 为便于对全封闭式 SPD 进行试验,热电偶应在加装灌封材料之前连接到线圈和电容上,并穿过外壳上为此目的开的孔。

40.14 Temperatures on receptacle contacts are obtained using a standard mating attachment plug with rigidly attached solid blades. The thermocouples should be attached to the male plug blades at points as close as possible to the face of the receptacle and to the wiring terminals of the receptacle if they are accessible for the mounting of thermocouples.
40.14 插座触点上的温度是用一个带有刚性连接实心插片的标准配接插头获得的。热电偶应尽可能靠近插座表面的外螺纹插头叶片和插座的接线端子(如果可以安装热电偶)。

40.15 Molded Case SPDs, subjected to the Temperature Test, shall additionally comply with the Temperature Test requirements Section 7.1.4 of UL 489.
40.15 经温度测试的模制外壳防雷器还须符合 UL 489 第 7.1.4 节的温度测试要求。

40.16 Open-type SPDs, subjected to the Temperature Test, shall be mounted in an enclosure considered representative of the intended use. The maximum enclosure dimensions are to be determined by one of the following methods:
40.16 接受温度试验的开放式防雷器,须安装在能代表预期用途的外壳内。外壳的最大尺寸应按下列方法之一确定:

a) 150 percent of the dimensions of the device - that is, length, width, and height;
a) 设备尺寸(即长、宽、高)的 150%;

b) Dimensions needed to meet the wire-bending space specified in UL 508, Table 6.8;
b) 满足 UL 508 表 6.8 中规定的导线弯曲空间所需的尺寸;

c) The intended enclosure, such as a standard outlet box; or
c) 指定的外壳,如标准插座盒;或

d) The intended enclosure, which may be larger than indicated in 40.16 (a) - © provided the size is marked on the device, detailed in the installation instructions or provided on a separate stuffer sheet. (See 85.36).
d) 预期的外壳,可大于 40.16(a)-©中标明的尺寸,但须在设备上标明,在安装说明书中详细说明,或在单独的填料单上提供。(见 85.36)。

41 Surge Testing  41 浪涌测试

41.1 General  41.1 概述

41.1.1 These tests are conducted to verify that SPDs are able to operate in surge environments and comply with the criteria outlined in 41.8.3. Different tests are conducted for the different SPD Types:
41.1.1 进行这些试验是为了验证防雷器能够在浪涌环境中工作,并符合 41.8.3 中概述的标准。对不同类型的防雷器进行不同的测试:

a) Type 1, Type 1 Component Assemblies, Type 2, Type 2 Component Assemblies and Type 3 intended for outdoor use, are subjected to a Nominal Discharge Current Test ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) as described in 41.7. (Figure 37.1, Flowchart 1).
a) 用于室外的 1 类、1 类部件组件、2 类、2 类部件组件和 3 类,须进行 41.7 所述的 ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) 标称放电电流试验(图 37.1,流程图 1)。
  1. The sample undergoing the Nominal Discharge Current Test is first subjected to a 6 kV / 3 6 kV / 3 6kV//36 \mathrm{kV} / 3 kA Combination Wave Surge Test to establish the benchmark measured limiting voltage. From this benchmark measured limiting voltage the voltage protection rating (VPR) is also determined in accordance with 84.2 .
    进行标称放电电流测试的样品首先要进行 6 kV / 3 6 kV / 3 6kV//36 \mathrm{kV} / 3 kA 组合波浪涌测试,以确定基准测量极限电压。电压保护等级 (VPR) 也是根据 84.2 确定的。
  2. The VPR is based on the measured limiting voltages recorded after the first set of 6 kV / 3 6 kV / 3 6kV//36 \mathrm{kV} / 3 kA Combination Wave Surge Tests. The measured limiting voltages with the average no signal noise as specified in 41.2.6 subtracted are averaged per mode. The per mode average is the VPR and is verified after the second set of 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} Combination Wave Surge Tests.
    VPR 基于第一组 6 kV / 3 6 kV / 3 6kV//36 \mathrm{kV} / 3 kA 组合波浪涌测试后记录的测量极限电压。测量的极限电压减去 41.2.6 规定的平均无信号噪声后,按模式取平均值。每个模式的平均值即为 VPR,并在第二组 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波浪涌测试后进行验证。

    b) Type 3 intended for indoor use and Type 3 Component Assemblies are subjected to the Operating Duty Cycle Test.
    b) 用于室内的第 3 类和第 3 类部件组件须接受工作负载循环测试。
  3. The sample undergoing the Operating Duty Cycle test is first subjected to a 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} Combination Wave Surge Test to establish a voltage protection rating (VPR).
    进行工作占空比测试的样品首先要进行 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波浪涌测试,以确定电压保护等级 (VPR)。
  4. The measured limiting voltage with the average no signal noise as specified in 41.2.6 subtracted is recorded for the 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} Combination Wave Surge Tests before and after the Operating Duty Cycle Test and the Voltage Protection Rating is determined and verified as described above.
    6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 在运行占空比试验前后进行组合波浪涌试验时,记录减去 41.2.6 规定的平均无信号噪声后的测量极限电压,并按上述方法确定和验证电压保护等级。

    41.1.2 In all cases, the Voltage Protection Rating (VPR) shall not exceed the manufacturer’s marked voltage protection rating selected from Table 84.1. In addition, no individual measured limiting voltage may exceed the voltage protection rating I by 10 percent.
    41.1.2 在任何情况下,电压保护额定值 (VPR) 都不得超过从表 84.1 中选择的制造商标记的电压保护额定值。此外,任何单个测量极限电压均不得超过电压保护额定值 I 的 10%。

    41.1.3 All SPD types are then subjected to an Operational Voltage Test, Section 44, a Grounding Continuity Test, Section 49, and a Leakage Current Test, Section 38 (for Type 3 SPDs).
    41.1.3 然后对所有类型的防雷器进行第 44 节的工作电压测试、第 49 节的接地连续性测试和第 38 节的泄漏电流测试(适用于第 3 类防雷器)。

    41.1.4 41.2 41.5 41.2 41.5 _ 41.2-41.5 _41.2-\underline{41.5} provide detailed requirements for the Test Equipment and Test Procedures that shall be followed.
    41.1.4 41.2 41.5 41.2 41.5 _ 41.2-41.5 _41.2-\underline{41.5} 对测试设备和应遵循的测试程序提出详细要求。

    41.1.5 Three representative samples of the SPD are subjected to the tests identified in 41.6 41.9 41.6 _ 41.9 _ 41.6 _-41.9 _\underline{41.6}-\underline{41.9} and in accordance with the surge parameters shown in Table 41.1.
    41.1.5 根据表 41.1 所示的浪涌参数,对三个具有代表性的 SPD 样品进行 41.6 41.9 41.6 _ 41.9 _ 41.6 _-41.9 _\underline{41.6}-\underline{41.9} 中确定的试验。
Table 41.1 Surge Test Parameters
表 41.1 浪涌试验参数
SPD type  SPD 类型 Surge Test (using the calibrated short circuit current from a combination wave generator) a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} to establish VPR
浪涌测试(使用组合波发生器的校准短路电流) a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 以确定 VPR
Nominal discharge current (using the calibrated impressed current through the SPD) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} or the Operating Duty Cycle (using the combination wave generator) a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
标称放电电流(使用通过 SPD 的校准冲击电流) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 或工作占空比(使用组合波发生器) a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
Peak voltage ( k V p k V p kV_(p)k V_{p} )
峰值电压 ( k V p k V p kV_(p)k V_{p} )
Peak current ( kA p kA p kA_(p)\mathrm{kA}_{\mathrm{p}} )
峰值电流 ( kA p kA p kA_(p)\mathrm{kA}_{\mathrm{p}} )
Peak voltage ( kV p kV p kV_(p)\mathrm{kV}_{\mathrm{p}} )
峰值电压 ( kV p kV p kV_(p)\mathrm{kV}_{\mathrm{p}} )
Peak current ( kA p kA p kA_(p)\mathrm{kA}_{\mathrm{p}} )
峰值电流 ( kA p kA p kA_(p)\mathrm{kA}_{\mathrm{p}} )

1 型、2 型 SPD 和 1 型、2 型组件总成 3 型 SPD 和 3 型组件总成
Type 1, 2 SPDs and Type 1, 2 Component Assemblies
Type 3 SPD and Type 3 Component Assemblies
Type 1, 2 SPDs and Type 1, 2 Component Assemblies Type 3 SPD and Type 3 Component Assemblies| Type 1, 2 SPDs and Type 1, 2 Component Assemblies | | :--- | | Type 3 SPD and Type 3 Component Assemblies |
6 3 3

获得 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 工作占空比 a , a , ^(a,){ }^{a,} 所需的电压
Voltage needed to obtain I n I n I_(n)I_{n}
Operating duty cycle a , a , ^(a,){ }^{a,}
Voltage needed to obtain I_(n) Operating duty cycle ^(a,)| Voltage needed to obtain $I_{n}$ | | :--- | | Operating duty cycle ${ }^{a,}$ |

b 运行占空比 a , c a , c ^(a,c){ }^{\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{c}}
Operating duty cycle a , c a , c ^(a,c){ }^{\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{c}} 3 3 33
b Operating duty cycle ^(a,c) 3| b | | :--- | | Operating duty cycle ${ }^{\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{c}}$ $3$ |

4 类组件和 5 类防雷器 - 根据第 42、43 节进行浪涌测试。 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 组合 1.2 / 50 μ s , 8 / 20 μ s 1.2 / 50 μ s , 8 / 20 μ s 1.2//50 mus,8//20 mus1.2 / 50 \mu \mathrm{~s}, 8 / 20 \mu \mathrm{~s} 电压/电流浪涌波形。有关规格和公差,请参阅附件 A A _ A_\underline{A} ,"浪涌波形"。 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 有关 8 / 20 8 / 20 8//208 / 20 标称放电电流水平的详细信息,请参见 41.7 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 有关运行占空比测试的详细信息,请参见 41.8。
Type 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPD - Surge tested in accordance with Sections 42, 43.
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} Combination 1.2 / 50 μ s , 8 / 20 μ s 1.2 / 50 μ s , 8 / 20 μ s 1.2//50 mus,8//20 mus1.2 / 50 \mu \mathrm{~s}, 8 / 20 \mu \mathrm{~s} Voltage/Current surge waveform. For specifications and tolerances, refer to Annex A A _ A_\underline{A}, "Surge Waveforms".
b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} See 41.7 for details of the 8 / 20 8 / 20 8//208 / 20 Nominal Discharge Current levels
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} See 41.8 for details of the Operating Duty Cycle Test.
Type 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPD - Surge tested in accordance with Sections 42, 43. ^("a ") Combination 1.2//50 mus,8//20 mus Voltage/Current surge waveform. For specifications and tolerances, refer to Annex A_, "Surge Waveforms". ^("b ") See 41.7 for details of the 8//20 Nominal Discharge Current levels ^("c ") See 41.8 for details of the Operating Duty Cycle Test.| Type 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPD - Surge tested in accordance with Sections 42, 43. | | :--- | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ Combination $1.2 / 50 \mu \mathrm{~s}, 8 / 20 \mu \mathrm{~s}$ Voltage/Current surge waveform. For specifications and tolerances, refer to Annex $\underline{A}$, "Surge Waveforms". | | ${ }^{\text {b }}$ See 41.7 for details of the $8 / 20$ Nominal Discharge Current levels | | ${ }^{\text {c }}$ See 41.8 for details of the Operating Duty Cycle Test. |
SPD type Surge Test (using the calibrated short circuit current from a combination wave generator) ^("a ") to establish VPR Nominal discharge current (using the calibrated impressed current through the SPD) ^("b ") or the Operating Duty Cycle (using the combination wave generator) ^("a ") Peak voltage ( kV_(p) ) Peak current ( kA_(p) ) Peak voltage ( kV_(p) ) Peak current ( kA_(p) ) "Type 1, 2 SPDs and Type 1, 2 Component Assemblies Type 3 SPD and Type 3 Component Assemblies" 6 3 3 "Voltage needed to obtain I_(n) Operating duty cycle ^(a,)" "b Operating duty cycle ^(a,c) 3" "Type 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPD - Surge tested in accordance with Sections 42, 43. ^("a ") Combination 1.2//50 mus,8//20 mus Voltage/Current surge waveform. For specifications and tolerances, refer to Annex A_, "Surge Waveforms". ^("b ") See 41.7 for details of the 8//20 Nominal Discharge Current levels ^("c ") See 41.8 for details of the Operating Duty Cycle Test." | SPD type | Surge Test (using the calibrated short circuit current from a combination wave generator) ${ }^{\text {a }}$ to establish VPR | | Nominal discharge current (using the calibrated impressed current through the SPD) ${ }^{\text {b }}$ or the Operating Duty Cycle (using the combination wave generator) ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | Peak voltage ( $k V_{p}$ ) | Peak current ( $\mathrm{kA}_{\mathrm{p}}$ ) | Peak voltage ( $\mathrm{kV}_{\mathrm{p}}$ ) | Peak current ( $\mathrm{kA}_{\mathrm{p}}$ ) | | Type 1, 2 SPDs and Type 1, 2 Component Assemblies <br> Type 3 SPD and Type 3 Component Assemblies | 6 | 3 3 | Voltage needed to obtain $I_{n}$ <br> Operating duty cycle ${ }^{a,}$ | b <br> Operating duty cycle ${ }^{\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{c}}$ $3$ | | Type 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPD - Surge tested in accordance with Sections 42, 43. <br> ${ }^{\text {a }}$ Combination $1.2 / 50 \mu \mathrm{~s}, 8 / 20 \mu \mathrm{~s}$ Voltage/Current surge waveform. For specifications and tolerances, refer to Annex $\underline{A}$, "Surge Waveforms". <br> ${ }^{\text {b }}$ See 41.7 for details of the $8 / 20$ Nominal Discharge Current levels <br> ${ }^{\text {c }}$ See 41.8 for details of the Operating Duty Cycle Test. | | | | |
41.1.6 An SPD provided with a solid-state electronic circuit that operates and is relied upon for safe operation of the device during the testing of Section 45, Current Testing, shall additionally be tested as follows during the test:
41.1.6 装有固态电子电路的防雷器,在第 45 节 "电流试验 "的试验中,其操作和装置的安全操作必须依靠该固态电子电路,在试验中还必须进行以下试验: 1:

a) With the circuit open-circuited; and
a) 电路开路;以及

b) With the circuit short-circuited.
b) 电路短路。
Exception: A solid-state electronic circuit that has been investigated and found to comply with the requirements of the Standard for Tests for Safety-Related Controls Employing Solid-State Devices, UL 991, is not required to be tested as described in (a) and (b).
例外情况:固态电子电路如经调查符合 UL 991《采用固态器件的安全控制测试标准》的要求,则无须进行(a)和(b)所述的测试。

41.2 Test equipment  41.2 测试设备

41.2.1 Surge generator  41.2.1 浪涌发生器 The surge generator(s) (including its means of connection to the EUT) used for testing shall be capable of delivering the surges specified in Table A1.1 of Annex A A _ A_\underline{A} to the EUT ac power interface at the specified phase angle of the ac voltage sine wave. 用于测试的浪涌发生器(包括其与被测设备的连接方式)必须能够以规定的交流电压正弦波相位角向被测设备交流电源接口提供附件 A A _ A_\underline{A} 表 A1.1规定的浪涌。 Impedance and inductance should be minimized between the generator output, and the connection to the SPD. Noise also should be minimized. If open wires are used, they should be kept straight and close together, and the length should be as short as possible. It shall be verified, using the methods specified in 41.5, that the characteristics of the surge appearing at the ac power interface to the EUT complies with Table 41.1 and is within the tolerances permitted by Table A1.1 of Annex A. 应尽量减小发电机输出端与 SPD 连接端之间的阻抗和电感。还应尽量减少噪音。如果使用明线,则应保持平直和紧密,长度应尽可能短。应使用 41.5 规定的方法验证 EUT 交流电源接口的浪涌特性是否符合表 41.1 的规定,并在附件 A 表 A1.1 允许的容差范围内。 Surges should be prevented from being fed back onto the ac power circuit during powered testing (which could result in loading of the surge generator and/or damage to other equipment in the facility). An acceptable backfilter should be connected between the ac power interface where the surges are being applied, and any equipment docated upstream on the ac power/circuit. The backfilter should 在通电测试期间,应防止浪涌回馈到交流电源电路上(这可能导致浪涌发生器加载和/或损坏设施中的其他设备)。应在施加浪涌的交流电源接口和交流电源/电路上游的任何设备之间连接一个可接受的反向滤波器。反向滤波器应

effectively isolate the ac power system from the surges while allowing power follow and specified fault current to flow to the EUT. Any effect that the backfilter may have on the amplitude or waveforms of the surges specified in Table 41.1 shall be limited to the tolerances permitted by Table A1.1 of Annex A.  A.  _ " A. "_\underline{\text { A. }}
有效地将交流电源系统与浪涌隔离,同时允许功率跟随和指定的故障电流流向 EUT。后置滤波器对表 41.1 中规定的浪涌振幅或波形的任何影响,均应限制在附件 A.  A.  _ " A. "_\underline{\text { A. }} 表 A1.1 所允许的公差范围内。 The generator shall employ a series coupling/decoupling network as defined in Recommended Practice on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits, ANSI/IEEE C62.45. 发电机应采用 ANSI/IEEE C62.45 《连接到低电压(1000 V 及以下)交流电源电路的设备浪涌测试推荐规程》中规定的串联耦合/去耦网络。
Exception: A generator employing a shunt coupling/decoupling network, as defined in ANSI/IEEE C62.45 may be employed when testing devices which permit follow current.
例外情况:在测试允许跟随电流的设备时,可使用 ANSI/IEEE C62.45 中定义的并联耦合/去耦网络发生器。 The generator shall have an ungrounded output. This is commonly referred to as a “floating” output. 发电机应具有不接地的输出。这通常称为 "浮动 "输出。
Exception: For higher capacity generators it may be necessary to ground the output.
例外情况:对于容量较大的发电机,可能有必要将输出接地。 In order to facilitate the connection of the surge generator and the measuring equipment leads to the EUT, plug blades, receptacle contacts, or lead terminations, specially prepared receptacles, plugs, and terminal block wiring devices, respectively, may be used. The surge generator and measuring equipment leads can be connected to the terminals of these devices. When such devices are used, they shall be so designed (for example, conductor “length”, spacings, and the like) as to have no observable or measurable effect on the applied surge, as determined by including the devices when performing any calibration measurements on the test setup. 为了方便浪涌发生器和测量设备引线与被测物的连接,可分别使用插头刀片、插座触点或引线终端、专门准备的插座、插头和接线端子台接线装置。浪涌发生器和测量设备引线可连接到这些装置的端子上。在使用此类装置时,其设计(例如导体 "长度"、间距等)应不会对所施加的浪涌产生可观察或可测量的影响,这是在对测试装置进行校准测量时将这些装置包括在内而确定的。

41.2.2 Source of supply (used to energize sample)
41.2.2 供电来源(用于给样品供电) The surges specified in Table 41.1 shall be superimposed on the ac power line with the EUT energized (powered testing). 表 41.1 中规定的浪涌应在被测试设备通电(带电测试)的情况下叠加在交流电源线路上。 An SPD that does not permit follow current, such as a metal-oxide varistor or a voltage limiting device in series with a voltage switching device, shall be tested on an ac or dc power source having sufficient current source capability that during the flow of current the crest value of the power frequency voltage or the dc voltage, measured at the SPD terminals, does not fall below the crest or dc rated voltage of the SPD by more than 10 percent. 不允许跟随电流的防雷器,如金属氧化物压敏电阻或与电压开关装置串联的电压限制装置,必须在具有足够电流源能力的交流或直流电源上进行试验,以确保在电流流动期间,在防雷器终端测量的工频电压波峰值或直流电压不低于防雷器波峰值或直流额定电压的 10%以上。
Exception No. 1: The available short-circuit current (SCC) may be determined by measuring the open circuit voltage ( V o c V o c V_(oc)V_{o c} ) under no load conditions and by measuring the closed circuit voltage ( V c c V c c V_(cc)V_{c c} ) and current (I) with the circuit loaded with an approximate 20A resistive load. The short circuit current is determined using the following equation:
例外情况 1:可用的短路电流 (SCC) 可通过测量空载条件下的开路电压 ( V o c V o c V_(oc)V_{o c} ) 和测量电路加载约 20A 电阻负载时的闭路电压 ( V c c V c c V_(cc)V_{c c} ) 和电流 (I) 来确定。短路电流通过下式确定:
S C C = ( V o c × I ) ( V o c V c c ) S C C = V o c × I V o c V c c SCC=((V_(oc)xx I))/((V_(oc)-V_(cc)))S C C=\frac{\left(V_{o c} \times I\right)}{\left(V_{o c}-V_{c c}\right)}
For ac power sources, the power factor (pf) is determined by measuring the power, in watts, dissipated by the resistive load ( P load P load  P_("load ")P_{\text {load }} ) and using the following equation:
对于交流电源,功率因数 (pf) 是通过测量电阻负载 ( P load P load  P_("load ")P_{\text {load }} ) 耗散的功率(以瓦为单位)并使用以下公式确定的:
p f = P load ( V c c × I ) p f = P load  V c c × I pf=(P_("load "))/((V_(cc)xx I))p f=\frac{P_{\text {load }}}{\left(V_{c c} \times I\right)}
Note: All voltage, amperage and wattage measurements are made using true rms voltage, ampere and watt meters respectively.

Exception No. 2: For I n I n I_(n)I_{n} testing as specified in 41.7, the test sample shall be connected to a voltage source. The impedance of the power source shall be such that during the flow of follow current the crest value of the power frequency voltage or the dc voltage, measured at the SPD terminals, does not fall below the crest value of its MCOV by more than 10 percent.
例外 2:对于 41.7 规定的 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 测试,测试样品必须连接到电压源。电源的阻抗应确保在跟随电流流动期间,在 SPD 端子测得的工频电压波峰值或直流电压波峰值低于其 MCOV 波峰值的幅度不超过 10%。
Exception No. 3: The available short circuit current is measured to be 100A or greater.
例外情况 3: 经测量,可用短路电流为 100A 或更大。 An SPD that permits follow current, such as a gas tube, shall be tested on an ac power line with an available short-circuit fault current as specified in Table 12.1, with a power factor as specified in Table 53.1, determined in accordance with Instrumentation and Calibration of High-Capacity Circuits, Section 53. When testing of the Neutral-Ground mode is required by 41.4.1, the Nominal Discharge Current test in 41.7 shall be conducted at the rated L-G voltage or N-G MCOV, whichever is greater, or the Operating Duty Cycle in 41.8 shall be conducted at the Line-Ground voltage. 允许跟随电流的自放电装置,如气体管,应在交流电源线路上进行试验, 其可用短路故障电流应符合表12.1 的规定,功率因数应符合表53.1 的规定,并按 照第53 节 "大容量电路的仪表和校准 "确定。当 41.4.1 要求对中性点-地线模式进行试验时,41.7 中的额定放电电流试验应在额定的线-地电压或中性点-地线 MCOV 下进行,取两者中较大者,或 41.8 中的工作占空比试验应在线-地电压下进行。
Exception: The Neutral-Ground mode only of a Type 1 or 2 SPD is able to be tested using a source of supply as indicated in when the component SPD that permits follow current is not in series with the load.
例外:当允许跟随电流的 SPD 元件没有与负载串联时,可以使用 所示的电源对 1 型或 2 型 SPD 的中性-接地模式进行测试。

41.2.3 Oscilloscope  41.2.3 示波器 The peak voltage shall be determined with the use of an acceptable storage-type oscilloscope, with a minimum single shot bandwidth or effective bandwidth (in cases where high or enhanced resolution is used) of 20 MHz and, if digital, be capable of displaying the entire response of the SPD to the surge. Measurements shall be made using the automatic peak measurement function of the oscilloscope. The time base (seconds per division) of the oscilloscope shall be set to 10 microseconds per division or less ( 10 μ s / div 10 μ s / div <= 10 mus//div\leq 10 \mu \mathrm{~s} / \mathrm{div} ). A minimum effective sampling rate* of 5 , 000 , 000 5 , 000 , 000 5,000,0005,000,000 samples per second ( 5 MS / s 5 MS / s 5MS//s5 \mathrm{MS} / \mathrm{s} ) shall be used. At 10 μ s / div 10 μ s / div 10 mus//div10 \mu \mathrm{~s} / \mathrm{div}, this results in displaying a minimum of 500 samples (data points) per division or 50 samples per microsecond, for example. Additionally, the scope vertical channels shall have input impedance of 1 M Ω M Ω M OmegaM \Omega (with an optional 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Omega50 \Omega input) and the capability to conduct differential measurements. 应使用可接受的存储型示波器测定峰值电压,其最小单次带宽或有效带宽(在使用高分辨率或增强分辨率的情况下)应为 20 兆赫,如果是数字示波器,则应能够显示防雷器对浪涌的整个响应。应使用示波器的自动峰值测量功能进行测量。示波器的时基(每格秒数)应设置为每格 10 微秒或更小( 10 μ s / div 10 μ s / div <= 10 mus//div\leq 10 \mu \mathrm{~s} / \mathrm{div} )。应使用 5 , 000 , 000 5 , 000 , 000 5,000,0005,000,000 样本/秒的最小有效采样率* ( 5 MS / s 5 MS / s 5MS//s5 \mathrm{MS} / \mathrm{s} )。例如,在 10 μ s / div 10 μ s / div 10 mus//div10 \mu \mathrm{~s} / \mathrm{div} 时,每格至少显示 500 个采样点(数据点),或每微秒显示 50 个采样点。此外,示波器垂直通道的输入阻抗应为 1 M Ω M Ω M OmegaM \Omega (可选 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Omega50 \Omega 输入),并能够进行差分测量。 All measurements are to be made with the oscilloscope in differential mode (Example: if channel 1 is connected to the line conductor and channel 2 is connected to the neutral conductor, channel 1 will be in normal mode and channel 2 will be inverted. Differential mode adds these channels together resulting in the combination of both lines). 所有测量均应在示波器的差分模式下进行(例如:如果通道 1 连接到线路导体,通道 2 连接到中性线导体,通道 1 将处于正常模式,通道 2 将处于反相模式。差分模式将这两个通道相加,形成两条线路的组合)。 The vertical channels of the oscilloscope are to be set in dc coupling mode. 示波器的垂直通道应设置为直流耦合模式。 Oscilloscopes that are equipped with noise filtering capabilities (commonly referred to as “high resolution” or “enhanced resolution”) may be set to produce effective sampling rates and bandwidths (see to aid in the mitigation of erroneous noise on the displayed waveforms. 具有噪声过滤功能(通常称为 "高分辨率 "或 "增强分辨率")的示波器可设置为有效采样率和带宽(见,以帮助减少显示波形上的错误噪声。

41.2.4 High voltage probes
41.2.4 高压探头 To determine Voltage Protection Ratings, a differential connection of two probes that are determined to be equivalent to two Tektronix, model P6015A high voltage probes with 10 foot cables shall be used. Equivalency is determined by: 在确定电压保护额定值时,应使用两个探头的差分连接,这两个探头应等同于两个带 10 英尺电缆的泰克公司 P6015A 型高压探头。等效性通过以下方式确定

a) Ensuring the probes have a peak pulse input voltage rating of 20 kV at 10 MHz , an input impedance of 100 M Ω 100 M Ω 100MOmega100 \mathrm{M} \Omega and an input capacitance of 3 pF with 1000 ; 1 1000 ; 1 1000;11000 ; 1 - attenuation, and by
a) 确保探头在 10 MHz 频率下具有 20 kV 的峰值脉冲输入电压额定值、 100 M Ω 100 M Ω 100MOmega100 \mathrm{M} \Omega 的输入阻抗和 3 pF 的输入电容( 1000 ; 1 1000 ; 1 1000;11000 ; 1 - 衰减),并采取以下措施

b) Conducting comparison testing with the Tektronix, model P6015A probes, for the specific test set-up (generator, fixturing and the like) and EUT type (SPD employing a MOV, SPD employing a MOV with a capacitor, SPD employing a filter and the like).
b) 使用泰克公司的 P6015A 型探头,针对特定的测试装置(发生器、夹具等)和 EUT 类型(采用 MOV 的 SPD、采用 MOV 和电容器的 SPD、采用滤波器的 SPD 等)进行比较测试。
Exception: A differential high voltage probe other than specified above may be used for all other surge testing including VPR testing when used to check for degradation provided that they are used within the probe manufacturer’s declared specifications.
例外情况:可使用上述规定以外的差分高压探头进行所有其他浪涌测试,包括用于检查降级的 VPR 测试,但必须在探头制造商公布的规格范围内使用。 Each high voltage probe is to be compensated, to the oscilloscope channel it is intended to be installed in, in accordance with the high voltage probe manufacturer’s specifications. 每个高压探头都应按照高压探头制造商的规格,对其所要安装的示波器通道进行补偿。 The ground leads of the probes may be removed or connected together but are not to be connected to the EUT nor to any other point of the test setup. 探头的接地引线可拆除或连接在一起,但不得连接到被测物或测试装置 的任何其他点。 The probe cables that connect the oscilloscope to the SPD are to be routed close together or twisted to minimize loop area. 连接示波器和 SPD 的探头电缆应紧靠在一起或缠绕在一起,以尽量减少环路面积。 The probes are to be connected to the EUT, positioned as close together as possible and perpendicular to the current flow. 探头应连接到被测物上,尽可能靠近并垂直于电流流向。 No modification is to be made to the high voltage probes, nor are leads to be used to connect the probes to the EUT. 不得对高压探头进行任何改动,也不得使用导线将探头连接至被测物。
Exception: Alligator clips may be soldered or welded to the probe tip to reduce noise.
例外情况:鳄鱼夹可焊接或焊接在探头端部,以减少噪音。 The procedure described in 41.2 .6 shall be used to measure the level of erroneous (no signal) noise in the system setup. 应使用 41.2.6 中描述的程序来测量系统设置中的错误(无信号)噪声水平。 For additional guidance reference should made to the IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits, ANSI/IEEE C62.45 如需更多指导,请参阅《IEEE 关于连接到低电压(1000 V 及以下)交流电源电路的设备浪涌测试推荐实践》(ANSI/IEEE C62.45

41.2.5 Current monitor  41.2.5 电流监测器 The short-circuit current shall be measured using a current monitor suitable for the maximum peak current and current-time characteristics to be measured. 测量短路电流时,必须使用适合最大峰值电流和电流-时间特性的电流监控器。 The useable rise time of the current monitor shall not exceed 800 ns. 电流监控器的有效上升时间不得超过 800 ns。 The current monitor is to be rated for use with either a 1 M Ω , 50 Ω 1 M Ω , 50 Ω 1MOmega,50 Omega1 \mathrm{M} \Omega, 50 \Omega or 75 Ω 75 Ω 75 Omega75 \Omega termination. 电流监控器应额定用于 1 M Ω , 50 Ω 1 M Ω , 50 Ω 1MOmega,50 Omega1 \mathrm{M} \Omega, 50 \Omega 75 Ω 75 Ω 75 Omega75 \Omega 终端。 The current monitor with or without an attenuator shall have a maximum ± 1 ± 1 +-1\pm 1 percent tolerance. 带有或不带衰减器的电流监控器应具有最大 ± 1 ± 1 +-1\pm 1 % 的容差。

41.2.6 Determination of no signal noise during determination of voltage protection rating
41.2.6 确定电压保护等级时无信号噪声的判定 The noise associated with each surge test setup shall be measured and recorded. The noise shall be subtracted from the actual measurement when determining the resultant amplitude associated with a test. 必须测量和记录与每个浪涌试验装置有关的噪音。在确定与试验有关的结果振幅时,应从实际测量值中减去噪声。 Connect the SPD to the surge generator in accordance with 41.5 41.5 _ 41.5 _\underline{41.5} and 41.6. Connect the voltage probes in accordance with 41.2.4. 按照 41.5 41.5 _ 41.5 _\underline{41.5} 和 41.6 将 SPD 连接到浪涌发生器。按照 41.2.4 连接电压探头。 Set the oscilloscope in accordance with 41.2.3 using the appropriate voltage scale settings (volts/division) for the expected result. If the voltage scale settings are modified during the test, repeat this procedure using the new voltage scale setting. 按照 41.2.3 设置示波器,根据预期结果使用适当的电压标度设置(伏特/格)。如果在测试过程中修改了电压标度设置,则使用新的电压标度设置重复此步骤。 Without applying a surge, trigger the oscilloscope and record the voltage (math) maximum. This is the no signal noise. Repeat five times recording the amplitude each time. 在不施加浪涌的情况下,触发示波器并记录电压(数学)最大值。这就是无信号噪声。重复五次,每次记录振幅。 Average the five no signal noise measurements to compute the average no signal noise for the determination of the voltage protection rating. 将五个无信号噪声测量值平均,计算出平均无信号噪声,以确定电压保护额定值。 This value is to be derived for and subtracted from the measured limiting voltage during the determination of the voltage protection rating (see 41.6). 在确定电压保护额定值(见 41.6)时,应从测量的极限电压中得出并减去该值。

41.2.7 Determination of no signal noise for current
41.2.7 电流无信号噪声的测定 The noise associated with each surge test setup shall be measured and recorded. The noise shall be subtracted from the actual measurement when determining the resultant amplitude associated with a test. 必须测量和记录与每个浪涌试验装置有关的噪音。在确定与试验有关的结果振幅时,应从实际测量值中减去噪声。 With the current monitor described in 41.2 .5 in place, connect a suitable short circuit between the connection points at the output of the surge generator normally used to connect the SPD to the generator. An example of a suitable short circuit would be a 6 AWG wire of minimal length. 安装好 41.2.5 所述的电流监控器后,在浪涌发生器输出端的连接点之间连接一个合适的短路回路,该短路回路通常用于将防雷器连接到浪涌发生器。适当短路的一个例子是长度最小的 6 AWG 导线。 Set the oscilloscope in accordance with 41.2 .3 using the appropriate voltage scale settings (volts/division) for the expected result. If the voltage scale settings are modified during the test, repeat this procedure using the new voltage scale setting. 按照 41.2.3 设置示波器,根据预期结果使用适当的电压标度设置 (伏特/分)。如果在测试过程中修改了电压标度设置,则使用新的电压标度设置重复此步骤。 Without applying a surge, trigger the oscilloscope and record the voltage (math) maximum. This is the no signal noise. Repeat five times recording the amplitude each time. 在不施加浪涌的情况下,触发示波器并记录电压(数学)最大值。这就是无信号噪声。重复五次,每次记录振幅。 Average the five no signal noise measurements to compute the average no signal noise for current. 将五个无信号噪声测量值平均,计算出电流的平均无信号噪声。 This value is to be derived for and subtracted from the current measured during the calibration of the surge generator for the determination of the voltage protection rating and the nominal discharge current test. 在校准浪涌发生器以确定电压保护额定值和额定放电电流试验时,应从测得的电流中得出并减去该值。

41.3 Surge generator calibration
41.3 浪涌发生器校准

41.3.1 General - Surge waveform calibration
41.3.1 综述 - 浪涌波形校准 Measurements shall be made on the amplitude, rise and decay time of the waveform. The following steps shall be taken in order to ensure proper calibration of the combination impulse surge waveforms specified in Table 41.1 and is within the tolerances permitted by Table A1.1 of Annex A. Oscillograms of the waveform shall be obtained. The line voltage is not to be applied during waveform calibration. 必须测量波形的振幅、上升和衰减时间。须采取以下步骤,以确保表 41.1 所列的组合脉冲浪涌波形校准正确,并在附件 A 表 A1.1 所允许的公差范围内。应获得波形的振荡图。波形校准期间不得施加线电压。 Oscilloscopes that are equipped with noise filtering capabilities (commonly referred to as “high resolution” or “enhanced resolution”) may be set to produce effective sampling rates and bandwidths (see 41.2.3, 41.2.6, and 41.2.7) to aid in the mitigation of erroneous noise on the displayed waveforms to ensure accuracy when determining the calibration characteristics. This clause applies to all sub-clauses of 41.3. L COPYR/GHTED MATERIAL - NOTAUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER 具有噪声过滤功能(通常称为 "高分辨率 "或 "增强分辨率")的示波器可设置为产生有效的采样率和带宽(见 41.2.3、41.2.6 和 41.2.7),以帮助减轻显示波形上的错误噪声,从而确保在确定校准特性时的准确性。本条款适用于 41.3 的所有子条款。本条款适用于 41.3 的所有子条款。

41.3.2 Short circuit current (SCC)
41.3.2 短路电流 (SCC) Amplitude (Peak, I p I p I_(p)I_{p} ) - To ensure consistent and accurate results, the short circuit current amplitude is to be calibrated to the value specified with a tolerance of +10 percent only. This is to be done by connecting the generator output to the supply connections of the EUT as specified in 41.6 using as short a length of wire, as possible, to make all connections. (Using leads that are too long effects the parameters of the SCC waveform, especially Amplitude and Rise Time). The generator leads are to be disconnected from the EUT, and the current monitor is to be inserted over the output lead. The output leads are to be shorted together using a reliable, very low impedance method (that is, terminal block, heavy-duty clamp, and the like). 幅值(峰值, I p I p I_(p)I_{p} ) - 为确保结果的一致性和准确性,短路电流幅值应校准为规定值,公差仅为 +10%。具体做法是按照 41.6 中的规定,使用尽可能短的导线将信号发生器输出连接到 EUT 的电源连接上,以完成所有连接。(过长的导线会影响 SCC 波形参数,尤其是振幅和上升时间)。将发生器引线与 EUT 断开,并将电流监控器插入输出引线。使用可靠、阻抗极低的方法(即接线端子、重型夹钳等)将输出引线短接在一起。 With the current monitor connected to the oscilloscope, the vertical scale is to be set to read the specified amplitude and the horizontal scale set for 5 μ s / div 5 μ s / div 5mus//div5 \mu \mathrm{~s} / \mathrm{div}. The surge is then to be applied. If the amplitude of the SCC is within +10 percent of the specified value, the rise time measurement is to be performed. 将电流监控器连接至示波器,将垂直刻度设置为读取指定的幅值,将水平刻度设置为 5 μ s / div 5 μ s / div 5mus//div5 \mu \mathrm{~s} / \mathrm{div} 。然后施加浪涌。如果 SCC 的振幅在指定值的 +10% 以内,则进行上升时间测量。 If the short circuit current measurement is too low it may be necessary to either shorten the leads from the surge generator to the EUT and/or increase the voltage adjustment on the generator. It may be necessary to repeat the above steps several times to ensure the proper output short circuit current. Increasing the high voltage adjustment on the generator may increase the open circuit voltage measurement of the generator beyond the voltage waveform parameters. It is preferable to increase the generator current output by decreasing the length of the generator leads to the supply connections or leads of the EUT as specified in 41.6. 如果短路电流测量值过低,可能需要缩短浪涌发生器到 EUT 的导线和/或增加发生器的电压调整。可能需要多次重复上述步骤,以确保输出短路电流正确。增加电源箱的高压调节可能会使电源箱的开路电压测量值超出电压波形参数。最好按照 41.6 中的规定,通过减小发电机引线到 EUT 的电源连接或引线的长度来增加发电机的电流输出。 Decay Time (Duration) - Decay time is the time between the virtual origin of the waveform and the time where the amplitude has decreased to 50 percent of the peak value. The decay time of the waveform shall be 16 μ 16 μ >= 16 mu\geq 16 \mu s and 28 μ 28 μ <= 28 mu\leq 28 \mu s. 衰减时间(持续时间) - 衰减时间是指从波形的虚拟原点到振幅下降到峰值的 50%之间的时间。波形的衰减时间应为 16 μ 16 μ >= 16 mu\geq 16 \mu 秒和 28 μ 28 μ <= 28 mu\leq 28 \mu 秒。 Rise Time (Front Time) - The rise time is 1.25 times the time difference between the 10 percent and 90 percent amplitude points on the leading edge of the waveform. The time difference is to be measured between the 10 percent and 90 percent points of the peak amplitude and multiplied by 1.25 . The rise time shall be 5.5 μ s 5.5 μ s >= 5.5 mus\geq 5.5 \mu \mathrm{~s} and 9 μ s 9 μ s <= 9mus\leq 9 \mu \mathrm{~s}. 上升时间(前沿时间) - 上升时间是波形前沿 10%和 90%振幅点之间时间差的 1.25 倍。时间差应在峰值振幅的 10% 和 90% 点之间测量并乘以 1.25。上升时间应为 5.5 μ s 5.5 μ s >= 5.5 mus\geq 5.5 \mu \mathrm{~s} 9 μ s 9 μ s <= 9mus\leq 9 \mu \mathrm{~s} For I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{n} testing specified in 41.7, use the method in with the EUT in the circuit to measure and adjust, if necessary, the amplitude of I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}}. 对于 41.7 中规定的 I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{n} 测试,使用 中的方法,在电路中使用 EUT 测量 I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} 的振幅,必要时进行调整。

41.3.3 Open circuit voltage (OCV)
41.3.3 开路电压 (OCV) When making the OCV measurements, the generator peak open-circuit voltage is not to be readjusted since that will affect the short circuit current adjustment which has previously been made. 在进行 OCV 测量时,不应重新调整发电机的峰值开路电压,因为这将影响先前进行 的短路电流调整。 Amplitude (Peak, V p V p V_(p)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}} ) - The test leads are to be separated from the point with which they were shorted and remove the current transformer from the test circuit. The probes are to be connected from channels x and y of the oscilloscope to the high and low output leads of the generator, respectively, at the point where the leads are to be connected to the EUT. The scope is to be set in differential mode set for dc coupling with channel x x xx normal and channel y y yy inverted. The scope is to be set for 1 V / div 1 V / div 1V//div1 \mathrm{~V} / \mathrm{div} (or greater if measuring over 6 kV ). The surge is then to be applied. 振幅(峰值, V p V p V_(p)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}} ) - 将测试引线与短路点分开,并将电流互感器从测试电路中移除。将探头从示波器的 x 和 y 通道分别连接到信号发生器的高输出引线和低输出引线上,此时引线将连接到 EUT。将示波器设置为直流耦合差分模式,通道 x x xx 正常,通道 y y yy 反相。将示波器设置为 1 V / div 1 V / div 1V//div1 \mathrm{~V} / \mathrm{div} (如果测量电压超过 6 kV,则设置为更高值)。然后施加浪涌。 If the amplitude of the surge applied falls within + 10 , 5 + 10 , 5 +10,-5+10,-5 percent of the value specified, the decay time measurements are to be performed (higher values may be used if agreeable to all concerned). 如果施加的浪涌振幅在规定值的 + 10 , 5 + 10 , 5 +10,-5+10,-5 % 范围内,则进行衰减时间测量(如果各方同意,可使用更高值)。 If the measured voltage is greater than the tolerances allowed, SCC calibration is to be performed again and the lead length is to be decreased from the generator to the EUT. The SCC is to be 如果测量的电压大于允许的容差,则应再次进行 SCC 校准,并缩短从发生器到 EUT 的导线长度。SCC 将

recalibrated by decreasing the peak open-circuit voltage. This may bring the output voltage into the proper tolerances.
通过降低开路电压峰值来重新校准。这可能会使输出电压达到适当的公差范围。 If the measured voltage is below the tolerances allowed, it may be possible to bring the voltage into proper tolerances by first increasing the peak open-circuit voltage of the generator and then rechecking the amplitude of the OCV. The SCC is to be rechecked. It may be necessary to increase the lead length from the generator to the EUT. It is important to note that substantially increasing the lead length from the generator to the EUT may also effect the rise and decay time parameters of the waveform. (This method will only work if the voltage waveform is slightly below the tolerances specified for the waveform). 如果测得的电压低于允许的公差,可以先提高发电机的开路电压峰值,然后重新检查 OCV 的幅值,使电压达到适当的公差。要重新检查 SCC。可能有必要增加从电源箱到 EUT 的导线长度。需要注意的是,大幅增加从信号发生器到 EUT 的导线长度也会影响波形的上升和衰减时间参数。(只有当电压波形略低于规定的波形容差时,此方法才有效)。 Decay Time (Duration) - Decay time is the time between virtual origin and the time where the voltage has decreased to 50 percent of the peak level. The decay time of the waveform shall be 40 μ s 40 μ s >= 40 mus\geq 40 \mu \mathrm{~s} and 60 μ s 60 μ s <= 60 mus\leq 60 \mu \mathrm{~s}. 衰减时间(持续时间) - 衰减时间是指从虚拟原点到电压下降到峰值电平 50% 的时间。波形的衰减时间应为 40 μ s 40 μ s >= 40 mus\geq 40 \mu \mathrm{~s} 60 μ s 60 μ s <= 60 mus\leq 60 \mu \mathrm{~s} Rise Time (Front Time) - The rise time is 1.67 times the time between the 30 percent and 90 percent amplitude points on the leading edge of the waveform. The time difference is to be measured between the 30 percent and 90 percent points of the peak amplitude and multiplied by 1.67. The rise time must be 0.84 μ s 0.84 μ s >= 0.84 mus\geq 0.84 \mu \mathrm{~s} and 1.56 μ s 1.56 μ s <= 1.56 mus\leq 1.56 \mu \mathrm{~s}. 上升时间(前沿时间) - 上升时间是波形前沿 30%和 90%振幅点之间时间的 1.67 倍。应测量峰值振幅 30% 和 90% 点之间的时间差并乘以 1.67。上升时间必须为 0.84 μ s 0.84 μ s >= 0.84 mus\geq 0.84 \mu \mathrm{~s} 1.56 μ s 1.56 μ s <= 1.56 mus\leq 1.56 \mu \mathrm{~s}

41.4 Test procedure - Application and measurement points
41.4 测试程序 - 应用和测量点

41.4.1 The surges specified in Table 41.1 are to be applied at the intended ac power interface of the SPD (that is, plug blades of a cord and plug or direct plug-in connected SPD; terminals or leads of a permanently wired SPD). The combinations of blades, terminals, leads, and the like to be tested shall be in accordance with Table 41.2. Testing is to be performed on the SPD on all pairs of available conductors where SPD components are connected. The SPD shall be connected to a power source with a voltage configuration that is suitable to the application of the SPD. The SPD is powered as in its normal configuration where no ac voltage is imposed on the neutral-to-ground mode.
41.4.1 表 41.1 中规定的浪涌应施加在防雷器的预定交流电源接口(即电线和插头或直插式 连接防雷器的插头刀片;永久接线防雷器的端子或引线)上。测试的插片、端子、引线等的组合应符合表 41.2 的规定。在连接 SPD 元件的所有可用导线对上对 SPD 进行测试。防雷器必须连接到电压配置适合防雷器应用的电源上。防雷器按正常配置供电,中性点对地模式不施加交流电压。

Exception: For 600 V applications, testing may be performed at 480 V .
例外情况:对于 600 V 应用,可在 480 V 电压下进行测试。

41.4.2 The measured limiting voltage shall be determined using the data points captured in the initial 100 μ s μ s mus\mu \mathrm{s} of the oscillogram recorded during the application of the specified surge. The electrical point of measurement shall be in accordance with Table 41.2, and the physical point as described in 41.4.4 and 41.4.5.
41.4.2 测量的极限电压应使用在施加规定浪涌时记录的示波图的最初 100 μ s μ s mus\mu \mathrm{s} 中捕获的数据点来确定。电气测量点应符合表 41.2 的规定,物理测量点应符合 41.4.4 和 41.4.5 的规定。
Table 41.2  表 41.2
Points of Surge Application and Measurement of Limiting Voltage
SPD ac supply/surge test
SPD 交流电源/浪涌测试
Connection of surge generator and measurement point of limiting voltage a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
浪涌发生器与极限电压测量点的连接 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
G N L 1 L 1 L_(1)\mathrm{L}_{1} L 2 L 2 L_(2)\mathrm{L}_{2} L 3 L 3 L_(3)\mathrm{L}_{3}
Single phase, 2-wire + ground:
单相,2 线制 + 接地:
- L H - -
Test-1 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}  测试-1 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
Test-2  测试-2 L H - - -
Test-3  测试-3 L - H - -
Single phase, 3-wire + ground:
单相,3 线制 + 接地:
- L H - -
Test-1  测试-1
Test-2  测试-2 - L - H -
Test-3  测试-3 L H - - -
SPD ac supply/surge test Connection of surge generator and measurement point of limiting voltage ^("a ") G N L_(1) L_(2) L_(3) Single phase, 2-wire + ground: - L H - - Test-1 ^("b ") Test-2 L H - - - Test-3 L - H - - Single phase, 3-wire + ground: - L H - - Test-1 Test-2 - L - H - Test-3 L H - - -| SPD ac supply/surge test | Connection of surge generator and measurement point of limiting voltage ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | G | N | $\mathrm{L}_{1}$ | $\mathrm{L}_{2}$ | $\mathrm{L}_{3}$ | | Single phase, 2-wire + ground: | - | L | H | - | - | | Test-1 ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | | | | | | Test-2 | L | H | - | - | - | | Test-3 | L | - | H | - | - | | Single phase, 3-wire + ground: | - | L | H | - | - | | Test-1 | | | | | | | Test-2 | - | L | - | H | - | | Test-3 | L | H | - | - | - |
Table 41.2 Continued  续表 41.2

41.4.3 Not all combinations indicated in Table 41.2 need be tested if one test can be considered representative of another. In deciding whether or not one test is representative of another, it is necessary to consider any differences in component surge protective devices, layout, wiring, and the like, that may affect the measured limiting voltage.
41.4.3 如果一项试验可被视为代表另一项试验,则不需要对表 41.2 所示的所有组合进行试验。在决定一项试验是否能代表另一项试验时,必须考虑可能影响测量极限电压的元件浪涌保护装置、布局、布线等方面的差异。

41.4.4 Application and Measurement Points - One-port SPD:
41.4.4 应用和测量点 - 单端口 SPD:

a) For a permanently-connected device, the surge is to be applied at the point where the device leads extend 15 cm ( 6 inches) as measured from the point where the leads exit from the device enclosure (or conduit connector, if provided).
a) 对于永久连接的设备,浪涌应施加在设备引线从设备外壳(或导管连接器,如果提供)伸出 15 厘米(6 英寸)的位置。

b) For a cord-connected or direct plug-in device, the surge is to be applied to the attachment plug.
b) 对于电线连接或直接插入式设备,浪涌应作用于连接插头。

c) For a meter-socket adapter SPD, the surge shall be applied to the input of the SPD.
c) 对于电表插座适配器防雷器,浪涌应作用于防雷器的输入端。

d) For a one-port SPD, the measurement shall be made at the ac power interface (that is, at the same leads, plug blades, and similar locations) where the surge was applied as described above.
d) 对于单端口防雷器,应在上述施加浪涌的交流电源接口处(即相同的引线、插头叶片和类似位置)进行测量。

e) For Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPDs the surge is to be applied at the leads or terminals provided with the component. No additional lead length is to be added.
e) 对于 1、2、3 和 4 型元件组件和 5 型 SPD,浪涌应作用于元件随附的引线或端子。不得增加引线长度。
Exception No. 1: Leads may be added to facilitate connection of the SPD, however, measurement should be made at or a close as possible to the leads/terminals provided with the component.
例外情况 1: 为便于连接 SPD,可增加引线,但测量时应尽可能靠近组件提供的引线/端子。
Exception No. 2: If terminals are provided within an enclosure, the application and measurement point shall be as indicated in (a) above.
例外 2: 如果接线端子安装在外壳内,则应用和测量点应如上述 (a) 所示。
Exception No. 3: If pigtail leads are provided, the application and measurement point shall be as U L U L ULU L indicated in (a) above. Pigtail leads greater than 15 cm ( 6 in.) are to be shortened to 15 cm (6 in.).
例外情况 3: 如果提供尾纤引线,应用和测量点应如上述 (a) 所示 U L U L ULU L 。大于 15 厘米(6 英寸)的尾纤导线应缩短至 15 厘米(6 英寸)。

41.4.5 Application and Measurement Points - Two-port SPD:
41.4.5 应用和测量点 - 双端口 SPD:

a) The surge should be applied at the point where the ac power is introduced to the device (e.g. input terminals).
a) 应在设备引入交流电源的位置(如输入端子)施加浪涌。

b) For cord-connected and direct plug-in devices, the surge will be applied to the attachment plug.
b) 对于电线连接和直接插入式设备,浪涌将作用于连接插头。

c) For a panelboard device, the surge will be applied on the line side of the main circuit breaker.
c) 对于配电板设备,浪涌将作用于主断路器的线路侧。

d) For a two-port SPD, the measurement shall be made at the output port (that is, receptacle contacts, leads, terminals, and similar locations, that are provided on the SPD for the purpose of being electrically connected to the equipment to be protected) electrically closest to the input port (supply connections of device).
d) 对于双端口防雷器,应在电气上最靠近输入端口(设备的电源连接)的输出端口(即防雷器上提供的用于与受保护设备电气连接的插座触点、导线、端子和类似位置)进行测量。

41.5 Representative device - Sample preparation
41.5 代表性装置 - 样品制备

41.5.1 The performance characteristics of components employed in the three previously untested specimens shall conform to the component manufacturer specifications, if those characteristics are critical to the surge response of the SPD.
41.5.1 如果三个先前未测试过的试样所使用的组件的性能特性对防雷装置的浪涌响应至关重要,则这些特性必须符合组件制造商的规格。

41.5.2 SPDs intended for use with circuit breakers or fuses shall be tested with the manufacturer’s specified circuit breaker or fuse protection in the circuit.
41.5.2 与断路器或熔断器一起使用的防雷器必须与制造商指定的断路器或熔断器一起在电路中进行测试。
Exception: For Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPDs the circuit breakers or fuses need not be in the circuit for VPR/MLV measurement, but shall be included for Nominal Discharge and Operating Duty Cycle Testing.
例外情况:对于 1、2、3 和 4 型组件以及 5 型防雷器,断路器或保险丝不必在电路中进行 VPR/MLV 测量,但在进行额定放电和工作负载周期测试时必须包括在内。

41.5.3 The length and arrangement of conductors (internal and external wiring), printed circuits, and the like, of the specimen tested shall be representative of production.
41.5.3 被试样品的导体(内部和外部接线)、印刷电路等的长度和排列应能代表生产情况。

41.5.4 A permanently connected one-port SPD employing wiring leads or terminals for connection to the ac power system (a service panel mounted type SPD with leads or terminals) shall be tested with 15 cm (6 inch) leads, as measured from the point where the leads exit the enclosure. If provided with leads to be installed, leads are to be routed with the greatest amount of internal lead length allowed by the manufacturer’s installation instructions. For leads provided integral to the representative device, leads shall be routed with either the greatest amount of internal lead length allowed in the manufacturing of the device, in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions, or both. Additionally, the leads shall be of the smallest wire diameter to be provided integrally, or included with the device, and/or as specified by the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
41.5.4 永久连接的单端口防雷器,采用接线引线或端子与交流电源系统连接(带引线或端子的检修面板安装型防雷器),必须用 15 厘米(6 英寸)的引线进行测试,从引线出外壳处测量。如果提供了待安装的引线,则应按照制造商安装说明所允许的最大内部引线长度布线。如果引线与代表装置是一体的,则应根据制造商的安装说明,或根据制造装置时允许的最大内部引线长度来布线。此外,导线直径应为整体提供或与设备一起提供的最小导线直径,和/或制造商安装说明中规定的最小导线直径。
Exception: Where leads are not provided, the sample shall be prepared so that 15 cm (6 inches) leads shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications and the surge applied at the point where the leads extend 15 cm ( 6 inches) from the point where the leads exit from the device enclosure.
例外情况:如果没有提供引线,则应准备好样品,以便按照制造商的规格安装 15 厘米(6 英寸)的引线,并在引线从设备外壳伸出 15 厘米(6 英寸)处施加浪涌。

41.5.5 The length of the power supply cord of a cord connected SPD shall be representative of the minimum cord length provided by the manufacturer.
41.5.5 电源线连接的防雷器的电源线长度应代表制造商提供的最小电源线长度。

41.5.6 Test Setup and Apparatus (Nominal discharge current and Operating duty cycle test) - The representative devices shall be placed on a softwood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. The orientation of the representative device shall be such as to create the most severe conditions representative of normal installation. Each representative device is to be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover openings (for example, receptacle openings, ventilation openings) where flame, molten metal, or other particles may be expelled as a result of the test. However, the cheesecloth shall not be deliberately pushed into openings.
41.5.6 试验装置和仪器(标称放电电流和工作占空比试验) - 代表性装置应放在铺有双层白色纸巾的软木表面上。代表装置的方向应能代表正常安装的最恶劣条件。每个代表性装置都应松散地铺上双层起司布。起士布应遮盖可能因试验而喷出火焰、熔融金属或其他微粒的开口(如容器开口、通风口)。但不得故意将起司布推入开口处。

41.6 Determination of voltage protection rating (VPR)
41.6 确定电压保护等级 (VPR)

41.6.1 General - A 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} Combination Wave Surge is used to determine the Voltage Protection Rating and to benchmark the sample prior to the Nominal Discharge Current ( l n ) l n (l_(n))\left(l_{n}\right) Test described in 41.7.
41.6.1 概述 - 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波浪涌用于确定电压保护等级,并在 41.7 所述的 ( l n ) l n (l_(n))\left(l_{n}\right) 标称放电电流试验之前作为样品的基准。

41.6.2 Each of the three representative devices shall be subjected to three (3) × 6 kV / 3 kA × 6 kV / 3 kA xx6kV//3kA\times 6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} impulse surges specified in Table 41.1, with the open-circuit voltage and the output of the surge generator calibrated as specified in 41.3. The surge generator (including its means of connection to the SPD), ac power line, and measuring equipment shall be as described in 41.2-41.4.
41.6.2 三个代表性设备中的每一个都必须经受表 41.1 中规定的三 (3) × 6 kV / 3 kA × 6 kV / 3 kA xx6kV//3kA\times 6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 次脉冲浪涌,浪涌发生器的开路电压和输出应按 41.3 的规定校准。浪涌发生器(包括其与 SPD 的连接方式)、交流电源线路和测量设备应符合 41.2-41.4 中的描述。

41.6.3 The impulse surges shall be applied and the limiting voltage measured as specified in 41.4 with the representative devices connected to the ac power line. The surge shall be initiated at a phase angle of 90 ± 10 90 ± 10 90+-1090 \pm 10 degrees.
41.6.3 必须按照 41.4 的规定,在代表性设备与交流电源线路连接的情况下,施加脉冲浪涌并测量极限电压。浪涌应在 90 ± 10 90 ± 10 90+-1090 \pm 10 度的相位角下启动。

41.6.4 A recording or print out shall be obtained of the resultant waveform. The voltage protection ratings are derived. The VPR shall be assigned for each mode of protection provided. This value is obtained by comparing the measured limiting voltage obtained in 41.6 to a higher value in Table 84.1. The average of the measured limiting voltage as specified in 41.6 with the average no signal noise as specified in 41.2 .6 subtracted shall not exceed the manufacturer’s marked VPR rating from Table 84.1. In addition, no individual measured limiting voltage with the average no signal noise as specified in 41.2.6 subtracted may exceed the marked VPR by more than 10 percent. The VPR is verified during the repeat VPR test conducted in 41.9 .
41.6.4 应记录或打印得出的波形。得出电压保护额定值。应为所提供的每种保护模式分配 VPR。该值通过将 41.6 中获得的测量极限电压与表 84.1 中的较高值进行比较而得出。41.6 中规定的测量极限电压的平均值减去 41.2.6 中规定的平均无信号噪声后,不得超过表 84.1 中制造商标注的 VPR 额定值。此外,在减去 41.2.6 中规定的平均无信号噪声后,任何单个测量的极限电压均不得超过标注的 VPR 10%。VPR 可在 41.9 中进行的重复 VPR 测试中验证。

41.7 Nominal discharge current - For Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs and Type 1, 2 component assemblies
41.7 标称放电电流 - 用于 1 型和 2 型防雷器以及 1、2 型组件组件

41.7.1 The manufacturer shall specify (declare) the value of the Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) to which the sample will be tested. The value of the Nominal Discharge Current ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) selected by the manufacturer shall be: 10 kA or 20 kA for Type 1 SPDs and 3 kA , 5 kA , 10 kA 3 kA , 5 kA , 10 kA 3kA,5kA,10kA3 \mathrm{kA}, 5 \mathrm{kA}, 10 \mathrm{kA} or 20 kA for Type 2 SPDs. With the SPD in the circuit the surge generator voltage shall be adjusted to ensure that the value of I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} (selected by the manufacturer) is impressed through the SPD. The resultant waveshape is permitted to deviate from the initial short circuit calibration of the 8 × 20 μ s 8 × 20 μ s 8xx20 mus8 \times 20 \mu \mathrm{~s} waveshape providing that the front time is a maximum of 9 μ s 9 μ s 9mus9 \mu \mathrm{~s} and the duration is a minimum of 16 μ s 16 μ s 16 mus16 \mu \mathrm{~s}.
41.7.1 制造商须说明(宣布)样品将被测试的标称放电电流值( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} )。制造商选择的标称放电电流值 ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) 应为:1 型防雷器为 10 kA 或 20 kA,2 型防雷器为 3 kA , 5 kA , 10 kA 3 kA , 5 kA , 10 kA 3kA,5kA,10kA3 \mathrm{kA}, 5 \mathrm{kA}, 10 \mathrm{kA} 或 20 kA。当防雷器处于电路中时,应调整浪涌发生器电压,以确保 I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} 值(由制造商选择)通过防雷器。由此产生的波形允许偏离 8 × 20 μ s 8 × 20 μ s 8xx20 mus8 \times 20 \mu \mathrm{~s} 波形的初始短路校准,但前沿时间不得超过 9 μ s 9 μ s 9mus9 \mu \mathrm{~s} ,持续时间不得超过 16 μ s 16 μ s 16 mus16 \mu \mathrm{~s}
Exception: A generator that can be calibrated to produce an 8 × 20 μ 8 × 20 μ 8xx20 mu8 \times 20 \mu s waveform with the EUT in the circuit is considered acceptable.
例外情况:如果发生器经过校准,可以在电路中的 EUT 产生 8 × 20 μ 8 × 20 μ 8xx20 mu8 \times 20 \mu s 波形,则可以接受。

41.7.2 Type 1, Type 1 Component Assemblies, Type 2 SPDs and Type 2 Component Assemblies shall be subjected to the Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) Test as specified in Table 41.1. The same three representative devices that were subjected to the 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} combination wave in the Voltage Protection Rating Test, shall then be subjected to fifteen (15) × 8 / 20 × 8 / 20 xx8//20\times 8 / 20 short circuit current surges, per mode. The surges are to be applied at the application points specified in 41.4.
41.7.2 1 类、1 类组件总成、2 类防雷器和 2 类组件总成必须进行表 41.1 规定的标称放电电流( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} )试验。在电压保护额定值试验中经受 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波的相同的三个代表性设备,随后应经受十五 (15) 次 × 8 / 20 × 8 / 20 xx8//20\times 8 / 20 短路电流浪涌(每种模式)。浪涌应施加在 41.4 规定的应用点上。

41.7.3 During the application of these surges the samples are unenergized. Surges shall be applied in three groups of five surges. Within 1 second after the application of each surge, the manufacturer’s specified (declared) MCOV shall be applied for 60 seconds ± 5 ± 5 +-5\pm 5 seconds. A maximum of 1 minute ± 15 ± 15 +-15\pm 15 seconds between surges is permitted. After each group of 5 surges, the sample shall rest for 30 minutes ± 5 ± 5 +-5\pm 5 minutes. After the 15 th surge, the MCOV shall be re-applied for at least 15 minutes.
41.7.3 在施加这些浪涌期间,样品不通电。浪涌应分三组施加,每组五个浪涌。在施加每个浪涌后的 1 秒钟内,制造商指定(宣布)的 MCOV 应施加 60 秒 ± 5 ± 5 +-5\pm 5 秒。浪涌之间最多允许间隔 1 分钟 ± 15 ± 15 +-15\pm 15 秒。每组 5 次冲击后,样品应休息 30 分钟 ± 5 ± 5 +-5\pm 5 。在第 15 次冲击后,应重新涂抹 MCOV 至少 15 分钟。
Exception No. 1: After each group of 5 surges, the sample may rest for less than 30 minutes if agreeable to all concerned.
例外情况 1:在每组 5 次浪涌之后,如果有关各方同意,样品可以休息少于 30 分钟。

Exception No. 2: SPDs that permit follow current, such as gas tubes and air gap devices (see, shall be tested with the unit energized by applying the surge initially at 0 degrees on the A C A C ACA C voltage waveform and then incrementing the angle by 30 degrees for each of the 15 surges.
例外 2:允许跟随电流的防雷器,如气体管和气隙装置(见,必须在设备通电的情况下进行测试,方法是在 A C A C ACA C 电压波形上 0 度处施加浪涌,然后在 15 个浪涌中每个浪涌的角度增加 30 度。

41.7.4 All tests shall be performed on each mode of protection; however, if some modes of protection have identical circuitry, one single test can be performed on the mode of protection which represents the most vulnerable configuration, using new samples each time. If components of the same type and parameters are connected in parallel, they shall be tested as one current path. The manufacturer shall provide samples prepared according to the requirements in 41.5 .
41.7.4 所有试验均应在每种保护方式上进行;但如果某些保护方式的电路相同,则可在最易受影响的保护方式上进行一次试验,每次使用新的样品。如果相同类型和参数的元件并联,则应作为一个电流通路进行测试。制造商应提供按照 41.5 的要求制备的样品。

41.7.5 For multimode devices (e.g. 3 phase SPDs) in which the protective component circuitry is identical, the testing of each of the modes (e.g. three phases) can satisfy the three sample requirement.
41.7.5 对于保护元件电路相同的多模式设备(如三相防雷器),每种模式(如三相)的测试均可满足三个样本的要求。

41.7.6 Pass Criteria - During and following the Nominal Discharge Current Test, the following conditions shall not result:
41.7.6 通过标准--在标称放电电流试验期间和之后,不得出现下列情况

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (preexisting or created as a result of the test) in the product.
a) 通过产品上的任何开口(事先存在的或因试验而产生的)喷出火焰、熔融金属、发光或火焰颗粒。

b) Charring, glowing, or flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth.
b) 支撑表面、纸巾或干酪布烧焦、发光或燃烧。

c) Ignition of the enclosure.
c) 点燃外壳。

d) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
d) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可接近性 "进行判断,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可接近性。

e) Supplementary protective devices, internal or external to the SPD, opening.
e) 打开 SPD 内部或外部的辅助保护装置。

41.8 Operating duty cycle test - For Type 3 SPDs and Type 3 component assemblies
41.8 工作负载周期测试 - 适用于 3 型防雷器和 3 型元件组件

41.8.1 Type 3 SPDs and Type 3 Component Assemblies, shall be energized and subjected to the Operating Duty Cycle Test while connected to a rated power source. The same three representative devices that were subjected to the 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} Combination Wave Surge, shall be subjected to fifteen (15) x 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} combination wave surges, per mode, as specified in Table 41.1, applied at the application points specified in 41.4. Eight (8) surges shall be positive polarity at a phase angle of 90 ( + 0 , 15 ) 90 ( + 0 , 15 ) 90(+0,-15)90(+0,-15) degrees and 7 shall be negative polarity at a phase angle of 90 ( + 0 , 15 ) 90 ( + 0 , 15 ) 90(+0,-15)90(+0,-15) degrees. The surges are to be conducted in succession with a maximum 60 second period between each surge.
41.8.1 3 类防雷器和 3 类组件总成,在连接到额定电源时,必须通电并进行操作占空比试验。在表 41.1 中规定的应用点,对同样的三个经受 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波浪涌的代表性装置,应经受十五 (15) x 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波浪涌,每种模式如表 41.1 所规定。八 (8) 个浪涌应为正极性,相位角为 90 ( + 0 , 15 ) 90 ( + 0 , 15 ) 90(+0,-15)90(+0,-15) 度,七 (7) 个应为负极性,相位角为 90 ( + 0 , 15 ) 90 ( + 0 , 15 ) 90(+0,-15)90(+0,-15) 度。浪涌应连续进行,每个浪涌之间最多间隔 60 秒。
Exception: Type 3 SPDs may be subjected to the I n I n I_(n)I_{n} test of 41.7 as per Type 2 requirements. If tested as required for Type 2 , at a minimum I n I n I_(n)I_{n} level of 3 kA , the marking specified in 85.4 may be omitted.
例外:第 3 类 SPD 可按第 2 类要求进行 41.7 的 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 试验。如果按照第 2 类的要求,在 3 kA 的最低 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 电平下进行测试,则可以省略 85.4 中规定的标记。

41.8.2 These tests are carried out on three samples. An SPD with at least three identical terminals satisfies this sample requirement.
41.8.2 这些测试在三个样品上进行。至少有三个相同端子的 SPD 即可满足这一样品要求。

41.8.3 Pass Criteria - During and following the Nominal Discharge Current Test and the Duty Cycle Test, the following conditions shall not result:
41.8.3 通过标准--在标称放电电流试验和负载周期试验期间及之后,不得出现 下列情况

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (pre-existing or created as a result of the test) in the product.
a) 通过产品上的任何开口(预先存在的或因试验而产生的)喷出火焰、熔融金属、发光或火焰颗粒。

b) Charring, glowing, or flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth.
b) 支撑表面、纸巾或干酪布烧焦、发光或燃烧。

c) Ignition of the enclosure.
c) 点燃外壳。

U L d) U L d)  UL_("d) ")U L_{\text {d) }} Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in acessibiity of live parts, when judged REPR Cinaccordance with Accessibility of Live/Parts, Section13./T PERM/SSION FROM UL INC.
U L d) U L d)  UL_("d) ")U L_{\text {d) }} 在外壳上开孔,导致带电部件的可及性,当判定 REPR Cinaccordance 符合第 13./T PERM/SSION FROM UL INC.

e) Supplementary protective devices, internal or external to the SPD, opening.
e) 打开 SPD 内部或外部的辅助保护装置。

41.9 Repeated voltage protection rating test
41.9 重复电压保护额定值试验

41.9.1 Following the testing in 41.6 , 41.7 , 41.8 41.6 , 41.7 _ , 41.8 _ 41.6,41.7 _,41.8 _41.6, \underline{41.7}, \underline{41.8}, the SPDs shall be allowed to cool to room temperature and then be subjected to the 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} combination wave as described in 41.6. The resulting average measured limiting voltage per sample shall not deviate more than 10 percent from the original average value for the same sample measured in 41.6.
41.9.1 在 41.6 , 41.7 , 41.8 41.6 , 41.7 _ , 41.8 _ 41.6,41.7 _,41.8 _41.6, \underline{41.7}, \underline{41.8} 测试之后,应使防雷器冷却至室温,然后按 41.6 所述进行 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波测试。由此测得的每个样品的平均极限电压与 41.6 中测量的同一样品的原始平均值的偏差不得超过 10%。
Exception: For Gap Type SPDs including gas tubes, a deviation of 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% is permitted.
例外:对于包括气体管的间隙式 SPD,允许 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% 的偏差。

42 Type 5 SPD Surge Testing
42 5 类 SPD 浪涌测试

42.1 3 samples shall be subjected to the following sequence:
42.1 3 个样品应按以下顺序进行检验:

a) For discrete varistors only, V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} as specified in 70 .
a) 仅对于分立变阻器, V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} 应符合 70 中的规定。

b) For discrete gas tubes only, breakdown voltage as specified in 74.
b) 仅对于分立气体管,击穿电压应符合 74.A.1.中的规定。
Exception: Where the gas pressure and composition is controlled, this test need not be conducted.

c) Apply 15 surges at a selected nominal discharge current ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) as follows: ( .01 , .05 , .1 , .15 , .25 , .5 ( .01 , .05 , .1 , .15 , .25 , .5 (.01,.05,.1,.15,.25,.5(.01, .05, .1, .15, .25, .5, 1 , 1.5 , 2 , 2.5 , 3 , 5 , 10 1 , 1.5 , 2 , 2.5 , 3 , 5 , 10 1,1.5,2,2.5,3,5,101,1.5,2,2.5,3,5,10 or 20 kA ).
c) 在选定的额定放电电流 ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) 下施加 15 次浪涌,具体如下: ( .01 , .05 , .1 , .15 , .25 , .5 ( .01 , .05 , .1 , .15 , .25 , .5 (.01,.05,.1,.15,.25,.5(.01, .05, .1, .15, .25, .5 1 , 1.5 , 2 , 2.5 , 3 , 5 , 10 1 , 1.5 , 2 , 2.5 , 3 , 5 , 10 1,1.5,2,2.5,3,5,101,1.5,2,2.5,3,5,10 或 20 kA )。

d) Apply MCOV between surges (as done for Type 1 and 2 SPDs in 41.7.3).
d) 在浪涌之间应用 MCOV(如 41.7.3 中对 1 型和 2 型 SPD 所做的那样)。

e) Measure MLV, see 41.6, during each surge and compute the average of the 45 values to obtain the MLV rating (rounding to the nearest 10 V ).
e) 在每次浪涌期间测量 MLV(见 41.6),并计算 45 个值的平均值,以获得 MLV 额定值(四舍五入至最接近的 10 V)。

f) For discrete varistors only, the repeat V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} as specified in Section 70 70 _ 70 _\underline{70} shall be within 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% of the initial value.
f) 仅对于分立变阻器,第 70 70 _ 70 _\underline{70} 节中规定的重复 V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} 应在初始值 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% 的范围内。

g) For discrete gas tubes only, if required by (b), the repeat breakdown voltage as specified in 74 74 _ 74 _\underline{74} shall be within 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% of the initial value.
g) 仅对于离散气体管,如果有 (b) 的要求, 74 74 _ 74 _\underline{74} 中规定的重复击穿电压应在初始值 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% 的范围内。

h) For all other SPDs, where V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} is not provided, such as SPDs with thermal protection, capacitors, etc., each MLV shall be within 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% of the average of the 15 MLVs for that sample.
h) 对于未提供 V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} 的所有其他 SPD,例如带热保护的 SPD、电容器等,每个 MLV 应在该样本的 15 个 MLV 平均值的 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% 范围内。
Exception: For gas type SPDs where breakdown voltage is not provided or applicable, a deviation of 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% is permitted.
例外情况:对于不提供击穿电压或击穿电压不适用的气体型防雷器,允许 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% 的偏差。

i) Operational Voltage Test in Section 44.
i) 第 44 节中的工作电压测试。

42.2 Type 5 SPDs with rated operating temperature above 85 C 85 C 85^(@)C85^{\circ} \mathrm{C} shall comply with 42.1 with the Aging Test in Section 71 conducted during the 42.1 sequence following the V n @ 1 ma D C V n @ 1 ma D C V_(n)@1maDC\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} @ 1 \mathrm{ma} D C test in 42.1 ( a ) or for 42.1 ( a )  or for  _ 42.1(a)" or for "_\underline{42.1(\mathrm{a}) \text { or for }} gas discharge tubes the breakdown voltage test in 42.1(b). Immediately following completion of the Aging Test, while the samples are still in a heated condition, the samples are to be subjected to the nominal discharge current in 42.1(a).
42.2 额定工作温度高于 85 C 85 C 85^(@)C85^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 的5型防雷器,在 V n @ 1 ma D C V n @ 1 ma D C V_(n)@1maDC\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} @ 1 \mathrm{ma} D C 气体放电管中进行 42.1 ( a ) or for 42.1 ( a )  or for  _ 42.1(a)" or for "_\underline{42.1(\mathrm{a}) \text { or for }} 击穿电压试验后,在42.1(b)的顺序中进行第71节中的老化试验,必须符合42.1的要求。老化试验结束后,当样品仍处于加热状态时,立即对样品进行42.1(a)中的额定放电电流试验。

43 Type 4 Component Assemblies Surge Testing
43 第 4 类部件组件浪涌测试

43.1 Surge testing as specified in Section 42 for Type 5 SPDs plus the limited current tests in 45.4 and the disconnector testing as appropriate.
43.1 第 42 节规定的 5 型防雷器浪涌测试,加上 45.4 节规定的限流测试和适当的隔离开关测试。

43.2 L The 10A for permanently connected SPD’s, or 5A for cord connected SPD’s, limited current test REshall be performed on the samples tested in Section42:THOUT PERMISSION FROM UL INC.
43.2 L 对永久连接的防雷器进行 10A 或对软线连接的防雷器进行 5A 的限流测试,应在未经 UL 公司许可的情况下,在第 42 节测试的样品上进行。

44 Operational Voltage Test
44 运行电压测试

44.1 Following the repeated VPR Test ( 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} Combination Wave Surge), the SPD shall be subjected to an overvoltage, on all protection modes, of 115 percent of the rated supply voltage (to simulate the upper tolerance of the supply voltage) for 30 minutes. The SPD must remain operational and shall meet the pass criteria as specified in 44.5. For SPDs intended for use on ungrounded systems, impedance grounded systems, or corner grounded delta systems, the line-to-ground modes shall be tested at 115 percent of the rated line-to-line voltage.
44.1 在重复 VPR 试验( 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波浪涌)之后,防雷器必须在所有保护模式下承受额定电源电压 115% 的过电压(模拟电源电压的上限容差),持续 30 分钟。防雷器必须保持工作状态,并符合 44.5 中规定的合格标准。对于用于未接地系统、阻抗接地系统或转角接地三角系统的防雷器,线对地模式必须在 115% 的额定线对线电压下进行测试。
Exception: If the SPD was tested at 115 percent of the rated supply voltage (or greater) during the I n I n I_(n)I_{n} test in 41.7, this test need not be performed.
例外:如果在 41.7 中的 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 测试期间,防雷器在 115% 的额定电源电压(或更高)下进行了测试,则无需进行此测试。

44.2 Two-port SPDs employing heat dissipating components (for example, inductors) electrically in series with the load, shall be operated at rated load or testing may be conducted inside an oven maintained at the maximum temperature measured during the Temperature Test, Section 40. Following the overvoltage test, two-port SPDs shall be operated for 7 hours at rated voltage and load.
44.2 采用与负载串联的散热元件(如电感器)的双端口防雷器,必须在额定负载下运行,或在第 40 节温度试验中测得最高温度的烘箱内进行试验。过压测试后,双端口防雷器必须在额定电压和负载下工作 7 小时。

44.3 Test Setup and Apparatus - The representative devices shall be placed on a softwood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. The orientation of the representative device shall be such as to create the most severe conditions representative of normal installation. Each representative device is to be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover openings (for example, receptacle openings, ventilation openings) where flame, molten metal, or other particles may be expelled as a result of the test. However, the cheesecloth shall not be deliberately pushed into openings.
44.3 试验装置和仪器 - 代表性装置应放在铺有双层白色纸巾的软木表面上。代表装置的方向应能代表正常安装的最恶劣条件。每个代表性装置都应松散地铺上双层起司布。起士布应遮盖可能因试验而喷出火焰、熔融金属或其他微粒的开口(如容器开口、通风口)。但不得故意将起司布推入开口处。

44.4 Following the overvoltage test, the same samples shall be subjected to and comply with the Grounding Continuity Test, Section 49. Cord Connected and Direct Plug-in Devices shall also comply with the Leakage Current Test requirements of Section 38.
44.4 在过电压试验后,同样的样品须进行并符合第 49 节的接地连续性试验。软线连接和直接插入式设备还须符合第 38 节的泄漏电流试验要求。

44.5 Pass Criteria - During and following the overvoltage tests the following conditions shall not result:
44.5 合格标准 - 在过电压试验期间及之后,不得出现下列情况

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (pre-existing or created as a result of the test) in the product.
a) 通过产品上的任何开口(预先存在的或因试验而产生的)喷出火焰、熔融金属、发光或火焰颗粒。

b) Charring, glowing, or flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth.
b) 支撑表面、纸巾或干酪布烧焦、发光或燃烧。

c) Ignition of the enclosure.
c) 点燃外壳。

d) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
d) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可接近性 "进行判断,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可接近性。

e) Supplementary protective devices, internal or external to the SPD, opening.
e) 打开 SPD 内部或外部的辅助保护装置。

45 Current Testing  45 电流测试

45.1 General  45.1 概述

45.1.1 The Short Circuit Current Rating Test (45.2), the Intermediate Current Test (45.3), and Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Tests (45.4) shall be performed as identified in Figure 37.1, Flowcharts 2 4.
45.1.1 短路额定电流试验(45.2)、中间电流试验(45.3)和限流异常过电压试验 (45.4)应按图 37.1 流程图 2 4 所示进行。

45.1.2 The voltages in Table 45.1 shall be applied during the Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test. During the Short Circuit Current Rating Test and the intermediate Current Tests, the voltages in Table 45.1 may be used if Exception to 45.2 .3 is not applied.
45.1.2 在限流异常过电压试验中,必须使用表45.1 所列电压。在短路额定电流试验和中间电流试验中,如不适用 45.2.3 的例外规定,可使用表 45.1 中的电压。
Table 45.1  表 45.1
Test Voltage Selection Table
Nominal voltage rating  额定电压 Phase  阶段 Minimum test voltage a,c a,c  ^("a,c "){ }^{\text {a,c }}
最低测试电压 a,c a,c  ^("a,c "){ }^{\text {a,c }}
0-109V Single  单人 Twice Rated Voltage  两倍额定电压
110-219V Single  单人 240
220-229V Single  单人 380
230-239V Single  单人 400
240-345V Single  单人 480
346-399V Single  单人 600
400-499V Single  单人 690
500-1000V Single  单人 Twice Rated Voltage Up to Max 1000V
两倍额定电压,最高达 1000V
110-120/220-240V Split  分割 240
120/208V 3-WYE 208
220/380V 3-WYE 380
230/400V 3-WYE 400
220-240/380-415V 3-WYE 415
240/415V 3-WYE 415
254-277/440-480V 3-WYE 480
346/600V 3-WYE 600
400/690V 3-WYE 690
120/240V High leg delta  高脚三角洲 240
240/480V High leg delta  高脚三角洲 480
0-1000 Delta  三角洲 b

a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 对于本表中未规定的设备额定电压,测试电压应为最大相电压(如果有)或导线对额定电压的两倍,最高为 1000 Vmax。 b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 额定用于台达配电系统的防雷器应进行短路额定电流和中间电流试验,最低试验电压 >=\geq 为全相(L-L)电压。额定用于 Delta 配电系统的 SPD 无需进行限流异常过压测试。 c c ^(c){ }^{\mathrm{c}} 在有关各方同意的情况下,测试电压可提高到最低值以上。
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} For device voltage ratings not specified in this table, the test voltage shall be the maximum phase voltage (if available) or twice the conductor pair voltage rating up to 1000 Vmax .
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system shall be subjected to the Short circuit current rating and Intermediate current tests, with a minimum test voltage >=\geq the full phase (L-L) voltage. The Limited current abnormal overvoltage test is not required to be conducted on SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system.
c c ^(c){ }^{\mathrm{c}} The test voltage may be increased beyond the minimum values when agreed upon by all concerned parties.
^("a ") For device voltage ratings not specified in this table, the test voltage shall be the maximum phase voltage (if available) or twice the conductor pair voltage rating up to 1000 Vmax . ^(b) SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system shall be subjected to the Short circuit current rating and Intermediate current tests, with a minimum test voltage >= the full phase (L-L) voltage. The Limited current abnormal overvoltage test is not required to be conducted on SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system. ^(c) The test voltage may be increased beyond the minimum values when agreed upon by all concerned parties.| ${ }^{\text {a }}$ For device voltage ratings not specified in this table, the test voltage shall be the maximum phase voltage (if available) or twice the conductor pair voltage rating up to 1000 Vmax . | | :--- | | ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system shall be subjected to the Short circuit current rating and Intermediate current tests, with a minimum test voltage $\geq$ the full phase (L-L) voltage. The Limited current abnormal overvoltage test is not required to be conducted on SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system. | | ${ }^{\mathrm{c}}$ The test voltage may be increased beyond the minimum values when agreed upon by all concerned parties. |
Nominal voltage rating Phase Minimum test voltage ^("a,c ") 0-109V Single Twice Rated Voltage 110-219V Single 240 220-229V Single 380 230-239V Single 400 240-345V Single 480 346-399V Single 600 400-499V Single 690 500-1000V Single Twice Rated Voltage Up to Max 1000V 110-120/220-240V Split 240 120/208V 3-WYE 208 220/380V 3-WYE 380 230/400V 3-WYE 400 220-240/380-415V 3-WYE 415 240/415V 3-WYE 415 254-277/440-480V 3-WYE 480 346/600V 3-WYE 600 400/690V 3-WYE 690 120/240V High leg delta 240 240/480V High leg delta 480 0-1000 Delta b "^("a ") For device voltage ratings not specified in this table, the test voltage shall be the maximum phase voltage (if available) or twice the conductor pair voltage rating up to 1000 Vmax . ^(b) SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system shall be subjected to the Short circuit current rating and Intermediate current tests, with a minimum test voltage >= the full phase (L-L) voltage. The Limited current abnormal overvoltage test is not required to be conducted on SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system. ^(c) The test voltage may be increased beyond the minimum values when agreed upon by all concerned parties." | Nominal voltage rating | Phase | Minimum test voltage ${ }^{\text {a,c }}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 0-109V | Single | Twice Rated Voltage | | 110-219V | Single | 240 | | 220-229V | Single | 380 | | 230-239V | Single | 400 | | 240-345V | Single | 480 | | 346-399V | Single | 600 | | 400-499V | Single | 690 | | 500-1000V | Single | Twice Rated Voltage Up to Max 1000V | | 110-120/220-240V | Split | 240 | | 120/208V | 3-WYE | 208 | | 220/380V | 3-WYE | 380 | | 230/400V | 3-WYE | 400 | | 220-240/380-415V | 3-WYE | 415 | | 240/415V | 3-WYE | 415 | | 254-277/440-480V | 3-WYE | 480 | | 346/600V | 3-WYE | 600 | | 400/690V | 3-WYE | 690 | | 120/240V | High leg delta | 240 | | 240/480V | High leg delta | 480 | | 0-1000 | Delta | b | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ For device voltage ratings not specified in this table, the test voltage shall be the maximum phase voltage (if available) or twice the conductor pair voltage rating up to 1000 Vmax . <br> ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system shall be subjected to the Short circuit current rating and Intermediate current tests, with a minimum test voltage $\geq$ the full phase (L-L) voltage. The Limited current abnormal overvoltage test is not required to be conducted on SPDs rated for use on a Delta power distribution system. <br> ${ }^{\mathrm{c}}$ The test voltage may be increased beyond the minimum values when agreed upon by all concerned parties. | | | | | | | | | | |
45.1.3 SPDs shall be subjected to the tests described in 45.2 (Short Circuit Current Rating Test), 45.3 (Intermediate Current Test) and 45.4 (Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test) without resulting in any of the conditions described in 45.1.10.
45.1.3 防雷器必须经受 45.2(短路额定电流试验)、45.3(中间电流试验)和 45.4(限流异常过电压试验)所述的试验,且不致出现 45.1.10 所述的任何情况。
Exception: The neutral to ground mode is only tested for 120 VAC Single Phase Type 3 SPDs.
例外情况:中性点对地模式仅对 120 VAC 单相 3 型 SPD 进行测试。

45.1.4 Requirements 45.1 .4 - 45.1.8 cover general test apparatus and sample preparation. The representative devices used for each of the tests described in 45.2 45.4 45.2 _ 45.4 _ 45.2 _-45.4 _\underline{45.2}-\underline{45.4} may be previously untested.
45.1.4 要求 45.1.4 - 45.1.8 包括一般试验设备和样品制备。用于 45.2 45.4 45.2 _ 45.4 _ 45.2 _-45.4 _\underline{45.2}-\underline{45.4} 中所述各项试验的代表性装置可能以前未经试验。

45.1.5 When agreed upon by all concerned parties, fewer samples than those specified in 45.2 .1 45.4.2 shall be used for testing.
45.1.5 在有关各方同意的情况下,用于试验的样品数量应少于 45.2.1 45.4.2 中规定的数量。

45.1.6 When agreed upon by those concerned, the same samples may be used for more than one mode.
45.1.6 经有关各方同意,同一样品可用于多种模式。

45.1.7 The representative devices shall be placed on a softwood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. The orientation of the representative device shall be such as to create the most severe conditions representative of normal installation. Each representative device is to be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover openings (for example, receptacle openings,
45.1.7 代表性装置应放在铺有双层白色纸巾的软木表面上。代表装置的方向应能代表正常安装的最恶劣条件。每个代表性装置都应松散地铺上双层起司布。芝士布必须盖住开口(例如贮器开口)、

ventilation openings) where flame, molten metal, or other particles may be expelled as a result of the test. However, the cheesecloth shall not be deliberately pushed into openings.
Exception: For totally enclosed devices, having provisions for conduit connection(s), the cheese cloth shall be kept away from the conduit opening. This is accomplished by installing a length of conduit that directs venting away from the cheesecloth. Alternatively, when conduit is not installed, a 2 inch cheesecloth margin is to be maintained around the conduit opening.
例外情况:对于有导管连接装置的全封闭设备,应使奶酪布远离导管开口。具体做法是安装一段导管,将通风口引离芝士布。或者,在未安装导管的情况下,应在导管开口周围保留 2 英寸的奶酪布边缘。

45.1.8 Cord-connected, direct plug-in, permanently connected receptacle and other SPD types intended for connection to common outlet boxes (such as raceways, multiple outlet assembly types) shall be tested in accordance with 45.3 in both normal and reversed polarity.
45.1.8 电线连接的、直接插入的、永久连接的插座和其他用于连接公用插座盒 (如滚道、多插座组件类型)的 SPD 类型,必须按照 45.3 进行正常极性和反极性试验。

45.1.9 An SPD provided with solid-state electronic circuit that operates and is relied upon for safe operation of the device during this test shall be tested as follows during the test:
45.1.9 装有固态电子电路的防雷装置,在本试验中必须按下列方法进行操作和安全操作:

a) With the circuit functioning as intended;
a) 电路正常运行;

b) With the circuit open-circuited; and
b) 电路开路;以及

c) With the circuit short-circuited.
c) 电路短路。
Exception: A solid-state electronic circuit that has been investigated and found to comply with the requirements of the Standard for Tests for Safety-Related Controls Employing Solid-State Devices, UL 991 is not required to be tested as described in (a) - ©.
例外情况:固态电子电路经调查符合 UL 991《采用固态器件的安全控制测试标准》的要求,则无需进行 (a) - © 所述的测试。

45.1.10 Pass criteria - During and following the tests described in 45.2 .1 45.2 .1 _ 45.2.1_\underline{45.2 .1} - 45.4.2, the following conditions shall not result:
45.1.10 合格标准--在 45.2 .1 45.2 .1 _ 45.2.1_\underline{45.2 .1} - 45.4.2所述试验期间和之后,不得出现下列情况:

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (pre-existing or created as a result of the test) in the product.
a) 通过产品上的任何开口(预先存在的或因试验而产生的)喷出火焰、熔融金属、发光或火焰颗粒。

b) Charring, glowing, or flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth.
b) 支撑表面、纸巾或干酪布烧焦、发光或燃烧。

c) Ignition of the enclosure
c) 点燃外壳

d) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that result in accessibility of live parts, when evaluated in accordance with the accessibility of live parts test in 67.2. For open-type SPDs only, this applies to parts intended to be installed through an opening in or as part of an enclosure.
d) 根据 67.2 中的带电部件可及性试验进行评估时,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可及性。仅对开放式防雷器而言,这适用于打算通过外壳上的开口安装或作为外壳一部分安装的部件。

e) Loss of structural integrity to a degree that the equipment collapses or experiences such displacement of parts that there is a risk of short-circuiting or grounding of current-carrying parts.
e) 结构完整性丧失到设备倒塌或部件移位的程度,以至于载流部件有短路或接地的危险。

f) Opening (external to the SPD) of the smallest gauge wire specified in 45.2.2.
f) 45.2.2 中规定的最小规格导线的开口(SPD 外部)。

45.1.11 Following the tests described in 45.2, 45.3, and 45.4, the same representative devices are to be subjected to and comply with the tests below according to their Type:
45.1.11 在进行了 45.2、45.3 和 45.4 所述试验后,相同的代表性装置应按其类型进行并符 合下列试验:

a) Type 3 SPDs, except receptacle SPDs, SPD Type 3CA and SPD Type 4 component assemblies intended for cord-connected or direct plug-in applications, shall be subjected to the Leakage Current Test requirements in Section 38. The Leakage Current Test shall be conducted within 5 minutes of the end of the Current Tests.
a) 3 类防雷器,除插座防雷器、3CA 类防雷器和 4 类防雷器组件外,用于软线连接或直插式应用时,必须进行第 38 节中的泄漏电流测试。泄漏电流测试必须在电流测试结束后 5 分钟内进行。

b) All SPD Types, including all SPD Type Component Assemblies (except Type 5) shall be subjected to the Grounding Continuity Test requirements in Section 49 when a grounding and/or bonding path is present. MATERIAL - NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER
b) 当存在接地和/或接合路径时,所有 SPD 类型,包括所有 SPD 类型部件组件(5 类除外),均应符合第 49 节中的接地连续性测试要求。材料 - 未授权进一步使用

c) Molded Case SPDs of the Pullout design shall be subjected to and comply with the Pullout Insertion and Withdrawal Test, Section 72 , only on each of the samples subjected to the tests described in 45.2, 45.3, and 45.4.
c) 采用拉出设计的模制壳体防爆片,仅在接受 45.2、45.3 和 45.4 所述试验的 每个样品上进行拉出插入和拉出试验,并须符合第 72 节的规定。

45.1.12 Operation of the ac power line circuit breaker or fuse internal or external to the SPD, or operation of an acceptable overcurrent or overtemperature protective device provided as part of the SPD is considered acceptable.
45.1.12 防雷器内部或外部的交流电线断路器或熔断器的操作,或作为防雷器一部分提供的可接受的过流或过温保护装置的操作均被视为可接受。

45.1.13 When an SPD is marked for use with a series circuit breaker or fuse, in accordance with 85.13 , the test circuit is to include the circuit breaker or fuse. Type 1 SPDs shall be tested without any external protection. For two-port SPDs the ampere rating of such a circuit breaker or fuse shall not be less than 125 percent of the SPD ampere rating. For one- port SPDs the ampere rating of the circuit breaker or fuse shall be based on the manufacturer’s specifications.
45.1.13 根据85.13 ,当防雷器标明与串联断路器或熔断器一起使用时,试验电路应包括断路器或熔断器。1 型防雷器应在没有任何外部保护的情况下进行测试。对于双端口防雷器,断路器或熔断器的额定电流不得小于防雷器额定电流的 125%。对于单端口防雷器,断路器或保险丝的额定安培数应根据制造商的规格确定。

45.1.14 Compliance is able to be determined by performing this test with either a test limiter or a fuse. A test limiter shall be evaluated to the Standard for Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 16: Test Limiters, UL 248-16. A fuse shall be sized in accordance with 45.2.4 and shall have an interrupting rating not less than the maximum available fault current of the circuit. A Class CC, CD, G, H, J, L, R, or T fuse evaluated to the UL 248 series of standards shall be chosen such that its peak let-through current and clearing I 2 t I 2 t I^(2)t\mathrm{I}^{2} \mathrm{t} and not less than the maximum value for the size and class of fuse that is intended to be used with the device under test.
45.1.14 可通过使用测试限制器或熔断器进行此项试验来确定是否符合要求。测试限制器应按照《低压熔断器标准--第 16 部分:测试限制器》(UL 248-16)进行评估。熔断器的尺寸应符合 45.2.4 的规定,其分断额定值应不小于电路的最大可用故障电流。按照 UL 248 系列标准评估的 CC、CD、G、H、J、L、R 或 T 级保险丝,其峰值通过电流和分断 I 2 t I 2 t I^(2)t\mathrm{I}^{2} \mathrm{t} 应不小于与被测设备配套使用的保险丝尺寸和等级的最大值。

45.1.15 When used for the test, a circuit breaker is to be sized in accordance with 45.1.13. The interrupting rating of the circuit breaker is to be at least the available fault current of the circuit to which it is to be connected.
45.1.15 用于试验时,断路器的大小应符合 45.1.13 的规定。断路器的分断额定值至少应为其所连接电路的可用故障电流。
Exception No. 1: A circuit breaker with a lower interrupting rating is able to be used when the combination is evaluated and subjected to the appropriate requirements of the Standard for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures, UL 489.
例外情况 1:当组合经过评估并符合 UL 489《模制外壳断路器、模制外壳开关和断路器外壳标准》的适当要求时,可使用分断额定值较低的断路器。
Exception No. 2: Testing with a specific circuit breaker meets the intent of this requirement when the manufacturer and catalog number of the circuit breaker is marked on the device or specified in the installation instructions.
例外 2: 如果断路器的制造商和目录编号标注在设备上或在安装说明中指明,则使用特定的断路器进行测试符合本要求的意图。

45.1.16 Two (split phase) or three conductor pairs (A-N, B-N, C-N) or (A-G, B-G, C-G) shall be permitted to be combined for the tests described in 45.2, Short circuit current rating test, or 45.3, Intermediate current test.
45.1.16 两对(分相)或三对导体(A-N、B-N、C-N)或(A-G、B-G、C-G)应允许合并进行 45.2 "短路额定电流试验 "或 45.3 "中间电流试验 "所述的试验。

45.1.17 Molded Case SPDs shall be subjected to the tests described in 45.2 (Short Circuit Current Rating Test), 45.3 (Intermediate Current Test), and 45.4 (Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test), and installed in a panelboard as described in the Standard for Panelboards, UL 67. Additional circuit breakers specified by the panelboard manufacturer are to be used to surround the Molded Case SPD under test as required by UL 67 .
45.1.17 模制外壳防雷器必须进行 45.2(短路额定电流试验)、45.3(中间电流试验)和 45.4(限流异常过电压试验)中所述的试验,并按照 UL 67《配电板标准》安装在配电板中。按照 UL 67 的要求,面板制造商指定的附加断路器应用于环绕接受测试的模制外壳防雷器。
Exception: Testing may be conducted without installing the Molded Case SPD in a panelboard, provided the test is conducted with the Molded Case SPD wrapped with a double layer of cheesecloth and determining that none of the conditions detailed in 45.1 .10 45.1 .10 _ 45.1.10_\underline{45.1 .10} result.
例外情况:可以不将模塑外壳 SPD 安装在配电板中进行测试,条件是测试时模塑外壳 SPD 用双层干酪布包裹,并确定没有出现 45.1 .10 45.1 .10 _ 45.1.10_\underline{45.1 .10} 中详述的情况。

45.1.18 Molded Case SPDs, intended for use in other manufacturer’s panelboards, shall be subjected to the tests described in 45.2, (Short Circuit Current Rating Test), 45.3 (Intermediate Current Test), and 45.4 (Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test), with the Molded Case SPD installed in a panelboard as described in the Standard for Panelboards, UL 67. Additional circuit breakers specified by the panelboard manufacturer, as well as those that may be specified by other manufacturers, are to be used to surround Rthe Molded Case SPD undertest as required byUL 67.ITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL INC.
45.1.18 拟用于其他制造商配电盘的模塑外壳防雷器,在按照 UL 67 配电盘标准将模塑外壳防雷器安装在配电盘中时,必须进行 45.2(短路额定电流测试)、45.3(中间电流测试)和 45.4(限流异常过电压测试)中所述的测试。面板制造商指定的其他断路器,以及其他制造商可能指定的断路器,均可用于按照 UL 67 的要求对模塑外壳防雷器进行测试。
Exception: Testing may be conducted without installing the Molded Case SPD in a panelboard, provided the test is conducted with the Molded Case SPD wrapped with a double layer of cheesecloth and determining that none of the conditions detailed in 45.1 .10 45.1 .10 _ 45.1.10_\underline{45.1 .10} result.
例外情况:可以不将模塑外壳 SPD 安装在配电板中进行测试,条件是测试时模塑外壳 SPD 用双层干酪布包裹,并确定没有出现 45.1 .10 45.1 .10 _ 45.1.10_\underline{45.1 .10} 中详述的情况。

45.2 Short circuit current rating test - For Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs and permanently connected Type 3 SPDs
45.2 短路额定电流测试 - 用于 1 型和 2 型防雷器以及永久连接的 3 型防雷器

45.2.1 One representative device of the SPD, for each conductor pair tested in accordance with VPR Test ( 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} Combination Wave), Section 41, is to be subjected to the application of the test voltage as specified in Table 45.1. The ac power source shall have an available short-circuit (fault) current ( l sc l sc l_(sc)\mathrm{l}_{\mathrm{sc}} ) as specified in Table 12.2 with a minimum level as specified in Table 12.1 and with the power factor as specified in Table 53.1, determined in accordance with Instrumentation and Calibration of High-Capacity Circuits, Section 53.
45.2.1 按照第 41 节 VPR 试验( 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波)对每对导体进行试验的一个防雷 器的代表性装置,须承受表 45.1 所规定的试验电压。交流电源的可用短路(故障)电流( l sc l sc l_(sc)\mathrm{l}_{\mathrm{sc}} )应符合表 12.2 的规定,最小值应符合表 12.1 的规定,功率因数应符合表 53.1 的规定,并按照第 53 节 "大容量电路的仪表和校准 "确定。
Exception: The neutral to ground mode is only tested for 120 VAC Single Phase Type 3 SPDs.
例外情况:中性点对地模式仅对 120 VAC 单相 3 型 SPD 进行测试。

45.2.2 The SPD shall be connected to the AC power source with the smallest gauge wire specified by the manufacturer in the installation instructions.
45.2.2 必须使用制造商在安装说明中规定的最小规格导线将 SPD 连接到交流电源。

45.2.3 For each representative device, the overvoltage is to be applied for 7 hours, or until the SPD becomes disconnected from the ac supply (due, for example, to open circuiting of a thermal or overcurrent protective device).
45.2.3 对于每个代表性设备,过电压将持续 7 小时,或直到 SPD 与交流电源断开(例如由于热保护或过流保护装置开路)。
Exception: For permanently connected (Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 SPDs) devices that do not conduct current (beyond leakage current) when subjected to the test, any one of the following options, or any combination thereof, shall be implemented and the test described in 45.2.1 repeated:
例外:对于永久连接的(1 类、2 类和 3 类防雷器)在接受试验时不传导电流(超出泄漏电流)的装置,应采用下列任一选项或其任意组合,并重复 45.2.1 中所述的试验:

a) Short out any voltage switching components with solid wire that shall not open during this test;
a) 用实心导线短接任何电压开关元件,在测试期间不得断开;

b) Increase the test voltage above the values in Table 45.1 until disconnection occurs; or
b) 将试验电压提高到表 45.1 所列值以上,直至断开;或

c) Use lower voltage rated nonlinear voltage limiting and/or voltage switching components. Test at the maximum voltage specified in Table 45.1 until disconnection occurs.
c) 使用额定电压较低的非线性电压限制和/或电压开关元件。在表 45.1 规定的最大电压下进行测试,直至发生断开。
  1. Voltage limiting components may be replaced with lower voltage rated components from the same manufacturer and product family with identical chemical composition.
  2. Voltage switching devices may be replaced with lower voltage rated (breakdown voltage is lower than the peak of the test voltage) components from the same manufacturer and product family with identical physical dimensions.
  3. For combination type SPDs with voltage limiting components in series with voltage switching devices, voltage limiting components may be replaced with lower voltage rated components from the same manufacturer and product family with identical chemical composition and voltage switching devices may be replaced with lower voltage rated (breakdown voltage is lower than the peak of the test voltage) components from the same manufacturer and product family with identical physical dimensions to achieve conduction.

    d) For voltage switching-type SPDs, a combination waveform surge shall be applied on the AC power source at a voltage level to turn on the SPD.
    d) 对于电压开关型防雷器,应在交流电源上施加组合波形浪涌,其电压水平应能打开防雷器。

    45.2.4 The Short Circuit Current Rating Test Circuit is shown in Figure 45.1. The Short Circuit Current Ratings (Fault Current) Tables are shown in Table 12.1 and Table 12.2.
    45.2.4 短路额定电流测试电路如图 45.1 所示。短路额定电流(故障电流)表见表 12.1 和表 12.2。
Figure 45.1  图 45.1

Short-Circuit Current Test Circuit

45.2.5 When the test is terminated by any of the following conditions, the test is to be conducted two more times using new components or an additional sample of the device for each test:
45.2.5 如试验因下列任何一种情况而终止,则须再进行两次试验,每次试验均须使 用新的部件或另一个装置样品:

a) Opening of a printed wiring board fuse trace; or
a) 打开印刷电路板保险丝;或

b) Opening of an integral overcurrent or over temperature device including a thermal responsive device used above its short circuit current rating, or any circuit component not previously evaluated.
b) 整体过流或过温装置(包括超过短路额定电流使用的热敏装置)或之前未评估的任何电路部件的开启。
The test results after each test shall comply with 45.1.10.
每次试验后的试验结果必须符合 45.1.10 的规定。

45.2.6 Permanently connected receptacle and other type SPDs intended for mounting in boxes shall be tested in the smallest standard metal box, with a non-metallic faceplate, in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
45.2.6 用于安装在箱内的永久连接插座和其他类型的防雷器,必须按照《国家电气规范》 ANSI/NFPA 70 的规定,在带有非金属面板的最小标准金属箱内进行试验。

45.3 Intermediate current test
45.3 中间电流测试

45.3.1 One representative device of the SPD, for each conductor pair tested in accordance with the VPR Test ( 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} combination wave) Section 41, is to be subjected to the application of the test voltage as specified in Table 45.1. The ac power source shall have an available short-circuit (fault) current ( I sc I sc I_(sc)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{sc}} ) as specified in Table 45.2 and Table 45.3, determined in accordance with Instrumentation and Calibration of High-Capacity Circuits, Section 53.
45.3.1 对于按照第 41 节 VPR 试验( 6 kV / 3 kA 6 kV / 3 kA 6kV//3kA6 \mathrm{kV} / 3 \mathrm{kA} 组合波)测试的每对导体,必须有一个防雷 器的代表性装置承受表 45.1 所规定的试验电压。交流电源的可用短路(故障)电流( I sc I sc I_(sc)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{sc}} )应符合表 45.2 和表 45.3 的规定,并根据第 53 节 "大容量电路的仪表和校准 "确定。
Exception No. 1: For intermediate current level testing where the SPD conducts current for 7 hours AND does not become disconnected from the ac source, the test results are also representative of testing at the lowercurrents.YRIGHTED MATERIAL - NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER
例外 1:对于中等电流水平的测试,即 SPD 通电 7 小时且未从交流电源断开,测试结果也代表较低电流下的测试结果。
Exception No. 2: The neutral to ground mode is only tested for 120 VAC Single Phase Type 3 SPDs.
例外 2:中性点对地模式仅对 120 VAC 单相 3 型防雷器进行测试。

45.3.2 For each representative device, the overvoltage is to be applied for 7 hours, or until the SPD becomes disconnected from the ac supply (due, for example, to open circuiting of a thermal or overcurrent protective device).
45.3.2 对于每个代表性设备,过电压将持续 7 小时,或直到 SPD 与交流电源断开(例如由于热保护或过流保护装置开路)。
Exception: For permanently connected devices that do not conduct current (beyond leakage current) nor exhibit any conditions described in 45.1.10 when subjected to the test, any one of the following options, or any combination thereof, shall be implemented and the test described in 45.3.1 repeated:
例外:对于永久连接的装置,如果在接受试验时不传导电流(超出泄漏电流),也不表现出 45.1.10 所述的任何条件,则应采用下列任一选项或其任意组合,并重复 45.3.1 所述的试验:

a) Short out any voltage switching components with solid wire that shall not open during this test;
a) 用实心导线短接任何电压开关元件,在测试期间不得断开;

b) Increase the test voltage above the values in 45.1 45.1 _ 45.1 _\underline{45.1} until disconnection occurs; or
b) 将测试电压提高到 45.1 45.1 _ 45.1 _\underline{45.1} 中的值以上,直至断开;或

c) Use lower voltage rated nonlinear voltage limiting and/or voltage switching components. Test at the maximum voltage specified in 45.1 until disconnection occurs.
c) 使用额定电压较低的非线性电压限制和/或电压开关元件。在 45.1 规定的最高电压下进行测试,直至发生断开。
  1. Voltage limiting components may be replaced with lower voltage rated components from the same manufacturer and product family with identical chemical composition.
  2. Voltage switching devices may be replaced with lower voltage rated (breakdown voltage is lower than the peak of the test voltage) components from the same manufacturer and product family with identical physical dimensions.
  3. For combination type SPDs with voltage limiting components in series with voltage switching devices, voltage limiting components may be replaced with lower voltage rated components from the same manufacturer and product family with identical chemical composition and voltage switching devices may be replaced with lower voltage rated (breakdown voltage is lower than the peak of the test voltage) components from the same manufacturer and product family with identical physical dimensions to achieve conduction.

    d) For voltage switching-type SPDs, a combination waveform surge shall be applied on the AC power source at a voltage level to turn on the SPD.
    d) 对于电压开关型防雷器,应在交流电源上施加组合波形浪涌,其电压水平应能打开防雷器。

    45.3.3 Table 45.2 and Table 45.3 below, provide the Available Fault test currents for the Intermediate Current tests for Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 SPDs respectively. The test circuit used for these tests is the same as shown in Figure 45.1, Short Circuit Current Rating Test Circuit.
    45.3.3 下表45.2和表45.3 分别列出了1型、2型和3 型防雷器中间电流试验的可用 故障试验电流。这些测试所用的测试电路与图 45.1 "短路额定电流测试电路 "中所示的相同。
Table 45.2  表 45.2
Intermediate Current Test - Available Fault Current from AC Source of Supply for Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs and Permanently Connected Type 3 SPDs
中间电流测试 - 1 型和 2 型防雷器以及永久连接的 3 型防雷器交流电源的可用故障电流
Test No.  测试编号 Current (amps)  电流(安培) Power factor b b ^(b)^{\mathbf{b}}  功率因数 b b ^(b)^{\mathbf{b}}
1 1000 ± 5 % 1000 ± 5 % 1000+-5%1000 \pm 5 \% 0.7 1 0.7 1 0.7-10.7-1
2 500 ± 5 % 500 ± 5 % 500+-5%500 \pm 5 \% 0.7 1 0.7 1 0.7-10.7-1
3 100 ± 5 % 100 ± 5 % 100+-5%100 \pm 5 \% 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8-10.8-1
4 Short circuit current rating a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
短路额定电流 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
See Table 53.1  见表 53.1
Test No. Current (amps) Power factor ^(b) 1 1000+-5% 0.7-1 2 500+-5% 0.7-1 3 100+-5% 0.8-1 4 Short circuit current rating ^("a ") See Table 53.1| Test No. | Current (amps) | Power factor $^{\mathbf{b}}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 1 | $1000 \pm 5 \%$ | $0.7-1$ | | 2 | $500 \pm 5 \%$ | $0.7-1$ | | 3 | $100 \pm 5 \%$ | $0.8-1$ | | 4 | Short circuit current rating ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | See Table 53.1 |
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} Current from Table 12.2, but not less than specified in Table 12.1.
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 表 12.2 中的电流,但不小于表 12.1 中的规定。

b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} Power factor may be less.
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 功率因数可能较低。
Table 45.3  表 45.3
Intermediate Current Test-Available Fault Current from the AC Source of Supply for Type 3 SPDs b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
中间电流测试--来自 3 类 SPD 交流电源的可用故障电流 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
Test No.  测试编号. Current(amps)  电流(安培) Power factor c ^("c ")^{\text {c }}  功率因数 c ^("c ")^{\text {c }}
1 a See Table 53.1  见表 53.1
2 150 ± 5 % 150 ± 5 % 150+-5%150 \pm 5 \% 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8-10.8-1
3 50 ± 5 % 50 ± 5 % 50+-5%50 \pm 5 \% 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8-10.8-1

a 表 12 中的电流.1.对于插座防雷器, 5 k A 5 k A 5kA5 k A 必须适用. b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 也适用于永久连接的插座防雷器.c 功率因数可能较小.
a Current from Table 12.1.For receptacle SPDs, 5 k A 5 k A 5kA5 k A shall be applied.
b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} Also applies to permanently connected receptacle SPDs.
c Power factor may be less.
a Current from Table 12.1.For receptacle SPDs, 5kA shall be applied. ^("b ") Also applies to permanently connected receptacle SPDs. c Power factor may be less.| a Current from Table 12.1.For receptacle SPDs, $5 k A$ shall be applied. | | :--- | | ${ }^{\text {b }}$ Also applies to permanently connected receptacle SPDs. | | c Power factor may be less. |
Test No. Current(amps) Power factor ^("c ") 1 a See Table 53.1 2 150+-5% 0.8-1 3 50+-5% 0.8-1 "a Current from Table 12.1.For receptacle SPDs, 5kA shall be applied. ^("b ") Also applies to permanently connected receptacle SPDs. c Power factor may be less." | Test No. | Current(amps) | Power factor $^{\text {c }}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 1 | a | See Table 53.1 | | 2 | $150 \pm 5 \%$ | $0.8-1$ | | 3 | $50 \pm 5 \%$ | $0.8-1$ | | a Current from Table 12.1.For receptacle SPDs, $5 k A$ shall be applied. <br> ${ }^{\text {b }}$ Also applies to permanently connected receptacle SPDs. <br> c Power factor may be less. | | |
45.3.4 When the test is terminated by any of the following conditions,the test is to be conducted two more times using new components or an additional sample of the device for each test:
45.3.4 当试验因下列任何一种情况而终止时,试验应再进行两次,每次试验应使用新的元件或设备的额外样品: 45.

a)Opening of a printed wiring board fuse trace;or

b)Opening of an integral overcurrent or over temperature device,including a thermal responsive device,used above its short circuit current rating,or any circuit component not previously evaluated.
The test results after each test shall comply with 45.1.10.
每次测试后的测试结果应符合 45.

45.4 Limited current abnormal overvoltage test
45.4 限流异常过压测试

45.4.1 Four previously untested representative devices or tne Sru for eacn compinaion or conaucior pairs that were tested in accordance with Section 41,are to be connected to an ac power supply having an open circuit voltage equal to the test voltage specified in Table 45.1.The power supply is to incorporate a series variable resistor that can be adjusted to obtain the short-circuit current( l sc l sc l_(sc)l_{\mathrm{sc}} )specified below.See Figure 45.2.In the case of a two-port SPD,no load is to be connected.The variable resistor is to be adjusted such that Isc equals the values specified in Table 45.4.The four representative devices are to be energized for 7 hours,or until current to,or temperatures within the SPD attain equilibrium,as specified in 40.6,and temperatures do not exceed the values specified in Table 40.1,or until the SPD becomes disconnected from the ac supply(due,for example,to open circuiting of a thermal or overcurrent protective device).See Figure 45.2.
45.4.1 将四个以前未经测试的代表性器件或按照第 41 节测试过的每一组合或成对器件的 Sru 连接到一个交流电源上,该电源的开路电压等于表 45.1.电源应包含一个串联可变电阻器,该电阻器可调节以获得下面规定的短路电流( l sc l sc l_(sc)l_{\mathrm{sc}} )。4.四个代表装置通电 7 小时,或直到 SPD 内的电流或温度达到平衡,如表 45.6 所示。6,且温度不超过表 40.1 的规定值,或直到 SPD 与交流电源断开(例如由于热保护或过流保护装置开路)。
Exception No.1:When this test is performed at a current level specified above and results in neither:any condition specified in 45.1 .10 nor operation of any overcurrent or thermal device,then the test results are also representative of testing of the device at lower current levels.
例外 No.1:当在上述规定的电流水平下进行试验,结果既没有出现 45.1.10 规定的任 何情况,也没有任何过流或过热装置动作时,则试验结果也能代表在较低电流水平下对 设备进行的试验。
Exception No.2:L-L modes in single phase or three-phase wye configuration devices are excluded from this test.
例外 No.2:本测试不包括单相或三相 Wye 配置设备中的 L-L 模式。
Exception No.3:For Type 4 Component Assemblies the test must be energized for 7 hours for currents of .5 amps or less.The test may be stopped prior to 7 hours if all parties agree.
例外 No.3:对于第 4 类组件,在电流为 0.5 安培或更小的情况下,测试必须通电 7 小时。如果各方同意,可在 7 小时前停止测试。
Exception No.4:The neutral to ground mode is only tested for 120 VAC Single Phase Type 3 SPDs and SPD Type 4 Component Assemblies for cord-connected and/or direct plug-in applications.
例外 No.4:中性点对地模式仅适用于 120 VAC 单相 3 型防雷器和 4 型防雷器组件,用于电线连接和/或直接插入应用。

未经 ul inc.
Table 45.4 Limited Available Short Circuit Current (A)
表 45.4 有限可用短路电流(A)
Limited available short circuit current (amps)
Permanently connected SPDs
永久连接的 SPD
Cord connected or direct plug-in SPDs
电线连接或直接插入式 SPD
10 ± 10 % 10 ± 10 % 10+-10%10 \pm 10 \% 5 ± 10 % 5 ± 10 % 5+-10%5 \pm 10 \%
5 ± 10 % 5 ± 10 % 5+-10%5 \pm 10 \% 2.5 ± 10 % 2.5 ± 10 % 2.5+-10%2.5 \pm 10 \%
2.5 ± 10 % 2.5 ± 10 % 2.5+-10%2.5 \pm 10 \% 0.5 ± 15 % 0.5 ± 15 % 0.5+-15%0.5 \pm 15 \%
0.5 ± 15 % 0.5 ± 15 % 0.5+-15%0.5 \pm 15 \% 0.125 ± 20 % 0.125 ± 20 % 0.125+-20%0.125 \pm 20 \%
Limited available short circuit current (amps) Permanently connected SPDs Cord connected or direct plug-in SPDs 10+-10% 5+-10% 5+-10% 2.5+-10% 2.5+-10% 0.5+-15% 0.5+-15% 0.125+-20%| Limited available short circuit current (amps) | | | :---: | :---: | | Permanently connected SPDs | Cord connected or direct plug-in SPDs | | $10 \pm 10 \%$ | $5 \pm 10 \%$ | | $5 \pm 10 \%$ | $2.5 \pm 10 \%$ | | $2.5 \pm 10 \%$ | $0.5 \pm 15 \%$ | | $0.5 \pm 15 \%$ | $0.125 \pm 20 \%$ |
Figure 45.2  图 45.2

Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test Circuit


V = V = V=\mathrm{V}= Test voltage as per Table 45.1.
V = V = V=\mathrm{V}= 按表 45.1 测试电压。

I sc = 5 A , 2.5 A , 0.5 A , 0.125 A I sc = 5 A , 2.5 A , 0.5 A , 0.125 A I_(sc)=5A,2.5A,0.5A,0.125A\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{sc}}=5 \mathrm{~A}, 2.5 \mathrm{~A}, 0.5 \mathrm{~A}, 0.125 \mathrm{~A}, (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th representative device separately) measured without the SPD in the circuit.
I sc = 5 A , 2.5 A , 0.5 A , 0.125 A I sc = 5 A , 2.5 A , 0.5 A , 0.125 A I_(sc)=5A,2.5A,0.5A,0.125A\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{sc}}=5 \mathrm{~A}, 2.5 \mathrm{~A}, 0.5 \mathrm{~A}, 0.125 \mathrm{~A} ,(分别为第一、第二、第三和第四代表设备)在电路中没有 SPD 的情况下测量。

45.4.2 Permanently-connected receptacle and other type SPD intended for mounting in boxes are to be mounted in the smallest standard non-metallic box, with a non-metallic faceplate in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
45.4.2 永久连接的插座和其他类型的自毁装置必须安装在最小的标准非金属箱内,并按照《国家电气规范》(ANSI/NFPA 70)的规定安装非金属面板。

45.4.3 Type 4 Component Assemblies shall be tested based on the intended application, permanently connected or cord connected/direct plug-in, as detailed in Table 45.4.
45.4.3 第 4 类部件组件应按表 45.4 中的详细说明,根据永久连接或电线连接/直接插入的预期用途进行测试。

46 Thermal Responsive Device Testing
46 热响应设备测试

46.1 Temperature withstand
46.1 耐温性

46.1.1 Three samples of the SPD shall be placed in an oven maintained at the maximum rated ambient temperature or 40 C 40 C 40^(@)C40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, whichever is greater, or the maximum temperatures measured on the disconnect for two port SPDs for 24 hours. The thermal-link shall not operate during this test.
46.1.1 必须将三个SPD 样品放在保持在最高额定环境温度或 40 C 40 C 40^(@)C40^{\circ} \mathrm{C} (以较高者为准)或两个端口SPD断开时测得的最高温度的烘箱中24 小时。在此测试期间,热连接不得工作。

未经 UL 公司许可,不得复制或分发。

46.2 Repeat limited current test
46.2 重复限流测试

46.2.1 The limited current tests shall be repeated at the levels where the thermal-link device opened to disconnect the power.
46.2.1 限流试验应在热连接装置打开断开电源的位置重复进行。

47 Thermal Responsive Device Testing Not In-Series with a Load
47 非串联负载热响应设备测试

47.1 Each specimen group consists of one test sample and is to be conducted for each limited available short circuit current test level, as detailed in Table 45.4, that the disconnect means is being relied to comply with 45.4.
47.1 每组试样由一个试验样本组成,并按表 45.4 详细列出的每个有限的可用短路电流试验等级进行试验,断开装置必须符合 45.4 的规定。
Table 47.1  表 47.1
Thermal Disconnect Testing
Standard  标准
Test  测试 Specimens  标本
60691 Temperature and Humidity Cycle Conditioning a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
温湿度循环调节 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
60691 Dielectric Strength (if applicable) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
介电强度(如适用) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
60691 Insulation Resistance (if applicable) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
绝缘电阻(如适用) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
1449 Surge Testing Sequence  浪涌测试程序 X X X
60691 Temperature Tests - Aging - Step 1, }2 days }\mp@subsup{}{}{\circ X X X X
1449 Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test d , e d , e ^(d,e){ }^{\mathrm{d}, \mathrm{e}}
限流异常过压测试 d , e d , e ^(d,e){ }^{\mathrm{d}, \mathrm{e}}
60691 Dielectric Strength (if applicable) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
介电强度(如适用) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
60691 Insulation Resistance (if applicable) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
绝缘电阻(如适用) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
ULStandard Test Specimens A B C D E H I J 60691 Temperature and Humidity Cycle Conditioning ^("a ") X X X 60691 Dielectric Strength (if applicable) ^("b ") X X X 60691 Insulation Resistance (if applicable) ^("b ") X X X 1449 Surge Testing Sequence X X X 60691 Temperature Tests - Aging - Step 1, }2 days }\mp@subsup{}{}{\circ X X X X 1449 Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test ^(d,e) X X X X X X X X 60691 Dielectric Strength (if applicable) ^("b ") X X X X X X X X 60691 Insulation Resistance (if applicable) ^("b ") X X X X X X X X| ULStandard | Test | Specimens | | | | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | A | B | C | D | E | H | I | J | | 60691 | Temperature and Humidity Cycle Conditioning ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | X | X | X | | | | | | | 60691 | Dielectric Strength (if applicable) ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | X | X | X | | | | | | | 60691 | Insulation Resistance (if applicable) ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | X | X | X | | | | | | | 1449 | Surge Testing Sequence | X | X | | | | X | | | | 60691 | ```Temperature Tests - Aging - Step 1, }2 days }\mp@subsup{}{}{\circ``` | | | | | X | X | X | X | | 1449 | Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test ${ }^{\mathrm{d}, \mathrm{e}}$ | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | | 60691 | Dielectric Strength (if applicable) ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | | 60691 | Insulation Resistance (if applicable) ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} The Temperature & Humidity Cycle Conditioning is conducted as detailed in UL 60691 except that 24 hour Temperature Conditioning is conducted at 60 C 60 C 60^(@)C60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, the maximum rated Ambient Air Temperature or the maximum temperature measured on the disconnect means, during the Temperature Test of Section 40 of UL 1449, whichever is greater. Temperature Conditioning of component assemblies with a varistor shall be conducted at minimum 85 C 85 C 85^(@)C85^{\circ} \mathrm{C} unless the Metal Oxide Varistors are limited to an enduse temperature between 60 C 60 C 60^(@)C60^{\circ} \mathrm{C} and 84 C 84 C 84^(@)C84^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. Testing may be conducted in a test chamber with a ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} temperature tolerance.
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 温度和湿度循环调节按照 UL 60691 中的详细规定进行,但 24 小时温度调节在 60 C 60 C 60^(@)C60^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 条件下进行,即在 UL 1449 第 40 节的温度测试期间,最高额定环境空气温度或断开装置上测得的最高温度,以较高者为准。除非金属氧化物压敏电阻的最终使用温度限制在 60 C 60 C 60^(@)C60^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 84 C 84 C 84^(@)C84^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 之间,否则应在最低 85 C 85 C 85^(@)C85^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 下对带有压敏电阻的组件组件进行温度调节。测试可在温度公差为 ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 的测试箱中进行。

b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} If Acceptable Results are obtained between Disconnection Means (between open contacts) for both the Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Tests, a discrete component “board level” Type 4 Component Assemblies does not need to comply with the Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Testing requirements, between Live Part and the body of the discrete component (wrapped in foil) provided the conditions of use indicate that there was dielectric breakdown between live parts and the body of the discrete component (wrapped in foil).As such, proper spacings will need to be maintained between the discrete component, other live parts and dead-metal parts.
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 如果断开装置之间(开触点之间)的介电强度和绝缘电阻测试结果均可接受,则分立元件 "电路板级 "4 类元件组件无需遵守介电强度和绝缘电阻测试要求,只要使用条件表明带电部件与分立元件主体(用金属箔包裹)之间存在介电击穿。因此,需要在分立元件、其他带电部件和死金属部件之间保持适当的间距。

c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} Step 1 of the Aging portion of the Temperature Tests is conducted as detailed in UL 60691 except that 100 % 100 % 100%100 \% of the specimens shall not have functioned and Aging is conducted at 60 C 60 C 60^(@)C60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, the maximum rated Ambient Air Temperature or the maximum temperature measured on the disconnect means, during the Temperature Test of Section 40 of UL 1449, whichever is greater. Aging of component assemblies with a varistor shall be conducted at minimum 85 C 85 C 85^(@)C85^{\circ} \mathrm{C} unless the Metal Oxide Varistors are limited to an end-use temperature between 60 C 60 C 60^(@)C60^{\circ} \mathrm{C} and 84 C 84 C 84^(@)C84^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. Testing may be conducted in a test chamber with a ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} temperature tolerance.
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 温度测试中老化部分的步骤 1 按照 UL 60691 中的详细规定进行,但 100 % 100 % 100%100 \% 的试样不应起作用,老化应在 60 C 60 C 60^(@)C60^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 条件下进行,即在 UL 1449 第 40 节的温度测试期间,在最高额定环境空气温度或在断开装置上测得的最高温度(以较高者为准)。除非金属氧化物压敏电阻的最终使用温度限制在 60 C 60 C 60^(@)C60^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 84 C 84 C 84^(@)C84^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 之间,否则带有压敏电阻的组件组件的老化应在最低 85 C 85 C 85^(@)C85^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 温度下进行。测试可在温度公差为 ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 的测试箱中进行。

d d ^(d){ }^{d} To be conducted for each Limited available short circuit current test level, as detailed in Table 45.4 of UL 1449, that the disconnect means is being relied to comply 45.4.
d d ^(d){ }^{d} 对每个有限的可用短路电流测试级别(详见 UL 1449 表 45.4)进行测试,以确保隔离装置符合 45.4 的规定。

e e ^(e){ }^{\mathrm{e}} The samples shall not be disturbed until they have been allowed to cool for 15 minutes maximum or cool down to within 10 C 10 C 10^(@)C10^{\circ} \mathrm{C} of ambient.
e e ^(e){ }^{\mathrm{e}} 在样品冷却到最多 15 分钟或冷却到 10 C 10 C 10^(@)C10^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 环境温度以内之前,不得扰动样品。

Note 1 - Eight additional samples are required for the test program for each Limited available short circuit current test level, as detailed in Table 45.4 of UL 1449, that the disconnect means is being relied to comply with 45.4 .
注 1 - 根据 UL 1449 表 45.4 中的详细规定,隔离装置在每个有限可用短路电流测试级别的测试程序中需要增加八个样本,以符合 45.4 的规定。

Note 2 - If the identification of the thermal element material has not been previously determined by UL, then the material will need to be subjected to the Differential Scanning Calorimeter test for identification.
注 2 - 如果热敏元件材料的鉴定之前未经 UL 确定,则需要对材料进行差示扫描量热计测试以进行鉴定。
Table 47.1 Continued on Next Page
表 47.1 下一页
Table 47.1 Continued  表 47.1 续表
Standard  标准 Test  测试 Specimens  标本
Standard Test Specimens A B C D E H I J| Standard | Test | Specimens | | | | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | A | B | C | D | E | H | I | J |
Note 3 - Special Samples for testing may be required. Specifically, if the SPD employs status circuitry or other non-SPD discrete components, that would conduct during the Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Tests, those components may be omitted for these tests.
注 3 - 可能需要特殊的测试样品。具体地说,如果 SPD 采用的状态电路或其他非 SPD 分立元件在介电强度和绝缘电阻测试中会导电,则这些元件在这些测试中可以省略。

Note 4 - Unless Sequence H H HH is being conducted as representative of the as-received Nominal Discharge Current Testing. Nominal Discharge Current Testing of sequences A, B and H can be conducted without applying MCOV.
注 4 - 除非序列 H H HH 是作为接收的额定放电电流测试的代表进行的。序列 A、B 和 H 的额定放电电流测试可以在不施加 MCOV 的情况下进行。

48 Thermal Responsive Device Testing In-Series with a Load
48 热响应设备与负载串联测试

48.1 The test program in Table 48.1 shall be conducted, in the sequences detailed (based on Table 1 of UL 60691), when conducting an investigation of an integral thermal-link feature employed in an SPD. Each Specimen Group consists of 3 test samples.
48.1 在对 SPD 中采用的整体热连接特性进行调查时,应按详细顺序(根据 UL 60691 表 1)执行表 48.1 中的测试程序。每个试样组由 3 个测试样品组成。
Table 48.1 Test Program
表 48.1 测试程序
UL Standard  UL 标准 Test  测试 Specimen Groups  样本组
A B c D E F G H 1 J
60691 Temperature and Humidity Cycle Conditioning a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
温湿度循环调节 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
60691 Dielectric Strength (if applicable) c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
介电强度(如适用) c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
60691 Insulation Resistance (if applicable) c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
绝缘电阻(如适用) c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
60691 Interrupting Current b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
中断电流 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
1449 Surge Testing and Operational Voltage Sequence
60691 Temperature Tests  温度测试
60691 Check of T f d T f T_(f)^("d ")\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{f}}^{\text {d }}   T f d T f T_(f)^("d ")\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{f}}^{\text {d }} 的检查 X X
60691 Check of T m T m T_(m)\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{m}} followed by dielectric test and insulation resistance
检查 T m T m T_(m)\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{m}} ,然后进行介电测试和绝缘电阻测试
60691 Ageing  老龄化 X X X X X
Step 1 (optional)  步骤 1(可选) 21 days  21 天
Step 2 (mandatory)  步骤 2(强制性) 21 days  21 天
Step 3 (mandatory)  步骤 3(强制性) 14 days  14 天
Step 4 (mandatory)  步骤 4(强制性) 7 days  7 天
Step 5 (mandatory)  步骤 5(强制性) 7 days  7 天
Step 6 (mandatory)  步骤 6(强制性) 24 hours  24 小时
60691 Dielectric Strength (if applicable) c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
介电强度(如适用) c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
x X x X x X X X
60691 Insulation Resistance (if applicable) c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
绝缘电阻(如适用) c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
UL Standard Test Specimen Groups A B c D E F G H 1 J 60691 Temperature and Humidity Cycle Conditioning ^("a ") X X X X X 60691 Dielectric Strength (if applicable) ^("c ") X X X X X 60691 Insulation Resistance (if applicable) ^("c ") X X X X X 60691 Interrupting Current ^("b ") X X 1449 Surge Testing and Operational Voltage Sequence X X X 60691 Temperature Tests 60691 Check of T_(f)^("d ") X X 60691 Check of T_(m) followed by dielectric test and insulation resistance X X 60691 Ageing X X X X X Step 1 (optional) 21 days Step 2 (mandatory) 21 days Step 3 (mandatory) 14 days Step 4 (mandatory) 7 days Step 5 (mandatory) 7 days Step 6 (mandatory) 24 hours 60691 Dielectric Strength (if applicable) ^("c ") x X x X x X X X 60691 Insulation Resistance (if applicable) ^("c ") X X X X X X X X| UL Standard | Test | | Specimen Groups | | | | | | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | | A | B | c | D | E | F | G | H | 1 | J | | 60691 | Temperature and Humidity Cycle Conditioning ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | | X | X | X | | | X | X | | | | | 60691 | Dielectric Strength (if applicable) ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | X | X | X | | | X | X | | | | | 60691 | Insulation Resistance (if applicable) ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | X | X | X | | | X | X | | | | | 60691 | Interrupting Current ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | | | | | | X | X | | | | | 1449 | Surge Testing and Operational Voltage Sequence | | X | X | | | | | | X | | | | 60691 | Temperature Tests | | | | | | | | | | | | | 60691 | Check of $\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{f}}^{\text {d }}$ | | X | | X | | | | | | | | | 60691 | Check of $\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{m}}$ followed by dielectric test and insulation resistance | | | | X | X | | | | | | | | 60691 | Ageing | | | X | | | X | | | X | X | X | | | Step 1 (optional) | 21 days | | | | | | | | | | | | | Step 2 (mandatory) | 21 days | | | | | | | | | | | | | Step 3 (mandatory) | 14 days | | | | | | | | | | | | | Step 4 (mandatory) | 7 days | | | | | | | | | | | | | Step 5 (mandatory) | 7 days | | | | | | | | | | | | | Step 6 (mandatory) | 24 hours | | | | | | | | | | | | 60691 | Dielectric Strength (if applicable) ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | x | X | | | x | X | x | X | X | X | | 60691 | Insulation Resistance (if applicable) ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | | X | X | | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} The 24 hour temperature aging portion of the Temperature and Humidity Cycling shall be conducted at the maximum declared end-use temperature. If the measured end use temperature exceeds the declared value, then the test shall be conducted at 10 C 10 C 10^(@)C10^{\circ} \mathrm{C} higher than this measured temperature. Testing may be conducted in a test chamber with a ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} temperature tolerance.
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 温度和湿度循环的 24 小时温度老化部分应在最高申报最终使用温度下进行。如果测得的最终使用温度超过申报值,则应在 10 C 10 C 10^(@)C10^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 高于此测得温度的条件下进行试验。试验可在温度公差为 ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 的试验箱中进行。

b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} If the conditions of voltage, power and current in the Interrupting Current Tests of UL 60691 are not covered by one test, a minimum of three samples should be used for each condition. Power Factor shall be 0.75 to 0.8 for SPDs for cord-connected and direct plug-in applications. Power Factor shall be 0.6 for SPDs for permanently connected applications. For SPDs not rated nor intended to carry current, other than surge current, the samples shall be subjected to the Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test at the 10A level, in lieu of the Interrupting Current Test
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 如果 UL 60691 分断电流测试中的电压、功率和电流条件无法通过一次测试覆盖,则每个条件应至少使用三个样本。用于软线连接和直接插入应用的防雷器的功率因数应为 0.75 至 0.8。永久连接应用的防雷器的功率因数应为 0.6。对于除浪涌电流外不额定或不打算承载电流的防雷器,样品应进行 10A 级限流异常过压测试,以代替分断电流测试。

c If c If  ^("c If "){ }^{\text {c If }} If Acceptable Results are obtained between Disconnection Means (between open contacts) for both the Dielectric Strength and Insulation Resistance Tests, “board level” Type 4 component assemblies do not need to comply with the Dielectric Strength and
c If c If  ^("c If "){ }^{\text {c If }} 如果绝缘强度和绝缘电阻测试在断开手段之间(断开触点之间)获得了可接受的结果,则 "电路板级 "第 4 类元件组件无需符合绝缘强度和绝缘电阻测试的要求。
Table 48.1 Continued  续表 48.1
UL Specimen Groups  样本组
ard  热心 Test  测试 A B C D E F G H 1 J
UL Specimen Groups ard Test A B C D E F G H 1 J| UL | | Specimen Groups | | | | | | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | ard | Test | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | 1 | J |
Insulation Resistance Testing requirements, between Live Part and the body of the discrete component (wrapped in foil) provided conditions of use indicate that there was dielectric breakdown between live parts and the body of the discrete component (wrapped in foil). As such, proper spacings need to be maintained between the discrete component, other live parts and deadmetal parts.

d d ^(d){ }^{d} For Type 3 SPDs connected in series with the load, the thermal-link may open at a temperature less then T f 10 C T f 10 C T_(f)-10^(@)C\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{f}}-10^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, provided the opening temperature is greater than the maximum declared end-use temperature.
d d ^(d){ }^{d} 对于与负载串联的 3 类 SPD,只要打开温度高于申报的最高最终使用温度,热连接就可以在低于 T f 10 C T f 10 C T_(f)-10^(@)C\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{f}}-10^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 的温度下打开。

e ^("e "){ }^{\text {e }} Step 1 of the Aging portion of the Temperature Tests is conducted as detailed in UL 60691 except that Aging is conducted at the maximum declared end-use temperature. If the measured end-use temperature exceeds the declared value, then the test shall be conducted at 10 C 10 C 10^(@)C10^{\circ} \mathrm{C} higher than this measured temperature. Testing may be conducted in a test chamber with a ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} temperature tolerance.
e ^("e "){ }^{\text {e }} 温度测试老化部分的步骤 1 按照 UL 60691 中的详细说明进行,但老化是在最高申报最终使用温度下进行的。如果测得的最终使用温度超过申报值,则应在高于此测得温度的 10 C 10 C 10^(@)C10^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 下进行测试。测试可在温度公差为 ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 的试验箱中进行。

Note 1 - The Surge Testing Sequence is conducted instead of the Transient Overload Current Test (UL 60691) as the requirements in UL 1449 are more severe and demonstrate that the thermal-link feature is NOT damaged by the normal surges that an SPD is intended to subjected to.
注 1 - 由于 UL 1449 中的要求更为严格,并证明热连接功能不会因防雷器要承受的正常浪涌而损坏,因此进行浪涌测试序列而不是瞬态过载电流测试(UL 60691)。

Note 2-48 Samples are required for the test program.
注 2-48 测试程序需要样品。

Note 3 - If the identification of the thermal element material has not been previously determined by UL, then the material will need to be subjected to the Differential Scanning Calorimeter test for identification.
注 3 - 如果热敏元件材料的鉴定之前未经 UL 确定,则需要对材料进行差示扫描量热计测试以进行鉴定。

Note 4 - Unless Sequence H is being conducted as representative of the as-received Nominal Discharge Current Testing. Nominal Discharge Current Testing of sequences A, B and H can be conducted without applying MCOV.
注 4 - 除非序列 H 是作为收到的额定放电电流测试的代表。序列 A、B 和 H 的额定放电电流测试可在不施加 MCOV 的情况下进行。

49 Grounding Continuity Test
49 接地连续性测试

49.1 A representative device of an SPD provided with means for grounding shall be tested to determine that the impedance between the grounding pin, terminal, or lead and the accessible dead metal parts of the SPD that are likely to become energized, is not more than 0.1 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.1 Omega0.1 \Omega when measured in accordance with 49.2. The grounding pin of a receptacle, or other means for grounding on the load side, shall be included in this test.
49.1 带有接地装置的防雷器的一个代表性装置必须进行试验,以确定按照 49.2 测量时,接地销、端子或导线与防雷器上可能通电的可触及无金属部分之间的阻抗不大于 0.1 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.1 Omega0.1 \Omega 。插座的接地插针或负载侧的其他接地方式应包括在此测试中。

49.2 Compliance with 49.1 is to be determined by measuring the voltage drop when a current of 25 A , derived from a 60 Hz source with a no-load voltage not exceeding 6 V , is passed between the point of connection of the grounding means and the metal part in question.
49.2 在接地装置的连接点和有关金属部件之间通过来自 60 赫兹、空载电压不超过 6 伏的 25 安培电流时,应测量电压降,以确定是否符合 49.1 的规定。

50 Fault Current Test
50 故障电流测试

50.1 If required by Exception No. 2 of 11.18 and 11.19 or by 22.3, three representative devices of previously untested SPD are to be subjected to the Fault Current Test as described in 50.3 50.3 _ 50.3 _\underline{50.3} and 50.4. The SPD shall comply with the requirements in 50.4 and 50.5 . Each representative device shall be tested once.
50.1 如 11.18 和 11.19 的例外 2 或 22.3 有所要求,先前未经测试的防雷器的三个代表性装置须进行 50.3 50.3 _ 50.3 _\underline{50.3} 和 50.4 所述的故障电流测试。防雷器必须符合 50.4 和 50.5 的要求。每个代表性装置应测试一次。

50.2 The representative devices shall be placed on a softwood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. The orientation of the representative device shall be such as to create the most severe conditions representative of normal installation. Each representative device is to be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover openings (for example, receptacle openings, ventilation openings) where flame, molten metal, or other particles may be expelled as a result of the test. However, the cheesecloth shall not be deliberately pushed into openings.
50.2 代表性装置应放置在铺有双层白色纸巾的软木表面上。代表装置的方向应能代表正常安装的最恶劣条件。每个代表性装置都应松散地铺上双层起司布。起士布应遮盖可能因试验而喷出火焰、熔融金属或其他微粒的开口(如容器开口、通风口)。但不得故意将起司布推入开口处。
Exception: For totally enclosed devices, having provisions for conduit connection(s), the cheese cloth shall be kept away from the conduit opening. This is accomplished by installing a length of conduit that directs venting away from the cheesecloth. Alternatively, when conduit is not installed, a 2 inch cheesecloth margin is to be maintained around the conduit opening.
例外情况:对于有导管连接装置的全封闭设备,应使奶酪布远离导管开口。具体做法是安装一段导管,将通风口引离芝士布。或者,在未安装导管的情况下,应在导管开口周围保留 2 英寸的奶酪布边缘。

50.3 Each representative device shall be tested on a circuit with an available short circuit (fault current) current of minimum 1000A or greater, in accordance with Table 12.1, with a power factor as specified in Table 53.1, determined in accordance with Instrumentation and Calibration of High-Capacity Circuits, Section 53. The grounding or bonding circuit is to be connected in series with a circuit breaker or time delay non-current limiting fuse rated for the maximum ampacity of the circuit the SPD is intended to be installed in, suitable for branch circuit protection directly to the test circuit. The circuit breaker or fuse shall open when the test circuit is closed.
50.3 每个有代表性的装置必须在可用短路(故障电流)电流最小为 1000A 或更大的电路上按照表 12.1 进行试验,其功率因数应符合表 53.1 的规定,并按照第 53 节 "大容量电路的仪表和校准 "确定。接地或接合电路应与断路器或延时非限流熔断器串联,断路器或延时非限流熔断器的额定值为防雷器拟安装电路的最大安培数,适用于直接连接测试电路的支路保护。断路器或熔断器应在测试电路闭合时断开。

50.4 During and following the Fault Current Test, the following conditions shall not result:
50.4 故障电流试验期间及之后不得出现下列情况

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (pre-existing or created as a result of the test) in the product.
a) 通过产品上的任何开口(预先存在的或因试验而产生的)喷出火焰、熔融金属、发光或火焰颗粒。

b) Charring, glowing, or flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth.
b) 支撑表面、纸巾或干酪布烧焦、发光或燃烧。

c) Ignition of the enclosure.
c) 点燃外壳。

d) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
d) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可接近性 "进行判断,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可接近性。

e) There shall be no evidence of degradation or separation of the trace from the printed-wiring board.
e) 不得有痕迹从印刷电路板退化或分离的迹象。

50.5 Following the fault current test, the representative devices shall be subjected to and comply with the Grounding Continuity Test, Section 49.
50.5 故障电流试验后,代表性装置须接受并符合第 49 节规定的接地连续性试验。

51 Overcurrent Test  51 过电流测试

51.1 If required by Exception No. 2 of 11.18 and 11.19 or by 22.3 or 22.4 , three previously untested representative devices of SPD are to be subjected to the Overcurrent Test as described in 5 1.3 5 1.3 _ 51.3 _5 \underline{1.3} - 51.7. The SPD shall comply with the requirements on 51.7 and 51.8 . Each SPD shall be tested once.
51.1 如 11.18 和 11.19 的例外 2 或 22.3 或 22.4 有所要求,则三个先前未经测试的 SPD 代表性装置须进行 5 1.3 5 1.3 _ 51.3 _5 \underline{1.3} - 51.7 所述的过流测试。SPD 必须符合 51.7 和 51.8 的要求。每个 SPD 应测试一次。

51.2 The representative devices shall be placed on a softwood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. The orientation of the representative device shall be such as to create the most severe conditions representative of normal installation. Each representative device is to be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover openings (for example, receptacle openings, ventilation openings) where flame, molten metal, or other particles may be expelled as a result of the test. However, the cheesecloth shall not be deliberately pushed into openings.
51.2 代表性装置应放在铺有双层白色纸巾的软木表面上。代表装置的方向应能代表正常安装的最恶劣条件。每个代表性装置都应松散地铺上双层起司布。起士布应遮盖可能因试验而喷出火焰、熔融金属或其他微粒的开口(如容器开口、通风口)。但不得故意将起司布推入开口处。
Exception: For totally enclosed devices, having provisions for conduit connection(s), the cheese cloth shall be kept away from the conduit opening. This is accomplished by installing a length of conduit that directs venting away from the cheesecloth. Alternatively, when conduit is not installed, a 2 inch cheesecloth margin is to be maintained around the conduit opening.
例外情况:对于有导管连接装置的全封闭设备,应使奶酪布远离导管开口。具体做法是安装一段导管,将通风口引离芝士布。或者,在未安装导管的情况下,应在导管开口周围保留 2 英寸的奶酪布边缘。

51.3 All integral supplementary protection devices are to be shunted out of the circuit for this test.
51.3 所有整体补充保护装置均应在本试验中从电路中分流出来。

51.4 The resistance of each circuit conductor path as specified in 51.1 shall be determined by measuring the voltage drop when a current of 25 A , derived from a 60 Hz source with a no-load voltage not exceeding 6 V is passed between the input port and output port connectors of conductor path.
51.4 51.1 中规定的各电路导体通路的电阻,应通过测量导体通路输入端口和输出端口连接器之间通 过来自 60 赫兹、空载电压不超过 6 伏特的 25 安培电流时的压降来确定。

51.5 The SPD shall be mounted so as to provide free air flow around all sides and the top. The ambient temperature shall be 25 ± 5 C ( 77 ± 9 F ) 25 ± 5 C 77 ± 9 F 25+-5^(@)C(77+-9^(@)F)25 \pm 5^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(77 \pm 9^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right). The load current and time duration shall be as indicated in 51.6 . Rated frequency shall be used. Any voltage not higher than the rated voltage may be used.
51.5 SPD 的安装应使所有侧面和顶部都有自由的空气流通。环境温度应为 25 ± 5 C ( 77 ± 9 F ) 25 ± 5 C 77 ± 9 F 25+-5^(@)C(77+-9^(@)F)25 \pm 5^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(77 \pm 9^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 。负载电流和持续时间应符合 51.6 的规定。应使用额定频率。可使用不高于额定电压的任何电压。

51.6 For an SPD with integral overcurrent protection, the overload current is to be 200 percent of the overcurrent device rating. For an SPD without integral overcurrent protection, the overload current is to be 200 percent of the current rating of the maximum size branch circuit to which the SPD is intended to be connected. The overload test current is to be applied for 2 minutes.
51.6 对于带整体过流保护的防雷器,过载电流应为过流装置额定电流的 200%。对于不带整体过流保护的防雷器,过载电流为防雷器所连接的最大支路额定电流的 200%。过载测试电流应持续 2 分钟。

51.7 During and following the Overcurrent Test, the following conditions shall not result:
51.7 在过电流试验期间和之后,不得出现下列情况

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (pre-existing or created as a result of the test) in the product.
a) 通过产品上的任何开口(预先存在的或因试验而产生的)喷出火焰、熔融金属、发光或火焰颗粒。

b) Charring, glowing, or flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth.
b) 支撑表面、纸巾或干酪布烧焦、发光或燃烧。

c) Ignition of the enclosure.
c) 点燃外壳。

d) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
d) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可接近性 "进行判断,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可接近性。

e) There shall be no evidence of degradation or separation of the trace from the printed-wiring board.
e) 不得有痕迹从印刷电路板退化或分离的迹象。

51.8 After the representative device has cooled to room temperature, the resistance of each circuit conductor path shall be determined as specified in 51.4. The resistance of each conductor path shall not increase by more than 10 percent. Additionally, the resistance of the grounding circuit shall not exceed 0.1 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.1 Omega0.1 \Omega.
51.8 在代表性设备冷却至室温后,必须按照 51.4 的规定测定各电路导体通路的电阻。各导体通路的电阻增加不得超过 10%。此外,接地回路的电阻不得超过 0.1 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.1 Omega0.1 \Omega

52 Withstand Test  52 耐压测试

52.1 A two-port SPD, intended for use in permanently-connected applications, shall be subjected to testing in accordance with 52.2 52.11 52.2 52.11 52.2-52.1152.2-52.11. The SPD shall withstand the designated current levels until the overcurrent protective device(s) opens and:
52.1 用于永久连接应用的双端口防雷器必须按照 52.2 52.11 52.2 52.11 52.2-52.1152.2-52.11 进行测试。防雷器必须能够承受指定的电流水平,直至过流保护装置断开和:

a) The fuse mentioned in 52.11 52.11 _ 52.11 _\underline{52.11} shall not open;
a) 52.11 52.11 _ 52.11 _\underline{52.11} 中提到的保险丝不得断开;

b) There shall be no breakage to the extent that the integrity of the mounting of live parts is impaired; and
b) 不得有任何破损,以免影响带电部件安装的完整性;以及

c) There shall be no ignition of a double layer of cheesecloth, draped over the SPD so that the cloth is within 3.2 mm (1/8 inch) of any openings in the enclosure.
c) 不得点燃悬挂在防爆片上的双层芝士布,使芝士布与外壳任何开口的距离在 3.2 毫米(1/8 英寸)以内。
Exception: The above is not required for a permanently wired receptacle type SPD intended for use on branch circuits.

52.2 The overcurrent protective device (s) specified in 52.1 shall be an externally connected circuit breaker or fuse (s), as marked on the SPD. See 85.13 . The ampere rating of such circuit breakers or fuse(s) shall not be less than 125 percent of the SPD ampere rating.
52.2 52.1 中规定的过流保护装置应为外部连接的断路器或熔断器,并在 SPD 上标明。见 85.13。此类断路器或保险丝的额定电流不得低于 SPD 额定电流的 125%。

52.3 The test specified in 52.1 may be performed without overcurrent protective device (s) if it can be shown that the test circuit current was maintained for a minimum 3 cycles.
52.3 如能证明试验回路电流至少保持 3 个周期,则可在没有过流保护装置的情况下进行 52.1 规定的试验。

52.4 If fuses are used for tests at current levels greater than 10,000 A, a fuse is to be installed in each conductor. The fuses are to be external to the SPD as shown in Figure 52.1.
52.4 如果在电流大于 10,000 A 的试验中使用熔断器,则每条导线都必须安装熔断器。保险丝应安装在 SPD 外部,如图 52.1 所示。
Figure 52.1  图 52.1
Circuit Withstand Tests  电路耐压测试
Supply - Rated Voltage, 3-Phase
电源 - 额定电压,三相

X - Variable-tap air-core reactor
X - 可变抽头空芯反应堆

R - Variable resistor
R - 可变电阻

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SW - Closing switch, may be located as shown or ahead of limiting impedance
SW - 合闸开关,可能如图所示或位于限制阻抗之前

F - Enclosure fuse
F - 外壳保险丝

CL - Protective fuses, if needed
CL - 保护保险丝(如需要

52.5 When used for the test, a fuse is to be sized in accordance with 52.2. A Class CC, CD, G, H, J, L, R, T , or K fuse is to be selected such that, when tested on a single-phase circuit, the peak let-through current and clearing I 2 t I 2 t I^(2)tI^{2} t are not less than the maximum value established for the fuse - see the UL 248 series of standards - that is intended to be used with the device being tested. A Class H or K fuse shall not be used if the fault current marked on the device as indicated in 85.13 is greater than 10kA. For a fuse with I p I p I_(p)I_{p} and I 2 t I 2 t I^(2)tI^{2} t limits established for several different short-circuit current levels, the test fuse is to be selected to have at least the maximum values of the current corresponding to the available fault current rating of the circuit to which the device is intended to be connected.
52.5 用于试验时,保险丝的尺寸应符合 52.2 的规定。选择 CC、CD、G、H、J、L、R、T 或 K 级保险丝时,当在单相电路上进行测试时,其峰值穿越电流和清零 I 2 t I 2 t I^(2)tI^{2} t 均不得小于为保险丝规定的最大值(参见 UL 248 系列标准),该保险丝应与被测设备一起使用。如果设备上标注的故障电流如 85.13 所示大于 10kA,则不得使用 H 级或 K 级保险丝。对于 I p I p I_(p)I_{p} I 2 t I 2 t I^(2)tI^{2} t 限值针对几种不同的短路电流水平而设定的保险丝,在选择测试保险丝时,其电流的最大值至少应与设备拟连接电路的可用额定故障电流相对应。

Exception: A test limiter evaluated to the Standard for Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 16: Test Limiters, UL 24816, is able to be used in place of the fuses.
例外情况:可使用符合《低压保险丝标准--第 16 部分:测试限制器》(UL 24816)的测试限制器代替保险丝。

52.6 If fuses are used for tests at current levels of 10 , 000 A 10 , 000 A 10,000A10,000 \mathrm{~A} or less, they shall comply with the limits specified for high-interrupting-capacity Class K fuses. The fuses shall be connected as described in 52.4.
52.6 如果使用 10 , 000 A 10 , 000 A 10,000A10,000 \mathrm{~A} 或更小电流水平的保险丝进行试验,它们必须符合对高分断能力K级保险丝规定的限值。保险丝的连接应符合 52.4 的规定。

52.7 When used for the test, a circuit breaker is to be sized in accordance with 45.1.13. The circuit breaker to be used is to be selected from commercially available units of the molded-case type having essentially the same characteristics with respect to let-through ( I 2 t ) I 2 t (I^(2)t)\left(I^{2} t\right) and peak let-through ( I p ) I p (I_(p))\left(I_{p}\right) and currentlimiting features. The interrupting rating of the circuit breaker is to be at least the available fault current rating of the circuit to which the device is intended to be connected. Testing conducted using a circuit breaker with a particular interrupting rating is representative of testing with a circuit breaker of a lower interrupting rating.
52.7 用于试验时,断路器的尺寸应符合 45.1.13 的规定。使用的断路器应从市场上可买到的具有基本相同的让通 ( I 2 t ) I 2 t (I^(2)t)\left(I^{2} t\right) 和峰值让通 ( I p ) I p (I_(p))\left(I_{p}\right) 特性以及限流特性的塑壳断路器中选择。断路器的分断额定电流至少应达到设备所连接电路的可用故障额定电流。使用具有特定分断额定值的断路器进行的测试可代表使用较低分断额定值的断路器进行的测试。

52.8 An SPD shall be tested with alternating current at rated frequency on a circuit as indicated in Figure
52.8 防雷器必须在如图所示的电路上以额定频率的交流电进行测试。

52.1. The test is to be performed in accordance with the following:

a) The open-circuit voltage of the power supply circuit shall not be less than the maximum rated voltage of the SPD.
a) 电源电路的开路电压不得低于防雷器的最高额定电压。

b) The available short-circuit current in rms symmetrical amperes at the test source terminals shall not be less than the marked available fault current, see 85.12 and Table 12.1 and Table 12.2.
b) 测试源终端的可用短路电流(均方根对称安培)不得小于标记的可用故障电流,见 85.12 和表 12.1 及表 12.2。

c) The test source circuit shall include the necessary measuring equipment and the fuse mounting means if necessary.
c) 测试源电路应包括必要的测量设备和保险丝安装装置(如有必要)。

d) The power factor of the circuit shall be as specified in Table 53.1. Lower power factors may be used if agreeable to those concerned.
d) 电路的功率因数应符合表 53.1 的规定。如相关人员同意,可使用较低的功率因数。

e) The test source terminals are to be included in the circuit to permit the connections described in 52.10 to be made. For determining the available short-circuit current of the circuit, these terminals, as well as the fuse-mounting means, shall be short-circuited in each instance by bus bars.
e) 试验源端子应包括在电路中,以便进行 52.10 所述的连接。为确定电路的可用短路电流,这些接线端子以及熔断器安装装置均应通过母线短路。

52.9 The reactive components of the impedance in the line shown in Figure 52.1 may be parallel if one of the air-core type, but no reactance is to be connected in parallel with resistances except that an air-core reactor(s) in any phase may be shunted by resistance determined as follows:
52.9 图 52.1 所示线路阻抗的无功分量,如果是空芯式的,可以并联,但不得并联任何电抗与电阻,但任何一相的空芯电抗器可按下列方法确定电阻分流:
The shunting resistance used with an air-core reactor having negligible resistance may be calculated from the formula:
Oscillographic measurement during the short-circuit calibration, or

By proportion, from meter measurements at some lower current.

52.10 For the performance of the test, the line terminals of the representative device are to be connected to the corresponding test-circuit terminals by short wire leads, each of which is to have an ampacity consistent with the rating of the device. The load terminals are to be similarly connected to a shortcircuiting bus bar.
52.10 在进行试验时,代表装置的线路端子必须用短导线连接到相应的试验电路端子上, 每条短导线的安培数必须与装置的额定值一致。负载端子同样连接到短路母线上。

52.11 An SPD intended for use on circuits having one conductor grounded shall be tested with the metal enclosure, or the grounding terminal, bus bar, etc., for SPDs not provided with a metal enclosure, connected to the grounded conductor through a 30-A, nontime-delay Class RK5 or K5 cartridge fuse having a voltage rating not less than that of the SPD. If the SPD is intended for use on other types of circuits, the metal enclosure and/or grounding terminal, etc. shall be connected through the fuse mentioned above to the live pole least likely to strike to ground. This connection is to be made with 10 AWG ( 5.3 mm 2 ) 5.3 mm 2 (5.3mm^(2))\left(5.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}\right) copper wire having a length of 1.2 1.8 m ( 4 6 ft ) 1.2 1.8 m ( 4 6 ft ) 1.2-1.8m(4-6ft)1.2-1.8 \mathrm{~m}(4-6 \mathrm{ft}).
52.11 用于有一个导体接地的电路的防雷器,应在金属外壳或接地端子、母线等(对于没有金属外壳的防雷器)通过额定电压不低于防雷器的30安、无延时的RK5级或K5级盒式熔断器与接地导体连接的情况下进行试验。如果防雷器用于其他类型的电路,则金属外壳和/或接地端子等应通过上述熔断器与最不可能触地的带电极连接。该连接应使用长度为 1.2 1.8 m ( 4 6 ft ) 1.2 1.8 m ( 4 6 ft ) 1.2-1.8m(4-6ft)1.2-1.8 \mathrm{~m}(4-6 \mathrm{ft}) 的 10 AWG ( 5.3 mm 2 ) 5.3 mm 2 (5.3mm^(2))\left(5.3 \mathrm{~mm}^{2}\right) 铜线。

52.12 Test Setup and Apparatus - The representative devices shall be placed on a softwood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. The orientation of the representative device shall be such as to create the most severe conditions representative of normal installation. Each representative device is to be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover openings (for example, receptacle openings, ventilation openings) where flame, molten metal, or other particles may be expelled as a result of the test. However, the cheesecloth shall not be deliberately pushed into openings.
52.12 试验装置和仪器 - 代表性装置应放在铺有双层白色纸巾的软木表面上。代表装置的方向应能代表正常安装的最恶劣条件。每个代表性装置都应松散地铺上双层起司布。起士布应遮盖可能因试验而喷出火焰、熔融金属或其他微粒的开口(如容器开口、通风口)。但不得故意将起司布推入开口处。

53 Instrumentation and Calibration of High-Capacity Circuits
53 大容量电路的仪表和校准

53.1 General  53.1 综述

53.1.1 The available current capacity of the circuit is to be at least the value required for the short-circuitwithstand rating of the SPD. The frequency of the test circuit is to be 60 ± 1.2 Hz 60 ± 1.2 Hz 60+-1.2Hz60 \pm 1.2 \mathrm{~Hz}.
53.1.1 电路的可用电流容量至少应达到防雷器的短路耐受额定值。测试电路的频率应为 60 ± 1.2 Hz 60 ± 1.2 Hz 60+-1.2Hz60 \pm 1.2 \mathrm{~Hz}

53.2 Available current of 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 10,000\mathbf{1 0 , 0 0 0} amperes or less
53.2 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 10,000\mathbf{1 0 , 0 0 0} 安培或更小的可用电流

53.2.1 For an alternating-current circuit intended to deliver 10,000 amperes or less, the current and power factor shall be as specified in Table 53.1 and are to be determined as follows:
53.2.1 对于输送 10,000 安培或以下的交流电路,电流和功率因数应符合表 53.1 的规定,并按以下方法确定:

a) For a 3-phase test circuit, the current is to be determined by averaging the rms values of the first complete cycle of current in each of the three phases; the voltage to neutral is to be used to determine the power factor.
a) 对于三相测试电路,电流应通过三相中每相第一个完整周期电流均方根值的平均值来确定;中性点电压用于确定功率因数。

b) For a single-phase test circuit, the current is to be the rms value of the first complete cycle - see Figure 53.1 - when the circuit is closed to produce an essentially symmetrical current waveform. The direct-current component is not to be added to the value obtained when measured as illustrated. In order to obtain the desired symmetrical waveform of a single-phase test circuit, controlled closing is recommended although random closing methods may be used. The power factor is to be determined by referring the open-circuit voltage wave to the two adjacent zero points at the end half of the first complete current cycle by transposition through a suitable timing wave. The power factor is to be computed as an average of the values obtained by using these two current zero points.
b) 对于单相测试电路,当电路闭合以产生基本对称的电流波形时,电流应为第一个完整周期(见图 53.1)的均方根值。在如图所示的测量中,直流分量不会被添加到所获得的值中。为了获得单相测试电路所需的对称波形,建议使用受控合闸,但也可使用随机合闸方法。功率因数的测定方法是将开路电压波通过适当的定时波转置到第一个完整电流周期末端的两个相邻零点。功率因数将以这两个电流零点的平均值来计算。
Table 53.1  表 53.1

Power Factor  功率因数

Available fault current  可用故障电流 Power factor a a ^(a)^{\mathbf{a}}  功率因数 a a ^(a)^{\mathbf{a}}
200 A 0.80 1.0 0.80 1.0 0.80-1.00.80-1.0
1000 A 0.70 0.80 0.70 0.80 0.70-0.800.70-0.80
2000 10 , 000 A 2000 10 , 000 A 2000-10,000A2000-10,000 \mathrm{~A} 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.40-0.500.40-0.50
10 , 001 20 , 000 A 10 , 001 20 , 000 A 10,001-20,000A10,001-20,000 \mathrm{~A} 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.30 0.25-0.300.25-0.30
> 20 , 000 A > 20 , 000 A > 20,000A>20,000 \mathrm{~A} 0.20 0.20 <= 0.20\leq 0.20
Power factor may be less.
Available fault current Power factor ^(a) 200 A 0.80-1.0 1000 A 0.70-0.80 2000-10,000A 0.40-0.50 10,001-20,000A 0.25-0.30 > 20,000A <= 0.20 Power factor may be less. | Available fault current | Power factor $^{\mathbf{a}}$ | | :---: | :---: | | 200 A | $0.80-1.0$ | | 1000 A | $0.70-0.80$ | | $2000-10,000 \mathrm{~A}$ | $0.40-0.50$ | | $10,001-20,000 \mathrm{~A}$ | $0.25-0.30$ | | $>20,000 \mathrm{~A}$ | $\leq 0.20$ | | Power factor may be less. | |
Figure 53.1  图 53.1
Determination of Current and Power Factor for Circuits of 10,000 Amperes and Less
确定 10,000 安培及以下电路的电流和功率因数

rms Current = ( a + b 2 × 2 ) ( rms calibration of instrument element ) Power factor = Cos [ ( Y 1 + X 1 ) ( 180 ) ] + Cos [ ( Y 2 + X 2 ) ( 180 ) ] 2  rms Current  = a + b 2 × 2 (  rms calibration of instrument element  )  Power factor  = Cos Y 1 + X 1 180 + Cos Y 2 + X 2 180 2 {:[" rms Current "=((a+b)/(sqrt2xx2))(" rms calibration of instrument element ")],[" Power factor "=(Cos[(Y_(1)+X_(1))(180^(@))]+Cos[(Y_(2)+X_(2))(180^(@))])/(2)]:}\begin{gathered} \text { rms Current }=\left(\frac{a+b}{\sqrt{2} \times 2}\right)(\text { rms calibration of instrument element }) \\ \text { Power factor }=\frac{\operatorname{Cos}\left[\left(Y_{1}+X_{1}\right)\left(180^{\circ}\right)\right]+\operatorname{Cos}\left[\left(Y_{2}+X_{2}\right)\left(180^{\circ}\right)\right]}{2} \end{gathered}
in which:  其中:
X 1 , X 2 , Y 1 X 1 , X 2 , Y 1 X_(1),X_(2),Y_(1)X_{1}, X_{2}, Y_{1}, and Y 2 Y 2 Y_(2)Y_{2} values are fractions of the 1/2-cycle distance in which they occur.
X 1 , X 2 , Y 1 X 1 , X 2 , Y 1 X_(1),X_(2),Y_(1)X_{1}, X_{2}, Y_{1} Y 2 Y 2 Y_(2)Y_{2} 值是它们出现的 1/2 周期距离的分数。

53.3 Available current more than 10,000 amperes
53.3 可用电流超过 10 000 安培

53.3.1 For circuits intended to deliver more than 10,000 amperes, the current and power factor are to be determined in accordance with the requirements in 53.3 .2 - 53.3 .8 . Instrumentation used to measure test circuits of over 10,000 amperes is to comply with the requirements in 53.4.1-53.4.11.
53.3.1 对于电流超过 10,000 安培的电路,电流和功率因数的确定应符合 53.3.2-53.3.8 的要求。用于测量 10,000 安培以上试验电路的仪器须符合 53.4.1-53.4.11 的要求。

53.3.2 The rms symmetrical current is to be determined, with the supply terminals short-circuited by measuring the alternating-current component of the wave at an instant 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 cycle - on the basis of the test frequency timing wave - after the initiation of the short circuit. The current is to be calculated in accordance with the Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis, ANSI/IEEE C37.09.
53.3.2 在电源终端短路的情况下,应在短路开始后的瞬间 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 周期(以试验频率定时波为基础)测量波的交流电流分量,以确定对称电流的均方根值。电流将根据 ANSI/IEEE C37.09 交流高压断路器额定对称电流测试程序进行计算。

53.3.3 For a 3-phase test circuit, the rms symmetrical current is to be the average of the currents in the three phases. The rms symmetrical current in any one phase is not to be less than 90 percent of the required test current.
53.3.3 对于三相试验电路,均方根对称电流应为三相电流的平均值。任何一相的均方根对称电流不得小于要求测试电流的 90%。

53.3.4 The test circuit and its transients are to be such that 3 cycles after initiation of the short circuit, the symmetrical alternating component of current will not be less than 90 percent of the symmetrical alternating component of current at the end of the first 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 cycle, or the symmetrical alternating component of current at the time at which the overcurrent-protective device will interrupt the test circuit is at least 100 percent of the rating for which the controller is being tested. In 3-phase circuits, the symmetrical alternating component of current of all three phases is to be averaged.
53.3.4 试验电路及其瞬态应确保在短路开始后的 3 个周期内,电流的对称交变分量不小于第一个 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 周期结束时电流的对称交变分量的 90%,或过流保护装置中断试验电路时的电流的对称交变分量至少为控制器试验额定值的 100%。在三相电路中,三相电流的对称交流分量应取平均值。

53.3.5 The power factor is to be determined at an instant 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 cycle - on the basis of the test frequency timing wave - after the short circuit occurs. The total asymmetrical rms amperes are to be measured in accordance with 53.3.2 and the ratio M A M A M_(A)\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}} or M M M M M_(M)\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{M}} is to be calculated as follows:
53.3.5 功率因数应在短路发生后的 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 周期内根据试验频率定时波确定。按照 53.3.2 测量总的不对称均方根安培数,并按下式计算比率 M A M A M_(A)\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}} M M M M M_(M)\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{M}}
M A ( 3 phase ) = Av. 3 phases Asymmetrical RMS Amperes Av. 3 Symmetrical RMS Amperes M M ( 1 phase ) = Asymmetrical RMS Amperes Symmetrical RMS Amperes M A ( 3  phase  ) =  Av.  3  phases   Asymmetrical RMS Amperes   Av.  3  Symmetrical RMS Amperes  M M ( 1  phase  ) =  Asymmetrical RMS Amperes   Symmetrical RMS Amperes  {:[M_(A)(3" phase ")=(" Av. "3" phases "-" Asymmetrical RMS Amperes ")/(" Av. "3" Symmetrical RMS Amperes ")],[M_(M)(1" phase ")=(" Asymmetrical RMS Amperes ")/(" Symmetrical RMS Amperes ")]:}\begin{gathered} M_{A}(3 \text { phase })=\frac{\text { Av. } 3 \text { phases }- \text { Asymmetrical RMS Amperes }}{\text { Av. } 3 \text { Symmetrical RMS Amperes }} \\ M_{M}(1 \text { phase })=\frac{\text { Asymmetrical RMS Amperes }}{\text { Symmetrical RMS Amperes }} \end{gathered}
Using ratio M A M A M_(A)\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}} or M M M M M_(M)\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{M}}, the power factor is to be determined from Table 53.2.
使用比率 M A M A M_(A)\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}} M M M M M_(M)\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{M}} ,功率因数将根据表 53.2 确定。
Table 53.2  表 53.2
Short-Circuit Power Factor

power factor,
Short-circuit power factor, percent| Short-circuit | | :---: | | power factor, | | percent |
Ratio M M a M M a M_(M)^(a)\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{M}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}  比率 M M a M M a M_(M)^(a)\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{M}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}} Ratio M A a M A a M_(A)^(a)\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{A}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}  比率 M A a M A a M_(A)^(a)\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{A}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}

power factor,
Short-circuit power factor, percent| Short-circuit | | :---: | | power factor, | | percent |
Ratio M M a M M a M_(M)^(a)\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{M}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}  比率 M M a M M a M_(M)^(a)\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{M}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}} Ratio M A a 20  Ratio  M A a 20 " Ratio "M_(A)^(a)^(20){\text { Ratio } \mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{A}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}}^{20}
0 1.732 1.394 30 1.130 1.066
1 1.696 1.374 31 1.121 1.062
2 1.665 1.355 32 1.113 1.057
3 1.630 1.336 33 1.105 1.053
4 1.598 1.318 34 1.098 1.049
5 1.568 1.301 35 1.091 1.046
6 1.540 1.285 36 1.084 1.043
7 1.511 1.270 37 1.078 1.039
"Short-circuit power factor, percent" Ratio M_(M)^(a) Ratio M_(A)^(a) "Short-circuit power factor, percent" Ratio M_(M)^(a) " Ratio "M_(A)^(a)^(20) 0 1.732 1.394 30 1.130 1.066 1 1.696 1.374 31 1.121 1.062 2 1.665 1.355 32 1.113 1.057 3 1.630 1.336 33 1.105 1.053 4 1.598 1.318 34 1.098 1.049 5 1.568 1.301 35 1.091 1.046 6 1.540 1.285 36 1.084 1.043 7 1.511 1.270 37 1.078 1.039| Short-circuit <br> power factor, <br> percent | Ratio $\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{M}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}$ | Ratio $\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{A}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}$ | Short-circuit <br> power factor, <br> percent | Ratio $\mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{M}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}$ | ${\text { Ratio } \mathbf{M}_{\mathbf{A}}{ }^{\mathbf{a}}}^{20}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 0 | 1.732 | 1.394 | 30 | 1.130 | 1.066 | | 1 | 1.696 | 1.374 | 31 | 1.121 | 1.062 | | 2 | 1.665 | 1.355 | 32 | 1.113 | 1.057 | | 3 | 1.630 | 1.336 | 33 | 1.105 | 1.053 | | 4 | 1.598 | 1.318 | 34 | 1.098 | 1.049 | | 5 | 1.568 | 1.301 | 35 | 1.091 | 1.046 | | 6 | 1.540 | 1.285 | 36 | 1.084 | 1.043 | | 7 | 1.511 | 1.270 | 37 | 1.078 | 1.039 |
Table 53.2 Continued on Next Page
表 53.2 下一页
Table 53.2 Continued  续表 53.2
Short-circuit power factor, percent
Ratio M M a M M M_(M)^("a ")\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{M}}{ }^{\text {a }}  比率 M M a M M M_(M)^("a ")\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{M}}{ }^{\text {a }} Ratio M A a M A M_(A)^("a ")\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}}{ }^{\text {a }}  比率 M A a M A M_(A)^("a ")\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}}{ }^{\text {a }} Short-circuit power factor, percent
Ratio M M a M M_("M ")^("a ")\mathrm{M}_{\text {M }}{ }^{\text {a }}  比率 M M a M M_("M ")^("a ")\mathrm{M}_{\text {M }}{ }^{\text {a }} Ratio M A a M A M_(A)^("a ")\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}}{ }^{\text {a }}  比率 M A a M A M_(A)^("a ")\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}}{ }^{\text {a }}
8 1.485 1.256 38 1.073 1.036
9 1.460 1.241 39 1.068 1.033
10 1.436 1.229 40 1.062 1.031
11 1.413 1.216 41 1.057 1.028
12 1.391 1.204 42 1.053 1.026
13 1.372 1.193 43 1.049 1.024
14 1.350 1.182 44 1.045 1.022
15 1.330 1.171 45 1.041 1.020
16 1.312 1.161 46 1.038 1.019
17 1.294 1.152 47 1.034 1.017
18 1.277 1.143 48 1.031 1.016
19 1.262 1.135 49 1.029 1.014
20 1.247 1.127 50 1.026 1.013
21 1.232 1.119 55 1.015 1.008
22 1.218 1.112 60 1.009 1.004
23 1.205 1.105 65 1.004 1.002
24 1.192 1.099 70 1.002 1.001
25 1.181 1.093 75 1.0008 1.0004
26 1.170 1.087 80 1.0002 1.00005
27 1.159 1.081 85 1.00004 1.00002
28 1.149 1.075 100 1.00000 1.00000
29 1.139 1.070
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} See 53.3.5.   a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 参见 53.3.5。
Short-circuit power factor, percent Ratio M_(M)^("a ") Ratio M_(A)^("a ") Short-circuit power factor, percent Ratio M_("M ")^("a ") Ratio M_(A)^("a ") 8 1.485 1.256 38 1.073 1.036 9 1.460 1.241 39 1.068 1.033 10 1.436 1.229 40 1.062 1.031 11 1.413 1.216 41 1.057 1.028 12 1.391 1.204 42 1.053 1.026 13 1.372 1.193 43 1.049 1.024 14 1.350 1.182 44 1.045 1.022 15 1.330 1.171 45 1.041 1.020 16 1.312 1.161 46 1.038 1.019 17 1.294 1.152 47 1.034 1.017 18 1.277 1.143 48 1.031 1.016 19 1.262 1.135 49 1.029 1.014 20 1.247 1.127 50 1.026 1.013 21 1.232 1.119 55 1.015 1.008 22 1.218 1.112 60 1.009 1.004 23 1.205 1.105 65 1.004 1.002 24 1.192 1.099 70 1.002 1.001 25 1.181 1.093 75 1.0008 1.0004 26 1.170 1.087 80 1.0002 1.00005 27 1.159 1.081 85 1.00004 1.00002 28 1.149 1.075 100 1.00000 1.00000 29 1.139 1.070 ^("a ") See 53.3.5. | Short-circuit power factor, percent | Ratio $\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{M}}{ }^{\text {a }}$ | Ratio $\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}}{ }^{\text {a }}$ | Short-circuit power factor, percent | Ratio $\mathrm{M}_{\text {M }}{ }^{\text {a }}$ | Ratio $\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{A}}{ }^{\text {a }}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 8 | 1.485 | 1.256 | 38 | 1.073 | 1.036 | | 9 | 1.460 | 1.241 | 39 | 1.068 | 1.033 | | 10 | 1.436 | 1.229 | 40 | 1.062 | 1.031 | | 11 | 1.413 | 1.216 | 41 | 1.057 | 1.028 | | 12 | 1.391 | 1.204 | 42 | 1.053 | 1.026 | | 13 | 1.372 | 1.193 | 43 | 1.049 | 1.024 | | 14 | 1.350 | 1.182 | 44 | 1.045 | 1.022 | | 15 | 1.330 | 1.171 | 45 | 1.041 | 1.020 | | 16 | 1.312 | 1.161 | 46 | 1.038 | 1.019 | | 17 | 1.294 | 1.152 | 47 | 1.034 | 1.017 | | 18 | 1.277 | 1.143 | 48 | 1.031 | 1.016 | | 19 | 1.262 | 1.135 | 49 | 1.029 | 1.014 | | 20 | 1.247 | 1.127 | 50 | 1.026 | 1.013 | | 21 | 1.232 | 1.119 | 55 | 1.015 | 1.008 | | 22 | 1.218 | 1.112 | 60 | 1.009 | 1.004 | | 23 | 1.205 | 1.105 | 65 | 1.004 | 1.002 | | 24 | 1.192 | 1.099 | 70 | 1.002 | 1.001 | | 25 | 1.181 | 1.093 | 75 | 1.0008 | 1.0004 | | 26 | 1.170 | 1.087 | 80 | 1.0002 | 1.00005 | | 27 | 1.159 | 1.081 | 85 | 1.00004 | 1.00002 | | 28 | 1.149 | 1.075 | 100 | 1.00000 | 1.00000 | | 29 | 1.139 | 1.070 | | | | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ See 53.3.5. | | | | | |
53.3.6 The power factor of a 3-phase circuit may be calculated by using controlled closing so that upon subsequent closings a different phase will be caused to have maximum asymmetrical conditions. The power factor of each phase could then be determined using the method described for single-phase circuits in 53.3.5. The power factor of the 3-phase circuit is considered to be the average of the power factors of each of the phases.
53.3.6 三相电路的功率因数可通过受控合闸来计算,这样在随后的合闸中,不同的相位将具有最大的不对称条件。然后可采用 53.3.5 中所述的单相电路方法确定每相的功率因数。三相电路的功率因数被视为各相功率因数的平均值。

53.3.7 The recovery voltage is to be at least equal to the rated voltage of the controller. The peak value of the recovery voltage within the first complete half cycle after clearing and for the next five successive peaks is to be at least equal to 1.414 times the rms value of the rated voltage of the controller. Each of the peaks is not to be displaced by more than ± 10 ± 10 +-10\pm 10 electrical degrees from the peak values of the open-circuit recovery voltage - that is, the displacement of the peak from its normal position on a sinusoidal wave. The average of the instantaneous values of recovery voltage each of the first six, half cycles measured at the 45 degree and 135 degree points on the wave is to be not less than 85 percent of the rms value of the rated voltage of the controller. The instantaneous value of recovery voltage measured at the 45 degree and 135 degree points of each of the first six, half cycles is in no case to be less than 75 percent of the rms value of the rated voltage of the SPD.
53.3.7 恢复电压至少等于控制器的额定电压。恢复电压在清零后第一个完整半周期内的峰值和随后五个连续峰值至少等于控制器额定电压均方根值的 1.414 倍。每个峰值与开路恢复电压峰值的偏差不得超过 ± 10 ± 10 +-10\pm 10 电度,即峰值与正弦波正常位置的偏差。在波的 45 度点和 135 度点测量的前六个半周期恢复电压瞬时值的平均值应不小于控制器额定电压有效值的 85%。在前六个半周期的 45 度点和 135 度点测得的恢复电压瞬时值在任何情况下都不得低于 SPD 额定电压有效值的 75%。

53.3.8 If there is no attenuation or phase displacement of the first full cycle of the recovery voltage wave when compared with the open-circuit secondary voltage wave before current flow in a circuit that employs secondary closing, the detailed measurement of recovery voltage characteristics as indicated in 53.3.7 is not required.
53.3.8 在采用二次合闸的电路中,如果恢复电压波的第一个全周期与电流流过之前的开路二次电压波相比没有衰减或相位偏移,则不需要对恢复电压特性进行 53.3.7 所述的详细测量。

53.4 Instrumentation for test currents above 10,000 amperes
53.4 测试电流超过 10,000 安培的仪器

53.4.1 When used, the galvanometers in a magnetic oscillograph employed for recording voltage and current during circuit calibration and while testing are to be of a type having a flat ( ± 5 ± 5 +-5\pm 5 percent) frequency response from 50 1200 Hz 50 1200 Hz 50-1200Hz50-1200 \mathrm{~Hz}. For fast acting fuses, current limiters, or motor-short-circuit protectors, a galvanometer may need to have a flat frequency response from 50 9000 Hz 50 9000 Hz 50-9000Hz50-9000 \mathrm{~Hz} or an oscilloscope may be needed to obtain accurate values of peak current, ( I p ) I p (I_(p))\left(I_{\mathrm{p}}\right), and energy let-through, ( I 2 t ) I 2 t (I^(2)t)\left(\mathrm{I}^{2} \mathrm{t}\right). Digital data acquisition equipment with comparable or better specifications may be used in lieu of galvonometer driven oscillographs.
53.4.1 在电路校准和测试过程中,用于记录电压和电流的磁力示波器中的振荡器应为从 50 1200 Hz 50 1200 Hz 50-1200Hz50-1200 \mathrm{~Hz} 起具有平坦( ± 5 ± 5 +-5\pm 5 %)频率响应的类型。对于快速熔断器、限流器或电机短路保护器,电位计可能需要具有 50 9000 Hz 50 9000 Hz 50-9000Hz50-9000 \mathrm{~Hz} 的平坦频率响应,或者需要示波器来获得峰值电流 ( I p ) I p (I_(p))\left(I_{\mathrm{p}}\right) 和能量泄漏 ( I 2 t ) I 2 t (I^(2)t)\left(\mathrm{I}^{2} \mathrm{t}\right) 的精确值。可以使用规格相当或更好的数字数据采集设备来代替振荡器驱动的示波器。

53.4.2 Galvanometers, when used, are to be calibrated as described in 53.4.3 - 53.4.6.
53.4.2 使用电位计时,应按 53.4.3 - 53.4.6 的规定进行校准。

53.4.3 When a shunt is used to determine the circuit characteristics, a direct-current calibrating voltage is normally used. The voltage applied to the oscillograph galvanometer circuit is to result in a deflection of the galvanometer approximately equivalent to that which is expected when the same galvanometer circuit is connected to the shunt and the nominal short-circuit current is flowing. The voltage is to be applied so as to cause the galvanometer to deflect in both directions. Additional calibrations are to be made using approximately 50 percent and approximately 150 percent of the voltage used to obtain the deflection indicated above, except that if the anticipated maximum deflection is less than 150 percent, such as a symmetrically closed single-phase circuit, any other suitable calibration point is to be chosen. The sensitivity of the galvanometer circuit in volts per millimeter (or inch) is to be determined from the deflection measured in each case, and the results of the six trials averaged. The peak amperes per millimeter (or inch) is obtained by dividing the sensitivity by the resistance of the shunt. This multiplying factor is to be used for the determination of the rms current as described in 53.3.2.
53.4.3 使用分流器确定电路特性时,通常使用直流校准电压。施加在示波器振镜电路上的电压应导致振镜偏转,其偏转量与分流器连接相同振镜电路并流过标称短路电流时的偏转量大致相当。施加的电压应使电流计向两个方向偏转。除了预期最大偏转小于 150%(如对称闭合的单相电路)的情况外,应使用用于获得上述偏转的电压的约 50%和约 150%进行额外校准,选择任何其他合适的校准点。电流计电路的灵敏度(单位为伏特/毫米(或英寸))应根据每次测得的偏转来确定,并将六次试验的结果取平均值。每毫米(或英寸)的峰值安培数由灵敏度除以分流器电阻得出。这一乘法系数将用于确定 53.3.2 中所述的均方根电流。

53.4.4 A 60 Hz sine-wave potential may be used for calibrating the galvanometer circuit, using the same general method described in 53.4.3. The resulting factor is to be multiplied by 1.414.
53.4.4 可使用 60 赫兹正弦波电位来校准电流计电路,方法与 53.4.3 中所述的一般方法相同。得出的系数应乘以 1.414。

53.4.5 When a current transformer is used to determine the circuit characteristics, an alternating current is to be used to calibrate the galvanometer circuit. The value of current applied to the galvanometer circuit is to result in a deflection of the galvanometer approximately equivalent to that which is expected when the same galvanometer is connected to the secondary of the current transformer and nominal short circuit current is flowing in the primary. Additional calibrations are to be made at approximately 50 percent and approximately 150 percent of the current used to obtain the deflection indicated above except that if the anticipated maximum deflection is less than 150 percent, such as in a symmetrically closed single-phase circuit, any other suitable calibration point is to be chosen. The sensitivity of the galvanometer circuit in rms amperes per millimeter (or inch) is to be determined in each case and the results averaged. The average sensitivity is to be multiplied by the current-transformer ratio and by 1.414 to obtain peak amperes per millimeter (or inch). This constant is to be used for the determination of the rms current as described in 53.3.2.
53.4.5 在使用电流互感器确定电路特性时,应使用交流电校准电流计电路。施加到电流计电路上的电流值应使电流计的偏转与电流互感器次级连接同一电流计、初级流过额定短路电流时的偏转大致相同。应在用于获得上述偏转的电流的约 50% 和约 150% 处进行额外校准,但如果预期最大偏转小于 150%,例如在对称闭合的单相电路中,则应选择任何其他合适的校准点。在每种情况下都要确定电流计电路的灵敏度(以每毫米(或英寸)均方根安培数表示),并将结果求平均值。将平均灵敏度乘以电流互感器比率和 1.414,得出每毫米(或英寸)的峰值安培数。该常数将用于确定 53.3.2 中所述的均方根电流。

53.4.6 All the galvanometer elements employed are to line-up properly in the oscillograph, or the displacement differences are to be noted and used as needed.
53.4.6 所有使用的振镜元件都必须在示波器中正确排列,否则将记录位移差,并根据需要使用。

53.4.7 The sensitivity of any galvanometers used and the recording speed are to be such that the values of voltage, current, and power factor can be determined accurately. The recording speed is to be at least 1.5 m (60 inches) per second.
53.4.7 所使用的电流计的灵敏度和记录速度应能准确测定电压、电流和功率因数的值。记录速度至少为每秒 1.5 米(60 英寸)。

53.4.8 With the test circuit adjusted to provide the specified values of voltage and current and with a noninductive (coaxial) shunt that has been found acceptable for use as a reference connected into the circuit, the tests described in 53.4 .9 53.4 .9 _ 53.4.9_\underline{53.4 .9} and 53.4 .10 53.4 .10 _ 53.4.10_\underline{53.4 .10} are to be conducted to verify the accuracy of the manufacturer’s instrumentation.
53.4.8 调整试验电路以提供规定的电压和电流值,并在电路中连接一个经认定可用作基准的无感(同轴)分流器后,进行 53.4 .9 53.4 .9 _ 53.4.9_\underline{53.4 .9} 53.4 .10 53.4 .10 _ 53.4.10_\underline{53.4 .10} 中所述的试验,以验证制造商仪器的准确性。

53.4.9 With the secondary open-circuited, the transformer is to be energized and the voltage at the test terminals observed to see if rectification is occurring making the circuit unacceptable for test purposes because the voltage and current will not be sinusoidal. Six random closings are to be made to demonstrate that residual flux in the transformer core will not cause rectification. If testing is done by closing the secondary circuit, this check can be omitted providing testing is not commenced before the transformer has been energized for approximately 2 seconds, or longer if an investigation of the test equipment shows that a longer time is necessary.
53.4.9 在次级开路的情况下,给变压器通电,观察试验端子上的电压,看是否发生整流使电路不能用于试验,因为电压和电流不是正弦曲线。要进行六次随机闭合,以证明变压器铁芯中的残余磁通不会导致整流。如果测试是通过闭合次级电路进行的,则可以省略这一检查,只要在变压器通电约 2 秒钟之前不开始测试即可。

53.4.10 With the test terminals connected together by means of a copper bar, a single-phase circuit is to be closed as nearly as possible at the moment that will produce a current wave with maximum offset. The short circuit current and voltage are to be recorded. The primary voltage is to be recorded if primary closing is used. The current measured by the reference shunt is to be within 5 percent of that measured using the manufacturer’s instrumentation and there is to be no measurable variation in phase relationship between the traces of the same current. Controlled closing is not required for polyphase circuits.
53.4.10 用铜棒将测试端子连接在一起,尽可能在产生最大偏移电流波的时刻闭合单相电路。记录短路电流和电压。如果使用一次合闸,则记录一次电压。参考分流器测量的电流应在制造商仪器测量值的 5% 以内,且相同电流轨迹之间的相位关系不应有可测量的变化。多相电路不需要受控合闸。

53.4.11 When the verification of the accuracy of the manufacturer’s instrumentation is completed, the reference coaxial shunt is to be removed from the circuit. The reference coaxial shunt is not to be used during the final calibration of the test circuit nor during the testing of SPD.
53.4.11 制造商仪器的准确度验证完成后,应将参考同轴分流器从电路中移除。参考同轴分流器不得用于测试电路的最终校准或 SPD 测试。

54 Insulation Resistance Test
54 绝缘电阻测试

54.1 As required by Capacitors, Section 26, a capacitor shall have an insulation resistance of not less than 2 M Ω 2 M Ω 2MOmega2 \mathrm{M} \Omega between live parts and accessible dead metal parts.
54.1 根据第 26 节 "电容器 "的要求,电容器带电部件与可触及的无电金属部件之间的绝缘电阻不得小于 2 M Ω 2 M Ω 2MOmega2 \mathrm{M} \Omega

54.2 For a capacitor whose outer enclosure consists wholly or partly of insulating material, the term accessible dead metal parts as used in 54.1 signified metal foil wrapped around and in intimate contact with the exterior of the enclosure so as to leave a space of 5 mm ( 0.2 inch ) between the edge of the foil and any terminal or bare lead.
54.2 对于外壳全部或部分由绝缘材料构成的电容器,54.1 中使用的 "可触及的无金属部分 "一语是指包裹在外壳周围并与外壳外部紧密接触的金属箔,使金属箔边缘与任何端子或裸导线之间留有 5 毫米(0.2 英寸)的空间。

54.3 In determinations of insulation resistance, a direct potential of not less than 250 V is to be employed, and the value of insulation resistance to be determined one minute after application of the test potential. The capacitor is not to be energized during this test.
54.3 在测定绝缘电阻时,应使用不低于 250 V 的直接电位,并在施加试验电位一分钟后测定绝缘电阻值。试验期间电容器不得通电。

55 Capacitor Endurance Test
55 电容器耐久性测试

55.1 As required by Capacitors, Section 26, three representative devices of a capacitor employed in SPDs connected across the line or line (or neutral) to ground prior to being subjected to the Capacitor Endurance Test specified in 55.2 and 55.3 , shall complete with acceptable results the Dielectric VoltageWithstand Test, Section 39 39 _ 39 _\underline{39} and the Insulation Resistance Test, Section 54.
55.1 根据第 26 节 "电容器 "的要求,在进行第 55.2 和 55.3 节规定的电容器耐久试验之前,在线路或线路(或中性线)与地之间连接的防雷器中使用的电容器的三个代表性装置,必须完成第 39 39 _ 39 _\underline{39} 节 "介质耐压试验 "和第 54 节 "绝缘电阻试验",且结果合格。

55.2 The representative devices shall be placed in a full draft circulating air oven maintained at a uniform temperature equal to or greater than the maximum temperature measured on the capacitor during the normal temperature test, but not less than 50 C ( 122 F ) 50 C 122 F 50^(@)C(122^(@)F)50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(122^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right). The representative devices shall be operated for 1000 hours at the voltage specified in 55.3 55.3 _ 55.3 _\underline{55.3} at the rated frequency.
55.2 具有代表性的装置须置于全通风循环空气烘箱中,其均匀温度须保持在等于 或高于正常温度试验中电容器所测得的最高温度,但不得低于 50 C ( 122 F ) 50 C 122 F 50^(@)C(122^(@)F)50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(122^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 。代表性装置须在 55.3 55.3 _ 55.3 _\underline{55.3} 所述电压和额定频率下运行 1000 小时。

55.3 The test voltage for capacitors connected across the line shall be 1.5 times rated voltage and for capacitors connected from line (or neutral) to ground shall be 1.7 times rated voltage.
55.3 跨线路连接的电容器的试验电压应为额定电压的 1.5 倍,从线路(或中性线)连接到地的电容器的试验电压应为额定电压的 1.7 倍。

55.4 Following the Capacitor Endurance Test, the representative devices shall be subjected to and comply with the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 39 with test voltages of 90 percent of the specified values, and the Insulation Resistance Test, Section 54. The capacitor shall not show any evidence of ignition, sealant leakage, cracking, breakage, or similar physical damage.
55.4 在电容器耐久试验后,具有代表性的装置须进行第 39 节规定的介电耐压试验, 试验电压为规定值的 90%,并须符合第 54 节规定的绝缘电阻试验的要求。电容器不得有任何点火、密封剂泄漏、开裂、破损或类似物理损坏的迹象。

56 Component Breakdown Test
56 组件分解测试

56.1 As required by 23.1, an SPD shall be subjected to the Component Breakdown Test, 56.2 56.11 56.2 56.11 _ 56.2-56.11 _56.2-\underline{56.11}.
56.1 根据 23.1 的要求,SPD 应进行 56.2 56.11 56.2 56.11 _ 56.2-56.11 _56.2-\underline{56.11} 部件击穿试验。

56.2 With reference to the requirement in 56.1, a risk of fire or electric shock is considered to exist if any of the following occur:
56.2 参照 56.1 中的要求,如果出现下列情况之一,则认为存在着火或触电的危险:

a) Glowing, charring, or flaming of the cheesecloth or tissue paper as specified in 56.6 ;
a) 奶酪布或纸巾发光、烧焦或燃烧,如 56.6 所述;

b) Opening of the 3A fuse specified in 5 56.7 5 56.7 _ 556.7 _5 \underline{56.7};
b) 5 56.7 5 56.7 _ 556.7 _5 \underline{56.7} 中规定的 3A 保险丝断开;

c) Emission of flame, sparks, or molten metal from the enclosure;
c) 外壳发出火焰、火花或熔融金属;

d) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13; or
d) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可触及性 "的规定,在外壳上开孔,导致带电部件的可触及性;或 e) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可触及性 "的规定,在外壳上开孔。

e) Loss of structural integrity to a degree that the equipment collapses or experiences such displacement of parts that may lead to short-circuiting or grounding of live parts.
e) 结构完整性丧失到设备倒塌或部件移位的程度,可能导致带电部件短路或接地。

56.3 The circuit between any two terminals of a device is to be opened or shorted. Only one of the simulated fault conditions is to be imposed at a time. For a multi-terminal device, only two terminals are to be short-circuited at a time. Simulated circuits may be used, but if the tests performed on simulated circuits indicate likely damage to other parts of the equipment to the extent that the safety of the equipment may be affected, the tests shall be repeated on the equipment.
56.3 设备任意两个端子之间的电路均可断开或短路。每次只能施加一种模拟故障条件。对于多终端设备,一次只能短路两个终端。可以使用模拟电路,但如果在模拟电路上进行的测试表明设备的其他部分可能受到损坏,以至于设备的安全性可能受到影响,则必须在设备上重复测试。

56.4 Each test is to be conducted on a separate sample unless it is agreeable to those concerned that more than one test be conducted on the same sample.
56.4 除非有关人员同意对同一样品进行多次测试,否则每次测试都应在单独的样品 上进行。

56.5 A part of equipment that may be removed during routine operation or maintenance is to be omitted if it will result in a more severe test, and the part is not:
56.5 在日常操作或维护中可能被拆除的设备部件,如果会导致更严酷的试验,则应省略,而该部件则不会:

a) Necessary for the functioning of the equipment;
a) 设备运行所必需;

b) Exposed to view during intended operation; and
b) 在预定的操作过程中暴露在视线之外;以及

c) Captivated.  c) 被吸引。
56.6 During these tests, the sample is to be placed on a softwood surface covered with white tissue paper, and a single layer of cheesecloth is to be draped loosely over the entire enclosure.
56.6 在测试过程中,样品应放在铺有白色纸巾的软木表面上,并在整个围栏上松松垮垮 地铺一层干酪布。
Exception No. 1: Units not having bottom openings need not be placed on a softwood surface covered with white tissue paper.
例外情况 1:没有底部开口的装置不必放在铺有白色纸巾的软木表面上。
Exception No. 2: When it is impractical to drape the entire enclosure, cheesecloth may be placed only over all ventilating openings.
例外情况 2:如果不可能将整个围栏罩起来,则只能在所有通风口上铺上芝士布。

56.7 During each test, exposed dead-metal parts of the sample are to be connected to earth ground through a 3A nontime-delay fuse.
56.7 在每次试验期间,样品的裸露死金属部分应通过 3A 非延时保险丝与接地连接。

56.8 The supply circuit is to have branch circuit overcurrent protection, the size of which equals 125 percent of the input current rating ( 20 -ampere minimum), except that where this value does not correspond with the standard rating of a fuse or a circuit breaker, the next higher standard device rating shall be used. The test voltage and frequency are to be adjusted to the maximum rated voltage of the product.
56.8 电源电路必须有支路过流保护,其大小等于输入额定电流(最小 20 安培)的 125%,但如果该值与熔断器或断路器的标准额定值不一致,则应使用下一个更高的标准设备额定值。测试电压和频率应调整至产品的最大额定电压。

Exception: If a marking on the product literature indicates the use of branch circuit protection exceeding 125 percent of the input current, such protection shall be used.
例外情况:如果产品资料上标明使用超过 125% 输入电流的支路保护,则应使用此类保护。

56.9 Each abnormal condition is to be conducted for 7 hours or until one or more of the following results are observed:
56.9 每种异常情况应持续 7 小时或直至观察到以下一种或多种结果:

a) A risk of fire or electric shock develops. See 56.2.
a) 有起火或触电的危险。见 56.2。

b) The branch-circuit fuse opens.
b) 分支电路保险丝断开。

c) The supplementary protective device opens.
c) 辅助保护装置打开。

d) Any other circuit component opens.
d) 任何其他电路元件断开。

e) A minimum of one hour elapses, circuit conditions stabilize, and there is no further evidence of overheating of parts.
e) 至少一小时后,电路状况稳定,且没有进一步的部件过热迹象。

56.10 The overheating of parts referred to in 56.9(e) may be detected by an indicator such as an odor, smoke, discoloration, cracking of materials, charring, flaming, glowing, arcing, changes in circuit current through the applied fault, or any similar phenomenon.
56.10 56.9(e)中提到的部件过热,可通过气味、烟雾、褪色、材料开裂、烧焦、燃烧、发光、起弧、通过施加故障的电路电流变化或任何类似现象等指标来检测。

56.11 If a fault condition is terminated by opening of circuit component as specified in 56.9(d), the test is  56.9(d), the test is  _ " 56.9(d), the test is "_\underline{\text { 56.9(d), the test is }} to be conducted two more times using new components for each test.
56.11 如果故障状态因 56.9(d), the test is  56.9(d), the test is  _ " 56.9(d), the test is "_\underline{\text { 56.9(d), the test is }} 中规定的电路元件打开而终止,则再进行两次试验,每次试验使用新元件。

57 Strain Relief Test
57 应力消除试验

57.1 The strain-relief means provided on the supply cord of a cord-connected SPD, or the specified cable installed in an SPD intended for connection using exposed wiring methods, shall withstand for one minute without displacement a direct pull of 156 N ( 35 lbf ) applied to the cord with the connections within the SPD disconnected.
57.1 电缆连接的防雷器的电源线上的应力消除装置,或安装在采用外露接线方式连接的防雷器中的指定电缆上的应力消除装置,在防雷器内的连接断开的情况下,应能承受对电缆施加 156 牛顿(35 磅英尺)的直接拉力一分钟而不发生位移。

57.2 A weight exerting 156 N ( 35 lbf ) is to be suspended on the cord and so supported by the SPD that the strain-relief means is stressed from any angle that the construction of the SPD permits. The strain relief means is not acceptable if, at the point of disconnection of the conductors, there is such movement of the cord as to indicate that stress would have been transmitted to the cord connections.
57.2 应在软线上悬挂一个 156 牛(35 磅)重的砝码,并由防坠器支撑,使应力消除装置在防坠器结构允许的任何角度都能受力。如果在导体断开时,软线的移动表明应力已传递到软线连接处,则应力消除装置不可接受。

58 Push-Back Relief Test
58 反推缓解测试

58.1 The strain relief means provided with an SPD restrict the flexible cord from being pushed into the cord mounting opening in an appliance.
58.1 防雷器的应力消除装置可防止软线被推入设备的软线安装口。

58.2 The flexible cord is to be held by the fingers 25.4 mm ( 1 inch) from the point where the cord emerges from the cord mounting opening. It is to be pushed back with casual force (see Figure 58.1). The force is to be applied until the cord is buckled but in no case shall the force applied exceed 26.7 N ( 6 lbf ).
58.2 用手指夹住软线,距离软线从软线安装口伸出的位置 25.4 毫米(1 英寸)。用力向后推软线(见图 58.1)。用力直到软线弯曲为止,但在任何情况下用力不得超过 26.7 牛顿(6 磅英尺)。
Figure 58.1  图 58.1
Power-Supply-Cord-Push-Back Evaluation

59 Conductor Secureness Test
59 导线安全测试

59.1 A pigtail lead, specified in 14.1.2, shall withstand without damage or detachment, a direct pull of 89 N ( 20 lbf ) N ( 20 lbf ) N(20lbf)\mathrm{N}(20 \mathrm{lbf}), for one minute, applied to the lead from any angle that the construction or the equipment allows.
59.1 14.1.2 中规定的尾纤引线应能承受从结构或设备允许的任何角度对引线施加 89 N ( 20 lbf ) N ( 20 lbf ) N(20lbf)\mathrm{N}(20 \mathrm{lbf}) 的直接拉力一分钟,而不会损坏或脱落。

60 Snap-On Cover Tests
60 次卡入式盖板测试

60.1 A snap-on cover that gives access to uninsulated live parts and does not require a tool for removal shall be subjected to the tests in 60.2 60.4 60.2 _ 60.4 _ 60.2 _-60.4 _\underline{60.2}-\underline{60.4}.
60.1 接触非绝缘带电部件且不需要工具拆卸的卡扣式盖板,必须进行 60.2 60.4 60.2 _ 60.4 _ 60.2 _-60.4 _\underline{60.2}-\underline{60.4} 中的试验。

60.2 A cover that can be removed with one hand shall not be released when a squeezing force of 62 N (14 lbf) is applied to any two points, the distance between which shall not exceed 127 mm ( 5 inches), as measured by a tape stretched tightly over that portion of the surface of the cover that can be covered by the palm of the hand. The test shall be performed before and after ten removal and replacement operations.
60.2 用一只手就能取下的盖板,当对任何两点施加 62 牛顿(14 磅力)的挤压力时,两点之间的距离不得超过 127 毫米(5 英寸),这是在盖板表面手掌能覆盖的部分用胶带拉紧测得的。测试应在十次拆卸和更换操作之前和之后进行。

60.3 A cover shall not become disengaged from the case when a direct pull of 62 N (14 lbf) is applied. For this test, the cover is to be gripped at any two convenient points. The test shall be performed before and after ten removal and replacement operations.
60.3 直接施加 62 牛顿(14 磅力)的拉力时,盖板不得脱离外壳。进行此项试验时,应在任何两个方便的点抓住盖子。试验应在十次拆卸和更换操作之前和之后进行。

60.4 A cover shall withstand an impact force of 1.4 N m 1.4 N m 1.4N*m1.4 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} (1 lbf-ft) applied to accessible faces of the cover (one blow per face) without being displaced, and there shall be no damage to internal parts or malfunction of the SPD as a result of this test. A steel ball, approximately 50.8 mm ( 2 inches) in diameter, and weighing approximately 535 g ( 1.18 lb ) 535 g ( 1.18 lb ) 535g(1.18lb)535 \mathrm{~g}(1.18 \mathrm{lb}), is to be used to apply the impact.
60.4 盖板应能承受施加在盖板可触及面上的 1.4 N m 1.4 N m 1.4N*m1.4 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} (1 磅英尺)的冲击力(每个面受一次冲击)而不发生位移,且内部零件不得因该试验而损坏或防雷器失灵。使用一个直径约 50.8 毫米(2 英寸)、重约 535 g ( 1.18 lb ) 535 g ( 1.18 lb ) 535g(1.18lb)535 \mathrm{~g}(1.18 \mathrm{lb}) 的钢球进行撞击。

61 Non-Metallic Enclosure Conduit Connection Tests
61 非金属外壳导管连接测试

61.1 General  61.1 综述

61.1.1 A non-metallic enclosure having a threaded conduit entry for connection to a rigid conduit system shall withstand, without pulling apart or damage such as cracking and breaking, the pullout, torque, and bending requirements described in 61.2-61.4, each applied in turn for 5 minutes. Some distortion of the enclosure under test is acceptable. The test may be discontinued when noticeable distortion occurs.
61.1.1 有螺纹导管入口用于连接刚性导管系统的非金属外壳,应能经受 61.2-61.4 所述的拉出、扭矩和弯曲要求,且每项要求依次施加 5 分钟,而不会拉裂或损坏,如开裂和断裂。接受测试的外壳出现一些变形是可以接受的。出现明显变形时可停止试验。
Exception No. 1: An enclosure that is provided with a separate hub assembly, and that has instructions stating that the hub is to be connected to the conduit before being connected to the enclosure, need not be subjected to the torque test.
例外 1:配有单独集线器组件的外壳,如说明书说明集线器在连接外壳前应先连接导管,则无需进行扭矩测试。
Exception No. 2: An SPD provided with a mounting nipple/box adapter, intended to be mounted directly to a panel, need not be subjected to these tests.
例外 2: 带有安装接头/盒适配器的防雷器,可直接安装在面板上,无需进行这些测试。
Exception No. 3: An SPD intended for use with flexible conduit and marked in accordance with 85.31 need not be subjected to these tests.
例外 3:用于软导管并按照 85.31 进行标记的防爆片无需进行这些试验。

61.2 Pullout  61.2 拉杆

61.2.1 The equipment is to be supported by rigid conduit in the intended manner and is to support a weight of 90 kg ( 200 lb ) 90 kg ( 200 lb ) 90kg(200lb)90 \mathrm{~kg}(200 \mathrm{lb}).
61.2.1 设备应按预定方式用刚性导管支撑,并应支撑 90 kg ( 200 lb ) 90 kg ( 200 lb ) 90kg(200lb)90 \mathrm{~kg}(200 \mathrm{lb}) 的重量。

61.3 Bending  61.3 弯曲

61.3.1 The equipment is to be rigidly supported by means other than the conduit fittings. A length of conduit - at least 305 mm ( 1 ft ) 305 mm ( 1 ft ) 305mm(1ft)305 \mathrm{~mm}(1 \mathrm{ft}) long - of the proper size is to be installed:
61.3.1 设备应通过导管配件以外的方式进行刚性支撑。应安装长度适当的导管,至少 305 mm ( 1 ft ) 305 mm ( 1 ft ) 305mm(1ft)305 \mathrm{~mm}(1 \mathrm{ft}) 长:

a) In the center of the largest unreinforced surface; or
a) 最大未加固表面的中心;或

b) In a hub or opening if provided as part of the enclosure.
b) 如果作为围栏的一部分,则应置于集线器或开口中。
The bending moment shall be applied as specified in Table 61.1.
弯矩应按表 61.1 的规定施加。
Table 61.1 Bending Moment
表 61.1 弯曲力矩
Normal mounting plane of enclosure surface a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
外壳表面的正常安装平面 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}
Conduit size, inches  导管尺寸,英寸 Bending moment for conduit N m N m N*m\mathrm{N} \cdot \mathrm{m} (pound-inches) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
导管弯矩 N m N m N*m\mathrm{N} \cdot \mathrm{m} (磅-英寸) b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }}
Horizontal Vertical  水平 垂直 All  全部 33.9 (300)
1/2-3/4 33.9 (300)
1 - up  1 - 向上 67.8 c 67.8 67.8^("c ")67.8^{\text {c }} (600)

a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 如果外壳表面可能安装在水平或垂直平面上,则应使用垂直弯矩值。 b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 对于仅有一个 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 英寸最大贸易尺寸开口的末端外壳,弯矩应为 17.0 N m 17.0 N m 17.0N*m17.0 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} (150 磅-英寸)。 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 对于非金属导管,应使用 33.9 N m 33.9 N m 33.9N*m33.9 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} (300 磅-英寸)的弯矩。
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} If the enclosure surface may be installed in either a horizontal or a vertical plane, the vertical bending moment value is to be used.
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} For an end-of-line enclosure and has only one 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 inch maximum trade size opening, the bending moment is to be 17.0 N m 17.0 N m 17.0N*m17.0 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} ( 150 pound-inches).
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} For non-metallic conduit, bending moment of 33.9 N m 33.9 N m 33.9N*m33.9 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} ( 300 pound-inches) is to be used.
^("a ") If the enclosure surface may be installed in either a horizontal or a vertical plane, the vertical bending moment value is to be used. ^(b) For an end-of-line enclosure and has only one 3//4 inch maximum trade size opening, the bending moment is to be 17.0N*m ( 150 pound-inches). ^("c ") For non-metallic conduit, bending moment of 33.9N*m ( 300 pound-inches) is to be used.| ${ }^{\text {a }}$ If the enclosure surface may be installed in either a horizontal or a vertical plane, the vertical bending moment value is to be used. | | :--- | | ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ For an end-of-line enclosure and has only one $3 / 4$ inch maximum trade size opening, the bending moment is to be $17.0 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m}$ ( 150 pound-inches). | | ${ }^{\text {c }}$ For non-metallic conduit, bending moment of $33.9 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m}$ ( 300 pound-inches) is to be used. |
Normal mounting plane of enclosure surface ^("a ") Conduit size, inches Bending moment for conduit N*m (pound-inches) ^("b ") Horizontal Vertical All 33.9 (300) 1/2-3/4 33.9 (300) 1 - up 67.8^("c ") (600) "^("a ") If the enclosure surface may be installed in either a horizontal or a vertical plane, the vertical bending moment value is to be used. ^(b) For an end-of-line enclosure and has only one 3//4 inch maximum trade size opening, the bending moment is to be 17.0N*m ( 150 pound-inches). ^("c ") For non-metallic conduit, bending moment of 33.9N*m ( 300 pound-inches) is to be used." | Normal mounting plane of enclosure surface ${ }^{\text {a }}$ | Conduit size, inches | Bending moment for conduit $\mathrm{N} \cdot \mathrm{m}$ (pound-inches) ${ }^{\text {b }}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Horizontal Vertical | All | 33.9 (300) | | | 1/2-3/4 | 33.9 (300) | | | 1 - up | $67.8^{\text {c }}$ (600) | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ If the enclosure surface may be installed in either a horizontal or a vertical plane, the vertical bending moment value is to be used. <br> ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ For an end-of-line enclosure and has only one $3 / 4$ inch maximum trade size opening, the bending moment is to be $17.0 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m}$ ( 150 pound-inches). <br> ${ }^{\text {c }}$ For non-metallic conduit, bending moment of $33.9 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m}$ ( 300 pound-inches) is to be used. | | | | | | | | | | |
For an end-of-line enclosure and has only one 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 inch maximum trade size opening, the bending moment is to be 17.0 N m 17.0 N m 17.0N*m17.0 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} ( 150
对于仅有一个 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 英寸最大贸易尺寸开口的末端机柜,弯矩应为 17.0 N m 17.0 N m 17.0N*m17.0 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} ( 150

c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} For non-metallic conduit, bending moment of 33.9 N m 33.9 N m 33.9N*m33.9 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} ( 300 pound-inches) is to be used.
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 对于非金属导管,应使用 33.9 N m 33.9 N m 33.9N*m33.9 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} (300 磅-英寸)的弯矩。

61.3.2 The magnitude of the weight for the bending moment is to be determined from the equation:
61.3.2 根据公式确定弯矩的重量大小:
W = M 0.5 C L L W = M 0.5 C L L W=(M-0.5 CL)/(L)W=\frac{M-0.5 C L}{L}
in which:  其中:
W W WW is weight to be hung at the end of the conduit, in pounds;
W W WW 是悬挂在导管末端的重量,单位为磅;

L L LL is length of the conduit, in inches, from the wall of the enclosure to the point at which the weight is suspended;
L L LL 是从外壳壁到重物悬挂点的导管长度,单位为英寸;

C C CC is weight of the conduit, in pounds; and
C C CC 是导管的重量,单位为磅;以及

M M MM is bending moment required, in pound-inches.
M M MM 是所需的弯矩,单位为磅-英寸。

For the SI system of units, the equation is:
W = 0.1 M 0.5 C L L W = 0.1 M 0.5 C L L W=(0.1 M-0.5 CL)/(L)W=\frac{0.1 M-0.5 C L}{L}
in which:  其中:
W, C C CC is kilograms;
W, C C CC 是千克;

M M MM is newton-meters; and
M M MM 是牛顿-米;以及

L L LL is meters.   L L LL 是米。

61.4 Torque  61.4 扭矩

61.4.1 The equipment is to be rigidly supported by means other than the conduit fitting. A torque is to be applied to a length of installed conduit in a direction tending to tighten the connection. The lever arm is to be measured from the center of the conduit. The applied torque shall be as specified in Table 61.2.
61.4.1 设备应由导管接头以外的其他方式进行刚性支撑。对已安装的导管长度施加扭矩,其方向应使连接处拧紧。杠杆臂应从导管中心开始测量。施加的扭矩应符合表 61.2 的规定。
Exception: An end-of-line enclosure - an enclosure that is intended to be connected at the end of a run of conduit and has only one 3/4-inch maximum trade size opening for the connection of conduit - need only be subjected to a tightening torque of 22.6 N m 22.6 N m 22.6N*m22.6 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} (200 pound-inches).
例外情况:管线末端防护罩 - 用于连接导管末端的防护罩,只有一个 3/4 英寸的最大贸易尺寸开口用于连接导管 - 只需承受 22.6 N m 22.6 N m 22.6N*m22.6 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} (200 磅-英寸)的拧紧扭矩。
Table 61.2  表 61.2
Tightening Torque  拧紧扭矩
Trade size of conduit hub, inches
Tightening torque, N m N m N*m\mathbf{N} \cdot \mathbf{m} (pound-inches)
拧紧扭矩, N m N m N*m\mathbf{N} \cdot \mathbf{m} (磅-英寸)
3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 or smaller   3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 或更小 90.4 ( 800 ) 90.4 ( 800 ) 90.4(800)90.4(800)
1 , 1 1 / 4 1 , 1 1 / 4 1,1-1//41,1-1 / 4 and 1-1/2   1 , 1 1 / 4 1 , 1 1 / 4 1,1-1//41,1-1 / 4 和 1-1/2 113 ( 1000 ) 113 ( 1000 ) 113(1000)113(1000)
2 and larger  2 级及以上 181 ( 1600 ) 181 ( 1600 ) 181(1600)181(1600)
Trade size of conduit hub, inches Tightening torque, N*m (pound-inches) 3//4 or smaller 90.4(800) 1,1-1//4 and 1-1/2 113(1000) 2 and larger 181(1600)| Trade size of conduit hub, inches | Tightening torque, $\mathbf{N} \cdot \mathbf{m}$ (pound-inches) | | :---: | :---: | | $3 / 4$ or smaller | $90.4(800)$ | | $1,1-1 / 4$ and 1-1/2 | $113(1000)$ | | 2 and larger | $181(1600)$ |

62 Enclosure Impact Tests
62 外壳冲击试验

62.1 General  62.1 综述

62.1.1 A Type 3 SPD employing a metallic or non-metallic enclosure and a Type 1 or Type 2 SPD employing a non-metallic enclosure is to be subjected to the impact tests described in 62.2.1-62.4.2 without any occurrence of the following:
62.1.1 采用金属或非金属外壳的3 类防雷器和采用非金属外壳的1 类或2 类防雷 器,必须经受62.2.1-62.4.2 所述的撞击试验,不得出现任何下列情况:

a) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
a) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可接近性 "进行判断,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可接近性。

b) Any condition that might affect the safe mechanical performance of the SPD.
b) 任何可能影响 SPD 安全机械性能的情况。

c) Any other condition that increases the risk of electric shock.
c) 增加电击风险的任何其他情况。
Exception: Impact Testing is not required for the housing of open-type SPDs not intended to function as enclosures.
例外情况:不打算用作外壳的开放式 SPD 的外壳不需要进行影响测试。

62.1.2 With reference to 62.1 .1 ( b ) 62.1 .1 ( b ) 62.1.1(b)62.1 .1(b), cracking or denting of the enclosure that affects the function of any features such as overcurrent protective devices or strain relief is not acceptable. Cracking or denting of the enclosure is not to result in exposure of moving parts capable of causing injury to persons.
62.1.2 关于 62.1 .1 ( b ) 62.1 .1 ( b ) 62.1.1(b)62.1 .1(b) ,不允许出现影响过流保护装置或应力消除等任何功能的外壳破裂或凹痕。外壳的裂纹或凹痕不得导致可对人员造成伤害的活动部件外露。

62.1.3 With reference to 62.1 .1 ©, the SPD is to comply with the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 39 after being subjected to the impact tests described in this section.
62.1.3 参照 62.1.1 ©,SPD 在经受本节所述的冲击试验后,应符合第 39 节的绝缘耐压试验。

62.2 Drop impact test
62.2 跌落冲击试验

62.2.1 Each of three samples of the Type 3 SPD, is to be subjected to the impact that results from its being dropped three times (a series) through a distance of 0.91 m (3 feet) from the bottom of the SPD to strike a concrete surface in the positions most likely to produce adverse results. In each drop, the sample is to strike in a position on the enclosure different from those of each of the other two drops in the series.
62.2.1 3 型防爆片的三个样品中的每一个都要经受从防爆片底部跌落 0.91 米(3 英尺)的距离三次(一系列)所产生的冲击力,使其在最有可能产生不利结果的位置撞击混凝土表面。在每次跌落时,样品在外壳上撞击的位置与系列跌落中另外两次跌落的位置不同。
Exception: If agreeable to those concerned, fewer samples may be used in accordance with Figure 62.1 wherein each series consists of three drops of the sample. The overall performance is acceptable upon completion of any one of the sequences represented in the figure.
例外情况:如果有关人员同意,可以按照图 62.1 使用较少的样品,其中每个系列包括三滴样品。完成图中任何一个序列后,整体性能即为合格。
Figure 62.1  图 62.1
Procedures for Impact Tests


Each series consists of three drops or one ball impact as applicable

62.3 Steel sphere impact test
62.3 钢球冲击试验

62.3.1 Each of three samples of the SPD shall be subjected to a single impact of 6.8 J ( 5 ft -lbf). Each impact shall be applied to an enclosure surface not impacted previously in the test sequence. Each impact is to be imparted by dropping a steel sphere 50.8 mm ( 2 inches) in diameter, and weighing 0.535 kg ( 1.18 lb ) lb ) lb)\mathrm{lb}) from a height that will produce the specified impact as shown in Figure 62.2. The ball shall not impact on a receptacle face, overcurrent protective device, switch, pilot light or similar component. For surfaces other than the top on an enclosure, either the sample could be supported on the side and subjected to the ball impact mentioned above, or the steel sphere is to be suspended by a cord and swung as a pendulum, dropping through the vertical distance necessary to cause it to strike the surface with the specified impact as shown in Figure 62.2. Three samples are to be employed for the tests in the equipment restrained mode.
62.3.1 防爆片的三个样品中的每一个都必须受到 6.8 焦耳(5 英尺-磅)的单次冲击。每次撞击应施加在试验序列中以前未受撞击的外壳表面上。如图 62.2 所示,每次撞击应通过将直径 50.8 毫米(2 英寸)、重 0.535 千克(1.18 lb ) lb ) lb)\mathrm{lb}) )的钢球从能产生规定撞击力的高度落下。球不得撞击插座面、过流保护装置、开关、指示灯或类似部件。对于外壳顶部以外的表面,可将样品支撑在侧面,使其受到上述钢球的撞击,或用绳索将钢球悬挂起来,作为摆锤摆动,使其下降到必要的垂直距离,以产生图 62.2 所示的特定撞击力。在设备约束模式下进行试验时,应使用三个样品。
Exception: If agreeable to those concerned, fewer than three samples may be used for the tests in accordance with Figure 62.1 in which each series of impacts is to consist of one impact. The overall performance is acceptable upon completion of any one of the sequences represented in the figure.
例外情况:如果有关方面同意,可使用少于三个样品进行图 62.1 所示的试验,其中每一系列撞击包括一次撞击。在完成图中所示的任何一个序列后,总体性能是可以接受的。
Figure 62.2  图 62.2
Ball Impact Test  球撞击测试

NOTES -  注释
  1. H in Figure 62.2 indicates the vertical distance the sphere must travel to produce the desired impact.
    图 62.2 中的 H 表示球体要产生所需的冲击力所需的垂直距离。
  2. For the ball pendulum impact test the sphere is to contact the test sample when the string is in the vertical position as shown.
  3. The supporting surface is to consist of a layer of tongue-and-groove oak flooring mounted on two layers of 19 mm ( 3 / 4 inch 3 / 4 inch 3//4inch3 / 4 \mathrm{inch} ) plywood. The oak flooring is nominally 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 inch thick (actual size 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 by 2 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 2-1//42-1 / 4 inches or 19 by 57 mm ). The assembly is to rest on a concrete floor. An equivalent nonresilient supporting surface may be used.
    支撑面由一层榫槽橡木地板和两层 19 毫米( 3 / 4 inch 3 / 4 inch 3//4inch3 / 4 \mathrm{inch} )胶合板组成。橡木地板的名义厚度为 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 英寸(实际尺寸为 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 x 2 1 / 4 2 1 / 4 2-1//42-1 / 4 英寸或 19 x 57 毫米)。组件将放置在混凝土地板上。也可使用同等的非弹性支撑面。
  4. The backing surface is to consist of 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 inch ( 19 mm ) plywood over a rigid surface of concrete. An equivalent nonresilient backing surface may be used.
    底面应由 3 / 4 3 / 4 3//43 / 4 英寸(19 毫米)胶合板和混凝土硬质表面组成。也可使用同等的非弹性底面。

62.4 Low-temperature steel sphere impact test
62.4 低温钢球冲击试验

62.4.1 For an SPD with a nonmetallic enclosure, three representative devices shall be cooled to the temperature specified in Table 62.1 and maintained at this temperature for 24 hours. While the unit is still cold, within one minute after removal from the temperature chamber, the samples are to be subjected to the impact described in 62.3.1.
62.4.1 对于有非金属外壳的防爆片,应将三个有代表性的装置冷却到表 62.1 规定的温度,并在此温度下保持 24 小时。当装置仍处于低温状态时,从温箱中取出后一分钟内,样品应受到 62.3.1 中所述的冲击。
Table 62.1  表 62.1
Low-Temperature Steel Sphere Impact Test - Temperature Conditioning Requirements
低温钢球冲击试验 - 温度调节要求
SPD Type  SPD 类型 Use location  使用地点

Temperature conditioning
Temperature conditioning requirements| Temperature conditioning | | :---: | | requirements |
1,2 or 3  1、2 或 3 Indoor-Use  室内使用 0.0 ± 2.0 C ( 32.0 ± 3.6 F ) a 0.0 ± 2.0 C 32.0 ± 3.6 F a 0.0+-2.0^(@)C(32.0+-3.6^(@)F)^(a)0.0 \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(32.0 \pm 3.6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)^{\mathrm{a}}
1,2 or 3  1、2 或 3 Outdoor-Use  户外使用 35.0 2 ± 2.0 C ( 31.03 ± .6 F ) b 35.0 2 ± 2.0 C 31.03 ± .6 F b -35.0^(2)+-2.0^(@)C(-31.03+-.6^(@)F)^(b)-35.0^{2} \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(-31.03 \pm .6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)^{\mathrm{b}}
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} Or the minimum ambient temperature rating of the SPD (minimum of 5 C ( 23 F ) 5 C 23 F -5^(@)C(23^(@)F)-5^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(23^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) ) whichever is lower.
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 或 SPD 的最低额定环境温度(最低 5 C ( 23 F ) 5 C 23 F -5^(@)C(23^(@)F)-5^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(23^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) ),以较低者为准。
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} Or the minimum ambient temperature rating of the SPD (minimum of 40 C ( 40 F ) 40 C 40 F -40^(@)C(-40^(@)F)-40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(-40^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) ) whichever is lower.
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 或 SPD 的最低额定环境温度(最低 40 C ( 40 F ) 40 C 40 F -40^(@)C(-40^(@)F)-40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(-40^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) ),以较低者为准。
SPD Type Use location "Temperature conditioning requirements" 1,2 or 3 Indoor-Use 0.0+-2.0^(@)C(32.0+-3.6^(@)F)^(a) 1,2 or 3 Outdoor-Use -35.0^(2)+-2.0^(@)C(-31.03+-.6^(@)F)^(b) ^("a ") Or the minimum ambient temperature rating of the SPD (minimum of -5^(@)C(23^(@)F) ) whichever is lower. ^(b) Or the minimum ambient temperature rating of the SPD (minimum of -40^(@)C(-40^(@)F) ) whichever is lower. | SPD Type | Use location | Temperature conditioning <br> requirements | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 1,2 or 3 | Indoor-Use | $0.0 \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(32.0 \pm 3.6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)^{\mathrm{a}}$ | | 1,2 or 3 | Outdoor-Use | $-35.0^{2} \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(-31.03 \pm .6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)^{\mathrm{b}}$ | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ Or the minimum ambient temperature rating of the SPD (minimum of $-5^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(23^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)$ ) whichever is lower. | | | | ${ }^{\mathrm{b}}$ Or the minimum ambient temperature rating of the SPD (minimum of $-40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(-40^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)$ ) whichever is lower. | | |
62.4.2 At the end of the tests described in 62.1 62.1 _ 62.1 _\underline{62.1} - 62.4 62.4 _ 62.4 _\underline{62.4}, spacings shall not be less than those described in Spacings, Section 18.
62.4.2 在 62.1 62.1 _ 62.1 _\underline{62.1} - 62.4 62.4 _ 62.4 _\underline{62.4} 所述试验结束时,间距不得小于第18 节 "间距 "中所述的间距。

63 Crushing Test  63 碾压试验

63.1 A Type 3 SPD employing a metallic or polymeric enclosure is to be subjected to the crush test described in 63.4 without any occurrence of the following:
63.1 采用金属或聚合物外壳的第 3 类防雷装置须接受 63.4 所述的挤压试验,且不 得出现下列情况

a) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
a) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可接近性 "进行判断,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可接近性。

b) Any condition that might affect the safe mechanical performance of the SPD.
b) 任何可能影响 SPD 安全机械性能的情况。

c) Any other condition that increases the risk of electric shock.
c) 任何增加电击风险的其他情况。

63.2 With reference to 63.1 (b), cracking or denting of the enclosure that affects the function of any features such as overcurrent protective devices or strain relief is not acceptable. Cracking or denting of the enclosure is not to result in exposure of moving parts capable of causing injury to persons.
63.2 参照 63.1(b),外壳的开裂或凹痕如影响过流保护装置或应力消除等任何功能,则不可接受。外壳的破裂或凹痕不得导致可对人造成伤害的活动部件外露。

63.3 With reference to 63.1 ©, the SPD is to comply with the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 39 after being subjected to the crush tests described in this section.
63.3 参照 63.1©,SPD 在经受本节所述的挤压试验后,应符合第 39 节的绝缘耐压试验。

63.4 A previously untested sample of an SPD shall be placed on a 12.7 mm ( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 inch) thick horizontal maple board and a crushing force of 667.2 N ( 150 lbf ) 667.2 N ( 150 lbf ) 667.2N(150lbf)667.2 \mathrm{~N}(150 \mathrm{lbf}) is to be applied to three different locations of the SPD by means of a horizontal 19.1 mm ( 3 / 4 inch ) 19.1 mm ( 3 / 4 inch ) 19.1mm(3//4inch)19.1 \mathrm{~mm}(3 / 4 \mathrm{inch}) diameter steel rod. The rod is to be placed across the center of the smaller dimension of the test surface of the SPD, perpendicular to the long axis of the SPD. The length of the rod is to be sufficient to span the smaller dimension of the surface being tested. Force is to be gradually applied and maintained for a period of one minute. The crushing force is not to be applied to protruding members of receptacles, switch toggles/triggers, indicator lamps and OCP reset members.
63.4 之前未测试过的 SPD 样品应放在 12.7 毫米( 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸)厚的水平枫木板上,用直径为 19.1 mm ( 3 / 4 inch ) 19.1 mm ( 3 / 4 inch ) 19.1mm(3//4inch)19.1 \mathrm{~mm}(3 / 4 \mathrm{inch}) 的水平钢棒对 SPD 的三个不同位置施加 667.2 N ( 150 lbf ) 667.2 N ( 150 lbf ) 667.2N(150lbf)667.2 \mathrm{~N}(150 \mathrm{lbf}) 的挤压力。钢棒应横跨 SPD 测试表面较小尺寸的中心,垂直于 SPD 的长轴。钢棒的长度应足以横跨测试表面的较小尺寸。逐渐施力并保持一分钟。压碎力不得施加在插座、开关拨动/触发器、指示灯和 OCP 复位部件的突出部分上。

63.5 At the end of the tests described in 63.1 63.4 63.1 _ 63.4 _ 63.1 _-63.4 _\underline{63.1}-\underline{63.4}, spacings shall not be less than those described in Spacings, Section 18.
63.5 在 63.1 63.4 63.1 _ 63.4 _ 63.1 _-63.4 _\underline{63.1}-\underline{63.4} 所述试验结束时,间距不得小于第18 节 "间距 "中所述的间距。

64 Mold Stress-Relief Distortion Test
64 模具应力释放变形测试

64.1 For an SPD with a polymeric enclosure, conditioning of the equipment as described in 64.2 shall not cause softening of the material as determined by handling immediately after the conditioning, nor shall there be shrinkage, warpage, or other distortion as judged after cooling to room temperature, that results in any of the following:
64.1 对于带有聚合外壳的防爆装置,按 64.2 所述对设备进行的调节不得造成调节后立即处理所确定的材料软化,也不得造成冷却至室温后所判断的收缩、翘曲或其他变形,从而导致以下任何一种情况:

a) Reduction of spacings between uninsulated live parts of opposite polarity, uninsulated live parts and accessible dead or grounded metal, uninsulated live parts and the enclosure below the minimum acceptable values.
a) 将极性相反的非绝缘带电部件、非绝缘带电部件与可触及的死金属或接地金属、非绝缘带电部件与外壳之间的间距减小到最小可接受值以下。

b) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
b) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可接近性 "进行判断,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可接近性。

c) Causing a condition that results in the SPD not complying with the Strain Relief Tests, Section 57, if applicable.
c) 在适用情况下,导致 SPD 不符合第 57 节的应力消除试验。

d) Causing interference with the intended operation or servicing of the equipment.
d) 干扰设备的预期运行或维修。
Exception: The conditioning described in 64.2 is not required for rigid thermosetting materials or for lowpressure foamed molded parts.
例外情况:硬质热固性材料或低压发泡成型件不需要 64.2 中所述的调节。

64.2 For equipment that has a polymeric enclosure, one sample of the equipment shall be conditioned in accordance with either (a) or (b) below:
64.2 对于有聚合外壳的设备,必须按照以下(a)或(b)对设备的一个样品进行调节:

a) One sample of the complete equipment (in the case of an enclosure) or the part under consideration, is to be placed in a full draft circulating air oven maintained at a uniform temperature at least 10 C ( 18 F ) 10 C 18 F 10^(@)C(18^(@)F)10^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(18^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) higher than the maximum temperature of the material measured under actual operating conditions, but not less than 70 C ( 158 F ) 70 C 158 F 70^(@)C(158^(@)F)70^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(158^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) in any case. The sample is to remain in the oven for 7 hours. After its careful removal from the oven and return to room temperature, the sample is to be investigated for compliance with 64.1.
a) 将整套设备(如果是外壳)或所考虑的部件的一个样品放入全通风循环空气烘箱中,使其保持在比在实际操作条件下测得的材料最高温度至少高 10 C ( 18 F ) 10 C 18 F 10^(@)C(18^(@)F)10^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(18^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 的均匀温度下,但在任何情况下都不得低于 70 C ( 158 F ) 70 C 158 F 70^(@)C(158^(@)F)70^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(158^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 。样品在烘箱中放置 7 小时。在小心地从烘箱中取出并恢复到室温后,将对样品是否符合 64.1 进行调查。

b) One sample of the complete equipment is to be placed in a test cell. The circulation of air within the cell is to simulate actual room conditions. The air temperature within the cell, as measured at the supporting surface of the equipment, is to be maintained at 60 C ( 140 F ) 60 C 140 F 60^(@)C(140^(@)F)60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(140^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right). The equipment is to be operated in the same way as for the temperature test except for equipment that is not loaded or is not continuously loaded during the normal temperature test. Such equipment, although unloaded, shall be connected to 106 percent or 94 percent of normal rated voltage, whichever results in higher temperatures. In any case, the equipment is to be operated for 7 hours. After its careful removal from the test cell, the sample is to be investigated for compliance with 65.1.
b) 将整套设备的一个样品放入试验舱内。试验室内的空气循环要模拟实际的室内条件。在设备的支撑表面测量的试验室内空气温度应保持在 60 C ( 140 F ) 60 C 140 F 60^(@)C(140^(@)F)60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(140^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 。设备的操作方法与温度试验相同,但在正常温度试验期间未加载或未持续加载 的设备除外。这些设备虽然没有负载,但应连接到正常额定电压的 106% 或 94%,以温度较高者为准。在任何情况下,设备均须运行 7 小时。从试验箱中小心取出样品后,检查其是否符合 65.1 的规定。

65 Mounting Hole Barrier Tests
65 安装孔阻隔性测试

65.1 General  65.1 概述

65.1.1 If penetration or deflection of a barrier behind a mounting hole of the SPD could increase the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, the SPD is to be subjected to the Mounting Hole Barrier Tests as described in 65.2.1 - 65.3.1 without any occurrence of the following due to the penetration or deflection of the barrier:
65.1.1 如果防爆片安装孔后的屏障穿透或偏转可能增加火灾、电击或人员伤害的危险,防爆片必须进行 65.2.1 - 65.3.1 所述的安装孔屏障试验,且不能因屏障穿透或偏转而发生以下情况:

a) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of live parts, when judged in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
a) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可接近性 "进行判断,在外壳上开孔导致带电部件的可接近性。

b) A reduction of spacings below the values specified in Spacings, Section 18.
b) 减少间距,使其低于第 18 节 "间距 "中规定的数值。

c) Transient distortion that results in contact with live parts causing energization of a metallic enclosure.
c) 因接触带电部件而导致金属外壳通电的瞬态失真。

d) Any condition that might affect the safe mechanical performance of the SPD.
d) 任何可能影响 SPD 安全机械性能的情况。

e) Any other condition that increases the risk of electric shock.
e) 增加电击风险的任何其他情况。

65.2 Mounting hole barrier impact test
65.2 安装孔障碍物撞击试验

65.2.1 The SPD is to be mounted on a vertical surface using the hardware supplied or the hardware recommended by the manufacturer. If no hardware is supplied or recommended, the SPD is to be mounted using a No. 8 × 3 / 4 8 × 3 / 4 8xx3//48 \times 3 / 4 inch wood screw. When the screws are resting against the barrier there is to be 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch 1 / 4 inch 1//4inch1 / 4 \mathrm{inch} ) clearance between the back of the enclosure and the mounting surface. See Figure 65.1 .
65.2.1 应使用随附的硬件或制造商推荐的硬件将 SPD 安装在垂直表面上。如果没有提供或推荐硬件,则应使用 8 × 3 / 4 8 × 3 / 4 8xx3//48 \times 3 / 4 英寸木螺钉安装 SPD。当螺钉靠在隔板上时,机壳背面与安装表面之间应留有 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch 1 / 4 inch 1//4inch1 / 4 \mathrm{inch} ) 的间隙。参见图 65.1。
Figure 65.1  图 65.1

Test Set-Up for Mounting Hole Barrier Impact Test

65.2.2 Each mounting hole configuration of the SPD shall be subjected to a single impact of 6.8 J ( 5 ft 5 ft 5ft-5 \mathrm{ft}- lbf ) lbf ) lbf)\mathrm{lbf}) to the SPD mounted as specified in 65.2 .1 . This impact is to be produced by a steel sphere, 50.8 mm ( 2 inches) in diameter and weighing 0.535 kg ( 1.18 lb ) 0.535 kg ( 1.18 lb ) 0.535kg(1.18lb)0.535 \mathrm{~kg}(1.18 \mathrm{lb}), suspended by a cord and swung as a pendulum, dropping through a vertical distance of 1.29 m ( 51 inches) to cause it to strike the representative device with the specified impact as shown in Figure 62.2. Each impact shall be applied to a point on the surface that is judged to be most severe for the mounting hole configuration under test.
65.2.2 防爆片的每种安装孔结构均应受到 6.8 J ( 5 ft 5 ft 5ft-5 \mathrm{ft}- lbf ) lbf ) lbf)\mathrm{lbf}) 的单次冲击,冲击力应达到 65.2.1 所规定的防爆片安装高度。该撞击由直径 50.8 毫米(2 英寸)、重 0.535 kg ( 1.18 lb ) 0.535 kg ( 1.18 lb ) 0.535kg(1.18lb)0.535 \mathrm{~kg}(1.18 \mathrm{lb}) 的钢球产生,钢球由绳索悬挂并作为摆锤摆动,从 1.29 米(51 英寸)的垂直距离落下,使其撞击代表装置,产生如图 62.2 所示的规定撞击力。每次撞击应施加在表面上被判定为对测试中的安装孔配置最严重的一点上。

65.3 Mounting hole barrier probe test
65.3 安装孔阻隔探头测试

65.3.1 Each barrier of an untested sample of an SPD shall withstand a force of 89 N ( 20 lb ) 89 N ( 20 lb ) 89N(20lb)89 \mathrm{~N}(20 \mathrm{lb}). The force is to be applied by means of the barrier probe shown in Figure 65.2.
65.3.1 SPD 未测试样品的每个屏障应能承受 89 N ( 20 lb ) 89 N ( 20 lb ) 89N(20lb)89 \mathrm{~N}(20 \mathrm{lb}) 的力。该力应通过图 65.2 所示的阻挡层探针施加。
Figure 65.2  图 65.2

Barrier Probe  屏障探头

PA 251

66 Adequacy of Mounting Test
66 安装适当性测试

66.1 To determine compliance with 66.2 and 66.3, a cord-connected Type 3 SPD provided with a means for temporary mounting is to be mounted in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions on any secure wall.
66.1 为确定是否符合 66.2 和 66.3 的规定,应按照制造商的安装说明,将带临时安装装置的 3 型防雷器安装在任何安全的墙壁上。
Exception: If the SPD is not provided with installation instructions, the representative device shall be tested in the most severe mounting configuration.
例外情况:如果 SPD 没有提供安装说明,则应在最严酷的安装配置下对代表性装置进行测试。

66.2 After the SPD has been installed according to manufacturer’s instructions, a weight of four times the weight of the representative device or 2.27 kg ( 5 lb ) 2.27 kg ( 5 lb ) 2.27kg(5lb)2.27 \mathrm{~kg}(5 \mathrm{lb}), whichever is greater, is to be hung from the center of the representative device as shown in Figure 66.1 for each mounting configuration.
66.2 按照制造商的说明安装 SPD 后,应将代表设备重量的四倍或 2.27 kg ( 5 lb ) 2.27 kg ( 5 lb ) 2.27kg(5lb)2.27 \mathrm{~kg}(5 \mathrm{lb}) (以较大者为准)的砝码悬挂在代表设备的中心,如图 66.1 所示,适用于每种安装配置。
Figure 66.1  图 66.1

Test Method for Adequacy of Mounting Test

66.3 There shall be no occurrence of the following as a result of this test:
66.3 试验结果不得出现下列情况:

a) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that results in accessibility of current-carrying parts, when evaluated in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section 13.
a) 根据第 13 节 "带电部件的可及性 "进行评估时,在外壳上开孔导致载流部件的可及性。

b) Any condition that affects the safe mechanical performance of the SPD.
b) 任何影响 SPD 安全机械性能的情况。

c) Any condition that increases the risk of electric shock.
c) 任何增加电击风险的情况。

d) Any damage to the integrity of the mounting means that renders it different than when originally installed.
d) 安装方式的完整性受到任何损害,导致与最初安装时不同。

67 Accessibility Tests  67 无障碍测试

67.1 Enclosure accessibility test
67.1 外壳无障碍测试

67.1.1 The enclosure of a cord-connected Type 3 SPD shall be subjected to the test in 67.1.2. As a result of the test, the test probe shall not contact any uninsulated current-carrying parts.
67.1.1 3 类软线连接防雷器的外壳必须经受 67.1.2 的试验。试验后,试验探针不得接触任何未绝缘的载流部件。

67.1.2 A straight test rod having a maximum diameter of 1.6 mm ( 1 / 16 inch 1 / 16 inch 1//16inch1 / 16 \mathrm{inch} ) and of any convenient length is to be inserted into each opening in the enclosure and rotated in any possible direction.
67.1.2 将最大直径为 1.6 毫米( 1 / 16 inch 1 / 16 inch 1//16inch1 / 16 \mathrm{inch} )、任意长度的直测试棒插入外壳的每个开 口,并沿任何可能的方向旋转。

67.2 Accessibility of live parts test
67.2 带电部件无障碍测试

67.2.1 An enclosure of an SPD which prevents unintentional contact of current-carrying parts or of film R R RR Ecoated magnet wire in the enclosure of an SPD shall be subjected to the testin 672.2 . As a result of the
67.2.1 防雷器外壳应能防止载流部件或防雷器外壳内的薄膜 R R RR 涂覆磁导线意外接触,并应接受 672.2 的试验。由于

test, the probes described in Figure 67.1 and Figure 67.2 shall not touch the current-carrying part or magnet wire.
测试时,图 67.1 和图 67.2 所述探头不得接触载流部件或磁导线。

67.2.2 The articulate probe, Figure 67.1, is to be inserted through any opening and rotated with movable sections straight and in any possible position resulting from bending one or more section in the same direction. The rigid probe, Figure 67.2 , is to be applied with a maximum force of 30 N ( 6.75 lbf ) 30 N ( 6.75 lbf ) 30N(6.75lbf)30 \mathrm{~N}(6.75 \mathrm{lbf}).
67.2.2 图 67.1 所示的铰接式探头可从任何开口插入并旋转,活动部分应保持平直,并在一个或多个部分沿同一方向弯曲后保持任何可能的位置。刚性探头(图 67.2)的最大作用力为 30 N ( 6.75 lbf ) 30 N ( 6.75 lbf ) 30N(6.75lbf)30 \mathrm{~N}(6.75 \mathrm{lbf})
Figure 67.1  图 67.1
Accessibility Probe  无障碍探测器
All dimensions in millimeters
Figure 67.2  图 67.2
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Rigid Accessibility Probe
国际电工委员会 (IEC) 刚性无障碍探头

All dimensions in millimeters (inches)

68 Permanence of Cord Tag Test
68 绳索标签永久性测试

68.1 General  68.1 综述

68.1.1 To determine that a cord tag is permanent in accordance with 85.26 85.26 _ 85.26 _\underline{85.26}, representative tags shall be conditioned and subjected to the tests described in 68.2.1 - 68.3.1. As a result of the tests, the tag shall comply with the following:
68.1.1 要确定绳索标签是否符合 85.26 85.26 _ 85.26 _\underline{85.26} 的永久性要求,必须对有代表性的标签进行调试,并进行 68.2.1 - 68.3.1 中所述的试验。试验结果表明,标签应符合下列要求:

a) The tag shall not tear for a distance greater than 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16 inch ( 1.6 mm ) ( 1.6 mm ) (1.6mm)(1.6 \mathrm{~mm}) at any point;
a) 标签撕裂的距离不得超过 1 / 16 1 / 16 1//161 / 16 英寸 ( 1.6 mm ) ( 1.6 mm ) (1.6mm)(1.6 \mathrm{~mm}) 的任何一点;

b) The tag shall not separate from the cord. A hang-type tag shall not separate from the securement strap, and the securement strap shall not separate from the cord;
b) 标签不得与绳索分离。悬挂式标签不得与固定带分离,固定带也不得与绳索分离;

c) The tag or securement strap shall not slip or move along the length of the cord more than 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 inch ( 12.7 mm ) and there shall not be visible damage to the cord;
c) 标签或固定带沿绳索长度滑动或移动不得超过 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 英寸(12.7 毫米),绳索不得有明显损坏;

d) There shall not be permanent shrinkage, deformation, cracking, or other condition that renders the marking on the tag illegible; and
d) 不得出现永久性收缩、变形、开裂或其他使标签上的标记无法辨认的情况;以及

e) Overlamination, when provided, shall remain in place and shall not be torn or otherwise damaged. The printing shall remain legible.
e) 如提供覆膜,覆膜应保持原位,不得撕裂或以其他方式损坏。印刷应保持清晰可辨。

68.2 Conditioning  68.2 空调

68.2.1 For each type of conditioning, three tags applied to the cord in the intended manner are to be used. For tags applied by an adhesive, tests are to be conducted no sooner than 24 hours after application of the tag.
68.2.1 对于每种类型的调节,应使用三个按预定方式贴在绳索上的标签。对于用粘合剂粘贴的标签,应在标签粘贴后 24 小时内进行测试。

未经 UL 公司许可,不得复制或分发。

68.2.2 Three tags are to be tested as received.
68.2.2 三枚标签按收到时的状态进行测试。

68.2.3 Three tags are to be tested after 30 minutes of conditioning at 23.0 ± 2.0 C ( 73.4 ± 3.6 F ) 23.0 ± 2.0 C 73.4 ± 3.6 F 23.0+-2.0^(@)C(73.4+-3.6^(@)F)23.0 \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(73.4 \pm 3.6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) and 50 ± 5 ± 5 +-5\pm 5 percent relative humidity, following 240 hours of conditioning in an air-circulating oven at 60 ± 1 C ( 140 60 ± 1 C ( 140 60+-1^(@)C(14060 \pm 1^{\circ} \mathrm{C}(140 ± 1.8 F ± 1.8 F +-1.8^(@)F\pm 1.8^{\circ} \mathrm{F} ).
68.2.3 三个标签在 23.0 ± 2.0 C ( 73.4 ± 3.6 F ) 23.0 ± 2.0 C 73.4 ± 3.6 F 23.0+-2.0^(@)C(73.4+-3.6^(@)F)23.0 \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(73.4 \pm 3.6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 和 50 ± 5 ± 5 +-5\pm 5 % 的相对湿度下调节 30 分钟后,在 60 ± 1 C ( 140 60 ± 1 C ( 140 60+-1^(@)C(14060 \pm 1^{\circ} \mathrm{C}(140 ± 1.8 F ± 1.8 F +-1.8^(@)F\pm 1.8^{\circ} \mathrm{F} 的空气循环烘箱中调节 240 小时后进行测试。)

68.2.4 Three tags are to be tested within 1 minute after being exposed for 72 hours to a relative humidity of 85 ± 5 85 ± 5 85+-585 \pm 5 percent at a temperature of 32.0 ± 2.0 C ( 89.6 ± 3.6 F ) 32.0 ± 2.0 C 89.6 ± 3.6 F 32.0+-2.0^(@)C(89.6+-3.6^(@)F)32.0 \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(89.6 \pm 3.6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right).
68.2.4 三个标签在温度为 32.0 ± 2.0 C ( 89.6 ± 3.6 F ) 32.0 ± 2.0 C 89.6 ± 3.6 F 32.0+-2.0^(@)C(89.6+-3.6^(@)F)32.0 \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(89.6 \pm 3.6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 、相对湿度为 85 ± 5 85 ± 5 85+-585 \pm 5 %的环境中暴露 72 小时后,应在 1 分钟内进行测试。

68.2.5 For a tag that is intended to be applied to oil resistant flexible cord jacket, samples are to be conditioned as follows. Three tags are to be tested within two minutes after being immersed for 48 hours in IRM Oil 902 at a temperature of 23.0 ± 2.0 C ( 73.4 ± 3.6 F ) 23.0 ± 2.0 C 73.4 ± 3.6 F 23.0+-2.0^(@)C(73.4+-3.6^(@)F)23.0 \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(73.4 \pm 3.6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right).
68.2.5 用于耐油软线护套的标签,样品须按以下方法进行处理。将三个标签在温度为 23.0 ± 2.0 C ( 73.4 ± 3.6 F ) 23.0 ± 2.0 C 73.4 ± 3.6 F 23.0+-2.0^(@)C(73.4+-3.6^(@)F)23.0 \pm 2.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(73.4 \pm 3.6^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 的 IRM 油 902 中浸泡 48 小时后,在两分钟内进行测试。

68.3 Test method  68.3 试验方法

68.3.1 Each test is to be performed on a sample consisting of a length of cord to which the tag has been applied. The cord, with the attachment plug pointing up, is to be held taught in a vertical plane. A force of 5 lbf ( 22.2 N ), which includes the weight of the clamp, is to be applied for 1 minute to the uppermost corner of the tag farthest from the cord, within 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 inch ( 6.4 mm ) ( 6.4 mm ) (6.4mm)(6.4 \mathrm{~mm}) of the vertical edge of the tag. The force is to be applied by affixing a C-clamp with a pad diameter of 3 / 8 3 / 8 3//83 / 8 inch ( 9.5 mm ( 9.5 mm (9.5mm(9.5 \mathrm{~mm} ) to the tag and securing the weight to the C-clamp. The force is to be applied vertically downward in a direction parallel to the major axis of the cord. To determine compliance with 68.1.1(d), manipulation is permissible, such as straightening of the tag by hand. To determine compliance with 68.1.1(e), each tag is to be scraped 10 times vertically across printed areas and edges, with a force of approximately 2 lbf ( 9 N ) 2 lbf ( 9 N ) 2lbf(9N)2 \mathrm{lbf}(9 \mathrm{~N}), using the edge of a 5 / 64 5 / 64 5//645 / 64-inch ( 2.0 mm 2.0 mm 2.0-mm2.0-\mathrm{mm} ) thick steel blade held at a right angle to the test surface. The edges of the steel blade are to be just rounded so as not to be sharp.
68.3.1 每次试验都应在一段已贴有标签的软线样品上进行。软线的连接插头朝上,垂直放置。在标签垂直边缘 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 英寸 ( 6.4 mm ) ( 6.4 mm ) (6.4mm)(6.4 \mathrm{~mm}) 范围内,对标签离绳索最远的最上角施加 5 磅力(22.2 牛顿),持续 1 分钟,其中包括夹子的重量。将垫片直径为 3 / 8 3 / 8 3//83 / 8 英寸 ( 9.5 mm ( 9.5 mm (9.5mm(9.5 \mathrm{~mm} 的 C 形夹固定在标签上,并将砝码固定在 C 形夹上。作用力应沿平行于绳索主轴的方向垂直向下施加。为确定是否符合 68.1.1(d),允许进行操作,例如用手拉直标签。为确定是否符合 68.1.1(e),使用 5 / 64 5 / 64 5//645 / 64 -inch ( 2.0 mm 2.0 mm 2.0-mm2.0-\mathrm{mm} ) 厚的钢刀边缘垂直刮擦每个标签的印刷区域和边缘 10 次,力度约为 2 lbf ( 9 N ) 2 lbf ( 9 N ) 2lbf(9N)2 \mathrm{lbf}(9 \mathrm{~N}) ,钢刀边缘与测试表面成直角。钢片的边缘要恰到好处,以免锋利。

69 Capacitor Discharge  69 电容器放电

69.1 The maximum peak voltage, 5 seconds after disconnecting the supply, between any two terminals blades of an attachment plug - and any terminal and earth ground shall not exceed the value indicated in Table 69.1 corresponding to the capacitance between those points.
69.1 在断开电源 5 秒钟后,连接插头的任何两个端子刀片之间以及任何端子与接地之间的最大峰值电压,不得超过表 69.1 中所示的与这些点之间的电容相对应的值。
Table 69.1  表 69.1
Electric Shock - Stored Energy
电击 - 储存的能量
Potential in peak volts across capacitance 5 s after disconnecting the supply prior to discharge
放电前断开电源 5 秒后电容器上的峰值伏特电位
Maximum acceptable capacitance μ F μ F muF\mu \mathrm{F}
可接受的最大电容 μ F μ F muF\mu \mathrm{F}
719 1.02
634 1.22
549 1.50
465 1.90
382 2.52
367 3.55
367 3.86
367 4.22
367 4.64
367 5.13
367 5.71
367 6.40
Potential in peak volts across capacitance 5 s after disconnecting the supply prior to discharge Maximum acceptable capacitance muF 719 1.02 634 1.22 549 1.50 465 1.90 382 2.52 367 3.55 367 3.86 367 4.22 367 4.64 367 5.13 367 5.71 367 6.40| Potential in peak volts across capacitance 5 s after disconnecting the supply prior to discharge | Maximum acceptable capacitance $\mu \mathrm{F}$ | | :---: | :---: | | 719 | 1.02 | | 634 | 1.22 | | 549 | 1.50 | | 465 | 1.90 | | 382 | 2.52 | | 367 | 3.55 | | 367 | 3.86 | | 367 | 4.22 | | 367 | 4.64 | | 367 | 5.13 | | 367 | 5.71 | | 367 | 6.40 |
Table 69.1 Continued  续表 69.1

放电前断开电源 5 秒后电容器上的峰值伏特电位
Potential in peak volts across capacitance 5s after
disconnecting the supply prior to discharge
Potential in peak volts across capacitance 5s after disconnecting the supply prior to discharge| Potential in peak volts across capacitance 5s after | | :---: | | disconnecting the supply prior to discharge |
Maximum acceptable capacitance μ F μ F mu F\boldsymbol{\mu F}
可接受的最大电容 μ F μ F mu F\boldsymbol{\mu F}
367 7.24
367 8.27
367 9.56
367 11.2
367 13.4
328 16.3
279 20.5
233 26.6
187 36.5
164 43.8
142 53.8
121 68.0
100 89.4
79 124
69 150
"Potential in peak volts across capacitance 5s after disconnecting the supply prior to discharge" Maximum acceptable capacitance mu F 367 7.24 367 8.27 367 9.56 367 11.2 367 13.4 328 16.3 279 20.5 233 26.6 187 36.5 164 43.8 142 53.8 121 68.0 100 89.4 79 124 69 150| Potential in peak volts across capacitance 5s after <br> disconnecting the supply prior to discharge | Maximum acceptable capacitance $\boldsymbol{\mu F}$ | | :---: | :---: | | 367 | 7.24 | | 367 | 8.27 | | 367 | 9.56 | | 367 | 11.2 | | 367 | 13.4 | | 328 | 16.3 | | 279 | 20.5 | | 233 | 26.6 | | 187 | 36.5 | | 164 | 43.8 | | 142 | 53.8 | | 121 | 68.0 | | 100 | 89.4 | | 79 | 124 | | 69 | 150 |
69.2 Compliance with 69.1 69.1 _ 69.1 _\underline{69.1} is to be considered to exist if the peak supply voltage is less than the voltage in Table 69.1 corresponding to the capacitance between any two terminals and any terminal and earth ground.
69.2 如果电源电压峰值小于表 69.1 中与任意两个端子和任意端子与接地之间的电容相对应的电压,则视为符合 69.1 69.1 _ 69.1 _\underline{69.1} 的规定。

69.3 If a bleeder resistor or other discharge means is used, compliance with 69.1 is to be determined by measurement of the voltage between the points indicated 5 seconds after disconnecting the filter from a dc source of supply adjusted to the dc rated voltage of the filter and to 1.414 times the ac rated voltage of the filter.
69.3 如果使用放电电阻或其他放电方法,则应在滤波器与直流电源断开 5 秒钟后,测量指示点之间的电压,并将其调整到滤波器的直流额定电压和 1.414 倍的交流额定电压,以确定是否符合 69.1 的规定。

70 Metal Oxide Varistor Voltage
70 金属氧化物变阻器电压

70.1 Three samples of Type 5 SPDs (discrete varistors) shall be connected to a dc voltage source adjusted to maintain a current of 1 mA dc applied between 10 ms and 10 s and the voltage across the varistor measured. The 3 measurements shall be recorded and be within the manufacturers specified range.
70.1 将 3 个 5 型防雷器(分立变阻器)样品连接到直流电压源,该电压源应调整为在 10 毫秒至 10 秒之间保持 1 毫安直流电流,并测量变阻器两端的电压。必须记录这3次测量,测量值必须在制造商规定的范围内。

71 Aging Test  71 老化试验

71.1 Three samples of Type 5 SPDs shall be placed in a full draft circulating air oven maintained at rated operating temperature and connected to source of supply at rated MCOV for 1000 hours.
71.1 将三个 5 型 SPD 样品放入保持在额定工作温度的全通风循环空气烘箱中,并与额定 MCOV 的供应源连接 1000 小时。

72 Pullout Insertion and Withdrawal Test
72 拔出插入和拔出测试

72.1 The plug-in connection members on a pullout module and on the pullout base, and the plug-in connection members on a Pullout SPD and on the receiving member of the panelboard, shall have the strength necessary for the forces applied during insertion and withdrawal of the Pullout SPD pullout module without causing any bus distortion, damage to the plating, or other damage to panelboard or Pullout SPD.
72.1 拉拔模块上和拉拔底座上的插入式连接部件,以及拉拔 SPD 上和面板接收部件上的插入式连接部件,应具有在插入和拔出拉拔 SPD 拉拔模块时施加的力所需的强度,而不会导致任何总线变形、电镀损坏或面板或拉拔 SPD 的其他损坏。

72.2 / L 72.2 / L 72.2//L72.2 / L To determine compliance, five samples of the Pullout Module and one sample of the Rullout Base shall be tested. With the Pullout Base mounted in the panelboard in the intended manner, each of the five Pullout Modules shall be inserted and withdrawn one time each from the Pullout Base.
72.2 / L 72.2 / L 72.2//L72.2 / L 为确定是否符合要求,应测试五个拉出模块样品和一个拉出底座样品。当拉出底座按预定方式安装在面板上时,应将五个拉出模块中的每个模块从拉出底座中插入和抽出各一次。

73 Capacitor Failure Test
73 电容器故障测试

73.1 If required by the Exception of 26.3, capacitors employed in Type 1 SPDs shall be permanently mechanically (driving a nail through the capacitor where the nail should not short out the capacitor to ground nor reduce spacings to other electrical paths) or electrically (as specified in 10.2.2 of UL 810) failed and three samples tested at the short circuit current rating of the SPD in accordance with the Short Circuit Current Rating Test procedure covered by 45.2 .1 to 45.2 .5 . Permanent failure of a capacitor is demonstrated by the flow of short circuit current until interrupted by an overcurrent protection device or for 3 full cycles.
73.1 如果 26.3 的例外情况有要求,1 类防雷器中使用的电容器必须按照 45.2.1 至 45.2.5 所述的短路额定电流测试程序,在防雷器的短路额定电流下进行永久机械失效(用钉子钉穿电容器,钉子不得使电容器与地短路,也不得减小与其他电气通路的间距)或电气失效(按照 UL 810 的 10.2.2 的规定)和三个样品测试。电容器的永久失效表现为短路电流的流动,直至被过流保护装置中断或持续 3 个完整周期。

73.2 Capacitors that comply with the requirements in the Standard for Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment - Part 14: Sectional Specification: Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains, UL 60384-14, as indicated in Exception No. 2 of 26.1, may be failed in accordance with 73.1, or may be replaced with jumper wire having a minimum gauge size equal to the capacitor leads. The jumper wire shall not open during testing.
73.2 符合《电子设备用固定电容器标准--第 14 部分:部分规格》要求的电容器:如 26.1 例外 2 所示,符合 UL 60384-14 《用于抑制电磁干扰和连接电源线的固定电容器》标准的电容器,可按照 73.1 的规定失效,或用最小规格与电容器引线相等的跳线代替。跳线在测试期间不得断开。

74 Breakdown Voltage Measurement Test
74 击穿电压测量测试

74.1 Three samples of Type 5 SPDs (Gas Tubes) shall break down within the manufacturer’s specified range when subjected to the conditions specified in 74.2.
74.1 在 74.2 规定的条件下,三个 5 型 SPD(气体管)样品的分解应在制造商规定的范围内。

74.2 Each sample is to be mounted in a position of normal use and connected to a pulse generator that will produce a rate of voltage rise of 100 volts per second. The voltage rise shall remain within ± 10 ± 10 +-10\pm 10 percent of the 100 volts per second voltage rise-rate. The discharge current shall be sufficient to cause operation in the arc mode but not exceed 10 amperes.
74.2 每个样品应安装在正常使用的位置,并连接到脉冲发生器上,脉冲发生器将产生每秒 100 伏的电压上升率。电压上升率应保持在每秒 100 伏电压上升率的 ± 10 ± 10 +-10\pm 10 % 以内。放电电流应足以在电弧模式下工作,但不得超过 10 安培。

75 Vibration Test  75 振动测试

75.1 A Type 3 SPD intended for outdoor use shall be subjected to the vibration test described in 75.2 . After the test:
75.1 用于室外的 3 型防雷器必须进行 75.2 所述的振动试验。试验后

a) There shall be no loosening of parts, and
a) 部件不得松动,并且

b) The device shall comply with the requirements in Sections 38 38 _ 38 _\underline{38} (as-received only), 41.6 (Initial VPR only), 39, and 49 .
b) 设备应符合第 38 38 _ 38 _\underline{38} 节(仅限接收时)、第 41.6 节(仅限初始 VPR)、第 39 节和第 49 节中的要求。

75.2 The vibration test shall consist of vibration for 48 hours at a frequency of 22 cycles per second with a displacement of 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch 1 / 4 inch 1//4inch1 / 4 \mathrm{inch} ) in a vertical plane. The device shall be mounted as intended during the test.
75.2 振动试验应包括在垂直面上以每秒 22 次的频率振动 48 小时,位移 6.4 毫米 ( 1 / 4 inch 1 / 4 inch 1//4inch1 / 4 \mathrm{inch} )。试验期间,装置应按原样安装。

76 Strength of Mounting Test
76 安装强度测试

76.1 SPDs intended for connection using exposed wiring methods shall be mounted in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions. A force, in addition to the weight of the equipment, is applied downwards through the center of gravity of the equipment, for 1 min . The additional force shall be equal to three times the weight of the equipment but not less than 156 N ( 35 lbf ). The equipment and its associated mounting means shall remain secure during the test. After the test, there shall be no malfunction of or damage to the mounting bracket, its securing means, or the SPD.
76.1 采用外露接线方式连接的防雷器应按照制造商的安装说明进行安装。除设备重量外,还要通过设备重心向下施加一个力,持续 1 分钟。额外的力应等于设备重量的三倍,但不小于 156 N(35 磅)。在试验过程中,设备及其相关安装装置应保持稳固。试验后,安装支架、其固定装置或 SPD 不得发生故障或损坏。

77 PTC-MOV Testing Sequence
77 PTC-MOV 测试程序

77.1 The test program in Table 77.1 shall be conducted. Specimen group 1 consists of three test samples. Specimen group 2 and 3 consist of one test sample and is to be conducted for each timited REavailableshort circuit current test leyel, as detailed in Table 45.4TT PERMISSION FROM UL INC.
77.1 必须进行表 77.1 所列的试验程序。试样组 1 由三个试样组成。试样组 2 和试样组 3 由一个测试样品组成,并按表 45.4TT 中的详细说明,对每个有时间限制的 REavailables 短路电流测试电路进行测试。
Note: Specimens may employ an additional lead or other connection means to allow for conducting the Calibration Test.
Table 77.1 Test Program
表 77.1 测试程序
Specimens  标本 Test  测试 UL Standard  UL 标准 Clause  条款
Surge Testing Sequence  浪涌测试程序

校准测试浪涌测试 - 额定放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} )重复校准测试工作电压测试
Calibration Test
Surge Testing - Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} )
Repeat Calibration Test
Operational Voltage Test
Calibration Test Surge Testing - Nominal Discharge Current ( I_(n) ) Repeat Calibration Test Operational Voltage Test| Calibration Test | | :--- | | Surge Testing - Nominal Discharge Current ( $\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}}$ ) | | Repeat Calibration Test | | Operational Voltage Test |
UL 1434
UL 1449
UL 1434
UL 1449
UL 1434 UL 1449 UL 1434 UL 1449| UL 1434 | | :--- | | UL 1449 | | UL 1434 | | UL 1449 |
11 42 11 44 11 42 _ 11 44 _ {:[11],[42 _],[11],[44 _]:}\begin{aligned} & 11 \\ & \underline{42} \\ & \hline 11 \\ & \underline{44} \end{aligned}
Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test Sequence

校准测试限流异常过压测试,每个电流等级持续 7 小时,测量表面温度。(Ts) 重复校准测试
Calibration Test
Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test at each current level for 7 hours measuring surface temperature. (Ts)
Repeat Calibration Test
Calibration Test Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test at each current level for 7 hours measuring surface temperature. (Ts) Repeat Calibration Test| Calibration Test | | :--- | | Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test at each current level for 7 hours measuring surface temperature. (Ts) | | Repeat Calibration Test |
UL 1434 UL 1449 UL 1434
11 45.4 45.4 _ 45.4 _\underline{45.4}
11 45.4 _ 11| 11 $\underline{45.4}$ | | :--- | | 11 |
Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage/Overload Cycling Test Sequence

校准测试限流异常过压/过载循环测试,每个电流水平测量表面温度 50 次。(Ts) 重复校准测试
Calibration Test
Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage/Overload Cycling Test for 50 cycles at each current level measuring surface temperature. (Ts)
Repeat Calibration Test
Calibration Test Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage/Overload Cycling Test for 50 cycles at each current level measuring surface temperature. (Ts) Repeat Calibration Test| Calibration Test | | :--- | | Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage/Overload Cycling Test for 50 cycles at each current level measuring surface temperature. (Ts) | | Repeat Calibration Test |
UL 1434
UL 1449
UL 1434
UL 1434
UL 1434 UL 1449 UL 1434 UL 1434| UL 1434 | | :--- | | UL 1449 | | UL 1434 | | UL 1434 |
11 77.2 14 11 11 77.2 14 11 {:[11],[(77.2)/(14)],[11]:}\begin{aligned} & 11 \\ & \frac{77.2}{14} \\ & 11 \end{aligned}
Specimens Test UL Standard Clause Surge Testing Sequence 1 "Calibration Test Surge Testing - Nominal Discharge Current ( I_(n) ) Repeat Calibration Test Operational Voltage Test" "UL 1434 UL 1449 UL 1434 UL 1449" "11 42 _ 11 44 _" Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test Sequence 2 "Calibration Test Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test at each current level for 7 hours measuring surface temperature. (Ts) Repeat Calibration Test" UL 1434 UL 1449 UL 1434 "11 45.4 _ 11" Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage/Overload Cycling Test Sequence 3 "Calibration Test Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage/Overload Cycling Test for 50 cycles at each current level measuring surface temperature. (Ts) Repeat Calibration Test" "UL 1434 UL 1449 UL 1434 UL 1434" "11 (77.2)/(14) 11"| Specimens | Test | UL Standard | Clause | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | Surge Testing Sequence | | | | 1 | Calibration Test <br> Surge Testing - Nominal Discharge Current ( $\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}}$ ) <br> Repeat Calibration Test <br> Operational Voltage Test | UL 1434 <br> UL 1449 <br> UL 1434 <br> UL 1449 | $\begin{aligned} & 11 \\ & \underline{42} \\ & \hline 11 \\ & \underline{44} \end{aligned}$ | | | Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test Sequence | | | | 2 | Calibration Test <br> Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage Test at each current level for 7 hours measuring surface temperature. (Ts) <br> Repeat Calibration Test | UL 1434 UL 1449 UL 1434 | 11 $\underline{45.4}$ <br> 11 | | | Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage/Overload Cycling Test Sequence | | | | 3 | Calibration Test <br> Limited Current Abnormal Overvoltage/Overload Cycling Test for 50 cycles at each current level measuring surface temperature. (Ts) <br> Repeat Calibration Test | UL 1434 <br> UL 1449 <br> UL 1434 <br> UL 1434 | $\begin{aligned} & 11 \\ & \frac{77.2}{14} \\ & 11 \end{aligned}$ |
77.2 Samples of the SPD shall be operated for 50 cycles at each current level specified in 45.4 and surface temperature (Ts) shall be measured of the PTC-MOV. The measured surface temperature shall not exceed the manufacturers specified surface temperature (Ts).
77.2 SPD 样品应在 45.4 规定的每个电流水平上运行 50 个周期,并测量 PTC-MOV 的表面温度 (Ts)。测得的表面温度不得超过制造商规定的表面温度 (Ts)。

78 High Altitude Conditioning
78 高海拔调节

78.1 Three samples of the SPD shall be placed in a barometric chamber for 168 hours at the pressure corresponding to the rated altitude as specified in IEC 60664-1 and connected to a source of supply at rated MCOV or 115 % 115 % 115%115 \% of rated voltage, whichever is greater and shall meet the pass criteria as specified in 44.5.
78.1 将三个 SPD 样品置于气压室中,在 IEC 60664-1 规定的与额定海拔高度相对应的压力下放置 168 小时,并连接到额定 MCOV 或额定电压 115 % 115 % 115%115 \% 的电源上,以较高者为准,且必须符合 44.5 规定的合格标准。


79 General  79 总论

79.1 Each SPD shall be subjected to a routine production-line tests to demonstrate that accessible dead metal of an SPD, and any grounding contacts, terminals, or leads provided on an SPD are suitably isolated or insulated from live parts of the SPD.
79.1 每个防雷器都必须经过例行的生产线测试,以证明防雷器上可触及的死金属以及防雷器上的任何接地触点、端子或导线都与防雷器的带电部分适当隔离或绝缘。

79.2 An SPD that is not provided with clamping or crowbar type voltage suppression elements (such as MOVs, gas tubes, and similar elements) between live parts and accessible dead metal parts or grounding contacts, terminals, or leads shall be subjected to the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Section 80, on 100 percent of production.
79.2 带电部件与可触及的无电金属部件或接地触点、端子或导线之间没有夹紧或撬棍式电压抑制元件 (如 MOV、气体管和类似元件)的防雷器,必须 100%通过第 80 节的绝缘耐压试验。

79.3 Each SPD that is provided with means for grounding shall be subjected to the Grounding Continuity Test, Section 81 on 100 percent of production.
79.3 每个装有接地装置的自毁装置必须在 100%的生产中进行第 81 节规定的接地连续性试验。

80 Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test
80 绝缘电压-耐压测试

80.1 Each SPD as described in 79.2 shall withstand without electrical breakdown, as a routine production-line test, the application of a potential between uninsulated live parts and accessible dead metal parts of grounding contacts or leads that are likely to become energized.
80.1 79.2 所述的每个防雷器,作为例行的生产线试验,在未绝缘的带电部件与接地触点或引线的可触及的无金属部件之间施加电位时,应能承受而不发生电气击穿。

80.2 The test potential shall be:
80.2 试验电位应为

a) 1000 V plus twice the rated voltage applied for one minute; or
a) 1000 V 加两倍额定电压,持续一分钟;或

b) 1200 V ac plus 2.4 times the rated voltage applied for one second; or
b) 1200 伏交流加 2.4 倍额定电压,持续一秒钟;或

c) 1400 V dc plus 2.8 times the rated voltage applied for 1 minute; or
c) 1400 伏直流加 2.8 倍额定电压,持续 1 分钟;或

d) 1700 V dc plus 3.4 times the rated voltage applied for 1 second.
d) 1700 伏直流加 3.4 倍额定电压,持续 1 秒钟。

80.3 The SPD may be in a heated or unheated condition for this test.
80.3 SPD 可以在加热或不加热的状态下进行测试。

80.4 The test shall be conducted when the SPD is complete, that is, fully assembled. It is not intended that the SPD be unwired, modified, or disassembled for the test.
80.4 试验应在防雷装置完整,即完全组装好的情况下进行。不打算在测试时拆开、修改或拆卸防雷器。
Exception: The test may be performed before final assembly if the test represents that for the completed SPD.
例外情况:如果测试代表已完成的 SPD 的测试,则可在最终组装前进行测试。

80.5 An SPD that employs a solid-state component that can be damaged by the dielectric potential may be tested as described in 80.1 before the component is electrically connected. However, a random sampling of each day’s production is to be tested at the potential specified in 80.2 80.2 _ 80.2 _\underline{80.2}, but the circuitry may be rearranged for the purpose of this test to minimize the likelihood of solid-state-component damage while retaining representative dielectric stress of the circuit.
80.5 采用固态元器件的 SPD,如其元器件可能因介质电位而损坏,则可在该元器件进行电气连接之前,按 80.1 所述进行测试。然而,每天生产的随机样本应在 80.2 80.2 _ 80.2 _\underline{80.2} 中规定的电位下进行测试,但电路可为该测试目的而重新排列,以尽量减少固态元件损坏的可能性,同时保留电路的代表性介电应力。

80.6 Alternating-current test equipment shall include a transformer having an essentially sinusoidal output and a frequency within the range of 40 70 Hz 40 70 Hz 40-70Hz40-70 \mathrm{~Hz}. The test equipment shall include a transformer having an essentially sinusoidal output and a frequency within the range of 40 70 Hz 40 70 Hz 40-70Hz40-70 \mathrm{~Hz}. The test equipment shall include an audible or visual indication of breakdown. In the event of breakdown for automatic or station-type operations, either manual reset of an external switch is required or an automatic reject of the unit under test is to result.
80.6 交流试验设备须包括一个变压器,其输出基本上为正弦波,频率在 40 70 Hz 40 70 Hz 40-70Hz40-70 \mathrm{~Hz} 范围内。测试设备须包括一个变压器,其输出基本上为正弦波,频率在 40 70 Hz 40 70 Hz 40-70Hz40-70 \mathrm{~Hz} 范围内。测试设备应包括故障的声光指示。如果自动或站式操作发生故障,则需要手动复位外部开关或自动剔除被测设备。

80.7 If the output of the test equipment is less than 500 VA , the equipment shall include a voltmeter in the output circuit to directly indicate the test potential.
80.7 如测试设备的输出小于 500 VA,则设备须在输出电路中安装电压表,以直接显示测试电位。

80.8 If the output of the test equipment is 500 VA or larger, the test potential may be indicated by a voltmeter in the primary circuit or in a tertiary winding circuit, by a selector switch marked to indicate the test potential of equipment having a single test potential output. When marking is used without an indicating voltmeter, the equipment shall include a positive means, such as a power-on lamp, to indicate that the manually reset switch has been following a tripout.
80.8 如试验设备的输出为500伏安或更大,可在一次回路或三次绕组回路中用电压表指示试验电位,也可在有单一试验电位输出的设备上用选择开关指示试验电位。在没有电压表指示的情况下使用标记时,设备应包括一个积极的手段,如电源接通灯,以表明手动复位开关已跟随跳闸。

80.9 Test equipment other than that described in 80.6 80.8 80.6 80.8 _ 80.6-80.8 _80.6-\underline{80.8} may be used if found to accomplish the intended factory control.
80.9 如能实现预期的工厂控制,可使用 80.6 80.8 80.6 80.8 _ 80.6-80.8 _80.6-\underline{80.8} 中描述的测试设备以外的测试设备。

81 Grounding Continuity Test
81 接地连续性测试

81.1 Each SPD as described in 79.3 shall be tested, as a routine production-line test, to determine grounding continuity between the/grounding contacts. terminals, orleads and the accessible dead-metal
81.1 作为例行的生产线试验,必须对 79.3 所述的每个防雷器进行试验,以确定接地触点、端子或引线与可触及的死金属之间的接地连续性。

parts of the SPD that are likely to become energized. The grounding contact of a receptacle, grounding pin of an attachment plug, and other means for grounding on the load side shall be included in this test.

81.2 Only a single test need be made if the accessible metal selected and the means for grounding on the load side are conductively connected to all other accessible metal.
81.2 如果所选的可触及金属和负载侧的接地装置与所有其他可触及金属导电连接,则只需进行一次试验。

81.3 Compliance with 81.1 is to be determined by an appropriate device, such as an ohm-meter, a battery and buzzer combination, or the like, applied between the point of connection of the SPD grounding means and the metal parts in question.
81.3 应在 SPD 接地装置的连接点和有关金属部件之间使用欧姆表、电池和蜂鸣器组合等适当装置来确定是否符合 81.1 的规定。

82 Nominal Varistor Voltage
82 标称变阻器电压

82.1 Each sample of Type 5 discrete varistors, as a routine production-line test, shall be connected to a variable voltage source adjusted to maintain a current of 1 mA DC applied between 10 ms and 10 s and the voltage across the varistor measured. The value measured shall be within the manufacturers specified range.
82.1 作为例行的生产线试验,每个 5 型分立变阻器样品必须与可变电压源相连,可变 电压源应调整为在 10 毫秒至 10 秒之间施加 1 毫安直流电流,并测量变阻器两端 的电压。测量值应在制造商规定的范围内。

82.2 Type 5 and Type 4 Component Assemblies shall be rated in nominal discharge current ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right), measured limiting voltage (MLV), operating voltage and MCOV.
82.2 5 类和 4 类组件的额定放电电流 ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) 、测量极限电压 (MLV)、工作电压和 MCOV。

83 Breakdown Voltage Measurement
83 击穿电压测量

83.1 If required by 42.1 (b), each sample of Type 5 discrete gas tubes, as a routine production-line test, shall be connected to a pulse generator that will produce a rate of voltage rise of 100 volts per second. The exponential voltage rise shall remain within ± 10 ± 10 +-10\pm 10 percent of the 100 volts per second voltage rise-rate. The discharge current shall be sufficient to cause operation in the arc mode but not exceed 10 amperes. The value measured shall be within the manufacturers specified range.
83.1 如 42.1(b)有要求,作为例行生产线试验,5 型离散气体管的每个样 品都必须连接到脉冲发生器上,脉冲发生器产生的电压上升率为每秒 100 伏。指数电压上升率应保持在每秒 100 伏电压上升率的 ± 10 ± 10 +-10\pm 10 % 以内。放电电流应足以导致电弧模式下的操作,但不得超过 10 安培。测量值应在制造商规定的范围内。


84 General  84 一般

84.1 An SPD, including Type 1, 2, 3 Component Assemblies, shall be provided with the following ratings: the operating voltage rating (volts), ac power frequency (Hz), and voltage protection ratings (volts or kilovolts) as described in 84.3 . For a two-port SPD, the ratings shall include the load current rating (amperes). Type 1 and 2 SPDs shall also be provided with I n I n I_(n)I_{n} and MCOV ratings. Type 1 SPDs, Type 2 SPDs and Permanently-Connected Type 3 (other than receptacle type) SPDs intended to be installed at the utilization equipment being protected, shall also be provided with a Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR).
84.1 防雷器(包括 1、2、3 型组件)必须具有下列额定值:工作电压额定值(伏特)、交流电源频率(赫兹)和电压保护额定值(伏特或千伏),如 84.3 所述。对于双端口防雷器,额定值应包括负载电流额定值(安培)。1 型和 2 型防雷器还必须提供 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 和 MCOV 额定值。拟安装在受保护的使用设备上的 1 类 SPD、2 类 SPD 和永久连接的 3 类 SPD(插座型除外)还应提供短路电流额定值 (SCCR)。
Exception: SCCR is not required for Type 1 and Type 2 SPDs and Component Assemblies intended for connection to and protection of the Neutral to Ground mode only.
例外:仅用于连接和保护中性线对地模式的 1 类和 2 类防雷器和元件组件不需要 SCCR。

84.2 Type 5 SPDs and Type 4 Component Assemblies shall be provided with the following ratings: I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}}, MLV, operating voltage, MCOV.
84.2 5 型防雷器和 4 型元件组件应具有以下额定值: I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} 、MLV、工作电压、MCOV。

84.3 The voltage protection rating (VPR) shall be assigned for each mode of protection provided. This value is obtained by comparing the measured limiting voltage obtained from 41.1.1 to the nearest value in Table 41.2. The average of the measured limiting voltage as specified in 41.1 .1 shall not exceed the manufacturer’s marked VPR from Table 84.1. In addition, no individual measurement of measured limiting voltage may exceed the marked VPR rating by more than 10 percent.
84.3 应为所提供的每种保护模式分配电压保护额定值 (VPR)。该值通过将 41.1.1 中的测量极限电压与表 41.2 中的最接近值进行比较而得出。41.1.1 中规定的测量极限电压的平均值不得超过表 84.1 中制造商标注的 VPR。此外,测量的极限电压的单个测量值不得超过标记的额定 VPR 的 10%。
Table 84.1  表 84.1
Voltage Protection Rating (VPR)
电压保护等级 (VPR)
Measured limiting voltage a a ^(a){ }^{\mathbf{a}}
测量的极限电压 a a ^(a){ }^{\mathbf{a}}
Minimum voltage protection rating (V)
最低额定保护电压 (V)
330 or less  330 或以下 330
331 400 331 400 331-400331-400 400
401 500 401 500 401-500401-500 500
501 600 501 600 501-600501-600 600
601 700 601 700 601-700601-700 700
701 800 701 800 701-800701-800 800
801 900 801 900 801-900801-900 900
901 1000 901 1000 901-1000901-1000 1000
1001 1200 1001 1200 1001-12001001-1200 1200
1201 1500 1201 1500 1201-15001201-1500 1500
1501 1800 1501 1800 1501-18001501-1800 1800
1801 2000 1801 2000 1801-20001801-2000 2000
2001 2500 2001 2500 2001-25002001-2500 2500
2501 3000 2501 3000 2501-30002501-3000 3000
3001 4000 3001 4000 3001-40003001-4000 4000
4001 5000 4001 5000 4001-50004001-5000 5000
5001 6000 5001 6000 5001-60005001-6000 6000
arder  拱形
Measured limiting voltage ^(a) Minimum voltage protection rating (V) 330 or less 330 331-400 400 401-500 500 501-600 600 601-700 700 701-800 800 801-900 900 901-1000 1000 1001-1200 1200 1201-1500 1500 1501-1800 1800 1801-2000 2000 2001-2500 2500 2501-3000 3000 3001-4000 4000 4001-5000 5000 5001-6000 6000 arder | Measured limiting voltage ${ }^{\mathbf{a}}$ | Minimum voltage protection rating (V) | | :---: | :---: | | 330 or less | 330 | | $331-400$ | 400 | | $401-500$ | 500 | | $501-600$ | 600 | | $601-700$ | 700 | | $701-800$ | 800 | | $801-900$ | 900 | | $901-1000$ | 1000 | | $1001-1200$ | 1200 | | $1201-1500$ | 1500 | | $1501-1800$ | 1800 | | $1801-2000$ | 2000 | | $2001-2500$ | 2500 | | $2501-3000$ | 3000 | | $3001-4000$ | 4000 | | $4001-5000$ | 5000 | | $5001-6000$ | 6000 | | arder | |
84.4 An SPD evaluated for use in ambient temperature environments 40 C ( 104 F ) 40 C 104 F 40^(@)C(104^(@)F)40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) or higher shall be rated in degrees Celsius, increments of 5 C 5 C 5^(@)C5^{\circ} \mathrm{C} shall be used.
84.4 用于 40 C ( 104 F ) 40 C 104 F 40^(@)C(104^(@)F)40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 或更高环境温度的防雷器,其额定值应为摄氏度,增量应为 5 C 5 C 5^(@)C5^{\circ} \mathrm{C}

84.5 Status or alarm circuit connections provided within SPDs shall be provided with the following electrical ratings: voltage (volts), ac power frequency ( Hz ) or direct current (dc), current (amperes), type of load and, if applicable, “Class 2”.
84.5 防雷器内的状态或警报电路连接应具有下列电气额定值:电压(伏特)、交流电频率(赫兹)或直流电(直流)、电流(安培)、负载类型以及(如适用)"2 级"。

84.6 An SPD evaluated for use in altitudes above 2000 m shall be rated for this altitude in increments according to IEC 60664-1.
84.6 根据 IEC 60664-1 标准,经评估可在海拔 2000 米以上使用的防雷器应按该海拔高度递增。


85 Details  85 详情

85.1 An SPD shall be plainly and permanently marked with the following information:
85.1 防爆片上应清楚、永久地标明以下信息:

a) The name of the manufacturer or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product can be identified;
a) 制造商名称或其他描述性标识,以便识别产品的责任机构;

b) A distinctive catalog number or equivalent designation;
b) 一个独特的目录编号或同等的名称;

c) SPD Type (1,2,3). Type 1, 2, 3 Component Assemblies shall be marked as Type 1, 2 or 3 SPDs;
c) SPD 类型 (1,2,3)。1、2、3 型组件应标记为 1、2 或 3 型 SPD;

d) Electrical ratings per Section 84 84 _ 84 _\underline{84};
d) 第 84 84 _ 84 _\underline{84} 节规定的电气额定值;

e) Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) Rating (84.1);
e) 额定放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) (84.1);

f) Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage Rating (MCOV) (84.1);
f) 最大持续额定工作电压 (MCOV)(84.1);

h) Date or period of manufacture not exceeding any three consecutive months which is able to be abbreviated or in a nationally accepted code;
h) 不超过任何连续三个月的生产日期或时期,可以缩写或使用国家认可的代码;

i) Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) (85.12 and 85.13);
i) 短路电流额定值(SCCR)(85.12 和 85.13);

j) Other specific markings as required by this section.
j) 本节要求的其他特定标识。
Exception No. 1: Permanently connected receptacle-type SPDs shall have all the markings indicated above, except that the catalog number and voltage protection levels are able to be marked on the individual shipping carton.
例外 1:永久连接的插座型防雷器必须有上述所有标记,但目录编号和电压保护等级可标在单独的装运纸箱上。
Exception No. 2: Molded Case SPDs shall have all the markings indicated above, except that the voltage protection rating (VPR) may be marked on the individual shipping carton. Location of required markings shall be in accordance with the “Location Categories” in UL 489.
例外情况 2:模制外壳防雷器应具有上述所有标记,但电压保护等级 (VPR) 可标记在单独的装运纸箱上。所需标记的位置应符合 UL 489 中的 "位置类别"。
Exception No. 3: Open-type SPDs shall have all the markings indicated above, except that the voltage protection rating (VPR) may be marked on the individual shipping carton, installation instructions or stuffer sheet.
例外 3: 开启式防雷器应具有上述所有标记,但电压保护额定值 (VPR) 可标记在单独的装运纸箱、安装说明或填料单上。
Exception No. 4: Markings for Type 1, 2, 3, 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPDs may be provided on the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged.
例外 4:1、2、3、4 类组件和 5 类 SPD 的标记可在产品包装的最小单位容器上提供。

85.2 In addition to 85.1 (a), (b) and (h), Type 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPDs shall be marked with the ratings as specified in 84.2 . For Type 5 SPDs these ratings may be provided in the data sheets.
85.2 除 85.1(a)、(b)和(h)外,4 类组件和 5 类防雷器必须标有 84.2 规定的额定值。对于 5 型 SPD,可在数据表中提供这些额定值。

85.3 Type 1 and 2 SPDs and Component Assemblies intended for connection to and protection of the Neutral to Ground mode only, shall be marked:
85.3 仅用于连接和保护中性点对地模式的 1 型和 2 型防雷器和组件组合必须有标记:

“Neutral to Ground Applications Only” or the equivalent.
"仅限中性线对地应用 "或类似说明。

“WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock or Fire - Do not install in 120 VAC Single Phase cordconnected, direct plug-in and receptacle type applications.” Lettering shall not be less than 2.4 mm (3/32 inch) high.
"警告:电击或火灾危险--请勿安装在 120 伏交流单相电线连接、直接插入式和插座式应用中"。字母高度不得低于 2.4 毫米(3/32 英寸)。

85.4 Type 3 SPDs shall be marked on the unit, a marking tag, or an instruction sheet packed with the unit - “CAUTION - Do not install this device if there is not at least 10 meters ( 30 feet) or more of wire between the electrical outlet and the electrical service panel.”
85.4 第 3 类防雷器必须在设备上、标记牌上或随设备包装的说明书上标明:"注意 - 如果电源插座和配电盘之间没有至少 10 米(30 英尺)或更长的电线,请勿安装本设备"。
Exception: Type 3 SPDs that have been subjected to the Nominal Discharge Current Test need not be provided with this marking.
例外:经过标称放电电流测试的 3 类防雷器无需提供此标记。

85.5 Markings required by this standard shall be permanent. A permanent marking shall be molded, diestamped, paint-stenciled; stamped or etched metal that is permanently secured; or indelibly stamped on a pressure-sensitive label secured by adhesive that complies with the Standard for Marking and Labeling Systems, UL 969. Ordinary usage, handling, storage, and the like of the unit are to be considered in determining whether a marking is permanent.
85.5 本标准所要求的标记必须是永久性的。永久性标记应为模压、压印、油漆钢印;永久固定的冲压或蚀刻金属;或用符合 UL 969 标记和标签系统标准的粘合剂固定的压敏标签上不可磨灭的印记。在确定标记是否为永久性标记时,应考虑设备的正常使用、搬运、储存等情况。

85.6 If a manufacturer produces SPDs at more than one factory, each SPD shall have a distinctive marking, to identify it as the product of a particular factory.
85.6 如果制造商在一个以上的工厂生产 SPD,则每个 SPD 都必须有明显的标记,以识别其为某一特定工厂的产品。

85.7 A connection diagram for field wiring connections of a permanently connected SPD, shall be marked on the SPD.
85.7 永久连接的防雷器的现场接线连接图必须标在防雷器上。
Exception No. 1: A connection diagram on the SPD is not required for a permanently connected two-wire device provided with integral leads.
例外情况 1:永久连接的两线制装置不需要在防雷器上标明接线图。
Exception No. 2: A connection diagram, for field wiring connections of a permanently-connected SPD provided with a cover or hinged door intended to be opened during installation, may be provided in a pocket attached to the inside cover of the enclosure.
例外 2: 带盖或铰链门的永久连接防雷器的现场接线连接图,可放在外壳内盖的口袋中。
Exception No. 3: A connection diagram may be marked on a stuffer sheet or on the individual carton of a permanently connected receptacle type SPD.
例外 3: 连接图可以标注在永久连接的插座式防雷器的填料表或单个纸盒上。
Exception No. 4: A connection diagram may be marked on the individual shipping carton, installation instructions or stuffer sheet of an open-type SPD.
例外 4: 连接图可以标注在开放式防雷器的包装箱、安装说明书或填料单上。

85.8 SPDs that are provided with fuses that are intended to be replaced in the field shall be marked to indicate the type (for example fuse class, current, and voltage rating) of the replacement fuses. In addition, the SPD shall be marked “WARNING” and the following or equivalent wording shall be provided - “For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only with same type and rating of fuse.” Lettering shall not be less than 2.4 mm ( 3 / 32 3 / 32 3//323 / 32 inch) high. These markings shall be located so as to be visible during fuse replacement.
85.8 带有拟在现场更换的保险丝的防爆片,必须标明更换保险丝的类型(例如保险丝等级、电流和额定电压)。此外,SPD 应标有 "警告 "字样,并注明以下或同等字样--"为继续防止起火危险,只能更换相同类型和额定值的保险丝"。字样高度不得低于 2.4 毫米( 3 / 32 3 / 32 3//323 / 32 英寸)。这些标记的位置应能在更换保险丝时看到。

85.9 Type 3 SPDs having a leakage current more than 0.5 mA , as required in Exception No. 1 to 38.1, shall be provided with a warning marking that shall begin with the word “WARNING” and shall:
85.9 根据 38.1 例外 1 的要求,泄漏电流大于 0.5 mA 的第 3 类防雷器必须有以 "警告 "开头的警告标记,并且必须

a) State that the SPD is not for household use;
a) 说明 SPD 不供家庭使用;

b) State that the earth-grounding terminal is intended to provide protection from electric shock; and
b) 说明接地端子旨在提供防触电保护;以及

c) Instruct that the SPD be plugged into a properly wired grounding type outlet.
c) 要求将 SPD 插头插入正确接线的接地型插座。
Lettering shall not be less than 2.4 mm ( 3 / 32 3 / 32 3//323 / 32 inch) high.
字母高度不得低于 2.4 毫米( 3 / 32 3 / 32 3//323 / 32 英寸)。

85.10 An SPD rated for use in an elevated, 40 C ( 104 F ) 40 C 104 F 40^(@)C(104^(@)F)40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) or higher, ambient air temperature, see 84.4 , shall be marked to indicate the maximum rated ambient air temperature.
85.10 见 84.4,额定在 40 C ( 104 F ) 40 C 104 F 40^(@)C(104^(@)F)40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(104^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 或更高的环境空气温度下使用的防爆片,必须标明最高额定环境空气温度。

85.11 If the wires in a terminal box or compartment of an SPD intended for power-supply connections attain a temperature higher than 60 C ( 140 F ) 60 C 140 F 60^(@)C(140^(@)F)60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(140^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) during the normal-temperature test, the SPD shall be marked “For supply connections, use wires suitable for at least qquad\qquad C ( qquad\qquad F)”, or with an equivalent statement at or near the point at which the supply connections are to be made. The marking shall be in a position in which it will be readily visible during and after installation of the unit. The temperature to be used in the marking shall be as indicated in the second column of Table 85.1.
85.11 如果在正常温度试验期间,SPD 的接线盒或隔间中用于电源连接的导线温度高于 60 C ( 140 F ) 60 C 140 F 60^(@)C(140^(@)F)60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(140^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) ,SPD 必须在电源连接点或其附近标明 "对于电源连接,使用至少适用于 qquad\qquad C ( qquad\qquad F) 的导线 "或同等说明。标记应位于设备安装过程中和安装后容易看到的位置。标记中使用的温度应如表 85.1 第二栏所示。
Table 85.1  表 85.1
Temperatures for Marking
Temperature attained in terminal box or compartment
Temperature in marking  标识温度
61 75 C ( 142 167 F ) 61 75 C 142 167 F 61-75^(@)C(142-167^(@)F)61-75^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(142-167^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 75 C ( 167 F ) 75 C 167 F 75^(@)C(167^(@)F)75^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(167^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)
76 90 C ( 168 194 F ) 76 90 C 168 194 F 76-90^(@)C(168-194^(@)F)76-90^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(168-194^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right) 90 C ( 194 F ) 90 C 194 F 90^(@)C(194^(@)F)90^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(194^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)
Temperature attained in terminal box or compartment Temperature in marking 61-75^(@)C(142-167^(@)F) 75^(@)C(167^(@)F) 76-90^(@)C(168-194^(@)F) 90^(@)C(194^(@)F)| Temperature attained in terminal box or compartment | Temperature in marking | | :---: | :---: | | $61-75^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(142-167^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)$ | $75^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(167^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)$ | | $76-90^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(168-194^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)$ | $90^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(194^{\circ} \mathrm{F}\right)$ |
85.12 Type 1 SPDs or Type 2 SPDs and Permanently-Connected Type 3 (other than receptacle type) SPDs intended to be installed at the utilization equipment being protected, shall be marked “Suitable For Use on a Circuit Capable of Delivering Not More Than a rms symmetrical Amperes”.
85.12 拟安装在受保护的使用设备上的 1 类防雷器或 2 类防雷器以及永久连接的 3 类防雷器(插座型除外),必须标明 "适用于能够提供不超过 rms 对称安培的电路"。

a) The available fault current “a” shall be one of the values indicated in Table 12.2 but not less than given in Table 12.1.
a) 可用故障电流 "a "应为表 12.2 所列值之一,但不得小于表 12.1 所列值。
Exception: The marking may be on a separate sheet or in the installation instruction if there is not sufficient room on the device for the marking. If this exception is employed, then “SCCR = xxxx kA” is required to be marked on the product.
例外情况:如果设备上没有足够的空间进行标记,可在单独的纸张上或安装说明中进行标记。如果采用这种例外情况,则必须在产品上标注 "SCCR = xxxx kA"。

85.13 Type 2 SPDs and Permanently-Connected Type 3 (other than receptacle type) SPDs intended to be installed at the utilization equipment being protected requiring an external fuse or circuit breaker as specified in 45.1.13 shall be marked in accordance with 85.12 and, in conjunction with that marking shall also be marked “When Protected by a Class Fuses rated: b b _ b_\underline{\mathrm{b}} and minimum c, Volts” and/or " When protected by a circuit breaker rated: b b _ b_\underline{b} and minimum c, Volts."
85.13 2 型防雷器和永久连接的 3 型(插座型除外)防雷器拟安装在需要 45.1.13 规定的外部熔断器或断路器保护的使用设备上,必须按照 85.12 的规定进行标记,并且在标记的同时还必须标记 "当使用额定值为 b b _ b_\underline{\mathrm{b}} 级熔断器和最小 c(伏特)的断路器保护时 "和/或 "当使用额定值为 b b _ b_\underline{\mathrm{b}} 级熔断器和最小 c(伏特)的断路器保护时": b b _ b_\underline{\mathrm{b}} 和最小 c 伏 "和/或 "由额定断路器保护时: b b _ b_\underline{b} 和最小 c 伏特"。

a) Class CC, CD, G, H, J, L, R, T or K fuse. Reference to Class H or Class K fuses shall not appear in the marking if the indicated rms symmetrical fault current is greater than 10,000 A.
a) CC、CD、G、H、J、L、R、T 或 K 级保险丝。如果标示的均方根对称故障电流大于 10,000 A,则不得在标记中提及 H 级或 K 级保险丝。

b) Current rating of fuse or circuit breaker.
b) 保险丝或断路器的额定电流。

c) Nominal system voltage.
c) 系统额定电压。
Exception: For other than Molded Case and open-type SPDs, the marking may be on a separate sheet or in the installation instruction if there is not sufficient room on the device for the marking. Molded Case SPDs requiring an external fuse or circuit breaker, shall be marked as detailed above. Location of required markings for Molded Case SPDs shall be in accordance with the “Location Categories” in UL 489.
例外情况:对于模制外壳和开放式防雷器以外的防雷器,如果装置上没有足够的空间进行标记,可在单独的纸张上或安装说明中进行标记。需要外接保险丝或断路器的模制外壳防雷器应按上述要求进行标记。模制外壳防雷器所需标记的位置应符合 UL 489 中的 "位置类别"。

85.14 A direct plug-in Type 3 SPD having a mounting tab shall be marked - on the unit, a marking tag, or an instruction sheet packed with the unit - with the word “CAUTION” and the following mounting instructions or the equivalent:
85.14 带安装片的直插式 3 型防雷器必须在装置上、标记牌上或与装置包装在一起的说明书上标明 "注意 "字样和下列安装说明或类似说明:

a) “To reduce the risk of electric shock - Disconnect power to the receptacle before installing or removing the unit. When removing receptacle cover screw, cover may fall across plug pins or receptacle may become dislodged;”
a) "为减少触电危险 - 在安装或拆卸设备之前,请断开插座的电源。卸下插座盖螺丝时,盖子可能会掉落到插头插脚上,或者插座可能会脱落;"

b) “Use only with duplex receptacle having center screw;” and
b) "只能与带有中心螺丝的双联插座一起使用;"和

c) “Secure unit in place with screw provided.”
c) "用提供的螺钉将装置固定到位"。

85.15 A Type 3 SPD shall be marked “To Reduce the Risk of Electric Shock - Use only Indoors” or the equivalent. A Type 1 or Type 2 SPD shall be marked “NEMA Type 1 Enclosure” and may be additionally marked “Indoor Use Only”. The marking shall be either on the inside or outside surface but shall be visible after installation. Lettering shall not be less than 2.4 mm ( 3 / 32 2.4 mm ( 3 / 32 2.4mm(3//322.4 \mathrm{~mm}(3 / 32 inch ) high.
85.15 3 型防雷器必须标有 "减少电击危险 - 仅限室内使用 "或同等标记。1 型或 2 型防雷器必须标有 "NEMA 1 型外壳 "字样,并可另外标有 "仅供室内使用 "字样。标记应位于内表面或外表面,但安装后应清晰可见。字母高度不得低于 2.4 mm ( 3 / 32 2.4 mm ( 3 / 32 2.4mm(3//322.4 \mathrm{~mm}(3 / 32 英寸。
Exception No. 1: An SPD that employs other than a Type 1 enclosure as specified in shall comply with the type designation marking requirements, for Enclosure Types, in the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations, UL 50E.
例外 1: 除 中规定的 1 类外壳外,采用其他外壳的 SPD 应符合 UL 50E 《电气设备外壳、环境考虑因素标准》中关于外壳类型的类型指定标记要求。
Exception No. 2: A Type 3 SPD intended for outdoor use shall be marked “Type 3R Enclosure” or “Enclosure type 3R”, and may be additionally marked “Rainproof”.
例外 2: 用于室外的 3 型防雷器应标明 "3R 型外壳 "或 "3R 型外壳",并可另外标明 "防雨"。

85.16 An SPD that employs a type SP-3 or SPT-3 flexible cord for the power-supply cord shall be marked on the SPD and on the smallest unit package with the following or equivalent wording, “For Household Use Only”.
85.16 使用 SP-3 或 SPT-3 型软线作为电源线的防爆器必须在防爆器上和最小的单元包装上标明以下或同等的字样:"仅供家庭使用"。

85.17 A receptacle outlet or group of outlets of an SPD that is energized_(relay or electronically activated) by the presence of a load in another outlet of the SPD shall be marked to indicate that they are so controlled.
85.17 SPD 的一个插座或一组插座,如果因 SPD 的另一个插座有负载而通电(继电器或电子启动),则必须标明这些插座或插座受此控制。

85.18 A switch employed on an SPD, without an associated pilot light and as indicated in 21.4, shall be marked “on”/“off”, “l”/“O”, or the equivalent, to indicate to the user when the receptacles are energized. The marking shall be either on the switch or on an adjacent part of the enclosure.
85.18 如 21.4 所示,在不带相关指示灯的 SPD 上使用的开关必须标有 "on"/"off"、"l"/"O "或类似标记,以便向用户指示插座何时通电。标记须在开关上或外壳的邻近部分上。

85.19 An SPD having a disconnect feature shall be marked where visible after installation to indicate the status of the SPD protection after a surge event. Wording of the marking shall be the following or similar wording conveying the same information: “This device features an internal protection that will disconnect the surge protective component but will maintain power to the load - now unprotected. If this situation is undesirable for the application, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for replacing the device.”
85.19 带有断开功能的防雷器在安装后必须在可见的地方作标记,以表明发生浪涌事件后防雷器的保护状态。标记的措辞应如下或类似,以传达相同的信息:"本设备具有内部保护功能,可断开浪涌保护元件,但仍可保持对负载的供电 - 现在未受保护。如果应用不希望出现这种情况,请按照制造商的说明更换设备"。
Exception No. 1: This marking is not required when an SPD having a disconnect feature does not power the load after a surge event.
例外情况 1:具有断开功能的防雷器在浪涌事件发生后不向负载供电时,不需要此标记。
Exception No. 2: This marking may be provided on the back of the device, on a separate sheet, or in the installation instructions, if there is not sufficient room on the device for the marking.
例外 2:如果设备上没有足够的空间进行标记,可在设备背面、单独的纸张上或安装说明中进行标记。

85.20 A direct plug-in Type 3 SPD that covers a duplex receptacle and employs two attachment plugs or two ground pins and only employs surge protection on one set of line contacts, shall be marked to indicate that the unit should be plugged into a parallel duplex receptacle that is interconnected.
85.20 直接插入式 3 类防雷器,如果覆盖双联插座并使用两个连接插头或两个接地插针,且仅在一组线路触点上使用浪涌保护,则必须标明该装置应插入相互连接的并联双联插座。

85.21 A Type 1 or Type 2 SPD that is intended to be serviced shall be marked where visible after installation with the word “WARNING” and "Risk of Electric Shock - " and the following or equivalent text “Disconnect power before servicing. Service to be performed by qualified personnel only.”
85.21 拟进行维修的 1 类或 2 类防雷器应在安装后可见的地方标明 "警告 "和 "有触电危险--"字样,以及以下或同等文字:"维修前请断开电源。只能由合格人员进行维修"。
Exception No. 1: This marking is not required for units with no serviceable parts.
例外 1:无维修部件的设备不需要此标记。

Exception No. 2: This marking is able to be provided on a separate sheet or in the installation instructions when there is not sufficient room on the device for the marking.
例外情况 2:当设备上没有足够的空间进行标记时,可以在单独的纸张上或安装说明中进行标记。

85.22 A Type 1 or Type 2 SPD that is not intended to be serviced shall be marked where visible after installation “Contains no serviceable parts” or equivalent text.
85.22 不打算维修的 1 类或 2 类防爆片应在安装后可见的地方标明 "不含可维修部件 "或类似文字。
Exception: This marking is able to be provided on a separate sheet or in the installation instructions when there is not sufficient room on the device for the marking.

85.23 Terminals provided for connection to secondary telecommunications equipment shall be marked to indicate “IN” and “OUT” or the equivalent (such as “Wall” and “Equip” or “Equipment”) adjacent to the terminals.
85.23 用于连接二级电信设备的终端应在终端旁标明 "IN "和 "OUT "或等同标记(如 "Wall "和 "Equip "或 "Equipment")。

85.24 A Type 3 SPD, intended for use in other than permanently-connected applications, that incorporates a hospital grade attachment plug or receptacles shall be marked with the following or equivalent wording: “CAUTION: Risk of Electric Shock - Do not use in General Patient Care Areas or Critical Patient Care Areas. This surge protective device has not been evaluated for use where Article 517 of the National Electrical Code requires Hospital Grade components.”
85.24 用于非永久性连接应用的 3 类防雷器,如配有医院级连接插头或插座,必须标有以下或同等的字样:"注意:有电击危险 - 请勿在普通病人护理区或危重病人护理区使用。本浪涌保护装置未经评估,不适用于《国家电气规范》第 517 条要求使用医院级组件的场合。

85.25 The caution marking of 85.24 shall comply with 85.5 and be:
85.25 85.24 的警戒标记应符合 85.5 的规定,并应

a) Clearly visible after mounting of the SPD; or
a) 安装 SPD 后明显可见;或

b) Provided on a tag affixed to the SPD power supply cord within 6 inches ( 152 mm ) of the attachment plug.
b) 贴在 SPD 电源线上的标签上,距离连接插头 6 英寸(152 毫米)范围内。

85.26 The cord tag of 85.25 (b) shall be tear-resistant and shall comply with 85.27 and Section 68, Permanence of Cord Tag Test. The tag shall be permanently affixed to the cord.
85.26 85.25(b)的绳索标签必须抗撕裂,并符合 85.27 和第 68 节 "绳索标签永久性试验 "的规定。标签须永久固定在绳索上。
Exception: A flag-type tag rated for the conditions of use and complying with the requirements for flag-type tags for use with cord sets and power supply cords is not required to be tested in accordance with Permanence of Cord Tag Test, Section 68.
例外:根据使用条件额定的旗型标签,并符合与电线组和电源线一起使用的旗型标签的要求,不需要按照第 68 节的电线标签持久性试验进行试验。

85.27 The cord tag of 85.25 (b) shall be in either of the following forms:
85.27 85.25 (b)的绳索标签应采用以下任一种形式:

a) A hang-type tag having a hole to permit securement to the cord by a plastic strap or equivalent. The strap shall not be removable without cutting; or
a) 挂式标签,标签上有孔,可用塑料带或类似物固定在绳索上。塑料带未经切割不得拆除;或

b) A flag-type tag with an adhesive back. The tag shall be wrapped around and adhere to the cord. The ends of the tag shall adhere to each other and project as a flag.
b) 背有粘合剂的旗帜型标签。标签应缠绕并粘附在绳索上。标签的两端应相互粘连,并作为一面旗帜伸出。

85.28 Molded Case SPDs shall additionally be marked with the applicable Termination markings, as required by UL 489.
85.28 根据 UL 489 的要求,模制外壳防雷器还应标有适用的终端标记。

85.29 A Pullout SPD “Pullout Module” shall additionally be marked:
85.29 拉出式防爆片 "拉出模块 "应附加标记:

a) To indicate the Cat. Nos. of the pullout base(s) with which it can be used.
a) 标明可与之配合使用的拉拔底座的目录编号。a) 标明可与之配合使用的拉拔底座的编号。

b) De-energize panelboard before replacing SPD pullout Module into panelboard, or equivalent, visible after installation.
b) 在将 SPD 拉出模块更换到配电板之前,先断开配电板的电源,或在安装后可见的同等设备上断开电源。

85.30 A Pullout SPD Pullout Base shall additionally be marked:
85.30 拉出式 SPD 拉出底座应附加标记:

a) With the Manufacturers name and Cat. No. on the front of the pullout base in a location that is visible after installation.
a) 在拉拔底座的正面明显位置注明制造商名称和 Cat.a) 在拉拔底座正面安装后明显可见的位置标明制造商名称和产品编号。

b) With the Cat. No. of the pullout module(s) that can be used with this pullout base.
b) 带有可与该拉拔底座配合使用的拉拔模块的 Cat.可与该拉拔底座一起使用的拉拔模块的编号。

85.31 An SPD intended for use only with flexible conduit shall be marked “For Use Only With a Flexible Conduit System” or the equivalent.
85.31 仅用于柔性导管的防爆片应标有 "仅用于柔性导管系统 "或同等标记。

85.32 Type 3 SPDs as described in 35.2 shall be marked: “CAUTION” and the following or the equivalent. “Limited for charging ITE equipment only.” Lettering shall not be less than 3 / 32 3 / 32 3//323 / 32 inch ( 2.4 mm ) high. This marking shall be located adjacent to the charging output so as to be visible during use.
85.32 35.2 所述第 3 类防雷器必须标有"注意 "和以下内容或同等内容。"仅限为 ITE 设备充电"。字母高度不得小于 3 / 32 3 / 32 3//323 / 32 英寸(2.4 毫米)。此标记应位于充电输出端附近,以便在使用过程中可见。

85.33 Type 3 SPDs as described in 36.2 shall be marked: “CAUTION” and the following or the equivalent. “No User Serviceable Parts.” Lettering shall not be less than 3 / 32 3 / 32 3//323 / 32 inch ( 2.4 mm ) high.
85.33 36.2 所述第 3 类防雷器必须标有"注意 "和以下内容或同等内容。"无用户可维修部件"。字体高度不得小于 3 / 32 3 / 32 3//323 / 32 英寸(2.4 毫米)。

85.34 Type 3 SPDs as described in 36.3 shall be marked “CAUTION” and following or equivalent wording: “Replace only with (Manufacturer) (voltage) type battery, risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type.”
85.34 36.3 中所述的 3 型防雷器必须标有 "注意 "字样和以下或同等字样:"只能用(制造商)(电压)型号的电池更换,如用不正确型号的电池更换有爆炸危险"。

85.35 A rack-mounted cord-connected Type 3 SPD for use in a portable equipment shall be marked “For use only in a portable equipment rack.”
85.35 用于便携式设备的机架式 3 型防雷器必须标明 "仅用于便携式设备机架"。

85.36 SPDs provided with terminals for connection of field-wiring shall have the following markings adjacent to the terminal:
85.36 带有用于连接现场接线的接线端子的防雷器必须在接线端子旁标有以下标记:

a) Conductor size or range of sizes;
a) 导线尺寸或尺寸范围;

c) Solid or stranded conductor other than as shall be marked “Solid” (or “Sol”) or “Stranded” (“or Str”) or with both markings as applicable;
c) 除此以外的实心或绞合导体应标明 "实心"(或 "Sol")或 "绞合"(或 "Str"),或同时标明适用的两种标记;

d) “Al Only” or “Use Aluminum Conductors Only” if the terminal is acceptable only for connection to aluminum wire;
d) 如果接线端子仅可用于连接铝导线,则标注 "仅铝导线 "或 "仅使用铝导线";

“Cu/Al” or "Use Copper or Aluminum Conductors " or “Use Copper, Copper-Clad Aluminum, or Aluminum Conductors” if the terminal is acceptable for connection to either copper or aluminum wire;
"Cu/Al "或 "使用铜导线或铝导线 "或 "使用铜导线、铜包铝导线或铝导线"(如果端子可用于连接铜线或铝线);

“Cu Only” or “USE COPPER OR COPPER-CLAD ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS” if the terminal is acceptable for connection to either copper or copper-clad aluminum wire;
如果端子可用于连接铜线或铜包铝导线,则标注 "仅限铜线 "或 "使用铜线或铜包铝导线";

e) If a terminal is acceptable for the connection of more than one conductor in the same opening and is intended for such use, the marking shall indicate the proper connection; and
e) 如果一个接线端子可以在同一开口处连接多于一个导体,并且是为这种用途而设计的,则标记应标明正确的连接;以及

f) Conductor strip length.
f) 导线带长度。
Exception: A field-wiring terminal intended only for the connection of a control circuit conductor (i. e. a status circuit) is not required to be marked with a value of tightening torque when tested in accordance with the applicable requirements in UL 486A-486B or UL 486E, with a value of tightening torque of 7 pound-inches ( 0.8 N m 0.8 N m 0.8N*m0.8 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} ).
例外情况:仅用于连接控制电路导体(即状态电路)的现场接线端子,在按照 UL 486A-486B 或 UL 486E 的适用要求进行测试时,无需标注拧紧扭矩值,拧紧扭矩值为 7 磅-英寸 ( 0.8 N m 0.8 N m 0.8N*m0.8 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{~m} )。

85.37 An open-type SPD intended for use in an enclosure, larger than indicated in 40.16 (a) - ©, shall be marked with the intended enclosure dimensions.
85.37 用于大于 40.16 (a) - © 所示外壳的开放式防雷器,必须标明外壳尺寸。
Exception: This marking is able to be provided on a separate sheet or in the installation instructions when there is not sufficient room on the device for the marking.

85.38 SPDs provided with status or alarm circuit connections shall be marked with the following electrical ratings as applicable to the status or alarm circuit connections: voltage (volts), ac power frequency ( Hz ) or direct current (dc), current (amperes), type of load and, if applicable, "Class 2 ".
85.38 带有状态或报警电路连接的防雷器必须标明以下适用于状态或报警电路连接的电气额定值:电压 (伏特)、交流电频率(赫兹)或直流电(直流)、电流(安培)、负载类型以及(如适用)"2 级"。
Exception No. 1: If the type of load is general purpose, a type of load marking is not required.
例外 1:如果负载类型为通用负载,则不需要负载类型标记。

Exception No. 2: This marking is able to be provided on a separate sheet or in the installation instructions when there is not sufficient room on the device for the marking.
例外情况 2:当设备上没有足够的空间进行标记时,可以在单独的纸张上或安装说明中进行标记。

85.39 Open-type SPDs shall be marked “Installation within an enclosure required, see installation instructions” or the equivalent.
85.39 开放式防雷器必须标明 "要求安装在外壳内,参见安装说明 "或同等标记。

85.40 An SPD, intended for connection using exposed wiring methods, shall be marked “CAUTION: Risk of Electric Shock - Only intended for installation in accordance with National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, Article 398” or the equivalent.
85.40 用于外露接线方式连接的防雷器必须标明 "注意:有触电危险 - 仅用于按照国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 第 398 条进行安装 "或同等标志。

85.41 An SPD rated for use in an altitude higher than 2000 m , see 84.6 , may be marked to indicate the maximum altitude.
85.41 海拔高于 2000 米(见 84.6)的防爆片可标明最高海拔高度。


86 Details  86 详情

86.1 An instruction manual or the equivalent shall be provided, shall only reference those applications that have been evaluated, and shall include the following:
86.1 应提供使用手册或类似手册,手册应仅提及已评估的应用,并应包括以下内容:

a) Instructions for installation: Instructions for permanently wired devices shall include the wire gauge sizes, the ampacity of the circuit the device is intended for use on, and the internal wiring methods showing location and routing. The instructions shall state: “The conductors used to connect the SPD to the line or bus and to ground shall not be any longer than necessary and shall avoid unnecessary bends” or similar wording.
a) 安装说明:永久接线装置的说明应包括电线规格尺寸、装置预定使用电路的安培数以及显示位置和线路的内部接线方法。说明书应说明"用于连接防雷器与线路或总线以及接地的导线不得超过所需的长度,并应避免不必要的弯曲 "或类似的措辞。

b) Instructions for mounting. For open-type SPDs, instructions specify that the SPD is intended for installation within a suitable enclosure in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
b) 安装说明。对于开放式防雷器,说明中应明确指出防雷器应安装在符合国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 的合适外壳内。

c) An explanation of the purpose and function of any indicator (lights, audio indicators, and similar indicators) features employed on the SPD.
c) 解释 SPD 上使用的任何指示器(灯光、声音指示器和类似指示器)的目的和功能。

d) The interrupting rating of any required external circuit breaker or the short-circuit current level of any required external fuse.
d) 任何所需外部断路器的额定分断能力或任何所需外部熔断器的短路电流水平。

e) The following statement shall be required for SPDs intended for use on ungrounded power systems: “Caution - Ungrounded power systems are inherently unstable and can produce excessively high line-to-ground voltages during certain fault conditions. During these fault conditions any electrical equipment, including an SPD, may be subjected to voltages which exceed their designed ratings. This information is being provided to the user so that an informed decision can be made before installing any electrical equipment on an ungrounded power system.”
e) 用于非接地电力系统的防雷器必须有以下说明:"注意 - 非接地电源系统本身不稳定,在某些故障情况下会产生过高的线对地电压。在这些故障情况下,包括 SPD 在内的任何电气设备都可能承受超过其设计额定值的电压。向用户提供这些信息,是为了让用户在非接地电力系统上安装任何电气设备之前,能够做出明智的决定"。

f) A rack-mounted cord-connected Type 3 SPD shall be provided with instructions for mounting within portable and/or stationary equipment, as applicable.
f) 安装在机架上的电线连接式 3 类防雷器应附有安装在便携式和/或固定式设备内(如适用)的说明。

g) SPDs with terminals for connection of field-wiring shall include:
g) 带有连接现场接线端子的 SPD 应包括
  1. Conductor size or range of sizes;
  2. Tightening torque or range of values;
  3. Solid or stranded conductor other than as shall be marked “Solid” (or “Sol”) or “Stranded” (“or Str”) or with both markings as applicable;
    除此以外的实心或绞合导体应标明 "实心"(或 "Sol")或 "绞合"(或 "Str"),或同时标明适用的两种标记;
  4. “Al Only” or “Use Aluminum Conductors Only” if the terminal is acceptable only for connection to aluminum wire;
    如果端子只能用于连接铝导线,则显示 "Al Only(仅铝导线)"或 "Use Aluminum Conductors Only(仅使用铝导线)";

    “Cu/Al” or "Use Copper or Aluminum Conductors " or “Use Copper, Copper-Clad Aluminum, or Aluminum Conductors” if the terminal is acceptable for connection to either copper or aluminum wire;
    "Cu/Al "或 "使用铜导线或铝导线 "或 "使用铜导线、铜包铝导线或铝导线"(如果端子可用于连接铜线或铝线);

    “Cu Only” or “USE COPPER OR COPPER-CLAD ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS” if the terminal is acceptable for connection to either copper or copper-clad aluminum wire.
    如果端子可用于连接铜线或铜包铝导线,则标注 "仅限铜线 "或 "使用铜线或铜包铝导线"。
UL COP5) If a terminal is acceptable for the connection of more than one conductor in the same REPRODU Copening and is intended for such use, thémarking/shall indicate the proper connection/ and
UL COP5) 如果一个端子可用于连接同一 REPRODU Copening 中的多根导体,并且是为这种用途而设计的,则该端子上的标记/应标明正确的连接方式/和连接点。

6) Conductor strip Length.
6) 导线带长度。
Exception: A separate instruction manual is not required if the material covered in (a) - (e), is either marked on, or otherwise provided as part of, the equipment.

86.2 A Type 3 SPD that incorporates a molded-on or assembled-on hospital grade attachment plug or receptacle, shall include in the instructions, packaging, or other literature accompanying the SPD, the following or equivalent wording: “CAUTION: Risk of Electric Shock - Do not use in General Patient Care Areas or Critical Patient Care Areas. This surge protective device has not been evaluated for use where Article 517 of the National Electrical Code requires Hospital Grade components.”
86.2 带有模制或装配式医院级附件插头或插座的 3 类防雷器,必须在说明书、包装或防雷器附带的其他资料中注明以下内容或同等内容:"注意:电击风险 - 请勿在普通病人护理区或危重病人护理区使用。本浪涌保护装置未经评估,不能用于《国家电气规范》第 517 条要求使用医院级组件的场所。

86.3 Type 3 SPDs that incorporate a replaceable rechargeable battery pack as described in Rechargeable Battery Pack, Section 36, shall include in the instructions, packaging, or other literature accompanying the SPDs, the following or equivalent wording:
86.3 安装了第 36 节 "充电电池组 "所述可更换充电电池组的第 3 类防雷器,必须在说明书、包装或随防雷器附带的其他资料中注明以下内容或同等内容:

a) For use only with battery packs specified by the manufacturer. A charger that is suitable for one type of battery pack may create a risk of fire when used with another battery pack.
a) 只能与制造商指定的电池组一起使用。适用于一种电池组的充电器在与另一种电池组一起使用时可能会造成起火危险。

b) When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys, nails, screws or other small metal objects, that can make a connection from one terminal to another. Shorting the battery terminals together may cause burns or a fire.
b) 电池组不使用时,请远离其他金属物品,如回形针、硬币、钥匙、钉子、螺钉或其他小金属物品,这些物品可能会将一个端子连接到另一个端子。电池端子短路可能会导致烧伤或火灾。

c) Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected from the battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally occurs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes, seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the battery may cause irritation or burns.
c) 在恶劣条件下,液体可能会从电池中喷出;请避免接触。如果不慎接触,请用水冲洗。如果液体接触到眼睛,请就医。从电池中喷出的液体可能会造成刺激或灼伤。

86.4 An SPD, shall be provided with installation instructions and the parts needed to mount the product as instructed, unless the parts are readily available to the installer. Parts not provided shall be described in detail in the instructions, with a warning that no substitutions shall be permitted.
86.4 须向 SPD 提供安装说明和按说明安装产品所需的部件,除非安装人员可随时获得这些部件。未提供的部件应在说明书中详细说明,并警告不得替换。

86.5 Installation Instructions for an SPD intended for connection using exposed wiring methods shall include the following or equivalent wording: “CAUTION: Risk of Electric Shock - Only intended for installation in accordance with National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, Article 398”.
86.5 用于外露接线方式连接的防雷器的安装说明应包括以下内容或同等内容:"注意:有电击危险 - 仅用于符合国家电气规范 ANSI/NFPA 70 第 398 条的安装。
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补充材料 SA - 光电 (PV) 自耦降压器

SA1 Scope  SA1 范围

SA1.1 These requirements cover DC SPDs intended for use in photovoltaic applications, not exceeding 1500 Vdc, and known as PV SPDs. PV SPDs shall comply with the requirements in this standard except as amended by this Supplement, as follows. For the purpose of determining construction requirements for PV SPDs not specified in this supplement, PV SPDs are to be treated as SPD Type 1.
SA1.1 本要求适用于光伏应用中的直流防雷器,直流电压不超过 1500 Vdc,称为光伏防雷器。光伏防雷器应符合本标准中的要求,本补充规定中的修改除外。在确定本补充条款未规定的 PV SPD 的结构要求时,PV SPD 应视为 SPD 类型 1。

SA2 Glossary  SA2 术语表

SA2.1 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} - The maximum permitted DC voltage, as specified by the manufacturer, which can be applied across the PV SPD.
SA2.1 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} - 制造商规定的光伏 SPD 两端允许的最大直流电压。

SA2.2 LEAKAGE (Quiescent) CURRENT (lq) - Measured leakage current at V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }}.
SA2.2 LEAKAGE (Quiescent) CURRENT (lq) - V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 时的测量漏电流。

SA3 Spacings  SA3 间距

SA3.1 Use the peak voltages for Type 1 or Type 2 SPDs in Table 18.1 as the DC Voltage to determine the Spacing requirements for PV SPDs rated up to 1414.2 Vdc, plus the following spacings up to 1500 Vdc.
SA3.1 使用表 18.1 中 1 型或 2 型防雷器的峰值电压作为直流电压,以确定额定电压高达 1414.2 伏直流的光伏防雷器的间距要求,以及下列高达 1500 伏直流的间距要求。
Voltage, DC  电压,直流 Through Air, mm (inches)
Over Surface, mm (inches)

Uninsulated Live Parts to
the Metal Enclosure, mm
Uninsulated Live Parts to the Metal Enclosure, mm (inches)| Uninsulated Live Parts to | | :---: | | the Metal Enclosure, mm | | (inches) |
over 1414.2 1500 1414.2 1500 1414.2-15001414.2-1500  超过 1414.2 1500 1414.2 1500 1414.2-15001414.2-1500 14.7 mm ( 0.58 14.7 mm ( 0.58 14.7mm(0.5814.7 \mathrm{~mm}(0.58 inches ) ) ))
14.7 mm ( 0.58 14.7 mm ( 0.58 14.7mm(0.5814.7 \mathrm{~mm}(0.58 英寸 ) ) ))
22.9 mm ( 0.90 22.9 mm ( 0.90 22.9mm(0.9022.9 \mathrm{~mm}(0.90 inches ) ) ))
22.9 mm ( 0.90 22.9 mm ( 0.90 22.9mm(0.9022.9 \mathrm{~mm}(0.90 英寸 ) ) ))
27.3 mm ( 1.08 27.3 mm ( 1.08 27.3mm(1.0827.3 \mathrm{~mm}(1.08 inches ) ) ))
27.3 mm ( 1.08 27.3 mm ( 1.08 27.3mm(1.0827.3 \mathrm{~mm}(1.08 英寸 ) ) ))
Voltage, DC Through Air, mm (inches) Over Surface, mm (inches) "Uninsulated Live Parts to the Metal Enclosure, mm (inches)" over 1414.2-1500 14.7mm(0.58 inches ) 22.9mm(0.90 inches ) 27.3mm(1.08 inches )| Voltage, DC | Through Air, mm (inches) | Over Surface, mm (inches) | Uninsulated Live Parts to <br> the Metal Enclosure, mm <br> (inches) | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | over $1414.2-1500$ | $14.7 \mathrm{~mm}(0.58$ inches $)$ | $22.9 \mathrm{~mm}(0.90$ inches $)$ | $27.3 \mathrm{~mm}(1.08$ inches $)$ |
SA3.2 Spacings specified in the Standard for Insulation Coordination Including Clearance and Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment, UL 840, as described in 20.4 20.4 _ 20.4 _\underline{20.4} may be used as an alternative to SA3.1.
20.4 20.4 _ 20.4 _\underline{20.4} 中所述的《电气设备绝缘配合(包括间隙和爬电距离)标准》(UL 840)中规定的 SA3.2 间距可用作 SA3.1 的替代。
SA4 Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test (Section 39) for PV SPDs
SA4 光伏防雷器的介电耐压测试(第 39 节
Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test Values for PV SPDs
光伏 SPD 的介电耐压测试值
V (SPD MAX) (Vdc) Test Value a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} (Vdc)
测试值 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} (Vdc)
Up to 1500  高达 1500 1000 + ( 2 × V pvdc ) 1000 + 2 × V pvdc  1000+(2xxV_("pvdc "))1000+\left(2 \times \mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }}\right)
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} Equivalent AC Test Voltage (DC Test Value / 1.414) can be utilized.
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 可以使用等效交流测试电压(直流测试值/1.414)。
V (SPD MAX) (Vdc) Test Value ^("a ") (Vdc) Up to 1500 1000+(2xxV_("pvdc ")) ^("a ") Equivalent AC Test Voltage (DC Test Value / 1.414) can be utilized. | V (SPD MAX) (Vdc) | Test Value ${ }^{\text {a }}$ (Vdc) | | :---: | :---: | | Up to 1500 | $1000+\left(2 \times \mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }}\right)$ | | ${ }^{\text {a }}$ Equivalent AC Test Voltage (DC Test Value / 1.414) can be utilized. | |

SA5 DC Voltage Test Source Requirements
SA5 直流电压测试源要求

SA5.1 All testing shall be conducted using a linear dc source of supply, unless detailed otherwise below. Calibration and characteristics of dc circuits shall be in accordance with the Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, UL 508, that specifies time constants, etc.
SA5.1 除非下文另有详细说明,所有测试均应使用线性直流电源。直流电路的校准和特性应符合 UL 508 工业控制设备标准,其中规定了时间常数等。
Exception: The time constant shall be a minimum of 1 msec .
例外情况:时间常数至少为 1 毫秒。

SA6 Voltage Protection Rating Test (41.6)
SA6 电压保护额定值测试 (41.6)

SA6.1 Shall be conducted using the V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }}.
SA6.1 应使用 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 进行。
Exception No. 2: PV SPDs that permit follow current, such as air gap devices (see, shall be tested with the unit energized at V pvdc. V pvdc.  V_("pvdc. ")V_{\text {pvdc. }}. The available short circuit current of the DC Source shall be equal to the Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) of the PV SPD.
例外 2:允许跟随电流的光伏防雷器,如空气间隙装置(见,应在装置通电 V pvdc. V pvdc.  V_("pvdc. ")V_{\text {pvdc. }} 时进行测试。直流电源的可用短路电流应等于 PV SPD 的额定短路电流 (SCCR)。

SA7 Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) Test (41.7)
SA7 额定放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) 试验 (41.7)

SA7.1 PV SPDs shall be tested at a Nominal Discharge Current ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) of 20 kA , with V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} applied between each surge, as specified in 41.7.3.
SA7.1 根据 41.7.3 的规定,光伏防雷器应在 ( I n ) I n (I_(n))\left(I_{n}\right) 20 kA 的标称放电电流 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 下进行测试,每个浪涌之间应施加 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }}
Exception No. 1: PV SPDs that permit follow current, such as air gap devices (see, shall be tested with the unit energized at V pvdc. V pvdc.  V_("pvdc. ")V_{\text {pvdc. }}. The available short circuit current of the DC Source shall be equal to the Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) of the PV SPD.
例外 1:允许跟随电流的光伏防雷器,如空气间隙装置(参见,应在装置通电 V pvdc. V pvdc.  V_("pvdc. ")V_{\text {pvdc. }} 时进行测试。直流电源的可用短路电流应等于 PV SPD 的额定短路电流 (SCCR)。
Exception No. 2: SPD Type 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPDs may be tested at I n I n I_(n)I_{n} levels as permitted in Section 42.
例外 2:4 类 SPD 组件和 5 类 SPD 可按第 42 节允许的 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 级进行测试。
Exception No. 3: SPD Type 1 and 2 Component Assemblies may be tested at I n I n I_(n)I_{n} levels as permitted in 41.7.1.
例外 3:1 类和 2 类 SPD 组件可按 41.7.1 中允许的 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 级进行试验。

SA8 Current Tests (Section 45)
SA8 电流测试(第 45 节)

SA8.1 Testing shall be carried out at V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} or greater.
SA8.1 测试应在 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 或更高电压下进行。

SA8.2 Each of the following current tests shall be performed on a new set of three configured samples, with an available short-circuit current of 2.5 A , 10 A , 100 A , 500 A , 1000 A 2.5 A , 10 A , 100 A , 500 A , 1000 A 2.5A,10A,100A,500A,1000A2.5 \mathrm{~A}, 10 \mathrm{~A}, 100 \mathrm{~A}, 500 \mathrm{~A}, 1000 \mathrm{~A} and at the short circuit current rating. Current levels that exceed the short circuit current rating need not be tested.
SA8.2 下列每项电流测试均须在一组新的三个配置样本上进行,可用短路电流为 2.5 A , 10 A , 100 A , 500 A , 1000 A 2.5 A , 10 A , 100 A , 500 A , 1000 A 2.5A,10A,100A,500A,1000A2.5 \mathrm{~A}, 10 \mathrm{~A}, 100 \mathrm{~A}, 500 \mathrm{~A}, 1000 \mathrm{~A} ,短路电流额定值为 2.5 A , 10 A , 100 A , 500 A , 1000 A 2.5 A , 10 A , 100 A , 500 A , 1000 A 2.5A,10A,100A,500A,1000A2.5 \mathrm{~A}, 10 \mathrm{~A}, 100 \mathrm{~A}, 500 \mathrm{~A}, 1000 \mathrm{~A} 。超过短路额定电流的电流无需测试。
Exception No. 1: For Type 5 SPDs, these tests shall not be conducted.
例外 1: 对于 5 型 SPD,不应进行这些测试。

Exception No. 2: For SPD Type 4 Component Assemblies, these tests shall only be conducted at 2.5A and 10A.
例外 2: 对于 4 类 SPD 组件,这些测试只能在 2.5A 和 10A 下进行。
SA8.3 In order to ensure conduction of test current (beyond leakage current) at all test levels for MOV based PV SPDs, the tests shall be conducted by energizing samples prepared with lower voltage rated MOV (s) at the voltage V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }}. The test samples shall be prepared by replacing the original MOV(s), of the PV SPD, with those having a V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} (measured at the 1 mA DC point) that is equal to, or lower than, 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% of V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")V_{\text {pvdc }}.
SA8.3 为确保基于 MOV 的 PV SPD 在所有测试级别都能传导测试电流(超出泄漏电流),应在电压 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 下为使用较低额定电压 MOV 制备的样品通电。在制备测试样品时,应将 PV SPD 的原始 MOV 替换为 V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} (在 1 mA DC 点测量)等于或低于 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")V_{\text {pvdc }} 的 MOV。
Example 1: A PV SPD is specified by the manufacturer to have a V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} of 1060 V . To prepare suitable samples for testing, the manufacturer shall replace the original MOVs with those having a V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} (at 1 mA , DC 1 mA , DC 1mA,DC1 \mathrm{~mA}, \mathrm{DC} ) equal to 1007 VDC ( 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% of 1060 V ), or lower. On reviewing the series of available MOVs, there are two choices available, one at 1000 VDC and one at 1100 VDC. In order to satisfy the requirement the one rated 1000 VDC (at 1 mA , DC 1 mA , DC 1mA,DC1 \mathrm{~mA}, \mathrm{DC} ) is selected.
例 1:制造商规定 PV SPD 的 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 为 1060 V。为了准备合适的测试样品,制造商必须用 V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} (在 1 mA , DC 1 mA , DC 1mA,DC1 \mathrm{~mA}, \mathrm{DC} 处)等于 1007 VDC( 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% 为 1060 V)或更低的 MOV 替换原来的 MOV。查看现有的 MOV 系列,有两种选择,一种是 1000 VDC,另一种是 1100 VDC。为了满足要求,我们选择了额定电压为 1000 VDC( 1 mA , DC 1 mA , DC 1mA,DC1 \mathrm{~mA}, \mathrm{DC} )的 MOV。
Note: This sample will be evaluated per SA8.3 by energizing it at 1060 VDC. The samples prepared for this purpose are measured to ensure that the actual V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} (at 1 mA , DC ) falls within the requirement of 95 % V pvdc 95 % V pvdc 95%V_(pvdc)95 \% \mathrm{~V}_{\mathrm{pvdc}}, or lower.
注:该样品将根据 SA8.3 在 1060 V 直流电压下通电进行评估。为此目的准备的样品经过测量,以确保实际 V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} (1 mA 时,直流)符合 95 % V pvdc 95 % V pvdc 95%V_(pvdc)95 \% \mathrm{~V}_{\mathrm{pvdc}} 或更低的要求。
Exception No. 1: The manufacturer may submit samples using MOVs having a V n V n V_(n)V_{n} that is greater than, 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% of V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")V_{\text {pvdc }} provided that these conduct adequate test current to exhibit permanent disconnection of the SPD within 2 minutes after the application of Vpvdc. The energizing voltage may also be elevated in excess of V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")V_{\text {pvdc }}, if so required by the manufacturer, in order to exhibit permanent disconnection within the 2 minute time requirement.
例外情况 1:制造商可以提交使用 MOV 的样品,这些 MOV 的 V n V n V_(n)V_{n} 大于 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")V_{\text {pvdc }} ,但这些 MOV 必须能够传导足够的测试电流,以便在施加 Vpvdc 后 2 分钟内显示 SPD 永久断开。如果制造商有此要求,通电电压也可升高到 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")V_{\text {pvdc }} 以上,以便在 2 分钟内显示永久断开。
Exception No. 2: For SPD configurations, where a mode consists of two MOVs with the same V n @ 1 mA V n @ 1 mA V_(n)@1mAV_{n} @ 1 \mathrm{~mA}, D C D C DCD C (Varistor voltage) rating in series, one MOV may be shorted with V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")V_{\text {pvdc }} applied.
例外情况 2:对于 SPD 配置,如果一个模式由两个具有相同 V n @ 1 mA V n @ 1 mA V_(n)@1mAV_{n} @ 1 \mathrm{~mA} D C D C DCD C (压敏电阻电压)额定值的 MOV 串联组成,则一个 MOV 可以短路,同时应用 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")V_{\text {pvdc }}
Exception No. 3: SPD configurations, where a mode consists of more than two MOVs in series, one or more MOVs may be shorted to achieve the requirements of V n V n V_(n)V_{n} of the mode to be equal to 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% or lower of the V pvdc. V pvdc.  V_("pvdc. ")V_{\text {pvdc. }}. This does not always have to be applied to SPD configurations where more than two MOVs are used in series since replacing all or some of the MOVs to achieve the 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% or lower requirement would satisfy this requirement.
例外情况 3:SPD 配置中,如果一个模式由两个以上串联的 MOV 组成,则可以短接一个或多个 MOV,以实现该模式的 V n V n V_(n)V_{n} 等于 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% V pvdc. V pvdc.  V_("pvdc. ")V_{\text {pvdc. }} 更低值的要求。这并不总是适用于串联使用两个以上 MOV 的 SPD 配置,因为更换全部或部分 MOV 以达到 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% 或更低的要求即可满足这一要求。
Exception No. 4: If considered acceptable by all parties, rather than using a lower voltage rated MOV apply a test voltage that is equal to or greater than the measured V n @ 1 V n @ 1 V_(n)@1V_{n} @ 1 1ma of the MOV divided by 0.95. For multiple MOVs in series, add the measured V n @ 1 m A V n @ 1 m A V_(n)@1mAV_{n} @ 1 m A of all the MOVs and divide by 0.95 to determine the minimum test voltage.
例外情况 4: 如果各方都认为可以接受,则不使用额定电压较低的 MOV,而是使用等于或大于 MOV 测量值 V n @ 1 V n @ 1 V_(n)@1V_{n} @ 1 1ma 除以 0.95 的测试电压。对于串联的多个 MOV,将所有 MOV 的测量值 V n @ 1 m A V n @ 1 m A V_(n)@1mAV_{n} @ 1 m A 相加除以 0.95,以确定最小测试电压。
SA8.4 In order to ensure conduction of test current (beyond leakage current) at all test levels for nonMOV based PV SPDs, the tests shall be conducted using one or any combination of the following methods:
SA8.4 为确保非 MOV 型光电池防雷器在所有测试级别都能传导测试电流(超出漏泄 电流),测试须采用下列方法之一或任何组合进行:

a) Short out any voltage switching components with solid wire that shall not open during the test;
a) 用实心导线短接任何电压开关元件,测试期间不得断开;

b) Increase the test voltage to a value that is equal to or greater than 105 % 105 % 105%105 \% of V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }};
b) 将测试电压升至等于或大于 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 105 % 105 % 105%105 \% 值;

c) For voltage switching-type PV SPDs, a combination waveform surge shall be applied on the DC power source at a voltage level to turn on the PV SPD.
c) 对于电压开关型光伏防雷器,应在直流电源上施加组合波形浪涌,其电压水平应能打开光伏防雷器。

SA9 Temperature Withstand Test (Section 46)
SA9 耐温测试(第 46 节)

SA9.1 PV SPD shall be energized at V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} and placed in an oven for 24 hours at the manufacturer’s maximum rated ambient temperature without any disconnect opening. Two port PV SPDs are also operated at maximum rated current during this test.
SA9.1 光电池防雷器必须在 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 通电,并在制造商规定的最高额定环境温度下放置 24 小时,不得打开任何断开开关。在此测试期间,两个端口的 PV SPD 也以最大额定电流运行。
Exception: PV SPDs employing Thermal Responsive Devices that are investigated to and that comply with Section 46, 47 or 48 of UL 1449, at the maximum rated ambient temperature, are considered to comply with this requirement.
例外情况:在最高额定环境温度下,采用热敏器件的光伏 SPD 经调查符合 UL 1449 第 46、47 或 48 节的规定,则视为符合本要求。

SA10 Thermal Responsive Device Testing (Section 47)
SA10 热响应设备测试(第 47 节)

SA10.1 Each specimen group consists of 2 test samples (1 sample per current level) and is to be subjected to Current Testing at the 2.5A and 10A test levels.
SA10.1 每组试样由 2 个测试样本组成(每个电流等级 1 个样本),在 2.5A 和 10A 测试等级下进行电流测试。
SA10.2 SA8.3 shall be used for Thermal Responsive Device Testing (Section 47). No voltage is to be applied during I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} testing.
SA10.2 SA8.3 应用于热敏器件测试(第 47 节)。 I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} 测试期间不施加电压。
SA10.3 Thermal Responsive Device Testing is considered representative of the 2.5 A and 10 A levels specified in SA8.2.
SA10.3 热响应设备测试被认为是 SA8.2 中规定的 2.5 A 和 10 A 级别的代表。

SA11 PV SPD Leakage (Quiesent) Current (Iq) Test
SA11 光伏防雷器泄漏(静态)电流 (Iq) 测试

SA11.1 Normal use leakage current at V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} shall be measured. The PV SPD shall be connected to V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} and the total leakage measured. The leakage current shall be as specified by the manufacturer.
SA11.1 应测量 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} 正常使用时的泄漏电流。光伏防雷器应连接至 V pvdc V pvdc  V_("pvdc ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }} ,并测量总泄漏电流。泄漏电流应符合制造商的规定。

SA12 Operational Voltage Test
SA12 工作电压测试

SA12.1 Operational Voltage Test per Section 44 is not applicable for PV SPDs.
SA12.1 第 44 节规定的工作电压测试不适用于 PV SPD。

SA13 Markings  SA13 标识

SA13.1 In addition to the markings of 85.1 ( a ) , 85.1 ( b ) , 85 , 1 ( h ) 85.1 ( a ) , 85.1 ( b ) , 85 , 1 ( h ) 85.1(a),85.1(b),85,1(h)85.1(\mathrm{a}), 85.1(\mathrm{~b}), 85,1(\mathrm{~h}) and 85 , 1 ( j ) 85 , 1 ( j ) 85,1(j)85,1(\mathrm{j}), SPDs shall be marked as follows: “PV SPD”, V prdo V prdo  V_("prdo ")V_{\text {prdo }}, In, VPR per mode, Leakage Current (Iq), Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR), REMaximum/Ambient Temperature and Load Curent/Rating in amperes (when applicable). FROM UL INC.
SA13.1 除 85.1 ( a ) , 85.1 ( b ) , 85 , 1 ( h ) 85.1 ( a ) , 85.1 ( b ) , 85 , 1 ( h ) 85.1(a),85.1(b),85,1(h)85.1(\mathrm{a}), 85.1(\mathrm{~b}), 85,1(\mathrm{~h}) 85 , 1 ( j ) 85 , 1 ( j ) 85,1(j)85,1(\mathrm{j}) 标记外,SPD 还应标记如下:"PV SPD"、 V prdo V prdo  V_("prdo ")V_{\text {prdo }} 、In、每种模式的 VPR、漏电流 (Iq)、短路电流额定值 (SCCR)、REMaximum/环境温度和负载电流/额定值(安培)(如适用)。来自 UL INC.
SA13.2 In addition to the markings of 85.1 (a), 85.1 (b), 85.1 (h) and 85.1 ( j ) 85.1 ( j ) 85.1(j)85.1(\mathrm{j}), PV SPD Type 1,2 Component Assemblies shall be marked as follows: “SPD Type # (1, 2) Component Assembly”, V pvdc , I n V pvdc  , I n V_("pvdc "),I_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }}, I_{\mathrm{n}}, VPR per mode, Leakage Current (lq), Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR), Maximum Ambient Temperature and Load Current Rating in amperes (when applicable).
SA13.2 除 85.1 (a)、85.1 (b)、85.1 (h) 和 85.1 ( j ) 85.1 ( j ) 85.1(j)85.1(\mathrm{j}) 的标记外,光伏 SPD 类型 1、2 组件组件应标记如下:"SPD 类型 # (1, 2) 元件组件"、 V pvdc , I n V pvdc  , I n V_("pvdc "),I_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\text {pvdc }}, I_{\mathrm{n}} 、每模式 VPR、漏电流 (lq)、短路电流额定值 (SCCR)、最高环境温度和负载电流额定值(安培)(如适用)。

Assemblies and Type 5 SPDs shall be marked as follows: V p v d c , I n V p v d c ¯ , I n bar(V_(pvdc)),I_(n)\overline{V_{p v d c}}, I_{n} and M L V M L V ¯ bar(MLV)\overline{M L V} (per mode as applicable).
组件和 5 型 SPD 应按如下方式标记: V p v d c , I n V p v d c ¯ , I n bar(V_(pvdc)),I_(n)\overline{V_{p v d c}}, I_{n} M L V M L V ¯ bar(MLV)\overline{M L V} (按适用模式)。

补充 SB - 直流电 (DC) SPD

SB1 Scope  SB1 范围

SB1.1 These requirements cover DC SPDs intended for use in general DC applications, not exceeding 1500 Vdc , where the available dc short circuit current is greater than 2.5A, and known as DC SPDs. DC SPDs shall comply with the requirements in this standard except as amended by this Supplement, as follows.
SB1.1 本要求适用于直流短路电流大于 2.5A 的一般直流应用中使用的直流防雷器,电压不超过 1500 Vdc。直流防雷器应符合本标准的要求,但本补充规定所修订的除外。

SB2 Glossary  SB2 术语表

SB2. 1 V dcmcov 1 V dcmcov  1V_("dcmcov ")1 \mathrm{~V}_{\text {dcmcov }} - The maximum permitted DC voltage across the DC SPD. The Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV) of the SPD is the manufacturer’s declared maximum designated DC voltage that may be continuously applied to the mode of protection of an SPD.
SB2。 1 V dcmcov 1 V dcmcov  1V_("dcmcov ")1 \mathrm{~V}_{\text {dcmcov }} - 直流防雷器上允许的最大直流电压。防雷器的最大连续工作电压 (MCOV) 是制造商宣布的可连续应用于防雷器保护模式的最大指定直流电压。

SB2.2 LEAKAGE (Quiescent) CURRENT (Iq) - Measured leakage current at V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmcov }}.
SB2.2 漏泄(静态)电流 (Iq) - V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmcov }} 时的测量漏泄电流。

SB3 Spacings  SB3 间距

SB3.1 Spacings for DC SPDs shall be as detailed in Table SB3.1.
SB3.1 直流防雷器的间距应详见表 SB3.1。
Table SB3.1 Spacings for DC SPDs
表 SB3.1 直流 SPD 的间距
Spacings, mm (inches)  间距,毫米(英寸)
Between any uninsulated live part and an uninsulated live part of opposite polarity, and uninsulated grounded dead metal parts other than the enclosure, or exposed dead metal parts that are isolated (insulated) e,f e,f  ^("e,f "){ }^{\text {e,f }}
在任何未绝缘的带电部件和极性相反的未绝缘带电部件之间,以及除外壳以外的未绝缘接地无电金属部件或已隔离(绝缘)的裸露无电金属部件之间 e,f e,f  ^("e,f "){ }^{\text {e,f }} .
Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fitting for conduit or armored cable b,c,e, , f b,c,e,  , f ^("b,c,e, ",f){ }^{\text {b,c,e, }, f}
任何未绝缘带电部件与金属外壳壁之间,包括导管或铠装电缆的接头 b,c,e, , f b,c,e,  , f ^("b,c,e, ",f){ }^{\text {b,c,e, }, f} .
Product  产品 Potential, volts - DC
电位,伏 - 直流
Through air or oil
Over surface  表面以上 Shortest distance  最短距离
Cord-Connected and direct plug-in types
0-70.7 1.2 (3/64) 1.2 (3/64) 1.2 (3/64)
70.8-176.8 1.6 (1/16) 1.6 (1/16) 6.4 (1/4)
176.9-353.5 2.4 (3/32) 2.4 (3/32) 6.4 (1/4)
353.6-848.5 9.5 d ( 3 / 8 ) d 9.5 ( 3 / 8 ) 9.5^("d ")(3//8)^("d ")9.5{ }^{\text {d }}(3 / 8)^{\text {d }} 12.7 d ( 1 / 2 ) d 12.7 ( 1 / 2 ) 12.7^("d ")(1//2)^("d ")12.7^{\text {d }}(1 / 2)^{\text {d }} 12.7 (1/2)
Permanentlyconnected Types
0-212.1 3.2 a ( 1 / 8 ) a 3.2 ( 1 / 8 ) 3.2^("a ")(1//8)^("a ")3.2{ }^{\text {a }}(1 / 8)^{\text {a }} 6.4 (1/4) 12.7 (1/2)
212.1-424.3 6.4 (1/4) 9.5 (3/8) 12.7 (1/2)
424.4 - 848.5 9.5 (3/8) 12.7 (1/2) 12.7 (1/2)
848.6-1414.2 14 (0.55) 21.6 (0.85) 25.4 (1)
1414.2-1500 14.7 (0.58) 22.9 (0.90) 27.3 (1.08)
Spacings, mm (inches) Between any uninsulated live part and an uninsulated live part of opposite polarity, and uninsulated grounded dead metal parts other than the enclosure, or exposed dead metal parts that are isolated (insulated) ^("e,f ") Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fitting for conduit or armored cable ^("b,c,e, ",f) Product Potential, volts - DC Through air or oil Over surface Shortest distance Cord-Connected and direct plug-in types 0-70.7 1.2 (3/64) 1.2 (3/64) 1.2 (3/64) 70.8-176.8 1.6 (1/16) 1.6 (1/16) 6.4 (1/4) 176.9-353.5 2.4 (3/32) 2.4 (3/32) 6.4 (1/4) 353.6-848.5 9.5^("d ")(3//8)^("d ") 12.7^("d ")(1//2)^("d ") 12.7 (1/2) Permanentlyconnected Types 0-212.1 3.2^("a ")(1//8)^("a ") 6.4 (1/4) 12.7 (1/2) 212.1-424.3 6.4 (1/4) 9.5 (3/8) 12.7 (1/2) 424.4 - 848.5 9.5 (3/8) 12.7 (1/2) 12.7 (1/2) 848.6-1414.2 14 (0.55) 21.6 (0.85) 25.4 (1) 1414.2-1500 14.7 (0.58) 22.9 (0.90) 27.3 (1.08)| | | Spacings, mm (inches) | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | Between any uninsulated live part and an uninsulated live part of opposite polarity, and uninsulated grounded dead metal parts other than the enclosure, or exposed dead metal parts that are isolated (insulated) ${ }^{\text {e,f }}$ | | Between any uninsulated live part and the walls of a metal enclosure, including fitting for conduit or armored cable ${ }^{\text {b,c,e, }, f}$ | | Product | Potential, volts - DC | Through air or oil | Over surface | Shortest distance | | Cord-Connected and direct plug-in types | 0-70.7 | 1.2 (3/64) | 1.2 (3/64) | 1.2 (3/64) | | | 70.8-176.8 | 1.6 (1/16) | 1.6 (1/16) | 6.4 (1/4) | | | 176.9-353.5 | 2.4 (3/32) | 2.4 (3/32) | 6.4 (1/4) | | | 353.6-848.5 | $9.5{ }^{\text {d }}(3 / 8)^{\text {d }}$ | $12.7^{\text {d }}(1 / 2)^{\text {d }}$ | 12.7 (1/2) | | Permanentlyconnected Types | 0-212.1 | $3.2{ }^{\text {a }}(1 / 8)^{\text {a }}$ | 6.4 (1/4) | 12.7 (1/2) | | | 212.1-424.3 | 6.4 (1/4) | 9.5 (3/8) | 12.7 (1/2) | | | 424.4 - 848.5 | 9.5 (3/8) | 12.7 (1/2) | 12.7 (1/2) | | | 848.6-1414.2 | 14 (0.55) | 21.6 (0.85) | 25.4 (1) | | | 1414.2-1500 | 14.7 (0.58) | 22.9 (0.90) | 27.3 (1.08) |
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} The spacing between field wiring terminals of opposite polarity and between a wiring terminal and a grounded or exposed dead metal part shall not be less than 6.4 mm ( 1 / 4 inch 1 / 4 inch 1//4inch1 / 4 \mathrm{inch} ) if short circuiting or grounding of such terminals may result from projecting strands of wire.
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 极性相反的现场接线端子之间的间距,以及接线端子与接地或裸露金属部分之间的间距不得小于 6.4 mm( 1 / 4 inch 1 / 4 inch 1//4inch1 / 4 \mathrm{inch} ),如果这些端子可能因导线股伸出而导致短路或接地。

b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} For the purpose of this requirement, a metal piece attached to the enclosure is considered to be a part of the enclosure if deformation of the enclosure is likely to reduce the spacing between the metal piece and uninsulated live parts.
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 就本要求而言,如果外壳的变形可能会减小金属件和未绝缘带电部件之间的间距,则附着在外壳上的金属件被视为外壳的一部分。

c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} The spacing to a metal enclosure does not apply to the housing or frame of a device intended for installation with an end product enclosure.
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} 与金属外壳的间距不适用于打算与最终产品外壳一起安装的设备的外壳或框架。

d d ^(d){ }^{d} These spacings apply to the sum of the spacings involved whenever an isolated dead metal part is interposed.
d d ^(d){ }^{d} 这些间距适用于插入孤立金属部件时涉及的间距总和。

e e ^(e){ }^{e} Reduced spacings may be acceptable on a printed wiring board provided with a conformal coating that complies with the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fibre, and Materials Used in Printed Wiring Boards, UL 746E; and are judged based on the tests performed.
e e ^(e){ }^{e} 印刷电路板上的保形涂层符合《聚合材料标准--工业层压板、缠绕丝管、硫化纤维和印刷电路板中使用的材料》(UL 746E),根据所进行的测试来判断,减少间距是可以接受的。

f f ^(f){ }^{\mathrm{f}} A printed wiring board intended to be completely encapsulated in an acceptable potting compound or epoxy shall not have any spacing less than 0.8 mm ( 1 / 32 1 / 32 1//321 / 32 inch).
f f ^(f){ }^{\mathrm{f}} 拟完全封装在可接受的浇注化合物或环氧树脂中的印刷电路板,其间距不得小于 0.8 毫米( 1 / 32 1 / 32 1//321 / 32 英寸)。
SB3.2 Spacings specified in the Standard for Insulation Coordination Including Clearance and Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment, UL 840, as described in 20.4 may be used as an alternative to SB3.1.
SB3.2 20.4 中所述的电气设备绝缘协调标准(包括间隙和爬电距离)(UL 840)中规定的间距可用作 SB3.1 的替代。

SB4 Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test (Section 39) for DC SPDs
SB4 直流防雷器的介电耐压测试(第 39 节

Table SB4.1  表 SB4.1
Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test Values for DC SPDs
V (SPD MAX) (Vdc) Test value a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} (Vdc)
测试值 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} (Vdc)
Up to 1500  高达 1500 1000 + ( 2 × V dcmoov ) 1000 + 2 × V dcmoov  1000+(2xxV_("dcmoov "))1000+\left(2 \times \mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmoov }}\right)
Equivalent AC Test Voltage (DC Test Value / 1.414) can be utilized.
V (SPD MAX) (Vdc) Test value ^("a ") (Vdc) Up to 1500 1000+(2xxV_("dcmoov ")) Equivalent AC Test Voltage (DC Test Value / 1.414) can be utilized. | V (SPD MAX) (Vdc) | Test value ${ }^{\text {a }}$ (Vdc) | | :---: | :---: | | Up to 1500 | $1000+\left(2 \times \mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmoov }}\right)$ | | Equivalent AC Test Voltage (DC Test Value / 1.414) can be utilized. | |

SB5 DC Voltage Test Source Requirements
SB5 直流电压测试源要求

SB5.1 All testing shall be conducted using a linear dc source of supply, unless specifically detailed that an AC Source is permitted. Calibration and characteristics of dc circuits shall be in accordance with the Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, UL 508, which specifies time constants, etc. In addition, the requirement of Clause 54.3 .5 of UL 508 shall also be applied when the DC power source is connected to a resistive load that permits a current of at least 100A.
SB5.1 除非特别说明允许使用交流电源,否则所有测试均应使用线性直流电源。直流电路的校准和特性须符合工业控制设备标准 UL 508,其中规定了时间常数等。此外,当直流电源连接到允许电流至少为 100A 的电阻负载时,UL 508 第 54.3.5 条的要求也应适用。
SB5.2 V dcmcov V dcmcov V_(dcmcov)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{dcmcov}} shall be used where test methods specify rated voltage.
SB5.2 V dcmcov V dcmcov V_(dcmcov)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{dcmcov}} 应在测试方法规定额定电压时使用。

SB6 Voltage Protection Rating Test (41.6)
SB6 电压保护额定值测试 (41.6)

SB6.1 Shall be conducted using the V dcmcov V dcmcov V_(dcmcov)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{dcmcov}}.
SB6.1 应使用 V dcmcov V dcmcov V_(dcmcov)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{dcmcov}} .

Exception: The equivalent AC Voltage ( V dcmcov / 1.414 @ 90 V dcmcov  / 1.414 @ 90 V_("dcmcov ")//1.414@90^(@)V_{\text {dcmcov }} / 1.414 @ 90^{\circ} phase angle may be used.
例外情况:可使用等效交流电压( V dcmcov / 1.414 @ 90 V dcmcov  / 1.414 @ 90 V_("dcmcov ")//1.414@90^(@)V_{\text {dcmcov }} / 1.414 @ 90^{\circ} 相位角。

SB7 Nominal Discharge Current ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) Test (41.7)
SB7 额定放电电流 ( I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} ) 试验 (41.7)

SB7.1 DC SPDs shall be tested energized with V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")V_{\text {dcmcov }} using a DC power source with an available short circuit current of the DC Power Source shall be according to
SB7.1 直流防雷器必须使用直流电源进行 V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")V_{\text {dcmcov }} 通电试验,直流电源的可用短路电流应符合 的规定。
Exception No. 1: SPD Type 4 Component Assemblies and Type 5 SPDs may be tested at I n I n I_(n)I_{n} levels as permitted in Section 42.
例外 1:第 4 类 SPD 组件和第 5 类 SPD 可按第 42 节允许的 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 级进行测试。
Exception No. 2: SPD Type 1 and 2 Component Assemblies may be tested at I n I n I_(n)I_{n} levels as permitted in 41.7.1.
例外 2:1 类和 2 类 SPD 组件可按 41.7.1 中允许的 I n I n I_(n)I_{n} 级进行试验。

SB8 Current Tests (Section 45)
SB8 电流测试(第 45 节)

SB8.1 Testing shall be carried out at V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmcov }}.
SB8.1 测试应在 V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmcov }} 进行。

SB8.2 Each of the following current tests shall be performed on a new set of three configured samples, with an available short-circuit current of 2.5A, 10A, 100A, 500A, 1000A and at the short circuit current rating. Current levels that exceed the short circuit current rating need not be tested.
SB8.2 下列每项电流试验均须在一组新的三个配置样品上进行,短路电流分别为 2.5A、10A、100A、500A、1000A 和额定短路电流。超过短路电流额定值的电流无需测试。
Exception No. 1: For SPD Type 5 SPDs, these tests shall not be conducted.
例外 1: 对于 SPD 5 型防雷器,不应进行这些测试。
Exception No. 2: For SPD Type 4 Component Assemblies, these tests shall only be conducted at 2.5 A and 10A.
例外 2: 对于 4 类 SPD 组件,这些测试只能在 2.5A 和 10A 电流下进行。
SB8.3 In order to ensure conduction of test current (beyond leakage current) at all test levels for MOV based DC SPDs, the tests shall be conducted using lower voltage rated MOV(s) with V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} @ 1 ma equal to 60 80 % 60 80 % 60-80%60-80 \% of the V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")V_{\text {dcmcov }}.
SB8.3 为了确保基于 MOV 的直流防雷器在所有测试级别都能传导测试电流(超出泄漏电流),应使用额定电压较低的 MOV 进行测试,其 V n V n V_(n)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{n}} @ 1 ma 等于 V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")V_{\text {dcmcov }} 60 80 % 60 80 % 60-80%60-80 \%
Exception No. 1: SPD configurations, where a mode consists of more than one MOV in series, one or more MOVs may be shorted to achieve the requirements of V n V n V_(n)V_{n} of the mode to be equal to 60 80 % 60 80 % 60-80%60-80 \% of the V dcmoor V dcmoor  V_("dcmoor ")V_{\text {dcmoor }} This does not always have to be applied to SPD configurations where more than two MOVs are used in series since replacing all or some of the MOVs to achieve the 60 80 % 60 80 % 60-80%60-80 \% requirement would satisfy this requirement.
例外情况 1:SPD 配置中,如果一个模式由多个串联 MOV 组成,则可以短接一个或多个 MOV,以实现模式 V n V n V_(n)V_{n} 60 80 % 60 80 % 60-80%60-80 \% V dcmoor V dcmoor  V_("dcmoor ")V_{\text {dcmoor }} 60 80 % 60 80 % 60-80%60-80 \% 相等的要求。这并不总是适用于使用两个以上串联 MOV 的 SPD 配置,因为更换全部或部分 MOV 以实现 60 80 % 60 80 % 60-80%60-80 \% 要求即可满足此要求。
Exception No. 2: If considered acceptable by all parties, rather than using lower voltage rated MOVs apply a test voltage that is equal to or greater than the measured V n @ 1 m a V n @ 1 m a V_(n)@1maV_{n} @ 1 m a of the MOV divided by 0.80 . For multiple MOVs in series, add the measured V n @ 1 m A V n @ 1 m A V_(n)@1mAV_{n} @ 1 m A of all the MOVs and divide by 0.80 to determine the minimum test voltage.
例外情况 2: 如果各方都认为可以接受,则不使用额定电压较低的 MOV,而是使用等于或大于 MOV 的测量值 V n @ 1 m a V n @ 1 m a V_(n)@1maV_{n} @ 1 m a 除以 0.80 的测试电压。对于串联的多个 MOV,将所有 MOV 的测量值 V n @ 1 m A V n @ 1 m A V_(n)@1mAV_{n} @ 1 m A 相加除以 0.80,以确定最小测试电压。
SB8. 4 In order to ensure conduction of test current (beyond leakage current) at all test levels for nonMOV based DC SPDs, the tests shall be conducted using one or any combination of the following methods:
SB8.4 为确保非 MOV 型直流防雷器在所有测试级别都能传导测试电流(超出泄漏电流),须采用下列方法之一或其任意组合进行测试:

a) Short out any voltage switching components with solid wire that shall not open during the test;
a) 用实心导线短接任何电压开关元件,测试期间不得断开;

b) Increase the test voltage to a value that is equal to or greater than 125 % 125 % 125%125 \% of V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmcov }};
b) 将测试电压升至等于或大于 V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmcov }} 125 % 125 % 125%125 \% 值;

c) For DC SPDs containing voltage switching-type components, a voltage impulse shall be superimposed on the DC power source at a voltage level sufficient to trigger the DC SPD.
c) 对于含有电压开关型组件的直流防雷器,应在直流电源上叠加一个电压脉冲,其电压水平应足以触发直流防雷器。

SB9 Temperature Withstand Test (Section 46)
SB9 耐温测试(第 46 节)

SB9.1 DC SPD shall be energized at Vdcmcov and placed in an oven for 24 hours at the manufacturer’s maximum rated ambient temperature without any internal, integral or inherent disconnect opening. Two port DC SPDs are also operated at maximum rated current during this test.
SB9.1 直流防雷器必须在 Vdcmcov 的电压下通电,并在制造商规定的最高额定环境温度 下放置 24 小时,内部不得有任何整体或固有的断开口。在此试验期间,两个端口的直流防雷器也以最大额定电流运行。
Exception: DC SPDs employing Thermal Responsive Devices that are investigated to and that comply with Section 46, 47 or 48 of UL 1449, at the maximum rated ambient temperature, are considered to comply with this requirement.
例外情况:在最高额定环境温度下,采用热敏器件的直流防雷器经调查符合 UL 1449 第 46、47 或 48 节的规定,可视为符合本要求。

SB10 Thermal Responsive Device Testing (Section 47)
SB10 热响应设备测试(第 47 节)

SB10.1 Each specimen group consists of 3 test samples and is to be subjected to Current Testing at the 2.5 A and 10A test levels. Where lower voltage rated MOVs are used, no voltage is to be applied during I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} testing.
SB10.1 每组试样由 3 个测试样品组成,在 2.5 A 和 10 A 测试水平下进行电流测试。在使用额定电压较低的 MOV 时, I n I n I_(n)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{n}} 测试期间不得施加电压。

SB11 DC SPD Leakage (Quiesent) Current (Iq) Test
SB11 直流防雷器泄漏(静态)电流 (Iq) 测试

SB11.1 Normal use leakage current at V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmcov }} shall be measured. The DC SPD shall be connected to V dcmoov V dcmoov  V_("dcmoov ")V_{\text {dcmoov }} and the total leakage measured. The leakage current shall be as specified by the manufacturer.
SB11.1 应测量 V dcmcov V dcmcov  V_("dcmcov ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmcov }} 处的正常使用泄漏电流。直流 SPD 应连接至 V dcmoov V dcmoov  V_("dcmoov ")V_{\text {dcmoov }} 并测量总泄漏。泄漏电流应符合制造商的规定。

SB12 Photovoltaic (PV) SPDs
SB12 光伏(PV)SPD

SB12.1 In order to determine suitability for Photovoltaic Applications, DC SPDs must comply with the requirements of UL 1449 PV Supplement SA.
SB12.1 为了确定是否适用于光伏应用,直流 SPD 必须符合 UL 1449 PV Supplement SA 的要求。

SB13 Dual Rated AC/DC SPDs
SB13 双额定交流/直流 SPD

SB13.1 SPDs with dual AC and DC ratings shall be investigated and tested using both AC and DC voltages. OPYRIGHTED MATERIAL - NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER
SB13.1 具有交流和直流双重额定值的防雷器必须使用交流和直流电压进行调查和测试。资料受版权保护,未经授权不得转载。

SB14 Markings  SB14 标识

SB14.1 DC SPDs shall be marked according to UL 1449, Section 85. In addition, the terms “DC SPD” and " V dcmoov" V dcmoov"  V_("dcmoov" ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmoov" }} shall be used instead of “SPD” and “MCOV.”
SB14.1 直流防雷器的标记应符合 UL 1449 第 85 节的规定。此外,应使用 "DC SPD "和" V dcmoov" V dcmoov"  V_("dcmoov" ")\mathrm{V}_{\text {dcmoov" }} "代替 "SPD "和 "MCOV"。

ANNEX A Surge Waveforms
附件 A 浪涌波形

A1 Combination V/I Waves
A1 组合 V/I 波

A1.1 Specifications for the Combination V/I Waves indicated in Table 41.1 are given in Table A1.1. These combination waves are intended to be delivered by a surge generator capable of applying the specified voltage waveform across an open circuit and the specified current waveform into a short circuit. The exact waveform delivered is a function of the surge generator and the impedance to which the surge is applied.
A1.1 表 A1.1 列出了表 41.1 所示 V/I 组合波的规格。这些组合波由能够在开路上施加规定电压波形和在短路上施加规定电流波形的浪涌发生器提供。确切的波形取决于浪涌发生器和施加浪涌的阻抗。
Table A1.1  表 A1.1
Specifications for Combination Surge Waveforms
Combination wave  组合波 Open-circuit front time c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
开路前沿时间 c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }}
Voltage duration d ^("d "){ }^{\text {d }}
电压持续时间 d ^("d "){ }^{\text {d }}
Waveform a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} peak, V p V p V_(p)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}}
波形 a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 峰值, V p V p V_(p)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}}
Short-circuit front time e e ^(e){ }^{\mathrm{e}}
短路前沿时间 e e ^(e){ }^{\mathrm{e}}
Current duration f f ^(f){ }^{\boldsymbol{f}}
当前持续时间 f f ^(f){ }^{\boldsymbol{f}}
Waveform b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} peak, I p I p I_(p)I_{p}
波形 b ^("b "){ }^{\text {b }} 峰值, I p I p I_(p)I_{p}
Effective Impedance V p / I p g V p / I p g V_(p)//I_(p)^(g)V_{p} / I_{p}{ }^{g}
有效阻抗 V p / I p g V p / I p g V_(p)//I_(p)^(g)V_{p} / I_{p}{ }^{g}
6kV, 500A  6 千伏,500 安 1.2 ± 0.36 μ s 1.2 ± 0.36 μ s 1.2+-0.36 mus1.2 \pm 0.36 \mu \mathrm{~s} 50 ± 10 μ s 50 ± 10 μ s 50+-10 mus50 \pm 10 \mu \mathrm{~s} 6 kV ( + 10 , 5 ) percent 6 kV ( + 10 , 5 )  percent  {:[6kV(+10","-5)],[" percent "]:}\begin{aligned} & 6 \mathrm{kV}(+10,-5) \\ & \text { percent } \end{aligned} 8 ( + 1 , 2.5 ) μ s 8 ( + 1 , 2.5 ) μ s 8(+1,-2.5)mus8(+1,-2.5) \mu \mathrm{s} 20 ( + 8 , 4 ) μ s 20 ( + 8 , 4 ) μ s 20(+8,-4)mus20(+8,-4) \mu \mathrm{s}
500 A + 10 500 A + 10 500A+10500 \mathrm{~A}+10
percent  百分比
500A+10 percent| $500 \mathrm{~A}+10$ | | :--- | | percent |
12 ± 3 12 ± 3 12+-312 \pm 3 ohms   12 ± 3 12 ± 3 12+-312 \pm 3 欧姆
6kV, 3000A  6 千伏,3000 安 1.2 ± 0.36 μ s 1.2 ± 0.36 μ s 1.2+-0.36 mus1.2 \pm 0.36 \mu \mathrm{~s} 50 ± 10 μ s 50 ± 10 μ s 50+-10 mus50 \pm 10 \mu \mathrm{~s} 6 kV ( + 10 , 5 ) 6 kV ( + 10 , 5 ) 6kV(+10,-5)6 \mathrm{kV}(+10,-5) percent   6 kV ( + 10 , 5 ) 6 kV ( + 10 , 5 ) 6kV(+10,-5)6 \mathrm{kV}(+10,-5) 百分比 8 ( + 1 , 2.5 ) μ s 8 ( + 1 , 2.5 ) μ s 8(+1,-2.5)mus8(+1,-2.5) \mu \mathrm{s} 20 ( + 8 , 4 ) μ s 20 ( + 8 , 4 ) μ s 20(+8,-4)mus20(+8,-4) \mu \mathrm{s} 3000 A + 10 percent 3000 A + 10  percent  {:[3000A+10],[" percent "]:}\begin{gathered} 3000 \mathrm{~A}+10 \\ \text { percent } \end{gathered} 2 ± 0.5 2 ± 0.5 2+-0.52 \pm 0.5 ohms   2 ± 0.5 2 ± 0.5 2+-0.52 \pm 0.5 欧姆
min 6 kV 10 kA min 6 kV 10 kA (min)6kV_(10kA)\underset{10 \mathrm{kA}}{\mathrm{~min} 6 \mathrm{kV}} 1.2 ± 0.36 μ s 1.2 ± 0.36 μ s 1.2+-0.36 mus1.2 \pm 0.36 \mu \mathrm{~s} 50 ± 10 μ s 50 ± 10 μ s 50+-10 mus50 \pm 10 \mu \mathrm{~s} min 6kV  最低 6 千伏 8 ( + 1 , 2.5 ) μ s 8 ( + 1 , 2.5 ) μ s 8(+1,-2.5)mus8(+1,-2.5) \mu \mathrm{s} 20(+8, -4) μ s μ s mu s\mathrm{\mu s} 10kA +10 percent  10kA +10 min 0.55 min 0.55 min 0.55\min 0.55 ohms   min 0.55 min 0.55 min 0.55\min 0.55 欧姆
Combination wave Open-circuit front time ^("c ") Voltage duration ^("d ") Waveform ^("a ") peak, V_(p) Short-circuit front time ^(e) Current duration ^(f) Waveform ^("b ") peak, I_(p) Effective Impedance V_(p)//I_(p)^(g) 6kV, 500A 1.2+-0.36 mus 50+-10 mus "6kV(+10,-5) percent " 8(+1,-2.5)mus 20(+8,-4)mus "500A+10 percent" 12+-3 ohms 6kV, 3000A 1.2+-0.36 mus 50+-10 mus 6kV(+10,-5) percent 8(+1,-2.5)mus 20(+8,-4)mus "3000A+10 percent " 2+-0.5 ohms (min)6kV_(10kA) 1.2+-0.36 mus 50+-10 mus min 6kV 8(+1,-2.5)mus 20(+8, -4) mu s 10kA +10 percent min 0.55 ohms| Combination wave | Open-circuit front time ${ }^{\text {c }}$ | Voltage duration ${ }^{\text {d }}$ | Waveform ${ }^{\text {a }}$ peak, $\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}}$ | Short-circuit front time ${ }^{\mathrm{e}}$ | Current duration ${ }^{\boldsymbol{f}}$ | Waveform ${ }^{\text {b }}$ peak, $I_{p}$ | Effective Impedance $V_{p} / I_{p}{ }^{g}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 6kV, 500A | $1.2 \pm 0.36 \mu \mathrm{~s}$ | $50 \pm 10 \mu \mathrm{~s}$ | $\begin{aligned} & 6 \mathrm{kV}(+10,-5) \\ & \text { percent } \end{aligned}$ | $8(+1,-2.5) \mu \mathrm{s}$ | $20(+8,-4) \mu \mathrm{s}$ | $500 \mathrm{~A}+10$ <br> percent | $12 \pm 3$ ohms | | 6kV, 3000A | $1.2 \pm 0.36 \mu \mathrm{~s}$ | $50 \pm 10 \mu \mathrm{~s}$ | $6 \mathrm{kV}(+10,-5)$ percent | $8(+1,-2.5) \mu \mathrm{s}$ | $20(+8,-4) \mu \mathrm{s}$ | $\begin{gathered} 3000 \mathrm{~A}+10 \\ \text { percent } \end{gathered}$ | $2 \pm 0.5$ ohms | | $\underset{10 \mathrm{kA}}{\mathrm{~min} 6 \mathrm{kV}}$ | $1.2 \pm 0.36 \mu \mathrm{~s}$ | $50 \pm 10 \mu \mathrm{~s}$ | min 6kV | $8(+1,-2.5) \mu \mathrm{s}$ | 20(+8, -4) $\mathrm{\mu s}$ | 10kA +10 percent | $\min 0.55$ ohms |
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} Tolerance applies with peak short-circuit current adjusted to specified valve.
a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }} 公差适用于峰值短路电流调整到指定阀门的情况。

b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} Tolerance applies with peak open-circuit voltage adjusted to specified valve.
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} 公差适用于峰值开路电压调整到指定阀门的情况。

c c ^(c){ }^{c} Front time = 1.67 ( t 90 t 30 ) = 1.67 t 90 t 30 =1.67(t_(90)-t_(30))=1.67\left(\mathrm{t}_{90}-\mathrm{t}_{30}\right) where t 90 t 90 t_(90)\mathrm{t}_{90} and t 30 t 30 t_(30)\mathrm{t}_{30} are times to the 90 percent and the 30 percent amplitude points on leading edge of waveform.
c c ^(c){ }^{c} 前沿时间 = 1.67 ( t 90 t 30 ) = 1.67 t 90 t 30 =1.67(t_(90)-t_(30))=1.67\left(\mathrm{t}_{90}-\mathrm{t}_{30}\right) ,其中 t 90 t 90 t_(90)\mathrm{t}_{90} t 30 t 30 t_(30)\mathrm{t}_{30} 是波形前沿 90% 和 30% 振幅点的时间。

d d ^(d){ }^{d} Duration: time between virtual origin and time to 50 percent point on the tail. Virtual origin is intersection of line connecting t 90 t 90 t_(90)\mathrm{t}_{90} and t 30 t 30 t_(30)\mathrm{t}_{30} with I = O I = O I=O\mathrm{I}=\mathrm{O}.
d d ^(d){ }^{d} 持续时间:虚拟原点到尾部 50%点之间的时间。虚拟原点是连接 t 90 t 90 t_(90)\mathrm{t}_{90} t 30 t 30 t_(30)\mathrm{t}_{30} 的直线与 I = O I = O I=O\mathrm{I}=\mathrm{O} 的交点。

e e ^(e){ }^{e} Front time = 1.25 ( t 90 t 10 ) = 1.25 t 90 t 10 =1.25(t_(90)-t_(10))=1.25\left(\mathrm{t}_{90}-\mathrm{t}_{10}\right) where t 90 t 90 t_(90)\mathrm{t}_{90} and t 10 t 10 t_(10)\mathrm{t}_{10} are times to the 90 percent and the 10 percent amplitude points on leading edge of waveform.
e e ^(e){ }^{e} 前沿时间 = 1.25 ( t 90 t 10 ) = 1.25 t 90 t 10 =1.25(t_(90)-t_(10))=1.25\left(\mathrm{t}_{90}-\mathrm{t}_{10}\right) ,其中 t 90 t 90 t_(90)\mathrm{t}_{90} t 10 t 10 t_(10)\mathrm{t}_{10} 是波形前沿 90% 和 10% 振幅点的时间。

f f ^(f){ }^{\mathrm{f}} Duration: time between virtual origin and time to 50 percent point on the tail. Virtual origin is intersection of the line connecting t 90 t 90 t_(90)\mathrm{t}_{90} and t 10 t 10 t_(10)\mathrm{t}_{10} with I = O I = O I=O\mathrm{I}=\mathrm{O}.
f f ^(f){ }^{\mathrm{f}} 持续时间:虚拟原点到尾部 50%点之间的时间。虚拟原点是连接 t 90 t 90 t_(90)\mathrm{t}_{90} t 10 t 10 t_(10)\mathrm{t}_{10} 的直线与 I = O I = O I=O\mathrm{I}=\mathrm{O} 的交点。

g g ^(g){ }^{\mathrm{g}} Effective impedance is ratio at peak open circuit voltage ( V p ) V p (V_(p))\left(\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}}\right) to peak short-circuit current ( I p I p I_(p)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{p}} ). (Note: V p V p V_(p)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}} and I p I p I_(p)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{p}} not necessarily coincident in time.)
g g ^(g){ }^{\mathrm{g}} 有效阻抗是峰值开路电压 ( V p ) V p (V_(p))\left(\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}}\right) 与峰值短路电流 ( I p I p I_(p)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{p}} ) 的比值。(注: V p V p V_(p)\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{p}} I p I p I_(p)\mathrm{I}_{\mathrm{p}} 在时间上不一定重合)。
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Northbrook, Illinois 60062-2096
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  1. *Note: The effective sampling rate accounts for the minimum number of data points displayed during measurement. This may vary from the actual sampling rate of the oscilloscope due to the use of “high resolution” or “enhanced resolution” settings (averaging or filtering) as a built in function of the oscilloscope.
    *注:有效采样率指测量期间显示的最小数据点数。由于使用了 "高分辨率 "或 "增强分辨率 "设置(平均或滤波)作为示波器的内置功能,这可能与示波器的实际采样率不同。