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Level Design & Environment Art

Starts Mar 29, 2024
1,203 Challengers

Introduction 介绍

Welcome to the ArtStation Challenges! Unlike previous ArtStation challenges, Project Titan will be the very first collaborative challenge! Every artist who joins the challenge will come together to craft one massive open world game environment in Unreal Engine 5.
欢迎来到ArtStation挑战赛!与以往的ArtStation挑战不同,Project Titan将是第一个合作挑战!每一位参加挑战的艺术家都将在虚幻引擎5中共同打造一个大型开放世界游戏环境。

Together you will craft characters, materials, props, environments, and effects. You can form teams or work individually. You can focus on a specific area or be a wandering creator, adding pieces wherever you want.

The world you’ll create is set in a pre-industrial era where magic is commonplace and long-dead titans scatter the world, forming part of the landscape. The world is densely packed with a variety of biomes, each one having developed its own rich culture. Artwork should be stylized with exaggerated forms and fantastical design with painterly textures and clear brushwork.

The final project will be released as a free downloadable sample project, standing as both a testament to what artists can do and as a learning resource for others wanting to understand how best to build an open world game.

Level Design & Environment

For this category, you will be responsible for designing, blocking out, and populating areas of the game world. You could create a small port village, bandit camp, or dilapidated castle.

Depending on the scale of the area being worked on, you may want to team up with a regional group. You should complete the design you are working on before moving on to another one. Make sure to update your submission regularly to ensure other developers have the most up-to-date version of what you are working on.

Your final deliverable will be a single (or series) of level designs placed in the Titan game world. These should consist of a series of base or blockout meshes arranged as a playable area that provides interesting navigation for the player. You are also welcome to use assets already available in the Titan project.

Work will be submitted to the project using Perforce and should follow the guidelines given in the technical art guide, code of conduct, and version control guide. Every effort should be made to work with your fellow artists and ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable time.

An EPIC way to learn!

Throughout the project, Epic staff will be on hand to help with technical problems and offer guidance. You can tune in every week for live critique sessions, guest speakers, guides, and giveaways. We will also have discipline-specific experts on hand to give feedback and advice to everyone participating. To get you started, we have assembled a list of inspirational tutorials to help you get an understanding of how to achieve a painterly art style.

Stylized Trees | Victoria Zavhorodnia

A Rustic Autumn Town | Kseniia Rezepova

Stylized Island | Stephen Mlop

Stylized Mushroom House | Li Jiulong

Stylized Pottery Cart | Léo Thiery

Stylized LandscapeJasmin Habezai-Fekri

As always, you can also use ArtStation - Learning to get yourself challenge-ready with a broad range of tutorials.
和往常一样,您也可以使用ArtStation - Learning通过广泛的教程为自己的挑战做好准备。

Building an original character

Hand Painted Textures for stylized 3D characters

Character Production  角色制作

Creating Temple Walls Using Tileable Materials

Introduction to Substance Designer
Substance Designer介绍

Community Engagement 社区参与

The spirit of the ArtStation Challenges is to foster community-based learning and to celebrate artists’ achievements. We want you to get involved in the community. Upload your work in progress, comment on each other's work, provide feedback when requested, and encourage each other in the spirit of learning and improvement. As part of the project, you will also have access to a private Discord server where you can find other artists to collaborate with and discuss your plans for areas of the game world.

ArtStation Awards and Prizes

Because this challenge is a collaborative project, we won’t be doing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prizes. Instead, we will be calling out exceptional work every week and giving away awesome swag to the artists that make their mark in the world. This could be for artists who show immense improvement during the project, create stunning scenes, make perfect props, or become a pillar of the project’s community.

Hosts 主机


What game engine is being used?

Unreal Engine 5 虚幻引擎5

Will this be released as a game?

We will not release this project as a packaged game but as a sample project. You can download our most recent sample game Cropout as an example of this. These projects are intended to be freely available learning resources. However, keep in mind that anyone who downloads the sample project can release it themselves.

Will Epic use this project for commercial purposes?

Our aim with this project is not to get a free open world game, it is to educate and provide a fun and unique challenge for artists. We are releasing the project so it can live on after the challenge is over and help the game development community.

Can I use other artists’ concepts as a base for my 3D work?

No, you cannot use another artist’s work as a basis for your own. The only exception to this would be concepts posted as part of the Titan challenge.

Can I use AI to make assets?
No, you cannot use any AI image or model generation tool.

Can I use purchased assets?
No, purchasing artwork would defeat the purpose of the challenge, which is to create art.

What happens to the work I submit to the project?
By submitting work and agreeing to the terms of this challenge, you give Epic license to use your work as part of the release of the open world sample game (currently called Titan). This will be a free sample game (Like Cropout, Lyra, Stack-o-bot) that developers can download for free and use as a learning resource and as part of their own game projects.

Will other artists on the project have access to my work?
Yes, you along with every other artist who joins the project will have access to the entire project for the duration of the challenge.

What happens if someone changes my work?
Artists should follow the Code of Conduct (available at launch) guide when working. That means they should reach out to you before making changes. It is, however, intended that artists are able to iterate on other artist’s work—whether to add to it or improve on it. You should be of the mindset that once you submit your work to the project, you are releasing it into the wild.

What specs does my machine need to be?
For those of you who want to work on the main map, you will need to allow for a much higher memory footprint to facilitate the large number of assets being loaded into memory. The starting memory requirement is 16GB and that requirement may go up as the world is added to.

If you are working on stand-alone assets like props, materials, or characters, we have dedicated template maps to use instead. The minimum specs for this are the same as we recommend here.

I want to work in a team! How do I find other people to work with?
You can use the Discord server to find other artists to work with. Let people know you are looking to form a team or find other teams to join.

How are we all going to work together?
We are hosting a custom Perforce server hosted on AWS for the duration of the project. When the challenge goes live, you will receive a login and password which you can use with p4v (Perforce front-end software) to download the project and upload your work.