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Discover the full breadth of Chinese language and literature here. 

Home 中堂: Welcome
About me

About me 

I'm Rachelle, or you can call me by my Chinese name Ruxin. Born and raised in southern China, I’m a person who loves reading Chinese literature and sharing the joy of reading. Having obtained an MA in classical Chinese literature in China, I went to London in 2013 to pursue an understanding of Chinese languages and culture in a cross-cultural context. After seven years of studying, living and teaching in the UK, I got my PhD in Chinese and Inner Asian Languages and Culture at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. It has been an amazing experience discussing and enjoying Chinese literature with friends, students, and colleagues from all around the world. 


My speciality lies in pre-modern China, but as a former university teacher and a private tutor, I’ve delivered courses and tutorials in both classical and modern Chinese languages and literature. I’ve also worked for museums, galleries, publishers, and individuals on short-term and long-term projects that are related to Chinese history and literature in different ways. 

Services and Specialities 


Engaging. Professional. Tailored to your needs. 

  • Language learning: from classical Chinese to modern Mandarin 

  • Directed reading of literature: from pre-Qin poetry to contemporary wuxia novels  

  • Variety of online tutoring tools (whiteboard, screen sharing, video call, etc.) to ensure the smooth delivery of tutoring  

Services and Specialities

Translation & Proofreading 

High quality translation and proofreading for academic institutions, galleries, museums, and more. 

  • Chinese/English/Japanese services offered 

  • Detail-oriented and research-based manual translation for specialised material  

  • Appropriate use of CAT tools to ensure consistent treatment of terminology 

Recent publication 

Chinese version of  

Ruination: A League of Legends Novel 

by Anthony Reynolds (2022) 





Classical Chinese 

What People Say 

"Ruxin's teaching was amongst the best I have experienced including at the University of Cambridge, UCL and elsewhere. She is passionate about her subject, thoughtful and patient, extremely diligent in helping students, and also inspiring and encouraging." 

—  Professor Adam Parr 

Professor at the University of Western Australia and Venture Capital investor in Oxford 

What people say

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Contact me

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