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IKEA Swedish Meatballs (But Better)

We've gone after the fast-food places, snacks, and movie theaters. Today, we're going after the furniture store....yes, the furniture...

We've gone after the fast-food places, snacks, and movie theaters. Today, we're going after the furniture store....yes, the furniture store. Why does IKEA make meatballs? Have no idea, but we're making the coveted Swedish meatballs, a sentence I can't believe actually came from my mouth. All that to say, we have this in the bag.


Serving Size: 2-4  份量:2-4


Jam Ingredients:  果酱成分:

  • 12 oz (350 g) Lingonberries or cranberries
    350 克(12 盎司)越橘或蔓越莓

  • 1 1/4 cup (250 g) granulated sugar
    1 1/4杯(250 g)砂糖

  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) orange juice

  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) water
    120 毫升(1/2 杯)水

  • 2 Tbsp (30 ml) lemon juice

  • 3 large orange zest  3 大橙皮碎

Mashed Potatoes Ingredients:

  • 3 large Russet potatoes, peeled

  • Water  

  • 6 Tbsp unsalted butter  6汤匙无盐黄油

  • 1 cup whole milk   1杯全牛奶

  • Salt to taste  加盐调味

  • Pepper. to taste  胡椒。两把钥匙

  • Extra butter (optional)   额外的黄油(可选)

Broccoli Ingredients:  西兰花成分:

  • Head of broccoli  西兰花头

  • Oil  

  • Salt to taste  盐调味

  • Lemon juice to taste  柠檬汁调味

Meatball Ingredients:  肉丸原料:

  • 1lb (450 g) ground beef

  • 3/4lb (350 g) ground pork
    3/4 磅(350 克)猪肉末

  • 1 sweet onion, finely diced

  • 3 garlic cloves, minced  3个大蒜丁香,切碎

  • 3 tsp (4 g) ground white pepper

  • 1/2 tsp (1 g) nutmeg, grated
    1/2茶匙(1 g)肉豆蔻,磨碎

  • 1/4 tsp all-spice  1/4茶匙全质

  • 1/2 cup (55 g) panko breadcrumbs
    55 克(1/2 杯)panko 面包屑

  • 1 egg  1个鸡蛋

  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) whole milk

Gravy Ingredients:  肉汁成分:

  • 3 Tbsp (42 g) unsalted butter
    42 克(3 汤匙)无盐黄油

  • 3 Tbsp (28 g) all-purpose flour
    28 克(3 汤匙)通用面粉

  • 2 cups (480 ml) beef broth
    480 毫升(2 杯)牛肉汤

  • 2 Tbsp (30 ml) double fermented soy sauce
    2 汤匙(30 毫升)双发酵酱油

  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) heavy whipping cream
    120 毫升(1/2 杯)浓奶油

  • 1 tsp (3 g) dijon mustard, optional
    1茶匙(3 g)dijon芥末,可选


Jam Method:  果酱方法:

  1. In a medium saucepan, add in all ingredients and stir to combine. Set to medium-high heat.

  2. Let it come to a boil, reduce to low, and let simmer for 20 minutes.
    让它沸腾,调至小火,小火煮 20 分钟。

  3. Stir and mash occasionally until it thickens.

  4. Optionally remove the orange zest, toss in a food processor or blender, and blend until completely smooth.

  5. Pass it through a fine-mesh strainer and cool completely to room temperature.

Mashed Potatoes Method:  土豆泥做法:

  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into chunks.

  2. Toss into a pot and fill with water. Place over medium-high heat until it comes to a boil.

  3. Cook until tender enough for a fork to pierce with no resistance.

  4. Press through a potato ricer into a large bowl.

  5. Separately in a medium saucepan, add unsalted butter and whole milk, and heat over medium heat until just hot and the butter is melted.

  6. Pour ¾ of the butter mixture over the riced potatoes. Stir together. If still thick add the rest of the butter mixture. Mix to combine.
    将 3/4 的黄油混合物倒在土豆米上。搅拌在一起。如果仍然很稠,则添加剩余的黄油混合物。混合混合。

  7. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir until completely smooth.

  8. Optionally add extra butter and stir until smooth.

  9. Keep warm and to the side.

Broccoli Method:  西兰花法:

  1. Break broccoli down into florets.

  2. Coat a medium-size pan with enough oil to coat the bottom. Heat over medium-high heat.

  3. Once ripping hot, add in the broccoli, cut sides down, and season to taste with salt.

  4. Sear for 2-3 minutes per side until a nice caramelization and crust form on both sides.

  5. Once finished, hit with lemon juice to taste.

Meatballs Method:  肉丸做法:

  1. Start by mixing together the ground pork and beef in a large bowl. Knead together until combined.

  2. Add in onions, garlic cloves, ground white pepper, grated nutmeg, all-spice, and panko bread crumbs.

  3. Mix together until fully combined then add and mix in the egg before mixing in whole milk.

  4. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil, spray foil with nonstick cooking spray and form the meat into 24 even size balls. Place in rows of four.

  5. Bake in a preheated oven set to 425F for 15-20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165F.

Gravy Method:  肉汁法:

  1. In a medium saucepan, add unsalted butter and heat over medium-high heat until melted.

  2. Whisk in all-purpose flour until combined, and let cook, stirring occasionally for 1-2 minutes or until it turns a little darker.

  3. Add hot beef broth and whisk until combined before adding double fermented soy sauce.

  4. Bring to a light simmer and reduce for 4-5 minutes or until thickened.

  5. Add in heavy whipping cream, simmer for 2 more minutes, stirring occasionally.

  6. Optionally add in dijon mustard, whisk until combined.


Jul 11, 2024

What can I replace pork meat??


Kyle A.
Kyle A.
Jun 07, 2024

Pretty solid meatballs.

I had to triple the recipe to feed the whole family. So i went with 3lbs of beef and 2lbs of pork. So I technically shorted the recipe by .25 lbs of pork but they ended up with a good texture and flavor.

I will say. I had trouble with baking the meatballs. I entered 425 into our oven for convection bake (since he indicated they would cook better on the convection setting in the video) however the oven auto adjusted to 400. I didn't know if Joshua meant 425 for convection or for normal bake. So I adjusted it to 425 convection and baked them for 18 minutes. It ended up burning the bottom of the…


Zoe Papas
Zoe Papas
May 16, 2023

I made the meatballs and gravy tonight and they were really good. I loved the flavor of the allspice in the meatballs. I had to use bratwurst instead of ground pork because that was all I could find in the store. I added around 1 tsp of salt to the meatballs as well.


Nikita Tokarlikov
Nikita Tokarlikov
Nov 19, 2022

Only use your recepies no matter the occasion or meal always a banger !


Deigh Samonte
Deigh Samonte
Sep 24, 2022

my kids loved it. I added 1 tsp of salt though to the meatballs. Thank you!


Tiffany Jackson
Tiffany Jackson
Jun 03, 2022

Just made this but added mushroom and worcestershire sauce


Greg Schindel
Greg Schindel
Mar 18, 2022

I think you forgot salt in the meatballs, they needed some seasoning. Gravy and mashed potatoes were great!


Heike Peike
Heike Peike
Dec 11, 2021

Thanks for the great recipe! we made it vegan, with vegan mince, vegetable broth, vegan butter, soy cuisine and cashew milk, it worked out great. In the end you have too much jam for the portions, but you can still use it for a lot of other things and it tastes great! So it's actually a good thing that there is some left over :-)

And we used 4 grams of pepper, 2 tbsp. :-)


Oct 10, 2021

Made this last night…fabulous! I accidentally used a cup of cream instead of milk in the mashed potatoes but, I must say TO DIE FOR!!! All around winner, winner, meatball dinner.


Michael Dake
Michael Dake
Jul 09, 2021

3 tsp is way to much. In the video, he uses "2 tea spoons or 4 grams." The 3 in this recipe is a typo. I only found out because I was making 4 times the recipe and going by the 3 teaspoons, the 28g container of white pepper I got was not enough.


Jacquelyn Merryfield
Jacquelyn Merryfield
Jul 07, 2021

Made this last night. 3 tsp of white pepper in the meatballs??? Is that correct? That's all we could taste. 😪 I was so disappointed. Gravy was fantastic, though!


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