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Journal Pre-proof  期刊预打样

Pharmacological blocking of microfibrillar-associated protein 4 reduces retinal neoangiogenesis and vascular leakage
微纤维相关蛋白 4 的药物阻断可减少视网膜新生血管生成和血管渗漏
Anders Schlosser, Bartosz Pilecki, Claire Allen, Andrew V. Benest, Amy P. Lynch, Jing Hua, Nikita Ved, Zoe Blackley, Thomas L. Andersen, Dorle Hennig, Jonas

H. Graversen, Sören Möller, Sofie Skallerup, Maria Ormhøj, Clemens Lange, Hansjürgen T. Agostini, Jakob Grauslund, Steffen Heegaard, Ivanka Dacheva, Michael Koss, Wenzheng Hu, Bibiana Iglesias, Matthew S. Lawrence, Hans Christian Beck, Lasse Bach Steffensen, Nick S. Laursen, Gregers R. Andersen, Uffe Holmskov, David O. Bates, Grith L. Sorensen
H. Graversen, Sören Möller, Sofie Skallerup, Maria Ormhøj, Clemens Lange, Hansjürgen T. Agostini, Jakob Grauslund, Steffen Heegaard, Ivanka Dacheva, Michael Koss, Wenzheng 胡, Bibiana Iglesias, Matthew S. Lawrence, Hans Christian Beck, Lasse Bach Steffensen, Nick S. Laursen, Gregers R. Andersen, Uffe Holmskov, David O. Bates, Grith L. Sorensen
PII: S1525-0016(25)00042-5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymthe.2025.01.038
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymthe.2025.01.038

Reference: YMTHE 6752  型号: YMTHE 6752
To appear in: Molecular Therapy
出现在: 分子疗法
Received Date: 23 August 2024
收稿日期: 2024-08-23

Accepted Date: 22 January 2025
录用日期: 2025-1-22
Please cite this article as: Schlosser A, Pilecki B, Allen C, Benest AV, Lynch AP, Hua J, Ved N, Blackley Z, Andersen TL, Hennig D, Graversen JH, Möller S, Skallerup S, Ormhøj M, Lange C, Agostini HT, Grauslund J, Heegaard S, Dacheva I, Koss M, Hu W, Iglesias B, Lawrence MS, Beck HC, Steffensen LB, Laursen NS, Andersen GR, Holmskov U, Bates DO, Sorensen GL, Pharmacological blocking of microfibrillar-associated protein 4 reduces retinal neoangiogenesis and vascular leakage, Molecular Therapy (2025), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymthe.2025.01.038.
请引用本文为: Schlosser A, Pilecki B, Allen C, Benest AV, Lynch AP, 华 J, 维德 N, 布莱克利 Z, 安德森 TL, 亨尼格 D, 格拉弗森 JH, 穆勒 S, 斯卡勒普 S, 奥姆霍伊 M, 兰格 C, 阿戈斯蒂尼 HT, 格劳斯伦德 J, 希高德 S, 达切娃 I, 科斯 M, 胡 W, 伊格莱西亚斯 B, 劳伦斯 MS, 贝克 HC, 斯蒂芬森 LB, 劳森 NS, Andersen GR、Holmskov U、Bates DO、Sorensen GL,微纤维相关蛋白 4 的药理学阻断可减少视网膜新血管生成和血管渗漏,分子治疗 (2025),doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymthe.2025.01.038
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
这是一篇论文的 PDF 文件,在接受后进行了改进,例如添加封面和元数据,以及为提高可读性而设置的格式,但它还不是记录的最终版本。此版本在以最终形式发布之前将经过额外的编辑、排版和审查,但我们提供此版本是为了让文章尽早可见。请注意,在制作过程中,可能会发现可能影响内容的错误,以及适用于期刊的所有法律免责声明。

© 2025 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy.
© 2025 作者。由 Elsevier Inc. 代表美国基因与细胞治疗学会出版。

Endothelial interaction with ECM causes vascular leakage
内皮与 ECM 的相互作用导致血管渗漏

Blocking ECM reduces vascular leakage
阻断 ECM 可减少血管渗漏

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