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Constitutional Law 憲法

Sea-Wain Yau 丘海雲Email: seawain@scu.edu.tw
電子郵件: seawain@scu.edu.tw

1. Strict Scrutiny 1.嚴格審查

Burden of proof on the government to show that the challenged action is necessary to advance a compelling government interest and is the least restrictive means of achieving that interest.

This standard of review generally applies to:

Introduction 簡介

* Three Standards of Review
* 三項審核標準

There are three key standards of reviews which reappear constantly throughout Constitutional Law. When a court reviews the constitutionality of government action, it is likely to be choosing from among one of these three standards of review: (1) the strict scrutiny standard (嚴格審查標準); (2) the middle-level review standard (中度審查標準); and (3) the mere rationality standard (基本合理性審查標準)。
《憲法》中不斷出現三種重要的審查標準。當法院審查政府行為是否符合憲法時,很可能會從這三種審查標準中選擇一種:(1) 嚴格審查標準 (strict scrutiny standard);(2) 中度審查標準 (middle-level review standard);以及 (3) 僅合理性審查標準 (mere rationality standard)。

a. Substantive Due Process

Government action which directly burdens the exercise of a fundamental right.

b. Freedom of Expression b.表達自由
Content based (Track One) government regulation of expression (other than violence, obscenity, defamation or commercial speech, etc.).
以內容為基礎 (第一軌) 政府對表達的管制 (暴力、猥褻、誹謗或商業言論等除外)。

c. Equal Protection Clause
Government action which intentionally discriminates against suspect classes or fundamental rights (and some forms of unintentional discrimination against the poor).

a. State and Local Regulation of interstate Commerce

b. Article IV, Section 2 Privileges and Immunities
b.第四條第二節 特權與豁免

Example: Discrimination against nonresidents

2. Middle-Level (Balancing)

Burden of proof on the government to show that the challenged action is substantially related to an important/substantial/significant government interest that outweighs the interest infringed. This standard of review generally applies to:

c. Contract Clause c.合約條款

State government impairment of existing private contract rights. Note: Federal government impairment of existing private contract rights will be upheld if rationally related to a legitimate government interest.

d. Equal Protection Clause

Government action which intentionally discriminates against gender or illegitimacy.

e. Freedom of Expression e.表達自由
(1) Government action which regulates the method (Track Two) of expression, i.e., “time, place and manner” regulation.
(1) 規範表達方式(第二軌)的政府行為,即「時間、地點和方式」規範。

(2) Commercial Speech (other than price information and false, misleading or illegal commercial speech).
(2) 商業言論(價格資訊和虛假、誤導或非法商業言論除外)。

3. Rational Basis 3.合理基礎

Burden of proof is on the challenger to show that the challenged action is not rationally related to anv legitimate government interest. This standard of review generally applies to:

f. Freedom of Association

Government investigations and compelled disclosure.

g. Freedom of Religion g.宗教自由

Government action which interferes with religious conduct. Note that religious beliefs are absolutely protected and that there is a special test for government action which “establishes” religion.

a. Substantive Due Process
Government action which burdens nonfundamental rights.

b. Federal Regulation of Interstate Commerce

c. Federal Legislation to enforce the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments

d. Equal Protection Clause

(1) All government discrimination (intentional or unintentional) against nonsuspect classifications or non-fundamental rights.
(1) 所有政府針對非可疑類別或非基本權利的歧視 (無論有意或無意)。

(2) All unintentional government discrimination against suspect/quasisuspect classifications or fundamental rights.
(2) 政府針對可疑/疑似類別或基本權利的所有非故意歧視。

I. Federal Judicial Power

1. Review of Acts of Congress

Under Marbury v. Madison, it is the Supreme Court, not Congress, which has the authority and duty to declare a congressional statute unconstitutional if the Court thinks it violates the Constitution.
根據 Marbury v. Madison 案,如果最高法院認為國會法令違反憲法,則有權和義務宣布該法令違憲的是最高法院,而非國會。

2. Review of State Court Decisions

a. Must be Based on Federal Law
The Supreme Court may review state court opinions, but only to the extent that the decision was decided based on federal law.

b. Independent and Adequate State Ground However, even if there is a federal question in the state court case, the Supreme Court may not review the case if there is an independent and adequate state ground for the state court’s decision.
b.獨立且充分的州立理由 然而,即使州法院的案件存在聯邦問題,如果州法院的判決有獨立且充分的州立理由,最高法院也不得審理該案件。

c. Review Limited to Decisions of Highest State Court

Federal statutes limit Supreme Court review to decisions of the highest state court available. But this does not mean that the top-ranking state court must have ruled on the merit of the case in order for the Supreme Court to review it. All that is required is that the case be heard by the highest state court available to the petitioner.

d. Writ of Certiorari d.審判令
Parties who are not satisfied with the decision of a lower court must petition the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their case. The primary means to petition the court for review is to ask it to grant a writ of certiorari. This is a request that the Supreme Court order a lower court to send up the record of the case for review. The Court usually is not under any obligation to hear these cases, and it usually only does so if the case could have national significance, might harmonize conflicting decisions in the federal Circuit courts, and/or could have precedential value. Four of the nine Justices must vote to accept a case.
對下級法院判決不滿意的當事人必須請求美國最高法院審理其案件。請求法院審查的主要方式是請求法院頒發審查令狀(writ of certiorari)。這是請求最高法院命令下級法院將案件記錄送交審查。法院通常沒有任何義務審理這些案件,通常只有在案件可能具有全國性意義、可能協調聯邦巡迴法院相互衝突的判決、和/或可能具有先例價值時,法院才會這樣做。九位大法官中必須有四位投票接受案件。

b. Congress has the general power to decide what types of cases the Supreme Court may hear, so long as it doesn’t expand the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction beyond the federal judicial power.

d. Congress also may decide what lower federal courts there should be, and what cases they may hear. Again, the outer bound of this power is that Congress can’t allow the federal courts to hear a case that is not within the federal judicial power.

3. Congress's Control of Federal Court Jurisdiction

a. Federal Judicial Power
Art. III, Sec. 2 sets out the federal judicial power: (1) cases arising under the Constitution or the laws of the U.S. (i.e., federal questions); (b) admiralty; © between two or more states; (d) between citizens of different states; (e) between state or its citizens and a foreign country or foreign citizen.
Art.第三條第二節規定了聯邦司法權:(1) 憲法或美國法律下產生的案件(即聯邦問題);(b) 海事訴訟;© 兩個或多個州之間;(d) 不同州的公民之間;(e) 州或其公民與外國或外國公民之間。

4. Justiciability 4.可訴性

In order for a case to be heard by the federal courts, the P must get past a series of procedural obstacles which collectively called requirements for justiciability: (1) the case must not require the giving of an advisory opinion; (2) the P must have standing; (3) the case must not be moot; (4) the case must be ripe for decision; and (5) the case must not involve a non-justiciable political question.
為了讓聯邦法院審理案件,訴訟人必須通過一系列的程序障礙,這些障礙統稱為可裁判性要求:(1) 案件不得要求提供諮詢意見;(2) 訴訟人必須有資格;(3) 案件不得無效;(4) 案件的判決時機必須成熟;(5) 案件不得涉及不可裁判的政治問題。

b. Standing b.站立

The federal courts may hear a case only when the P has standing to assert his claim, i.e., the P must have a significant stake in the controversy.

Three requirements: (1) Iniurv-in-fact: The plaintiff must have suffered or imminently will suffer injury, that is, neither conjectural nor hypothetical; (2) Causation: There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct complained of; and (3) Redressability: It must be likely, as opposed to merely speculative, that a favorable court decision will redress the injury.
三項要求:(1) Iniurv-in-fact:原告必須已遭受或即將遭受傷害,即既非猜測也非假設;(2) Causation:(2) 因果關係:損害與所控訴的行為之間必須有因果關係;以及 (3) 可補救性質:法院的有利判決必須有可能糾正損害,而非僅是推測。

a. Advisory Opinion a.諮詢意見

Art. III, Sec. 2 of the Constitution gives the federal courts jurisdiction only over cases and controversies. The federal courts are therefore prevented from issuing opinions on abstract or hypothetical questions. This means that the federal courts may not give advisory opinions. In other words, the federal courts may not render opinions which answer a legal question when no party is before the court who has suffered or faces specific injury.
憲法第 III 條第 2 款僅賦予聯邦法院對案件和爭議的管轄權。憲法第三條第二節僅賦予聯邦法院對案件和爭議的管轄權。因此,聯邦法院不得就抽象或假設的問題發表意見。這表示聯邦法院不得提出諮詢意見。換句話說,聯邦法院不得在沒有當事人遭受或面臨具體損害的情況下,提出回答法律問題的意見。

(1) Injury in Fact (1) 事實傷害

The litigant must show that he has suffered an injury in fact, i.e., he must show that he has himself been injured in some way by the conduct that he complains of.

(2) Non-Individual Harm (2) 非個人傷害
If the harm suffered by the P is n o n o no\boldsymbol{n o} different from that suffered by very large number of people not before the court, he has no standing to sue.
如果 P 所遭受的傷害 n o n o no\boldsymbol{n o} 與法院沒有受理的大量人士所遭受的傷害不同,他就沒有資格起訴。

(3) Third Parties’ Rights
(3) 第三方權利
Where the rights claimed to be violated are not the rights of the P P PP, but instead the rights of third party who are not before the court, P also has no standing.
如果聲稱被侵犯的權利不是 P P PP 的權利,而是法院沒有受理的第三人的權利,則 P 也沒有資格。

(4) Taxpayer (4) 納稅人

The fact that a person’s federal taxes are used to fund an unconstitutional or illegal government program is simply not a sufficient connection with the governmental action to confer standing on the P .

The only exception is a taxpayer sues to overturn a congressional tax or spending program that violates the Establishment Clause. Flast v. Cohen, 392 U.S. 83 (1968)
唯一的例外是納稅人起訴推翻國會違反「確立條款」的稅收或開支計畫。Flast v. Cohen, 392 U.S. 83 (1968)

(5) Citizen Suits (5) 公民訴訟

The Court has always held that one federal citizen’s interest in lawful government is no different from the interest of any other citizen, and that an individual litigant relying on citizenship has not show the individualized iniury-in-fact that is required for standing.

Exception: provided by statute such as Clean Water Act

c. Mootness c.無效

(1) General Rule (1) 一般規則
A case may not be heard by the federal courts if it is moot. A case is moot if it raised a live controversy at the time the complaint was filed, but events occurring after the filing have deprived the litigant of an ongoing stake in the controversy. Example: DeFunis v. Odegaard, 416 U.S. 312 (1974)
聯邦法院不得審理無效的案件。如果案件在提出訴願時引起了活生生的爭議,但在提出訴願後發生的事件剝奪了訴訟人在爭議中的持續利害關係,則該案件無效。舉例說明:DeFunis v. Odegaard, 416 U.S. 312 (1974)

(2) Exceptions: (2) 例外:

(a) Capable of Repetition
(a) 可重複
A case will not be treated as moot if the issue it raised is “capable of repetition, yet evading review.” This takes care of situation in which, if the case were to be declared moot, the P or a different person might be injured in the same way, and his or her claim, too, would be moot before review could be had.
如果案件提出的問題 「能夠重複發生,但又迴避審查」,則案件不會被視為無效。這可以處理以下情況:如果案件被宣布為無效,P或其他人士可能會受到同樣的傷害,而他或她的索賠要求也會在進行審查之前失去意義。

(b) Voluntary Cessation by D
(b) D 的自願終止

The case will not be treated as moot if the D voluntarily ceases the conduct that the P is complaining about. So if the P is seeking an injunction, the D can’t defend by saying he has voluntarily stopped the complained act.
如果被告自願停止 P 所投訴的行為,則案件不會被視為無效。因此,如果 P 尋求禁制令,則 D 不能以他已自願停止被投訴的行為作為抗辯。

© Collateral Consequences
A case will not be moot if there are still collateral consequences that might be adverse to the D. Example: D challenged the constitutionality of his conviction after serving the sentence, because there will probably be future collateral consequences from his conviction, the case will not be considered moot.
如果仍然存在可能對 D 不利的附帶後果,則案件不會被視為無效:D 在服刑後對其定罪的合憲性提出質疑,因為他的定罪可能會在未來產生附帶後果,所以此案不會被視為無效。

d. Ripeness d.成熟度

A case is not yet ripe (and therefore not yet decidable by a federal court) if it has not yet become sufficiently concrete to be adjudicated. One common ripeness problem arises where the P attacks the constitutionality of a statute and says that he has violated the statute, but it is clear that the statute is rarely enforced and probably will not be enforced in this particular situation.
如果一個案件尚未具體到可以判決的程度,則該案件尚未成熟(因此聯邦法院尚未可以判決)。一個常見的成熟度問題出現在 P 攻擊一項法規的合憲性,並說他違反了該法規,但很明顯,該法規很少執行,而且很可能不會在此特定情況下執行。

e. Political Questions e.政治問題

The courts will not decide a case involving the decision of a political question. It does not mean that federal courts will not decide a case that involves politics. Instead, the court will decline to hear a case on political question grounds only if it thinks that the doctrine of separation of powers requires this, or if it thinks that deciding the case would be unwise as a policy matter.

(4) impossibility of a court’s undertaking independent resolution without expressing lack of the respect due coordinate branches of government;
(4) 法院不可能在不表示缺乏對政府協調部門應有尊重的情況下進行獨立解決;

(5) an unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political decision already made; and
(5) 不尋常地需要毫無疑問地堅持已經做出的政治決定;以及

(6) attempting to resolve the matter would create the possibility of embarrassment from multifarious pronouncements by various departments on one question.
(6) 試圖解決這個問題,可能會造成不同部門就一個問題發表不同聲明的尷尬情況。
  • The factors considered (Baker v. Carr):
    考慮的因素(Baker v. Carr):

    (1) a textually demonstrable constitutional commitment of the issue to a coordinate political department (i.e. foreign affairs, executive war powers or impeachment);
    (1) 憲法在文字上承諾將問題交由協調的政治部門處理 (例如外交事務、行政戰爭權力或彈劾);

    (2) lack of judicially discoverable and manageable standards for resolving the issue (Art. IV, Sec. 4, Guaranty Clause);
    (2) 缺乏司法上可發現和可管理的標準來解決問題 (第四條第四節,保證條款);

    (3) impossibility of deciding the issue without an initial policy determination of a kind clearly for non-judicial discretion;
    (3) 不可能在沒有初步政策決定的情況下對問題做出決定,而這種政策決定顯然是非司法裁量的;

II. Federal Legislative Power - Commerce Power
II.聯邦立法權 - 商業權

Probably Congress’ most important power is the power to “regulate Commerce . . . among the several states.” (Art. I. §8). There seem to be four broad categories of activities which Congress can constitutionally regulate under the Commerce power:
國會最重要的權力可能是「規範各州之間的商業」。(Art. I. §8)。根據憲法,國會似乎有四大類活動可以依據商務權進行管制:

1. Channels 1.頻道

First, Congress can regulate the use of the “channel” of interstate commerce. Thus, Congress can regulate in a way that is reasonably related to highways, waterways, and air traffic. Presumably Congress can do so even though the activity in question in the particular case is completely intrastate.

3. Articles Moving in Interstate Commerce

This includes both the tangible and the intangible merchandises, for example, the state and private parties keep information about the identities of drivers. Since this information gets exchanged across state lines (e.g., from states to companies that want to sell cars), the information is an article in interstate commerce and Congress may regulate how it’s used. (Reno v. Condon, 528 U.S. 141, 2000)
這包括有形商品和無形商品,例如,州政府和私人保存駕駛者的身份資訊。由於這些資訊會跨州交換 (例如從各州交換給想要銷售汽車的公司),因此這些資訊是州際商業中的物品,國會可以規範如何使用這些資訊。(Reno v. Condon, 528 U.S. 141, 2000)

2. Instrumentalities 2.工具

Second, Congress can regulate the “instrumentalities” of interstate commerce, even though the particular activities being regulated are completely intrastate. This category refers to people, machines, and other “things” used in carrying out commerce, e.g., Congress could say that every truck must have a specific safety device, even if the particular truck in question was made and used exclusively within a state.

4. "Substantially Affecting" Commerce

The biggest (and most challenging) category is that Congress may regulate those activities having a “substantial effect” on interstate commerce. (U.S. v. Lopez, 1995). As to this category the following rules now seem to apply:
最大的(也是最具挑戰性的)類別是國會可以管制那些對州際商業有「實質影響」的活動。(U.S. v. Lopez, 1995)。至於這一類別,目前似乎適用以下規則:

a. Activity is Commercial
If the activity itself is arguably “commercial,” then it doesn’t seem to matter whether the particular instance of the activity directly affects interstate commerce, as long as the instance is part of a general class of activities that, collectively, substantially affect interstate commerce, especially as part of a broad scheme to regulate interstate commerce in the same activity. (Gonzales v. Raich)
如果活動本身可以說是「商業」活動,那麼活動的特定事例是否直接影響州際商業似乎並不重要,只要該事例是一般活動類別的一部分,而這些活動整體上對州際商業有重大影響,尤其是作為管制同一活動的州際商業的廣泛計劃的一部分。(Gonzales v. Raich)

c. Little Deference to Congress

If the activity is not commercial, the Court won’t give much deference to the fact that Congress believed that the activity has the requisite “substantial effect” on interstate commerce. The Court will basically decide this issue for itself. It certainly will no longer be enough that Congress had a “rational basis” for believing that the requisite effect existed-the effect must in fact exist to the Court’s own independent satisfaction.
如果該活動不是商業活動,法院不會太尊重國會認為該活動對州際商業有必要的「實質影響」這一事實。法院基本上會自行決定這個問題。國會有 「合理的基礎 」相信存在必要的影響,這當然不再足夠--影響必須實際存在,讓法院自己獨立滿意。

b. Activity is not Commercial

But if the activity itself is “not commercial,” then there will apparently have to be pretty obvious connection between the activity and interstate commerce. (U.S. v. Lopez)
但如果活動本身「非商業性」,則該活動與州際商業之間顯然必須有相當明顯的關聯。(U.S. v. Lopez)

d. Traditional Domain of States

If what’s being regulated is an activity the regulation of which has traditionally been the domain of the states, and as to which the states have expertise, the Court is less likely to find that Congress is acting within its Commerce power. Thus education, family law and general criminal law are areas where the court is likely to be especially suspicious of congressional “interference.”

II. Federal Legislative Power - Other National Powers
II.聯邦立法權 - 其他國家權力

1. Taxing Power 1.徵稅權

Congress has the power to “lay and collect taxes.” (Art. I. §8.) This is an independent source of congressional power, so it can be used to reach conduct that might be beyond the other sources of congressional power, like the Commerce Clause.
國會有權「設立和徵收稅項」(第一條第八節)。(Art. I. §8.)這是國會權力的獨立來源,因此可以用來處理可能超越其他國會權力來源的行為,例如「商業條款」(Commerce Clause)。

(1) Direct Taxes (1) 直接稅

“Direct taxes” must be allocated among the states in proportion to population. This provision is of little practical importance today.

(2) No Export Taxes (2) 無出口稅

Congress may not tax any exports from any state, e.g., Congress may not place a tax on all computers which are exported from any state to foreign countries.

a. Regulation a.監管

Congress can probably regulate under the guise of taxing, so long as there’s some real revenue produced.

b. Limits on Taxing Power

There are a few limits which the Constitution places upon the taxing power:

(3) Customs Duties and Excise Taxes must be Uniform
(3) 關稅與消費稅必須統一

All customs duties and excise taxes must be uniform throughout the United States. For example, Congress may not place a $ .10 $ .10 $.10\$ .10 per-gallon federal excise tax on gasoline sales that takes place in New Jersey, and a $ .15 $ .15 $.15\$ .15 per-gallon tax on those that take place in Oklahoma.
所有關稅和消費稅必須在全美統一。例如,國會不得對在新澤西州銷售的汽油徵收每加侖 $ .10 $ .10 $.10\$ .10 的聯邦消費稅,而對在俄克拉何馬州銷售的汽油徵收每加侖 $ .15 $ .15 $.15\$ .15 的聯邦消費稅。

2. Spending Power 2.消費力

Congress also has the power to “pay the debts and provide for common defense and general welfare of the United States.” (Art. I, §8.) This is the “spending” power.
國會也有權「償還美國的債務,並提供共同防衛和一般福利」。(Art. I, §8.) 這就是「支出」權。

a. Independent Power a.獨立電力
This is an independent power, just like the Commerce power. So Congress could spend to achieve a purely local benefit, even one that it couldn’t achieve by regulating under the Commerce Power.

b. Use of Condition b.使用條件

Congress may place conditions upon use of its spending power, even if the congressional purpose is in effect to regulate. Conditions placed upon the doling out of federal funds are usually justified under the “Necessary and Proper” Clause (Art. I, § 8, Clause 18), which let Congress use any means to seek an objective falling within the specifically-enumerated powers, as long as the means is rationally related to the objective, and is not specifically forbidden by the Constitution.
  • The Court in South Dakota v. Dole, 483 U.S. 203
    法院在 South Dakota v. Dole, 483 U.S. 203 一案中

    (1987), established a five-point rule for considering the constitutionality of expenditure conditions:
  1. The spending must promote “the general welfare.”
  2. The condition must be unambiguous.
  3. The condition should relate “to the federal interest in particular national projects or programs.”
  4. The condition imposed on the states must not, in itself, be unconstitutional.
  5. The condition must not be coercive.

III. Federal Executive Power

  1. President Can’t Make the Laws
The most important single separation of powers principle might be that the President cannot make the laws. All he can do is to carry out the laws made by Congress.

a. Congress’ Acquiescence
But the scope of the President’s powers may be at least somewhat expanded by Congress’s acquiescence to his exercise of the power.

(Concurring Opinion in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer)
(Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer 一案中的同意意見)

b. Delegation b.授權

Congress may delegate some of its power to the President or the executive branch. This is how federal agencies get the right to formulate regulations for interpreting and enforcing congressional statutes.

b. Treaties and Executive Agreements

The President has the power to enter into a treaty with foreign nations, but only if two-thirds of the Senate approves. Additionally, the Court has held that the Constitution implicitly gives the President, as an adjunct of his foreign affairs power, the right to enter into an “executive agreement” with a foreign nation, without first getting express congressional consent.

2. The War, Treaty and Foreign Affairs Powers

a. War Powers a.戰爭權力
The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. But only Congress, not the President, can declare war.

The President can commit US armed forces to repel a sudden attack, but theoretically he cannot fight a long-term engagement without a congressional declaration of war.
  • When the president acts unilaterally, the agreement is referred to as a “sole executive agreement.” When the president acts with the approval of a simple majority of both houses of Congress, the agreement is known as a “legislative-executive agreement.” Presidents have “assumed” discretion to decide whether to pursue an international agreement as a treaty, a sole executive agreement, or in the form of a legislative-executive agreement.
    當總統單方面行事時,該協定稱為 「單獨行政協定」。當總統在國會兩院的簡單多數批准下行事時,該協定稱為 「立法-行政協定」。總統有 「假定 」的自由裁量權來決定是否以條約、單一行政協定或立法-行政協定的形式推行國際協定。

3. Appointment and Removal of Executive Personnel

The President, not the Congress, is given the power to appoint federal executive officers.

a. General Scheme a.一般計劃

Only the President may appoint “principal,” i.e., high-level, federal officers. Congress cannot appoint “inferior” federal officials either, but it may say which of the three other entities, the President, the Court, or the Cabinet, may appoint these lower officials.

c. Impeachment c.彈劾
Congress can remove any “officer” of the U.S. by impeachment. The House must vote by a majority to impeach. Then, the Senate conducts the trial; a two-thirds vote of the Senators present is required to convict. Conviction can be for treason, bribery, and other “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Probably only serious crimes, and serious non-criminal abuses of power, are within the phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
國會可以彈劾的方式解除美國任何「官員」的職務。眾議院必須以大多數票通過彈劾。然後,參議院進行審判;定罪需要出席的參議員三分之二的票數。定罪可以是叛國、賄賂和其他 「重罪和輕罪」。大概只有嚴重罪行和嚴重的非刑事濫權才屬於 「重罪和輕罪」。

b. Removal of Federal Executives

The power to remove federal executive officers basically rests with the President. The President may remove any executive appointee without cause.

Exceptions: The President must have cause to remove (1) an officer who is appointed pursuant to a statute specifying the length of the term of office; or (2) an officer who performs a judicial or quasi-judicial function.
例外:總統必須有理由罷免:(1) 依據規定任期的法規任命的官員;或 (2) 履行司法或准司法職能的官員。

4. Removal of Federal Judges

Federal judges cannot be removed by either Congress or the President. Article III provides that federal judges shall hold their office during “good behavior.” This has been held to mean that so long as a judge does not act improperly, he or she may not be removed from office. The only way to remove a sitting federal judge is by formal impeachment proceedings.
聯邦法官不得被國會或總統撤職。第三條規定,聯邦法官應在 「行為良好 」期間擔任其職位。這被認為意味著只要法官沒有不當行為,就不得被免職。罷免現任聯邦法官的唯一方法是進行正式彈劾程序。

b. Executive Immunity b.行政豁免

There’s no executive branch immunity written into the Constitution. But courts have recognized an implied executive immunity based on separation of powers concepts.

The President has absolute immunity from civil liability for his official acts. There is no immunity for the President’s unofficial acts, including those he committed before taking office.

c. Executive Privilege c.行政特權
Presidents have a qualified right to refuse to disclose confidential information relating to the performance of their duties.

Since the privilege is qualified, it may be outweighed by other compelling governmental interests. For instance, the need for the President’s evidence in a criminal trial will generally outweigh the President’s vague need to keep information confidential.
  • In 1973, the Department of Justice concluded that the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unduly interfere with the ability of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned duties, and would thus violate the constitutional separation of powers. No court has addressed this question directly.
    1973 年,司法部得出結論,對在任總統提出起訴和刑事起訴會不適當地干擾行政部門履行憲法指定職責的能力,因此違反了憲法分權的規定。沒有法院直接處理過這個問題。
  • 中華民國憲法第52條:「總統除犯内亂或外患罪外,非經罷免或解職,不受刑事上之訴究。」

V. The Bill of Rights and the Post-Civil War Amendments

A. The Bill of Rights and the States

1. Generally 1.一般而言

The first ten amendments to the Constitution, all adopted in 1791, are commonly called the Bill of Rights. Their principal purpose is to protect the individual against various sorts of interference by the federal government.
憲法的前十項修正案均於 1791 年通過,通常稱為《人權法案》。其主要目的是保護個人免受聯邦政府的各種干預。

2. Enactment of the Civil War (1861-1865) Amendments
2.內戰(1861-1865 年)修正案的制定

The relative lack of constitutional restrictions on relations between state governments and individuals was drastically changed by the enactment of the three Civil War Amendments, the 13 th, 14 th and 15 t h 15 t h 15 th15 t h. Each of these three was enacted for the purpose of barring discrimination by state against individual, especially blacks.
憲法對州政府和個人之間的關係相對缺乏限制,但內戰期間制定的三項修正案(第13、14和 15 t h 15 t h 15 th15 t h 條)徹底改變了這一狀況。這三項修正案都是為了禁止州政府對個人(尤其是黑人)的歧視而制定的。

* 14th Amendment, §1: * 第14修正案,第1節:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

* 13th Amendment, §1: * 第13修正案,第1節:

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
  • 15th Amendment, §1: 第 15 修正案,第 1 節:
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

3. Due Process of Law and "Incorporation"
3.正當法律程序與 「納入」

The Supreme Court originally seemed to have implicitly rejected the notion that the 14th Amendment automatically made applicable to the states all of the Bill of Rights guarantees.
最高法院最初似乎含蓄地拒絕了第 14 條修正案自動使人權法案的所有保證適用於各州的觀點。
Amendment VI: Criminal Prosecutions - Jury Trial, Right to Confront and to Counsel
修正案 VI:刑事起訴 - 陪審團審判、對質權和律師權

Amendment VII: Common Law Suits - Jury Trial
修正案七:普通法訴訟 - 陪審團審判

Amendment VIII: Excess Bail or Fines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Amendment IX: Non-Enumerated Rights

Amendment X: Rights Reserved to States
修正案 X:各州保留的權利
Amendment I: Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition
修正案 I:宗教、言論、新聞、集會、請願

Amendment II: Right to Bear Arms

Amendment III: Quartering of Troops
修正案 III:軍隊駐扎

Amendment IV: Search and Seizure
修正案 IV:搜身與扣押

Amendment V: Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Due Process

* Two Contrasting Views * 兩種截然不同的觀點

There have been two main contrasting views espoused by members of the S . Ct . on this issue: the “selective incorporation” or “fundamental rights” approach, and the “total incorporation” approach. The former has always held a majority on the Court.
  • “Selective Incorporation” or “Fundamental Rights” View

    This approach denies that the entire Bill of Rights is made applicable to the states via the 14th Amendment. Instead, the term “liberty” as used in that Amendment is to be interpreted by judges without regard to the Bill of Rights. Only those aspects of liberty that are in some sense “fundamental” are protected by the 14th Amendment against state interference.
    這種做法否認了整個人權法案通過第14修正案適用於各州。相反,該修正案中使用的「自由」一詞應由法官在不考慮權利法案的情況下進行解釋。只有那些在某種意義上屬於 「基本 」的自由才受到第14修正案的保護,不受州的干預。

* Modern Approach * 現代方法

The selective incorporation/fundamental rights approach has always held a majority on the Court. The Court today incorporate into the 14th Amendment any guarantee which is “fundamental in the context of the iudicial processes maintained by the American states.” (Duncan v. Louisiana, 1968)
  • “Total Incorporation” View
    「總合 」檢視
The contrary view, that all of the guarantees specified in the Bill of Rights are made applicable to the states by the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause, is usually referred to as the “total incorporation” view.
相反的觀點,即人權法案中規定的所有保證都通過第 14 修正案的「正當程序條款」適用於各州,通常被稱為「完全納入」觀點。
  • Nearly All Guarantees Incorporated
Today, virtually the entire Bill of Rights has been incorporated into the 14th Amendment, one guarantee at a time.
今天,幾乎整個人權法案都被納入了第 14 條修正案,每次都有一項保證。

The only important Bill of Rights guarantees not incorporated are the 5th Amendment’s prohibition of criminal trials without a grand jury indictment, and the 7th Amendment’s right to jury trial in civil cases.
唯一未納入的人權法案重要保證是第 5 修正案禁止在沒有大陪審團起訴的情況下進行刑事審判,以及第 7 修正案在民事案件中的陪審團審判權。

VI. Due Process of Law

A. Due Process Clause in General

There are two quite different functions that the Due Process Clause serves. Most obviously, it imposes certain procedural requirements on governments when they impair life, liberty, or property.

1. Non-fundamental Rights

If a right or value is found to be “nonfundamental,” then the government action that impairs that right only has to meet the easy “mere rationality” test. In other word, it just has to be the case that the government is pursuing a legitimate governmental objective, and is doing so with a means that is rationally related to that objective.
But the Due Process Clause also limits the substantive power of the government to regulate certain areas of human life. Starting with Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), the Supreme Court established that the Due Process Clause is not only a procedural guarantee but also a substantive limitation on the tvpe of control that the government may exercise over individuals. This “substantive” component of the Due Process Clause derives mainly from the term “liberty”-certain types of state limits on human conduct have been held to so unreasonably interfere with important human rights that they amount to an unreasonable (and therefore unconstitutional) denial of “liberty.”
但「正當程序條款」也限制了政府管制人類生活某些領域的實質權力。從 Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)案開始,最高法院確立「正當程序條款」不僅是一項程序性保證,也是對政府可能對個人行使控制的實質限制。正當程序條款的這個「實質」部分主要來自「自由」一詞--某些類型的國家對人類行為的限制被認為不合理地干擾了重要的人權,以至於等同於不合理(因而違憲)地剝奪了「自由」。

* Economic Regulation * 經濟規範

Nearly all economic regulation (and most “social welfare” regulation) will turn out to implicate only non-fundamental rights, and will almost certainly be upheld under the easy-tosatisfy mere rationality standard. So if one can’t find a fundamental right being impaired, it is relatively safe to presume that the government measure does not violate substantive due process.

2. Fundamental Rights 2.基本權利

But if a state or federal government is impairing a "fundamental’ right, then the court uses strict scrutiny. Only if the governmental action is “necessary” to achieve a “compelling” governmental objective, will the government avoid violating substantive due process.

B. Economic and Social-Welfare Regulation

Since 1937 (West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrishminimum wage regulation), the Court has not struck down an economic regulation for violating substantive due process.
自 1937 年 (West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrishminimum wage regulation) 以來,法院從未以違反實質適當程序為由,推翻過任何經濟法規。

1. Two Limits 1.兩個限制

Today, an economic statute has to meet only two easily-satisfied requirements to be in conformity with substantive due process:

a. Legitimate Government Objective The government must be pursuing a legitimate state objective. But virtually any health, safety or “general welfare” goal comes within the government’s “police power” (治安權/規範權) and is thus legitimate.
a.合法的政府目標 政府必須追求合法的國家目標。但幾乎任何健康、安全或「一般福利」目標都屬於政府的「治安權/規範權」,因此是合法的。

b. Minimally Rationally Related
Second, there must be a “minimally rational relation” between the means chosen by the legislature and the government objective.

To put it another way, the Court will presume that the statute is constitutional unless the legislature has acted in a completely “arbitrary and irrational” way.

2. Other Non-fundamental Rights

Outside the economic area, the same rule applies as long as no fundamental right is being affected: the state must merely be pursuing a legitimate state objective by rational means. So most “social welfare” legislation merely has to meet this very easy standard.

* Rights Governed * 受規範的權利

The only rights that have been recognized as “fundamental” and therefore subject to strict scrutiny for substantive due process purposes are ones related to the loose category “right to privacy.” This is usually relating to a person’s right to make his own decision about highly personal matters. This right derives indirectly from several Bill of Rights guarantees, which collectively create a “penumbra” or “zone” of privacy.
唯一被認定為 「基本 」的權利,因此為了實質適當程序的目的而受到嚴格審查的權利,是與 「隱私權 」這個寬鬆的類別有關的權利。這通常是關於一個人對高度個人的事情做出自己決定的權利。這項權利間接來自幾項人權法案的保證,這些保證共同創造了一個隱私權的 「半影 」或 「區域」。

C. Substantive Due Process and Privacy

  1. Fundamental Rights Generally
If a state or federal regulation is impairing a fundamental right, the court strictly scrutinizes the regulation: (1) the objective being pursued by the government must be compelling; and (2) the means chosen by the government must be necessary to achieve that compelling end. In other words, there must not be any less restrictive means.
如果州或聯邦法規正在損害一項基本權利,法院會嚴格審查該法規:(1) 政府追求的目標必須令人信服;(2) 政府選擇的手段必須是達到該令人信服的目的所必需的。換句話說,必須沒有限制性較低的手段。
  • Several amendments to the U.S. Constitution have been used in determining a right to personal autonomy:
  1. The First Amendment protects the privacy of beliefs and, perhaps, association.
  2. The Third Amendment protects the privacy of the home against the use of it for housing soldiers.
  3. The Fourth Amendment protects privacy against unreasonable searches.
  4. The Fifth Amendment protects against selfincrimination, which in turn protects the privacy of personal information.
  5. The Ninth Amendment provides that the “enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people.” This has been interpreted as justification for broadly reading the Bill of Rights to protect privacy in ways not specifically provided in the first eight amendments.

2. Birth Control 2.生育控制

Individuals’ interest in using birth control is “fundamental.” So whether a person is married or single, he or she has a fundamental interest in contraception, and the state cannot impair that interest without satisfying strict scrutiny. (Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965)
個人使用避孕措施的利益是「基本利益」。因此,無論一個人是已婚或單身,他或她都有避孕的基本利益,而且州政府不能在未滿足嚴格審查的情況下損害該利益。(Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965)
  • Rights Included 包括權利
The list of rights or interests falling within this “right to privacy” include just a few related areas: marriage, child-bearing, and child-rearing. So the right to use birth control, to live together with one’s own family, to direct the upbringing and education of one’s children, to marry - these are some (probably most) of the specific interests that are
屬於「隱私權」的權利或利益清單只包括幾個相關領域:結婚、生育和養育子女。因此,使用節育措施的權利、與自己的家人共同生活的權利、指導子女成長和教育的權利、結婚的權利 - 這些都是一些(也許是大多數)具體的利益。

“fundamental.” (The right to abortion used to be “fundamental,” but seems to be only “quasifundamental” after Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and now non-fundamental after Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization)
「基本」。(墮胎權曾是 「基本權利」,但在 Planned Parenthood v. Casey 案之後,似乎就只是 「準基本權利」,而在 Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization 案之後,現在就變成非基本權利了)

3. Abortion 3.墮胎

The right of abortion used to be the primary example of a right protected by substantive due process. But the right to abortion as it stood under Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992) is now clearly abolished by Dobbs v v vv. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022).
墮胎權曾經是受到實質適當程序保護的權利的主要例子。但根據Roe v. Wade (1973) 和 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992),墮胎的權利現在已被Dobbs v v vv 明確廢除。Jackson 婦女健康組織 (2022)。
  • In the post-Casey world, a woman has a constitutionally-protected privacy interest in choosing to have an abortion before viability. However, the state has a somewhat countervailing interest in protecting “potential life,” even before viability.
    在後 Casey 的世界中,婦女在選擇在存活前進行墮胎時,擁有受憲法保護的隱私權。然而,國家在保護「潛在生命」(即使是在存活前)方面有一定程度的反向利益。

    The state does not have the right to ban all previability abortions except those necessary to save the life or health of the mother.
  • However, the state has a far greater ability to regulate the abortion process than it did before Casey. The state may regulate if it does not place an “undue burden” on the woman’s right to choose a pre-viability abortion. A regulation will constitute an “undue burden” if the regulation “has the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman’s seeking a pre-viability abortion.”
    然而,州政府管制墮胎程序的能力遠大於 Casey 案之前。如果州政府不會對婦女選擇生育前墮胎的權利造成「過度負擔」,就可以進行管制。如果某項規定 「具有在婦女尋求懷孕前墮胎的道路上設置實質障礙的目的或效果」,則該規定將構成 「過度負擔」。
  • The Supreme Court in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt (2016) clarified exactly what the ‘undue burden’ test requires: “Casey requires courts to consider the burdens a law imposes on abortion access together with the benefits those laws confer.”
    最高法院在 Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt (2016) 案中闡明「不當負擔」測試的確實要求:「Casey要求法院將法律對墮胎機會造成的負擔與這些法律賦予的利益一併考慮」。

    The Supreme Court further clarified in June Medical Services, LLC v. Russo (2020) with respect to the undue burden standard: “[T]his standard requires courts independently to review the legislative findings upon which an abortionrelated statute rests and to weigh the law’s ‘asserted benefits against the burdens’ imposes on abortion access.”
    最高法院在 June Medical Services, LLC v. Russo (2020) 案中進一步澄清了不當負擔標準:"該標準要求法院獨立審查墮胎相關法規所依據的立法結果,並衡量法律「所聲稱的利益與墮胎所造成的負擔」。
  • In the post-Dobbs world, however, a woman no longer has a constitutionally-protected privacy interest in choosing to have an abortion before viability. It is the holding of the Court in Dobbs that the Constitution does not mention abortion, and the right is neither deeply rooted in the nation’s history nor an essential component of “ordered liberty.” Therefore a state’s previability prohibitions on elective abortions are not unconstitutional as long as it can survive the scrutiny of mere rationality test.
    然而,在 Dobbs 案之後的世界中,婦女在選擇於胎兒存活前進行墮胎時,不再擁有受憲法保護的隱私權。法院在 Dobbs 一案中裁定,憲法並未提及墮胎,且該權利既非深植於國家歷史中,也非「有秩序的自由」的重要組成部分。因此,只要州政府在可孕前禁止選擇性墮胎的規定能通過純粹合理性測試的審查,就不會違憲。
  • In March, 2021, Texas Legislature passed the Texas Heartbeat Act, which bans abortion after the detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat (normally occurs after about six weeks of pregnancy). The law took effect on September 1, 2021, after the Supreme Court denied an emergency request from abortion providers to enjoin the law’s enforcement. It is the first time a state has successfully imposed a six-week abortion ban since Roe v. Wade, and the first abortion restriction to rely on enforcement by private individuals through civil lawsuits, rather than by the government through criminal or civil enforcement. The act establishes a system in which members of the public can sue anyone who performs or facilitates an illegal abortion for a minimum of $10,000 in statutory damages.
    2021 年 3 月,德州立法機關通過《德州心跳法》,禁止在偵測到未出生嬰兒心跳後進行墮胎(通常發生在懷孕約六週之後)。最高法院駁回墮胎服務提供者要求禁止執行該法的緊急請求後,該法於 2021 年 9 月 1 日生效。這是自 Roe v. Wade 案以來,第一次有州成功實施六週墮胎禁令,也是第一個依賴私人透過民事訴訟來執行,而非由政府透過刑事或民事執法來執行的墮胎限制。該法案建立了一個制度,讓公眾可以起訴任何執行或協助非法墮胎的人,要求至少 10,000 美元的法定損害賠償。
  • However, there might be other state constitutional remedy on this regard. The South Carolina Constitution provides a right to privacy that includes the right to abortion, the state’s Supreme Court ruled on 2023/01/05, saying “the decision to terminate a pregnancy rests upon the utmost personal and private considerations imaginable.”
    然而,在這方面可能有其他州憲法補救。南卡羅來納州憲法規定了隱私權,其中包括墮胎的權利,該州最高法院於 2023/01/05 裁定,「終止懷孕的決定是基於可以想像的最大個人和隱私考量」。
The decision overturns the state’s law banning abortions after roughly the sixth week of pregnancy. More broadly, it is a victory for abortion rights in the South, where states have severely restricted access.

a. Right to Live Together

Relatives have a fundamental right to live together. So a city may not enact a zoning ordinance that prevent first cousins from living together, because the right of members of a family-even a non-nuclear family-to live together is “fundamental,” and any state interference with that right will be strictly scrutinized. (Moore v. East Cleveland, 1977)
親屬有共同生活的基本權利。因此,一個城市不得頒佈區域劃分法令,阻止嫡表兄弟姊妹住在一起,因為家庭成員(即使是非核心家庭)住在一起的權利是「基本權利」,而國家對該權利的任何干預都會受到嚴格審查(Moore v. East Cleveland, 1977)。(Moore訴East Cleveland案,1977年)
  • Note: What the Court was protecting in Moore was clearly the right of families to live together, not the more general right to live with whomever one wants outside of ties of blood and marriage. Thus the court had previously held that unrelated people had no “fundamental right” to live together (Belle Terre v. Borass, 1974), and in Moore the Court pointed out that families’ rights to live together were different, and much stronger.
    註:法院在 Moore 案中所保護的顯然是家庭共同生活的權利,而非在血緣和婚姻關係之外與任何人共同生活的更廣泛權利。因此,法院之前曾認為沒有血緣關係的人沒有共同生活的「基本權利」(Belle Terre v. Borass,1974年),而在Moore案中,法院指出家庭共同生活的權利是不同的,而且強烈得多。
Example 2: There’s also probably a fundamental right to continue parenting-so the state can’t take away one’s child just because it thinks a foster home would be “better” for the child. Even if there’s child abuse, the parent still has a fundamental right to parent, but here the state’s interest in protecting the child would be “compelling,” so putting the child in foster care would probably satisfy strict scrutiny.

b. Upbringing and Education

A parent’s right to direct the upbringing and education of his/her children is “fundamental.”

Example 1: A state may not require parents to send their children to public schools. Parents have a fundamental right to determine how their children will be educated.
範例 1:州政府不得要求家長將其子女送入公立學校。家長有決定如何教育子女的基本權利。

c. Right to Marry c.結婚權利

The right to marry is also fundamental, so again the state can only interfere with this right by passing strict scrutiny.

Example: A state may not forbid anyone from remarrying unless he is current on all support payments from his prior marriage. (Zablocki v. Redhail, 1978)

* Same Sex Marriage * 同性婚姻

Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644 (2015), is a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held in a 5-4 decision that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to samesex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Obergefell v. Hodges,576 U.S. 644 (2015),是美國最高法院一宗里程碑式的案件,在該案中,法院以 5:4 的結果裁定,同性伴侶結婚的基本權利受到美國憲法第十四修正案「正當程序條款」和「平等保護條款」的保證。
The Court noted the relationship between the liberty of the Due Process Clause and the equality of the Equal Protection Clause and determined that same-sex marriage bans also violated the latter. Concluding that the liberty and equality of same-sex couples was significantly burdened, the Court struck down same-sex marriage bans for violating both clauses, holding that same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all fifty states.
Citing Griswold v. Connecticut, the Court affirmed that the fundamental rights found in the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause “extend to certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices that define personal identity and beliefs,” but the “identification and protection” of these fundamental rights “has not been reduced to any formula.” As the Supreme Court has found in cases such as Loving v. Virginia, Zablocki v. Redhail, and Turner v. Safley, this extension includes a fundamental right to marry.
法院引述 Griswold v. Connecticut 案,確認第十四修正案「正當程序條款」中的基本權利「延伸至某些對個人尊嚴與自主極為重要的個人選擇,包括界定個人身分與信仰的私密選擇」,但這些基本權利的「識別與保護」「並未淪為任何公式」。正如最高法院在Loving v. Virginia、Zablocki v. Redhail和Turner v. Safley等案件中所發現的,這種延伸包括結婚的基本權利。

5. Adult Sex 5.成人性行為

There is no general fundamental right to engage in adult consensual sexual activity. Therefore, the Court will generally review restrictions on adult consensual sexual activity under the mererationality test.
從事成人雙方同意的性活動並不存在一般的基本權利。因此,法院一般會根據 「合理性測試 」來審查對成人雙方同意的性活動的限制。

* Sexual Autonomy * 性自主

However, the Court will sometimes strike down the regulation on the grounds that it interferes with people’s sexual autonomy.

Most dramatically, the Court has struck down all state laws that criminalize homosexual sodomy, on the grounds that such laws “demean the lives of homosexual persons,” and thus violate their substantive due process rights. They have “the full right to engage in their homosexual conduct without intervention of the government.” (Lawrence v v vv. Texas, 2003)
最引人注目的是,法院推翻了所有將同性戀雞姦定罪的州法律,理由是這些法律「貶低了同性戀者的生活」,因此侵犯了他們的實質適當程序權利。他們「完全有權在不受政府干預的情況下進行同性戀行為」。(Lawrence v v vv .德州,2003年)

6. The Right to Die

The law of “right to decline unwanted medical procedures” and “right to die” is still developing:

a. State’s Interest a.國家利益
The state has an important countervailing interest in preserving life.

* Other Sexual Conduct * 其他性行為

Notwithstanding Lawrence, the state can almost certainly prohibit, and punish, such adult consensual sexual activities as adultery, incest, bestiality and bigamy, on the grounds that these activities are provably harmful, and their prohibition is therefore not merely an irrational expression of the majority “moral disapproval.”

b. Unwanted Medical Procedures
A competent adult has a 14th Amendment liberty interest in not being forced to undergo unwanted medical procedures, including artificial life-sustaining measures. It’s not clear whether this is a “fundamental” interest.
有能力的成年人擁有第 14 修正案的自由權益,即不被迫接受不想要的醫療程序,包括人工維持生命的措施。目前尚不清楚這是否屬於「基本」權益。

Example: P, dying of stomach cancer, has a liberty interest in refusing to let the hospital feed him through a feeding tube.
舉例說明:P 患有胃癌,生命垂危,他有自由權益拒絕讓醫院用餵食管餵他。

c. “Clear and Convincing Evidence”

Standard 標準
In the case of a now-incompetent patient, the state’s interest in preserving life entitles it to say that it won’t allow the “plug” to be “pulled” unless there is “clear and convincing evidence” that the patient would have voluntarily declined the life-sustaining measures.
  • Example: P is comatose, hospitalized, being fed through a tube, and kept breathing through a respirator. P’s parents want the hospital to discontinue the tube-feeding and respirator. In Cruzan v. Missouri (1990), the Court held that the state may insist that if the parents can’t show “clear and convincing evidence” that during her conscious life P showed a desire not to be kept alive by such artificial measures, the measures must be continued.
    範例:P 昏迷住院,由插管餵食,並透過呼吸器維持呼吸。P 的父母希望醫院停止插管餵食和呼吸器。在 Cruzan v. Missouri (1990)一案中,法院認為州政府可以堅持,如果父母無法提出「清楚且令人信服的證據」,證明 P 在有意識的生命期間曾表示不希望以這種人工措施維持生命,則必須繼續採取這些措施。

* Living Wills & Health-Care Proxy
* 生前預囑與健康照護委託書

But probably the states must honor a “living will” and a “health-care proxy.” In a living will, the signer gives direct instructions. In a health-care proxy, the signer appoints someone else to make health care decisions.

d. No "Right to Commit Suicide"

Terminally-ill patients do not have a general liberty interest in “committing suicide.” Nor do they have the constitutional right to recruit a third person to help them commit suicide. (Washington v. Glucksberg, 1997)
身患絕症的病人不具有「自殺」的一般自由權益。他們也不享有招募第三者協助其自殺的憲法權利。(Washington v. Glucksberg, 1997)

Example: A state may make it a felony for a physician to knowingly prescribe a fatal dose of drugs for the purpose of helping the patient commit suicide.
  • 病人自主權利法(2015/12/18三讀通過, 2016/1/6公布施行)
  • Fundamental v. Non-fundamental
    基本 V. 非基本
In conclusion, deciding whether the right in question is “fundamental” is, as noted, the key to substantive due process analysis. But even it is decided that the right involved is fundamental, one still got to carry out the strict scrutiny analysis. Conversely, even if the right is not fundamental, one still got to apply the “mere rationality” standard, and it could be decided that the state is being so completely irrational that the state action is a violation of substantive due process anyway.

* Life, Liberty or Property
* 生命、自由或財產

There cannot be a procedural due process problem, constitutionally, unless government is taking a person’s life, liberty or property. In other words, there is no general constitutional interest in having the government behave with fair procedure.

Example: City hiring for an opening on its police force.

D. Procedural Due Process

1. Introduction 1.簡介

This is the requirement that the government act with adequate or fair procedures when it deprives a person of life, liberty or property.

The analysis of the procedural due process issue is thus divided into two main questions:

(1) has the individual’s life, liberty or property been “taken”? and if so,
(1) 個人的生命、自由或財產是否已被「奪去」? 如果是的話、

(2) what process was “due” him prior to this taking?
(2) 在奪取之前,他「應有」哪些程序?

* Individual Determination
* 個人決定

Procedural due process applies only where individual determination are being made.

Example: 範例:

Statute mandating that no person with unpaid child support may marry: substantive due process rarr\rightarrow strict scrutiny.
規定未支付子女撫養費的人不得結婚的法規:實質適當程序 rarr\rightarrow 嚴格審查。

Whether a particular person could be deprived the right of marriage pursuant to that statute: procedural due process rarr\rightarrow fair & & &\& adequate procedure (notice & & &\& hearing).
是否可以依據該法規剝奪特定的人結婚的權利:程序上的適當程序 rarr\rightarrow 公平 & & &\& 足夠的程序(通知 & & &\& 聽證)。

2. Liberty 2.自由

a. Physical Liberty a.人身自由
This liberty interest is violated if one is imprisoned, or even if one is placed in some other situation where he does not have physical freedom of movement (e.g., juvenile and/or civil commitment).

* Examples of Intangible Rights:
* 無形權利的範例:

(1) The right to drive;
(1) 駕駛權;

(2) The right to practice one’s profession;
(2) 執業的權利;

(3) The right to raise one’s family.
(3) 撫養家人的權利。
But one’s interest in having a good reputation is not “liberty”. Paul v. Davis, 424 U.S. 693 (1976) In this case, the court restricted the definition of the constitutional right to privacy “to matters relating to 'marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, and child rearing and education”.
但一個人擁有良好聲譽的利益並非「自由」。Paul v. Davis, 424 U.S. 693 (1976) 在此案中,法院將憲法賦予隱私權的定義限制於「與『婚姻、生育、避孕、家庭關係以及子女養育與教育』有關的事項」。

b. Intangible Liberty Rights

Also, a person has a liberty interest in being able to do certain intangible things not related to physical freedom of movement.

There’s no complete catalog of what interest fall within this “intangible” aspect of liberty.

3. Property 3.財產

a. Conventional Property a.傳統財產
Conventional Property means personal and real property. Thus the government cannot impose a monetary fine against a person, or declare a person’s car forfeited, without complying with procedural due process.

b. Government Benefit b.政府福利

Government benefit may or may not constitute “property” rights.

If one is just applying and hasn’t yet been receiving them, one does not have a property interest in those benefits. But if a person has already been getting the benefits, it’s probably the case that he’s got a property interest in continuing to get them, so that the government cannot terminate those benefits without giving him procedural due process.

4. Process Required 4.所需流程

If one is entitled to due process, what procedures does the person get?

a. Traditional Civil Litigation
When a person’s property at stake is a traditional civil lawsuit, the range of procedural protections required by due process is broad. The litigant probably has a due process right to a hearing, the right to call witnesses, the right to counsel, and the right to a fair and objective trial.

c. Government Employment c.政府就業

A government job is similar to government benefit. If one is just applying for the job, he clearly does not have a property interest in it. But if one already has the job, then the court looks to state or federal law to determine whether one had a property interest in the job. Ordinarily, if it’s terminable at will, then there is no property right to it. But if either a statute or practices give a person a “legitimate claim of entitlement” to keep the job, then there’s property interest.

b. Criminal Defendants and Prisoners
Criminal defendants receive the broadest procedural due process protections during the course of their trial (e.g., right to counsel, right to present witnesses, right to confront opposing witnesses, etc.) Once the criminal defendant has been convicted, he gets dramatically less procedural due process protection. There would be no due process violation as long as the prison’s action doesn’t “impose a typical and significant hardship on the inmate in relation to the ordinary incidents of prison life.”

c. Non-Judicial Proceeding

Where the property or liberty interest is being impaired in something other than a judicial proceeding, the state does not have to give the individual the full range of procedural safeguards that would be needed for a court proceeding. Instead, the court conducts a balancing test: the strength of the plaintiff’s interest in receiving the procedural safeguard is weighed against the government’s interest in avoiding extra burden. Example: Welfare termination v. firing government employee

A. Generally A.一般而言

1. General Usage 1.一般用法

This Clause was enacted shortly after the Civil War, and its primary goal was to attain free and equal treatment for ex-slaves. But it has always been interpreted as imposing a general restraint on the governmental use of classifications, not just classifications based on race, but also those based on sex, alienage, illegitimacy, wealth, or any other characteristics.

VII. Equal Protection VII.平等保護

Amendment XIV, § 1: 修正案 XIV,第 1 節:

" . . . No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor denv to anv person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
" . . .任何州均不得制定或執行任何剝奪美國公民特權或豁免權的法律;任何州均不得在未經適當法律程序的情況下剝奪任何人的生命、自由或財產;也不得在其管轄範圍內剝奪任何人受法律平等保護的權利。

2. Application on Federal Government
The direct text of the Clause applies to state governments. But the federal government is also bound by the same rules of equal protection -this happens by the indirect means of the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause.
該條款的直接文本適用於州政府。但是聯邦政府也受到相同的平等保護規則的約束 - 這是透過第五修正案的「正當程序條款」的間接方式發生的。

3. Applicability 3.適用性

This Clause is only implicated where the government makes a classification. It’s not implicated where the government merely decides which of two classes a particular person falls into.

Example: Job classification v. Status in obtaining Social Security Benefits

5. Three Levels of Review

In the Equal Protection context, there are three types of review:

a. Mere Rationality a.單純理性
b. Strict Scrutiny b.嚴格審查
c. Middle-Level Review c.中階檢討

4. Guarantees of the Clause

The Clause in essence guarantees that people who are similarly situated will be treated similarly.

Example: School Segregation
  • Ordinary “Mere Rationality” Review
This standard applies to statutes that: (1) are not based on a “suspect classification”; (2) do not involve a “quasi-suspect” category (principally gender and illegitimacy); and (3) don’t impair a “fundamental right.”
此標準適用於下列法規(1) 不是基於「可疑分類」;(2) 不涉及「準可疑」類別 (主要是性別和非婚生);(3) 不損害「基本權利」。

Almost every economic and social regulation will be reviewed under this standard.

Standard for "Mere Rationality" Review

Where this review is applied, the classification must satisfy two easy tests: (1) government must be pursuing a legitimate governmental objective; and (2) there must be a rational relation between the classification and that objective. Furthermore, it’s not necessary that the court believe that these two requirements are satisfied; it’s enough that the court concludes that it’s “conceivable” that they are satisfied.
在適用此審查的情況下,分類必須符合兩項簡單的測試:(1) 政府必須追求合法的政府目標;(2) 分類與該目標之間必須有合理的關係。此外,法院不一定要相信這兩項要求已經滿足;只要法院認為「可以想像」這兩項要求已經滿足就夠了。

Standard for Strict Scrutiny

Where strict scrutiny is invoked, the classification will be upheld only if it is necessary to promote a compelling governmental interest.

Thus not only must the objective be an extremely important one, but the " f i t f i t fitf i t " between the means and the end must be extremely tight.
因此,不僅目標必須極為重要,手段與目的之間的 " f i t f i t fitf i t " 關係也必須極為緊密。

* Strict Scrutiny * 嚴格審查

The Court will give “strict scrutiny” to any statute which is based on “suspect classification” (e.g., race) or which impairs a fundamental right" (e.g., the right to vote).

* Middle-Level Review * 中階檢討

In a few context, the Court uses a middle level of scrutiny, more probing than “mere rationality” but less demanding than “strict scrutiny.” This middle level is mainly used for cases involving classifications based on gender and illegitimacy.
  • Standard for Middle-Level Review
The means (i.e., classification) chosen by the government must be substantially related to an important governmental objective.

B. Economic and Social Laws

1. Mere Rationality Test 1.純粹理性測試

For the classifications that do not involve either a suspect class, quasi-suspect class or a fundamental right, i.e., most of the economic and social-welfare legislations, courts use the “mere rationality” standard.

Example: Bus Fares 範例:公車票價
  • Need Not Be Actual Objective
For “mere rationality” standard, the “legitimate governmental objective” part of the test is satisfied even if the statute’s defenders come up with merely a “hypothetical” objective that the legislature “might have” been pursuing. The government does not have to show that the objective it’s pointing to was the one that actually motivated the legislature.
對於 「純粹合理性 」標準,即使法規的辯護者僅僅提出立法機關 「可能 」追求的 「假設 」目標,也能滿足測試的 「合法政府目標 」部分。政府不必證明其所指向的目標是實際推動立法機關的目標。

2. Non-Suspect Classes 2.非可疑類別

Some classifications have been held not to involve a suspect or quasi-suspect class:

a. Age a.年齡
Example: State troopers to retire over 50.
例如:州警 50 歲以上退休。

b. Wealth b.財富
Example: No low-income housing project unless approved in a popular referendum.

c. Mental Illness or Retardation
Ex: Zoning Permission (But: City of Cleburne
Ex: Zoning Permission (但是:Cleburne 市

v. Cleburne Living Center)
v.Cleburne Living Center)

d. Sexual Orientation d.性取向
Mere Rationality with Bite-The Court now seems to review anti-gay legislation a bit more skeptically than most legislation not involving a semi-suspect or suspect class.

Ex: Colorado constitutional amendment (Romer v. Evans, 1996).
例如:科羅拉多州憲法修正案 (Romer v. Evans, 1996)。

2. Discrimination/Classification Must be Purposeful/Intentional

The strict scrutiny will only be applied where the differential treatment of the class is intentional on the part of the government. That is, the mere fact that a law has a less favorable impact on a minority group than it has on the majority is not sufficient to constitute a violation of equal protection.

C. Suspect Classifications-Especially Race
C.嫌犯分類 - 特別是種族

1. Three Suspect Classifications

There are only three suspect classes generally recognized by the Supreme Court:

a. Race a.種族
b. National Origin b.國籍
c. Alienage c.外籍人士

* Three Ways to Show Purpose
* 表現目的的三種方式

Purposeful discrimination may appear in any of three ways: (1) the law discriminates on its face, i.e., by its explicit terms; (2) the law, although neutral on its face, is administered in a discriminatory way (Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 1886); and (3) the law, although it is neutral on its face and is applied in accordance with its terms, was enacted with a purpose of discriminating, as shown by the law’s legislative history, statements made by legislators, the law’s disparate impact, or other circumstantial evidence of intent.
有目的的歧視可能出現在以下三種方式中的任何一種:(1) 法律表面上有歧視,即(2)法律雖然表面上中立,卻以歧視的方式執行(Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 1886);以及 (3)法律雖然表面上中立,且依照其條款執行,卻以歧視的目的制定,如法律的立法歷史、立法者的聲明、法律的不同影響,或其他意圖的環境證據所顯示。

3. Discrimination Must Be Invidious (?)

In addition to “purposeful,” it originally must also be “invidious,” i.e., based on prejudice or tending to denigrate the disfavored class. This requirement is what has caused race, national origin, and (for some purposes) alienage to be the only suspect classes-these involve the only minorities against whom popular prejudice is sufficiently deep.

* Strict Equals Fatal * 嚴格等於致命

Once the courts decide that a suspect classification is involved, and that strict scrutiny must be used, with the exception of issues relating to affirmative action, that scrutiny is almost always fatal to the classification scheme. Purposeful racial or ethnic classification could hardly survived strict scrutiny since 1944 (Korematsu v. United States, 1944).
一旦法院判定涉及可疑分類,並且必須使用嚴格審查,除了與平權行動有關的問題之外,該審查幾乎總是對分類計劃致命的。自1944年(Korematsu v. United States, 1944)以來,有目的的種族或民族分類幾乎無法通過嚴格審查。

It’s often because the means chosen is not shown to be “necessary.” A means is only “necessary” for achieving the particular objective if there are no less discriminatory alternatives that will accomplish the goal as well, or almost as well.
這通常是因為所選擇的手段沒有被證明是 「必要的」。只有在沒有歧視性較低的替代方案可以同樣或幾乎同樣達到目標的情況下,某種手段才是達到特定目標所 「必要的」。

* Rationale for Strict Scrutiny
* 嚴格審查的理由

Why does the court give especially scrutiny to governmental action that disadvantages very unpopular minorities? Because ordinarily, groups will protect themselves through use of the political process, but: (1) these particular groups don’t usually have very much political power, because the past discrimination against them includes keeping them out of the voting system; and (2) even if the minority votes in proportion to its numbers, the majority is very likely to vote as a block against it, because of the minority’s extreme unpopularity.
  • But as the present Supreme Court has expanded the use of “strict scrutiny”, it may have become easier to a measure to survive that scrutiny, especially in the field of affirmative action. For example, in 2003 Gruter v. Bollinger, the Court upheld the University of Michigan Law School’s right to give an admissions preference to black and Hispanic applicants in order to obtain a “diverse” entering class, as long as this preference was granted as part of an individualized evaluation process that treated race as merely one “plus factor” among others.
    但隨著現在的最高法院擴大了 「嚴格審查 」的使用範圍,某項措施可能變得更容易通過審查,尤其是在平權行動領域。例如,在2003年的Gruter v. Bollinger案中,法院支持密歇根大學法學院有權優先錄取黑人和西班牙裔申請人,以獲得 「多樣化 」的入學階級,只要這種優先錄取是個性化評估程序的一部分,而該程序僅將種族視為其他因素中的一個 「加分因素」。

4. Segregation 4.隔離

The clearest example of a classification involving a suspect class and thus requiring strict scrutiny is segregation.

Official intentional segregation based on race or national origin is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause. As the result of Brown v. Board of Education, even if the government were to maintain truly “separate but equal” facilities, the intentional maintenance of separate facilities per se violates the Equal Protection Clause.
基於種族或國籍的官方蓄意隔離違反了平等保護條款。由於 Brown v. Board of Education 案的結果,即使政府維持真正「分開但平等」的設施,蓄意維持分開的設施本身即違反平等保護條款。

* The Segregation Must be De Jure
* 隔離必須是法律上的隔離

However, there is a violation of equal protection only where the segregation is the result of intentional government action. In other words, the segregation must be “de jure,” not merely “de facto,” which means it must be intended or affected by the government action, not just occurred naturally.
但是,只有當隔離是政府蓄意行為的結果時,才會違反平等保護。換句話說,種族隔離必須是 「法律上的」,而不僅僅是 「事實上的」,這意味著種族隔離必須是政府行動的意圖或影響,而不僅僅是自然發生的。

* Education and Housing * 教育和住房

The two areas where official segregation is most often found are education and housing.

Example: Attendance Zones

Example: Government-subsidized Housing

* Wide Range of Remedies
* 範圍廣泛的補救方法

If a court finds that there has been intentional segregation, it has a wide range of remedies to choose from. For example, it can bus students to a non-neighborhood school, or order the redrawing of district boundaries. But whatever the remedy is, the remedy must stop once the effects of the original intentional discrimination have been eradicated.

D. Race-Conscious Affirmative Action (種族平權措施)
D.種族平權措施(Race-Conscious Affirmative Action)。

This involves government trying to help racial or ethnic minorities by giving them some sort of preference.

1. Public Entity 1.公共實體

There can only be a violation of equal protection if there’s state action, i.e., action by the federal government or by a state or municipality. In general, the use of affirmative action by private entities does not raise any constitutional issue.
  • Past Discrimination as Compelling Interest
Per Court’s previous decisions, probably the only interests that are likely to qualify as a compelling government interest here are: (1) the government’s interest in redressing past discrimination; and (2) a university’s interest in student-body diversity.
根據法院之前的判決,在此可能符合強制性政府利益的唯一利益是:(1) 政府糾正過去歧視的利益;(2) 大學在學生體制多樣性方面的利益:(1) 政府糾正過去歧視的利益;以及 (2) 大學對學生體制多樣性的利益。

2. Strict Scrutiny 2.嚴格審查

Any affirmative action program that classifies on the basis of race will also be strictly scrutinized. So a race-conscious affirmative action plan, whether it’s in the area of employment, college admissions, voting rights or anywhere else, must be adopted for the purpose of furthering some “compelling” government interest, and the racial classification must be “necessary” to achieve that compelling government interest.
任何基於種族進行分類的平權行動計劃也將受到嚴格審查。因此,有意識的種族平權行動計劃,無論是在就業、大學入學、投票權或其他方面,都必須是為了促進某些 「強烈的 」政府利益而採取的,而且種族分類必須是為了實現該強烈的政府利益所 「必需的」。

* Clear Evidence of Discrimination
* 歧視的明顯證據

Even if the government’s trying to redress past discrimination, there’s got to be clear evidence that this discrimination in fact occurred.

Redressing past discrimination “by society as a whole” will not suffice. There must be past discrimination closely related to the problem, typically discrimination by government. (City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., 1989)
糾正「整個社會」過去的歧視並不足夠。必須有與問題密切相關的過去的歧視,典型的是政府的歧視。(City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., 1989)
  • Using of Quotas 配額的使用
A racially-based quota is an inflexible number of admissions slots, dollar amount, or other “goodies” set aside for minorities.

Probably virtually all racially-based quotas will be struck down even where the government is trying to eradicate the effects of past discrimination-the Court will probably say that a quota is not “necessary” to remedy discrimination, because more flexible “means” can do the job.
幾乎所有基於種族的配額都會被推翻,即使政府正試圖消除過去歧視的影響 - 法院很可能會說,配額不是補救歧視的「必要」,因為更靈活的「手段」可以達到目的。

2. Gender 2.性別
Sex-based classifications require middle-level review.

So if government intentionally classifies on the basis of sex, it’s got to show that it’s pursuing an important objective, and that the sex-based classification scheme is substantially related to that objective.

Example: Different retirement age for male and female teachers-not likely to survive middlelevel review.
例如:男女教師的退休年齡不同 - 不可能通過中階層的審核。

E. Middle-Level Review (Gender, Illegitimacy and Alienage)
E.中階檢討 (性別、非法居留與外籍身份)

1. Introduction 1.簡介

A few types of classifications are subjected to “middle-level” review. In applying this standard, the government objective must be “important,” and the means must be “substantially related” to that objective. Unlike in “mere rationality” review, the Court will not hypothesize objectives; it will consider only those objectives that are shown to have actually motivated the legislature.

* Purpose Must be Intentional Discrimination
* 目的必須是故意歧視

Sex-based classifications will only be subjected to middle-level review if the legislature has intentionally discriminated against one sex in favor or another. If, as the result of some government act, one sex happens to suffer an unintended burden greater than the other sex suffers, that’s not enough for middle-level review.
Example: Absolute Preference to Veterans for Civil Services (Personnel Admin. of Mass. v. Feeney, 1979)
範例:絕對優待退伍軍人擔任公職 (Personnel Admin. of Mass. v. Feeney, 1979)

* Benign or Invidious/Male or Female
* 良性或隱性/男性或女性

The same standard of review is used whether the sex-based classification is “invidious” (intended to harm women) or “benign” (intended to help women, or even intended to redress past discrimination against them).
無論基於性別的分類是 「令人反感」(意圖損害婦女)或 「良性」(意圖幫助婦女,或甚至意圖糾正過去對婦女的歧視),都使用相同的審查標準。

Also, where government classifies based on sex, the scheme can be attacked either by a male or by a female, and either gender will get the benefit of mid-level review.

Example: Drinking Age in Oklahoma (Craig v. Boren, 1976)
範例:俄克拉何馬州的飲酒年齡 (Craig v. Boren, 1976)

* Tougher Review * 更嚴格的審查

Although the Supreme Court still gives genderbased classifications only mid-level, not strict, scrutiny, the Court now applies that scrutiny in a very tough way. The Court now says that it will require an “exceedingly persuasive iustification” for any gender-based classification, and will review it with “skeptical scrutiny.”

* Stereotype * 定型

If the legislature has made a sex-based classification that seems to reinforce stereotypes about the “proper place” of women, it probably cannot survive middle-level review.

Example: Virginia Military Institute (U.S. v. Virginia, 1996)
範例:弗吉尼亞軍事學院 (U.S. v. Virginia, 1996)

3. Illegitimacy 3.非法性

Classifications disadvantaging illegitimate children are “semi-suspect” and therefore get middle-level review.
對非婚生子女不利的分類屬於 「半可疑」,因此會進行中級審查。

So the state cannot simply bar unacknowledged illegitimate children from bringing wrongful death actions, from having any chance to inherit, etc. Such children must be given at least some reasonable opportunity to obtain a judicial declaration of paternity.

Example: No action for child support after the child turns 6 (Clark v. Jeter, 1988).
舉例說明:子女滿 6 歲後,不得就子女贍養費提起訴訟(Clark 訴 Jeter,1988 年)。

4. Alienage 4.外籍人士

Alienage might be thought of as a “semisuspect” category. In fact, though, alienage classifications, depending on the circumstances, will be subject either to strict scrutiny, middlelevel scrutiny or to mere rationality review. Alienage discrimination means a person is discriminated against because he is not yet a United States citizen.

* "Representative Government" Exception
* 「代議政制 」例外

However, strict scrutiny does not apply where the discrimination against aliens relates to a “function at the heart of representative government.” Basically, this means that if the alien is applying for a government job, and the performance of this job is closely tied in with politics, iustice or public policy, the courts use only “mere rationality” review. So government may discriminate against aliens with respect to posts like state trooper, public school teacher, or probation officer.
但是,如果對外國人的歧視與 「代議政府的核心職能 」有關,則不適用嚴格審查。基本上,這意味著如果外國人申請的是政府工作,而該工作的執行與政治、正義或公共政策密切相關,則法院僅使用「純合理性」審查。因此,政府可以在州警察、公立學校教師或緩刑官等職位上歧視外國人。

* General Rule * 一般規則

Subject to one major exception (representative government), discrimination against aliens is subject to strict scrutiny.

Example: A state cannot prevent resident aliens from practicing law, because such a classification cannot survive strict scrutiny.

* Education of Illegal Aliens
* 非法移民的教育

If a state denies free public education to illegal aliens, this will be subjected to intermediate-level review, and probably struck down (Plyer v. Doe, 1982).
如果一個州拒絕讓非法居留的外國人接受免費的公共教育,這將會受到中級審查,很可能會被推翻(Plyer v. Doe,1982)。
But this come from a combination of the fact that the plaintiffs were aliens and also that they were children. If a state discriminates against adult illegal aliens, the outcome is still uncertain.

5. Other Unpopular Groups

Discrimination against other unpopular groups might conceivable be subjected to middle-level review. For instance, discrimination against the elderly, homosexuals or the disabled might possibly trigger middle-level review, but the Court has not addressed this questions yet.

2. Fundamental Rights Under Equal Protection Clause
The short list of rights that are “fundamental” for equal protection strict scrutiny purposes is as follows: (1) the right to vote; (2) maybe the right to be a political candidate; (3) the right to have access to the courts for certain kinds of proceedings; (4) the right to migrate interstate; and (5) the right to marry.

F. Fundamental Rights F.基本權利

1. Generally 1.一般而言

Strict scrutiny can be triggered not only when a “suspect classification” is used, but also when a “fundamental right” is burdened by the classification the government is selected, regardless the people who are burdened are not members of a suspect class.

3. Voting Rights 3.投票權

The right to vote in state and local elections is “fundamental,” so any classification that substantially burdens the right to vote is often strictly scrutinized.

In deciding whether to use strict scrutiny, the Court seems to place great weight on whether the voting regulation is reasonably related to determining voter qualifications.
  • Related to Voter Qualifications?
If the Court decides that the regulation is not reasonably related to determining voter qualifications, then the Court uses strict scrutiny, and will probably strike down the regulation. (Examples: Reynolds v. Sims; ballot restricted to “interested voters”)
如果法院判定該規定與確定選民資格無合理關係,則法院會使用嚴格審查,並可能會推翻該規定。(Examples: Reynolds v. Sims; ballot restricted to "interested voters") (範例:Reynolds v. Sims; 選票僅限於「有興趣的選民」)

But if it is reasonably related to determining voter qualifications, then the Court generally uses some less stringent review method (typically, an intermediate-level balancing test), and is likely to uphold the measures. (Example: voter identification requirement, denial of vote to felons)
但如果該措施與確定選民資格有合理關係,則法院通常會使用一些較寬鬆的審查方法(通常是中級平衡測試),並很可能會支持該措施。(Example: voter identification requirement, denial of vote to felons)

* Unfair to New Parties
* 對新訂約方不公平

Restrictions that are unfair to new, not-yetestablished parties will likely to be invalidated. Example: A rule saying that a minor party can get its candidate on the ballot only if it presents signatures from 15 % 15 % 15%15 \% of the voters, holds a formal primary, and has an elaborate party structure, violates Equal Protection. (Williams v. Rhodes, 1968)
對新的、尚未成立的當事人不公平的限制可能會被宣告無效。例如:規定小政黨只有在提交 15 % 15 % 15%15 \% 選民的簽名、舉行正式初選並擁有複雜的政黨結構的情況下,才能將其候選人列入選票,此規定違反了平等保護。(Williams訴Rhodes案,1968年)

4. The Right to be Political Candidates

The right to be a political candidate, and to have one’s name on the ballot, seems to be quasi-fundamental.

The two kinds of ballot restrictions that the Supreme Court does seem to give strict or almost strict scrutiny to are:

(1) Unfair to New Parties
(1) 對新訂約方不公平

(2) Based on Wealth (2) 基於財富
  • Based on Wealth 以財富為基礎
Ballot access limits that are based on wealth is likely to be stricken down.

Example: A $700 candidate filing fee, which the state refuses to waive for an indigent candidate, violates Equal Protection. (Lubin v. Panish, 1974)
舉例說明:700美元的候選人報名費,州政府拒絕免除貧困候選人的報名費,違反了平等保護。(Lubin v. Panish, 1974)

5. Court Access 5.法院存取

Access to the courts is sometimes a “fundamental right,” so that if the right is burdened by a state-imposed classification, it will sometimes be closely scrutinized. Basically, what it comes down to is that if the state imposes a f e e f e e fee\boldsymbol{f e} \boldsymbol{e} that the rich can pay but the poor cannot, and the access relates to a criminal case, strict scrutiny will be used.
向法院提起訴訟有時是一項「基本權利」,因此如果這項權利受到國家強加的分類負擔,有時就會受到嚴格審查。基本上,這歸結為:如果國家強加一項 f e e f e e fee\boldsymbol{f e} \boldsymbol{e} 富人可以支付但窮人無法支付的費用,而且訴諸法院的權利與刑事案件有關,則會採用嚴格審查。

Example: The state cannot charge an indigent for his trial transcript in a criminal case. (Griffin v. Illinois, 1956)
例如:在刑事案件中,州政府不能向貧困者收取其審訊謄本的費用。(Griffin v. Illinois, 1956)

6. Right to Travel/Migrate Interstate

The so-called “right to travel” is generally a fundamental right. This term is misleading, it’s really the right to change one’s state of residence or employment. So any time the state imposes a classification that burdens one’s right to change her state of residence or employment, which mainly means that if the state imposes a substantial waiting period on newly-arrived residents, before they can receive some vital governmental benefit, that classification will be strictly scrutinized.

* Civil Litigation * 民事訴訟

When civil litigation is involved, access to the courts is usually not fundamental. Only for various family-law proceedings (e.g., divorce, paternity suits, termination of parental rights) is the state barred from charging fees for the indigent. (Boddie v. Connecticut, 1971; M.L.B. v. S.L.J., 1996)
當涉及民事訴訟時,訴諸法院通常不是基本原則。只有在各種家庭法訴訟(例如離婚、親子關係訴訟、終止父母權利)中,國家才禁止向貧困者收取費用。(Boddie v. Connecticut, 1971; M.L.B. v. S.L.J., 1996)

* Vital Governmental Benefit
* 重要政府福利

If the benefit is vital, the state generally may not impose a substantial waiting period (example: oneyear waiting period before receiving welfare benefits-strictly scrutinized and likely to fail). But if the benefit is not vital, then the state may be able to do so (example: one-year waiting period before a student can qualify for low in-state tuition at the public university-no need to be strictly scrutinized and likely to survive).
如果福利是重要的,州政府一般不可以施加長時間的等待期(例如:領取福利前的一年等待期 - 嚴格審查,很可能失敗)。但如果該福利並非重要,則州政府可能可以這樣做(例如:學生在公立大學符合州內低廉學費資格前的一年等待期--無需嚴格審查,而且很可能會存活)。

7. The Right to Marry

Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644 (2015), is a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held in a 5-4 decision that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Obergefell v. Hodges,576 U.S. 644 (2015),是美國最高法院一宗里程碑式的案件,法院在該案中以 5:4 的結果裁定,同性伴侶結婚的基本權利受到美國憲法第十四修正案「正當程序條款」和「平等保護條款」的保證。

VIII. Freedom of Expression

A. Introduction A.簡介

1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
  • The Court listed four distinct reasons why the fundamental right to marry applies to same-sex couples. First, “the right to personal choice regarding marriage is inherent in the concept of individual autonomy.” Second, “the right to marry is fundamental because it supports a two-person union unlike any other in its importance to the committed individuals,” a principle applying equally to same-sex couples. Third, the fundamental right to marry “safeguards children and families and thus draws meaning from related rights of childrearing, procreation, and education”; as same-sex couples have children and families, they are deserving of this safeguard. Fourth, “marriage is a keystone of our social order,” and “[t]here is no difference between same- and opposite-sex couples with respect to this principle”.
    法院列出了四個不同的理由,說明同性伴侶適用於基本的婚姻權利。首先,“關於婚姻的個人選擇權是個體自治概念的固有部分。”第二, “婚姻的權利是基本的,因為它支持兩個個人之間的聯繫,對於承諾的個體來說,沒有其他聯繫具有如此重要的意義”,這個原則適用於同性伴侶。第三,基本的婚姻權利“保護了孩子和家庭,從而從與子女撫養、生育和教育相關的權利中獲得意義”;由於同性伴侶有孩子和家庭,他們值得獲得這種保護。第四,“婚姻是我們社會秩序的基石”,“就這個原則而言,同性和異性伴侶之間沒有差異”。
There are thus several distinct rights which may be grouped under the category “freedom of expression”: freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, and of petition. Additionally, there is a well-recognized “freedom of association” which, although it is not specifically mentioned in the 1 st Amendment, is derived from individuals’ rights of speech and assembly.

2. Two Broad Classes
2. 兩大類

Whenever there is a constitutional challenge based on the 1st Amendment’s freedom of expression, the key question to ask is, “Is this governmental action content-based or contentneutral?” If the action is “content-based,” the government’s action will generally be subjected to strict scrutiny, and the action will rarely be sustained. On the other hand, if the action is “content-neutral,” the government’s action is subjected to a much less demanding standard, and is thus much more likely to be upheld.
每當有基於第一修正案表達自由的憲法挑戰時,要問的關鍵問題是:「這項政府行為是基於內容還是內容中立?如果該行為是 「基於內容」,政府的行為通常會受到嚴格審查,而且該行為很少會獲得支持。另一方面,如果該行動是 「內容中立 」的,則政府的行動將受到較寬鬆的標準審查,因此更有可能獲得支持。

* Motive Counts * 动機計數

When a court decides whether a regulation is content-based or content-neutral, motive count for everything-the question is what the government really intends to do. If the court believes that the government intends to inhibit certain speech because of its message, the court will treat the statute as content-based (and strictly scrutinize it) even though it is neutral on its face.

3. Analysis of Content-Based Action

A governmental action that burdens a person’s expression is “content-based” if the government is aiming at the “communicative impact” of the expression.

Example: Ad of Pharmacists v. Distribution of all Leaflets
範例:藥劑師廣告 v. 散發所有傳單

Once we’ve decided that the action is contentbased, we then have to determine whether the expression falls within a category that is protected by the 1st Amendment.
  • Unprotected Category 無保護類別
If the speech falls into certain pre-defined unprotected categories, then the government can basically ban that expression completely based on its content, without any interference at all from the 1st Amendment.

The main “unprotected” categories are: (1)

advocacy of imminent lawless behavior; (2) fighting words; (3) defamation; (4) fraudulent misrepresentation; and (5) obscenity.
鼓吹即將發生的不法行為;(2) 打鬥性語言;(3) 誹謗;(4) 欺詐性失實陳述;以及 (5) 淫穢。
But even speech falling within an “unprotected category” receives one small 1st Amendment protection: government must regulate in a basically content-neutral way.

Example: The state may ban all “fighting words.” But it may not choose to ban just those fighting words directed at the listener’s race, religion, or other enumerated traits.
例如:州政府可以禁止所有 「打架的言詞」。但它不能選擇只禁止那些針對聽眾的種族、宗教或其他所列特徵的鬥爭性言行。

4. Analyzing Content-Neutral Regulation

If the government restriction is content-neutral, there is a three-part test, which is basically boils down to mid-level review, that the government must satisfy before its regulation will be sustained if that regulation substantially impairs expression:
  1. Significant Governmental Interest
  2. Narrowly Tailored 狹義定制
  3. Alternative Channels for Expression

* Protected Category * 受保護類別

All expression not falling into one of those five-pre-defined categories is “protected.” If expression is protected, then any government ban or restriction on it based on its content will be presumed to be unconstitutional. The Court will subject any content-based regulation of protected speech to strict scrutiny.
所有不屬於這五個預先定義類別之一的表達都是 「受保護的」。如果言論受到保護,那麼政府基於其內容而對其實施的任何禁令或限制都將被推定為違憲。法院將對任何基於內容的受保護言論進行嚴格審查。

Example: No sign of “public disrepute” within 500 feet of a foreign embassy (Boos v. Barry, 1988).
例如:外國大使館 500 英呎範圍內不得有「公眾恥辱」的標誌 (Boos v. Barry, 1988)。

5. Overbreadth 5.過於廣泛

A statute is overbroad, and therefore violates the 1st Amendment, if it bans speech which could constitutionally be forbidden but also bans speech which is protected by the 1 st Amendment. Example: A statute prohibits anyone from “burning a U.S. flag for any purpose whatsoever.” This is probably unconstitutionally overbroad, because it appears to apply to constitutionally-protected conduct (e.g., burning that’s intended as a political expression).
如果一項法規禁止憲法可禁止的言論,但同時也禁止受第 1 修正案保護的言論,則該法規過於廣泛,因此違反第 1 修正案。舉例說明:一項法規禁止任何人「為任何目的燒毀美國國旗」。這可能是違憲的過寬,因為它似乎適用於受憲法保護的行為(例如,旨在作為政治表達的焚燒)。

6. Vagueness 6.含糊不清

A statute is unconstitutionally vague if the conduct forbidden by it is so unclearly defined that a reasonable person would have to guess at its meaning.

Example: A statute prohibits anyone from “burning a U.S. flag as a symbol of opposition to organized government.” This is probably unconstitutionally vague, because there’s no way to tell what the statute means by “symbol of opposition to organized government.”

C. Fighting Words C.鬥語

One of the “unprotected categories” consists of “fighting words.” They are words which are likely to make the person to whom they are addressed commit an act of violence, probably against the speaker. Expression that falls within the “fighting words” category can be flatly banned or punished by the state.
「不受保護的類別 」之一包括 「打架用語」。這些詞語很可能會使對方做出暴力行為,很可能是針對說話者。國家可以明令禁止或懲罰屬於 「打架 」類別的言論。

B. Advocacy of Illegal Conduct

The government can ban speech that advocate crime or the use of force if it shows that two requirements are met:
  1. Intent: The advocacy must be intended to incite or produce “imminent lawless action”; and
  2. Likelihood: The advocacy must be in fact be likely to incite or produce that imminent lawless action.

    Example: Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)
    範例:Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)

* Limits * 限制

But the “fighting words” doctrine is tightly limited:
  1. Anger not enough: The crowd must be so angry that they are likely to fight.
  2. Crowd control: The police must control the angry crowd instead of arresting the speaker if they’ve got the physical ability to do so.
  3. Dislike of speaker’s identity: The doctrine doesn’t apply where it’s the identity or lawful acts of the speaker, rather than his threatening words, that moves the crowd to anger.

* Hate Speech * 仇恨言論

A ban on speech or conduct intended or likely to incite anger or violence based solely on particular listed topics or motives-such as race, color, religion or gender hatred-is impermissibly content-based. That’s true even if all the speech/ conduct banned falls within an “unprotected” category such as “fighting words.”
僅基於特定列出的主題或動機(例如種族、膚色、宗教或性別仇恨)而禁止意圖或可能煽動憤怒或暴力的言論或行為,是不被允許的基於內容的禁止。即使所有被禁止的言論/行為都屬於 「不受保護 」的類別,例如 「打架詞」,也是如此。

However, a state may impose a content-based ban on particular instances of unprotected speech if the ban forbids only the very worst examples illustrating the very reason the particular class of speech is unprotected. (Virginia v. Black, 2003)
然而,如果州政府只禁止最糟糕的例子,說明特定類別的言論不受保護的原因,則州政府可以對不受保護的特定言論實例施加基於內容的禁令。(Virginia v. Black, 2003)

2. Public Figures 2.公眾人物

The rule of Times v. Sullivan applies not only to public “officials” but also to public “figures.” Thus a well known college football coach, and a prominent retired Army general, were public figures who had to show that the defendant acted with actual malice. (Assoc. Press v. Walker, 1967)
Times v. Sullivan案的規則不僅適用於公共 「官員」,也適用於公共 「人物」。因此,一位知名的大學足球教練和一位傑出的退役軍隊將領都是公眾人物,他們必須證明被告的行為具有實際惡意。(Assoc. Press v. Walker, 1967)

D. Defamation and Invasion of Privacy

The 1st Amendment places limits on the extent to which a plaintiff may recover tort damages for defamation.
  1. Test: Where P is a public official, he may only win a defamation suit against D D DD for a statement relating to P’s official conduct if P can prove that D’s statement was made either “with knowledge that it was false” or with “reckless disregard” of what it was true or false. These two mental states are usually collectively referred to as the “actual malice” requirement.
    測試:當 P 是公職人員時,只有當 P 能夠證明 D 的陳述是在 「明知其為虛假 」或 「罔顧 」其真假的情況下作出的,他才有可能贏得針對 D D DD 與 P 的公職行為有關的陳述的誹謗訴訟。這兩種心理狀態通常統稱為「實際惡意」要求。

* Partial or Involuntary Public Figure
* 部分或非自願公眾人物

Someone who voluntarily injects himself into a public controversy will be a public figure for just that controversy - thus an anti-abortion activist might be a public figure for any news story concerning abortion, but not for stories about his private life unrelated to abortion.

Also, some people may be “involuntary” public figure, e.g., a criminal defendant is an involuntary public figure, so he cannot sue or recover for a news report about his crime or trial unless he shows actual malice.

E. Obscenity E.猥褻

Expression that is obscene is simply unprotected by the 1st Amendment, so the state can ban it, punish it, or do whatever else they want without worrying about the 1st Amendment.
  • Significance 意義
So something will not be “obscene” unless it depicts or describes “hard core sex”, e.g., mere nudity, by itself, is not obscene.

* Three-part Test * 三部分測試

For a work to be “obscene,” all three parts of the following test must be satisfied:
作品要成為 「淫穢」,必須符合下列驗證標準的所有三個部分:
  1. Prurient Interest: The average person, applying today’s community standards, must find that work as a whole appeals to the “prurient” interest;
  2. Sexual Conduct: The work must depict or describe in a “patently offensive way” particular types of sexual conduct defined by state law; and
  3. Lack Value: The work taken as a whole, must lack “serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.”

* Materials Addressed to Minors
* 針對未成年人的材料

It will be much easier for the government to keep erotic materials out of the hands of minors. Probably even minors have some first Amendment interest in receiving sexually explicit materials, but this is typically outweighed by the government’s compelling interest in protecting minors against such material. So the distribution of non-obscene but sexually explicit materials may basically be forbidden to minors.

* Adult's Rights Impaired
* 成人的權利受到損害

But if a measure aimed at minors substantially impair the access of adults to material that is “indecent” but not obscene, the measure will be struck down.

Example: If Congress outright bans all “indecent” material on the Internet (as it has done-Communication Decency Act), out of a fear that the material will be seen by minors, the measure will be found to violate the First Amendment rights of Adults. (Reno v. ACLU, 1997)
例如:如果國會因為擔心未成年人會看到網際網路上所有「不雅」的資料,而徹底禁止這些資料(就像國會所做的--通訊正當法案),這項措施就會被認為違反成人的第一修正案權利。(Reno v. ACLU, 1997)

F. Commercial Speech F.商業言論

Speech that is commercial-that is, speech advertising a product or proposing some commercial transaction-gets 1st Amendment protection. But this protection is in some ways more limited than the protection given to noncommercial (e.g., political) speech.

* Private Possession by Adults
* 成人私人擁有

The mere private possession of obscene material by an adult may not be made criminal (Stanley v. Georgia, 1969).
成人僅私藏猥褻物品不得被定為犯罪(Stanley v. Georgia, 1969)。

However, the states may criminalize even private possession of child pornography (Osborne v. Ohio, 1990).
然而,各州甚至可以將私人擁有兒童色情物品的行為列為犯罪(Osborne v. Ohio,1990 年)。
Also, the state may punish a person who supplies pornography even to consenting adults. In other words, there is a right to have pornography for one’s own home use, but not a right to supply it to others for their home use.

* Truthful Commercial Speech
* 真實的商業言論

Truthful commercial speech gets a pretty fair degree of 1 st Amendment protection. The government may restrict truthful commercial speech only if the regulation directly advances a substantial governmental interest in a way that is no more extensive than necessary to achieve the government’s objective. So it’s basically a mid-level review to restrictions based on the content of commercial speech.

* False, Deceptive or Illegal
* 虛假、欺騙或非法

False or deceptive commercial speech may be forbidden by the government. Similarly, speech which proposes an illegal transaction may be forbidden (e.g., advertisements for cocaine).
  • The “Central Hudson Test” for Restrictions on Commercial Speech
    商業言論限制的「Central Hudson 驗證標準
  1. The regulated speech concerns an illegal activity,
  2. The regulated speech is misleading, or
  3. The government’s interest in restricting the speech is substantial, the regulation in question directly advances the government’s interest, and the regulation is narrowly tailored to serve the government’s interest.
  • Advertising of Lawful but Harmful Products Sellers of products that are lawful but harmful receive the same protection as any other commercial speaker. That is, the fact that government could completely ban the product does not mean that government can automatically curtail truthful advertising to an important government objective, and the court will require a fairly tight fit between means and end.

    Example: Tobacco Advertising Ban for Protecting Children (Lorillard Tobacco vs. Reilly, 2001)
    範例:保護兒童的煙草廣告禁令 (Lorillard Tobacco vs. Reilly, 2001)

* Lawyers * 律師

The qualified First Amendment protection given to commercial speech means that lawyers have a limited right to advertise. Thus a state may not ban all advertising of lawyers or even ban advertising directed to a particular problem. On the other hand, the states may ban certain types of in-person solicitation by lawyers seeking clients, e.g., ban solicitation if visiting victims in person by tort lawyers who want to obtain a contingent-fee agreement.

G. Time, Place and Manner Regulation
G. 時間、地點與方式規範

A “time, place and manner” regulation of publicforum speech has to pass a three-part test to avoid being a violation of the 1 st Amendment:

1. Content-Neutral 1.內容中立

It has to be content-neutral. In other words, the government can’t really be trying to regulate content under the guise of regulating “time, place and manner.”

Ex: Limited time for parades to protest government policies.

* Protected Category * 受保護類別

All expression not falling into those five-defined categories is “protected.” If expression is protected, then any government ban or restriction on it based on its content will be presumed to be unconstitutional. The court will subject any content-based regulation of protected speech to strict scrutiny.
所有不屬於這五個定義類別的表達都是 「受保護的」。如果言論受到保護,那麼政府基於其內容而對其實施的任何禁令或限制都將被推定為違憲。法院將對任何基於內容的受保護言論進行嚴格審查。

2. Narrowly Tailored 2.狹義定制

It’s got to be narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest.

This basically means that not only must the government be pursuing an important interest, but there must not be some significantly less intrusive way that government could achieve its objective.

Ex: No handbills for preventing littering.

3. Alternative Channels 3.替代渠道

The state must “leave open alternative channels” for communicating the information.

Ex: Parade or demonstration can only take place in one park and one street.

H. Symbolic Expression H.符號表達

The Court uses essentially the same rules to analyze restrictions on symbolic expression as it does for restrictions that apply to verbal speech, or to verbal speech coupled with conduct.

1. How Conduct Becomes Expression

The standard in deciding whether a conduct could be considered as an expression and therefore protected by the First Amendment is whether “an intent to convey a particularized message was present, and whether the likelihood was great that the message would be understood by those who viewed it.” (Texas v. Johnson, 1989)
決定某行為是否可被視為一種表達,並因此受到第一修正案保護的標準,是「是否存在傳達特定訊息的意圖,以及該訊息是否很有可能被觀看該訊息的人所理解」。(Texas v. Johnson, 1989)

2. Standard 2.標準
Thus: (a) any attempt by government to restrict symbolic expression because of the content of the message will be strictly scrutinized and almost certainly struck down; (b) any restriction on the time, place or manner of symbolic expression will have to be narrowly tailored to a significant governmental objective and will have to leave open alternative channels.
因此(a) 政府因訊息內容而限制象徵性表達的任何嘗試都會受到嚴格審查,而且幾乎肯定會被推翻;(b) 對象徵性表達的時間、地點或方式的任何限制都必須狹隘地針對重要的政府目標,而且必須開放其他渠道。

3. Flag Burning 3.燒旗

If a state bans flag desecration or mutilation, and either on the statute’s face or as it is applied, the statute is directed only at particular message, it will be invalid. For example, both the Texas and federal flag burning statutes have been struck down by the Supreme Court. In the federal statute case, the Court concluded that Congress was trying to preserve the flag as a “symbol of national unity.” The statute was therefore content-based, so the Court struck it down.

2. Subpoenas by government

The press does not get any constitutional special protection from government demands that the press furnish information which other citizens would have to furnish. Hence, reporters are also subject to grand jury investigations, but in limited circumstances can quash evidence and/or refuse to cooperate under their First Amendment freedom of the press, when their own safety or the identity of an informant would be compromised.

I. Freedom of the Press

1. Prior Restraint 1.事先約束

In general, the government will not be able to obtain a prior restraint again broadcasters or publishers. In other words, only in exceptionally rare circumstances may the government obtain an injunction against the printing or airing of a story, and the government will almost never be allowed to require that a publisher or broadcaster obtain a permit before it runs a story.

Example: N.Y Times v. U.S

3. Disclosure of Confidential or IllegallyObtained Information

If a media member lawfully obtains information about a matter of public significance, government may punish disclosure of the information only if government has " a need of the highest order," which it will rarely be found to have.
如果媒體成員合法地獲得了關於對公眾有重大影響的事項的資訊,只有在政府有「最高等級的需 要」時,政府才可能懲罰披露該資訊的行為,而政府很少會被發現有此需要。

But if the publisher itself has acted illegally in obtaining the information, then government may make it a crime to publish the information, no matter how newsworthy it is.

IX. Freedom of Association

A. Generally A.一般而言

1st Amendment recognizes the concept of “freedom of association.” In general, the idea is that if an individual has a 1st Amendment right to engage in a particular expressive activity, then a group has a “freedom of association” right to engage in that same activity as a group.
第一修正案承認 「結社自由 」的概念。一般而言,這個概念是,如果個人擁有第一修正案所賦予的從事特定表達活動的權利,則團體擁有以團體名義從事相同活動的 「結社自由 」權利。

B. Illegal Membership B.非法會員

The freedom of association also means that mere membership in a group or association may not be made illegal. Membership in a group may only be made part of an offense if: (1) the group is actively engaged in unlawful activity, or incite others to imminent lawless action; and (2) the individual knows of the group’s illegal activity, and specifically intends to further the group’s illegal goals.
結社自由還意味著不得將僅是團體或協會成員的身份定為非法。只有在以下情況下,團體成員身份才可能成為違法行為的一部分:(1) 該團體積極從事非法活動,或煽動他人即將採取非法行動;且 (2) 個人知道該團體的非法活動,並明確打算促進該團體的非法目標。

Example: Advocating imminent overthrow of the government.
  • Right not to Associate 不聯繫的權利
Individuals and groups also have a well-protected “right not to associate.” Thus any government attempt to make an individual give financial support to a cause she dislikes, or to make a group take members whose presence would interfere with the group’s expressive activities, will be strictly scrutinized.

Example: Public school teacher required to pay union due has a freedom-of-association right not to support some causes the teacher dislikes.

X. Freedom of Religion X.宗教自由

Amendment I: 修正案 I:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . …’

A. Introduction A.簡介

There are two quite distinct clauses in the First Amendment pertaining to religion.
  1. Establishment Clause 設立條款
  2. Free Exercise Clause 自由行使條款

* Free Exercise Clause * 自由行使條款

This clause bars any law “prohibiting the free exercise of religion.” The main purpose of it is to prevent the government from outlawing or seriously burdening a person’s pursuit of whatever religion (and whatever religious practices) he chooses.
  • Establishment Clause 設立條款
This clause prohibits any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” The main purpose of the Establishment Clause is to prevent government from endorsing or supporting religion.

* Applicable to States * 適用於國家

Both clauses have been interpreted to apply also to the states, by means of the 14th Amendment’s due process clause.
透過第 14 修正案的適當程序條款,這兩項條款也被解釋為適用於各州。
  • Conflict 衝突
There might sometimes be a conflict between the two clauses, i.e., a religious group may be asking for some government benefit; if the benefit is given, there may be an Establishment Clause problem. Yet if the benefit is not given, this may be a burdening of religion. When the two clauses seem to conflict, the Free Exercise Clause dominates.

Example: Public University Meeting Rooms

2. Three-Part Test 2.三部分測試

Government action that has some relationship to religion will violate the Establishment Clause unless it satisfies all three parts of the following test (known as the “Lemon” test, from Lemon v. Kurtzman, 1971):
與宗教有某種關係的政府行為,除非符合下列測試的所有三個部分(稱為「Lemon」測試,源自 1971 年的 Lemon v. Kurtzman 案),否則會違反「確立條款」:

B. The Establishment Clause

1. General Rule 1.一般規則

The overall purpose of this clause is to put a wall between church and state. In other words, the government must stay out of the business of religion, and religion groups must to some extent stay out of the business of government. So Congress cannot establish an “official religion of the U.S.” and the government cannot intentionally prefer one religion over another religion.

(1) Purpose (1) 目的
First, the government action must have a secular legislative purpose. In other words, there must be some governmental purpose that has nothing to do with religion. (If there is both a religious and a non-religious purpose, then this is probably satisfied.) Example: Alabama statute- “Every public school student shall have the opportunity to engage in silent prayer or meditation for at least two minutes at the start of every school day.” (Wallace v. Jaffree, 1985)
首先,政府行為必須具有世俗的立法目的。換句話說,必須有一些與宗教無關的政府目的。(如果既有宗教目的又有非宗教目的,那就很可能符合這一點)。舉例說明:阿拉巴馬州法規:「每個公立學校的學生都應有機會在每天上課開始時進行至少兩分鐘的默禱或冥想。(Wallace v. Jaffree, 1985)

(2) Effect (2) 效果

Second, the government action’s principal or primary effect must not to be to advance religion. But incidental effects that help religion do not violate this prong.

Example: College classroom for night use.

C. The Free Exercise Clause

1. General Rule 1.一般規則

Under this clause, the government is barred from making any law “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. The Free Exercise Clause prevents the government from getting in the way of people’s ability to practice their religion.

(3) Entanglement (3) 纏結

Finally, the governmental action must not foster an excessive governmental entanglement with religion.

Example: Massachusetts lets a church veto the issuance of a liquor license to any premises located within 500 feet of the church. The Court held this statute violates the Establishment Clause, because it entangles churches in the exercise of governmental powers. (Larkin v. Grendel’s Den, 1982)
例如:馬薩諸塞州允許教會否決向教會 500 英尺範圍內的任何處所簽發飲酒許可證。法院認為此法規違反 「設立條款」,因為它使教會糾纏於政府權力的行使。(Larkin訴Grendel's Den案,1982年)
The Free Exercise Clause not only prevents the government from unduly burdening a person’s abstract “belief”, but also sometimes relates to “conduct”.

Free Exercise problems most typically arise when government acting in pursuit of non-religious objectives, either (1) forbids or burdens conduct which happens to be required by someone’s religious belief (Jewish soldiers’ yarmulkes); or (2) compels or encourages conduct which happens to be forbidden by someone’s religious beliefs.

2. Intentional v. Unintentional Burdens
The Free Exercise Clause prevents the government from unduly interfering with religion whether the government does so intentionally or unintentionally. However, different standards of review applied.

* Intentional Burden * 故意負擔

If the interference with religion is intentional on government’s part, then the interference is subjected to the most strict scrutiny, and will virtually never survive.

Example: Outlaws all animal sacrifice for disliking Santeria. (Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, 1993)
例如:因不喜歡桑特里亞教而取締所有動物祭祀。(Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, 1993)
  • Unintentional Burden 非故意的負擔
If government unintentionally burdens religion, the Free Exercise Clause is still applied. Here, however, the government action is not per se illegal. Instead, the Court traditionally uses a somewhat less stringent form of scrutiny. For example, if the government makes certain conduct a crime, and this unintentionally burdens the exercise of religion, the Court does not use strict scrutiny, and instead uses “mere rationality” review.