Revision guide: MN52050 – Accounting for Operations and Supply Chain Management
修订指南:MN52050 – 运营和供应链管理会计
The January exam consists of three questions as the rubrics below and you are required to answer all of the questions. It is designed to take two hours to complete.
一月的考试包括三个问题,如下所示,您需要回答所有问题。 它设计为需要两个小时才能完成。
Question 1 is composed of:
问题 1 包括:
16 marks calculation
16 标记计算
18 marks discussion in total 34 marks
18 分 讨论共 34 分
Question 2 is composed of:
问题 2 包括:
15 marks calculation
15 标记计算
18 marks discussion in total 33 marks
共 18 分 讨论 33 分
Question 3 is composed of:
问题 3 包括:
21 marks calculation
21 分计算
12 marks discussion in total 33 marks
1共 2 分 讨论 共 33 分
Clearly show all your workings.
The topics which are examinable are:
可检查的主题 是:
Financial statements analysis and financing business
You will need to be able to calculate a range of ratios from:
Vertical & horizontal analysis
Gross profit % (also called gross profit margin)
毛利润 %(也称为毛利率)
Profit margin (also called operating profit %)
利润率(也称为营业利润 %)
Collection days (trade receivables ratio)
收款天数 (贸易应收账款比率)
Payables days (trade payables ratio)
应付账款天数 (贸易应付账款比率)
Inventories days (inventory turnover)
Working capital days
Current ratio
Quick ratio
P/E ratio (price earnings ratio)
P/E ratio(市盈率)
Dividend yield
Dividend cover
You will also need to be able to do calculation for investment appraisal:
Payback period and discounted payback
Net present value
Accounting rate of return
Internal rate of return
Based on those calculations, you need to be able to evaluate what the ratios tell us of a given company’s financial situation and to suggest how to improve financial situation e.g., how to generate working capital for a business on supply chain.
There are financial statements analysis examples in weeks 4 & 5 particularly analysis for Morrison 2022 & 2012, boxer, investment appraisal questions and discussion question in seminar 1 & 2.
在第4周和第5周有财务报表分析示例,特别是针对Morrison 2022和2012的分析,拳击手,投资评估问题以及研讨会1和2的讨论问题。
If you look for more questions to practise extra questions are those you could do some calculations and there are suggested answers for you to refer to.
Managing cost
You will need to be able to calculate the cost of a product using 2 techniques:
您需要能够使用 2 种技术计算产品成本:
Using an absorption rate using labour hours or machine hours as the means of overhead allocation
使用 人工工时或机器工时作为间接费用分配手段的 absortion rate
Using Activity Based Costing
Based on the calculations, you need to be able to suggest costing techniques we have learned in weeks 7 & 8 to improve a business competitiveness in supply chain.
Examples may be found in the section for Week 7 of Moodle: Petunia Ltd, seminar question Sleaford and cost management discussion question in seminar 3. Extra questions Owl Ltd and Foxglove Ltd you could do more practice.
示例可以在 Moodle 第 7 周的部分找到:Petunia Ltd、研讨会问题 Sleaford 和研讨会 3 中的成本管理讨论问题。额外的问题 Owl Ltd 和 Foxglove Ltd 你可以做更多的练习。
BEP & make or buy & budgeting & performance evaluation
BEP & make or buy & 预算 & 绩效评估
You will need to understand the relationship of fixed and variable costs and how to calculate the contribution of a product. You will also need to know how to calculate a breakeven point and how to use the link between fixed and variable costs to determine whether a contract should be accepted. You should be able to make a decision about whether a product should be bought or made (make - v- buy decisions).
您需要了解固定成本和可变成本的关系以及如何计算产品的贡献。您还需要知道如何计算盈亏平衡点,以及如何利用固定成本和可变成本之间的联系来确定是否应该接受合同。您应该能够决定是否应该购买或制作产品(做出 - 与 - 购买决定)。
You will also need to understand and explain what limiting factors are and how they are applied in making decisions for optimal production.
Preparation of operating budgeting & cash budgeting is also an item for you to study and present.
Based on the calculations, you need to be able to suggest performance measurement system we have learned in week 11 how those performance measurement could be implemented to improve a business profitability in supply chain.
根据计算结果,您需要能够提出我们在第 11 周学到的绩效衡量系统,了解如何实施这些绩效衡量来提高供应链中的业务盈利能力。
Information for calculation can be found in the weeks 9 & 10 material, in particular unities ltd, Patagonia, Ellesmere Electricals, Make & Buy decision Example, Marlborough Machines for make –v- buy decisions, discussion question is in week 11 seminar discussion question.
计算信息可以在第9和10周的材料中找到,特别是unities ltd, Patagonia, Ellesmere Electricals, Make & Buy决策示例,Marlborough Machines用于制造-购买决策,讨论问题在第11周的研讨会讨论问题中。
Extra questions in weeks 9 & 10 are provided for you to do more practice if you wish.
You don’t have to practise all questions given and listed for each topic, practise questions till you can build up confidence to do each topic question in closed book setting.
The setting of the exam
The January assessment is a close book exam and it will take place in exam hall with invigilation as timetabled. A calculator will be provided for you to do calculation and your own calculator is not permitted.
Concluding remarks – there are some things I am asked often from students.
C 结束语 – 学生们经常会问我一些事情。
Should I show my workings – Yes, because if there are errors in the final answers you may get credit for having the right idea even if the execution was wrong.
我应该展示我的工作方式吗 – 是的,因为如果最终答案中有错误,即使执行错误,您也可能因为想法正确而受到赞誉。
How may words should I write for discussion – there is no words requirement in the questions how many words to write for each discussion is your own judgement and presentation.
我应该如何为讨论写字数 – 问题中没有字数要求 每次讨论写多少字是你自己的判断和介绍。