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第15章 谋杀 Chapter 15: The Last Day4

天才俱乐部 genius club城城与蝉 City and Cicada123 2140字  2140 words2023年12月26日 17:46 December 26, 2023 17:46

  林弦拉开皮筋,戴上面具。  Lin Xian pulled open his rubber band and put on his mask.2

From now on, he's a cryptographer. He had to get to the real password expert CC before it appeared…Cut off the big face cat!

  他朝大脸猫停车的方向看去。  He looked in the direction where the big-faced cat had parked.

Sure enough, there was a fat figure looking left and right. He wore a familiar Rhine Cat mask on his face.

  他走上前:“大脸猫!”  He stepped forward and said,"Big face cat!"

  “嘎?”  "Ga?"4

The big-faced cat turned around in surprise! Seeing the Ultraman mask on Lin Xian's face, he asked curiously,"

  “你怎么知道我名字?我没告诉……”  "How do you know my name? I didn't tell…"

  “听着大脸猫。”  "Listen, big-faced cat."

  林弦快步向他逼近:  Lin Xian quickly approached him."

"Not only do I know your name, I also know that you plan to kill everyone later and keep the money for yourself!"

  “我没有!”  "I didn't!"1

"But the cryptographer lied to you! There isn't a penny in the bank's warehouse. You're just being used."

  “你伱你你你到底是谁!”  "Who are you, who are you, who are you?"1

Look at Ultraman coming aggressively! The big-faced cat panicked! His right hand touched his waist--


  一只手按在他腰间枪把上!  A hand on his waist, gun grip!

  奥特曼紧贴着莱茵猫,林弦盯着大脸猫慌乱的眼神:  Ultraman clung to Rhine Cat while Lin Xian stared at the big faced cat's flustered eyes.

"If you want revenge for your daughter, then listen to me. I know where the money is in this city!"

  “我女儿的事你也知道!?”  You know about my daughter too?"

  大脸猫彻底懵了!说话都破音了!  The big-faced cat was completely dumbfounded! His voice broke!6


  林弦直接抽出大脸猫腰间手枪,插进自己兜里:  Lin Xian pulled out the pistol from the big-faced cat's waist and inserted it into his pocket."10

  “上车!”  "Get in the car!"


The van was driving on the highway. The big-faced cat glanced at Ultraman beside him while looking at the rearview mirror.

  “老……老弟。”  "Old…brother."5

  大脸猫咽口吐沫:  The big-faced cat swallowed.

"What happened? Tell me clearly! Are you a cryptographer or not?"

  林弦睁开眼睛,坐直身子。  Lin Xian opened his eyes and sat up straight.

  “我不是。”  "I'm not."

  “那你特么——”大脸猫怒火攻心!  " Then you f * cking-" The big-faced cat was furious!

  “但我能帮你搞到给女儿报仇的钱。”  "But I can help you get the money to avenge your daughter."

  “——大哥你说。”大脸猫专心开车。  "Big Brother, tell me." Big face cat concentrate on driving.18

"Did the cryptologist you contacted tell you that there was a lot of money in the bank vault?"

  “对,说还有金砖!”  "Yes, there are gold bricks!"

"She lied to you. There's not a penny in it. The warehouse is full of safes. She only used you to break through the bank's security. When you're useless, she'll probably kill you with her head."

"I can't believe you just by saying this?" The big-faced cat spread its hands.

" I'm here to save you, big-faced cat. You'll understand everything when you enter the warehouse. You can see for yourself if there's any money."

  “那你为什么救我?”  "Then why did you save me?"

  大脸猫扭头看着林弦。  The big-faced cat turned to look at Lin Xian.

  林弦长出一口气,隔着面具揉揉鼻子:  Lin Xian let out a long breath and rubbed his nose through the mask."

"It's not saving you. I have my own goals. I hope you listen to me and fight CC with me. Ah…CC is the name of the real cryptographer."

  “但我有两個问题!”大脸猫举手。  "But I have two questions!" The cat raised his hand.


"If there are no real cryptologists, how do we get into the bank warehouse?"

  “放心。”林弦微微一笑:  "Don't worry." Lin Xian smiled."

  “我比专家还专家,只需要10秒。”  " I'm more expert than an expert. It only takes 10 seconds."7

  “这么牛批嘛!”大脸猫再次破音:  "So awesome!" The big-faced cat broke his voice again.1

" Also, I don't care how you know about my daughter…But you said that you can help me get money to avenge my daughter. Is that true?"

  林弦点点头:  Lin Xian nodded."

" Yes, there are actually many places in this city where you can get money. A lot of money, jewelry, and gold bars are safer and more efficient than robbing banks."

"I have been wandering around this city for a long time. I know how to get these things. There is no extra risk. However…"

  林弦看看手表:  Lin Xian looked at his watch."

  “不过今天肯定是来不及了,只能明天带你去了。”  "But it's definitely too late today. I can only bring you tomorrow."15

  “嗨!哪差这一天啊!”  "Hey! What difference does this day make?"9

  大脸猫哈哈笑着打方向盘:  The big-faced cat laughed and turned the steering wheel.

"Tomorrow is tomorrow! Today I listen to you, you are my big brother! I'll do whatever you want me to do!"


  一会儿功夫,到目的地了。  After a while, they arrived at their destination.

The van was parked by the side of the road, opposite the bank, and a black-clothed underling was working at the door.

  大脸猫指指窗外:  The big-faced cat pointed out of the window.

  “我小弟把银行门锁搞定了,我们走!”  "My little brother has fixed the bank lock. Let's go!"

  “等下。”  "Wait."

  林弦拉住大脸猫,没让他下车:  Lin Xian stopped the big-faced cat and didn't let him get off the car."

  “其实有件事,我一直挺好奇的。”  "Actually, there's something I've always been curious about."

  “什么事?”  "What is it?"

  “你女儿的事。”  "About your daughter."

  林弦抬头看着大脸猫,对方瞳孔抖动一下,别过头。  Lin Xian raised his head and looked at the big-faced cat. The cat's pupils quivered and he turned his head away.

" I only know that your daughter died when she was six years old. She was killed…" Lin Xian said softly,"

"Can you tell me who killed her? I don't understand why someone would specifically kill a six-year-old girl."

  大脸猫一直看着窗外,没有说话。  The big-faced cat kept looking out of the window and didn't speak.

  他从烟盒里抽出一支烟,叼在嘴里,用打火机点着。  He drew a cigarette from his pack, put it in his mouth, and lit it with a lighter.

  脸大的好处就是,可以戴着面具抽烟。  The advantage of having a big face is that you can wear a mask and smoke.5

"I know this is painful for you, Brother Face. It must be painful memories, but you really don't have to tell me."

  林弦继续劝说道:  Lin Xian continued persuading,"

" You've seen it as well. I know a lot about all kinds of things in this city."

"I know that the password expert lied to you. He knows that there is no money in the bank warehouse, and he also knows about your daughter. Maybe I can really help you! I mean…not just money."

  面包车里烟雾缭绕,好似仙境。  The van was filled with smoke, like a fairyland.

  “其实告诉你也没什么。”  "Actually, it's nothing to tell you."

  大脸猫长出一口白烟,弹掉烟灰。  The big-faced cat puffed white smoke and flicked the ash away.

  他指指汽车仪表盘上的时钟:  He pointed to the clock on the dashboard of the car.

  “但我们的时间好像来不及了。”  "But we don't seem to have enough time."

  “没事,你尽管讲!”  "It's okay, just say it!"1

He was about to get the answer! How could Lin Xian let the duck fly away? He patted his chest and promised,"

"Don't worry, Brother Face. I've robbed this bank several times, so I'm familiar with it! How much time have you wasted? I'll make it up to you directly later!"

  “那都是好多年前的事情了……”  "That was many years ago…"

The big-faced cat sighed and lowered its head. The Rhine cat on the mask looked a little depressed.

" At that time, my father, you might not believe it…Don't look at me like this. My father was a famous mathematician at that time and even won a Fields Medal."

"At that time, I was working outside, and my daughter usually lived in my father's house. One night, my daughter suddenly had a fever and convulsions. My father picked her up and ran to the hospital. In the end…"

  大脸猫声音有些颤抖:  The big-faced cat's voice trembled.

"In the end…there was an accident. A big truck ran over them…ran over them…"

  大脸猫有点说不下去了,猛抽几口烟,顿了顿:  The big-faced cat couldn't continue. He took a few puffs of smoke and paused.

"Later, I investigated for a long time before I realized that it was not an accidental car accident at all! That's murder! It was a premeditated murder!"

"Their goal was to kill my father, and my daughter was implicated. I don't know why…My father is just a bookworm and has never provoked anyone!"

  林弦拍拍大脸猫肩膀:  Lin Xian patted the big-faced cat on the shoulder."

"Who wanted to kill your father? You said they…shouldn't be alone?"

  “是一个组织。”  "It's an organization."

  大脸猫吐出一团烟雾:  The big-faced cat spat out a puff of smoke.

"It's a very mysterious organization. It's so mysterious that we can't find any clues at all. I've investigated for so long, but I can't find anything other than a name!"

  “这个组织的名字叫做……”  "The name of this organization is…"2

  大脸猫掐灭烟头,咬牙切齿:  The big-faced cat put out its cigarette butt and gritted its teeth.

  “【天才俱乐部】!”  "[Genius Club]!"161

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