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 Screen Wizard Cloud


 Table of Contents.....I

1 Register and log in ..... 1

1.1 Registration ..... 1

1.2 Login ..... 1

2 Basic information... 3

2.1 Personal Settings ..... 3

2.2 Player authentication... 4

2.3 Corporate information ..... 4

3 Organizational structure... 5

3.1 User management ..... 5

3.2 Role permissions ..... 8

3.3 Working group management ..... 10

4 System settings... 13

4.1 Application configuration ..... 13

4.2 Custom domain name.....15

5 Log management... 18

 1 Register and log in

 1.1 Registration

Step 1 Visit and click “Register” on the upper right side of the interface.

Step 2 Select the server node and click OK.

Step 3 Fill in the account information and click "Next".
 Figure 1-1 Account information
 Step 4 Complete the company information.

Step 5 Click Submit.

After successful registration, the user has all permissions on the Screen Wizard Cloud and can manage all resources.

 1.2 Login

Step 1 Visit and click “Login” in the upper right corner of the interface.

Step 2 Select the server node and click OK.
 Step 3 Enter your account name and password.

Step 4 Click “Login” to enter the home page.

If the user has turned on email verification or SMS verification, email/SMS verification is required when logging in. For users who have not bound their email address/mobile phone, they need to bind it when logging in.

 Figure 1-2 Home page

Step 5 Click: in the upper left corner, select the sub-application, and enter the home page of the application.

After entering ScreenGenie Universal Edition, ScreenGenie Media Edition or Cloud Monitoring for the first time, a prompt to set the default system will be displayed. After setting the default system, you will enter the default system the next time you click "Login".

 2 Basic information

 2.1 Personal settings

 Application scenarios
 View or update the current user's account information.

Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "Basic Information > Personal Settings".
 Step 2 Set the user's personal information.
 Figure 2-1 Personal settings
    | 其本信息
        用户名: tracy
        推朞伿: 一-。
    | 胀号安全

    | 默认系统配置

 Table 2-1 Personal settings
 Page name 说明
 Basic Information

Used to set user name and referral code. The recommendation code is the code of the Nova Technology sales staff. It is only displayed when the registered user (system administrator) logs in, and can be edited when the value is empty.
 Account security

Used to modify the email address and mobile phone number bound to the current account, modify the login password, and set up login protection. -When modifying your email address and mobile phone number, you need to obtain a verification code and enter it. - When email verification or mobile phone verification is turned on in login protection, the email and phone number need to be verified. After the setting is successful, the user needs to conduct SMS verification when logging in.
 Default system configuration  System used to set the default login.
 Page name 说明
 Options include only apps for which the current user has permission.

 2.2 Player certification

 Application scenarios

 Provide terminal players with authentication information for accessing screen wizards and cloud monitoring.

 Related Information

After the user successfully registers, Screen Genie Cloud automatically generates default authentication information.


Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "Basic Information > Player Authentication".

Step 2 Check the player certification information, including Screen Wizard certification information and cloud monitoring certification information.
 Figure 2-2 Player authentication

Step 3 Click "Copy", copy the authentication information and paste it to the target location.

 2.3 Corporate information

 Application scenarios
 View or update the current user's business information.


Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "Basic Information > Company Information".

  Step 2 Set the company name and industry attributes.
 Figure 2-3 Enterprise information

Step 3 After the settings are completed, click "Save".

 3 Organizational structure

 The user is a user of Screen Genius Cloud.

  • Functional permissions: Assign one or more roles to the user, and limit the user to only have the permissions corresponding to the role.

  • Data permissions: Specify a workgroup for the user, restricting the user to only modify and delete data in the workgroup and sub-workgroups to which the user belongs. Data shared by other workgroups can only be viewed and used.

The relationship between permissions, roles, users, and workgroups is shown in Figure 3-1.
 Figure 3-1 Permission management

 3.1 User management

 Related Information
 The user is a user of Screen Genius Cloud.

  • Registered users of Screen Wizard Cloud have all permissions and can create multiple sub-users.

  • Registered users of Screen Genius Cloud have the system administrator role by default and cannot be modified.


Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "Organizational Structure > User Management".

Users can view all users in their workgroup and sub-workgroups (except themselves).
 Figure 3-2 User list
 Step 2 Create a new user.
  1.  Click New.
  2.  Enter the user name, and set the user's workgroup, role, etc.
 Figure 3-3 Basic information
  1.  After the settings are completed, click OK.

The system automatically copies the username and password. If they are overwritten, click "Copy".

 Figure 3-4 Username and password

 Step 3 Modify user attributes.
  1.  In the user list, click Edit in the Action column.

 Figure 3-5 User attributes

 Table 3-1 User attributes

 Page name 说明
 Basic Information  View the user name and modify the user name.

When the user is in the enabled state, he can log in and use Screen Genie Cloud normally. - When the user is disabled, he cannot log in to the House Elf Cloud.
 login protection

After turning on email verification or mobile phone verification, users need to perform email and mobile phone verification when logging in. After turning on login protection, if the email address/mobile phone number is not bound, the user will be directly entered into the binding email address/mobile phone number interface when logging in to the system for the first time, forcing the user to complete the binding of the email address or mobile phone number.
  1.  After editing the properties, click OK.
 Step 4 Change the team role.
  1.  In the user list, select one or more users.

 Figure 3-6 User management

  1.  Click Change Team or Change Role.
  •  A user can only belong to one workgroup.
  •  A user can select one or more roles at the same time.
  1.  After editing is complete, click OK.

 3.2 Role permissions

 Related Information

 A role is a collection of system operation permissions.
  •  System administrator is the default role of the system and has all permissions.
  •  Other roles only have the permissions assigned to them.

 Application scenarios

Associate roles with users so that they have all the permissions corresponding to these roles.

Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "Organizational Structure > Role Permissions".

As long as the user has the View Roles permission, they can view all roles.
 Figure 3-7 Role permissions
 Step 2 Create a new role.
  1.  Click New.
  2.  Enter the role name and role description.
  3.  Edit permissions. Check or uncheck the permission items of the role.
  4.  After the settings are completed, click Save.

 Figure 3-8 Create a new role

 Step 3 Associate users.
  1.  In the role list, click Associate User in the Action column.
 Figure 3-9 Associated users
  1.  Select the user to be associated and click .
  2.  Click OK.

 3.3 Working group management

 Application scenarios

Resource group management to achieve data isolation. Among them, resources include players, media, programs, lists, etc.
  •  Resource grouping management is achieved by listing resources into different work groups.

  • By specifying a workgroup for a user, the user is restricted to modifying and deleting resources of the workgroup and sub-workgroups to which they belong, and resources shared by other workgroups can only be viewed and used.
 Related Information

  • Public resource groups and system workgroups are generated by default after user registration. System administrators (registered users) belong to the system workgroup by default.

  • The resource data operation permissions in different work groups are as follows, as shown in Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11.

  • The data in the public resource group can only be modified and deleted by the system administrator, and can only be viewed and used by sub-users.

  • System administrators can migrate data from any workgroup to a common resource group.

  • Users can modify and delete data in their workgroup and its sub-workgroups, and share it with other sub-workgroups.
  •  Data shared by other working groups can only be viewed and used.
 Figure 3-10 Data operation permission - system administrator
 Figure 3-11 Data operation permissions for sub-workgroup users


Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "Organizational Structure > Workgroup Management".

Step 2 View the workgroup tree, or view the workgroup by searching for its name.
 You can view the users and players associated with each workgroup.
 Figure 3-12 Workgroup management
 Step 3 Create a sub-workgroup.

  1. Click the workgroup name, and click + .
  2.  Enter the sub-workgroup name and click OK.
 Figure 3-13 Creating a workgroup
 Step 4 Change workgroup.
 Change workgroups for users and players.

  1. In the user or player list for a workgroup, click Change Workgroup in the Action column.
  2.  Select the workgroup and click OK.
 Can only be changed to this group and subgroups.
  Figure 3-14 Change working group

 4 system settings

 4.1 Application configuration

 Application scenarios

Used to set the applications that need to be opened, including Screen Genie Universal Edition, Screen Genie Media Edition and Cloud Monitoring.


Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "System Settings > Application Configuration".
 Figure 4-1 Application configuration
 I Enterprise application configuration
 Please select the application you want to open

Comprehensive display status monitoring, timely email notification, real-time remote viewing, flexible role and permission management.
 Step 2 Check or uncheck the app name.

  • The "Default System Configuration" module in "Basic Information > Personal Settings" only includes applications that are enabled here.
  •  When creating a role, you only need to configure system permissions and permissions for open applications.
  •  When you close an application, all permissions of the application in the role will be cleared.
 Step 3 After the settings are completed, click "Save".

 4.2 Advanced features

 Application scenarios

Enable the media approval function, and the uploaded media can be approved in the universal version of Screen Wizard to ensure the legal compliance of the media.


Step 1 Select "System Settings > Advanced Features".

Step 2 Click "Media Approval" to enter the function configuration interface.

 Figure 4-2 Media approval settings

 Step 3 Choose whether to enable the "Media Approval" function.

  • Enabled: In the navigation bar of the Screen Wizard universal version, the "Media Approval" tab appears. Users can approve or deny media. Approved media can produce programs for distribution to players, while rejected and pending media cannot produce programs.
  •  Disabled: Media does not require approval and can be distributed directly.

Step 4 (Optional) After turning on media approval, in the "Function Configuration" area, click "Settings" to set the approver.

After the setting is completed, you can choose to turn on "Approval-free", and the media uploaded by the approver will automatically pass the approval (media uploaded before setting still needs to be approved).
 Figure 4-3 Function configuration
 Make meritorious deeds / Win in defeat

 Media approval

2tu: :tracy (frog agrees with) Let’s enter
 Twenty-seven people can only assist those in their working groups and sub-groups.
 Figure 4-4 Setting the approver

 4.3 Custom domain name

 Application scenarios

By setting the URL, name, copyright, logo and other information of Screen Elf Cloud, customize Screen Elf Cloud into the user's own brand.

 Related operations

Before configuring a custom domain name, please ensure that you have control of the domain name and that the domain name has been registered with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.

Alibaba Cloud registration service:

The following are the steps to configure a custom domain name. The accompanying picture uses Alibaba Cloud as an example:

Step 1 Log in to the domain name provider website and enter the domain name management control (or control panel, user center, etc.).
 Step 2 Click the domain name to enter the configuration interface.

Step 3 Add parsing records and save the configuration.
  •  Record type: CNAME
  •  Host type: @
  •  Record value: Fill in according to the location of the node

  • China node:
  •  US node:
  •  Japanese node:
  •  European node:
  •  Indian node:
  •  Australian node:

If you want to use the second-level domain name of the current domain name, fill in the name of the second-level domain name in "Host Type".


Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "System Settings > Custom Domain Name".

Step 2 In the “Style Settings” area, set the system’s navigation bar theme and corporate logo.

Step 3 Turn on "Customized domain name" and set the domain name, system name and copyright information.

Step 4 Expand "Advanced Settings" to show or hide the registration entrance and set the browser logo and contact information.

After checking "Registration Portal", the registration portal will be displayed when the user logs in to the customized system, and will be hidden otherwise.
 Figure 4-5 Log in and register

  Figure 4-6 Business system
 corporate logo e
 Step 5 After the settings are completed, click Save.

After the setting is completed, you need to log in again using the customized domain name for the customized information to take effect.

 5 Log management

Step 1 In the left navigation bar, select "Log Management > Login Log".
 Figure 5-1 Log in to the log

Step 2 (Optional) Set query conditions, including user name, email, mobile phone and login time.

The query time period defaults to the last 8 days (including the current day), and the maximum value can be set to the last 90 days.
 Step 3 View the log of the user login screen Elf Cloud.
 Users can view their own and sub-user login screen Elf Cloud logs.