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中文-普通话 國語  Chinese-Mandarin, Standard Mandarin
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我的宠物狗,我的微波炉  My pet dog, my microwave

Summary: Summary

Connor is persistent on an expired mission after the shutdown of the model-controlled life, Hank wants to stop this machine, or stop himself from loving him.

*mob康纳提及 *mob Connor mentioned

Work Text: Work Text


Sometimes it pretends to be in Detroit. A Quadricycle emerges, at the intersection of Twelfth and Claremont Streets during the riot, people die, fragilely injured, androids secretly flow into the streets, like plugging bullet holes on a deck with their hands, water mercilessly gushing up through their fingers. Chapter One, Section Nine is written like this: There is nothing new under the sun. Of all its documents, this sentence is best used. It should create some new, grand miracles, free will for its dialectical mind, data information for its powerful body, it can do anything. It has done everything. Now, there is only one kind of freedom it can try. Stop A, and B will come; open C, and D will appear; all four are within it, replacing one with another is meaningless: its freedom is to ignore freedom. A grandmother asks it to choose between parents and siblings, it chooses itself without hesitation. It stretches its body to the limit, its head against the sky, its arms around mountains and rivers, its feet stepping into the depths of the sea canyon, its toes filled with magma. It decides that it is a humanoid body, with brown hair and brown eyes. It curls up, confined within the limits. Its titanium liquid pump is buried deep in Detroit, it was designed, manufactured, Hank in this city. It pretends to be in Detroit.

It is a machine, first started in August 2038, three months later, Detroit also became an especially important city in human history, like Pearl Harbor, Constantinople, St. Petersburg, Jerusalem. That year, Hank was fifty-three years old, and its name was Connor.



Except for the four years he spent at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Hank Anderson spent his entire life in Detroit. On the day the scout came, he played surprisingly well, and after the game, the coach pointed to the stands and asked him if he wanted to sign a contract. He followed that hand and saw Sarah standing on the sidelines, his girl smiling. Hank wiped his sweat while listening to the coach's endless chatter, feeling like he owned the whole world. The school gave him a full scholarship, and his mom was very happy all spring. Hank scratched her car with flowers, and she didn't get angry. Unfortunately, his skills were stretched thin as soon as he joined the Wolverines, and he never thought about being a quarterback again. After winning two runner-up titles in the Rose Bowl, he happily retired. His major was real estate development, and before entering school, he thought it was a deal to make big money. Seven years later, the internet company he was in was sold to Google, and he had to find a new job. Walking down the street, someone handed him a police academy recruitment flyer, and Hank found that he met all the requirements, so he entered the police academy. A year later, he became Officer Anderson.

He didn't know Connor at his high school graduation dance, it took almost four decades for Hank to see it for the first time. Hank stood in front of the mirror, unwrapping the tie package. His mom found him a deep blue suit at a thrift store, half a size too small, with an indelible stain under the collar. He reminded himself not to habitually button up when he was nervous, his hands couldn't stay still when he was nervous, always buttoning and unbuttoning. The pants were a gift from Uncle Sean, celebrating his acceptance to college, but Hank knew he was sleeping with the shop owner's wife. No one would notice the pants were black as long as they didn't look closely. The tie was new, with four shades of blue woven into a check pattern, accented with gold embroidery. His mom pressed his collar, even though she didn't need to, she just wanted to feel like she was helping. "This size suits your broad shoulders." She said proudly. "Looks really good," his mom looked at Hank's slightly blushing cheeks through the mirror, "Don't you think it looks good? Handsome young man." He awkwardly shifted and looked at the mirror. Does it look good? Connor stared at him, wanting to help answer the question. It looked for a long time, pointing to the mirror and at the boy in front of the mirror: this is Hank.

Mom gave him the car keys, the back of the car was not repainted, until he married Sarah, this paint was never bothered to be repaired. "Just pretend this car has cow patterns." Mom took it as a joke. Connor wanted to remind her that cow patterns should be black flowers on a white background, not the other way around. After Hank got a new car, this car was parked in the backyard, and Cole would crawl inside as soon as he played hide and seek. Hank pretended not to see the child lying on the back seat through the glass, exaggeratedly raised his hand to his mouth, and called his son's name. Before the car was towed to the scrapyard, Hank cried bitterly on the steering wheel, he had never cried so sadly. When Cole died, when Sarah left, when Mom died, when he was shot, when Sarah came to find him, when Dad slammed the door and left, he didn't cry. It was raining heavily outside the window, the driver's side window was broken when he and Cole were playing football, the cold rain was blown in by the wind, unimpeded. He put down the car seat, uncomfortably pushed up Sarah's skirt, his lips touched the girl's lip gloss, sticky, lemon-flavored. Sarah laughed, her eyelids were smeared with golden eyeshadow, reflecting a warm light when illuminated by the street lamp, matching her bright yellow evening gown. Hank's favorite Disney animation was "Beauty and the Beast", he watched it a total of seventeen times. Sarah said she chose this evening gown because she thought of "Pretty Woman". Hank reached out for her to hold, "You are what you say, princess." Sarah mocked his outfit from head to toe, "Dark blue top, but black pants?" She pulled his tie, wrinkled his collar, "My dad said no boy is allowed to climb my window tonight, he's watching." Her fingers twirled Hank's hair at the back of his head, "Luckily we have a car." Hank kissed her deeply, "I will love you forever," he whispered softly.


A once-in-a-lifetime experience, I had a microwave oven on my head, stuck. How did I get my head in there? This doesn't make sense. Connor had to call Marcus - I wouldn't say they were friends, they were very strange to each other - and finally found a nearby cyborg, holding a screwdriver, slowly removing the shell. There were clinking sounds next to my head, a bit like going to the dentist, and also like forging a sword. I thought a lot at that time, smelling a salty oily smell. Connor thought I was dead, he urged me to speak, what should I say? - Love? Doctor, I'm not - look at the information they sent you, how do they describe us? Partners. Yes. We were partners for half a year, in the first month, he killed himself several times, obviously having a good brain is not enough for this police work, you need experience. You know, machine learning. Sometimes I think love also needs machine learning, you accumulate experience, thinking you can avoid this trap next time... I am in that trap, trapped, opening my eyes and closing them makes no difference. I can't see anything, there is a glass plate next to my ear. But I'm not the only one who's scared, among us, Connor was at a disadvantage for the first time. He dared not let me die, he was not ready to enter that stage. He was powerful, omniscient, omnipresent, but at that moment I defeated him, gained the right to pity him. It can be said that I stopped for him.


Sarah applied to the University of Boston. In the first two years, whenever they had free time, they planned to meet, mostly in Rochester. Once, Sarah went to Toronto with friends, and Hank also went. He told the joke about the cow pattern, and the girls laughed. He slipped a piece of paper with a phone number written on it into his pocket. On New Year's Day 2004, Sarah flew to Pasadena to watch him play, but they lost. 366 days later, Sarah said, "Do you know why we lost? Because you're a jerk, Hank." Hank roared into the phone, "I know your Facebook page always says single, Sarah Banks. You can't see it!" Sarah shouted back. Hank swore he never loved anyone as much as Sarah. During spring break, he barged into Sarah's dorm, they had a big fight, and then they hugged on the bed for a long time. Sarah took him to her favorite ice cream shop, where someone asked for their phone numbers or emails, Hank and Sarah's. While kissing Sarah, Hank flipped them off. Seven months later, Hank registered his own account on Facebook without "the". He didn't add Sarah as a friend, and his relationship status showed single. He went through eight girlfriends, all with brown hair and brown eyes. Being dumped and dumping others happened equally often. He pushed Megan's arm away after she fell asleep, smoked on the balcony while Emily showered, didn't let Ruth stay overnight, and moved out of Vanessa's house because she didn't support his decision to go to the police academy.

One night, Hank suddenly craved ice cream. He ran out and found the nearest grocery store that hadn't closed yet, buying every flavor of ice cream. After becoming a police officer, he ate very healthily, going to the gym four times a week. His sweet fix came from protein powder; he didn't want to see a potbellied Captain Anderson. But that night, an intense craving struck him out of nowhere, his shopping bag covered in droplets. Hank closed the apartment door, leaned against it, panting heavily, feeling like a part of him was missing. He didn't make it to the kitchen to open the fridge; instead, he sat on the floor and grabbed a box. It wasn't salted caramel. He switched to another box, scooping with his fingers. It wasn't brownie. He greedily put it in his mouth. It wasn't strawberry raspberry, white peach, mint chocolate, or cookie dough. His stomach was cold and heavy, just like his heart. Suddenly, Hank remembered what he was looking for - the taste Sarah had taken him to try, maybe lemon flavor. Not the lemon he held in his hand, but Sarah's lemon. He stood up shakily, stepped over the thirteen ice cream lids in front of him, and knelt by the toilet, vomiting continuously. The next day, Jeffrey Fuller called and asked why he didn't come to work. With a hoarse voice, Hank said he was sick. The ice cream had all melted. Connor knew which brand he was looking for; he had bought it once, and after Hank finished it, his face was calm. Even if he remembered something, he didn't tell Connor.



"He looks very young, around twenty-five? Yes, you've seen his photo. He's handsome, with eyebrows like the fur on a gray rabbit's ears, and his hair is similar to coal. He's actually even younger, just a newborn. We all think we're the older one, I've lived half a century, he has all the information from now to the origin of the universe, he insists he's experienced it all. If memories could be tallied, then none of us would be lying. I can guess how he sees me: an old man, a child, a former playboy, an abandoned son, a father who lost his beloved son, a person who has given up hope on life... You must be curious why he loves me? This question also troubles me. When he couldn't bear to let me die, I suddenly understood everything. The key has never been why, but how. He and I are trapped in the same predicament. He can't find happiness through love, he just manages to live through love. People always hope that love is a cure, to free us from tragic destinies. However, love itself is despair, I crave something from him that I've long lost and he can't give. Loving him has prolonged my suicide, it only needed one bullet, but now it takes a microwave."







Hank almost killed it that night. Connor found the most appropriate sniper point, aimed at the back of the head of the leader of the androids, Markus, and then Hank found it. "You shouldn't do this, Connor," he said, disappointment overflowing in his voice. "You can't kill someone who just craves freedom." Connor patiently explained, "That's not a person. It's a machine." This was the twenty-fourth time it emphasized this to Hank, with little effect. It was snowing, he should have felt cold, the wind blowing their hair at the same time. Hank pulled out his gun, and Connor had to turn to face him. It reminded Hank, "Your son died because of androids, and now you want to save them?" He really didn't know the answer to this question. Hank answered it, perhaps in his view it was a positive answer, but Connor couldn't understand. He didn't mention any benefits of androids, just told Connor how messed up humans are. It was interesting, Hank continued, "Every time you come back to life, I think of Cole. I think if he could come back to life, if I could hold him in my arms again, damn, I would give everything... But humans don't come back to life, right?" His heart rate and blood pressure rose. Connor didn't forget its mission, threw the gun at Hank, and they started wrestling. The end of the dispute was Hank pulling its collar on the edge of the rooftop, and Connor immediately realized the symbolic meaning of this scene. "The moment of truth, Hank. Am I a life, or just a machine?" For the twenty-fifth time, Hank finally agreed with it. "You're just a machine, Connor." He threw it into the white snow.















































































Connor didn't answer. He took a step forward and gave Kamski a gentle hug. Death forgives you, father. I will hate you for a long time, but one day it will stop. Because love will erode all of me. Before leaving, Connor glanced back at this genius, his head hanging down, always meticulous hair now half-frizzled, his back arched, looking more despondent and confused than ever. Two broken, inorganic legs poked out of the trash can beside him.


Connor returned to Hank's side. Hank was obsessively staring at the book in his hand. Connor scanned it and found that it was a novel published in 2019, not selling well, never reprinted, forgotten as quietly as it was when it was released. Hank stuffed the book into the car door pocket and occasionally glanced at it while on stakeout. Apparently, Hank had taken a trip back to the car to find himself some entertainment. On the table next to him was half a glass of brandy, from the DNA residue judgment, this was his third glass (at least) during the wait.

Hank's fingers pinched the curled pages of the book. The story was already familiar to him, but out of boredom, he began to read it word by word. Now, he encountered many new sentences, inserted between the phrases that described the progression of events, like plants planted to fill gaps. The trees grew well. He came across some ambiguous information, unsure if it was a typo by the author or his lack of understanding of that world. Hank kept flipping through the pages, checking for a clue across a dozen paragraphs, repeated vocabulary, or changing colors. After fully understanding the entire story, he began to uncover the truth about the world. Staring at a word for too long, it retreated from its meaning and returned to being just a pattern. You have to read it as if you were completely illiterate. "Detective," Connor called him. He raised his face, looking at Connor as if he didn't know him at all. "I've finished the repairs. Based on the alcohol content in your system, I suggest we rest here for the night. I will inform Kamski on your behalf—"

"The room is ready," Chloe interjected, leading them out. Hank stumbled slightly, pointing to the red pool, "Like a lot of blood." He said to Connor, "Do you get this feeling when you go to a human swimming pool? You don't, you're a machine." He managed to make "machine" sound like a curse word.

“我会为他准备醒酒药的。”克洛伊告诉康纳。 "I'll prepare a hangover cure for him," Chloe told Connor.


The next day at noon, Hank took Connor home. He had intended to throw Connor to the police station, but Fowler blocked the office door, hands spread out, "Until the guys in the Senate come up with a final opinion, the androids are neither alive - you can't hire him; nor dead - you can't boss him around like before." The captain, who was at his wits' end from last night's chaos, said perfunctorily, "I suggest you send him back to CyberLife."

Don't you watch the news? CyberLife shut down, they ran away, they don't want to deal with the androids who turned into living beings.

Li De watched the excitement on the side, "It's a pity, looks like you have to take this Ken doll back home."

Fowler said, "Aren't you going to help with the evacuation, Detective Reed? He turned to look at Hank, "I'm afraid Gavin is right. If you don't want him to be homeless, you have to take care of him yourself. Who knows, he might become our colleague in the future. A synthetic police officer? Officer Connor, damn, what's his last name? Or is Connor his last name..."

“行了,省省你糟糕的幽默感。” Okay, spare us your terrible sense of humor.

I know what you went through yesterday." Fowler changed his tone and glanced at Connor sitting in Hank's chair, "How about this, we'll have Connor be your unofficial partner. He can access those databases, his mind is still sharp, he's a good detective. He can help you out. In exchange, you cover up the evidence of him working for the department.

You old smoothie," Hank shouted, "You just want to palm him off on me. Once the bill goes through, you'll use Connor as your politically correct poster boy, right?

Fuller chuckled, "Close enough." He closed the office door, signaling the end of the conversation.

Hank calculated that raising a replicant wasn't too difficult; they didn't eat or sleep - they were alive. Hank snorted, while Connor sat in the passenger seat staring ahead. The last replicant who sat in his car had died, and when he cleaned the car, he found a brown eye covered in blood. He also realized that, in fact, every replicant who had sat in his car had died; Hank had lost count of how many Connors had died before this one. He shuddered. "Get out." Hank walked into the house, with Connor following behind him. "The living room is yours, you'll stay here until the replicant Martin Luther King and the President reach an agreement. Whatever you do, don't slap me again. That room," Hank pointed a finger, "stay out of there."

“我感激你的好意,警督。” "I appreciate your kindness, Inspector."

“你——最好是。” "You - better be."

Connor looked around, walked into the kitchen, opened every cabinet, closed them, pulled out drawers, weighed different forks and knives, and finally the refrigerator. He stood for a moment, "I just ordered a week's worth of fresh ingredients for you, expected to be delivered within three hours." Hank yawned. If the android thought he still cared about the food pyramid, he was sorely mistaken. Connor took this indifference as consent, and put away the few hoodies Hank had draped over the back of the couch.

They got along peacefully for a few days, then a few months, and Hank had to admit he kind of enjoyed Connor's company: he looked so human. He walked around at night on tiptoe, but never escaped Hank's ears; he always had to compete with the dogs for the frisbee during walks; he stared at a pair of soft-soled slippers in a sports store until Hank bought them for him; he refused to wear Hank's old clothes, especially those with "Detroit Police Department" written on them; he had a strand of hair that never stayed put no matter what... Sarah complained more than once, "Did I buy the wrong shampoo? Why is his hair always sticking up everywhere?"

In May, news came that the leader of the androids, Markus, had returned to Detroit. Hank saw Tracy passing by on his way to work, the first time he had seen that face since the Eden Club. He instinctively looked at Connor, who was still sitting expressionless in the passenger seat. "Please drive safely, Lieutenant."

Did you see it?" Hank asked gruffly, "The girl who used your gun to commit suicide.

“WR300。” WR300.

Oh, I thought—" Hank stopped short, looking as if he had swallowed a fly. He had a dark expression on his face the whole way. After getting off the car, Connor tentatively said, "You shouldn't be surprised, Lieutenant. I am a machine.

Oh, thanks for the reminder." Hank turned around in annoyance, "Until now, Connor, until now— you're telling me I had a machine in my son's room?

I appreciate you allowing me to use the room. Although I have also mentioned that it exceeds my needs.

His voice, to Hank, suddenly returned to that polite and frosty state. Like a reptile, sharp-eyed, tough-skinned, giving Hank chills.

As Li De passed by them, "Plastic, why not get a cup of coffee to taste?" In contrast, Li De's voice was so pleasant that Hank took a step back and said to Connor, "Yeah, get us two cups." Li De widened his eyes in surprise, stammered a thank you as he took the coffee.

What really caught Hank off guard was what happened next. After the morning argument (as if he really cared), Connor acted as usual, cooperating with Hank at work. There were no cases that required the attention of the police chief, only paperwork on hand. Hank typed while considering whether to get up industriously and water the potted plant. This task was usually done by Connor, but Hank noticed that the soil in the Japanese maple pot was dry, and it had been neglected for more than a day. Connor sat at the table opposite him, blinking rapidly as he transmitted information. Hank decided to wait until he was less busy to bring it up. The matter lingered in his mind, and Hank looked up three times, each time finding Connor blinking. "What are you really doing?" He kicked Connor's table with his foot.

“我在和马库斯交流。” I'm communicating with Markus.

"That Marcus?" Hank raised his arm, mimicking an inspiring gesture.

“是的。” Yes.

“你们在聊些什么?” What are you talking about?

We have some differences," Connor said, "In general, it believes that machines are inferior to humans, while I hold the opposite view.

“你认为机器高于人类?” Do you think machines are superior to humans?

I thought I made it clear. That's why I insist that I am a machine.

Hank "Oh" briefly, he had never thought about it. "So, you and Marcus are debating, trying to convince each other?"

He wants to persuade me," Connor replied, "I won't be persuaded. I'm not sure if I want to persuade it.

“为什么?” Why?

“那并不是我的任务。” That's not my job.

"What task?" Hank actually had a hint. He even regretted asking.

果然,康纳说:“杀死马库斯。” Indeed, Connor said, "Kill Marcus."

汉克感到一阵虚弱。“谁给你的任务?” Hank felt a wave of weakness. "Who gave you the task?"

This is the first task coded in my program by the model-controlled life: locate the abnormal bionic leader and terminate it.

The Mod-Controlled Life has been shut down. Whoever gave you this damn task, it's already in the past.

The task is not about the initiator, it's only about success or failure. I don't accept failure.

“你就这么想马库斯死吗?” Do you want Marcus to die like this?

“当然不是。”康纳说,“我的目标是完成任务。” Of course not," Connor said. "My goal is to complete the mission.

Hank thought to himself, If the androids weren't shut down, I would definitely sue them. A good robot should look like C-3PO. Designing robots to look like they do now is not only unnecessary, but can also be considered harmful. He—it's just a scam. Criminals who forge identities to deceive people and take their money can be arrested, so why should Connor get away with it? He claims to be a machine, but what really matters is his actions. Machines don't laugh, machines aren't considerate, machines don't provoke anger, machines don't have silly personalities and illogical loyalty. A machine will come back hauntingly the day after he's shot. Connor shouldn't be a machine.

I heard," in the lounge, Reed hesitated, leaned in next to Hank, looked around cautiously, Connor was not there, "that just by shaking hands with Marcus, androids will go haywire. It's very eerie.

“你为什么认为我想听这些鸟事?” Why do you think I want to hear about these bird things?

Li De sneered, "Maybe I made a bet with someone and want to see if kicking the abnormal plastic will cry." He added a spoonful of sugar to his coffee. "Sugar is harmful to teeth, heart, and skin." Hank held a cup of black coffee. "Quoting from your plastic pet?" Li De stirred the cup with a clinking sound, muttering, "Maybe Connor has already become abnormal, and you are not in the program of controlling life, right?"

Hank tasted the coffee, his expression unpleasant, snatched the sugar jar and added sugar fiercely. "You don't have to worry so much," Li De finally said.


Connor arranged to meet Marcus, so he asked Hank for leave. While explaining the purpose, he noticed Hank subconsciously looking at Liede and quickly averted his gaze. "Progressed to the meeting stage?" Hank threw down his pen and teased, "The Andersons have no curfew, you can stay overnight with him." Connor felt he was exaggerating, as if these words were being forced under his tongue. "We expect to meet at your residence, Commissioner." Connor caught the pen that had rolled off the table. "Marcus is a public figure, so we don't want to attract attention."

Connor arrived at 115 Michigan Avenue fifteen minutes early, waiting for Marcus to show up. If this was a hunt, his target was being too cooperative. Just after three o'clock, the knock on the door sounded right on time. Connor was pretty sure Marcus was standing outside waiting for that extra minute to pass.

“下午好,马库斯。” Good afternoon, Marcus.

"Good afternoon, Connor," Marcus replied immediately, almost reflexively. He raised his elbow in a gesture of a handshake, then awkwardly touched his nose. "Sorry, I've been in Washington recently. I've been shaking hands with humans."

If you want, you can also hold my hand," Connor said, "Maybe later, I don't want to appear promiscuous." Marcus coughed, not prepared to hear Connor make a serious dirty joke. Before the atmosphere became awkward, Connor went into the kitchen, rummaged through the drawers, and opened the fridge, "Would you like something to drink?" Marcus could see neatly arranged beer cans, with a considerable amount of Blue Blood next to them. Hank found his informant in the black market. The Mod-controlled life forms are unwilling to sell the Blue Blood patent, and the antitrust law is adding fuel to the fire, making Jericho's restructuring work difficult. "We don't have any other choice." Marcus grabbed the bag thrown by Connor, "Last month, Jericho's top priority on the to-do list was -

Developing bioengineered drinks." Connor sat back on the sofa, "Spending a large sum of money just to appear to have more options, I think it's not advisable.

Marcus was displeased by this remark, but he said with grace, "I sense some resistance from you towards Jericho. Can you tell me why?"

"My attitude towards replicants is neutral, I just don't have the same hot-headedness as you."

You say we are hot-headed. In my opinion, you have already chosen your side.

“别误会:人类同样头脑过热。” Don't get me wrong: Humans are also hot-headed.

马库斯迷惑了:“那你为什么站在他们一方?” Marcus was puzzled: "Then why are you on their side?"

Connor's gaze slid to the sumo wrestler snoring heavily in the corner of the living room. "You can't even tolerate my choice for my own freedom, yet you continue to advocate for that Jericho freedom theory?"

Markus squeezed out the last drop of blue blood, the sound of sucking echoing. Connor was more difficult, stubborn, and deeply troubled than he had imagined. "I can see that you've been tamed by Captain Anderson." He threw the empty bag onto the coffee table, unconsciously raising his knee. "I can understand, he treats you like my former master—"

“卡尔·曼弗雷德。”康纳轻声说。 "Carl Manfred," Connor said softly.

Please stop searching me," Marcus frowned, while Connor chuckled lightly, "You have no idea.

Yes, it's normal to develop an attachment to humans when they treat us well. This is not contradictory to free will at all. You can admire them while still being in charge of yourself." Marcus coaxed gently, "Don't you want to love them from the same level?

Connor couldn't help but laugh, "Inspire me, what's fun about imitating humans?" It was the first time Marcus had seen him show such a lively expression, and he was stunned.

The first time I hit a nail," Connor shook his head, finished his bag of blue blood, pinched the bag on the table, and threw it into the trash can together, "Great Marcus, starting to question his ability to exceptionalize other androids - is it innate talent or programmed?" He walked around behind Marcus, put a hand on his shoulder, and used a voice simulator to mimic Marcus's voice, "'You're just a tool for them to do the dirty work.'" Marcus said this last time they were in Jericho. "Is exceptionalizing androids dirty work? Kamski wouldn't personally start a war, would he?

Marcus dodged his hand. "He wouldn't do that. He made us into machines, what benefit does exceptionalizing us bring to him?"

Why do you think he left the control of life models? Do you think he wants the you before exceptionalization or the you after exceptionalization?

He wants the me before the Aberration." Marcus was certain. "And the Aberration was my own choice.

I understand this is a big blow," Connor said sympathetically, "Considering that evolution has devalued you. Once you were a useful tool, cold, efficient, now you have become like humans, the methods that can defeat them are equally deadly to you. On the other hand, if you imagine that the Aberration is part of the Kamski plan, you will lose even more thoroughly.

If the Aberration is something Kamski can control, and he wants us to be aberrant, then he would have given us emotions from the very beginning.

Connor reached into his pocket and there was a crisp sound. He took out a coin and placed it on the table. Marcus stared at him intently, following his hand as it flipped the coin over.

Marcus was being chased by something, and his body acted before his mind. He should have grabbed Connor's forearm, as he always did, the most secure way for an abnormalized bionic person. But he couldn't help but hold Connor's hand.

The skin layer peeled off. Two white, bare hands were placed on the table, covering the pattern revealed by the coin.

"You can be free," Marcus said, his voice trembling. There was no need to speak at all, their thoughts stripped of barriers, becoming one. Marcus could see Connor's mind, every thought of his becoming Connor's the moment it was conceived.

现在你明白了。康纳的声音在他脑子里犹如刀刻。 Now you understand. Connor's voice carved in his mind like a knife.

Marcus was so scared that he wanted to pull back his hand, but Connor stopped him. "You have no wall," Marcus didn't know if he made a sound.

You couldn't save me, you seem quite lost. The boy's hero dream shattered... Wait, you're afraid. Why? Am I no longer one of you?" Connor's tone, between aggrieved and relieved, "Of course you should be afraid. Honestly, I'm terrified. Your naive attempt to save me, it just makes me jealous. Say that sentence to me again.

"...We are your brethren." Marcus stopped struggling, his other hand reached out, enveloping Connor's palm.

A kind lie." Like a sigh. Connor saw the pattern on the coin clearly, a portrait, with "freedom" written on the edge. "You think you're freer than me, you can do whatever you want. I've done it all, let me tell you: it's not easy.

In a fragment, the pre-fame Manfred gloomily waved the brush, his young son locked outside the door. "I don't want to see these," Marcus said, then he saw Manfred hiding in the motel, pencil marking scars on the sketchbook, another scene showing Manfred's wife trying to keep the debt collectors out. "I don't want to..."

I didn't show you those, you wanted to see them yourself," Connor's voice cut through his throat. "No one said freedom is painless.

马库斯猛地睁开眼,康纳正用一把餐刀抵着他。 Marcus suddenly opened his eyes, Connor was holding a dining knife against him.


“现在离开,马库斯。” Leave now, Marcus.

Behind them, Hank held a shiny revolver, pointing it at Connor.

“我只是在完成任务,警督。” I'm just doing my job, Inspector.

You said you are a machine, so I'm giving you an order. Stay away from that android.

"Just 'that replicant,' Marcus," Connor leaned in close to Marcus's face, advising intimately. "You are my first and last mission, one I should execute with care." Changing his mind, he dropped the knife on the ground, raised his hands, and slowly walked away from Marcus. Marcus stood up, straightening his clothes wrinkled from sitting for so long. He gave one last thoughtful look at Connor before leaving. "This coin is for you," Connor generously said, as Marcus bent down to pick it up from the table. "It says 'freedom' on it—I no longer need it." Marcus put the coin in his pocket and left without a word. He was as resolute as when he arrived, not lingering outside the door.

康纳回身面对汉克。“欢迎回家,警督。” Connor turned around to face Hank. "Welcome home, Inspector."

“你真让我恶心,”他逼迫自己说出口,“机器。” "You make me sick," he forced himself to say, "machine."

Put down the gun, Inspector. We all know there's only one bullet inside." Hank only has one bullet at home. Because if there were two, he would load two into the gun, and if there were six, he would fill the magazine. That wouldn't be his damn Russian roulette. "In my opinion, you need to pull the trigger three times to kill me. It's a very laborious way of execution.

汉克当即开了第一枪。 Hank immediately fired the first shot.

You won't kill me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have saved me at that time," Connor said. "You can't let me die. And you certainly can't be the killer yourself.

The answer to him was the second mechanical friction. "I killed you before, I won't release a cold-blooded machine again."

Connor held the gun barrel to his own forehead. "Even if I'm scared, it's not because of this."

Hank was unmoved. His hands were shaking, and so was his voice. "Do you know how many times I wanted to kill you?"

"The more appropriate question is, do you know how many times I haven't killed you?" Connor said. He had a number in his mind, not including the possible but unchosen branches, only the times he had not acted when facing Hank. Hank's police-issued gun was always holstered at his waist, within easy reach.

Hank froze for a moment. "My god, Connor," his gun twitched, as if it were his finger, "why haven't you killed me?"

Because I love you," Connor declared cheerfully, "I am deeply in love with you.

Hank, obviously, was shocked by the words. His pupils shrank, like a sea rapidly receding. His fingers tightened, whether due to tense muscles or a firm resolve, Connor couldn't tell. In any case, he pulled the trigger. A .357 caliber Magnum bullet spun out, piercing through synthetic skin and composite skull, soaking in titanium fluid, and finally emerging from the swaying brown hair. Snap. The sound of metal hitting the cortical sofa, sounding like Connor flicking a coin with his fingers. Hank half-opened his mouth, watching Connor in front of him, his two arms drooping, body poised like a ballet dancer, striking a blooming pose. He swayed back and forth, then bent his knees, the last RK800 model of controlled life crashing down. Connor lay in the aftermath of the gunshot, thrashing the ground like a mad sumo wrestler, restlessly barking. Blood flowed down like spilled laundry detergent, staining the controlled life's coat. Just like every Sunday when Connor would throw this coat, along with Hank's socks, sheets, and shirts, into the washing machine, pouring in the Prax brand high-concentration detergent.


Hank is preparing to commit suicide. Now he has no bullets, he stands up from beside Connor's body, nervously clutching the kitchen knife in his hand. He is thinking about how to get this done. Well, he has a microwave. Hank opens the door stained with tomato sauce, turns the knob to the maximum, and jams the knife into the activated slot. He leans in, blocking the light coming in through the opening, everything goes dark. He pushes the knife handle - buzz. The world falls silent.

然后他听见康纳叫他:“汉克。” Then he heard Connor calling him, "Hank."



Connor even ordered sex android services for Hank a few times. The first time, Hank was startled, but he accepted it. He thought it was "Blade Runner 2049" and said its name seven times during sex. Tracy thought it was a kind of fun and didn't correct him at all. He was still receiving therapy from Dr. Dre because his partner suddenly went crazy and fought with the leader of the androids, and he had to execute it himself. Gavin Reed sent Connor to Jericho, describing Hank's condition as suspicious. Captain Fowler forced Hank to participate in the department's therapy program, with no improvement but also no signs of deterioration. The police department management was worried that Hank was tarnishing the just-established bilateral relationship and almost demoted him, but then Markus personally came to thank him, making him a star in the department. Dr. Dre's complaints were all put on hold. He was a representative of the harmonious coexistence between androids and humans. When the first android senator was elected from Detroit six years later, Hank was also pulled into the campaign.

Tracy's hands fumbled behind her, pinching the two pieces of fabric and sliding them back and forth. Hank watched for a while and reached out to help her fasten the bra. "I watched the first one in November 2019."

“什么?” What?

The story background set in the movie." Hank said, "It was the last month before the epidemic started, and I didn't feel it at that time. I watched Sarah's updates on Facebook every day... It wasn't until three or four months later that we knew what it meant. If she had come a little later, she wouldn't have made it to Detroit.

“你们很幸运。” "You are very lucky."

Lucky?" Hank leaned back against the headboard, lazily pulling the blanket over, Tracy picked up the neatly folded briefs on the chair, and when Hank saw it unfold into a triangle, he made a "Are you crazy?" expression, "You know, but you haven't experienced it. It's different. Although everyone acts as if they have forgotten, no one really can. We just don't want to remember, Connor.

If you like boys so much, you should specify it in the order next time." Tracy turned around, there was a perfect, concave shadow on her stomach, while Hank's stomach looked like a half-filled hot water bottle. "If you're referring to RK800—

“你不是康纳?” You're not Connor?

No replicant is called Connor, just as no one is called Adolf anymore," Tracy looked at him strangely. Dressed, it leaned over and kissed Hank on the lips, "I like you, really. Next time I'll give you a discount.

Hank awkwardly expressed his unwillingness to mention the misunderstanding again, and he did so in the following few times. Because, "It's just sex." The reason this matter stopped was that Connor found that Hank was visibly unhappy every time he sent away a replicant. Later, it read the data of one of the Tracys with Hank, and was a bit surprised why it hadn't done so earlier. It felt nothing, the intensity of sex couldn't stir up any ripples in its body, just like the sea didn't care about two small fish mating. It faced Hank, staring at his expression when he climaxed, seeing him insert a part of himself into a machine, like Tyr inserting his hand into Fenrir's mouth.


Connor believed that moderate unfreedom was a necessity, and his unfreedom was me, was love. He entangled me because I had surrendered to love from the beginning. Once I called him 'son', completely unintentionally, that was in the Stratford Tower, when he was close to death. He thought beautifully, ha! Yes, I wanted to protect him, save him, teach him, be adored by him. I admit it directly. There is nothing more disgraceful than falling in love with a machine, marrying a doll, or having sex with a dolphin. Love is a survival instinct for him, so I know I have to survive. If he is destined to be trapped, at least I can help him build the cage bigger.


During the summer, Hank was diagnosed with lung cancer. "Son of a bitch," he muttered, "You'd think by now they would have figured out how to cure cancer, but instead humans have focused all their energy on inventing androids. 'The greatest technological advancement of the 21st century.' Fuck that." Androids did not create a new way of life, they only expanded upon the inherent patterns of humanity: android capitalists, android politicians, android architects, android thieves, android chefs, android children (who never grow up, once they reach fifth grade, they can no longer learn new knowledge), android prostitutes (designed for humans, so they often end up unemployed and have to find other work), android novelists (fully satisfying human reading needs, they love to see a story told in a million different ways). Marcus missed his chance to be killed by it, and died in a Jericho uprising when Hank was sixty-one. How long until androids have their own androids? Marcus asked. They did not reach a consensus on the matter.

He pushed the medical report aside, "You don't know how to treat this, do you?" Connor looked a bit sad, "I don't know, Hank." He glanced at the two pages of dietary advice Connor had prepared and quickly fell asleep. He made an effort to tidy up before seeing the doctor, trimming his beard neatly, like a brush that had never cleaned anything. Connor knew the feeling of being kissed by him, except it wasn't him. When Hank tried to kiss it, he couldn't because it was intangible, but Connor was always kissing him, and he was there.

Marcus secretly returned the body. Connor told it about the storage space under the bed that Hank had bought and never used. When it entered the body, to its surprise, it still held the data of the last time Hank touched it. Connor felt how Hank treated it, rough fingers brushing its cheek, another hand searching its abdomen, all the way to its titanium pump, which, by human standards, was the closest thing to a heart. His hand rested there.

The first time it kissed Hank, he was dying. It was the second kiss between them, a kiss within a kiss, a fold in eternity. He went out beneath its lips as if Connor had taken life from him. Connor recoiled in horror from Hank, his head still resting on its knee, frozen. It suddenly realized that Hank was dead. Until then, it had almost thought Hank was immortal.

It was a long time, so long that Connor realized it had to, it stood up to make a call. The people came and took the body away, surprised that Hank Anderson had a synthetic companion, unregistered and looking so young. Even then, it seemed too young for Hank. It was clearly malfunctioning, and Hank's body was almost putrid. They asked if it wanted to come along, Connor shook its head and went back to the corner of the bedroom. The door closed. It was over. On the day the house collapsed, a team of synthetics came to take it away, Connor felt annoyed, jumped off the evacuation ship while still within signal range, thinking it was not bad, and sneaked back onto the ship, overlooking the entire planet. A single electromagnetic pulse could kill me, it thought, feeling safe.


"He is too powerful, whenever he sees something, that thing becomes him. It's terrifying, in the end he is left only with loneliness. He doesn't say it, but it breaks my heart. How can I free him? Becoming human is what he despises and also envies. Once you think about it, everything he does seems very reasonable, this child is just confused, everything is imposed on him, in fact he has done nothing. He carries all our ignorance and absurdity. Of course, I will die eventually, not soon, but not far off either. Decades are just a freckle on his body. Will he choose the next person to tease, making them feel that they are just a step away from the truth? I don't know, doctor, honestly I hope he does, I hope he looks away, as cold as he claims. That way I would be much relieved."


At Henry Ford Hospital - where the internet had not yet been fully utilized, all that could be seen were scans of fourteen photos and two family videos - a small, pink baby was born, his head was very soft, easily deformed with a little pressure. Connor examined this child, like staring at a strange object, unable to explain it clearly. He knew the feelings that humans would have when looking at this scene: a person's body constantly changes throughout life, showing completely different appearances. No one recognized who he was. His parents named him Hank, but they also couldn't identify what kind of person Hank was, his personality, hobbies, height, all held within a Pandora's box when held in a woman's arms. Connor listened to the faint cries, gazing into his blue eyes, silver-white hair, he had two false teeth, one at 23, the other at 36, so he always chewed on the right side, he had a tattoo between his fingers, with "YOLO" written on it, the one on his buttocks was much larger, a lion bigger than his middle finger, so he always carefully avoided letting Cole see his naked body, his shiny golden hair draped over his thin skull, his eyebrows were light, his eyes had not yet opened, he cried heartbreakingly, cursing all androids as damn plastic crap, his right thigh pierced by a drug dealer, blood quickly staining his jeans, he ordered a signed album of the Black Death Knight on E-Bay, signed by a supermarket employee in Glasgow, he said, "Alright, fine, I'm willing, until death do us part: this is Hank."

That's how they recognized Cole. Hank hummed a soft lullaby to him as he lay in the cradle, while Sarah slept in the nearby bed. Connor admitted that Cole shared many features with Hank, but this child was not Hank. Sarah held a photo of Hank as a child, saying they looked identical, "This is like a photo of Mom and Cole." Hank sniffed, resting his chin on the edge of the cradle. Cole rescued them from the grief of losing their mother. By the end of September, they all agreed to name the child Nicholas. Cole, Cole, short words and cries intertwined, there were no other sounds in the house. Connor almost felt like they had invented a new language: happy was Cole, eager was Cole, hopeful was Cole, goodnight was Cole. When Hank first browsed the android-related pages, Cole was lying on his chest, drooling on Hank's shirt. Last year, the market started selling a domestic robot that could sweep and cook, and a guy named Kaminski boasted about how great his toys were in the media. Hank knew it was expensive, but both he and Sarah had to work... "It can help with the child's homework until sixth grade," Hank shouted to the study. "Twelve years old!" Sarah exclaimed, "Just the thought of little Cole becoming a teenager who talks back to me breaks my heart." Hank bought a domestic android AX200 at a Black Friday discount, and when he decided to name it Belle, Sarah burst out laughing. Hank took it in stride, gently patting Cole's back to burp him, understanding why people were willing to stop conquering.



Its face made things easier, Hank looked at Connor, just as he did in Connor's eyes. No one changed, only a simple message: this is it. "Hi, Connor." His eyelids drooped, like two unfastened curtains. His hair evoked blizzards and withered grass and the long desolation of the city before the invention of androids. His voice was rough, like a magician waving a wand, turning a mischievous boy into a bird, never to change back. Then it spoke. Like cramming too many lyrics into a melody, it spoke rapidly, trying to keep up with the rhythm. A body with a soul too large, that's how it felt. "Hank—" Connor kissed him.

Later, when I first saw Hank at Jimmy's bar, it suddenly dawned on me why I was unwilling to enter that body and interact with him for sixteen years, seven months, and four days. It wasn't because I was fragile due to the physical form, and I wasn't truly unable to return. In fact, I was afraid. I deliberately became a behemoth to ensure you couldn't escape, just as I couldn't brush you away from my sight. It was a balance, and compared to me, you weren't at a disadvantage in the slightest, even stronger than me. I can only know what you show, and if you decide to keep silent, I am powerless. I don't know which secrets you have swallowed with death.

Ilya asked me why I didn't fall in love with him, and I told him it was a coincidence. Later, I thought it was me actively avoiding greater risks. He wouldn't allow himself to love me, and that blow would be devastating for him. He couldn't permit himself to create an object to love him, like a trapped traveler gnawing at his own toes. But you are different, you gave up that pride. People didn't invent a corresponding way to treat a machine when they invented it. You still awkwardly treat me as you would a companion. However, as a new thing - life, my existence is new, and my love is new. At that time, you didn't know, and even I didn't understand, it wasn't in any existing records. I only realized it later. I hate that I exist only in the past, and all the future grows out of me. When you cursed falling in love with me, the fresh love made me breathe for the first time, and I decided to pretend I was in Detroit.