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Economics for Managers



The Energy Trilemma: Sustainability, Security, Equity (Affordability)

Kia ora, class!
起亚 ora,class

This is the first of two Team-based case studies (listed as TBL Case 1 in Canvas) that will be graded. You will submit your assignment in the TBL session on Friday, 24 January. This assessment accounts for 5% of your course grade. All teams will submit their case study after a 60-minute period in their TBL session.
这是两枚 Team-based Case studies在 Canvas 中列为 TBL Case 1的第一您将在 1 月 2 4 日星期五的 TBL 课程中完成您的作业评估课程成绩5%。所有团队都将在 TBL 会话 60 分钟后提交他们的案例研究

You are strongly advised to start working on the case with your team before the Friday TBL session. The submitted cases will be in PPT format (12 slides maximum, including the title page and reference page.). This graded case study draws on analyses and readings from the assigned chapters in the required textbook and evidence gathered by your team. Remember to cite your sources using APA 7!
强烈建议您在周五 TBL 会议之前与您的团队一起开始处理案例提交的案例将采用 PPT 格式(最多 12 张幻灯片,包括标题页和参考页)。此分级案例研究借鉴了所需教科书中指定章节的分析和阅读材料,以及您团队收集的证据。记得使用 APA 7 引用你的来源

Best wishes

David Ratliff
大卫 Ratliff

Based on the following readings from your textbook (Sloman et al, 2023):
根据您的教科书中的以下阅读材料(Sloman 等人,2023 年):

Box 9.2 (Page 153): How Vulnerable Are You?
Box 9.2 (第 153):你有多脆弱?

The TBL Case Study for Week 3 examines production, costs and profit within New Zealand energy markets. The Energy Centre at the University of Auckland seeks to provide research policy analysis and educational programmes to help business and government confront energy issues of national significance to New Zealand. One of the models that many energy professionals use to characterise trade-offs with energy development is called The Energy Trilemma. This model outlines how environmental sustainability and energy security impact equity or affordability, and how an emphasis on affordability and security make environmental sustainability more difficult. I have provided Arup’s Five Minute Guide to the Energy Trilemma for you to review in Canvas. I encourage you to focus on pages 1-7 to gain a basic understanding of this trilemma.
第 3 周的 TBL 案例研究研究了新西兰能源市场的生产、成本和利润奥克兰大学能源中心旨在提供研究、政策分析和教育计划,以帮助企业和政府应对对新西兰具有国家意义的能源问题。 许多能源专业人士用来描述能源发展的传统风险的模型之一 称为能源三难困境。 该模型概述了环境可持续性和能源安全如何影响公平性或可负担性,以及强调可负担性和安全性如何使环境可持续性变得更加困难。 我提供了d Arup 能源三难困境分钟指南供您在 Canvas 中查看。 我鼓励您专注于第 1-7 页,以对这个三难困境有一个基本的了解。

Energy security relates to the ability of the system overall to deal with disruptions, either in supply or demand. The ratio of types of energy producing assets within the electricity generation portfolio has a significant impact on average costs and susceptibility to the Type 1 and Type 2 vulnerabilities described in Box 9.2 of your textbook. For example, an electrical generation portfolio based entirely on coal will have a very predictable cost schedule. The price of coal is low, very steady, and events which would disrupt production are extreme and improbable. Generation based on wind and solar can have extremely volatile productivity based on the weather each day. This usually means that wind and solar energy production is supported by some sort of quick-starting generators, like natural gas peaking plants. Natural gas prices can be higher and significantly more volatile than coal. When the wind is blowing and the sun is shining, the marginal cost of producing energy from renewable resources can be extremely low. When the wind stops and the weather is cloudy, producing energy requires non-renewable production capacity. This requirement for back-up generating capacity increases the overall cost of the system.
能源安全与系统整体处理供应或需求中断的能力有关。 发电组合 能源生产资产类型的比率 平均成本和 教科书方框 9.2 中描述的 1 类和 2 类脆弱性的敏感性有重大影响。例如,完全基于煤炭的发电组合将具有非常可预测的成本时间表。 煤炭价格低廉,非常稳定,可能扰乱生产的事件是极端的和不可能根据每天的天气情况,基于风能和太阳能能源可能会产生极其不稳定的生产力。这通常意味着风能和太阳能的生产由某种快速启动的发电机提供支持,例如天然气调峰厂。天然气价格可能比煤炭更高,波动性也更大当风吹拂、阳光明媚时,利用可再生资源生产能源的边际成本可能极低。 当风停止且天气多云时,生产能源需要不可再生的生产能力。 这种对备用发电能力的要求增加了系统的总成本




The shape of an average cost curve is determined by the relationship between fixed and variable costs of production. Consider panels (a) and (b) in Box 9.2. How Vulnerable are You?
平均成本曲线的形状由固定和 可变生产成本之间的关系决定考虑方框 9.2 中的 (a) 和 (b) 面板。你有多脆弱?

Given the descriptions of coal-powered energy production and wind and solar-powered energy production in this assignment, describe the risks for each type of power generation associated with the Type 1 and Type 2 vulnerabilities described in Box 9.2. Which do you expect to be more vulnerable to quantity-based price changes from shifts in demand or supply? Which do you expect to be more vulnerable to variable-cost-based disruptions?
鉴于 本作业中燃煤能源生产以及风能和太阳能发电的描述描述框 9.2 中描述的 1 类和 2 类漏洞相关的每种发电类型的风险。您预计哪些商品更容易受到需求或供应变化导致的基于数量的价格变化的影响?您预计哪个更容易受到基于变量 cost 的中断的影响?

Price-elasticity of supply and demand determine how much impact a change in the quantity of power supplied or demanded has on the market price of electricity. A resilient power grid will be able to maintain a supply of stable power despite variations in supply or demand

Given ratios between fixed and variable costs of production, can you predict market elasticities? Why/Why not?

How do elasticity of supply and demand relate to energy security?
供需弹性能源安全 有何关系?

Within economics, the basis of all decision-making is scarcity, which implies opportunity cost. You have heard me say that if we don’t understand the opportunity cost, we probably aren’t ready to make a decision. A supply curve informs us what the marginal opportunity cost is in terms of resources.
在经济学中,所有决策的基础都是稀缺性,这意味着机会成本。 你听我说过,如果我们不了解机会成本,我们可能还没有准备好做出决定供应曲线告诉我们资源方面的边际机会成本是多少。

Using the principles of opportunity cost and scarcity, explain why the energy trilemma is presented as a set of trade-offs between security, sustainability, and affordability (or equity).

One additional question will be provided when the TBL starts this week.
当 TBL 本周开始时,将提供一个额外的问题