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Summary of S Jaishankar Interview: Foreign Policy, International Relations, and Geopolitics In Changing World
S Jaishankar访谈录:变化世界中的外交政策、国际关系和地缘政治

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar shares his personal anecdote about how a teenage experience sparked his interest in foreign policy and its relevance to people's lives. He discusses the increasing interconnectedness of the world and the importance of understanding international issues, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as an example. Jaishankar also reflects on his role in shaping India's foreign policy over the past decade and the significance of having a clear vision and strong leadership. He emphasizes the importance of critically examining past foreign policy decisions and engaging in debates for the betterment of India's foreign relations. Jaishankar also discusses the complexities of India's relationships with neighboring countries, such as Pakistan and the United States, and the need for objectivity and self-awareness in international relations. He touches upon the importance of India's relationships with key global powers like the US, Europe, Japan, and Russia, and the need to maintain and strengthen these partnerships. Jaishankar also discusses the challenges of globalization and the role of the private sector in foreign policy and economic growth, as well as India's expanding trade and technology collaborations with various countries.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar shares a personal anecdote about how he became interested in foreign policy. He recalls a time when he was a teenager and overheard a salesman complaining about an advertiser who was unhappy about an ad being placed on the international page of a newspaper instead of an inside page. Jaishankar explains that this experience made him realize the importance of foreign policy and its relevance to people's lives. He goes on to discuss how the world has become more interconnected in the last few decades, with events abroad having a significant impact on daily life in India. He cites the COVID-19 pandemic as an example, and mentions the large number of Indians studying abroad, making it essential for people to understand and engage with international issues. Jaishankar also mentions that he wrote a book on foreign policy to convince people of its relevance and to make it more accessible to a wider audience.
    00:00:00在这一段采访中,印度外长S. Jaishankar分享了他如何对外交政策产生兴趣的个人轶事。他回忆起自己十几岁的时候,偶然听到一个推销员抱怨一个广告商对一个广告被放在报纸的国际版而不是内部版感到不满。Jaishankar解释说,这次经历使他意识到外交政策的重要性及其与人民生活的相关性。他接着讨论了在过去的几十年里,世界是如何变得更加相互联系的,国外的事件对印度的日常生活产生了重大影响。他以COVID—19疫情为例,并提到大量印度人出国留学,这使得人们了解和参与国际问题至关重要。Jaishankar还提到,他写了一本关于外交政策的书,以说服人们相信它的相关性,并使它更容易被更广泛的读者所接受。
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the interview, S. Jaishankar discusses his role as a key figure in shaping India's foreign policy over the past decade. He explains how his book, "The India Way," tells the story of India's transformation and the shift in how the world perceives the country. Jaishankar emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and preparing for the globalized world, leveraging India's greatest resource – its people. He also highlights the significance of having a stable government with a majority, which has allowed India to make progress and project strength on the global stage.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the importance of both a strong government and visionary leadership in implementing reforms and driving progress in foreign policy. He reflects on past reforms, noting that they were often implemented under pressure and highlights the need for a clear vision and accountability to push for bigger and better changes. Jaishankar also touches upon the role of technology in shaping the balance of power in the world and the need for India to adapt and innovate in this area, while also focusing on the basics such as infrastructure development and reviving manufacturing.
    00:10:00在这一段采访中,印度外长S. Jaishankar讨论了强有力的政府和富有远见的领导层在实施改革和推动外交政策进展方面的重要性。他回顾了过去的改革,指出这些改革往往是在压力下实施的,并强调需要有明确的愿景和问责制,以推动更大更好的变革。Jaishankar还谈到了技术在塑造世界力量平衡方面的作用,以及印度在这一领域适应和创新的必要性,同时还关注基础设施发展和复兴制造业等基础设施。
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the need to critically examine India's past foreign policy decisions and his books that challenge conventional wisdom on the subject. He recalls how public behavior and real-world indicators often contradicted the conventional beliefs within the foreign policy system. Using the examples of India's relationships with Pakistan, China, and the US, Jaishankar argues that choices made in the past, which were believed to be the best, need to be reevaluated. He emphasizes the importance of listening to the street and considering the real economy's perspective. In his first book, he identified three "roads not taken," including the China relationship, where he found that the belief of betrayal was not entirely accurate, as there were warnings of potential dangers from China that were ignored.
    00:15:00在这一段采访中,印度外长S. Jaishankar讨论了批判性地审视印度过去的外交政策决定的必要性,以及他在这个问题上挑战传统智慧的书。他回忆说,公共行为和现实世界的指标经常与外交政策体系内的传统信念相矛盾。杰尚卡尔以印度与巴基斯坦、中国和美国的关系为例,认为过去所做的被认为是最好的选择需要重新评估。他强调倾听街头呼声和考虑实体经济观点的重要性。在他的第一本书中,他确定了三条“未走的道路”,包括中国关系,他发现背叛的信念并不完全准确,因为中国对潜在危险的警告被忽视了。
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the interview, S. Jaishankar discusses historical tensions with neighboring countries Pakistan and the United States, highlighting the importance of recognizing past mistakes and engaging in debates for the betterment of foreign policy. Jaishankar references the 1950s and 1960s, specifically mentioning Nehru's government and its dealings with Pakistan and China. He emphasizes the need for objectivity and self-awareness in international relations, as India's past actions, such as prioritizing China's interests over its own, have led to strained relationships. Jaishankar also acknowledges the importance of questioning the government and debating foreign policy decisions, but expresses concern when such debates are driven by political agendas. Regarding his book, Jaishankar explains his approach to major power relations, including engaging the United States, managing China, reassuring Russia, cultivating Europe, and bringing Japan into play. Each term represents a unique aspect of India's foreign policy, with the United States signifying a complex relationship, China representing a significant power with which India must manage differences, Russia symbolizing historical ties and shared interests, Europe representing cultural and economic connections, and Japan representing a strategic partnership.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses India's foreign policy priorities and the importance of its relationships with the US, Europe, Japan, and Russia. He highlights the US as an important trade, investment, and technology partner, and mentions that India has been focusing more on Europe in recent years, recognizing its integration and the significance of Brussels. He also speaks about Japan's potential as a technology power and India's unique history with the country. Jaishankar notes that India's relationships with these countries are politically stable, but emphasizes that effort is required to maintain and strengthen these partnerships. He also touches upon the geopolitical significance of Russia and the ups and downs in India-Russia relations over the years.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the complexities of India's foreign relations with Russia and Europe. He explains that while historical collaborations between India and Russia have been primarily military and technical, the changing economic landscape and geopolitical shifts necessitate deeper relationships. Jaishankar emphasizes the importance of reassuring Russia that India's growing ties with the West do not come at their expense. He also acknowledges the challenges of managing multiple diplomatic relationships, such as India's with Russia and China, and the need for balance and nuance in each relationship. Jaishankar also touches upon the special relationship between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggesting that their chemistry and ability to keep calm during tense times has contributed to the stability of their partnership.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the personal connection between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin, which has significantly improved the relationship between the two countries. The leaders' ability to communicate directly has been crucial in navigating tricky situations, such as the Ukraine conflict. Jaishankar also mentions the ongoing tensions with China and the need for diplomacy to resolve the issue, while acknowledging the importance of China reassessing the current state of relations to determine if it serves their interest. Lastly, Jaishankar touches upon the perceived democratic backsliding in India and the resulting tensions with liberal friends in the West, suggesting that misperceptions may need to be addressed.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the interview, Jaishankar discusses the criticism India receives from left-liberals at the global level, particularly after the 2014 and 2019 elections, which resulted in outcomes that went against their desired outcomes. He explains that politics, both economics and policy, have become globalized, leading to external support for certain causes. Jaishankar acknowledges that India has its own challenges, such as border disputes, but emphasizes that these issues do not justify any implication for India's democracy. He argues that democracy strengthens India's ability to defend itself and make decisions, and that the country's growth and increased representation of diverse backgrounds are not fully understood or appreciated by outsiders.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses India's role in the world and the attitudes of both friends and enemies towards India's strength. He acknowledges that there are those who don't want India to be strong, specifically hinting at China, but also mentions that many parts of the world, particularly the global South, see India as a motivation and a vindication. Jaishankar emphasizes that diplomacy and foreign policy involve finding common interests with competitors and that many friends in the world wish India well. He also touches upon India's changing attitude towards globalization and the risks associated with over-reliance on a single source of production or technology, using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic and the digital domain.
    00:45:00在这一段采访中,印度外长S. Jaishankar讨论了印度在世界上的作用以及朋友和敌人对印度实力的态度。他承认,有些人不希望印度强大,特别是暗示中国,但也提到世界许多地方,特别是全球南方,将印度视为一种动力和辩护。贾尚卡尔强调,外交和外交政策涉及寻找与竞争对手的共同利益,世界上的许多朋友都祝愿印度一切顺利。他还以COVID—19疫情和数字领域为例,谈到印度对全球化态度的变化,以及过度依赖单一生产或技术来源所带来的风险。
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the challenges of globalization and the role of the private sector in foreign policy and economic growth. He highlights the negative impact of goods dumping on small and medium enterprises and the historical suppression of the private sector in India. Jaishankar emphasizes the importance of empowering the private sector to compete in the global market and encourages innovation and entrepreneurship in areas such as semiconductors, renewable energy, and space technology. He also mentions the need to make it easier for Indian companies to do business and innovate both domestically and abroad, which will lead to more employment opportunities in India. Jaishankar also discusses the importance of diversifying the Indian economic landscape and providing support for startups and innovation. He mentions a recent example of a successful collaboration between India and DP World to provide a platform for Indian companies to expand abroad.
    00:50:00在采访的这一部分,印度外交部长S.Jaishankar讨论了全球化的挑战以及私营部门在外交政策和经济增长中的作用。他强调了商品倾销对中小型企业的负面影响,以及印度历史上对私营部门的压制。Jaishankar强调了赋予私营部门在全球市场竞争的能力的重要性,并鼓励在半导体、可再生能源和空间技术等领域进行创新和创业。他还提到,需要让印度企业更容易在国内外开展业务和创新,这将为印度带来更多就业机会。Jaishankar还讨论了印度经济格局多样化的重要性,并为初创企业和创新提供支持。他提到了印度和DP World最近成功合作的一个例子,该合作为印度公司提供了一个向海外扩张的平台。
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses India's expanding trade and technology collaborations with various countries, including those in Africa, Latin America, and the Arab world. He highlights the innovative initiatives being taken by Indian businesses and the increasing intimacy between Indian and American companies. Jaishankar also acknowledges the challenges in India's neighborhood but emphasizes the importance of accepting the ups and downs and focusing on what is good for the relationship. He points to significant transformations in the last decade, such as energy and power collaborations with neighboring countries and India's role as a source of vaccines and aid during crises. Despite border issues with China, Jaishankar does not believe a resolution is imminent, stressing the need for a fair solution.
    00:55:00在这一段采访中,印度外长S. Jaishankar讨论了印度与包括非洲、拉丁美洲和阿拉伯世界在内的各国不断扩大的贸易和技术合作。他强调了印度企业正在采取的创新举措以及印度和美国企业之间日益密切的关系。Jaishankar也承认印度邻国面临的挑战,但强调接受起起落落,关注对两国关系有利的事情的重要性。他指出了过去十年的重大转变,例如与邻国的能源和电力合作,以及印度在危机期间作为疫苗和援助来源的角色。尽管与中国存在边界问题,但Jaishankar认为解决方案不会迫在眉睫,并强调需要公平的解决方案。

01:00:00 - 01:45:00

In the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses various topics related to foreign policy, international relations, and geopolitics. He emphasizes India's stance on territorial disputes with Pakistan, the importance of fair boundary solutions, and the need for conversations with Pakistan while addressing terrorism. Jaishankar also engages in a hypothetical exercise, imagining sending Hanuman and Shri Krishna to different countries to improve India's relationships. He discusses the potential and challenges of various initiatives, including I2U2, SAGAR, IPI, and the Quad. Jaishankar also shares his views on the changing global order, India's role in resolving geopolitical conflicts, and the importance of offering explanations and narratives about India's culture and society. He emphasizes the need for education, skills, and talent in the new tech era and the importance of personal relationships in diplomacy. Jaishankar also discusses India's role as a voice for global South countries in international forums, the current state of India-China relations, and the evolving nature of diplomacy in the digital age.
在采访中,印度外长S·贾尚卡尔讨论了与外交政策、国际关系和地缘政治有关的各种话题。他强调了印度在与巴基斯坦的领土争端上的立场,公平边界解决方案的重要性,以及在解决恐怖主义问题时与巴基斯坦对话的必要性。Jaishankar还进行了一项假设练习,设想将Hanuman和Shri Krishna送到不同的国家,以改善印度的关系。他讨论了各种计划的潜力和挑战,包括I2U2、Sagar、IPI和Quad。Jaishankar还分享了他对不断变化的全球秩序、印度在解决地缘政治冲突中的作用以及对印度文化和社会进行解释和叙述的重要性。他强调了新科技时代对教育、技能和人才的需求,以及个人关系在外交中的重要性。Jaishankar还讨论了印度作为全球南方国家在国际论坛上的代言人的角色,印度和中国关系的现状,以及数字时代外交的演变性质。

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the ongoing territorial disputes with Pakistan and the importance of fair boundary solutions. He emphasizes that the number of seats in the Indian parliament does not impact the issue, and India's right to a fair deal is paramount. Jaishankar also mentions that India has always been open to conversations with Pakistan but insists that terrorism must be the central point of the discussion. He clarifies that governments, including the military, represent Pakistan, and it's not a matter of choosing to talk to one and not the other. Jaishankar also answers some rapid-fire questions, sharing his experiences during stressful evacuations in Kabul, Sudan, and Ukraine. He concludes by acknowledging the complexity of becoming a global power and the importance of diplomats speaking well and being nice to Indians.
    01:00:00在这一段采访中,印度外长S. Jaishankar讨论了与巴基斯坦持续的领土争端以及公平边界解决方案的重要性。他强调,印度议会的席位数量并不影响这一问题,印度获得公平交易的权利至关重要。贾山卡尔还提到,印度一直对与巴基斯坦的对话持开放态度,但坚持认为恐怖主义必须是讨论的中心点。他澄清说,政府,包括军方,代表巴基斯坦,这不是一个选择与其中一个对话而不与另一个对话的问题。Jaishankar还回答了一些快速提问,分享了他在喀布尔、苏丹和乌克兰紧张疏散的经历。最后,他承认成为一个全球大国的复杂性,以及外交官对印度人说好话和友好的重要性。
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the interview, S Jaishankar engages in a hypothetical exercise, imagining he has the ability to send Hanuman and Shri Krishna to different countries to improve India's relationships. He would send Hanuman to Pakistan and Shri Krishna to the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and assign them the Global Contract. He then discusses the potential and challenges of various initiatives, including I2U2 (India-Israel-UAE-USA), SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in Region), IPI (Indian Pacific Oceans initiative), and the Quad (Australia, India, Japan, and the United States). I2U2 started as a joke but gained traction, while the Quad was initially challenging due to a lack of trust and communication among the countries involved. Jaishankar also mentions his excitement about India's potential leverage in space, semiconductors, artificial intelligence, textiles manufacturing, and agriculture in the next ten years. He remains neutral on the potential impact of a second Trump presidency on climate change, focusing instead on these economic sectors.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the interview, S Jaishankar discusses various geopolitical conflicts and India's role in resolving them. He expresses uncertainty about the resolution of the Israel-Hamas and Ukraine-Russia wars, stating that both parties need to come to a conclusion to end the conflicts. Jaishankar also shares that India has become clearer in its approach to dealing with terrorism in its relations with Pakistan, while the reality of Pakistan being a neighbor remains constant. He reflects on the Indian government's changing and consistent approaches to dealing with Pakistan. Jaishankar also shares that he has no regrets in his professional career and is considering writing a book on Indian strategic traditions to increase global awareness about India's history and thought processes.
    01:10:00在采访的这一部分中,S Jaishankar讨论了各种地缘政治冲突以及印度在解决这些冲突中的作用。他对以色列—哈马斯和乌克兰—俄罗斯战争的解决表示不确定性,并表示双方需要达成结束冲突的结论。Jaishankar还认为,印度在与巴基斯坦的关系中处理恐怖主义的方法已经变得更加明确,而巴基斯坦是邻国的现实仍然不变。他反思了印度政府在处理巴基斯坦问题上不断变化和一贯的做法。Jaishankar还表示,他对自己的职业生涯并不后悔,并正在考虑写一本关于印度战略传统的书,以提高全球对印度历史和思想过程的认识。
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the importance of offering explanations and narratives to the world about India's culture and society as the country grows in influence. He mentions the construction of a temple in the Middle East as an example of cultural diplomacy and the depth of the relationship between India and the UAE. Jaishankar also emphasizes the need to remind the world of India's past and its impact on other civilizations. He believes that as India becomes more influential on the global stage, it is essential to educate the world about its history and cultural imprint. Jaishankar also touches upon the impact of India's growing influence on the country itself, noting an increased interest in foreign policy and global issues among Indians, especially in smaller cities and towns. He mentions the G20 summit as an opportunity to showcase India to the world and expose its people to global debates.
    01:15:00在这一段采访中,印度外长S. Jaishankar讨论了随着印度影响力的增长,向世界提供关于印度文化和社会的解释和叙述的重要性。他提到在中东修建寺庙是文化外交的一个例子,也是印度与阿联酋关系的深度。Jaishankar还强调需要提醒世界注意印度的过去及其对其他文明的影响。他认为,随着印度在全球舞台上的影响力越来越大,教育世界了解其历史和文化印记至关重要。Jaishankar还谈到了印度日益增长的影响力对该国本身的影响,指出印度人对外交政策和全球问题的兴趣越来越大,特别是在小城镇。他提到G20峰会是一个向世界展示印度并让印度人民接受全球辩论的机会。
  • 01:20:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses India's role in the changing world and its contributions to the global community. He expresses hope that India's rise will be marked by a greater sense of responsibility and more contributions to various debates and initiatives, such as sustainability, climate change, digital, and AI. K.K. Agarwal, the president of South Asian University, asks about India's progress in the knowledge economy concept and how to take it forward in the context of India's rising status in the subcontinent and the Global South. Anan, who refers to Jaishankar as a "rockstar," asks about his potential involvement in the Lok Sabha elections and his views on the global order, with the United States weakening as an influencer, Russia weakened by the Ukraine war, China flexing its muscles, and India emerging as the fourth pillar. A representative from Delivery GDU asks about the role of education in foreign policy and how students and Indians living abroad can contribute to nation-building in the next half of the decade. Jaishankar emphasizes the importance of education, skills, and talent in the new tech era and the need for more effective international universities to facilitate the mobility of skilled and technical people through international agreements.
    在采访的这一部分,印度外长S·贾尚卡尔讨论了印度在不断变化的世界中的角色及其对国际社会的贡献。他表示,希望印度的崛起将以更大的责任感为标志,并为可持续发展、气候变化、数字和人工智能等各种辩论和倡议做出更多贡献。南亚大学校长K.K.Agarwal询问了印度在知识经济概念方面的进展,以及在印度在次大陆和全球南方地位上升的背景下如何推进这一概念。阿南称贾尚卡尔为“摇滚巨星”,他问到了他可能参与的乐沙巴选举,以及他对全球秩序的看法。美国的影响力正在减弱,俄罗斯因乌克兰战争而被削弱,中国正在展示自己的肌肉,印度正在成为第四支柱。Delivery GDU的一名代表询问了教育在外交政策中的作用,以及生活在国外的学生和印度人如何在接下来的五年里为国家建设做出贡献。Jaishankar强调了新技术时代教育、技能和人才的重要性,以及需要更有效的国际大学,通过国际协议促进技能和技术人员的流动。
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the changing global order and the role of diversity among nations. He believes that the natural diversity of the world is reasserting itself, leading to a more diverse world with many more powers and issues being regionally settled. Jaishankar also emphasizes the importance of students understanding global events and potential consequences, using the example of the Ukraine conflict. He also addresses the perception that India favors the US over Russia and denies any such preferential treatment. The interview also touches on China's prominent role in the discussion and Jaishankar's previous opportunities to share his insights.
  • 01:30:00 In this section of the interview, Jaishankar discusses the importance of India-China relations and their consensus to be development opportunities rather than threats to each other. He emphasizes that both countries should find a way to handle their differences and that China welcomes more Indian people to visit China. Regarding Russia and China's closer relationship, Jaishankar does not believe India's policies towards the US have influenced Russia's policies towards China. He expresses concern over the situation in Myanmar, where the collapse of authority has led to illegal activities and tension along the border with China. Jaishankar believes it's in both China and India's interest to resolve the tension and respect agreements, recognizing the line of actual control and not seeking to change the status quo.
  • 01:35:00 In this section of the interview, the Chilean Ambassador questions S. Jaishankar about India's role as a voice for global South countries in international forums, specifically regarding India's experience as a G20 presidency and potential future collaborations. Another question was raised about India's boundary disputes with China and how Jaishankar addresses these issues in diplomatic engagements. Additionally, the topic of semiskilled labor migration and potential visa policies for highly skilled workers from Eastern Europe was brought up. Jaishankar acknowledged the importance of the global South's concerns and the need for collective strength in advocating for fair representation in international issues. He also mentioned the upcoming UN Summit of the Future as an important platform for addressing these concerns.
    01:35:00在这一部分采访中,智利大使向S. Jaishankar介绍了印度作为全球南方国家在国际论坛上发言的角色,特别是印度作为G20主席国的经验和潜在的未来合作。另一个问题是印度与中国的边界争端,以及贾尚卡尔如何在外交接触中解决这些问题。此外,还提出了半技能劳动力移民和东欧高技能工人潜在签证政策的主题。Jaishankar承认全球南方关切的重要性,以及在倡导国际问题上公平代表权方面需要集体力量。他还提到即将举行的联合国未来峰会是解决这些关切的重要平台。
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the current state of India-China relations, focusing on the ongoing military tension and the need for disengagement. He mentions their agreement in Moscow in September 2020 and their efforts to improve the relationship, acknowledging the competitive nature of the world. Jaishankar also talks about attracting businesses to India and improving the business environment, as well as addressing the visa issue. Regarding personal relationships, he admits to sending WhatsApp jokes to maintain connections.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of the interview, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar discusses the evolving nature of diplomacy in the digital age. He notes that direct communication between individuals has become more common, bypassing traditional diplomatic protocols. Jaishankar reflects on the importance of building personal relationships in diplomacy and how these relationships are formed through shared interests and in-person interactions. He shares examples of his own relationships with colleagues based on their common interests in cricket and other areas. Despite the challenges of virtual communication during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jaishankar emphasizes the importance of in-person meetings for building strong relationships. He also hints at his potential return to the Indian government and looks forward to sharing the new agenda of the next government with the Indian Express audience.
    01:45:00在这一段采访中,印度外长S. Jaishankar讨论了数字时代外交的演变性质。他指出,个人之间的直接沟通已变得越来越普遍,绕过了传统的外交协议。Jaishankar反映了在外交中建立个人关系的重要性,以及这些关系是如何通过共同利益和面对面互动形成的。他分享了他自己与同事的关系的例子,基于他们在板球和其他领域的共同兴趣。尽管在新冠肺炎疫情期间虚拟沟通面临挑战,Jaishankar强调面对面会议对建立牢固关系的重要性。他还暗示自己有可能重返印度政府,并期待与《印度快报》的听众分享下届政府的新议程。

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